Children's Sabbath 2018 - Miracles by the Sea Where kids get caught by Jesus' Love - Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Page created by Joann Sims
Children's Sabbath 2018 - Miracles by the Sea Where kids get caught by Jesus' Love - Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Children’s Sabbath 2018

   Miracles by the Sea
      Where kids get caught by Jesus’ Love
Children's Sabbath 2018 - Miracles by the Sea Where kids get caught by Jesus' Love - Seventh-Day Adventist Church
                                       Sabbath 2018

Children’s Sabbath 2018
     “Get Caught by Jesus’ Love!”
Experiencing the love of Jesus
A lesson on following Jesus, the Great Physician

Based on “Sea of Miracles” VBX
Day 2 Program: “Jesus is our Healer…We are free!”
Mark 1:29-31; 5:21-43

Children’s Sabbath 2018 will remind your children and congregation
that Jesus is Great Physician who desires to heal and free each
one of us to a life of love, service and inclusion. No matter who
we are or what our status is, we are all in need of Jesus Christ,
our Savior.

NIV Bible used

Kelly Pick
Katherine Britton
Sherri Uhrig

Emily Matthews

Children's Sabbath 2018 - Miracles by the Sea Where kids get caught by Jesus' Love - Seventh-Day Adventist Church
                                        Sabbath 2018

“Called to be Faithful”
Dear Pastor and Partner in Ministry,
WHAT IS CHILDREN’S SABBATH? Children’s Sabbath is a day set aside by churches all over
the world for the purpose of spotlighting and affirming the children around us. It also draws
attention to the needs of children at risk in our world.

The NAD Children’s Ministry Department is excited and is looking forward to celebrate this
very special Sabbath. This year, October 7, 2017 is Children’s Sabbath throughout the North
American Division. We have been celebrating this special day for over ten years. This is a
Sabbath when the children of our church will have the opportunity to share the gospel in
their own words. Perhaps this may be the day when a future teacher, a church leader, and yes,
even a preacher may be introduced to their calling for the very first time. This day provides
a great reason to invite neighbors, friends, and inactive members to bring their children to
church. The more you invest in planning and promoting this special day, the more impact
it will have on your church and community. On October 7, why not give the opportunity for
your children’s ministry leaders to partner with you and guide the
children as they share from the pulpit the depth of their love for

As an additional resource we have included a sermon outline that
has been prepared especially for this occasion. You can add your
content or use as it is. This can be presented by a child, teen or
young person with your mentoring. The NAD Children’s Ministries
supports and prays for you in your ministry with the children of
your church!

Thank you for your partnership with Children’s Ministries!

                              r . . .
              t h e      Pasto
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Children's Sabbath 2018 - Miracles by the Sea Where kids get caught by Jesus' Love - Seventh-Day Adventist Church
                                  Sabbath 2018

Resources &
Volunteers Needed:
  Greeters                       Skit Participants
  Ushers                         Child Speakers

                                 Child Activity Leaders
  Praise Leaders
                                 Children’s Ministry Pastor/Director
  Prayer Leader

         Downloads available at
         Invitations			                        The Sea of Miracles CD/DVD music
         Songs                                 tracks and videos featuring kids
         Poster                                performing the actions to each song are
         Invitation Flyer			                   available from
         Letter to the Pastor                  402.486.8800. Catalog #?????????
         Decision Cards

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Resources                                                                                4
                                     Sabbath 2018

Props/Supplies List for Activities/Sermon Parts:
· Boat prop
· 4 chair
· Book
· Binoculars
· Map
· Plastic or foam anchor & chain
· Cell phone
· Ukulele
· Script

· Madi-Drop Tablet or picture of one for power point (
· Sea of Miracles VBX Ultimate Mission Water Project Day 2 video download from

“Did You Know?” Talks:
· Bible costume or fishing costume for child presenter
· Small fishing pole with magnet on end of line (to pull “Did You Know” cards from bucket)
· Large cardboard or poster Bible prop; bucket or tub to place behind, 3 “Did You Know”
  laminated cards with small magnet attached (one for each of the 3 readings). Child will
  need to pull the cards out with magnet on end of fishing pole.

    Option to “Did You Know?” Talks
    Create a small dock for the platform. Have 2 Child Speakers sit on the dock either
    sharing the “Did You Know?” script or one presenting the information to the other
    (as if a friend telling another friend).

                                                    Se rm o n Parts
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 Props/S                                                                                 5
                                            Sabbath 2018

Bible Verse:

Costumes for actors:

Up Front Activity - “Jesus’ Healing is for Everyone!”
· Option #1: 10 large red paper cardstock hearts with Band-Aid cross or first aid cross
  on each one.
· Option #2: 10 large red paper cardstock hearts with Band-Aid cross or first aid cross
  on each one. 10 signs with yarn to place around volunteers’ necks that read:

       1.      Sad			6.                   Poor
       2.      Hungry		7.                 Sick
       3.      Angry		8.                  Homeless
       4.      Blind			9.                 Lonely
       5.      Jealous		 10.              I don’t need healing

Up Front Activity – “Inclusion”
· 8 chairs
· Music of choice (live or recorded)

Interactive Activity – “The Body”
· Regular sized Mr. Potato Head
· Regular sized Mr. Potato Head with parts all mixed up on the body
· 1 tub of Play-Dough
· Mini containers of Play-Dough
  (One for each person in the congregation)

Stage Décor Options:
· Simple wooden boat with net
· Simple wooden boat with net and mast with tied up sail
· Mast and tied up sail to look like cross
· Doctor Kit with Bible on top
  (Optional: Have a first aid sign affixed to front of the Bible)

