Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands - Call for proposals 2018 WOTRO Science for Global Development

Page created by Marshall Bailey
Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands - Call for proposals 2018 WOTRO Science for Global Development
WOTRO Science for Global Development

Call for proposals 2018

Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands
Resilient water, food and rule of law

The Hague, March 2018
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
1   Introduction                               3
    1.1   Background                            3
    1.2   Available budget                      4
    1.3   Validity of the call for proposals    4
2   Aim                                        5
3   Guidelines for applicants                  9
    3.1   Who can apply                         9
    3.2   What can be applied for              10
    3.3   When can applications be submitted   13
    3.4   Preparing an application             13
    3.5   Conditions on granting               14
    3.6   Submitting an application            15
4   Assessment procedure                       16
    4.1   Procedure                            16
    4.2   Assessment criteria                  18
    4.3   Project monitoring & evaluation      19
    4.4   Governance                           19
5   Contact details and other information      21
    5.1   Contact                              21
    5.2   Other information                    21
6   Annexes                                    22

1 Introduction

                  A long term scientific collaboration exists between Indonesia and The
                  Netherlands which is further strengthened in a new collaboration to address
                  scientific and societal issues of interest to both countries. The Indonesian
                  Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) and
                  the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) work together
                  in the Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands programme to finance joint
                  research that is in alignment with the national science agendas of Indonesia
                  and the Netherlands, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU
                  Societal Challenges. This first call aims at further developing the scientific
                  and societal agenda on the topics of (i) food, (ii) water and (iii) rule of law.
                  It invites consortia of research institutes and other organisations (both
                  public and private 1) in the Netherlands and in Indonesia to submit joint full
                  proposals, preceded by a Letter of Intent. The call is executed by NWO-
                  WOTRO Science for Global Development.

1.1       Background

                  Joint fundamental and applied research programmes by Indonesia and the
                  Netherlands have been carried out for decades. 2 The renewed MoU on research and
                  education between the two countries (signed April 2016) provides the framework for
                  continuation of the scientific collaboration between Indonesia and the Netherlands.
                  This call results from a collaboration between NWO and the Indonesian Ministry of
                  Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI). The intention is to
                  establish a partnership with joint financing, where each country supports its own
                  research. It invites consortia of research institutes and other organisations (both
                  public and private) in the Netherlands and in Indonesia to submit joint full proposals,
                  preceded by a Letter of Intent. The initiative has been supported by the Netherlands
                  embassy and the NUFFIC NESO office in Jakarta.

                  The aim of the Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands programme is to:
                  •    strengthening cooperation in the fields of science and innovation;
                  •    address the pressing current problems in society, to strengthen research
                  capabilities and to encourage scientific excellence in Indonesia and the Netherlands
                  through interactions of scientists and scholars at institutions in both countries;
                  •    promote interdisciplinary research in areas of medium and long term interest,
                       particularly those related to mutual priorities.

                  This call for both basic and applied research will finance interdisciplinary research
                  by teams that include for-profit or not-for-profit private partners, to enhance the

    This includes any type of organisation that can be seen as an actor or stakeholder who has an interest in
participating in research, both public: governmental (departments of line ministries or local governments,
extension services), and private: for-profit enterprises and related support organisations, and other non-
governmental organisations (registered NGOs, cooperatives, unions, civil society organisations).

    The long term partnership has resulted in several joint programmes run via NWO-WOTRO Science for
Global Development and Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), such as the Irian Jaya
Studies Programme, ISIR (1993-2000), the Agriculture Beyond Food programme (2010-2014) and the
Scientific Programme Indonesia – Netherlands (SPIN, 1995-2018) and more than 250 individual projects
and DC fellowships in the period 1964-2006.

impact of research for society. This means that a wide range of disciplines as well
           as knowledge from private sector, civil society and policy should be integrated in
           the research.
           The award under this call would be for a period of three years.

1.2   Available budget

           The total budget available is M€ 1,5 for six projects. A maximum of 250,000 euro can
           be applied for at NWO per project, with a duration of three years.

           The budget request must follow the norms and regulations of NWO.

           A top-up grant with a maximum of 40,000 euro guaranteed in the first year can be
           obtained by an Indonesian researcher if the Indonesian researcher is awarded for
           funding in 2018 by RISTEKDIKTI. This is a non-compulsory condition for this call.
           Inclusion of a RISTEKDIKTI funded researcher will be considered an added value.

1.3   Validity of the call for proposals

           This call for proposals is valid until the closing date 14 June 2018, 14:00 hours
           CE(S)T. Applications must be preceded by a Letter of Intent explaining the outlines
           of the planned project proposal, using the format provided. This Letter of Intent must
           be received by NWO ultimately one month before the deadline of the Call, being 17
           May 2018, 14:00 CE(S)T. Proposals that are not preceded by such a Letter of
           Intent are excluded from the selection procedure.

2 Aim
2.1        Aim and Objectives

                  The scientific collaboration between Indonesia and the Netherlands has a long
                  tradition of partnerships that increasingly focus on societal challenges and include,
                  next to researchers, stakeholders from the public and private sector. Many of the
                  challenges that the two countries face are global in nature and require flexibility and
                  creativity to face them. Societies are increasingly subject to external, sudden changes
                  and need to strengthen their resilience to be able to address these complexities. How
                  do we manage all these issues in a sustainable and inclusive manner? How can we
                  make people, systems and societies more resilient to face these challenges? Which
                  systems, institutions and measures do we need to support transformations and
                  implement solutions? The aim of this call is to contribute to a resilient society in the
                  fields of water, food and rule of law, by inviting public and private partners to
                  collaborate with academic researchers in formulating research questions and
                  addressing the challenging key issues. This collaborative research is intended to work
                  towards scientific knowledge and innovative solutions in order to contribute to
                  realizing and supporting resilient societies.

                  The objectives of this call for proposals are:
                  •    to further develop the scientific and societal agenda on food, water and the rule
                       of law;
                  •    to create the appropriate inter- and transdisciplinary research partnerships from
                       both countries;
                  •    to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular to
                       SDGs 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14 (food and water/maritime) and SDGs 16, 5 and 10
                       (governance & law).

