Coping and adjustment in New Zealand Police staff 12-18 months after the Canterbury earthquakes: A directed qualitative content analysis

Conservation of Resources

     Coping and adjustment in New Zealand
  Police staff 12-18 months after the Canterbury
earthquakes: A directed qualitative content analysis
              Deborah L. Snell, Lois J. Surgenor University of Otago, Christchurch
                    Martin J. Dorahy University of Canterbury, Christchurch
                     E. Jean C. Hay-Smith University of Otago, Wellington

Following a significant earthquake police are a large first responder group            Police as First Responders
involved in victim recovery, civil emergencies and community support. They                  Disaster first responders include
are also exposed to the everyday work and non-work related disruptions                 a wide range of both professional and
associated with the disaster. Conservation of resources (COR) theory offers            non-professional groups. Professional
a framework for understanding longer-term health outcomes associated                   groups reflect those occupations whose
with disasters in this group. Using a mixed methods approach we surveyed               members are regularly put in harm’s
coping resources and psychological health outcomes in police (sworn and                way and provide critical services
non-sworn) working during the 2010-2011 earthquakes in Christchurch (New               following a civil disaster. Prevention
Zealand). Free text responses (n = 322) from the quantitative survey were              and intervention strategies for adverse
subject to a directed qualitative content analysis. Initial data coding used           psychological outcomes in disaster
four categories derived from COR theory then inductively grouped into a                first responders (police or otherwise)
typology of losses and gains. Resource losses included on-going issues with            remains an underdeveloped field of
insurance providers, damage and threat of loss to home, financial insecurity,          research, which in part may explain a
and loss of social connectedness, lack of employer recognition and job threat.         recent description of best prevention
Resource gains included enhanced self-efficacy, posttraumatic growth and               and intervention practice as still very
pride in contributing as police during the critical periods. COR theory was            controversial (Kleim & Westphal,
conceptually a good fit for the data, and underscored the dominance of                 2011). More research into specific
disaster-associated day-to-day resource losses. Implications for staff support         first responder populations and their
and wellbeing, and foci of future welfare interventions are considered.                respective peri- and post-disaster
                                            Accident Compensation Corporation          roles may help understand risk factors
     In the early hours of September 4th
                                            (ACC), NZ’s primary injury insurance       and in turn opportunities for primary
2010 the first of a series of significant
                                            and compensation provider (ACC,            prevention, screening and intervention.
earthquakes struck the Canterbury
region of New Zealand (NZ). This            2011). It has been estimated that 10,000        The rescue response to the February
first earthquake measured 7.1 on the        homes have since been demolished and       earthquake was extensive involving
Richter scale, causing widespread           more than 100,000 homes were damaged       multiple agencies co-ordinated by Fire
damage to land and buildings across         although considered repairable.            and Police Services. International first
the region but no loss of life. Over            Approximately 95% of New               responder teams supplemented these
the ensuing 15 months a further eight       Zealanders have home insurance             groups, though Canterbury Police were
significant earthquake events followed      (Morrall, 2012) from which a levy          among the largest of the first responder
among more than 10,000 aftershocks          is collected from an entity called the     groups taking a leadership role and
(GNS Science, 2013). The most               Earthquake Commission (EQC) creating       coordinating additional personnel
destructive was the February 22nd           a government-regulated natural disaster    from other districts and countries
(2011) shallow earthquake (6.3 on           fund (EQC, 1993). To determine the         (New Zealand Police, 2013a, 2013b).
the Richter scale) with an epicentre        outcome (repairs or otherwise) for         Alongside regular duties, police
close to the Christchurch Central           properties, homeowners have had            provided security cordons, organised
Business District (CBD), the largest city   to negotiate claim settlements with        evacuations and search and rescue,
(population 376,000) in the Canterbury      both EQC and their private insurance       worked in victim identification teams,
region (population 520,000) (Statistics     companies. This has become a               provided missing persons/family liaison
New Zealand, 2013). This earthquake         prolonged and stressful process for        support, and organised media briefings.
struck at 12.51pm causing widespread        many homeowners, given problems                 As an occupational group, police
damage to buildings and infrastructure.     achieving resolution of claims because     are frequently exposed to high stress,
Unlike the September earthquake, 185        processes between these insurance          and internationally have high rates
people were killed and more than 8,000      providers have differed.                   of medical retirement due to mental
injuries were registered with the                                                      health problems (Peñalba, McGuire,

New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 43, No. 3, November 2014                                                           •5•
D Snell, L J. Surgenor, M J. Dorahy, E J C. Hay-Smith

