Central Asia The Red List of Trees of - Antonia Eastwood, Georgy Lazkov and Adrian Newton - Global Trees Campaign

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Central Asia The Red List of Trees of - Antonia Eastwood, Georgy Lazkov and Adrian Newton - Global Trees Campaign
Trees of
The Red List of

       Central Asia
      Antonia Eastwood, Georgy Lazkov and Adrian Newton
FAUNA & FLORA INTERNATIONAL (FFI), founded in 1903 and the
world’s oldest international conservation organization, acts to conserve
threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing solutions that
                                                                             Published by Fauna & Flora International,
are sustainable, are based on sound science and take account of
                                                                             Cambridge, UK.
human needs.
                                                                             © 2009 Fauna & Flora International

                                                                             ISBN: 9781 903703 27 4

                                                                             Reproduction of any part of the publication for
                                                                             educational, conservation and other non-profit
                                                                             purposes is authorized without prior permission from
                                                                             the copyright holder, provided that the source is fully
BOTANIC GARDENS CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL (BGCI)                            Reproduction for resale or other commercial purposes
is a membership organization linking botanic gardens in over 100             is prohibited without prior written permission from the
countries in a shared commitment to biodiversity conservation,               copyright holder.
sustainable use and environmental education. BGCI aims to mobilize
                                                                             The designation of geographical entities in this
botanic gardens and work with partners to secure plant diversity for the     document and the presentation of the material do not
well-being of people and the planet. BGCI provides the Secretariat for       imply any expression on the part of the authors or
                                                                             Fauna & Flora International concerning the legal status
the IUCN/SSC Global Tree Specialist Group.
                                                                             of any country, territory or area, or its authorities, or
                                                                             concerning the delineation of its frontiers or boundaries.

                                                                             Dr Antonia Eastwood was previously Tree Red List
                                                                             Officer at Fauna & Flora International and is now Plant
                                                                             Ecologist at the Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen,

THE GLOBAL TREES CAMPAIGN is a joint initiative between FFI and              Dr Georgy Lazkov is a plant taxonomist at the Institute
BGCI in partnership with a wide range of other organizations around          of Biology and Pedology, National Academy of
                                                                             Sciences, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
the world. The aim of the Campaign is to save the world’s most
threatened trees and the habitats in which they grow through the             Professor Adrian Newton is Professor in Conservation
provision of information, delivery of conservation action and support for    Ecology at the School of Conservation Sciences at
                                                                             Bournemouth University and the Vice Chair of the
sustainable use.
                                                                             IUCN/SSC Global Tree Specialist Group.

                                                                             The opinion of the individual authors does not
                                                                             necessarily reflect the opinion of either the editors or
                                                                             Fauna & Flora International.

                                                                             The authors and Fauna & Flora International take no
                                                                             responsibility for any misrepresentation of material from
THE IUCN/SSC GLOBAL TREE SPECIALIST GROUP forms part                         translation of this document into any other language.
of the Species Survival Commission’s volunteer network of over 7000
volunteers working to stop the loss of plants, animals and their habitats.   COVER PHOTOS
                                                                             Front cover: Walnut harvest, Kyrgyzstan. The walnut is
SSC is the largest of the six Commissions of IUCN-The World
                                                                             a key component of the highly threatened fruit and nut
Conservation Union. It serves as the main source of advice to the Union      forests of Central Asia and is also of great economic
and its members on the technical aspects of species conservation. The        importance to people in the region (Chris Loades/FFI).
                                                                             Back cover: Forest, Kyrgyzstan (Chris Loades/FFI).
aims of the IUCN/SSC Global Tree Specialist Group are to promote and
implement global red listing for trees and act in an advisory capacity to    COVER DESIGN
the Global Trees Campaign.                                                   John Morgan, Seascape.
Trees of
The Red List of

       Central Asia

          Antonia Eastwood, Georgy Lazkov
                        and Adrian Newton
The Red List of Trees of Central Asia


                                        Acknowledgements                        3

                                        Acronyms                                3

                                        Foreword                                4

                                        Introduction                            5

                                        THE RED LIST OF TREES OF CENTRAL ASIA   12

                                        Species evaluated as Least Concern      19

                                        Species not evaluated                   21

                                        References                              22

                                        ANNEX 1
                                        IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria   24

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia


        he production of this Red List of      Natalya Nelina (Institute of Botany and         Translation between Russian and English

T       Trees of Central Asia would not
        have been possible without the
collaboration,        commitment        and
                                               Phyto-introduction, Kazakhstan), Magjan
                                               Isin (Research Institute of Plant Protection,
                                               Kazakhstan), Abdukhalil Kayimov (State
                                                                                               was done by Igor Smirnov, BGCI Russia.
                                                                                               Amy Hinsley, Programme Officer at FFI,
                                                                                               coordinated final editing and production of
participation of regional and international    Agrarian University, Uzbekistan) and            the report. Georgina Magin, Global Trees
experts. The experts who participated in       Jarkyn Samanchina (Bashat-Community             Campaign Coordinator at FFI, provided
the regional workshop held in Bishkek in       and Business Forum, Kyrgyzstan).                oversight and editorial input and Sara
July 2006 were: Nadezhda Yakovleva,                                                            Oldfield, Secretary General of BGCI and
Kamil Ashimov, Tirkesh Murzaev, Elina          The Global Trees Campaign is very grateful      Chair of the IUCN/SSC Global Tree
Prokhorenko (Kyrgyz Agrarian University,       to the Kyrgyz Agrarian University, Bishkek      Specialist Group, provided expert advice
Kyrgyzstan), Sayra Kissanova (Association      for hosting the workshop, particularly for      and technical knowledge. Elizabeth Allen,
of Reserves & Natural Parks, Kazakhstan),      the support provided by Dr Almazbek             Editorial Assistant of Oryx at FFI, assisted
Iskandar Mirkhashimov (GEF/UNDP                Irgashev, Akylbek Kasymov and Dr Almaz          with final editing, Liesje Birchenough wrote
project;      In-situ   Conservation      of   Orozumbekov. We would also like to thank        the case study on the walnut-fruit forest in
Kazakhstan’s Mountain Agrobiodiversity,        Nuska Botoiarova, formerly FFI’s Central        Kyrgyzstan and Jarkyn Samanchina, FFI’s
Kazakhstan),        Sovetbek    Kenjebaev      Asia Project Coordinator, for all her           Project Officer in Kyrgyzstan, coordinated
(Institute of Biosphere, Kyrgyzstan), Akbar    organisational, administrative and logistical   production of the Russian version of this
Mamadrizokhonov           (Khorog     State    assistance that helped ensure the               report.
University, Tajikistan), Evgeny Botman,        workshop was such a success.
Evgeny Butkov (Centre for Horticulture and
Forestry, Uzbekistan), Kairkul Shalpykov       We would also like to take this opportunity
(Institute of Biology and Pedology,            to thank the Red List Unit (IUCN Species
Kyrgyzstan), Galina Malosieva, Leonid          Programme), in particular Helen Temple
Andreychenko, Ishenbay Soodonbekov             and Craig Hilton-Taylor, for providing
(Bishkek Botanic Garden, Kyrgyzstan),          technical guidance on the application of
Gulnara Sitpaeva, Alfia Kurmantaeva,           IUCN categories and criteria.