                                                        Se rm o n Parts
                                                t ie s/
                                    r Ac    tivi
                            i s t fo
        u pp l i       es L
 Props/S                                                                                  6
                                        Sabbath 2018

Order of Service:
1. Welcome
2. Praise Song – “Forever Mine”
3. Bible Verse – Mark 5:40-41, NIV
4. Offering
5. 2 Praise Songs - “He’s Able”; “Because of Who You Are”
6. Skit – “I’m Free!”
7. Special Feature – your choice                                                Skit: “I’m Free!”:
8. Congregational Prayer                                       About 4 friends on a boating trip
                                                               who learn a lesson about healing.
9. Sermon – Part I
10. Up Front Activity – “Healing for Everyone”
                                                                Songs: From Sea of Miracles VBX
11. Interactive Activity – “Affirming the Family”
                                                                    music CD:
12. Sermon – Part II                                                - OR – Songs of your choice
13. Up Front Activity – “Inclusion”
14. Interactive Activity – “The Body”
15. Praise Song – “You Are the Miracle”                                   Scripture: Mark 5:40-41
16. Sermon – Part III
17. Call to Commitment
18. Closing Prayer                                                     Volunteers: Several child
                                                               speakers/presenters (choose age
                                                                appropriate speakers according
                                                                       the readings & activities.

                          1 Child Presenter with fishing pole for the 3 “Did You Know?” sections.
                Have the child presenter dress up in Bible costume for added effect. The fishing
               pole represents information caught from the Bible. This child presenter will pull a
                “Did You Know” information card from the Bible Prop and read to congregation.

                rvi ce
 Orde   r of Se
                                       Sabbath 2018

Optional Extra Activities:
Child-focused Potluck:
Invite the church family & guests to a “Friends Feast” (potluck) with child-friendly
activities at each table. (See “Friends Feast” for ideas)

Outreach Activity – “Sharing the Blessings”:
(See “Share the Blessings” for instructions/supplies)

Health Speaker:
Invite a speaker to do a kid-friendly talk on healthy living/eating following the potluck.

Game/Activity – “Touch of Compassion”:
A kid friendly game of tag using pool noodles. (Supplies: 1 pool noodle) One kid is “it”
while the others run. The child who is “it” tries to tag the other children with the pool
noodle. If a child is tagged, he/she must freeze in place until another child comes along,
shakes their hand, and tells them “Jesus loves you”. Can be played after potluck on the
lawn. Take turns.

Outreach at the Park or Another Public Place:
Provide child friendly stories, music and games of your choice.

Church Family Park Day:
Go to the park for afternoon fellowship time. Or even have the Friends Feast at the
park of your choice. This will take some pre-planning with park accommodations and
shelter reservations.

Church Family Nature Walk:
Plan on taking the entire church on a Nature Walk/Outing somewhere. Have the
Pathfinders/Adventures plan and lead the activities that will coincide with a Pathfinder/
Adventure honor.

    Option: Turn your nature walk into a nature scavenger hunt giving everyone
    a picture page of several items in nature to be on the lookout for.

                             i tie s
           xt ra        Activ
 Optional E
                                                 Sabbath 2018

Optional Extra Activities:
The following activities are ideas that can be used to promote children’s ministries within
your church, and also be used to involve the children, families and congregation to participate

     Friends Feast!                                                              Service Project Option:
     1. Decorate the potluck room with balloons or other                         For Kids: Ask members
     things of your choice.                                                      ahead of time for
                                                                                 donations of “Get Well”
     2. Place healthy food puzzle papers and pencils around                      cards and other items
     the tables. (Resource: Fruit & Veggie Games For Kids.)      that may brighten a kids’
                                                                                 day in the hospital such
                                                                                 as, Bible picture books,
                                                                                 books, toys, character
                                                                                 pillows, funny socks,
                                                                                 character Mylar balloons,
                                                                                 etc. Deliver the items
                                                                                 along with the “Get
                                                                                 Well” cards to kids in the
                                                                                 hospital or homes.
3. “Get Well Corner!” – (“Get Well” card writing/gift giving)
Supplies Needed:                                                                 For Adults: Do the same
·   “Get Well” cards                                                             but with age appropriate
·   Blank note cards                                                             gift items.
·   Stickers
·   Pens
·   Crayons.

Make a wishing well to drop the “Get Well” cards into if you want! Set up
tables in a corner with colorful cards and pens for kids to write prayers and
“Get Well” notes to kids/adults in the local hospital. Have intentional names
prepared of people in your church family that you know are sick or in the
hospital. Display the names where kids can see them. Have a designated
person assigned to deliver the notes/cards or have families do this themselves
as a family outreach project. Have a photographer with a Polaroid camera to
include photos of the kids in the cards if desired.

                                    i tie s
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    Optional E
                                   Sabbath 2018

4. Share the “Blessings Bags” - Family Outreach Project
Supplies Needed:                           Instructions:
· Large Ziploc bags                        You will need to organize this project in
· Note cards                               the several weeks prior to the Children’s
· Knitted hats/beanies                     Sabbath Day in order to have them ready
· Gloves                                   and available.
· Socks
· Bars of soap                             Set up tables in a free space where potluck
· Toothbrushes                             is being held. Put Blessing Bag supplies
· Toothpaste                               in several baskets/tubs for kids/families to
· Razors                                   come and assemble into a Blessings Bag.
· Washcloths
· Hand-sized Kleenex packages              Families will deliver their bags to a homeless
· Combs                                    person on the street.
· Bottles of water
· Granola bars                             Option: Take the bags to your local shelter.

