COVID-19 RESPONSE POLICY - Drogheda Institute of Further Education - DIFE

Page created by Darryl Chavez
COVID-19 RESPONSE POLICY - Drogheda Institute of Further Education - DIFE
Drogheda Institute of Further Education


Aim of the plan ..................................................................................................................................................................................................4
    Minimising Harm if the virus is introduced and spreads ..............................................................................................................................7
Current measures .............................................................................................................................................................................................9
         3.1. Lead Worker Representative ...........................................................................................................................................................9
         2. Physical Distancing Measures ............................................................................................................................................................11
         3.Hand /Respiratory Hygiene:................................................................................................................................................................12
         4. Training ..............................................................................................................................................................................................14
         5. Timetabling: .......................................................................................................................................................................................15
         7. Contact Tracing Logging .....................................................................................................................................................................16
Procedures for prompt identification and isolation of staff/students who may have symptoms of COVID-19..............................................16
COVID-19 Suspect/Confirmed Cases Procedure and Protocol ........................................................................................................................17
Contacting HSE ................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Restricted movement and Self-isolation explained ......................................................................................................................................19
    When to self-isolate ...................................................................................................................................................................................19
         When you do not need to self-isolate before a test ............................................................................................................................19
    When you should restrict your movements..............................................................................................................................................20
    How to restrict your movements ..............................................................................................................................................................20
Guide for FET Leadership- should you have a Confirmed COVID-19 Case. ...................................................................................................20
Self-isolation and Restricted Movement Notifications - Staff Guidance...........................................................................................................23
Self-isolation and Restricted Movement Notifications – Management Guidance ............................................................................................24
Visitors to Drogheda Institute of Further Education .......................................................................................................................................25
Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning ..........................................................................................................................................................26
Wellbeing of Students ....................................................................................................................................................................................27
Student voice ..................................................................................................................................................................................................27
Promoting School Staff Wellbeing .................................................................................................................................................................27
Failure to comply with the code of conduct ..................................................................................................................................................28
Appendices ......................................................................................................................................................................................................29
Appendix 1.......................................................................................................................................................................................................29
Appendix 2.......................................................................................................................................................................................................30
Appendix 3.......................................................................................................................................................................................................31
Appendix 4.......................................................................................................................................................................................................33
Appendix 5.......................................................................................................................................................................................................34
Appendix 6.......................................................................................................................................................................................................35
Appendix 7.......................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Appendix 8.......................................................................................................................................................................................................37
Appendix 9.......................................................................................................................................................................................................38

The Government’s Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business combined with the Return to Work
Protocol and on-going public health advice provide the over-arching framework for all parts of society
to reopen facilities and premises.

The Government has also published Guidance for Further & Higher Education for returning to on-site
activity in Autumn 2020. That Guidance provides for further “context-specific measures approved by
the government within public health guidelines”. Because of the specific features and context of FET
campuses, colleges and centres, context-specific measures are required to accommodate the unique
features of the sector while operating within the overall public health guidance framework. These
Implementation Guidelines set out a range of such context-specific measures with practical guidance
for FET Institutions to safely deliver teaching and learning activities in autumn 2020 which present
particular challenges and require bespoke solutions in the context of reopening.

The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) and
SOLAS is committed to funding all costs associated with reopening FET facilities safely and in line with
public health guidelines. Provision has been made for a substantial base of funding to meet all
investment needs in this regard, drawing from sources including the additional funding announced by
Government on 22 July and savings made due to the non-progression of FET activity during the period
of shutdown. Additional funding to meet reopening costs will be distributed via SOLAS and the ETBs
using existing mechanisms.

Guiding principles
The following guiding principles will apply.

    1. FET Institutions will always operate within the parameters of public health and safety advice.
    2. Specifically, the Return to Work Protocol and public health guidance, as it develops on a rolling basis,
        will be adhered to.
    3. The safety and wellbeing of learners and staff will be paramount in all cases.

DIFE is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our staff and a safe learning
environment for all our students. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID-19 Response
Policy. The BOM/ETB and all school staff are responsible for the implementation of this plan and a
combined effort will help contain the spread of the virus.

Aim of the plan
The overall aim of this plan is to detail how DIFE will reopen in a way that complies with public health
advice and guidance related to COVID-19. This plan will detail the systems and procedures that are in
place to minimise the risk to students, staff and others from COVID-19, while at the same time
promoting the educational and developmental needs of students in the school. This plan is a living
document and will be updated in line with public health advice as required. To this end DIFE has set up
a Management Response Team.
The Covid-19 Response Management Team within Drogheda College of Further Education will operate
within the parameters of public health and safety advice.
Managing the risk of the spread of Covid-19 on and within the campus environment is dependent on
the behaviour of individual members of our community at all times.
The Management Response Team will endeavour to
    1. Minimise the risk of introduction of infection into the college
    2. Minimise the spread of the virus if it is introduced
    3. Minimise associated harm if introduced and spread happens

Management Response Team
Davy Mc Donnell- Principal
Ciaran O’Donnell Deputy Principal
Lead Worker Representative Rob Williams
Lead Worker Representative Orla Morrissey
Una Fitzpatrick- Facilities
Gerry Kelly- Caretaker

Managing the risk of spread of COVID-19 requires:
    1. Minimising the risk of introduction of infection into FET Institutions
    2. Minimising the risk of spread of the virus if it is introduced
    3. Minimising the associated harm if introduction and spread happens within FET Institutions.

