Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019

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Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019
the u-blox

          No. 8
          November 2019

Creating value to accelerate the connected future → 7
Mobility at the crossroads → 12
IoT security for the connected future → 32
Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019

u - The u-blox technology magazine
Published by: Thomas Seiler
Chief Editor: Sven Etzold
Senior Editor: Natacha Seitz
Writer: Jan Overney
Graphic Design: Klaus Erlinghagen, Marina Sancho Vila
Circulation: 20’000, bi-annual

Contributors: Sabrina Bochen, Ludger Boeggering, Agnès Derderian,
Gina Domanig, Samuele Falcomer, Paul Gough, Diego Grassi, Eric Heiser,
Prof. Walter Karlen (ETH), Bo Lyvall (AddMobile), Costas Meimetis,
André Müller, Michael Peeters (imec), Julia Rosenqvist (AddMobile),
Thomas Seiler, Karin Steinhauser, Andreas Thiel, Ferdinand Veith

© by u-blox AG 2019, Zuercherstrasse 68, 8800 Thalwil, Switzerland

Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019

           Dear Readers,

           When you think about the future, what do you see? Flying
           cars? Robotic nurses? Green cities that respond to our
           every need – maybe on Mars? While we need imagination
           to conceive our shared tomorrow, innovation, commer-
           cialization, and implementation are, ultimately, what get
           it built. It’s about hitting the sweet spot between the cut-
           ting edge and what actually adds value. It’s a pragmatic
           approach, yet it offers ample room to innovate, to set new
           standards, to define the future.

           As in every endeavor, it helps to have a guide. Ours are five
           megatrends, major macroeconomic forces that are shap-
           ing our society, its needs, and, by extension our business.
           Key among them are urbanization, mobility, and eHealth,
           which will impact how we live in the future. Industry 4.0
           will transform our factories, production lines, and supply
           chains. And, last but not least, security will be vital to
           enabling a sustainable and desirable digitally connected

           In this eighth edition of our u-blox magazine, we dive into
           each of these megatrends, offering our unique perspec-
           tive on where they are headed, and how we fit into them.
           In our feature interview, we explore the forces shaping our
           increasingly connected world and the changes they might
           bring. And throughout these pages, we examine many of
           the enabling technologies that our connected future will
           build on.

           As the ongoing digital revolution plays out, we continually
           strive to maximize the value we provide our customers.
           This mission, a theme in this magazine, has been behind
           our intense R&D effort to develop our latest generation
           of cellular modem chipsets entirely in-house. It drove our
           investment into redefining IoT security with the Kudelski
           Group, world leader in digital security. And it motivated our
           recent acquisition of Rigado’s Bluetooth module portfolio.

           We wish you a delightful and interesting read.

           Yours sincerely,

           Thomas Seiler, CEO

Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019

Connected future
03 Foreword
07 Creating value to accelerate the
    connected future
12 Mobility at the crossroads
18 Digitalizing the industry will be
    a long-term undertaking
22 Smart city, sustainable city
28 When the prescription says “IoT”
32 IoT security for the connected future

Enabling technologies
36 Setting up the next perfect storm

Expert Opinion
42 Peering into the connected future

                                           12   Mobility at the crossroads

                                           22   Smart city, sustainable city

Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019
                                               54 What drives the connected future?

36   Setting up the next perfect storm
                                               56 Unleashing connected construction
                                               58 A vertical takeoff to exciting new

                                               60 In the spotlight

                                               Inside u-blox
                                               62 Five new Bluetooth modules, countless
                                                    new possibilities

42   Peering into the connected future with…

Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019
Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019
Connected future

Creating value
to accelerate
the connected
As digitalization redefines technological
possibilities and customer expectations, our
mission remains unchanged: driving innovation
in the technologies we believe will underpin our

Technology and society dance a fiery tango.           present and shape our future. And it’s why we
Feeding off each other, they step, swirl, and         have decided to align our corporate strategy and
stop, before picking up again, fueled by society’s    research and development efforts with those
desires, its needs, and its innovative spirit. Each   that are most relevant to our business: mobility,
successive industrial revolution accelerated the      Industry 4.0, urbanization, connected health-
pace, with the steam engine, electrification, and     care, and security.
telecommunications impacting every facet of
society. And now the fourth, this time digital,       As we move into the future, technological pro-
revolution is taking the crescendo to its next        gress continues to forge ahead and deliver more
climax.                                               and more possibilities. But the rapid advance
                                                      of the cutting edge reveals only half of the
But on closer observation, each revolution only       picture. The majority of our customers tick to
becomes one in hindsight. As they play out,           a different clock, with costly investments ex-
they are more evolutionary than revolutionary.        pected to return dividends before they become
They unfold step by step, each move setting the       obsolete. Understanding that they are not after
stage for the next, with the choreography often       the latest hype but rather after solutions that
difficult to discern, the endpoint impossible to      they can depend on for a decade or more lets
imagine. We see this progression play out wher-       us live up to our key mission, which is creating
ever technology and society intersect as long-        extra value for our customers. Doing so requires
term megatrends that constantly transform our         restraint. Rather than pouncing on every new

Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019
technological hype, it demands that we select         Today, the entire area of mobility is being shaken
the most promising and relevant technologies to       up by evolving societal expectations, unprec-
develop reliable and dependable solutions that        edented technological possibilities, and new
deliver long-term value.                              business models. For the first time in decades,
                                                      car ownership is in decline, with users preferring
                                                      more flexible and burden-free solutions such
“Understanding that                                   as multi-modal transportation and on-demand
customers are not after                               ride-hailing. As the number of cars drops, the
the latest hype but rather                            electronic content of each vehicle is on the rise,
                                                      fueled largely by automation and the electric
after solutions that they
                                                      drivetrain. And with vehicles becoming more
can depend on for a decade                            and more autonomous, they are also becoming
or more lets us live up to                            increasingly reliant on a diverse ecosystem of
our key mission, which is                             mission-critical data services, from high-defini-
                                                      tion mapping to real-time traffic management
creating extra value for                              to a new generation of global navigation satellite
them.”                                                system (GNSS) correction services. This has
                                                      established players and startups alike scurrying
                                                      to figure out how best to tap into these new
                                                      revenue streams.
This market-driven demand dovetails nicely
with the long-term nature of our product              In addition to positioning, which has long been
development process. As emerging production           our core business, connectivity is essential to
technologies enable ever-more-complex tech-           enable cars to enhance their functionality. Cars
nological solutions, driving innovation in these      can only become automated if they are able
competitive markets is becoming more and              to exchange data between each other, with
more demanding in terms of research and devel-        roadside infrastructure, and with the cloud. As
opment. Still, over the past 18 months, we have       a component supplier for both positioning and
announced a series of new integrated circuits         connectivity, this trends opens the door to a rich
that are laying a new foundation for our future.      field of value that we can deliver to vehicles, pav-
By making us independent of external suppliers        ing the way for further growth even as growth in
and third parties, this major R&D investment will     the number of cars declines.
allow us to offer more value to our customers,
paving the way for a better, richer and more          Connecting the industry
sustainable future, for us and our customers,         In the connected industry, known as Industry
across all five of our guiding megatrends.            4.0, market expansion will, instead, be driven by
                                                      growing volumes. While the value of individual
Leading in mobility
The megatrends are, of course, nothing new.           “Our relationship with
Mobility, for example, has driven us throughout
the lifetime of our company. Our relationship         the automotive industry,
with the automotive industry, characterized           characterized by their
by their extreme demands in terms of quality,         extreme demands in terms
reliability, safety, and security, as well as their
long design and production cycles, played a
                                                      of quality, reliability, and
crucial role in defining our corporate culture. By    security, as well as their
forging strong ties with them and by catering to      long design and production
their technical needs, we were able to grow into
market leaders in satellite-based positioning
                                                      cycles, played a crucial role
receivers for automotive navigation and telem-        in defining our corporate
atics solutions.                                      culture. ”

Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019
connected devices will likely remain stable, the     data transmission, as well as best-in-class
number of deployed devices has huge growth           support. At the end of the day, this translates to
potential, as digitalization penetrates deeper       improved value for our industrial partners and
and deeper into industrial systems and process-      customers.
es, from controlling machines to monitoring
every aspect of the supply, production, and          Making cities more sustainable
distribution chains.                                 Cities have always played a pioneering role in the
                                                     adoption of new technologies. And with the re-
The industry may, for instance, well be the first    lentless increase in the world’s urban population,
to benefit from performance enhancements             poised to hit 70 percent by 2050 according to
offered by 5G, the next generation of mobile         the UN, and the rise in the number of 10+ million
network technology. Advanced use cases such          inhabitant megacities expected to exceed 43 as
as ultra-reliable low-latency communication          early as 2030, leveraging the benefits of smart
(URLLC), a facet of 5G that is particularly          city technology will be key to making this urban-
relevant for industrial applications, could first    ization trend sustainable. How? By building on
see the light of day in private cellular networks,   the benefits of connected devices to solve key
owned and operated by companies themselves.          urban challenges, from managing traffic, power,
Enabling everything from advanced robotic            and waste to improving air quality, public health,
control to remote maintenance and digital twins,     and public safety.
URLLC may offer companies sufficient benefits
to justify the investment in the required proprie-   By leveraging wireless technology and the Inter-
tary cellular network infrastructure.                net of Things (IoT), cities can optimize the flow
                                                     of people, goods, and energy, enabling intelligent
By designing our latest generation of 5G-ready       infrastructure and smart services and utilities.
cellular modems with the needs of the con-           Residents aren’t the only ones to benefit from
nected industry in mind, we have catapulted          more livable cities that welcome increased public
ourselves into a position in which we can serve      participation. By becoming more appealing on
the industry with a truly unique offering. Full      the global market, cities can attract top employ-
ownership of the silicon makes us independent        ers and top talent, feeding into a virtuous cycle
of third party components, guaranteeing the          of continual improvement.
longevity of our solution, enabling secured

Connected future - the u-blox technology magazine No. 8 November 2019
Because smart cities will require vast ecosys-                             confidentiality, and patient safety are critical
tems of partners and service providers to put to-                          to developing successful connected healthcare
gether interoperable solutions, standards-based                            solutions. And widespread adoption will benefit
non-proprietary wireless communication                                     from the same standards-based non-proprie-
technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 5G                              tary wireless technologies mentioned above,
cellular communication are likely to prevail. Over                         including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 5G cellular
the past 10 years, we’ve invested in growing our                           communication.
product portfolio in these areas through intense
research and development, acquisitions, and by                             Securing the digital revolution
participating in pilot studies.                                            As we transport more and more data via wireless
                                                                           connectivity, security is becoming an increasing-
Transforming healthcare digitally                                          ly vital need in our society. Even more so as the
The digital transformation promises to expand                              IoT connects physical objects – vehicles, medical
the capacity of today’s overstretched healthcare                           devices, buildings, factories – to the cloud,
systems. Arguably a human right and, in many                               making them, and their users, potential targets
countries, a financial quagmire, global public                             for petty cybercriminals, organized crime units,
healthcare spending continues to grow year by                              and hostile governments. As enablers of wire-
year, exceeding 7.5 trillion US$ in 2017 accord-                           less connectivity, we see it as one of our core
ing to WHO1. And that, despite technological
improvements that could rein in costs, expand
coverage, and, ultimately, improve patient                                 “As enablers of wireless
outcomes. The combined human and financial                                 connectivity, we see it as
incentives are bound to feed off each other to
                                                                           one of our core missions to
drive the digital transformation of healthcare
over the next decades.                                                     support our customers in
                                                                           building connected devices
Wirelessly connected applications will be                                  that are secure, create
transformational in hospitals, where they will
automatically collect an uninterrupted stream                              confidence with the end-user
of patient data to improve patient monitoring,                             and contribute to a desirable,
treatment, and recovery while reducing error                               sustainable future.”
rates. Tracking medical devices, infrastructure
such as beds, and medical personnel will in-
crease productivity by cutting time spent look-                            missions to support our customers in building
ing for them. Thanks to remote patient moni-                               connected devices that are secure and create
toring, doctors will be able to continuously track                         confidence with the end-user and contribute to
their patients’ recovery once they are discharged                          a desirable, sustainable future.
from the hospital, and researchers will finally
have a tool to closely assess their participants in                        To meet this ambition, we partnered with Swiss-
clinical trials, improving their outcomes. And at                          based Kudelksi, a company with three decades
home, the technology will help keep healthy peo-                           of experience securing over a billion dollars’
ple healthy and vulnerable people safe, through                            worth of commercial value, to develop our latest
preventative care and assisted living solutions.                           generation of highly secure cellular modems.
                                                                           The UBX-R5 chipset and the SARA-R5 module
But healthcare transformation comes with                                   that incorporates it derive their security from
a new set of technical requirements, in par-                               a highly robust root of trust (RoT) – a secure
ticular for security. Ensuring data privacy,                               feature that uses a combination of hardware

