Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 - The South West ...

Page created by Tommy Reid
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 - The South West ...
Digital Health
South West
                                  The South West is home to a vibrant digital health
                                  business and innovation community that is leading
                                  the way in developing integrated and cost-effective
                                  health and social care solutions.

                                  At a time of significant challenge to the NHS, the
                                  entrepreneurial passion and technical expertise that
                                  this community can bring is needed more than ever.
The South West is home to a       Our ambition at the South West Academic Health Science
vibrant digital health business   Network (SW AHSN) is to grow and connect a regional eco-
                                  system of support that can accelerate the adoption and
and innovation community          spread of this innovation at a pace never seen before in our
that is leading the way in        region. A key approach in our strategy will be supporting
                                  the front line to find the time and headspace, and to
developing integrated and         develop the skills to take advantage of the innovation
cost-effective health and         coming through our Innovation Exchange programme.

social care solutions.”           We welcome this year’s 2018/19 cohort into the Digital
                                  Health Accelerator (DHA) South West and look forward
                                  to working with our partners to put digital at the heart
                                  of our health and social care system.

                                                       William Lilley
                                                       Partnership Director,
                                                       South West AHSN

3                             4                            5
What are digital health       Across five digital health   About Digital Health
accelerators?                 accelerators                 Accelerator South West

6                             10                           11
Meet the DHA South West       The AHSN Network             Meet the digital health
6   Companies
9   Team                                                   11 2018/19 Cohort
                                                           20 Teams

21                            22
About the South West AHSN’s   Get involved
Innovation Exchange
3   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

What are digital health accelerators?

Digital health accelerators work                               They help build capabilities and understanding of the context
                                                               and opportunities within the unique innovation pathway that
intensively with innovators and                                applies in the UK.

companies to refine, develop,
and scale their innovation in the                              Innovators and companies can benefit through:

NHS and social care sector.                                    •   Faster entry or adoption of technology
                                                               •   New connections with partners for evaluation and research
                                                               •   Specialist support for new products or service development

    Innovation            Adoption             Technological advances         Success         Transformation

    NHS and social care priorities                  Founders       Digital roadmaps           Real-world validation

    Partnerships and collaborations                   Sharing and learning          Intensive support

    Opportunities and connections                    Benefits to patients and public
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 4

Across five digital                                             The Academic Health Science Networks
                                                                accelerate the spread of innovation – getting

health accelerators                                             technologies to patients faster, improving clinical
                                                                outcomes, driving down the cost of care and
                                                                generating wealth for our economy. A major
The AHSNs across England work with digital health               government initiative will further underpin this
technology companies and innovators through                     role with all AHSNs coordinating Innovation
Innovation Exchanges.                                           Exchanges. AHSNs around the country will be
                                                                leveraging their relationships with research,
Through the digital health accelerators, based on a model       industry, social care, the voluntary sector and
pioneered by DigitalHealth.London, we are supporting a          the NHS to enable patients to gain quicker, easier
total of 34 companies in 2018/19 with intensive support         access to innovations that will improve their lives.
over 12 months. We are part of a family of five accelerators,
operating out of the following AHSNs:                           The digital health accelerators have NHS
                                                                principles at their core, using these as the filter
•   South West                                                  to select high potential companies to work in
                                                                collaboration with NHS organisations. They make
•   Kent Surrey Sussex
                                                                it easier, simpler, and faster to deliver digitally
                                                                enabled care; working with innovators that
•   DigitalHealth.London Accelerator (a partnership between
                                                                have invested in digital technologies and have
    three London AHSNs: Health Innovation Network,
                                                                big aspirations to help the existing healthcare
    Imperial College Health Partners and UCLPartners)
                                                                system face up to its challenges.”