& Leite, 2009). Disaster research           earthquakes (Sattler et al., 2006; Sumer,         2. What are the implications for
investigating psychological outcomes        et al., 2005), hurricanes (Ehrlich et al.,   staff training and wellbeing, particularly
of first responder groups often focuses     2010), floods and drought (e.g. Zamani,      the curricula of future preventative
on negative emotional consequences          Gorgievski-Duijvesteijn, & Zarafshani,       interventions?
resulting from exposures to traumatic       2006); or ‘man made’ such as war and
experiences, high work demands,             terrorism (Heath, Hall, Russ, Canetti,
working with evacuees, and separation       & Hobfoll, 2012); or technological
from home and loved ones (Benedek,          (Ehrlich, et al., 2010). Such research
                                                                                         Design and setting
Fullerton, & Ursano, 2007; Haugen,          provides support for the COR model
Evces, & Weiss, 2012). In a disaster,       regarding: (1) relationships between                    This was a mixed methods
local first responders can be personally    resource losses and symptoms of anxiety,     study surveying coping resources
affected and experience damage to           depression and post-traumatic stress         and psychological health outcomes
their own homes/communities, loss and       disorder (PTSD), (2) the mitigating but      in police working during the 2010-
injury to themselves, family members,       less salient effects of resource gains,      2011 earthquakes in Christchurch,
friends and colleagues. There is limited    and (3) the effects of resource loss         New Zealand. This paper reports the
research assessing the impact of these      spirals (continued loss of resources and     findings of the directed qualitative
non-work related repercussions on local     the impacts of secondary stressors).         content analysis of free text responses
first responder groups. Such effects        Following an earthquake, losses may          that followed the main questionnaire
might be important to consider in the       occur through damage to possessions          (see Surgenor, Snell and Dorahy, now
prediction of psychological adjustment      and places of work, disruption to            in press, for a fuller description of the
in first responder groups such as police    social systems, inability to maintain        study methods).
following large-scale disasters.            and gain resources (Ehrlich, et al.,
                                            2010), and through impact on personal        Participants
Conservation of Resources                   characteristics such as perceived control         Potential participants were recruited
Theory                                      and self-efficacy. Resource gains might      from a list of Canterbury sworn and non-
     Various models conceptualise           also be experienced such as a positive       sworn staff provided by New Zealand
psychological distress following            sense of well-being associated with          Police. The primary inclusion criterion
disasters (Sumer, Karanci, Berument,        being in a helping role and seeing           was being active police (sworn or non-
& Gunes, 2005). One model potentially       oneself cope (Zoellner, Rabe, Karl, &        sworn) residing in the Canterbury area
capturing the complexities of disaster      Maercker, 2008). However COR theory          on 22 February 2011. Exclusion criteria
outcomes in first responders who both       predicts that resource gains, while          were staff not on active duty on/around
work and live in affected communities       mitigating, are less salient in the face     22 February 2011 (e.g., sick-leave)
is the Conservation of Resources            of large-scale resource losses.              or otherwise excluded as required by
(COR) model (Hobfoll, 1989, 2001,                 In the present study psychological     Police National Headquarters (e.g.,
2012). It is a theory capable of drawing    outcomes for police as first responders      personnel in high security roles). An
together resource losses and gains across   were examined 12-18 months after             email invitation to participate in the
both work and non-work contexts.            the Canterbury earthquake series             study was circulated internally by Police
The COR model assumes that people           began because people may delay               National Headquarters to all eligible
are motivated to obtain, retain and         acknowledging their distress for             staff. Face-to-face data collection was
protect valued resources to successfully    lengthy periods post-disaster, despite       considered untenable due to many
cope with stress. Resources consist of      experiencing reasonably significant          participants being displaced from their
material elements or objects such as        problems (Mitchell, Griffin, Stewart,        usual buildings. Thus, internet-based
housing and possessions, along with         & Loba, 2004). The COR model was             data collection was a practical solution,
personal characteristics (e.g., optimism,   considered a useful framework in which       and one used before in disaster research
self-efficacy), energy resources (time,     longer term outcomes associated with         (Schlenger et al., 2002).
effort, knowledge) and conditions           both work and non-work stressors might            We received 786 (75%) responses
(employment roles, interpersonal            be understood in local first responder       from 1,048 police staff residing in
relationships). The model suggests          police. This is because local police as      Canterbury on 22 February 2011. Of
stress occurs when an individual’s          first responders are exposed to potential    these, 18 were identified as duplicates
resources are threatened or lost and/       disaster effects both in their work          and removed; the actual participation
or individuals fail to gain sufficient      roles and in their roles as members of       rate was 72% (n = 768). Free text
resources following investment. Loss or     the affected wider community. The            responses were provided by 324 (45%).
threat to personal resources is assumed     following questions were considered:         More males than females responded
to lead to negative emotional and           1. Using the COR model as a guiding          (males 72.7%) and mean age of
physical health outcomes.                   framework, what are the work- and non-       respondents was 46.2 years (SD 7.59).
      The COR model has been                work earthquake-related consequences         The only significant difference between
investigated in relation to understanding   for local police first responders 12-18      the free text responders and wider
coping and adjustment following             months after the Canterbury earthquakes      sample was being sworn staff (p < 0.05);
disasters, whether natural such as          began?                                       sworn staff members were more likely