                  The three subject chosen are high on the agenda of the collaboration between
                  Indonesia and The Netherlands, and both countries envision mutual benefits in jointly
                  addressing the challenges of these foci with innovative research. In the Netherlands
                  water, food and rule of law are prominent in plans of the Netherlands Embassy in
                  Jakarta. 3 During the Open Science Meeting (OSM) 2017 in Yogyakarta, they were
                  discussed in various sessions. This call builds upon the initial trajectory to formulate
                  the subjects by Indonesian and Dutch researchers, the discussions at the OSM and
                  between the collaborators in this call. 4

2.2        Research foci

                  The Call is open for joint research projects that focus on one or more of the themes

2.2.1. Food Security and Agriculture
                  Food and nutrition security have become a key priority in Indonesian politics. While
                  food security improves rapidly in many middle-income countries, half of all
                  households in Indonesia remain vulnerable, and 70% of the poor live in rural areas.
                  The vulnerability is aggravated by the effects of climate change. The pathways into
                  and out of poverty have changed and problems of vulnerability and food insecurity

    See the Multi-Annual Strategic Plan 2014-2017 Indonesia.

    The collaborators in this call are grateful for the role of the KNAW via its SPIN programme in developing
the OSM sessions, thereby contributing to the development of this call, as well as for the input in that
trajectory by the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI).
are increasing. Novel and integrated forms of inquiry, focused on understanding the
            vulnerability of rural communities in transitional environments in Indonesia are
            needed to make policies more effective in fighting food insecurity.

            Agriculture and agricultural and food chain development have reemerged as
            important political themes and a major concern of the Indonesian government.
            Research is invited to address one or more of the following themes:
            •    Sustainable production of nutritious food, especially for vulnerable populations;
            •    Agrarian transformations to address food security (sustainable solutions that
                 build upon understanding historical, political and contemporary processes of
                 social, economic, cultural, and demographic change);
            •    Food chain development with transparent markets and shorter value chains, to
                 the benefit of farmers and fishermen.

            The research should relate the theme(s) to issues of security, risk, conflict and
            resilience, while paying attention to the context of climate change, and unstable
            global commodity chains.

2.2.2. Regional Planning that includes Water Management and Hydrology
            In recent years, many flood related hazards occurred in Indonesia which have
            resulted in a lot of fatalities and economic and social damage. These flood events
            have been partly caused by large-scale land use changes (deforestation and
            urbanization) and aggravated by climate change. At the same time, droughts are
            increasingly a problem in many parts of Indonesia and affecting the water availability
            for agriculture and other purposes (drinking water, industry). Sanitary Engineering
            (drinking water treatment; waste water treatment and sewerage) is an important way
            to prevent the spread of human water borne diseases. In Indonesia there is a
            constant struggle to keep the infrastructure in line with the demand of the growing
            population in the cities.

            Research is invited to work on sustainable smart innovations that include integration
            of water resource management (e.g. by linking water sources) and various levels of
            governance, including informal interactions. Governance here is understood as more
            than a formal one-sided and top-down process exclusively dominated by government
            institutions. Instead, it concerns a complex set of decision making processes and
            trajectories of implementation, often with unintended outcomes, in which a variety of
            (trans-)national government and non-government institutions and formal and
            informal actors participate, while there is no overall and formal control mechanism in

2.2.3. Governance and Rule of law
            There has been a strong move towards rule of law in Indonesia, furthering access to
            justice for the poor and vulnerable, an increased emphasis on realising (human)
            rights, and growing attention for physical and social security of citizens. On the other
            hand, many challenges are apparent which hamper the implementation of rule of law,
            because of the push and pull of interest, views and values. Examples are clientelistic
            governance practices, problems in the functioning of the judiciary, power politics
            overriding legal rights, and continuing problems of access to justice. The resilience of
            Indonesia’s new ‘guardian institutions’ – such as the National Human Rights
            Commission, the Ombudsman and the Anti-Corruption Commission – will be an
            important step for the promise of such institutions generally. Which factors determine
            whether they succeed or fail? The same goes for judicial reform: what have been its
            effects so far? Why, for instance, do citizens not seek justice or what obstacles do
            they face in their attempts to do so? Research on justice, human rights and security
            is invited to provide answers to such questions. Better knowledge on the functioning
            of the rule of law is a precondition for effective intervention, and therefore a focus on
            the formal and informal processes of rule of law practice is needed. The research is
expected to contribute to wider debates about the functioning of the rule of law in
          order to strengthen justice, rights and security.

2.3   Specific project conditions

          Given the complexity of addressing and reaching impact for the challenges
          addressed, the research and innovation teams should be inter- and trans-
          disciplinary in nature. This means that a wide range of disciplines as well as
          knowledge from beyond the boundaries of the scientific community should be
          integrated. Research and innovation projects should therefore evolve in a process
          of co-creation with different partners: both stakeholders and researchers should be
          actively involved throughout the entire project process, in (advising on) defining
          and conducting the research as well as in communicating the progress and results,
          in order to jointly produce a mutually valued outcome. Added value may be
          achieved by integrating and synthesising various sources of knowledge to create
          ‘new’ knowledge and by creating sustainability through the development of long-
          term knowledge relations.

          In order to better ground policies and/or programmes and enhance their societal
          impacts for the most vulnerable people targeted, project proposals must be
          demonstrably linked to their political, economic, social and/or biophysical settings.
          These can be local, national, regional and/or global in nature.

           Box 1. What is meant by innovation and co-creation?

           Innovation is the process of developing new value adding ways to meet existing, new
           or inarticulate needs. Innovation is accomplished through more effective products,
           processes, services, technologies, policies or ideas that are readily available to
           governments, markets and society.

           Co-creation is a form of cooperation in research where different parties (stakeholders,
           target groups) in the knowledge (demand and supply) process are engaged in
           interaction and joint learning on the problem definition, formulation of possible
           solutions, design of the research, conducting the research, the assessment of the
           results, and the translation of these in new practices and products. The diversity of
           perspectives and of the type and level of knowledge is seen as an asset that can be
           addressed in a constructive way of mutual learning and design.

