Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association

Page created by Dolores Edwards
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
VOLUME 2020.6                       AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2020

                      New Zealand
                Cutting Horse Association


         Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton
        ‘Who’s ready for warmer weather’
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
                                          ASSOCIATION INC
PRESIDENT                              COUNCILLORS
                                                                                 Anna Dawson
Craig Laird                            Janine Taylor                             PO Box 2172,
68 Livingstone Rd, RD4                 463 Bowally RD, RD12                      Statford Lodge,
Wanganui                               Oamaru 9495                               Hastings, 4153
Ph: 06 345 6648                        Ph: 03 689 2781                           Ph. 027 371 1882
Email:       Email:                Email:
Judges                                 Show Approvals and Training (SI)          Perpetual Trophies & Funding
Cattle Scheme                          Rules, Hall of Fame and Buckles           Associate Show Approvals

VICE PRESIDENT                                                                     AFFILIATED CUTTING HORSE
                                                                                    CLUBS OR ASSOCIATIONS
 Gemma Williams-Gray                   Melissa Poingdestre
1478 Manwaring RD                      401 Bird Road, RD23                       King Country Cutting Club
Rakaia, 7781                           Stratford                                 C/-Kristin Dickson
Ph. 027 266 3339                       Ph. 021 315 088                           1226 State Highway 30, RD3
Email:         Email:              Te Kuiti
Rules                                  Training (NI)                             Ph. 027 813 8408
                                       Sponsorship                               Email:

                                       Olivia Ladd                               Central Plateau Cutting Horse Club
Christine Cowdrey                      648 Finnis Rd, RD5                        C/- Julie Gregory
725 Mangapapa Rd                       Fielding                                  331 Oranuni RD, RD4
RD, Matiere                            Ph. 027 460 6295                          Taupo 3384
Ph: 07 8937824                         Email:                 Ph: 07 377 8176 or 0272916473
Email:              Media                                     Email:


Julie Gregory                          Kristin Dickson                           Central South Cutting Horse Club
331 Oranuni Rd, RD4                    266 Pukerimu RoadRD3                      C/- Lisa Buchanan
Taupo, 3384                            Te Kuiti 3983                             27 Pudding Hill, RD6
Ph: 07 377 8176 or 0272916473          Ph. 027 813 8408                          Ashburton 7776
Email:           Email:         Ph: 027 4046765
Show Approvals (NI)                    Sponsorship Co-Ordinator                  Email:
Show Secretary

POINTS COLLATOR                        CHATTER EDITOR                            Coast to Coast Cutting Horse Club
                                                                                 C/- Michele Hutchins
Karen Matchitt                         Mindy Matchitt                            352 Woodlands Road, RD2
7 Te Poi RD, RD3                       46 Gunn RD,RD2                            Waihi 3682
Matamata 3473                          Matamata, 3472                            Ph: 027 296 5073
Ph. 027 443 4481                       Ph. 022 101 9581                          Email:
Email:               Email:

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the NZCHA Inc. The NZCHA reserves the right to accept or reject any ad-
    vertisement as submitted for publication. While every effort is made to publish advertisements as ordered, no
 responsibility is taken for failure of an advertisement to appear as ordered. REPRODUCTION or use in whole or part of
                     the contents without the written permission of the NZ Cutting Horse Association.
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
2020/2021 Season Dates

               NORTH ISLAND                                                         SOUTH ISLAND
   # denotes approved NZCHA show/training                                  # denotes approved NZCHA show/
     # denotes tentative training day/ show                                             training
     21/22nd             CPCHC Training Venue TBC                         # denotes tentative training day/ show
     27th-29th           EQUIFEST NEC Taupo
——–———————————————————-                                                 ______________________________________
        12/13th December 2020                                           September
       NZCHA National Finals
                                                                             Early September CSCHC Training TBC
       Rylands Arena, Waimiha
         12th December 2020
      NZCHA North Island Finals
             held within the NZCHA National Finals
      2nd/3rd    CPCHC MCINNES SHOW , Hikurangi
      23rd/24th CPCHC LADDS SHOW, Stratford
      13th/14th  CPCHC MACKIES, Taupo
      6th/7th    NORTHLAND FIELDAYS

                                            Closing Dates for Approved Shows
SHOW                                                       CLOSING DATE                HOST/Secretary

North Island Finals                                        16/11/2020                  NZCHA-Julie Gregory
Nationals Finals                                           16/11/2020                  NZCHA-Julie Gregory

 Judges list for the 2020/21 season
 Steve Gregory                              AAA
 Craig Laird                                AAA
 Grant Mackie                               AAA
 Graeme McInnes                             AAA
 Helen Holmes                               AA
 Melissa Poingdestre                        AA
 Gemma Williams-Gray                        AA
 Richard Cowdrey                            A
 Bryan Lowcay                               A
 Geoff Taylor                               A
 Janine Taylor                              A
 Mindy Pates                                A*
 *Associate Judge for 3 full shows alongside a AAA Judge
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
•       NZCHA National Trophies: Please make sure theses are Engraved/Cleaned and ready to
        be returned for National Finals in December, If you are not attending please organise for
        these to be collected or delivered prior.
•       Membership Subs are Due 30th September 2020
•   Everyone paying NZCHA by Internet banking to please remember to include both your
        name and brief details on what you are paying for.
•       National Finals date is the 12th& 13th December 2020 - to be held at Hester and Rylands
        Property at Waimiha.
•       NZCHA Clock will be $10 a day hire for affiliated Clubs.
•       Chatter Editor and Media person to be paid $600 each per annum.
•       Training Clinics and a Judges Clinic are being looked into by the Council.
•       Equifest is being approached regarding showcasing Cutting.
•       Rulebooks in ring binder form are being priced and will be distributed to all our Judges
        once printed.
•       Full 2020 Futurity entry fees have been refunded to competitors.

A message from Craig…….
Hi Everyone.

Thank you to all of you who attended the AGM.
It was a good turnout of members and a remarkably successful meeting. Thank you also to Janine for her service to
the Association as Vice President. Janine has held that position for many years. We thank you for your dedication.

In our last Chatter we indicated that we would be trying to hold last years Aged Events at the CPCHC show at
Ladds. This will not now be happening as the AGM has shifted all Aged Events forward a year. What was a three-
year-old event is now a four-year-old. What was a four-year-old is now a five-year-old. However, at our last Council
meeting the Council moved that there be a three-year-old Futurity option for those who wished to show in the 2021
Futurity. So, in 2021 there will be two Futurity events held – a three and a four-year-old. They will both be separate
Futurities and will both carry a purse of $3000. To help with this transition to a four-year-old status and for those
who have a training programme for their horses as a three-year-old there will be an integration period for this Futurity
only and it is optional.
Last season’s National Finals have been rescheduled for the 12th & 13th of December at Waimiha. There will be a
Christmas dinner held at the show as it will be held so close to Christmas.
Membership - when paying your membership by internet banking please stipulate whose membership it is and what
category you are paying for. Please also make sure you send in your completed form to Julie as well.
Equifest – Council has approved Grant Mackie to liaise with the organisers of Equifest and be our sole representa-
tive. Grant will in turn keep Anna informed as to what is happening and Anna will report back to Council. So hope-
fully we may have a presence at Equifest.
Please all stay safe, warm, and healthy.

Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
The Lost Art of Standing Tied                             What standing tied teaches a horse
                                                          Patience poles are part of my training process be-
How and why spending time on a patience pole can help     cause they separate a horse from the rest of the
improve your relationship with your horse and make your   horses on the property, teaching them to stand
time in the saddle more successful.                       patiently and not paw. It takes them out of their
Al Dunning. June 13 2019                                  stalls to acclimate them to their surroundings.
                                                          They see the tractor go by, they see birds flying,
                                                          and all the activity on the place. Horses treated
Teaching horses to stand tied is a critical, but of-      like house plants, who just stand in their stalls all
ten overlooked part of the horse training process,        day and eat, are more challenging to ride because
no matter what you plan to do with your equine            they aren’t exposed to the things that they can see
partners. Every horse I’ve got will tie up anywhere,      tied to a patience pole. Horses who aren’t well-
any time, and won’t try to pull back. Using pa-           acclimated also get themselves into more trouble
tience poles, we’ve taught ours they need to be           and are more likely to get hurt because their reac-
there, they don’t know how long they’ll be there, so      tions are amplified and exaggerated.
they just relax. I’m going to tell you how our pa-
tience poles are constructed, why I like to use
them, and how patience poles can affect a horse’s         How patience poles beat barn-sour blues
behaviour under saddle.                                   Tying your horse to a patience pole before and
                                                          after you ride can help eliminate barn-sour
                                                          tendencies in horses. A horse is going to want to
What is a patience pole?                                  get back to the barn sooner if he knows he will be
My preferred method of teaching a horse to stand          done once he gets there, but a horse that knows
comfortably tied is with a patience pole—usually          he will go stand tied to the patience pole after a
made from a metal pipe with a rotating collar at the      ride is less likely to get in a hurry to get back to
top, and a chain that attaches to the halter with a       the barn. They’re less likely to lean, and they are
bull snap. These poles are usually 12-feet in             less likely to anticipate going back to the barn
length, with three feet set into the ground with          where they do no work. After working a horse, ty-
concrete or a post-pounder for serious stability.         ing them to a post makes them think about it
                                                          more, not just thinking as soon as they’re done
                                                          they’ll go to the barn and get a cookie.
How to use a patience pole
I like to introduce a patience pole early in the train-
ing process, tying horses there an hour before and
an hour after each ride. If you have a spoiled            In addition, time on the patience pole cuts down
horse, or one that’s afraid to be away from their         on a horse’s desire to nicker and whinny and
friends, tie a companion somewhere near the               squeal when separated from their buddies. I had a
horse until he gets used to the post. I’ve rarely had     guy bring a horse over the other day, and we tied
a horse pull back on a patience pole because they         him to the patience pole for the first time. The first
can generally see around it, but use caution as           day he made noise for two hours. The second
your horse adjusts to the situation.                      day, he did it for 5 minutes, then quit all together.
                                                          Horses get so herd-bound, it’s good for them to be
                                                          separated to get over it. Riding a horse that’s herd
Patience poles with concrete bases can also               -bound or barn-sour is tougher, and it affects how
cut down on a horse’s desire to paw.                      they perform. So using a patience pole can nip the
Courtesy Charlie Brooks                                   problem in the bud before it’s an issue.

Build your own patience pole:                             Published in the Horse & Rider Magazine.
        12-foot long metal pole
        Concrete mix
        Post-pounder
        Bull snap
        6-foot chain
        Optional: breakaway halter
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
            Held 1/8/20 at Sky Lodge, Tekapo. Meeting opened at 1327hrs

Present: Colin Holmes, Helen Holmes, Gemma Williams-Gray, Danny Rose, Dominika Tupa,
Geoff Taylor, Janine Taylor, Lisa Buchanan, Jo Watt, Ivan Watt

Apologies: Jenna Mills, Nic Mills, Kasey Morris

Matters Arising from previous AGM minutes:
       • For those people from the North Island who showed interest in coming down to do some showing last season, we did-
          n’t end up arranging anything but we are keen to the future.
       • Geoff and Janine have donated a buckle to the NZCHA.
       • No travel subsidies were given to anyone this season due to restrictions around Covid. It was
          moved that we will make the subsidy available for National finals 2020 and National Finals/Futurity 2021 - Gemma
          moved, Seconded: Geoff.
       • Flash drive for the secretary that has all the club forms on it was handed to Lisa.
       • Mount Aitken – We got there 2 times this season which was awesome. Everyone keen to spend money on a load of
          sand if possible.
       • We are short of training cattle. Discussion around this.

Presidents Report- As below- Read/ Moved by Gemma, Seconded: Janine

Hello and Welcome to the AGM of the Central South Cutting Horse Club for 2020. Thank you all for your attendance and for your
ongoing support to our wonderful club. Id like to also take this opportunity to thank the Taylors for having us all once again, as
they do so very often! And I’d also like to thank those who have travelled some distance to be here today. Although we were not
able to contest NZ National Titles this year due to Covid, we managed to complete our club season. Congratulations to you all for
the various successes you have had with your horses this season. I cannot be thankful enough to our property owners who allow
us to train and show on their properties. Without these people, the future of cutting is non-existent. We are so incredibly lucky to
have the access that we do. It was particularly awesome to be welcomed to enjoy two shows at Mt Aitken this year including
hosting our South Island Finals there.

A particular highlight for me this season was the strong snaffle bit contest that we saw in the club. Every class was well contested
in numbers, but also in scores. I think our snaffle bit competitors should be very proud of the work they are doing.

We held some enjoyable and well supported training weekends earlier in the season of which I believe set everyone up for some
good success in the show pen. We also again enjoyed another Richard Webb Clinic which was very positive for our members,
thank you to the work of the NZCHA and their hard-working members who made his visit possible once again. Thank you also to
those also within the club who help facilitate training, it is key to our progress and we must remain focussed on this. With National
Finals being postponed until December 2020, id like to see us all get a jump on some training days early this year in preparation
for this.

