GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel

Page created by Paula Craig
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
Australia’s wild and wonderful
          coastal trail

GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
TRACK DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                                      GREAT OCEAN WALK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AUSTRALIA’S WILD AND WONDERFUL COASTAL TRAIL
          Port Campbell                                                                                                     Great
                                          GREAT                                                                             Otway                                                                                                   Melbourne (2.5 hrs drive)
         Twelve                                              OCEAN
                                                                                                                             Park                                                                                                               Apollo Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Great Ocean Walk in Victoria is one             Great Ocean Walk. Our guided trips include
        Apostles                     Princetown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of the most beautiful and iconic walks in           bus transfers from Melbourne, carefully
                                                                                     Great Otway
                                                                                     National Park

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Great Otway

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        National Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the world. Extending east to west between           planned itineraries (including the best coffee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Apollo Bay and the Twelve Apostles near             stops!) and wonderful accommodation.

                                                                     Great Otway
                                          lP s


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                                                                     National Park

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Port Campbell, this 104km stretch of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Be hel

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Some trips feature informative talks from
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            stunning Australian coastline is remote,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ba nke

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a local shipwreck historian born in the Cape

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dramatic and full of surprises.



                                                                                                                                                                                                Great Otway




                                                                                                                                                                                                National Park



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Otway lighthouse and a local Indigenous





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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The variety of experiences along the walk           cultural guide. The insights they provide to





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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            make it unique: deserted wild beaches, sheer        our customers are a highlight of our trips


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                                                                                                                                                                                                 Li pe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cliffs, shipwrecks, giant mountain ash forests,     along the Great Ocean Walk and make this


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            pristine river estuaries, abundant wildlife,        adventure even more worthwhile.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dunes and coastal heathlands all await you on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            this exciting adventure. It truly is a walk that                              Are you ready for a walk
                                                                                     MELBOURNE                                                                                                                               0                             5    10          offers something for everyone.                                                of wild and wonderful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kilometres                                                                                              discovery? Call me today
                                                                                                                                                          MELBOURNE                                                    MELBOURNE                                            We are the Great Ocean
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0     Walk experts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5     Our 10                              to find out more.
                 Section 1 – 8.8km GREAT OCEAN WALK                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dedicated team of mature, experienced
                 Apollo Bay to Shelly Beach.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MELBOURNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            eco-certified guides and drivers have been                                    Stu a rt
                 Easy grade 2. Forest and short beach walks.                                                                                                                                        GREAT OCEAN WALK                                                        escorting groups along this trail since it opened
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in 2006. They are fun, friendly and very helpful,   Great Ocean Walk Destination Expert
                                                                                                                                           Section 6 – 8.8km                                                                                                                and well suited to looking after you.      | Phone: (03) 5976 3763
                 Section 2 – 13.7km                                                                                                        Johanna Beach to Milanesia.
                 Shelly Beach to Blanket Bay. Moderate grade                                                                               Easy grade 2. Open track.                                                                                                        We offer the most variety and flexibility of
                 2. Forest walk, wide foot track.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tours and itineraries than anyone else on the       Copyright © October 2018 by RAW Travel.

                                                                                                                                           Section 7 – 12.3km
                 Section 3 – 10.2km                                                                                                        Milanesia to Moonlight Head.
                 Blanket Bay to Cape Otway.                                                                                                Moderate grade 3. Steeper narrow cliff top track.
                 Easy grade 2. Forest walk and sandy cliff top track.

                                                                                                                                           Section 8 – 5.8km
                 Section 4 – 10.3km                                                                                                        Moonlight Head to Wreck Beach.
                 Cape Otway to Aire River.                                                                                                 Easy grade 2. Forest walk.
                 Moderate grade 2. Cliff top track and beach walk.

                                                                                                                                           Section 9 – 10.5km
                 Section 5 – 12.7km                                                                                                        Wreck Beach to Gellibrand River.
                 Aire River to Johanna Beach.                                                                                              Easy grade 3. Beach, rock scramble and
                 Easy grade 3. Sandy, cliff tops and beach walk.                                                                           sandy track.

                 ELEVATION PROFILE
                          Apollo      Beach           Parker Blanket Parker Cape                               Aire      Castle         Johanna               Milanesia                    Moonlight                           Gellibrand
                           Bay        Track            Spur    Bay    Inlet Otway                              River     Cove            Beach                 Beach                        Head                                 River



                             8.8km                 13.7km                     10.2km             10.3km                  12.7km                   8.8km                          12.3km                    5.8km       10.5km

          PAGE 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PAGE 3
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
                                   RAW Travel are the Great Ocean Walk                                                  • Biggest range of guided options of any
                                   experts! We are the most experienced                                                   company, as well as self-guided walks.
                                   company in the region and offer the most                                               Check out TripAdvisor for outstanding
                                   flexibility and support for your walk,                                                 customer reviews.
                                   plus we use the best located and most
                                                                                                                        • Accommodation booked along the route to
                                   interesting accommodation.
                                                                                                                          reduce transfer times.
                                   • 2 guides and local drivers on all tours –                                         • Insights from a local shipwreck historian
                                     supportive, mature, well-suited to looking                                           born in the Cape Otway lighthouse and a
                                     after you and the most experienced local                                             local Indigenous cultural guide (guided trips).
                                     team in the region!
                                                                                                                        • Personalised, friendly service – call us to
                                   • Full cooked breakfast (guided trips).                                               discuss your travel plans.
                                   • You’ll see all the ‘must do’ sections
                                                                                                                        * Blanket Bay, Parker Inlet, Crayfish Bay, Otway Lighthouse,
                                     of the walk.*                                                                        Aire River, Castle Cove, Johanna Beach, Milanesia Beach,
                                   • Walking options to suit the ability                                                 Ryans Den, Moonlight Heads, The Gables, Wreck Beach,
                                                                                                                          Rivernook, Gibson Steps and the Twelve Apostles.
                                     of individuals.
                                   • Advanced eco-accreditation.                                               

                                            OUR TEAM

                                   We are the Great Ocean Walk experts.
                                   Our team of experienced guides and                                                        Eric Ward                  Lee Bryant
                                   drivers has been escorting groups                                                          Leader                   Driver/Guide
                                   along this iconic walk since it opened.
                                   They are experienced, mature, helpful
                                   and very well-suited to looking after
                                   you. They know the best places to
                                   go, where to look for wildlife, and the
                                   best photo opportunities. They have
                                   excellent local knowledge and bring
                                   this walk to life.                                                  Richard Collopy                      Mark Brack              Stuart Holland
                                                                                                     Indigenous Guide                   Shipwreck Expert          Destination Expert

                                   The information in this Destination Guide has been compiled with care and is provided in good faith.
PAGE 4   However, it is subject to change and does not form part of the contract between the client and RAW Travel.                                           PAGE 5
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
SO MANY OPTIONS                                    Yoga & Hiking Adventures
                                                                                                          SECTION 1:
    As well as self-guided walks, RAW Travel offers    Yoga and hiking offers the perfect combination
    the biggest range of guided options, including     of spectacular sights and meditative reflection.
    these awesome adventures:
    Camino Training Trips
                                                       Our 4-day guided Yoga & Hiking Trip on the
                                                       Great Ocean Walk is a great opportunity to                        PAGE 9
                                                       connect with nature, de-stress your body,
    If you are planning to walk the iconic Camino
                                                       clear your mind and meet new friends.
    de Santiago pilgrimage route, our 3-day
                                                       To complement your daily wilderness
    guided Camino Training Trip along the Great
                                                       explorations on foot, we offer energising and
    Ocean Walk will give you valuable experience
                                                       restorative yoga and meditation sessions,
    for your longer walk. You’ll have full access to
                                                       along with delicious homemade meals, using
    a RAW Travel Camino Specialist who can help
                                                       organic, free-range, locally sourced produce,
    you fully prepare for your Camino adventure.
                                                       and you’ll stay in luxury accommodation like
    These trips are lots of fun and there is always
                                                       no other.
    a distinctly Camino theme, with Spanish wine,
    talks, movies and more.                            Limited places available. Visit our website
                                                       for more info and departure dates.                 SECTION 2:
    Visit our website for more info and
    departure dates.

