Chromebook Gamer Files: Mortal Kombat Mobile - Tech Reviewer ...

Chromebook Gamer Files: Mortal Kombat Mobile - Tech Reviewer ...
Chromebook Gamer Files:
Mortal Kombat Mobile
A little about me: I’m a life-long gamer with a   over the arcade version I played as a middle
limited budget and commitments outside of         schooler. I played the 2019 mobile version of
the keyboard. I was challenged to go deeper       Mortal Kombat on my 8th Gen Intel® Core™ m3
into Chromebook Gaming after I wrote an           Chromebook and, while the skulls still shatter
article about it for TRG. Today, I’m looking at   in MRI detail, the blood isn’t quite so…bloody,
Mortal Kombat’s 2019 mobile release. This         and the shocking fatalities are few and farther
Android Game is free on Google Play, but it's     between.
rated M for Mature, 17+ for plenty of graphic

The Gear:
Chromebooks have really come up in the world.
They run the gamut from low to high-end in
terms of price point and processing power.
I wanted to test game play at both ends of
the spectrum. For this review, I played Mortal
Kombat X on an entry-level Chromebook
powered by an Intel®Celeron N3330 and a           The mobile version of Mortal Kombat has
pricier, more powerful 8th Gen Intel® Core™ m3    heavily simplified mechanics, favoring fast
machine.                                          action over complex combinations. Basically,
                                                  you tap to attack and use two fingers to block.
The Game: Mortal Kombat                           As you fight, you build up energy towards a
                                                  special move that’s executed with a quick
Mobile                                            swipe at the right time. You play with a team of
First off, I’d have to be sure there were no      three fighters, chosen from old-school favorites
kids in the house before I would play Mortal      like Johnny Cage as well as new players with
Kombat on my console. It. Is. Bloody. It earns    new abilities. Over time, you can unlock some
the Mature 17+ rating with every battle, as you   interesting character customizations for your
get up close and personal with cracking skulls,   roster. Overall, it’s just a fun, casual brawler
bulging eyeballs, and enough blood to make        with excellent graphics.
an ER doc rethink his life choices. It makes me
laugh when I remember my parents’ concerns

Commissioned by Intel® Corporation.
Chromebook Gamer Files: Mortal Kombat Mobile - Tech Reviewer ...
The Chromebook Challenge: Winner, Winner
Mortal Kombat was a big win on Chromebook. There were no options for GFX settings; that’s
always a concern for a game that looks this graphics heavy. Turns out, even though the game is
great to look at, the graphics aren’t as complicated as they appear, since the playing field is still
limited to the classic catwalk of death. In the end, it looked as good on the Intel Celeron as it did
on the 8th Gen Intel® Core™ m3 and performed about the same. That makes Mortal Kombat a
good casual gaming option for (adult) players who are on a budget. Like many games built for
mobile, you'll need a touchscreen for the best gameplay.

The Takeaway:                                        Mortal Kombat Mobile

Ultimate takeaway for me is that casual gamers       Time to launch (sec)
                                                     Lower is better
will find a lot to love with a Chromebook. Still,                                                 Faster
you should keep your expectations realistic.                            25.00 s
If you like more demanding games and you’re
in the market for a Chromebook, you may as                                           38.08 s
well spend a little more to future-proof your
investment with an Intel® Core™ m3 processor.
An upgrade will also ensure all of your most
                                                             Chromebook with Intel             Chromebook with Intel
demanding productivity and entertainment                     Core m3 Processor                 N3350 Celeron Processor

apps run smoothly.

Learn more about Intel powered chromebooks

Commissioned by Intel® Corporation.
Chromebook Gamer Files: Mortal Kombat Mobile - Tech Reviewer ...
Apendix A: System Configurations
 Syetem                                                ASUS Chromebook Flip 434TA                                              HP Chromebook x360 11 G1

 Processor                                               8th Gen Intel® Core™ m3-8100Y                                           Intel® Celeron® N3550

 Processor frequency (GHz)                                              1.1 GHz                                                         1.1 GHz
 Processor Cores                                                          2                                                               2
 Memory GB                                                               8 GB                                                            8 GB
 Storage                                                                64 GB                                                           32 GB
 Battery type                                                           Li-Poly                                                         Li-ion
 Display                                                              1920x1080                                                        1366x768
 Wireless                                                             802.11 AC                                                        802.11 AC
 Bluetooth                                                                4.0                                                             4.2
 USB ports                                                  1xUSB 3.1 / 2xUSB Type-C™                                          2xUSB 3.1 / 2xUSB Type-C™
 System weight (lbs)                                                     3.19                                                           3.1 lbs
 OS version/name                                                     7.1.1/Nougat                                                    7.1.1/Nougat
 Build/firmware                                                     R72-11316.165.0                                                 76.0.3809.136.0
 MSRP                                                                    $899                                                            $742

Apendix B: Gaming Method
Testing process before game play
1.    Ensure ChromeOS is fully up to date.
2.    From the advanced ChromeOS settings page, select "Powerwash" to reset Chromebook to default state.
3.    Sign into our Google user.
4.    Launch the Google Play store and install game to be tested.
5.    Once installed, launch game from the app drawer
6.    If the game had first-run cut scenes or tutorials, we played the game until a typical launch sequence would occur.
7.    Once we ensured a typical launch would occur we began our testing.
8.    Launch the game from app drawer
9.    Simultaneously we would start the timer on the stop watch.
10.   Once the game is loaded and we are greeted with the game menu, we stopped the timer.
11.   We entered the time into a spreadsheet and repeated from step 8 for a total of 5 times.
12.   To test a new game we would start over from step 2.
13.   Once all of the timed tests were completed and times entered into the spreadsheet, formulas calculated the average and
      median scores for each game on each Chromebook as well as the difference in percentage between each Chromebook's
      average and median scores.

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