Digital games as a platform for understanding skill acquisition from novice to expert - OSF

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Digital games as a platform for understanding
        skill acquisition from novice to expert
                        Tom Stafford & Nemanja Vaci
                                   June 18, 2021


          Preprint, author submitted version. Please cite as:
              Stafford, T. & Vaci, N. (submitted). Digital games as a
           platform for understanding skill acquisition from novice to

          Gamers invest many hours exploring digital environments in which
      simple rules can generate a complex space of action, response and in-
      teraction with other players. As well as being an industry with greater
      revenue than the global music and film industries combined, gaming is also
      a domain of profound skill development. Players’ digital traces create an
      opportunity to understand the development of expertise from novice to
      professional-levels of skill, across the entire history of their practice, ex-
      ploring how individual differences, practice style and other factors interact
      to enhance or impede skill acquisition. We review existing research into
      skill development using data from digital games and show how game data
      has been used to confirm, challenge and extend existing claims about the
      psychology of expertise. We show that game data allows novel analyses
      and offer recommendations for the future of research into learning using
      games. We argue that existing work, while exciting, has yet to take ad-
      vantage of the potential of game data for understanding skill acquisition,
      and that to fully do so will require computational accounts of complete
      game performance, at the level of the individual, tied to a cognitive theory
      of skill and backed by experimental rather than observational studies.

1     Introduction
1.1    The learning curve
When compared to novices, experts anticipate better, react faster, organise be-
havioural sequences and strategies differently (Ericsson, Hoffman, Kozbelt, &

Williams, 2018), and even show different neural signatures when looking at
problematic situations from their domain (Bilalić, 2017). Comparing individ-
uals of different skills levels has provided us with a good understanding of the
underlying cognitive mechanisms which distinguish expert from novice - for ex-
ample, de Groot’s classic work on chess (De Groot, 1965) demonstrated the
differences in memory that distinguish expert chess performance. However, such
cross-sectional analysis leaves a missing link - a full account of how expert be-
haviour develops over time, and which factors maximise the potential to develop
expert-level behaviour 1 .
    Practice is the fundamental factor determining skill and expertise. A lawful
relationship exists between practice amount and performance, where the learn-
ing is initially rapid and slows as it progresses - the so-called learning curve.
This is also true for gameplay. Analyzing the longitudinal performance mea-
sures of more than 45,000 users of the game called “Axon”, a simple game which
nonetheless requires core cognitive functions of rapid perceptual decision mak-
ing and action implementation, (Stafford & Dewar, 2014) showed this canonical
pattern of diminishing returns between practice and performance holds in video
    The relationship of diminishing returns can be characterised mathemati-
cally. Where performance is measured in terms of response time a power-law
function is often used, although the best function to approximate learning has
been contested (Evans, Brown, Mewhort, & Heathcote, 2018). Digital games
can provide the data to address this question, providing exactly the longitudi-
nal, high sample rate, data from a large and diverse sample population that is
required. Using data on 54 million plays of a gamified brain training platform,
Steyvers and Benjamin (2019) were able to show that power-law function per-
forms better than alternatively suggested exponential function when explaining
the learning process.
    Identifying practice as the primary factor of skill developments opens up
the question of what is it about the practice that leads to skill development,
and consequently what the best practice habits are to support skill acquisition.
Mere repetition alone may not be sufficient to develop expert-level knowledge
and behaviour. One of the major accounts of expertise developments, the theory
of deliberate practice, proposes that experts not only engage in the practice,
but focus on improvements of particular aspects of skill, receive immediate and
detailed feedback on their performance, and have ample time to incorporate that
feedback (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993). Recently, the deliberate
practice account has been questioned. The deliberate practice may explain a
large amount of individual variation in measures of performance, but are not
   1 Our   focus here is exclusively on games as a paradigm for investigating learning, and so
we primarily review studies that utilise game data. This means that we omit direct reference
to a large body of the original and foundational studies that investigated the cognitive basis
of skill acquisition and expertise. In addition we omit studies using different but related types
of data, such as board games, and different research designs, such as laboratory experiments
of motor skill. Readers are invited to visit those references we do cite for in-depth coverage
of prior and related work.

the only factors that influence skill acquisition (Macnamara & Maitra, 2019).
This opens the question of how other factors contribute, a question which games
are again well positioned to play a role in answering.

