Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles

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Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with
Electric Vehicles
Angela Sanguinetti *                 and Kenneth Kurani

                                            Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA;
                                            * Correspondence:

                                            Abstract: Electrification of transportation network companies (TNCs), such as Uber and Lyft, can
                                            produce social and environmental benefits from reduced vehicle emissions and enhanced imple-
                                            mentation of renewable electricity as well as private benefits to drivers via reduced vehicle fuel and
                                            maintenance costs compared to conventional vehicles. We conducted a survey of plug-in electric
                                            vehicle (PEV) drivers on the Uber platform in the US. This paper describes these drivers and their
                                            experiences to further understanding of motivations for and barriers to PEV adoption among TNC
                                            drivers. The TNC-PEV drivers in this sample clearly recognized, and were largely motivated by,
                                            economic benefits of fuel and maintenance savings, thus, increased net earnings, associated with
                                            using a PEV to provide ride-hailing services rather than a conventional internal combustion engine
                                            vehicle. Most drivers reported charging their PEV every day, most often at home and overnight. This
                                            is true even of those with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) that can run on gas if not charged.
                                  Increased electric driving range topped the list of drivers’ wishes to better support PEVs on TNCs,
                                            and range limitations topped the list of reasons why PHEV drivers did not opt for a battery electric
Citation: Sanguinetti, A.; Kurani, K.       vehicle (BEV; that runs exclusively on electricity). The second most common wish among all PEV
Characteristics and Experiences of          drivers was for more charger locations.
Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric
Vehicles. World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12,   Keywords: electric vehicle; consumer adoption; ride-hailing; transportation network company

Academic Editors: Aymeric Rousseau,
                                            1. Introduction
Joeri Van Mierlo and
Genevieve Cullen                                  There is some evidence that the introduction of transportation network companies
                                            (TNCs), such as Uber and Lyft, has had positive environmental impacts through reduced
Received: 9 April 2021                      vehicle ownership and emissions [1]. However, other research suggests TNCs may increase
Accepted: 18 May 2021                       energy consumption [2], congestion [3], and vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) [4]. George
Published: 22 May 2021                      and Zafar [5] observed that these outcomes are likely context-dependent. For example,
                                            Alemi et al. [6] found that some TNC user segments increased the amount of their travel
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral        done in light-duty vehicles by shifting away from public transit or active modes to ride-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in     hailing, while other TNC user segments decreased personal vehicle use by shifting toward
published maps and institutional affil-     public transit.
iations.                                          Regardless of the present net environmental impact of TNCs, industry stakeholders,
                                            policymakers, and academicians are predicting a future where shared mobility contributes
                                            to a low carbon transportation system [7–9]. In particular, a vision is converging around
                                            shared, automated, and electric right-sized vehicles integrated via multimodal MaaS
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.           platforms. Interim steps along the path to achieving this future include “electrifying TNCs”
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.          within the current model of conventional (non-automated) vehicles.
This article is an open access article            Emerging regulations are starting to shape this future. For example, California’s
distributed under the terms and             recently enacted Senate Bill 1014 establishes a clean-miles standard for TNCs which requires
conditions of the Creative Commons          that a growing percentage of ride-hailing services be provided by zero-emissions vehicles.
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://       Based on data from TNCs and charging infrastructure, Jenn [10] estimated that electrifying            TNCs has potential for large greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions.

World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 79.                                
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
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                                          Among car-buyers generally, awareness and knowledge, as well as consideration for
                                     purchase, of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are low and unchanging over time despite
                                     increasingly positive economics for consumers, increasing makes and models available,
                                     and continued PEV charging deployment [11]. Barriers to adoption have included higher
                                     purchase price, limited vehicle range, and charging requirements (access and speed).
                                     Though the gap is decreasing, the purchase and lease costs of PEVs were still typically
                                     higher than comparable-size gasoline cars [12] at the time of this study. For some consumers
                                     and vehicle models, PEV purchase price is higher even after factoring in federal, state,
                                     and local incentives. Lower fuel and maintenance costs for PEVs may balance the higher
                                     upfront costs over time and even result in long-term savings in some cases. The fuel and
                                     maintenance cost advantages are higher with battery electric (i.e., all-electric) vehicles (BEVs)
                                     compared to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) that can run on either gas or electricity.
                                          Some of these PEV adoption barriers as well as benefits may be heightened for the
                                     TNC use case. For example, range limitations and time to charge (combined with limited
                                     and costly fast charging infrastructure) could be more problematic for TNC drivers who
                                     use their cars more intensively than the general population [5,13]. On the other hand,
                                     TNC-PEV drivers may reap greater benefits from fuel and maintenance savings and thus be
                                     more likely to achieve net cost savings [5,13]. However, factoring in costs for fast charging
                                     needs of BEVs used intensively for ride-hailing services, Pavlenko et al. [13] estimate that
                                     BEVs do not yet surpass hybrid vehicles in terms of economic advantage for ride-hailing
                                     use. They estimate that BEVs will reach cost parity with hybrids in 2023 (due to decrease
                                     in battery costs) for users who can charge at home at night, but not until after 2025 for
                                     users relying only on public charging, and thus conclude that in the interim, TNCs and
                                     policymakers will need to provide more affordable fast charging infrastructure to support
                                     TNC electrification.
                                          George and Zafar [5] noted that current assumptions about the barriers to PEV adop-
                                     tion among ride-hailing drivers are largely anecdotal and called for more engagement with
                                     drivers to (a) understand the most significant barriers, (b) identify charging infrastructure
                                     needs, and (c) identify characteristics of those likely to adopt PEVs without additional
                                     incentives. The present research begins to address these needs. This is the first report from
                                     the 2019 North American Uber PEV Driver Survey. It describes the characteristics and
                                     experiences of PEV drivers on the Uber platform, including their demographics, motiva-
                                     tions for adopting a PEV, charging behavior, and perceptions of priorities for expanding
                                     TNC electrification. A greater understanding of these should have policy implications
                                     in terms of reasonable assumptions and goals for TNC electric passenger vehicle-miles-
                                     traveled (eVMT), as well as implications for strategies to promote PEV adoption among
                                     ride-hailing drivers.