Thank you for your support and comradery that I continue to see throughout our club and I wish you all the best for the season

Thank you, Gemma”

Financial Report- Read by Janine on behalf of Geoff. Geoff moved his report, Seconded: Danny

Matters arising: Financial Report
       • Janine proposed that she would like to transfer $3000 into the savings account to gain higher interest. Seconded:
       • Discussion around cattle that were on the books. We have none currently on hand, yet some were on the books. This
          to be followed up and discussed at our first committee meeting.
       • Ivan very kindly offered to donate a tonne of his Lucerne horse feed to sell as part of a fundraiser.
       • In order to continue to fund out subsidy scheme and as a way to fundraise, Gemma suggested those members keen
          put their minimum $400 contribution into a fund where we could then buy a couple of cattle beasts to finish ( consider-
          ing we currently don’t have any on hand). We will take this to our first meeting and discuss.
       • Current membership costs-no objections to current rates. Janine recommended/moved that we send a reminder for
          renewal of memberships with bank account details to members/potential members. Seconded: Danny
       • Note: Some people still haven’t paid for their club trucker hats- a reminder to be sent out.
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
Secretary Report- Nothing to report

Election of Officers-
      • President                 Gemma, nominated by Janine,          Seconded: Helen
      • Vice President            Janine, nominated by Gemma,          Seconded: Helen
      • Secretary                 Lisa, nominated by Danny,            Seconded: Geoff
      • Treasurer                 Geoff, nominated by Gemma,           Seconded: Dominika
      • Show Secretary            Janine, nominated by Gemma,          Seconded: Danny
      • Committee                 Geoff nominated                      Danny, Jo, Ivan, Jenna and Nic, Seconded: Gemma

General Business:
      • Helen thanked CSCHC for supporting the King Country Futurity Show.
      • Shows and training for next year-we need to these days sorted urgently. Geoff suggested we make sure these days
          are structured. Everyone keen to plan some early trainings
      • Janine to contact Shenley to see if we can have any trainings there. Plan to visit there if possible. Perhaps we can do
          this in conjunction with a committee meeting.
      • Janine suggested having a working bee at Mt Aitken and arranging a fun ride out to the hut.
      • Gemma asked for an idea on who is planning to show this season.
      • Available Help Horses-Gemma moved that we talk about this first committee meeting.
      • Working bee to be planned at Geoff and Janine's to help put up blanking around the arena,
      • plan a training around this.
      • Have had an offer to help out at the Rakaia Pony club on the 6th of December they need 9 people and approx. 4 hours
          work and they will give $500 towards the club
      • Sound system- Gemma to buy one as agreed last season.
      • Club Banners- Gemma to follow this up with Nic.
      • Need to get a new battery for the clock moved by Gemma, Seconded: Geoff
      • First committee meeting and training early September. Date to be confirmed.

Meeting closed 1505hrs

        Central South Cutting Horse Club 2019/20 Awards
             Hi-Point Open Horse          Oaks Jupiter/G&J Taylor
             Hi-Point Novice Horse        Duracks Rey of Lite/Geoff Taylor
             Hi-Point Open Non Pro        Geoff Taylor
             Hi-Point 1500 Non Pro        Gemma Williams-Gray
             Hi-Point Rookie Rider        Jenna Mills
             Hi-Point Snaffle Bit         Ivan Watt
             NZ Snaffle Bit Horse         Durasan/Lisa Buchanan
             NZ Snaffle Bit Rider         Lisa Buchanan
             Willoughby Buckle for Highest Achievement of the Season
                                  Lisa Buchanan
                          Help Horse of the Year
                        Little Chica Leo—Danielle Rose
                    Inverary Cup for Contribution to Cutting
                      Bob and Meghan Sutton (Mt Aitken Station)
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
            18TH JULY 2020 – 1PM START
                                                                • PRESIDENT – Craig Laird – Nominated by Julie Gregory/
                                                                   Wendy Mackie                                   – carried
PRESENT: Bronwyn & Craig Laird, Richard & Christine             • VICE-PRESIDENT – Gemma Williams-Gray – Nominated
Cowdrey, Julie & Steve Gregory, Anna Dawson, Merrill               by Olivia Ladd/Janine Taylor                   – carried
Kinney, Barry & Linley Ladd, Olivia & Jacob Ladd, Helen         • SECRETARY – Christine Cowdrey – Nominated by Craig
Holmes, Dayna Holmes, Mindy Pates, Karen Matchitt,                 Laird/Anna Dawson                              - carried
Melissa & Wayne Poingdestre, Kristin Dickson, Grant &
Wendy Mackie.                                                   • TREASURER – Julie Gregory – Nominated by Craig
                                                                   Laird/Olivia Ladd                              – carried
APOLOGIES: Robert & Gene Thompson, Graeme &                     • NZCHA SHOW SECRETARY – Julie Gregory – Nominat-
Sharlene McInnes, Laura Miller, John McCorquindale, Peter &        ed by Wendy Mackie/Merrill Kinney              – carried
Linda Ormiston, Colin Armstrong, Cookie & Sam Clark, Colin      • CHATTER EDITOR – Mindy Pates – Nominated by Karen
Holmes, Bryan Lowcay, Frank & Alana Grieve, Harold
                                                                   Matchitt/Julie Gregory                         – carried
Morrissey, Jenna & Nic Mills, Tamsin Lucas.
Apologies accepted – Olivia Ladd/ Melissa Poingdestre           • POINTS COLLATOR – Karen Matchitt – Nominated by
                                                – carried.         Mindy Pates/Helen Holmes                       -carried
                                                                • COUNCILLORS – Janine Taylor, Julie Gregory, Melissa
PRESENT ON ZOOM: Janine Taylor, Gemma Williams, Lisa               Poingdestre, Anna Dawson, Olivia Ladd,
Buchanan.                                                          Gemma Williams, Kristin Dickson, Craig Laird.

