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Pakistan J. Agric. Res. Vol. 27 No.4, 2014


           Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Nouman Rashid*,
                   Shahzada Arshad Saleem**, Saeeda Raza*
                        and Muhammad Naeem Safdar*

        ABSTRACT:- The objective of this study was to compare the nutritional
    composition and microbial quality of both branded and non-branded
    marmalades. Oranges were purchased from local markets while tangerines
    were product of in-house farm at Food Science and Product Development
    Institute (FSPDI), National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC),
    Islamabad. Juices were extracted and kept in sterilized and sealed glass
    bottles. Samples were subsequently analyzed for Total Plate Count (TPC),
    yeast, moulds, pH, sugars and vitamin C contents. Marmalade was prepared
    from blended juices of orange and tangerine. Branded marmalades i.e.,
    National, Mitchells and Salman’s were purchased from local markets and
    compared with non-branded (orange and tangerine) marmalades. Both
    marmalades were analysed for microbiological (TPC, yeast and mould),
    physico-chemical characteristics (pH, Brix, vitamin C and sugars) and
    organoleptic attributes. TPC count in both samples were nil. Yeast and
    mould count was nil in branded while it was 600 and 400 cfug in orange
    and tangerine marmalades, respectively. Sugar contents, pH and Brix
    ranged from 14.97% to 59.70%, 3.00 to 3.46, 15.0 B to 60.2 B in branded
    and non-branded marmalades, respectively. Organoleptically marmalade
    developed at FSPDI was non-significantly different from all the branded
    marmalades except Salman’s.

                     Key Words: Marmalades; Branded; Non-branded: Nutritional
                          Composition: Microbiological Analysis; Pakistan.

               INTRODUCTION                                    rals for normal growth and
                                                               development and overall well-being in
     Orange belonging to citrus family                         appreciable amounts. It is one of the
Rutaceae is a very delicious and juicy                         best sources of vitamin C (120% of the
fruit. Orange peel contains many                               daily value.). It is also a source of
volatile oil glands in pits. Interior                          folate, vitamin B1, B2, B6, vitamin A,
flesh is composed of segments, called                          calcium and potassium. It also
carpels, made up of numerous fluid-                            contains flavonoids such as alpha
filled vesicles that are actually                              and beta-carotenes, beta-crypto-
specialized hair cells. It is very                             xanthin, zea-xanthin and lutein.
delicious and juicy fruit. It contains                         These compounds are known to have
essential nutrients, vitamins, mine-                           antioxidant properties (Megan,
* Food Science & Product Development Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan.
** Ratta Kulachi Research Insitute, D.I. Khan, Pakistan.
Corresponding author:


2004).                                          in marmalade is important for repairing
     Tangerines are related varieties of        tissues in your body as well as the
oranges distinguished by loose, easily          production of collagen (Lee and Coates,
peeled shin (pericarp) and sweet juicy          1999).
flesh (arils). They are also known as                Considering the nutritional bene-
mandarin oranges in Europe and                  fits of orange and tangerine, a study
satsumas in Japan. Just as oranges,             was planned to develop tangerine-
they too belong to the Rutaceae and             orange marmalade at Food Science and
known scientifically as Citrus reticulata.      Product Development Institute (FSPDI),
As in oranges, tangerines are very low          National Agricultural Research Centre
(53 calories 100 g ) in calories and are        (NARC), Islamabad and compare it with
valuable sources of flavonoid anti-             branded marmalades available at local
oxidants like narin-genin, naringin,            markets and also evaluate its chemical,
hesperetin, vitamin A, carotenes,               microbiological and orangoleptic
xanthins and luteins; several times             properties.
higher than in the oranges. Tangerines
help to prevent obesity, but also offer              MATERIALS AND METHOD
protection against type-2 diabetes, and
even atherosclerosis. consumption of            Collection of Raw Material
100% orange and tangerine juice is                  Oranges were purchased from
associated with better diet quality,            Chatta Bakhtawar market, Federal
improved nutrient adequacy, decreased           Capital Area, Islamabad (Pakistan)
risk for obesity, and improved                  while tangerines were in-house farm
biomarkers of the health in adults              product of FSPDI, NARC, Islamabad.
(Keast et al., 2011)                            Orange-tangerine marmalade recipe
     Marmalade is a fruit preserve made         was standardized and prepared at
from the juice and peel of citrus fruits        FSPDI, NARC, Islamabad. Branded
boiled with sugar and water. It can be          marmalades were procured from a
produced from lemons, limes,                    local super markets.
grapefruits, mandarins, sweet oranges
and other citrus fruits in any                  Development of Recipe for
combination. Today, the word marm-              Orange-Tangerine Marmalade
alade is used to describe a citrus jam              Orange-tangerine recipe was
containing bits of candied rind.                developed at FSPDI, NARC, Islama-
Typically marmalade is associated with          bad, with the following ingredients
oranges, but all citrus fruits are good         composition:
marmalade candidates. Lemons,                   Fruit             45 parts
clementine, grapefruit and limes are            a) Orange         22.5 parts
just a few of the fruits that can be
cooked into excellent marmalades                b) Tangerine      22.5 parts
(Cesar et al., 2010). It accounts for           Sugar             55 parts
2.4% of the maximum allowable daily             Citrus peel             -1
                                                                  5g kg of pulp
calories (2,000). Commonly orange
marmalade is consumed as spreading              Citric acid       Sufficient to obtain
it on a slice of toast as part of a healthy                       pH 3.0-3.3
breakfast (Bradbury, 2012). Vitamin C,          Pectin            0.5 % of fruit juice mixture
also known as ascorbic acid, available          Sodium benzoate   0.1 % of fruit juice mixture


