Consultation on TT Schedule Change - 2023 and Beyond - Conducted - June 2021

Page created by Jeffery Zimmerman
Consultation on TT Schedule Change - 2023 and Beyond - Conducted - June 2021
Consultation on TT Schedule
Change – 2023 and Beyond
Conducted - June 2021

      Department for Enterprise – Permanent TT Schedule Change – June 2021   1
Consultation on TT Schedule Change - 2023 and Beyond - Conducted - June 2021
1. Aim
This consultation, issued by the Department for Enterprise, seeks your views on the proposed
changes to the road closure schedule for TT 2023 and beyond.
2. How to respond
The deadline for responses is 23:59 02 July 2021.
Responses must be made in writing and sent by email or post to:

TT & Motorsport Team
Department for Enterprise
St Georges Court
Upper Church Street, Douglas,
Isle of Man, IM1 1EX

When responding, please state whether you are responding as an individual or representing the
views of an organisation. If responding on behalf of a larger organisation, please make it clear who
the organisation represents and, where applicable, how the views of members were assembled.
In addition responses must indicate if you are a resident or business on the TT Course along with
your address, this information will be used to allocate responses correctly.

3. Freedom of Information
Information provided in response to this consultation, including personal information, may be
subject to publication or disclosure in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2015 (FOIA).
If you want information that you provide to be treated as confidential, please be aware that, under
the FOIA, there is a statutory Code of Practice with which public authorities must comply and which
deals, amongst other things, with obligations of confidence.
In view of this it would be helpful if you could explain to us why you regard the information you
have provided as confidential. If we receive a request for disclosure of the information, we will take
full account of your explanation, but we cannot give an assurance that confidentiality can be
maintained in all circumstances.
An automatic confidentiality disclaimer generated by your IT system will not, of itself, be regarded
as binding on the Department. The Department will process your personal data in accordance with
the Data Protection Act 2018 and in the majority of circumstances this will mean that your personal
data will not be disclosed to third parties. A copy of the Act is available here:

                 Department for Enterprise – Permanent TT Schedule Change – June 2021        2
4. Data Protection
The Department for Enterprise (DfE) is carrying out this consultation to decide on changes to the
proposed road closures for TT 2023 and beyond.
This consultation and the processing of personal data that it entails is necessary for the exercise of
our functions as a government department. If your answers contain any information that allows you
to be identified, DfE will, under data protection law, be the controller for this information.
As part of this consultation we’re asking for your name and address. This is in case we need to ask
you follow-up questions about any of your responses and to determine the relevance of your
response to the proposed road closures. You do not have to give us this personal information. If
you do provide it, we will use it only for the purpose of asking follow-up questions and determining
the impact of the proposed road closure changes.
DfE’s privacy policy has more information about your rights in relation to your personal data, how to
complain and how to contact the Data Protection Officer, you can access this here:
Your information will be kept securely and destroyed within 1 month after the consultation has been
5. Consultation
The Isle of Man TT Races will return in 2022 following the event’s cancellation in 2020 and 2021
due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The cancellation of the event over 2 years has highlighted the
importance of the TT Races to the local economy, especially the Travel, Accommodation and
Hospitality sectors.
Following the cancellation of the TT in 2020, the Department for Enterprise (DfE) has carried out
major research into various aspects of the event and consulted other Isle of Man Government
Departments, Travel and Accommodation providers, Race Officials, Teams, Riders and event
contractors to name but a few.
Over the past decade, visitor numbers to the TT increased but further growth is limited by Travel
and Accommodation capacity and numbers are beginning to plateau. Research shows that potential
visitors are looking to visit for a long weekend, but the current TT Race Schedule does not
accommodate this change in visitor trends, with only one weekend of racing, which was at capacity
in terms of Travel and Accommodation, and the Senior TT being held on a Friday.
As a result of engaging with the aforementioned groups, the DfE has identified methods to increase
the popularity of the TT, both in terms of visitor numbers and both broadcast and online audiences.
Changes that would allow increased visitors and audience growth include adding a second weekend
of racing and condensing the races held during the working week. Furthermore, in order to advance
plans for live broadcast coverage of the event, weekend racing is a priority for broadcasters and
audiences alike.
Why we are consulting
The DfE recognise that road closures for racing may impact on the day to day activities of Island
residents. Feedback to this consultation will allow us to consider those impacts alongside the
proposed schedule.

