SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP

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SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
SuperPort Action Plan
Delivering Economic Growth

SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
Contents                              SuperPort                                                                                                     Executive
                                      Committee Members                                                                                             Summary
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                03   The Liverpool City Region SuperPort Committee is a private sector led               The opportunities for     Built on its history as a great maritime trading    stimulate economic growth and job
                                      group established to drive forward SuperPort to deliver business growth                                       centre; Liverpool City Region’s ports, airport,     creation and raise the profile of the
CREATING A SUPERPORT IN          04   and job creation.
                                                                                                                          SuperPort are global      road, rail and logistics assets, together provide   City Region as a gateway of international
LIVERPOOL CITY REGION                                                                                                     and can transform         an established economic driver.                     stature. These projects include the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        development of a deep-water
                                                                                                                          the economy of            New, lucrative markets are emerging from            Post Panamax in-river terminal at the
                                                                                                                          Liverpool City Region.    Brazil to China and from Russia to India.           Port of Liverpool and the expansion of
LIVERPOOL CITY REGION’S          12                                                                                                                 Technological advances such as widening             3MG, the Multimodal Gateway operated
POTENTIAL                                                                                                                                           the Panama Canal to accommodate the                 as a partnership between Stobart Group,
                                                                                                                                                    world’s largest vessels are opening up              Prologis and Halton Borough Council.
WHERE GROWTH WILL COME FROM      14                                                                                                                 new trade routes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Economic analysis by AMION Consulting
                                      Peter Nears           Steve O’Connor        Joe Przeworski        Jim Teasdale
POTENTIAL CHALLENGES             16   SuperPort Committee   SuperPort Committee   Ineos Chlor Limited   Mersey Maritime                             Businesses are placing increasing emphasis          (p14), based on available trend and
TO OVERCOME                           Chair                 Deputy Chair                                Group                                       on moving people and freight both at the            capital investment project intelligence,
                                      Peel Holdings         Stobart Ports                                                                           lowest possible cost and at the lowest              has forecast the potential for over 21,000
                                      (Management) Ltd
ACTIONS TO MEET THE TARGETS      18                                                                                                                 possible carbon output.                             new jobs and an additional £6.1bn of GVA
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to be created through SuperPort by 2020
APPENDIX 1:                      26                                                                                                                 Retailers and manufacturers are increasingly        and nearly 30,000 new jobs and an
SUPERPORT EVIDENCE BASE                                                                                                                             seeking port centric locations close to large       additional £18.3bn of GVA by 2030.

                                 28                                                                                        £1.8bn
                                                                                                                           New infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                    centres of population to base value-adding
                                                                                                                                                    activities and distribution, reducing freight
                                                                                                                                                    costs and duplication in the handling of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Alongside the physical infrastructure,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Action Plan sets out the operational
                                                                                                                           developments             goods and reducing the time goods take              programme for engaging ports, carriers,
                                                                                                                                                    to reach the customer.                              importers, exporters, manufacturers and
                                      Barry Flynn           Gary Hodgson          Andy Wallis           Kevin Adderley                                                                                  retailers and their current and prospective
                                      Ernst & Young         Peel Ports (MDHC)     Sefton Council        Wirral Council
                                                                                                                                                    Liverpool City Region, with its central position    supply chains with SuperPort, creating
                                                                                                                                                    in the UK, and situated in the largest economic     new markets and transforming existing
                                      TMP – Executive Team (SuperPort)
                                                                                                                           Additional GVA by 2030
                                                                                                                                                    region in the UK outside of London, is an ideal
                                                                                                                                                    location to take advantage of these trends,
                                                                                                                                                    offering a cost-efficient, low carbon SuperPort
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ones, for their benefit and that of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Liverpool City Region.

                                                                                                                                                    delivering compelling, competitive advantages       The plan will be driven forward by the
                                                                                                                                                    for business.                                       SuperPort Committee and Panel which
                                                                                                                                                                                                        comprises leading figures from the port,
                                                                                                                                                    The opportunities for SuperPort are global          logistics and wider business community

                                      Lorraine Rogers       Mark Basnett          Mark Butchard
                                                                                                                           Potential new jobs
                                                                                                                                                    in scale and have the potential to transform
                                                                                                                                                    the Liverpool City Region economy.
                                                                                                                                                    This SuperPort Action Plan contains over
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and public sector, working with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Executive Team from The Mersey
                                      Chief Executive       Director of           Strategic                                created by 2030          £1.8bn of new infrastructure developments
                                                            Investment            Development Manager                                               that will build upon existing assets to             SUPERPORT COMMITTEE

02                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    03
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
Creating a SuperPort
                           in Liverpool City Region
New and expanding          Liverpool City Region has a unique maritime                     To achieve this SuperPort will focus on        RENEWABLE ENERGY                                                   COST/CARBON/CONGESTION REDUCTION
                           history stretching over 500 years and reaching                  a number of highly significant trends
international markets,     out across the world.                                           and schemes that collectively make a           Proposed investment in wind farms around                           In the face of increasing fuel and road freight
and the drive to develop                                                                   compelling case for SuperPort.                 the coast of the UK supported by major                             costs and carbon reduction targets, businesses
                           New and expanding international markets,                                                                       corporate giants such as Centrica and E.ON                         are actively scrutinizing how to reduce their
cost-effective means to    and the drive to develop innovative and                         WIDENING OF PANAMA CANAL                       offer high value opportunities in manufacturing                    road mileage and with it their costs and carbon
serve them, present        cost-effective means to serve them,                                                                            and logistics across Liverpool City Region.                        impact. Movement of goods by water and rail is
                                                                                           In 2015 the Panama Canal will have been        These investments are estimated to be worth                        much more cost and carbon efficient per mile
exciting new               present exciting new opportunities.
                                                                                           widened to allow much larger vessels to        over £100bn in economic value for the UK and                       than by road.
opportunities.             The Port is handling more cargo than at any                     cross from the Pacific to the Atlantic and     £15bn3 for the Irish Sea Zone alone. The City
                           time in its history, Liverpool John Lennon                      vice versa. This will open up new highly       Region is also well-placed to develop a                            Given Liverpool City Region’s central location
                           Airport continues its impressive performance                    lucrative markets for Atlantic facing ports    servicing role for this emerging sector.                           for UK and Ireland, and the connectivity of
                           and the logistics industry across the region                    with the right infrastructure to handle                                                                           the Port, Ship Canal and rail/road hubs to
                           is flourishing.                                                 them. The Mersey ports are ideally             PORT CENTRIC LOGISTICS - RETAILERS                                 the strategic transport network, it provides
                                                                                           positioned to exploit this opportunity.                                                                           a highly competitive position for the onward
                                                                                                                                          The growing importance of ports in supply                          distribution of goods, enhanced further by
                           Major capital investment, led largely by the                                                                   chains is likely to generate more demand for
                           private sector, is at the core of developing                    CONTAINER GROWTH                                                                                                  being easily within one truck day of the largest
                                                                                                                                          warehousing linked to Port Centric Logistics                       economic catchment area outside of London.
                           SuperPort. It will create an infrastructure                     Long-term forecasts suggest that national      which, in turn, is likely to lead to more demand
                           with the capacity to handle significantly                                                                                                                                         SuperPort can enable business to exploit these
                                                                                           container volumes will continue to grow        for warehouses at, or close to, major ports                        competitive advantages themselves and for
                           higher volumes of freight and passengers                        significantly over the next 20 years with      and/or at multi-modal inland port locations.
                           and support thousands of new and                                                                                                                                                  the benefit of Liverpool City Region.
                                                                                           the continued migration of production of       Existing evidence suggests that a Port Centric
                           existing jobs.                                                  consumables to low cost economies1.            Logistics model involving a National                               BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                           China will continue to dominate the market     Distribution Centre (NDC) at the port of import
                           The cost and carbon efficiency of operating                     for consumables imported into the UK by        can significantly reduce total transport                           SuperPort is far more than simply a collection
                           within SuperPort will stimulate demand                          major retailers, coupled with the increasing   distances and costs compared with a traditional                    of port, airport and logistics infrastructure.
                           across national and international markets,                      economic impact on the world of all the        NDC model, where imported products are                             It is a facilitator for growth for the wider
                           with investment in infrastructure being                         BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and      transported from port to a centrally located                       business community and an agent for improved
                           driven by the potential to secure significant                   China). Liverpool City Region has an           NDC before onward distribution to retail stores.4                  business competitiveness. Liverpool remains a
                           business growth and expansion. This growth                      opportunity through SuperPort to develop                                                                          centre for shipping services from legal services
                           will contribute to the rebalancing of the                       new and lucrative trading relationships in     Liverpool City Region already has a sizeable                       to freight forwarding and as international trade
                           Liverpool City Region economy from public                       these markets. (BRIC forecast GDP growth       array of national brand retailers such as Shop                     grows there are significant opportunities to
                           sector dependency to private sector driven                      for 2010 was buoyant, with Brazil 6.5%,        Direct, Home Bargains, Matalan and B&M that                        build upon these traditional strengths.
                           investment. SuperPort can also play a role                      Russia 5.5%, India 8.2%, China 11.1%           have major distribution centres close by, taking
                           in rebalancing the national economy by                          compared to UK at 3%)2.                        advantage of the benefits of the location.
                           encouraging growth within the North.