                                     2. Materials and Methods
                                          Researchers partnered with Uber to survey their drivers who use PEVs to provide
                                     ride-hailing services in North America (including the US and Canada). The survey was
                                     conducted in March and April 2019. The survey was distributed by Uber via email. All
                                     PEV drivers on the platform were recruited, but sampling ceased when a quota (n = 400)
                                     was achieved for US PHEV drivers since this is a much larger sub-population relative to
                                     US BEV drivers, Canadian PHEV drivers, and Canadian BEV drivers. (By the time sampling
                                     ceased, the quota was slightly exceeded; the number of US PHEV drivers in the sample is 415).
                                          The final sample included 780 drivers, with 732 from the US and 48 from Canada.
                                     TNC drivers in California made up 47% of the US sample; 42 other US states/territories
                                     including Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico were represented. Estimated response rate
                                     (population size undisclosed by the TNC) was 10%. Responses from Canadian drivers
                                     were excluded from these analyses due to the small sample of drivers who are subject to a
                                     different national-level policy and regulatory framework.
                                          Survey questions (listed in Table 1) addressed five main topics:
                                     1.   Who: Who (in terms of basic demographics) is currently driving PEVs on TNCs;
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
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                                     2.     What: What PEVs they chose and how they acquired them;
                                     3.     Why: Motivations to drive a PEV for ride-hailing;
                                     4.     How: Ride-hail driving and PEV charging behaviors;
                                     5.     What drivers say would better support the use of PEVs for ride-hailing.

                                                 Table 1. TNC-PEV Driver Survey Questions.

 Category Question Prompt                                                     Response Options
                How old are you?                                              21 to 29; 30 to 39; 40 to 49; 50 to 59; 60 to 69; 70 or older
                What is your gender?                                          Female; Male; Non-binary; Prefer not to answer;
                                                                              Self-describe: (open)
               What is the highest level of formal education you              Less than high school; High school or GRE; Some
               personally have completed?                                     college/no degree; Associate’s degree; Bachelor’s degree;
                                                                              Graduate degree

    Who         What was your household’s pre-tax income from all             Slider to select any number between $0 and $200,000 or
                sources for the past tax year?                                more; No answer
                How would you describe the building in which you live?        Detached single family house; Duplex, row house or
                                                                              townhouse; Apartment or condominium; Mobile home,
                                                                              trailer, recreational vehicle, car, boat or other movable
                                                                              dwelling; Dorm room or fraternity/sorority house; Other
                Do you own, rent, or lease the building in which you live?    Own; Rent or lease; Employer-provided; Other
                How many people live in your household?                       1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 or more
                What is the PEV that you drive on Uber?                       Year, Make, Model, Option
                Do you own, lease, or rent this [PEV]?                        Own, Lease, Rent, Other
   What         Is the [PEV] your first electric vehicle?                     Yes, No
                Which came first for you, getting an electric vehicle or      Electric vehicle before I drove rideshare; Rideshare driver
                rideshare driving?                                            before I got an electric vehicle; I am not sure which was first
                Why did you choose to drive an electric vehicle for           Choose up to three: To save money on fuel; To save money
                rideshare instead of a conventional gas vehicle?              on maintenance; Longer lifetime of the vehicle; Better for
                                                                              the environment; Carpool lane access; Free or priority
                                                                              parking; Ability to drive for premium service (e.g., Uber
                                                                              Select); Other:
               Why did you choose to drive a battery electric vehicle         Battery electric vehicle driving range long enough; I’m able
               for rideshare instead of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle?    to charge at home; Liked the vehicle body style; Enough
               (Chose up to three.)                                           charging infrastructure where I drive; Time away from
                                                                              driving to charge is not a problem; Not concerned about
                                                                              limiting the rides I could take; To increase my profits from
                                                                              driving on Uber; Other:
               Why did you choose to drive a plug-in hybrid electric          Did not want to be nervous about range; Unable to charge
    Why        vehicle for rideshare instead of a battery/all electric        vehicle at home; Vehicle body style I wanted not available in
               vehicle? (Choose up to three.)                                 a battery electric vehicle; Lack of charging infrastructure
                                                                              where I drive; Didn’t want to take time away from driving
                                                                              to charge; Didn’t want to limit rides I could take; To increase
                                                                              my profits from driving on Uber; None of these; Other:
                When you bought/leased/rented/acquired your [PEV]             Yes; No; Don’t recall
                did you compare all costs (purchase, fuel, maintenance,
                insurance, etc.) of it compared to other vehicles?
                Do you compare all such costs for any car you buy or lease?   Always; Sometimes; Never
                Would you still drive for rideshare if you could only         Yes; No; Not sure
                have a conventional gas vehicle?
                Would you still drive an electric vehicle if you did not      Yes; No; Not sure
                drive on rideshare networks?
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
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                                                                 Table 1. Cont.

 Category Question Prompt                                                     Response Options
               Do you drive for more than one rideshare network               Yes; No
               (Uber, Lyft, or others)?
               Besides your [PEV], is there any other vehicle you are         No, only my [PEV]; Yes, I sometimes drive a different
               presently driving on rideshare networks?                       vehicle for rideshare
                About how many hours per week do you drive on                 Ten or fewer hours; 11–20 h; 21–30 h; 31–40 h; 41 or more
                rideshare networks (Uber, Lyft, and similar)?                 hours
                On how many days do you charge your [PEV]?                    I don’t charge my [PEV]; Less than once a month; More than
                                                                              once a month, but less than weekly; One or two days a
                                                                              week; Three or four days a week; Five or six days a week;
                                                                              Every day
                What percent of all your charging of your [PEV] do you        Percentage for each: home, public, workplace; totaling 100
                do at home, at public chargers, or at a workplace?
                You’ve indicated you don’t charge your [PEV] at home.         Yes; No; I don’t know
                Could you charge it at home if you wanted to?
                What percent of all your charging of your [PEV] do you        Percentage for each: fast, level 1, and level 2 chargers;
                do at different power levels or rates?                        totaling 100
    How         How much of all your charging of your [PEV] do you do         Percentage for each: midnight to 6 a.m. 6 a.m. to noon, noon
                during different periods of the day?                          to 6 p.m., and 6 p.m. to midnight; totaling 100
               What is the largest number of times you will charge            None; Once; Twice; Three times or more
               your [PEV] during any single period of driving
               for ridesharing?
               Please estimate the time it takes for each of these steps in   Shortest time is about XXX minutes; Longest time is about
               charging your [PEV]: Time to reach charger location            XXX minutes
               from the moment you decide to charge; Time waiting in
               line to charge; Time to actually charge your vehicle;
               Time to get your next ride after charging
                Do you feel you miss out on earning opportunities             Not at all; Once per 15 charges or less; Once per 10 charges;
                because you have to charge your [PEV]? If so, how often       Once per 5 charges or more frequent
                do you feel the missed opportunity?
                Do you do any of the following to increase your electric      Limit top speeds; Moderate accelerations; Try to coast more
                driving range while driving for ridesharing?                  to stops; Choose trips or routes where I can use less energy;
                                                                              Choose trips or routes where I can use more regenerative
                                                                              braking; Use heating or air conditioning less; Leave more
                                                                              room from car ahead; None of the above; Other:
                How would you improve your experience as a rideshare          Choose up to three answers: Longer electric driving range;
                driver with an electric vehicle?                              More charger locations; Reliable real-time information about
                                                                              charger availability; More reliable information on vehicle
                                                                              driving range; Additional trip destination setting tokens to
                                                                              and from charging stations; More detailed trip information
                                                                              in advance of trip acceptance; Financial bonuses for
                                                                              completing complete trip target numbers; More passenger
                                                                              seats; More cargo space; Other:

                                     3. Results
                                     3.1. Who Is Currently Driving PEVs on TNCs
                                          Table 2 describes this sample of TNC-PEV drivers. A large majority were male and
                                     median age was 40–49 years (Figure 1). A large majority (90%) had at least some college-
                                     level education. Median reported household income was $88,000 (treating “$200,000 or
                                     more” as $200,000; Figure 2). Mean household size was three members (treating “8 or
                                     more” household members as 8). Most were living in a single-family home and a slight
                                     majority were homeowners.
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
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                                        Table      TNC-PEVDriver
                                                2.TNC-PEV  DriverCharacteristics.