1.Minimising the risk of introduction of the virus.

If the COVID 19 virus is not introduced into FET Institutions, it cannot spread or cause harm regardless of how
much contact occurs between people on campus.

The management of this risk is always dependent on the behaviour of the individual members of the FET
community. If individual members of the community minimise their risk of exposure to COVID-19 in their life
outside of the FET Institution, this reduces the likelihood that they become infected and minimises the risk that
they introduce the virus into the FET community. The risk of a member of the FET community acquiring
infection and subsequently introducing it to FET Institutions is dependent on the level of control of the infection
in the general community at any time. If the transmission in the general community is low the likelihood of any

individual member of the FET community becoming infected off-campus and introducing the virus to others in
the FET community is low even if adherence to risk avoidance of campus is less than optimal.

Specific Measures

    1. FET Institutions will have an on-going communication to raise awareness amongst all members of its
        community about how COVID-19 spreads and how spread can be prevented.
    2. Control of access to the FET Institution is vitally important. FET Institutions will enable safe access to
        indoor space. Where practical a one-way system and or marked lanes should be used to separate the
        flow of people into, and out of buildings.
    3. Staff and learners will be supported to scrupulously observe guidance to absent themselves from the
        FET Institutions if they have any symptoms that suggest that they may have COVID19 and if they have
        been identified as contacts of some someone with COVID-19, this dramatically reduces the risk of
        introduction to FET Institutions.
    4. The FET Institution will provide information on an on-going basis regarding where learners should go to
        self-isolate if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. ETBs will provide an identified space where learners
        who develop symptoms that suggest COVID-19 can wait safely away from other learners while waiting
        to be picked up from the FET Institution.
    5. ETBs will communicate with all staff and learners that they must not attend if they are showing COVID-
        19 symptoms. Such communication should be re-affirmed on an on-going basis, and all members of the
        FET community will be encouraged to download the COVID-19 Tracker App and to use the symptom
        checker on the App daily

2.. Minimising the risk of spread of the virus if it is introduced

The virus may be introduced to the FET community if one or more members of the community do not
adhere to advice regarding absenting themselves OR if one or more members of the community with
infection is present because, at the time, they have no symptoms to indicate to them that they are
infected. This may be because they are pre-symptomatic in which case symptoms subsequently appear
one or more days later. This may be because they have an actual asymptomatic infection and never
develop symptoms. Hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and environmental cleaning are critical
elements in the minimising risk of spread if an infected person is present in a teaching, learning or
practice workshop, or laboratory group.

1. Standard measures to reduce the risk of infection (reducing time in shared space indoors, hand
       hygiene, cough etiquette, cleaning, and use of masks) can be promoted and facilitated.
       However, adherence will likely be far from complete.
    2. The NPHET requirement to use cloth face coverings in indoor settings where adequate physical
       distance cannot be maintained must be adhered to. The basis for this advice is that the mask is
       expected to minimise the scattering of droplets from the mouth and nose. Therefore, if an
       infected person is present, it is likely that mask use will reduce direct droplet transmission (to
       anyone standing close by) and minimise contamination of the surfaces in the vicinity of the
       infected person. A similar rationale may be applied to the use of full-face visors in settings
       where mask use is not acceptable or not appropriate.

    3. Other than cloth face coverings (or visors where appropriate) in indoor settings, there is no
       requirement for other personal protective equipment related to COVID-19 risk for teaching and
       learning activities (personal protective equipment may be required for different reasons in
       particular in individual workshop, practical or laboratory settings).

    4. Where FET staff are at a safe distance of 2m from the learner body, it is still advisable for them
       to wear a mask or visor. The risk to those who maintain distance and are careful concerning
       hand hygiene is low. A Sticker on ground will indicate safe perimeter in line with social
       distancing around member .

    5. Meetings in offices can be planned to maintain distance and to check if learners/and or staff
       are symptomatic immediately before the meeting (for example, by phone or email).

    6. To the greatest extent possible, the entry and exit from teaching and learning spaces and taking
       of seats should be managed to avoid congregation at the entrance and exit.

    7. The FET Institutions should record attendance at all events and retain records for four weeks in
       case required for contact tracing purposes.

    8. Teaching space should be laid out and managed to safeguard the health of both staff and
       students. A physical distance of 2m should be maintained where possible. However, there are

many situations where tuition can only be realistically delivered with less than 2m (but no less
       than 1m) distancing between students, and some exceptional circumstances (confined to
       laboratory and practical tuition) where 2 m distance cannot be maintained between staff and

       This is safe and should proceed, provided both staff and students take appropriate mitigation
       measures such as the following:
        a) As in all circumstances, good hand hygiene and cough/sneeze etiquette are of paramount
        b) Face coverings must be worn by students in all Teaching situations. Where a student has a
            medical exemption documentation for this must be handed in to school office. If a student
            has an exemption they must wear something on their person that indicates this (sunflower
        c) Physical contact should be avoided.
        d) Staff teaching stations should be located at least 2m from students, or more where
            possible, and should maintain 2m physical distance insofar as possible. This provides for a
            safe teaching context, but where there is a risk that the 2m distance could be
            compromised a face covering or other appropriate protection should be used.
        e) If tuition requires the staff member to be less than 2m from students, extra precautions
            are necessary. In such situations, staff should wear face shields, visors or other protective
            equipment which will be provided by the FET Institution. The FET Institution must ensure
            that the necessary safeguards and protections are in place following the risk assessment
            that has been carried out for the context.
        f) The maximum number of people allowed in a class will be following the general public
            health guidance on indoor gatherings, and it is recognised that this may change following
            the evolving COVID-19 situation nationally.
    9. FET Institutions must adhere to the cleaning protocols recommended by the Practical Guidance
       for Further and Higher Education for returning to on-site activity issued by the Department

