COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct - A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19 - Minter Ellison

COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct - A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19 - Minter Ellison
COVID-19 National
     Cabinet Mandatory
     Code of Conduct
     A jurisdictional
     compendium of
     commercial leasing
     principles during
     28 April 2021
     Version 23
COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct - A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19 - Minter Ellison

                                                      The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on businesses and the economy across Australia and the world.
                                                      Aside from health and societal concerns, the pandemic, social distancing regulation and business restrictions have
                                                      resulted in an economic downturn, with individuals, businesses and governments looking for ways to alleviate the short
                                                      and long term impacts.

                                                      The disruption faced by landlords and tenants has impacted their commercial leases, affecting offices, retail and industrial.
                                                      In response, the federal government released a Mandatory Code of Conduct, outlining a set of good faith leasing
                                                      principles to support negotiations between landlords and their tenants.

                                                      While the Code aims to balance the interests of landlords and tenants, each state and territory has been tasked to
                                                      legislate as appropriate. This scenario has resulted in uncertainty across the industry as each state has set out to
                                                      implement legislation in their own different ways.

                                                      This compendium outlines the key aspects of the legislation as it applies to each jurisdiction in a themed and logical
                                                      manner. We have also outlined the state based approach for landlords and tenants navigating land tax and also drawing
                                                      out the importance of Foreign Investment Review Board considerations.

                                                      The pace of change can be unnerving for the industry, as so much is unknown about how the Code and the state based
                                                      legislation will play out in the future – there is no precedent for a situation like this! For lawyers, we feel there is an
                                                      ongoing need to come up with practical and pragmatic solutions to help protect landlords' and tenants' interests.

                                                      In order to rise above the uncertainty, however, it is critical to remember the spirit in which the Code was introduced and
                                                      despite this uncertainty that sentiment that should guide our recommendations and behaviour.

                                                      We hope this compendium will assist you to navigate your position during these unprecedented times. Please do get in
                                                      touch with any of the members of our team if we can support you further.

                                                      Virginia Briggs
                                                      Acting Chief Executive Officer & Managing Partner of the Firm

 COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory   Code of Conduct | A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19

Contents                                                                                                                                     Proportionate rent reduction ........................................................................................ 27
                                                                                                                                             Rent waivers ................................................................................................................... 28
LEASING PRINCIPLES .................................................................................... 4                                    Amortisation of rent deferral ........................................................................................ 29
STATE/TERRITORY LEGISLATION .............................................................................. 4                                 Statutory charges .......................................................................................................... 29
Principal Act ..................................................................................................................... 4        Loan repayments ........................................................................................................... 30
Delegated Legislation ...................................................................................................... 4               Waiver of expenses ....................................................................................................... 30
Amendment/ Extension Legislation ............................................................................... 4                           Repayment period ......................................................................................................... 31
Useful External Resources.............................................................................................. 5                    Interest and charges ..................................................................................................... 32
PANDEMIC PERIODS ..................................................................................................... 5                     Security ........................................................................................................................... 32
Initial period ...................................................................................................................... 5      Lease extension ............................................................................................................. 33
Starts ................................................................................................................................. 5   Rent increase freeze ..................................................................................................... 35
Ends ................................................................................................................................... 5   Reduced trade................................................................................................................ 35
Extended period ............................................................................................................... 5            MEDIATION .................................................................................................................... 36
Starts ................................................................................................................................. 5   LAND TAX RELIEF ......................................................................................... 50
Ends ................................................................................................................................... 5   Scheme ........................................................................................................................... 50
ELIGIBILITY ...................................................................................................................... 6         Eligibility .......................................................................................................................... 50
Eligible Lease ................................................................................................................... 6         FOREIGN INVESTMENT REVIEW BOARD (FIRB) ........................................ 52
Eligible Tenant .................................................................................................................. 7         Commonwealth Legislation .......................................................................................... 52
Definition of Turnover .................................................................................................... 10               Period of Coverage ....................................................................................................... 52
RENT RELIEF PROCESS .............................................................................................. 11                        Applies to ........................................................................................................................ 52
Process to initiating rent relief...................................................................................... 11                   Threshold ........................................................................................................................ 52
Factors to take into account when negotiating rent .................................................. 15                                     Timing and Fees ............................................................................................................ 53
Can a tenant seek rent relief more than once? ......................................................... 17                                   Definition of Private Foreign Investors ........................................................................ 53
Confidentiality requirements ........................................................................................ 18                     Definition of Foreign Government Investor ................................................................ 53
ADDITIONAL POINTS ................................................................................................... 19
                                                                                                                                             This communication was prepared by MinterEllison for information only. This is not intended to be legal advice.
Prohibited enforcement actions ................................................................................... 19                        Whilst this compendium is comprehensive and detailed, it is by no means exhaustive. Moreover, by paraphrasing the
When a landlord may take enforcement action ......................................................... 21                                     legislation, its meaning may at times be open to interpretation. Accordingly, this compendium must only be used as a
                                                                                                                                             guide and not as an in-depth analysis of the finer legal points of the COVID-19 commercial tenancy legislation in
APPLICATION OF LEASING PRINCIPLES ................................................................. 26                                       Australia. If you require professional legal advice, please contact our experts listed at the end of this compendium
                                                                                                                                             We strive to keep the information posted here accurate and up to date – but we cannot guarantee that it is error-free
Termination ..................................................................................................................... 26         or completely current. We use your personal data (such as your name, address and email) to send you the latest
Lease compliance .......................................................................................................... 26               legal developments, firm news, and invitations to events and legal briefings that may be of interest to you. View our
                                                                                                                                             privacy policy online at

 COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory                       Code of Conduct | A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19                                                                                                      MinterEllison | 3

Leasing Principles
                      NSW                                QLD                              ACT                                VIC                         TAS                           SA                         WA                        NT
                                                                                                                           STATE/TERRITORY LEGISLATION
Principal Act         COVID-19 Legislation               COVID-19 Emergency    COVID-19 Emergency                            COVID-19 Omnibus         COVID-19 Disease                 COVID-19 Emergency         Commercial Tenancies      Tenancies Legislation
                      Amendment (Emergency               Response Act 2020 (as Response Act 2020                             (Emergency Measures) Act Emergency (Miscellaneous         Response Act 2020          (COVID-19 Response) Act   Amendment Act 2020
                      Measures) Act 2020                 amended by the COVID-                                               2020                     Provisions) Act 2020                                        2020
                                                         19 Emergency Response
                                                         and Other Legislation
                                                         Amendment Act 2021)
                                                         (Extension Act)
Delegated             Retail and Other                   Retail Shop Leases and           Leases (Commercial and             COVID-19 Omnibus            COVID-19 Disease              COVID-19 Emergency         Commercial Tenancies      Nil.
Legislation           Commercial Leases                  Other Commercial                 Retail) COVID-19                   (Emergency Measures)        Emergency (Miscellaneous      Response (Commercial       (COVID-19 Response)
                      (COVID-19) Regulation              Leases (COVID-19                 Emergency Response                 (Commercial Leases and      Provisions) Act 2020 Notice   Leases No 2) Regulations   Regulations 2020
                      2020 (Regulation)                  Emergency Response)              Declaration 2020 [repealed         Licences) Regulations       Under Section 22              2020 (Regulation)          (Regulation)
                      Conveyancing (General)             Regulation 2020                  by Declaration (No 2) and          2020 (Regulation)
                      Regulation 2018 Sch 5              (Regulation)                     no longer available]

