Climate Change and Food Systems - Scientific Group

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Climate Change and Food Systems - Scientific Group
United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021
                                                                               Scientific Group

                      Food Systems Summit Brief
Prepared by Research Partners of the Scientific Group for the Food Systems
                          Summit, May 2021

          Climate Change and Food Systems
Alisher Mirzabaev, Lennart Olsson, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Prajal Pradhan, Marta Guadalupe
                           Rivera Ferre, Hermann Lotze-Campen

Climate Change and Food Systems - Scientific Group
Abstract                                                   Introduction

       Climate     change      affects     the              Climate     change      affects      the
functioning of all the components of food            functioning of all the components of food
systems, often in ways that exacerbate               systems1 which embrace the entire range
existing predicaments and inequalities               of actors and their interlinked value-adding
between regions of the world and groups in           activities involved in the production,
society. At the same time, food systems are          aggregation, processing, distribution,
a major cause for climate change,                    consumption, and recycling of food
accounting for a third of all greenhouse gas         products that originate from agriculture
emissions. Therefore, food systems can               (including livestock), forestry, fisheries, and
and should play a much bigger role in                food industries, and the broader economic,
climate policies. This policy brief highlights       societal, and natural environments in
nine actions points for climate change               which they are embedded2. At the same
adaptation and mitigation in the food                time, food systems are a major cause of
systems. The policy brief shows that                 climate change, contributing about a third
numerous        practices,      technologies,        (21–37%) of the total Greenhouse Gas
knowledge and social capital already exist           (GHG) emissions through agriculture and
for climate action in the food systems, with         land use, storage, transport, packaging,
multiple synergies with other important              processing, retail, and consumption3
goals such as the conservation of                    (Figure 1).
biodiversity, safeguarding of ecosystem                    Climate change will affect food
services, sustainable land management
                                                     systems differentially across world regions.
and reducing social and gender
                                                     While some areas, such as northern
inequalities. Many of these solutions are
                                                     temperate regions, may in the short term
presently being applied at local scales
                                                     even experience some beneficial changes,
around the world, even if not at sufficient
                                                     tropical     and     sub-tropical    regions
levels. Hence, the major effort for
                                                     worldwide are expected to face changes
unleashing their potential would involve
                                                     that are detrimental to food systems. Such
overcoming various technical, political-
                                                     changes will have effects on food and
economic and structural barriers for their
                                                     nutrition security through a complex web
much wider application. Some other
                                                     of mechanisms (Figure 1). Critical climate
solutions      require      research      and
                                                     variabilities that affect food and nutrition
development investments now but focus
                                                     security include increasing temperatures,
on helping us meet the longer-term
                                                     changing precipitation patterns and
challenges of climate change on food
                                                     greater frequency or intensity of extreme
systems in the second half of this century
                                                     weather events such as heatwaves,
when most existing food production
                                                     droughts and floods3. They impact the
practices will face unprecedented
                                                     productivity of crops, livestock and
challenges. In the short term, these pro-
                                                     fisheries by modulating water availability
poor policy changes and support systems
                                                     and quality, causing heat stress, and
can create a range of positive changes well
                                                     altering     the    pests    and     disease
beyond food systems without delay. In the
                                                     environment, including the faster spread of
long-term, investments in research will
                                                     mycotoxins and pathogens. Increased
help ensure food security and ecosystem
                                                     frequency and intensity of floods and
integrity for coming generations.
                                                     droughts can lead to considerable
Figure 1: Linkages between climate change and food systems

disruptions in food supply chains through                       under high emission and low adaptation
harvest failures and infrastructure damage.                     scenario [i.e., under Shared Socioeconomic
The exposure of people to heatwaves,                            Pathway (SSP) 3] compared to low emission
droughts and floods can harm their health                       and high adaptation scenario (SSP1). An
and lower their productivity affecting their                    additional 150-600 million people are
livelihoods and incomes, especially for                         projected to experience various forms of
those engaged in climate-sensitive sectors                      micronutrient deficiency by 2050 at higher
or working outdoors. This exposure can                          emission scenario6–8.