          Impact Pathway
          Planning, and monitoring & evaluation are important instruments for project
          management and for facilitating research impact. The projects are asked to provide a
          Theory of Change with a related Research Impact Pathway and indicators as well as a
          Research Uptake plan to support this process of change. A Theory of Change
          describes how the research process contributes to impact, taking into account the
          context, actors involved and describing the sequence of logically-linked cause-effect
          relations. It is both a process (reflection) and a product (tool) for formulating
          activities and strategies.

          The Research Impact Pathway is the visualization of the change process and
          accompanying assumptions from problem definition to the identification of knowledge
          gaps through research design and execution to the realization of expected output and
          outcomes and the desired contribution to impact. The Research Impact Pathway
          forms the basis for defining indicators, at output and outcome levels. Thus, the

Theory of Change leads to the Research Impact Pathway and then into the indicators
for monitoring progress and adjusting the research, if necessary. This is especially
the case where the assumptions proved insufficient or incorrect.

Each proposal should explicate in an impact pathway how the project works towards
the realisation of the objectives of this call. A format of an impact pathway is
provided in the application form of this call. The Theory of Change and Impact
Pathway will be an important element of the M&E of a project, for joint learning and
adjusting the project, and for reporting.

Box 2: Output, outcome and impact

Research outputs relate to the direct and immediate results obtained by a research
project or programme;
Research outcomes relate to the changes in behaviour, relationships, actions, or
activities of stakeholders as a result of sharing and uptake of research;
Research impact is defined as changes in economic, environmental and social
conditions a project or programme is aiming at.
Change is a complex process that depends on a variety of actors and factors of
which research is only one. Where research outputs fall under the direct sphere of
control of a research project or programme, outcomes belong to their sphere of
influence and impact to their sphere of interest.

3 Guidelines for applicants

3.1       Who can apply

                  Applications can be submitted by consortia that include:
                  1.    a Dutch research organisation, acting as the main applicant 5;
                  2.    an Indonesian-based research organisation;
                  3.    at least one other for-profit or not-for profit private and/or public matching
                        partner to enhance the impact of research for society;
                  4.    a researcher awarded granting for 2018 by RISTEKDIKTI (non-compulsory but
                        considered an added value).

                  For the 2018 call for Proposals, a list of examples of relevant research proposals
                  awarded in 2018 by RISTEKDIKTI can be found in Annex 1. In case of inclusion of
                  an awarded researcher to the consortium, the awarded granting by RISTEKDIKTI
                  can be considered as top-up funding to the NWO grant. The awarded researcher by
                  RISTEKDIKTi is not necessarily the consortium partner, but may also be a member
                  of the research team.

                  A Consortium Agreement between the collaborating consortium organisations is
                  obligatory (see section 3.5 for details).

                  The main applicant serves as the recipient of the NWO grant and should hold a
                  senior position at a Dutch research organisation. He or she will act as project
                  coordinator and point of contact with NWO and will submit the research proposal.
                  The main applicant’s organisation will take responsibility for the project secretariat,
                  the day-to-day management and all financial affairs of the research project.

                  Together, the consortium members will 1) formulate relevant research questions
                  and approaches; 2) formulate and submit the proposal through the main applicant;
                  3) conduct the project activities; 4) coordinate knowledge sharing and support the
                  application, dissemination and communication of the project results to a broader
                  group of (local) possible knowledge users that are not a member of the
                  consortium; and 5) take responsibility for the adequate and timely reporting

                  Each main applicant and consortium can only submit one proposal.

                  To enhance demand articulation, ownership and the effective uptake of results, all
                  consortium partners as well as relevant stakeholders are expected to be engaged in
                  all phases of the project execution, from its inception to sharing the (emerging)
                  results. Evidence of such active engagement will be an important element in the
                  assessment of project proposals and may be demonstrated through references to
                  involvement in project preparation, active involvement as a project partner and
                  links between the proposed research project and ongoing projects of NGOs, private
                  enterprises, and/or policy implementation.

    Research organisations are institutions that:
-    have as one of their main objectives to carry out independent research or provide higher education;
-    have no profit motive other than that for the purposes of further research or higher education;
-    whose researchers enjoy freedom of publication in the international academic literature.

3.2   What can be applied for

          Consortia can apply for a project with a duration of three years. The maximum grant
          of NWO is 250,000 euro. This call invites full proposals to be submitted, preceded by
          a Letter of Intent. All consortium members have to be involved in the formulation of
          the research questions, in the development of the proposal and in the execution of
          the research project. Each consortium can apply for one project only.

          General characteristics for proposals
          Full proposals should make clear how they will constitute and operationalize
          activities and projects for the following facilities:

          Research and innovation
          Proposals should be based on a thorough review of existing knowledge and should
          preferably be complementary to existing research initiatives and reinforce these
          were possible. The consortia should be inter-/trans-disciplinary in nature and thus
          crossing scientific disciplinary boundaries (interdisciplinarity) and integrating
          scientific and practitioners’ knowledge in joint research (transdisciplinarity). Project
          teams are encouraged to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative and
          quasi-experimental research methods, including operational research and should
          include research-into-use approaches.
          Additional added value concerns: integrating and synthesising various sources of
          knowledge to create ‘new’ knowledge; creating sustainability through the
          development of long-term knowledge relations. Collaboration with relevant and
          especially complementary research initiatives (e.g. at the level of a country or
          region), needs to be considered and, if applicable, be included in the proposal.

          Knowledge sharing & Research uptake
          As development of research and innovation in private, governmental and civil
          society sectors is basically a continuous and iterative process, a clear strategy for
          Research Uptake (including stakeholder engagement, capacity development and
          communication, also with the aim to influence the enabling environment) needs to
          be provided:
          •    Stakeholder engagement: stakeholders need to be involved from the
               research proposal stage onwards. This includes an initial mapping of
               relevant stakeholders in the proposal. For the IPs this includes their
               involvement in the proposal development workshop.
          •    Capacity development and training: activities directed at improving the
               capabilities of individuals, networks and institutes to learn and innovate,
               based on sustainable partnerships and the ability to both generate and
               build on knowledge.
          •    Communication: a communication strategy, including specification of
               target groups, messages to communicate, means of communication
               etc. is part of the proposal. Aim is to make knowledge and research
               results available and accessible for stakeholders.
          •    Monitoring & evaluation: including revision of Theory of Change with
               Impact Pathway and research uptake strategy, where appropriate (see
          Project activities must be well integrated. Output, outcome and impact should
          contribute to clearly defined objectives as presented in a Research Impact Pathway,
          which should be supported by a Theory of Change which includes the underlying
          assumptions and the food system perspective.

