Page created by Stephen Arnold

[BME]                                                                                  DATE OF PUBLICATION:

[TAMÁS CSOKNYAI                                                                               [18.05.2017]


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation         1
                           programme under grant agreement No 649621
                                   EFFICIENCY ACTIONS

    Project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme (2014-2020)

                                    Deliverable 3.4 – Version V1.

                                            Work-package n°3

Nature of the deliverable
  R       Report                                                                                      X
 Dec      Websites, patents, filling etc.
 Dem      Demonstrator
  O       Other

Dissemination Level
  PU      Public                                                                                      X
  CO      Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621

This report forms part of the deliverables from a project called "GreenPlay" which has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 649621. The Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of the
content of this publication.

GreenPlay aims at raising awareness among citizens through the implementation of a real time
monitoring energy consumption platform and the development of a serious game

The project runs from March 2015 to February 2018, it involves six partners and is coordinated by
ESTIA (École Supérieure Des Technologies Industrielles Avancées, France).

More information on the project can be found at http://www.greenplay-project.eu/

             This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                            innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................................... 3
List of figures............................................................................................................................................ 4
List of tables ............................................................................................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 5
THE PILOT DWELLING STOCK AND PARTICIPATING HOMES ................................................................... 6
METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................... 8
       Survey process ................................................................................................................................. 8
       Evaluation process ........................................................................................................................... 9
RESULTS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS SURVEYS ................................................................... 10
APPLICATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR DATA ON SINGLE HOMES ............................................................. 12
CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................................ 13
ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................................ 14

                                                                  LIST OF FIGURES
Figure 1 – Map of participant homes in two different climate areas in France ....................................... 6
Figure 2 – Map of identified homes in Vigo (Spain) and its surrounding areas........................................ 8
Figure 3 – Milestones of the survey process............................................................................................ 9
Figure 4 – Milestones of the survey evaluation process ........................................................................ 10

                                                                   LIST OF TABLES
Table 1: Pilot homes and homes participating in the survey ................................................................... 8

                     This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                                    innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
                                      SELECTED HOMES

The current deliverable is associated with task T3.2 Energy audit of the targeted homes. The task
Leader was BME, involved partners were FAIMEVI, EGREEN, ESTIA and EUROQUALITY. The objective
was to carry out an environmental awareness survey in a significant number of the pilot homes (total
number of homes: 163 homes in 3 pilot areas).

The survey has been realized among the selected homes to assess their environmental awareness
before the use of the GreenPlay solution. The results of this survey will establish the reference level
for the impact assessment of the solution in WP6. In other words, the survey will be repeated after the
pilot action to see the behavioural change. This task is partly associated with the energy audits
implemented in all selected homes, but the audit results are not discussed herein, constituting
another deliverable (D3.3.).

A main objective of the deliverable is to get and provide an overview about the environmental
awareness of the tenants before the pilot action. In this respect, a collective analysis is required and
the results will be used in WP6 for the assessment of the impact of the solution. The pilot action aims
at a behavioural change among the tenants towards a more efficient use of energy through
gamification. However, it is to be noted that the survey itself already has an influence on tenants’
behaviour. Tenants might paint a better picture about his environmental awareness than it is in
reality. This problem is very difficult to avoid and this fact should be taken into account when making

Another objective of this task is the collection of reference data for each individual home on user
habits with a potential influence on the energy consumption of the dwellings. The individually
collected information will be used as inputs for the intelligent advice generator.

This report encompasses the following aspects:

       Description of methodology and actions related to the surveys carried out so far
       Description of the environmental awareness surveys
       Statistical evaluation of the surveys
       Inputs for the intelligent advice generator

The evaluation of energy audits of the homes (the issue is discussed in D.3.3). is not included in the
current report.

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
Altogether 163 dwellings participated in the project where pilot actions have been carried out. The
tenants of the pilot homes have been asked to participate in the survey, but their participation was
voluntary. The selection process for dwellings is described in deliverable D.3.2 in detail.

The pilot dwellings in France are from two different geographical areas (see Figure 1):

       46 homes in 2 cities (housing association OPAC38): Villefontaine and Isle d’Abeau in the
        North-West of the Isère (the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region).
       54 homes in 36 cities (housing association Le COL) in the Basque Country and the southern

                     Figure 1 – Map of participant homes in two different climate areas in France

The pilot dwellings in Spain are from Vigo and its surrounding municipalities such as Cangas, Moaña,
Soutomaior and Ponteareas. The participating homes of identified users from the prospection process
in        Vigo        and        the       surrounding        areas         are       shown       in

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
Figure 2.

In the Basque country, the dwellings were located in many different buildings, including single family
houses, semi-detached houses, row-houses and multi flat buildings, whilst in Isère, the dwellings are
situated in three blocks of flats only. Similarly to the Basque Country, the Spanish dwellings are located
in many different buildings, although the buildings are mostly multi-family buildings (

Figure 2).

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621




                     Figure 2 – Map of identified homes in Vigo (Spain) and its surrounding areas

The final number of participants in the project and in the survey is shown in Error! Reference source
not found.. From the altogether 177 homes 88 have participated in the survey:

                             Table 1: Pilot homes and homes participating in the survey

                                                                                          Homes participating
                                  Geographical area              Pilot homes
                                                                                            in the survey
                                    Isère (SE France)                  46
        Basque Country and the southern Landes                                                      29
                                   (SW France)
                                                 Spain                 77                           59
                                                TOTAL                 177                           88

Survey process
First, the objectives of the surveys were defined during project meetings and e-meetings with the
involvement of the entire consortium. The survey also gives an opportunity to collect technical
information about the homes supplementary to the data collected during the audits. An optimal level
of detail had to be defined, because although a very deep and comprehensive data survey would have
given more useful information it had to be restricted to a limited content otherwise the tenants would
have probably refused their participation.