    Public Spending on Health: A Closer Look at Global Trends, WHO, 2018

and software to enable a set of security-related       feedback into a forward-looking roadmap. By
functions and lets users trust that they are           growing a portfolio of technologies that custom-
interacting with the right device at all times.        ers need to connect their products seamlessly to
                                                       the cloud, we are constantly brought back to the
Adding value at the core                               core question: does it create value? In the end,
By developing secure and reliable wireless             it’s up to individual customers and the market
communication and positioning technology that          to decide which technologies become preferred
lasts for a product lifetime, we are driving the       and dominant solutions.
ongoing digital transformation. But where will it
take us next? Predicting the next big disruption       With a growing customer base now comprising
is always difficult, in particular with all the ena-   close to 7000 companies, it is challenging to
bling technologies that are emerging around us.        develop one-size-fits-all hardware solutions that
Every once in a while, something will leap from        meet the divergent needs of hundreds of use
the margin into the mainstream and change our          cases and applications. Adding value, therefore,
lives. It’s always easy to piece together a story of   also involves making our products versatile
how it happened after the fact.                        enough to meet the needs of a diverse set of
                                                       users. Drawing on our extensive experience in
We saw this play out from up close with drones.        offering data services for GNSS positioning, we
It began by nurturing contacts with research           have added enhanced security services to our
teams and universities that were working on            baseline offering. This allows us to preserve our
these flying platforms. Some eventually evolved        low cost point low for customers with standard
into full-fledged companies, which, after rein-        needs while at the same time tending to the
venting themselves multiple times, have since          expectations of those developing highly depend-
become market leaders. Where might this play           able solutions.
out next? Regardless of the precise application,
what is essential is that we are prepared with         In the end, our mission is clear. By delivering
solutions that help our customers to design            key components that package our capabilities
products that work well and deliver value beyond       in a broad range of specific knowledge areas in
the silicon they are built on.                         integrated circuits, we empower customers to
                                                       focus their resources on the areas in which they
Doing so requires us to stay attuned to the            can make the biggest difference. They say it
technological possibilities that are creating          takes two to tango. I would disagree. From the
market traction and to the specifications and          dancers to the musicians, from the composers
requirements of emerging use cases within each         to the audience, it takes an entire ecosystem.
megatrend. Again it comes down to talking to           That’s what makes it beautiful. 
customers, sharing ideas, incorporating their

                                                                                              Thomas Seiler
                                                                                                CEO, u-blox

Connected future

Mobility at the
Connectivity is transforming mobility as we
know it. And it’s about time: your phone is
smart, so why settle for a dumb car?

Sometime around 2008, innovation in mobility                                   models are emerging that, instead, monetize
took off. That isn’t to say that there wasn’t any                              software, services, and data, ultimately increas-
innovation before. After all, it was the era of                                ing the profit generated by each vehicle. Demand
Segway, and a number of vehicle-sharing plat-                                  for passenger mobility is expected to double by
forms, such as Mobility in Switzerland, already                                20501 ; meanwhile, new car ownership is on the
had fleets on our streets counting thousands                                   decline, probably for the first time since the in-
of vehicles. By and large, however, innovation                                 ception of the automobile, facilitated by the likes
happened in the big car companies’ own R&D                                     of Uber, Lyft, and other ridesharing platforms.
departments. But after the financial crisis, the
dam broke and mobility became a new frontier                                   In addition, new forms of micro-mobility and
for entrepreneurs. The number of startups                                      multi-modal mobility offerings are spurring on
skyrocketed to the point that we at Emerald                                    customer expectations for smarter, more flexi-
Technology Ventures, the clean-tech venture                                    ble mobility solutions, as is the promise of highly
fund I founded, had to hire a team of mobility                                 assisted and fully autonomous driving. Enabling
specialists just to keep up with the flood of                                  these will require a whole new set of products
mobility-related projects that were landing on                                 and services on top of the car itself. It remains
our desks.                                                                     to be seen how the added value generated in the
                                                                               mobility ecosystem of the future will be divvied
Today, a decade later, every aspect of mobility is
in flux. The internal combustion engine, though
still by far the dominant propulsion system on
                                                                               “It remains to be seen how
our roads, is under serious pressure from electric                             the added value generated
drivetrains, which have seen their performance                                 in the mobility ecosystem of
increase dramatically. Value generation is
                                                                               the future will be divvied up
migrating away from the vehicles themselves,
which are becoming less and less differentiated                                between automobile OEMs,
in their mechanical performance. New business                                  tech giants, and startups.”

    A.D. Little, The Future of Mobility 3.0, Reinventing mobility in the era
    of disruption and creativity, 2018

up between automobile OEMs, tech giants, and         wheel for short periods with remarkably few (but
startups. One thing seems clear: car manufac-        highly mediatized) accidents. Extending this to
turers won’t willingly outsource control of the      less predictable areas such as urban centers
vehicle itself, and they certainly don’t want the    and suburbs where pedestrians or other traffic
tech giants to control their future. Still, that     participants can interfere unexpectedly will be
leaves plenty of room to reshuffle the business.     challenging at best.