Minimising Harm if the virus is introduced and spreads

There are three critical elements to managing the risk of harm to members of the FET community if the
virus is introduced and spreads. The first is the vulnerability of individual members of the FET

community to develop severe disease. The FET Institution should ensure that appropriate
arrangements are in place whereby staff or learners who are vulnerable can declare this to the FET
Institution and the FET Institution should put specific measures in place as may be appropriate.

The second key element of reducing the risk of harm is that the FET Institution has processes in place
to identify as rapidly as practical if there is any evidence of spread of COVID-19 in the FET Institution
and has a plan to respond appropriately.

The final element of harm reduction is timely access to adequate medical care for anyone who
becomes infected.

    1. The FET Institution should enhance programmes to promote a healthy lifestyle to the greatest
       extent possible.
    2. The FET Institution should encourage members of the FET community to signal to a central
       point in the FET Institution early if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 (confidentiality and data
       protection issues pertain). The intention is to support the FET Institution in identifying early if
       there is evidence of transmission of COVID-19 related to FET community activity so that it can
       respond appropriately in association with public health authorities.
    3. Pathways for access to healthcare should be clear so that people are clear who to contact for
       access to healthcare at any time if they develop symptoms of illness.

Staff who consider themselves specifically at risk of severe illness, or with vulnerable members of their
household, should engage with the ETB as their employer to manage that risk as appropriate

Current measures

The following is a list of measures we have taken to date to ensure DIFE College reopen, in line with
the current guidelines.

3.1. Lead Worker Representative

To appoint Lead Worker representatives whose role is to work collaboratively with the Principal and
BOM to assist in the implementation of measures and monitor adherence to the measures to prevent
the spread of COVID -19. They will also advise staff and students and revise polices with any new
updated guidance from the HSE, Public Health SOLAS or Department of Education

    Names of Lead Worker                                 Contact details
    Rob Williams                               
    Orla Morrisey                              

Role of the Lead Worker Representative

The role of LWR is separate from that of the Safety Representative under the health and safety
legislation. However, the Safety Representative may act as the LWR if selected to do so by the staff.

In summary, the role of the LWR is to:

      •   Represent all staff in the workplace regardless of role and be aware of specific issues that may
          arise in respect of different staff cohorts.
      •   Keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 public health advice.
      •   Work collaboratively with the management to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
          safety, health and welfare of employees concerning COVID-19.
      •   Consult with the management on the control measures required to minimise the risk of staff
          and learners being exposed to COVID-19.
      •   Promote acceptable hygiene practices, in conjunction with the management, such as washing
          hands regularly and maintaining good respiratory etiquette along with maintaining social
          distancing following public health advice.

•   Assist the management with the implementation of measures to suppress COVID-19 in the
         workplace in line with the Return to Work Safely Protocol and current public health advice.
     •   Monitor, in conjunction with the management, adherence to measures put in place to prevent
         the spread of COVID-19;
     •   Conduct reviews of safety measures that are in place to address and suppress COVID-19 in the
         workplace. Checks (including an examination of the workplace) should be conducted regularly
         (at least twice per week).
     •   Report any issues of concern immediately to the management and keep records of such
         matters and actions taken to rectify them .(Appendix 1)
     •   Consult with the management on the COVID-19 Response Plan in the event of someone
         developing COVID-19 while in FET Institution, including the location of an isolation area and a
         safe route to that area.
Following any incident, assess with the management any follow up action that is required

What can a Lead Worker Representative Do?

The LWR may consult with, and make representations to, the management on any issue of concern
regarding COVID-19. These include issues about:

     •   Cleaning protocols and their implementation.
     •   Physical Distancing.
     •   Configuration/reconfiguration of the facilities, including classrooms, corridors, halls, open
         areas, entry and exit points, grounds etc.
     •   Implementation of one-way systems to ensure social distancing, including when entering and
         exiting the buildings.
     •   Hand Hygiene facilities, including their location and whether they are stocked and maintained.
     •   Hand sanitising.
     •   Staff awareness around hand hygiene in the facility.
     •   Respiratory hygiene.
     •   Personal Protective Equipment.
     •   At-Risk Groups.
     •   Visitors/Contractors.

Procedure for dealing with issues that arise

Where a COVID-19 control concern is identified by the LWR (or is notified to the LWR by a staff
member), the LWR should bring this to the attention of the management of the FET Institution. Action
points for addressing the issue should where possible be agreed between the LWR and the
management of the FET Institution as a matter of urgency. Staff should be informed of the outcome. It
is envisaged that issues will be resolved at the FET Institution level to the maximum extent possible.