strongly affect more vulnerable groups in                              The interactions between climate
many lower-income countries, e.g.,                              change and food systems have
smallholder        farmers,       low-income
                                                                considerable repercussions across all of the
households, women and children. Other                           dimensions of sustainable development. In
factors related to climate change that                          fact, in six of the 17 sustainable
affect food systems are the rise in                             development goals (SDGs), climate change-
atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and,                          food systems interactions increasingly play
indirectly, land degradation, and reduction                     a major role. These relate to the social
in pollination services. Changes in CO2                         goals of zero hunger (SDG 2) and gender
levels in the atmosphere affect both crop                       equality     (SDG5),    and      the     four
yields and their nutrient content. Climate
                                                                environmental goals of water resources
change will exacerbate land degradation,
                                                                (SDG 6), climate action (SDG 13), life below
through increasing soil erosion especially in                   water (SDG 14), and life on land (SDG 15).
sloping and coastal areas, increasing soil                      Solutions addressing the challenges posed
salinity in irrigated lands, making climate
                                                                by climate change - food systems
more arid and prone to desertification in                       interactions can serve as a critical entry
some dryland areas4,5. The potential                            point for promoting the 2030 Agenda for
reduction or loss of pollination services also                  sustainable development well beyond the
leads to lower crop yields. Conservative                        timeline of the current SDGs9. Since these
estimates, which take into account these                        interactions vary according to the country’s
climate change impacts only partially, show
                                                                income, region, and population groups
that the number of people at risk of hunger
                                                                (i.e., gender, age, and location of its
may increase by 183 million people by 2050
population), solutions prioritizing women,          coming at the expense of lower yield
younger, and rural people, i.e., “leaving no        stability due to higher weather variability
one behind,” can better leverage                    between seasons. Climate change accounts
achievements of SDGs10.                             for about half of food production variability
                                                    globally. Presently, adaptive strategies to
                                                    increase crop yields (crop breeding,
How climate change interacts with                   improved       agronomic       management,
food systems and food security                      adaptations based on indigenous and local
                                                    knowledge, etc.) can withstand, at a global
                                                    average, any impacts of climate change on
Food availability                                   crop yields. However, the acceleration of
                                                    climate change can overwhelm this trend in
       Considerable evidence has by now             the future; and the impacts are already
emerged indicating that climate change is           experienced in many regions. Climate
already      negatively    affecting     crop       change increased drought-induced food
production in many areas across the                 production losses in southern Africa,
world11,12. Reductions of 21% in total factor       leading to 26 million people in the region
productivity of global agriculture since            requiring humanitarian assistance in 2015-
1961 have been estimated13. It has been             1626. Climate change is also increasing
found that climate change during the last           ocean acidification and temperatures,
four-five decades reduced the yields of             reducing farmed fish and shellfish
cereals by about 2%-5% on average globally          production as well as wild fish catches, with
compared to the situation if there was no           some regions experiencing losses of 15-
climate change14. This range of about 5%            35%3.
lower cereal yields due to climate change
was also found in regional studies, for                    The impacts of climate change on
example, for wheat and barley in Europe15,          food productions are projected to worsen
for wheat in India16, for maize in Africa,          after the 2050s, particularly under higher
Central and Eastern Asia17, and Central and         emission scenarios3. In agriculture, the
South America18. Higher losses equaling             biggest crop yield declines due to climate
about 5%-20% were found for millet and              change are expected to occur in those
sorghum yields in West Africa19, and about          areas which are already hot and dry,
5%-25% lower maize yields in Eastern and            especially in the tropics and sub-tropics, as
Southern Europe20. There is growing                 well as in the global drylands where water
literature documenting the negative                 scarcity is projected to become more
impacts of climate change on the yields of          acute5. More recent modelling shows that
legumes, vegetables, and fruits in drylands,        previous projections of climate change
tropical and sub-tropical areas3,21. These          impacts      on     future    crop    yields
losses in yields have occurred after taking         underestimated the extent of potential
coping and adaptive actions3.                       yield declines. For example, many crop
                                                    modelling studies do not consider the
      In temperate climatic zones, such as          effect of short-term extreme weather
northern China, parts of Russia, northern           events. Although extreme weather events
Europe, and parts of Canada, observed               have always posed disruptions in the food