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Conservation of Resources

to have provided free text responses.       and code themes and patterns within         on insurance outcomes and EQC claims,
Free text responses were received           the free text data (Hsieh & Shannon,        the loss of financial security as a result
from staff across all earthquake related    2005). Directed content analysis differs    of the insurance process, and the loss
work categories (public cordon duties,      from more conventional qualitative          of valued possessions were common
search and rescue, victim recovery and      methods in that it is more structured and   issues. For example:
identification, family liaison, media       involves both deductive and inductive            Our house is a write-off, despite
work, communications, logistics and         approaches to the analysis (Pisarik,        being still able to live in it and we are
missing person’s assignments). The          Rowell, & Currie, 2013). The researcher     still in absolute limbo over timelines
gender and ratio of sworn/non-sworn         is guided by an a priori theory or          and also cash shortfalls when the rebuild
staff of recruited participants very        framework or previous research in order     comes. House is cold as gaps under
closely mirrors the New Zealand Police      to promote more detailed description        doors need to be plugged by towels
overall (Human Rights Commission,           of a phenomenon or validate or extend       [Case 250].
2012). Ethical approval was obtained        a theory.
                                                                                             We still have a lot of stress coming
from both the research institution’s              The COR model was used to             at some point because we have a medium
Ethics Committee and the New Zealand        identify key concepts for the initial       to significant amount of damage to
Police.                                     coding categories and then operational      our home including foundations and
                                            definitions for each category were          roof which will need fixing and will
Data collection and measures                determined by the research team using       require us to move out to alternative
      An internet-based survey was          COR theory resource categories. Free        accommodation for many months at
circulated using Survey Monkey®             text responses were coded by two            some point in the future. This will be
( For security        members of the team (DS, LS) using          very stressful for us [Case 26].
reasons, the survey link was distributed    the predetermined codes, and any data
                                                                                             Also losing two pets as a result
via the police email network, although      that could not be coded was examined
                                                                                        of these quakes - which I don’t think
all content identified the email as a       to determine if this represented new
                                                                                        was mentioned in the survey. Very
research study independent of the police.   categories or subcategories of existing
                                                                                        disheartening losing family, pets and a
Completed surveys were accessed only        codes (Braun & Clarke, 2006; Hsieh
                                                                                        city [Case 36].
by the research institution.                & Shannon, 2005). Member checking
      Along with standard demographic       occurred by informal presentation
                                            to a police management team. Data
                                                                                        Condition Resources
questions (gender, age, ethnicity,
                                            are presented descriptively by code              Condition resources (states of
education level), participants were
                                            with their associated exemplars, and        being) were defined as resources to
asked to describe their usual work
                                            frequency of codes was also calculated      the extent they are valued and sought
location (categorised as central CBD,
                                            (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005).                    after. Following our initial analysis,
suburban, rural or other), sworn status,
                                                                                        it appeared helpful to consider work
and whether they held a specialist
                                                                                        and non-work condition resources as
emergency role (e.g., search and rescue,                 RESULTS                        subcategories (see Table 1). Examples of
armed offenders squad) in addition to            Data were coded, using the four        non-work condition resources included
their normal duties. They were also         COR resource categories (object,            non-work roles (wife, partner, parent,
asked to indicate from a list which         condition, energy and personal              social relationships) that are important
first-responder roles they took part in     characteristic resources), as either a      in increasing stress resistance capacity.
(list ascertained from human resources      resource loss or gain. Table 1 shows        Work condition resources included work
and welfare staff) in response to the       the response frequencies and exemplar       roles and status, collegial relationships
22 February 2011 earthquake and how         quotes from participants. The most          at work, feeling part of a work team,
many (0-4) of the four major earthquakes    salient patterns that emerged from          employer (e.g. supervisors, managers)
(September, 2010; February, 2011; June,     the analyses were losses in terms of        recognition and acknowledgement,
2011; December, 2011) they worked           object and condition resources, and         feeling safe at work, and experiencing
in as part of the police emergency          resource gains with respect to personal     organisational support. Free text
response. Measures included in the          characteristics.                            responses included both condition
survey assessed coping resources and
                                                                                        resource losses and gains although
styles, distress, and general health
                                            Object Resource Loss                        losses were more prominent.
outcomes (see Surgenor et al., in press).
After these an open-ended statement              Object resources were defined as
                                            physical items of value due to their        a) Non-work condition resource losses
(“Is there anything else (positive or
negative) you would like to tell us”) was   utility, rarity, or symbolism (e.g.,             Loss of connection with family and
included to elicit free text information    housing, transportation). Object resource   friends as well as relational impacts,
from respondents.                           loss was often mentioned underscoring       fears and concerns for partner and
                                            the importance of object resources, such    children were prominent in responses.
Data analysis                               as financial and housing security. The      For example:
                                            impact of living in a damaged home               I have lost touch with a number
    A directed qualitative content          without any certainty around decisions
analysis was used to identify, classify                                                 of people who moved away after the

