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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2) 324-336                            ISSN 2319-4979

                             IN INDIA
                                              T. Avhad and N. Anute
             ASM’s Institute of Business Management and Research, Pune, Maharashtra
In recent years, India is showing exceptional growth in tourism industry. The heart of digital marketing lies in the
active seeking of information process. Because of digital marketing, customer acquisition and retention has become
very easy. There is seen a boost in the business models in the Indian online travel booking industry, since the success of
IRCTC’s railway ticket purchase site. The Indian online tourism companies extends beyond travel based services to
hotel reservations, holiday package bookings etc. In this research paper researchers have studied different digital
marketing strategies and analyzed those strategies. Each of the selected travel companies have their unique strategies.
How the digital marketing strategies used by the travel companies influence their business has been discussed. After
the analysis of the digital marketing strategies, the growth opportunities and the challenges faced by the companies are
discussed. This research is based on secondary database and has a descriptive design. Findings of this research paper
will be helpful to tourism industries to design their websites and digital marketing strategies. It will help the companies
to implement some more services in their portfolio. The paper will help the companies to understand their competitors
and their performance.
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Internet marketing, Travel and Tourism, Social Media.

                    Introduction                                impact on growth of tourism industry. Not only
                                                                the travel agencies, but also International Hotel
Tourism Industry is one of the largest service
                                                                Chains are seen emerging. Staycations are on
industries, which plays an important role in the
                                                                bandwagon. To get relief from stress people
growing the economy of the country. In 2019
                                                                stay at luxurious hotels to accomplish those
India has ranked 44th position in the travel and
                                                                needs of people major hotels change are
tourism Competitive Index (TTCI) of World
                                                                offering such facilities. Overall, huge potential
Economic Forum. Tourism opens opportunities
                                                                growth can be seen in India’s Tourism
not only for hotels, but also transport
                                                                Industry. Over a period, transition from
infrastructure which includes aviation, roads,
                                                                traditional to modern marketing has occurred.
shipping, and railways. Tourism sector
                                                                The innovative technologies are having huge
increases the employment rate of the country.
                                                                impact on the field of marketing. To sustain in
There are several opportunities created by
                                                                the market adapting the technology as a part of
government to promote tourism industry. Free
                                                                marketing activities is the most crucial step.
loans are provided by government to MSME’s
                                                                Use of electronic media like web, email and
which includes tourism sector, and this will
                                                                wireless media in concurrence with digital data
help them to face covid-19 crisis. Air Bubble
                                                                which includes customer behavior, to manage
Agreements are made with almost 27 countries.
                                                                and execute marketing activities can be said as
Recently Sri Lanka is added in the list and
                                                                digital marketing. Potential customers can be
negotiation is going with Thailand. Campaigns
                                                                reached with the use of advanced electronic
are being launched by the government to boost
                                                                devices       and      platforms.      Interactive
the potential of tourism industry. “Swadesh
                                                                communication channels have been introduced
Darshan” is one of them. Some more tourism
                                                                which has affected the marketing strategies.
policies are also being focused to develop
                                                                Targeting the expected audience with pre-
Religious Tourism. Destinations are being
                                                                designed messages, which suits the customer
added to the existing ones. India is culturally
                                                                problems and needs has become quite easy
rich, has great historical Heritages, diverse
                                                                because of digital marketing. Communication,
culture, which attracts tourists. In recent days,
                                                                data, and messaging are integrated on multiple
many different digital tools are being used in
                                                                platforms by digital marketing which makes it
travel industry for analyzing the budget,
                                                                the best form of integrated Marketing.
exploring places and bookings. This has a huge

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                    ISSN 2319-4979

