Page created by Fernando Haynes


    3 CITY OF MADRID                                                                                                                     4

     Art and Culture...........................................            4
     Lifestyle: ........................................................
        - Gastronomy...........................................            6
        - Shopping.................................................        7
        - Leisure & Entertainment.................                         8
        - Nature....................................................... 9                    8
        - Sport.......................................................... 10
        - LGTBI........................................................ 11
        - Family....................................................... 12
        - Neighbourhoods and
           Surrounding Areas............................. 13
     The Place for Professional Meetings
     and Events..................................................... 15

16 EVENTS                                                                      11


     Issuing Markets.......................................... 19
     Hotel Offering............................................. 20
     Connectivity ................................................ 21
     Accessible Tourism.................................... 22
     What’s New................................................... 23

24 ABOUT US                                                                                  23

2                                                                                   COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...

1. Panoramic view with the Metrópoli building in the foreground.

City of Madrid
Diverse, tolerant, multicultural, creative, lively, innovative, sustainable, global… many words could be used to
describe Madrid. Yet, the city’s capacity to welcome outsiders is no doubt its most representative identity
mark. And it’s all due to the locals’ open and inclusive nature as they make you feel right at home whomever
you are and wherever you come from. If you come to Madrid, you’re from Madrid. That’s why Madrid is known
as the city of open arms, a hospitable destination with a very unique lifestyle that makes it a one-of-a-kind
place in the world

Madrid is also the capital of culture. The       actual source of inspiration for many of           A city of rights and liberties, Madrid is
city offers visitors some of the most            them. One example of this is the distinctive    a benchmark for the LGBTI community.
extensive and well-conserved historical/         Barrio de las Letras district where some of     With the cooperation, equal treatment and
artistic heritage in the world where             the most important Golden Age Spanish           cohesion afforded by each and every
universal references like the walkable art       writers once lived. Another is the active       Madrid native and their commitment
district Paseo del Arte co-exist in the same     cultural life found at the Students’            against violence and all types of
environment as royal sites, museum               Residence. A favourite filming location for     discrimination, the capital has become the
houses, institutions with centuries of           the motion picture industry and premiere        largest and most genuine reflection of
history such as the Spanish Theatre and          city for major audio-visual productions,        LGTBI pride in the world.
the Royal Theatre as well as modern and          Madrid is also the capital of flamenco, with
alternative cultural spots like Matadero         tablao venues offering unforgettable               On a professional level, Madrid is a
Madrid and MediaLab Prado. All of them           experiences as they tremble with emotion        booming city. It has established itself as a
together create one of the most attractive       from the incredible staging. It’s the capital   top-rate destination for business tourism
cultural offerings in Europe with annual         of Spanish music too with big-budget            and professional events and meetings as
events and activities of interest to a broad     shows, the epicentre of which is Gran Vía,      the home of large specialist headquarters
audience available 365 days a year.              also known as “Madrid’s Broadway”.              and a long list of services that have gained
                                                                                                 the trust of professionals from all over the
   Moreover, Madrid is inspiring as a city          Madrid has one of the best retail            world who have chosen it as the place to
that captures cultural and artistic talent.      offerings in all of Europe and, thanks to the   do business not only because of its
Velázquez, Goya, Picasso, Dalí, Cervantes,       liberalisation of shop opening hours, it can    leadership, but also its cosy atmosphere.
Lorca, Buñuel, Almodóvar; the list could         now be enjoyed almost all year round.
go on and on. Madrid has welcomed and            Spanish and international designers,              In short, Madrid is a city with immense
continues to welcome big names in                alternative fashion houses, top brands as       personality which welcomes visitors with
painting, literature and film throughout         well as garments created and made in the        open arms and offers them one of the best
time as an essential part of the city’s life     city can be found in the capital city’s         and most complete tourism offerings in
and the development and dissemination            different shopping areas: from Gran Via to      the world. It’s a friendly city with a lot to
of its works of art. It has even been the        the Barrio de Salamanca district, all the       enjoy where there’s always something
                                                 way to Fuencarral street.                       going on and something new to discover.
                                                                                                 Welcome to this trip through the city of
                                                    Madrid is also all about open-air life as    Madrid.
                                                 a sustainable city that looks after the
    More than 3.000 hours                        environment and holds great natural
    of sun a year                                treasures. With green areas like El Retiro,
    The European capital with the                La Casa de Campo, La Quinta de Los
    most sun hours – quite the                   Molinos, El Capricho and Madrid Río,            h hMore information:
    opportunity to experience the                Madrid offers a healthy and peaceful            The City of Madrid Tourism Board
    city and enjoy the outdoors                  atmosphere to experience nature.                Official Website: /en

3                                                                               COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...
                                                                                                 1. The Reina Sofia National Museum and Art
                                                                                                 Centre has been exhibiting a collection since
                                                                                                 1992. 2. The stairway at the CaixaForum Madrid.
                                                                                                 3. The Prado Museum is one of the most-visited
                                                                                                 in the world. 4. Sorolla Museum Gardens.


Art and Culture

Madrid’s walkable art district                  El Paseo del Prado and the El Retiro park
Paseo del Arte is the hub for a                 are currently under review to be recognised
cultural offering which is unique in            as a World Heritage Cultural Landscape.
the world. Its three main museums
                                                   The Prado Museum, which is celebrating
(Prado, Thyssen-Bornemisza                      its bicentennial in 2019, has an exceptional
and Reina Sofia) provide a real                 collection of 8,600 paintings and more
trip through art history. All of                than 700 sculptures in addition to
this valuable heritage is found                 organising successful temporary exhibits.        3
alongside other types of artistic               The route begins in the 11th century
proposals, creative trends and new              with the Mozarabic murals from the                  This itinerary can be extended with visits
multidisciplinary cultural centres              Church of San Baudelio de Berlanga and           to sites like CaixaForum Madrid, where
that have arisen following the                  continues through time with some of the          a surprising vertical garden welcomes
transformation of old sites                     masterpieces by geniuses of the likes            visitors, and museums as special as the
                                                of El Greco, Ribera, Zurbarán, Murillo,          Romanticism Museum, Sorolla Museum,
                                                Goya, Velázquez, Fra Angelico, Tiziano,          Decorative Arts Museum, Lázaro Galdiano
                                                Caravaggio, Rubens, Durero, Rembrandt            Museum and the Cerralbo Museum
Museums                                         and several others, all in an area near          (entrance to all of them is available with the
Madrid is a city to be enjoyed on foot and      places of interest such as the Cibeles           Cinco Museos. Otro Madrid five-museum
the less than one kilometre occupied by         Palace and Fountain, the Royal Botanical         ticket). Added to this are exhibits offered
the Prado Museum, National Thyssen-             Gardens and the Puerta de Alcalá gateway.        by institutions like Fundación Mapfre,
Bornemisza Museum and Reina Sofia                                                                Fundación Juan March, La Casa Encendida
Museum offers the chance to take in some           As for the Thyssen-Bornemisza, located        or Centro de Exposiciones Arte Canal,
of the main masterpieces of universal           in the Villahermosa Palace, it offers visitors   Casa de América and the many specialist
painting in a privileged setting (a Paseo del   the opportunity to enjoy the history of          art galleries as well as other cultural and
Arte Card can be purchased for entrance         European painting from the Middle Ages           historical points of interest: Archaeology
to all three; there’s also plenty to discover   to the end of the 20th century through its       Museum, Naval Museum, Fashion and
via the Paseo del Arte Imprescindible app).     permanent collection. There are more than        Costume Museum, Lope de Vega Museum
                                                1,000 works of art from primitive Italian art    House and the Contemporary Art Museum.
                                                forms to Russian constructivism not to
                                                mention its unquestionable attraction –
                                                                                                     A for Art and Architecture
                                                   The Paseo del Prado also connects to              Madrid’s historical inheritance from
                                                the Reina Sofia National Museum and                  the Habsburgs and Bourbons co-exists
                                                Art Centre located in the former Hospital            with works of international prestige
                                                General of Madrid in the Atocha district. A          such as the ones created for Terminal
                                                place where its numerous visitors and the            4 at the Barajas Airport, the Cuatro
                                                history of contemporary art come together,           Torres Business Area and the Reina
                                                it features work by Dalí, Miró, Juan Gris,           Sofia and Prado Museum expansions.
                                                Solana and Tapies in addition to Picasso’s           Also standing out is the work done
                                                Guernica as well as work by international            at major urban parks like Madrid
                                                artists such as Georges Braque, Francis              Río, with the spectacular Arganzuela
                                                Bacon, Henry Moore and Francis Picabia.              monumental bridge or Perrault bridge.

