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ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL 2008; 83: 257-262                                                                        ORIGINAL ARTICLE


                       ABSTRACT                                                                 RESUMEN
Purpose: To determine the central corneal thick-                        Objetivo: Determinar las variaciones del espesor
ness after administration of the anti-glaucomatous                      centrocorneal tras la administración de dos drogas
medications latanoprost 0.005% or dorzolamide                           antiglaucomatosas: latanoprost 0,005% o dorzola-
2%, as assessed in rabbits which have had total cor-                    mida 2% en conejos con auto injerto de cornea de
neal thickness autografts.                                              espesor total.
Methods: A bilateral total corneal thickness auto-                      Métodos: Diez conejos recibieron un autoinjerto de
graft was performed in ten rabbits. One rabbit was                      córnea de espesor total bilateralmente. Un animal
excluded from the subsequent study in which the                         fue excluido del estudio. En los nueve restantes, a
antiglaucomatous medication was started two                             los dos meses de la intervención se instauró trata-
months post-operatively. Latanoprost 0.005% was                         miento con un fármaco antiglaucomatoso tópico. El
instilled once per day into the right eye, whereas the                  ojo derecho recibió latanoprost al 0,005%, una vez
left eyes were treated with dorzolamide 2% twice a                      al día, y el ojo izquierdo recibió dorzolamida al 2%
day. The eyes were examined by biomicroscopy                            cada 12 horas. Los ojos fueron examinados 0, 4, 10,
and ultrasound pachymetry immediately prior to                          17 y 27 semanas después del inicio del tratamiento
commencement, and 4, 10, 17 and 27 weeks after                          con fármacos mediante biomicroscopia y paquime-
starting the anti-glaucomatous treatment. In each                       tría ultrasónica. En cada tiempo examinado, se rea-
instance three assessments of the central corneal                       lizaron 3 medidas del espesor central corneal en
thickness in each eye were made. At the end of the                      cada ojo.
study, the influence of time and treatment on the                       Al final del estudio se analizó la influencia del tiem-
corneal thickness was analyzed using a generalized                      po y del tratamiento sobre el espesor corneal utili-

Received: Dec. 12, 2005. Accepted: March 6, 2008.
Clinics Hospital San Martín. Buenos Aires University. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1 Ph.D. in Medicine. Chief of Cornea Section. Ophthalmology Service.
2 Ph.D. in Medicine. Chief of Glaucoma Section. Ophthalmology Service.
3 Ph.D. in Medicine. Professor of Columbia University. Columbia University Medical Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York,
4 Ph.D. in Medicine. Plant Medic.
This paper was partially funded with NIH Grant EY061178 (JF).

Pablo Chiaradia
Arenales, 1733 - PB «A»
1061 Buenos Aires

linear model for repeated measurements. All pene-        zando un modelo lineal generalizado de medidas
trating keratoplasties were performed by the same        repetidas. Todas las queratoplastias penetrantes fue-
surgeon (C.H.P).                                         ron efectuadas por el mismo cirujano (CHP).
Results: Treatment with dorzolamide resulted in          Resultados: El tratamiento con dorzolamida produ-
corneal edema and a significant increase in central      jo edema corneal y un aumento significativo del
corneal thickness, whereas the treatment with lata-      espesor corneal central mientras que el tratamiento
noprost resulted in neither corneal edema nor cor-       con latanoprost no produjo edema corneal ni modi-
neal thickness changes.                                  ficó el espesor corneal.
Conclusions: Dorzolamide, when instilled into the        Conclusión: La dorzolamida, aplicada sobre ojos
eyes of rabbits with corneal autografts, could have      de conejo con autoinjerto de córnea tiene un efecto
a negative effect on the graft, impairing the endot-     negativo sobre el injerto, posiblemente empeorando
helial function through inhibition of the ionic          la función del endotelio corneal mediante la inhibi-
pump. This effect could cause graft failure, which       ción de la bomba iónica. Este efecto puede evaluar-
may be able to be defined with ultrasound pachi-         se mediante paquimetría ultrasónica y podría pro-
metry (Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 2008; 83: 257-262).         vocar un fallo del injerto.

Key words: Corneal thickness, latanoprost 0.005%,        Palabras claves: Espesor corneal, latanoprost
dorzolamide 2%, pachymetry.                              0,005%, dorzolamida 2%, paquimetría.