    BGCI       Botanic Gardens Conservation International                    IUCN      The International Union for Conservation
     CEC       Commission of the European Communities                                  of Nature
  CECON        Nature Conservation Centre, Guatemala                        NTFP       Non-Timber Forest Product
       CI      Conservation International                                    SSC       Species Survival Commission
     FAO       Food and Agriculture Organization of the                       UK       United Kingdom
               United Nations                                               UNDP       United Nations Development Programme
       FFI     Fauna & Flora International                                  USDA       United States Department of Agriculture
      GEF      Global Environment Facility
      GIS      Geographical Information System

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia


                                               rees are important to the well-being       In many ways Target 2 underpins the

                                        T      of people in every country of the
                                               world,       providing
                                        ecological, economic and cultural
                                                                                          other ambitious targets that relate to in
                                                                                          situ and ex situ conservation and
                                                                                          sustainable use and trade in plants.
                                        services. In Central Asia, a vast and varied      Projects of the Global Trees Campaign
                                        region with generally relatively low forest       carried out in partnership with
                                        cover, tree species are of great value in         organizations and individuals around the
                                        defining forest ecosystems and providing          world help to deliver these various targets.
                                        resources such as fuelwood, timber, fruits        The projects contribute to halting the loss
                                        and nuts. In fact the genetic diversity of        of forest biodiversity and the provision of
                                        fruit and nut trees within the region is of       support to rural livelihoods.
                                        outstanding global significance. As
                                        elsewhere in the world, the trees of              The Global Tree Specialist Group is
                                        Central Asia face an onslaught of threats         committed to undertaking a global
                                        from habitat destruction, over-grazing,           assessment of the conservation status of
                                        over-harvesting and the increasing impact         tree species. Results of the global
                                        of global climate change. This report             assessment will be published as
                                        presents a review of the conservation             components of the work are completed.
                                        status in the wild of the trees of Central        This will ensure that regular indicators of
                                        Asia, facilitated by FFI and the IUCN/SSC         progress are produced, updated tree
                                        Global Tree Specialist Group.                     conservation data are made widely
                                                                                          available and that tree conservation
                                        Since its establishment in 2003 the               initiatives around the world can be
                                        primary role of the IUCN/SSC Global Tree          supported.
                                        Specialist Group has been to assess the
                                        global conservation status of tree species        This report highlights 67 tree species that
                                        in selected geographical areas and                are globally threatened, near threatened
                                        taxonomic groups. This report is the fifth        or of concern because of insufficient
                                        publication in the series.                        information on their status in the wild. It
                                                                                          highlights the actions that urgently need
                                        The collection of information on tree             to be undertaken to prevent the extinction
                                        species of conservation concern is vital for      of these species. Fortunately we have the
                                        planning conservation action. The                 ability to act, working with nature
                                        secondary role of the IUCN/SSC Global             conservation and forestry agencies,
                                        Tree Specialist Group is to act as an             botanic gardens and germplasm banks of
                                        advisory body for the Global Trees                the region. Fauna & Flora International and
                                        Campaign, which aims to save the world’s          Botanic        Gardens        Conservation
                                        most threatened tree species and the              International, the international partners in
                                        habitats where they grow. The Global              the Global Trees Campaign, are
                                        Trees Campaign provides an important              committed to helping save these tree
                                        practical mechanism for implementation            species from extinction.
                                        of the Global Strategy for Plant
                                        Conservation of the Convention on
                                        Biological Diversity. Global tree red listing
                                        contributes directly to Target 2 of the                                     Sara Oldfield
                                        Strategy, which calls for a provisional list of        Chair of the IUCN/SSC Global Tree
                                        threatened plant species by 2010.                                        Specialist Group