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D Snell, L J. Surgenor, M J. Dorahy, E J C. Hay-Smith

quakes … I feel a loss of connection                 the injuries and fatalities were                Following the earthquake, I sought
and feel like I am just drifting away.               horrific [Case 56].                             assistance with a psychologist for
The place I knew and served seems like               My attitude towards work is not                 my PTSD. I have found that it has
it is no longer there, and the tie I felt is         so positive as I feel we should                 helped me cope and recognise my
gone [Case 73].                                      have been removed from the                      symptoms and how best to relieve
      I have a child at school and I often           Central Police Station until they               them [Case 300].
feel concerned when I am at work that                were absolutely certain it was safe
if another significant event occurred                … [Case 27].                             Personal Characteristic Resources
I may not be able to get to him. This              Some staff also reflected on a sense            Personal characteristic resources
scares me and I think about this quite         of isolation that resulted from being          are traits that help with stress resiliency
often [Case 28].                               Police, such that access to usual sources      such as general personal orientation
      My wife is worn out from the             of social support was unavailable:             toward the world, beliefs, self-efficacy,
continuing fights with all the various                                                        and locus of control. A small number
                                                     However, a lot of the experience
agencies; she has aged 10 years in two.                                                       of respondents reported coping less
                                                     has to be kept private, simply
My kids are still afraid of our house and                                                     well than they expected and some
                                                     because I can’t burden anyone
won’t go upstairs alone [Case 114].                                                           acknowledged both difficulty returning
                                                     with the ‘gory’ details [Case 52].
                                                                                              to normal work and an element of
 b) Non-work condition resource gains                                                         cynicism in their approach to the work
                                               d) Work condition resource gains
                                                                                              following the earthquakes.
     There were also reflections of                 Positive acts of leadership and
strengthened ties with family and                                                                    I was able to do my job, but
                                               support were perceived as helpful:
community and the positive impact                                                                    away from my desk I broke down
                                                    The ring arounds [phone calls                    and felt weak and along with
this had on coping and resilience. For         to staff] were nice to know that
example:                                                                                             people losing lives and homes
                                               management were thinking about staff                  this affected me a great deal - had
     I am much closer to my community          and I found this a comfort [Case 105].                to take time off work [Case 37].
and know my neighbours a lot better as         Many staff acknowledged a sense of
well as the local business people and                                                                When I came back to ‘normal’
                                               pride in their role as Police at the time of
information centre. I fully intend to stay                                                           duties after the earthquake I had
                                               the disaster, as well as commitment and
in this area and keep my current home                                                                difficulty relating to people and
                                               connectedness to being Police:
after it is repaired [Case 26].                                                                      their problems. I was very critical
                                                    The theme was one of pride with                  of what I perceived to be their
     The main positive thing that              being a member of police as to the way                petty or minor problems after the
happened as a direct result of the             we had responded [Case 245].                          enormity of what I had dealt with
earthquakes was that family, friends and
                                                                                                     and seen [Case 52].
neighbours pulled together to help each        Energy Resources
other [Case 47].                                                                                   However more prominent were
                                                    Energy resources were defined             perceptions of having coped well,
     I have found that people are better       as resources that are valued because           better than expected, with associated
communicators since the earthquakes.           they lead to acquiring other resources         enhancement of self-esteem.
People are more willing to talk about          (such as time, money, knowledge,
their situations. The earthquakes showed                                                             The earthquakes have provided
                                               help seeking [i.e. seeking information/
everyone involved what is actually                                                                   me with the most rewarding
                                               knowledge/ support to enable better
important in each of our lives [Case 97].                                                            experiences in my professional
                                               coping]). A small number of respondents
                                                                                                     work. All the training I’ve had has
                                               commented on the importance of
c) Work condition resource losses                                                                    actually been put to the test and
                                               information in regard to managing
                                                                                                     I feel that I met the challenges of
     Many comments reflected concerns          anxiety about safety:
                                                                                                     the day(s) really well [Case 4].
about lack of both support and recognition            I was very disappointed with
for going above and beyond at the time                the way the situation with              Other Responses
of the earthquakes as well as the impact              Christchurch Central [police
of organisational restructuring when                                                              A small proportion of responses
                                                      station] was handled and the
staff were already feeling overwhelmed                                                        (7.6%) could not be categorised into
                                                      initial lack of information about
and under pressure. For a few, distrust                                                       one of these COR resource categories
                                                      the building safety…this caused
in the building in which they worked                                                          and these were responses that reflected
                                                      me and many others a large
throughout the critical period suggested                                                      psychological and health consequences
                                                      amount of stress [Case 165].
a lack of concern for personal safety by                                                      of earthquake trauma exposure such
                                                    Some respondents reflected on             as anxiety, depression, fatigue, and
the organisation. For example:                 knowledge gain including how helpful           vulnerability to illness since the
       I am extremely disappointed with        access to professional support was for         earthquakes. These are shown in Table
       the lack of recognition from the        them in regard to gaining knowledge and        1.
       department for the ‘above and           skills to cope better with the situation
       beyond’ work completed on               they were in:
       that day. It was like a war zone,

