CHCI Policy Brief - Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute

Page created by Marshall Ruiz
CHCI Policy Brief
March 2019

Food Insecurity and Food Waste:
We are Feeding Landfills Instead of Hungry People
By María Cecilia Pfund, CHCI-PepsiCo Foundation Nutritional Health Graduate Fellow

Executive Summary                           liability on the Bill Emerson Good            landfill. Recovering food could be a
                                            Samaritan Act. This is the policy that        solution to help alleviate hunger
The United States, being one of the         ranked high on all criteria items             while improving the environment. Tax
richest nations, still has 40 million       reviewed: efficacy, cost effectiveness        credits, encouraging food recovery,
people struggling with food insecurity      and sustainability. Even though a             and banning organic waste in landfills
and depending on food assistance            thorough approach to hunger and               are effective ways legislators address
programs to have food on their tables.      wasted food is needed to solve these          food waste. Reducing food waste and
The budget for the 15 federal domestic      issues, we need to start somewhere,           feeding hungry Americans is a timely
food and nutrition assistance programs      and we need to do it soon. If we start        social, economic and environmental
to help reduce hunger was $98.6             rescuing food to feed the hungry, we          issue. These two issues, food waste and
billion in FY 2017.1 On the other hand,     can set up a model of win-win for             food insecurity, that deeply affect our
the dollar value of wasted food in the      everyone. As a leader nation, we are          society and environment could be an
United States has reached an annual         obliged to anticipate the future and          opportunity for doing good while
cost of nearly $218 billion.2 To feed the   proactively create a better one in a          solving the problems.
growing population, we will need more       sustainable way.
food and less waste. Beyond hunger                                                        Description of the Problem
and cost, food waste also has a             Introduction
negative impact on the environment.                                                       Food Insecurity and Hunger
Food production uses up resources       We are at a historic time that is calling         Food insecurity is the lack of reliable
including water, soil, land, nutrients, for action to feed people and reduce              access to enough food for a healthful
petrol. Food waste contributes to air   food waste. Some examples of official-            life.7 Hunger is a symptom of food
pollution because decomposing food      ly declared goals related to these                insecurity, but it is not limitedly
produces methane, which is 20 times     issues include the United Nations’                experienced by those who struggle
more powerful at trapping atmospher-    Sustainable Development Goals 2 and               with food insecurity. Anyone may
ic heat than carbon dioxide (CO2).      12 (to end world hunger3 and to halve             experience hunger. Feeding America,
                                        food waste at the retail and consumer             a major hunger-relief organization
Fortunately, progress in food rescue    levels by 20304); the U.S. Food Loss and          operating nationwide, defines hunger
has been increasing, albeit slowly; yet Waste 2030 Champions Initiative,                  as “the personal, physical sensation of
barriers remain. Policy choices could   which aims to reduce food waste by                discomfort for need of food.”8 In the
reduce those barriers. A first step     50% by 2030;5 and the formal agree-               United States, approximately 1 in 8
towards food rescue is to make people ment signed on October 2018                         Americans are food insecure, including
aware of the effect each food waste     “Winning on Reducing Food Waste                   more than 12 million children.9 Work-
decision has on the environment and     Initiative”, between the United States            ing families in a variety of circumstanc-
to hold everyone accountable for their Department of Agriculture, Environ-                es that result in food insecurity and
actions.                                mental Protection Agency (EPA), and               hunger, may not qualify for federal
                                        Food & Drug Administration.6                      assistance.10
Based on the analysis described in this
paper, the best policy to promote at    Millions of people are food insecure              Food Insecurity in the Latino
the moment would be to extend the       while millions of pounds of food fill the         Community