                                                                                                                                          UK GDP: - Bank of England)
                           (1) King Sturge – Property Supply & Demand Audit for Liverpool SuperPort (2010)                                (3) ARUP – Liverpool City Region Offshore Wind Energy Study (2010)
04                         (2) BRIC GDP Growth projections 2010: OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)             (4) King Sturge – Property Supply & Demand Audit for Liverpool SuperPort (2010)                                       05
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
Existing assets
                             Liverpool City Region already has a                               a GVA of about £1.1 billion per annum5.           cargo from both the Irish Sea Roll-on/Roll-off                     The port facilities include the dock system in     Liverpool Port is
                             formidable portfolio of port, airport                             This contributes over 5% of the City              and the traditional deep sea Load-on/Load-off                      Liverpool itself, Birkenhead Docks, Tranmere
                             and logistics related infrastructure and                          Region’s GVA and provides higher average          markets. Based on inland road and rail costs,                      Oil Terminal and the Bromborough riverside         ranked 7th in the UK in
                             core capabilities, providing a firm foundation                    GVA per employee at £34,600 compared to           for the inland distribution of deep sea                            berth, the latter owned by the Victoria Group.     terms of total tonnage
                             for the future development of SuperPort.                          a Liverpool City Region average of £26,0006.      containers Liverpool provides the most                             It is a major unitised port, with high value and
                                                                                                                                                 competitive location of any of the UK deep sea                     historically high growth Load-on/Load-off and
                             ECONOMIC IMPACT                                                   SHORT SEA SERVICES - NATIONAL                     container ports because of its central location                    Roll-on/Roll-off traffic accounting for 37% of
                                                                                               HINTERLAND                                        for the major UK markets and particularly so                       its total traffic in tonnes, as compared with
                             The existing maritime and logistics sectors
                             across the Liverpool City Region support
                             approximately 34,000 jobs and generate
                                                                                               Uniquely in the North of England, the Port
                                                                                               of Liverpool serves a national catchment for
                                                                                                                                                 for the North.

                                                                                                                                                 PORT OF LIVERPOOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    28% for ports nationally.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Twelve Quays Ferry Terminal, located
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tonnes of cargo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    on the Wirral in Birkenhead, is used for            handled per annum
                                                                                                                                                 The Port of Liverpool, part of the Peel Ports                      transporting passengers and freight between
                             EXISTING SUPERPORT PORT, AIRPORT AND LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTURE                                                       Group, is the most important UK deep sea                           Liverpool City Region and Belfast. The terminal
                                                                                                                                                 container port for container services between                      has a floating landing stage in the river that
                                                                                                                                                 Great Britain and North America. It is ranked                      can accommodate two Roll-on/Roll-off ferries
                                                                                                                                                 7th in the UK in terms of total tonnage, with
                                                                                                                                                 30 million tonnes per annum, and 4th largest
                                                                                                                                                 for container traffic with a growth rate of 35%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    at the same time.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LIVERPOOL JOHN LENNON AIRPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Largest in the UK
                                                                                                                                   MANCHESTER    since 20027 to nearly 700,000 TEUs8 per annum.                     (LJLA)                                              for container traffic

 GVA currently generated
                                                       A                                                                                         Integrated into the activities of the Port, the
                                                                                                                                                 Manchester Ship Canal is ranked 19th in the
                                                                                                                                                 UK in terms of traffic volumes, handling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LJLA is one of the UK’s busiest and fastest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    growing airports, serving almost 5.4m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    passengers10 in 2009. Passenger numbers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Liverpool John Lennon
 per annum by the Maritime                              B          LIVERPOOL                                                                     8 million tonnes per annum. The canal almost                       have increased seven fold since 1995, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Airport is one of the UK’s
 and Logistics sectors
                                                                  C                  F                                                           exclusively serves short sea shipping and                          the airport moving from 20th to 10th busiest       busiest and fastest
                                                                        D                                                                        provides inland waterway access for short sea                      airport in the UK. During 2010 Vancouver           growing airports,
                                                                                                                                                 and coastal vessels towards Manchester. Plans                      Airport Services acquired a 65% share in
                                                                                                              KEY                                are in place for logistics developments at                         Peel Airports Limited.                             serving almost 5.4m
                                                                             G                                A: Port of Liverpool - Sefton      various sites along the canal.                                                                                        passengers in 2009
 Jobs currently supported
                                                                                                              B: Port of Liverpool - Wirral
                                                                                                              C: Port of Garston
                                                                                                              D: Liverpool John Lennon Airport
                                                                                                              E: 3MG Mersey Multimodal Gateway
                                                                                                                                                 Liverpool has a critical mass of shipping
                                                                                                                                                 services (mainline or feeder) including a
 by the Maritime and                                                                                          F: Mersey Gateway Port             number of major shipping lines/carriers
 Logistics sectors across                                                                                     G: Manchester Ship Canal           making regular calls including ACL,
 Liverpool City Region                                                                                                                           CMA CGM and MSC9.