Preparation of Marmalade                    dextrose agar was used to detect
    Fruits were washed, cut into            molds. About 0.1ml inoculum of each
pieces, blanched and pulped. Other          dilution was placed in the center of
ingredients were mixed to cooking pans      solidified potato dextrose agar and
as per recipe. Mixture was cooked till      plate count agar in a petri plate and
desired consistency as per standard         used a sterile bent glass rod for
procedures. After cooling, preservative     spreading. The inoculums were
was added to the marmalade. Product         spread on the surface of media and
was packed in pre-sterilized bottles.       incubated at 25°C for 96 h.

Physico-chemical Analysis of                Sensory Evaluation of Marmalade
Juices and Marmalade                            Sensory evaluation was carried
    Juices and marmalade was                out according to the methods as
analyzed for vitamin C, pH, brix and        described by Larmond (1977) on a 9-
total sugars according to the               point hedonic scale.
standard methods as described in
AOAC (2010).                                    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Microbiological Analysis of Juices          Physicochemical Analysis
and Marmalade                                    Higher pH (3.46) was observed in
     Total plate count, molds and           orange juice as compared to
yeast were determined according to          tangerine juice (2.64). A lower pH in
methods described in FAO (1992).            tangerine represented more acid
According to method 50ml sample             concentration (Table 1). The pH of
was homogenized with Butter fields          branded marmalades varied from
Phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) Serial            3.00 (non-branded) to 3.23 (branded).
dilutions of samples were prepared by       The pH has a significant role in the gel
transferring 1ml of blend sample in to      setting. The pH of non-branded
9ml of sterile phosphate buffer in test     marmalade was lowest due to acidic
tube. After each dilution, the contents     tangerine.
were mixed in vortex-mixer for 10 sec.           The brix of branded marmalade
Of each dilution, 1ml was transferred       was higher than non-branded
to petri dish with plate count agar and     orange-tangerine marmalade. It
mixed with medium in triplicate. After      might be due to high sugar content of
solidification petri dishes were            orange juice used in the branded
incubated at 35°C for 48 h for total        marmalade, addition of more sugar
plate count and colonies formed on          during processing or lower brix of
the surface and in the media were           tangerine used in the non-branded
counted. The total count was                marmalade.
calculated from the mean count of the            Sugar content in fresh orange
triplicate petri dishes, considering        juice was more than 1.8 times higher
the dilutions.                              in the tangerine juice. Total sugar
     For yeast and mold, spread plate       varied from 56.08 to 66.63 both in
method was used. Yeast growth was           branded and non-branded marma-
checked on plate count agar amended         lades due to variable addition of sugar
with 40 ppm Chloramphenicol (added          during preparation. The sweetness of
as antibacterial agent). Potato             citrus fruits is due to the presence of