CRAIG thanked everyone for attending the meeting after what     REMITS:
has been a difficult year due to the COVID virus stopping the
majority of our cutting events.
                                                                REMIT 1 - Mindy Pates proposed that Page 50, Rule 4 read –
PROXY FORMS RECEIVED :                                          These events shall be for horses from FOUR (4) years of age.
                                                                They need not be held with any other NZCHA approved
• Geoff & Janine Taylor, CSCHC and Gemma Williams proxy
                                                                cutting horse classes, however any other NZCHA approved
       is Kristin Dickson
                                                                classes may be held with approved age events.
• Tamsin Lucas, Jenna & Nic Mills and Colin Holmes’s proxy
       is Helen Holmes
                                                                The classification of aged events are:
• Sam & Cookie Clarks proxy is Anna Dawson
                                                                Futurity – 4 year old,
• Colin Armstrong’s proxy is Grant Mackie                       Derby/Superstakes – 5 year old,
• Graeme & Sharlene McInnes’s proxy is Steve Gregory            Classic – 6 year old,
• Pete & Linda Ormiston and John McCorquindales proxy           Challenge – 7 year old,
       is Christine Cowdrey                                     Classic-Challenge – 6&7 year old,
• Lisa Buchanan’s proxy is Olivia Ladd                          Seven-Up – Horses 7 years of age and older,
• Joel Gregory’s proxy is Julie Gregory.                        Snaffle Bit Futurity – 4 year old.
                                                                For the purpose of these NZCHA Approved Age Event classi-
Wendy Mackie moved the proxies be accepted/Mindy Pates          fications the NZCHA Futurity Show and any other club run
                                           - carried.           aged events will run between August 1st until the following
                                                                August 1st (unless special circumstances prevail).
LAST AGM MINUTES: As the last AGM Minutes have been
circulated it was moved that they be taken as read.             NOTE: This does not alter a horse’s birthday it merely gives
Julie Gregory/Olivia Ladd                         – carried.    show committees twelve (12) months leeway to run age
                                                                events under the above categories. For the purpose of
MATTERS ARISING: - Nil. Taken as a true and correct rec-
                                                                NZCHA affiliated age events all horses will have a birthday on
ord. Christine Cowdrey/Julie Gregory       – carried.
                                                                the 1st August every year.
PRESIDENTS REPORT: Taken as read and be accepted.               Seconded by Kristin Dickson – 24 for/15 against – carried.
Craig Laird/Merrill Kinney            – carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Helen Holmes read through her report          REMIT 3 – Proposed by Olivia Ladd – that in
as outgoing Treasurer, there were no questions. The Audited     10 Annual Awards page 48 – the following words be added
report was moved that it be accepted as presented. Helen        “or(60) sixty” after “2 x (0) zero” and before “scores do not
Holmes /Wendy Mackie                            – carried.      constitute a score so no pay-out.”
                                                                Seconded by Jacob Ladd – 15 for/17 against        - not carried
AUDITOR: Julie Gregory moved that Jacob Ladd be the
NZCHA Auditor. /Grant Mackie             – carried.
                                                                REMIT 9 – Grant Mackie moved that it is not a mandatory
LATE NOMINATION: A late Council nomination was bought
to the floor by the NZCHA Council for a vote of acceptance.     requirement for clubs to pay-out prize money on a score of 60
Olivia Ladd moved the late nomination be accepted/              (excluding aged events as this is covered in Remit 3)
Julie Gregory                                   – carried.      Seconded Christine Cowdrey – 17 for, 9 against – carried.
Chatter - Kristin Dickson & Smarty Cotton - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
REMIT 4 - Mindy Pates’ propose that we add: Rule 20.                REMIT 11 – New proposed wording for:
Guidelines for Futurity—A. The NZCHA Futurity class and             bylaw 6. MEMBERSHIPS – Admission of Members – any can-
Snaffle Bit Futurity be run as a combined group, until such         didate who completes the membership form which shall in-
numbers would allow for individual herds. B. Futurity horses
must compete out of herds first, followed by any Snaffle Bit        clude such information as the Committee shall from time to
Futurity horses C. Prize giving will also be Futurity first then    time decide, and such candidate shall be enrolled as a mem-
Snaffle Bit presentations D. Potential Futurity/Snaffle bit Fu-     ber and shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of the
turity nominees shall be nominated by Dec 1st each year             Association, dependant on their membership type, subject to
E. The owner/s of any nominated Futurity horse may elect to         current payment of their subscription. Each candidate for
switch the entry to the Snaffle Bit futurity class without penal-
                                                                    membership can be rejected by the Committee which shall not
ty (and will be refunded any overpaid entries) up to two
weeks prior to the competition start date and vice versa a          be required to give any reason for the rejection of any particu-
Snaffle Bit prospect can be switched to full Futurity on pay-       lar application.                      Carried Unanimously.
ment of the full futurity entry fee being received by the Show
secretary up to two weeks prior to the start date. F. A mock        REMIT 12 – New proposed wording for part of bylaw 8.
Snaffle Bit Buckle and set of undated ribbons should be avail-
                                                                    OFFICERS – The Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed by
able for presentation and a keepsake buckle purchased post
the show if required. G. Council must nominate and budget           nomination at the AGM and the offices of Secretary/Treasurer
for a Snaffle Bit futurity each year, with a suggested minimum      may be held by one person. If no nominations are accepted for
purse (No added entry) of $200.00. if no SB entries are re-         the position at the AGM then the Committee may appoint a
ceived the money is set aside for the following year.               Secretary/Treasurer.
H. The above would allow for a little flexibility to retain com-    12 for/16 against                  – Not Carried.
petitors attending the Futurity show if they feel their horses
and or rider confidence would be compromised by going
hands down when they maybe almost there, or when a Snaf-            REMIT 13 – New Wording for part of bylaw 8.
fle bit horse exceeds expectation and is deemed ready to go         COMMITTEE – The President and Vice-President or any four
hands down for the first show.                                      members thereof may cause a special meeting to be held at
Seconded: Kristin Dickson - 7 for/25 against        - not carried   any time by giving the Secretary SEVEN (7) days notice be-
                                                                    fore the day appointed for the holding of same giving direc-
REMIT 5 - Kristin Dickson proposed that both current snaffle
                                                                    tions in writing specifying the time and place of the meeting. At
bit classes be deleted and that the NZCHA introduce one
                                                                    least THREE (3) days notice of such meeting shall be given to
snaffle bit event. Seconded by Helen – 4 for/12 against
                                                                    all members of the committee.
                                                – not carried.
                                                                                                          Carried Unanimously.
REMIT 6 – Kristin Dickson proposed that if remit 6 failed then
                                                                    REMIT 14 – New Wording for bylaw 11.
the first sentence of the Snaffle Bit Rider (page 8 rule g)
                                                                    GENERAL MEETINGS: h. PLACE OF MEETING – The Presi-
should be changed to ‘The Snaffle Bit Rider is a one or two
                                                                    dent or in his absence, the Vice-President shall be chairman at
handed contest, open to all riders who have not competed in
                                                                    all meetings of the Association or the Committee respectively.
a non-pro class’ Seconded by Helen Holmes
                                                                    If at any such meeting neither of these be present the mem-
- 6 for/21 against                             – not carried.
                                                                    bers of the Committee as the case may be shall elect a Chair-
                                                                    man from among those present. The Chairman once taking
REMIT 7 – Kristin Dickson proposed that if remit 6 is not
                                                                    the chair shall retain that position during the meeting not with-
passed then the Snaffle Bit Rider (page 8 rule g) life time
                                                                    standing that the President or Vice-President may afterwards
earnings for eligibility should be increased from $500 to $750
                                                                    attend.                               Carried Unanimously.