1.2    Intra-individual factors: the nature of practice
For the individual player, a major question about factors affecting skill acqui-
sition will be how to maximise gains from practice: how to learn most quickly,
how to reach the highest eventual performance level.
    The way people practice has been shown to change the skill acquisition func-
tion. These behaviours range from making breaks between the subsequent tries
to exploring the environment to social or team play. The spacing effect is a ro-
bustly established lab phenomenon, showing that distributed practice generates
superior retention and/or performance for a given amount of practice. Games
have afforded the opportunity to confirm the relevance of this phenomenon over
longer time scales and with larger sample sizes than most lab studies (Stafford
& Dewar, 2014; Stafford & Haasnoot, 2017; Stafford, Devlin, Sifa, & Drachen,
2017; Huang, Yan, Cheung, Nagappan, & Zimmermann, 2017). These studies
have confirmed that those players that space their practice acquire knowledge
faster and reach a higher level of skill in comparison to the players that play
without any pauses.
    Such studies have not confirmed all experimentally demonstrated phenomenon.
Sleep consolidation is the effect whereby performance improves more after a
practice-test interval filled with sleep, compared to an equivalent interval awake.
Stafford and Haasnoot (2017) couldn’t find any evidence for the sleep consoli-
dation effect, although it is unclear if this is due to the simplicity of the game
studied, or because observational studies allow participants to self-pace their
practice (e.g. resulting in players sleeping only when they have saturated per-
formance gains for the day), or some other factors.
    This study was also able to demonstrate another benefit of game data - the
high sample size allow effects to be presented in terms of parameters, rather than
as high-low group comparisons 1. This shows how the factors affect performance
across their full range.
    Gameplay data also allowed practitioners to test predictions of reinforce-
ment learning theories, such as exploration-exploitation trade-offs. To maximise
learning outcomes players need to focus on actions that have been previously
effective, however, to know which strategies and decisions are effective they need
to explore the environment. Stafford and Dewar (2014); Stafford et al. (2017)
show that players who explore different playing styles and game environment
have higher performance at the beginning of the skill acquisition process, but
this does not seem to change progression of their skill. A factor that influ-
ences stronger gains in skill acquisition is social play. Users who loyally play
with the same teammates improve faster and reach a higher level of perfor-
mance than players who endeavour on skill acquisition quest alone (Landfried,
Fernández Slezak, & Mocskos, 2019). This is in contrast to players who support,
follow and assist their teammates, as they are characterized by much shallower

Figure 1: Parametric comparison of factors

learning curves, even though they have higher initial performance (Stafford et
al., 2017).
     These studies tell us what type of practice maximises learning gains, but be-
cause they are observational they make a different contribution from experimen-
tal studies which use random assignment to test the effect of these factors: they
demonstrate the spacing, social play, and exploration phenomena when these
choices are learner-determined. However, they leave unanswered the question
of whether forcing players to adopt a particular practice style would generate
the same changes in skill acquisition.

1.3    Inter-individual factors
In contrast to the individual player’s perspective, when we consider a popula-
tion of players our analysis naturally turns to the wider space of factors that
might underlie expertise, including factors which are fixed with respect to the
individual but may vary between individuals.
    ‘Talent’ is a common label for the player-level characteristics which influence
initial skill performance or rate of skill acquisition. Although this label is a
convenient designation for those who start at a higher level of performance
and/or more rapidly progress to high performance, it obscures the underlying
factors which contribute to enhanced skill. These factors might be things such as
basic physiological differences, prior experience, superior between-skill transfer,
or higher insight into play dynamics.