Importance of Digital Marketing in Tourism             Travel bloggers and vloggers can be the
                Industries                             biggest assets for tourism industries as they are
                                                       the major influences.
Digital platforms help in getting maximum
leads which helps in expanding the business                           Literature review
and so as the profit. With the help of digital         Radmila Zivkovic, Jelena Gajic, Ivana Brdar,
marketing various travel deals and offers              (April 2014) in their research paper they said
reaches the potential travelers than traditional       that Fundamental changes are seen in tourism
marketing. Social media has a strong impact on         industries due to digital technologies. It has
digital marketing. It helps in developing brand        simplified understanding of decision-making
awareness. The young travelers now do not              process of travel and tourist behavior. Travel
rely on the travel agent. They use digital             related applications has an opportunity to grow
platforms to decide the destination and plan           and tourism industry needs to understand the
their journey. Travel blogs now a days are in a        motivating factors and traveler’s needs. Social
bandwagon and creating unique inspirations for         media will be recognized as one of the most
different travelers. Travelers are using all the       important tools in tourism marketing. It will be
digital media which is boosting the tourism            used to concentrate on developing relationships
industries. Digital marketing has made it easy         and adapting to tourist needs. Using social
for tourists to plan their complete journey,           media tourist will be encouraged to talk about
starting from selecting the destination to             and share their good experiences.
booking the tickets and hotel. It is helping not       Dr. S. Praveen Kumar in his research paper
only the customers but also the tourism                (November 2014) he concluded that, travelers
businesses to build their strong networks and          are heavily dependent on internet as tourism is
customers. Digitization has brought great              basically a service sector and is associated with
opportunities for tourism industries to                a higher level of perceived risk. For travel
implement variety of digital marketing                 suppliers and tourism authorities, it is very
strategies, which will help them in creating           important to understand traveler’s behavior, in
awareness about the company and their                  order to formulate efficient marketing
services. Large number of audiences can be             strategies and policies which will fully exploit
reached using digital marketing. Exclusive             the potential of this new channel.
offers can be provided which will inspire              Anwesha         Mukherjee       and       Manasa
travelers. Customers in any part of world can          Nagabhushanam (June 2016) in their research
be connected by the means of digitization.             paper they have discussed about Content
Customer’s needs and requirements can be               Analysis, which can be used to analyze the
understood even before they enquire about              content of social media marketing by tourism
services. “The best places to travel” is the most      industries to promote their plans. Quantitative
common and most searched line on search                analysis can also be made in the form of
engines by travelers does not matter if the            questionnaire survey to understand how social
person is a traveler or seasoned traveler. This is     media impact tourist during travel plan. This
the reason it is very important for the personnel      analysis will help in understanding the 360
in tourism industries to invest in search engine       view of how tourism industries use social
optimization. That helps in increasing number          media to promote themselves and how far the
of visitors who visit your pages and get to            travellers are dependent on social media while
know your exclusive offers. Encouraging the            planning their trip.
travelers to buy your product is not the only          I Gde Pitana and Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri in
goal of digital marketing. It involves something       their research paper (September 2016)
beyond it that is to get customer loyalty in the       concluded that, Online Travel Agencies are
digital marketing content if the basic but             stealing the market by operating on wider
essential information is added like about the          coverage area internationally. For travel
maps or guides, specific tourist sites,                agencies, going digital is an important factor to
transportation, rules, and regulations. It will        achieve success. People are relying widely on
help the seasoned travelers and will give them         social media and their content is wide and
the excitement for going with your packages.

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                    ISSN 2319-4979

varied. More organic campaigns are needed to           Shwetasaibal Samanta and Mukunda Bg in
do through visitors and local community                their research paper (August 2020) concluded
keywords that should be in the campaign.               that, Social media is a platform where
Avinash B.M, Dr. S. Harish Babu and                    awareness of destination can be created,
Megha.B (2016) in their research paper found           travelers can be encouraged to plan their
that, almost 90% of people who responded the           journey, brand image can be developed. Social
survey opines digital platforms as they provide        media is being used widely to promote travel
quick and updated information and provides             destinations and products. They also said,
easy access. People prefer to get best deals           Odisha needs to have a strong presence on
offered by whichever site that shows price             social media. There should be a two way
sensitivity. Customers are very satisfied with         communication between the company and the
tourism services offered through digital               potential customers. Customers spend a lot of
platforms and digital marketing. People will           time on social media and this time can be
continue sharing their travel experience, photos       utilized to create a destination image in their
and blogs using social media which will                minds.
influence tourist.
                                                                      Research methodology
Gurneet Kaur (June 2017) in the research paper
found that, due to digital marketing, businesses                       Research objectives
are reaching customers in a different way.                To study the digital marketing strategies of
Digital marketing has the ability to track the             online tourism companies in India.
data of consumer behavior. Few years ago,                 To study the influence of digital marketing
digital marketing has transformed the business             strategies of online tourism companies in
of tourism industry. In tourism industry if one            India on their business performance.
wants to be successful, they must maintain the
                                                          To study the growth and opportunities for
Website quality, Search Engine Optimization,
                                                           online tourism companies in India using
Email Marketing, Quality Content, Mobile
                                                           digital marketing strategies.
friendly and strong presence on social media.
                                                          To study the influence of new tends in
Due to digital marketing, businesses are
                                                           digital marketing in online tourism
reaching customers in a different way. Digital
                                                           companies in India.
marketing has the ability to track the data of
consumer behavior. Few years ago, digital              This research paper is basically based on
marketing has transformed the business of              secondary data. To data collection several
tourism industry.                                      recent blogs, articles, educational websites,
Nina Siti Salmaniah Siregar, Nasrul, Yusuf,            research papers, social media sites, books,
Ana       Ariekaningsih,       Eliyanti     Agus       journals, social media pages of the companies
Mokodompit, in their research paper (February          selected are referred. It is a Descriptive
2020) concluded that, in travel industry,              Research design.
Facebook is ruler as it gives maximum data of              Digital Marketing Analysis of Selected
potential customers. The travel marketers can                       Tourism Companies
collaborate with their clients using Facebook
and twitter. As you tube is second largest             MakeMyTrip- Basic policy of MakeMyTrip is
search engine, travel industries can use this          putting customer’s needs at the top priority,
platform wisely. Blog marketing can help               which helps them to gain loyal customers.
travel industry in increasing its ranking. Article     They focus on brand popularity and
marketing is one of the important tool in              establishment. They communicate by means of
generating traffic to the website and increasing       Television Commercials, Electronic Banners
the ranks.                                             on its websites and offline retail stores. Their
                                                       target customers are the youth of age 18-48.