           The opinions expressed in this paper are solely those of the author and do not represent or reflect those of the
                                           Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).
Latinos experience higher rates of food            methane and CO2 absorb solar radia-         storage, and temperature considera-
-insecurity than the general population            tion and contribute to global warming.      tions).
(see Figure 1). While 12% of white, non                                                      • Temporal and spatial factors (e.g.,
-Hispanic children face food insecurity,           Agriculture uses up 70% of all the          the time needed to deliver food to a
25% Latino children are at risk of                 water used throughout the world;            new destination, and the dispersion
hunger. Moreover, Latinos are more                 therefore, food waste translates as         of food loss among millions of
prone to suffer diet-related health                wasting a scarce resource needed for        households, food processing plants,
conditions, making food security a                 daily living. When we throw out one         and foodservice locations).
crucial priority to improve their health           kilogram of beef, we are also wasting     • Individual consumers’ tastes, prefer-
status and reduce healthcare costs.11              50,000 L of water used to produce that      ences, and food habits (e.g., throw-
Additionally, Latinos are less likely to           meat.15 In terms of land damage,            ing out milk left over in a bowl of
receive SNAP (formerly Food Stamps)                approximately one-third of the world’s      cereal).
or other federal nutrition programs.               total agricultural land area grows food • Economic factors (e.g., costs to
The Latino population is expected to               that ends up being wasted.16 Moreover,      recover and redirect uneaten food to
continue growing, making food-                     monocropping and converting wild            another use).
insecurity a growing problem for the               lands into agricultural areas are
U.S.12                                             common agricultural practices that        Additionally, consumers also face daily
                                                   adversely affect biodiversity.17          challenges to make food rescue the
Wasted Food is Harming the Envi-                                                             norm. Part of it is cultural and societal
ronment                                            Challenges to Rescue Food                 norms, but some of the obstacles are
Food waste harms the environment,                  Rescuing food is not an easy task, and intrinsic, which could be greatly
creating negative externalities                    currently it is easier and cheaper for    improved through more education to
(transaction costs resulting from an               businesses to throw out food rather       the public on how to efficiently use the
action such as food production or                  than designing a plan to rescue it and food they buy. The current factors
disposal) throughout the food supply               incur on the costs of storage, packag- causing consumer-related food waste
chain.13 Negative externalities use up             ing, transportation, and labor to         include:
valuable resources including water,                successfully bring the food to those in
soil, land, nutrients, petrol, and create          need of it. Similarly, people are prone • Macro-environmental context, such
air pollution. Nevertheless, the burden            to waste food due to a variety of             as food safety laws and subsidies
on the natural resources consumed are              factors. Below is a list of the most      • Insufficient skills to manage food
not fully internalized in the price of             common contributing factors that              appropriately
food. If food waste was a country, it              make rescuing food challenging,           • Reduced value to food for food
would be the third, right after USA and            according to researcher Jessica               itself, more value placed on the
China, in largest greenhouse emis-                 Aschemann-Witzel, who carefully               social aspects and references of
sions.14 This occurs because food waste            reviewed research studies on this topic       food
produces methane, which is 20 times                and is an expert in this matter.18        • Large portion sizes
more powerful heat-trapping gas than                                                         • Social norms, such as associating
carbon dioxide (CO2). Greenhouse gas-              • Technical factors (e.g., the perishable
                                                                                                 rescuing of food with stingy or
es such as                                            nature of most foods, food safety,

                                                                                                         Potential Solution: Rescue
                                                                                                         Food to Feed Hungry People
                                                                                                         Feeding hungry people with food that
                                                                                                         would have otherwise been wasted is
                                                                                                         also called reusing food. As depicted
                                                                                                         on the following page in Figure 3,
                                                                                                         reusing/rescuing food to feed hungry
                                                                                                         people is only second to source
                                                                                                         reduction—avoiding generating the
                                                                                                         waste in the first place. This means that
                                                                                                         if we have generated surplus food,
                                                                                                         according to EPA’s Food Recovery
                                                                                                         Hierarchy, the top most priority is to
                                                                                                         use it to feed people. Acting in this
                                                                                                         manner not only helps to reduce food
                                                                                                         waste, but decreases food production
Source: Alisa Coleman-Jensen et al., “Household Food Security in the United States in 205, Statistical   needs.19
Supplement,” USDA, September 2016 as cited in Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. (n.d.). Lati-
no households have higher food insecurity than nation as a whole [Figure].