Once the objectives were set, BME developed an online survey questionnaire in English language in
Google Forms. The survey were tested by FAIMEVI and feedbacks were incorporated to the final
version. The questionnaire is presented in Annex I.

The survey had to be distributed in the native languages of the tenants, therefore it was translated to

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
Spanish by FAIMEVI and to French by EUROQUALITY (Annex II and Annex III).

The tenants were notified with e-mail campaigns about the questionnaires by FAIMEVI and ESTIA,
support was also provided by these partners when questions arose.

During the surveys, BME had a supervisory role to keep the progress on track and to control the
quality of the process. Once the surveys were ready, the responses were exported to a MS Excel
database. The evaluation of the surveys started after all surveys have been submitted. The survey
process was closed on 15 April 2017. The detailed workflow is specified in Figure 3.

                        •Definition of environmental survey (D.3.4) objectives

                        •Selection of pilot homes

                        •Development of draft survey questionnaire (English version)

                        •Review of the draft survey questionnaire, feedback to BME

                        •Finalisation of survey questionnaire (English version)

                        •Translation of questionnaire to French and Spanish
           TY FAIMEVI

                        •Coordination of survey in the articipating homes (campaigns and support)

                        •Close of survey, export to database, evaluation

                                        Figure 3 – Milestones of the survey process

Evaluation process
All responses were exported to a common database. The environmental awareness survey were filled
in local languages and first the database had to be translated to English. As the questionnaire used
predefined answers the translation could be implemented partly using automatic mechanisms.

The database consists of 62 columns, 58 of them encompass user-related information. Each row
represents one home in the database.

Once all the information was in the database, a quality check of each data type was carried out and

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
minor corrections were made.

The next step was a statistical analysis to obtain a picture about user habits of the homes separately in
the two participating countries. The results of this step are presented in the “RESULTS OF THE

The data available in the database can be used by the challenge and advice generator. Examples are
process is presented in Figure 3.

                          •Export to database
           Data export

                          •Data translations (ES to EN, FR to EN)

                          •Merging of audit and environmental survey data

                          •Data analysis and result evaluation

                          •Personalised datasets for the game/platform per apartments
           Gaming data

                          •Evaluation report (current report)

                                 Figure 4 – Milestones of the survey evaluation process

In the current interpretation of the results, the Spanish and the French homes have been analysed
separately, because behavioural aspects can be influenced by the national identity, mentality and
other factors. In addition, the results will be used separately in the two countries by two different
project partners (FAIMEVI and ESTIA). However the database enables the individual assessment of
each home or other kind of joint assessments based on different criteria (e.g. analysis per pilot area,
analysis per age ranges, per computer knowledge level, etc.). Detailed results in form of diagrams are
presented in Annex IV for the Spanish and French homes. In this chapter, the most important results

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
related to environmental awareness of the tenants are discussed. Statements are based on the
diagrams of Annex IV.

First of all, in the French dwellings (median: 2) slightly fewer people live than in the Spanish ones
(median: 3), but at the same time the apartments are smaller. It means that based only on occupancy,
no significant differences can be expected in domestic hot water demand or internal heat gains (these
parameters are normally strongly influenced by the number of occupants).

Although all users use smartphones or computers regularly, in Spain more than half and in France 40%
of them do not play games at all or very rarely. 33% play games every day in France and only 15% in
Spain. This means that users must be convinced to use the game more frequently than they normally

The tenants have been asked about the indoor air temperature during the heating season. The results
show rather good energy awareness level in this issue, almost 70% of tenants think they keep the
temperature below 20 degrees or even lower. 28% (Spain) and 43% (France) say that the temperature
is between 17 and 19 degrees. At night, the temperature is reported to be even lower, particularly in
France. Between weekends and weekdays different behaviours are reported by many dwellers, but
the overall picture is not significantly different. It is doubtful if it is possible to convince these tenants
to further decrease their temperature to save energy, because it is already often below the comfort
level (according to the perception of tenants). A comparative analysis is recommended to measured
data in order to eliminate inaccurate and potentially biased self-reporting.

It is interesting that although many people have a clear idea about the indoor air temperature in
winter, the same is not true for hot water temperature. In Spain 43%, in France 73% have no idea
about this. Less than 15% reported high temperatures (above 55 degrees), where significant savings
could be achieved on the set point temperature. 33% (Spain) and 60% (France) have manual
thermostats and they don’t turn it lower when leaving for vacation. For 72%-80%, there is a chance to
save energy through educating users to adopt a more efficient use of the thermostat. In the rest of the
apartments it is already well used or systems are equipped with an intelligent unit. Bath usage is not
typical, most tenants take a shower representing negligible potential savings.

Only 17% (Spain) and 13% (France) have a cooling system, but 7-9% use it only for 2-3 weeks a year.
This can be explained by the moderate summer outdoor temperatures in the pilot areas. However, in
apartments with cooling, the set temperature is reported (between 21 and 24 degrees or less) to be
much below the recommended comfort level (26 degrees), an unhealthy practice representing
potential savings. The majority of apartments is not equipped with a shading device, but when there
are some they are in used in summer during sunny hours and in winter during the night.

Ventilation habits in summer could be significantly improved, because only 7% (Spain) and 27%
(France) keep the windows open only at night, which is the recommended strategy for hot summer
days. In addition, in 7-13% of the apartments cross ventilation would be possible, but not applied.