                                    		          5. “Thank You!” Corner! –
                                    		          (“Thank You” card writing for medical
                                    		          & first responder professionals)

                                    Supplies Needed:
                                    · “Thank You” cards or colorful note cards
                                    · Pens
                                    · Crayons
                                    · Stickers.

                                    Set up tables in a corner with colorful cards and
                                    pens for kids to write prayers and “Thank You” notes
                                    to any doctors, nurses, other medical professionals
                                    and first responders in your church. Research these
                                    names ahead of time and post them for kids and
                                    families to see where the card tables are.

                         i tie s
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Optional E
                                            Sabbath 2018


 Right Away                                  Six Weeks Before
 1. Download materials from     1. Ask the church communications leader to advertise
                                             your program in the church bulletin, in local newspapers, and
 2. Establish a Children’s Sabbath prayer    on local radio stations— ample inserts and announcements
 support group.                              available for download.

 3. Form a planning team, involving          2. Send “We are Free!” postcards as invitations to inactive
 the Pathfinder and Adventurer Club          (or former) members and families that attended your summer
 directors as well as the children’s         VBX. Hand out postcards in church, encouraging members
 Sabbath School division and VBS             to invite their neighbors, friends, and relatives.
                                             3. Ask the church’s hospitality team to plan a potluck
 4. Determine the specifics of your          or special meal for guests after the Children’s Sabbath
 afternoon outreach activity—the venue       service. (see Potluck ideas)
 you choose, the sponsors and adults
 who will accompany the children, etc.       4. Plan for someone to take pictures at your Children’s
                                             Sabbath program.
 5. If your church has children who
 are preparing for baptism, work with
 their families and the pastor to plan                  Plan this service as an opportunity to reach out to the community
 a baptism as part of the Children’s                   as well as a way to showcase children and their ministry. To get the
                                                           ball rolling for your Children’s Sabbath program, work with your
 Sabbath service.
                                                           pastor to develop a vision for Children’s Sabbath and assemble
                                                         a team to follow through on the organization and planning. Meet
                                                              together as often as necessary; this lowers confusion among
                                                         your leaders and keeps misunderstandings at a minimum. To get
                                                          the children involved in the preparation and outreach, share with
                                                         them the logo and the theme; talk about its meaning; encourage
                                                       children to pray every day and to investigate the many ways Jesus
                                                         heals us and how we can share in that healing with others. Guide
                                                        them in seeking God through the verses in the Bible. Normally the
                                                        children’s coordinator organizes Children’s Sabbath. If your church
                                                               has not appointed a children’s coordinator, ask the pastor to
                                                             appoint someone to act as coordinator for this important day.

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Pla                                                                                                                 11
                                      Sabbath 2018

Three Weeks Before
1. Post “Called to be Faithful”
posters around your church and

2. Put a bulletin announcement          Children’s Sabbath Day
in your church bulletin each
remaining week.                         1. Pray with your team and with your children
                                        before the program.
3. Enlist several children to help
with a creative announcement             2. Present the program during the worship hour.
during church.
                                         3. Provide a potluck to honor the children and
4. Start practicing the entire          their families.
program in the church. (Avoid
keeping kids out late on Friday         4. Organize and implement the Children’s
night.)                                 Sabbath afternoon outreach.

5. Firm up final details about your     5. Thank your team and the children for a great
outreach event.                         Children’s Sabbath!

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                                      Sabbath 2018

J  esus, the great Physician came to seek and to save the lost and to reveal the character
   of God. Luke 4:15-21 says this: “16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up,
and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to
read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the
place where it is written: 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, 19 to proclaim the year of the
Lord’s favor.”] 20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down.
The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 He began by saying to
them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

This Children’s Sabbath program is designed to draw
people to the reminder of the love and healing that Jesus
gave so freely. It is comforting news to know that we have
a Savior who cares about our every need and compels us
to do the same through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
There are so many hurting people in our world today. If we
follow Jesus’ caring ways for one another, we CAN make a
difference in sharing our hearts and lending a hand. Let us
leave here today being reminded of the healing work that
the Spirit desires to do through us. We do the possible and
let Jesus do the impossible!

       u c t i o n
 Introd                                                                                    13
                                              Sabbath 2018

1. Welcome:

Church Pastor & Children’s Pastor/Leader welcomes congregation
- or –
Children’s Pastor and Child

Child Speaker: Shalom everyone! May the true peace that only comes from God be with you this morning! It
is good to be worshiping together with you on this Children’s Sabbath Day! Turn to someone near you and tell
them “Shalom, peace be with you.”

Child Speaker: Wonderful! Each and everyone one of us, young and old, have the invitation of grace to come as
we are into the arms of the great Physician, our Healer Jesus Christ. As we spend time together this morning,
we will find ourselves ever grateful for the freedom that comes from the healing Jesus gives us.

2. Opening Kids Praise Song:

Child Speaker: Just knowing that we belong to Jesus and that He is always by our side is a great comfort,
wouldn’t you agree? (Wait for responses) Me too! Let’s stand and praise God for who He is.

Theme Song: “Forever Mine” (from Sea of Miracles VBX music CD:

3. Bible Verse: Mark 5:40-41:

(Have 1 Child Speaker present the Bible verse as 2 or more Child Actors act it out.
Actors: Jesus, little girl, parents, optional: Peter, James and John)
- or –
Have a Child Speaker read the Bible Key Verse without any acting visuals.