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Conservation of Resources

Table 1: Category and subcategory exemplar quotes and frequencies (606 items coded)

 COR§ Category         Subcategory   Loss/Gain   Frequency (%)   Example/supporting data

 Object Resources                    Loss        21.0            At the end of the day we are nearly two years down the track. I have a
                                                                 home that is broken and needs to be rebuilt. …we cannot move forward.
                                                                 We don't know what will happen with insurance, land testing, lending,
                                                                 resale etc. [Case 114].

                                                                 Some of us are still living in red-zoned housing1 2 years on fighting
                                                                 Insurance companies with no light at the end of the tunnel as to where
                                                                 we are going to live [Case 138].

                                                                 Damage to home, damage to work place - entire disruption that has been
                                                                 outside of my control [Case 115].

                                                                 My house was wrecked, my wife and kids weren't coping with living in
                                                                 a wrecked and leaking house. My area was also wrecked along with the
                                                                 roads, the liquefaction, the liquefaction dust, earthquake damage to our
                                                                 land, our house, our belongings and our motor vehicle [Case 122].

                                                                 Many aspects of the lives of me and my family are on hold because our
                                                                 house is significantly damaged, i.e. part of the house foundations have
                                                                 moved away from the rest of the house and the external bricks are
                                                                 cracked [Case 63].
 Object Resources                    Gain        2.6             We have ended up selling our house and are now renting in case we
                                                                 decide we want to make a new start somewhere else. This has in effect
                                                                 made us more relaxed [Case 32].

 Condition Resources   Non-Work2     Loss        14.2            I have lost touch with a number of people who moved away after the
                                                                 quakes that is sad. I feel sad that a lot of people have been badly hurt
                                                                 through it all and I know nothing of their stories. It saddens me I have
                                                                 seen, to have seen so much history just disappear, I feel a loss of
                                                                 connection and feel like I am just drifting away. The place I knew and
                                                                 served seems like it is no longer there, and the tie I felt is gone [Case
                                                                 MY RELATIONSHIP HAS BASICALLY BEEN TAKEN TO ITS
                                                                 LIMIT [Case 50]. (Capital letters used by respondent).

                                                                 Partner of ten years left me and took our two year old daughter with her
                                                                 while I was working 16 hour days [Case 142].
 Condition Resources   Non-Work2     Gain        9.6             The most major positive is that I now have a stronger marriage and
                                                                 family as we pulled together when we really needed to and the
                                                                 knowledge that we can rely on each other during times like this is
                                                                 priceless!!!! [Case 147] (Exclamation marks included by respondent).

                                                                 The feeling of community increased significantly as a result of the
                                                                 earthquakes. This related to neighbours, friends, family, colleagues and
                                                                 the relationship between police and the public. While this feeling has
                                                                 diminished, there is still a sense that we have all gone through
                                                                 something together [Case 146].
 Condition Resources   Work3         Loss        14.0            …there seems to be no recognition of some of the work some of us had
                                                                 to do. This in itself would help heal and put things behind us. It’s as if
                                                                 the door hasn’t closed [Case 138].

                                                                 I believe that front line Police have been extremely under-appreciated as
                                                                 a result of the earthquakes… I know of lots of cops who will never ever
                                                                 get recognised for what they did during the earthquakes and the effort
                                                                 that they put in to help others. [Case 24].