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                            ISSN 2319-4979

                                     Digital Marketing Analysis-
                           (Generated by researchers, using secondary data)

                               Traffic generated from various sources



                                   0.5%                     1.00%      0.73%       0.18%

                      Direct     Referrals Search Engines   Email   Social media Display ads

Search      Engines-     The     search    engine           Campaigns- MMT is launching its new
optimization strategy of MakeMyTrip focuses                 campaign featuring Ranveer Singh and Alia
on targeting keyword so as to remain on the                 Bhatt. The main objective of this campaign is
top. The resulting meta-tags takes the previous             to drive the attention of consumers towards
to the landing page. MakeMyTrip uses PPC                    online hotel bookings. The ad campaign
strategy to increase its ranking. Homepage of               delivers clear message of reliability and perks
MakeMyTrip gives customers various options                  of booking hotels online.
for managing trips. My 20 tab enables business              Email marketing- It includes welcome emails
travelers to know the corporate affairs with                with welcome offers. Welcome code is made
easy modifications, Curated hotels for safe and             available for users to begin their journey with
hygienic stays and GST invoice assurance                    MakeMyTrip. Also in the welcome mails
using their work email. Users can earn wallet               several allowances are provided on flight
cash by signing in and the tap for it lies on the           bookings, hotels and bus bookings with book
upper right corner itself. Various offers and               now option. Also there is an option provided to
allowances are seen on the homepage of                      download the application which promotes the like allowances on domestic                  mobile applications. Reminder emails are sent
flights and bus booking. Tagline like “Zero                 with catchy subject lines. The description may
Penalty, Zero Worries” are used in the offers               consist of landing, blogs or videos. Referral
with graphics. According to recent covid                    codes are also provided by mmt. About 1% of
pandemic condition the initiatives taken up by              traffic to the web site comes from email
the company are highlighted on the homepage.                marketing. Though it is not a big number, but if
Trip ideas are given on the homepage which                  the company works on email marketing, they
can guide the tourist to plan their trip budget             can increase this number.
and preferred destinations. Trip money option                Social media marketing- Social media
gives the facilities of travel loan personal loan            marketing lies on 5th number. It has a
and insurance. All these features on the website             significant presence. It can help in generating
makes it easy for the traveller to plan their                more revenue. 0.73% of traffic on website
complete trip on a single click. About 66.04%                comes from social media.
of traffic is from search engines, out of which              You Tube- Maximum traffic is generated from
87.21% is from organic keywords. Top 5                       YouTube of 39.50%. “Think International,
organic keywords are makemytrip, make my                     Think MakeMyTrip”; “International Trip,
trip, mmt, pnr status, flight booking. 12.79% is             Only With MakeMyTrip”; “Pay at Hotel” are
paid traffic from paid keywords. Top 5 paid                  some of the tags used in YouTube ads. From
keywords are makemytrip, make my trip, mmt,                  this it can be said that MakeMyTrip tries to use
flight ticket, makemy trip. Direct Traffic-                  pull strategy of marketing via YouTube means
Search engines are followed by direct search                 of communication. MakeMyTrip has signed in
with 31.10 %.                                                with duo, Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh.
                                                             Series of videos are seen on this platform in

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                      ISSN 2319-4979

“to be continued” format and short stories.             seen posted on Instagram. “Swipe up” option
Multiple themes can be seen in the video                in the stories takes the visitor to the website of
advertises. MakeMyTrip app is promoted on               MakeMyTrip. As the contact details are
YouTube ads at the end.                                 provided on the page, it enables the visitors to
WhatsApp webapp- WhatsApp web app comes                 immediately contact them which can help
to the second position with 37.10% of the total         company to get revenue. It creates mod for
social media marketing.                                 direct communication. Instagram is quite
Facebook- Facebook follows WhatsApp with                popular among young generation which helps
11.51%. The Facebook posts of make my trip              the company to reach the students and fresh
majorly focuses on destination videos. It also          employees to plan their journey. It creates and
gives the option of booking in the description.         awareness and recognition among the viewers.
The Facebook posts inspires viewers for                 Display advertising- It lies at the last position
traveling. Facebook marketing of MMT uses               in generating the traffic for website. 0.18% is
Pull marketing strategy by posting beautiful            the contribution of display advertising. Top
and attractive destination post which attract the       publishers are,,
travellers.                                   , Top ad
Twitter- Twitter contributes 5.33%. #MyIndia            networks are Vcommission, Admitad, Google
travelling campaign is been promoted through            display network, Optimize.
a video featured by Alia Bhatt. CSR activities          Blogs- MakeMyTrip blogs helps travelers for
and awards are promoted through Twitter.                planning their next holidays and inspires them
Hashtags are implemented on timely basis by             for travels. Blogs on adventures, beaches,
MakeMyTrip which helps in receiving better              festivals, hotel ideas, and luxury gateways are
response. The recent #MyIndia contest is                seen. “Surprise Me” is a Pandora box of
receiving an overwhelming response on                   surprises which has collection of blocks from
Twitter, it is trending edit will result in some        selling travelogues to budget travel ideas and
leads.                                                  road trips.
LinkedIn- LinkedIn shares 4.25% in social               Mobile apps- “MakeMy Trip travel booking”
media marketing. Using LinkedIn platform                is the most used mobile app followed by
make my trip promotes its CSR activities and            “MakeMy         Trip     experiences”.     These
Awards. All their posts are related to social           applications are present on all the major
responsibilities and their activities towards           platforms including iOS, android and windows
society.                                                phone.
Instagram Marketing- #DriveUpGetAway and               Goibibo- Goibibo has introduced travel
#NearbyGetaway are the hashtags used in                booking currency called “Go Cash”. They have
Instagram contents. Gateways and destinations          also incorporated travel social network, “Go
are explored on Instagram. Nearby getaways             Cash + rewards” which has helped them grow
initiative is promoted by this platform. Short         rapidly. Because of affordable ticket prices
videos of #RoadTrippinWithRnM are also                 goibibo has largest consumer base.