Supplies Needed: Costumes for actors

Child Speaker: Our Bible Key Verse this morning is from mark 5:40-41.
After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went
in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, Little girl I say to you, “Talitha koum!” (Which
means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”)

 Service                                                                                                     14
                                                Sabbath 2018

4. Offering:

Notes: (Have a child call for the offering and children collect the offering. Deacons can coach the children
beforehand of the process as well as oversee the final collection according to your church protocol. For Offertory,
play an instrumental song from the Sea of Miracles 2018 CD: or ask have the organist play a
selected song of your choice.)

Child Speaker: Supriya and Sirisha had been fighting a sickness that was capable of being cured through the
accessibility of safe drinking water. Living in remote areas of India, families often resort to collecting water
            from ponds and other sources unsafe for drinking which results in painful waterborne diseases, even
                the death of small children. Suffering with pain made it hard for Supriya and Sirisha to focus
                   on schoolwork and to even fit in with the healthier kids at school. Ultimate Mission has since
                    begun the training of several women in India as medical missionaries who are now reaching
                     out, providing basic training in first aid, nutrition, hygiene and clean water safety. Madi Drop
                      water purification tablets have been provided to Supriva and Sirisha’s villages and the
                      sicknesses have subsided. Now Supriva, Sirisha can focus on being kids and living pain free.

                    Our offering today is for the Kid-to-Kid Ultimate Mission Water Project. For this project,
                    we are collecting funds to purchase and provide Madi Drop water purification tablets for
                  people in India who need safe water to drink. $5 will pay for 1 Madi Drop tablet, which will
                 provide safe drinking water for 1 family for 6 months.

    Option: Play the Sea of Miracles Day 2 Kid-to-Kid Ultimate Mission Water Project video available
    as a download at: ______________

Child Speaker: In addition to your Tithe and Offerings, if you are willing to share in this mission project, please
place your offering in the offering envelope and mark it VBX/VBS.

Let’s Pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for offering us the Living Water that we need to truly live, spiritually. And
thank you for giving us what we need to be physically healthy. We also thank you for giving us the opportunity
to sharing resources with others, like money so people in India can have safe water to drink. We realize how
important safe drinking water is and we want to help. Please bless the money being offered by each person in
this church family. Thank you for placing the desire in our hearts to want to give so others may live healthy lives.

                                                                                  Attention Church Treasurers:
                                                             The offering appeal explains what the offering is for.
                                                                        Joining in support is greatly appreciated.
                                                                               Please put this memo on the check:
                                                                  VBX Mission Project Ultimate Mission Water Project
                                                                                                 offering code: 3752

 Service                                                                                                         15
                                               Sabbath 2018

5. Kids Praise Songs:
(Play videos or songs from Sea of Miracles VBX 2018 Music

Child Speaker: Let’s sing praises to Jesus for His ability to heal and restore us.

Song: “He’s Able”
(From Sea of Miracles VBX music DVD: - OR – Song of your choice)

Song: “Because of Who You Are”
(From Sea of Miracles VBX music DVD: - OR – Song of your choice)

6. Skit – “I’m Free!”

Setting & Props: A boat (big enough for 4 older children) along the shore. (You can make a foam boat façade
and place chairs for the actors sit in behind it; plastic or foam anchor prop with chain, map, binoculars, book,
and ukulele.

Characters: 4 friends from school getting together for a Sunday afternoon boat ride.

       Lauren – A confident and perky gymnast. Wears a sweat outfit.
       Brittany – Studious, loves reading. Carries a big book and is constantly reading.
       Jacob - A musician and praise leader at church. Carries a ukulele.
       Derek – An outdoors enthusiast – loves sailing. Has a navigation map.

Opening Scene:

 Lauren, Brittany, Jacob and Derek are all in the boat.

 Actors should be in this order beginning with the front of the boat:
 Derek, Lauren, Brittany, Jacob. Derek is looking off with his binoculars. Lauren is doing some arm
 stretches; Brittany is reading her book and Jacob is playing softly on his ukulele.

       Lauren: Thanks for arranging this boat ride, Derek. I’m so excited! We are going to be back before 3
       o’clock, right? I can’t miss my gymnastics performance.

       Derek: 3 o’clock on the dot, Lauren! Not to worry! (Sets down binoculars and picks up map. Begins looking
       at the map) Now, let’s see how to get back. Hey, Brittany, can you pull up the anchor?

       Brittany: Sure. (While still reading her book, begins pulling up the anchor with one hand but is struggling
       to get it in, all the while still reading her book.)

       Brittany: Wow, this anchor is not - wanting – to – cooperate!

 Jacob: It’s ok. I got this. (Pulls up anchor ambitiously knocking into Brittany, causing her book to go
 flying out of the boat. The anchor hits Lauren, injuring her hand. Lauren then yells out, then bumps into
 Derek, who rips the map.)

 Service                                                                                                      16
                                               Sabbath 2018

      ALL: (in unison) Oh no!

      Lauren: My hand!

      Brittany: My book!

      Derek: The map!

  Jacob: (Looking at the others who are all looking at him angrily)
		       Uh…my….friends? I’m soooo sorry! Sits down quietly with his head down.

      Lauren: What am I going to do? I don’t think I can do my back handsprings with only one hand.

      Brittany: Wow! That’s going to be hard to do. Maybe you shouldn’t go.

      Derek: (Holding up ripped map). Well, no one’s going anywhere right now. The directions home are ruined.

      Brittany: I have an idea. Let’s pray. The Bible says that Jesus can heal us and I’m pretty sure this is a
      situation that needs fixing. Jesus healed so many people in so many ways in the Bible. I believe He is able
      to help us.

      Derek: That’s a great idea, Brittany. Will you pray for us?

      Brittany: Of course! “Dear Jesus, we know you have the power to heal and to save. We need your help.
      Please guide us back so we can get help for Lauren’s hand. And, if it is your will, we ask that you heal her
      hand now. In Your name we pray, amen.