Most apartments are not equipped with any renewable energy systems and only a small minority of
tenants plan to improve the situation in the future. However, in France this might be explained by
current tenants not being the actual owners. In Spain most of them are owners, but nowadays the
regulatory situation of renewable energys are confusing for citizens there.

               This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                              innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
A remarkable proof on the intention of the participating tenants to be energy efficient is that most of
them declared that when they buy new appliances they select energy efficient ones (93% in Spain,
67% in France) and only 0-3% said it is not an important aspect. The rest said they would buy an
efficient appliance only if the price difference is low.

With regards to the usage of household appliances, the main conclusions are as follows. In Spain, 31%,
in France 43% do not have a dishwasher and those who have one use it regularly, twice a week or
more frequently. Cloth driers are available in 20% (Spain) and 27% (France) of the dwellings and they
are also used regularly (twice a week or more often). Most televisions are LED TVs and they are used
very often. It is interesting that in 27% of the French homes TV is said to be used “all the time”. In
addition, a significant part of owners use HIFI and an even more significant part of them use media
box “all the time”. Probably these units are connected and work simultaneously, but the media box is
often left on when TV is turned off. It was reported only in 13% (Spain) and 17% (France) of the homes
that TV is running less than 2 hours daily. In 31% of Spanish homes and 20% of French homes there is
a plasma TV (which usually consumes much more energy than LED TVs). Old TV types are rare. In
nearly half of the apartments, an air drier is used, but the question might have been misinterpreted as
hair drier. Air humidifiers are very rare. Almost all owners use PCs , notebooks or tablets frequently. In
a surprisingly high number (32% in Spain and 16% in France) of homes, there is a server running
constantly or periodically. In more than half of the apartments, it was reported that there is no kitchen
stove, whilst in 4% and 3% it was reported that the stove is running “all the time” meaning that the
question was probably misinterpreted. In 7% (Spain) and 20% (France) of the homes there is no oven,
whilst in 7% (Spain) and 10% (France) of the homes there is no microwave oven. Microwave ovens are
used frequently, such as kitchen fans.

It seems there is a significant potential in reducing low power mode (LOPOMO) consumption of
appliances, because only a minority of tenants admitted to being aware of this feature and seeking to
exploit it. The potential seems to be particularly large in France.

Only a small share of the homes (13% in Spain and 10% in France)are still equipped with mostly old or
halogen lamps. In 28% (Spain) and 23% (France) of the homes the lights are partly exchanged to
efficient ones. In the rest of the homes, LED or other energy efficient lights are installed, meaning
there is a saving potential in 41-33% of the homes.

All the collected survey data gives personalised information about the energy efficiency habits of the
homes. Most of these data can be utilised by the smart advice generator. For instance, if a dwelling is
equipped with a cooling system, advices and challenges related to cooling can be given. However, if
there is no cooling it is better not to give advices on efficient use of cooling systems, because users
might lose interest in the game. If a tenant has reported that low power mode is unknown to him,
advices can be generated on this issue. Certainly the database can be used only for those homes
where tenants have participated in the survey.

The following list gives further examples for such usage opportunities of the database (the list is not

       Time spent at home  Personalised advice focusing on the activities related to the periods

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
spent or not spent at home (e.g. those who are usually not at home on weekends switch off
        heating, hot water, LOPOMO, etc.)
       Indoor air temperature higher than recommended  Advice on lower temperature
       Domestic hot water temperature above advised level  Advice on lower temperature
       Hot water thermostat type and use  Advice on a better programme
       Number of showers higher than advised  Advice on less shower
       Bath taking reported  Advice to take a shower instead
       Cooling system reported AND not properly used shading device reported AND/OR not proper
        summer ventilation habits reported  Advice on a more efficient use of shading and
        ventilation strategy in summer
       Shutters reported but not used in winter night  Advice on using the shutters at night
       There are appliances with poor efficiency  Convince tenants to buy efficient appliances
        when it becomes actual
       There is a cloth dryer  Challenge to spend a certain period without using the cloth dryer
       TV is watched too often  Challenge to spend time with other activities
       Tenant not aware of hidden energy consumption  Teach tenant on LOPOMO and advice on
        how to avoid hidden energy consumption
       A server is running in the home  Convince tenant to use cloud applications
       In the dwelling there are old or halogen lights  convince tenants to change lights for LED

The objective of the current deliverable was to summarize the process and the results of the research
on the environmental awareness of the pilot homes. The general impression about the tenants
participated in the survey is that most of them are concerned about environment and energy
efficiency. This means that on the one hand, tenants are probably open for any useful advices to save
energy, but on the other hand, it also means that they are already aware of many aspects and thus the
energy saving potential is limited.

It seems there is still a significant savings potential in hidden consumption of appliances or in changing
of habits using some appliances (cloth dryer, TV, server). There is a moderate savings potential in
domestic hot water using habits, in changing habits (increasing set-point temperature, better use of
shading and ventilation) in cooled flats in summer, and in changing lights to LED.

Only a minor saving potential can be predicted based on the survey results in heating habits as indoor
air temperatures are in most homes reported under recommended comfort level. However, it is to be
noted that people’s opinion about their habits might differ from the real situation. Therefore, the
conclusions presented in this report should be considered only as indicative information and it is
recommended to compare them with measured indoor air temperatures.

It is to be highlighted again that the survey itself already has an influence on tenants’ behaviour. They
might show a better picture about their environmental awareness than it is in reality. However, it is
difficult to estimate the impact of this problem on the measured results.