                                                                                                          ESSENTIALS    PAGE 17

                                                                                                          SECTION 3:
                                                                                                          ON THE TRAIL PAGE 27

                                                                                                          SECTION 4:
                                                                                                          RAW TRAVEL    PAGE 33
PAGE 6                                           
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
THE RAW TRAVEL GREAT                                INSPIRATION
WAS ONE OF THE BEST                                 Why you’ll love this walk              10
WALKING EXPERIENCES                                 Origin of the walk                     10

I’VE EVER HAD!                                      Is this the right trip for me?         10

– Lile, New South Wales                             How difficult is this walk?            10

                                                    What’s it like underfoot?              11

                                                    Geological rock formations             11

                                                    Wildlife, sealife and plantlife        11

                                                    Eco-certified guides                   13

                                                    What we offer                          13

                                                    Guided walks                           13

                                                    Self-guided walks                      14

                                                    Great Ocean Walk information website   14

                                                    RAW Travel Insights (blog)             14

                                                    Recommended on TripAdvisor             14

                                                    Suggested reading                      14

                                                    Responsible travel                     15

                                                    Extending your holiday                 15

PAGE 8                                                         PAGE 9
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
SECTION 1: INSPIRATION                                                                                  GREAT OCEAN WALK

                                                                                                           We have used several criteria to assess the        WILDLIFE, SEALIFE AND PLANTLIFE
   WHY YOU’LL LOVE THIS WALK                                                                               difficulty of each walk we offer, including the
                                                                                                                                                              An iconic walk such as the Great Ocean Walk
                                                                                                           number of hours walking required each day,
   3 Flexibility Escape for a long weekend or         3 Solitude and serenity Crashing waves and                                                            would not be complete without seeing one
                                                                                                           terrain and conditions underfoot, weather,
     take on the whole walk over a week.                 the many moods of the Southern Ocean.                                                                of Australia’s national icons – the koala! Cape
                                                                                                           gradient, altitude, signage and facilities –
                                                                                                                                                              Otway is one of the best places in Australia to
   3 Dramatic coastline Spectacular and               3 Food Hearty meals made from fresh                basic accommodation and food in remote
                                                                                                                                                              see koalas up close in their preferred manna
     ever‑changing views.                                regional produce by our attentive local           areas will contribute to a walk being graded
                                                                                                                                                              gum environment.
                                                         hosts.                                            more difficult. Keep in mind that if a walk is
   3 Land and ocean Tall forests, coastal                                                                 graded moderate, it doesn’t mean you will
     heathlands, wild rocky shores, river              3 Vibrant seaside towns Charming Apollo                                                               The marine environment in this region of
                                                                                                           never feel tired. See p. 40 for more.              Victorian coastline is home to many unique
     estuaries, windswept cliff-tops and wild            Bay and colourful Port Campbell.
     deserted beaches.                                                                                                                                        plant and animal species. Kelp forests are
                                                       3 Local knowledge Experienced eco-certified          RAW Travel trip gradings
                                                                                                                                                              unique to the south-east waters and provide
   3 Lighthouse and shipwrecks Immerse                  guides share insights and stories, bringing the                                                      food and shelter for the abundant marine
     yourself in the region’s seafaring history.         Great Ocean Walk to life.                         WHAT’S IT LIKE UNDERFOOT?                          life, including fish, Australian fur seals and
   3 Unique geological formations World-              3C
                                                         amaraderie Share your love of the                The walk is a winding track that follows the       dolphins. Look out for the endangered
     famous limestone cliffs and spectacular            outdoors and spirit of adventure with new          contours around the coastal headlands. On          hooded plover and the southern right whales
     natural wonders.                                   and old friends.                                   occasions you will walk down to isolated           (July to September).
                                                                                                           beaches and across soft sand and then walk
                                                                                                                                                              The Great Otway National Park is home to
                                                                                                           up the other side up steps on a well-marked
                                                                                                                                                              diverse wildlife, including the spot-tailed
   ORIGIN OF THE WALK                                  guides and they will outline what is possible       track that has been constructed and managed
                                                                                                                                                              quolls, native bush rats, swamp wallabies and
                                                       based on individual needs.                          with your safety in mind. Some sections involve
   The idea for a coastal walk along the west coast                                                                                                           possums. You are likely to see cockatoos,
                                                                                                           walking through forested areas where the track
   of Victoria was first mooted (and rejected) in                                                                                                             rosellas, sea eagles, and a variety of
                                                       It’s important that you select a trip that is       is firm under foot, while others can be muddy
   1974. It was, however, rumoured to have been                                                                                                               colourful small birds, including fairy-wrens,
                                                       suitable to your experience, abilities and          depending on the weather conditions.
   resurrected by local accommodation providers                                                                                                               yellow robins, grey shrike-thrushes and
                                                       expectations. Read this Destination Guide and
   in the early 1990s, with planning beginning in                                                          You can expect to walk between 4 and 8 hours       rufous fantails.
                                                       the specific trip itinerary on our website
   1994. Development did not start until 2001,         before booking.                                     each day with regular stops to take in the
   with the Great Ocean Walk finally opening in                                                                                                               In the springtime, look out for the wax
                                                                                                           natural beauty, and for snacks and lunch.
   January 2006. RAW Travel has been running                                                                                                                  lip orchid. If you’re lucky, you’ll spot this
   trips along it ever since. The signage near the     HOW DIFFICULT IS THIS WALK?                                                                            diminutive flower by the side of the path, often
                                                                                                           GEOLOGICAL ROCK FORMATIONS                         on the sections between Castle Cove and
   Apollo Bay Visitors’ Centre states that the route   3–4: Moderate
   is 91km, yet a more commonly given distance                                                             It is the unique and dramatic geological           Johanna beach. You’ll see lots of other vivid
   is 104km. The track has been re-routed a few        We have graded the Great Ocean Walk 3–4             formations that attract people to this amazing     and outlandish native wildflowers too, as well
   times since that sign was first put up.             (Moderate). You’ll need a good level of fitness     coastline. The magnificent Miocene limestone       as thick forests of grasstrees, mountain ash,
                                                       and should be participating in regular exercise     cliffs of the Shipwreck Coast are overlaid by      myrtle beech, stringybark and manna gums.
                                                       in the lead up to your trip.                        calcarenite and ferricrete and under-laid by
                                                                                                           a clay-limestone rock called Gellibrand marl.
   People of all ages complete the Great Ocean         We recommend completing 1 or 2 training             Along sections of the walk such as in between
   Walk. Whether you’re 8 or 80, this iconic           walks per week (increasing to 15km each).           Cape Otway and Castle Cove there are giant
   Australian walk is achievable by people of all      The more training you do and the better             calcified sand dunes and if you look upwards
   ages who have a reasonable level of fitness. If     prepared you are, the more you will enjoy this      on the section before Castle Cove you’ll see
   you’ve walked the Overland Track in Tasmania        beautiful walk.                                     fantastically eroded shapes at the top of these
   or the Larapinta trail in the Northern Territory,                                                       sand dunes.
   for example, you’ll have no problems with the       RAW Travel offers a range of multi-day walks
   Great Ocean Walk as it is less remote and less      for complete beginners through to veteran           Limestone layers have eroded at different
   challenging than either of these walks.             walkers. We have graded each RAW Travel             rates to create tunnels and caves as well
                                                       trip from 1 (introductory) to 10 (tough). Our       as spectacular natural structures like the
   RAW Travel can offer shorter options on some        grading system is intended to differentiate only    Twelve Apostles and the Loch Ard Gorge. The
   days. Along the route there are various pull-       the walks that RAW Travel offers, so they won’t     awesome power of the sea causes erosion to
   out points where you can leave the track early      necessarily match another travel company’s          occur at a rapid rate, so the southern coastline
   if you do not feel like continuing. Talk to our     assessment of their trips.                          is always changing shape.