Table 1.       Physicochemical analysis of juices and marmalades
Sample                          pH              Brix (°B)         Total sugar      Vitamin C
                                                                      (%)         (mg 100ml )
Orange                      3.46 ± 0.05     15.0 ± 0.1           14.97 ± 1.02     41.67 ± 3.1
Tangerine                   2.64 ± 0.03      8.8 ± 0.1            8.29 ± 0.22     52.63 ± 2.7
Salman’s                    3.23 ± 0.04     59.6 ± 1.3           58.90 ± 1.14         Nil
National                    3.02 ± 0.02    67.2 ± 1.0            66.63 ± 1.03         Nil
Mitchells                   3.00 ± 0.04    58.8 ± 0.75           56.08 ± 0.94         Nil
Orange-Tangerine            3.04 ± 0.03    60.2 ± 1.0            59.70 ± 0.78         Nil
Table 2.       Microbiological analysis of juices and marmalades
                                           -1                            -1                   -1
Sample                         TPC (cfu ml )                Mould (cfu ml )     Yeast (cfu ml )
Orange                         9.9x10 + 0.65                     Nil                  Nil
Tangerine                      8.3x10 + 0.58                     Nil                  Nil
Salman’s                             Nil                         Nil                  Nil
National                             Nil                         Nil                  Nil
Mitchells                            Nil                         Nil                  Nil
Orange-Tangerine                     Nil                      400 + 25             600 + 30
TPC = Total Plate Count

glucose, fructose and sucrose. In                  lost in heat treatments of foods. To
oranges and tangerines the soluble                 minimize the loss of this vitamin, it is
solids consists mainly of sugars and               recommended to add the artificial
carboxylic acids. In oranges the                   ascorbic acid to produce taste or
reducing and non-reducing sugars                   flavor (Harding et al., 1994).
are present in about equal amounts.                    Total plate count (TPC) of
Sugar in edible portion of orange                          2        -1
                                                   9.9×10 cfu ml was observed in
varies from 7% to 15% (Curtis, 1988).              fresh orange juice as compared to
    Vitamin C was 41.67mg 100ml                                                2
                                                   tangerine juice (8.3x10 cfu ml )

in orange juice while in tangerine it              mainly due to low acidity and high
was 52.63mg 100ml , however, it was                pH of orange as compared to
not detected in branded and non-                   tangerine. However TPC could not be
branded marmalade due to the heat                  detected in both branded and non
treatments. As the temperature                     branded marmalade due to high
increased vitamin C content grad-                  processing temperature and lower
ually decreased. Vitamin C is totally              pH.


      Mould and yeast count in non                    germinate in environment with pH
branded preservative containing                       less than 4.5 while vegetative cells of
marmalade were detected 400 and                       pathogenic bacteria cannot grow well
600 cfu ml , respectively (Table 2).                  in pH less than 4.0 (Smelt et al.,
However, in branded marmalade                         1982).
samples mould and yeast count were                            All branded and non-branded
absent. The values are in agreement                   samples were thus found free of any
with Gulf standards which recomm-                     bacterial contamination. Yeast and
end that yeast and mould count                        mold count were also absent except in
should not be more than 1×10 cfu
                                 3                    non-branded marmalade but in
ml (Table 3).                                         allowable limits. Sensory evaluation
      According to the Gulf standards                 of branded and non branded
the maximum permitted count of                        marmalades exhibited a fairly
total plate count (TPC) for juices is                 acceptable quantity of non branded
       4      -1                                      marmalade composed with other
1×10 cfu ml . While in this study, the                branded marmalades (Table 4). All
total plate count (TPC) was enume-                    the branded and non-branded
rated lower than the anticipated                      samples were found free from
value (Table 3). The bacterial load                   bacterial, yeast and mold contami-
might have been decreased with the                    nation of any alarming levels. No
passage of time because of higher                     significant difference between non-
acidity. Bacterial spores cannot                      branded developed marmalades and
                                                      two out of three selected marmalades
Table 3.     Gulf standard for micro-
             biological criteria for juices
                                                      of branded types was observed.

Count                Maximum        Maximum                     LITERATURE CITED
(cfu ml-1)          count antic-   count permi-
                       ipated          tted
                                                      AOAC. 2010. Official method of
Total plate count
                              3             4            Analysis of Association of Official
                     5.0×10          1×10
                                                         Analytical Chemist International,
Yeast                   100          1×10
                                                         18th edn. Washington DC, USA.
                                                      Bradbury, K. 2012. Good nutrition is
Mould                   100          1×10                key to living a long and healthy
Table 4.     Sensory evaluations of branded and non branded marmalades

                                                          Sensory Attributes
Sample                                 Color         Texture     Taste     Flavour      Overall
                                                a           a          a          a             a
Salman’s                                8.0           9.0        8.0        8.5           8.5
                                                b           b          b          b             b
National                                7.0           8.0        7.0        7.0           7.0
                                                b           b          b          c             b
Mitchells                               7.5           8.0        7.5        6.5           7.5

Non Branded
                                                b           b          b          c             b
Orange-Tangerine Marmalade              7.5           8.0        7.0        6.5           7.5


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                     (Received May 2014 and Accepted October 2014 )

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