4                                                                               COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...


                                              More culture                                      dissemination centre with all types of
                                              Medialab Prado, Matadero Madrid, Conde            public events and exhibits.
                                              Duque, La Tabacalera and La Neomudéjar
                                              are all active citizen contributions meant           Each spring, the Retiro Park hosts the
                                              to enrich the artistic and cultural life          Book Fair – fifteen days with dozens of
                                              of Madrid. As examples of venues open             huts making it possible to not only find out
                                              to citizen participation with all types of        what’s new in literature and find classics
                                              exhibits, conferences, workshops and              from all ages but also meet up with authors
                                              activities, they foster an inclusive and          who are available to sign their books. The
                                              pluralistic culture. They also make for quite     Old and Used Book Fair on Paseo de
                                              the opportunity to enjoy facilities enclaved      Recoletos is another cultural encounter in a
                                              in unique buildings, most of which are of         city where Cervantes, Galdós, Hemingway,
2                                             great historical interest.                        Valle-Inclán, Cela and many other great
                                                                                                writers from different eras of history have
                                                Some of these venues also contribute            all roamed the streets.
                                              to Madrid’s extensive dramatic arts
                                              programme with historical theatres such as           The Spanish National Library is another
                                              the Teatro Español, Fernán Gómez, Centro          reason to enjoy the heritage and reflection
                                              Cultural de la Villa, Teatros del Canal, Teatro   of culture in our lives. It holds copies of all
                                              de la Comedia, María Guerrero and Teatro          the books that have ever been published
                                              de la Abadía as well as a varied alternative      in Spain and an excellent collection
                                              theatre offering in halls throughout the city.    of incunabula, manuscripts, drawings,
                                              These stages share the limelight with the         photographs, sound recordings, musical
                                              only stable circus in Spain, Teatro Circo         scores, etc. Exhibits are also organised at
                                              Price, and temples of music like the Royal        this site.
                                              Theatre, the National Music Auditorium
                                              and the Zarzuela Theatre.
                                                                                                  A city of culture
                                                 Right in the heart of the city is the            At CentroCentro Cibeles, Madrid’s
                                              Barrio de las Letras, an area once home             City Hall also welcomes all types of
                                              to some of the most prominent Spanish               participatory cultural and artistic
                                              Golden Age writers like Cervantes, Lope             displays in a city where events are
3                                             de Vega and Quevedo. In fact, Madrid                held each year including ARCOMadrid
                                              pays homage every year around 23 April              and the PHotoESPAÑA festival.
1. The streets of the Barrio de las Letras    to literature with Book Night (just as it also
district features more than 20 texts by       celebrates Museum Night and Theatre
classical authors. 2. Fernán Gómez.           Night). It’s the perfect initiative for a city
Centro Cultural de la Villa is one of the     that loves books and which is also home to         More information:
city’s many cultural centres. 3. One of the   the Students’ Residence, founded in 1910,
entrances to Matadero Madrid, right in the    which is evidence of the life and work of
heart of Madrid Río.                          the Generation of ’27 and now a cultural

5                                                                              COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...

                                                                                           1. Pastry-making, with all types of specialties,
                                                                                           is one of the strengths of Madrid’s gastronomy
                                                                                           (Mercado de San Miguel). 2. The squid roll is
                                                                                           another of the city’s typical flavours. 3. The
                                                                                           origins of Madrid’s traditional stew date back
                                                                                           to the Middle Ages (Lhardy).