Amendment/            Retail and Other                   COVID-19 Emergency               Leases (Commercial and             COVID-19 Commercial and     COVID-19 Disease              COVID-19 Emergency         Commercial Tenancies      Business Tenancies
Extension             Commercial Leases                  Response – Waiver and            Retail) COVID-19                   Residential Tenancies       Emergency (Commercial         Response (Expiry and       (COVID-19 Response)       COVID-19 Modification
Legislation           (COVID-19) Amendment               Deferral of Rents and            Emergency Response                 Legislation Amendment       Leases) Act 2020              Rent) Amendment Bill       Amendment                 Notice 2020
                      Regulation 2020                    Instalments) Regulation          Declaration 2020                   (Extension) Act 2020        (Commercial Leases Act)       2020                       Regulations 2020          [This notice does not
                      (Amendment Regulation)             2020                             (No 2)                                                                                                                  (Extension Regulation)    implement the leasing
                                                         [This Regulation does not                                           COVID-19 Omnibus                                          COVID-19 Emergency                                   principles but mandates
                                                                                                                                                         COVID-19 Disease
                      Retail and Other                   implement the leasing                                               (Emergency Measures)                                      Response (Commercial       Commercial Tenancies      that a landlord must not
                                                                                                                                                         Emergency (Commercial
                      Commercial Leases                  principles but commits                                              (Commercial Leases and                                    Leases No 2) (Prescribed   (COVID-19 Response)       give a tenant a notice to
                                                                                                                                                         Leases) Regulations 2020
                      (COVID-19) Regulation (No          the Queensland                                                      Licences) Miscellaneous                                   Period) Variation          Amendment Regulations     quit unless the landlord
                      2) 2020 (Extension                 Government to providing                                             Amendments Regulations                                    Regulations 2020           2021 (Amendment           has for at least 30
                      Regulation)                        rent relief for businesses                                          2020 (Extension                                           (Extension Regulation)     Regulation)               business day, made good
                                                         who rent premises from                                              Regulation)                 COVID-19 Disease                                                                   faith efforts to negotiate
                                                         the State government to                                                                         Emergency (Commercial                                                              with the tenant to allow
                      Retail and Other                   mitigate the financial                                                                          Leases) (Financial Hardship                              Commercial Tenancies      the tenant to remain in
                      Commercial Leases                  impact arising from the                                             COVID-19 Omnibus            Cessation Day) Notice 2021                               (COVID-19 Response)       the premises (some
                      (COVID-19) Regulation (No          COVID-19 pandemic.]                                                 (Emergency Measures)                                                                 Amendment Regulations     exceptions apply). The
                      3) 2020 (Further Extension                                                                             (Commercial Leases and                                                               (No. 2) 2021 (Further     notice also provides the
                      Regulation)                                                                                            Licences) Amendment                                                                  Amendment Regulation)     Local Court with various
                                                         Retail Shop Leases and                                              Regulations 2020 (Further                                                                                      powers to make
                                                         Other Commercial                                                    Extension Regulation)
                      COVID-19 Recovery Bill                                                                                                                                                                                                appropriate cost orders in
                                                         Leases (COVID-19
                      2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                  leasing disputes due to
                                                         Emergency Response)
                                                                                                                             COVID-19 Omnibus                                                                                               COVID-19.]
                                                         Amendment Regulation
                                                         2020 (Extension                                                     (Emergency Measures)
                                                         Regulation)                                                         (Commercial Leases and
                                                                                                                             Licences) Amendment
                                                                                                                             Regulations 2021 (SME
                                                         Retail Shop Leases and                                              Amendment Regulation)
                                                         Other Commercial
                                                         Leases (COVID-19
                                                         Emergency Response)
                                                         Amendment Regulation
                                                         2021 (Amendment

                                                         COVID-19 Emergency
                                                         Response and Other

 COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory   Code of Conduct | A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19                                                                                                                     MinterEllison | 4

NSW                                QLD                              ACT                                VIC                          TAS                           SA                         WA                          NT
                                                         Legislation Amendment
                                                         Act 2021 (Amendment

Useful External       New South Wales Small              Queensland Small                 ACT Government –                   Victorian Small Business     Consumer, Building and        Small Business             Small Business              Northern Territory
Resources             Business Commissioner –            Business Commissioner -          COVID-19 commercial                Commission - commercial      Occupation Services           Commissioner South         Development Corporation –   Consumer Affairs –
                      commercial leases and              Small business leasing           tenancies information              tenancy relief scheme -      Tasmania – Changes to         Australia – Essential      FAQs – COVID-19             commercial leases
                      COVID-19 FAQs                      advice and dispute               (including a PDF document          support for tenants and      commercial tenancies during   Information for Lessees    commercial tenancy          affected by COVID-19
                                                         resolution                       with guidance notes for            landlords in response to     COVID-19 (including advice    and Lessors dealing with   changes
                                                                                          landlords and tenants)             COVID-19 FAQs                pages for landlords and       COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   State Administrative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tribunal – Commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tenancy COVID-19
                                                                                                                                    PANDEMIC PERIODS
                                                                                                                                         Initial period
Starts                24 April 2020                      29 March 2020                    1 April 2020                       29 March 2020                1 April 2020                  30 March 2020              30 March 2020               18 March 2020

Ends                  23 October 2020                    30 September 2020                28 September 2020                  29 September 2020            31 January 2021               30 September 2020          29 September 2020           26 June 2020

Extended period
Starts                24 October 2020                    1 October 2020                   28 September 2020                  30 September 2020            Currently no plans for        1 October 2020             30 September 2020           Currently no plans for an
                                                                                          (revoking the first                                             extension                                                                            extended period
Ends                  31 December 2020                   31 December 2020          The earlier of either the   28 March 2021                              N/A                           3 January 2021             28 March 2021               N/A
                                                         Note: The Regulation has  first day no COVID-19
                                                         been extended by the      emergency is in force or
                      Note 1: There is a second
                                                         Extension Act until       any later day notified by
                      extended period to 28
                                                         30 September 2021 or      the Minister; or 31 January
                      March 2021 for retail
                                                         such earlier date as      2021.
                      tenants only which have an
                      annual turnover of up to $5        prescribed by regulation.
                      million (Second Extended           The period during which
                      Period).                           the leasing principles
                                                         apply expires on
                                                         31 December 2020
                      Note 2: On 25 March 2021,
                      the New South Wales
                      Parliament passed the
                      COVID-19 Recovery Bill,
                      which, inter alia, introduced
                      s 88 of the Retail Leases
                      Act 1994. The effect of this
                      is to preserve the statutory
                      protections afforded by the
                      Further Extension
                      Regulation upon its repeal
                      (which will occur on 1 July
                      2021). The practical
                      consequence of this is that,
                      if a tenant's leases is an
                      "impacted lease" during the
                      currency of the Further
                      Extension Regulation, then

 COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory   Code of Conduct | A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19                                                                                                                         MinterEllison | 5