                                     Digital marketing analysis-
                         (Generated by researchers, using secondary data)

                              Traffic generated from various sources

                                 0.50%                 1.64%      0.79%       0.16%

                     Direct     Referrals   Search     Email   Social media   Display

Search engines- The landing page of goibibo            initiatives and campaigns are highlighted on
promotes its mobile application. Various               the landing page. “Go Tribe” is an initiative of
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                     ISSN 2319-4979

goibibo which aims at bringing the customers            Social Media- Social media lies on fourth
of goibibo together to join all the similar young       position in generating traffic. 0.79% of traffic
travel enthusiast, who can connect with each            is generated from social media.
other this initiative is for oil customer and to        YouTube- “Reclaim your Travel” is the
build the loyal customers. “Tribe coins” are            initiative of series by goibibo where customers
offered on every booking to the go tribe star or        can post their best travel contents and blogs
superstar member, which they can use to claim           with goibibo and in return they can win an All-
tribe coupons. “Go cash” option gives chances           expenses paid trip to “The Maldives”. Videos
for visitors to check credit balance and                of this initiatives are seen on the YouTube
rewards. Out of the total traffic 55.24% comes          channel.          Moral        appeal       with
from search engines and from this 55.24%,               #WeWillTakeOffAgain is the recent one which
88.75% is organic traffic and 11.25% is paid            is giving a moral support to all the fighters in
traffic. Top 5 organic keywords are goibibo,            the pandemic situation. Pull marketing strategy
go-mmt extranet, go ibibo, ibibo, and goibibo           is used by goibibo with the combination of
flights. Top 5 paid keywords are goibibo, go            different types of appeals. Variety of themes is
ibibo, goibibo flights, flight booking, and             seen in the YouTube ads of goibibo. Goibibo
goibibo flights. Direct traffic- Direct website         promotes itself maximum through YouTube.
visitors are 42.62%. Their share is quite higher        YouTube contributes 49.33% of total social
as compared with others.                                media traffic. Deepika Padukone is seen
Popular       Campaigns-       “Go        Befikar”,     casting the advertisements of goibibo. The
“#BreakBhiEssentialHai”,                                YouTube ads contents mainly focus on the
“WeWillTakeOffAgain” are some of the recent             rewards and Go Cash. They also promote “Go
campaigns by Goibibo. “Go Befikar”                      Stay” and their offers.
companies featuring Deepika Padukone. The               Twitter- Goibibo is active on Twitter since
objective of this campaign highlights the               2009. It is used for direct communication with
brand’s promise of offering an amazing stay             the customers to get their reviews both good
experience             with            “GoStays”.       and bad. Grievances are called using this
“#BreakBhiEssentialHai”         is    the    latest     platform. Goibibo replies very quickly and tries
campaign which encourages people to have a              to cover each of them. Goibibo is trying to grab
break from never ending work. It is helping             the attention of cricket lovers with bade
people to explore themselves to the type of             “BADE SHEHRON KI CHHOTI CHHOTI
brake they are looking for. Goibibo has                 BAATEIN”- #LeakedChats by goibibo. The
launched          its       new          campaign       content of Twitter follower’s similar theme as
#WeWillTakeOffAgain”.             This      digital     like Facebook. Goibibo tries co-branding
campaign gives a message of hope and                    strategy on Twitter with its partner’s offers.
appreciation from the elder generation to the           The brand uses 360 degree approach to ensure
younger generation, who is moving ahead in              more conversations. It uses different types of
this challenging situation of covid Pandemic.           hashtags to promote its activities and
Veteran actor, Anupam Kher and goibibo have             initiatives, in order to build customer
come together to encourage the youth                    relationship. Twitter is second highest
contributing in the fight against covid-19.             contributor in social media traffic. 25.73% of
Email marketing- Goibibo uses hyper                     total social media traffic comes from Twitter.
personalized emails to increase conversions by          WhatsApp web app- 16.27% of social media
11%. User’s behavioral data and preference is           traffic comes from WhatsApp.
analyzed to create the content of emails. If a          Facebook- Cover page shows the image giving
person visits the website and does not make             message of “Go Befikar”. “Book Now” option
any purchase within 30 minutes, then a mail is          helps customers to plan or book their tickets
triggered to them. As compared with                     and hotels. Website and link to FAQ’s is
MakeMyTrip, goibibo gets more response from             provided in the about section. Content of
email marketing of 1.64 % of total traffic.             goibibo on Facebook tries to do something
                                                        extra ordinary. Define each occasion as an
                                                        opportunity to share their content with