                                                                                              Even the markets themselves are
                                                                                           becoming a more and more important
1                                                                                          option for enjoying our gastronomy. These
                                                                                           outstanding areas are not only for shopping
One of the main attractions in                                                             but also for sampling delicatessen items
Madrid no doubt lies in its broad                                                          and everyday products. They include San
                                                                                           Miguel (right next to the Plaza Mayor
culinary offering and the way it is
                                                                                           main square); San Antón and El Huerto
enjoyed – always in good company.
                                                                                           de Lucas in Chueca; and Vallehermoso,
Going out for tapas with friends,                                                          Antón Martín, Mercado de la Paz, Barceló,
a family meal, a tasting session                                                           Chamartín and Villa de Vallecas. Additional
at one of the city’s markets or                                                            options include Platea Madrid in the
an unforgettable experience at                                                             Salamanca district; Gourmet Experience
a Michelin-star restaurant. From                                                           de El Corte Inglés in Gran Via, Serrano and
Madrid to heaven… via the palate                                                           Castellana, the European and US-style
                                                                                           Organic Market & Food; Yatal Market and
                                                                                           others. The list is quite long with products
An excellent and varied offering                                                           that include Madrid’s typical pastries:
There are more than a dozen restaurants                                                    the ring-shaped rosquillas de San Isidro,
in Madrid that have already surpassed the                                                  Carnival chocolate sardines, buñuelos
100-year milestone such as Casa Botín, the                                                 (sweet fritters) and huesos de santo (Saint’s
oldest restaurant in the world, Lhardy, and                                                bones).
casas like Casa Labra and Casa Alberto.
Traditional stew, beef tripe and lamb are                                                     The city’s gastronomy is also featured at
served along with all the popular tapas                                                    a number of events on the yearly calendar.
in taverns, pubs, bars and 21st century                                                    Gastrofestival Madrid (January-February)
gastrobars. And all of this is available in a                                              is a fifteen-day gastronomy and cultural
city where the aperitif and early evening                                                  period where restaurants, markets, shops,
snack have been long-standing customs            3                                         museums and other cultural centres
for years.                                                                                 participate in a major exhibit where
                                                                                           painting, literature, design and, of course,
   All this tradition comes together with                                                  the culinary arts, are the main stars with
the city’s 21 restaurants that have been                                                   special menus, culinary routes, cooking
acknowledged with one or more Michelin                                                     classes and more. Other events include
stars: DiverXO (with three stars); Santceloni,       Universal flavours                    Madrid Fusión, an international gastronomy
La Terraza del Casino, Ramón Freixa                  A squid roll, a serving of            summit, Gastroletras (March), the Salón de
Madrid, DSTAgE and Coque (with two); and             patatas bravas spicy potatoes,        Gourmets (May), Madrid Exquisito (April
El Club Allard, Kabuki, Kabuki Wellington,           soldaditos de pavía (breaded          and October), Tapapiés and the Mercado
Álbora, Punto MX, Lúa, A Barra, Gaytán, La           cod and fried red peppers),           de Sabores in October, Market Day at
Candela Restó, Cebo, El Invernadero, Yugo            a slice of Spanish omelette,          Casa de Campo (the first Saturday of each
The Bunker, La Tasquería, Clos Madrid and            a small dish of pork ear…             month), Madrid Productores at Matadero
El Corral de la Morería Gastronómico (with           there’s quite the assortment          Madrid (the last Saturday of every month),
one). They’re all temples of gastronomy              of tapas. And those are just a        just to name a few. There are many reasons
which contribute to Madrid’s presence                few examples of the little bits       to savour Madrid.
in the select group of gourmet cities, all           of gastronomic identity found
served by the best local ingredients from            in a city with thousands of
Mercamadrid - the largest food logistics             restaurants representing all
centre in Europe and the second largest              the culinary possibilities found      h hMore information:
fish distribution market in the world.               throughout Spain and the world

6                                                                            COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...

Madrid is full of shops for unique experiences. Quality, design and
creativity are the identity marks of a broad retail offering featuring
everything from top Spanish and international ready-to-wear brands to the                       Open all year round
most exclusive products created and artisan-made right here in Madrid                           More than 46,000 shops, many of
                                                                                                which are open 365 days a year,
                                                                                                make Madrid the second-best city in
                                                                                                Europe to go shopping according to
                                                                                                Globe Shopper Index

                                                                                            the ideal place to buy souvenirs of a lovely
                                                                                            time in the city – fans, capes and Manila
                                                                                            shawls, not to mention all the collector’s
                                                                                            coins and stamps (a special market is held
                                                                                            every Sunday under the porticos).

                                                                                               The so-called Golden Mile in the
                                                                                            heart of the Salamanca district has
                                                                                            become the place for the most exclusive
                                                                                            shopping with the best international and
                                                                                            Spanish luxury brands. Jewellery shops,
                                                                                            shoe shops and clothing and accessory
 1                                     2
                                                                                            shops line the streets Serrano, Ortega y
                                                                                            Gasset, Velázquez, Lagasca, Jorge Juan,
                                                                                            Ayala and Claudio Coello. This last spot
                                                                                            is where Vogue Fashion’s Night Out, a
                                                                                            heavily-attended evening of fashion, is
                                                                                            held once a year.

                                                                                               Near this area, Chueca and Fuencarral
                                                                                            have also become hotspots for shopping
                                                                                            in the centre of Madrid with all types
                                                                                            of prestigious brands and new names
                                                                                            in fashion, sport clothing, accessories,
                                                                                            culture, etc. This activity can also be
                                                                                            enjoyed in other areas such as Almirante
                                                                                            and Las Salesas, neighbourhoods with
                                                                                            elegant cutting-edge urban designs yet
                                                                                            which haven’t lost any of the charm of
                                                                                            traditional local shops. There’s also the
                                                                                            Azca-Castellana area which not only
                                                                                            features fashion, but also technology.

                                                                                               No shopping trip through Madrid is
                                                                                            complete without a stop at El Rastro.
                                                                                            Dating back to the 15th century, this flea
3                                                                                           market is open on Sundays and holidays
                                                                                            with more than 1000 street vendors at
1. The shopping street Preciados.             All kinds of ideas                            this popular gathering place for locals
2. The centre of Madrid, with areas like      A window display as large as it is diverse,   and visitors. It’s quite the street-side
Gran Vía, Fuencarral and Chueca, offers       which meets the needs of all types of         tradition – walking around a world of
all types of leisure opportunities.           consumers, spread throughout different        quality second-hand products just before
3. El Rastro welcomes thousands of            areas of the city. There’s Gran Via with      the deeply-rooted customary tapas time
visitors from early morning to three in the   all the leading Spanish and international     in the surrounding streets.
afternoon on Sundays and holidays.            ready-to-wear clothing chains standing
                                              right next to traditional shops, even
                                              hundred-year-old ones like those found in     h hMore information:
                                              the nearby main square. The Plaza Mayor is

7                                                                           COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...


2                                                                  3

Leisure & Entertainment
The infinite leisure and                         Dozens of opportunities                          venues like WiZink Center and the Wanda
entertainment offering in the city of            every single day                                 Metropolitano as well as top locally-
Madrid is a fundamental part of its              Among the endless range of choices that          organised events including Los Veranos
characteristic lifestyle. The place for          make it the sixth most fun city in the world     de la Villa, Las Noches del Botánico, Mad
                                                 (according to the magazine Time Out), its        Cool Festival, Mulafest, and JazzMadrid
the best flamenco and the capital of
                                                 theatre offering particularly stands out.        and flamenco shows – everything from
Spanish-language musicals, Madrid
                                                 A reference on the international scene           formats best suited for large audiences
also stands out for the diverse and              and a place where historical theatres like       to the purest of experiences.
exquisite cultural programming at its            the Teatro Español co-exist with various
museums, theatres and cultural                   alternative halls such as Naves Matadero,           Madrid is also a cinema city with places
centres. Its night-time entertainment            there has been a particular rise in musicals     of reference like the film libraries Cineteca
options and street-side cafés in                 in recent years. Thus, Madrid’s Gran Via         Madrid and Filmoteca Española in addition
privileged locations are yet more                has become a solid showcase for world-           to having been a filming location for
examples of plans that can be made               famous hits.                                     Spanish and international productions
in a city where fun is guaranteed                                                                 for decades. Important filmmakers of
                                                    Madrid is the city of classical music         the likes of Pedro Almodóvar, the city’s
                                                 and dance with a number of venues and            Adopted Son, have portrayed it originally
                                                 municipal auditoriums promoting these            and audaciously. Moreover, it’s a circus
                                                 disciplines and temples like the Royal           city with a long-standing tradition that
                                                 Theatre and the National Auditorium.             has left its legacy through the Teatro
                                                 With the best concerts, plays and operas,        Circo Price which features an excellent
                                                 Madrid also hosts events relating to the         multidisciplinary schedule of great Spanish
                                                 musical arts like World Opera Forum and          and international circus and magic shows.
                                                 International Jazz Day.
                                                                                                      As night falls, the fun continues. Areas
                                                    There’s time and space for a whole            such as Princesa, Barrio de Salamanca,
                                                 lot of music from concerts in small halls        Barrio de las Letras, Malasaña and Chueca
                                                 specialising in live music (rock, jazz, ethnic   all host afterwork parties and have cocktail
                                                 music, etc.) to major performances at            bars and discotheques to enjoy Madrid’s
                                                                                                  nightlife. In short, there are all types of
                                                                                                  opportunities without forgetting that
                      4                                                                           leisure and entertainment in Madrid is
                                                                                                  also synonymous to doing sport, spending
1. The San Isidro Festival allows people to                                                       a day at a theme park or having a drink
attend all types of concerts throughout the            Madrid’s                                   at a street-side café in Lavapiés, Latina,
streets. 2. Flamenco is one of the                     “Broadway”'                                Recoletos or at Plaza de Santa Ana.
choices for a night out in Madrid. 3. The
Teatro Circo Price puts on performances                Madrid has become the capital
with circus shows, magic, music and more.              of Spanish musicals. Gran Via              h hMore information:
4. Madrid has hundreds of street-side                  is the place where all sorts of  
cafés to have a drink or bite of food outside.         productions are staged           