climatic changes are increasing the                 systems, climate change is increasing the
agricultural potentials leading to higher           likelihood of simultaneous crop failures in
crop production15,17,22–25. In many areas,          major crop producing areas in the
however, this increased production is               world27,28. Disruptions in storage and
distribution infrastructures and on food            pasture grasses, especially during rainier
provisioning due to extreme events                  seasons and more humid locations 5,34. In
systems will also impact food availability,         contrast, in many arid and semi-arid
as well as reduction in food exchanges due          locations, the projected effects are mostly
to lower productivity29.                            negative33,35,36. Climate change was found
                                                    to reduce the maximum sustainable yield
      New 21st century projections by the
                                                    of several marine fish populations by about
Agricultural Model Intercomparison and
                                                    4%37. Every 1°C increase in global warming
Improvement Project (AgMIP)30 using
                                                    was projected to decrease mean global
ensembles of latest-generation crop and
                                                    animal biomass in the oceans by 5%38, also
climate models suggest markedly more
                                                    redistributing fish populations away from
pessimistic yield responses for maize,
                                                    sub-tropical and tropical seas towards
soybean, and rice compared to the original
                                                    poleward areas39. It is clear that the
ensemble.        End-of-century        maize
                                                    association between climate change and
productivity is shifted from +5 to -5%
                                                    human nutrition goes beyond issues of
(SSP126) and +1 to -23% (SSP585) —
                                                    caloric availability, and a growing challenge
explained by warmer climate projections
and a revised crop model ensemble31. In             by 2050 will be providing nutritious and
contrast, wheat shows stronger high-                affordable diets.32
latitude gains, related to higher CO2
responses. The ‘emergence’ of the climate           Food access
impact signal — when mean changes leave
the historical variability — consistently                 The impacts of climate change on
occurs earlier in the new projections, in           agricultural production, supply chains and
several main producing regions by 2030.             labor productivity in climate sensitive
While future yield estimates remain                 sectors will influence both food prices and
uncertain, these results suggest that major         incomes, strongly affecting people’s ability
breadbasket regions may contend with a              to purchase food through these price and
changing profile of climatic risks within the       income changes40. Climate change is
next few decades31. While many fruit,               projected to increase global cereal prices
vegetable and perennial crops are                   between 1% to 29 %, depending on the
understudied, higher temperatures are               Shared        Socioeconomic        Pathway
projected to negatively impact their                considered3. The reductions in the yields of
production, with one study estimating a 4%          legumes, fruits and vegetables will also
reduction in fruit and vegetable production         lead to their higher prices. The impacts of
from climate change32.                              these price increases on food access are
                                                    not straightforward. Net food selling
      The impacts of climate change on              agricultural producers can benefit from
livestock systems and fisheries are studied         higher food prices41. Higher food prices will
much less than the major crops. Still,              hurt primarily the urban poor and net food
considerable evidence indicates that                buying agricultural producers3. Increased
increased frequency of heatwaves and                temperatures       and    more     frequent
droughts under climate change can lower             heatwaves will reduce labor productivity
livestock productivity and reproduction             for outdoor work and work in closed areas
through heat stress, reduced availability of        without air conditioning. Lower labor
forage, increased water scarcity and the            productivity will result in lower incomes
spread of livestock diseases3,33. Increased         and lower purchasing power.
levels of CO2 can favor the growth of

mycotoxins, posing risks to human health
                                                    and increasing food waste and loss43.
Food stability
                                                    Climate change is projected to increase the
      Climate change will increase the              area of spread of mycotoxins from tropical
frequency of extreme water events, such as          and sub-tropical areas to temperate
droughts, floods, hurricanes, and sea               zones3. Reduction in water quality due to
storms. Resulting inter-annual variability in       climate change will also negatively affect
food     production,      destruction      of       food utilization.
transportation infrastructures, and higher
food price volatility can ultimately lead to
more volatile global and regional food              Impacts of food systems on climate
trade, undermining people’s ability to              systems
access food in a stable way3. These                        GHG emissions from food systems
disruptions could have a particularly
                                                    are a major contributor to climate change.
negative impact on land-locked countries
                                                    Food systems are responsible for about
with fewer infrastructural access to global
                                                    one quarter of global GHG emissions, and
food trade and vulnerable social groups,            even one third if indirect effects on
especially in those locations without
                                                    deforestation are included (21%-37%)3.