                                                                                                                                                 (7) MDS Transmodal – Liverpool SuperPort Economic Trends Study (2009)
                                                                                                                                                 (8) TEU – Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (standard container size)
                             (5) MDS Transmodal – Liverpool SuperPort Economic Trends Study (2009)                                               (9) King Sturge – Property Supply & Demand Audit for Liverpool SuperPort (2010)
06                           (6) Fisher Associates - The Maritime Sector on Merseyside, Economic Impact Study (2007)                             (10) MDS Transmodal – Liverpool SuperPort Economic Trends Study (2009)                                                                         07
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
MERSEY MULTIMODAL GATEWAY (3MG)                     FREIGHTLINER FACILITY                            DIVERSE CARGO MIX                                                     PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
     Major rail freight distribution park located        Freightliner’s Terminal at Garston is an         As deep-water ports that are located close to                         Liverpool City Region has a professional
     in Widnes, which provides rail connected            intermodal rail freight terminal that receives   major conurbations, the Mersey ports have a                           services sector built on the existing and
     distribution centres and an on-site                 and dispatches maritime container trains to      diverse but balanced mix of commodity types11:                        historic strengths that Liverpool City
     intermodal rail freight terminal. The terminal      and from major deep sea container ports such                                                                           Region has in maritime professional
     handles approximately 60,000 containers per         as Felixstowe and Southampton. Containers        • Roll-on/Roll-off – 6.53m tonnes                                     and business services markets. As it
     annum between road and rail and currently           are loaded and unloaded at the terminal,           (6.9% of UK traffic)                                                progresses SuperPort will require a highly
     there are 75,000 sq metres of existing              sometimes stored for a short period of time,                                                                           skilled technical workforce that will exploit
     warehousing facilities, with outline consent        and then transported by road to/from their       • Containers – 4.2m tonnes                                            these high growth sectors.
     for a total of 180,000 sq metres of new             origin/destination in Liverpool City Region.       (7.8% share of UK traffic)
     buildings, rising eventually to a total provision                                                    • Dry bulks (steel, animal feeds, grain, fresh                        Currently 14% of jobs associated with
     of 350,000 sq metres.                               KNOWSLEY RAIL FREIGHT TERMINAL                     produce, general bulk and salt) – 8.14m                             SuperPort are in financial intermediation13.
                                                                                                            tonnes (8.2% share of UK traffic)                                   It is anticipated that SuperPort, through the
     CAMMELL LAIRD                                       The Potter Group’s Knowsley Rail Freight                                                                               major project developments, will provide a
                                                         Terminal provides 15,500 sq metres of            • Liquid bulks (edible oils, chemicals,                               stimulus to the professional services sector.
     Since 2005 Cammell Laird Shiprepairers &            insulated warehouse space with an on-site          petroleum and fuel) – 17.6m tonnes                                  This will have an additional impact in the
     Shipbuilders Ltd has significantly expanded         intermodal rail freight terminal located in        (7.3% share of UK traffic)                                          real estate market and boost the
     with extensive ship repair and construction         close proximity to the junction of the M57                                                                             construction sector.
     contracts in place, including construction of       and East Lancashire Road (A580).                 This mix means the port is not reliant on one
     sections of the Royal Navy’s aircraft carrier                                                        commodity type and can ride dips in some                              Liverpool City Region’s extensive ICT
     Queen Elizabeth. It is looking to diversify its     SPEKE AUTOMOTIVE FREIGHT TERMINAL                markets if others remain buoyant.                                     sector is already developing innovative
     activity into nuclear and offshore wind energy                                                                                                                             digital infrastructure and achieving
     fabrications and installation and is set for        The Speke Automotive Freight Terminal,
                                                         a major car distribution site leased by the      FERRY PASSENGERS                                                      greater integration in logistics services.
     substantial further growth.                                                                                                                                                The resulting process efficiencies will
                                                         Ford Motor company, is the only distribution     Albeit the fact that the passenger market is
                                                         hub for the company servicing Northern                                                                                 make SuperPort more cost effective for
     PORT OF GARSTON                                                                                      now dominated by low cost airline services,                           the end customer.
                                                         England and Scotland by road and rail. This      the Port of Liverpool handles some 0.65 million
     Located to the south of the city, the Port of       site handles cars from Jaguar Land Rover for     passengers and 160,000 cars per annum on
     Garston handles some 0.5 million tonnes             export to continental Europe and as a North      the ferry services between UK and Ireland14.
     of cargo per annum composed of a variety            West distribution site for cars imported into    In addition Liverpool is a well established route
     of short sea and coastal bulk cargoes.              the UK.                                          to the Isle of Man.

                                                                                                          (11) Fisher Associates - Assets & Capabilities Audit for Liverpool SuperPort (2010) – data for 2009
                                                                                                          (12) MDS Transmodal – Liverpool SuperPort Economic Trends Study ( 2009)
                                                                                                          (13) MDS Transmodal – Liverpool SuperPort Economic Trends Study ( 2009)
08                                                                                                        (14) King Sturge – Property Supply & Demand Audit for Liverpool SuperPort (2010)                                      09
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
A 4 hour HGV journey      WAREHOUSING SPACE                                                    WORKFORCE SUITABLE FOR LOGISTICS                 SKILLS/TRAINING CAPABILITIES                       SUPERPORT CLUSTER
from the Port of          According to 2010 estimates there is 4.4 million                                                                      Maritime education and training is a distinctive   Some of the most prominent brands in
Liverpool can reach       sq metres of warehousing floor-space already                         Liverpool City Region has some major             capability of Liverpool City Region and existing   the maritime and logistics industries are
                          in existence in Liverpool City Region and close                      advantages for the location of logistics         provision gives it a strong platform for           located in, or close to, Liverpool City Region.
14.1 million households   to ports/airport or along the Manchester Ship                        operations, including15: -                       delivering the skills and expertise needed         In addition to major port operators such as
and a 34 million          Canal corridor. Of this, 0.5 million sq metres                                                                        for the future development of SuperPort.           Peel Ports and Associated British Ports,
                          is currently available and suitable for logistics                    • A 4 hour HGV journey the 14.1m                                                                    Liverpool City Region is the UK home to some
catchment population      use in 40 units of 5,000 sq metres and over.                           households and 34m catchment population        In addition to offering maritime and logistics     of the world’s largest shipping lines such as
                          For future SuperPort development there is                              is highly competitive with Felixstowe (12.7m   related qualifications the University of           Maersk, ACL and CMA CGM.
                          723.9ha of land potentially available for                              households, 30.1m population) and              Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores
                          logistics use14.                                                       Southampton (15.0m households, 36m             University both offer advice and expertise         Mersey Maritime is the organisation which
                                                                                                 population)                                    across the world to countries developing           acts as an advocate for the maritime
                          Around 7% (51.4 ha) of the identified land in                                                                         port and logistics operations.                     companies on Merseyside to support business
                          the planning pipeline in Liverpool City Region                       • Distribution sector salaries are highly                                                           growth, improved profile and skills brokerage.
                          is of the highest quality and is unconstrained                         competitive for Management (£28k) and          The Maritime and Engineering College North
                          and capable of being brought forward for                               Core Warehouse Staff (£15k) compared to:       West, part of Mersey Maritime Group, has           From a logistics perspective, operators such
                          development in the short-term, whilst a                                                                               a very successful record of delivering high        as Stobart Group, Prologis and The Potter
                          further 19.2% (138.9 ha) is good quality                                Southampton (£33K/£19k)                       quality training services for both learners        Group are among those involved in
                          and developable over the medium term.                                   Thames Gateway (£32k/£18k)                    and employers including Apprenticeships,           developments connected to SuperPort.
                                                                                                  Felixstowe (£30k/£14.5k)                      Workforce Development and other associated
                          Only a small proportion of the existing available                                                                     training and skills programmes.
                          warehouse stock is in high quality large units
                                                                                                  Northampton (£31k/£16k)                                                                          Liverpool City Region is theUK
                          (over 20,000 sq metres) and this needs to be                                                                          Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, in
                          addressed if demand is to be effectively met
                                                                                               The City Region offers a large labour market
                                                                                               suitable for port, distribution and logistics
                                                                                                                                                partnership with Learning World, is also           home to some of the world’s
                          in the future.                                                                                                        supporting the training needs of the logistics
                                                                                               activity, providing investing companies with
                                                                                               excellent workforce availability.
                                                                                                                                                industry through Apprenticeships and NVQs,         largest shipping lines such as
                          As speculative warehouse development locally                                                                          whilst Merseytravel through its Merseylearn
                          (and nationally) is very limited, work will be                                                                        initiative supports the skills development of      Maersk, ACL and CMA CGM.
                          necessary to ensure suitable sites are available                                                                      transport sector workers.
                          for development and can be progressed rapidly
                          to meet demand.