minimum to be put in line with the Rookie class as it used to
be, or to an upper limit agreed upon by the members at the
                                                                    REMIT 15 - New Wording for bylaw 14.
AGM. Seconded by Helen Holmes – 27 for/4 against
                                                                    BANK ACCOUNT – 14 The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive
                                                   – carried.
                                                                    all entrance fees, subscriptions and other moneys and his
                                                                    proof of receipt shall be sufficient discharge thereof. All monies
REMIT 8 – Kristin Dickson proposed the following change to          received shall be paid regularly into a bank account which the
Page 9 Rule h. RESTRICTED RIDER – For all riders 18                 Association transacts business. All payments shall be made
years and over, who for one reason or another, have only            under order of the Committee by cheques or internet banking
one event they would otherwise enter at a show. Riders who          to be signed or authorised by TWO (2) members of the Com-
have entered two other cutting events at the same show are          mittee, or by one member of the Committee and the Secretary,
not eligible for this event. Riders are limited to one horse for    such signing members to be appointed by the Committee. The
this event.                                                         Secretary/Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies re-
Seconded by Helen Holmes – 29 for/1 against         – carried.      ceived and disbursed and shall submit the same to the Com-
                                                                    mittee at any meeting of the Committee.
REMIT 10 – Gemma Williams proposed that the Annual Gen-                                                    Carried Unanimously.
eral Meeting of the Association is to be held annually at a
NZCHA National Show (unless by special circumstances) in            REMIT 16 – New Wording for bylaw 21.
order to make attendance at this meeting as feasible as pos-        RULES – 21 These amended rules assented to on the date of
sible for all membership. Seconded by Geoff Taylor                  2020 AGM replace the rules dated 1st day of April 2016, April
– 19 for/15 against – as with the 60 percent rule the motion        2014 and 13th April 2009 and 18th April 2003. (2020 AGM ap-
was lost.                                                           pointee) – President (2020 AGM appointee)- Secretary (2020
                                                                    AGM appointee) – Treasurer.
The following Remits – numbers 11-16 are all changes to                                                Carried Unanimously.
the NZCHA CONSTITUTION and have been Proposed by
the NZCHA and put forward by Gemma Williams on be-                  Remit 16 is the last Constitution Remit.
half of Council and seconded by Helen Holmes.
As the following two Remits were on the same subject,               The following Membership Fees were voted on –
they were discussed together.                                       Full Competing Member – change from $140 to $125.
                                                                                                                   - Carried
REMIT 2 – On behalf on the NZCHA Council Olivia Ladd                Non-Competing Member – change from $40 to $80.
proposed The Change of Membership Categories/Kristin                                                             - Motion Lost
Dickson                                                             Family Membership – Change from $190 to $250.
 27 for/3 against - Carried.                                                                                    -Motion Lost
                                                                    Youth Membership – Change from $35 to $50. -Motion Lost.
Bylaw 6 - MEMBERSHIPS                                               First Time Membership - Change from $70 - $80.—Carried
(A) FULL COMPETING MEMBER                                           Affiliate Membership – Change From $85 - $200 -Motion Lost
Any person being the owner of a Cutting Horse either regis-         Constituent Membership – Change from $150 -$125. -Carried
     tered or capable of being registered or who proves his         Honorary Life Membership – $0
     interest in the activities of the Association. Said person
     shall be eligible to vote and stand for positions in the       Helens Holmes Remits- Discussion on Honorary
     Association, all competition points recorded.                  Memberships – As it is, Council only votes on Honorary
(B) NON-COMPETING MEMBER                                            Memberships - Helen has proposed Honorary Memberships
Any non-competing person being the owner of a Cutting               go recommended from the Council to the AGM to be decided.
     Horse either registered or capable of being registered or
     who proves their interest in the activities of the Associa-    REMIT 1 – Helen Holmes moved her Change of Membership
     tion. Said person shall be eligible to vote and stand for      types for the Constitution - /Colin Holmes
     positions in the Association. If Qualified on Judges List,     8 for/14 against                           – Not Carried.
     they may judge.
( C) FAMILY MEMBERSHIP                                              REMIT 2 – Helens remit for Membership Costs and changing
Any family, being the owner of a Cutting Horse either regis-        the levy to $6 is null and void because of remit one not being
     tered or capable of being registered or who proves their       carried.(NOTE: Helens Feasibility study did show that with a
     interest in the activities of the Association. Rights of two   $6 levy and some minor changes to our membership fees we
     Full Memberships, including their children (Youth may          can keep on track).
     not vote).
(D) YOUTH MEMBERSHIP                                                GENERAL BUSINESS:
Any person who is below the age of Eighteen (18) years be-          • CATTLE LEVY: 2020-2021 –Discussion – Richard
     ing the owner of a Cutting Horse either registered or ca-         Cowdrey moved we put the Cattle Levy up to $1.50.
     pable of being registered or who proves his interest in           /Jacob Ladd                         — Carried.
     the activities of the Association but such members shall       • EQUIFEST: Discussion – Grant Mackie asked that the
     not be entitled to any voting rights or be eligible to hold       Council follow it up and keep informed about it – coming
     office. No Chatter is provided.                                   to the National Equestrian Centre.
(E ) FIRST TIME MEMBERSHIP                                          • FUTURITY: 2021 – to be held in May?         Jacob Ladd
Any person being the owner of a Cutting Horse either regis-
                                                                       moved that horses don’t have to remain unshown before
     tered or capable of being registered or who proves his
                                                                       the Futurity. /Olivia Ladd        – Motion not Carried.
     interest in the activities of the Association and has not
     had a previous financial membership. Said person shall
                                                                    • January Futurity – Craig said that Council had moved to
                                                                       include the 2020 Futurity and Aged Events to be resched-
     be eligible to vote but is unable to stand for positions in
                                                                       uled at the Ladds show in January subject to CPCHC
     the Association, all competition points recorded.
                                                                       being in agreeance. All entries for the 2020 Futurity had
                                                                       been refunded.
Any Association, Club or body interested in the promotion of
     competition between cutting horses who also shall ap-          • Mindy Pates moved we repurpose the 2020 Futurity buck-
     point one nominee from time to time, who shall be the             les for the 2020-2021 Futurity. / Helen Holmes. Carried.
     person eligible to vote and stand for positions in the As-     • Helen Holmes moved that the NZCHA remove the “Grass
     sociation.                                                        Roots Cutting” Rule 2 pg. 45 - ( 1st year membership to
(G) CONSTITUENT MEMBER                                                 be removed) / Christine Cowdrey         – carried.
Any company or incorporation or partnership with an interest        • Karen Matchitt nominated Mike Brown and Heather
     in the activities of the Association and such member               Coleman for Honorary Life Memberships./Kristin Dickson
     shall nominate the person eligible to vote and hold office                                     – Carried Unanimously.
     in the Association.                                            • Grant Mackie asked about the NZCHA supplying Judges
(H) HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP                                           with a copy of the NZCHA Rule book – it is available to
The Association may at General Meeting admit any person to
                                                                       print off the internet – Grant thought we could get a small-
     honorary membership of the Association without pay-               er sized book printed             – approach Council.
     ment of fee but such person shall not be eligible to hold
                                                                    • Karen Matchitt proposed that we have a $6 Levy for all
     office or vote.
                                                                       approved events and $10 Levy for aged events.
                                                                       /Julie Gregory                      – Carried