If an agreement cannot be reached, the LWR should notify the ETB Director of FET of the issue. Action
points for addressing the issue should where possible be agreed between the LWR and the BoM/ETB
head office as a matter of urgency. Staff should be informed of the outcome.

If having exhausted the process above, a serious issue of concern remains outstanding; the LWR may
have recourse to the Health and Safety Authority.

The best way to prevent person-to-person spread of COVID-19 is to use proper hand hygiene and
respiratory etiquette and practice physical distancing.

2. Physical Distancing Measures
Physical distancing is recommended to reduce the spread of infection
Department of Education and Public Health guidelines have recommended a 2-meter distance
between students and peers and teachers and students
In DIFE we have prepared the school in line with these guidelines
Staff work area –redesigned to promote best practice guidelines relating to Social Distancing.
Classrooms – restricted seating measures for students implemented in line with guidelines.
2m Notice around teachers’ desks.
Visors / face masks will also be made available to staff.
Students need to sit where assigned numbers are on desks in general classrooms

There will be a map of rooms (Appendix 2) and a maximum room occupancy in line with social
distancing guidelines (Appendix 3)

The NPHET requirement to use cloth face coverings in indoor settings where adequate physical
distance cannot be maintained must be adhered to for all.

No hand shaking/high five/hugging policy.
Students will have designated seats in classrooms and teachers have a record of the seating plan. This
will be important should contact tracing arise and it is a good infection control measure
Staggered breaks will operate to reduce risk of infection.

Lockers will not be in use to avoid congregation as it is felt that physical distancing would be difficult to
manage and also reduce the surfaces for cleaning

No extracurricular off campus activities will occur for the foreseeable future.
Any inappropriate behaviour from students such as spitting or coughing in another student’s or staff
direction will lead to disciplinary procedure as set out in school policy.

Staff Room; Signage for Staff room hygiene will be displayed

Labs and Specialist rooms – Specific control measures for the safety of all users will be discussed with
relevant class mentor


     •   There will be restricted access for students to collect pre- ordered food in the canteen. Outdoor
         seating area available.
     •   Staff and students are advised to bring your own utensils including cup.
     •   Where you chose to use common surfaces such as kettles, microwaves and water boiler you
         will need to take responsibility for cleaning each item prior to and after use
     •   It was agreed that 3 people at each table is a guideline for the canteen
     •   A Queuing system to be introduced for canteen with social distancing markings on floor
     •   All of these measures will be in place for the foreseeable future

                                               Smoking Area
  Paint the flagstones to indicate social distancing between students

3.Hand /Respiratory Hygiene:
    • Hand sanitisers and antibacterial wipes placed in every room, in common areas and at entry and
       exit points throughout the campus.
    • Measures in place to ensure they are checked and restocked throughout each day
    • Regular hand washing with soap and water is effective for the removal of COVID-19. In DIFE
       College we have added hand sanitisers inside every room for the students and staff to use
       upon entry and exit. As per HSE guidelines hand sanitisers are an adequate infection control

measure where hands are not visibly dirty. Students with visible dirt on their hands will be
         advised to use hand basins and soap.

     •   Students and staff will be educated in the correct technique for hand washing/sanitising
     •   Hand hygiene will be encouraged in particular:
             Ø After coughing/sneezing
             Ø Before and after eating
             Ø After being on transport
             Ø When arriving and leaving rooms and the building
             Ø When hands are dirty
             Ø After using the toilet
     •   Information/signage will be visible at all hand washing/sanitising stations
     •   Regular PA announcements will remind students and staff of the need for hand hygiene,
         distancing etc.


Good respiratory hygiene and etiquette is also necessary
   • Staff/students will be educated in the correct respiratory, cough etiquette techniques
   • The school will have ample bins for disposal of wipes/tissues
   • Information and signage on good respiratory etiquette will be visible throughout the school


     •   Contractors and essential maintenance and deliveries will be prescheduled with LWR or
         Principal prior to attending the school
     •   They must adhere to all infection control guidelines
     •   There will be a designated drop off point
     •   Visitors will be limited. Meeting should be on the phone, virtual or by email. In exceptional
         circumstances visitors attend only by prior appointment agreed with the Principal
     •   Visitors/contractors must fill out a health declaration form

Cleaning of DIFE College

     •   The school will be cleaned prior to reopening
     •   The specific advice in relation to school cleaning is set out in the HPSC advice and will be
         covered in the induction training.
     •   Regular cleaning of the school will take place with particular concentration to regularly touched
         surfaces such as handrails, door handles etc. There will be a log of cleaning kept on file
     •   Students will be encouraged to wipe their own desks and chairs after use
     •   Adequate number of bins will be provided

•   Bathrooms and hand basins will be regularly cleaned
         If the school has a suspected or confirmed case, then cleaning protocols will be in line with the
         ECDC – “Disinfection of environments in non-health care settings potentially contaminated with

Use of Personal Protective Equipment PPE

     •   DIFE require the use of face masks
     •   Teachers will wear a mask or visor
     •   Students or staff with underlying health conditions will be advised by their GP on the use of PPE
         in the school setting and this will be supported by the Principal and BOM
     •   Visitors/ contractors are required to wear a mask
     •   Any staff supporting a student with first aid may need additional PPE
     •   Additional PPE is used if supporting a person who is ill or a suspected case of COVID 19
     •   Gloves are not substitute for hand hygiene
     •   Masks and gloves should be disposed of after use.