                                                                 We are currently being affected by major restructuring and job
                                                                 uncertainty. This along with the loss of our home, ongoing issues with
                                                                 EQC, Insurance, poor work environment and permanent injury and
                                                                 ongoing issues to a family member makes life more than challenging.
                                                                 There appears little respite. I am seeking help...[Case 41].
 Condition Resources   Work3         Gain        6.9             I feel immensely grateful that as a police officer, I was allowed to
                                                                 be involved in the searching process during the early stages after
                                                                 Feb 22. So many people wanted to be actively involved but
New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 43, No. 3, November 2014                                                                              •9•
We are currently being affected by major restructuring and job
                                                                  uncertainty. This along with the loss of our home, ongoing issues with
D Snell, L J. Surgenor, M J. Dorahy, E J C. Hay-Smith
                                                                  EQC, Insurance, poor work environment and permanent injury and
                                                                  ongoing issues to a family member makes life more than challenging.
                                                                  There appears little respite. I am seeking help...[Case 41].
 Condition Resources   Work3      Gain        6.9                 I feel immensely grateful that as a police officer, I was allowed to
                                                                  be involved in the searching process during the early stages after
                                                                  Feb 22. So many people wanted to be actively involved but
                                                                  weren't allowed access. We were, and I feel very privileged for
                                                                  that [Case 146].

                                                                  Even though not directly involved in search/rescue etc, and doing
                                                                  rather "un heroic" jobs, felt good to be part of the company we
                                                                  work for [Case 68].

                                                                  It was an honour to work with the families [of victims] and this in
                                                                  turn helped with my coping mechanisms, even though I also lost a
                                                                  cousin on 22/02/2011 [Case 219].
 Energy Resources                 Loss        2.3                 Made lots of rash and quick decisions following earthquakes in
                                                                  regard to property and listening to media that the quakes were
                                                                  going to continue for 30 years which made me think real estate
                                                                  wouldn’t be worth much which is now the opposite with what’s
                                                                  occurring in the rebuild [Case 170].
 Energy Resources                 Gain        3.3                 Learning experience not only from professional, working
                                                                  perspective but involvement in an historic, life changing event in
                                                                  the history of Canterbury. Gained a greater overview of how
                                                                  different areas and organisations operate, respond and prepare
                                                                  [Case 243].
 Personal                         Loss        5.8                 I had always wondered how I would be in an emergency. I always
 Characteristics                                                  assumed I would be a tower of strength, be proactive and help
 Resources                                                        others....I was able to do my job, but away from my desk I broke
                                                                  down and felt weak & along with people losing lives and homes
                                                                  this affected me a great deal - had to take time off work [Case 37].
                                                                  It would be [a] fair comment that I do not necessarily like my
                                                                  hardened attitude I do not like reflecting on the EQs I like to move
                                                                  on with life, I cannot tolerate repeated reliving of the events [Case
 Personal                         Gain         12.7               The way I personally responded and my decision making during
 Characteristics                                                  all the earthquakes. Learnt about myself. E.g. Ability to handle a
 Resources                                                        huge workload [Case 127].

                                                                  I have learned that I can cope under life and death stress. My
                                                                  home and family are more prepared for another civil defence
                                                                  emergency [Case 145].
 Other4                                        7.6                I am still very "jumpy" around loud noises, bangs or shakes…
                                                                  [Case 1].

                                                                  …diagnosed with PTSD. Working through this daily, some are
                                                                  good (haven't had many great ones yet), some are really bad and
                                                                  low. On the whole I feel I'm slowly getting better; but it does feel
                                                                  like it takes an awfully long time [Case 49].

                                                                  I seem to have had negative impacts on my physical health,
                                                                  getting sick (cold/flu symptoms) substantially more often and for
                                                                  longer periods [Case 109].


    § Hobfoll (1989, 2001).
    1.Red-zoned houses are those deemed damaged beyond repair (or on unsafe land unable to be repaired). Red zone
    homeowners were offered a Government payout for purchase of their homes.
    2. Non-work condition resources included social relationships outside work such as being married, with a partner, being
    a parent, connection to community (friends, neighbours).
    3. Work condition resources included seniority at work, work role, collegial relationships, recognition and support from
    superiors, feeling safe at work.
    4. Other: items that could not be coded into one of the four resource categories but reflected emotional consequences of
    the traumatic experience such as still feeling anxious and jumpy, depressed, fatigued.