                                                                    Craig closed the meeting at 5.30pm after everyone stood for
                                                                    a moments silence for Nathan Mackie, Beulah Cowdrey and
                                                                    Bruce Coleman.
Central Plateau Cutting Horse Club 2019/20 Awards
      Hi-Point Open Horse                              Starzacre/Steve Gregory
      Hi-Point Novice Horse                            Whizbud/Barry Ladd
      Hi-Point Open Non Pro                            Steve Gregory/Starzacre/Lace/Roc N Play
      Hi-Point 1500 Non Pro                            Anna Dawson/I Scotaspin
      Rookie Rider                                     Kristin Dickson/Smarty Cotton
      Restricted Rider                                 Julie Gregory/Starzacre
      Snaffle Bit Rider                                Danielle Hamilton/Izza Playin In Acres
      Snaffle Bit Horse                                Sting Like A Pepto/Tim Strange

                       Greetings Fellow Cutters; Sponsors and Supporters
                                 This season your committee is:
President:                     Karen Matchitt
Secretary & Treasurer:         Julie Gregory
Hazards & Safety Officer:      Mindy Pates
Judges Co-ordinator:           Grant Mackie
Cattle fund:                   Steve Gregory
Committee:                     All Financial members.

Clubs Rules and Expectations:
•    COMPETITORS and spectators PLEASE NOTE - At all cutting horse shows and/or trainings it is mandatory that “all dogs
     entering the property where a CPCHC OR NZCHA event is being held must have been dosed for Sheep Measles no more
     than 30 days prior to the event.”
     If you are unsure what to do then consult your Vet about which worm tablet will also kill the Ovis tapeworm.
•    Dogs not belonging to the property hosting the CPCHC event, should be on a leash at all times during competitions and
     under strict supervision at any other time.
•    Always check with secretary or property owner if dogs are permitted before arriving at a CPCHC Event with your dog.
•    All competitors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Current NCHA/NZCHA Rule book.
•    Horses that have any form of contagious medical condition are not permitted at any CPCHC event.
•    When entering a CPCHC Event (be it a Show, Training or other associated activity) you acknowledge that you do so at
     your own risk and that you and your dependants and anyone else that may be with you, will take due care to avoid any
     potential hazards and not hold the CPCHC or any of its agents liable for any personal injury or breach of contract wheth-
     er caused by the negligence of the CPCHC, or its agents.
•    All members have a duty of responsibility to notify the organising committee and or land owner/property manager of
     any potential un-identified risk, so it may be eliminated or reduced.
•    CPCHC has a first aid kit available at shows, however it is recommended that individual have their own human and
     horse first aid kits and carry a fire extinguisher in their vehicles. Hi visibility vest are also recommended to be worn by
     members when moving cattle or have their horses on public roads.
Minutes for CPCHC AGM
                                  Was held at Gregory’s residence on Saturday 8th August 2020
                                                      Starting at 1:20pm

PRESENT: Julie & Steve Gregory; Craig Laird; Helen & Colin Holmes; Anna Dawson; Merrill Kinney; Grant & Wendy Mackie and
Karen Matchitt.

APOLOGIES – Frank and Alana Grieves; Cookie & Sam Clark; Kristin Dickson; Mindy Matchitt; Brownyn Laird; Peter & Lynda
Ormiston; Graeme & Sharlene McInnes; Barry Ladd; Jacob & Olivia Ladd; Joel Gregory.
Apologies                                    Moved: Julie                            Seconded: Craig

Minutes of the Previous AGM were read (thank you Helen)
                     Karen Moved they be accepted as a true and accurate record               Seconded: Grant

•    Bank accounts are now sorted with Julie and Karen as signatories and full internet access.
•    Mindy, got the CPCHC first aid Kit and it is currently with the CPCHC Secretary.
•    Coast to Coast club did not want the old Clock.
•    Tim was not approached about a training, Julie will endeavour to do it this season.
                                                 Moved: Julie                             Seconded: Colin

                                              Presidents Report 19-20 Season
Welcome everyone and thank you for being members of CPCHC and supporting the club.
As a club we are very fortunate to have hosted shows at McInnes, Ladds and Mackies this season, so I would like to
acknowledge and thank Graeme, Sharlene, Barry, Linley, Grant and Wendy for welcoming our club members to your properties
and into your homes. We would also have hosted the North Island Finals at Peter and Lynda Ormiston's, they had everything set
up ready to go, but after some serious decisions it was decided to cancel the show due to the threat of Covid 19, this was not
done lightly and is a decision we believe was the correct one for the good of our hosts, club members and extended contacts, it
was a scary time, and hopefully one we need not revisit.

On the subject of shows and people to be thanked, of course our show secretary is the top of the list, a lot of work goes into pre-
paring for a show, and then actually running of a show, so thank you Julie. Xx We also need cattle for our shows, and whether
they be tough cattle or too quiet or just right, they have been loaned to us and we are grateful for that.
Help horses are the other biggie, and we are super honoured to have members that are prepared to take a help horse to events,
in some cases they don’t even compete, just bringing a horse along to help, you are all very much appreciated. Thank you. At the
end of this meeting we get to find out who are 19-20 award winners are, so I will say congratulations in advance, and thank all the
competitors for your participation.

Going forward, we need to be mindful of how we can keep cutting going in NZ, we as a club need to be open to change, we may
need to tweak rules to make it easier for newbies to join in at events, and to encourage other members to stay in the pen, rules
can always be re-tightened when numbers dictate it necessary. I’d also like to make a special mention of Anna, Merrill, Cookie
and Sam, I’m so proud to have you as members of Central Plateau CHC for hosting a fundraiser over $1,000 for the victims of
the horrific Australian bush fires under the umbrella of the NZCHA, I’m also aware of other club members donating directly to our
Australian cutting families that were affected and I just want to acknowledge your efforts and sincerely thank you for your kind-
ness. Here’s hoping 2020-21 season is an enjoyable season for you all, I certainly cannot predict how it may play out, so let’s just
tighten the cinch, mount up and see what we get.

Kind regards
                     Karen move that her president’s report be accepted                       Seconded: Helen

     Julie presented the Financial Report
     Total income for 2019-20 = $11340.89
     Total expenses for 2019-20 = -$10264.22
     Total Account balance              = $9079.95
     5 Cattle on Hand (reduce by one as Mackies has just been sold)

Matters from Financial report:
•     Wendy asked why the big drop in membership if all NZCHA members had to also be members of a club. Julie to investi-
      gate if there was an error in the 2018-19 figure.
•     There are two unpresented Chq, Merrill asked hers be written off as a donation, and other chq was from 2017, so it will be
      written off to donations as well.
•     Mackies just sold their CPCHC beast, and deposited money.
•     Grant was happy to see Judges fees correctly recorded.
                                    Julie moved financial report be accepted               Seconded: Craig
•   NZCHA re hosting 2019-20 North Island final, actioned
•   NZCHA re aged events at 2021 Ladds Show and question on the NZCHA Clock
                                             (response letter to go back to NZCHA – Action Required – has been actioned)
                                     Moved: Wendy                                     Seconded: Anna
   PRESIDENT          Karen Matchitt was nominated by Julie Gregory                Seconded: Grant Mackie     Accepted
   SECRETARY/TREASURER Julie Gregory was nominated by Grant Mackie                 Seconded: Craig Laird      Accepted
   JUDGES CO-ORDINATOR Grant Mackie was nominated by Steve Gregory                 Seconded: Helen Holmes Accepted
   CATTLE FUND        Steve Gregory was nominated by Grant Mackie                  Seconded: Julie Gregory    Accepted
   HAZARDS CO-ORDINATOR Mindy Matchitt was nominated by Julie Gregory                     Seconded: Colin Holmes
                                                                                   (as not present, approached and Accepted)