10                        (15) East West Locations – Assessment for logistics operations report (2010)                                                                                                                                               11
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
Liverpool City Region’s
By 2020 the Port       The opportunities for SuperPort are global                INCREASE IN TONNAGE                                MERSEY MULTIMODAL GATEWAY (3MG)                   Develop the Langton River Terminal as an
                       in scale and can transform the Liverpool City                                                                                                                  additional Roll-on/Roll-off facility for the
of Liverpool will be   Region economy, creating 21,000 new jobs                  The Post Panamax Terminal, and other               Expand the existing Mersey Multimodal             Mersey creating 150 new jobs and generating
handling 2.7 million   and £6.1bn in GVA by 2020 and nearly 30,000               improvements, will increase cargo handled by       Gateway (3MG), creating an additional 4,000       £43m of GVA in total by 2020.
                       and £18.3bn in GVA by 2030.                               the Port of Liverpool from its current levels of   jobs and generating an additional £190m of
TEUs per annum.                                                                  nearly 700,000 TEUs per annum. By 2020 it will     GVA per annum by 2020.                            Redevelop the Mersey Gateway Port (Port
                       This is an ambitious programme for Liverpool              be handling 2.7 million TEUs per annum and by                                                        Weston) on the Manchester Ship Canal creating
By 2030 this will      City Region and the goals set reflect this desire         2030 this will have increased up to 3.7 million    PASSENGER TRAFFIC – CRUISE                        1,400 new jobs and generating £450m of GVA in
                       to put the City Region back among the most                TEUs per annum.                                    TERMINAL / AIRPORT                                total by 2020.
have increased up      productive gateways for international trade                                                                  Ensure the conversion of the Liverpool Cruise
to 3.7 million TEUs                                                              The planned World Cargo Centre at Liverpool
per annum.
                       in Europe.
                                                                                 John Lennon Airport and associated runway          Terminal into a facility capable of embarking
                                                                                                                                    and disembarking passengers, complementing
                                                                                                                                                                                      SuperPort will create 21,000
                       SuperPort aims to achieve the following:                  extension will increase the cargo tonnage
                                                                                 handled by over 100,000 tonnes16 per annum         the existing day-call market.                     new jobs and contribute
                       POST PANAMAX TERMINAL                                     by 2020.

                       Develop a £300m in-river berth at the Port of
                                                                                                                                    Secure an increase of 3.8 million additional
                                                                                                                                    passengers per annum passing through
                                                                                                                                                                                      £6.1bn in GVA to the Liverpool
                                                                                 PORT CENTRIC LOGISTICS
                       Liverpool to accommodate Post Panamax, and
                       larger vessels, increasing volume from 700,000
                                                                                 PRIME DISTRIBUTION                                 Liverpool John Lennon Airport by 2020, and
                                                                                                                                    7.2 million additional passengers by 2030.
                                                                                                                                                                                      City Region economy by 2020
                       containers per annum in 2002 to 2 million by              Create an outstanding stock of high quality
                       2020. This will create 4,300 jobs and deliver             distribution facilities and warehousing            OTHER SUPERPORT DEVELOPMENTS
                       an average of £113m per annum of economic                 space for Port Centric Logistics operations
                                                                                 at sites across Liverpool City Region.             Ensure the construction of the Mersey Gateway
                       benefit to 2020.                                                                                             bridge, creating 1,300 direct jobs to 2020 and
                                                                                 Increase the stock of high quality floor
                                                                                 space by 4.4 million sq metres in 2010,            releasing intense road pressure on connectivity
                       The Post Panamax will strengthen SuperPort’s                                                                 in the south of the City Region.
                       positioning for trade with Atlantic and Pacific           creating an additional 0.9 million sq metres
                       ports, and will have a significant collateral             of space by 2020 and up to a further
                                                                                 1.2 million sq metres by 2030.                     Secure upgrades to the rail line between
                       effect on trade with Dublin and Belfast through                                                              Liverpool and Manchester (including
                       short sea and coastal services. It will also open                                                            electrification and gauge enhancements)
                       up trade routes currently unavailable to the                                                                 to allow greater economic agglomeration
                       Port of Liverpool due to current capacity                                                                    between the two cities and free up existing
                       constraints.                                                                                                 capacity for additional freight traffic.

12                     (16) Liverpool John Lennon Airport Masterplan - Nov2007                                                                                                                                                        13
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
Where growth
     will come from
     Major infrastructure developments are at the     compiled by Amion Consulting, forecasts
     heart of SuperPort. However it is the supply     the direct economic impacts of the core
     chains to these schemes where most economic      SuperPort developments but also includes
     growth, and particularly job creation, will be   in its net forecasts the indirect contribution
     found. The SuperPort Economic Impact Model,      from the associated supply chains.

                                                                                                          OTHER IMPACT SUMMARY

       NET ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT IMPACT                   2011-2020        2021-2030           TOTAL        FLOORSPACE (Sq metres)                     2011-2020    2021-2030       TOTAL
       (figures are cumulative for each period)                                                             (figures are cumulative for each period)
       Post Panamax in-river berth                             4,270            1,586            5,856      Post Panamax in-river berth                  226,333       88,667      315,000
       3MG expansion                                           4,027                0            4,027      3MG expansion                                185,799            0      185,799
       Liverpool Airport expansion                             4,148            1,497            5,645      Prime distribution                           298,000      298,000      596,000
       Prime distribution                                      4,495            4,984            9,479      Mersey Gateway bridge                         52,500            0       52,500
       Mersey Gateway bridge                                   1,267                0            1,267      Manchester Ship Canal (logistic sites)        92,900            0       92,900
       Langton River Terminal                                    147                0              147      Mersey Gateway Port                           10,500            0       10,500
       Manchester Ship Canal (logistic sites)                  1,689                0            1,689
                                                                                                            TOTAL                                        866,032      386,667    1,252,699
       Mersey Gateway Port                                     1,356                0            1,356
                                                                                                          Source: AMION Consulting 2011
       TOTAL                                                 21,399             8,067          29,466
     Source: AMION Consulting 2011
                                                                                                            FREIGHT & PASSENGERS                       2011-2020    2021-2030       TOTAL
                                                                                                            (figures are cumulative for each period)
       NET ADDITIONAL GVA                                 2011-2020        2021-2030            TOTAL       Liverpool Airport expansion (tonnes)          676,500    1,691,250    2,367,750
       (figures are cumulative for each period)             £ million        £ million        £ million     Post Panamax in-river berth (TEUs)         10,500,000   25,500,000   36,000,000
       Post Panamax in-river berth                             1,128            2,451            3,579      Mersey Gateway Port (TEUs)                    840,000    1,200,000    2,040,000
       3MG expansion                                           1,328            1,893            3,221      Liverpool Airport expansion (passengers)   22,770,000   56,925,000   79,695,000
       Liverpool Airport expansion                             1,491            2,358            3,848    Source: AMION Consulting 2011
       Prime distribution                                      1,065            3,421            4,485
       Mersey Gateway bridge                                     206              596              802
       Langton River Terminal                                      43               70             113
       Manchester Ship Canal (logistic sites)                    432              805            1,237
       Mersey Gateway Port                                       449              637            1,086
       TOTAL                                                   6,141           12,231           18,371
     Source: AMION Consulting 2011

14                                                                                                                                                                                            15
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
Potential challenges
     to overcome
     SuperPort has the potential to transform the                      LACK OF TURNAROUND CAPABILITY AT                     ROLE OF NORTHERN PORTS IN
     Liverpool City Region economy. It is ambitious                    LIVERPOOL CRUISE LINER TERMINAL                      REBALANCING THE UK ECONOMY
     and achievable, but it is being developed
     against a backdrop that involves overcoming                       Currently customers are unable to embark and         To date, the Northern ports have not been
     some potential challenges.                                        disembark from the Cruise Liner facility. This       utilised effectively in reducing the economic
                                                                       needs to be overcome to generate new income          disparities which exist between Southern and
     INTENSE COMPETITION                                               for the City Region and enhance the potential of     Northern Britain and have not received the
                                                                       the Visitor Economy.                                 level of public investment that Southern ports
     SuperPort will make the Port of Liverpool                                                                              have enjoyed over recent years. This trend
     highly competitive with other UK and European                     GLOBAL RECESSION                                     needs to be reversed in order to rebalance the
     ports such as Rotterdam, Antwerp, Felixstowe                                                                           UK economy and realise the potential of the
     and Southampton, which already have the                           The global recession has resulted in a               Northern ports.
     capabilities for handling large (Post Panamax)                    downturn in the market for the movement of
     vessels.                                                          freight. Total containerised traffic through UK      Northern ports also bring advantages in
                                                                       major ports in 2009 was 20.9m units, a fall of       reducing congestion in the South East of
     The Mersey ports can compensate for their                         9% on 2008. Inbound traffic fell by 8.1% to          England, and by association the infrastructure
     remoteness from the North Sea markets in                          10.9m units and outbound traffic fell by 9.9%        costs needed to deal with it. The carbon
     developing new and existing ones across the                       to 10.1m units. This market is recovering but        reduction benefits of reducing long distance
     Atlantic and with the Middle and Far East.                        is subject to the performance of the major           haulage of goods by road can be realised by
     The ports also need to exploit their position                     consumer markets where confidence                    making maximum use of water and rail modes.
     as a feeder port for the Irish Sea and                            remains fragile18.
     Northern Europe.                                                                                                       FINANCING OF MAJOR INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                                       CONNECTIVITY                                         SCHEMES
     AVAILABILITY OF LAND / QUALITY                                    Investment is vital in effective road and rail
     WAREHOUSING SPACE                                                                                                      Investment in the major infrastructure projects
                                                                       access for the development of SuperPort to           will not all come from within Liverpool City
     The lack of warehousing and available land                        counter current (and future) capacity                Region. SuperPort’s compelling and ambitious
     for development across Liverpool City Region                      constraints. Enhanced surface access to the          goals will need to entice investment from
     which is suitable for logistics operations,                       Port of Liverpool, the electrification of the line   across the world.
     both close to ports and near major road and                       between Liverpool and Manchester, rail gauge
     rail infrastructure needs addressing with                         enhancements, and the new Mersey Gateway
     currently only three available properties                         bridge are the projects that are likely to have
     ranked as top grade17.                                            the most prominent impact on SuperPort’s
                                                                       ability to influence economic growth.