•   East Midlands

•   Health Innovation Manchester                                                       Mike Hannay
                                                                                       Managing Director of East
                                                                                       Midlands AHSN and Chair
                                                                                       of the AHSN Network
5   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

About DHA South West

Digital Health Accelerator (DHA) South              The accelerator will run for 12 months     •    Regular opportunities to showcase
West was launched in September                      and the following support will be               their products with NHS and care
2018 by the South West AHSN to                      provided to its companies:                      decision-makers and influencers
speed up access to the latest digital
                                                    •   One-to-one support from a              A dedicated team and mentors will be
technologies and ensure thousands
                                                        designated small team of NHS           available to support companies and will
of people can benefit from products
                                                        and social care navigators             work closely with partner organisations
that help to improve their health. As a
                                                                                               in health and care to create new
result, these high potential companies              •   Specialist training and workshops
                                                                                               opportunities for partnerships and
can grow faster, supporting economic
                                                    •   Support with product and service       growth. DHA South West is part of
growth across the country. Following a
                                                        development                            the SW AHSN’s Innovation Exchange
competitive application process, DHA
South West selected five companies with             •   Opportunities to meet experts
digital innovations that match health and               from business, clinical, managerial,
social care system needs.                               and government backgrounds

    Apr –                                                            2018 –                        Apr –                      Jul –
    Aug                                                               Mar                           Jun                       Aug
    2018                                                              2019                         2019                       2019

APPLICATION                           LAUNCH                      FAST-PACED                   SHOWCASING                  SUSTAINING
 PROCESS                                                         LEARNING AND
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 6

Meet the DHA
South West
companies                                                    Clinical Design Technologies
                                                             Clinical Design researches and develops powerful medical
                                                             devices to solve real-world healthcare challenges. Working
                                                             collectively with clinicians, we seek to improve patient care,
                                                             productivity, cost-efficiency and performance through
We know with our work through the Innovation                 technological innovation and intelligent human-centred
Exchange and our partners in health and social care          design. Our flagship product – Urine Testing System™,
that digital technologies implemented in the right           with a digital analyser – will be launching at the end of 2018.
way can make a significant difference at a system and
individual level. The dedication of the people working
in frontline care inspires many of our innovators to bring
products and services to market that are designed to
support health and social care. We are excited to be
working with our innovators, partners and the AHSN
Network with the accelerators this year.”

                    Rupa Chilvers
                    Programme Manager
                    DHA South West
7   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

    Health and Care Innovations                              K2 Medical Systems
    Health and Care Innovations has made it easy to share    K2 Medical Systems is an award-winning innovator
    high-quality, reliable digital information with your     dedicated to maternity care for over 30 years. We work
    patients, carers and staff, reducing your costs and      across the UK, Australia and the USA with over 500 hospital
    increasing your capacity. With the largest collection    clients. Our passion is to support maternity services and
    of health and care videos in the UK, developed and       improve pregnancy outcomes using the latest technology
    signed off by NHS clinicians, we are committed to        for hospital staff, women and babies.
    producing and helping you to integrate video into your
    care pathways to encourage patients to self-manage,
    improve standardised information and support training.

    @hcvlibrary                                              @K2MSUK                    
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 8

Signum Health                                                 Ultramed
Signum Health’s i-navigator is a social prescribing tool      Ultramed is an award-winning company that has developed
that supports people in need of non-clinical care. With       a suite of cloud-hosted, pre-procedure assessment
its integrated ecosystem of providers, i-navigator allows     programs. Complex algorithms sit behind our flagship
professionals across all care sectors to easily identify      product, MyPreOp®, designed to enable patients to enter
and refer to a range of accredited and user-rated services,   and share their health information, producing an electronic
whilst providing 360-degree feedback.                         report which integrates easily into the hospital systems.
                                                              Ultramed products empower patients, personalise care,
                                                              and save staff time.

@signumhealth                                                 @ultramed_LTD                               
9   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

Meet the DHA                                        Our team is based in Exeter, Devon
                                                    in the UK, and will be providing
South West team                                     intensive support over 12 months
                                                    to each of the companies in our
                                                    first DHA South West cohort.