4. Training

Staff and Students -Safe return to college form must be completed 3 days in advance of return. The
questionnaire is available here: return to workplace questionnaire
Copy of Pre-return to classes in Drogheda Institute of Further Education.(DIFE)(Appendix 4 )
Infection Prevention and Control training must be completed by all new and current staff members.

A Covid-19 induction course has been selected by LMETB for all staff to complete. Details about the
course are available here:
Please allow 1 hour to complete the course, to register please email:
 All staff who have already completed this course do not need to repeat the course.
Copies of Completion Certificates should be emailed to Margaret Donohoe ( )

The DES has published training videos for use in ETBs.
•     • COVID-19 training for all staff in post-primary schools which is also relevant to FET settings
•     • Lead Worker Representative induction
•     • Information on cleaning in centres

All the DES videos can be found here:

First Aid:
Two members of staff will act as First Aid Responders

 Names of First Aid Responders:                                    Contact details
 Sonja Carr                                              
 Edel Smith                                              

5. Timetabling:
    • Are been designed to reduce the risk of infection and will be a mixture of face to face and
       online learning.
    • Are been designed to facilitate minimum numbers of students attending each sitting and
       minimise movement throughout the day
    • Where practicable a one-way system will be in operation to enter and vacate each
    • Students will be advised to limit interaction on arrival and departure.
    • All non-essential field trips will be suspended
    • Specific measures will be put in place to facilitate guest speakers.
6. The individual behaviour of all in the College will be based on the three W’s:

     •   Wear a Face Mask
             o   It is mandatory for everyone entering the College to wear a face mask/shield. Individual
                 learning contexts may require variations of this policy.
     •   Wash your Hands
             o   Signage will be displayed informing all present of the correct hand hygiene protocols in a variety
                 of situations
     •   Watch your Social Distancing & Sneezes
             o   Social distancing protocols within the College, which vary according to the circumstances, will be
                 prominently displayed through the College.
             o   Sneezing Etiquette – Catch it, bin it, kill it!

7. Contact Tracing Logging

To facilitate the Contact Tracing requirements of the HSE, it is our policy that a Contact Tracing Log is kept of all
persons entering the College premises including staff, students, contractors and visitors.

Contract Tracing Log for Students (Appendix 5) and Map of Seating Plan for Individual Rooms (Appendix 6)

The contact tracing form must be filled in for every class the teacher has with group and a seating plan set up
for year for each group

In the event of a visitor or a contractor entering the College, they will be required to complete a Self-Declaration
Form for contract tracing purposes.

Access to the College building will be in line with agreed LMETB/DIFE College procedures

Procedures for prompt identification and isolation of staff/students who may
have symptoms of COVID-19

     •   DIFE College will have a COVID 19 Policy in place, and reviews will be made in line with any new
         Public Health advice
     •   Log of contact details of all students and staff to facilitate contact tracing if necessary
     •   Information will be visible on posters - recognising the signs symptoms of COVID 19
     •   Students will be asked to inform their teacher if they are feeling unwell
     •   Staff will report to the Principal/ Deputy Principal if they become unwell
     •   School will have temperature taken when entering building by Thermal Imaging Camera which
         will indicate raised temperatures in students
     •   Anyone presenting as unwell or symptomatic for COVID 19 will be asked to self-isolate in a
         designated isolation room. The room is well ventilated, has a supply of tissues, masks, gloves,
         bins, wipes and hand sanitiser
     •   A Pa will be assigned to the Isolation Room
     •   Teacher bringing student to isolation room must notify PA
     •   PA will sit outside room and monitor student.
     •   A log of incident will be filled in on reporting sheet in isolation room and filled in on incident
         book in Isolation room

     •   Parent/Guardians/Named Contact will be contacted for students who are unwell and advised
         to be brought home and seek medical advice
     •   Should a student appear very unwell the school protocol for calling emergency services will be
     •   Staff who are unwell will be advised to go home and seek medical advice

COVID-19 Suspect/Confirmed Cases Procedure and Protocol

Suspect COVID-19 Case in the College
What to do if an employee/student/visitor becomes unwell:

     •   If someone becomes ill (COVID-19 Symptomatic) on the premises showing signs of coughing,
         fever or difficulty breathing, the symptomatic person will be instructed to immediately self-
     •   If the person with the suspected case is a student under 18 years of age, the parents/guardians
         should be contacted immediately.
     •   The symptomatic person will be brought to the “Isolation Area” which is located in Room A7(B).
     •   Routes from classrooms to isolation room mapped out to minimise exposure to other
         students and staff. (Appendix 7)
     •   The “Isolation Room” is clearly signposted, and access is restricted to authorised personnel
         only. (Code :C1234)
     •   There should be a Slider on door to indicate if room is occupied.
     •   There should be a checklist of when isolation room was used and cleaned (Appendix 8)

     •   An “Isolation Pack” containing 2 x Face Masks, 2 x Pairs of Gloves, Tissues, Wipes, and a Waste
         Bag will be available in the area. This pack will be checked daily by the Lead Worker
         The person helping will don a face mask and gloves. They will then instruct the symptomatic
         person to put on a face mask and gloves to prevent contamination of the area.
     •   The Person Responsible, one of the COVID-19 Coordinators or the Lead Worker Representative,
         will advise the symptomatic person while observing strict social distancing of a minimum of 2M.
     •   An initial assessment will be carried out to determine if the symptomatic person can be
         immediately directed to go home, to call their GP or if medical assistance is required.
             o If required, the symptomatic person will be advised to organise transport home and
                    remain in the isolation area until transport arrives.
             o Public transport of any kind should not be used.