NSW                                QLD                              ACT                                VIC                              TAS                           SA                            WA                             NT
                      the provisions of the Further
                      Extension Regulation
                      continue to apply, despite
                      its repeal. This is to ensure
                      that landlords cannot take
                      action against eligible
                      tenants for circumstances
                      arising during the
                      prescribed period unless
                      they comply with their
                      obligations under the
                      Further Extension
                      Regulation. This does not
                      impact a landlord's rights in
                      relation to breaches of a
                      lease that occur either
                      before or after the
                      prescribed period.
Eligible Lease        ▪   retail shop lease under        Initial period:                  ▪    any lease subject to          ▪     a lease of retail          ▪   tenancies where the        ▪   retail shop lease        'small commercial lease'       ▪    retail shop leases or
                          the Retail Leases Act          provided that the tenant              the Leases                          premises within the            premises, or the part of       under the Retail and     which is a:                         any other agreement
                          1994 (this includes any        is an eligible tenant, and            (Commercial and                     meaning of the Retail          premises, to which the         Commercial Leases        ▪    retail shop lease under        (including sublease)
                          agreement under which          the lease (or an                      Retail) Act 2001 that               Leases Act 2003 (Vic);         lease relates are being        Act 1995; or                  the Commercial                 under which business
                          a person grants to             agreement to enter into               was entered into              ▪     a lease of premises            used (or were, at any      ▪   a lease under the             Tenancy (Retail Shops)         premises are let or
                          another person for             the lease) is binding on              before 7 April 2020                 which are let for the          time during the period         Landlord and Tenant           Agreements Act 1985            hired to a person
                          value a right of               the tenant (whether or                (including leases                   sole or predominant            from 1 February 2020 to        Act 1936; or                  (under section 3 of that       (whether or not for
                          occupation of premises         not the lease has                     usually excluded from               purpose of carrying on         9 April 2020, being                                          Act, a retail shop lease       exclusive possession
                                                                                                                                                                                             ▪   any other agreement
                          for the purpose of the         commenced) as at 28                   application of the Act              a business; or                 used) by the tenant,                                         means a lease that             or in writing); and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for value for the right
                          use of the premises as         May 2020, then:                       under section 12(2)(a)                                             wholly or predominantly                                      provides for the         ▪     business leases that
                                                                                                                             ▪     a licence, sub-licence                                        to occupy premises
                          a retail shop, whether or                                            and (b).                                                           for the carrying on of any                                   occupation of a retail         do not fall within the
                                                         ▪    a retail shop lease                                                  (or agreement for a                                           for carrying on a
                          not the right is a right of                                                                                                             business, trade or                                                                          Business Tenancies
                                                              under the Retail Shop (s 3(2) of the Declaration).                   licence or sub-licence),                                      business (whether or          shop. This definition is
                          exclusive occupation,                                                                                                                   profession.                                                  subject to some                (Fair Dealings) Act
                                                              Leases Act 1994; or                                                  whether or not in                                             not the right is a right
                          whether the agreement                                                                                                               (cl (a) of the 9 April 2020                                      exceptions, including          2003 such as a shop
                                                         ▪    a lease, other than a                                                writing or partly in                                          of exclusive
                          is express or implied,                                                                                                              Notice under Section 22 of                                       where the retail shop          that has a lettable
                                                              retail shop lease,                                                   writing, and whether                                          occupation; whether
                          and whether the                                                                                                                     the Principal Act).                                              has a lettable area that       area of 1,000 m2 or
                                                              under which the                                                      express or implied,                                           the agreement is
                          agreement is oral or in                                                                                                                                                                              exceeds 1000 square            more, or a shop that
                                                              premises are to be                                                   under which a person       The Commercial Leases Act          expressed or implied;
                          writing, or partly oral                                                                                                                                                                              metres.);                      is leased to a listed
                                                              wholly or                                                            has the right to occupy,   covers commercial leases,          whether the
                          and partly in writing); or                                                                                                                                                                                                          corporation) are still
                                                              predominantly used                                                   non-exclusively, a part    meaning:                           agreement is oral or ▪        lease of premises that
                      ▪   any agreement                                                                                            of premises for the sole                                      in writing, or partly         is used by a tenant            eligible.
                                                              for carrying on a                                                                               ▪   a lease to which
                          regarding the leasing of                                                                                 or predominant                                                oral and partly in            who owns or operates      (s 5(1) of the Principal
                                                              business (a                                                                                         Schedule 1 to the Fair
                          premises or land for                                                                                     purpose of carrying on                                        writing).                     a small business; or      Act).
                                                              prescribed lease);                                                                                  Trading (Code of
                          commercial purposes to                                                                                   a business.
                                                              and                                                                                                 Practice for Retail                                     ▪    a lease where the
                          which the
                                                              if a tenant under an                                           Does not apply to a retail           Tenancies) Regulations         does not apply to a           tenant is an
                          Conveyancing Act 1919 ▪                                                                                                                                           ▪
                                                              affected lease is a                                            lease or a non-retail                1998 (Tas) applies; or         lease under the               incorporated
                                                              franchisee, then a                                             commercial lease if:             ▪ a lease of premises              Pastoral Land                 association under the
                                                              lease under which                                              ▪     the tenant is                 occupied, or to be              Management and                Associations
                      ▪   does not apply to non-              the franchisor is the                                                'connected with' or an        occupied, wholly or             Conservation Act              Incorporation Act 2015;
                          retail licences.                    tenant of the                                                        'affiliate' of one or more    predominantly for               1989 or a lease under ▪       or a lease prescribed
                      ▪   does not apply to leases            premises occupied                                                    entities (within the          business purposes.              the Crown Land                by the Regulation,
                          entered into after 24               by the franchisee is                                                 meaning of sections        The Act does not apply in          Management Act                which includes a lease
                          April 2020 (but does                also an affected                                                     328-125 and 328-130 relation to:                              2009.                         where the tenant is a
                          apply to options or any             lease.                                                               the Income Tax                                           (r 3(1) of the Regulation).        corporation registered
                                                                                                                                                              ▪ a lease that is within a
                          other extension or       ▪          does not include a                                                   Assessment Act 1997                                                                         under the Corporations
                                                                                                                                                                 class of leases
                          renewal of a lease on               lease under which                                                    (Cth), respectively) and                                                                    (Aboriginal and Torres

 COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory   Code of Conduct | A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19                                                                                                                                    MinterEllison | 6

NSW                                QLD                              ACT                                VIC                             TAS                            SA                        WA                              NT
                          the same terms as the               the premises are to                                                  the aggregate turnover        prescribed by                                             Strait Islander) Act
                          existing lease).                    be used wholly or                                                    of the group of entities      Regulation; and                                           2006 (Cth) and uses
                      ▪   does not apply to leases            predominantly for a                                                  exceeds $50 million;      ▪ a commercial lease in                                       the land or premises
                          under the Agrictulural              farming business                                               ▪     the premises may be           relation to premises                                      for a commercial
                          Tenancies Act 1990.                 under the Farm                                                       used wholly or                being occupied wholly or                                  purpose.
                                                              Business Debt                                                        predominantly for             predominantly for                                    (s 3 of the Principal Act).
                      (r 3 of the Retail Regulation
                                                              Mediation Act 2017.                                                  agricultural, pastoral,       business purposes by a
                      ,Extension Retail Regulation                                                                                                                                                                    ▪    note that a 'small
                      and Further Extension         ▪         does not include a                                                   horticultural,                lessee on behalf of the                                   business' is a business
                      Regulation, r 1 of the                  lease, permit, licence                                               apicultural, poultry          lessor.                                                   that: has a relatively
                      Commercial Regulation and               or sublease under the                                                farming, dairy farming    (s 4, 5 and 9(2) of the                                       small share of the
                      Extension Commercial                    Land Act 1994 unless                                                 or similar activities; or Commercial Leases Act).                                       market in which it
                      Regulation).                            it is a sublease of                                            ▪     an entity has a                                                                         competes; is managed
                                                              premises under a                                                     prescribed method of                                                                    personally by the
                                                              lease that has a rental                                              control or influence,                                                                   owner or directors; is
                                                              category of 13 or 16                                                 through the holding of                                                                  not a subsidiary of a
                                                              under that Act, or the                                               prescribed interest,                                                                    larger business; or is
                                                              sublessor under the                                                  right or power, in                                                                      declared to be a small
                                                              sublease is not a                                                    relation to acts or                                                                     business.
                                                              government leasing                                                   decisions relating to
                                                              entity within the                                                    the ownership,
                                                              meaning of the Land                                                                                                                                     [The Principal Act
                                                                                                                                   management or affairs
                                                              Regulation 2009.                                                                                                                                        stipulates that the
                                                                                                                                   of a tenant that is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      provisions of any lease or
                                                         (s 23(8) of the Principal                                                 body corporate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      any other contract or
                                                         Act, r 5 of the                                                     (s 12-14 of the Principal                                                                agreement are taken to be
                                                         Regulation).                                                        Act, r 5 and 6 of the                                                                    modified to the extent
                                                                                                                             Regulation and new r 4A                                                                  necessary to give effect to
                                                         Extended period:                                                    created by r 5 of the                                                                    the operation of the
                                                                                                                             Extension Regulation).                                                                   Principal Act. A lease or
                                                         In addition to the above,
                                                         the lessee must also be                                                                                                                                      any other contract or
                                                         eligible for JobKeeper for                                                                                                                                   agreement is also of no
                                                         the period starting on 28                                                                                                                                    effect to the extent that it
                                                         September 2020 and                                                                                                                                           purports to exclude or
                                                         ending on 4 January                                                                                                                                          restrict the operation of the
                                                         2021.                                                                                                                                                        Principal Act. A purported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      waiver of a right, remedy or
                                                         (new r 5(3A) created by r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      benefit conferred on a
                                                         3 of the Extension
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      person under the Act is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      also of no effect.]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (s 6 and 7 of the Principal
Eligible Tenant       Initial period:                    Initial period:                  tenants that:                      Initial period:                 a tenant whose:                a tenant that:            Initial period:
                      tenants that:                      the tenant under the             ▪    qualify for the               a tenant that:                  ▪   turnover, in a continuous ▪ is suffering financial    ▪   have a turnover in the
                      ▪   qualify for the                lease:                                JobKeeper scheme              ▪     is an employer who            one month period since         hardship as a result       2018-2019 financial
                          JobKeeper scheme               ▪    is an SME entity*                under the Coronavirus               qualifies for the             1 February 2020, has           of the COVID-19            year of less than
                          under sections 7 and 8              (being an entity that            Economic Response                   JobKeeper scheme              reduced by more than           pandemic; and              $50 million; and
                          of the Coronavirus                  carries on business              Package (Payments                   and is a participant in       30% in at least one       ▪ has a turnover in a       ▪   during that relevant
                          Economic Response                   or is a non-profit               and Benefits) Rules                 the JobKeeper                 continuous one month           relevant year of less      period, qualify for the
                          Package (Payments and               body during the                  2020 (Cth), sections 7              scheme; and                   period since 1 February        than $50 million,          JobKeeper scheme
                          Benefits) Rules 2020                current financial year           and 8; and                                                        2020; and                                                 under section 7 of the
                                                                                                                             ▪     is an SME entity.                                       is an 'affected lessee'.
                          (Cth); and                          and one or both of     ▪         have a turnover in the                                        ▪   the turnover for the                                      Coronavirus Economic
                                                                                                                             Note that an SME entity is                                    (r 3(2) of the Regulation).
                      ▪   have a turnover in the              the following apply:             2018-2019 financial                                               period from 1 February                                    Response Package
                                                                                                                             an entity that carries on
                          2018-2019 financial            ▪    the entity has a likely          year of less than                                                 2019 to 31 January 2020                                   (Payments and
                                                                                                                             business or is a non-profit
                          year of less than                   annual turnover of               $50 million.                                                      is not more than $50      A tenant will be taken to       Benefits) Rules 2020
                                                                                                                             body during the current
                          $50 million.                        less than $50 million       (s 3(1) of the Declaration).                                           million.                  be suffering financial          (Cth), or has at any