     (17)King Sturge – Property Supply & Demand Audit for Liverpool SuperPort (2010)
16   (18)Department for Transport Provisional Port Statistics (2009)                                                                                                          17
SuperPort Action Plan - Delivering Economic Growth 2011-2020 - Liverpool LEP
Actions to meet
     the targets
     The activities that will be undertaken in          These investments will be supported by many
     developing and promoting SuperPort are             other activities that create a strong competitive
     interrelated and connect back to the overall       product for global markets. Together they will
     objective of delivering a transformational         form the complete Action Plan that will be                                                            FREIGHT
     economic benefit for Liverpool City Region.        delivered by a wider variety of partners with                                                         MARKETS
                                                        the support of the SuperPort Committee.                                  TARGET
     At the heart will be the development of the core                                                                            CARRIERS / PORTS
     capital infrastructure, the major projects that                                                                                                          MARKETS
     will be delivered by a relatively small number
     of major investors.                                                                                                                                      GOVERNMENT
                                                                                                            PROMOTE              RELEVANT BODIES              CITY REGION
                                                                                                            SUPERPORT                                         STAKEHOLDERS


                                                                      MARKET                                                     TARGET IMPORTERS             3RD PARTY LOGISTICS
                                                                      SUPERPORT                                                  & EXPORTERS                  OPERATORS (3PLS)


                                                                                                                                                              COMPILE THE
                                                                                                                                                              SUPPORTING EVIDENCE

                                                                                                                                                        • POST PANAMAX TERMINAL
                                                                                                                                                        • 3MG
       SUPERPORT                                                                                                                                        • LJLA EXPANSION
                                                                                                                                                        • LANGTON ROLL-ON/ROLL-OFF
                                                                                                                                                        • MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL SITES
                                                                                                            BUILD THE MAJOR
                                                                                                            SUPERPORT PROJECTS                          • CRUISE LINER FACILITY
                                                                                                                                                        • MERSEY GATEWAY BRIDGE
                                                                                                                                                        • MERSEY GATEWAY PORT
                                                                                                                                                        • PORT ROAD ACCESS
                                                                                                                                                        • LIVERPOOL TO MANCHESTER
                                                                                                                                                          RAIL UPGRADE

                                                                                                                                                              INCORPORATION INTO
                                                                                                                                                              SUPERPORT SECTOR
                                                                      ESTABLISH A                                                GROW EXISTING
                                                                      STRONG PRODUCT                                             BUSINESSES (SME)             BUSINESS SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                                              (JOB CREATION ACTIVITY)


                                                                                                                                                              LAND ASSEMBLY
                                                                                                            STRENGTHEN           SECURE SUITABLE
                                                                                                            THE SUPPLY CHAIN     SITES & PREMISES

                                                                                                                                                              SKILLS & TRAINING

                                                                                                                                                              LEAD GENERATION
                                                                                                                                  SECURE NEW
                                                                                                                                  BUSINESS INVESTMENT
                                                                                                                                                              PROJECT & COMPLETION

18                                                                                                                                                                                      19
The SuperPort Action Plan, sets out the                         internationally. It will:                        In addition to the capital infrastructure               • Secure upgrades to the rail line between
     activities undertaken by TMP, the SuperPort                                                                      schemes other major developments will impact              Liverpool and Manchester, including
                                                                     • Support the build of the major projects
     Committee and its partners. Activities that will                                                                 on SuperPort and will require input, at varying           electrification and gauge enhancements
     directly and indirectly contribute to the growth                • Strengthen the Supply Chain                    levels, from TMP and the SuperPort                        (Being led by Network Rail / Dept.
     of the Liverpool City Region’s economy and                      • Promote SuperPort                              Committee.                                                for Transport)
     create jobs.
                                                                     • Compile supporting evidence                    • Resolution of Liverpool Cruise Liner                  • Deliver proposed SuperPort related rail
     It focuses on those activities that will establish                                                                 Terminal issues to deliver turnaround                   access schemes such as Canada Dock Rail
     SuperPort as a world class product and market                                                                      services (Being led by Peel Ports / Liverpool           Branch, Birkenhead Dock Rail Branch and
     it to target customer groups nationally and                                                                        City Council)                                           Halton Curve (being lead by Local
                                                                                                                                                                                Authorities, Network Rail, Peel Ports)
                                                                                                                      • Delivery of enhanced surface access to Port
                                                                                                                        of Liverpool (Being led by Peel Ports / Dept.
                                                                                                                        for Transport)

                                                                                                                        STRENGTHEN                                              community is well connected
     BUILD THE MAJOR                                                  These long-term strategic projects have the       THE SUPPLY CHAIN                                        to both the SuperPort core
     SUPERPORT PROJECTS                                               potential to transform the ports, airport and                                                             infrastructure and the wider
                                                                      logistics sectors across the Liverpool City       Maximise the economic potential of                      consumer marketplace.
     Create a portfolio of world class physical                       Region, contributing to the creation              SuperPort by strengthening the supply
     infrastructure at the heart of SuperPort.                        of SuperPort.                                     chains into the core infrastructure                   • Secure Suitable Sites & Premises
                                                                                                                        developments.                                           Ensure land is available across the
        ACTIVITIES                              OWNER                ESTIMATED         ESTIMATED       ECONOMIC                                                                 Liverpool City Region for the
                                                                     DELIVERY          COST            BENEFITS         Develop the existing business base, inject              development of sites suitable for
                                                                     DATE                              TO 202019        new business investments from outside the               Port Centric Logistics activities
                                                                                                                        Liverpool City Region and work with partners            and warehousing.
        Delivery of Liverpool Post              Peel Ports           2014              £300M           4,300 jobs       to ensure that outstanding quality sites and
        Panamax facility in-river                                                                                       premises are available when required.
        berth at Seaforth (Sefton)                                                                     £1.1bn GVA                                                             • Skills & Training Development
                                                                                                                                                                                Develop and implement a strategy
        Expansion of Mersey                     Stobart              2013              £92M            4,000 jobs       • Grow Existing Businesses (SME)                        that will accommodate the
        Multimodal Gateway (3MG)                Halton BC                                                                 Identify and target existing SME                      long-term skills and training needs
        major logistic operation at             Prologis                                               £1,3bn GVA         businesses across the Liverpool City                  of the SuperPort business community.
        Ditton, Widnes                                                                                                    Region with opportunities for material
                                                                                                                          growth from SuperPort.                              • Secure New Business Investment
        Delivery of Liverpool John              Peel Airport         2030              £600M           4,100 jobs
        Lennon Airport expansion                Limited                                (to 2030)                                                                                Supplement the stock of businesses
                                                                                                                          Ensure that these businesses have the
        plans as per Airport                                                                           £1.5bn GVA                                                               within the SuperPort community
        Masterplan                                                                                                        appropriate resources, networks and
                                                                                                                                                                                with new investments (corporate and
                                                                                                                          structures in place to maximise their
                                                                                                                                                                                SME) that add strength to known gaps
                                                                                                                          subsequent returns.
        Development of Mersey                   Stobart              2015              £50M            1,400 jobs                                                               in the supply chain and grow the large
        Gateway Port (Port Weston)                                                                                                                                              business base through supporting
                                                                                                                        • Connectivity
        Port facilities on Manchester                                                                  £450m GVA
        Ship Canal with rail access                                                                                       Ensure SuperPort business                             reinvestment.
        and 30k sq ft warehousing