                                        Variable           Descriptive
                                                          Descriptive          Statistics
                                        Age                Mdn
                                                          Mdn   = =4040
                                                              Mdn    = toto49
                                                                        40  to4949 years
                                                                                 years     old;
                                                                                         old;    9%21
                                                                                                 9%   21to
                                                                                                     21  toto29,
                                                                                                                   27%   303030
                                                                                                                                  39, 39,
                                                                                                                                    39,28%  28%
                                                                                                                                          28% 4040 4049,
                                                                                                                                                  to toto49,
                                                                                                                                                          21%  21%
                                                                                                                                                               50 to
                                                           50 59,
                                                               to  10%
                                                                   59,   60
                                                                        10%   to6069,to4% 70
                                                                                        69,   or
                                                          50 to 59, 10% 60 to 69, 4% 70 or older older
                                                                                                  70 or   older
                                        Gender             85%
                                                          85% 85%Male,
                                                                Male,      13%
                                                                         13%  13%   Female,
                                                                                  Female,      1%Non-binary,
                                                                                               1%   Non-binary,
                                                                                                   Non-binary,        1%1%
                                                                                                                       1%       Prefer
                                                                                                                             Prefer        not
                                                                                                                                      notnot   totoanswer
                                                                                                                                           to answer answer
                                           Education       Mdn
                                                          Mdn   = =Bachelor’s
                                                              Mdn    Bachelor’s
                                                                     = Bachelor’s      degree;
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
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                                                         3.2. What Cars They Chose and How They Acquired Them
                                         3.2. What
                                              What Cars
                                                    Cars They
                                                          They Chose
                                                                Chose and
                                                                       and How
                                                                           How They
                                                                                 They Acquired
                                                                                      Acquired Them
                                                               Figure 3 presents the most common PEVs in the sample. The three most comm
                                               Figure  3 presents
                                               Figure 3 presents   the  most
                                                                        most   common
                                                                              common    PEVs
                                                                                        PEVs     in the
                                                                                                 in the sample.
                                                                                                        sample. The  three most
                                                                                                                           most common
                                                         BEVs were         Chevrolet  Bolt, Tesla   Model S, and The three
                                                                                                                 Nissan Leaf. Thecommon
                                                                                                                                   three most comm
                                         BEVs   were  the  Chevrolet   Bolt, Tesla Model    S, and  Nissan Leaf. The three most common
                                                         PHEVs were the Ford Fusion Energi, Toyota Prius Plug-in, and Volt (C-MAX Energi c
                                         PHEVs were the FordFord  Fusion
                                                                  Fusion   Energi, Toyota   Prius Plug-in, and Volt           Energi
                                                         4th). (The  TeslaEnergi,
                                                                            Model Toyota
                                                                                   3 and Toyota Prius Prime were(C-MAXtoo recent to beclose
                                                                                                                                        present in l
                                         4th). (The
                                                (The Tesla
                                                     Tesla  Model
                                                            Model   33 and
                                                                       and  Toyota
                                                                            Toyota  Prius Prime were too recent to be present in large
                                                         numbers in the sample.) While 30 makes and models of PEVs were in the sample, the
                                         numbers in the sample.) WhileWhile  30 makes and models of PEVs were in the sample, the top
                                                         five accounted   for two-thirds of the sample; the top ten accounted for 93%.
                                         five accounted for two-thirds of the sample; the top ten accounted for 93%.

                                                       Figure 3. Most common PHEV and BEV models used by TNC drivers.
                                       Figure 3.
                                       Figure    Most common
                                              3. Most common PHEV
                                                                PHEV and
                                                                       and BEV
                                                                           BEV models
                                                                               models used
                                                                                      used by
                                                                                           by TNC
                                                                                              TNC drivers.