Reimbursable costs
                  The following costs can be reimbursed by a NWO grant with a maximum of
                  250,000 euro. Please note that personnel of private partners is excluded from
                  payment of salaries and research costs from the NWO grant budget.

                  I.        Personnel costs of project staff 6
                  Subsidy can be requested for the time that staff members work on the project. To
                  determine the reimbursable salary costs, a distinction is made between personnel
                  from Dutch universities and personnel from all other organisations.
                  •     Personnel costs of project staff: PhD and post-doc researchers (to be)
                        employed by research organisations:
                        - The maximum tariffs for the PhD and post-doc researchers employed by
                        research organisations in the Netherlands are based upon the NWO-VSNU
                        contract subject to change. In case a PhD is not 3 but 4 years, financing of
                        the additional year must be available and demonstrated;
                        - PhD and post-doc researchers employed by LMICs research organisations
                        can be provided with a net monthly living allowance. The living allowance is
                        expected to cover all personal costs, including housing, organisational
                        overhead, medical costs, insurances, travel to and from work, et cetera.
                        The regulations of the main applicant’s institute should be guiding for
                        determining the amount of the living allowances. However, costs for 1 full time
                        equivalents (fte) junior research may not exceed 4,500 euro a month, costs
                        for 1 fte senior may not exceed 6,500 euro a month;
                        - For each (LMIC and Dutch) PhD or post-doc researcher, who is appointed for
                        0.5 fte for at least two years, a bench fee of 5,000 euro is available. The
                        bench fee is meant to support the academic career of the researchers (e.g.
                        congress visits, books, publications (Open Access), thesis, courses).
                        - For Ma/MSc student(s) only research costs are financed.
                  •     Replacement grants for permanent academic staff actively supporting the
                        project up to 25,000 euro for a total project duration of three years.
                  •     Personnel costs of project support staff of more than 0,4 fte, not employed by
                        the research organisations:
                        -   Salaries for project staff not employed by research organisations must be
                            guided by the organisations’ norms and legal regulations of the country
                            concerned, but is limited to the maximum gross full-time monthly rate of
                            4,500 euro (all costs included).
                        -   Reimbursable costs of (not-for-profit) project staff not employed by
                            research organisations should not exceed 15 per cent of the budget for
                            personnel costs of project staff.

                  II.        Research costs
                  Only costs directly related to the project are eligible for reimbursement. These costs
                  should be specified and substantiated in the proposal. Infrastructural expenses
                  (housing, standard office computers), commuter traffic and other costs relating to
                  overhead are not eligible for funding, nor are expenses covered by the bench fee.
                  •     International travel and accommodation costs for exchange of project staff
                        between participating consortium members (max. three months per project,
                        per post-doc or PhD).
                  •     Salaries for technical and administrative support staff that is engaged for less
                        than 0.4 fte during the running time of the project. Salaries must be guided by
                        the organisations’ norms and legal regulations of the country concerned but is
                        limited to the maximum gross full-time monthly rate of 3,200 euro (all costs

    Project staff refers to individuals who actually conduct the project activities. Overhead costs (including
but not limited to academic supervision of PhD’s or post-docs) are excluded from reimbursement, except for
•      (Use of) durables (buildings excluded), consumables, use of existing
       data/information, interview costs, et cetera.

III.        Knowledge sharing & research uptake costs
Cooperation between researchers and expert practitioners will help deepen our
knowledge but also increase the likelihood that research results will be used, and
subsequently improve the impact of research. Therefore, both practitioners and
researchers should be actively involved throughout the entire project process, in
(advising on) defining and conducting the research as well as in communicating the
progress and results.
To encourage this, costs for knowledge sharing (and utilization) are available from
this grant. Knowledge sharing activities should preferably be directed to enabling
practitioners beyond the project staff to co-formulate the project, be aware of the
project(‘s progress), its output and be involved in making the output accessible and
applicable for practitioners.
Reimbursable costs for knowledge sharing and research uptake activities should be
included for stakeholder engagement, capacity development, communication and
monitoring & evaluation. This includes:
•      Costs for organizing a compulsory kick-off workshop for the project
       consortium with practitioners (incl. target group representatives where
       possible) beyond the consortium organized immediately after the actual
       start of the project to raise awareness on and fine tune the project plans.
•      Costs for activities during the project’s running time for sharing project
       plans and (intermediate) project findings with relevant national and
       international practitioners (and scientists) beyond the consortium.
•      Costs for end-of-project workshop and consultations with relevant
       practitioners beyond the consortium.
•      Costs for producing policy briefs, lay-men publications, books, and other
       (visual/audio) approaches or tools to enhance knowledge sharing and use.

Costs should be made during the running time of the project. Please note that
knowledge sharing costs of for-profit partners is excluded from payment from the
NWO grant budget.

IV.         Audit costs (for all other organisations than a Dutch university)
For projects where the main applicant is not from a Dutch university NWO’s
regulations require that an independent audit should be carried out at the end of
the project in order to review and verify the correct use and justification of the
grant and potential co-funding contributions. This is applicable for a main applicant
from: (1) all non-Dutch research organisations, and (2) for Dutch research
organisations other than universities. An amount of € 5,000 at most can be
budgeted for this audit. NWO has separate regulations in place for Dutch
universities. Thus when a main applicant is from a Dutch university the project
audit is not needed.

Top-up funding to the NWO grant
If a researcher awarded granting for 2018 by RISTEKDIKTI is part of the consortium
or the research team, the awarded funding by RISTEKDIKTI can be considered as
top-up funding to the NWO grant. This RISTEKDIKTI funding is a maximum of 40,000
euro guaranteed for the first year. Awarded researchers may be given priorities for
funding for the following two years, subject to the selection process and availability of
the RISTEKDIKTI’s funding.