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia


Central Asia forms a vast region that           The vastness of the region (almost           FORESTS AND WOODLANDS OF
stretches from the Caspian Sea in the           4,000,000 km2), its landscapes and           CENTRAL ASIA
west to the great Tien Shan mountain            altitudinal zonation have led to a wide      The aridity of the region means that the
range in the east. The region is                range of ecosystem types that include        proportion of land under forest or
composed of five independent republics:         steppe, riparian tugai, taiga, wetlands,     woodland is relatively low when compared
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,             snowfields and deserts. These in turn are    to more humid regions such as South
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. All five           home to threatened species such as           America. Tajikistan has the least, with
countries were once part of the Soviet          snow leopard Uncia uncia, saiga antelope     around 3.9% of its total land area covered
Union until their independence in 1991.         Saiga tatarica tatarica and beluga           by forest or woodland, whilst Uzbekistan
The largest of the Central Asian countries      sturgeon Huso huso.                          has the most, with 10.1% of its land
is Kazakhstan, with a total land area                                                        wooded (FAO, 2006a). Kyrgyzstan,
of just over 2,700,000 km2. Tajikistan          The region supports some 8,300 species       Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have 6.2%,
is the smallest country, occupying              of vascular plants (Kamelin, 2002) of        7% and 8.8% forest and woodland cover
143,100 km2.                                    which approximately 10% are thought to       respectively. A large proportion of the
                                                be endemic. The mountains of Central         woodland         in    Kazakhstan       and
Central Asia is a region of contrasting         Asia are a recognized global biodiversity    Turkmenistan is composed of desert
landscapes. In the west it is dominated         hotspot (Davis et al., 1995), supporting     saxaul Haloxylon spp. shrublands (FAO,
by the barren, rocky Ustyrt Plateau and         over 300 wild fruit and nut species. These   2006a). Located primarily in the
the vast Turan Plain, with the Kara-Kum         include wild species of apple (four          mountains, the forests of Central Asia play
Desert in the south and the Kyzyl-Kum           species), almond (8–10 species), cherry      a pivotal role in environmental protection,
Desert in the centre. The Kopetdag              (8–10 species), plum (4–5 species), and      preventing soil erosion and desertification,
Mountains in the south-west form a              walnut (one species) as well as many         and regulating watersheds.
natural border between Turkmenistan             domesticated varieties. The rich diversity
and Iran. The extensive lowland plains in       of fruit and nut species in the region led   Despite the relatively low forest/woodland
the west and centre of the region,              the Russian geneticist and plant breeder     cover, Central Asia supports a diverse
comprising largely desert and arid              N.I. Vavilov to propose it as one of the     range of forest and woodland types,
steppe, eventually give rise to the uplands     world’s eight centres of crop origin and     some of them unique to the region. The
and then the great mountain ranges of           domestication (Hawkes, 1998). In fact,       main and most notable forest and
the Tien Shan, the Altai and the Pamir.         recent molecular genetic studies strongly    woodland types of the region are:
The highest peaks in Central Asia are           support the hypothesis that the domestic
Ismoil Somoni Peak (7,495 m), Pobedy            apple originated from Kazakhstan (Harris     Saxaul Haloxylon spp. shrublands can
Peak (7,439 m) and Lenin’s Peak                 et al., 2002).                               be found in the desert and arid steppe
(7,134 m). At altitudes above 3,500 m                                                        regions, mostly in Turkmenistan and
permanent snow, rock and glaciers               There are 500–600 arborescent species        Kazakhstan. These shrublands, which
dominate the landscape. Although the            in Central Asia, of which 100–150 can be     typically include drought resistant species
region is largely arid, a number of large       classified as trees, the remainder being     such as Salsola, Calligonum and
rivers such as the Amu-Darya and the            shrubs (Lazkov, pers. comm., 2008). This     Elaeagnus, play an essential role in
Syr-Darya flow down from the mountains          includes taiga species such as Abies         preventing soil erosion.
to form lakes such as Issyk-Kul in              sibirica and Picea schrenkiana as well as
Kyrgyzstan and the Aral Sea, which lies         desert shrubs such as Haloxylon              Riparian tugai is restricted to the
on the border of Kazakhstan and                 persicum and H. aphyllum. High species       floodplains of the region and is found
Uzbekistan. These large rivers are              diversity and endemism is particularly       alongside river courses and streams.
responsible for the verdant, fertile valleys,   notable in the shrubby genera                Tugai is typically composed of a mixture
such as the Fergana Valley, which today         Calligonum,       Tamarix,    Astragalus,    of willow Salix spp., poplar Populus spp.
are intensively irrigated for crops.            Cotoneaster, Rosa and Crataegus.             and birch Betula spp..

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

Broadleaved fruit and nut forests are       environmental protection, recreation and      priority. The majority of protected areas
found in the foothills and slopes of the    wildlife management (FAO, 2006a).             and leskhozes are severely under-
Tien Shan, Pamir-Alai and the Kopetdag      Central Asian forests are regionally          resourced and lack the necessary
mountains between 800–2,000 m. These        recognized as being essential in              institutional capacity, financial support and
fragmented forests are incredibly rich in   protecting common watersheds and              expertize for the effective management of
wild fruit- and nut-bearing species such    arresting     land  degradation      and      biodiversity and law enforcement (MEP,
as walnuts Juglans regia, apples Malus      desertification.                              1998; MNPT, 2002; Cornet and
spp., pears Pyrus spp., plums Prunus                                                      Rajapbaev, 2004; Jashenko, 2006).
spp. and almonds Amygdalus spp..            State forestry enterprises are also
                                            responsible for the management of some        FOREST USE
Juniper (archa) woodlands/shrublands        forested protected areas, such as the         Despite the low forest cover in Central
are found typically in the dry foothill     Badai-Tugai Strict Nature Reserve in          Asia, the people of the region have
regions or at mid to high altitude (up to   Uzbekistan. The rest of the protected         always had a strong association and
3,500 m above sea level), where they        areas tend to be managed by nature            dependency on forests to provide
take on prostrate forms. Species include    protection agencies. All five Central Asian   firewood, timber and food (nuts, fruit,
Juniperus seravschanica, J. semiglobosa     countries largely inherited the former        mushrooms and honey). In fact, the name
and J. turkestanica.                        Soviet system of protected areas, which       of Kazakhstan’s former capital, Almaty,
                                            includes Strict Nature Reserves               literally means ‘the Father of Apples’. The
Taiga forests comprising predominantly      (zapovedniks), National Parks, Nature         long association of humans with apples
spruce and fir species are restricted to    Monuments and Special Purpose                 in the region is demonstrated by the lack
the northern slopes of the Tien Shan        Reserves (zakazniks). The highest             of distinction between some wild species
between 1,700 m and 2,700 m. Typical        protection is provided by zapovedniks         and their cultivated varieties (Juniper and
species include Picea schrenkiana and       (IUCN Category I), whilst zakazniks have      Mabberley, 2006).
Abies sibirica. The endemic Semenov fir     the least protection (IUCN Category IV).
Abies semenovii is restricted to small      To date, there are 39 zapovedniks, 14         Wood fuel is still important in Kyrgyzstan
areas in western Kyrgyzstan.                National Parks, some 67 Nature                and Tajikistan where a high proportion of
                                            Monuments and around 150 zakazniks in         the population live in rural areas and do
Pistachio Pistacia vera woodlands are       Central Asia. These numbers are likely to     not have access to fossil fuels. In
found on the lower, drier foothills and     increase in the near future as more           Tajikistan more than 80% of rural
mountain slopes of western Tien Shan,       protected areas are designated. A             households rely on wood fuel as a main
Pamir-Alai and Kopetdag. One of the         number of zapovedniks were established        source of cooking energy (FAO, 2006a).
most notable areas of pistachio is in the   to conserve distinct forest types such as     Since independence all the Central Asian
Badghyz     Strict   Nature    Reserve      the Zaaminsky State Reserve (unique           countries apart from Turkmenistan have
(Turkmenistan), where the trees form        juniper forest) in Uzbekistan and Sary        seen an increase in the demand for wood
extensive open groves covering around       Chelek Biosphere Reserve (fruit and nut       fuel (FAO, 2006a). Primarily due to low
76,000 ha (MNPT, 2002).                     forest) in Kyrgyzstan.                        productivity, forest plantations make up
                                                                                          only a small proportion of the total forest
FOREST MANAGEMENT AND                       The political and economic collapse of the    cover in Central Asia. These are mainly
NATURE CONSERVATION                         Soviet Union between 1989 and 1991 has        set aside for protective measures rather
The majority of the forests and             had a profound effect on all the Central      than for wood production. Most of the
woodlands in Central Asia are still owned   Asian countries, with consequences            Central Asian countries depend on
by the state, and management is still       including war and civil unrest (UNDP,         imported wood, although imports have
largely based on the Soviet system of       2005). The ensuing sharp economic             drastically reduced since the break-up of
state forestry enterprises or leskhozes     decline has had a huge impact on              the Soviet Union (FAO, 2006a). Although
(FAO, 2006a). The main objectives of        people’s lives in the region, with nature     logging is officially illegal in the majority of
forest management in all the Central        conservation       and     environmental      the indigenous forests in Central Asia,
Asian countries are focused on              protection subsequently receiving low         substantial quantities are still removed