                                               The distributions  Theof distributions
                                                                           electric range   of electric  range inwere:
                                                                                               in our sample         our sample were:
                                               The distributions
                                                           ●           of electric    range    in  our  sample     were:
                                         •     BEV: Range      = BEV:
                                                                  50 to Range
                                                                         300 miles; = 50 to 300 miles; mean = 190 miles; median = 210 miles;
                                                                                         mean = 190 miles; median = 210 miles;
                                         ●     BEV: Range  ● = 50     to 300
                                                                  PHEV:         miles;
                                                                            Range     = 3mean
                                                                                            to 100= 190  miles;   median      = 210median
                                                                                                                                       miles; = 25 miles.
                                         •     PHEV: Range = 3 to 100 miles;               mean    =miles;   mean
                                                                                                      30 miles;     = 30 miles;
                                                                                                                  median      = 25 miles.
                                         ●     PHEV: Range The    = 3 to  100   miles;    mean     = 30  miles;   median      = 25  miles.
                                                                        high median range for BEVs emphasizes the extent to which Chevrolet Bolt
                                               The high median range            for BEVs emphasizes the extent to which Chevrolet Bolt EV
                                               The high andmedianTeslarange     forS BEVs
                                                                                      shapeemphasizes          thedistribution.
                                                                                                                    extent to which Chevrolet Bolt EV
                                         and Tesla Model S shapeModel      the BEV      rangethe     BEV range
                                         and Tesla Model S For    shape 82%theofBEV     range distribution.
                                                                                   respondents,       the PEV they were driving on TNCs was their first P
                                               For 82% of respondents, the PEV they were driving on TNCs was their first PEV. There
                                               For 82% of     respondents,
                                                           There                   the PEV they
                                                                    is an approximately           evenwere
                                                                                                         split driving     on   TNCs     was    theirride-hail
                                                                                                                                                       first PEV.
                                         is an approximately         even split between those             whobetween         those
                                                                                                                 started ride-hail   who   started
                                                                                                                                         driving     before (47%  driving be
                                         There   is an
                                         ride-hail      approximately
                                                     driver(47% ride-haileven
                                                              first) versus driver
                                                                                           first) versusthose
                                                                                                 PEV        afterwho
                                                                                                        driver     (50%started
                                                                                                                 first)             ride-hail
                                                                                                                            PEV driver
                                                                                                                         acquiring               driving
                                                                                                                                        a PEV           notbefore
                                                                                                                                                  (3%            a PEV (3%
                                         (47%   ride-hail  sure).
                                                            driver  Most
                                                                               versus  (73%)
                                                                                         after  owned
                                                                                                 (50%     theirdriver
                                                                                                         PEV     PEV (16% first)leased   and 11%
                                                                                                                                  acquiring     a  PEVrented).
                                                                                                                                                          (3%    We did not
                                         Most drivers (73%) owned their PEV (16% leased and 11% rented). We did not ask drivers
                                         sure).  Most      drivers
                                                        drivers       directly
                                                                   (73%)    owned whether
                                                                                       their   they (16%
                                                                                                      participate    inand
                                                                                                                         the11%Maven     weekly Wecardidrental   program; v
                                         directly  whether     they   participate     in  the PEV
                                                                                               Maven         leased
                                                                                                         weekly    car  rental      rented).
                                                                                                                                  program;     vehicles    notrent
                                                                                                                                                           for  ask
                                         drivers   directlycles  for rentthey
                                                              whether       include    Chevrolet
                                                                                  participate      in Bolt
                                                                                                       the  EVs. Weweekly
                                                                                                            Maven       presume   carthat PEVprogram;
                                                                                                                                       rental     drivers whovehi-drove a ren
                                         include Chevrolet Bolt EVs. We presume that PEV drivers who drove a rented Chevrolet
                                         cles for rent     Chevrolet
                                                        include          Bolt EV
                                                                   Chevrolet         in EVs.
                                                                                  Bolt   a cityWe where    Maven
                                                                                                      presume       was
                                                                                                                  that  PEV available
                                                                                                                                drivers were
                                                                                                                                          who    driving
                                                                                                                                                 drove   a arented
                                                                                                                                                             PEV from Mav
                                         Bolt EV in a city where Maven was available were driving a PEV from Maven.
                                         Chevrolet Bolt EV in a city where Maven was available were driving a PEV from Maven.
                                         3.3. Why Drive3.3. a PEVWhyforDrive    a PEV for Ride-Hailing?
                                         3.3. Why    Drive4–6
                                               Figures      a PEV    for Ride-Hailing?
                                                                present       4–6 present
                                                                           reasons      driversreasons    drivers
                                                                                                   selected    fromselected       from a list
                                                                                                                       a list regarding           regarding
                                                                                                                                              their   decisiontheir
                                                                                                                                                                 to decisio
                                         driveFigures      drive    a
                                                          4–6 present
                                                a PEV rather           PEV    rather
                                                                  than anreasons        than
                                                                              internaldrivers  an   internal
                                                                                          combustion           combustion
                                                                                                          engine                 engine
                                                                                                                       a list regarding    vehicle
                                                                                                                               (ICEV) for their       (ICEV)    for
                                                                                                                                              ride-hailing,      to ride-hail
                                         reasonsa PEV      and   reasons
                                                          rather than
                                                    for choosing             for  choosing
                                                                      either                    either
                                                                                 BEV or combustion      a
                                                                                             PHEV over theBEV    or
                                                                                                                  other.vehicleover   the
                                                                                                                            (The lists    other.    (The  reasonspotential
                                                                                                                                               for ride-hailing,
                                                                                                                                         of potential           of
                                                generated  sons
                                                         for      wereprior
                                                             during       generated
                                                                                focus    during
                                                                                     a BEV
                                                                                         groups     prior
                                                                                               or PHEV     focus   groups
                                                                                                            over the
                                                                                                    with people         other.
                                                                                                                    driving   with
                                                                                                                                        lists  driving
                                                                                                                                         on TNCs).        PEVs
                                                                                                                                                   potential     on TNCs).
                                         sons were generated during prior focus groups with people driving PEVs on TNCs).

                                          Figure 4. Figure 4. for choosing
                                                              Reasons       a PEV over
                                                                       for choosing    an ICEV.
                                                                                    a PEV       Multiple
                                                                                          over an        answers answers
                                                                                                  ICEV. Multiple allowed.allowed.

                                 Figure 4. Reasons for choosing a PEV over an ICEV. Multiple answers allowed.
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
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                                             Figure 5. Figure 5.for
                                                       Figure 5.    choosing
                                                                 Reasons for  a BEV over
                                                                         for choosing
                                                                             choosing      a PHEV.
                                                                                      aa BEV
                                                                                         BEV  over aaMultiple
                                                                                              over   PHEV.    answers
                                                                                                     PHEV. Multiple
                                                                                                            Multiple   allowed.
                                                                                                                     answers allowed.

                                             Figure 6. Figure 6.for
                                                       Figure 6.    choosing
                                                                 Reasons for  a PHEV aaover
                                                                         for choosing
                                                                             choosing   PHEV
                                                                                        PHEVa BEV.
                                                                                               over aa BEV.  answers
                                                                                                       BEV. Multiple
                                                                                                            Multiple   allowed.
                                                                                                                     answers allowed.