              This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                             innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621

      This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
                     innovation programme under grant agreement No 649621
2017. 05. 04.                                               ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey

                ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey

                 1. Email address *

                 2. Identification number *
                    The identification number is an individual code
                    you can find on the bottom of the homebase unit
                    (see picture). This number is important for us to
                    identify your dwelling in the evaluation phase.

                Illustration of the identification number:

                 3. Address *
                    Please insert your address. Include staircase, floor and flat number inside the building (if


                 4. Number of occupants living in the dwelling
                    Babies and children should be considered the
                    same way as adults.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/184ak79gDM9Ht2eTX62cADEdHnKLaRlGnXjlSrANQG54/edit                                  1/10
2017. 05. 04.                                             ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey
                5. Average age of occupants *
                   Please give an estimate on the average age of

                6. Computer skills of the occupants *
                  Please select from the list according to the occupant most engaged in the use of computer or
                  smart phone.
                  Mark only one oval.

                         We never use computers or smartphones
                         We use a computer or a smartphone once or twice a month

                         We use a computer or a smartphone once or twice a week
                         We use a computer or a smartphone almost every day

                7. Use of computer/smart phone games *
                   Please select from the list according to the occupant most engaged in playing games.
                   Mark only one oval.

                         We never play video games

                         We play video games once or twice a month
                         We play video games once or twice a week

                         We play video games almost every day

                8. Time spent at home *
                   Mark only one oval.

                         More than one person is at home most of the time (we don't work or we work at home)

                         One person is at home most of the time, others are at home less frequently
                        More than one person is at home mostly in the evenings, at night and during the
                         One person is at home in the evenings, at night and during the weekends, others are at
                  home less frequently
                        We are at home mostly in the evenings and at nights, but almost never during the
                         The flat is occupied mosty during the weekend but almost never during the week
                         We are at home normally in the evenings, at nights and weekends, but often go out
                         Less frequently than the other options
                         Almost never

                9. Do occupants have any habits or behavior that could have an impact on your energy
                   Example: nanny or preschool assistant, unemployed or retired family member, etc.

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2017. 05. 04.                                             ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey

                Heating / hot water / cooling 1

                10. Indoor air temperature in the dwelling during the day, weekdays, during heating season
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Don't know
                          26.0 °C or higher

                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C

                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C
                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C

                          Below 17.0 °C

                11. Indoor air temperature in the dwelling, during the day, weekends, during heating
                    season *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Don't know

                          Same as during the week
                          26.0 °C or higher

                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C

                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C

                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C
                          Below 17.0 °C

                12. Indoor air temperature in the dwelling at night, weekdays, during heating season *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Don't know
                          Same as daytime
                          26.0 °C or higher
                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C
                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C
                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C
                          Below 17.0 °C

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2017. 05. 04.                                             ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey
                13. Indoor air temperature in the dwelling at night, weekends, during heating season *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Don't know

                          Same as daytime
                          26.0 °C or higher
                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C
                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C
                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C
                          Below 17.0 °C

                14. Hot water temperature (normal use) *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Don't know

                          40­45 °C
                          45­50 °C

                          50­55 °C
                          55­60 °C
                          Above 60 °C

                15. Hot water temperature programme *
                    Tick all that apply.

                        We turn off the hot water system during vacation
                        We decrease hot water temperature during vacation
                        We use a programmable control unit that turns off the system when we are not at home
                        We have an adaptive self­learning control system, which decreases the temperature
                   automatically when demand is normally low.
                        The hot water equitment is on all the time


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2017. 05. 04.                                               ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey
                16. How many times do members of your family take a shower per day? *
                    Please select the option most suitable for your family. If two persons take a shower per day
                    select "2 times a day".
                    Mark only one oval.

                           We don't use shower or only occasionally

                           Once in two days
                           Once a day

                           2 times a day
                           3 times a day
                           4 times a day
                           5 times a day
                           6 times a day or more

                17. How many times do your family members take a bath per day? *
                    Please select the option most suitable for your family. If two persons take a bath per day select
                    "2 times a day".
                    Mark only one oval.

                           We don't use bath or only occasionally
                           Once in two days
                           Once a day
                           2 times a day
                           3 times a day
                           4 times a day
                           5 times a day

                           6 times a day or more

                18. Do you have a cooling system? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                           No       Sk ip to question 19.
                           Yes, but we use it one week or less a year

                           Yes, but we use it only for 2­3 weeks a year
                           Yes, and we use it often (more than 4 weeks a year) in 1 room

                           Yes, and we use it often (more than 4 weeks a year) in 2 rooms
                           Yes, and we use it often (more than 4 weeks a year) in 3 or more rooms

                Cooling 2

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2017. 05. 04.                                             ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey
                19. Air temperature set in case of cooling *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Don't know
                          Below 21.0 °C
                          21.0­22.9 °C
                          23.0­23.9 °C
                          24.0­24.9 °C

                          25.0­25.9 °C
                          26.0­26.9 °C

                          27.0­27.9 °C
                          28.0 °C or higher

                Shading and ventilation
                20. Do you use a movable shading device in the summer? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Our building is fitted with such a device, but we do not use it
                          Yes, always during the day
                          Always, in case of direct sunlight streaming through the windows
                          We try, but often forget or use it in a few rooms only
                          Yes, when it is very hot
                          We do not have movable shading devices installed


                21. Do you use movable shading device in winter? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Our building is fitted with such a device, but we do not use it

                          Yes, always during the day
                          Yes, always during the night

                          Yes, always
                          We try, but often forget or we use only a part of them

                          We do not have movable shading devices installed


https://docs.google.com/forms/d/184ak79gDM9Ht2eTX62cADEdHnKLaRlGnXjlSrANQG54/edit              6/10
2017. 05. 04.                                                ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey
                22. Do you keep windows open in summer? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                           Yes, for short periods in order to provide fresh air

                           Yes, day and night
                           Yes, but only during the day

                           Yes, but only during the night

                           Not really


                23. When you open windows in the summer, do you use cross ventilation? *
                   Mark only one oval.

                           Yes, definitely
                           Sometimes or partly

                           No, although it would be possible
                           It is not possible in this dwelling

                Renewable energy sources
                24. Do you have any renewable energy systems installed in your house? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                           Yes       Sk ip to question 24.
                           No       Sk ip to question 25.