8                                                                                COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...

The diversity of Madrid’s natural
heritage is a reflection of an
environmentally-friendly city
erected around a river and which
still conserves exceptional outdoor
areas to walk, meet up, do sport
and essentially live in full contact
with nature. It’s a green, healthy and
sustainable city that cares for itself

Immense natural heritage
Madrid is one of the cities with the highest
number of green areas in the world (more            1
than 180 parks and gardens and more than
240,900 trees). El Retiro is one of the capital’s
great lungs. Created in the 17th century, it
stands out because of the combination of
architectural and landscaping elements
such as its French-style parterre, large pond
where people can go rowing, Glass Palace
and rose garden. Along with the Paseo del
Prado, it’s a candidate to be named a World
Heritage Landscape.

   La Casa de Campo, which, just like               2                                            3
El Retiro, is listed as Spanish national
cultural heritage, offers all types of leisure                                           1. Madrid Río is the ideal placer to do any type
opportunities across its 1,722 hectares (five                                            of activity. 2. The almond trees at the Quinta
times bigger than Central Park) from the                                                 de los Molinos bloom in February and March.
pond and surrounding areas, with outdoor                                                 3. The El Retiro park opens every day of the
cafés to have a drink, lunch or dinner, to                                               year. 4. El Capricho is another of the many
the leisure facilities within like the Theme                                             parks in Madrid with immense artistic and
Park and Zoo Aquarium.                                                                   natural heritage.

   As for Madrid Río, this large linear park
(10 km) along the River Manzanares is an
excellent place to take a walk, go skating                                               territory is occupied by the Monte del
or skateboarding or ride a bike (30 km of                                                Prado Natural Reserve.
bike paths). People can also enjoy any of
the many children’s play areas and outdoor                          4                       The Sabatini Gardens, El Capricho
cafés. It is connected to Matadero Madrid                                                Park (with highly-recommended guided
and other green areas around the city and                                                tours), the gardens at the Anglona Palace
features what is known as the Salón de                                                   (hidden yet accessible right in the middle
Pinos, a tree-lined 30 metre-wide path                                                   of calle Segovia), Dalieda de San Francisco
more than six kilometres long.                          A green city                     el Grande, Huerto de las Monjas, the
                                                        The Cerro del Tío Pío park       spectacular Campo del Moro (at the foot
   Other more unique green areas in the                 and the Manzanares Linear        of the Royal Palace) and Parque del Oeste
city include its Quintas recreation areas like          Park are another two             are all natural enclaves in a city which also
Los Molinos (more than 6,000 almond trees               outstanding natural enclaves     has parks like Agustín Rodríguez Sahagún,
in addition to olive, pine and eucalyptus               of tourism interest              Aluche, Emperatriz María de Austria,
trees). These areas to the north offer                                                   Juan Carlos I, Dehesa de la Villa, Parque
romantic landscaping whereas the areas                                                   de Berlín, Parque de San Isidro o el de la
to the south are more forest-like. Torres                                                Bombilla, among others.
Arias and Fuente del Berro are another two
natural enclaves worth a visit with their
story tale landscaping right in the middle                                              h hMore information:
of the city. Moreover, 26.4% of the municipal                                 

9                                                                          COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...

                                                                                                                1. Fans during a match
                                                                                                                at Santiago Bernabéu.
                                                                                                                2. Bicimad is a service
                                                                                                                that allows people to
                                                                                                                enjoy Madrid in a fun
1                                                                                                               and sustainable way.

Madrid is a city to get excited and
come to life with sport. The setting
for the best football, its main first-
division teams, Atlético de Madrid
and Real Madrid, are some of the
capital’s best ambassadors in Europe
and all over the world


Football shrines
Real Madrid is the home team at the                                                      League final, and its main teams, Real Madrid
Santiago Bernabéu stadium, which is toured                                               and Atlético de Madrid, are ambassadors
by more than a million and a half visitors a                                             for the city’s image worldwide. As for tennis,
year. El Atlético recently began playing at                                              the Caja Mágica is the site of the Mutua
the all-new Wanda Metropolitano, a real                                                  Madrid Open with top-ranked ATP players
21st century stadium which also welcomes                                                 competing whereas the National Golf
quite a few visitors. Another local first-                                               Centre organizes championships like the
division team is Rayo Vallecano, a more                                                  Open de España.
modest yet very popular club and another
example of the immense enthusiasm for                                                       Another outstanding venue for major
this sport. Madrid is the city of football.                                              sporting events is the Wizink Center
                                                                                         (Autonomous Region of Madrid Sports
   Madrid is also a city for cycling with 290
                                                Athletics in parks and in                Arena) for basketball (Real Madrid and
kilometres of bike lanes (65 on the green
                                                the streets                              Estudiantes play there) and for major events
ring) and a municipal service, Bicimad,         Thousands from all over the world        in other sports such as indoor football and
which is heavily-used as a sustainable          participate each year in the Madrid      karate. The multi-purpose stadium Pabellón
means of transport. It also organises a         Marathon, an internationally-known       Multiusos Madrid Arena is another location
major event for bicycle fans: Fiesta de la      race which takes place in addition       for large sports competitions in a city
Bici (the Bike Festival).                       to other competitions like the Half      where you can do almost any sport such
                                                Marathon, the Women’s Race and           as skating, triathlon, horse riding (at the
  As a reflection of its devotion to sport      the popular San Silvestre Vallecana      Zarzuela Hippodrome), kayaking, handball,
(with sports centres throughout the city),      race on 31 December. They’re all         BMX and more.
Madrid hosts all types of sporting events,      great examples of the passion for this
especially in football: it has been and will    sport, which is done each day in parks
be in June 2019 the site of the Champions       and other facilities around the city.    h hMore information:

10                                                                         COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...