Safety in the driver’s seat                          Regardless of when and whether our cars
Passenger safety has long been a key driver for      lose their steering wheels, each incremental
innovation in the automotive industry. Yet while     step leading down that path is making driving
the industry has made tremendous progress            safer, cleaner, and more efficient. A key enabler
in increasing safety, its efforts have been frus-    of advanced driving automation systems is
trated by the fact that the weakest element has      vehicle-to-everything, or V2X, communication.
remained out of their control: the human driver.     V2X uses wireless technologies to let vehi-
In a survey, the National Motor Vehicle Crash        cles communicate with each other, with the
Causation Survey 2005-2007 found that 94%            roadside infrastructure, and with other traffic
of car crashes were due to human error in the
US alone. The US Department of Transportation
estimates that fully autonomous vehicles could       “Regardless of when and
reduce road fatalities by the same percentage.
                                                     whether our cars lose their
But as our vehicles transition to higher levels of   steering wheels, each
driver assistance, we are becoming increasingly      incremental step leading
aware of the challenges of full autonomy. To-
                                                     down that path is making
day’s most advanced autonomous vehicles have
driven millions of miles in controlled areas such    driving safer, cleaner, and
as highways while letting the driver let go of the   more efficient.”

Reduction in air pollution
Source: A.D. Little

participants, including pedestrians. As a result,                               personal mobility market. But with today’s cars
vehicles have a more complete picture of the                                    generating incredible amounts of data – about
surroundings, even beyond line of sight. There’s                                twice as much as humans, the times are chang-
little doubt that early warning of oncoming                                     ing. Organizing, accessing, and monetizing the
vehicles, congestion, and other obstacles will                                  oodles of vehicle-generated data is simply not in
increase road safety even before cars become                                    today’s automotive industry’s DNA. As a result,
fully autonomous.                                                               much of its value has remained untapped. This
                                                                                has caught the attention of the big tech com-
By connecting vehicles digitally into a network,                                panies that pioneered many of today’s data and
V2X also provides a means to better coordinate                                  service-based business models, and of startups
traffic flow, reducing congestion and increasing                                eager to settle into new, lucrative niches. It’s a
road capacity by up to 80 to 270 percent, ac-                                   clash of the worlds that has left the established
cording to estimates.2 There are environmental                                  automotive industry in the defensive.
benefits as well, as smoother traffic flow also
means less braking and accelerating, and,                                       To fend off efforts by tech giants to take over
consequently, a decrease in noise, and an up to                                 the most lucrative parts of the value chain, the
65 percent reduction in air pollution.3                                         automotive industry has seen a surge in part-
                                                                                nerships, investments, and acquisitions over
From sales to services                                                          the past years. In 2015, for instance, a group of
If there’s one thing that carmakers excel at, it’s                              German automakers acquired HERE, a digital
at making, marketing, and selling cars. Increas-                                mapping company. In 2016 GM acquired Sidecar,
ing passenger safety by improving the car itself                                a failed Uber competitor, as well as autonomous
was right down their alley. Until recently, this                                car developer Cruise. Toyota, Daimler, Volks-
gave them full control of a large part of the                                   wagen, and others have partnered with

  A.D. Little, The Future of Mobility 3.0, Reinventing mobility in the era of
  disruption and creativity, 2018

chipmaker Nvidia, while all of the big ridesharing   partners to provide the missing components.
companies – Uber, Lyft, Gett, etc. – count one or    Incidentally, at Emerald Technology Ventures,
more major automakers as partners or investors.      all investors in our fund are large industrial
                                                     corporations seeking to tap into and facilitate
This reshaping of the ecosystem has not just         innovation outside their own four walls.
been about acquiring hard skills in artificial
intelligence, sensor fusion, and business mod-       Ultimately, strength will come from diverse,
els. Carmakers have understood that they need        complementary ecosystems, in which incum-
to ride the trend of the new way of working to       bents do much of the capital-intensive and
enter these emerging spaces, where they are          quality-sensitive heavy lifting, such as develop-
confronted with a younger generation of workers      ing functionally safe sensing and communica-
with new expectations. Corporate venture fund-       tion systems, while innovation, for instance in
ing has become a mainstay as many automakers         advanced sensor fusion or machine learning, is
choose to focus on their strengths and rely on       relegated to the more dynamic startups at the
                                                     periphery of the network.

“Corporate venture funding                           The other half of the picture
                                                     But focusing entirely on cars misses half the
has become a mainstay as                             picture. In addition to the conventional and
many automakers choose to                            increasingly connected vehicles that crowd
focus on their strengths and                         our streets, and the technological ecosystem
                                                     needed to keep traffic flowing smoothly and
rely on partners to provide                          safely, old ways to get from A to B are getting
the missing components.”                             a digital facelift. Multi-modal mobility, much

discussed, combines cars, public transport,          cheer for seatbelts or power steering, but no one
and new, softer forms of micro-mobility such as      is taking them out of their cars. On the other
shared bikes, e-scooters, and walking to offer       hand, drivers have been quite eager to let go of
flexible, affordable, and low impact mobility in     the wheel of their Teslas to see what hands-free
urban areas in particular. Fully aware of what is    driving might one day feel like. The mobility rev-
technologically possible after having grown up       olution will likely only feel like one in hindsight. In
with a smartphone, today’s younger generation        reality, it will be more of a gradual transition, as
expects to be able to seamlessly jump from one       features slowly evolve from being options to the
mode to the other without being confronted           new standard.
with the hassles of complicated ticketing and,
God forbid, standing in line. Now the race is on
to develop smart pricing and ticketing platforms
that bring together a diverse set of service         “The mobility revolution will
providers to make multi-modal mobility as easy       likely only feel like one in
as hailing an Uber.
                                                     hindsight. In reality, it will be
And then there is air, maritime, and heavy           more of a gradual transition,
ground transportation. We’re seeing increasing       as features slowly evolve
efforts to electrify short distance air travel;
taxi drones are being developed in the United
                                                     from being options to the
Arab Emirates, while drone delivery has already      new standard.”
been deployed in Rwanda to deliver blood
transfusions to remote villages. Electrification
is also transforming marine mobility, notably        At this point, it’s a question of incentivizing
cruise ships; Norway has decreed that its            implementation through smart regulation. The
UNESCO world heritage labeled fjords be cruise       sooner we get serious about decarbonizing our
ship emission-free by 2029, and already has a        economies, the sooner governments will step in
500-passenger hybrid cruise ship sailing the         to promote more expensive solutions if they are
fjords for Hurtigruten. And on the roads, the        better for the environment. Subsidies and incen-
first pilot tests have been carried out on groups    tives to promote electric taxi fleets in cities such
of trucks that semi-autonomously follow a pilot      as New York and London, and the above-men-
truck in platoons to optimize fuel consumption,      tioned plans to protect the Norwegian fjords are
saving operational costs and protecting the          all early steps in the right direction. 