      Derek & Lauren: Amen.

 Lauren: Thanks Brittany. You know, your faith in Jesus is so awesome.

 Brittany: Well, it wasn’t always like this. There was a time when I felt so trapped because I thought no
 one liked me. But I was shown a promise in the Bible that says Jesus loves me no matter what. I really
 feel like I have a special place in His heart. It’s so much better now.

      Derek: (Looking at Jacob). You know what, Lauren and Brittany? I think someone else may be feeling
      trapped in a place of feeling bad and not liked.

      Lauren: (Taking Jacob by the hand) Come on Jacob. Get up. It’s going to be ok. And besides, we totally
      forgive you.

      Jacob: Thanks everyone. That really means a lot to me.

      Derek: (phone rings) Dad? Dad! We’re in the bay. Can you guide us back? Which way do we turn? Ok.
      Thanks! Be back soon. (Pointing out to the audience/congregation) We just need to go this way then
      we’ll see the docks in the harbor.

      Jacob: (Looking up) Thank you Jesus.
      (Starts to play softly on his ukulele)

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                                               Sabbath 2018

7. Special Feature: (Optional)

Ask a child or two in advance to share a special testimony about Jesus healing him/her or his/her family in
some way.
- or –
Ask a child in advance to share a special music that goes along with the theme of: Jesus is our Healer… We are free.

8. Congregational Prayer:
Ask a child in advance to prepare a prayer acknowledging Jesus as our Great Physician. Have parents/Children’s
Ministry leader help the child prepare the prayer.

 Service                                                                                                        18
                                                     Sabbath 2018

Sermon Part 1 :
· 2 Child Speakers
· “Did You Know?” Child Speaker
· Scripture verses for power point: Mark 5:21-29

Child Speaker #1: Have you ever needed help so badly that you were willing to do just about anything to get
it? We read in the Gospels how Jesus’ ministry here on earth consisted of him performing many miracles of

Child Speaker #2: Many lives were transformed as people reached out to Jesus in need of sight, speech,
hearing, the ability to walk, and healing from illness, even death. News of the great physical healings spread fast
throughout Galilee, bringing more and more people to be touched by Jesus.

Child Speaker #1: In Mark 5, Chapter 5, we read about 2 women (one young and one old) who were in desperate
need of physical healing. The scriptures say this:

                       21 When Jesus had again              healed and live.”               27 When she heard about
                       crossed over by boat to the                                          Jesus, she came up behind him
                       other of the lake, a large crowd     24 So Jesus went with him.      in the crowd and touched his
                       gathered around him while he         25 A large crowd followed and   cloak,
                       was by the lake.                     pressed around him. 25 And      28 because she thought, “If I
                        22 Then one of the synagogue        a woman was there who had       just touch his clothes, I will be
                       leaders, named Jairus, came,         been subject to bleeding for    healed.”
                       and when he saw Jesus, he fell       twelve years.
                                                                                            29 Immediately her bleeding
                       at his feet.                         26 She had suffered a great     stopped and she felt in her
                       23 He pleaded earnestly with         deal under the care of many     body that she was freed from
                       him, “My little daughter is dying.   doctors and had spent all she   her suffering.
                       Please come and put your             had, yet instead of getting
                       hands on her so that she will be     better she grew worse.

Child Speaker #1: All the money and power that little girl’s father had were not enough
to make her well. Setting aside his pride as a leader of the synagogue, Jairus ran
desperately to Jesus, falling at Jesus’ feet and begging for him to heal his daughter
with His divine healing touch. And Jesus went! Willingly!

Child Speaker #2: All the money that the older woman had spent on doctors to make
her well was wasted. But she too came to Jesus with the hope for just one touch for
healing. And Jesus gave it automatically. One rich, one poor – both needing healing
from Jesus.

          a r t 1
 Sermon: P                                                                                                                      19
                                   Sabbath 2018

                     Did You Know? (#1)
  Synagogue leaders were Jewish religious leaders who were experts in the law
  and proud of their “chosen” heritage. They despised Jesus for claiming to be
  God. In Matthew 23, Jesus rebuked the Jewish leaders for telling people how
  to follow God and making strict rules on how to do so, then not doing following
  their own teaching. This is called being a Hypocrite. Most did not believe that
  Jesus was God’s Son and called his teachings a lie. However, there were Jewish
  leaders mentioned in the Bible, like Nicodemus and Jairus, who did believe that
  Jesus was from God. It was a daring and desperate act for Jairus, the synagogue
  ruler to come and fall at Jesus’ feet. But it is Jesus’ desire that all come to him.
  In Matthew 23:37, it says, “37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets
  and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children
  together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.”

  People who were sick in Jesus’ day were treated as social outcasts and perhaps
  even sinners. Some were sent outside the towns and weren’t allowed to have
  any contact with their families or other people. To be healed of a physical illness
  meant you got your family back as well as a place in the community.

                Jesus was not a doctor by trade. His ability to heal people physically
                was from a divine power. This healing extended beyond physical.
                He wanted everyone to know that they belong in the kingdom.

               ? #1
         u Know
Did   Yo                                                                                 20
                                          Sabbath 2018

Up Front Activity/Demonstration:
“Jesus’ Healing is for Everyone”:

· 10 large red paper hearts with Band-Aid crosses on front; double sided tape on the back

Option #1:

Instructions: 2 Child Activity Leaders (1 to give directions and the other to follow directions. Both
children are aware of the outcome of the activity.)

Invite 10 people from congregation (young and old) up to the platform and ask them to stand side by
side, facing the congregation.