    •     Cattle Fund – Gregory’s will have weaners available this coming season if people want to let them know if they can
          raise one (or more).
    •     Membership Fees: Wendy moved they stay the same.                        Seconded: Julie               Carried
    •     MEMBERSHIP FEES 2020-21 will continue to be $20 individual and $30 Family
          (Note: a family is parents/legal guardians with youth children, not Parents and Adult children)
    •     There was discussion on the CPCHC Superstakes event. Karen asked Craig if they intended to continue to sponsor
          the event now that it has a new age limit or if they would be withdrawing sponsorship. Craig will discuss with
          Bronwyn and let club know.                                                            Action from Craig Required
    •     Clock Clarification “CPCHC minutes state that “we would be willing to donate up to $1K towards the cost, to enable
          us to have use of the clock for shows and trainings”. Therefore the CPCHC has no say or ownership of any other
          use to the NZCHA Clock, a letter reflecting this will be sent to NZCHA –              Action Required

      •      PRIZE MONEY Set/allocation
             Open horse        $175
             Novice horse      $150
             Open Non Pro      $150
             U$1500 NP         $100
             Rookie            $100
             Restricted        $100
             Snaffle Bit Rider $50
             Snaffle Bit Horse $50
             Youth             $50
             Club Snaffle Bit  JP $10
                                               Moved: Wendy                     Seconded: Julie               Carried
      •      Discussion on paying on score of 60. Karen moved that CPCHC will pay out on a “60” Score.        Seconded Colin
      •      Discussion on allowing NZCHA to include the Missing 2020 Futurity aged events at CPCHC Ladds show in January
             2021, as approached via correspondence.
      •      A vote was taken to advise NZCHA that Club happy for Aged events to be included if required. Carried – Grant
             registered as being against.                                                       Action Required
      •      Money donated to CPCHC for hosting Nth Island Finals was repaid to NZCHA, Nth Island Final likely to be held in
             conjunction with NZCHA delayed National Show.

     •     21/22nd November – Weekend Training if venue available
     •     27th to 29th November – EQUIFEST
     •     12th/13th December – NZCHA Delayed 2020 Nationals at Waimiha
     •     2nd/3rd January 2021 – McInnes Show
     •     23rd/24th January – Ladds Show
     •     13th/14th February – Mackies Show
     •     6th/7th March – Northland Fieldays

      Open Horse           Starzacre            Steve Gregory
      Novice Horse         Whizbud              Barry Ladd
      Open Non Pro         Steve Gregory               Starzacre/Lace/Roc N Play
      U$1500 NP            Anna Dawson          I Scotaspin
      Rookie               Kristin Dickson             Smarty Cotton
      Restricted           Julie Gregory        Starzacre
      Snaffle Bit Rider    Danielle Hamilton    Izza Playin In Acres
      Snaffle Bit Horse    Sting Like A Pepto   Tim Strange

Meeting closed at 3:30pm
Followed by Shared afternoon TEA

Thank you Julie and Steve for hosting this meeting at your place and thankyou both for all the work you do
for the CPCHC, it is truly appreciated.

Membership Subscriptions are now due:
                       NATIONAL FINALS UPDATE
Hi everyone just a few things to note regarding the National Finals at Ryland and Hesta Cudbys property on the
12th & 13th December:

      • Address is 31 Jones Rd Waimiha 3998 if you put this address in google maps it should take you right there
          as it did for us.
      •   Accommodation in the main house this year is for our Judge still TBA.
      •   NZCHA council is again asking for offers to help cater meals for our judge. If you are able to help with
          morning/afternoon tea and lunches for the judge at the National Finals please let me know.
      •   There is accommodation available for the National Finals in the shearer’s quarters on the property. Please
          indicate on the entry form in the accommodation field if you require accommodation. Limited beds availa-
          ble so first in first to get a bed.
      •   There will be a catered meal on the Saturday night at $42/person provided by The Night Owl Catering
          Group (Fat Pigeon) see menu below. Please indicate on the entry form numbers attending.
      •   The National Finals start at 10am on the Saturday and 9am on the Sunday. All classes are run over two go
          rounds with the highest aggregated score in each class determining the Hi Point Champions.
      •   Please note all NZCHA National Final entries to be paid to NZCHA account number on the NZCHA entry
      •   Due to Covid19 the North Island Finals will now be run within the National Finals. This year the NZCHA will
          run the NI Finals so entry fees will be paid to NZCHA.
      •   NI Final winners will be taken from the first go round of the NZCHA National Finals on Saturday. The top 4
          place-getters of eligible North Island entrants from each class will be the ribbon winners on the day.
      •   There will be a separate show approval and entry fee for the NI Finals, please ensure payment for NI Fi-
          nals entries is paid to NZCHA. The account number will be on the entry form. If you are entering both the
          North Island Finals and the National Finals could I please ask if possible for you to make two separate pay-
          ments to the NZCHA account indicating which Finals you are entering. No worries if you want to just make
          the one payment but please make sure you send both your entry forms to me if entering both shows.
      •   The overall North Island Hi Point Champions will be announced once the points are collated.
      •   Training for Futurity horses only at the end of each days showing.
      •   At the conclusion of the National Finals on Sunday there will be a Presentation of the remaining Hi Point
          Awards e.g Hi Point Mare, Stallion, Gelding, 4 year old, AQHANZ Hi Point Open Horse and Novice Horse.

Triple Crown Information
       • The Triple Crown is a new event that was introduced last season and covers three shows, South Island/
          North Island Finals, The National Finals and the NZCHA Futurity Show and will be held in the following
          classes Open Horse, Open Non-Pro and U$1500 Non-Pro. There is no separate entry fee, when you enter
          these classes at the three above mentioned shows you are automatically entered and points will be
          awarded depending on how you place in your class.
       • You must enter all three shows to be eligible to win the title in your event. The first show in the Triple
          Crown is the NZCHA Futurity Show (which for this current season was the 2019. Futurity so if you didn’t
          ride at the futurity for the non pro classes or your horse wasn’t entered in the open horse class then you/
          horse are not eligible for the triple crown this season), the second show is the SOUTH/NORTH Island Finals
          and the third Triple Crown Show is the 2020 NZCHA National Finals. I will attach the eligible horses and
          riders to this notice.
• We have had three trophy’s kindly donated by Bruce and Heather Coleman which will be called Coleman
          Trophy Triple Crown and will be perpetual trophy’s awarded to the overall champion of each class, each
          year. Along with a keepsake halter with Triple Crown Champion embroidered across the nose and the
          class embroidered down one side of the halter. There will be $100 purse for the winner of each class.
      • Points: Open horse class points go to the horse entered no matter who is riding the horse. Open Non-Pro
          and U$1500 points go to the rider no matter what horse they ride. In the case of a rider having two hors-
          es entered in the one class only the top placing horse will accrue points, e.g if a rider places first and sec-
          ond on both of his/her horses in the one class only his/her highest placing will accrue points for that rid-
      • Points will be awarded to the first five place getters in each class of the Triple Crown.
      • Points will be awarded as follows 5,4,3,2,1 i.e. 5 points for first place 4pts for second place 3 points for 3 rd
          place 2 points for 4th place and 1 point for 5th place.
      • In the event of a tie the horse in the horse class and the rider in the non-pro classes who have placed first
          or placed higher in their class more times than the horse or person they are tied with becomes the win-
          ner. Eg Last year in the open horse we had one horse win two legs scoring 10 pts and placed 3rd in the
          other leg giving a total of 13pts, the tied horse won one leg 5 pts and placed second in the other two legs
          8pts giving a total of 13 pts. The horse who won the two legs won the Open Horse Triple Crown.
If anyone has any queries regarding any of the above please contact me at or 0272916473.