PAGE 10                                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 11
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel

                                                    ECO-CERTIFIED GUIDES                               They bring a measure of certainty to each

                                                                                                       day’s walk and make sure everything goes to
                                                                     The guides who lead our
                                                                                                       plan. For some walkers, the educational aspect
                                                                     Great Ocean Walk trips
                                                                                                       that a guide can bring to their walking makes it
                                                                     are eco-certified. The
                                                                                                       all worthwhile.
                                                                     EcoGuide program provides

                                                    individuals with a credential, endorsing           Our group leader knows and understands the
                                                    the recipient as a guide who will deliver an       local conditions, tide times and how the wave
                                                    authentic, environmentally responsible and

                                                                                                       and swell size can alter decisions to walk the
                                                    professional experience.                           beaches. Fast changing weather and current
                                                                                                       track conditions can determine when to walk

                                                    RAW Travel itself is also eco-certified.
                                                                                                       and what to see or avoid. This can make a big
                                                    The ECO Certification program assures
                                                                                                       difference to an enjoyable walk.
                                                    travellers that certified products are backed
SUPER TASTY FOOD AND                                by a strong, well managed commitment to
                                                    sustainable practices and provides high
                                                                                                       They will provide information on the places
                                                                                                       you are travelling through, offer suggestions
WONDERFUL HOSTS.                                    quality nature-based tourism experiences.
                                                    The ECO Certification Program is a world
                                                                                                       for things to do and see, and introduce you
                                                                                                       to our local friends. We also bring in specialist
                                                    first and it has been developed to address         local guides to complement the group leader
– Bronwyn, Canberra                                 the need to identify genuine nature and            to talk about the historical and environmental
                                                    ecotourism operators.                              aspects of the Great Ocean Walk.

                                                    WHAT WE OFFER                                      The camaraderie of a guided walking group is
                                                                                                       often the highlight of a trip. New friends are
                                                    RAW Travel offers fully supported guided
                                                                                                       made, and you can socialise and share your
                                                    and self-guided options on the Great Ocean
                                                                                                       experiences with them at the end of their day.
                                                    Walk. Our 3, 4 and 6 day guided trips depart
                                                                                                       Female walkers also appreciate the feeling of
                                                    throughout the season from September until
                                                                                                       security that comes with a group.
                                                    May each year. For those who prefer to walk
                                                    under their own direction, we offer catered        On a guided walk you can expect to walk
                                                    self-guided walking packages.                      between 4 and 8 hours each day with regular
                                                                                                       stops to take in the natural beauty, and for
                                                       ee the individual Great Ocean Walk
                                                                                                       snacks and lunch.
                                                      trips and itineraries on our website.
                                                                                                       Group size
                                                    GUIDED WALKS                                       Groups are restricted to a maximum of
                                                    All guided RAW Travel trips are accompanied        16 guests. We like to keep our groups small
                                                    by an experienced group leader who is trained      and personal so that each traveller can benefit
                                                    in first aid and knowledgeable about walking in    from the full support and attention of our staff.
                                                    the area you are visiting. The group leader will
                                                                                                       Your fellow walkers
                                                    support and assist you through the walk and
                                                    help you have the best time possible.              On guided trips, your fellow walkers come
                                                                                                       from all walks of life and share a love of the
                                                    Our group leader, along with our experienced       outdoors and a spirit of adventure. People join
                                                    private minibus driver, bring the Great Ocean      this trip as both singles and couples, so you are
                                                    Walk to life, passing on interesting knowledge     likely to enjoy good company from like-minded
                                                    about the unique features of the environment       people with similar interests. We have made
                                                    that independent walkers will most often miss.     the walk as flexible as possible to cater for
                                                    They know the best places to take you, where       different walking abilities and wishes and your
                                                    to look for wildlife and the names of plants       tour leader will consult with you to determine
                                                    and flowers along the way.                         what you’d like to get from your walk.

PAGE 12                                                                                                            PAGE 13
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
SECTION 1: INSPIRATION                                                                               GREAT OCEAN WALK

   If you wish to vary from the standard program,     RAW TRAVEL INSIGHTS (BLOG)                                                                               EXTENDING YOUR HOLIDAY
                                                                                                                               The Long Walk,
   your leader will do their best to accommodate
                                                      Check out the Great Ocean Walk Insights                               Kerry Greenwood                    Local attractions
   your wishes, within the limits of the groups’
                                                      on our website. Written by our Destination                            (Hachette, 2004)                   The Great Ocean Road and surrounding area
   needs. We have found this arrangement works
                                                      Experts and Group Leaders, they are great                                                                offers an amazing amount of attractions,
   well to satisfy everyone’s aims from the tour.                                                                           A wonderful story of survival.
                                                      background reading. You’ll find a wide range                                                             scenic towns and national parks to explore,
                                                      of topics, from shipwrecks and sea life to the                        Reads beautifully, educates        including Torquay (Victoria’s surfing capital),
   SELF-GUIDED WALKS                                  Princetown wetlands, forest walking and Cape                          and enthralls. The historical      Lorne (Victoria’s premier seaside town) and
   Some people crave solitude and the ability to      Otway lighthouse.                                                     detail is meticulously             Port Fairy (a charming fishing village at the end
   appreciate nature quietly and unobtrusively,                                                                             researched and seamlessly          of the Great Ocean Road).
                                                                                                                            woven into the plot.
   not to mention the adventure factor of             RECOMMENDED ON TRIPADVISOR
   exploring on their own terms. On our self-                                                                                                                  Explore Melbourne
   guided walks you walk without a guide,                                                                                      Demons,                         Melbourne is a great city to explore before or
   following our trail notes and maps. If you enjoy                                                                         Wayne Macauley                     after your Great Ocean Walk. It is packed with
   the challenge of doing your own exploration                                                                              (Text Publishing, 2014)                attractions, from laid-back laneways and
                                                      Don’t take our word for it. Check out what our
   and relying upon your own knowledge and                                                                                                                     lush parks to grand libraries and museums,
                                                      happy customers say about walking the Great
   abilities, a self-guided walk will give you the                                                                        “We’ll cook some food and            all wrapped up in a vibrant atmosphere.
                                                      Ocean Walk with us.
   important back-up from RAW Travel in case                                                                              drink some wine and each                 Broadsheet is the authority on the cultural
   anything goes amiss, but the freedom to walk                                           tell a story.” Part novel,           life of Melbourne and showcases the best the
   your own way.                                                                                                          part story collection, this          city has to offer.
                                                      SUGGESTED READING                                                   book depicts a group
   A self-guided walk is ideal if you are hesitant                                                                        of 40-something inner-               City break
   about group travel or want to travel with your                          Life on the Rocky            suburban types, holed up over the weekend              We can tailormake a city break to your
   own friends and set your own pace. It’s also a                        Shores, Victorian National     in a house on the Great Ocean Road.                    requirements and usually include an arrival
   great option if you are restricted to travelling                      Parks Association (2010)                                                              transfer, 2 nights’ accommodation and a city
   at a particular time: you can choose your own                                                                                                               sightseeing tour.
   departure date (dependant on availability of                           Essential pocket guide        RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL
   accommodation, of course).                                             to any rocky shore or         RAW Travel practices “leave no trace” outdoor
                                                                          intertidal rock platform in   ethics on all our trips, aiming not only to
   Luggage transfers are included on all walking                          Victoria, SA, Tasmania or     minimise the environmental impact of our visit
   days, meaning you will only walk with a day                            NSW. Completely revised,      but also to leave a positive contribution. You
   pack. No technical expertise is required, so       full colour edition describes 96 intertidal       will often see your leader collecting litter left by
   anyone who is active and in good health can        plants and animals.                               other walkers.
   do the Great Ocean Walk.
                                                                                                        We aim to support local producers, hotels and
                                                                            The Great Ocean Road:
   GREAT OCEAN WALK                                                                                     the economy as much as possible and most
                                                                         Sea Breeze and Surf,
   INFORMATION WEBSITE                                                                                  of our food is bought locally. We also employ
                                                                         Bryce Dunkley
                                                                                                        local people to help run our trips in the region
   On our dedicated Great Ocean Walk website                             (Ides Publishing, 2015)
                                                                                                        and try to ensure that a good proportion of
   you’ll find all you need to know about the                                                           the cost of your trip stays in the local economy
   Great Ocean Walk, beyond the tours. It                                This book invites readers
                                                                         to enjoy photographs of        of the Otways and Great Ocean Road. That
   includes photo galleries of inspiring images,                                                        way local people stand to directly benefit from
   videos, nearby attractions, route information,     this spectacular coastline, taken from the
                                                      both ground and air, meet some of the             the tourism that comes in their region.
   safety, history and lots more.
                                                      people who passionately call it home and                                                                            RAW Travel has taken an active approach to
                                                      marvel at the exciting activities that tempt
                                                                                                        helping communities in destinations that we
                                                      the adventurous.
                                                                                                        visit and raising money for grassroots projects
                                                                                                        aimed at alleviating poverty and conservation
                                                                                                        of the natural environment.