                       David Wright                           Kim Morrissey
                       Innovation Exchange                    Communications Manager
                       Programme Manager

                       Matthew Dolman                         Sam Strickland
                       Clinical Associate                     Programme Co-ordinator

                       Rupa Chilvers                          William Lilley
                       Programme Manager                      Partnership Director
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 10


We are part of
England’s AHSN
Network – a
partnership of
15 AHSNs.
In 2018/19, there are five
digital health accelerators
supporting 34 companies
working across England.
11 Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

Digital Health
Meet the
2018/19 Cohort                                              AccuRx
                                                            AccuRx provides a communications
                                                                                                  Brain in Hand
                                                                                                  Brain in Hand is an on-demand
                                                            solution for primary care, allowing   system that gives people with
                                                            practices to communicate with         autism, mental health conditions
                                                            their patients, collaborate as a      or learning difficulties access to
                                                            team and coordinate care with         detailed personalised support
                                                            other organisations. Chain SMS        from their smartphone. Always
                                                            is used by over 300 practices         available, it gives access to
                                                            across England to communicate         reminders, notes, coping
In its 70th year the NHS continues to support the spread    with their patients, saving time      strategies and a team of trained
of cutting-edge innovation, from championing specific       and money. Chain Reception            professionals to give help when
innovations to supporting frontline clinicians to develop   supports receptionists to             and where it’s needed.
                                                            signpost patients effectively.
their services. I look forward to seeing patients from                                            Health Innovation Manchester
across the country benefit as more companies are            DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
supported to bring their innovations into the NHS.”         @accuRx                     

                        Juliet Bauer
                        Chief Digital Officer
                        NHS England
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 12

Clinical Design                         CliniTouch Vie                   Dr Julian                               Dr Toolbox
Technologies                            (Spirit Digital)                 Medical Group
                                                                                                                 Dr Toolbox is for healthcare
Clinical Design researches and          CliniTouch Vie stops people      Dr Julian is an innovative              professionals who deserve a
develops powerful medical               going into hospital. It is a     healthcare platform that                safe induction. It is the ‘Wikipedia’
devices to solve real-world             locked-down tablet with direct   increases accessibility to              of how to get stuff done in
healthcare challenges. Working          messaging, video support, and    mental healthcare. It connects          hospitals. We go beyond the
collectively with clinicians, we        3G integration for intensive     patients securely within days,          static, boring, unsafe, two
seek to improve patient care,           monitoring, education and        seven days a week, to vetted            days of induction by providing
productivity, cost-efficiency           empowerment. Dynamic care        mental healthcare professionals.        crowdsourced information,
and performance through                 plans and evidence-based         Patients choose the time and            available through a website
technological innovation and            algorithms enable automatic      type of appointment they want,          and an app.
intelligent human-centred design.       triage for healthcare teams.     including options for audio,
                                                                                                                 DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
Our flagship product – Urine            Fast, simple and quick to        video, and text, which they
Testing System™, with a digital         implement for the most           can access from anywhere                @Dr_Toolbox
analyser – will be launching            at-risk patients.                with an internet connection.  
at the end of 2018.
                                        East Midlands AHSN               DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
Digital Health Accelerator South West
                                        @SpiritDigitalUK                 @drjulianapp               
13   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

Forward Clinical                        Health and Care                         Health Navigator            
Forward is a secure messaging                                                   Health Navigator specialise  is a med-tech company
and workflow app created by             Health and Care Innovations             in the provision of innovative        with a mission to improve
doctors who understand health           has made it easy to share               healthcare services to achieve        healthcare outcomes by turning
and care communication deeply.          high-quality, reliable digital          improved outcomes for high-risk       the smartphone into a regulatory
Forward connects care workers           information with your patients,         patient groups. Our key service is    approved clinical device.
across healthcare silos, oriented       carers and staff, reducing your         Proactive Health Coaching. This       Its first product line digitises
around patient pathways through         costs and increasing your               is a nurse-led, digitally supported   and decentralises urinalysis,
the system.                             capacity. With the largest              intervention that helps people        increasing adherence to clinical
                                        collection of health and care           manage their health through           efforts, empowering the patient
DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                        videos in the UK, developed             evidence-based support and            to get involved in their health and
@ForwardHealth_                         and signed off by NHS clinicians,       coaching, reducing unplanned          improving patient experience.                    we are committed to producing           hospital care by 30-50%.
                                                                                                                      Health Innovation Manchester
                                        and helping you integrate
                                                                                DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                        video into your care pathways                                                 @Healthyio1
                                        to encourage patients to self-  
                                        manage, improve standardised
                                        information and support training.