Figure 2: Food Recovery Hierarchy                                      States”. Additionally, one hour of food
                                                                                            rescue efforts and one hour of directly
                                                                                            serving those who are food insecure at
                                                                                            facilities that receive food donations
                                                                                            would be required to receive the
                                                                                            certificate suggested on this policy to
                                                                                            be required for everyone who needs to
                                                                                            take ServSafe across USA.

                                                                                            Extend liability of the Bill Emerson
                                                                                            Good Samaritan Act to protect
                                                                                            donors who wish to donate or sell
                                                                                            food at a reduced price directly to
                                                                                            individuals in need.
                                                                                            The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act
                                                                                            is the main federal law that protects
                                                                                            food donors from being sued. Current-
                                                                                            ly the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act
                                                                                            protects food donors to non-profit
                                                                                            organizations serving people in need,
                                                                                            and all food donated must be provided
                                                                                            for free.23 The benefit of this law is that
                                                                                            fear of being sued is one of the top
Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                            reasons given by food service
                                                                                            operations to avoid donating food.
Currently the United States spends               Currently, to start and keep food
approximately $100 billion annually on                                             Offering food directly to individuals in
                                                 service operations in business, owners
food assistance programs. If 15% of              and employees need to complete    need could help lessen the cost of
the wasted food in USA was instead                                                 processing the food, while also offer-
                                                 certain requirements including certifi-
rescued, 25 million people would be                                                ing opportunities for new and creative
                                                 cates and licenses in food handling.
fed, and if 30% of our food was                                                    business models within or outside the
                                                 The requirements are regulated at a
rescued, the amount of food would be                                               food service establishment. Additional-
                                                 state and local level, so they vary from
enough to feed all people struggling                                               ly, food donor establishments may
                                                 place to place. Additionally, there is a
with food insecurity.20                                                            want to offer the food to people they
                                                 uniform training required for employ-
                                                                                   already know in the community or
                                                 ees nationwide: ServSafe Certification
Implementation of Strategies to                  for Food Handling and Safety.21   individuals who come to ask for food
Rescue Food                                                                        for themselves. If we want to promote
Reducing barriers to food rescue could The ServSafe Certification entails food food donations by reducing apprehen-
increase the amount of food that is     safety training by the food service        sion of being sued, it is critical that we
actually rescued. For instance, policy  industry for itself. ServSafe® is the      make this law as strong as possible to
could require every food service        most recognized food safety training       establish a stronger support and
establishment to declare how much       program in the United States by feder- expansion of food rescue efforts.
wasted food it generated, and how       al, state, and local health jurisdictions.
much food it rescued. Another option The training provides information             Require all facilities that receive
is to require food labels to report the about food hazards and proper food         food remuneration from USDA
greenhouse emissions, water and land handling practices, which is essential to Including Child and Adult Care Food
effects on each food label.             keep food safe and this plays a key        Program (CACFP) and National
                                        role in food rescue.  22                   School Lunch Program (NSLP) to
Potential Policies                                                                          plan food rescue programs and
                                      The new food rescue training and food                 report data on food donated and
Require food rescue training and      insecurity awareness certification                    wasted.
food insecurity awareness             would take advantage of technology                    The USDA provides grants to states to
certification to work or start food   and already available resources. It                   manage programs for facilities that
service operations, and an optional would be provided by passing an                         meet certain requirements. Therefore,
recognition certificate for those who online or written exam which would                    to receive reimbursement for food in
complete at least 40 hours annually test the content of the “Comprehensive                  federally funded programs criteria
of community service with direct      Resource for Food Recovery Programs”                  including nutritionally balanced and
experience in these issues.           and the latest report on “USDA’s                      safe food must be met. Below, is a
                                      Household Food Security in the United                 brief description of the two major