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6. Proposals
The proposed road closure schedule for TT events from 2023 is as follows:

 Day                                             Event                                Road Closure times

 Late May Bank Holiday Monday                    Qualifying                           1pm – 9:30pm

 Tuesday                                         Qualifying                           6pm – 9:30pm

 Wednesday                                       Qualifying                           6pm – 9:30pm

 Thursday                                        Qualifying                           6pm – 9:30pm

 Friday                                          Qualifying                           12:30pm – 16:30pm

 In the event of insufficient qualifying periods during the week, the following additional contingency session may be used.

 Friday (Contingency)                            Qualifying                           6pm – 9:30pm

                                                      RACE WEEK

 Saturday                                        Racing                               10am – 9:30pm

 Sunday                                          Racing                               12:30pm – 6:30pm

 Monday (Contingency)                            Racing                               12:30pm – 5pm
                                                                                      6pm – 9:30pm

 Tuesday                                         Racing                               10am – 5pm
                                                                                      6pm – 9:30pm

 Wednesday                                       Racing                               10am – 5pm
                                                                                      6pm – 9:30pm

 Thursday (Contingency)                          Racing                               12:30pm – 5pm
                                                                                      6pm – 9:30pm

 Friday                                          Racing                               10am – 9:30pm

 Saturday                                        Racing                               10am – 9:30pm

    -     Above times apply to the whole TT Course. Times displayed are the earliest and latest times that roads would be

          permitted to close, if approved.

    -     The A18 Mountain Road may be required to close earlier and opened later to manage any traffic management system in place.

    -     The Race Schedule for 2023 is available at

                        Department for Enterprise – Permanent TT Schedule Change – June 2021                                  4
Key points to note are:
   a. Late May Bank Holiday. By committing the start date of the TT to this bank holiday it opens
      possibilities for short fan visits and is a consistent starting point for residents and fans to be
      aware of.
   b. Qualifying starting on Bank Holiday Monday – later start for the event. Minimises the
      disruption to locals over what would traditionally be the first weekend.
   c. Racing on Sunday. Two races will continue to be held on the Saturday, but one race will now
      be held on the Sunday. This gives weekend visitors the chance to see 3 races rather than 2
      and puts the racing in the best possible position for live broadcast of the event.
   d. No racing on Monday in change to traditional format and becomes a contingency race day in
      case of delays from previous days.
   e. Tuesday and Wednesday of race week will see two days of racing back to back. Qualifying
      and Race length on these days will be shorter to minimise disruption to the general public.
   f. Thursday will remain a contingency race day in case of delays
   g. There will not be substantive change to the Friday schedule, with 2 races still scheduled,
      however the Senior TT will move to the Saturday.
   h. Senior TT on Saturday. This will be the final day of the event and opens the opportunity for
      more fans to see three races over Friday and Saturday. Disruption will be kept to a minimum
      with only one race scheduled for the Saturday.
   i.   The Bank Holiday Friday (previously Senior Race Day) will remain a Bank Holiday.

Whilst the road closures for 2022 will remain unchanged from what was published in 2020, the DfE
is looking for views on the impact, or otherwise, of a permanent schedule change taking effect from
the 2023 TT Races.

7. Next steps
Following this consultation exercise, the comments, views or ideas provided will be considered by
the Department in conjunction with the Department of Infrastructure, along with other relevant
Departments, and will be used to direct the actual closure times contained within any racing
authorisation issued.

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