 COVID-19 National Cabinet Mandatory   Code of Conduct | A jurisdictional compendium of commercial leasing principles during COVID-19                                                                                                                     MinterEllison | 7

NSW                                QLD                              ACT                                VIC                              TAS                              SA                             WA                             NT
                      (r 4 of the Retail Regulation,          for the current                                                financial year and one or    (cl (b) and (c) of the 9 April       hardship as a result of the     time prior to 28
                      r 2 of the Commercial                   financial year; or                                             both of the following apply: 2020 Notice under Section            COVID-19 pandemic if            September 2020
                      Regulation).                   ▪        the entity or non-                                             ▪ it has a likely annual     22 of the Principal Act).            the tenant is eligible for,     during the initial period,
                                                              profit body had an                                                   turnover of less than                                       or receiving, a JobKeeper       satisfied the decline in
                                                              annual turnover of                                                   $50 million for the                                         payment in respect of the       turnover test set out in
                      Extended period:                                                                                                                        Under the Commercial
                                                              less than $50 million                                                current financial year;                                     business of the tenant          section 8 of those
                      tenants that:                                                                                                                           Leases Act a lessee is an
                                                              in the previous                                                      or                                                          (whether in their capacity      Rules.
                                                                                                                                                              eligible person at a time if
                      ▪   qualify for the                     financial year); and                                                                                                             as an employer or on        (Schedule 1 cl 2(1) of the
                                                                                                                             ▪     it had an annual           the time occurs after the
                          JobKeeper scheme                                                                                                                                                     their own behalf).          Regulation).
                                                         ▪    the tenant or an entity                                              turnover of less than      person is or:
                          under sections 7, 8, 8A                                                                                                                                              (r 3(5) of the Regulation).
                                                              that is connected                                                    $50 million in the       ▪     becomes entitled, under
                          and 8B of the
                                                              with, or an affiliate of,                                            previous financial year.       the Jobkeeper Rules, for     The Court may make a           Extended periods:
                          Coronavirus Economic
                                                              the tenant                                                     (s 13 of the Principal Act, r        a JobKeeper payment or       determination as to
                          Response Package                                                                                                                                                                                    For the period beginning
                                                              responsible for, or                                            3 of the SME Amendment               becomes qualified,           whether or not a tenant is
                          (Payments and                                                                                                                                                                                       on 28 September 2020 and
                                                              involved in,                                                   Regulation and s 5(1) of             under the JobKeeper          an affected lessee and in
                          Benefits) Rules 2020                                                                                                                                                                                ending on 3 January 2021,
                                                              employing staff for                                            the Guarantee of Lending             Rules, for the JobKeeper     making such a
                          (Cth); and                                                                                                                                                                                          tenants that:
                                                              the business carried                                           to Small and Medium                  scheme; and                  determination may have
                      ▪   have a turnover in the              on at the leased                                                                                                                 regard to:                     ▪    have a turnover in the
                                                                                                                             Enterprises (Coronavirus  ▪          becomes an SME entity;
                          2018-2019 financial                 premises, is eligible                                                                                                                                                2019-2020 financial
                                                                                                                             Economic Response                    or                     ▪          whether or not the
                          year of less than                   for the JobKeeper                                                                                                                                                    year of less than
                                                                                                                             Package) Rules 2020 (Cth)                                              tenant is eligible for,
                          $50 million.                        scheme (but note that                                                                           ▪   the person satisfies the                                         $50 million; and
                                                                                                                             (SME Rules)).                                                          or receiving, a
                      (r 4 of the Extension Retail            an entity that is a                                                                                 criteria prescribed by the                                  ▪    during that relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                                    JobKeeper payment
                      Regulation, r 2 of the                  franchisee is not                                              Extended period:                     Regulation,                                                      period, qualify for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    in respect of the
                      Extension Commercial                    connected with, or an                                          a tenant that:                   even if any of the criteria           business of the                JobKeeper scheme or
                      Regulation).                            affiliate of, the                                                                               ceases to apply to the                tenant (whether in             nevertheless satisfy
                                                                                                                             ▪     is an entity entitled
                                                              franchisor merely                                                                               person during the financial           their capacity as an           any test relating to
                                                                                                                                   under section 6, 11 or
                                                              because the entity is                                                                           hardship period.                      employer or on their           turnover during July,
                      Second extended period:                                                                                      12A of the Coronavirus
                                                              a franchisee).                                                                                  (s 6(1) of the Commercial             own behalf);                   August and September
                      retail tenants that:                                                                                         Economic Response
                                                         (r 5 of the Regulation).                                                                             Leases Act).                                                         2020 by which a
                                                                                                                                   Package (Payments                                           ▪    any reduction in
                      ▪   qualify for the                                                                                                                                                                                          person can qualify for
                                                                                                                                   and Benefits) Rules   Note that an SME entity is an              turnover of the
                          JobKeeper scheme                                                                                                                                                                                         the JobKeeper scheme
                                                         Extended period:                                                          2020 (Cth)            entity that carries on                     business of the
                          under sections 7, 8, 8A                                                                                                                                                                                  during these months.
                                                                                                                                   (JobKeeper Rules) for business or is a non-profit                tenant (as verified by
                          and 8B of the                  the tenant under the                                                                                                                                                 (new Schedule 1 cl 2(1A)
                                                                                                                                   a JobKeeper payment; body during the current                     financial records or
                          Coronavirus Economic           lease:                                                                                                                                                               and Schedule 1 cl 2(1C)
                                                                                                                                   and                   financial year and one or                  statements provided
                          Response Package               ▪    is an SME entity*                                                                                                                                               created by r 7(2) of the
                                                                                                                             ▪     is an SME entity.     both of the following apply:               by the tenant) during
                          (Payments and                       (being an entity that                                                                                                                                           Extension Regulation).
                                                                                                                                                                  it has a likely annual            a specified period as
                          Benefits) Rules 2020                carries on business                                            Note that an SME entity is ▪
                                                                                                                                                                  turnover of less than $50         compared with
                          (Cth); and                          or is a non-profit                                             an entity that carries on
                                                                                                                                                                  million for the current           another specified         For the period beginning
                      ▪   have a turnover in the              body during the                                                business or is a non-profit
                                                                                                                                                                  financial year; or                period determined by      on 4 January 2021 and
                          2018-2019 financial                 current financial year                                         body during the current
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Court as being        ending on 28 March 2021,
                          year of less than                   and one or both of                                             financial year and one or    ▪        it had an annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                    relevant to the           tenants that:
                          $5 million.                         the following apply:                                           both of the following apply:         turnover of less than $50
                                                                                                                                                                                                    circumstances of          ▪    have a turnover in the
                                                                                                                             ▪     it has a likely annual         million in the previous
                      (r 4 of the Further Extension ▪         the entity has a likely                                                                                                               whether or not a               2019-2020 financial
                                                                                                                                   turnover of less than          financial year.
                      Regulation).                            annual turnover of                                                                                                                    tenant is a suffering          year of less than
                                                              less than $50 million                                                $50 million for the        (s 5(1) of the Guarantee of           financial hardship as          $50 million; and
                                                              for the current                                                      current financial year;    Lending to Small and                  a result of the
                                                                                                                                   or                         Medium Enterprises                                              ▪    during that relevant
                                                              financial year; or                                                                                                                    COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                              (Coronavirus Economic                                                period, qualify for the
                                                         ▪    the entity or non-                                             ▪     it had an annual                                            (r 9(3) and r 9(4) of the
                                                                                                                                                              Response Package) Rules                                              JobKeeper scheme or
                                                              profit body had an                                                   turnover of less than                                       Regulation).
                                                                                                                                                              2020 (Cth)).                                                         nevertheless satisfy
                                                              annual turnover of                                                   $50 million in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   any test relating to
                                                              less than $50 million                                                previous financial year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   turnover during
                                                              in the previous                                                (s 13 of the Principal Act,                                                                           October, November
                                                              financial year); and                                           new r 4A created by r 5 of                                                                            and December 2020
                                                         ▪    the tenant under the                                           the Extension Regulation, r                                                                           by which a person can
                                                              lease or an entity that                                        3 of the SME Amendment                                                                                qualify for the
                                                              is connected with, or