functioning and sufficient social protection
                                                    Specifically, new estimates by the Food
schemes12.                                          Climate Partnership44 show that total GHG
                                                    emissions from the food system were
                                                    about 16 CO2 eq yr-1 in 2018, or one-third
Food utilization and safety
                                                    of the total global anthropogenic GHG
      Climate change is projected to                emissions. Three quarters of these
adversely impact childhood undernutrition           emissions, 13 Gt CO2 eq yr-1, were
and      stunting,     undernutrition-related       generated      either    during    on-farm
childhood mortality and increase of                 production or in pre- and post-production
disability-adjusted life years lost, with the       activities,   such    as    manufacturing,
largest risks in Africa and Asia42. Moreover,       transport, processing, and waste disposal.
climate-related changes in food availability        The remainder was generated through land
and diet quality are estimated to result in         use change of natural ecosystems to
529,000 excess climate-related deaths with          agricultural land. Results further indicate
about 2ºC warming by 205032. Most of                that pre- and post-production emissions
them are projected to occur in South and            were proportionally more important in
East Asia. Extreme climate events will              high income than in low income countries,
increase risks of undernutrition even on a          and that during 1990-2018, land use
regional scale via spikes in food prices and        change emissions decreased while pre- and
reduced income. Exposure to one pathway             post-production emissions increased45.
of food insecurity risks (e.g., lower yields)
                                                         Even if fossil fuel-related emissions
does not exclude exposure to other
                                                    were stopped immediately, continuation of
pathways (e.g., income reduction). Higher
                                                    the current food system emissions could
concentrations of atmospheric CO2
                                                    make the below 2°C climate target
reduces the protein and mineral content of
                                                    unachievable46. There are significant
cereals, reducing the quality of food and,
                                                    opportunities    for     reducing    these
subsequently, food utilization3. Rising
                                                    emissions47, at the same time, it is
temperatures are improving the conditions
                                                    important to bear in mind the food security
for the spread of pathogens and
implications when implementing climate               production    practices        will     face
mitigation        efforts48,49.       Without        unprecedented challenges.
compensating policies in place, stringent,
abrupt and large-scale application of
mitigation options, particularly those               1. Amplify efforts for sustainable land
which are land-based, can have a negative               management
impact on global hunger and food                           Sustainable management of land
consumption, with the detrimental impacts            (SLM), which includes water, supports and
being especially acute for vulnerable, low-          maintains ecosystem health, increases
income regions that already face food                agricultural productivity, and contributes
security challenges42. However, many                 to climate change adaptation and
climate solutions can have mitigation and            mitigation4,5. SLM is defined as the use of
adaptation synergies together with other             land resources, including soils, water,
co-benefits, including for health, livelihood,       animals and plants, to produce goods to
and biodiversity47,50.                               meet changing human needs, while
                                                     simultaneously ensuring the long-term
                                                     productive potential of these resources
                                                     and     the     maintenance     of    their
Solutions for climate change                         environmental functions (UN 1992 Rio
                                                     Earth Summit).
adaptation and mitigation in food
systems                                                     There are many practical examples of
                                                     SLM. Application of water-efficient
                                                     irrigation methods such as sprinkler and
       Based on the above assessment as              drip irrigation can help increase resilience
well as on the recent IPCC special report on         to increasing aridity under climate change5.
Climate Change and Land1, the following              Adoption of drought resistant crop
actions are proposed for uptake by                   cultivars under diversified cropping
governments, the private sector and civil            systems is an essential adaptive strategy in
society. These actions are of two types.             many dryland areas5. Where suitable,
Firstly, there are a wide range of both well-        agroforestry is a powerful practice for
tested ready to go solutions, and potential          reducing soil erosion and increasing carbon
solutions for climate change adaptation              sequestration,        while      diversifying
and mitigation in the food systems51                 livelihoods47. Rangeland management
(Actions 1 to 7). Many of these already              systems based on sustainable grazing and
available solutions are well-known and are           re-vegetation can increase rangeland
being applied at local scales around the             resilience and long-term productivity,
world, even if not at sufficient levels.             while supporting a wide range of
Hence, the major effort for unleashing their         ecosystem services. Agroforestry practices,
potential would involve overcoming                   shelterbelts and silvio-pasture systems
various technical and structural barriers for        help reduce soil erosion and sequester
their much wider application. The second             carbon, while increasing biodiversity that
type of actions (8 and 9) focus on key               supports pollination and other ecosystem
promising solutions which can help us meet           services52. SLM also includes agroecological
the longer-term challenges of climate                practices, such as use of organic soil
change on the food systems in the second             amendments, crop diversification, cover
half of this century when most food                  crops, intercropping, etc., which can have

positive impacts on ecosystem services,              degradation and biodiversity conservation,
food security and nutrition53–57. Indigenous         much can be gained by promoting SLM in
knowledge and local knowledge hold a                 agriculture.