o If a situation arises which is deemed to be medically critical, then the Emergency
                Services will be contacted on 999 or 112. If the Emergency Services are required, they
                will be provided with the Eircode for the College.
             o The Eircode for the College is A92V586
             o The symptomatic person will be advised to contact their GP and outline their current
                symptoms. If a Doctor is not available, then contact the Emergency Services on 999 or

Contacting HSE
     Telephone Number: HSE Number 046-9076412
      This is your area medical office number for the HSE region. You get two options
     1. For members of the public
     2 For Health Care professionals.
     NB - PRESS 2 .

Post Event

     •   The Isolation Area will be cleaned after use. To allow for dissipation of any viruses or bacteria
         cleaning will take place after the person has left the area. Cleaning will be done by a person
         wearing the necessary Personal Protective Equipment – Facemask/Gloves/Hand
         Sanitiser/Disinfecting Liquids.
     •   All waste bags will be double-bagged and stored separately from general waste in an outdoor
         area for a minimum of 72 hours before being disposed of.
     •   Colleagues of the unwell person will be informed and implement the agreed cleaning protocol.
     •   The situation will be communicated to the COVID-19 Coordinator/Deputy Coordinator, who will
         advise on any further actions required.
     •   The Principal may be contacted by the HSE to discuss the case, identify people who have been
         in contact with the symptomatic person, and advice on any actions or precautions that should
         be taken.
     •   The HSE will undertake a risk assessment of each setting with the lead responsible person.
         Advice on the management of staff and members of the public will be based on this

•   The HSE will also be in contact with the individual directly to advise on isolation and identifying
         other contacts and will be in touch with any contacts of the case to provide them with
         appropriate advice.

Restricted movement and Self-isolation explained

The distinction between self-isolation and restricted movements should be clearly


Self-isolation (stay in your room) means staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other
people. This includes the people you live with. If you live with other people, stay on your own in a
room with a window you can open, if possible.

When to self-isolate

You should self-isolate when there is a high risk you could spread the virus to other people.


     •   if you have symptoms of COVID-19
     •   while you wait for a test appointment and your test results, if you have symptoms of COVID-19
     •   if you have had a positive test result for COVID-19, even if you have mild symptoms no

When you do not need to self-isolate before a test

If you are being tested as a close contact and you do not have symptoms of COVID-19, you
should restrict your movements. You will only need to self-isolate if you develop symptoms of COVID-

Restricted Movements

Restricting your movements means staying at home to avoid contact with other people. This is
sometimes called quarantine.

Restricting your movements helps to stop the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). You can still go
outside to exercise by yourself as long as you keep 2 metres away from other people.

When you should restrict your movements

Restrict your movements for 14 days if you:

     •     are a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
     •     live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19, but you feel well
     •     arrive in Ireland from another country, unless you're coming from a green region or Northern

How to restrict your movements

Restricting your movements means avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much
as possible.

Guide for FET Leadership- should you have a Confirmed COVID-19 Case.

Contact the HSE, Line Manager and the Director of FET.

The contact number for HSE Public Health Offices for :
Telephone Number: HSE Number : 046-9076412
You get two options

     1. For members of the public

     2 For Health Care professionals.

         We press 2 when contacting HSE

Stages of Communication:
Stage 1: You receive a call confirming a Covid 19 case (in a staff member or a student).
Stage 2: Contact HSE immediately (numbers above). Leave a message if you get no answer and state
you are a Manager/ Principal of a FET Centre/ School after being notified of a confirmed case.
To date, the experience locally and of ETBs nationally is that the Public Health Officer will take the
following information over the phone:
           •      Name of school/ centre– Address – Number of students – Number of staff (mgmt..,
                  teachers, tutors, instructors, ancillary staff)
           •      Information on students and staff in direct contact with confirmed case.
           •      Queries if any other persons displaying symptoms

•       Information on Centre/classroom/ workshop layout – movements of person with
                   confirmed case (arrival arrangements/mode of transport, route to isolation room, hall,
                   playground (incl times), etc)
           •       Had everyone in the class group concerned worn a mask?

    Public Health Officer may ask for the following information to be emailed:

               •   Isolation Room record
               •   Contact details for pupils/learners in class: Name, gender, DoB, Address, Parent/Guardian
                   contact information (Names, emails, mobile numbers)
               •   Contact details for staff in class: Name, DoB, Address, email, mobile numbers.
               •   Plan of classroom (location of class, route to yard/hall, isolation room routes, arrival to
                   school route)
               •   Class learner/student absences

    Stage 3: The HSE will carry out a risk assessment based on the information you provide.
    Stage 4: The HSE directs the course of action the School must follow.

    The school cannot give out information regarding identifying confirmed cases to the FET centre/ school
    community, nor identifying close contacts (and by association siblings of close contacts) to the FET
    centre/school community, including class levels. These persons (close contacts are identified via the HSE
    risk assessment process) are contacted by the HSE directly. This is by Department and HSE directive.