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                                                              an affiliate of, the                                           Regulation and s 5(1) of                   JobKeeper scheme
                                                              tenant responsible                                             the SME Rules).                            during these months.
                                                              for, or involved in,                                                                                 (new Schedule 1 cl 2(1B)
                                                              employing staff for                                                                                  and Schedule 1 cl 2(1C)
                                                              the business carried                                                                                 created by r 7(2) of the
                                                              on at the leased                                                                                     Extension Regulation).
                                                              premises, must also
                                                              be eligible for the
                                                              JobKeeper scheme
                                                              for the period starting
                                                              on 28 September
                                                              2020 and ending on 4
                                                              January 2021.
                                                         (r 5 of the Regulation,
                                                         new r 5(3A) created by r
                                                         3 of the Extension

                                                         *Note: The definition of
                                                         SME Entity was amended
                                                         in November 2020 by the
                                                         Guarantee of Lending to
                                                         Small and Medium
                                                         Enterprises (Coronavirus
                                                         Economic Response
                                                         Package) Amendment
                                                         Rules 2020 (Cth) to
                                                         increase the turnover
                                                         threshold for SME entities
                                                         from $50 million to $120
                                                         million. The Amendment
                                                         Regulation amended the
                                                         definition of SME Entity to
                                                         clarify that the $50 million
                                                         threshold applies and
                                                         was always intended to
                                                         The Amendment
                                                         Regulation also includes
                                                         transitional provisions to
                                                         address any steps taken
                                                         regarding leases which
                                                         may have become an
                                                         'affected lease' as a result
                                                         of the threshold change.
                                                         Those leases (defined in
                                                         the Amendment
                                                         Regulation as 'ineligible
                                                         leases') are deemed to
                                                         never have been an
                                                         'affected lease', and are
                                                         not afforded the
                                                         protections under the
                                                         Regulation. Further
                                                         amending regulations are

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                                                         expected to be released

Definition of         ▪   for franchisees, this is       ▪    the annual turnover         ▪    for franchisees, this is      Initial period:                  The annual turnover of an         The following turnover in      ▪    for franchisees, this is
Turnover                  the turnover of the                 of the business                  the turnover of the           The annual turnover of an        entity for a financial year is    a relevant year was less            the turnover of the
                          business conducted at               carried on by the                business conducted at         entity for a financial year is   the total of the following that   than $50 million:                   business conducted at
                          the premises or land                tenant at the                    the premises or land          the total of the following       is earned in the year in the      ▪    if the lessee is a             the premises or land
                          concerned;                          premises; or                     concerned;                    that is earned or received       course of the business:                franchisee - the               concerned;
                      ▪   for entities that are          ▪    if the tenant is an     ▪ for corporations that                by an entity in the most         ▪   the proceeds of sales of           turnover of the           ▪    for corporations that
                          members of a group                  entity connected with,      are members of a                   recent financial year in the         goods and/or services;             business conducted             are members of a
                          (i.e. related bodies                or an affiliate of,         group (i.e. related                course of the business:          ▪   commission income;                 at the premises the            group (i.e. related
                          corporate), this is the             another entity, the         bodies corporate), this            ▪     the proceeds of sales                                             subject of the                 bodies corporate), this
                                                                                                                                                              ▪   repair and service
                          group turnover;                     aggregate turnover of       is the group turnover;                   of goods and/or                                                   commercial lease;              is the group turnover;
                      ▪   in any other case, this is          the entities;           ▪ in any other case, this                    services;                                                    ▪    if the lessee is a             and
                                                                                                                                                              ▪   rent, leasing and hiring
                          the turnover of the        ▪        the turnover of a           is the turnover of the             ▪     commission income;                                                corporation that is a ▪        in any other case, this
                          business conducted by               business includes           business conducted by                                                                                      member of a group              is the turnover of the
                                                                                                                             ▪     repair and service         ▪   government bounties
                          the tenant; and                     income earned from          the tenant.                                                                                                (i.e. related bodies           business conducted by
                                                                                                                                   income;                        and subsidies;
                      ▪   turnover includes                   internet sales but      (s 3(1) of the Declaration).                                                                                   corporate) - the               the tenant at the land
                                                              does not include a                                             ▪     rent, leasing and hiring ▪     interest, royalties and            turnover of the group;         or premises that are
                          internet sales of goods
                                                              grant or assistance                                                  income;                        dividends; and                                                    the subject of the small
                          and services.                                                                                                                                                         ▪    in any other case -
                                                              given by the                                                   ▪     government bounties        ▪   other operating income.            the turnover of the            commercial lease.
                      (r 4 of the Retail Regulation,
                                                              Commonwealth,                                                        and subsidies;                                                    business conducted        (Schedule 1 cl 2(1) of the
                      Extension Retail Regulation                                                                                                             (s 5(2) of Guarantee of
                                                              State or a local                                               ▪     interest, royalties and                                           by the lessee at the      Regulation, new Schedule
                      and Further Extension                                                                                                                   Lending to Small and
                                                              government to                                                        dividends; and                                                    premises the subject      1 cl 2 (1C) created by r
                      Regulation, r 2 of the                                                                                                                  Medium Enterprises
                                                              mitigate the effects of                                                                                                                of the commercial         7(2) of the Extension
                      Commercial Regulation and                                                                              ▪     other operating            (Coronavirus Economic
                                                              the COVID-19                                                                                                                           lease; and                Regulation).
                      Extension Commercial                                                                                         income.                    Response Package) Rules
                      Regulation).                                                                                           (s 5(2) of the SME Rules, r      2020 (Cth)).                      ▪    turnover includes
                                                         (r 5(3) and 5(5) of the                                                                                                                     internet sales of
                                                                                                                             5 of the Regulation and r 3
                                                         Regulation).                                                                                                                                goods and services.
                                                                                                                             of the SME Amendment
                                                                                                                             Regulation).                                                       (r 3(2)(b) and r 3(4) of the
                                                                                                                             Extended period:
                                                                                                                                                                                                'Relevant year' means:
                                                                                                                             The annual turnover of an
                                                                                                                                                                                                ▪    the 2018/19 financial
                                                                                                                             entity for a financial year is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     year; or
                                                                                                                             the total of the following
                                                                                                                             that is earned or received                                         ▪    a 12 month period or
                                                                                                                             by an entity in the most                                                such lesser period as
                                                                                                                             recent financial year in the                                            determined by the
                                                                                                                             course of the business:                                                 Court; or
                                                                                                                             ▪     the proceeds of sales                                        ▪    a 12 month period or
                                                                                                                                   of goods and/or                                                   such lesser period
                                                                                                                                   services;                                                         determined by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Minister by notice in
                                                                                                                             ▪     commission income;
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the Gazette.
                                                                                                                             ▪     repair and service
                                                                                                                                                                                                (r 3(1) of the Regulation).
                                                                                                                             ▪     rent, leasing and hiring
                                                                                                                             ▪     government bounties
                                                                                                                                   and subsidies;