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

(FAO, 2006a). Trees are felled for timber       Safarov, 2003; Cornet and Rajapbaev,          The forests of the Tien Shan and Pamir-
and, in the case of walnut, to produce          2004; IRIN, 2003) all indicate that Central   Alai mountains and the floodplain tugai
veneer for furniture. The amount of illegal     Asian forests and woodlands are under         forests provide crucial environmental
felling that is currently taking place is not   severe threat from over-exploitation,         protection and ecosystems services to
known.                                          desertification, pests and diseases, over-    the predominately arid Central Asian
                                                grazing and fires. A combination of           region. Their loss and degradation not
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) such         factors including the cessation of            only threatens globally unique biodiversity
as walnuts, apples and pistachios are an        subsidized timber from the former Soviet      and rural livelihoods but also endangers
important source of livelihoods for rural       Union, rural poverty, a lack of alternative   water supply and regulation, essential to
communities in Central Asia. Collection of      energy sources and the lack of                fertile agricultural areas such as the
NTFPs ranges from subsistence                   institutional capacity to protect and         Fergana Valley and major metropolises in
harvesting to collection for international      regulate forests have all added to the        the region.
trade with, for example, China or Turkey.       pressure on vulnerable forests of the
In southern Kyrgyzstan, walnut is the           region. The forests and woodlands             METHODOLOGY USED FOR
most important NTFP and can be a major          growing on the foothills of the Tien Shan,    CONSERVATION STATUS
source of income for the local population,      Palmir-Alai and Kopetdag mountains,           ASSESSMENT
especially during years of good harvest         especially those near rural settlements,      The IUCN/SSC Global Tree Specialist
(Fisher et al., 2004).                          are most threatened. This includes the        Group, in association with the Global
                                                slow-growing juniper forests of Tajikistan    Trees Campaign, uses a number of
For rural communities the forests also          and Kyrgyzstan, which are threatened by       approaches to undertake global
provide grazing for livestock and the           firewood collection and over-grazing.         assessments of the conservation status
under-storey of wood pastures is cut for        Kyrgyzstan, for example, lost some 35%        of tree species (Newton and Oldfield,
hay to provide fodder during the winter         of its montane juniper in just a few          2008). These include, most importantly,
months. Although grazing is illegal in the      decades (MEP, 1998). As firewood              close collaboration with regional and
majority of leskhozes in Kyrgyzstan,            becomes increasingly scarce around            international experts in botany and
livestock grazing in woodland is very           settlements, villagers have to go deeper      forestry, as well as extensive literature
much the norm (Fisher et al., 2004).            and deeper into the forest to satisfy their   reviews and searches on online
                                                daily fuel needs.                             taxonomic and herbarium databases,
THREATS TO FORESTS AND                                                                        supported by GIS mapping.
WOODLANDS                                       Although an important source of income
The       Global      Forest     Resources      for rural communities, unsustainable rates    To undertake an assessment of the
Assessment 2005 (FAO, 2006b) indicates          of harvesting of NTFPs such as walnuts        conservation status of Central Asian trees
that the extent of forests and woodlands        continue to pose a huge threat to the         the Global Trees Campaign organized a
in Central Asia has remained relatively         region’s unique fruit and nut forests. The    workshop in July 2006 to bring together
unchanged since 1995. However, the              threat is further compounded by               a range of regional experts from the
reliability of the data provided for the        unregulated logging, grazing, hay-making      Central Asian countries. A total of 25
assessment is uncertain owing to the            and, more recently, pests such as the         participants       from      Kyrgyzstan,
region’s lack of capacity to monitor and        gypsy moth Lymantria dispar. In the Jalal-    Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and
conduct forest inventories since the            Abad province of Kyrgyzstan local             the UK attended the workshop in
break-up of the Soviet Union. There is          foresters and residents have noticed          Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Regrettably, the
also very little official information on the    marked reductions in the walnut and           workshop organizers were unable to
actual status of forests, their associated      apple harvest in recent years (IRIN, 2003).   arrange for an expert from Turkmenistan
species and levels of degradation.              A biodiversity hotspot report by              to attend. Over the 3-day workshop the
                                                Conservation International (CI, 2008)         participants, through much discussion
A number of reports, national biodiversity      states that some 90% of fruit and nut         and debate, produced a list of nationally
strategies and the experience of regional       forest habitats have been lost in the last    threatened tree species, a candidate list
experts (MEP, 1998; MNPT, 2002;                 50 years.                                     of globally threatened Central Asian tree