One such factor is intelligence, where previous studies showed conflicting ev-
idence on its’ influence on skill acquisition in games. For example, Kokkinakis,
Cowling, Drachen, and Wade (2017) shows that fluid intelligence positively cor-
relates with the rank in the League of Legends, a popular MOBA type game, yet
Röhlcke, Bäcklund, Sörman, and Jonsson (2018) fail to find this relation using
data from similar type of game. There are many reasons why these studies might
obtain divergent results, from looking at different outcome measures, such as
categorical rank versus a numerical measure of overall performance in a game,
to looking whether intelligence correlates with performance versus developing
a formal structural model that includes control variables. Beyond intelligence,
Röhlcke et al. (2018) show that perseverance and focus on long-term goals,
termed grit in psychology, as well as time spent on task, are main predictors of
skill level.
    Learning rate and initial ability are not independent factors. Players whose
initial performance is higher may learn faster (Stafford & Dewar, 2014). Aung
et al. (2018) analysed data from 313,184 players of League of Legends, showing
that the learning rate on the first 10 games of 2016 predicted final performance
a year (and at least 150 games) later.
    Finally, players’ age has shown to be a consistent predictor of performance in
games, whereas older players reach lower levels of performance (Kokkinakis et
al., 2017; Röhlcke et al., 2018) and were more likely to quit when experiencing
difficulties in comparison to the younger players (Steyvers & Benjamin, 2019).
However, age is not only a factor that influences skill acquisition over practice
trials, but can be used to investigate the development of expertise.
    Looking at the changes in speed-based performance across the players’ age
using StarCraft 2, a real-time strategy game, Thompson, Blair, and Henrey
(2014) show that the peak of performance is identified around the age of 24.
This result is close to the prime of careers in speed and power sports, such
as basketball (28 years, Vaci, Cocić, Gula, & Bilalić, 2019) and is in contrast
to cognitive-based domains, such as chess (36 years, Strittmatter, Sunde, &
Zegners, 2020). After reaching the peak of performance, players decline in
their perception-action speed and this decline does not seem to be dependent
on the level of their knowledge (Thompson et al., 2014). This is in contrast
to research that utilised board game data, where expertise seems to allow for
shallower age-related changes after the peak of a player’s career (Vaci, Gula,
& Bilalić, 2015). Focus on the age-related changes in gameplay performance
might unearth other factors relevant for the development of expertise or shine
light on complex interactions of inter- and intra-individual factors. For example,
when using chess game as a testbed, Vaci, Edelsbrunner, et al. (2019) showed
that interactive effects between initial ability and practice change throughout
players’ career, whereas the effect of practice is the strongest at the beginning
of the career, while ability allowed for a higher level of performance at the peak
and later stages of career. When looking across the career of players, ones with
higher initial abilities were acquiring skill more quickly, reached a higher peak,
and slowed the decline in older age.

1.4    Towards a cognitive account of skill acquisition
The study of skill in gamers is a blossoming area, with tantilising early results
and exciting prospects for future work. However, tantalising results do not add
up to an comprehensive theoretical account.As one review observed, ”Cognitive
skill acquisition awaits its Newton”, (Ohlsson, 2008). We gather observations
on how learning occurs, but real progress will come with testing theories of the
cognitive mechanisms which allow individuals to acquire skills. Gobet (2017)
makes the case that theoretical progress in this area will require computational
accounts of complete task performance. While we can’t hope to even sketch
such a comprehensive theory here, we do wish to highlight some theoretical and
methodological challenges which will need to be overcome on the way to such a
    Although learning curves are often portrayed using smooth functions, this
is a simplification. In addition to extraneous noise, there may also be plateaus,
dips and leaps in skill development which are indicative of endogenous pro-
cesses within skill development - for example periods of restructuring of skill
subcomponents. Gray and Lindstedt (2017) have highlighted the importance
of attending to such plateaus, dips, and leaps, as well as proposing a change-
point analysis for statistically identifying such points (see also Donner & Hardy,
2015). Note that this framework puts attention on the progress of the individ-
ual learner, rather than utilising the power of large samples to extract a stable
average learning curve.
    Another challenge to macro-level analysis of gaming data is the restructuring
of component skills that occurs as part of skill development. This means that, at
different levels of expertise, the factors which best predict superior performance
may vary. As Thompson, Blair, Chen, and Henrey (2013) put it, the ”the
static variable importance assumption is false”. The consequence of this is that
comparing low and high practice individuals (e.g. novices vs experts) can be
misleading as a strategy for identifying the causes of high skill. As expertise
establishes consistency between players in a skill component, that consistency
will remove the variation which would allow us to identify its importance to
performance. This, again, underscores the importance of tracing the learning
curve of individuals across the history of skill acquisition.