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                                                                                                                             ▪     interest, royalties and
                                                                                                                                   dividends; and
                                                                                                                             ▪     other operating
                                                                                                                             A 'coronavirus economic
                                                                                                                             response payment' (as
                                                                                                                             defined in section 6 of the
                                                                                                                             Coronavirus Economic
                                                                                                                             Response Package
                                                                                                                             (Payments and Benefits)
                                                                                                                             Act 2020 (Cth)
                                                                                                                             (JobKeeper Act)) should
                                                                                                                             not be included for the
                                                                                                                             purposes of calculating
                                                                                                                             'turnover' under the
                                                                                                                             Regulation and Extension
                                                                                                                             Regulation. This includes
                                                                                                                             all of the kinds of payments
                                                                                                                             provided for by the
                                                                                                                             JobKeeper Rules.
                                                                                                                             (s 5(2) of the SME Rules, r
                                                                                                                             5 of the Regulation, new r
                                                                                                                             5(2) and 5(3) created by r
                                                                                                                             6 of the Extension
                                                                                                                             Regulation and s 6 of the
                                                                                                                             JobKeeper Act).
                                                                                                                                   RENT RELIEF PROCESS
Process to            Initial period:                    Initial period and    Either party may initiate,                    Initial period:                  A party to a protected lease    The parties to a             Initial period and
initiating rent       Any party to a commercial          extended period:      but the obligation is on the                  A tenant under an eligible       must, as soon as possible       commercial lease and         extended period:
relief                lease to which an impacted    A party (the initiator) to landlord to have engaged                      lease may request rent           after the commencement          any guarantor or other       A tenant may request rent
                      lessee is a party (an         an affected lease may, in with the tenant about rent                     relief from the landlord.        day (being 3 June 2020),        person with an interest in   relief from the landlord. As
                      impacted lease), may          writing, ask another party relief. As set out in the                     A tenant's request for rent
                                                                                                                                                              continue to conduct, or enter   the lease must make a        a result of the Further
                      request the other parties to  to the lease to negotiate Declaration, a landlord                        relief must be in writing
                                                                                                                                                              into and conduct,               genuine attempt to           Amended Regulations, the
                      renegotiate the rent payable  the rent payable under,    must not give a termination                                                    negotiations during the         negotiate in good faith      final day for an eligible
                                                                                                                             and accompanied by:
                      under, and other terms of,    and other stated           notice to an impacted                                                          financial hardship period in    the rent payable under,      tenant to make a rent relief
                                                                               tenant in relation to a                       ▪     a statement that the       relation to the rent payable    and other terms of, the
                      the impacted lease.           conditions of, the lease.                                                                                                                                              request relating to the
                                                                               prescribed breach unless                            tenant's lease is an       under the lease.                commercial lease during
                      A party to an impacted        After the initiator's                                                                                                                                                  emergency period is 27
                                                                               the landlord has engaged                            eligible lease and not                                     the applicable prescribed
                      lease must, if requested,     request is made, the                                                                                      A party to a protected lease                                 May 2021.
                                                                               in good faith negotiations                          excluded from the                                          period.
                      renegotiate in good faith the parties must, as soon as                                                                                  may request the other party                                  (Schedule 1 cl 5, 6 and 8 of
                                                                               with the tenant.                                    operation of the
                      rent payable under, and       practicable, give each                                                                                    to the lease to renegotiate     (r 6 of the Regulation).     the Regulation).
                                                                                                                                   Regulation; and
                      other terms of, the impacted other information relating (s 6(1) of the Declaration).                                                    the rent payable under the
                                                                                                                             ▪     information that           lease.
                      lease.                             to the request that is:
                                                                                                                                   evidences that the                                                                      A tenant's request must be
                      An impacted lessee must       ▪         true, accurate,                                                                                 A party to a protected lease
                                                                                                                                   tenant is an SME entity                                                                 in writing and accompanied
                      give the lessor the following           correct and not                                                                                 must, if such request is
                                                                                                                                   and qualifies for and is                                                                by:
                      in respect of the impacted              misleading; and                                                                                 made, renegotiate in good
                                                                                                                                   a participant in the                                                                    ▪    a statement that the
                      lease:                                                                                                                                  faith the rent payable under
                                                    ▪         sufficient to enable                                                 JobKeeper scheme.                                                                            tenant's lease is a small
                                                                                                                                                              the lease.
                      ▪ a statement to the effect             the parties to                                                 On receipt of such a                                                                               commercial lease, and
                           that the tenant is an              negotiate in a fair and                                                                     (s 12(1) and s 18 of the
                                                                                                                             request, the landlord must                                                                         the tenant is an eligible
                           impacted lessee; and               transparent way.                                                                            Commercial Leases Act).
                                                                                                                             offer rent relief to the                                                                           tenant in relation to the
                      ▪   evidence that the              Examples of sufficient                                              tenant within 14 days after                                                                        small commercial
                          lesssee is an impacted         information include:                                                receiving that request (or a                                                                       lease;
                          lessee.                        ▪    a clear statement                                              different timeframe as                                                                        ▪    sufficient and accurate
                                                              about the terms of                                             agreed between the                                                                                 information that