3.3   When can applications be submitted

          The deadline for submitting the compulsory Letter of Intent is 17 May 2018, 14.00
          hours CE(S)T. The Letter of Intent must be submitted by e-mail to:

          The deadline for the submission of full proposals is 14 June 2018, 14.00 hours

          The assessment round will take approximately four months. For an overview of the
          procedure timelines, please see Section 4.1.

3.4   Preparing an application

          Submitting the Letter of Intent
          The Letter of Intent must be received by NWO-WOTRO ultimately about 4 weeks
          before the deadline of the call, notably 17 May 2018 at 14:00 hours CE(S)T. The
          Letter of Intent is a mandatory step in the procedure. Proposals that are not
          preceded by a Letter of Intent or without the required format are excluded from the

          A Letter of Intent must be sent by the main applicant to
          The Letter of Intent should be written in English, and should be submitted on the
          writing paper of the institute of the main applicant. The Letter of Intent should be
          signed by the main applicant. The format for a Letter of Intent can be found in
          Annex 2.

          Submitting the application
          The deadline for the full proposal is 14 June 2018 at 14:00 hours CE(S)T. An
          application can only be submitted to NWO-WOTRO via the online application system
          ISAAC. The main applicant should submit his/her application via his/her own ISAAC
          Please note: In case a main applicant does not have an ISAAC account he/she is
          advised to create an account at least five working days before submitting the
          application, to ensure that any registration problems can be resolved in time.
          Especially if the applicant’s organisation is not listed in ISAAC it is vital to take five
          working days into account to ensure correct registration (a request for registration
          of the applicant’s organisation in the ISAAC system should be sent to

          The application forms can be downloaded from the electronic application system
          ISAAC or from NWO’s website (on the grant page of this call). Before completing
          the application form, please read the information and guidelines provided in Annex
          2 of this call.

          Please arrange the annexes (for a list of annexes see Section 6) in PDF before
          starting your submission. When the application form has been completed, save the
          form (including annexes) as a pdf and upload it in ISAAC. When you submit your
          application to ISAAC you will also need to enter additional details online.
          It is advised to start submitting your application at least one day before the
          deadline of this call for proposals. Applications submitted after the deadline will not
          be taken into consideration.
          For technical questions please contact the ISAAC helpdesk, see Section 5.1.2.

3.5   Conditions on granting

          Applications submitted to NWO must fulfil the NWO Grant Rules 2017 and WOTRO
          Regulations on Granting and all of the formal criteria mentioned in this call in order
          to be admitted to the competition. The conditions for the awarded project apply
          only to the grants provided by NWO. For the grants provided by RISTEKDIKTI the
          regulations of RISTEKDIKTI apply.

          Intellectual property rights and Consortium Agreement
          NWO encourages and facilitates the transfer of research results to industrial and
          other partner and will provide steering and will endorse contractual arrangements
          to be drawn up by the consortium. With regard to ownership of results, such as on
          Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Confidentiality of Results and Knowledge transfer
          to Developing Countries, the conditions and requirements as specified in the
          WOTRO Regulations apply.

          Project partners are required to conclude a Consortium Agreement. A consortium
          agreement has to be signed by all project partners and approved of by NWO-
          WOTRO before the first payment can be made. The Consortium Agreement must
          include a description on how LMICs will be able to benefit from the (patented)
          results under market conditions that safeguard local affordability including but not
          restricted to sublicenses for humanitarian purposes. A format for the Consortium
          Agreement is available on the NWO-WOTRO website. A draft (not necessarily
          signed) Consortium Agreement should already be added as an annex to the
          application form.

          With regard to accountability of the projects, the General Provisions of the NWO
          Regulation on Granting apply. When the results from the financed research are
          published or presented, the financial support received from NWO-WOTRO must be
          acknowledged, stating the project number.

          Open Access
          All scientific publications resulting from research that is funded by grants derived
          from this call for proposals are to be immediately (at the time of publication) freely
          accessible worldwide (Open Access). There are several ways for researchers to
          publish Open Access. A detailed explanation regarding Open Access can be found on

          Data management
          Responsible data management is part of good research. NWO wants research data
          that emerge from publicly funded research to become freely and sustainably
          available, as much as possible, for reuse by other researchers. Furthermore NWO
          wants to raise awareness among researchers about the importance of responsible
          data management. Proposals should therefore satisfy the data management protocol
          of NWO. This protocol consists of two steps:

          1. Data management section
          The data management section is part of the research proposal. Researchers should
          answer four questions about data management within their intended research
          project. Therefore before the research starts the researcher will be asked to think
          about how the data collected must be ordered and categorised so that it can be made
          freely available. Measures will often need to be taken during the production and
          analysis of the data to make their later storage and dissemination possible.
          Researchers can state which research data they consider to be relevant for storage
          and reuse.

2. Data management plan
          After a proposal has been awarded funding the researcher should elaborate the data
          management section into a data management plan. The data management plan is a
          concrete elaboration of the data management section. In the plan the researcher
          describes whether use will be made of existing data or a new data collection and how
          the data collection will be made FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.
          The plan should be submitted to NWO via ISAAC within a maximum of 4 months after
          the proposal has been awarded funding. NWO will approve the plan as quickly as
          possible. Approval of the data management plan by NWO is a condition for
          disbursement of the funding. The plan can be adjusted during the research.

          Further information about the data management protocol of NWO can be found at

          Nagoya Protocol
          The Nagoya Protocol became effective on 12 October 2014 and ensures an honest
          and reasonable distribution of benefits emerging from the use of genetic resources
          (Access and Benefit Sharing; ABS). Researchers who make use of genetic sources
          from the Netherlands or abroad for their research should familiarise themselves with
          the Nagoya Protocol ( NWO assumes that researchers will take
          all necessary actions with respect to the Nagoya Protocol.

3.6   Submitting an application

          An application can only be submitted to NWO via the online application system
          ISAAC. Applications not submitted via ISAAC will not be taken into consideration.

          A principal applicant must submit his/her application via his/her own ISAAC account.
          If the principal applicant does not have an ISAAC account yet, he/she is advised to
          create an account at least five working days before submitting the application, to
          ensure that any registration problems can be resolved in time. If the principal
          applicant already has an NWO-account, then he/she does not need to create a new
          account to submit an application.

