Page created by Jimmie Hammond
BRANTFORD       February, 2014 Newsletter
                                                   January 2017
                                                                                                             March 2018
                                                                                                         Contents        Pages
                                                Thorpe Carriage House
                                                                                                        Club News         1,2, 4
                                                       96 West Street
                                                         Brantford, ON                          CFUW/GWI News              2, 4
                                        Meetings on Fourth Wednesday                              Interest Groups           3
                                                          at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                            Events         2, 4

                                   Message from the Leadership Team

While out with the walking group last Tuesday, I saw a               Support for Youth Aging out of Care, Repeal of the Canada/
lovely fat robin. Therefore, I know spring is on its way,            US Safe Third Party Agreement, Equal Access to Provincial
despite the cold and flurries I see out my dining room               Education Curricula for Women and Children Living in
window as I sit down to write this!                                  Closed Religious Communities).
At February's General Meeting, we were treated to an                 I will be sending out information soon about two motions
interesting talk about "Canadian Nurses for Africa" by               being presented at the National AGM in June. The first
CFUW Brantford's own Gail Wolters. It was humbling to                concerns a possible fee increase and the second is about the
hear all that she and her organization of volunteers have            possibility for differentiated dues for members who do not
done over the years. It also makes you realize that one              wish to pay GWI dues. Please read the information
person can indeed make a big difference in this world.               carefully as our club will be deciding at the April General
                                                                     Meeting on how we would like to direct our vote.
                                                                     I will also be sending out information about the upcoming
                                                                     National elections and in April we will be deciding on who
                                                                     we would like to support. Our Regional Director, Heather
                                                                     Foss, will be attending our April General Meeting.
I am also very much looking forward to this month's                  Hopefully, she can answer some of the questions that have
speaker. Beth McAllister will be speaking to us about "The           arisen in recent months about GWI and about the timing
                                                                     irregularities of the proposed fee increase.
Role of Women in Single Gender Organizations". I think this
                                                                     Plans are underway for the All Candidates Meeting for the
will be a relevant topic to us all since we are all members of
                                                                     upcoming Provincial election. It will be taking place on May
just such an organization. As a long time enthusiastic and
                                                                     16th at North Park Collegiate and Vocational Institute. At
active member of the Girl Guides of Canada, I'm really
                                                                     this point, all candidates are available to come. Members of
interested to hear her ideas on this subject.
                                                                     the committee are busy organizing the event and working
I am very pleased to announce that Norah stepped forward             on questions for the candidates.
to chair this year's Nominations Committee. There are a              Planning is also well underway for our Annual General
few vacancies for next year's executive and Norah will be            Meeting to be held May 23rd at the Brantford Golf and
announcing these at the March General Meeting. She will              Country Club. Tickets will be available at this month's
also be asking for volunteers to fill these roles. Please give       meeting (so bring your cheque book!) See the
serious consideration to joining the executive team. I               announcement in the newsletter for more information. If
stepped up last year and am very glad I did. I have learned          you are interested in a sneak peak at the work of this year's
a lot and have made new friends. You will find yourself              speaker, go to
working with a dedicated, knowledgeable, intelligent and             On this year's Membership Renewal Form you will notice
fun group of women.                                                  that Rhynda has added a new checkbox. If you check "yes"
Also at this month's meeting, the Resolutions Committee              on the form, I will be forwarding your email address to
will be presenting their recommendations for this year's             CFUW National in the fall. Currently, the National Office
resolutions (Increase in Affordable Housing for Seniors,             sends information to club presidents who then forwards it
to their members. Beginning in the fall, they will be            CFUW Brantford Annual General Meeting 2018
emailing directly to all club members who have agreed
to this. They assure us that the email addresses will be         Our Annual General Meeting will be held at the beautiful
used only for CFUW business and will not be made avail-          Brantford Golf and Country Club overlooking the Grand River. A
able to third parties.                                           delicious buffet has been planned for the evening and our
As you can see, it's a busy few months for CFUW Brant-           speaker is David MacLean, an engineer, who will be speaking on
ford! I look forward to seeing everyone soon at the up-          “Our Home and Miniature Land”. Tickets are available at the
coming meeting!                                                  March and April General Meetings Tickets are $60.00. The So-
Respectfully submitted by Penelope Jeffery for the leader-       cial will start at 4:45 p.m. with dinner served at 6:00 p.m. The
ship team: Tish James and Patti Kunashko                         Banquet is a wonderful opportunity to visit, enjoy great food
                                                                 and be entertained. Hope to see you there!