                                                    Saving moneySaving
                                                                   on fueling
                                                                   Saving    money
                                                                             money  costs onwas
                                                                                          on       by far
                                                                                               fueling      the was
                                                                                                         costs     most
                                                                                                                   was by  oft-cited
                                                                                                                          by  far  the reason
                                                                                                                              far the    most     for choosing
                                                                                                                                         most oft-cited
                                                                                                                                                 oft-cited    reason
                                                                                                                                                               reason  a PEV
                                                                                                                                                                          for choosing
                                            rather than an PEV
                                                             ICEV.   Saving
                                                            PEV rather
                                                                   rather than  money
                                                                            than an an ICEV. on  maintenance
                                                                                          ICEV. Saving
                                                                                                   Saving money
                                                                                                             money oncosts    was    third,
                                                                                                                         on maintenance       following
                                                                                                                              maintenance costs  costs was    very
                                                                                                                                                          was third,  closely
                                                                                                                                                                 third, following
                                                                                                                                                                         following ver ver
                                            after driving aclosely
                                                             car thatafter
                                                            closely     is better
                                                                       after  driving
                                                                              driving for aathe
                                                                                              car  that
                                                                                                   that is   better Further
                                                                                                         is better    for
                                                                                                                       for the     supporting the
                                                                                                                            the environment.
                                                                                                                                  environment.            importance
                                                                                                                                                        Further    supporting
                                                                                                                                                                   supportingof the the im
                                            financial motivations,
                                                            portance     of    said they
                                                                         of financial
                                                                            financial          compared72%
                                                                                            motivations,       all costs
                                                                                                              72%   said    for
                                                                                                                     said they            PEV toall
                                                                                                                                   compared        allother
                                                                                                                                                        costs   for
                                                                                                                                                                for their    of to
                                                                                                                                                                     their PEV
                                                                                                                                                                             PEV   to othe
                                            these, 74.5% reported
                                                            vehicles;    of    always
                                                                         of these,
                                                                            these,    74.5%
                                                                                       74.5%do reported
                                                                                                this withthey
                                                                                                reported       any always
                                                                                                             they    vehicledo
                                                                                                                     always      they
                                                                                                                                do   thisacquire.
                                                                                                                                     this  with
                                                                                                                                           with any
                                                                                                                                                  any vehicle
                                                                                                                                                         vehicle theythey acquire.
                                                    Common reasonsCommonfor  choosing        a  BEV   over     a PHEV       to drive     on
                                                                   Common reasons for choosing a BEV over a PHEV to drive on TNCs were for
                                                                                 reasons     for  choosing      a  BEV    over   a PHEV      TNCs
                                                                                                                                             to  drive  were
                                                                                                                                                          on    for
                                                                                                                                                              TNCs   greater
                                                                                                                                                                        were   for greate
                                            earnings and because
                                                            earnings    BEV     driving      range    and    access     to  charging
                                                            earnings and because BEV driving range and access to charging were adequate for
                                                                         and   because       BEV    driving     range     and   access     were
                                                                                                                                          to       adequate
                                                                                                                                              charging      were   for  their
                                                                                                                                                                    adequate      for the
                                            needs (Figure 5).   In direct
                                                            needs    (Figure
                                                                                 5). In     “range
                                                                                      In direct
                                                                                           direct     anxiety”“range
                                                                                                    contrast,       was by
                                                                                                                  “range       far the most
                                                                                                                             anxiety”     was
                                                                                                                                           was by commonly
                                                                                                                                                 by    far
                                                                                                                                                       far the
                                                                                                                                                            the mostselected
                                                                                                                                                                  most    commonly
                                                                                                                                                                          commonly se    s
                                            reason for choosing
                                                            lected areason
                                                            lected     PHEVfor
                                                                     reason       over
                                                                                for        a BEVaatoPHEV
                                                                                      choosing          driveover
                                                                                                      PHEV        on TNCs
                                                                                                                 over      BEV(Figure
                                                                                                                        aa BEV    to   drive6).on
                                                                                                                                  to drive     onInTNCs
                                                                                                                                                   TNCs      (Figure
                                                                                                                                                             (Figure several
                                                                                                                                                                         6). In
                                                                                                                                                                              In addition
                                            participants wrote
                                                            several    participants
                                                                                           wrote open-ended
                                                                                                    open-ended        comments
                                                                                                                           they were
                                                                                                                      comments         indicating
                                                                                                                                           certain they
                                                                                                                                       indicating       that were
                                                                                                                                                       they    BEV certain
                                                                                                                                                              were     certain that
                                                                                                                                                                       range     that BE
                                            would be insufficient    would
                                                            range wouldbecausebe   insufficient
                                                                                    they regularly
                                                                               be insufficient       because
                                                                                                     because     theylong
                                                                                                                  they   regularly
                                                                                                                         regularly     drove
                                                                                                                                        drove   long
                                                                                                                                              Nineteen  distances.     Nineteen
                                                                                                                                                                       Nineteen partic
                                                                                                                                                long distances.                      parti
                                            mentioned costipants
                                                            ipants   mentioned
                                                              barriers    in open-ended
                                                                      mentioned        cost
                                                                                       cost barriers    in
                                                                                                         in open-ended
                                                                                              barriers             mainly that
                                                                                                             open-ended         comments,
                                                                                                                                      they chose
                                                                                                                                comments,        mainly
                                                                                                                                                 mainly     that
                                                                                                                                                            that they
                                                                                                                                                       a PHEV             chose
                                                                                                                                                                          chose aa PHE
                                                                                                                                                                   they              PHE
                                            upfront costs were
                                                            because     upfront
                                                                         high for   costs    were
                                                                                    costs           too
                                                                                             were too   high
                                                                                                         high forfor desirable
                                                                                                                                    BEVs.    Notably,
                                                                                                                                                concerns   these
                                                                                                                                                           these   cost
                                                                                                                                                                    cost  concerns
                                                                                                                                                                          concerns wer
                                                                                                                                                                        unac-          wer
                                            counted for in unaccounted
                                                            unaccounted         for   in
                                                                                      in closed-ended
                                                                                 response       options, soresponse
                                                                                           closed-ended         response      options,
                                                                                                                  the prevalence           so
                                                                                                                                            costthe   prevalence
                                                                                                                                                       prevalenceshould of  cost
                                                                                                                                                                        of becost barrier
                                            more accurately should
                                                            should    be
                                                                       be more
                                                               estimated   more    accurately
                                                                               in future            estimated
                                                                                                    estimated in
                                                                                              studies.             in future
                                                                                                                      future studies.
                                                                   Most (90%)
                                                    Most (90%) reported       thatreported
                                                                           (90%)     reported
                                                                                      they would  that  they
                                                                                                   that still    would
                                                                                                                 would   a still
                                                                                                                            still drive
                                                                                                                            PEV     evenaaifPEV
                                                                                                                                  drive        theyeven
                                                                                                                                              PEV    even    if
                                                                                                                                                             if they
                                                                                                                                                        didn’t   they
                                                                                                                                                                  drive didn’t
                                                                                                                                                                           for drive
                                                                                                                                                                        didn’t   drive fofo
                         World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, x  ride-hailing
                                            ride-hailing services     (6% No,services
                                                                                   4% Not  (6%   No,
                                                                                                 No, 4%
                                                                                           (6%sure);   4%
                                                                                                            Not    sure);
                                                                                                               Figure       see  Figure
                                                                                                                              Only     41%7.
                                                                                                                                  Figure       Only
                                                                                                                                               Only 41%
                                                                                                                                            7.reported  41%thereported
                                                                                                                                                                  opposite: the
                                                                                                                                                                                 of 13
                                            that they would that
                                                            that  they
                                                               drive     would
                                                                            TNCs    drive
                                                                                    drive    on
                                                                                             on TNCs
                                                                                        if they   TNCs
                                                                                                  had an  if they
                                                                                                              they had
                                                                                                          if ICEV    had
                                                                                                                      (35%  an  ICEV
                                                                                                                                ICEV  24%(35%
                                                                                                                                         (35%Not No,
                                                                                                                                                 No,    24%
                                                                                                                                                        24% Not
                                                                                                                                                   sure).     Not sure).