                                                                                           1. Various media
                                                                                           outlets and rankings
                                                                                           rate Madrid as The
                                                                                           best LGBTI city in the
                                                                                           world. 2. Chueca is the
                                                                                           most popular LGTBI
                                                                                           neighbourhood in
                                                                                           Madrid. 3. Tolerance
                                                                                           and diversity, two
                                                                                           of the city’s identity
                                                                                           marks which can be
                                                                                           summarised in the
                                                                                           message “Whomever
                                                                                           you may love, Madrid
                                                                                           loves you”.

                                                                     With milestones like the celebration
                                                                     of World Pride Madrid in 2017 and
                                                                     acknowledgements such as The Best
                                                                     LGBTI City in the World, the safe conditions,
Thanks to everyone’s efforts,                                        nightlife and open society have fostered
Madrid has become one of the                                         this position in a number of media outlets
most inclusive cities in the world.                                  and specialised rankings.
Some of its main attributes
like diversity, integration and                                         Chueca is a neighbourhood that has
tolerance along with its great                                       become quite the reference: it started
tourist and cultural attractions                                     changing a few decades ago and has
                                               2                     now become internationally known for
have turned it into a leading
destination for the LGTBI                                            its atmosphere and night entertainment
community. After all, whomever                                       options with specialised bars, restaurants,
                                                                     bookshops and fashion shops. This place
you may love, Madrid loves you
                                                                     to meet has extended to areas like Plaza de
                                                                     Pedro Zerolo, calle Fuencarral, etc., as well
                                                                     as cultural venues such as the Thyssen
Open, diverse, tolerant                                              Museum, which once organised the
Every year, at the end of June and beginning                         “Amores diversos” (Diverse Loves) exhibit,
of July, concerts, cultural festivals and                            and La Fresh Gallery, which hosts LGTBI-
social and sports activities make up an                              themed events and exhibits. They’re all
exceptional citizen-based pride event, the                           examples of tolerance and social harmony.
Fiestas del Orgullo, a great celebration of
diversity topped off by a mass parade. This        3
festival is open to everyone and enjoys
great international prestige as it combines
music, art and sports and attracts millions                              A green light for
of participants each time.                                               equal rights
                                                                         The inclusive, egalitarian and
    This commitment is also seen in places                               parity-based pedestrian lights in
like the Parque de Atracciones theme park                                Madrid acknowledge the reality of
which hosts Gay Day Madrid in September.                                 our social diversity, as occurs in
It’s a day to celebrate diversity where the                              other cities committed to this type
LGTBI community and their families and                                   of awareness work. Madrid is the
friends can enjoy a festive and inclusive                                first city in Spain to install lights
day.                                                                     with same-sex couples

   Lesgaicinemad (November) and
Madbear (December) are other events in a                             h hMore information:
city that has become one of the preferred                  
destinations of the LGTBI community.                       

11                                                     COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...
                                                                                           1. The San Isidro meadows hosts a very
                                                                                           crowded popular festival every 15 May.
                                                                                           2. The Espacio Abierto Quinta de los Molinos
                                                                                           offers activities organised in collaboration with
                                                                                           artists and schools.
                                                                                           3. The boats at El Retiro: fun for everyone.

1                                                                                          2

Family                                   All types of plans
                                         Why not begin with the Funicular to take a
                                         look at Madrid from the sky and then end
                                                                                           Bernabéu and Wanda Metropolitano are
                                                                                           other common visits in the city of interest
                                                                                           to young ones. The Archaeology Museum,
                                         the day at Casa de Campo? That’s just             the Wax Museum, the Ratón Pérez Museum
Madrid is also a family city. It’s
                                         one of the many family-friendly outings           House, the Naval Museum, Andén Cero,
a large “home” where you can             that can be planned to experience the             the Railway Museum, the Planetarium as
enjoy thousands of activities            city including walking through the Royal          well as the spectacular panoramic views at
for everyone from full contact           Botanical Gardens or the city’s other parks       the Moncloa Lighthouse guarantee other
with nature to a fascination             and gardens from El Retiro (where you can         enjoyable times as a family.
with museums and theme and               ride a bike or skate), Madrid Río and its
recreational parks where the             many children’s play areas, Parque Juan              Other interesting plans include hikes
word “boring” just doesn’t exist         Carlos I with all the kite flying done there,     through the Sierra de Madrid mountains, a
                                         etc. Another interesting option is to visit       visit to the adventure parks surrounding
                                         the Quinta de los Molinos with a palace           the city, riding on the Aranjuez Strawberry
                                         that houses the Espacio Abierto Quinta            Train or the Philip II Train, etc. If you want
     Guaranteed fun                      de los Molinos, a pioneer centre dedicated        to go skating, Dreams Palacio de Hielo is
                                         to children and young people with cultural        the only Olympic-size rink open to the
     Among dozens of family              and educational activities.                       p u b l i c w h e rea s Madrid Xanadú
     entertainment options, Madrid                                                         (Arroyomolinos) offers the only covered
     provides the opportunity to enjoy      As always, the city’s focus on culture         snow trails in Spain.
     the Parque de Atracciones           leads to all types of opportunities. Teatralia,
     theme park or nearby Parque         the International Dramatic Arts Festival for         At Christmas, the Plaza Mayor main
     Warner (Warner Bros. Park) in       children and young people is held each            square, with its traditional Christmas
     San Martín de la Vega, two of the   spring. The Book Fair, located in El Retiro,      market, is one of the city’s epicentres.
     most outstanding recreational       organises all sorts of activities for the         Naviluz, the Christmas bus, allows you to
     parks in Europe. A day can also     youngest in the house and many different          take in much of the capital’s Christmas
     be spent at the Zoo Aquarium,       performances can be seen at Circo Price           street lighting and the same streets are also
     which was inaugurated at la         and the El Retiro Puppet Theatre. There are       the location of the Wisemen Parade. The
     Casa de Campo in 1972, walking      so many great things to choose from.              Christmas Train and the Wisemen Train are
     through the different ecosystems                                                      other exciting suggestions to enjoy some
     (the jungle, the poles and the        Museums like the Natural Science                family time during the holiday season.
     African wilderness) represented     Museum, Thyssen-Bornemisza, Sorolla and
     by Faunia.                          CaixaForum prepare activities and special         h hMore information:
                                         workshops for kids and tours of the Santiago


12                                                                        COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...


1                                                                                           3                    4

                                                                                            1. Madrid from the top of Cerro del Tío Pío.

Neighbourhoods and                                                                          2. An aerial view of Hapsburg Madrid. 3. La
                                                                                            Colonia de la Prensa, in the Carabanchel
                                                                                            neighbourhood. 4. Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.