A matter of implementation
It’s safe to say that the essential technologies
needed to turn the page in this mobility revo-
lution are there. Reluctance on the part of the
public to adopt connected vehicles and other
forms of smart mobility is also unlikely to be the
showstopper it is often made out to be. When
technologies effectively enhance safety, reduce
hassle, or offer improved customer experience,
the public has a record of taking them up, often
even enthusiastically. You won’t see people

                                                                                             © Raffael Waldner

                                                                                                  Gina Domanig
                                                                                      Managing Partner, Emerald
                                                                                        Technology Ventures and
                                                                                         Head of Nomination and
                                                                                  Compensation Committee, u-blox

Connected future

Digitalizing the
industry will
be a long-term
More and more companies are embracing the
benefits of the fourth industrial revolution,
with automotive players leading the charge.
But moving to smarter systems for sourcing,
production, and distribution will keep
the industry and technology vendors like
ourselves busy for decades.

When the first mass-market vehicles rolled off       only recently became possible, largely thanks to
Henry Ford’s production lines at the turn of the     the fourth industrial revolution.
last century, choice was not big on people’s
minds. It was the Model T or a horse. Later,         With information at its core and sensing,
emerging technological possibilities and the         connectivity, and data analytics and storage
need for car brands to differentiate themselves      as key enablers, the fourth industrial revolution
from their competition expanded the palette          is already delivering on its promise to increase
of vehicles people could pick from. To the point     industrial efficiencies at all levels. In addition to
that, today, dozens of carmakers offer a catalog     the auto industry’s product customization down
of configuration options so varied that every        the individual unit, companies as diverse as
single driver could be behind the wheel of a truly   Boss, the fashion label, and Pirelli, the tire brand,
one-of-a-kind ride. Managing the complex logis-      have embraced Industry 4.0 to improve every
tics required to bring together the right com-       stage of the value chain, from incoming orders
ponents for each individual vehicle from myriad      to raw material flows to distribution. Lufthansa,
suppliers, assemble them correctly, and deliver      the airline, optimizes material flows at all their
the right final product to the right end-customer    global bases using location-based services.

“With information at its core                       Getting there will involve overcoming a number
                                                    of challenges. One is scaling up from tracking a
and sensing, connectivity,                          single container to the often hundreds or thou-
and data analytics and                              sands of individual objects it holds. Another is
storage as key enablers, the                        delivering positions that are accurate enough to
                                                    locate them. Ideally indoors, outdoors, at every
fourth industrial revolution
                                                    step of the process. It’s just a matter of time
is already delivering on                            before these challenges find solutions.
its promise to increase
industrial efficiencies at all                      The logical consequence of this wave of digital
                                                    integration are digital twins: cloud-based
levels.”                                            digital representations of all the material flows,
                                                    processes, and machines that make up the
While there are several early adopters, Industry    industrial process. By tracking “everything,”
4.0 is a very long-term trend. The reasons are      operations can be optimized at the system level
pragmatic. Uprooting established industrial         to increase resource efficiency, product quality,
processes is always related to big investments.     and supply chain and distribution transparency.
Consequently, it tends to be a process of con-      Digital twins of industrial machines would help
tinuous retrofitting over years, if not decades,    reduce downtime by predicting failures ahead
starting where it adds most value, and pene-        of time and scheduling maintenance operations
trating deeper and deeper into existing process     rather than being caught by surprise. And
landscapes as new needs emerge.                     they offer operators a platform to test process
                                                    changes before they are implemented on the
Take goods tracking. Today, tracking resolution     factory floor.
typically stops at the container level, which is
quite easy to implement. Now, technology is         And as these digital platforms become more re-
bringing the resolution down to the individual      lied upon, users will expect them to become ever
parcel level. In the future, the resolution might   closer representations of the physical world they
extend all the way down to the individual piece.    are modeling. Achieving this will require more

stringent demands on the data communication            end-users, including robustness, longevity, and
– such as higher data rates and lower latencies,       security aspects that come with the long
or lower data rates but increased coverage and         intended lifetimes of deployed products.
power autonomy – driving the need for newer,           Throughout the process, we leveraged our deep
higher performance communication technol-              experience gained working with industrial and
ogies. These requirements have already found           automotive partners in the industrial environ-
their way into the specifications of the next gen-     ment, where we have long been present with
eration of wireless technologies, from Bluetooth       our global navigation satellite system-based
5 to Wi-Fi 6 (and 7) to 5G, the latest generation      positioning receivers as well are our short range
of cellular communication technology.                  and cellular module portfolio.

What, when, where                                      5G for the next wave of cellular applications
Answering the three most important questions           There have been promising developments in
in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – what,    the specifications of cellular communication
where, when – requires small, reliable, and low-       technology for Industrial IoT, driven by the 3GPP
cost global positioning devices, as well as low        consortium, responsible for defining global
power, wide area and short range communica-            cellular communication standards. The focus
tion technologies. But serving industrial custom-      there has been on LTE Cat 1 to Cat 4, which are
ers isn’t just about developing and selling silicon.   the appropriate technologies for applications
Industrial modems have average lifetimes of a          that require high definition audio and video
decade. During this time, a lot can and will hap-      streaming, as well as the communication of
pen. Customers expect these needs to be taken          other measurement data. In the coming years,
seriously to ensure not only that devices go the       our task will be to extend this to the 5G domain.
distance, but also that they evolve to optimize
their performance and adapt to new standards           An important development under the 5G um-
and security requirements.                             brella will be the emergence of ultra-reliable low
                                                       latency communication (URLLC), a technology
                                                       that we will likely see roll out first in private
                                                       (non-public) networks run by individual com-
“Answering the three most                              panies according to higher performance specs
                                                       before it is taken up by mobile network operators
important questions in                                 serving the broader public. Having full control
the Industrial Internet of                             over the backend of the network will also make
Things (IIoT) – what, where,                           it easier to guarantee end-to-end security. And
                                                       there are plenty of companies that are getting
when – requires small,
                                                       prepared to help set up private cellular networks
reliable, and low-cost global                          for these high performance use cases, from the
positioning devices, as well                           established base station providers like Nokia
as low power, wide area and                            and Ericsson to a new cohort of smaller players
                                                       that are taking advantage of the fact that
short range communication                              modern base stations are little more than PCs
technologies. ”                                        running a specific software with an RF head.