                                                                            Membership Renewal 2018 -2019:
                                                                                  A Format Change
Brief on Bill C-65: An Act to amend the Canada Labour
Code (harassment and violence)                                    As a result of a motion from Scholarship Committee, the
On March 5th, CFUW National submitted a brief on Bill C-65,       scholarship portions of the Membership Dues are increased
a bill tackling the issue of harassment and violence in feder-    by $5 to $15. Therefore, membership renewal dues are
ally regulated workplaces. CFUW raised four concerns to           $115.00. Please note that membership renewal forms have
strengthen Bill C-65: 1) addressing the fear for reprisal and     been sent out by email and you are being asked for TWO (2)
financial barriers to reporting, 2) creating an organizational    signatures. As usual, one gives permission for your inclusion
and cultural shift, 3) ensuring adequate funding and human        in photos taken at Club activities.
resources for training and 4) adopting comprehensive defi-        There is an additional space in which you agree to having your
nitions of harassment and violence. Nine recommendations          email address shared with CFUW National so that they can
were made. CFUW is concerned that the current bill places         communicate directly with you. At this point in time,
the employer in the position of receiving the initial com-        members either individually sign up with CFUW National to
plaint, without laying out alternatives. Moreover, CFUW is        receive communications or our Club President forwards the
concerned that, in the event that the employer/supervisor         National President’s monthly newsletter and any other
is the instigator of the harassment or acts of violence, there    pertinent information is included in our Newsletter.
are no clear alternatives regarding whom the employee             Membership renewal dues are payable by MAY 23, 2018 and
should approach. Nine recommendations were made to                may be paid directly at the March or April General Meetings
strengthen the existing legislation. They urged the com-          or at the AGM in May. The form and cheque can be mailed to
mittee and the government to work on creating a Bill C-65         Rhynda B at her home address or left in her house mailbox if
based on human rights and survivor-centered approaches,           you are in the area.
integrating the amendments outlined in this brief.
CFUW Launches Mentorship Program for Women in STEM
CFUW has partnered with the University of Waterloo’s On-
tario Network for Women in Engineering (ONWIE) and the
                                                                 Donating to CFUW Brantford’s Scholarship Fund
Laurier Centre for Women in Science (WinS) to deliver a
                                                                 Have you considered making a tribute, memorial, or legacy gift
national Mentorship Program. With our partners, CFUW in
                                                                 to CFUW Brantford’s Scholarship Fund? These gifts allow you to
its work to promote women’s leadership and economic
                                                                 honour a friend or family member in a unique and meaningful
empowerment will be able to provide mentors for women
                                                                 way. This can be done by making a donation to celebrate a mile-
across the country in the STEM fields.
                                                                 stone occasion such as a birthday or retirement. Or, you could
CFUW’s commitment to mentorship in the STEM fields is to
                                                                 consider making a bequest in your will, or naming CFUW
encourage women to pursue careers in these areas.
                                                                 Brantford Scholarship Fund as a preferred charity in your obitu-
However, a secondary role of purposeful mentorship is to         ary. Through these donations, you would be supporting female
gather data to inform federal and provincial policymakers        students entering post-secondary education, and recognizing
on the critical role that science, technology, engineering,      the important role our scholarship and advocacy efforts play in
and mathematics education plays in the career goals of           the lives of young women living in Brantford and Brant County.
women. STEM education for women and girls must be ele-           Your donation will be recognized with a thank you card, and a
vated to a national priority. Mentorship ensures vigilance,      separate card communicating your tribute to the individual you
commitment and partnering to maximize opportunities for          are honouring can be arranged. Each donation is eligible for a
women.                                                           tax receipt.

      CFUW Brantford (Like Us!)                                     2                                     @CFUWBrantford