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                         ISSN 2319-4979

interesting       hashtags.       It's     Facebook        to keep the customer engagement alive.
communication strategy do not only focus on                Goibibo tries to post compelling content in the
travelling but also try to include travelling              new age marketing.
associated aspects like accommodation, places              Display ads- Display ads contribute 0.16% of
to visit, culture, speciality etc. This strategy has       total traffic. If worked on it, it may help in
become very effective. The Facebook content                generating more traffic and more revenue. Top
of goibibo tries to create customer awareness              Publishers are, look and find me,
and engagement by posting offers, destination     Top ad networks are admitad,
based post and basic response based activities.            Vcommission, optimize.
Also the Facebook page remains flooded with                Mobile Applications- Goibibo-travel, hotel,
grievances and queries. Goibibo tries to                   flight, and travel is the most liked and preferred
respond each of them to give proper customer               application. These all are present on all
service. Its content on Facebook is experience-            platforms like iOS, Android and windows
based and focuses more on emotional quotient.              phone.
Facebook has very less share. Hardly 5.67 %       uses partnerships
people are reached through Facebook.                       promotional strategy with SBI by introducing
Instagram- Posts of Instagram is quite similar             holiday-cum shopping card. They uses
to Facebook post. The post highlights orange               Customer centric Innovative strategies. There
color. They try to grab attention using current            are various products of under brands
news, trends and occasions. Goibibo is creating            namely TravelGuru, Creating “happy
awareness among people regarding the                       and satisfied travelers” is the motto of
individual’s         social          responsibilities. Using, users can
“#GetVaccinated” is the initiative taken to                personalize their packages, travel needs, hotels,
encourage people for getting vaccinated. It uses           flight bookings according to the budget. Yatra
different types of appeals like moral appeal,              has launched self-booking platform to
emotional appeal, fear appeal, humor appeal.               strengthen corporate travel segment.
Goibibo on Instagram conducts basic activities

                                      Digital marketing analysis-
                     (Generated by researchers, using secondary data)

                               Traffic generated from various sources


                                   1.58%                 1.59%      0.40%       0.03%

                      Direct      Referrals   Search     Email   Social media   Display

Search engines- The dashboard of                 also new locations and places are explored.
facilitates customers with a wide range of                 Popular, domestic and international flight
portfolio of services like flight, hotels, villas,         routes are displayed on the dashboard. It also
holidays, cabs, fret etc. Offers are                       provides chat box to have a direct
differentiated on the basis of one way, round              communication with the customers to solve
trip and multi stays. Freight services are one of          their queries and guide them. Top 5 paid
the unique services provided by Yatra. “Yatra              keywords are Bhuj to Pune flight, Kolkata to
special” offers are seen on the dashboard with             Bangalore. flight ticket prayagraj, Dibrugarh to
allowances and discounts. “Travel Talks”                   Pune flight, Nagpur to Pune flight. Top 5
consists of the blogs on creative contents which           organic keywords are Yatra, Yatra login, Yatra
creates and excitement among the visitors and              flight booking, and Yatra customer
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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                    ISSN 2319-4979