                           Don't know        Sk ip to question 25.

                Renewable energy sources
                25. What kind of renewable energy sytems are installed? *
                   Tick all that apply.

                         Solar thermal collectors to produce hot water
                         Solar thermal collectors to heat swimming pool or for other purpose
                         Photovoltaic panels connected to the communal electricity network
                         Photovoltaic panels supplying batteries (no connection to the network)

                         Renewable heat pump (energy source: air)
                         Renewable heat pump (energy source: ground or other)

                         Wood / pellet / biomass stove, fireplace or boiler


                Renewable energy sources

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2017. 05. 04.                                               ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey
                26. Do you plan to install any (further) renewable energy systems in the future? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Yes       Sk ip to question 26.

                          No       Sk ip to question 27.
                          Don't know        Sk ip to question 27.

                Renewable energy sources
                27. What kind of renewable energy sytems would you like to install? *
                    Tick all that apply.

                        Solar thermal collectors to produce hot water
                        Solar thermal collectors to heat swimming pool or other purpose
                        Photovoltaic panels connected to the communal electricity network
                        Photovoltaic panels supplying batteries (no connection to the network)
                        Renewable heat pump (energy source: air)
                        Renewable heat pump (energy source: ground or other)
                        Biomass stove, fireplace or boiler


                Household appliancies and lighting
                28. How do you rate the energy efficiency of the appliances in your home? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Don't know

                          Most of them are A+ or better
                          Most of them are B or A (with some exceptions)

                          Mixed (different ratings coupled with older devices, etc.)
                          Most of them are not efficient (D or worse), some are efficient

                          They are all old / inefficient

                29. If you buy any new domestic appliances you prefer energy class A or better? *
                    Mark only one oval.


                          Only if there is no significant difference in price
                          It is not an important aspect for me

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2017. 05. 04.                                                ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey
                30. How often do you use appliancies (PART 1)? *
                    Mark only one oval per row.

                                                                                            more                      or
                                           all                                                       twice   once
                                                    >5            3­4           1­2         than                    never
                                          the                                                          a       a
                                                 hours/day     hours/day     hours/day     twice a                     /
                                         time                                                        week    week
                                                                                            week                    don't
                     Fridge 1 (large)
                     Fridge 2 (small)
                     Freezer 1
                     Freezer 2
                     Cloth drier
                     Televisions (old
                     Televisions (LED)
                     DVD player
                     Media box

                31. How often do you use appliancies (PART 2)? *
                    Mark only one oval per row.

                                                                                            more                      or
                                           all                                                       twice   once
                                                    >5            3­4           1­2         than                    never
                                          the                                                          a       a
                                                 hours/day     hours/day     hours/day     twice a                     /
                                         time                                                        week    week
                                                                                            week                    don't
                     Air dryer
                     Air humidifyer
                     PC 1
                     PC 2
                     Notebook 1
                     Notebook 2
                     Electric stove
                     Electric oven
                     Microwave oven
                     Kitchen fan
                     Bathroom fan
                     Toilet fan (if

                32. Are you familiar with the term: hidden consumption (LOPOMO: low power mode)? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Yes      Sk ip to question 32.
                          No      Sk ip to question 33.

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2017. 05. 04.                                                  ANNEX I: Greenplay Home Use Survey

                Household appliancies and lighting
                33. Do you make efforts to reduce hidden consumption? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                              Don't know
                              Not really (I don't care)

                              Not really (I don't agree it is a good idea)

                Household appliancies and lighting
                34. What kind of lighting do you have? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                              mostly LED lights
                              mostly energy efficient lights (LEDs and low­energy lights)
                              partly enegy efficient lights, partly old (or halogen) lights
                              mostly old or halogen lights
                              mostly old bulbs

                35. Other elements with notable impact on energy consumption, please specify (e.g.
                    jakuzzi, swimming pool, sauna):

                36. Any further information or clarification:

                   Send me a copy of my responses.

                Pow ered by

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2017. 05. 04.                                  ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético

                ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de
                consumo energético

                 1. Email address *

                 2. Número de identificación de la pasarela *
                    El número de identificación de la pasarela es el
                    código que podrá encontrar en la parte inferior
                    de la unidad pasarela (ver foto). Este número es
                    importante para poder identificar cada casa en
                    la fase de demostración del proyecto Greenplay.

                Ejemplo del número de identificación de la pasarela:

                 3. Dirección postal *
                    Por favor, introduzca su dirección (incluya calle, número, piso, letra...)

                 4. Número de ocupantes de la vivienda *
                    (Bebés y niños deben ser considerados del
                    mismo modo que los adultos)

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2017. 05. 04.                               ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                5. Edad media de los ocupantes *
                   Por favor, dé una estimación de la media de
                   edad de los ocupantes de la vivienda

                6. Habilidades informáticas de los ocupantes *
                  Por favor seleccione de la lista de acuerdo con el ocupante más familiarizado con el uso de
                  ordenadores o teléfonos inteligentes
                  Mark only one oval.