programs that feed students across the Extending the liability on Bill Emerson        Recommendation
United States.                              Good Samaritan Food Donation Act is
                                            the best option despite lacking mone-     Even though a thorough approach to
• CACFP—Daily, 3.3 million children tary incentives for making food rescue            hunger and wasted food is needed to
     receive nutritious meals and           the preferred choice for businesses.      solve these issues, we need to start
     snacks through CACFP. The              Nevertheless, without imposing a          somewhere, and we need to do it
     program also provides meals and requirement on establishments, it                soon. All policies suggested would
     snacks to 120,000 adults who           provides a way to develop new food        greatly benefit our society and
     receive care in nonresidential adult rescue models through food dona-            increase food rescue efforts. Promot-
     day care centers. CACFP also offers tions. Overall, this policy would greatly    ing food rescue demands a combina-
     meals to children residing in          benefit society and the environment,      tion of supporting awareness, provid-
     emergency shelters, and snacks         reducing burdens on food production       ing education on the topics, and
     and suppers to youths participat-      and hunger.                               providing liability protection and
     ing in eligible afterschool care                                                 incentives to take action.
     programs.24                            Policy 2: Provide Food Rescue
• NSLP—NSLP is an assisted meal             Training and Food Insecurity              Extending the liability on the Bill
     program operating in public and        Awareness Certificates.                   Emerson Good Samaritan Food
     nonprofit private schools and          This policy has some promise because      Donation Act by providing liability
     residential child care institutions.25 it is moderately effective, it has        protection to donors who wish to
     It provides nutritionally balanced, potential to save businesses money,          donate or sell food at a reduced
     low-cost or no-cost lunches to         and is sustainable. The main benefit is   price directly to individuals in need
     over 30 million children each          increased awareness and sensitivity       offers the best combination among the
     school day.26                          about food insecurity and food waste      options presented. This amendment
                                            issues, which stimulates implementa-      scores high on all considered factors;
Any requirement established by the          tion of food rescue initiatives.          efficacy, cost effectiveness and
USDA for participation is met with full                                               sustainability. It is highly effective
compliance because otherwise they do On the other hand, this policy would             because it would help increase
not receive reimbursement. Therefore, not be as efficient on achieving its goal       opportunities for food donations by
if there was a requirement for each         because of adding new certifications,     decreasing obstacles, particularly
state to submit to the USDA a food          which requires coordination and           liability-related. It is cost effective
rescue plan as well as reports on           planning and may hinder execution.        because it could increase profit for
wasted and rescued food, the agency         Additionally, these certifications        food that otherwise would be wasted,
would have access to a baseline data        require an investment in education and    while saving valuable resources.
nationwide on what is currently done. testing materials, as well as personnel         Finally, it is also highly sustainable
Moreover, it could be a trigger for         to oversee the process.                   because it promotes ways to save food
schools to be more conscious on how                                                   and reduce waste, promoting
much food they are currently wasting        Policy 3: Require facilities receiving    responsible stewardship of resources
and consequently be moved to act and USDA food reimbursement to plan                  already available.
implement food rescue interventions. food recovery programs.
                                            Considering the factors described         Conclusion
Policy Evaluations                          above, this policy is highest in cost
                                            effectiveness and sustainability. The     Wasted food and food insecurity is
All the policies discussed above could main advantage of this policy is the           costing the Untied States too much
increase food recovery efforts. Each        focus on evaluation and monitoring        money and suffering. It is time to act
one has its own strengths and weak-         through data collection that it           and feed the hungry from the large
nesses, in terms of overall efficiency,     promotes—all of which could be used       abundance we have. If we expand food
cost effectiveness and sustainability.      to create new and more efficient food     rescue efforts to feed the hungry, we
                                            rescue programs.                          can all win. Considering the large
Policy 1: Extend the liability on the                                                 impact our developed nation has on
Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act.       Nevertheless, the efficiency of this           the world, it is our duty to lead with
This is the best policy recommendation policy is lower because there is no            policies and behaviors that create a
while taking into consideration        certainty that food programs will              future through proactively addressing
efficiency, cost effectiveness and     follow their planned food rescue               issues that threaten our basic needs.
sustainability, ranking high on all of programs. Also, many institutions
them. It would be the easiest to carry already struggle to keep up with all
out because it builds on a law already the regulations and reports required
established with a long record of      of them to; therefore, this policy may
success. This policy would provide     impose too much burden on the food
opportunities for more financial and   service staff.
social win-win cases.