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

species, and a preliminary Red List of       SUMMARY OF RESULTS                                Ribes malvifolium, are threatened by
globally threatened trees from Central                                                         over-harvesting of fruits and collection of
Asia using the IUCN Red List categories      Conservation                     Number of        saplings as rootstock for grafting. More
and criteria (IUCN, 2001). During the        Status                               taxa         specifically, Calligonum triste is directly
workshop a map of regional forest cover,     Extinct                                     0     threatened by desertification and soil
derived from satellite remote sensing        Critically Endangered                      23     salination resulting from the drainage of
imagery, was used to define the potential    Endangered                                 13     the Aral Sea.
distributional range of selected species.    Vulnerable                                  8
For this purpose the Moderate Resolution     Near Threatened                             5     A number of the species that are
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)            Data Deficient                             17     Endangered or Vulnerable are wild
Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF)           Least Concern                              30     relatives of domesticated fruit and nut
product was used (Hansen et al., 2003).      Total Evaluated                            96     varieties. This includes wild apricot
This product depicts the percentage tree     Not Evaluated                              12     Armenica vulgaris (EN), which is
cover at a resolution of 500 m using a                                                         threatened by unsustainable harvesting
supervised regression tree algorithm. For    Of the 96 taxa evaluated, 44 are                  and over-collection by national and
each species considered distributional       categorized as Critically Endangered,             international plant-breeding companies.
ranges were derived by exploring the         Endangered or Vulnerable, meaning that            Two wild apple species, Malus
expert data elicited during the workshop     they are threatened with extinction in the        niedzwetzkyana (EN) and Malus sieversii
using ArcView v. 9.1 (ESRI, Redlands,        wild according to the IUCN Red List               (VU), are still found in the fragmented fruit
USA; www.esri.com). Following the            categories and criteria. A further five taxa      and nut forests of Central Asia and are
workshop the preliminary Red List was        are Near Threatened and 17 are Data               threatened by habitat degradation, mainly
reviewed and revised with the assistance     Deficient. Data Deficient taxa are those          from agricultural development and over-
of the Red List Unit, IUCN Species           taxa that are deemed not to have sufficient       grazing.
Programme and additional research in         information available to assign a Red List
the literature and online databases.         category. In the current evaluation this is       A number of species are directly
                                             primarily because of the lack of knowledge        threatened by over-collection for
RESULTS OF EVALUATION                        of the conservation status of species             firewood. This includes Juniperus
Over the course of the 3-day workshop        whose distributions extend outside Central        schugnanica (VU), Calligonum calcareum
25 experts from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,      Asia, for example, into Afghanistan or Iran.      (CR) and Calligonum paletzkianum (VU).
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and the UK            In addition, the lack of capacity of scientific   Populations of these species have all
evaluated 96 Central Asian tree and          institutions to undertake fieldwork,              seen dramatic declines in recent years,
shrub species according to the IUCN Red      particularly since the break-up of the            particularly those in the vicinity of rural
List categories and criteria (IUCN, 2001).   Soviet Union, has reduced the availability        settlements.
Twelve tree and shrub taxa listed in the     of up-to-date information. This is especially
Red Data Book of Turkmenistan                pertinent for Kazakhstan, the ninth largest       The experts evaluated both walnut
(Atamuradov et al., 1999) were not           country in the world.                             Juglans regia and pistachio Pistacia vera
evaluated as no national experts from                                                          as Near Threatened even though recent
Turkmenistan attended the workshop.          A high proportion of the threatened taxa          paleontological evidence for walnut in the
The full Red List of globally threatened     are Critically Endangered, that is, they          Fergana Valley (Kyrgyzstan) suggests it
trees from Central Asia with associated      face an extremely high risk of extinction         may have an anthropogenic origin, rather
categories and criteria can be found on      in the wild. Many of these are narrow             than native (Beer et al., 2007). For walnut,
page 13. A summary of the results of the     endemics, such as Abies semenovii and             the experts have taken a precautionary
evaluation are in the table below.           Crataegus       knorringiana,      whose          approach until further evidence becomes
                                             fragmented populations are threatened             available because of the global
                                             by cutting and/or over-grazing. Others,           significance of the walnut forests in
                                             relatives of domesticated fruit trees and         Central Asia and their importance as an
                                             shrubs such as Pyrus korshinskyi and              international genetic resource.

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

                                                  Box 1: Examples of recent forest conservation projects in Central Asia
MEASURES FOR THREATENED                           • Archa JUMP Project on the Sustainable Management of Juniper Forests in
TREES OF CENTRAL ASIA                               Southern Kyrgyzstan (CEC)
As described in the introduction, all five        • Central Asia Transboundary Biodiversity Project in West Tien Shan (GEF)
countries of Central Asia have a long-            • Conservation of Tugai Forests and Strengthening Protected Areas System in the
established tradition of nature protection          Amu-Darya Delta of Karakalpakstan (UNDP and GEF)
and forest management. This is also true          • Impact of the Transformation Process on Human-environmental Interactions in
for scientific research in the biological           Southern Kyrgyzstan (Volkswagen Foundation)
sciences and is evident in the extensive          • In-situ Conservation of Kazakhstan’s Mountain Agrobiodiversity (UNDP/GEF)
network of botanic gardens, arboretums,           • Kyrgyz-Swiss Forestry Support Programme (Intercooperation)
universities and academic research                • Community Conservation of Globally Important Fruit and Nut Forests in
institutions throughout the region.                 Kyrgyzstan (FFI)

However, as previously discussed, the
region has undergone dramatic economic,         recognized with a number of internationally     throughout the region. Not only do the
social and political transition following       funded projects. Some of these projects         Central Asian countries share a recent
independence from the former Soviet             are listed in Box 1.                            political legacy, watersheds and mountain
Union in 1991. This has had a profound                                                          ranges, but they also share many similar
impact on the capacity of forestry, nature      Although the above projects vary greatly        issues and problems regarding nature
protection and scientific institutions to       in scope it is essential that any lessons       conservation, environmental protection,
survey, manage and monitor forests,             learnt, best practice and possible              rural development and the sustainable
woodlands and threatened species. The           solutions are disseminated effectively          use of natural resources.
majority of state conservation agencies and
research institutions are severely under-
resourced and are unable to conduct               Case Study: Community Conservation of the Walnut-fruit Forests in Kyrgyzstan
baseline surveys, let alone regulate and
manage forest resource use. In turn,              FFI is working with local partners in Kyrgyzstan to improve the conservation of walnut-
botanic gardens and germplasm banks               fruit forests by promoting the involvement of local communities in forest management.
lack the staff and basic equipment to             Threats to forest integrity include: limited natural regeneration because of grazing
maintain globally important ex situ               pressure and hay-making within the forest; illegal cutting of trees and collection of
collections of threatened trees.                  firewood; over-harvesting of fruits and nuts; pests (such as gypsy moth) and disease.

There is immense pressure on Central              In recent times, local people have had little opportunity to engage in forest
Asian forests and woodlands to provide            management and planning, although they do have access to forest resources
firewood, timber and NTFPs. State forestry        through the leasing of forest plots. These fruit and nut forests are a vital resource for
agencies and protected areas therefore            local people, providing fuelwood, food, fodder and grazing for livestock, as well as
face huge challenges in the conservation          an important income from the walnut harvest.
of threatened trees and the sustainable use
of forest products. These challenges are          The project is initially working in Kara Alma, bringing together community
exemplified by the 44 globally threatened         representatives, the local forest service and other stakeholders for open discussions
tree species, a significant proportion of         on key issues, resulting in a collaborative conservation management plan for the
which are wild relatives of globally              sustainable use of the forest. In addition, following a participatory needs assessment,
important fruit crops.                            training and essential equipment are being provided to the local forest service to
                                                  increase their capacity to work with local communities to protect and manage the
The global importance and plight of the           forest. Through the provision of small grants and associated training, local people
unique forests and fruit and nut diversity of     are being supported to adopt environmentally sustainable livelihood options to reduce
Central Asia has recently begun to be             socio-economic pressures on the forest. These small-scale income generation
                                                  initiatives have included bee keeping, fruit preservation, and various small workshops.