                                                                                                                        SPECIFIC FOCUS                      ACTIONS                           DELIVERABLES (2011/12)
        Langton in-river                        Peel Ports           2015              £12M            150 jobs
        Roll-on/Roll-off terminal                                                                      £43m GVA         INCORPORATION INTO                  Promote SuperPort to the          Online and marketing briefings.
                                                                                                                        SUPERPORT SECTOR                    City Region SME business
        Delivery of Mersey                      Halton               2015              £431M           1,300 jobs       Ensure that existing businesses     community through existing
        Gateway bridge                          Borough
                                                Council                                                £210m GVA        of all sizes are aware of the       networks.
                                                                                                                        benefits of being part of the
        Development of key logistics            Peel Ports           2020              £75M            1,700 jobs       SuperPort sector and are            Hold seminars for City Region     3 seminars held on
        sites along the Manchester                                                                                      effectively incorporated into the   businesses on SuperPort           SuperPort for local businesses.
        Ship Canal                                                                                     £430m GVA                                            developments, benefits and
                                                                                                                        SuperPort supply chains, where
                                                                                                                        relevant.                           opportunities in conjunction
        Provision of prime                      Liverpool City       2030              £244M           4,500 jobs                                           with local partners.
        distribution sites and                  Region Local                           (to 2030)
        premises to meet demand                 Authorities                                            £1.1bn GVA                                           Help businesses develop           10 companies assisted to benefit
        generated by the market                                                                                                                             effective partnerships under      from SuperPort.
                                                                                                                                                            the SuperPort umbrella.

20   (19) SuperPort Economic Impact Model - AMION Consulting (Jan 2011)                                                                                                                                                          21
BUSINESS SUPPORT                    Link businesses into SuperPort      10 business connections            LEAD GENERATION /                  Generate a pipeline of              50 leads.
     (Job Creation Activity)             activities, where appropriate, in   achieved.                          PROSPECTING                        investment leads and enquiries
     Coordinate partners in providing    particular connections to the                                          Generate leads in attracting       from SuperPort marketing            25 enquiries.
     effective support for existing      core infrastructure that can                                           new investment and                 activities and direct targeting.
     businesses wanting to expand        stimulate growth and job                                               re-investment into the
     their operations under the          creation.                                                              SuperPort supply chain.
     SuperPort umbrella.
                                         Seek out appropriate partners to    5 new SuperPort
                                         assist businesses inject            partnerships created.              PROJECT MANAGEMENT                 Project manage leads and            5 Completed investments.
                                         innovation and achieve growth                                          & COMPLETION                       enquiries through to completed
                                         under the SuperPort umbrella.                                          Ensure through the                 investments.                        250 jobs created.
                                                                                                                development of effective
                                         Seek out facilities that provide    3 assists with finding relevant    partnerships that interest from    Support existing investors to       100 safeguarded.
                                         access to funding for SuperPort     financing for growth.              business in investing in the       reinvest to retain and grow their
                                         related businesses.                                                    Liverpool City Region through      City Region activity.
                                                                                                                SuperPort is realised.
     CONNECTIVITY                        Identify the primary issues         Portfolio of key access
     Ensure SuperPort business           affecting the SuperPort business    projects documented.
     community is well connected         community’s connectivity to
     to both the SuperPort core          SuperPort infrastructure and
     infrastructure and the wider        key markets.
     consumer marketplace.                                                                                     MARKET SUPERPORT
                                         Develop effective partnerships
                                         tasked with ensuring primary
                                         connectivity issues are resolved.

                                                                                                                PROMOTE SUPERPORT
     LAND ASSEMBLY                       Liaise with Local Authorities to    30 sites identified as
     Work with Local Authorities         identify suitable sites.            possibilities.                     Promote SuperPort to a target audience of             • Lobby Relevant Bodies
     to ensure suitable land is                                                                                 retailers, manufacturers, logistics operators           Promote the benefits of SuperPort to
     designated for SuperPort use,       Assemble a portfolio of “oven-      6 sites prepared for promotion                                                             those stakeholders (both private and
                                                                                                                and other key stakeholders.
     in line with core infrastructure    ready” sites available to promote   and development.                                                                           public sectors) that could be influential
     development plans.                  for SuperPort related activities.
                                                                                                                • Target Carriers / Ports                               in its future development.
                                         Promote sites/SuperPort             Portfolio developed and              Promote SuperPort into key markets to
                                         benefits to agents, advisors        promoted.                            stimulate the growth of Liverpool City              • Target Importers & Exporters
                                         developers, end users etc.                                               Region as a primary gateway for the UK.               Target key businesses across the Liverpool
                                                                                                                                                                        City Region (and beyond) involved in import
                                                                                                                   Target freight and passenger carriers to             and export activity whether currently using
     WAREHOUSING                         Liaise with Local Authorities,      Portfolio of warehouse                consider Liverpool SuperPort as an                   SuperPort facilities or not.
     Increase the stock of suitable      agents and property developers      buildings developed.                  alternative or addition to existing routes.
     warehousing to meet the             to identify current and potential                                                                                               Ensure that target businesses are aware
     projected needs of both             warehousing space and               Portfolio promoted.                   Build effective relationships with ports and          of the opportunities SuperPort can provide
     existing businesses in a growth     assemble a portfolio of                                                   airports across the world to develop new              and are given appropriate guidance in how
     phase and new businesses            warehousing space suitable for                                            linkages.                                             to interact effectively.
     looking to invest.                  SuperPort related activities.

                                         Promote with SuperPort
                                         benefits to agents, advisors,                                                                             ACTIONS                             DELIVERABLES (2011/12)
                                                                                                                SPECIFIC FOCUS
                                         developers and end users.
                                                                                                                FREIGHT                            Prospect for, and develop new       3 new relationships developed.
     SKILLS & TRAINING                   Produce a medium to long            Skills and training strategy       Promote SuperPort to the major     carrier relationships.
     DEVELOPMENT                         terms strategy for developing       for SuperPort developed.           national and international
                                                                                                                freight carriers in existing and   Market SuperPort to potential       8 presentations to providers
     Develop and implement a             the skills needed for future
                                                                                                                developing markets.                new route providers.                2 new routes secured.
     strategy that will accommodate      SuperPort activities.
     the long-term skills and training                                                                                                             Market SuperPort to                 4 presentations to ports
     needs of the SuperPort business     Develop partnerships for the        10 apprenticeships started.                                           overseas ports.                     1 new port relationship.
     community.                          creation of SuperPort
                                         apprenticeships covering                                                                                  Contribute to major shipping        Profile at 6 major shipping
                                         maritime, air and logistics.                                                                              and logistics conferences           conferences/exhibitions.
                                                                                                                                                   (e.g. Port Centric Logistics,
                                         Explore the opportunity for         Concept document for proposed                                         Short-Sea Shipping).
                                         setting up a SuperPort Skills       Skills Academy produced.
                                         Academy through the
                                         development of a concept

SPECIFIC FOCUS                       ACTIONS                             DELIVERABLES (2011/12)              SPECIFIC FOCUS                     ACTIONS                            DELIVERABLES (2011/12)

     PASSENGERS                           Promote SuperPort to targeted       2 new routes secured                MANUFACTURERS                      Identify manufacturers to target   10 manufacturers identified
     Promote SuperPort as the most        airlines and airports in            KLM Hub feeder retained.            Target manufacturers to ensure,    for incorporation into SuperPort   as fitting SuperPort profile.
     effective and cost/carbon-           developing new and retaining                                            where possible, their operations   community.
     efficient passenger gateway to       existing key routes into LJLA.                                          are integrated into SuperPort
     the Liverpool City Region / North                                                                            and the maximum benefits           Promote benefits to SuperPort      1 seminar held on SuperPort
     West and UK.                         Promote SuperPort to national       New franchise announced             possible are realised.             to manufacturers through local     benefits for manufacturers.
                                          train providers to ensure a high    for Liverpool City Region.                                             seminar/briefing.
                                          value service for City Region.
                                                                                                                                                     Meet with targeted                 10 manufacturers briefed
                                          Promote SuperPort / Liverpool       Visitor Economy presentations                                          manufacturers to brief on          on SuperPort benefits.
                                          City Region to cruise and ferry     to 5 major passenger carriers.                                         SuperPort and benefits of into
                                          operators.                                                                                                 the SuperPort community.