          When you submit your application to ISAAC you will also need to enter additional
          details online. You should therefore start submitting your application at least one day
          before the deadline of this call for proposals. Applications submitted after the
          deadline will not be taken into consideration.

          For technical questions please contact the ISAAC helpdesk, see Section 5.1.2.

4     Assessment procedure

4.1   Procedure

          The NWO Code of Conduct on Conflicts of Interest applies to all persons and NWO
          staff involved in the assessment and/or decision-making process.

          The Letters of intent will not be assessed and are meant to gauge the interest in this
          call and organise the assessment procedure appropriately.

          The first step in the assessment procedure is to determine the admissibility of the
          application. All project proposals received via ISAAC are screened by the NWO-
          WOTRO secretariat for compliance with formal eligibility.
          Eligibility concerns compliance with the conditions set in this call. Formal criteria
          include (but may not be limited to):

          •    Timely received Letter of Intent and application via NWO’s electronic application
               system ISAAC;
          •    Application has been submitted by the main applicant who holds a senior
               position within a collaborating Dutch research organisation;
          •    Specific conditions (as outlined in Section 3.2 and Annex 2) have been applied;
          •    Completed and signed application form;
          •    The project entails research in the realm of this call;
          •    Composition of consortium complies with the requirements;
          •    Format, length of text, language (English) is as required;
          •    Budget conditions are met;
          •    Completed annexes are added.

          Completed annexes:
          •    Letters of commitment outlining the availability and commitment of
               consortium members, signed by heads of the participating department or
          •    CVs of applicants (if already appointed);
          •    List of literature references;
          •    Letter of support concerning use of data (if applicable);
          •    Draft Consortium Agreement;
          •    Excel file of the project budget. No additional annexes are allowed.

          Applicants will receive written confirmation of receipt within two weeks after the
          deadline of this call, stating whether or not the application has been accepted into
          the selection procedure.

          Selection procedure
          If eligible, proposals will be reviewed on the basis of the selection criteria
          mentioned in Section 4.2. Independent, international expert advisors (peer
          reviewers) will pre-assess the proposals for all criteria. At least two referees'
          reports will be requested for all admissible proposals. The main applicant will be
          offered an opportunity to respond within five working days to the comments of the

During an assessment meeting, the International Advisory Committee (IAC) will
discuss all proposals, pre-assessment reports and responses thereof by the
applicant and will rank the proposals. The six projects to be awarded will be evenly
divided between the three foci, two projects per focus. Based on the ranking and
the spread across the foci, the IAC will present an advice on funding to the Steering
Committee of NWO-WOTRO (SC). In case of insufficient quality for a specific focus,
the IAC will advise upon allocation of an additional project to one of the other foci.
The composition of the IAC will be agreed upon in consultation with RISTEKDIKTI.

In case more than two project proposals from one research organisation co-funding
this programme that have been admitted to the selection procedure have an overall
score of at least ‘very good’, the IAC will advise the SC to fund the two proposals
from this research organisation that rank highest while excluding the other(s) from
funding, notwithstanding their high quality. In case of an ex aequo prioritisation
preference will be given to proposal which includes a RISTEKDIKTI researcher in the

The IAC may also provide an advice to the SC with regard to the feasibility of the
planning and the value for money of the project proposal.
The data management section (see also 3.5) in the application is not evaluated and
hence not included in the decision about whether or not to award funding. However,
the IAC can issue an advice with respect to the data management section. After a
proposal has been awarded funding the applicant should elaborate the data
management section into a data management plan. Applicants can make use of the
advice from the IAC when they write the data management plan. The approval of
the data management plan is one of the conditions that must be met before the
project can start.

The SC will verify that the procedure has been conducted properly before taking a
decision on granting. A maximum of two proposals of each research organisation -
that are evaluated by the IAC- overall at least as ‘very good’ will be taken into
account for funding by the SC. The SC will decide on funding of proposals in
consultation with RISTEKDIKTI, based on the ranking advice of the IAC and
depending on the available call budget. In addition, the SC may decide to fund a
project on the condition that the proposal/budget will be adjusted in order to
increase the feasibility of the planning and/or the ‘value for money’ of the project, in
view of the advice of the IAC on these aspects.

All main applicants will be informed in writing about the outcome of the selection
procedure. NWO-WOTRO gives all full proposals a qualification12. The applicant is
informed of this qualification when the decision about whether or not to award
funding is announced. For further information about the qualifications see
A research project that is awarded a grant should start within three months after the
granting date.

 17 May 2018, before 14.00          Deadline submission of Letter of Intent by the main
 CE(S)T                             applicant
 14 June 2018, before 14.00         Deadline submission full proposal by the main
 (CE(S)T                            applicant
 June-August 2018                   Consultation referees
 End of August 2018                 Rebuttals from applicants
 September 2018                     Evaluation and formulation of advice on funding by
                                    the International Advisory Committee

October-November 2018                Decision on funding by the Steering Committee
              November 2018                        NWO-WOTRO informs the applicants about the
              March 2019                           Start of projects at the latest

              Whilst NWO-WOTRO aims to meet the target dates provided above, we reserve the right to change
              these at any stage.

          Appeals procedure
          If an applicant objects to a decision taken by the SC, it can lodge a complaint with
          the General Board of NWO through the NWO Appeals Committee. Any written
          appeal against a decision taken by the SC must be lodged within six weeks after
          the day on which the notice of this decision was sent.

4.2   Assessment criteria

          The following criteria will be used by the committee in assessing the proposals:

          I. Scientific quality
          •      Potential to generate new knowledge and insights and complementarity to
                 other research programmes, including the added value of the RISTEKDIKTI
                 funded one;
          •      Adequacy of the research approach including the robustness of the
                 conceptual framework or experimental set-up, and the coherence of the
                 hypotheses, research questions and methods;
          •      Feasibility of the research design;
          •      Complementarity, range and level of integration of the interdisciplinary

          II. Relevance for innovation in development
          •      Extent to which the proposal is rooted in the demands of partners and/or
                 stakeholders, and adequacy of the reflection of this demand in the trans-
                 disciplinary approach (integrating scientific and stakeholder knowledge in
                 joint research);
          •      Extent of alignment with one or more of the call’s foci;
          •      Potential for long-term knowledge relations;
          •      Quality and feasibility of the research impact pathway with indicators.