                                        Digital Health Accelerator South West

Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 14

Healum                             Hospify                            Howz (Intelesant)                   i-GP
Healum enables people to           Hospify is a compliant, secure     Howz provides reassurance and       i-GP is an online consultation
cost-effectively monitor and       mobile messaging service           insights for older people and       platform that allows patients
understand their physical          for healthcare professionals       those with long-term conditions     faster access to primary care
and mental health. It provides     and patients. It provides the      or multi-morbidity to help them     for minor illnesses. The platform
connected software and apps        simplicity and convenience         detect change early and so          also collects, analyses and
to improve self-management         of consumer messaging              take action to address issues       interprets patient data to make
amongst patients with long-        solutions while ensuring that      before they become a crisis.        diagnoses more systematic.
term conditions.                   all communication stays within     The system provides information
                                                                                                          DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                   UK and EU legislative guidelines   via an app or web portal with
DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                   for patient confidentiality and    sharing facilities controlled by    @wellness_igp_uk
@HealumLtd                         data protection.                   the patient.              
                                   Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN            East Midlands AHSN

                                   @hospifyapp                        @howznewz
15   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

IOCOM                                   K2 Medical Systems                      Lavanya Plus                          LIVI
IOCOM’s unique technology               K2 Medical Systems is an award-         Lavanya Plus combines an              LIVI delivers video GP
connects NHS staff, patients            winning innovator dedicated to          online care agency (WeMa Care),       consultations within minutes
and partners in a virtual eco-          maternity care for over 30 years.       multi-service marketplace (WeMa       to patients via their mobile
system which gives people               We work across the UK, Australia        Life) and business management         devices, anytime and anywhere
the power to work in new ways.          and the USA, with over 500              software (WeMa Plus) to               the patient chooses.
The NHS can now connect in              hospital clients. Our passion is        address the needs of multiple
                                                                                                                      DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
real time to any building, vehicle,     to support maternity services           stakeholders, from consumers
home or phone. This offers              and improve pregnancy                   connecting with service providers
expertise in real time where            outcomes using the latest               to supporting local authorities.
it is needed.                           technology for hospital staff,          By driving digital integration of
                                        women and babies.                       services, Lavanya is creating a
DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                                                                future of quality, easily available
                                        Digital Health Accelerator South West
@IOCOM                                                                          and affordable care for everyone.                           @K2MSUK
                                                                                DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 16

Locum’s Nest                         Malinko                              MeeTwo Education                        MSKNote
                                     (Liquid Bronze)
Locum’s Nest is a staff bank                                              MeeTwo is a multi-award winning         MSKnote provides digital
management web and mobile            Malinko is a clinically safe,        app that makes it easier for            solutions to health services that
app that connects healthcare         clinically aware, secure             anxious teenagers to talk about         treat musculoskeletal patients.
professionals to temporary work      scheduling system for                difficult things. Informed by the       Its new solution, ‘MSK assist’,
in NHS organisations. Locum’s        managing community services          latest psychological research,          allows clinicians to effortlessly
Nest has pioneered the way for       and its distributed workforce.       MeeTwo is a fully moderated             provide their patients with the
the NHS’ first truly collaborative   It automates the caseload            intervention, which harnesses           information that was discussed
digital staff bank with fill-rates   scheduling process, ensuring         the power of peer support               in their appointment along with
exceeding 90% trust-wide.            visits are optimally appointed.      to incentivise altruism as a            a range of supportive tools that
This has resulted in reduced         Live data and location information   scalable solution to declining          encourage behaviour change
use of agencies, surpassing          are collected from nurses via an     teenage mental health.                  and self-management.
£2.5 million each year.              app, with lone worker protection.
                                                                          DigitalHealth.London Accelerator        Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN
                                     It is integrated with GP systems:
DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                     System One and EMIS.                 @meetwohelps                            @MSKnote
@locumsnest                                                                                    Health Innovation Manchester