Surrounding Areas
Madrid offers travellers a healthy environment with a lot to visit, enjoy and
share. 21 districts, each with their own, well-defined personality, provide an              used as a tramway stopping place and
example of the diversity of destination Madrid. However, they all share one                 telephone box. This neighbourhood has
particular feature: the locals’ friendliness and hospitality                                gone through immense change and is
                                                                                            beginning to be chosen by a number of
                                                                                            artists to set up their studios.
City Centre                                   Arganzuela
The heart of the city is home to enclaves     Madrid Río involved a complete                Chamartin
of immense historical and cultural interest   transformation for public use based on        In the north of the city, right next to
such as the Hapsburg Madrid and Barrio        four cornerstones: the new architectural      Paseo de la Castellana, this area (once a
de las Letras. The city centre is also the    icons, the green belt, sports and leisure     village) was up until 1947 the inspiration
place where you can find corralas, a          and culture. On the latter front, the         for the name of the Real Madrid football
typical 17th, 18th and 19th century home      old municipal slaughterhouse (Neo-            pitch which has been known as Santiago
in Madrid and example of harmonious           Mudejar style pavilions built in the early    Bernabéu since then. The tour of this
co-existence. Generally made of wood with     20th century on the banks of the River        stadium is one of the most popular tourist
balconies overlooking an indoor courtyard,    Manzanares) has given way to Matadero         attractions in the city.
they can be seen in neighbourhoods like       Madrid, a large contemporary creativity
La Latina and Lavapiés.                       centre dedicated to culture, exhibits,        Chamberi
                                              concerts, performances and a main square      A very traditional Castilian area and
Moncloa                                       where all types of activities are organised   quite well-known for its neighbourhood
A shopping area and the gateway to            in summer.                                    shops and restaurants, it also has room
Ciudad Universitaria and Parque del                                                         for art. Near the Paseo del Arte, the
Oeste, it features the Moncloa Lighthouse,    Barajas                                       Sorolla Museum still conserves the
which was built in 1992 when Madrid           The town near the airport has one of the      original atmosphere of the home and
was the European Capital of Culture. It       most unique parks in the city: Parque de      the workshop that once belonged to
has a 92-metre high lookout from where        El Capricho, which was planned at the         Valencian painter Joaquín Sorolla. It
you can see everything from the Sierra        end of the 18th century at the wishes of      features an outstanding collection of his
de Guadarrama mountains to the Royal          the Duchess of Osuna to reproduce the         work. It’s one of the most complete and
Palace and the Telefonica building on Gran    Petit Trianon. There’s a pier, fountains, a   best-conserved artist homes in Europe.
Via as well as the nearby Casa de Campo.      little temple dedicated to Bacchus, a bush
                                              maze, beehives, Civil War bunker and more.    Ciudad Lineal
San Blas-Canillejas                           It’s well worth a visit.                      Another great Madrid neighbourhood,
This working-class neighbourhood is                                                         it was designed in the late 19th century
home to La Quinta de los Molinos, a park      Carabanchel                                   by Arturo Soria and is the location of
which offers a natural show in February       This southern working-class neighbourhood     the Almudena cemetery. Built in 1884 to
and March when its 6,000 almond trees         is home to the Colonia de la Prensa, which    bury those who died of cholera that year,
begin blooming. There is also a Pre-          was once a small holiday hotel resort. It     it was popularly known as the “Epidemic
Rationalism style palace which houses the     was designed in 1905 for the writers and      Cemetery”. The modernist arch at the
Espacio Abierto Quinta de los Molinos and     journalists in the Los Cincuenta group. An    entrance gives access to an enormous
two windmills imported from the United        example of modernist architecture with        graveyard (one of the largest in Europe).
States in the 1920s.                          two towers at the entrance which were

13                                                                          COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...
El Pardo-Fuencarral                                                                                 Usera
A place for open-air recreation for                                                                 La Dama de Manzanares (The Lady of
thousands of locals over the years, Monte                                                           Manzanares), the work of Ricardo Bofill,
de El Pardo is a magnificent example of                                                             is an enormous bronze and steel head at
natural heritage. With one of the best-                                                             a privileged lookout over the urban area.
conserved Mediterranean forests in                                                                  The Parque Lineal del Manzanares park
Europe, it is just 15 kilometres from the                                                           is the main green lung for the southern
city centre and has several bars and                                                                area. It’s in a neighbourhood known for
restaurants to enjoy the atmosphere.                                                                its large Chinese population (in fact, the
                                                                                                    Chinese New Year celebration here is
Hortaleza                                                                                           quite famous).
Another example of the city’s architectural
legacy is the Silo de Hortaleza, a polygonal       5                                                Vicálvaro
tower situated in the Huerta de Salud                                                               The Parish Church of Santa María
park, which was an old recreational field. It                                                       la Antigua is quite the example of
was converted to an agricultural/industrial                                                         neighbourhood collaboration as the
complex at the end of the 19th century                                                              community has come together to help
along with monuments like El Granero                                                                with the reproduction of the destroyed
and El Palomar.                                                                                     altarpiece and Baroque organ. The
                                                                                                    temple, which was built of Castilian brick,
Latina                                                                                              features three very spacious naves and
A highly popular neighbourhood bordering                                                            a narrow tower. Dating back to the early
Casa de Campo where the Segovia Bridge                                                              15th century, it’s another outstanding
stands out as the oldest in Madrid. It                                                              historical-artistic enclave in the city.
connects the historic city centre to the
southeast. Built in 1574 during the reign                                                           Villa de Vallecas
of Philip II, it provided passage over the                                                          The Church of San Pedro ad Vincula
Manzanares to the road to Segovia and is                                                            represents a milestone in this Madrid
currently one of the enclaves at Madrid Río.                                                        neighbourhood which was an independent
                                                                                                    municipality until 1950. Built in the early
Moratalaz                                                                                           17th century by Juan de Herrera (the
The inhabitants of this Madrid                                                                      tower is the work of another distinguished
neighbourhood to the southeast of the                                                               architect, Ventura Rodríguez), it has a
city enjoy one of the largest urban parks                                                           wonderful façade with a representation
in Madrid (also known as Parque Z).                                                                 of Saint Peter’s Liberation. The geometric
Inaugurated in May 1969, the chronicles of                                                          moulding on the central nave vault and
the time state that it had 750 trees, 2,600                                                         chapels are undoubtedly worth a visit.
rose bushes, a waterfall and a pond. At
50,000 m2, it also has a replica of the Toros                                                       Villaverde
de Guisando Iron Age sculptural group                                                               La N@ve is an example of the municipal work
located in El Tiemblo (Ávila).                                                                      being done in different neighbourhoods to
                                                                                                    foster innovation and technology. In this
Retiro                                                                                              case, the focus has been on a spectacular
This residential neighbourhood near the                                                             reinforced concrete structure in this
centre with all types of cultural, retail         5. Silo de Hortaleza. 6. Mercado de Maravillas.   formerly independent municipality and
and gastronomic options is home to the            7. La Dama de Manzanares.                         very important industrial area between
popular El Retiro Park. Created in the 17th                                                         1950-1980. Currently, it’s a centre for
century as a place for the monarchs to                                                              inspiration, education and open innovation
rest, it’s the city’s great green lung. There’s                                                     for citizens, entrepreneurs, companies,
a pond, the Ángel Caído fountain (one of                                                            SMEs, students and universities.
the few outdoor monuments dedicated
to the Devil), the Glass Palace and the           Dolmen, a monument to science and                 Near Madrid
Velázquez Palace as well as the Mexican           technology - a 14 metre dolmen and the            Madrid is one of the few destinations in the
cypress (planted circa 1630, it’s the oldest      bronze figure of Isaac Newton.                    world to be surrounded by several nearby
tree in Madrid), among other features.                                                              World Heritage Sites such as Alcalá de
                                                  Tetuán                                            Henares, Ávila, Cáceres, Córdoba, Cuenca,
Salamanca                                         In addition to four other markets, this           Mérida, Salamanca, Segovia and Toledo.
Luxury shopping on the exclusive Golden           northern Madrid neighbourhood is the              Plus, enclaves of great interest like Aranjuez
Mile, Michelin star restaurants, the most         location for the Mercado de Maravillas            and El Escorial allow for interesting short
exclusive nightlife in Madrid and the list        (Market of Wonders). Inaugurated in 1942,         trips from destination Madrid.
could go on and on. Near this distinguished       it stands out as the largest in all of Madrid:
area, former Mayor Enrique Tierno Galván          nearly 9,000 m2 and 250 stalls. The main           More information:
inaugurated a space opposite the Palacio          entrance, designed by Pedro de Muguruza,
de Deportes arena to honour Salvador              and the large windows give access to a            madrid
Dalí. So, the Catalan artist created Dalí’s       very busy atmosphere.                   