          III. Quality of collaboration, capacity development and communication
          •      Strength of partnership and level of commitment of the partners and research
                 team, including added value of a RISTEKDIKTI funded researcher;
          •      Potential for improving the capabilities of individuals and institutes to learn
                 and innovate, the ability to share knowledge and create a supportive learning
          •      Adequacy and feasibility of the communication strategy to influencing the policy
                 and/or business environment;
          •      Adequacy of the team composition and budget.

         NWO and RISTEKDIKTI intend to make announcements about outcomes not later than
         November 2018, and earlier if possible. Awards will need to be taken up before April
         2019, and be finalised at the latest by the end of March 2022, or the offers will lapse.

4.3    Project monitoring & evaluation

            Monitoring & Evaluation
            Annually, projects must submit a popular summary (max. two pages) with an
            annual report, to inform NWO-WOTRO and RISTEKDIKTI on project progress,
            experiences and output.
            The project will also be evaluated at the end of the projects’ running time by self-
            assessment. This includes a workshop of the project team organised by the
            consortium and a discussion of the results with stakeholders from outside the
            project team. The final report will be based both on a reflection on the project’s
            impact pathway and its indicators, and on the conclusions of the workshop.

            Final accountability
            The main applicant of the research project has the full responsibility of the whole
            NWO project budget, and needs to provide, at the latest three months after the end
            of the research project, a financial and a factual report on the project, showing how
            the NWO grant as well as the co-funding of the research organisation has been
            spent (if applicable). The financial and factual report needs to be signed by the
            project manager and financial controller of the collaborating Dutch research
            NWO-WOTRO reserves the right to externally evaluate projects financed under this
            The project ends with the issuing of the grant settlement decision. This decision is
            taken after approval of the final document(s) by NWO-WOTRO.

            Programme conference
            During the final year of this programme (2020-2021) a conference will be organized
            (part of the project budget with additional payment by the programme) in which all
            consortia are expected to take part. This symposium will offer an opportunity to
            exchange results, enhance impact and evaluate the programme as a whole.

 4.4    Governance

            For this call for proposals The Steering Committee (SC) of NWO-WOTRO Science for
            Global Development is the decision making body– in consultation with the Executive
            Board of NWO - and is responsible for:
            •       Approving of the call;
            •       Appointing members of the International Advisory Committee (IAC);
            •       Allocating funding to the NWO granted projects, based on the advice of the IAC;
            •       Approval of the project evaluation reports;
            •       Formulating strategic plans and activities for the future of the collaboration.

            The SC consults RISTEKDIKTI before taking their decisions.

            The International Advisory Committee (IAC) is responsible for
            •       Assessment and ranking of project proposals;
            •       Advising the SC on funding of project proposals;
            •       Advising the SC on the approval of the project evaluation reports.
            •       The SC may ask the IAC to advise on other matters as well.

The IAC is composed of (international) researchers and –academic- practitioner
experts on the research foci of the call, two of whom are nominated by
RISTEKDIKTI. The IAC is installed by the SC. The composition of the SC and IAC
are published on the NWO-WOTRO website:

NWO-WOTRO is responsible for the day-to-day management of the call, including
organising the assessment procedures, for all (financial and other) administration
with regard to awarded projects. NWO-WOTRO provides the secretariat of the SC
and IAC.

5 Contact details and other

5.1     Contact

5.1.1   Specific questions
              For specific questions about the Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands programme
              and this call for proposals please contact:

              At NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development:
                 Ms. Dr Cora Govers (coordinator)

                 Ms. Rapti Miedema (policy officer)
                 Telephone: +31 70 349 4076

5.1.2   Technical questions about the electronic application system ISAAC
              For technical questions about the use of ISAAC please contact the ISAAC helpdesk.
              Please read the manual first before consulting the helpdesk. The ISAAC helpdesk can
              be contacted from Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 17:00 hours CE(S)T on +31
              (0)20 346 71 79. However, you can also submit your question by e-mail to
     You will then receive an answer within two working days.

5.2     Other information

              For more information on NWO-WOTRO, visit

6              Annexes

                      Annex 1: Examples of relevant research proposals granted in 2018 by

                                             The full list of granted research projects is published here:

                                             Further information is available in Sections 1.2 and 3.2 of this call.

                                             If you need any further information regarding the research proposals granted in 2018
                                             by RISTEKDIKTI, please contact:

                                             Mr. Hali Aprimadya
                                             Telephone: + 62 21 310 23 68

