Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge

Page created by Florence Logan
Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge

Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters—Uxbridge
Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. is the         control and management of
world's third-largest independent          TelePresence conferencing,
Coca-Cola bottler. Their portfolio         infrastructure and endpoints.                         Agora
encompasses a full range of                                                       There are two wall mounted 40”
beverages including carbonated soft                Ground floor reception         NEC LCD screens in the Agora open
drinks, energy drinks, still and           In the reception area there are two    space area. A motorised 159”
sparkling waters, juices and juice         wall mounted NEC 40” LCD screens       projection screen and ceiling
drinks and sports drinks.                  plus a floor mounted 40” LCD           mounted projector provides the
                                           screen. All displays have individual   main display for the room.
In 2012 CCE launched plans to              Cisco Digital Media Players which
relocate their offices to the newly        receive content from the LAN (local    The collection of high-tech devices
extended and refurbished Bakers            area network). One of these            are programmed to adapt to a
Court in Uxbridge. As part of CCE’s        ultrathin screens has a DVI feed for   range of uses; all three are able to
project, Smartcomm have designed           PC presentations. A compact AMX        display laptop or PC input and have
and installed the latest technology in     NXD-430 flush mount touch panel        both analogue and digital
the 100,000 sq ft of space dedicated       provides total control for the room.   connectivity, as well as Cisco Digital
to CCE’s new headquarters, including                                              Media Players which receives
several deluxe meeting and training                    Agora walkway              content from the LAN.
rooms.                                     Along the Agora walkway, an NEC
                                           65” LCD screen with built-in 10W       Audio carries throughout the Agora
Each of the meeting rooms has been         speakers has been mounted high         through ten ceiling mounted
treated to a technological upgrade; a      above the room. This high-grade        loudspeakers. These speakers
multitude of flatscreens have been         panel protects against permanent       transmit audio from the display
installed throughout, plus room            image retention and a full selection   sources as well as act as sound
booking panels located outside each        of inputs, which allows you to         reinforcement when used
door.                                      connect to a wide range of             alongside the various microphones.
                                           peripheral devices. The HD display
Cisco’s      dynamic        TelePresence   also has its own Cisco Digital Media
Management Suite has also been             Player which receives content from
installed, offering the client complete    the local area.                 
Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge

The control for this impressive AV      These screens display the feed        The screens are able to display
system and lighting can be controlled   from its own Cisco Digital Media      laptop or PC input from the table
via a 7” flush mount AMX NXD700i        Player which receives content from    connection point as well as a feed
touch panel. This versatile panel       the LAN. The DMP unit is mounted      from the resident PC and the Cisco
includes an intercom facility for       behind the displays and connected     Digital Media Players which
crystal clear communication both        via HDMI. The audio is transmitted    receives content from the LAN.
within the building and                 through the LCD screens built in      The table top connection plate has
internationally.                        speakers. The system can be           both analogue and digital
                                        controlled        using         the   connectivity in addition to a 3.5mm
       First floor reception area       manufacturers’ remote controls.       stereo jack for audio for each
As you enter the first floor and 6th                                          connection.
Floor reception, you are greeted by            Meeting Room Type S            The audio is transmitted through
40” NEC P402 LCD screens. These HD      There are four types of meeting       the LCD screens built in speakers.
screens display the feed from their     rooms throughout the 3th, 4th, 5th    The system can be controlled using
own Cisco Digital Media Player with     and 6th floor. These different room   the AMX app installed on the iPad
smooth video and crisp imagery. The     types contain a similar system        tablet provided. The iPad is housed
audio is transmitted through the        setup to each other. The main         in a table top iPad dock in the
professional screens’ built in          display comes in the form of a LCD    credenza. The source and control
speakers.                               screen, ranging from 55” and 65”.     equipment is housed in a local AV
                                        The larger meeting rooms also         rack.
       Common Area Displays             have projectors.
There are wall mounted 32” LCD          Each room has 1No. wall or ceiling
screens installed in the common areas   pole mounted 55” LCD screen.
on floors 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge

        Meeting Room Type M             mounted 65” LCD screen with an         well as a feed from the resident PC
There are a number of Type M            interactive touchscreen overlay.       and the Cisco Digital Media Players
meeting rooms on the floors 3, 4        The screens are able to display        which receives content from the
and 5. Each room has 1No. wall or       laptop or PC input from the table      LAN.
ceiling pole mounted 65” LCD            connection points as well as a feed    There are three table top
screen. The screens are able to         from the resident PC and the Cisco     connection plates, each with both
display laptop or PC input from the     Digital Media Players which            analogue and digital connectivity in
table connection points as well as a    receives content from the LAN.         addition to a 3.5mm stereo jack for
feed from the resident PC and the       There are two table top connection     audio for each connection.
Cisco Digital Media Players which       plates, each with both analogue        The audio is transmitted through
receives content from the LAN.          and digital connectivity in addition   front of house stereo loudspeakers
There are two table top connection      to a 3.5mm stereo jack for audio       connected to a stereo amplifier.
plates, each with both analogue and     for each connection.                   The system can be controlled using
digital connectivity in addition to a   The audio is transmitted through       the AMX app installed on the iPad
3.5mm stereo jack for audio for         the LCD screens built in speakers.     tablet provided. The iPad is housed
each connection. The audio is           The system can be controlled using     in a table top iPad dock in the
transmitted through the LCD             the AMX app installed on the iPad      credenza. The source and control
screens built in speakers.              tablet provided. The iPad is housed    equipment is house in a local AV
The system can be controlled using      in a table top iPad dock in the        rack.
the AMX app installed on the iPad       credenza. The source and control              Room Booking System
tablet provided. The iPad is housed     equipment is housed in a local AV      There are a number of meeting
in a table top iPad dock. The source    rack.                                  rooms that have been installed with
and control equipment is housed in              Meeting Room Type L            an AMX Room booking screen. This
a local AV rack.                        There are 2No. of Type L meeting       allows the client to book meetings
                                        rooms, one on floor 4 and the          via Microsoft Exchange/Outlook
     Meeting Room Type MT               other on floor 6. Each room has a      and the meeting information be
There are 1No. of Type MT meeting       ceiling mounted projector and          displayed for participants to see on
rooms on the floors 3, 4, 5 and 6.      motorised screen. The projector        these panels. These also display
Each of these rooms has 1No. wall       displays laptop or PC input from       when the meeting room is
                                        the table connection points as         available.
Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge

              CLIC Facility             These outputs are split between        both trolleys have been installed
One of the more unique areas of         the ceiling-mounted projectors and     with the capability of connecting
CCE’s new headquarters is the CLIC      four desk mounted monitors.            either DVI & Audio or VGA & Audio
(Collaboration, Learning and            Three of the monitors display a        connections, giving the user
Insights) facility. The cutting‑edge    repeated image of the projectors       complete control.
software in this space delivers         whilst the fourth is a direct feed
interactive virtual shopping            from the resident PC, creating a                    Boardroom
experiences across a range of           seamless projection for the team.      The boardroom on the sixth floor
different environments. The                                                    has a wall mounted 103” Panasonic
technology replicates the shopper's     The audio is fed into the amplifier    Plasma display with two video
experience in store and can scale       and transmitted through a 5.1          conferencing cameras and two
from the detail on individual           surround sound set up.                 front of house speakers mounted
packaging on shelves to the aisles of   At the rear of the room there is a     on either side of it. The screen
a full sized supermarket. With the      two way mirror providing               displays guest laptop, PC or iPad
ability to track users' eye             occupants to witness viewers’          feeds when connected to the table
movements the technology enables        reactions without being seen. In       top. The connection plates as well
a much deeper insight into the          this room there are two monitors       as a feed from the resident PC, the
specific triggers and barriers that     displaying the images recorded by      integrated video conferencing
can influence a shopper on their        a Sony EVID70 Pan/Tilt/Zoom            system and the Cisco Digital Media
route to purchase.                      Colour camera installed on the         Players which receives content
The continually evolving data is        projection wall and two KEF front      from the LAN. There are six table
designed to help enable CCE’s to        of house speakers which transmit       top connection plates, each with
refresh and invigorate its shoppers     the audio recorded by the              both analogue and digital
insights on an ongoing basis, and       microphones in the main room.          connectivity in addition to a 3.5mm
influence category planning using       These speakers are designed to         stereo jack for audio and iPad dock
the latest available information. The   smoothly integrate and                 connection points.
new technology will also influence      architecturally match with existing    The audio is provided through two
future packaging development, as        downlighting.                          front of house wall-mounted
well as brand planning and              The CLIC is controlled using the       speakers and six ceiling-mounted
initiatives.                            client supplied production PC,         speakers. These speakers transmit
The equipment in the CLIC has all       located in the AV rack, via a          audio from the display sources. The
been relocated and re-                  wireless keyboard and mouse.           video and audio conferencing
commissioned from CCE’s previous        The equipment for the CLIC is          systems also act as sound
premises. The system consists of        housed in the shared (with             reinforcement when used alongside
three ceiling-mounted                   restaurant) AV rack in the CLIC        the 14 table-mounted gooseneck
Projectdesign FX32 projectors           store room.                            microphones, the two hand-held
producing an edge-blended super-                                               and two lapel microphones
wide image of a shopper’s                    Mobile Display Trolleys           supplied. The AV system and house
experience onto a painted wall. The     Two Mobile Display trolleys have       lights can be controlled using the
image is provided by a resident PC      been provided and fitted with 55”      AMX app installed on the iPad
which has four display outputs.         NEC monitors. These are for use in     tablet provided. The iPad is housed
                                        any position of the client’s choice;   in a table top iPad dock.
Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge
             Mock up area               table top connection points as well    There is an on-air light for the
The mock up area is located on floor    as a feed from the resident PC, the    broadcast suite which indicates if
6. It has a ceiling mounted projector   local DVD player and the Cisco         the room is in use. This light is
and motorised screen. The               Digital Media Players which            controlled using a wall mounted
projector displays laptop or PC input   receives content from the LAN.         switch.
from the floorbox connection points     All connection plates have both
as well as a feed from the resident     analogue and digital connectivity in        Room Management System
PC and the Cisco Digital Media          addition to a 3.5mm stereo jack for    In response to a request from
Players which receives content from     audio for each connection.             Coca-Cola Enterprises, Smartcomm
the LAN. There are two floorbox         The audio is transmitted through       installed a central Room
connection plates, each with both       the smartboard auxiliary               Management System. The system is
analogue and digital connectivity in    loudspeakers as well as wall           Microsoft Live Meeting software,
addition to a 3.5mm stereo jack for     mounted front of house                 which has been programmed by
audio for each connection.              loudspeakers.                          Smartcomm using both Crestron
The audio is transmitted through                                               and AMX software. The system
front of house stereo loudspeakers                 Broadcast Suite             allows the client to analyse and
connected to a stereo amplifier.        The main broadcast area at CCE’s       interrogate hardware installed
The system can be controlled using      houses all of the production           within the meeting rooms. The
the AMX app installed on the iPad       lighting and a Chroma key screen.      Room Management System
tablet provided.                        The technicians’ room, adjacent to     provides information such as room
The iPad is housed in a table top       the broadcast room, contains a         status and equipment on or off
iPad dock in the credenza. The          dedicated production lighting desk,    status. It also enables support staff
source and control equipment is         audio mixing desk and 2no. XDCAM       to understand issues within the
house in a local AV rack.               video cameras. The cameras point       rooms that is reported by the
                                        through a hole in the wall. The        participants using the room.
             Training Room              technicians’ room houses all of the    Via this central software, support
The training room is located on         recording equipment, which             staff are also able to take some
floor 6. It has an 87” widescreen       comprises Cisco DME encoders and       basic control of the room such as
Smartboard with and integrated          a Tricaster Broadcast live             turning the rooms off after hours if
projector. The display is mounted       production unit. Wireless and          they have been left in an ‘on’ state.
on a mobile trolley and has three       wired microphones have been
points around the room where it         provided by the client for the         This system is fully customisable,
can be connected to the AV system.      talent. PA speakers are provided in    and as the client gets more familiar
The smartboard displays laptop or       the technicians control room to        with using the system more
PC input from the floorbox and          allow them to monitor the audio        features can be added to allow
                                        feed.                                  further interrogation and control of
                                                                               the Audio Visual hardware installed
                                                                               within the building.
Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge
                                       loudspeakers and 1 JBL in-ceiling
                 Gym                                                          These speakers transmit audio from
                                       subwoofer, providing smooth even
There are two areas within the                                                the display sources or external iPod,
                                       sound throughout the gymnasium.
Gymnasium; the main Gymnasium                                                 as well as act as sound
                                       The gym’s AV system is controlled
area and the Wellbeing/Studio                                                 reinforcement
                                       via an AMX integrated control
room. In the main gymnasium area                                              when used alongside the two hand
                                       system via an Apple iPad.
there is a mounted NEC 40” LCD                                                held and two lapel microphones
screen. This powerful screen is able                                          supplied.
to display the laptop or PC input                                             All connection plates have both
                                       The restaurant on the sixth floor
from the connection plate on the                                              analogue and digital connectivity in
                                       consists of a large open plan space
lectern as well as a feed from the                                            addition to a 3.5mm stereo jack for
                                       with two 40” LCD screens and a
resident PC and the Cisco Digital                                             audio for each connection.
                                       motorised ceiling-mounted
Media Player which receives
                                       projector and 159” projection
content from the LAN. In addition                                             The AV system and house lights can
an iPod dock has been installed for                                           be controlled using the wall
                                       The screens and projector display
an external iPod to be connected to                                           mounted AMX touch panel. The
                                       laptop or PC input from the
the system, so users have an array                                            source and control equipment is
                                       floorbox connection point as well
of choices whilst they work out. The                                          housed in the shared (with CLIC) AV
                                       as well as a feed from the resident
connection plate has both analogue                                            rack in the CLIC store room.
                                       PC and the Cisco Digital Media
and digital connectivity in addition
                                       Players which receive content from
to a 3.5mm stereo jack for audio for
                                       the LAN. In addition, an iPod dock       Location: Uxbridge, UK
each connection.
                                       has been installed for an external       System Designer: Mark Allen
                                       iPod to be connected to the
The audio is transmitted through an                                             Tel: 01494 471 912
array of subtle ceiling speakers
                                       The floor box connection plate has       Email:
separated between the two areas.
                                       both analogue and digital
Audio from all sources can be
                                       connectivity in addition to a 3.5mm
routed to either the Gymnasium or
                                       stereo jack for audio for each
the Wellbeing Room – either
separately or simultaneously –
therefore both spaces have the
                                       The audio is transmitted through
ability to play independent audio
                                       an array of ceiling speakers and
                                       separated into two different
                                       areas, one for the primary
The Gym’s audio is presented
                                       restaurant area, and the other
through 9 JBL in-ceiling
                                       for the corridor area.
loudspeakers and 1 in-ceiling sub-
woofer, the Wellbeing/Studio is
presented through 3 JBL ceiling
Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge Coca-Cola Enterprises Headquarters-Uxbridge
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