               INTRODUCTION                              tions in rabbit eyes after penetrating keratoplasty
                                                         and the administration of two antiglaucomatous
   Intra-ocular pressure increase is a frequent com-     drugs: dorzolamide 2% and latanoprost 0.005% and
plication after penetrating keratoplasty, on many        the characteristics of the evolution of its effects.
occasions difficult to control.
   The pharmakinetic parameters and safety ranges
of anti-glaucomatous drugs in normal corneae are               SUBJECTS, MATERIAL AND
well known and have proved to be safe and effective.                 METHODS
   The negative effect of topically administered car-
bonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAI) on the corneal             Ten albino New Zealand rabbits aged 12-15
endothelial pump has been the object of study,           months were utilized, weighing between 1.5 and 1.7
demonstrating the safety of the drug on healthy cor-     kg, obtained at the farm of Gilardoni S.A., General
neae in what concerns translucency, thickness and        Rodríguez, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
endothelial cellularity (1-5).                           All the experimental manipulations of the animals
   CAI are capable of reducing the formation of cell     were carried out following the animal experimenta-
bicarbonate ions, thus reducing the associated           tion standards issued by the National Drug, Food
transport of sodium and water and giving rise to         and Medical Technology Administration (ANMAT),
possible corneal edema in eyes with deficient            the National Health and Agricultural Food Quality
endothelial function.                                    Service (SENASA) and the Exact and Natural
   The function of corneal endothelium vis-à-vis the     Sciences College of Buenos Aires University. The
corneal thickness can be indirectly assessed in vivo.    animals were anesthetized with xylocine clorhydra-
Accordingly, ultrasound pachymetry is a useful           te 2%, Rompun® (Bayer), 5 mg/kg subcutaneous
method for observing patients subjected to penetra-      and Ketamine, Ketalar® (Parke Davis), 30 mg/kg
ting keratoplasty (6). There is a linear relationship    intramuscular, after which a bilateral cornea self-
between hydration and corneal thickness, as the          graft was made with a penetrating thickness of 7 mm
central thickness of a graft is a clinically relevant    diameter. The trephination was made by hand with
measure for evaluating a transplant.                     manual trephinators (Trephine handle) manufactu-
   Considering that corneal thickness variations are     red by Storz Instrument Company, model F3096, 7
an indirect measure of endothelial insufficiency,        mm (St. Louis, Missouri, USA). The grafts were
this study has analyzed the corneal thickness varia-     sutured with 10-0 nylon (Alcon Inc., USA).
258                                 ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL 2008; 83: 257-262
Antiglaucomatous drugs in cornea self-graft

   Two months after the intervention, treatment was
established with a topical antiglaucomatous drug in
both eyes. The right eye was given latanoprost at
0.0005%, Xalatan® (Pharmacia, Belgium) once a
day, while the left eye was given dorzolamide 2%
Trusopt® (Merck Sharp & Dohme-Chibert, Cler-
mont – Ferrand, France), every 12 hours. The eyes
were assessed at 0, 4, 10, 17 and 27 weeks after
beginning the treatment by means of biomicroscopy
and ultrasound pachymetry (BVI Pachymeter, Poc-
ket Model– BV International - Clermont – Ferrand,
France). The corneal thickness measures were
included in an Excel® spreadsheet, Office XP ver-
sion, Microsoft Corp. and analyzed with the SPSS
statistical program, version 11.5. (SPSS Inc, Illi-             Fig. 1: Rabbit eye 27 weeks after applying latanoprost
                                                                0.005% once a day.
nois, USA).
   At the end of the study we analyzed the influen-
ce of time and treatment over the corneal thickness                For the statistical analysis of the corneal thick-
utilizing a generalized linear model of repeated                ness evolution (tables II and III) we considered the
measures.                                                       influence of time and of treatment and a third effect
                                                                of repeated measures for considering all three para-

   One animal was excluded due to endophthalmitis
in the left eye, developed 8 weeks after the inter-
   In the nine remaining animals, the biomicrosco-
pic assessment was made in week 0, 4, 10, 17 and
27 and showed corneal edema which progressively
increased in the eyes treated with dorzolamide 2%
(figs. 1 and 2).
   Ultrasonic pachymetry was utilized to confirm
said corneal thickening (table I, fig. 3).
   Likewise, no statistically significant variations
were observed in the corneal thickness of rabbits               Fig. 2: Eyes with keratoplasty to which Dorzolamide
treated with latanoprost 0.0005%.                               2% was administered and evolved to corneal edema.