care. Search engine is almost 66.87%, out of           WhatsApp web- Once the view were logins to
which 92.11% is the organic traffic whereas            yatra, permission is asked regarding
7.89 % is paid traffic. Direct Traffic- 29.51%         notification via WhatsApp. As WhatsApp is
of the total traffic is by direct means. From this     most widely used, Yatra passes on the offers
we can understand that website is            and discounts using this platform. This helps in
quite popular amongst the audience.                    reaching      maximum       people.    Following
Campaigns- #ReasonToTravel is the digital              YouTube WhatsApp lies second in generating
campaign by Yatra which is focusing on                 traffic to the website of 20.94% of
building consumer confidence and is giving the         traffic is generated from WhatsApp web.
message- “it is time to travel again”.                 Facebook- Yatra aims at engaging with fans
#TravelManao is another campaign which aim             and acquiring new customers. Yatra wishes to
at encouraging people to do something                  create strong brand credibility. Yatra content
different and celebrate festivals by travelling.       focuses on emotional appeal and is more
Email marketing- While logging in, Yatra 6 for         personal. The theme of the Facebook page of
permission saying, “Would you like to be kept          Yatra is “Miles to Smile”. Cross promotions
informed of special promotions and offers by           with other brands is carried out by Yatra.
Yatra”. A welcome mail pops once logged in             Special offers, allowances and promotions are
successfully. “Welcome to the world of happy           posted on the page. Interesting destination
travelling” is the first line in the descriptive       pictures with descriptive captions posted to
content of email. Using the phrase "Happy              encourage travellers. Almost 150k+ users view
travelling", Yatra tries to describe its motto of      post daily. Post on Facebook are related to
business. From the analysis, we can                    travel but have a special human touch. Yatra
understand, and email marketing is quite better        content consists of travel, offers and co-
as compared to make my trip and goibibo.               branding. Facebook is found contributing a
1.59% of people visit the website via email.           significant amount of almost 16.37% of social
Social Media- Almost 0.4% of traffic comes             media traffic.
from social media to the website. According to         LinkedIn marketing- 7.95% of traffic is
the recent news of August 2020 has           generated from the LinkedIn platform.
launched reason to travel digital campaign             Through this platform tries to reach
which promotes travel in post pandemic world.          the customers by the means of videos and post
YouTube- 10.6k people have subscribed                  which focuses on safety and customer’s
YouTube channel of Yatra. Yatra publishes              convenience.
advertisers using rhyming content like- “Kab           Instagram- Yatra introduces itself on Instagram
tak hoge ghar pe bor? Just go and Explore”.            as #IndiaKaTravelPlanner. The content of
“Yatra ke sath #TravelManao” is the title line         Yatra on Instagram is multi-pronged. Yatra
used in many videos to encourage people for            tries to target its audience on Instagram by
travelling using Yatra. Short travel stories by        posting post which explore Indian culture,
travellers are shared in the form of video on the      Indian heritage, and trekking destinations.
YouTube channel under the campaign                     Offers and basic activities are also seen which
#RelieveHappiness. Travellers share their              keeps the customers active.
experience in the form of video under this             Mobile applications- “Yatra-flight, hotel, bus,
campaign. Analyzing the social media                   trains and cabs” and “Yatra for business” are 2
marketing of it was studied that it          mobile applications which are widely used by
mostly works on YouTube. 50.17% social                 the tourist. These apps are available for
media traffic to the web site comes from               Android and iOS platforms.
YouTube alone. The content of YouTube ad is   “Making travelling easy” for
found to be musical. It uses Bollywood music           the users is the main motto of Cleartrip.
to reach the customers with the content                Cleartrip is a customer centric brand. They
focusing on the offers and the portfolio of their      invest in the activities that are consistent with
products and services. It makes us understand          customer’s expectations. They also ensure
that yatra uses musical appeal in advertises.          ecological factors in their activities. They are
                                                       committed to prioritizing animal welfare. As

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                       ISSN 2319-4979

far as advertising is concerned, cleartrip looks        Its basic strategy is, improvise on the existing
on Return on Investment (ROI). Cleartrip uses           medium.
maximum of online platform for advertising.

                                     Digital Marketing Analysis-
                           (Generated by researchers, using secondary data)

                               Traffic generated from various sources


                                  1.08%                 0.63%         0.23%     0.29%

                      Direct     Referrals   Search      Email   Social media   Display

Search engines - Top 5 organic keywords are             themselves saying #travelAnywhere. “Make
Cleartrip, clear trip, flight booking, flight           travelling easy” is the message which has been
tickets, online flight booking. Top 5 paid              passed on by Cleartrip through YouTube ads.
keywords are Cleartrip, flight booking, flight          They have also promoted the “Book now and
ticket, clear, cleartrip. Search engines       Pay Later” offer in their YouTube ads.
have the greatest contribution of 64.67% of             Twitter- Cleartrip has joined twitter in 2019
traffic around 81.15% is organic traffic                and community of 29k follows them. Co-
whereas 18.85% is paid traffic. Direct traffic-         branding strategy with the tie up companies
33.11% of people visit website            can be seen on twitter. The brand tweets on
directly.                                               various topics like, venture capital, business
Emails- 0.63 % of people visiting         travels, Cruise travel, financial services,
comes via emails.                                       Luxury travel. It maintains the number of 1
Display ads- Display ads also play one of the           tweet each day. The content strategy tries to
important roles in generating traffic to the            focus on awareness appeal that is why they
website. Almost 0.29% of traffic is generated           rarely post offers. Followed by YouTube,
by means of display ads. Top Publishers are             twitter lies on second position in generating Top networks             traffic by the means of social media with
are TradeTracker, which has the major                   23.75%.
contribution,       cuelinks,     admitad     and       Facebook- As soon as one lands on Facebook
Vcommission.                                            page of cleartrip cover page can be seen where
Social Media- 0.23% of traffic is generated             one line quote, “The better way to travel for
from social media. After analyzing the social           work” grabs attention of any business
media statistics, it was found that YouTube             personnel. Strong community of almost 102.1k
contributes the major portion of 25.05% of              can be seen on Facebook page. Self-
traffic generation followed by Twitter,                 promotional updates are made on this platform.
Facebook, Pinterest, and WhatsApp web.                  Cleartrip uses Facebook to increase the
YouTube- 25.05% of traffic is generated by              conversion rate. Through this platform,
means of YouTube. Informative approach is               cleartrip drives the audience towards its mobile
seen in YouTube videos. Musical appeal is               application, which can help them to generate
used to showcase the information. Multi                 revenue from the same customer in future. It
branding strategy is also seen as it also               helps cleartrip to retarget the customer in
promotes Flyin. Cleartrip also uses the shorts          future. This strategy has helped them to attain
feature of YouTube where they promote                   2.5 times higher return on investment.