PAGE 14                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 15
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
A VERY COMFORTABLE                               SECTION 2:
 COMPLETE THE GREAT                               TRAVEL ESSENTIALS
 PACKS TO LUG AROUND!                             When to walk                    18
 THE GREAT OCEAN                                  Getting fit for this walk       18

 WALK IS A BEAUTIFUL                              Accommodation                   19

 EXPERIENCE. I FELT                               Food and drink                  19

 CHALLENGED BY PARTS                              Transport                       19

                                                  Maps                            21

                                                  Recommended Apps                21

 FELT GOOD ABOUT MY                               Health                          21

 RESULT – GRATEFUL                                Travel insurance                22

 THAT I TRAINED!                                  Visas                           22

                                                  Smart Traveller                 22
 – Janice, Perth
                                                  What to pack                    22

                                                  Specialist gear for this walk   23

                                                  How to book your trip           23

                                                  Participation conditions        23

                                                  RAW Traveller’s Code            25

PAGE 16                                               PAGE 17
GREAT OCEAN WALK Australia's wild and wonderful - DESTINATION GUIDE - RAW Travel
SECTION 2: TRAVEL ESSENTIALS                                                                             GREAT OCEAN WALK

   WHEN TO WALK                                      GETTING FIT FOR THIS WALK                              ACCOMMODATION                                        Special dietary requirements
   People walk along the Great Ocean Walk all        Walking is one of the most natural things to           Guided walks                                         We can cater for special dietary requirements.
   year round, but the most popular seasons          do, so you may feel that you are already in                                                                 Please discuss your needs with our
                                                                                                            On our guided walks we book character-filled,
   tend to be the springtime from late September     good enough shape. However, you will be                                                                     Destination Expert at the time of booking.
                                                                                                            comfortable accommodation, ranging from
   to late November and autumn from late             walking for many hours over successive days            private cabins and waterfront lodgings to the
   March to mid-May.                                 carrying a daypack, which is likely very different     historic Cape Otway Light Station where you          TRANSPORT
                                                     to your current walking schedule.                      can immerse yourself in the seafaring history
   Spring                                                                                                                                                        Guided walks
                                                                                                            of Australia’s most significant and recognisable
   September to November offers mild                 We recommend that you undertake a training                                                                  Our guided walks use a private minibus.
                                                                                                            lighthouse, which dates back to 1848.
   temperatures and the best time to see             program according to your level of fitness                                                                  On each walking day you will be met by our
   wildflowers along the track. October and          for at least 3 months leading up to your               Self-guided walks                                    driver for lunch. This gives you the option to
   November tend to be the busier months,            departure. Regular exercise prior to the trip                                                               skip sections of the walk and take the bus to
                                                                                                            Our self-guided walks offer great properties
   though busy is a relative term as you’ll often    will allow you to build your fitness steadily so                                                            meet the group at the next stop. Your leader
                                                                                                            in Apollo Bay, Cape Otway, Glenaire, Wattle Hill
   have the track to yourself even during these      that you will enjoy and complete the trip with a                                                            will explain these options each evening and
                                                                                                            and Port Campbell.
   months. You could be walking in mellow            smile and energy left over.                                                                                 if you are worried about being able to walk
   sunshine or wet gales. November tends to be                                                              Check out the Great Ocean Walk         website       a full day they can explain the details for you.
   a little drier and warmer.                        Moderate activities such as walking pose
                                                                                                            for more information.
                                                     little health risk but before starting any new                                                              Self-guided walks
   Summer                                            exercise program we recommend that you                                                                      For self-guided walks, a RAW Travel
                                                     see your doctor for a check-up, particularly if        FOOD AND DRINK                                       representative will meet you on Day 1 for an
   By early December it is very quiet along the
                                                     you have a medical condition, are aged over            Meal inclusions                                      orientation meeting. You will have been sent
   track and a great time to visit – the calm
                                                     40 years, are overweight or haven’t exercised                                                               a set of detailed Track Notes prior to your
   before the storm of Christmas campers to                                                                 On all our trips you will be well fed with hearty
                                                     in a long time.                                                                                             departure that will help guide you along the
   come. Summer is a wonderful time to have a                                                               food. We don’t skimp on the quality because
   splash in the ocean at one of the safe beaches.                                                          we know the importance of plentiful, good            walk. They explain the day-to-day running of
                                                         et Walking Fit for the Great Ocean Walk                                                                the trip and the shuttle service.
   Our guides know when and where it’s safe.                                                                nutrition when you are hiking. Our guests
                                                                                                            regularly comment on the high quality of the
   Autumn                                                                                                   evening meals RAW Travel provides.
   March to May is the best time to walk because
   there are beautiful clear sunny days (18–22                                                              Guided walks
   degrees), making it ideal weather for walking,                                                           On our guided trips all meals are included in
   though of course this is not guaranteed! If                                                              the trip cost, except breakfast on the first day
   you’re lucky enough you can see amazing                                                                  and dinner on our return journey. A cooked
   sunsets at this time of year with ocean mists           GETTING W                                        breakfast is always available, as well as a
   from pounding surf spray.                                         ALKING FIT                             delicious selection of toast, spreads, cereals
                                                            THE GREAT           FOR
                                                                      OCEAN WA                              and fruit. For lunch there is plenty of trail mix,
   Winter                                                                       LK
                                                                 How to prep
                                                                            are for your                    fruit, wholesome fresh rolls and sandwiches,
                                                                                           multi-day tre
   Walking in winter (June–August) can be                                                               k
                                                                                                            plus tea, coffee and cool drinks.
   amazing and very dramatic. With the right
   gear it’s a true adventure. The Roaring Forties                                                          On guided trips, rest stops include hot and
   blowing across the Southern Ocean and                                                                    cold beverages, fresh fruit and snacks, all
   predominantly grey skies make this a season                                                              included in the trip cost.
   mainly for the hardy and well-equipped
   bushwalker. See also ‘Weather’ on p29.                                                                   Self-guided walks
                                                                                                            On our self-guided walks you will enjoy hearty
                                                                                                            breakfasts, lunches and dinners with generous
                                                                                                            portions and flavours. Sometime the meals
                                                                                                            will be prepared for you; other times you will
                                                                                                            receive a hamper with provisions.

PAGE 18                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 19
ERIC, LEE, MARK AND                                  GREAT OCEAN WALK
EXPERIENCE. THEY WERE                                You will also receive a map, details on what to
                                                     expect to see in the area (eg wildlife and native
                                                                                                         To participate fully in a group travel experience

                                                     plants) and an emergency beacon for the
                                                                                                         you need to be in good physical health. If, in
                                                     duration of the trip.
                                                                                                         the opinion of our group leader, any guest

AND A PLEASURE TO GET                                You will be given the driver’s number so that       is unable to complete the itinerary without
                                                     you can contact him during your walk. Phone         undue risk to themselves and/or the rest of
                                                                                                         the group, RAW Travel reserves the right to
                                                     coverage during the walk and some locations
                                                     is weak and unreliable. Telstra has the best        exclude them from all or part of a trip without
                                                     coverage in the area, so we recommend using         refund. We therefore ask you to read the

A PART OF OUR GROUP.                                 them as your phone provider or buy a Telstra
                                                     SIM card.
                                                                                                         itinerary on the website thoroughly and then
                                                                                                         realistically self-assess your physical ability to

                                                                                                         complete the trip as described. Please consult
                                                                                                         with your doctor if you have any doubts.