great array of practices for SLM58.
Protection and restoration of peatlands
and climate-friendly management of                   2. Promote open and equitable food trade
peatlands are a key element for ambitious                  The very heterogeneous effects of
emission reduction strategies59.                     climate change on food production
      Although SLM has proven positive               worldwide and the increase in extreme
social and economic returns, the adoption            weather events that disrupt local food
is currently insufficient. Important barriers        production activities highlight the
for adoption are access to the resources for         importance of international food trade as a
changing practices and the time required             key adaptation option to this volatile
for the new practices to become                      environment63,64. At the same time,
productive. Introduction of payments for             strengthening regional and local food
ecosystem services and subsidies for SLM             systems, through policies and programs
can help. Enabling policy frameworks that            which     support     sustainable      local
include both incentives and disincentives,           production, can help build a resilient food
are needed for promoting the adoption of             system. Such policies can include support
SLM. Land tenure considerations are                  for urban and peri-urban production,
a major factor contributing to the adoption          public procurement, and subsidies that
of SLM4, particularly for women. Various             encourage the application of sustainable
forms of collective action are crucial for           production approaches.
implementing SLM in both privately and                     Adapting to changing climate will
communally managed lands60, however,                 require a combination of enhanced
such efforts need to be strengthened and             regional and local food trade as well as
supported by policy61. A greater emphasis            international food trade that can act as
on      understanding         gender-specific        safety nets in the context of climate crises.
differences over land use and land                   To this aim, reducing transaction costs of
management practices can promote SLM                 food trade and maintaining transparent,
practices more effectively.         Improved         equitable and well-enforced international
access to markets, including physical (e.g.          food trade governance can strengthen
transportation), economic (e.g. fair prices),        food systems resilience. This will
and political (e.g. fair competition) support,       particularly include avoiding imposing
raises agricultural profitability and                export bans. Food trade and food
motivates investment into climate change             sovereignty are complementary elements
adaptation and SLM. Developing, enabling             of food security, and should not be
and promoting access to clean energy                 regarding as mutually exclusive, rather,
sources and technologies can contribute to           transparent and fair norms need to be
reducing land degradation and mitigating             agreed.
climate change through decreasing the use
of fuelwood and crop residues for energy,                  Fiscal instruments (e.g. carbon taxes)
while significantly improving health for             need to be given high priority in order to
women and children62. Finally, looking at            reduce fossil fuel use in agriculture.
co-benefits between addressing climate               Agricultural subsidies need to be adjusted
change (adaptation and mitigation) and               to encourage the application of sustainable
other urgent problems, like land                     production approaches and to reduce any
negative effects from them through trade,           another area with substantial mitigation
and that take power differences into                and adaptation benefits. A wide range of
account, e.g. the impacts of subsidized             public and private sources could be
food exports by high-income countries               harnessed for these investments, such as
making it harder for farmers in low-income          increasing substantially the annual
countries to use sustainable methods or             development aid dedicated to agricultural
sell their products. Trade agreement                and rural development, food and nutrition
mechanisms that allow low-income                    security; increasing investments by the
countries to have an equal say in trade             international and regional development
governance are needed.                              banks into food systems, more active
                                                    involvement of the private sector (e.g.
                                                    green bonds) and philanthropies.