    Preparation for a FET centre/school:
       • Each FET centre has learner details by class group available in an excel document
       • Excel file of staff DOBs and contact details (available from Director when required)
       • Seating plan readily available and ready to be shared (Seating plan for base class and seating plan
          for subject options)
       • Document for all learners who have or are being tested with potential return dates after

•   Close contact: up to 2 hours consecutive, with masks and confirming that they were distanced by 2 M
    (or if less than 2 M what mitigation is in place).
•   Casual contact: up to 1 hour, with masks and 2 m distance
•   Day zero is defined as the day the pupil, confirmed with Covid 19 displayed symptoms
•   Recommendations on 10 days restricted movements- may be backdated to last day confirmed case was
    in school and is important to discuss with medical officer.

Media enquiry:

If there is clearly no case,
 ‘We can confirm that there are at present no confirmed cases of Covid-19 among our FET centre/ school
community. We continue to work in line with our protocols set out by the HSE and DES for the Re-
opening of Schools. Any further enquiries should be addressed to our school patron
LMETB Administrative Offices, Chapel Street, Dundalk, Co Louth,
Telephone:042 933 4047
 LMETB Administrative Offices, Abbey Road, Navan, Co Meath,
Telephone: 046 906 8200

In all other cases:

Thank you for your enquiry. Media Enquiries should be addressed to our school patron LMETB.:
LMETB Administrative Offices, Chapel Street, Dundalk, Co Louth,
Telephone:042 933 4047
 LMETB Administrative Offices, Abbey Road, Navan, Co Meath,
Telephone: 046 906 8200

Please note, the information above is based on information and experience to date, and will be
updated as necessary

HSA Reporting Requirements

There is no current requirement for an employer to notify the Health and Safety Authority if a worker contracts
COVID-19. Diseases are not reportable under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Reporting of Accidents
and Dangerous Occurrences) Regulations 2016 (SI No. 370 of 2016).

COVID-19 is, however, reportable under the Infectious Diseases (Amendment) Regulations 2020 by a medical
practitioner who becomes aware or suspects an instance of such disease. Such a report should be sent to the
Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) in the HSE:

The HSE will inform any staff/parents who have come into close contact with a diagnosed case via the contact
tracing process. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of COVID-19 is made. The
instructions of the HSE should be followed, and staff and student confidentiality are always essential.

Self-isolation and Restricted Movement Notifications - Staff Guidance
If you fall into any of the self-isolation categories as defined by the HSE:

     •   If you have symptoms of coronavirus
     •   Before you get tested for coronavirus
     •   While you wait for test results
     •   If you have had a positive test result for coronavirus
     •   If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, such as sore throat, runny nose, blocked nose, loss of
         taste or smell, cough, or wheezing
     •   If you arrive in Ireland from any other country – this includes Irish citizens coming home
     •   If you arrive in Ireland from any country, not on the green list*

Action to be taken by staff

Telephone the Principal/Deputy Principal before 9.00 AM on the first day of isolation/restricting your
movements to update them on the situation. If you are advised to self-isolate/restrict your activities,
you will be required to give the following information:

     •   Date of commencement and number of days advised to self-isolate/restrict movements
     •   Advice received from GP / HSE / Hospital / Other (you will be required to specify what that is)

If you have been advised to restrict your movements as a precaution, but you are well, you will be
asked to work from home.

*Green List
*Where there is an intention to undertake non-essential travel overseas to a non “green” country, all
employees must make provision by way of an annual leave or unpaid leave application for the additional
period of restricted movement, in line with the standard rules applying in the relevant sector. This
arrangement applies to all civil and public servants regardless of whether they can work from home.

Please note that Public Service employees cannot claim DEASP COVID-19 illness benefit in cases where
they are receiving special leave with pay. Any claim for DEASP COVID-19 illness benefit whilst on
special leave with payment will be treated as a disciplinary matter.

You will be asked to sign a self-declaration on return to work, including written confirmation of the
above details.

If in your working day, you experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 (e.g. cough, shortness of
breath, breathing difficulties, fever or chills), you should immediately:

     •   Report your health concerns, preferably by telephone or email, to the Principal.
     •   You will be asked to isolate yourself from your colleagues in the first instance – in most
         circumstances; this will mean going home; however, where this is not immediately possible
         then you should move to the designated space away (the Isolation room is located in Room
         (A7A) from colleagues until transport home can be arranged.
     •   If possible, arrange for someone in your household to collect you rather than using public
         transport or a taxi – this is for your own welfare as well as the welfare of others.
     •   If you must use the latter options, practice good hygiene etiquette to limit any potential spread
         of the virus. You will be given a mask to wear in this situation.
     •   Avoid engaging in any direct contact with colleagues and practice good hygiene etiquette as
         you make your exit.
     •   You should immediately contact your GP for further advice.
     •   You must call your Principal to let them know the outcome of the medical advice. This advice
         will inform your next steps.
If you are advised by your GP that you are well enough to continue working, you should do so. If you
are required to self-isolate, you should follow all HSE guidelines and keep your Principal/Deputy
Principal regularly informed of your health status.