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                      If the impacted lessee does             the lease the initiator                                        landlord and the tenant in                             evidences that the
                      not provide such a                      is seeking to                                                  writing).                                              tenant is an eligible
                      statement and evidence of               negotiate; and                                                 The offer must apply                                   tenant in relation to the
                      their impacted lessee        ▪          a statement by the                                             during the relevant period                             small commercial
                      status, the lessor is deemed            tenant that                                                    and be based on all the                                lease;
                      to have complied with these             demostrates why the                                            circumstances of the lease.                       ▪    sufficient and accurate
                      requirements. As these                  lease is an affected                                           It must relate to up to                                information that
                      evidentiary obligations were            lease, accompanied                                             100% of the rent payable                               evidences the
                      introduced under the                    by supporting                                                  during the relevant period.                            reduction in the
                      Amendment Regulation,                   information and                                                No less than 50% of the                                tenant's turnover that
                      they only extend to                     evidence, such as:                                             relief offered must be in the                          the tenant has
                      renegotiations commenced                                                                               form of a waiver, unless                               experienced during the
                                                   ▪          accurate financial
                      but not completed before                                                                               otherwise agreed in                                    initial period and the
                                                              information or
                      the amendments                                                                                         writing.                                               extended period (if
                                                              statements about the
                      commenced (on 3 July                                                                                                                                          applicable) or relevant
                                                              turnover of the                                                Following receipt of a
                      2020).                                                                                                                                                        part of the initial period
                                                              tenant's business;                                             landlord's offer by the
                      Under the Retail Regulation,                                                                           tenant, the tenant and the                             and the extended
                                                   ▪          information
                      the evidentiary                                                                                        landlord must negotiate in                             period (if applicable),
                                                              demonstrating that
                      requirements do not extend                                                                             good faith with a view to                              for which the tenant is
                                                              the tenant is an SME
                      to a matter for                                                                                        agreeing on the rent relief                            eligible and is
                                                              entity, having regard
                      which a retail tenancy claim                                                                           to apply during the relevant                           associated with the
                                                              to any entities that
                      has been made pursuant to                                                                              period.                                                business conducted at
                                                              the tenant is
                      section 71 of the Retail                                                                                                                                      the land or premises
                                                              connected with, or an                                          (r 10 of the Regulation).
                      Leases Act 1994. Similarly,                                                                                                                                   that are the subject of
                                                              affiliate of;
                      under the Commercial                                                                                   Extended period:                                       the small commercial
                      Regulation, the new          ▪          evidence of the                                                                                                       lease.
                                                              tenant's eligibility for,                                      A tenant under an eligible
                      obligations do not extend to                                                                                                                             Upon receipt of a request
                                                              or participation in, the                                       lease may request rent
                      proceedings which have                                                                                                                                   for rent relief a landlord
                                                              jobkeeper scheme;                                              relief from the landlord.
                      commenced in a court.                                                                                                                                    must offer relief within 14
                      (r 4(1), 7 and 13 of the     ▪          information about any                                          A tenant's request for rent
                                                                                                                                                                               days of receiving the
                      Retail Regulation as                    steps the tenant has                                           relief must be in writing
                                                                                                                                                                               request or such other
                      amended by the                          taken to mitigate the                                          and accompanied by:
                                                                                                                                                                               agreed period.
                      Amendment Regulation, r                 effects of the COVID-                                          ▪       a statement from the
                                                                                                                                                                               A landlord's offer must be
                      2(1), 5 and 11 of the                   19 emergency on the                                                    tenant:
                                                                                                                                                                               in writing and in
                      Commercial Regulation as                tenant's business,                                                 –     that the tenant's lease is              accordance with the
                      amended by the                          including the details                                                    an eligible lease;                      principles set out in
                      Amendment Regulation).                  of any assistance                                                  –     that the lease is not                   Schedule 1 cl 7 of the
                                                              being received by the                                                    excluded from the                       Regulation.
                      Extended period:                        tenant from the                                                          operation of the
                                                              Commonwealth,                                                                                                    [See below: Factors to take
                      Any party to a commercial                                                                                        Regulation; and
                                                              State or a local                                                                                                 into account when
                      lease to which an impacted                                                                                 –     setting out the tenant's
                                                              government; and                                                                                                  negotiating rent]
                      lessee is a party (an                                                                                            decline in turnover that
                      impacted lease) may          ▪          in relation to a                                                                                                 Following receipt of the
                                                                                                                                       is associated with only
                      request the other parties to            franchisor,                                                                                                      landlord's offer, the tenant
                                                                                                                                       the premises,
                      renegotiate the rent payable            information about any                                                                                            and landlord must
                                                                                                                             ▪       information that                          negotiate with a view to
                      under, and other terms of,              concession or benefit
                                                                                                                                     evidences that the                        agreeing on rent relief to
                      the impacted lease.                     provided to or by the
                                                                                                                                     tenant is an SME entity                   apply during the initial
                      A party to an impacted                  franchisor in relation
                                                                                                                                     and is an entity entitled                 period and the extended
                      lease must, if requested,               to rent or outgoings
                                                                                                                                     to a JobKeeper                            period (if applicable).
                      renegotiate in good faith the           for the premises
                                                                                                                                     payment under section
                      rent payable under, and                 occupied by the                                                                                                  Rent relief under the
                                                                                                                                     6, 11 or 12A of the
                      other terms of, the impacted            franchisee, and any                                                                                              Regulation may be given
                                                                                                                                     JobKeeper Rules,
                      lease. Renegotiations must              undertakings to pass                                                                                             effect by the landlord and
                      commence within 14 days                 those concessions or                                                                                             tenant by a written
                                                              benefits on to the                                                 –     the receipt number                      variation or any other
                      of receiving the request or
                                                              franchisee.                                                              issued by the                           written agreement between

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                      another period agreed to by Once a request has been                                                              Commissioner of                       the landlord and tenant that
                      the parties.                made:                                                                                Taxation when the                     gives effect to the rent
                      A party to the impacted      ▪          the parties must                                                         tenant elected to                     relief, either directly or
                      lease may make a second                 negotiate the                                                            participate in the                    indirectly.
                      or subsequent request for               conditions of the                                                        JobKeeper scheme;
                      renegotiation if the request            lease the subject of                                                     and
                      is made during the                      the initiator's request;                                           –     a copy of the tenant's
                      prescribed period, and does ▪                                                                                    most recent notice
                                                              within 30 days after a
                      not relate to rent for a                                                                                         under the JobKeeper
                                                              party receives
                      period which rent has                                                                                            Rules to the
                                                              sufficient information
                      already been reduced,                                                                                            Commissioner of
                                                              about a request, the
                      waived or deferred following                                                                                     Taxation, as evidence
                                                              landlord must offer
                      a previous renegotiation.                                                                                        that the tenant is an
                                                              the tenant a
                                                                                                                                       entity entitled under
                      An impacted lessee must                 reduction in the
                                                                                                                                       section 6, 11 or 12A of
                      give the lessor the following           amount of rent
                                                                                                                                       the JobKeeper Rules
                      in respect of the impacted              payable under the
                                                                                                                                       for a JobKeeper
                      lease:                                  lease, and any
                                                                                                                                       payment, and
                      ▪   a statement to the effect           proposed changes to
                                                              other stated                                                   ▪       information that
                          that the tenant is an
                                                              conditions;                                                            evidences the tenant's
                          impacted lessee; and
                                                                                                                                     stated decline in
                      ▪   evidence that the              ▪    the offer must relate
                                                                                                                                     turnover, including at
                          lesssee is an impacted              to any or all of the
                                                                                                                                     least one of the
                          lessee.                             rent payable under
                                                              the affected lease
                      If the impacted lessee does                                                                                –     extracts from the
                                                              during the initial
                      not provide such a                                                                                               tenant's accounting
                                                              period and the
                      statement and evidence of                                                                                        records; or
                                                              extended period (if
                      their impacted lessee
                                                              applicable) and in                                                 –     the tenant’s business
                      status, the lessor is deemed
                                                              respect of the initial                                                   activity statement
                      to have complied with these                                                                                      relating to the relevant
                                                              period, provide for no
                      requirements.                                                                                                    turnover test period; or
                                                              less than 50% of the
                      An impacted lessee will also            rent reduction offered                                             –     statements issued by
                      need to provide evidence                to be in the form of a                                                   an ADI in respect of the
                      that they are eligible for the          waiver of rent (this                                                     tenant’s account; or
                      second stage of JobKeeper               obligation does not                                                –     a statement prepared
                      in order to request a                   apply during the                                                         by a practising
                      renegotiation of the lease              extended period) and                                                     accountant.
                      for the extended period.                have regard to the                                             A tenant's decline in
                      A renegotiation commenced               factors set out in the                                         turnover must be:
                      but not concluded under                 row below.
                      the Regulation (i.e. prior to                                                                          ▪       expressed as a whole
                                                         On receiving the                                                            percentage; and
                      24 October 2020) may be            landlord's offer, the
                      continued and concluded            tenant and landlord must                                            ▪       calculated consistently
                      under the Extension                cooperate and act                                                           with the actual 'decline
                      Regulation. Similarly, a           reasonably and in good                                                      in turnover test'
                      renegotiation commenced            faith in negotiating a                                                      applying to the tenant
                      but not concluded before 31        reduction in the amount                                                     and in relation to the
                      December 2020 under the            of rent paybale under the                                                   most recent turnover
                      Extension Regulation, may          lease for the initial period                                                test period applying to
                      be continued and                   and the extended period                                                     the tenant (see
                      concluded after this date.         (if applicable), including                                                  sections 8 and 8A of
                      Under the Extension Retail         any conditions relating to                                                  the JobKeeper Rules).
                      Regulation, the evidentiary        the reduction in rent.                                              On receipt of such a
                      requirements do not extend (r 14 and 15 of the                                                         request, the landlord must
                      to a matter for             Regulation, amendment                                                      offer rent relief to the