OF THE TRIP. THANK YOU.                              On self-guided trips we highly recommended
                                                     that all walkers carry the Great Ocean Walk
                                                                                                         Our leaders are first-aid qualified and will
                                                                                                         be carrying a first aid kit. In the event of
                                                     map we provide. While the trail itself is           an incident or medical emergency on the
– Deleah, NSW                                        reasonably well marked there are a few points       walk, the default mode of evacuation is by
                                                     at which a map is invaluable to make sense          helicopter. It is recommended that all guests
                                                     of the listed trails, particularly in the Otways    have travel insurance, medical insurance or
                                                     forest, and of the low- and high-level options      ambulance insurance that will cover the cost
                                                     on sections that are tide-dependent. Maps           of helicopter evacuation.
                                                     also are vital in the event of having to exit the
                                                                                                         Dehydration is the biggest risk when
                                                     trail unexpectedly – you’ll need to get your
                                                                                                         undertaking physical activity. It is so important
                                                     bearings and perhaps work out where the
                                                                                                         to be aware of your fluid intake and to
                                                     nearest road or shelter is.
                                                                                                         constantly drink water throughout the day,
                                                     The definitive map for the Great Ocean Walk         even when you do not feel thirsty.
                                                     is published by Parks Victoria. It is a detailed
                                                                                                         Your safety is our primary concern once
                                                     topographic map on a 1:25,000 scale and
                                                                                                         you join the tour. Your leader may vary
                                                     shows all the surrounding area and useful
                                                                                                         the walk itinerary when required due to
                                                     route notes and information on campsites,
                                                                                                         track conditions, severe weather, sea or
                                                     altitude profiles, etc.
                                                                                                         tide conditions.

                                                     RECOMMENDED APPS
                                                     As technology has improved, the number of
                                                     options for staying connected while travelling
                                                     has increased. While this means more choice,
                                                     it can also be confusing. Here at RAW we
                                                     are strong advocates of detoxing and tech-
                                                     free adventures, but it’s still worth knowing
                                                     what’s reliable and economical. We asked our
                                                     Destination Experts for their favourite ways to
                                                     stay in touch, as well as recommendations for
                                                     travel apps that you will actually use!

                                                         ow to stay connected, plus travel apps you
                                                        will actually use

PAGE 20                                                                                                              PAGE 21
SECTION 2: TRAVEL ESSENTIALS                                                                          GREAT OCEAN WALK

   TRAVEL INSURANCE                                  WHAT TO PACK                                        SPECIALIST GEAR FOR THIS WALK                       to the itinerary and/or travel dates after
                                                                                                                                                             arrangements have been confirmed will incur
   If you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t   Victorian weather is notoriously changeable.        Walking boots
   afford to travel! We sell Cover-More travel       Be prepared for a variety of weather, with the                                                          additional charges.
                                                                                                         Waterproof walking boots/shoes with full
   insurance and you can easily get a quote over     possibility of cold, windy and wet conditions.      ankle support are recommended for this walk.
   the phone. No one plans for anything to go        It is not necessary to ‘dress’ for evening meals;
                                                                                                                                                             PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS
                                                                                                         Make sure your footwear is well worn in and
   wrong, but if it does you want to make sure       casual, comfortable clothing is sufficient.         comfortable. We also recommend hiking socks         To travel with RAW Travel you must accept
   that you have adequate cover.                                                                         – they minimise the chance of getting blisters.     the booking conditions (online at the
                                                     Essential items                                     The key to preventing blisters and avoiding         time of booking), which include the following
   We highly recommend you purchase travel           • Day pack                                         unnecessary pain is to eliminate friction.          ‘participation conditions’:
   insurance as soon as you start booking your
   travel arrangements, and include cancellation     • Water bottle/bladder
                                                                                                            Blister prevention strategies                    When booking on one of our trips the
   cover as well as emergency evacuation and         • Walking boots                                                                                        applicant understands that RAW Travel
   medical cover. Please talk to your insurance                                                             W
                                                                                                             hat boots should I buy and how do I look       operates adventure holidays worldwide.
                                                     • Rain jacket
   provider to make sure you have the right                                                                 after them?                                      In developing countries, the standards
   policy for your needs.                            • Long-sleeve shirt with collar
                                                                                                                                                             of accommodation, transport, safety,
                                                       (for sun protection)                              Trekking poles
                                                                                                                                                             hygiene, telecommunication facilities, level
      0 things you need to know about                                                                   Trekking poles are not essential for the Great
                                                     • Sunhat                                                                                               of infrastructure development and medical
     travel insurance                                                                                    Ocean Walk. However, there are some steeper
                                                     • Long-legged pants (or shorts                                                                         facilities are not equivalent to those familiar
                                                                                                         sections where they can be useful. If in doubt,     to the applicant’s usual living arrangements,
                                                       with long gaiters)                                talk to the Destination Expert. If you have
   VISAS                                                                                                                                                     or would find on a conventional holiday. This
                                                     • Warm jacket and hat                              never used trekking poles before, then we           type of trip inherently involves a higher level
   Most international visitors require a visa
                                                                                                         definitely recommended them if you have – or        of personal risk, which the applicant agrees to
   to visit Australia. Requirements vary widely      • High factor sunscreen
                                                                                                         have had – any issues at all with sore knees,       fully assume. The applicant acknowledges that
   by country so contact your local Australian       • Blister pads and/or tape for                     ankles or hips.                                     travel on a RAW Travel trip requires a degree
   embassy to find out more.                           hotspots or blisters on your feet                                                                     of flexibility, and understands that the trip’s
                                                                                                             o I need trekking poles and which ones         route, accommodation and modes of transport
      ustralian embassies and                       • Insect repellent
                                                                                                            should I buy?                                    are subject to change without prior notice due
     consulates overseas                             • Sunglasses
                                                                                                                                                             to local circumstances. Should RAW Travel
                                                     • Toiletries                                       HOW TO BOOK YOUR TRIP                               deem it advisable to amend an itinerary for any
                                                     • Watch or alarm clock                             Before making a booking, please read this           reason, it may do so by shortening, varying or
   Be informed. Be prepared. Stay smart                                                                                                                      re-routing any trip. These changes are binding
                                                     • Towel and swimwear                               Destination Guide thoroughly to make sure
   while you are travelling. Smartraveller is                                                                                                                and additional expenses will be charged to the
                                                       (summer months)                                   that the Great Ocean Walk is right for you. We
   provided by the Australian Department of                                                                                                                  applicant if the reason for any major alteration
                                                                                                         have compiled lots of important information
   Foreign Affairs and Trade. It provides up-to-     • Travel documents                                                                                     is outside RAW Travel’s control.
                                                                                                         about accommodation, food, fitness required,
   date travel advice for Australians travelling
                                                                                                         weather and what to expect so that you
   overseas. You can subscribe to receive free       Optional items                                      can make an informed decision. On our
   updates, including about widespread health        • Waterproof cover for day pack                       website, you’ll also find detailed itineraries
   or security issues.
                                                     • Waterproof walking boots                         and other important information.                        • Long gaiters                                     A deposit of $500 per person is due at the
                                                     • Walking poles                                    time of booking and balance of payment is
                                                                                                         required 8 weeks prior to travel. All quotes are
                                                     • Camera                                           subject to availability at the time of booking
                                                     • Small binoculars                                 and valid for 7 days.
                                                     • Torch / head torch                               When you submit your booking form, you are
                                                                                                         committing to an itinerary and travel dates.
                                                                                                         When arrangements are confirmed, non-
                                                                                                         refundable deposits are paid to suppliers
                                                                                                         to secure these bookings. Any changes

PAGE 22                                                                                                                                                                PAGE 23

                                               RAW TRAVELLER’S CODE                                ✔ I understand that travel within a group

                                                                                                      invariably involves compromise to
                                               By paying your deposit and completing
                                                                                                      accommodate diverse desires, travel goals,
                                               your booking forms with us, you signal
                                                                                                      personalities, and physical abilities of all
                                               your agreement to the following RAW
                                                                                                      group members.
                                               Traveller’s Code:

                                                                                                   ✔ RAW Travel leaders may be required to
                                               ✔ I have chosen a trip that suits my abilities,
                                                                                                      improvise and exercise good faith, use
                                                  level of fitness, and state of health.