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Conservation of Resources

           DISCUSSION                        might produce similar outcomes to            between resource loss and psychological
     The Canterbury earthquakes              those following slower onset disaster        outcomes (acute stress disorder [ASD],
provided a unique opportunity for            scenarios, where in addition to obvious      PTSD, depression) in college students
extending research exploring                 immediate effects; impacts may also          (n = 253) and a community sample (n
psychological outcomes following             evolve slowly, becoming more uncertain       = 83) four and seven weeks following
natural disasters. The combination           and ambiguous over time (Zamani, et          the 2001 El Salvador earthquakes.
of the context (nature of disaster,          al., 2006). These effects are potentially    In students, personal characteristic,
sociocultural context), target population    exacerbated by the sociocultural context.    condition and energy resource losses
(police first responders), and the           The dual nature of New Zealand property      contributed to ASD and depression
impact of resource losses and gains          insurance (EQC and private companies)        while object and personal characteristic
described by COR theory have not been        has had unintended effects of conflicting    resource losses were more salient for the
examined previously. This directed           insurance processes without resolution       community sample. In our study object
qualitative content analysis examined        or certainty of outcomes for home            and condition resource losses dominated
the fit between free text responses from     owners.                                      and while no relationships between
a survey of police first responders and             The prolonged nature of stress        outcomes can be discussed, the potential
Hobfoll’s COR theory of stress.              reported by many respondents was             impact of contextual factors (nature of
                                             consistent with the salience of resource     sample and location) are underscored.
     The COR model was conceptually
a good fit for the data, underscoring        losses predicted by COR theory and
                                             resource loss spirals (Hobfoll, 2001,        The Context Revisited – Police
the dominance of on-going disaster
associated day-to-day losses (work           2012). Loss spirals occur as a result        as First Responders
and non-work) in police. Object and          of initial resource losses increasing             The potential negative emotional
condition resource losses including          vulnerability to ongoing resource loss       consequences of disaster work such
the impacts of living in earthquake          and the impacts of secondary stressors.      as ASD, PTSD, depression as well as
damaged homes, uncertainty regarding         Resource loss spirals have been              subclinical emotional symptoms and
timelines and outcomes of insurance          investigated in high demand situations       behaviours have been the subject of
claim processes, loss of financial           such as large-scale disasters (Ehrlich,      extensive research (Benedek, et al.,
security and widespread social impacts       et al., 2010; Heath, et al., 2012). This     2007). However, usually only a small
of the earthquakes predominated.             body of research shows that persistent       percentage of people going through a
The social aspect included impacts           stressors such as repeated earthquakes       disaster will experience serious mental
on connectedness to home, work               contribute to spiralling resource losses     health problems (Benedek, et al., 2007).
and community, lack of employer              and exacerbated chronic stress effects       For some, a positive sense of well-
recognition for going above and beyond,      (see especially Sattler, et al., 2006).      being sometimes referred to as post-
and job threat due to restructuring          In our study respondent comments             traumatic growth is reported (Zoellner,
plans. Gains were also evident, such         suggested loss spirals associated            et al., 2008), albeit the concept of post-
as enhanced self-efficacy and pride in       with continuing earthquakes, lack of         traumatic growth itself is contentious in
contributing as police during the critical   future certainty, in combination with        some quarters (Aspinwell & Tedeschi,
periods.                                     additional pressures such as perceived       2010; Coyne & Tennen, 2010). Existing
                                             ill-judged timing of restructuring of jobs   research also suggests benefit-finding
The Context Revisited – the                  while individuals still reported feeling     may be influenced by cultural and
                                             overwhelmed by earthquake sequelae.          social contexts. For example, studies
                                                   Previous research has also examined    in Western cultures tend to find greater
     First, the series of Canterbury
                                             associations between components of           willingness of participants to endorse
earthquakes and significant aftershocks
                                             the COR model and psychological              and discuss positive emotions when
continued for more than 15 months and
                                             outcomes after disasters in general          compared with participants in Eastern
included 60 events ≥ magnitude 5 on
                                             community samples. The salience              cultures (Cummins, 2013). Such
the Richter scale. We are not aware of
                                             of resource loss in the prediction of        findings emphasise the importance of
any disaster outcome research that has
                                             psychological outcomes is supported          the sociocultural context that is arguably
considered impacts of such prolonged
                                             but varying patterns of resource             at the centre of COR theory, setting
seismic activity on a first responder
                                             category losses emerge. For example,         it apart from other stress models and
community, with the duration of this
                                             Ehrlich et al. (2010) examined loss of       theoretical frameworks (Hobfoll, 2001).
exposure seriously testing resilience.
                                             resources as predictors of post-partum            Disaster effects do not occur in
Second, earthquake events typically
                                             depression in 208 women following            a vacuum. In our study respondents
occur without warning, are usually
                                             Hurricane Katrina, measuring outcome         highlighted the salience of both work
followed by a series of aftershocks
                                             (depression) at 6 and 12 months              (supervisor and colleague relationships,
and might not have a low point where
                                             post-partum. Loss of psychosocial            wider organisational factors) and
people feel the worst is over as may be
                                             resources (COR condition and personal        non-work resource losses. The COR
the case for other acute natural disasters
                                             characteristic resources) was associated     framework offers a coherent way
such as floods, fires and hurricanes
                                             with development of depression. Sattler      of understanding and examining
(Zamani, et al., 2006). The extended
                                             et al. (2006) examined the relationship      the relative contributions of these
nature of the Canterbury experience