Self-isolation and Restricted Movement Notifications – Management Guidance

If a Principal/Deputy Principal receives a call from a member of staff advising that he/she may need to
self-isolate/restrict their movements, the line manager should in the first instance ask if the person has
to limit his/her activities as a precaution and if he/she is well enough to work. If the staff member is
well enough to work, he/she should be asked to work from home.
If the staff member has been notified to self-isolate and is not well enough to work, the line manager
should ask the staff member the questions below. The Principal/Deputy Principal should take note of
the details provided.

Date of commencement and number of days advised to self-isolate
Advice received from:

     •   GP
     •   HSE
     •   Hospital
     •   Other (you will be required to specify what that is)

Line managers should make employees aware of the need to stay in regular contact and advise them
of any employee assistance programmes available to them.
Appendix 9 Self-isolation and Restricted Movement Notification Questionnaire
Head of centre/Line managers should alert the staff member to any follow-up actions that are required
on his/her return to work (for example, self-declarations).
Head of centre/Line managers should liaise with management concerning the necessity for follow-up

What happens if a staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19?
The HSE will inform any staff member via the contact tracing process who have come into close contact
with a diagnosed case. The HSE will contact all relevant persons where a diagnosis of COVID-19 is made.
The instructions of the HSE should be followed, and employee confidentiality is always essential.

Visitors to Drogheda Institute of Further Education

Business Visitors

It is our policy to discourage all business visitors to our premises unless it is deemed to be either
“Operational Critical” or “Safety-Critical.”

Operational Critical is defined as a business output that, if interrupted during the operating period,
will cause financial loss, damage, or interruption to the delivery of goods or services essential to our
continued operation or success — for example, IT failure on the premises. In such a scenario, we will
contract our IT Contractor to attend the premises. The Contractor or their staff will be expected to
complete a COVID-19 Self Declaration Form and abide by our COVID-19 Control Measures

Safety-Critical is defined as a system whose failure or malfunction could lead to death or serious
personal injury, loss or severe damage to equipment or property or environmental harm – for
example, a major water leak on the premises. In such a scenario, we will contract a Plumbing
Contractor to attend the premises. The Contractor or their staff will be expected to complete a COVID-
19 Self-Declaration Form and abide by our COVID-19 Control Measures.

The following procedures apply for all Business Visitors to the premises:

     •   All Business Visitors are required to complete a Visitors COVID-19 Self Declaration Form
     •   All Business Visitors are required to comply with our COVID-19 Social Distancing Guidelines.
     •   All Business Visitors are required to advise the Principal on any on-site work taking place and to agree
         on appropriate COVID-19 control measures before proceeding with any task.
     •   All Business Visitors are required to comply with their own company policies on COVID-19 Management.

Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is not generally considered as contributing significantly to the spread of COVID-19.
Switching off air conditioning is not required to manage the risk of COVID-19. Adequate ventilation is
encouraged, for example, by opening windows and doors where feasible.
     The following are practical measures for the deployment of good ventilation practices in DIFE

         1. The opening of windows to introduce fresh air is very important and should
            continue to be used during centre opening times via a proactive rather than
            reactive approach.
         2. Achieving fresh air via a number of windows partially opened as required rather
            than one window fully open can help to maximise the use of window driven
            natural ventilation distribution across the room without causing discomfort.
         3. In colder weather any local chilling effect can be offset by opening the windows
            nearest and above the radiators.
         4. Consideration should be given to local circumstances that may require to have
            additional windows open such as after break time activities.
         5. Rooms with adequate fresh air should not be stuffy or have condensation on the
            window glass.
         6. Centres should also ensure that all permanent ventilation openings in rooms are
            fully open and not blocked by wall hangings etc. These normally are either a
            circular or rectangle ventilation grill on the external room wall or linear slot type
            ventilators built into the window frames. All of these should be opened all the

time, if they have been taped and sealed for decorating purposes then the
           tape/sealing should be removed.
        7. All mechanical ventilation systems and any air conditioning systems should be
           set to 100% fresh air, any air conditioning units that cannot operate on 100% fresh
           air should be left off. Check with unit suppliers if in doubt.

Wellbeing of Students

Many students will require particular supports in their transition to Further Education. Particular
attention will need to be given to supporting their wellbeing, reducing potential anxiety, and planning
learning experiences. At DIFE College we have Guidance Counsellors who are on hand to give support to
students who need it.

Student voice

In their interactions with students, teachers can support them to look forward positively. Part of this
communication should provide opportunities for students to give feedback on their learning experiences
as they engage with learning and integrate with school.

There will be new school rules and routines to learn to keep everyone safe. It is important to adopt a
whole-school approach to supporting a successful transition to Further Education

It is essential that staff, students, and parents feel welcome, safe, and secure
within the school community. It also recognises that some students will require
 more targeted intervention and planning to help them reconnect with the school community and re-
engage with their learning.

Promoting School Staff Wellbeing
Everyone will have had different experiences of the pandemic and it will take time
to adjust to the ‘new normal’. It is especially important that adults in the school are proactive and look
after their own wellbeing.

DIFE College recognises the need for school staff wellbeing and collective self-care. Support for school
staff wellbeing will be provided by Department Support Services.
An Occupational Health Strategy is in place as a supportive resource for staff in schools. The aim of the
Occupational Health Strategy is to promote the health and wellbeing of employees in the workplace,
with a strong focus on prevention.
The Occupational Health Strategy comprises the Employee Assistance Service and the Occupational
Health Service. The Employee Assistance Service (EAS) is provided by Spectrum Life.

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