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                         ISSN 2319-4979

Facebook page of cleartrip uses travel theme           Instagram- A small activity, “Stay awhile and
and humor appeal to reach maximum number               explore the world with us. Share your travel
of customer. Brand regularly post its content, it      photos and stories using #TravelWithClertrip
maintain the figure of around 5 post per week.         can be seen on the landing page which keeps
No variation is seen in the content of post. It        the customers engaged with it. 49.3k followers
follows identifiable content. They engage              can be seen on Instagram. There is no great
people by destination promotions, which is             difference in Facebook and Instagram content.
basic strategy used by almost all travel               Stories of Instagram gives the information
companies. The company makes its presence              about the current offers. “Swipe up” option
by posting the available discounts and                 takes one to the website of cleartrip, which will
allowances. Facebook contributes to 20.58% of          help it for future use.
traffic from the total social media traffic.           Web Design- Website of cleartrip is quite
Pinterest- Variation is seen in the content of         decent but very informative. All the services
posts on this platform. Food specialties are           are provided on the first page of the website.
explored, No offers and direct marketing is            The website gives a travel guide which can
seen in the Pinterest post. Famous travel quotes       help the travelers in the preparations. It gives
are seen. Memes are used for the purpose of            the overall information regarding airline.
grabbing the attention. After studying the posts       Mobile Applications- Cleartrip-Flight, Hotels,
of’s Pinterest profile it was found      Train bookings is one of the most liked
that most of their posts are promoting their           application used by people. These apps are
activities related to environment. Cleartrip           present on iOS and android.
promotes animal welfare activities, and this has       Ixigo- Ixigo is an Indian online travel portal.
been promoted by the means of Pinterest posts.         The main aim of this company is to sort out the
Overall, the profile of cleartrip on Pinterest is      travel needs like booking flights, hotels, trains,
seen very colorful and attractive. 20.08% of           buses using Ixigo. All the queries related to
overall traffic of social media comes from             bookings of trains are answered by the Ixigo
Pinterest.                                             app. Ixigo uses 360 degree marketing approach
WhatsApp web- 5.97% of the total traffic from          to reach their customers.
social media comes from WhatsApp webapp.

                             (Generated by researchers, using secondary data)
                                     Digital Marketing Analysis -

                               Traffic generated by various sources



                                 0.62%                     2.52%      0.47%       0.00%

                    Direct     Referrals    Search         Email   Social media   Display

Search engines- Top 5 organic keywords are             mentions low rates, ad extensions present, cash
ixigo, irctc login ixigo train, where is my train,     back offers, ixigo money service. Out of the
train running status. Top paid keywords are            total visits to this website, 78.56% comes from
ixigo, ixigo flight, ixigo flight booking, ixigo       search engines, out of which 99.47% is the
pnr status, cancellation option flight. Location       organic search and 0.53 % is from paid
specific ads by ixigo are found, which                 searches. Direct search- Website page helps in

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                    ISSN 2319-4979

direct search of required information. Offer           Mobile applications- “Cheap flight, hotels and
banners are seen which attracts the customers.         bus booking- ixigo” and “irctc Train booking,
The overall features of websites are- clean            pnr status, running status – ixigo” are the most
website, proper navigation, user-friendly,             popular mobile applications of ixigo. These
responsive on mobile and tablet devices.               applications are available for android and iOS
17.82% of people directly visit the website.           devices.
Email marketing- Email marketing plays a
significant role in this, because almost 2.52%
of traffic is generated by means of emails.            Humans are affectionate towards travel. They
Social Media- 0.47% of people visit the                keep on travelling for various purposes may it
website by means of social media marketing.            be career, job or destination vacations.
After analyzing the social media marketing of          Technology friendly era has simplified it was found that you tube generate          everything, travel planning has become simple
the maximum traffic of almost 39.60%,                  because of technology which attract traveler
followed by LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.           towards online travel companies. Travel
You tube- Ixigo uses musical appeal in its TV          industries have major role in increasing the
ads. Short informative videos are seen on              GDP, hence Government have issued several
YouTube channel which guides about common              initiatives supporting online tourism industries.
words in different regional languages. Guiding         Online travel agencies have wide portfolio
videos are posted which guides visitors                which includes inbound travel, outbound travel
regarding bookings. This helps in creating             and domestic travel. Wide portfolio attracts
brand awareness among visitors. 39.60% of              customers towards them. Tourism industry is
traffic generated from YouTube. “Plan and              fast growing and is heavily influenced by
Go” is the message given by YouTube ads.               technology.
Twitter- Ixigo joined twitter in 2009 and has                            Challenges
23.8k followers. Approximately 2 to 3 tweets
each day are tweeted by ixigo. Co-branding             Infrastructure- India lacks in good quality of
strategy is seen on tweeter. Offers and services       infrastructure    which      affects    country’s
by ixigo promoted through this platform. If            international tourist arrivals. Technology and
ixigo start using hashtags, it will help them in       Funding- Many small travel companies have
generating more traffic. Traffic generated from        innovative ideas but lack in funding and
twitter is 13.09%.                                     technology and hence are not recognized.
LinkedIn- Ixigo appreciates its employees              Perception of India- This is one of the major
through LinkedIn. Awards and achievements              challenges Indian tourism sector is facing.
are showcased through posts. 32k people                There is a need to push tourism in India. The
follow ixigo on LinkedIn. 2 to 3 post per week         travel marketing strategies needs to be well
is maintained by ixigo on this platform.               planned in order to motivate tourism. Taxes-
LinkedIn contributes 33.13 % of total traffic          India is quite expensive country for luxury
generated by the means of social media.                travel. Heavy taxes affects this industry.
Facebook- Basic objectives of ixigo behind             Competition- Growing competition is one of
Facebook marketing is attracting Facebook              the major challenges which every company is
follower’s attention towards brand, brand              facing these days. Currently, the GST rates are
awareness, drive more traffic to company               reduced which will help the industry but the
website. They promote their app from                   ease provided by other countries for traveler
Facebook by giving the option of “use app”.            has to be matched up. Companies need to have
Contents are quite similar to twitter posts.           some innovative strategies in order to sustain
Facebook generate 8.90% of total traffic of            and lead the market. Unable to maintain service
social media marketing.                                standards- In a wide range of portfolio, it is
Blogs- Several blog categories by ixigo are            difficult to maintain every service. If anyone of
found which are according to the customer’s            them fails to give good services, it affect the
interest.                                              brand image. Difficulty in maintaining data-
                                                       Company collects data from various platforms.