                          Nunca utilizo ordenadores o teléfonos inteligentes
                          Utilizo un ordenador o un teléfono inteligente una o dos veces al mes

                          Utilizo un ordenador o un teléfono inteligente una o dos veces a la semana
                          Utilizo un ordenador o un teléfono inteligente casi todos los días

                7. Uso de videojuegos en ordenador / teléfono inteligente *
                   Por favor seleccione de la lista de acuerdo con el ocupante más familiarizado con el uso de
                   Mark only one oval.

                          Nunca juego a videojuegos

                          Juego a videojuegos una o dos veces al mes
                          Juego a videojuegos una o dos veces a la semana

                          Juego a videojuegos casi todos los días

                8. Tiempo en casa *
                   Mark only one oval.

                         Más de una persona está en casa la mayor parte del tiempo (no trabajamos o trabajamos
                  en casa)
                          Una persona está en casa la mayor parte del tiempo, los demás están en casa menos
                          Más de una persona está en casa principalmente por las tardes, a la noche y durante el
                  fin de semana
                        Una persona está en casa principalmente por las tardes, a la noche y durante el fin de
                  semana, los demás están en casa menos
                        Estamos en casa principalmente por las tardes y a la noche, pero casi nunca los fines
                  de semana
                         La casa está ocupada principalmente durante los fines de semana, pero casi nunca
                  durante la semana
                        Estamos en casa normalmente por las tardes, a la noche y los fines de semana, pero a
                  menudo salimos
                          Estamos con menos frecuencia que las otras opciones
                          Casi nunca estamos

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2017. 05. 04.                               ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                 9. ¿Tienen algún hábito o comportamiento que pueda tener un impacto en su consumo de
                    Por ejemplo: alguna persona que pase tiempo en casa como puede ser una nanny o cuidador@
                    infantil, algún miembro de la familia desempleado o jubilado, etc.

                Calefacción/ Agua caliente/ Frío 1
                10. Temperatura ambiente de la vivienda por el día, los días de semana, durante la
                    temporada de calefacción *
                   Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé
                          26.0 °C o más alta

                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C

                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C

                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C

                          Por debajo de 17.0 °C

                11. Temperatura ambiente de la vivienda por el día, el fin de semana, durante la
                    temporada de calefacción *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé
                          La misma que durante los días de semana

                          26.0 °C o más alta
                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C
                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C
                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C
                          Por debajo de 17.0 °C

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2017. 05. 04.                               ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                12. Temperatura ambiente de la vivienda por la noche, los días de semana, durante la
                    temporada de calefacción *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé
                          La misma que por el día
                          26.0 °C o más alta
                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C
                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C

                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C

                          Por debajo de 17.0 °C

                13. Temperatura ambiente de la vivienda por la noche, el fin de semana, durante la
                    temporada de calefacción *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé
                          La misma que por el día
                          26.0 °C o más alta

                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C

                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C

                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C

                          Por debajo de 17.0 °C

                14. Temperatura del agua caliente (uso habitual) *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé
                          40­45 °C

                          45­50 °C
                          50­55 °C
                          55­60 °C
                          Por encima de 60 °C

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2017. 05. 04.                                ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                15. Programa de temperatura del agua caliente *
                    Tick all that apply.

                          Apago el sistema de agua caliente durante las vacaciones
                          Bajo la temperatura del agua caliente durante las vacaciones
                          Utilizo una unidad de control programable que apaga el sistema cuando no estamos en
                        Disponemos de un sistema de control inteligente, que disminuye la temperatura
                   automáticamente cuando la demanda es baja
                          El equipo de agua caliente está encendido todo el tiempo


                16. ¿Cuántas duchas se toman al día en tu familia? *
                    Por favor seleccione la opción más adaptada a su familia. Si dos personas toman una ducha al
                    día, seleccione "2 veces al día".
                    Mark only one oval.

                           No utilizamos la ducha o sólo ocasionalmente
                           Una vez en dos días
                           Una vez al día
                           2 veces al día
                           3 veces al día
                           4 veces al día
                           5 veces al día

                           6 veces al día o más

                17. ¿Cuántos baños se toman al día en tu familia? *
                    Por favor seleccione la opción más adaptada a su familia. Si dos personas toman un baño al día,
                    seleccione "2 veces al día".
                    Mark only one oval.

                           No utilizamos la bañera o sólo ocasionalmente
                           Una vez en dos días
                           Una vez al día
                           2 veces al día
                           3 veces al día
                           4 veces al día
                           5 veces al día
                           6 veces al día o más

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2017. 05. 04.                                ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                18. ¿Tienes algún sistema de aire frío? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          No       Sk ip to question 19.
                          Sí, pero lo usamos una semana o menos al año
                          Sí, pero lo usamos sólo 2 ó 3 semanas al año
                          Sí, y lo usamos a menudo (más de 4 semanas al año) en 1 habitación
                          Sí, y lo usamos a menudo (más de 4 semanas al año) en 2 habitaciones

                          Sí, y lo usamos a menudo (más de 4 semanas al año) en 3 habitaciones o más

                Frío 2
                19. Temperatura de consigna del sistema de aire frío *
                   Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé
                          Por debajo de 21.0 °C
                          21.0­22.9 °C
                          23.0­23.9 °C
                          24.0­24.9 °C
                          25.0­25.9 °C
                          26.0­26.9 °C
                          27.0­27.9 °C
                          28.0 °C o más alta

                Sombreamiento y ventilación
                20. ¿Utilizas algún sistema que dé sombra durante el verano? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Nuestro edificio está equipado con un dispositivo de este tipo, pero no lo utilizamos

                          Sí, siempre durante el día
                          Siempre, que la luz del sol da directamente en las ventanas

                          Lo intentamos, pero a menudo lo olvidamos o lo utilizamos solo en algunas habitaciones
                          Sí, cuando hace mucho calor

                          No está instalado ningún sistema que dé sombra


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2017. 05. 04.                                 ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                21. ¿Utilizas algún sistema que dé sombra durante el invierno? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Nuestro edificio está equipado con un dispositivo de este tipo, pero no lo utilizamos

                          Sí, siempre durante el día
                          Sí, siempre durante la noche

                          Sí, siempre
                          Lo intentamos, pero a menudo lo olvidamos o lo utilizamos solo en parte

                          No está instalado ningún sistema que dé sombra


                22. ¿Mantienes las ventanas abiertas en verano? *
                   Mark only one oval.