Child Activity Leader #1: (Instructing Child Activity Leader #2), (Name of Child), someone in this
line of people needs healing. I want you to go up and down the line and think about who it might be.
Once you’ve made your decision, stick this big red heart on the person.

(Child Leader #2 goes up and down the line slowly looking at everyone and thinking out loud who it
might be.)

Child Leader #1: Ok, (name), tell us who in this lineup needs Jesus’ healing.

Child Leader #2: (Takes a heart, places it on one of the people, then begins to think about someone
else who may need Jesus’.)

Child Leader #2: (Comes back to Child Leader #1) Ok, wait a minute! Actually, the person in this line
up is not a person at all. It’s actually all of them. Hey ALL need Jesus’ healing.

Child Leader #1: (Looking at the congregation) Well, church family, is (name) right? (Wait for
Yes! We ALL need Jesus’ healing!

Thank volunteers and instruct them to take their seats in the congregation.

- or -
OPTION #2 to “Jesus’ Healing is for Everyone”:
· 10 large red paper hearts with Band-Aid crosses on front;
   double sided tape on the back.
· 10 signs with string to place around volunteers’ necks.

          a r t 1
 Sermon: P                                                                                        21
                                               Sabbath 2018

Have each of the 10 volunteers wear signs of the following symptoms that require healing:

1.       Sad			6.                     Poor
2.       Hungry		 7.                  Sick
3.       Angry			8.                   Homeless
4.       Blind			9.                   Lonely
5.       Jealous		 10.                I don’t need healing

Instructions: 2 Child Activity Leaders (1 to give directions and the other to follow directions. Both children are
aware of the outcome of the activity.)

Invite 10 people from congregation (young and old) up to the platform and ask them to stand side by side,
facing the congregation. Place signs around volunteers’ necks.

Child Activity Leader #1: (Instructing Child Activity Leader #2), (Name of Child), someone in this line of people
needs healing. I want you to go up and down the line and think about who it might be. Once you’ve made your
decision, stick this big red heart on the person.

(Child Leader #2 goes up and down the line slowly looking at everyone and thinking out loud who it might be.)

Child Leader #1: Ok, (name), tell us who in this lineup needs Jesus’ healing.

Child Leader #2: (Takes a heart, places it on one of the people, then begins to think about someone else who
may need Jesus’.)

Child Leader #2: (Comes back to Child Leader #1) Ok, wait a minute! Actually, the person in this line up is not
a person at all. It’s all of them. They ALL need Jesus’ healing.

Child Leader #1: (Looking at the congregation) Well, church family, is (name) right? (Wait for responses). Yes!
We ALL need Jesus’ healing!

Thank volunteers and instruct them to take their seats in the congregation.

          a r t 1
 Sermon: P                                                                                                    22
                                     Sabbath 2018

                            n ter activ e Activity

      Child Speaker: It says this in 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 that we should treat each
      other fairly. If someone is suffering, we should be concerned, and if someone
      is happy, we should be happy for him or her. If anyone feels that they could
      use some words of encouragement today, please stand. All those who are
      seated still, tell someone who is standing, “I care” and give them a hug or a
      handhold. Go ahead and sit back down after you’ve been cared for.
      (Wait until everyone is seated)

      Now, anyone who is happy today, please wave your hands in the air and say,
      “I’m happy!”

      Great! We are happy for you!

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Interac                                                                                 23
                                                      Sabbath 2018

Sermon Part 2 :
Child Speaker #2: Going back now to our story of Jesus healing the girl and the woman...

Child Speaker #1: One of these healings was immediate and one was delayed. Jesus’ timing is different than
ours. Jesus told the dying girl’s father, not to be afraid, but to believe. When we put our trust in Jesus, He is
faithful to help us.

Child Speaker #2: The timing and outcome may be different from what we expect, but the Bible says in Romans
8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called
according to his purpose.”

Child Speaker #1: Notice how the gospel writer Mark says that Jesus addressed the older woman as a daughter,
and the Jewish ruler & his wife, a father and mother along with their daughter. We all belong to the family of
God. That’s how Jesus sees us.

(Have 2 child speakers read every other verse)

                       30 At once Jesus realized that      35 While Jesus was still            40 But they laughed at him.
                       power had gone out from him.        speaking, some people came          After he put them all out, he
                       He turned around in the crowd       from the house of Jairus,           took her by the child’s father
                       and asked, “Who touched my          the synagogue leader. “Your         and mother and the disciples
                       clothes?”                           daughter is dead,” they said.       who were with him, and went in

                                                           “Why bother the teacher             where the child was.
                       31 “You see the people              anymore?”
                       crowding against you,” his                                              41 He took her by the hand
                       disciples answered, “and yet        36 Overhearing what they said,      and said to her, “Talitha koum!”
                       you can ask, ‘Who touched           Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid;   (which means “Little girl, I say
                       me?’”                               just believe.”                      to you, get up!”)
                       32 But Jesus kept looking           37 He did not let anyone follow     42 Immediately the girl stood
                       around to see who had done it.      him except Peter, James and         up and began to walk around
                                                           John the brother of James.          (she was 12 years old). At
                       33Then the woman, knowing
                                                                                               this they were completely
                       what had happened to her,           38 When they came to the            astonished.
                       came and fell at his feet and,      home of the synagogue leader
                       trembling with fear, told him the   Jesus saw a commotion, with         43 He gave strict orders not
                       whole truth.                        people crying and wailing           to let anyone know about
                                                           loudly.                             this, and told them to give her
                       34 He said to her, “Daughter,                                           something to eat.
                       your faith has healed you. Go in    39 He went in and said to them,
                       peace and be freed from your        “Why all this commotion and
                       suffering.”                         wailing? The child is not dead
                                                           but asleep.”

          a r t 2
 Sermon: P                                                                                                                        24
                       Sabbath 2018

                   Child Speaker #1: One of these healings was immediate
                   and one was delayed. Jesus’ timing is different than ours.
                   Jesus told the dying girl’s father, not to be afraid, but to
                   believe. When we put our trust in Jesus, He is faithful to
                   help us.