                                                       But with all the hype surrounding 5G, it’s easy to
                                                       get carried away. Most standardization bodies
At u-blox, we are driving the expansion of the         are focused on developing massive broadband
IIoT through our chipset development in the cel-       for new record-breaking data rates, more rel-
lular domain with precisely these needs in mind.       evant for consumer applications than for the
Over the past years, we have developed cellular        industry. The other parts of the standard, in
modems for 4G LTE Cat 1, LTE-M, and NB-IoT             particular those that are relevant for industrial
applications, starting from scratch and tailoring      and automotive use cases, are lagging far be-
our hardware to the requirements of industrial         hind. What that means is that we still have quite

a lot of mileage to go with 4G technology, which    Start where it creates value
continues to see new use cases emerge.              Change is in the air, and Industry 4.0 promises
                                                    huge gains in efficiency, transparency, product
                                                    quality, and reliability. Opting for wireless con-
                                                    nectivity over today’s wired Ethernet reduces
“We still have quite a lot                          investment costs needed to sense higher quality
of mileage to go with 4G                            information and improve operator safety while
                                                    being quick to implement, highly flexible, and
technology, which continues                         massively scalable. On top of that, because
to see new use cases                                cables can be physically damaged, in particular
emerge.”                                            near the plugs, wireless connections are more
                                                    robust in the long run.

                                                    But rather than diving into a full digital overhaul
Now that low power wide area (LPWA) networks        of an entire production facility, a more piecemeal
– targeting power-constrained applications          approach focusing on those specific application
with high coverage and low data throughput          areas that help create value is likely to be better
requirements – have been deployed in most           in the long run. Industrial sites are often full of
global markets, the number of solutions leverag-    processes that have been refined over years.
ing these networks will pick up rapidly. And the    Changing everything overnight risks undermin-
expectation that they will serve their customers    ing those hard-earned refinements. By starting
for close to a decade means that upcoming           where it creates value, gaining experiences
developments will be incremental rather than        working within this new digital ecosystem, and
disruptive. Meanwhile, 4G private networks          continuously optimizing and improving from
will allow users to push their communication        there, any pains from the transition will easily be
infrastructure towards higher quality of service,   offset by productivity gains it delivers. 
lower latency, and higher data rates, simply by
optimizing their systems via the backend of
their infrastructure.

                                                                     Andreas Thiel             Ludger Boeggering
                                                          Head of Product Centers,     Senior Professional Product
                                                                Co-Founder, u-blox   Strategy Market Dev., Product
                                                                                            Center Cellular, u-blox

Connected future

Connected future

Smart city,
sustainable city
Smart cities and the wireless connected
systems that underlie them hold the promise
to make the places we live better serve our
needs. They’re also a powerful engine for value

Around the world, cities are experimenting with                         North America, that figure is far lower in Asia, at
what it means to be smart. Confronted with                              around 50 percent, as well as in Africa, at around
an unprecedented wave of urbanization, most                             42 percent. And as urban populations grow, ten
pronounced in developing regions with poor                              more cities will graduate to megacities, cities
infrastructure, they are turning to technology                          that are home to over ten million inhabitants, by
to mitigate problems caused by their ballooning                         around 2030.
populations. And as cities compete on the global
market to attract top employers and top talent,                         Megacities amplify urban challenges that we
smartness and the gains in quality of living it                         are all familiar with. Saturated traffic networks,
promises are becoming key differentiators.                              insufficient parking spaces, and over-crowded
                                                                        public transport lead to accidents, air pollu-
Urbanization didn’t exactly sneak up on us. It’s                        tion, and long commutes. Inadequate energy
been a megatrend for decades and shows little                           management leads to grid failures, limits the
signs of slowing. By 2050, the UN foresees that                         potential for renewable energy, and lets losses
68 percent of the global population will live                           go undetected. Outdated and poorly monitored
in urban areas.1 For context, while urbanites                           infrastructure restricts the flow of resources,
make up over 82 percent of the population in                            goods, or people. It wastes resources, and,


sometimes, fails catastrophically. And, home to     These may sound like utopian ideals, but, in
dense populations with pronounced economic          fact, the impact smart city technologies can
inequalities, megacities are often fertile breed-   have is far from cosmetic. A study by McKinsey
ing ground for crime.                               found that they could reduce fatalities by 8-10
                                                    percent, accelerate emergency response times
Increasing the sustainability of both mega- and     by 20-35 percent, cut the average commute by
ordinary cities means finding ways to address       15-20 percent, lower the disease burden by 8-15
all of these challenges. By tackling them using a   percent, and cut greenhouse gas emissions by
holistic approach, smart cities and the wireless    10-15 percent.2
connected systems that underlie them hold the
promise to make the places we live better serve     It turns out that we already have all the technol-
our needs, increasing our overall comfort, well-    ogies these interventions would require at our
being, and security.                                disposal. Wireless connectivity – a combination
                                                    of cellular 4G, and soon 5G, Bluetooth, and
                                                    Wi-Fi – is prepared to connect a gargantuan
                                                    web of distributed sensors to the cloud, relaying
“Smart cities and the                               real-time data on the urban environment as well
                                                    as people, material, and resource flows through
wireless connected systems                          the city. Cloud computing platforms are in place
that underlie them hold the                         to manage, monitor, and analyze that data. In
promise to make the places                          other words, the time has come to implement
                                                    useful solutions and integrate them into a smart
we live better serve our
                                                    city platform.
needs, increasing our overall
comfort, wellbeing, and                             Solutions serving specific verticals prove this
security.”                                          point. Large-scale smart metering solutions are
                                                    rolling out in several countries including Norway
                                                    and Spain, while Italy and Sweden are already
                                                    on their second generation of the technology.
                                                    Cities like Ann Harbor in the US have been
                                                    successfully piloting smart traffic management
A digital nervous system in the making              systems. Smart streetlights are increasing their
Ultimately, smart cities are all about making       footprint in metropolitan areas around the world
better use of resources to optimize their res-      to improve public safety while reducing power
idents’ lives. Smart traffic management and         consumption and light pollution. Cities like San
parking schemes save time and protect the air.      Diego, also in the US, are equipping the lamp-
Smart metering infrastructure saves electricity,    posts with microphones to accurately locate
gas, and, water. Smart health helps increase the    gunshots to cut the time it takes law enforce-
capacity of an already overstretched healthcare     ment to reach the scene of the crime. And the
system. Smart policing can increase public safe-    possibilities go further still, with companies
ty and help rein in crime. And smart initiatives    such as Tvilight3 offering a smart lighting-based
to engage with the community can encourage          platform to track traffic, monitor the weather,
public participation, fostering a stronger sense    and provide a connectivity hub for third party
of belonging and being heard.                       smart city applications.