3. Include food systems         in   climate
   financing at scale
                                                    4. Strengthen social protection        and
       Food systems represent a range of
                                                       empowering of the vulnerable
actors and their interlinked value-adding
activities that are most impacted by                       It is now practically impossible to
climate change. Food systems are also a             fully adapt to climate change impacts. Even
major source of GHG emissions. This makes           without climate change, extreme weather
food systems a high priority target for             events periodically inflict significant
adaptation and mitigation investments.              disruptions in food systems at the local,
Investments       into     climate    change        regional and even global levels. Climate
adaptation and mitigation in the food               change will make these disruptions more
systems, however, have so far been a tiny           frequent and more extensive. Therefore, it
fraction of the total amounts of climate            is essential to strengthen the social
finance. Investments into climate change            protection for vulnerable populations in
mitigation in the food systems need to be           terms of accessing food during the times of
commensurate with the share of GHG                  such disruptions. Social protection can
emissions coming from the food systems,             involve many forms such as access to
i.e. about a third of all mitigation funding,       subsidized        food     banks,      cash
which is presently dominated by the                 transfers, insurance products,     pension
energy sector and infrastructure. To                schemes and employment guarantee
illustrate,   there      are     considerable       schemes, weather index insurance, and
opportunities      for     climate    change        universal income.
adaptation and mitigation through                         Impacts of climate change on food
investments into land restoration (e.g.             systems are not suffered equally by all
reforestation,         sustainable       land       social groups. Age, class, gender, race,
management,         re-seeding      degraded        ethnicity, disability, among others, are
rangelands) which allow for sequestering            social factors that make some peoples
carbon in soils, increase crop and livestock        more vulnerable than others. Actions to
productivity and provide a wide range of            address such inequity and differential
other ecosystem services. Estimates show
                                                    impacts imply, on the one hand,
that every dollar invested in land                  strengthening social protection and, on the
restoration yields from 3 to 6 dollars of
                                                    other hand, empowering marginalized
return depending on the location across             social groups through collective action.
the world65. Investments into food value
                                                    Empowering women in societies increases
chains for reducing food waste and loss is
their capacity to improve food security           GtCO2-eq year–1 by 2050, but social,
under climate change, making substantial          cultural, environmental, and traditional
contributions to their own well-being, to         factors need to be considered to achieve
that of their families and of their               this potential at broad scales3,50. One
communities. Women’s empowerment is               critical problem is that currently, healthy
crucial to creating effective synergies           diets are unaffordable to broad sections of
among adaptation, mitigation, and food            societies, even in high-income countries.
security, including targeted agriculture          Sustainable and healthy diets based on
programs to change socially constructed           diversified intake are often linked to
gender biases66. Empowerment through              diversified      production        systems,
collective action and groups-based                highlighting the linkages between
approaches in the near-term has the               production and consumption71.
potential to equalize relationships on the               To encourage dietary transitions
local, national and global scale67.               towards healthy and sustainable diets, a
                                                  full range of policy instruments from hard
                                                  to soft measures are needed68. For
5. Encourage healthy and sustainable
                                                  example, unhealthy consumption of
                                                  emission-intensive animal-source foods
       Transitioning to more healthy and          can be disincentivized by applying taxes
sustainable diets and minimizing food             and      charges,     whereas     adequate
waste could reduce global mortality from          consumption of healthy foods such as fruits
6% to 19% and food-related GHG emissions          and vegetables can be incentivized by
by 29‒70% by 205032,68. According to the          providing subsidies and raising consumer
WHO, healthy diets are essential to end all       awareness.        Importantly,      policies
forms of malnutrition and protect from            promoting healthy diets need to pay due
non-communicable diseases, including              consideration to the differential roles of
diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.       animal-source foods in different parts of
Currently, food consumption deviates from         the world and the important role livestock
healthy diets with either too much (e.g.,         can play in sustainable agriculture. For
red meat and calories) or too little (e.g.,       example, a recent study from Nepal,
fruits and vegetables) food and nutrition         Bangladesh, and Uganda showed a
supply69. Healthy diets have an appropriate       reduction in stunting in young children due
calorie intake, according to gender, age,         to adequate intake of animal source
and physical activity level. They are mainly      foods72.
composed of a diversity of plant-based
foods, including coarse grains, pulses, fruits
and vegetables, nuts, and seeds with low          6. Reduce GHG emissions from the food
amounts of animal source foods68. The                systems
current diets of many high-income                       Before promoting particular changes
countries consist of a large share of animal-     to the food systems it is important to have
source foods that are emission-intensive,         an overview of where the most important
with red meat consumption higher than
                                                  potentials for reducing GHG emissions are.