                                                                                                      discretion and/or make decisions based
                                               ✔ I do not have any physical conditions or            upon group consensus. These decisions
                                                                                                      may not always please each individual, but

                                                  disabilities that are a hazard to me or other
                                                  RAW travellers                                      are intended to satisfy the larger desires of
                                                                                                      the group.
                                               ✔ I have a valid passport and all necessary
– Earl, Queensland                                visas and vaccinations required for travel.      ✔ I understand that RAW Travel reserves
                                                                                                      the right to refuse participation during a
                                               ✔ I will read the RAW travel pre-trip materials       tour to anyone whose health or behaviour
                                                  about clothing, medical requirements, and           could impede the welfare or enjoyment of
                                                  culture-specific etiquette.                         fellow guests. An individual may benasked
                                                                                                      to leave a trip if the leader feels that the
                                               ✔ I will respect the laws and customs of              person’s continuing participation may prove
                                                  countries visited.                                  detrimental to the individual or the group.

                                               ✔ I will follow environmental guidelines and       ✔ I understand travelling off the beaten track
                                                  regulations while on the trip in accordance         means access to medical facilities and
                                                  with the RAW Travel leader’s direction.             evacuation services may be limited.

                                               ✔ I will respect the rights and privacy of other   ✔ I understand the weather is out of RAW
                                                  trip members.                                       Travel’s control.

                                                                                                   ✔ I will drink alcohol responsibly.

PAGE 24                                                                                                        PAGE 25
THIS IS A GREAT WAY                                     ON THE TRAIL
FROM CIVILISATION AND                                   Joining the tour             28
GET CLOSE TO NATURE.                                    Buying supplies              28

WE DID NOT WANT                                         Weather                      29

THIS EXPERIENCE TO                                      Mobile phone coverage        29

END. THIS WAS A GREAT                                   Wifi and internet coverage   29

                                                        Electricity                  29

                                                        Money                        29

RAW TRAVEL.                                             Safety                       31

– Gavin & Marie, Gold Coast                             How much water to carry      31

                                                        Emergency contact            31

PAGE 26                                                  PAGE 27
SECTION 3: ON THE TRAIL                                                                               GREAT OCEAN WALK

   JOINING THE TOUR                                   (which leaves every 15 minutes) from the                                                            MOBILE PHONE COVERAGE
                                                      airport to Southern Cross Station.
   Guided walks                                                                                                                                           Mobile telephone coverage is intermittent
                                                      The Gull Airport Service connects to
   The pick-up point for our guided trips is                                                                                                              along the Great Ocean Walk. Coverage
                                                      Geelong train station to meet the V/Line bus
   the NGV, 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne. Your                                                                                                            depends on your carrier and your location on
                                                      to Apollo Bay. It needs to be booked
   leader will be wearing a RAW Travel shirt and                                                                                                          the walk. Signal will wane, drop out and come
                                                      in advance.
   the bus will be signed. We can also pick-up                                                                                                            back again as you walk in and out of gullies
   from Avalon Airport on the way, but this will      Note: There is no public transport from the                                                         and thicker forest cover along any section of
   need to be confirmed before the trip.              Twelve Apostles so, at the end of your trip                                                         the Great Ocean Walk.
                                                      with us, for an additional cost, we can organise
   Self-guided walks                                                                                                                                      The area where coverage is least reliable is
                                                      a transfer for you to Colac or Camperdown.
   Driving your own vehicle                                                                                                                               Cape Otway due to the dense forest cover.
                                                      We recommend that you pre-book your
                                                                                                                                                          Telstra has the best coverage in the area, so
   Our 6-day walk starts at Apollo Bay, which is a    train ticket from Colac to Melbourne prior to
                                                                                                                                                          we recommend using them as your phone
   3-hour drive from central Melbourne. (Walks        starting your walk.
                                                                                                                                                          provider or buy a Telstra SIM card.
   of a shorter duration start at different points
   along the trail.) Having your own car allows
                                                      BUYING SUPPLIES                                                                                     There are public phones and mobile reception
   for more flexibility on the walk and further
                                                                                                                                                          (carrier dependent) at Apollo Bay, Cape Otway
   exploration of this beautiful area. You have       RAW Travel provides just about everything
                                                                                                                                                          (limited), Princetown and Lavers Hill.
   the option of parking your car at the end of       you will need to eat and drink, except alcohol
   each day’s walk so you don’t have to walk to       and soft drinks. The options for purchasing                                                         Your leaders will be carrying 2-way radios for
   a scheduled pick-up time. Alternatively, your      supplies or dinner drinks once you have                                                             emergency situations.
   driver can arrange pick-up/drop-offs to the        commenced your walk are limited, so you will
   trailhead each day.                                need to purchase what you need in Apollo Bay
                                                      because your next resupply point is Lavers Hill,                                                    WIFI AND INTERNET COVERAGE
   By public transport (train and bus)                then Princetown and Port Campbell. Limited                                                          Wifi and internet coverage at accommodation
   Trains from Melbourne’s Southern Cross             supplies are available from the general stores/                                                     along the Great Ocean Walk is generally not
   Station travel to Geelong and then connect         cafes at Lavers Hill and Princetown.                                                                available. There are some limited locations
   with a bus to Apollo Bay on the Great Ocean                                                                                                            along the walk were SMS and emails may
   Road. Alternatively, you could travel from                                                            WEATHER                                          come through.
   Melbourne to Geelong via V/Line and then                                                              Victoria is renowned for its unpredictable
   take a regular bus from Geelong along the                                                             weather patterns and the Great Ocean             ELECTRICITY
   Great Ocean Road to Apollo Bay. Check the                                                             Walk shares this attribute, possibly even
      V/Line website (the largest provider of                                                                                                             Most of the world, including Australia, uses the
                                                                                                         magnified. Rain and cold conditions are a
   regional public transport in Victoria) for                                                                                                             220-240V range. Fortunately, most modern
                                                                                                         possibility at any time of year and conversely
   timetables to work out the best connections                                                                                                            portable electronic equipment (laptops,
                                                                                                         hot temperatures can occur at any time from
   and current services; they can change                                                                                                                  phones, tablets) can handle both 120V and
                                                                                                         October to April. But for the most part the
   depending on the season and public holidays.                                                                                                           240V. The plugs in Australia have two flat
                                                                                                         weather in the popular months is fine for
                                                                                                                                                          metal pins shaped like a ‘V’ and some may
                                                                                                         walking and it would be a rare day indeed
   From Avalon Airport                                                                                                                                    contain a third flat pin in the centre.
                                                                                                         that you couldn’t walk along the track in the
   If you are coming from interstate and fly into                                                        months from October to May. In extreme heat
       Avalon Airport (20km from the Geelong                                                             conditions we will shorten the walks.            MONEY
   CBD and 55km from Melbourne CBD) you will
   need to book a bus to Apollo Bay. Timetables                                                          Check the weather forecast before you go on
   and booking can be arranged at Avalon                                                                 your walk and make sure you are adequately       There are a large number of ATM cashpoints
   Airport. You can also hire a car at the airport.                                                      equipped. See also: When to Walk (p18).          in Melbourne and Apollo Bay.

   From Tullamarine                                                                                      For more information on tides, weather zones     Spending money
   (Melbourne International Airport)                                                                     and warnings, see our Great Ocean Walk           Very little spending money is required for
   Catch a taxi from the airport to Melbourne’s                                                          information website: www.greatoceanwalk.         guided walks on the Great Ocean Walk. You
   Southern Cross Station, then the V/Line to                                                            info/current-weather/                            will need money for dinner on the final night
   Apollo Bay (see above) or take the SkyBus                                                                                                              of the trip, drinks for dinner, and perhaps an
                                                                                                                                                          occasional coffee.