                                                        McKinsey Global Institute, Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more
                                                        livable future, June 2018

Despite these applications, McKinsey found          an increasingly transparent and participatory
that even today’s most advanced smart cities        government, and new value-added services
are only scratching the surface in terms of their   and mobile applications. By making cities eco-
potential. So what is holding them back? Lead-      nomically attractive to businesses, they benefit
ership is important, a city’s political framework   from high-quality job opportunities. Municipal
alone does not determine its smartness. Unsur-      governments, on the other hand, can benefit
prisingly, wealthy cities tend to lead the pack,    from increased tax revenues as well as consid-
as they are best able to support the deployment     erable savings, due both to the more efficient
of the required sensing and communication           use of inputs as well as from increased capacity
networks and open data portals. But key to          of existing infrastructure, from roads and utility
success is public awareness and uptake of the       networks to hospitals and police forces.
technologies, most prevalent in Asian cities
heavily populated by young digital natives.         We’re seeing the X-as-a-Service (XaaS) model be
                                                    welcomed by smart cities. For one, it lets cities
With that in mind, smart cities should address      shift expenses from capital expenditures to
the needs of their residents and engage with        operational expenditures. It also lets municipal
them early on, empowering them to participate       authorities tap into external pools of talent and
in the city’s decision-making process. It’s an      expertise, rather than requiring a new team of
iterative process, and as more and more cities      in-house experts to re-invent recurrent needs in
embark on this journey, a shared set of best        each city. And in some cases, the savings that
practices will emerge as citizens come to expect    accrue year by year using smart technology are
their cities to be as intelligent as many of the    sufficient to finance the investment required
online platforms they engage with.                  and the service fees.

                                                    However they are financed, smart cities are
                                                    likely to continue to grow incrementally, as new
“As more and more cities                            use cases latch onto the evolving smart city
embark on this journey, a                           platform. To make it easier for cities to source
                                                    their technology from a patchwork of hardware
shared set of best practices
                                                    suppliers, we expect standardized technologies
will emerge as citizens come                        such as 4G LTE and 5G cellular networks as
to expect their cities to be                        well as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to make up the
as intelligent as many of the                       communication backbone of smart cities rather
                                                    than proprietary ones. Similarly, standardized
online platforms they engage                        interfaces and APIs will be crucial in getting the
with.”                                              components to “speak the same language.”

                                                    For technology vendors like ourselves, smart
                                                    cities present an exciting and rapidly growing
                                                    market that much of our product portfolio
A powerful engine for value creation                is well-tailored to serve. Our satellite-based
Smart cities are powerful engines for value         positioning solutions featuring dead reckoning
creation with benefits for stakeholders at all      deliver accurate positioning information to cars
levels. Residents reap the fruits of smart city     deep inside urban canyons. Our short range
technology in the form of improved life quality,    wireless communication portfolio covering Wi-Fi,

Bluetooth low energy, Bluetooth mesh, and              using energy harvesting. Extending the scope of
Bluetooth 5 meets the requirements to connect          positioning technologies will require developing
the smart buildings that make up the smart             seamless indoor-outdoor positioning solutions.
city and enable a broad range of smart city use        And dealing with the abundance of data these
cases. Our vehicle-to-everything (V2X) chipset         sensors generate will demand endowing the
will play an integral role in enabling smart traffic   devices at the edge of the smart city network
management and advanced driver assistance              with some degree of analytical intelligence to
schemes in urban environments. And our range           process the raw data and limit power-hungry
of cellular technologies, in particular in the low     data transmission to those bits and bytes that
power wide area segment, is a perfect fit to           deliver relevant insights.
securely and reliably connect the web of distrib-
uted wireless sensors that underlies every smart       The rural impact of urbanization
city.                                                  While cities are clearly the nexus of the ongoing
                                                       wave of urbanization, the flow of people moving
That said, many new frontiers remain to be             away from rural areas also impacts them and
explored. Many smart city applications, such           their ability to provide the societal services
as smart parking, would benefit from “fit and          expected of them. Nowhere is this more obvious
forget” technologies that, once deployed, remain       than in farming, where the rising demand for
operational for decades without requiring any          agricultural produce, include grains, meat, and
maintenance. Today’s low power, wide area              dairy, is running into a dwindling number of
(LPWA) networks have set a new bar in terms of         farms and agricultural workers. It probably won’t
increasing the longevity of wirelessly connected       surprise you that there’s an IoT based solution
devices. Pushing it even further will require          to this as well. It’s one that we’ve covered in a
tapping into small but steady power sources            previous edition of our u-blox magazine. Follow
that the devices are exposed to once in the field      the QR code below to learn more. 