     GOVERNMENT BODIES                    Work with Government on             Interaction with Government                                            Market benefits of using           5 manufacturers outside City
     Create awareness and promote         specific SuperPort related          on 3 major projects.                                                   SuperPort to manufacturers         Region briefed on SuperPort.
     benefits of Liverpool SuperPort      projects.                                                                                                  locally and nationally.
     to Governmental, and
     associated, bodies.                  Ensure SuperPort recognised in      Recognition from Government
                                          national planning frameworks.       for Liverpool as “Port of the
                                                                              North” through influencing key
                                          Brief local MPs and other           policies such as: -
                                          relevant political figures          • National Planning Policy
                                          briefed as to economic benefits       Framework (DCGL)                  COMPILE THE
                                          of SuperPort for the Liverpool      • National Policy Statement (DfT)   SUPPORTING EVIDENCE
                                          City Region.                        • Marine Spatial Plans (DEFRA
                                                                                and Marine Management             Compile a robust market intelligence and evidence base to support the promotion of
                                                                                                                  SuperPort in its target markets and provide input into relevant policy submissions.
                                                                              • National Infrastructure Plan
                                                                              • High Speed Rail (HS2)
                                                                                                                  SPECIFIC FOCUS                     ACTIONS                            DELIVERABLES (2011/12)
                                                                              3 political briefings to MPs
                                                                              and key political influencers.      Market intelligence.               Identify gaps in market            1 market intelligence report
                                                                                                                  Evidence base reports.             intelligence necessary to target   commissioned and delivered.
     CITY REGION STAKEHOLDERS             Launch SuperPort Action Plan –      Launch event.                                                          and profile key markets for
     Create a strong, credible            with associated Press Release.      Press Release / Media briefing      Obtain /commission market          SuperPort.
     awareness of SuperPort                                                                                       analysis reports to support
     within the Liverpool City Region     Hold regular SuperPort              3 stakeholder events held.          promotional activities for         Identify gaps in evidence base     2 infrastructure evidence base
     business community and ensure        stakeholder events to update                                            SuperPort.                         needed to support core             reports commissioned.
     SuperPort is incorporated into       on infrastructure and other                                                                                infrastructure project plans and
     the City Region Governance           developments.                                                           Compile evidence base              commission relevant evidence
     arrangements.                                                                                                (where relevant) in support of     base reports.
                                          Organise diary of Committee         6 Committee Meetings and            the development of capital
                                          and Panel meetings to ensure        3 Panel Meetings.                   infrastructure projects.           Identify policy documents          5 policy documents responded
                                          effective private sector                                                                                   requiring input from SuperPort     to by SuperPort Committee.
                                          leadership and governance                                               Provide expert SuperPort input     Committee and coordinate
                                          for SuperPort.                                                          into relevant Governmental         SuperPort Committee response.
                                                                                                                  policy documents (regional
     RETAILERS (NDC/RDC                   Organise seminars promoting         Retailers seminar held.             and national).
     LOCATION)                            SuperPort to retailers with
     Promote awareness of                 potential for operating Port
     SuperPort to the UK retail           Centric Logistics activities.
     community extolling the
                                          Meet with targeted retailers        4 major retailers briefed
     economic and carbon reducing
                                          on a one to one basis to explore    on SuperPort.
     benefits of Port Centric Logistics
                                          potential for Port Centric
     and basing National and
                                          Logistics activities and/or
     Regional Distribution Centres
                                          locating NDC or RDC in the
     in the City Region.
                                          City Region.
                                                                              Profile at 3 conferences.
                                          Promote SuperPort at major
                                          retail and logistics conferences.