                   Child Speaker #2: The timing and outcome may be different
                   from what we expect, but the Bible says in Romans 8:28,
                   “And we know that in all things God works for the good
                   of those who love him, who have been called according to
                   his purpose.”

                   Child Speaker #1: Notice how the gospel writer Mark says
                   that Jesus addressed the older woman as a daughter, and
                   the Jewish ruler & his wife, a father and mother along with
                   their daughter. We all belong to the family of God. That’s
                   how Jesus sees us.

         a r t 2
Sermon: P                                                                  25
                                        Sabbath 2018

                       Did You Know? (#2)
  Physical healing is not the only thing that frees us. There is also mental, social,
  emotional, and spiritual healing that people need. According to 1 Corinthians
  12, we are given gifts of the Spirit by God’s choosing to help in his work. The
  ministry of physical healing is one of those gifts. The Seventh-day Adventist
  Church believes in sharing the ministry of healing all over the world. Today, there
  are * 195 Seventh-day Adventist Hospitals in 53 countries sharing Jesus’ love
  through healing. And, there are other ways that we can be used to help others.
  As we follow the calling of the Holy Spirit to a life of faith in Jesus, spiritual fruit
  is grown in us, which allows us to bring healing to others with Love, Joy, Peace,
  Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. There’s
  something we can all do to help, so let’s start growing!

  (* Hospital statics from General Conference of SDA, Dept. of Archives)

               ? #2
         u Know
Did   Yo                                                                                     26
                                                  Sabbath 2018

Up Front Activity:
(Reverse Musical Chairs)

Note: Since this is a lot like musical chairs, volunteers will be excited to move around chairs quickly and sit
quickly. It’s ok! This will add to the fun. This has been tested in the Corona SDA Church in California and went
extremely well.)

· 8 pre-selected child volunteers
· Props/Supplies: 8 chairs
· Music – Preselected song arranged with sound person to start and stop several times. One recommendation
would be: “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”. Ask someone to play the piano if you want live music.

Set up: 8 chairs in a circle – facing in. (Make sure there is room between the chairs for people to move in and out of)


Children’s Ministry Leader: I would like to invite our volunteers up to the platform at this time. (Instruct volunteers
to stand off the side where people who are walking around chairs wont’ bump into them.)

Children’s Ministry Leader: Isn’t it healing to know that we are ALL welcome and accepted into God’s family?
This circle of chairs represents the family of God. I would like to invite …(point to 2 volunteers) … to come and
sit in a chair and be a part of God’s family. (The rest of volunteers are still off to the side)

Children’s Ministry Leader: Now, doesn’t it feel great to be included in God’s family? In fact, it feels so great,
that we are going to celebrate by walking around the circle of chairs when the music starts. When the music
stops, take your place back in your seat. Here we go. Stand up.

Begin Music (Recommended song: “Come and Go With Me”)
(Operate music with your cell phone or arrange for sound person to start and stop music on your cue)

Stop Music (the two volunteers sit down)

Children’s Ministry Leader: Now wasn’t that fun! (Looking over at the other volunteers looking left out) Wait!
Wouldn’t it be great to invite more people into our family? I want each of you go over and invite 1 person into the
family. (Children bring over 2 more children to sit in chairs). Now that’s wonderful? (or “Great!” or “Awesome!”)
Let’s celebrate again!

Begin Music (now 4 children are walking around the chairs)

Stop Music (children sit)

At this point, 4 children are left off to the side.

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 Sermon: P                                                                                                         27
                                              Sabbath 2018

Children’s Ministry Leader: We still have people outside the family. What should we do? (Children will know at
this point to go over and invite them in to the circle. If not, prompt them.) Great! You are doing such a great
job including everyone in God’s family! Let’s celebrate!

Begin Music (all 8 children are moving around the circle of chairs)

IMPORTANT NOTE: (arrange ahead of time for just one of the older child volunteers to leave the circle while the
music is playing and stand off to the side).

Stop Music (children sit)

Children’s Ministry Leader: Now that was fun! Being a part of God’s family is a great celebration!
(Looking over at child who left): Oh no! Someone has left the family! What should we do? (Allow the child
volunteers to lead the way on bringing the child back. Believe me, they will do this without any prompting).

Children’s Ministry Leader: Ok, so everyone is back in the family. Great!
(Looking and pointing out at the congregation) Oh wow! What about them?