Endnotes                                              Feeding America. "What Is Food Insecurity in
                                                    America?" https://
1                                          Accessed     21
 Farm Policy News. "As Farm Bill Stalls Over                                                             Taylor, Joe. "What Licenses Do I Need to Start
                                                    January 10, 2019. https://
SNAP, USDA-ERS Report Captures Details of the                                                         a Restaurant Business?" Last modi-
Program."                                                        fied October 12, 2010. https://
Last modified March 18, 2018. https://                                                      
                                                    8       Feeding America. "What Is Food Insecurity in     restaurant-business-3039.html.
stalls-snap-usda-ers-report-captures-details-       America?" (n.d).                                  22
program/.                                                                                               FoodHandler. "ServSafe Training." https://
                                                        Ibid                                 Accessed February 10, 2019.
 ReFED. "27 Solutions to food waste." ReFED.        10                                      
Accessed January 10, 2019. https://                      Ibid
                                                                                                      23         11                                                  Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic. "Legal Fact
                                                      Feeding America. "Hispanic and Latino Hunger    Sheet: The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food
 United Nations Statistics Division. "Goal 2: End   in America"       Donation Act." Accessed
Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved          Accessed January 10, 2019. https://               January 22, 2019.
Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture         downloads/Emerson-Act-Legal-Fact-Sheet.pdf.
— SDG Indicators."     latino-hunger-facts.
report/2016/goal-02/. Accessed Decem-               12                                                  USDA- FNS. "Why CACFP Is Important." Food
                                                      Feeding America. "Hispanic and Latino Hunger    and Nutrition Service. Last modified September
ber 30, 2018.          in America". (n.d.)
report/2016/goal-02/.                                                                                 22, 2014.
                                                     FAO. Food Wastage Footprint. Impacts on          cacfp-important.
4 United Nations. "Sustainable Consumption and      Natural Resources., 2013. http://     25
Production."                                                                         USDA. "The National School Lunch Program."
                                                   Food and Nutrition Service. Last modified No-
sustainabledevelopment/. Accessed Janu-
ary 22, 2019.
                                                     TOMRA. "It is Time to End Food Waste." Last      vember 2017.
sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-                 modified 2017.                                    sites/default/files/cn/NSLPFactSheet.pdf.
consumption-production/.                            15                                                26
                                                                                                        School Nutrition Association. "School Meal
                                                         Move for Hunger. 2016
 EPA. "United States Food Loss and Waste 2030                                                         Trends & Stats."
Champions." US EPA. Last modified November 9,            Ibid                                         Accessed February 10, 2019. https://
2018.              17                                      
management-food/united-states-food-loss-and-                                                          SchoolMealTrendsStats/.
waste-2030-champions.                                    TOMRA. 2017
 FDA. "Trump Administration Launches “Winning         Becker, Anthony. "Introduction to Environmen-
on Reducing Food Waste” Initiative." U S Food       tal Policy." WordPress. Last modified November
and Drug Administration. Last modified October      12, 2013. https://
18, 2018. 
Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/                        reduce-reuse-recycle/.
ucm623790.htm.                                      20
                                                      Mehnert, Jaime. "Food Rescue and The Law."
                                                    Table to Table. Last modified March 28, 2016.
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