     3RD PARTY LOGISTICS                  Prospect for, and develop new       3 new relationships developed.
     OPERATORS (3PLS)                     3PL relationships.
     Target 3PLs to encourage
     greater use of the SuperPort         Market benefits of using            6 presentations to 3PLs
     assets over ports and                SuperPort to 3PL community          promoting benefits of SuperPort.
     distribution facilities in the       locally and nationally.
     South and Midlands.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                       25
Appendix 1: SuperPort
     Evidence Base
     The SuperPort evidence base has been                  for historical reasons and we cannot take       A.3 PROPERTY SUPPLY & DEMAND AUDIT                   • Key schemes include - The Port of Liverpool
     compiled in support of the development of the         existing brands staying located locally for     (KING STURGE – 2010)                                   Estate, Parkside Colliery (St.Helens), LJLA
     Action Plan. It a comprehensive compendium            granted                                                                                                and 3MG
     of information, ranging from the overall                                                              Core Statistics:
     economic benefits that proposed SuperPort           • Companies would like to use Mersey ports        • Liverpool City Region has 4.4 million sq           THREATS TO SUPERPORT:
     infrastructure will generate for Liverpool City       if the capacity was there                         metres of built warehouse stock (17% of
     Region, to an analysis of specific workforce                                                                                                               • Lack of potentially available deliverable land
                                                                                                             North West total)                                    with the retention and assembly of land in
     markets around logistics and distribution.          • Feeders in the past have been considered
                                                           to be unreliable by some retailers                                                                     proximity to port operations a key priority
                                                                                                           • There exists 0.5 million sq metres of
     Although the component reports have been                                                                available distribution warehouse floor space
     collated to support this document, individually     • Rail freight is minimal but road congestion                                                          • Not a traditional big box location due to much
                                                                                                             in 40 units of 5,000 sq metres or over (Mar10)       of region’s relative distance from main focus
     they provide an extensive assessment of the           is a problem
     markets SuperPort will operate within.                                                                                                                       of big distribution demand in North West
                                                                                                           • Local authority breakdown sq metres (units)          predominantly along M6 corridor
                                                         • Liverpool City Region has a heavy reliance        Halton 71k (6), Knowsley 138k (8),
     A.1 ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT STUDY                         on access to Southern Ports                       Liverpool 91k (6), Sefton 53k (4),
     (MDS TRANSMODAL 2009)                                                                                                                                      A.4 ASSESSMENT FOR LOGISTICS
                                                                                                             St.Helens 104k (8), Wirral 71k (8)                 OPERATIONS (EAST WEST LOCATIONS 2010)
                                                         • Positives for Liverpool City Region; Close
     Liverpool City Region already has a strong            to major transport networks, Close to Port of
     array of port, airport and freight infrastructure                                                     • Only 24% of available warehouse floor              Core statistics from
                                                           Liverpool, Access to Manchester Ship Canal,       space is deemed good or moderate                   demographic assessment:
     that will provide the foundation for future           Close to storage locations, Access to
     SuperPort developments. As a whole, it is             Manchester / Liverpool Airports, Local                                                               • Liverpool City Region offers a wide
     estimated that these assets currently                                                                 • Estimated that land in the planning pipeline
                                                           skilled workforce, Good location for business     has the potential to provide 2.5 million sq          catchment area for basing logistics
     contribute over 34,000 jobs and £1.1billion of        with SA, Gateway to Ireland                                                                            operations – for a 4 hour HGV journey the
     GVA per annum to the City Region economy.                                                               metres (at 40% density) of warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                  relative catchment population fare well
     When SuperPort comes to fruition the                • Issues for Liverpool City Region: - Limited                                                            against competitor locations – Felixstowe
     transformational impact on the economy will                                                           • Only 7% of identified land in pipeline is of the
                                                           rail infrastructure, M6 congestion, Limited       highest quality and capable of being brought         (12.7m households, 30.1m population),
     be highly significant with:                           short sea shipping options, Limit on size of                                                           Liverpool (14.1m households, 34m
                                                                                                             forward for development in the short term
                                                           ships into Liverpool, Congested Mersey                                                                 population), Southampton (15.0m
     • Additional 28,000 jobs for the North West           crossings, Skills awareness, Lack of deep                                                              households, 36m population)
       region and an additional GVA of up to £0.9                                                          • Of the 15k sq metres of distribution
                                                           sea service from China, Too far from              properties developed over 10k sq metres
       billion per annum                                   Southern ports, Unreliable feeder services,                                                          • Distribution sector salaries low compared to
                                                                                                             East / West Midlands accounted for 40%
                                                           Core Statistics supporting research                                                                    competition i.e. for Management (£28k) and
     • Additional 73m tonnes of traffic per annum                                                                                                                 Core Warehouse Staff (£15k) – Southampton
       handled by facilities in Liverpool City                                                             STIMULI OF DEMAND
                                                         • 17m tonnes of trade handled in Liverpool                                                               (£33K/£19k), Thames Gateway (£32k/£18k),
       Region, most of which would otherwise have          City Region in 2007 (2/3rd imports)             Demand for property led by retail sector and           Felixstowe (£30k/£14.5k), Northampton
       been handled in other UK regions                    (excluding bulk fuel)                           derives from retail sales growth, adoption of          (£31k/£16k)
                                                                                                           quick response models, restructuring of
     • Additional 1.24m tonnes of rail freight traffic   • 5% of trade transported by rail                 retailer warehouse networks increased                • Warehouse rents competitive in Liverpool
       per annum through the Port of Liverpool                                                             supplies channelled through retailer controlled        City Region (£5.5 per sq ft) – Southampton
                                                         • 12% of unitised imports and 25% of unitised     distribution centres, reverse logistics, global        (£7.5), Thames Gateway (£6), Felixstowe
     • Additional 9m tonnes per annum of rail              exports transit a North West port (mainly       sourcing, internet retailing.                          (£5.8), Northampton (£5.6)
       freight through rail and waterborne-linked          Ireland)
       distribution parks                                                                                  GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES FROM:                           • For a project of 100,000 sq ft premises an
                                                         • 47% of unitised imports and 34% of unitised                                                            indicative property and salary saving for
     The key projects that will bring SuperPort                                                            • Port Centric Logistics activities                    Liverpool City Region of £0.5m per annum
                                                           exports transit a port in the South East
     to full fruition have the potential to position                                                                                                              over Southampton
     Liverpool City Region as the most competitive                                                         • Schemes at the Port of Liverpool - LIFT II
                                                         • 27% of unitised imports and 16% of unitised
     logistics and passenger transport cluster in                                                            and expansion of 3MG                               • Individual catchment reports produced
                                                           exports transit a Humber port
     the UK.                                                                                                                                                      at Local Authority level
                                                                                                           • High quality distribution sites such as Galaxy,
                                                         • Port of Liverpool is a major import port for
     A.2 IMPORT / EXPORT OPERATIONS REPORT                                                                   Liverpool International Business Park and
                                                           bulk commodities supplying the energy
     (MDS TRANSMODAL 2010)                                                                                   G-Park, Liverpool
     Primary research carried out with 35 top                                                              • Sites that future proof SuperPort - will need
     importers and exporters                             • Liverpool John Lennon Airport handles
                                                                                                             to be a mixture of land within the Port Estate,
                                                           small volumes of cargo (264 tonnes in
                                                                                                             land considered suitable for Port Centric
     Main findings from feedback sessions:                 2009 – Civil Aviation Authority)
                                                                                                             purposes ideally with multi-modal
     • Companies are generally happy to be located                                                           connections or strategic sites located close
       in Liverpool City Region but some are here                                                            to motorways

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Appendix 2: SuperPort
     Committee and Panel Members

     Peter Nears                     Steve O'Connor                                            Diane Meehan                Alan Stilwell              Tim Davies
     SuperPort Committee             SuperPort Committee                                       Liverpool John              Merseytravel               Royal Haskoning
     Chair                           Deputy Chair                                              Moores University
     Peel Holdings                   Stobart Ports                                                                         Steve Doran                David Byron
     (Management) Ltd                                                                          Steve Smith                 Nautilus                   Selex
                                     Gary Hodgson                                              Liverpool Vision            International              Communications
     Barry Flynn                     Peel Ports (MDHC)                                                                                                Marine Division
     Ernst & Young                                                                             Frank Fox                   Wayne Menzies
                                     Andy Wallis                                               Lombard Shipping            Network Rail               Bob Hepworth
     Joe Przeworski                  Sefton Council                                            & Forwarding Ltd            Infrastructure Limited     St.Helens Council
     Ineos Chlor Limited
                                     Kevin Adderley                                            Mike Garrett                Stephen Gaines             Murray Dalziel
     Jim Teasdale                    Wirral Council                                            MDS Transmodal Ltd          Peel Airports              University
     Mersey Maritime Group                                                                                                                            of Liverpool
                                                                                               David Pendleton             Warren Marshall
                                                                                               Mersey Maritime Group       Peel Ports (MDHC)          Peter Stoney
     SUPERPORT PANEL                                                                           Jim Barclay                 Matthew Lamb               of Liverpool
                                                                                               Merseytravel                The Potter Group Limited
     The SuperPort Panel supports the work of the Committee to drive forward                                                                          Ian Wray
     SuperPort to deliver business growth and job creation                                     Peter Evans                 Chris Ainsworth            University
                                                                                               Merseytravel                PWC LLP                    of Liverpool
     Dennis Kehoe                    Brian Gribben                    Doug Bannister
     AIMES Grid Services             Ernst & Young                    Independent
     CIC Ltd
                                     Nathan Marsh                     Andrew Webster           TMP EXECUTIVE TEAM (SUPERPORT)
     Paul Jervis                     Ernst & Young                    Jardine Lloyd
                                                                      Thompson Group plc       Lorraine Rogers
     Associated British Ports
                                     Michelle Cameron                                          Chief Executive
     Holdings Ltd
                                     Government                       Barry Fawcett            +44 (0)151 237 3900
                                     Office North West                Knowsley Council
     Frank Robotham
     Associated British Ports
                                     Jo Lappin                        Nick Kavanagh            Mark Basnett
     Holdings Ltd
                                     Government                       Liverpool City Council   Director of Investment
                                     Office North West                                         +44 (0)151 237 3906
     Ian Higby                                                        Jack Stopforth 
     Atlantic Container              Sally McDonald                   Liverpool Chamber of
     Lines UK Ltd                    Halton Borough Council           Commerce & Industry      Mark Butchard
     Mark Rathbone                                                                             Strategic Development Manager
                                     Dick Tregea                      Neil Pakey
     Brabners                                                                                  +44 (0)151 237 3906
                                     Halton Borough Council           Vancouver Airport
     Chaffe Street                                                                   
                                                                      Services Ltd
                                     Ruth Moynihan
     John Syvret                     Highways Agency                  Stephen Bonsall
     Cammell Laird                                                    Liverpool John
     Shiprepairers &                 John Hulmes                      Moores University
     Shipbuilders Ltd                Hill Dickinson LLP                                        The Mersey Partnership
                                                                      Ian Jenkinson            12 Princes Parade
     James Douglas                   Tony Wilson                      Liverpool John           Liverpool L3 1BG
     Containerport Ltd               Hill Dickinson LLP               Moores University        T:+44 (0)151 227 2727

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