Children’s Ministry Leader: Jesus wants to use each of us to bring healing
to others by making them feel loved and accepted.
This is something we can ALL do!

          a r t 2
 Sermon: P                                                                                                        28
                                                      Sabbath 2018

                                         n ter active Activity
                                              “The Body”
(Be sure to rehearse ahead of time)                                Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the
                                                                   one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of
Supplies Needed:                                                   one part but of many.”
· As many child speakers as desired.
· Regular sized Mr. Potato Head with parts in place for            Child Speaker: (Hold up regular Mr. Potato Head) That’s right!
demonstrate (Option: Use a Large Mr. Potato Head container         And the Bible also says that God has placed the parts in the
for bigger visual)		                                               body, every one of them, exactly where he wants them to
· Regular sized Mr. Potato Head with parts all mixed up on         be. Doesn’t it feel great to know that we are special to God
the body.                                                          and others are too?
· 1 tub of Play-Dough – Make the shape of a body part ahead
of time that you feel God has blessed you with to be used in       Child Speaker: (Hold up Mr. Potato Head with mixed up parts
the family of God, such as ears for listening, arms for holding,   for all to see) But, what would happen if we started wanting
lips for praying, etc.                                             to be somewhere else in the body? Would that make any
· Mini containers of Play-Dough (One for each person in the        sense? What if we wanted to be the only part, like the eyes?
congregation. Have these in baskets or bags and ready to           Child Speaker: Well then, we wouldn’t have any hearing, or
be passed out or have under end of pews/chairs when the            holding, or walking, or thinking, or a lot of other things! We
time comes.                                                        are valuable and created uniquely by God. If we accept each
Begin with the Mr. Potato Head supplies on a table next to you.    other for the valuable creations that we are, then we will feel
Have the Mr. Potato Head with the parts mixed up out of site.      like we belong.

Child Speaker or Children’s Ministry Leader: Isn’t it healing to   Child Speaker: We are now going to give you a container
know that we are ALL welcome and accepted into God’s               of Play-Dough. (As quickly as possible, have children give
family? (Show large Mr. Potato Head) This Mr. Potato Head          to person at the end of each row to take and pass down.
represents family. It represents God’s family, our church          Perhaps have ready at the end of each pew, or underneath,
family, and even our own nuclear families.                         before the service begins).

Child Speaker: Jesus wants each one of us to know that we          Take one and pass the rest down. Then, open it up and make
belong in His family. We all belong in the family of God and       the shape of the body part that you feel God has blessed you
each of has a special purpose in the family. Knowing this          with to use the best. (Child Speaker: Show your example). I
makes us feel included and valued. Not only is it important        made the shape of an ear because I fee that God has given
for us to know how God feels about us individually, but also,      me a gift of listening to others.
it is important for us to know how God feels about others.         Wait 2 minutes for people to shape their Play-Dough.
Child Speaker: Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12, verses 25 and        Child Speaker: Now turn to someone next to you and tell
26, that God does not want any division in His family and          them what you made and why.
that we should all have the same care for each other. And
also, if one person in the family is suffering, then the entire    Child Speaker: Now take a moment to prayer for one another,
family suffers together, and if someone is honored, then we        giving God thanks for creating you and your neighbor with
all rejoice together. Now that’s a healthy family!                 unique gifts and then asking God to help you love others
                                                                   even more with the gifts He has given you.
Child Speaker: 1 Corinthians 12, verses 12 through 14, says
this, “12Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its   End of Activity
many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were
all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether

                   ti v i t y
          t i ve Ac
  Interac                                                                                                                    29
                                   Sabbath 2018

                    Did You Know? (#3)
  Child Speaker (with fishing pole): People with physical impairments, different
  statuses in society, and even religious beliefs were often treated unfairly, but
  Jesus came to show by His compassion that all are included in the family of
  God as His adopted sons and daughters. Jesus’ compassion on the people He
  interacted with in the Bible resulted in their restoration to healthy relationships
  with God and with one another. Healthy relationships are an important part of
  being loved and loving others. People who have disabilities in the world today
  are often left out or made fun of. We should follow Jesus’ example when we
  meet people who are different from us. All are special, are all created by God
  and equally loved in the family. Feeling accepted is an important part of our
  well-being. Doesn’t everyone want to be accepted?

               ? #3
         u Know
Did   Yo                                                                                30
                                                   Sabbath 2018

Sermon Part 3 :
Child Speaker: Our final passages from scripture we want to bring to you are from Mark 2:15-17:

                       16 When the teachers of the      17 On hearing this, Jesus said      23 For all have sinned and fall
                       law who were Pharisees saw       to them, “It is not the healthy     short of the glory of God.
                       him eating with the sinners      who need a doctor but the
                       and tax collectors, they asked   sick. I have not come to call the
                       his disciples: “Why does he      righteous, but sinners.”
                       eat with tax collectors and      Romans 3:23

Child Speaker: The best healing of all which sets each one of us free is the transformation of a life apart from
Jesus, to a life of faith IN and WITH Jesus! The Bible says that we are all sinners and need saving. Jesus came
to heal us from eternal death. He has set us free from the bondage of sin. Isn’t that worth sharing? Let us ALL
trust and believe in our great physician, Jesus Christ who accepts each one of us as his brothers and sisters.
What a great miracle He is to us!

15. Praise Song - “You Are the Miracle” (Recommended)
From Sea of Miracles VBX music DVD: - OR – Song of your choice

16. Call to Commitment:

Pastors: This is a special time to engage the congregation to respond to the call of Jesus drawing them into the
family of God by accepting His free gift of forgiveness and new life.

17. Closing Prayer:

Father in Heaven, You are the Great Physician and Creator of each one of us. Thank you for the gift of life and
of healing. As we follow the example of Your Son, Jesus’ healing of unconditional love, we pray for your Holy
Spirit to help us to be more loving and accepting of one another. Father, we thank you for the gift of eternal life
through the loving sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ which has freed us from the results of sin. Use us with the
gifts of healing you have given to each one of us uniquely so that we may share your character and truth with
the world. In the precious name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus. Amen

18. Pastor or Child Speaker:

Friends, we invite you now to a wonderful time of food and fellowship meal in the ______________________________
followed by a special afternoon of(Invite congregation to a fellowship meal and afternoon activities)

Postlude (Your choice of music)

Fellowship Lunch

          a r t 3
 Sermon: P                                                                                                                    31
Children’s Sabbath 2018

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