                          Sí, durante períodos cortos para refrescar el aire
                          Sí, día y noche

                          Sí, pero sólo durante el día
                          Sí, pero sólo durante la noche

                          A veces


                23. Cuando abres las ventanas en el verano, ¿usas ventilación cruzada? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Sí, siempre
                          A veces o en parte
                          No, aunque sería posible
                          No es posible en esta vivienda

                Fuentes de energía renovable
                24. ¿Tienes algún sistema de energía renovable instalado en su casa? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Sí       Sk ip to question 24.

                          No        Sk ip to question 25.
                          No lo sé       Sk ip to question 25.

                Fuentes de energía renovable

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2017. 05. 04.                                ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                25. ¿Qué tipos de sistemas de energía renovable tienes instalados? *
                    Tick all that apply.

                        Solar térmica para producir agua caliente

                        Solar térmica para calentar una piscina o otros usos
                        Paneles fotovoltaicos conectados a la red eléctrica

                        Paneles fotovoltaicos conectados a baterías de acumulación (no conectados a la red)
                        Bomba de aire renovable (aerotermia)

                        Bomba de aire renovable (geotermia o otro)
                        Biomasa. Caldera, estufa o chimenea de madera o pellets


                Fuentes de energía renovable
                26. ¿Se plantea instalar algún sistema de energía renovable en el futuro? *
                   Mark only one oval.

                          Sí     Sk ip to question 26.
                          No      Sk ip to question 27.

                          No lo sé       Sk ip to question 27.

                Fuentes de energía renovable
                27. ¿Qué tipo de sistemas de energía renovable le gustaría instalar? *
                    Tick all that apply.

                        Solar térmica para producir agua caliente

                        Solar térmica para calentar una piscina o otros usos
                        Paneles fotovoltaicos conectados a la red eléctrica

                        Paneles fotovoltaicos conectados a baterías de acumulación (no conectados a la red)
                        Bomba de aire renovable (aerotermia)

                        Bomba de aire renovable (geotermia o otro)
                        Biomasa. Caldera, estufa o chimenea de madera o pellets


                Electrodomésticos e iluminación
                28. ¿Cómo califica la eficiencia energética de los electrodomésticos en su hogar? *
                   Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé
                          La mayoría de ellos son A+ o mejor
                          La mayoría de ellos son B o A (con algunas excepciones)
                          Una mezcla de todo (diferentes niveles de eficiencia junto con algunos electrodomésticos
                   antiguos, etc.)
                          La mayoría de ellos no son eficientes (D o peor), junto con algunos eficientes
                          Todos son viejos / ineficientes

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2017. 05. 04.                                ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                29. Si comprases un electrodoméstico nuevo, ¿lo escogerías de clase energética A o
                    mejor? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Sí, definitivamente

                          Sólo si no hay diferencia significativa en el precio
                          No es un aspecto importante para mí

                30. Con qué frecuencia usas tus electrodomésticos (parte 1)? *
                   Mark only one oval per row.

                                                                                            más de
                                                                                                         2 veces    una vez      o
                                        todo el      >5            3­4           1­2        2 veces
                                                                                                           a la       a la    nunca
                                        tiempo    horas/día     horas/día     horas/día       a la
                                                                                                         semana     semana     / no
                     Nevera 1
                     Nevera 2
                     Congelador 1
                     Congelador 2
                     Televisor (tipo
                     Televisor (LED)
                     Equipo de
                     música (HI­FI)
                     Reproductor de

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2017. 05. 04.                               ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                31. Con qué frecuencia usas tus electrodomésticos (PART 2)? *
                    Mark only one oval per row.

                                                                                           más de
                                                                                                        2 veces    una vez      o
                                        todo el      >5           3­4           1­2        2 veces
                                                                                                          a la       a la    nunca
                                        tiempo    horas/día    horas/día     horas/día       a la
                                                                                                        semana     semana     / no
                     Humidificador de
                     Ordenador de
                     sobremesa 1
                     Ordenador de
                     sobremesa 2
                     Portátil 1
                     Portátil 2
                     Estufa eléctrica
                     Horno eléctrico
                     Extractor de
                     Extractor de
                     Extractor de
                     aseo (si está

                32. ¿Has oído hablar del término: consumo fantasma (standby: modo en espera)? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Sí     Sk ip to question 32.

                          No      Sk ip to question 33.

                Electrodomésticos e iluminación
                33. ¿Haces esfuerzos para reducir los consumos fantasmas? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          No lo sé

                          No realmente (no le doy importancia)
                          No realmente (no creo que sea una buena idea)


                Electrodomésticos e iluminación

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2017. 05. 04.                                  ANNEX II: Cuestionario Greenplay sobre hábitos de consumo energético
                34. ¿Qué tipo de iluminación tienes? *
                    Mark only one oval.