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NSW                                QLD                              ACT                                VIC                             TAS   SA   WA   NT
                      which a retail tenancy claim of r 15 by r 7 of the                                                     tenant within 14 days after
                      has been made pursuant to Extension Regulation).                                                       receiving that request (or a
                      section 71 of the Retail                                                                               different timeframe as
                      Leases                                                                                                 agreed between the
                      Act 1994. Similarly, under                                                                             landlord and the tenant in
                      the Extension Commercial                                                                               writing).
                      Regulation, the new                                                                                    The offer must apply to the
                      obligations do not extend to                                                                           period starting on the date
                      proceedings which have                                                                                 of the tenant's request for
                      commenced in a court.                                                                                  rent relief and ending on
                      (r 4(1), 7 and 13 of the                                                                               28 March 2021, and be
                      Extension Retail Regulation,                                                                           based on all the
                      r 2(1), 5 and 11 of the                                                                                circumstances of the lease.
                      Extension Commercial                                                                                   It must relate to up to
                      Regulation).                                                                                           100% of the rent payable
                                                                                                                             during the period starting
                      Second extended period:                                                                                on the date of the tenant's
                      Any party to a commercial                                                                              request for rent relief and
                      lease to which an impacted                                                                             ending on 28 March 2021.
                      lessee is a party (an                                                                                  No less than 50% of the
                      impacted lease) may                                                                                    relief offered must be in the
                      request the other parties to                                                                           form of a waiver, unless
                      renegotiate the rent payable                                                                           otherwise agreed in
                      under, and other terms of,                                                                             writing.
                      the impacted lease.                                                                                    The landlord's request for
                      A party to an impacted                                                                                 rent relief must be, at a
                      lease must, if requested,                                                                              minimum, proportional to
                      renegotiate in good faith the                                                                          the decline in the tenant's
                      rent payable under, and                                                                                turnover associated with
                      other terms of, the impacted                                                                           only the premises.
                      lease. Renegotiations must                                                                             Following receipt of a
                      commence within 14 days                                                                                landlord's offer by the
                      of receiving the request or                                                                            tenant, the tenant and the
                      another period agreed to by                                                                            landlord must negotiate in
                      the parties.                                                                                           good faith with a view to
                      A party to the impacted                                                                                agreeing on the rent relief
                      lease may make a second                                                                                to apply during the period
                      or subsequent request for                                                                              starting on the date of the
                      renegotiation if the request                                                                           tenant's request for rent
                      is made during the                                                                                     relief and ending on 28
                      prescribed period, and does                                                                            March 2021.
                      not relate to rent for a                                                                               (r 10 of the Regulation,
                      period which rent has                                                                                  amendment of r 10 by r 8
                      already been reduced,                                                                                  of the Extension Regulation
                      waived or deferred following                                                                           and r 5 of the Further
                      a previous renegotiation.                                                                              Extension Regulation).
                      An impacted lessee must
                      give the lessor the following
                      in respect of the impacted
                      ▪   a statement to the effect
                          that the tenant is an
                          impacted lessee; and

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NSW                                QLD                              ACT                                VIC                           TAS                            SA                            WA                               NT
                      ▪   evidence that the
                          lesssee is an impacted
                      If the impacted lessee does
                      not provide such a
                      statement and evidence of
                      their impacted lessee
                      status, the lessor is deemed
                      to have complied with these
                      An impacted lessee will also
                      need to provide evidence
                      that they are eligible for the
                      third stage of JobKeeper
                      which will commence on 4
                      January 2021 in order to
                      request a renegotiation of
                      the lease for the Second
                      Extended Period.
                      A renegotiation commenced
                      but not concluded under
                      the Further Extension
                      Regulation (i.e. prior to 28
                      March 2021) may be
                      continued and concluded
                      after 28 March 2021.
                      Under the Further Extension
                      Regulation, the evidentiary
                      requirements do not extend
                      to a matter for
                      which a retail tenancy claim
                      has been made pursuant to
                      section 71 of the Retail
                      Act 1994.
                      (r 4, 7 and 13 of the Further
                      Extension Regulation).
Factors to take       Negotiations of both the           When making an offer of A landlord engages in good                  Initial period:               Negotiations for rent relief   Negotiations of both the      The following principles
into account          rent and other terms must          rent relief, landlords must faith negotiations with an              A landlord's offer of rent    must have regard to the        rent and other terms          apply to a landlord's offer
when                  have regard to:                    have regard to:             impacted tenant if the                  relief must take into         individual circumstances of    must have regard to:          of rent relief and
negotiating rent      ▪   the economic impacts           ▪ all the circumstances landlord, in acknowledging                  account:                      the protected lessee and of    ▪    the economic             negotiations between
                          of the COVID-19                    of the tenant and the the financial hardship                    ▪     the reduction in a      the lessor, taking into             impacts of the           landlords and tenants in
                          pandemic; and                      affected lease,         suffered by the tenant                        tenant's turnover       account such matters as:            COVID-19 pandemic        relation to rent relief:
                                                             including the           because of the economic                       associated with the     ▪   the degree of financial         on the parties to the    ▪    an offer of rent relief
                      ▪   the Leasing Principles
                          set out in the Code.               reduction in turnover impact of COVID-19,                             premises during the         hardship of the lessee          lease;                        must apply to the
                                                             of the business         negotiates with the tenant                    relevant period;            and of the lessor;                                            applicable prescribed
                      (r 7(4) of the Retail                                                                                                                                               ▪    the provisions of the
                                                             carried on at the       having regard to the                                                                                                                    period;
                      Regulation and r 7(6) of the                                                                           ▪     any waiver given in     ▪   whether the lease has           Act and the
                                                             leased premises         overarching principles and
                      Extension Retail Regulation                                                                                  respect of outgoings or     expired and the lease is        Regulation; and          ▪    the rent relief offered
                                                             during the initial      leasing principles set out in
                      and Further Extension                                                                                        other expenses              being held over or         ▪    the National Cabinet's        must be at least
                                                             period and during the the Code.                                       payable under the           whether the lease is                                          proportionate to the
                      Regulation, r 5(4) of the                                                                                                                                                code of conduct.
                                                              extended period (if         (s 4 of the Declaration).                lease (pursuant to r        about to expire;                                              reduction in the
                      Commercial Regulation and                                                                                                                                           [See comments in
                                                              applicable);                [See comments in relation                14(2) of the                                                                              tenant's turnover that is
                      r 5(6) of the Extension                                                                                                              ▪   whether the lessee, or     relation to the Leasing
                      Commercial Regulation).      ▪          the extent to which a       to the Leasing Principles]               Regulation);                the lessor, is in                                             associated with the
                                                              failure to reduce the                                                                            administration or                                             business conducted at
                                                              rent payable under                                                                                                                                             the land or premises

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