                                                                                               Costas Meimetis
                                                                                      Senior Principal, Corporate
                                                                                                 Strategy, u-blox

Connected future

When the
prescription says
Connected health applications can transform
our understanding of sickness and health,
extend our autonomy by years, and take the
pressure off our healthcare systems. For that,
they need to be secure, dependable, and cost

How long did you sleep last night? Eight hours?         And as we cut back on sleep, we deprive our-
Seven? Six? Today’s society is sleep deprived,          selves of its many benefits that are only now
and that sleep deprivation has real-world conse-        coming to light. Whether the lack of sleep is
quences. Studies have found that four consec-           caused by a medical condition such as sleep
utive nights of four to five hours of sleep leaves      apnea, or self-induced, it keeps the immune
individuals with the decision-making faculties          system from performing at peak performance.
they’d have after enjoying a glass of wine. That        Sleep literally helps us stay alive longer. It’s the
may not be an insurmountable obstacle to                brain’s janitor, flushing out harmful residual
worldly success. But making it the rule, rather         products that accumulate throughout the day,
the exception, is unlikely to be a good recipe for a    such as amyloid plaques, linked with the devel-
thriving society.                                       opment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Sleep epitomizes the potential and the perils           Monitoring activity, and sleep, 24/7
of a connected society. It also points at some          So how is connectivity helping us confront this
ways these perils can be overcome. Let’s face           silent epidemic? First, by offering tools to revo-
it, the connected society is one of the reasons         lutionize our understanding of sleep. Sleep labs
why we’re getting so little sleep in the first place.   are costly, scarce, and just don’t feel like home.
From social media to on-demand movies, our              As a result, the data they produce are costly,
screens and the content they bring us are either        scarce, and somewhat flawed. Wirelessly con-
keeping us awake longer and longer or driving           nected sleep monitoring equipment that test
us to do more, travel more, at an ever increasing       subjects and patients can take home with them
pace.                                                   is transforming research, increasing the quanti-
                                                        ty and the quality of data available to scientists.

Rather than studying patients during a brief          Taking healthcare out of overdrive
checkup or, in the best case, over a single           Healthcare is expensive. According to the World
night, mobile health technologies help doctors        Economic Forum, by 2030 the world will lose
get their hands on a continuous data record           around 30 trillion US$ in the treatment of the
spanning days or weeks to accurately diagnose         abovementioned non-communicable diseases
disease. Armed with new insights they glean,          alone. And just about everywhere, healthcare
it’s only a matter of time before new apps come       systems are under tremendous pressure, finan-
out to nudge us into making healthier lifestyle       cially, and in terms of capacity.

Continuous monitoring using connected tech-           “Connected healthcare
nology is set to have similar effects on a variety
                                                      devices represent a valuable
of non-communicable diseases plaguing our so-
ciety, from diabetes to Alzheimer’s and Parkin-       toolkit to increase the
son’s. With one billion people globally affected by   capacity of the world’s
hypertension, and 17 million people dying from        healthcare systems.”
cardiovascular problems each year, monitoring
patients continuously or over extended periods
of time could provide insights transforming our
understanding of these and other diseases. Not        Connected healthcare devices represent a valua-
only that, they may also offer a means of early       ble toolkit to increase the capacity of the world’s
diagnosis, and, for patients that are already         healthcare systems. Gathering patient data
living with the diseases, a convenient way to         prior to seeing a GP, for instance, means that
connect with their doctors.                           the doctor’s visit can be dedicated to discussing

treatment options rather than attempting a             “If connected healthcare
high-quality on-the-spot diagnosis. Adopting
electronic health record systems can then
                                                       solutions have an Achilles
ensure that patient data gets past through the         heel, it’s concerns over
continuum of care intact and unmodified. And,          safety, privacy, and
when possible, connected outpatient monitoring
could let patients move out of intensive care
units faster and return home earlier, while still
benefiting from sufficient monitoring.                 tracking system, making the management of
                                                       people and equipment much more straightfor-
Outside the clinic, our aging society is also          ward. Seamless indoor and outdoor positioning
creating problems that we have not been con-           solutions integrating satellite-based positioning
fronted with before. The possibility of sending        could extend their reach further, for instance
the elderly to institutions where they can receive     enabling emergency rescue services that oper-
quality care is running into a cost barrier. As a      ate outside the confines of the hospital.
result of this, and of the widespread malaise as-
sociated with elderly care homes, assisted living      Tackling the Achilles heel of trust
solutions are becoming increasingly widespread,        If connected healthcare solutions have an Achil-
allowing elderly people to stay home and live          les heel, it’s concerns over safety, privacy, and
autonomously for longer.                               confidentiality. Connected medical devices, from
                                                       dialysis machines to cardiac pacemakers, are
In addition to enabling remote medical mon-            potentially exposed to malevolent hackers who,
itoring of elderly individuals, these solutions        by controlling the devices, could put patients
can make it easier for them to interact with           at risk. Others might set out to interfere with
their homes, monitoring air quality and in- and        connected hospital management systems just
outdoor security. Ambient assisted living solu-        for the sake of it. For all the improvements they
tions can also connect them to family members,         offer, electronic medical records are exposed to
caregivers, medical professionals, and emergen-        far more bad actors than conventional paper
cy services. And they make financial sense as          records. There are countless ways that such
well: remote monitoring could reduce elderly care      data can be misappropriated for financial gain.
expenditures in rural regions by one quarter.          Fears over privacy breaches raise demands for
                                                       high levels of confidentiality.
Finding the hypodermic needle in the haystack
It isn’t just about patient monitoring. Hospitals      For the connected healthcare industry to be
are fast-paced environments in which minutes           broadly adopted, applications will, therefore,
wasted to find misplaced equipment can have            require extremely high levels of digital security.
dire consequences. According to estimates by           Whether devices are connected to the cloud
ABI Research, looking for lost equipment could         via a short range gateway or directly over cel-
consume hundreds of hours per month in a               lular communication, applications have to be
single hospital. These hours are, therefore, not       designed to perform securely throughout their
available to deliver high quality and potentially      entire lifetime. In addition to highly robust data
life-saving medical services to patients. Addi-        encryption, the devices need to be continuously
tionally, quickly and efficiently locating patients,   kept up to date against emerging threats, often
visitors, and medical staff can increase the           over the air and under tight power constraints.
quality of service and safety.                         This calls for highly scalable, lightweight, and
                                                       reliable device management.
Many of these challenges can be overcome
through the deployment of real-time indoor             The right kind of connectivity
positioning systems. By leveraging Bluetooth           Connected health devices designed for global
or Wi-Fi signals from a network of beacons or          markets need to operate in extremely diverse
routers, for instance, battery-powered trackers        settings to easily connect to a large number
can continuously ping their position to an asset       of clinical, proprietary, or national patient

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