                                                  Liesje Birchenough, Eurasia Programme Manager, Fauna & Flora International
The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

PRIORITY NEEDS FOR ACTION                           in ex situ collections should be established    Soviet times and their current conservation
The forests of Central Asia, with their             as soon as possible to act as an insurance      status is not known. Other DD species
incredibly rich diversity of fruit and nut trees,   policy against extinctions in the wild.         require collaboration with experts in China,
are of global significance. The conservation        National plant genetic resource authorities     Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan in order to
of this unique inheritance is paramount, not        should be provided with the necessary           establish their conservation status.
only for the region but for the whole               legal and policy training to establish multi-
international community. It is therefore            lateral agreements for the exchange and
imperative that the international community         utilisation of plant genetic resources. Once
provides the necessary financial resources,         established, these agreements could be a
investment and training to build the                mechanism to ensure long-term funding for
capacity of scientific institutions, nature         the conservation of globally important
conservation and forestry agencies,                 genetic resources. It is a sad irony that the
botanic gardens and germplasm banks to              progenitor of the domesticated apple,
manage and conserve this unique heritage            Malus sieversii, is threatened by extinction
effectively.                                        in its natural environment, whilst the export
                                                    value of apples from the top ten apple-
The region’s state forestry agencies and            producing countries is over US$3 billion a
protected areas network require substantial         year (FAO, 2008). More poignantly, Malus
investment and capacity building. With so           sieversii germplasm collected in the 1990s
many challenges faced by these agencies,            from Kazakhstan is currently being used by
training in the development of participatory        the USDA Agricultural Research Service to
forest management plans, local community            improve disease resistance in current apple
engagement, rural development and                   cultivars (Forsline et al., 2003). So far,
natural resource management is urgently             researchers have discovered Malus
needed. Many of the state agencies lack             sieversii samples that show resistance to
basic equipment and infrastructure such as          apple scab, fire blight, drought and
uniforms,        horses       or     vehicles,      numerous soil pathogens (Pons, 2006).
communication equipment and ranger                  These research findings once again
posts. In order to alleviate the immediate          highlight the global importance of
pressures on forests from firewood                  conserving the wild relatives of
collection and illegal logging, pilot projects      domesticated fruit and nut trees.
that provide alternative sources of energy
to villagers should be trialled, assessed and       Twenty-three of the trees and shrubs
rolled out.                                         evaluated are Critically Endangered.
                                                    Species recovery plans using both in situ
A review of the status of the region’s              and ex situ methods need to be developed
botanic gardens, gene bank facilities and           and implemented urgently. Close
ex situ tree collections needs to be                collaboration between different agencies in
undertaken. This should be coupled with a           neighbouring countries may be required for
review of the ex situ collections held              transboundary species.
outside the region. Once the state of these
institutions is known a programme of                Eighteen of the species are Data Deficient
institutional capacity building, possibly with      (DD). For a number of species this is
the formation of a regional network of              because of scientific institutions’ lack of
ex situ conservation facilities, should be          capacity to conduct basic surveys. A
initiated. Representatives of the 44                number of potentially threatened species
threatened tree species not yet conserved           have not been surveyed since before

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia


R u s si a                                                                                                        R u s sia

             Oral                                                                Karaganda                                           Alta
                                                                                                                                         i   Mo

                                             KAZA K H S T A N
                                                                                          Lake Balkhash

                                   Aral                           Dar



                                                    EK                                                   Bishkek



                                  Bukhara                     TA               Tashkent

                                                                                                         Tien Shan Mountains

                          TURKMENISTAN                          Samarkand
                                                                                                                                 C hin a


                                Kop                           u-
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0             300         600          900             1200 Kilometres

0              186        372          558             744 Miles

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia


Abies semenovii B.Fedtsch.                                           naturally occurs. In Kazakhstan, it is only known from three
CR B1ab(v)                                                           localities: Talgar, Turgen and Torkulak. Threats to the species
Kyrgyzstan                                                           include construction, development of tourist resorts, cutting for
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           fuelwood, harvesting of fruit and the collection of germplasm by
Endemic to Kyrgyzstan, this species has a very narrow                both national and international plant-breeding companies. The
distribution range. It is restricted to two localities (Talas and    distribution of wild apricot in China needs to be determined.
Chatkal) with an extent of occurrence less than 100 km². Threats
include cutting and disease.                                         Atraphaxis muschketowi Krassn.
                                                                     EN B1ab(iii)
Ammopiptanthus kamelinii Lazkov                                      Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
CR B2ab(iii,v)                                                       Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Kyrgyzstan                                                           The species has a very restricted range in Central Asia. In
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           Kazakhstan it only occurs between the Kaskelen and Talgar
A recently described species, A. kamelinii (Lazkov, 2006) was        gorges where individuals are sparsely distributed. Expanding
previously included in Ammopiptanthus nanus (Popov) Cheng.           tourism and other recreational activities threaten localities.
Endemic to Kyrgyzstan, the species has a very limited
distribution restricted to Kavak-Too Mountain between 1,600–         Berberis iliensis Popov
2,000 m above sea level. Threats include mining, fossil              VU B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)
exploration, poor regeneration and natural hazards. The total        Kazakhstan, China
number of individuals in Kyrgyzstan is around 3,000–4,000.           Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
                                                                     This Berberis species is restricted to the Ili River basin in
Amygdalus bucharica Korsh.                                           Kazakhstan and China. The small fragmented sub-populations
VU B2ab(iii,v)                                                       are threatened by water extraction, cutting and fire.
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           Berberis karkaralensis Kornilova & Potapov
Endemic to Central Asia, this species is in decline in Uzbekistan.   CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)
Main threats are grazing, collection of fruit for almond oil and     Kazakhstan
poor regeneration caused by intermittent fruiting.                   Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
                                                                     A narrow endemic restricted to central Kazakhstan in the Kent
Amygdalus ledebouriana Schlecht.                                     and Karkaraly mountains. Although the species occurs in
EN B1ab(iii)                                                         protected areas it continues to be threatened by tourism,
Kazakhstan                                                           grazing and natural fires.
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
The species is endemic to east Kazakhstan in the Altai and           Betula jarmolenkoana Goloskokov
Tarbagatai mountain ranges. It occurs on mountain slopes and         CR B1ab(iii,v)+ B2ab(iii,v)
along river valleys. The extent of occurrence is less than 100       Kazakhstan
km2. Threats include cutting, habitat reduction and the collection   Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
of fruit and flowers. The flowers are particularly in demand for     A narrow relict endemic restricted to three river basins (Kokpa,
international women’s day. The nuts are used for almond oil          Tekes and Bayankol/Narynkol) in one mountain range. Declines
production.                                                          in the extent of habitat have been observed, primarily because
                                                                     of fire.
Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.
EN B1ab(iii)                                                         Betula kirghisorum Sawicz
China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan                            CR B2ab(v)
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           Kazakhstan
The wild apricot, the origin of all cultivated apricots, is          Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
considered very rare in all three Central Asian countries where it   Although known from four localities, including the Siberian