17   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

My Possible Self                        MySense                               Q doctor (MyMed)                     Safe Steps (Red Ninja)
My Possible Self is a mental            MySense is a digital health           There is an opportunity for          Safe Steps is an app that
health app, which uses content          analytics platform that uses          video consulting technology to       helps health and social
developed by the Black Dog              data from fixed and wearable          support existing infrastructure      care professionals deliver
Institute proven to reduce              devices to understand individual      and existing patient lists. Using    standardised and effective
stress, anxiety and depression          patterns of behaviour and             Q doctor, GPs can enhance            falls risk management. It reduces
in just eight weeks. The app            biometric responses. It learns        telephone consultations,             the risk of falls by assessing and
helps adults learn how to               what wellness is for the individual   occasionally replace home            tracking lifestyle and risk factors
improve thoughts, feelings and          and uses machine learning to          visits, and bring in a digital       of care home residents, creating
behaviour. It includes learning         understand when there is a            workforce. This allows practices     a personalised action plan for
modules to help users overcome          decline. A monitoring dashboard       to retain their patient lists, and   care homes to follow.
day-to-day problems, manage             and alert function ensures that       more effectively reach patients.
                                                                                                                   Health Innovation Manchester
fear and improve happiness              when an individual’s wellbeing is
                                                                              DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
and wellbeing.                          declining, care can be provided                                            @RedNinjaStudios
                                        proactively in a timely manner.       @qdoctor_io                
DigitalHealth.London Accelerator                                                           designtechnology-work/
                                        DigitalHealth.London Accelerator                                           safe-steps
@MyPossibleSelf                  @mysense_ai
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 18

Signum Health                           Smoke Free                           Synopsis Healthcare                     Trakka Medical (HaMpton)
Signum Health’s i-navigator is          Smoke Free is an app to              Synopsis Healthcare provides            HaMpton involves the use of an
a social prescribing tool which         help people stop smoking.            a more efficient process of             innovative smartphone app for
supports people in need of non-         It incorporates the best available   preoperative assessments using an       monitoring high blood pressure
clinical care. With its integrated      evidence on how to quit smoking      online assessment questionnaire.        at home. The app alerts women if
ecosystem of providers,                 and over 20 different behaviour      This allows hospitals to focus          they need to attend the hospital,
i-navigator allows professionals        change techniques. The app           resources more effectively on           and it also links with a hospital
across all care sectors to easily       sets missions each day to help       higher risk patients.                   computer system where the data
identify and refer to a range           users stop smoking and stay                                                  can be monitored by clinicians
                                                                             DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
of accredited and user-rated            smoke free. Participants who                                                 in real time. HaMpton empowers
services, whilst providing              combine missions and the app         @Synopsis_Health                        women to be involved in their
360-degree feedback.                    were twice as likely to quit              own care, reduces the number
                                        successfully as participants                                                 of hospital visits, and has
Digital Health Accelerator South West
                                        who used the app alone.                                                      achieved excellent patient
@signumhealth                                                                                                        and staff satisfaction.                   DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                                                                                                     DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
19   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

TrackActive                             Trayned Insight                      Trustedoctor                         Ultramed
TrackActive Me is a chatbot-            Trayned Insight undertakes           Trustedoctor makes access to         Ultramed is an award-winning
driven application providing            analysis of hundreds of              specialist doctors quicker, easier   company that has developed
personalised physical activity          performance and outcome              and more meaningful. It uses         a suite of cloud-hosted
programmes. It is driven by             measures in primary care. It links   a cloud-based, open platform         pre-procedure assessment
clinical algorithms and artificial      population, healthcare, socio-       that allows specialist physicians    programmes. Complex
intelligence to assist people with      economic and other open source       to quickly engage with and           algorithms sit behind our flagship
musculoskeletal conditions and          data and generates insight           assess patients and consult with     product, MyPreOp®, designed
chronic diseases to self-manage         that can be used to improve          colleagues in a convenient virtual   to enable patients to enter and
through exercise.                       patient care, save money, and        setting. Doctors and patients can    share their health information,
                                        drive efficiency. The output         securely exchange medical files      producing an electronic report
DigitalHealth.London Accelerator                                                                                  which integrates easily into the
                                        can be viewed at every level of      and establish video consultations
@Track_Active                           the NHS. By using population         with live imaging.                   hospital systems. Ultramed                      level data that is already in the                                         products empower patients,
                                                                             Trustedoctor eliminates outdated     personalise care, and save
                                        public domain, Trayned Insight
                                                                             silo networks and works with         staff time.
                                        avoids restrictions imposed by
                                                                             evolving consumer demands
                                        use of personal healthcare data,                                          Digital Health Accelerator South West
                                                                             for convenience.
                                        making analysis at a local level
                                        immediately scalable to              DigitalHealth.London Accelerator
                                        a national level.
                                        DigitalHealth.London Accelerator

Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 20

Digital Health                           Digital Health.London Accelerator
                                         Aman Gupta, NHS Navigator
                                                                                          Health Innovation Manchester
                                                                                          James Corden, Life Science Sector

Accelerators:                            Ashish Chokshi, NHS Navigator
                                         Catherine Kan, Project Support Officer
                                                                                          Advisor (Navigator)
                                                                                          Kevin Moreton, Life Science Sector,

Meet the teams
                                                                                          Advisor (Navigator)
                                         Charlotte Lee, AHSN Accelerator Lead
                                                                                          Paul Hanmer, Life Science Sector
                                         Jenny Thomas, Programme Director
                                                                                          Advisor (Navigator)
                                         Katya Masconi-Mule, Project Manager
                                                                                          Richard Deed, Associate Director for Industry
                                         Lawrence Petalidis, NHS Navigator
                                                                                          Sig Mikladal, Life Science Sector
                                         Rose De Mendonca, Communications Lead            Advisor (Navigator)
                                         Sara Nelson, NHS Navigator                       Follow us:
                                         Tom Carlisle, NHS Navigator                      @healthinnovmcr

                                         Follow us:                                       Contact us:
DHA South West                           @DHealthLDN                            
David Wright, Innovation Exchange                                               
                                         Contact us:
Programme Manager              
Kim Morrissey, Communications Manager                         Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN
Matthew Dolman, Clinical Associate                                                        Charlotte Roberts, Senior Programme
Rupa Chilvers, Programme Manager         East Midlands AHSN                               Manager (Navigator)

Sam Strickland, Programme Co-ordinator   Aisha Ajij, Project Support and Industry         Claudette Boa-Amponsem, Programme
                                         Liaison Officer                                  Co-ordinator
William Lilley, Partnership Director
                                         Nicholas Brown, Commercial Manager (Navigator)   Fiona Whitaker, Programme Manager
Follow us:
@sw_ahsn                                 Follow us:                                       Gill Potts, Senior Programme Manager

Contact us:                              @EM_AHSN                                         Katherine Sykes, Programme Manager                    Contact us:                                      Peter Carpenter, Programme Director                 
                                                                                          Rob Berry, Head of Innovation
                                                                                          Follow us:
                                                                                          Contact us:
21   Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19

About the                                            To do this, AHSNs have been
                                                     commissioned by the Office for
                                                                                                  Our Innovation Exchange is made up of
                                                                                                  four elements and offers the following

South West                                           Life Sciences to deliver ‘Innovation
                                                                                                  benefits to its region:

                                                                                                  •   Identifying and communicating

AHSN’s                                               The South West Innovation Exchange
                                                     is bringing together patients and the
                                                                                                      the needs of the South West health
                                                                                                      and social care system to innovators

Innovation                                           public, innovators, commissioners and
                                                     providers to create an environment
                                                                                                  •   Sharing knowledge in the region

                                                                                                      about products that are promising
                                                     for innovation and improvement to
                                                     flourish. This is building on our existing   •   Building partnerships and
                                                     support, which we have been delivering           supporting the validation of
                                                     in the region for the last five years, and       products in the NHS
AHSNs are                                            tapping into national and international
                                                                                                  •   Working as a network of 15
building on their                                    contributors who are knowledgeable
                                                     and enthusiastic about the impact
                                                                                                      AHSNs and partners to enable

unique links                                         of new innovations on access to and
                                                                                                      proven innovations to spread
                                                                                                      more quickly.
between industry                                     provision of health and social care.

and the NHS to
help innovators
navigate the NHS.
Digital Health Accelerator South West 2018/19 22

Get involved
Become a supporter
Are you enthusiastic about the potential for digital health?
Do you work in health or social care? Whether it is your skills,
knowledge, or connections, we would love to work with you
as a supporter.

Email us at:
Phone us at: 01392 247903
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