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Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 12(2)                     ISSN 2319-4979

But it is quite challenging to maintain this data      used to reach maximum people and build a
and use it. Companies need to install advanced         strong customer base and brand recognition.
systems to maintain this data. Difficulty in           Make my trip is leading the travel industry in
building loyal customers- Due to increased             India. They have a strong brand recognition
competition and similar offers and allowances,         and uses digital platform very wisely. Their
customers prefer the one’s which gives them            content on every platform is diversified
more profit, ignoring the brand. This results in       according to the audience. Many campaigns are
difficulty to acquire customer loyalty.                driven by make my trip which helps in
                                                       grabbing the attention of the customers.
                                                       Goibibo works on itself according to the
The most common thing found while analyzing            customer’s feedbacks. Their variety of offers
all the companies was that search engines have         and initiatives are helping them to take off in
the most significant role. Maximum traffic is          the market. They are building opportunities for
generated from search engines followed by              themselves in the competitive market by
direct search. In social media marketing, every        launching new campaigns and initiatives.
company try to work maximum on Facebook.               Using digital platforms, Goibibo is trying to
MakeMyTrip is leading amongst the others.              build loyal customers. It is trying to be a
Variation is seen in the themes of contents of         challenger for other travel companies. Goibibo
YouTube ads, Facebook post and LinkedIn                is leading in email marketing in this domain as
post. Each of them passes different messages.          it uses hyper personalized mailing system.
Make my trip is using SEO wisely to rank high          Yatra is dominantly working on business
which is helping them to be visible on the top         travels. Yatra uses customer centric approaches
when customer searches for travel needs.               on the digital platform. Yatra is also using
Goibibo is promoting Go Cash from their ads            WhatsApp wisely to reach their potential
and posts. Email marketing is trying to express        customers. Cleartrip has a strong existence in
its existence, as people usually check mails           India as well as Qatar and is emerging in
every morning, which increases the chances             Africa. Digital marketing strategies of cleartrip
that the mail will be read. Goibibo is                 focus on customer satisfaction and services.
concentrating on this as it is direct marketing        The content on social media sites does not any
approach. is not working more on             variation, but still cleartrip can be a strong
social media. Using social media, which is             competitor in coming future. Ixigo is trying its
most used in this generation they can lead this        best to create its existence on digital platforms.
industry. is trying to create its        Ixigo is using LinkedIn and Facebook to
existence out of India as well, with comparison        maximize traffic towards its website. There are
to others. They are promoting their mobile             activities/ offers/ services, which travel
application by using Facebook. They are                companies can provide like Group offers,
working equally on all social media platforms.         Educational tour planning, Destination
Comparing emails and social media, ixigo is a          wedding plans. Retargeting ads, Viral
step forward in email marketing. Maximum               marketing, Cookies, Virtual assistant AI
focus is given on YouTube and LinkedIn                 technology, Bucket list option (As there is cart
platforms of social media marketing.                   option in E-commerce, travel companies can
                   Conclusion                          add bucket list option where travelers can add
                                                       the destinations which they wish to visit and
Tourism industry is adapting itself in the             then personalized reminders and accordingly
dynamic digital world. All the Indian tourism          offers can be provided to them) are some of the
companies are trying their best to build a             marketing strategies which can be used by
strong existence on the digital platforms using        travel companies.
various strategies. Innovative ideas are being

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