                                             Figure 7. Commitment    to PEV relative
                                                         Figure 7. Commitment to PEVto commitment
                                                                                     relative        to ride-hailing
                                                                                              to commitment          job. job.
                                                                                                            to ride-hailing

                                                               3.4. Ride-Hail Driving and Charging Behaviors
                                                                    Most drivers reported that they drive for more than one TNC (65%) and that their
                                                               PEV is the only car they use when driving on TNCs (76%); 24% reported that they also
                                                               drive another vehicle for ride-hailing. Reported hours spent driving on TNCs per week is
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 79                                                                                                                               8 of 12


                                         3.4. Ride-Hail 3.4.
                                                        Driving     and Charging
                                                               Ride-Hail   Driving
                                               Most driversMostreported
                                                                 Mostdrivers thatreported
                                                                         drivers    they drive
                                                                                   reported    that for
                                                                                                       theydrive than
                                                                                                             drive  for  one
                                                                                                                          more  TNC
                                                                                                                                               TNC    that
                                                                                                                                                       (65%) their
                                         PEV is the onlyPEV
                                                                   the   use
                                                                     theonly   when
                                                                                      they use
                                                                                             usewhenon TNCs
                                                                                                   when  driving
                                                                                                          driving (76%);
                                                                                                                    ononTNCs 24%(76%);
                                                                                                                          TNCs     reported
                                                                                                                                            24%that    they also
                                                                                                                                                   reported   that
                                         drive anotherdrive
                                                         vehicle     for ride-hailing.
                                                                   another  vehicle
                                                                              vehiclefor    Reported
                                                                                        forride-hailing. hours
                                                                                             ride-hailing. Reportedspenthours
                                                                                                             Reported     driving
                                                                                                                           hoursspent ondriving
                                                                                                                                    spent TNCs
                                                                                                                                           driving per
                                                                                                                                                    on   week
                                         relatively evenly   distributed
                                                          relatively   evenly
                                                                        evenlyacross   four categories
                                                                                  distributed     across   ranging
                                                                                                   acrossfour           from “up
                                                                                                                    categories        to 10”
                                                                                                                                  ranging     to “40
                                                                                                                                             from   “up ortomore”
                                                                                                                                                      “up   to10”
                                         hours (Figuremore”
                                                         8).  A  majority
                                                          more”hours          (52%
                                                                    hours(Figure      of PHEV      drivers
                                                                                                majority(52% and    65%
                                                                                                           (52%ofofPHEV   of   BEV
                                                                                                                       PHEVdrivers   drivers)
                                                                                                                                 driversand     reported
                                                                                                                                           and65%65%ofofBEV   they
                                         charge their PEV
                                                          ported   theyday
                                                                     they     (Figure
                                                                           charge their  9).
                                                                                     theirPEV However,
                                                                                            PEV  every
                                                                                                          day      of PHEV
                                                                                                                (Figure          drivers report
                                                                                                                                However,    11%ofofthey
                                                                                                                                          11%        PHEV
                                                                                                                                                       PHEV never
                                         charge their car.

                                         Figure 8.8.Average
                                            Figure  8.Average
                                                       Averagenumber ofofride-hail
                                                              number       ride-haildriving
                                                                        ride-hail    drivinghours
                                                                                    driving  hoursper
                                                                                             hours perweek
                                                                                                   per weekfor
                                                                                                       week    aggregate
                                                                                                             for         sample
                                                                                                                 aggregate      ofofdrivers.
                                                                                                                            sample ofdrivers.

                                         Figure 9. Charging     9.9.Charging
                                                                        for BEV        for
                                                                                 and PHEVforBEV
                                                                                             TNC andPHEV
                                                                                                  drivers. TNCdrivers.

                                                   On average, TNC-PEVOn
                                                                       Onaverage,  drivers
                                                                            average,  TNC-PEVdo most
                                                                                        TNC-PEV          of their
                                                                                                      driversdo    charging
                                                                                                                             their home
                                                                                                                                    charging(58%    of
                                                                                                                                                    home    timeofof
                                                                                                                                                            (58%     on
                                                                                                                                                                      the thetime
                                           average; Figure         10). However,
                                                                 average;  Figure     nearly
                                                                             Figure10).        one-quarter
                                                                                           However,     nearly
                                                                                                         nearly(23%)  said they
                                                                                                                  one-quarter   (23%)never
                                                                                                                                  (23%)  said charge
                                                                                                                                           saidthey     at
                                                                                                                                                 theynever home;
                                                                                                                                                        never  charge of atathome
                                                                                                                                                                 charge          hom
                                           these, more than          half
                                                               ofofthese, (54%)
                                                                     these,  moresaid
                                                                           more    than
                                                                                          half  (54%)
                                                                                                        said     to charge
                                                                                                                they were     at
                                                                                                                      wereunable home,
                                                                                                                              unable      39%
                                                                                                                                      totocharge said
                                                                                                                                            charge      they
                                                                                                                                                         home, could,
                                                                                                                                                                   39%said   saidthey
                                           and 7% did not          know.
                                                                 could, and Drivers
                                                                          and 7%
                                                                                               know. charging
                                                                                                      Drivers    most
                                                                                                                  reported       between
                                                                                                                              charging   most 12often
                                                                                                                                           most   a.m.   and
                                                                                                                                                   oftenbetween 6 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                          between     1212a.m.a.m.and
                   World Electr.
                       World     Veh. Veh.
                              Electr. J. 2021,
                                           J.  12, x12, x11). Combined
                                           (Figure             6 6a.m.       with11).
                                                                                    charging     from    6 p.m.   to midnight,      70%toto ofmidnight,
                                                                                                                                               charging70%   is   of9ofof
                                                                                                                                                                done       13
                                                                                                                                                                           9 of 13 i
                                                                          (Figure   11).Combined
                                                                                          Combined     with
                                                                                                              charging from
                                                                                                                         from6 6p.m.p.m.       midnight,     70%       charging
                                           during the evening  done     and
                                                                                       eveningand andnight.

                                         Figure 10. Mean distribution
                                                               Figure of charging
                                                                  10. Mean
                                                                      10. Mean     location.
                                                                           distribution of charging
                                                                               distribution         location.
                                                                                            of charging location.

                                                         Figure  11. Mean
                                         Figure 11. Mean distribution       distribution
                                                                     11.ofMean           of charging
                                                                           charging   time  ofofday.  timetime
                                                                                                 charging  of day.
                                                                                                               of day.

                                                             We We
                                                                     conducted k-means
                                                                                    k-meanscluster analysis
                                                                                               cluster        to assess
                                                                                                        analysis         whether
                                                                                                                  to assess         TNC-PEV
                                                                                                                              whether   TNC-PEV drivers  could
                                                                                                                                                    drivers     be be
                                                        categorized  intointo
                                                            categorized     groups   by their
                                                                                groups          use use
                                                                                          by their    of different  power
                                                                                                          of different  powerlevels  to charge
                                                                                                                                  levels        theirtheir
                                                                                                                                         to charge     PEVs.  TheThe
                                                        seven-cluster  solution
                                                            seven-cluster         is depicted
                                                                            solution            in Figure
                                                                                       is depicted          12. The
                                                                                                     in Figure       mean
                                                                                                                12. The     percentage
                                                                                                                         mean             of each
                                                                                                                                 percentage       levellevel
                                                                                                                                              of each    of charg-
                                                                                                                                                             of charg-
                                                        ing ing
                                                            power  is illustrated
                                                                power               for each
                                                                        is illustrated        cluster.
                                                                                         for each       OneOne
                                                                                                   cluster.  of these  is a is
                                                                                                                  of these  cluster  for TNC-PEV
                                                                                                                               a cluster for TNC-PEV drivers  whowho
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 79                                                                                                            9 of 12

                                                            Figure 11. Mean distribution of charging time of day.