New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 43, No. 3, November 2014                                                               • 11 •
D Snell, L J. Surgenor, M J. Dorahy, E J C. Hay-Smith

various resources, the associations of       and focus on restoring psychosocial         to increase the trustworthiness of the
these with psychological outcomes,           (personal characteristics, condition and    approach to data analysis a second
and opportunities for intervention.          energy resources) and object resources      researcher tested the definitions of codes
Consistent with Cummins (2013), many         could lead to improved outcomes.            and care was taken to refine Hobfoll’s
respondents in our study offered positive    Thus interventions might need to target     resource definitions as clearly as
comments about their ability to cope         individual, family, organisation and        possible. Member checking by referring
with the disaster, skills and knowledge      community contexts although separating      back to the affected community (police)
gained through the experience, and           these parts from the whole may limit        was also undertaken in order to consider
reflected on their commitment to             both predictive and intervention capacity   the relevance of the findings.
and sense of pride in their police           (Hobfoll, 2001, 2012). In addition               Finally, three of the four researchers
role, particularly at the time of and        COR theory predicts that resource           in the team also experienced the
following the February earthquake. In        losses following traumatic events occur     earthquakes themselves and work as
COR theory, these responses reflect          quickly and cumulatively and halting or     clinicians treating distressed members
personal characteristic resource gains.      reversing loss spirals early should be an   of the affected broader community of
Further examination of these gains           important focus (Heath, et al., 2012).      Christchurch. This positioning of the
and their associations with coping           COR theory suggests that organisations      researchers may have introduced bias
and adjustment in first responders will      focus on development of ‘resource           and so the inclusion of an additional
assist development of interventions to       caravans’ (Hobfoll, 2012, p 118), where     co-author (JHS) who does not live
enhance the psychological robustness         resources are supplied, protected,          in the affected community and did
or resilience of these groups.               shared, fostered and pooled within an       not experience the earthquakes was
                                             organisation. Such an approach redirects    considered important to verify the data
Implications for Future                      the focus to the social climate of the      analysis.
Research                                     organisation rather than externalising
      Our results suggested that the         failures by blaming employees or groups     Conclusions
COR theoretical framework might              of employees.
                                                                                              This exploratory directed
provide a useful means of understanding                                                  qualitative content analysis applied
psychological outcomes following large-      Limitations
                                                                                         a theoretical model of stress to
scale disasters in first responders who           This is a descriptive study using      understanding psychological
themselves have experienced disaster         directed content analysis to code a large   adjustment and consequences in a
associated resource losses and gains.        number of free text responses at the        first responder cohort following the
There is a growing body of evidence          end of a formal survey of police first      New Zealand earthquakes of 2010-
supporting COR theory assumptions in         responders following a series of major      2011. Participant free text responses
general disaster populations however         earthquakes in New Zealand. Although        reflected the importance over time of
there is also some research that suggests    due caution is needed in generalising       both work and non-work pressures for
first responders might respond differently   these findings beyond the study context     first responders who themselves were
to disaster experiences (Benedek, et         and sample, the findings provide helpful    exposed to the earthquakes. The COR
al., 2007). Consistent with this, our        leads for future research and will assist   framework was conceptually a good fit
study suggests that compared with            the research team interpret results from    for the data and the insights regarding
the general population, these groups         the wider quantitative analyses.            patterns of resource losses perceived by
might experience a differing pattern of           The structure of the survey and use    participants provides useful leads for
resource losses and gains necessitating      of directed content analysis may have       future hypothesis-driven research. The
modified intervention approaches.            influenced the findings. First, the open    COR model has potential to contribute
Research is required to examine these        ended question at the end of the survey     usefully to the iterative process of
theoretical possibilities. In addition,      followed structured questionnaires          theory development and refinement
our cross-sectional descriptive study        asking about coping resources and styles,   of individual and organisational
suggests future research might focus         distress, and general health outcomes.      interventions for disaster first responder
on risk for development of resource          These preceding items may have led          populations.
loss spirals leading to chronic stress       respondents to focus on these aspects.
outcomes, using longitudinal designs         Second, directed content analysis
with follow-up extending beyond the          involves the researcher approaching         Acknowledgments
early weeks after a disaster.                the data from an informed a priori
                                                                                              We would like to thank Canterbury
                                             position with an increased likelihood
Implications for Practice                                                                Police management and staff for their
                                             that evidence will be found to support
                                                                                         willingness to support and participate
     Based on the body of research           the chosen theoretical framework (Hsieh
                                                                                         in this study.
examining COR theory in disaster-            & Shannon, 2005). An overemphasis
exposed populations, the model has           on the theoretical framework might
utility as a coherent framework to guide     direct the researchers gaze and thus
intervention. It seems that attending        increase risk that important contextual
to patterns of resource loss and gain        information is overlooked. In order

• 12 •                                                    New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol. 43, No. 3, November 2014
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