14                                                                                  COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Madrid is...

The Place for
Meetings and Events                                                                                                                   2


                                                                                            1. Madrid stand at Fitur, the International
                                                                                            Tourism Fair. 2. Caja Mágica. 3. An event at
                                                                                            the Palacio Municipal de Congresos. 4. IFEMA
                                                                                            facilities at Campo de las Naciones.


Madrid has become a strong forum            A major meeting place for trade
of economic exchange and new                Madrid is home to the headquarters of 90%       Moncloa lighthouse and the Galería de
trends as well as a convenient,             of all large companies operating in Spain       Cristal del Palacio de Cibeles.
safe and, above all, cosy setting           and is the third-largest European city as far
which is ideal for doing business.          as the presence of multinational companies         La N@ve in Villaverde, a place dedicated
                                            (2000), so it’s quite the international         to entrepreneurism and innovation, the
Professionals from all over the world
                                            showcase to present products and the            Centro de Congresos Príncipe Felipe,
trust in Madrid to present their work       perfect setting to make proposals. It's         with an auditorium for up to 2,000 people,
and advance their careers while             one of the ten favourite capital cities to      cinemas like Kinépolis, unique spots like
enjoying its unique lifestyle and           hold events and congresses in the world,        the Casino of Madrid and Circle of Fine
participating in the city’s cultural life   according to the International Congress         Arts, palaces like Linares, Neptuno and
                                            and Convention Association (ICCA), and          Santoña and the Santiago Bernabéu
                                            Europe's Leading Meetings & Conference          stadium are some of the many other places
                                            Destination as recognised at the 2018           the city offers to hold business gatherings.
                                            World Travel Awards 2018.
                                                                                               To promote Madrid as the ideal
                                               Its extraordinary connectivity makes         destination for meetings, congresses and
                                            Madrid one of the capitals with the highest     conventions or incentive travel throughout
                                            activity in trade fairs and specialised         the country and abroad as well as support
                                            meetings, with IFEMA as the top operator        the organisers who choose Madrid as the
                                            in Spain and one of the most important          site of their professional events, the City
                                            in Europe. It organises trade shows             of Madrid Tourism Board has a dedicated
                                            for different economic sectors and              department: Madrid Convention Bureau.
                                            manages fairs organised by third parties,       This authority is a collaborate effort
                                            conventions, congresses and any type of         between public and private entities which
                                            meeting or event.                               groups together some 200 associated
                  4                                                                         companies as the sole liaison between
                                               There are all types of enclaves              these companies and the organisations
                                            dedicated to holding these meetings             related to Madrid’s event industry and
      Excellent facilities                  and events. Some of them are managed            the international tourism sector. It’s a
      The Feria de Madrid                   by the municipal corporation Madrid             guarantee for success and a commitment
      fairgrounds occupy a net              Destino such as the Pabellón de Cristal         to progress.
      surface area of nearly a million      or Madrid Arena multi-purpose hall. Both
      m2 (200,000 dedicated directly        facilities are located in the Casa de Campo
      to exhibit areas), twelve
                                            fairgrounds inside the city’s largest public
      pavilions, two Convention
      Centres and a themed area for         park and just five minutes from Plaza de         More information:
      fashion and lifestyle events in       España by car. Added to these are other
      pavilion 14.1, which features         premises such as the Caja Mágica in   
      two catwalks                          Parque Lineal del Manzanares, el Faro de        eventos

15                                                                         COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Summary                                                                                                             A city with events


2                                              3                                                           4

1. La Virgen de la Paloma festival. 2. One of the events organised by Gastrofestival Madrid. 3. Carnival. 4. A chulapa (traditional local girl) with a fan.