                                                   conducted k-means
                                                                  k-meanscluster  analysis
                                                                             cluster  analysisto assess   whether
                                                                                                   to assess         TNC-PEV
                                                                                                                 whether  TNC-PEVdrivers couldcould
                                                                                                                                      drivers   be
                                       categorized  into groups
                                          be categorized            by their
                                                            into groups     byuse   of use
                                                                                their  different    power power
                                                                                             of different      levels to charge
                                                                                                                       levels    their PEVs.
                                                                                                                              to charge  theirThe
                                       seven-cluster  solutionsolution
                                          The seven-cluster      is depicted   in Figure
                                                                          is depicted    in12.  The mean
                                                                                            Figure    12. The percentage   of each level
                                                                                                                 mean percentage         of charg-
                                                                                                                                     of each level of
                                           power ispower
                                                     illustrated   for each for
                                                            is illustrated   cluster.
                                                                                 each One    of these
                                                                                       cluster.   One ofis athese
                                                                                                                  is afor TNC-PEV
                                                                                                                       cluster       drivers drivers
                                                                                                                               for TNC-PEV    who
                                          not charge
                                               do not (“None”);     thus, itsthus,
                                                        charge (“None”);       meanitsatmean
                                                                                          all three  power
                                                                                                 at all three levels
                                                                                                                         0%. is 0%.


                                          Percent of Charging

                                                                                                                            Level 2
                                                                 60                                                         DC Fast
                                                                                                                            Level 1
                                                                 40                                                         DC Fast & Level 1
                                                                                                                            DC Fast & Level 2
                                                                 20                                                         None
                                                                                                                            Level 2 & Level 1
                                                                          Level 1        Level 2             DC Fast
                                                                                      Charging Power
                                          Figure 12. Distribution of mean charging levels for seven driver clusters.
                                    Figure 12. Distribution of mean charging levels for seven driver clusters.
                                                 The majority of drivers (78%) belong to the first three “single-power” level clusters;
                                           that is,majority
                                             The            of drivers
                                                   most TNC-PEV          (78%)
                                                                    drivers  dobelong
                                                                                most oftotheir
                                                                                           the first threeat“single-power”
                                                                                                charging      a single power level
                                                                                                                              level clusters;
                                                                                                                                    (Figure 13).
                                       that  is, most TNC-PEV     drivers   do most  of their  charging    at a single
                                           Forty-four percent of drivers (n = 319) owned a PEV that can DC fast charge.power   level (Figure
                                                                                                                                 Of these,   90%
                                            Forty-fourdopercent  of drivers  (n = 319) owned    a PEV   that  can DC  fast charge.
                                                           nearly all their charging (“DC fast”) or about half their charging (“DC Of  these,Fast
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, x                                                                                                        10 of 13
                                       90%& reportedly   do“DC
                                              Level 1” and   nearly
                                                                               Level 2”)(“DC
                                                                                          at DCfast”)   or about half
                                                                                                  fast chargers.       their charging
                                                                                                                   Conversely,          (“DC
                                                                                                                                few TNC-PEV
                                       Fast  & Level
                                           drivers    1” own
                                                    who  and “DC    Fast capable
                                                              a vehicle   & and Level
                                                                                  of DC2”)  at charging
                                                                                         fast  DC fast chargers.
                                                                                                          do not useConversely,   fewatTNC-
                                                                                                                       fast charging     all.
                                       PEV drivers who own a vehicle capable of DC fast charging do not use fast charging at
                                       all. 50%





                                                                      DC Fast   Level 2    Level 1    DC Fast & DC Fast & Level 2 &   None
                                                                                                       Level 1   Level 2   Level 1
                                          Figure 13.
                                          Figure     Distribution of
                                                 13. Distribution of TNC-PEV

                                                 We also asked drivers for the maximum number of times they will charge per “shift”,
                                                 We also asked drivers for the maximum number of times they will charge per “shift”,
                                          i.e., episode of ride-hail driving. “Once” was the most common response (41%), followed
                                          i.e., episode of ride-hail driving. “Once” was the most common response (41%), followed
                                          by None (24%), Twice (23%), and Three times or more (11.5%). Number of charges per
                                          by None (24%), Twice (23%), and Three times or more (11.5%). Number of charges per
                                          “shift” was correlated with hours spent ride-hail driving per week (r = 0.23, p < 0.001). For
                                          “shift” was correlated with hours spent ride-hail driving per week (r = 0.23, p < 0.001). For
                                          those who reported charging during TNC “shifts”, we asked how long various aspects of
                                          those who reported charging during TNC “shifts”, we asked how long various aspects of
                                          the charging process take; here are the averages:
                                          the charging process take; here are the averages:
                                          •      Time to reach charger: 16–47 min;
                                          ●      Time to reach charger: 16–47 min;
                                          ●      Time waiting in line to charge: 6–28 min;
                                          ●      Time to charge: 73–176 min;
                                          ●      Time to next fare: 8–42 min.
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 79                                                                                                     10 of 12

                                      •     Time waiting in line to charge: 6–28 min;
                                      •     Time to charge: 73–176 min;
                                      •     Time to next fare: 8–42 min.
                                           Of these drivers, most (54%) reported that they do not miss out on earning fares due
                                      to charging; others reported that they do miss out at least once every 5 charges (24%), once
                                      per 10 charges (10%) or once per 15 charges or less (12%).
                                           Most drivers reported engaging in at least one strategy to maximize their electric
                                      range, e.g., moderate acceleration (67%), coast more (55%), limit top speeds (52%), use less
                                      HVAC (39%), or increase following distance (25%).

                                      3.5. Driver Ideas to Support the Use of PEVs for Ride-Hailing
                                              Figure 14 presents drivers’ rankings of the top three strategies they thought would
                                         improve their experience driving PEVs on TNCs, from a list of provided options. Most
                                         drivers ranked longer electric range and more charger locations in their top three potential
           World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12,improvements.
                                           x             Financial bonuses for meeting trip targets and more pre-trip information 11 of 13
                                         were also popular choices. Despite the common use of charging while driving on TNCs
                                         among these drivers, only one-in-five mentioned reliable real-time charger information.