PAGE 28                                                                                                                                                              PAGE 29

                                                      Emergency funds                                     also allows you to send pre-programmed texts

OUR GROUP (50-YEAR-OLD                                Please make sure you have access to an              to nominated mobiles saying that you’re OK or
                                                      additional $300 to be used for unforeseen           on your way. It also has a tracking feature that
                                                                                                          allows someone to track your moving position
                                                      incidents/circumstances outside your control
                                                      (e.g. a natural disaster) that necessitate          on a Google map – useful if you have a driver
                                                      a change to your planned route. This is             waiting for you or worried family member. If

FULL WALK IN 6 DAYS. THE                              a rare occurrence but we recommend
                                                      being prepared.
                                                                                                          you are booking a self-guided trip with RAW
                                                                                                          Travel you will be provided with a device as

                                                                                                          part of your kit.
                                                      SAFETY                                              Tides and ocean surges

SO EASY TO SELF-GUIDE.                                Bushfires
                                                      The Great Ocean Walk is in a high bushfire
                                                                                                          Check the tide timetables for the area. Some
                                                                                                          beaches such as Station, Johanna and Wreck

WE USED RAW TRAVEL,                                   risk area. On days rated Severe and Extreme
                                                      fire danger, all walkers are advised to consider
                                                                                                          are subject to surges from rogue waves when
                                                                                                          you are walking along them, so keep away

                                                      safety along their planned walking route. If        from the water’s edge by at least 10m. At
                                                      temperatures and winds are high, escape             Station Beach and Wreck Beach there is a high
                                                      routes need to be considered as many                tide alternative to walking along the beach
NEED TO TRAIN AS SOME                                 sections of the walk have no safe refuge due
                                                      to impenetrable heathland vegetation, thick
                                                                                                          and you should err on the side of caution if
                                                                                                          in doubt which way the tide is moving. Wreck

OF THE MOUNTAINS ARE                                  fuel-laden forest, steep cliffs or a combination
                                                      of these.
                                                                                                          Beach in particular needs to be treated with
                                                                                                          caution as it is very easy to get caught out by

                                                                                                          the tide in the bay where the anchors lie. Do
                                                      Snakes and other critters                           not venture down there unless you are at low
                                                      The warmer months bring snakes out onto             tide and it is clearly safe to do so – there is a
                                                      the track and it is not unusual to come across      real danger of being cut off by the water on
– Sally, Brisbane
                                                      a Tiger or Brown snake on your walk so, you         the jutting cliff corners either side of the bay.
                                                      need to be alert but do not panic. Keep your
                                                      distance – snakes will usually slither away as      HOW MUCH WATER TO CARRY
                                                      they feel you approaching. Give them time
                                                                                                          You will need to carry at least 1 litre of
                                                      to disappear and they will try and avoid you.
                                                                                                          drinking water with you most days but have
                                                      Make sure you check rocks and logs before
                                                                                                          the capacity to carry 2 litres on longer days.
                                                      you sit down on them. To put your mind at
                                                                                                          We will be able to refill your bottles part way
                                                      rest, the incidence of people being bitten by a
                                                                                                          through most days when we meet up with
                                                      snake on this walk is negligible and a with a bit
                                                                                                          our support crew. Dehydration is the biggest
                                                      of common sense you’ll be fine.
                                                                                                          risk when undertaking a physical activity. It is
                                                      Walkers need to also be aware that they can         vital to be aware of your fluid intake and to
                                                      occasionally share the walking track with           constantly drink water throughout the day,
                                                      spiders, ants, bees, European wasps and             even when you do not feel thirsty.
                                                      leeches. This is all a part of the experience
                                                      of being out “in the bush”. Walkers with any        EMERGENCY CONTACT
                                                      allergies need to ensure they have appropriate
                                                                                                          In the case of a genuine crisis or emergency,
                                                      medication and carry a basic first-aid kit.
                                                                                                          RAW Travel HQ (Mornington Peninsula) can
                                                      Safety beacons                                      be reached on 03 5976 3763. Outside office
                                                                                                          hours, phone 0478 649 848.
                                                      Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) are designed
                                                      to be carried by individuals to give out a
                                                      distress call to emergency services with
                                                      your location. We recommend the Spot GPS
                                                      Satellite Messenger, which acts as a PLB but

PAGE 30                                                                                                               PAGE 31
RAW TRAVEL WERE                                  RAW TRAVEL
STAFF, ERIC AND LEE,                             About RAW Travel                         34
WERE EFFICIENT,                                  Our people                               34

EASY GOING AND                                   Our commitment                           35

HUGELY PERSONABLE.                               Expert, friendly service                 35

                                                 Giving back & treading lightly           36
– Annabel, UK
                                                 Free resources to help you plan your trip 36

                                                 Destination websites with unrivalled
                                                 information                              37

                                                 RAW Adventures News                      37

                                                 Follow us on Facebook                    37

                                                 Free travel information nights           37

                                                 ‘Walk and talk’ days                     38

                                                 Book your flights with us                38

                                                 Travel insurance                         38

                                                 City breaks                              39

                                                 Contact us                               39

                                                 RAW Travel trip gradings                 40

PAGE 32                                                        PAGE 33
SECTION 4: RAW TRAVEL                                                                               GREAT OCEAN WALK

   ABOUT RAW TRAVEL                                  ride. The spirit of RAW Travel remains the
                                                     same – creating inspiring active journeys that    Why book your trip with RAW Travel?
   RAW Travel specialises in iconic walks
                                                     offer genuine interaction with the people and     Our trips are flexible and tailored to you!
   worldwide. We are a small family owned
                                                     cultures we visit, backed by a personal but
   operator on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula
                                                     expert service.                                   • We listen to our walkers; we’ll plan an
   that is highly regarded for great value,
   outstanding customer service and reviews,                                                             itinerary to suit your needs and ability.
                                                     Come and visit us at our beachside location
   experienced tour guides, and excellent            in the coastal town of Mornington. Make an        • We operate our own trips.
   accommodation and food.                           appointment with one of our Destination
                                                     Experts and afterwards browse the many            • We have staff dedicated to each destination:
   We provide a friendly, personal and trusted
                                                     shops, cafes, beaches or nearby vineyards of        you get first-hand advice from people who
   service. We pride ourselves on the intimate
                                                     the Mornington Peninsula.                           know the walks.
   knowledge we have of our chosen walking
   destinations, which allows us to create                                                             • We have our own staff in-country, so help is
   exciting journeys for our clients while taking    OUR PEOPLE                                          never far away should you need it.
   meticulous care of all the details.               We have an experienced, dedicated
                                                     passionate team in our Mornington Head            • We offer authentic travel with 17 years’
   We offer walks for complete beginners                                                                 experience.
                                                     Office, as well as expert guides and support
   through to demanding treks that will satisfy
                                                     staff on the ground in Europe and Australia.
   and thrill even veteran adventurers.
                                                     We have many things in common, including a
   Over the years, we have organised countless       passion for walking, a love of adventure travel
                                                     in beautiful and historic locations, and the      OUR COMMITMENT                                    EXPERT, FRIENDLY SERVICE
   trips to far flung corners of the globe and
   introduced many thousands of happy                ability to go above and beyond to make our        We won’t cut corners or ever intentionally        We’re a specialist company and we enjoy
   travellers to their first long distance walk or   client’s travel dreams become a reality.          compromise the quality of your trip. We don’t     providing a friendly, personal service where
                                                                                                       want to run thousands of trips every year         you’re treated as an individual – no call
                                                                                                       – because the quality of your experience is       centres here!
                                                                                                       much more important than quantity to us.
                                                                                                       We’re still small enough to care about our
                                                                                                       travellers as individuals and we want to stay
                                                                                                       that way!
                                                                                                                                                             At RAW Travel we don’t just
                                                                                                       We know that people desire a certain level of
                                                                                                       comfort along with their adventure, so great          plan your travel, we take our
                                                                                                       accommodation and discovering delicious               clients on a journey. From
                                                                                                       local food is a hallmark of our trips. RAW
                                                                                                       owns and operates its own adventures,                 your research and ideas we
                                                                                                       with our own staff on the ground in many
                                                                                                       destinations so we are able to keep control           work with you to plan your
                                                                                                       over the quality of our trips at the same time        dream travel experience.
                                                                                                       as we offer you reassurance and support. We
                                                                                                       take notice of the feedback you give us and           We consider your fitness
                                                                                                       your opinions do matter.
                                                                                                                                                             levels, your achievements,
                                                                                                       As a primarily ‘direct to customer’ company
                                                                                                       we avoid the commissions and overheads
                                                                                                                                                             your motivations and then
                                                                                                       associated with the traditional travel
                                                                                                       distribution network. We charge fair prices
                                                                                                                                                             together we map out
                                                                                                       but still provide great advice before you go,         every step of the journey.
                                                                                                       experienced leaders who love their groups,
                                                                                                       good quality accommodation and solid value
                                                                                                       for your money.