NO. NAMA                        PT                                  KATEGORI            JUDUL
                                                                                        KLASIFIKASI DAN FORMULASI PRODUK HUKUM DAERAH MENURUT ASAS KESESUAIAN JENIS, HIERARKI DAN
  1 ABDUL AZIZ NASIHUDDIN       Universitas Jenderal Soedirman      Rule of Law
                                                                                        MATERI MUATAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN
  2 ACHMAD IRWAN HAMZANI        Universitas Pancasakti              Rule of Law         Model Kontribusi Hukum Islam terhadap Pembangunan Hukum Nasional
  3 AHMAD KUSUMAATMAJA          Universitas Gadjah Mada             WATER TREATMENT     Pengembangan Filter Berbasis Membran Nanofiber Untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih dan Pengolahan Limbah
                                                                                        PEMETAAN DAN KONSERVASI AIR-TANAH DENGAN PERUNUT HIDROISOTOP UNTUK MENINGKATKAN
  5 AGUS BUDHIE WIJATNA         Universitas Gadjah Mada             WATER TREATMENT
                                                                                        KETERSEDIAAN AIR BERSIH SECARA BERKELANJUTAN DI DAERAH RAWAN KEKERINGAN
                                                                                        Removal Hg dari Air Limbah Tambang Emas Rakyat: Studi Kinetika Adsorpsi dan Fitoremediasi dalam
  6 AGUS PRASETYA               Universitas Gadjah Mada             WATER TREATMENT
                                                                                        Wetland Buatan Aliran Bawah Permukaan
                                                                                        MODEL KOLABORASI RANTAI PASOKAN DAGING SAPI UNTUK MENCIPTAKAN DISTRIBUSI PANGAN YANG
  7 AMIE KUSUMAWARDHANI         Universitas Diponegoro              SOSIAL
                                                                                        EFEKTIF DAN EFISIEN
                                                                                        PENGEMBANGAN MODEL HUKUM KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL MEREK DAGANG SEBAGAI OBJEK JAMINAN
  8 ANIS MASHDUROHATUN          Universitas Islam Sultan Agung      SOSIAL
                                                                                        FIDUSIA DALAM PERJANJIAN KREDIT PADA LEMBAGA PERBANKAN DI JAWA TENGAH
                                                                                        PENDIDIKAN HUKUM KLINIS (CLINICAL LEGAL EDUCATION) BERBASIS ETIKA-BUDAYA SUNDA YANG
                                                                                        PERGURUAN TINGGI
 10 ARIE SETYANINGRUM           Universitas Gadjah Mada             SOSIAL              Implementasi Desa Digital: Kajian Transformasi Sosial masyarakat Desa melalui Budaya Teknologi
 11 BERNARD HASIBUAN            Universitas Sahid                   REGIONAL PLANNING   Model Pengembangan Terintegrasi dan Berkelanjutan Kawasan Wisata Pangandaran
    BHERTA SRI EKO                                                                      Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk Optimalisasi Model Kompetensi Komunikasi Antar Budaya dan Strategi
 12                             Universitas Multimedia Nusantara    SOSIAL
    MURTININGSIH                                                                        Manajemen Konflik Antar Etnis dan Agama di Jawa dan Bali
 13 BUDIAWAN                    Universitas Indonesia               Food Security       Studi Pengembangan Dini Risiko Kanker akibat Bahan Kimia dalam Kemasan Pangan
 14 BULAN PRABAWANI             Universitas Diponegoro              REGIONAL PLANNING   Eksperimen Redenominasi: Perilaku Pengeluaran Ditinjau Dari Aspek Sosial Ekonomi
                                Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr                        PERANCANGAN SISTEM PENGOLAH AIR LAUT MENJADI AIR TAWAR PANAS MATAHARI DENGAN
 15 DELVIS AGUSMAN                                                  WATER TREATMENT
                                Hamka                                                   PENAMBAHAN ENERGI TERBARUKAN DAN BERKELANJUTAN
                                                                                        0PTIMALISASI PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI KONSUMEN DALAM PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI ON LINE DI JAWA
 16 DHARU TRIASIH               Universitas Semarang                SOSIAL
                                Universitas Pembangunan Nasional
                                Veteran Yogyakarta
                                                                                        PENGEMBANGAN MODEL KORELASI TUTUPAN LAHAN KEDAP AIR DAN KUALITAS PERAIRAN PADA DAS
 19 DWITA SUTJININGSIH          Universitas Indonesia               WATER TREATMENT
 20                             Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang   REGIONAL PLANNING
    DEWI                                                                                MELALUI BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA DI KAWASAN WISATA CANDI BOROBUDUR
                                                                                        SISTEM MANAJEMEN “KNOWLEDGE WORKER /DOSEN BERBASIS KOMPETENSI BAGI DI PERGURUAN
 21 DYAH KUSUMASTUTI            Universitas Widyatama               SOSIAL              TINGGI MENUJU WORLD CLASS QUALITY (Pemetaan Kompetensi Emosional, Sosial Dan Kognitif Bagi
                                                                                        Dosen PT yang Menuju Ke World Class Quality)
                                                                                        Pembentukan Strategi City Branding dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Ekowisata (Studi di Kabupaten Pinrang
 22 ELI JAMILAH MIHARDJA        Universitas Bakrie                  REGIONAL PLANNING
                                                                                        Sulawesi Selatan)
                                                                                        MODEL PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP KONSUMEN PADA PERJANJIAN FIDUSIA YANG TIDAK DIBUAT
                                                                                        DENGAN AKTA NOTARIS DAN TIDAK DIDAFTARKAN DI KANTOR PENDAFTARAN FIDUSIA DITINJAU DARI
 23 ELIS HERLINA                Universitas Islam Nusantara         SOSIAL
                                                                                        UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 42 TAHUN 1999 TENTANG JAMINAN FIDUSIA DAN UNDANG-UNDANG
                                                                                        NOMOR 9 TAHUN 1999 TENTANG PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN
 24 ENDANG KOESTATI SRIHARINI Institut Pertanian Bogor              REGIONAL PLANNING   Manajemen Bahaya Wisata di Daerah Rawan Bencana Indonesia
                                                                                        PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS KELEMBAGAAN PRODUSEN BENIH UNTUK MENJAMIN KETERSEDIAAN BENIH
 25 ENY WIDAJATI                Institut Pertanian Bogor            Food Security
                                                                                        PADI BERKELANJUTAN DAN MENDUKUNG KETAHANAN PANGAN
                                                                                        PENGARUH ORIENTASI KEWIRAUSAHAAN, INOVASI, DAN JEJARING SOSIAL PADA KINERJA USAHA PETANI
 26 ETRIYA                      Institut Pertanian Bogor            SOSIAL
                                                                                        SAYUR DI JAWA BARAT, INDONESIA
                                                                                        SELEKSI MUTAN DALAM RANGKA PERAKITAN KULTIVAR KEDELAI TAHAN SALIN UNTUK MENDUKUNG
 28 FLORENTINA KUSMIYATI        Universitas Diponegoro              Food Security
                                                                                        SWASEMBADA PANGAN NASIONAL
                                                                                        Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nelayan Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Berdasarkaan Faktor-Faktor
 29 I MADE PUTRAWAN             Universitas Negeri Jakarta          SOSIAL
                                                                                        Seperti Kepeminpinan, Locus of Control, Kekohesifan, Innovativeness, dan Social Justice
                                                                                        Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Anak sebagai Pelaku Tidak Pidana dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak di
 30 IKA DARMIKA                 Universitas Djuanda                 Rule of Law
                                                                                        Indonesia (Kajian Khusus : Penerapan Diversi dan Keadilan Restoratif di Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor).

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