the recommended value. Simultaneously,            Agriculture is responsible for about 60% (or
consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables        even 80% if the indirect land-use change is
is below recommended value in most                included) of the total GHG emissions from
countries70. Changes toward healthier diets
                                                  the global food system3. One important
have a mitigation potential of 0.7–8.0
message from a systematic meta-analysis          to achieve mitigation targets compatible
of 38,700 farms and 1,600 food processors        with the Paris Agreement. However, in
is the wide range of emissions – about 50-       some regions of the world, an increased
fold difference between the best and worst       consumption of animal protein would be
practices73. This means that political and       desirable from a health perspective. It is
economic measures can achieve major              also clear that livestock plays an important
reductions in GHG emissions from existing        role in sustainable food systems –
food systems by applying more broadly            particularly extensive livestock can help to
current best practices and without waiting       reduce the need for mineral fertilizers, and
for new technologies or behavior changes.        they can produce food from areas
                                                 unsuitable for growing crops (notably
       Reducing GHG emissions requires
                                                 drylands, cold regions, and mountainous
integrated interventions both at the
                                                 regions). Finally, expansion of post-harvest
production and consumption sides. On the
                                                 processing, refrigeration, subsidy shifts and
production side, all those practices
                                                 behavioral changes are needed to reduce
increasing soil organic matter contribute to
                                                 food loss and waste and lower the
both adaptation and mitigation, while
                                                 consumption of animal products in those
decreasing soil degradation and erosion.
                                                 places where intake is too high. Incentives
Globally cropland soils have lost an
                                                 for emission reductions should be given to
estimated 37 GtC (136 Gt CO2) since the
                                                 agricultural producers by applying GHG
Neolithic revolution74, recapturing that lost
                                                 emission taxes also in agriculture, or
carbon through SLM would not only
                                                 including agriculture in existing emission
contribute to climate change mitigation, it
                                                 trading schemes.
would also increase the ecological
resilience of agro-ecosystems and provide
opportunities for income and employment          7. Support     urban     and     peri-urban
in rural societies. A wide range of practices       agriculture
exist, e.g. conservation agriculture
practices, lower GHG emissions from                     Promoting urban and peri-urban
fertilizers, agroecology-based approaches,       agriculture (PUA) can help increase the
agroforestry or integrating agriculture and      resilience of local and regional food
livestock systems, which have an estimated       systems, create jobs, and under certain
potential to sequester 3-6.5 GtCO2-              conditions, help reduce GHG emissions
eq/year75. In rangelands as well, extensive      from food transportation77 and decrease
and mixed farming systems, through               uncertainties that may be associated with
improved management practices, have the          disruptions in food systems. PUA includes
capacity to reduce emissions. Presently,         crop production, livestock rearing,
there are between 200 and 500 million            aquaculture, agroforestry, beekeeping,
pastoralists in the world who act as             and horticulture within and around urban
stewards for 25% of the world’s land76.          areas78. Around 1 billion urban inhabitants
                                                 (i.e., 30% of global urban population) can
      Meat and dairy consumption is often        be nourished by producing food in PUA79.
considered a major culprit of high GHG           Simultaneously, PUA can support the
emissions from food systems, but the             regionalization of food systems, reducing
discussion often lacks nuance. It is clear       emissions from food transportation77.
that the overall emissions from                  Moreover, PUA is multi-functional and is
consumption of animal protein (mainly            practiced to follow various purposes: it
meat and dairy products) must be reduced         helps to improve food security, generate
income,      provide      employment80,81,      cultivars and cultivars with improved
especially for women and youth and              nitrogen use to avoid emission of N2O86,
reconnect urban habitants with nature           improved understanding of climate change
cycles. Subsequently, PUA has not only a        impacts on both staple and non-staple
great potential to reduce poverty, and          foods (including impacts on nutritious
improve nutrition, but also provides a          values of crops87, particularly vegetables
series of ecosystem services such as            and fruits, and the subsequent implications
reduced urban heat island effects82, or         for the healthy diets and the full costs of
fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and            healthy diets. Along with these
carbon when using the appropriate               environmental dimensions, increased
vegetation83, thus contributing to climate      investments into research on social and
change mitigation and adaptation. PUA           economic impacts of climate change are
also comprises elements of circular             needed, for example, on such areas as
economy, where household organic waste          understanding the impacts of climate
can be used as livestock and poultry feed       change and mitigation and adaptation
rather than treated as waste84,                 options on vulnerable groups, research on
subsequently reducing environmental             participatory      and     transdisciplinary
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.         approaches to facilitate dialogue between
PUA contributes to increasing the               indigenous and scientific knowledge,
resilience of urban poor households to          research on collective action, social
food price shocks. Previous research on         innovation and mechanisms to increase
PUA showed that it was the main and only        food security.
economic activity of poor urban
households in many low income countries.