Tabla I. Descriptive measure and evolution through time

Eyes                    Time              Mean            Typical error             Confidence Interval 95%
                                                                               Upper limit            Lower limit

Right (n=9)          Base                564.963             46.764              457.126                    672.800
                      4 weeks            554.481             43.836              453.395                    655.568
                     10 weeks            556.593             43.776              455.646                    657.539
                     17 weeks            555.593             40.763              461.593                    649.592
                     27 weeks            556.815             39.538              465.640                    647.989
Left (n=9)           Base                573.667             47.287              464.623                    682.711
                      4 weeks            636.296             36.976              551.029                    721.563
                     10 weeks            646.481             32.346              571.890                    721.073
                     17 weeks            712.000             48.792              599.484                    824.516
                     27 weeks            714.370             45.140              610.277                    818.463

                                      ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL 2008; 83: 257-262                                            259

                                                                    well as the interaction between both (fig. 3 and
                                                                    tables I, II and III).

                                                                       In the long term, topical carbonic anhydrase inhi-
                                                                    bitors alter the endothelial function as evidenced in
                                                                    the literature in corneas with keratopathies or ocu-
                                                                    lar surgery.
                                                                       It is known that the endothelial pump is effective
                                                                    after the administration of topical CAIs in healthy
Fig. 3: Evolution through time of each eye. The coordi-             or slightly damaged corneas, but it becomes ineffi-
nates show the corneal thickness factor and the x-axis              cient in the presence of an important endothelial
show the time factor. Differences are observed after
administering two drugs (dorzolamide 2% and latano-
                                                                    compromise. According to a study by Gordon et al
prost 0.005%).                                                      (1), dorzolamide causes irreversible corneal edema
                                                                    in patients with glaucoma and surgery history and
                                                                    previous endothelial compromise.
meters in each instance. The proposed and tested                       Some communications (7) point out that the
model includes the effect of time and eye factor as                 endothelial function of the corneas with pathology

Table II. Evaluation of statistical significance. Multivariate contrasts (c)

Effect                           Tests used           Value         F          Gl of hypothesis      Gl of error           Significance

TIME                         Pillai trace             0.822      5.785(b)            4.000                5.000              0.041*
                             Wilks Lambda             0.178      5.785(b)            4.000                5.000              0.041*
                             Hotelling Trace          4.628      5.785(b)            4.000                5.000              0.041*
                             Roy’s square root        4.628      5.785(b)            4.000                5.000              0.041*
EYES                         Pillai trace             0.606     12.285(b)            1.000                8.000              0.008**
                             Wilks Lambda             0.394     12.285(b)            1.000                8.000              0.008**
                             Hotelling Trace          1.536     12.285(b)            1.000                8.000              0.008**
                             Roy’s square root        1.536     12.285(b)            1.000                8.000              0.008**
TIME * EYES                  Pillai trace             0.884      9.543(b)            4.000                5.000              0.015*
                             Wilks Lambda             0.116      9.543(b)            4.000                5.000              0.015*
                             Hotelling Trace          7.634      9.543(b)            4.000                5.000              0.015*
                             Roy’s square root        7.634      9.543(b)            4.000                5.000              0.015*
* Significant at 5%; ** Significant at 1%.

Table III. Tests of intra-subject effects

Source                        Tests used          Sum of Type 3 square          G1           Squared mean          F       Significance

TIME                    Assumed sphericity             168498.015              4              42124.504            5.147       0.003**
                        Greenhouse-Geisser             168498.015              1.237         136176.832            5.147       0.041*
                        Huynh-Feldt                    168498.015              1.351         124723.957            5.147       0.037*
                        Lower Limit                    168498.015              1.000         168498.015            5.147       0.053
EYES                    Assumed sphericity             659885.570              1             659885.570           12.285       0.008**
                        Greenhouse-Geisser             659885.570              1.000         659885.570           12.285       0.008**
                        Huynh-Feldt                    659885.570              1.000         659885.570           12.285       0.008**
                        Lower Limit                    659885.570              1.000         659885.570           12.285       0.008**
TIME * EYES             Assumed sphericity             205956.652              4              51489.163            8.778       0.000**
                        Greenhouse-Geisser             205956.652              1.404         146724.500            8.778       0.008**
                        Huynh-Feldt                    205956.652              1.612         127764.358            8.778       0.006**
                        Lower Limit                    205956.652              1.000         205956.652            8.778       0.018*
* Significant at 5%; ** Significant at 1%.

260                                           ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL 2008; 83: 257-262
Antiglaucomatous drugs in cornea self-graft

or previous surgery is compromised because the            increase in corneal thickness against the group tre-
drug kinetics are altered and the endothelium recei-      ated with latanoprost 0.005%. Ultrasound pachy-
ved larger concentrations than otherwise. The cor-        metry allowed for the identification and follow-up
neal involvement due to the action of a drug can be       of said changes.
evaluated in vitro measuring the variations of tran-
sendothelial electrical potentials (8).
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                                     ARCH SOC ESP OFTALMOL 2008; 83: 257-262                                           261
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