                              Principalmente lámparas LED
                              Principalmente lámparas eficientes (LEDs y lámparas de bajo consumo)
                              Algunas son lámparas eficientes y algunas lámparas antiguas (o halógenas)
                              Principalmente lá,mparas antiguas o halógenas
                              La mayoría lámparas antiguas (bombillas incandescentes)

                35. Dispone la vivienda de otros elementos que pueda tener un impacto significativo en el
                    consumo de energía, por favor especifíquelos (por ejemplo, jacuzzi, piscina, sauna):

                36. Cualquier información adicional o aclaración que considere oportuna

                   Send me a copy of my responses.

                Pow ered by

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2017. 05. 04.                                          ANNEX III: Enquête Greenplay sur les logements

                ANNEX III: Enquête Greenplay sur les logements

                 1. Email address *

                 2. Numéro d'identification *
                    Le numéro d'identification est un code unique se
                    trouvant sur le boitier fourni (homebase, voir
                    photo). Ce numéro nous permet d'identifier votre
                    logement durant la phase de test.

                Numéro d'identification:

                 3. Adresse *
                    Merci d'indiquer votre adresse. Escalier, étage et numéro d'appartement si possible.


                 4. Nombre d'occupants vivant dans le
                    logement *
                    Les bébés et enfants sont aussi à comptabiliser.

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2017. 05. 04.                                          ANNEX III: Enquête Greenplay sur les logements
                5. Age moyen des occupants *
                   Merci de fournir une estimation de l'age moyen
                   des occupants

                6. Compétences en informatique des occupants *
                  Merci de sélectionner la réponse la plus adaptée.
                  Mark only one oval.

                          Nous n'utilisons jamais d'ordinateur ou de smartphone.
                          Nous utilisons un ordinateur ou un smartphone une ou deux fois par mois.
                          Nous utilisons un ordinateur ou un smartphone une ou deux fois par semaine.
                          Nous utilisons un ordinateur ou un smartphone une ou deux fois par jour.

                7. Utilisation de jeux d'ordinateur ou de smartphone *
                   Merci de sélectionner la réponse la plus adaptée.
                   Mark only one oval.

                          Nous ne jouons jamais aux jeux vidéo.

                          Nous jouons aux jeux vidéo une ou deux fois par mois.
                          Nous jouons aux jeux vidéo une ou deux fois par semaine.

                          Nous jouons aux jeux vidéo une ou deux fois par jour.

                8. Temps passé dans le logement *
                   Mark only one oval.

                           Plusieurs personnes sont présentes la plupart du temps (nous ne travaillons pas ou nous
                  travaillons à domicile)
                          Une personne est présente la plupart du temps, les autres sont là moins fréquemment.
                          Plusieurs personnes sont présentes surtout en soirée, la nuit et les weekends.

                         Une personne est présente surtout en soirée, la nuit et les weekends, les autres sont là
                  moins fréquemment.
                          Nous sommes présents surtout en soirée et la nuit mais presque jamais les weekends.

                          L'appartement est surtout occupé le weekend et presque jamais en semaine.
                         Nous sommes présents de manière régulière en soirée, la nuit et les weekends mais
                  nous sortons régulièrement.
                          Moins souvent que dans les autres options.
                          Presque jamais.

                9. Les occupants ont ils des habitudes ou comportements pouvant impacter votre
                   consommation d'énergie?
                   Exemple: nourrice, occupant sans emploi ou à la retraite, etc.

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2017. 05. 04.                                          ANNEX III: Enquête Greenplay sur les logements

                Chauffage / Eau chaude / Climatisation

                10. Température intérieure en journée les jours de semaine pendant la période avec
                    chauffage. *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Nous ne savons pas.
                          26.0 °C ou plus

                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C

                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C
                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C

                          Moins de 17.0 °C

                11. Température intérieure en journée le weekend pendant la période avec chauffage. *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Nous ne savons pas.

                          Comme les jours de semaine.
                          26.0 °C ou plus

                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C

                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C

                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C

                          Moins de 17.0 °C

                12. Température intérieure les nuits de semaine pendant la période avec chauffage. *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Nous ne savons pas.
                          Comme en journée

                          26.0 °C ou plus
                          24.0­25.9 °C

                          22.0­23.9 °C
                          21.0­21.9 °C

                          20.0­20.9 °C
                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C
                          Moins de 17.0 °C

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FuRv1uYHny5zv4G­dvX5u53TDb40haReJEvfrS7RARE/edit                       3/10
2017. 05. 04.                                          ANNEX III: Enquête Greenplay sur les logements
                13. Température intérieure les nuits de weekend pendant la période avec chauffage. *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Nous ne savons pas.

                          Comme en journée.
                          26.0 °C ou plus
                          24.0­25.9 °C
                          22.0­23.9 °C
                          21.0­21.9 °C
                          20.0­20.9 °C
                          19.0­19.9 °C
                          17.0­18.9 °C
                          Moins de 17.0 °C

                14. Température de l'eau chaude (Utilisation normale) *
                    Mark only one oval.

                          Nous ne savons pas

                          40­45 °C
                          45­50 °C

                          50­55 °C
                          55­60 °C
                          Plus de 60 °C

                15. Fonctionnement de l'eau chaude. *
                    Tick all that apply.

                        Nous coupons le système d'eau chaude pendant les vacances.
                        Nous diminuons la température de l'eau chaude pendant les vacances.
                        Nous utilisons un système programmable qui éteint le système d'eau chaude quand nous
                   ne sommes pas présents.
                        Nous utilisons un système automatique qui s'adapte et diminue la température de l'eau
                   quand la demande est faible.
                        Le système est allumé en permanence.


https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FuRv1uYHny5zv4G­dvX5u53TDb40haReJEvfrS7RARE/edit                               4/10
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