And even when PUA is not the main               9. Support perennial crop development
economic activity of poor urban                    and cultivation
households, it made a significant                     About 87% of the world’s harvested
contribution to smoothening seasonal food       area is cultivated with annual crops, mainly
consumption shocks among the urban              grains (cereals, oilseeds, and pulses) that
poor80.                                         are terminated and resown every
                                                year/season88. A shift to perennial grain
                                                crops would drastically cut GHG emissions
8. Invest in research                           from agriculture, and even turn cropping
      There have been tremendous                into a carbon sink, while significantly
advances in better understanding of the         reducing erosion and nutrient leakage.
interactions between climate change and         Continued climate change is rendering our
food systems in recent decades1,85. These       existing cultivars increasingly vulnerable to
investments in research and science need        stress and ultimately unfit for many regions
to be expanded into the future, not least to    of the world89. New perennial cultivars
ensure viable agricultural systems in the       have the potential to create cropping
long term when climate change will expose       systems that are genuinely adapted for the
current     staple     food    crops      to    climatic conditions towards the second half
unprecedented       stress.   Areas      for    of this century. Perennial crops have the
investments      include    agroecological      potential to drastically reduce the costs of
approaches to food production, which            farming by cutting the need for external
have received much lower investment,97          inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides,
breeding of drought-resistant crop              machinery, energy, and labour) and hence
generate social and economic advantages           Conclusion
particularly to farmers and rural societies90.
       Development of new perennial grain                This policy brief has two central
crops through de novo domestication and           messages. The bad news is that climate
wide hybridization have advanced                  change is projected to affect food systems
tremendously in the last decade thanks to         around the world significantly, often in
scientific and technological advancements         ways       that     exacerbate       existing
such as genomic selection technology91.           frailties/weaknesses and inequalities
The key benefits of perennial crops are that      between regions of the world and groups in
their widespread root systems can help            society. The good news is that many
sequester carbon in the soils for extended        practices, technologies, knowledge and
periods of time, water and minerals are           social capital already exist to address
used by perennial plants more efficiently,        climate change constructively, both in
weeds are effectively managed90,92. Many          terms of mitigation and adaptation, as well
of them are also exceptionally drought            as synergies between them and co-benefits
resistant and can bring soil erosion and          with other important goals such as the
nutrient leaching to practical minimum93.         conservation of biodiversity and other
There are already commercial cultivars of         ecosystem services. Therefore, food
perennial rice94 and successful semi-             systems, can and should play a much bigger
commercial experiments with perennial             role in climate policies. In the short term,
Intermediate Wheatgrass, a wheat                  pro-poor policy changes and support
relative95. The yields of Intermediate            systems can unleash a range of positive
Wheatgrass are still low compared to              changes well beyond food systems without
conventional wheat, but continued                 delay. In the long-term, there is an urgent
breeding can result in a competitive              need to invest in research for ensuring food
perennial alternative to wheat in 20-25           security and ecosystem integrity for
years96. A range of other crops is in the         coming generations.
pipeline for domestication and breeding as
perennial crops such as barley, oilseeds,
and pulses. Equally important is the
development of perennial polycultures,            Acknowledgments
such as intercropping of perennial grains         The authors thank Dr. Timothy Crews (The
and legumes, making the system more or            Land Institute, Salina, USA), and Prof. Dr.
less self-sufficient in nitrogen98. These         Joachim von Braun (Chair, UNFSS Scientific
results are proofs of concept that high           Group) for comments on the earlier
yielding perennial cultivars can be               versions of the brief.
developed in the timeframe of a few
decades, but research on all aspects of such
a “perennial revolution” are urgently

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