Buffet Dinner
      •   Buns & Breads w/ Butter & Relishes
      •   Herb Roasted Beef Rump
      •   Salted Caramel Pork Belly
      •   Baby Washed Potatoes w/ Minted Butter
      •   Broccoli, Cranberry, Spinach Salad
      •   Pumpkin, Feta, Orzo Salad
      •   Brandy Snaps & Fruit Skewers
      •   Passion Fruit Cheese Cake w/ Cream

                                Thank you and see you all on the 12th & 13th December
                                                    Cheers Julie
CURRENT TRIPLE CROWN POINTS STANDINGS (please note: These are recorded separately to the ‘Current Points Earnings’)
“Memo from NZCHA Council - Aged Event Shows”

Dear NZCHA Members,

On the back of the recent aged event ruling change passed at the 2020 AGM and in
consideration for those with horses already in preparation for either the postponed NZCHA 2020
Futurity or the 2021 Futurity Show, the NZCHA council has decided that the next Futurity show,
to be held in May 2021 in Hawera, will be run as an Integration Futurity.

The format of this show will be as follows:
•    Futurity Horses- Group 1- Available to 2021 3-year old horses.
     They will be competing for the 2021 Futurity Buckle. Purse $3000.00

•    Futurity Horses- Group 2- Available to 2021 4-year old horses.
     They would be competing for the 2020 Futurity buckle. Purse $3000.00.

These two futurity classes will run from the same herd with pre works offered at the show as
normal. The winner of Group 2 would take the NZCHA futurity trophy for the first 6 months fol-
lowing the show and have their name engraved for 2020 and then the winner of Group 1 would
take it for the following 6 months and have their name engraved for 2021.

Looking forward to 2022, the NZCHA Council is currently working to finalise the details of the
2022 Futurity show to incorporate the new aged event ruling.
Based on this, it should be noted that:
Horses can be nominated to either compete in the 2021 Futurity as a 3-year-old or in the 2022
Futurity as a 4-year-old. Horses will not be eligible to compete at both futurities.

At the 2021 Integration Futurity Show the remaining aged event classes will run under the new
ruling/ age classifications, as follows
        Derby– 5-year-old
        Classic - 6-year-old
        Challenge - 7-year-old
        Classic-Challenge - 6 & 7-year-old
        Seven-Up - Horses 7 years of age and older
        Snaffle Bit Futurity – 4-year-old

It should be also be noted that any horse shown as a 2021 3-year old, under the new ruling, will
not have an aged event class at the 2022 NZCHA Futurity Show.

          The show schedule including the entry form will be out soon.

Please direct any questions in relation to this show to the NZCHA Secretary.
                                             BY BOB WELCH AUGUST 15, 2020

Some experts believe our society should do away with the custom of shaking hands. That’s a hard sell in
the cowboy world.

In a May 27 article, Time magazine declared that COVID-19 killed the custom of shaking hands.
Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the Wall Street
Journal we should never shake hands again. And making our way around this brave new world might make a
person think the time-honoured tradition is on shaky ground–or the thought of shaking hands might even be

Some in my circle are defiantly insisting on shaking hands. Upon greeting, others are trying to maintain a social
distance and give a little half-hearted wave, some go for the elbow or fist bump, while others keep their arms
folded or hands in their pockets.

I can understand the hesitation many have. While I’m certainly willing to shake hands, in the early days of the
outbreak I had a scare after discovering a person I had recently shaken hands with spiked a fever. He tested
negative for COVID-19, but I endured a couple of stressful days until the results came back.

Most folks think the handshake originated in fifth century Greece as a sign of peace and friendship: Presenting
an unarmed hand. Later, the shake was added to make sure the other fellow wasn’t hiding a knife up his sleeve.
In American culture the gesture is a greeting and departing sign of respect. An aside: Isn’t it funny how approach-
ing with an open hand is now considered aggressive while approaching with a clenched fist is considered safe?
A few months ago, if you went into a convenience store with a mask on, avoiding people, you’d raise suspicions.
Not now.

Returning to the topic at hand, pressing the flesh has also become a sign for sealing a deal, that both parties will
agree to uphold their end of whatever bargain (or sometimes bet) was struck. If a kid wants to get out of a bet
he’s lost, he might declare, “We didn’t shake on it!”
The point is, a handshake means something—or at least it should. Cowboy culture, especially, has a firm grip on
the gesture. If cowboys greet each other on a chilly morning, they’ll go through all kinds of machinations to actual-
ly remove their work gloves to complete the act. If it’s real frigid, they’ll politely tell each other, “ ’scuse the glove”
as they shake. Even so, shaking a gloved hand just doesn’t seem proper.

I believe the insistence in cowboy culture on a handshake to seal the deal or greet one another flows from the
turbulent frontier days when written contracts, witnesses to agreements, and courtrooms weren’t yet in place.
Some old ranchers hold so tightly to this idea that they’re insulted by the idea of a contract, as if asking for one
implies their word is untrustworthy.
In addition to the Time article referenced above, Wired, USA Today and Forbes magazines are offering ideas to
replace the handshake.

I can tell you, though, that shaking hands is not dead, as evidenced by my experience at the world’s biggest ro-
deo (measured by entries), the National High School Rodeo Finals in Guthrie, Oklahoma. (Big shout-out to
the Lazy E Arena, folks, by the way, for giving the kids a place to compete.) The entire week was if we’d travelled
eight months back in time. Folks I hadn’t seen since our state shut down the competitive season, old friends from
other states, new acquaintances—we all shook hands as a matter of course. And it was so refreshing!

As I made my way through the week, shaking hands and sitting right next to people in the stands to watch our
children compete, I began to realize something. Humans have a herd instinct—and trying to stifle it is against our
nature. We need face-to-face interaction and physical contact to satisfy our humanity. Remote and virtual interac-
tions are just not enough.

This may be a time to suspend our normal customs for each other’s safety, but I’m betting the handshake -
especially in cowboy culture—will never die. Want to shake on it?
                                                                                   The handshake is essential in cowboy culture.
                                                                                                           Photo by Ross Hecox
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