                                      Figure 14. Driver choices to improve the experience of driving PEVs on TNCs; up to three answers allowed.
                          Figure 14. Driver choices to improve the experience of driving PEVs on TNCs; up to three answers allowed.
                                      4. Discussion
                                                        describes a large sample of TNC-PEV drivers in the US in terms of their de-
                                                   This report describes
                                      mographic characteristics,          a large
                                                                  motivations  for sample
                                                                                   drivingof TNC-PEV
                                                                                           PEVs         drivers
                                                                                                 on TNCs,       in the
                                                                                                           charging     US in
                                                                                                                     while    terms of their
                                      on TNCs,demographic   characteristics,
                                                and their ideas  to improve motivations   forof
                                                                             the experience   driving PEVs
                                                                                                driving PEVsonon
                                                                                                                 TNCs. charging
                                                                                                                         TNC-PEV while driv-
                                              ing on TNCs, and their ideas to improve the experience of driving PEVs on TNCs. TNC-
                                      drivers are:
                                      •       PEV
                                           Much    drivers
                                                  more     are:
                                                       likely to be male than female;
                                      •        ● likely
                                            More    Much      moreinlikely
                                                         to live            to be male
                                                                      a household       than
                                                                                    of two  orfemale;
                                                                                               three people in a single-family home they
                                            own● rather
                                                    More thanlikely
                                                                       live in a household
                                                                             building type orofresidential
                                                                                                 two or three people in a single-family home they
                                      •     Very likely
                                                             be between    30 and
                                                                    than any       60building
                                                                               other  years old;type or residential tenure;
                                      •     More
                                               ● likely
                                                    Verythanlikelynot  to between
                                                                    to be have some     level60ofyears
                                                                                    30 and        collegiate
                                                                                                       old; education culminating in a
                                               ●    Moreor graduate
                                                             likely thandegree;
                                                                          not to have some level of collegiate education culminating in a Bach-
                                      •     More likely
                                                    elor’sthan   not to have
                                                             or graduate       a household income less than $100,000.
                                            Further, in terms of their PEV,tothese
                                                    More     likely  than not     haveTNC
                                                                                        a household    income less than $100,000.
                                                                                             drivers are:
                                      •              Further,
                                            More likely         in terms
                                                         to drive         of their
                                                                     a PHEV   thanPEV,
                                                                                     a BEV;these TNC drivers are:
                                      •     Much
                                               ● moreMorelikely
                                                                     own   their
                                                                       drive     PEV than
                                                                              a PHEV     thantoa lease
                                                                                                 BEV; or rent;
                                      •     Most
                                               ●  likely to  be  driving  their first PEV;
                                                     Much more likely to own their PEV than to lease or rent;
                                      •     Not●likely to drive
                                                     Most  likelyany    other
                                                                    to be     vehicle
                                                                          driving       tofirst
                                                                                    their  provide
                                                                                                PEV;ride-hailing services.
                                               ●     Not likely to drive any other vehicle to provide ride-hailing services.
                                                     The TNC-PEV drivers in this sample clearly recognized, and were largely motivated
                                                by, economic benefits of fuel and maintenance savings, thus, increased net earnings, as-
                                                sociated with using a PEV to provide ride-hailing services rather than an ICEV. Further
                                                research is required to understand TNC drivers’ perceptions of total costs of ownership
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 79                                                                                                    11 of 12

                                           The TNC-PEV drivers in this sample clearly recognized, and were largely motivated by,
                                     economic benefits of fuel and maintenance savings, thus, increased net earnings, associated
                                     with using a PEV to provide ride-hailing services rather than an ICEV. Further research is
                                     required to understand TNC drivers’ perceptions of total costs of ownership for different
                                     vehicle drivetrains and differences in these perceptions between drivers of BEVs, PHEVs,
                                     hybrids, and ICEVs. Environmental motivations for PEV adoption were also quite common.
                                     TNC-PEV drivers are typically more committed to continuing to drive a PEV than to
                                     continuing to drive on TNCs.
                                           Most drivers are charging their PEV every day, most often at home and overnight.
                                     This is true even of those with PHEVs. While most say they are willing to charge once or
                                     more while actively driving on TNCs, one-fourth say they are not willing to do so. As
                                     DC fast charging is by definition “public charging”, i.e., no one can DC fast charge at
                                     home, the presence of a large cluster of TNC-PEV drivers who do, on average, half or
                                     nearly all of their charging at DC fast chargers suggests these PEV drivers are especially
                                     reliant on publicly-available, DC fast charging. Subsequent analysis of these data will
                                     further explore charging behavior based on driver and vehicle characteristics. For example,
                                     Wenzel et al. [2] estimated that 90% of ride-hailing shifts could be accomplished on a single
                                     charge with 200-mile range BEVs, so drivers with long-range BEVs likely have a very
                                     different charging profile compared to shorter range BEV and PHEV drivers.
                                           Increased range topped the list of PEV drivers’ wishes to better support PEVs on
                                     TNCs, and range limitations topped the list of reasons why PHEV drivers did not opt for a
                                     BEV. The next most common wish among all PEV drivers was for more charger locations.
                                     The third and fourth ranked wishes were financial bonuses for trip targets and more pre-
                                     trip information, factors more controllable by TNCs. These findings suggest priorities for
                                     policies to support TNC electrification, both for regulators and for TNCs directly.
                                           This first report from the 2019 North American Uber PEV Driver Survey summarized
                                     the characteristics and experiences of these drivers, in aggregate. Further analyses will
                                     explore relationships between driver characteristics, behaviors (e.g., amount of time pro-
                                     viding ride-hailing services and charging practices), PEV type, electric range, and vehicle
                                     acquisition models. Subsequent analyses will also draw on other datasets to compare this
                                     group of TNC-PEV drivers to the general population of PEV drivers and to TNC drivers
                                     who do not use PEVs. These comparative analyses will yield further implications for the
                                     prospects of TNC electrification.

                                     Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.S. and K.K.; methodology, A.S. and K.K.; formal
                                     analysis, A.S. and K.K.; writing-original draft preparation, A.S. and K.K.; review and editing, A.S.;
                                     project administration, A.S. and K.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
                                     the manuscript.
                                     Funding: This research received funding from Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber).
                                     Acknowledgments: The researchers are grateful to Uber for facilitating this work. Uber hosted focus
                                     groups with PEV drivers on their platform (an initial step to questionnaire design), sent the survey
                                     recruitment invitation to their drivers with PEVs, and paid for the translation of the questionnaire into
                                     French for their drivers in Quebec, Canada. Uber facilitated participant recruitment and provided
                                     feedback on various aspects of the study but had no right-of-refusal in study design, survey analyses,
                                     or interpretation of data. Uber had no role in writing of the manuscript or the decision to publish
                                     the results.
                                     Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest.

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