1.5    implications for the study of expertise in games
This review suggests that the future of research into skill acquisition will require
attention to detail, not just high sample sizes. Fitting a learning curve to
individual’s data creates a simple summary statistic, the learning rate. This
allows direct measurement of the rate of skill acquisition and analysis of how
different factors affect it. As well as rate of learning, learning curves typically
involve a parameter for asymptotic value, which can also be a key statistic for
analysis, allowing the prediction of eventual level of skill from early performance.
    Since much of this work is inspired by experimental studies, it is perhaps sur-
prising how little of it comprises direct experiments (but see the admirable exam-

ple of Johanson, Gutwin, Bowey, & Mandryk, 2019; Piller, Johanson, Phillips,
Gutwin, & Mandryk, 2020). Part of the challenge of using real games in experi-
ments is that you need to be a game designer, with those technical and creative
abilities, as a well as a researcher. Another challenge is that the decision to
design an experimental game immediately raises the question of which game,
and which properties it should have.
    Properties that a game for investigating skill acquisition might have include:
   • enjoyable: games offer the chance to study skill acquisition under con-
     ditions of intrinsic motivation (Baldassarre et al., 2014), but making en-
     joyable games is very difficult. By definition if researchers could design
     games which people wanted to play they could be game designers. The
     ideal game for research would be able to recruit participants easily because
     they would want to play (perhaps they would even pay the researchers!).
   • challenging: difficulty is a key game feature, and a key variable for skill
     acquisition. The ideal game for research would have some mechanism(s)
     for adapting difficulty.
   • clear performance measures: Understanding human performance is eas-
     ier when there are benchmarks. Memory tests, for example, have floors
     (0% success) and ceilings (optimal performance, 100% success). The ideal
     game for research could be analysed so that in game performance could be
     analysed for how close to optimal it was or far from chance. Failing this,
     analysis of skill will be best supported when there is a single clear mea-
     sure which allows, at least, improved performance to be defined. Many
     games have the advantage that the provide a final score, but it isn’t certain
     that players universally play to improve this in all circumstances. More
     complex games may have a variety of measures which players balance to
     improve (e.g. in League of Legends, players seek rank, but in game may
     also be trying to optimise intermediate measures such as gold-per-minute
     or kill-to-death ratio; (see Vardal, Bonometti, Drache, Wade, & Stafford,
     in preparation, for an account of why this matters).
   • identifiable cognitive components: part of the appeal of studying skill
     acquisition in games is that they do not reflect pure measures of single,
     lower-level, cognitive processes (e.g. visual search, decision making), but
     instead the coordination of these processes. That said, you could argue
     that the ideal game for research would be clearly characterised in terms of
     what component processes it relies on for performance, allowing eventual
     expert performance to be analysed for how and when the components are
   • cognitive component performance can be quantified: just as clear overall
     performance measures are desirable, the ideal game for research will also
     allow the identifiable components of skilled performance to be measured or
     ranked in terms of quality. In this regard, Strittmatter et al. (2020) pro-
     vide a notable example; they use an engine with superhuman performance

ability to provide a move by move analysis of player’s chess performance.
     This converts chess, which has a clear overall performance measure (win,
     draw or loss) into a game which has an de facto optimality analysis of
     each component move.
    We also see progress in understanding skill acquisition in games from comb-
ing in-game and out-of-game measures. Kokkinakis et al. (2017) provide a
model for this, showing how psychometric measures (e.g. of fluid intelligence)
can contribute to the prediction of game performance.
    The study of games has some connections to domains where high density,
high sample population observational data is ambiently collected about people’s
behaviour, such as where wearables provide sensory data which is analysised to
make predictions about health status).
    So far, games have taken inspiration from the psychological science of skill
acquisition, and offered promising extensions of results in this area. We have
argued that games have a huge potential for understanding human skill ac-
quisition, and that to meet that potential the study of games must be both
theoretically more comprehensive, analytically more individual and more ex-
perimental in nature. We look forward to the time when the flow of inspiration
is both ways, and the study of skill acquisition in games inspires the wider
psychological science of skill acquisition in all domains.

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