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

lowlands of Kustanai province and the Chingiz Tau Mountains in       Calligonum calcareum Pavlov
eastern Kazakhstan, the species has a very restricted area of        CR B2ab(iii,v)
occupancy (less than 10 km²). The total population is less than      Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
1,000 individual trees and regeneration is poor.                     Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
                                                                     The species is restricted to a specific soil type in the Sokh River
Betula pamirica Litv.                                                basin. It is threatened by over-grazing and cutting. Its timber is
VU B2ab(v)                                                           highly valued for tandoori cooking.
Tajikistan (possibly Kyrgyzstan)
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           Calligonum elegans V.P.Drobow
This birch species is restricted to the Pamir-Alai range in          EN B2ab(iii,v)
Tajikistan (possibly also Kyrgyzstan) at altitudes between 2,500–    Uzbekistan
3,300 m. The species is scarce, declining and only known from        Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
five localities (Darvaz, Vanj, Rushan, Gunt and Shokhdara). The      The species is restricted to a narrow ecological niche in the Sokh
species is considered to be a synonym of B. tianschanica Rupr.       River basin, southern Ferghana. It is threatened by cutting and
by some taxonomists.                                                 grazing.

Betula schugnanica (B.Fedtsch.) Litv.                                Calligonum matteianum V.P.Drobow
CR B2ab(v); C1                                                       EN B2ab(iii,v)
Tajikistan                                                           Uzbekistan
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
This birch species is endemic to the Gorno-Badakhshan range          The species is restricted to a narrow ecological niche in Bukhara
in Tajikistan at altitudes between 2,000–2,500 m. It is restricted   province. Threats include cutting and grazing.
to four localities (Shabdara, Gunt, Rushan and Darvaz) with a
total population size of less than 250 and declining. The species    Calligonum molle Litv.
is considered to be a synonym of B. tianschanica Rupr. by some       EN B2ab(iii,v)
taxonomists.                                                         Uzbekistan
                                                                     Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Betula talassica Poljakov                                            The species is restricted to a narrow ecological niche in the
EN B2ab(iii)                                                         Bukhara province. Threats include cutting and grazing.
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           Calligonum paletzkianum Litv.
The species is restricted to two localities in Kazakhstan: the       VU B2ab(iii,v)
Aksu River basin and rivers in the Karatau mountain range.           Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Although some protection is afforded to the Aksu sub-                Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
population, as it is located in a protected area, declines have      The species is found along the Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan border
been observed in the Karatau range. The species is sometimes         and is restricted to a narrow ecological niche. The sparsely
treated as a synonym of B. pendula Roth.                             distributed populations are threatened by grazing and collection
                                                                     for firewood.
Betula tianschanica Rupr.
EN A2ac; B2ab(ii,iii)                                                Calligonum triste Litv.
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan                                   CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop           Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan
The species occurs in river basins and valleys of western Tien       Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Shan (Ugam, Pskem and Chatkal). Populations are fragmented           In Kazakhstan this species is only known from one locality, the
and in decline, threatened by livestock, avalanches and tourism.     Pri-Aral Moyunkum. It is threatened by the drainage of the Aral
                                                                     Sea, desertification and soil salination. The species is considered
                                                                     endangered in Turkmenistan although details on its distribution
                                                                     are not known.

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

Crataegus darvasica Pojark.                                           Lonicera paradoxa Pojark.
CR B2ab(iii,v)                                                        EN B2ab(iii,v)
Tajikistan                                                            Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
This very rare endemic hawthorn is only found in south-west           This honeysuckle species is considered to be extremely
Darvaz of Tajikistan. It is in decline because of over-grazing and    threatened in all the Central Asian countries where it occurs.
cutting.                                                              Threats include cattle grazing and tourism.

Crataegus necopinata Pojark.                                          Malus niedzwetzkyana Dieck.
CR B2ab(iii,v)                                                        EN B2ab(iii,v)
Tajikistan (possibly Afghanistan)                                     Afghanistan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
The species occurs in the Darvaz Range and downstream of              A very rare species in Central Asia, with individuals sporadically
the Vanj River in Tajikistan, although it may also occur in           distributed in fragmented populations. Threats include loss and
neighbouring Afghanistan. The species is threatened by cutting        degradation of habitat because of agricultural expansion and
for timber.                                                           development, genetic erosion (grafting of commercial varieties
                                                                      and hybridization) and over-grazing. As a wild relative of
Crataegus knorringiana Pojark.                                        domesticated apple the species is of global importance as an
CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)                                                 international genetic resource.
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            Malus sieversii (Ledeb.) M.Roem.
The species has a very limited distribution with only one locality,   VU A2acde
a ravine in the Alai Mountains. Human disturbance, over-grazing       China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
and cutting threaten the species.                                     Uzbekistan
                                                                      Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Juniperus schugnanica Komarov                                         As with M. niedzwetzkyana, threats include loss and degradation
VU A2ad                                                               of habitat because of agricultural expansion and development,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan                                                genetic erosion (grafting of commercial varieties and
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            hybridization) and over-grazing. In Kazakhstan its habitat has
The species is endemic to eastern Tajikistan (Gorno-                  declined by over 70% in the last 30 years. Molecular genetic
Badakhshan) and the adjacent area of Kyrgyzstan in the                work strongly indicates that Malus sieversii is one of the main
Pamir-Alai Range. The fragmented populations are restricted to        progenitors of domesticated apples (Harris et al., 2002) and is
valleys and gorges and are threatened by cutting for firewood.        therefore a species of significant global importance. With most
Populations in the vicinity of settlements are most threatened        commercial apple cultivars having a narrow genetic base it is
with observed declines of over 30% in the last 20 years.              imperative that the wide genetic diversity in this species is
                                                                      conserved both in situ and ex situ.
Lonicera karataviensis Pavlov
CR B2ab(iii)                                                          Picea schrenkiana Fisch. et. Mey. prostrata K.Isakov
Kazakhstan                                                            VU B2ab(iii,v)
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
The species is only known from two localities in the Karkara          Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
gorge in Kazakhstan. The total population is 600–700 individuals      This alpine form of P. schrenkiana has a very narrow altitudinal
and although the populations occur in a protected area the            range (2,800–3,100 m). There are only seven known localities in
species is still threatened by tourism development. A recent          the northern Tien Shan. Threats include cattle grazing, cutting
taxonomic revision in Kyrgyzstan described populations                and climate change. There is taxonomic uncertainty about the
previously thought to be L. karataviensis as L. sovetkinae.           distinctness of this form in Kyrgyzstan.