Creative Cookery on March 21st was hosted by                 Monday Night Book Group: The Tea Girl of Hummingbird
                     JoAnne M with a Spanish theme.          Lane by Lisa See
                     The menu included corn fritters
                     with Manchego and salsa, Piquillo       The Monday Night Book Group agreed that
                     peppers, Tortilla Espanola, Arabian     Lisa See’s novel, set during the time period
                     Salad and more delicious food and       of 1988 to 2016 was an excellent, powerful
                     drink. On February 21st it was          read - Opening in Yunnan Province, we learn
                     hosted by Sandra H. on a                about the Ak-ha People known for their
                     Valentines/Red theme., with a           Pureh tea, their ancient superstitions and
  menu that included Spinach                                 rituals that dictate their lives both harsh and generous.
  Salad with Quinoa and                                      Three mother daughter relationships are explored - A-ma (a
  Pomegranate, Coq au Vin,                                   gifted midwife and healer who is first among women but
  Bacony Peas and fresh                                      after every male) and her daughter Li-yan (who makes the
  Strawberry Mousse with                                     transition from antiquity to modernity at great personal
  Chocolate Glitter Cookies .                                cost); Hayley and Constance (the child abandoned at birth
  Not only do we learn new                                   by Li-yan) and her adoptive mother and Hayley and Li-yan -
  recipes but we have a                                      the connection between the two centered on the tea cake
  lovely social evening with good food and wine.             left with Hayley who seeking its meaning determines the
                                                             direction of her life. China’s one child policy led to many
Technology - If interested in attending, contact             international adoptions and this is explored from the
Janet R.                                                     perspective of the mother who ‘abandoned’ her baby as well
                                                             as the perspective of the child and adoptive mother.
World Awareness - “Education of Girls & Women” was
                                                             Thursday Night Book Group - discussed the
the topic of discussion at the March 21st meeting of the
                                                             book 'The Orphan's Tale" by Pam Jenoff .The
World Awareness group. PLACE: Tourism Centre Time:           group thought it was an enjoyable, good
9:30 to 11:00 Discussion Leader: Jenny D.                    read. The author was inspired by the
                                                             historic records of the Unknown Children, a
Walking Group: This group meets every Tuesday, come          boxcar full of babies headed for a
rain or shine and tops the exercise, fresh air and           concentration camp, and a German circus
companionship with time at a local coffee shop.              that sheltered Jews during WW11. Adolf
                                                             Althoff, a circus owner, said 'We circus people see no
Afternoon Bridge continued with the March 19th               difference between races or religions'. Dian K.
date. Our Hostess this month was Elizabeth C. and we
had a fine time playing at Charlotte Villa.                  Dining Out Group:
                                                             celebrated International
                                                             Women’s Day on March 8th
                                   Many thanks to the        with a luncheon at
                                   Interest group contacts   Speekezzies, enjoying good
                                   and participants who      food and conversation. On
                                   provided news and
                                                             April 10th we are headed to
                                   pictures for the
                                   newsletter. This is our
                                                             West Plains Bistro in
                                   members connection to     Burlington for lunch.
 what is happening in the club. When many contribute it
 makes putting together a newsletter much easier.

Teamwork - Pulling Together for CFUW                          3                   
2017-2018 EXECUTIVE
LEADERSHIP TEAM: Tish James,                       Save the date! A fundraiser for The Grand River Grannies!
        Penelope Jeffery, Patti Kunashko           Sunday March 25, 2018 from 12-2 pm at Glenhyrst Art Gallery of Brant.
                                                   What's It Worth? An afternoon of appraisals (art, jewelry, china) by
SECRETARY: Dian Kuzyk                              certified professionals. First piece: $10, 2nd / 3rd $5 each. Note:
TREASURER: Nora Leung                              appraisals are not intended for insurance purposes - come for fun!
STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS:                         CFUW St. Catharines: 44th Annual House Tour in the historic Port
•Advocacy: Elizabeth Capitano                      Dalhousie area.
                                                   Sunday May 6th: 12 – 5 pm. Tickets: $25 Call 289-696-1400
•Communications: Marg Eisner
                                                   Forum for Dialogue: Dr. Alisa Khan, an internationally recognized
•Interest Groups: Jane Binkley                     medical professor at McMaster University will be speaking on
•Membership: Rhynda Bulson                         “Abrahamic Faiths – Joining Hands for a Stronger Canada”. Dr. Khan is
•Programme: Committee                              involved in interfaith dialogue and humanitarian initiatives. She was
                                                   responsible for building an orphanage and school for Syrian Refugee
•Scholarship: Lynne Duncombe, Marla                girls in Turkey. May 9th at 7:00 pm at First Baptist Church, 70 West St.
    Merritt, Colette Wilson
•Social: Bev Golden
                                                   Remembering Wynn Harding
                                                   Wynn passed away peacefully on Monday, March
                                                   12, 2018 in her 88th year. Wynn started her career
                                                   in Brantford as the Woman's Editor for the
                         General Meeting           Brantford Expositor. She was active in the
                         March 28, 2018            Brantford Community with the Boys and Girls
                                                   Club, the YMCA, served on the Glenhyrst Art
                                                   Council, was a Community Liaison for Mohawk
                         Doors open at             College and a former Council Member for the City
                         7:00 p.m.                 of Brantford and was a member of CFUW
                         Meeting Starts at         Brantford for 32 years. Our thoughts are with
                         7:30 p.m.                 Wynn’s family at this time.

Topic: The Role of Single Gender Women’s           Thinking about you
Organizations in University Life.                  Horst Fueten, husband of CFUW member Nora Fueten and
Speaker: Beth McAllister                           brother-in-law of CFUW member Pat Clemons passed away on
                                                   Sunday, March 18th. Our sympathies to you both and your families.

                                                   CFUW Brantford Annual General Meeting 2018

                                                   Date: May 23, 2018
                    Thank-you to Lynn H., Dian     Time: The Social will start at 4:45 p.m. with dinner served at 6:00 p.m.
                    K., Lynne M. Sue C., Bev G.,   Where: Brantford Golf and Country Club
                    and to Bev Go. for leading     What: Speaker is David MacLean, an engineer, who will be speaking on
                    the team.                      “Our Home and Miniature Land”.
                                                   Tickets: Tickets are $60.00 ( Buy at March or April General Meeting.)

                                        Dynamic Women Can Make a Difference
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