A Lively City                                                                                                  A Date in May for the
                                                                                                               San Isidro Festival
                                                                                                               Every May, the San Isidro Festival
Madrid’s cultural and entertainment calendar stands out due to the broad                                       honouring the patron saint of
offering of annual events revolving around various themes, fields and                                          Madrid (the 15th is the main day)
traditions. All of them have one thing in common: they gather and thrill                                       invites everyone to enjoy traditions,
visitors and locals alike                                                                                      music, performances and activities
                                                                                                               everywhere in the city. La Pradera de
                                                                                                               San Isidro meadow, the Plaza Mayor
Something for everyone                                                                                         and Vistillas become the stage
Between January and February,                        the brotherhoods’ wardrobes amaze all                     for parades featuring giants and
Gastrofestival Madrid offers 15 days to              those looking on. Processions like Cristo                 enormous Carnival figures, nights
discover and enjoy gastronomy not only               de la Fe y el Perdón and Hermandad del                    filled with zarzuela musical theatre
for a strictly culinary perspective but also         Silencio stand out during the week, which                 and all other types of music. The
as it relates to art, fashion, theatre and           also features sacred music concerts in                    programme includes more than ten
literature. Special menus, culinary routes,          basilicas and churches.                                   districts throughout the capital.
tasting sessions, workshops and cooking
classes guarantee savoury experiences.                  Marking Ramadan (between May and
                                                     June) and to celebrate this sacred month             In August, Madrid is a real summer party.
   Also in February, the Chinese New Year            on the Islamic calendar, Madrid hosts                The most traditional neighbourhoods in
is celebrated with a cultural and festive            Noches de Ramadán. The programme for                 the city are decorated to celebrate the
programme featuring concerts, workshops,             this event includes exhibits, workshops              festivals honouring San Cayetano (Rastro/
parades, fairs and gastronomy routes as              and other activities that help us discover           Embajadores), San Lorenzo (Lavapiés) and
well as a floating lantern ceremony and              this culture and Madrid’s Islamic past               Paloma (La Latina).
the New Year Fair. It’s a tribute to Chinese         (the only European capital to have been
culture with a special focus on the Usera            founded by Muslims).                                    And, as always, Christmas is the star. The
neighbourhood.                                                                                            Plaza Mayor is a holiday focal point starting
                                                         Also in June (the first Saturday) is Mira        in mid-December where people can buy
   Shortly after that, the final new moon            Madrid. This City of Madrid Tourism Board            Christmas items and artisan and designer
of winter opens the door to Carnival: five           initiative spreads awareness for unique              market gifts. The streets and trees are lit
days of activities for all ages starting with        enclaves throughout the capital aimed at             up and traditional Nativity Scenes can be
the much-awaited proclamation. Street                disseminating the diversity of its historic,         found throughout Madrid with the Artisan
parades, the Great Carnival Masquerade               natural and cultural heritage and including          Fair also held in Plaza de España. Circo
Ball at the Circle of Fine Arts building,            it in Madrid’s tourism and leisure offering          Price, Conde Duque, Matadero Madrid and
the Encuentro de Murgas and Chirigotas               for travellers and residents to enjoy.               CentroCentro Cibeles also join in on the
(with street musicians and satirical song                                                                 celebrations in a city where the Naviluz,
groups) all make for some wonderful family              With the arrival of summer comes                  Christmas Bus also operates. People also
time, concluding with the Sardine Burial.            Veranos de la Villa, which offers a number           gather at Puerta del Sol to ring in the New
Holy Week brings thousands of people to              of artistic exhibits throughout the city’s           Year and the Great Wisemen Parade is one
the Paseo del Prado, calle Alcalá, Plaza             21 districts. Concerts, magic, cinema,               of the most long-awaited moments.
Mayor, Barrio de las Letras and other areas.         circus shows, sports, theatre, dance
From Palm Sunday to the Resurrection,                and participatory activities somewhere               h hMore information:
the music of drums and trumpets, the                 between tradition and modernity – it’s     
beauty of the sculptures and colours of              quite the opportunity to enjoy the city.             2019-pdf

16                                                                                      COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
Summary                                                                                                   Tourism Products
                                                                                                               and Services

                                                                                                 face-to-face specialised services in several
                                                                                                 languages including Chinese. It also offers
                                                                                                 self-consultation services with excellent
                                                                                                 accessibility (services are provided in
                                                                                                 Spanish Sign Language – LSE) with multi-
                                                                                                 plane routing, ischiatic supports, magnetic
                                                                                            1    induction loops, a haptic map, adapted
                                                                                                 counter and accessible tourism guide.

A Whole Lot to See,
                                                                                                 This location is UNE170001-2 Universal
                                                                                                 Accessibility certified.

a Whole Lot to Enjoy
                                                                                                    To enhance the visitor experience
                                                                                                 at this destination, the Plaza Mayor
                                                                                                 Tourism Centre has implemented new
                                                                                                 developments to become a European
                                                                                                 leader in the application of face-to-face
To offer the best welcome to those who choose it as a destination, Madrid                        tourism information technologies. One
makes different tourism products and services available to its visitors so they                  of them is Madrid 360º, a service that
can experience unique opportunities while staying in the city. And, what’s                       consists of two rotating seats equipped
more, they’re rewarded for coming back to see us again: Madrid is the first                      with virtual reality goggles containing 360º
large city in the world to have its own loyalty programme                                        videos of different areas of the capital. Also
                                                                                                 available is the CornerTech service where
                                                                                                 two touchscreens disseminate apps and
Tourist Information Booths                                                                       other technology aids related to tourism
The city has ten tourist information                                                             in the city, providing information on them
booths where people can get a practical                                                          as well as download links.
map, the monthly free magazine on the
city of Madrid, esMADRIDmagazine, and                                                               Moreover, there is a remote service
recommendations for places to visit as well                                                      booth to answer queries via email, chat
as get all their questions related to their                                                      or regular mail from tourists still at their
stay answered.                                                                                   places of origin preparing a trip to Madrid.

  They have free Wi-Fi and magnetic                                                                 The Tienda de Madrid shop at this site
induction loops to adequately serve users                                                        sells tickets for the tourist bus Madrid City
with deaf-aids. Several of them feature                                                          Tour, CDs, books, bags and other items
specialised service points in the following                                                      made from recycled materials as well as
categories: recreational tourism, culture,                                                       t-shirts with the logos of the 21 districts
gastronomy, shopping, family and LGTBI.                                                          of Madrid. There are all types of objects
                                                                                                 related to the experience of visiting and
   The network information team uses                                                             enjoying the city. Tickets are also sold
tourism services support software called                                                         here for shows at Teatro Circo Price, Teatro
SAGIT (Advanced Tourism Information                                                              Español, the Fernán Gómez theatre, Centro
Management System), which contains                                                               Cultural de la Villa, Naves Matadero and
constantly updated information on more                                                           the Centro Internacional de Artes Vivas.
than 3,900 tourism resources throughout
the capital. Its database also includes                                                             Information booths found at Paseo del
nearly 3,900 events of tourism interest                                                          Prado, Atocha, Plaza de Callao, Paseo
that take place in the city of Madrid                                                            Recoletos, Estadio Santiago Bernabéu,
each year. Information is available in nine                                                      CentroCentro, Adolfo Suárez Madrid-
languages. This system makes it possible                                                         Barajas Airport (T2 and T4) and the Foreign
to send users the requested information in                                                       Tourist Services Centre (SATE) in Leganitos
PDF format in real time to visitors’ mobile                                                      street complete this extensive visitor
devices via the Wi-Fi connection, thereby                                                        information offering.
reducing paper consumption.
                                                3                                                  The Tourism Information Services (SAIT)
  The Casa de la Panadería in the Plaza                                                          managed by the City of Madrid Tourism
Mayor is the site of another of the country’s   1. Faro de Moncloa Lookout. 2. The Plaza Mayor   Board are “Q Tourism Quality” certified,
most modern tourist centres, the Centro         Tourism Centre facilities. 3. A haptic map and   as granted by the Spanish Institute for
de Turismo Plaza Mayor. Open 365 days a         multi-plane routing. 4. The Madrid City Tour     Tourism Quality (ICTE).
year, expert tourism professionals provide      tourist bus.

17                                                                              COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF MADRID TOURISM BOARD
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