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

Polygonum toktogulicum Lazkov                                         Ribes malvifolium Pojark.
CR B2ab(iii)                                                          CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)
Kyrgyzstan                                                            Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
This species has a very limited distribution with an area of          This wild currant species has a very limited distribution with only
occupancy less than 1 km². It grows close to a large settlement       two known localities. Threats include fruit collection and
and is threatened by over-grazing. There are only approximately       livestock grazing.
2,000 individuals of this species.
                                                                      Rhus coriaria L.
Populus berkarensis Poljakov                                          VU B2ab(iii)
CR D                                                                  Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan                                                            Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            The species has a very limited and fragmented distribution and
A narrow endemic, with a total population of less than 50             is threatened by over-grazing.
individuals. It grows in mountain gorges and rocky slopes at
altitudes of 1,000–1,200 m. Very little is known about rates of       Sibiraea tianschanica (Krassn.) Pojark.
decline or threats.                                                   CR B2ab(iii)
                                                                      Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
Prunus tadzhikistanica V.I.Zapryagaeva                                Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
EN B2ab(iii,v)                                                        The species is listed in the national Red Data books of
Tajikistan                                                            Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. It has a very limited distribution and
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            has not been collected for several years. Threats include
A species endemic to western Pamir (the Gisar mountain range)         agricultural expansion, tourism and housing developments.
between 1,800–2,000 m. Threats include cutting and
agricultural expansion.                                               Rosa pavlovii Chrshan.
                                                                      CR B2ab(iii)
Pyrus cajon V.I.Zapryagaeva                                           Kazakhstan
EN B2ab(iii,v)                                                        Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Tajikistan                                                            Considered as a distinct species by Kazakh botanists, this
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            narrow endemic occurs at only a few localities in north-east
A rare endemic of Gorno-Badakhshan province, this wild pear           Kazakhstan. It grows in wet meadows alongside the river Irtish
species is threatened by agricultural expansion.                      (Dzhangaliev et al., 2003). It is in decline and threatened by
                                                                      housing developments and urban sprawl from Pavlodar city.
Pyrus korshinskyi Litv.                                               Rosa pavlovii is considered to be a synonym of R. majalis Herrm.
CR B2ab(iii,v)                                                        by some taxonomists.
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            Spiraeanthus schrenkianus (Fisch. et Mey.) Maxim.
This wild pear is known from only a few fragmented sub-               EN B2 ab(iii,v)
populations. It is threatened by over-grazing, fruit harvesting and   Kazakhstan
the collection of saplings for rootstock.                             Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
                                                                      In Kazakhstan there are only three known localities, in the
Pyrus tadshikistanica V.I.Zapryagaeva                                 Betpak-Dala Desert and the Syrdarga Kara-Tau. Threats include
CR B2ab(iii,v)                                                        habitat degradation and cutting. The species may occur in
Tajikistan                                                            Kyrgyzstan.
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Restricted to the Darvas Mountains at 1,300–1,600 m,
populations of this endemic pear are very small and fragmented.
The species is threatened by cutting.

The Red List of Trees of Central Asia

Sophora korolkovii Koehne                                             SPECIES EVALUATED AS NEAR THREATENED
CR B1ab(ii,iii)+2ab(ii,iii)
Kyrgyzstan                                                            Fraxinus sogdiana Bunge
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            NT
Although considered to be a synonym of Styphnolobium                  China (west Xinjiang), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
japonicum (L.) Schott (ILDIS, 2007), Kyrgyz botanists consider        Uzbekistan
this to be a distinct species of Sophora. With a very limited         Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
distribution Sophora korolkovii is threatened by grazing,             This species of ash, which grows along rivers in open deciduous
construction and mining.                                              forest, is threatened in Kazakhstan. Threats in Central Asia include
                                                                      cutting for timber and changes to water regimes.
Swida darvasica (Pojark.) Sojak
CR B2ab(iii,v)                                                        Juglans regia L.
Tajikistan                                                            NT
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            Afghanistan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan,
The species has a very limited distribution and is threatened by      Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan
agricultural expansion, cutting and over-grazing.                     Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
                                                                      Although recent palaeontological evidence for walnut in the
Zygophyllum bucharicum B.Fedtsch.                                     Fergana Valley (Kyrgyzstan) suggests that walnut may be
CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)                                                 anthropogenic in origin rather than native to the region (Beer et al.,
Uzbekistan (possibly Tajikistan)                                      2007) the evaluation has taken a precautionary approach because
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            of the global significance of the walnut forests in Central Asia and
Growing along the border of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and             their importance as an international genetic resource.
restricted to a narrow ecological range the species is threatened
by over-grazing.                                                      Juniperus seravshanica Kom.
Zygophyllum darvasicum Boriss.                                        Uzbekistan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan
CR B2ab(iii,v)                                                        Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
Tajikistan (possibly Afghanistan)                                     Although widespread in Central Asia declines have been observed
Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop            in the region, particularly in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The
The species is endemic to Gorno-Badakhshan; in the Dervas             timber is favoured for saunas and the species is also threatened
Range and by the Pange River. It is very scarce and threatened        by over-grazing and fires.
by cutting. It may also occur in Afghanistan but its current status
there is not known.                                                   Populus pruinosa Schrenk
                                                                      Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
                                                                      Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
                                                                      Although the species has a wide distribution it has a very narrow
                                                                      ecological range, restricted to river banks in arid areas. The
                                                                      species is threatened by changes in water regime (irrigation and
                                                                      hydroelectric power stations), cutting and agricultural conversion.

                                                                      Pistacia vera L.
                                                                      Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
                                                                      Assessor: Central Asian regional tree Red Listing workshop
                                                                      Although widely distributed throughout Central Asia the pistachio
                                                                      is threatened by fruit collection, livestock grazing and cutting.

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