PAGE 34                                                                                                                                                          PAGE 35
SECTION 4: RAW TRAVEL                                                                                                                                                              GREAT OCEAN WALK

   Our Destination Experts deliver a level of         FREE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU PLAN                                                                                                 DESTINATION WEBSITES WITH                        FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK
   advice and experience that comes from being        YOUR TRIP                                                                                                                       UNRIVALLED INFORMATION                           We love connecting with like-minded travellers
   100% focused on our chosen walks, rather
                                                      We’ve got inspirational brochures, essential                                                                                                                                     on social media and we’d like you to be part of
   than hundreds of different trips, as is often                                                                                                                                      Visit our destination websites for unrivalled
                                                      preparation guides, comprehensive destination                                                                                                                                    our RAW community. We regularly share tips
   the case with bigger companies. We pride                                                                                                                                           expert information and insights. You’ll find
                                                      guides, weekly blog posts and more!                                                                                                                                              and resources, as well as photos and stories
   ourselves on our intimate knowledge of our                                                                                                                                         photo galleries, route information, resources,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       from other travellers and our staff. Like and
   chosen walking destinations and we really do                                                                                                                                       trail history and lots more!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       follow us, and be sure to give us a shout out to
   “know because we go”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                say hello. We really enjoy reading comments
   Our staff take these walks each year and                                                                                                                                                                                            from our community of travellers!
   share their insider insights with you to                                                                                                                                    
   help create exciting journeys where you                   FOR T
                                                                       G WAL
   can experience the best of your chosen                   How to
                                                                        HE CA
                                                                          e         for your
                                                                                                                                      G WAL
   destination, while being reassured that all                                                                            FOR H
                                                                                                     day tr
                                                                                                            ek                                 KING
                                                                                                                                    IKING            F
                                                                                                                                              IN JAP IT                        
   the details are taken care of. Help is never
                                                                                                                           How to
                                                                                                                                         e fo  r your
                                                                                                                                                              day tr

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FREE TRAVEL INFORMATION NIGHTS

   far away should you need it from our locally
   based staff and suppliers.                              Spain
                                                                     | Portu
                                                                               gal | Fr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We love meeting our clients face-to-face and
                                                                                                                                                                                      RAW ADVENTURES NEWS                              getting to know them. Twice a year we travel
   GIVING BACK & TREADING LIGHTLY                                                                                                                                                                                                      around Australia and New Zealand to talk
                                                                                                                                                                                      It’s easy to stay up-to-date on all things       about a selection of our iconic walks. If you
   Our trips have helped raise over $A18 million
                                                                                                                                                                                      RAW with our free monthly e-news.                have ever wanted to experience an iconic walk
   in funds for 40+ charities in Australia and
                                                                                                                                                                                      It’s bursting with traveller’s stories and       with RAW Travel then you will want to attend
   overseas through our charity challenges. We
                                                                                                                                                                                      information about new trips and insights.        one of these events. We guarantee you’ll be
   are proud to have been part of so many great            GETTIN
                                                          FOR T
                                                                 HE EU
                                                                        G WAL
                                                                                  KING                                                                                                If you’re not already a subscriber, it’s easy    inspired by trip insights, videos and stunning
   fundraising initiatives that have substantially                             ROPEA    FIT
                                                             How to                  N ALP
                                                                                           S                               GETTIN                                                     to register.                                     images from our Destination Experts.
   impacted and improved people’s lives.
                                                                           e fo         r your
                                                                                                 multi-                                 G WAL
                                                                                                                                      FOR N KING FIT
                                                                                                        day tr

                                                                                                                             How to
                                                                                                                                                                                      Find out more:          Find out more:
   In today’s world travelling lightly is no longer
                                                                                                                                            e for yo
                                                                                                                                                        ur mul

   just an admirable sentiment but a necessity.        Tour du

   We always look for ways to improve our impact
                                                                 Mont Bl
                                                                        anc | Ita
                                                                                 lian Do
                                                                                                   s | Sw
                                                                                                          iss Alps

   on the ground by monitoring our group’s
   environmental and cultural impacts. At RAW,
   we have achieved advanced eco-certification
   on our Great Ocean Walk and have always
   been committed to ‘grass roots’ tourism.
   In particular we favour small local suppliers to        THE CO WALKING
                                                                    AST TO                 FIT
                                                                                       COAST FOR
   ensure the benefits of travel are distributed               How to
                                                                      prepar                 PATH                         GETTIN
                                                                                                                          THE G WALKING F
                                                                             e for yo
                                                                                      ur m              ulti-da

   equally and to the people who need it the
                                                                                                                 y trek
                                                                                                                                  REAT O                 IT FOR
   most. We also donate to KIVA micro-lending
                                                                                                                             How to
                                                                                                                                           e for yo
                                                                                                                                                    ur           multi-
                                                                                                                                                                       day tr

   throughout the world and encourage you to
   also look at this commendable scheme.

   So, rest assured, your travel with us will leave
   a positive, lasting impact on you and the
   places you visit.

PAGE 36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PAGE 37

                                    ‘WALK AND TALK’ DAYS                                We highly recommend you purchase
                                                                                        insurance as soon as you start booking your
                                    We love to walk and we love to talk! During
                                                                                        travel arrangements, and include cancellation
                                    the year we regularly offer opportunities
                                                                                        cover. Your travel insurance must also include
                                    (in Victoria) to walk with our Destination
                                                                                        emergency evacuation and medical cover.
                                    Experts and ask questions about your chosen
                                    destination, pre-departure preparation and          Any advice given here is a general guide only.
                                    gear. We limit these walks to between 20 and        Please research and purchase a policy best
                                    40 people (depending on the location). The          suited to your needs and circumstances.
                                    pace in generally relaxed so there is plenty of
                                    time to chat.
                                                                                        CITY BREAKS
                                    Find out more:     RAW Travel events                Double your holiday experience in an exciting
                                                                                        new destination by including a stopover on
                                    BOOK YOUR FLIGHTS WITH US                           your journey! A city break is a great way to
                                                                                        explore another place, indulge in some extra
                                    RAW Travel is a Business Class and Premium
                                                                                        shopping, dining or sightseeing and is a
                                    Economy Flights Specialist. Will will find you
                                                                                        fabulous way to break up a long flight.
                                    the best deals and make sure you arrive
                                    well-rested to start your walk. Our in-house        Our fabulous array of RAW Travel city
                                    travel agent, Rosalind, takes the stress out of     breaks can be tailormade to your needs
                                    planning all the travel arrangements around         and usually include:
                                    your walk. She can book your international
                                    flights, give you advice about land transfers to    • arrival airport transfer
                                    the start of your walk, organise the perfect city
                                    break, and more! For a personalised service         • 2 nights’ accommodation of your choice from
                                    that you won’t find on online booking sites,          our wide selection of hotels and apartments
                                    along with specific destination knowledge
                                    you won’t necessarily find with your own            • city sightseeing tour
                                    travel agent, contact Rosalind today at the
                                    RAW Travel office on (03) 5976 3763 or email        Find out more:      RAW Travel City Breaks
                                                                                        CONTACT US
                                    Find out more:     RAW Travel flights
                                                                                        All of our RAW Travel experts have one thing
                                                                                        in common: bringing you the immediate,
                                    TRAVEL INSURANCE                                    highly personal satisfaction of discovering
                                    If you are travelling on any trip with RAW          a new world on your own terms.
                                    Travel you will require comprehensive
                                    travel insurance. We sell Cover-More travel         RAW Travel Office (Victoria, Australia)
                                    insurance and you can easily get a quote over       Our Melbourne HQ can be contacted
                                    the phone. No one plans for anything to go          Monday to Friday from 9am to 5.30pm
                                    wrong, but if it does we want to make sure          on +61 3 5976 3763. If there is a genuine
                                    that you have adequate cover.                       emergency outside of these hours,
                                                                                        call +61 (0) 478 649 848.

PAGE 38                                                                                                    PAGE 39
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