Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA

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Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA

Digitising the
Impact Assessment
(EIA) Process
A user-centred approach to designing
an EIA process for the future.

© Digital EIA Project Partners, March 2020
1                                                     Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
Project partners:                      Project funded by:   If you have any questions regarding
                                                            the content of this report, or would
                                                            like to get involved, contact Kate
                                                            Taylor – Digital Planning Team Lead,
                    Connected Places                        or Liam Dargan – Service Designer
                                                            at Connected Places Catapult:

                                                            Or get in touch via our website:

                                                            We’ve also created a
                                                            #cpc_digital_eia channel on our
                                                            public Plantech Slack workspace.
                                                            This is a free online space to
                                                            exchange ideas and learnings, hear
                                                            about events, opportunities and to
                                                            collaborate with others in the Digital
                                                            Planning sector. Sign up and join in
                                                            the conversation.

2                                                                                   Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
3   Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
The Digital EIA project explores how the
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
process could be transformed. Using a
human-centred design approach, we’ve
explored what a more designed, digital
and data-informed future for EIA could
hold. We’ve identified key challenges
within the process, developed some
initial concept ideas and explored the
feasibility of a new vision for EIA.

4                                          Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
Who we are							06              Understanding the current user
                                 journey and technologies available			               15
What is an EIA?							07
                                 Identifying challenges and opportunities			         22
Why it matters							09
                                 Designing and testing potential solutions		         31
Our aims and objectives					11
                                 Early exploration concepts 					38
Our opproach							13
                                 Detailed exploration concepts 				                  48

5                                                                          Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
Who we are

    Funded by Innovate UK,                               Connected Places Catapult is a government
                                                         backed technology and innovation centre with a
    The Digital EIA project is a      Connected Places
                                                         track-record in developing digital tools for planning
                                                         and transport.
    collaboration between Connected
    Places Catapult (led by their                        Quod is a renowned planning consultancy offering
                                                         Environmental Impact Assessment services and are
    Digitising Planning Programme),                      known for leading cutting-edge technology solutions
                                                         on development projects.
    Quod, Temple, ODI Leeds and
    Liquorice Marketing.                                 Temple is a leading independent infrastructure and
                                                         property consultancy specialising in environment,
                                                         planning and sustainability.

                                                         ODI Leeds are a pioneer node of the Open Data
                                                         Institute, created to explore and deliver the potential
                                                         of open innovation with data at city-scale.

                                                         Liquorice are a communications and marketing agency
                                                         working across a variety of platforms and sectors
                                                         including the built environment.

6                                                                                                Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
What is an EIA?

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are
regulated by EU/UK legislation and are a crucial
part of the design evolution and approval
process for development, infrastructure,
forestry, agriculture and other projects. Their
purpose is to ensure that the environmental
and social effects of proposals are understood
prior to decisions being taken and to aid public
participation in decision-making. Consultation
with the public is a key part of an EIA.

7                                                  Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
An EIA is comprised of several key stages:

    Screening               Scoping and               Assessment              Submission and          Decision and
                            Baselining                and Prediction          Consultation            Monitoring

1 2 3 4 5
    This stage determines
    whether a proposed
    development falls
    within the remit of
    the Regulations
    and whether it is
    likely to have a
                            This stage determines
                            the significant
                            environmental issues
                            that need to be
                            considered. It involves
                            the collection and
                            analysis of current
                                                      Once existing
                                                      conditions are
                                                      understood, likely
                                                      environmental effects
                                                      are predicted using a
                                                      variety of assessment
                                                      methods and tools.
                                                                              The ES is submitted
                                                                              to the relevant Local
                                                                              Planning Authority
                                                                              who examine and
                                                                              consult upon the
                                                                              information provided.
                                                                              This includes
                                                                                                      In combination
                                                                                                      with other planning
                                                                                                      documents, the Local
                                                                                                      Planning Authority
                                                                                                      either approves or
                                                                                                      refuses planning
    significant effect on   environmental             This information is     consultation with       permission based
    the environment and     data to inform the        reported on within      the general public.     on the information
    therefore requires      judgement on which        an Environmental                                provided. If approved,
    an assessment. For      environmental topics      Statement (ES).                                 they can impose
    example, a new road     are to be included                                                        certain requirements
    with a continuous       and assessed further                                                      (e.g. environmental
    length beyond 10km      through an EIA.                                                           mitigation monitoring
    and four or more                                                                                  measures).
    lanes would require
    an EIA.

8                                                                                                          Digitising the EIA Process
Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
Why it matters

In the context of rapid urbanization     But today’s Environmental Statements
and rising uncertainty surrounding       (ESs) are often criticised for being an
climate change, the increasing rate      administrative burden, ending with a
of natural habitat loss, and wider       bloated, inconsistent and inaccessible
social and cultural inequalities, EIAs   report replete with technical jargon
are of increasingly crucial importance   that is difficult to navigate, understand
to safeguard our environment and         and even simply to read. Furthermore,
inform good design.                      digital technology is not being
                                         exploited to capture data or deliver
                                         more efficient and effective ways of
                                         producing ESs – which means EIAs are
                                         falling behind other already industries
                                         harnessing technology to drive
                                         productivity (e.g. FinTech, PropTech).

Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process - A user-centred approach to designing an EIA process for the future - Digital EIA
Today’s average ES (for                               The process can have the        The procedure becomes
           a 500-dwelling housing                               equivalent carbon footprint     excessively burdensome,
            development) is 4,350                               to making 1,050 lattes, or a    to the extent it could lose
          pages long and may even                              return flight from London to    its audience and therefore
           be delivered in stacked                                       Iceland.**            even risks redundancy. For
           boxes to local planning                                                             High Speed 2 Phase 1, the
                 authorities.*                                                                  final ES was estimated to
                                                                                                be approximately 49,000
                                                                                                      pages long.***

                                                                                                                *Source: surveys and interviews
                                                                                                            **Source: Greengage Environmental
                                                                                                                            ***Source: City A.M.

Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process                                                                                   10
Our aims and objectives

• Carry out user-research to understand • Explore the potential economic
  the pain points and challenges of the   impact and benefits case for a new
  current system                          digital approach to EIA, and
• Explore relevant changes needed to        • To drive forward industry discussion
  transform the process                       around opportunities for innovation
                                              in this area.
• Develop ideas for potential concepts
  to overcome the challenges
  identified, and develop prototypes
  to bring them to life
• Consult with key national and
  regulatory stakeholders to develop
  a roadmap for the next steps required
  to bring forward a Digital EIA platform

11                                                                        Digitising the EIA Process
A snapshot from our
     collaborative session to
     cluster insights on challenges
     and opportunities

12            Digitising the EIA Process
Our approach

Human Centred Design techniques           We have:
are at the heart of this project.         • Interviewed 45 people from organisations including:

By conducting user-research and                  – The Ministry of Housing

workshops with relevant stakeholders,            – Communities and Local Government
                                                 – The Geospatial Commission
an in-depth understanding of existing            – High Speed Rail 2
EIA processes, challenges and pain               – Transport for London (TfL)

points has been established.                     – City of Bradford Metropolitan
                                                    District Council
                                                 – London Borough of Southwark
Our human-centred approach ensures               – Historic England
that our insights are based on evidence          – The Institute of Environmental Management

and the ideas we develop and prioritise             & Assessment (IEMA)
                                                 – Scottish Power Renewables
are grounded and impactful.                      – and many more.

                                          • Held three collaborative workshops

                                          • Defined six key challenge areas

                                          • Developed seven idea groups and taken a closer
                                            look at three of them, designing user interface (UI)
                                            prototypes and developing roadmaps for each.

13                                                                                  Digitising the EIA Process
What we did:

     the current user           Identifying              Designing and                   Early                     Detailed
        journey and           challenges and            testing potential             exploration                 exploration
       technologies            opportunities                solutions                  concepts                    concepts

• A kick-off discovery     • Collaborative working   • Collaborative workshop   • Synthesised stakeholder   • Synthesised stakeholder
  workshop                   session                   with partners              feedback                    feedback

• Stakeholder interviews   • Interviews              • Concept testing          • Developed high-level      • Developed more detailed
                                                       interviews                 wireframes                  user interface screens
• Collaborative working    • Desk research
  sessions                                           • Design iterations        • Tested with               • Tested with
                                                                                  potential users             potential users
• Surveys                                            • Roadmap interviews
                                                                                                            • Explored technical,
• User journey mapping                                                                                        financial and
                                                                                                              regulatory barriers to
• Desk research                                                                                               implementation

                                                                                                            • Designed a roadmap
                                                                                                              informed by interviews

14                                                                                                                    Digitising the EIA Process
Understanding the
current user journey
and technologies

15                     Digitising the EIA Process
A snapshot from our
     scoping workshop
     – understanding the
16    Digitising the EIA Process
     existing process.
Understanding the current user journey and technologies available

Our methodology

Hosted an exploratory         Conducted expert                Validated the journey        Reviewed the current
scoping workshop with         interviews with our own         through a series of expert   state-of-the-art in digital
a range of experts to         domain experts (Quod and        interviews with a diverse    EIA and planning tools.
determine areas of focus      Temple) to use their existing   group of stakeholders.
and a framework for the       knowledge to map and
next stages of research.      outline user-journeys and
                              their networks to identify
                              the right interviewees.

17                                                                                                           Digitising the EIA Process
There are three key
stakeholder groups

We identified three key stakeholder groups                                               PLANET
throughout the EIA process:

 he applicants for new proposals such as
developers and major infrastructure providers

Such as local authorities (the deciding body), statutory
consultees and the general public

Such as EIA consultants and their specialists
that produce EIA data
                                                           REVIEWER              PROPOSER

18                                                                               Digitising the EIA Process
The journey is complex
and chaotic
Following the scoping workshop, user research interviews and a mapping
workshop, we were able to visualise a typical existing EIA process journey
for the three stakeholder groups. From here, we were able to highlight the
pain points in the process which went on to inform our ideas.

 Identify Project                                                                      Screening                                                    Scoping & Baselining                                                                                                                                     Assesment & Prediction

                                                                                                          EIA end

                                        Meeting with      Share brief         Recruit                           Receive Screening                                                         Receive                                                Receive Scoping                                                                                                        Receive design changes         Make design                 Finalise           Share final
                                       Reviewer about    with Producer       specialists                         Report & Opinion                                                      Scoping Report                                             Report Opinion                                                                                                            advice based on             changes                and design freeze       design
                                          scheme                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         significant impact data
     (e.g. Developers, planning
       agents and architects)

                                                                                                                               Request either Screening or Scoping Opinion (rarely both)
                                                                   EIA end

                                                                                                  ?                                                                                                           ?
                                                          Review brief       Sense check   Request Screening    Receive Screening       Start collecting        Begin scoping         Produce Scoping      Request             Baseline          Receive Scoping       Iteration     Finish collecting       Consult           Model impact           Start collating     Propose design changes       Receive new               Model impact      Collate/write full
                                                         from Proposer                     Opinion on behalf     Report & Opinion       Baseline Data          (based on data,         Report & Share   Scoping Opinion       Assessment          Report Opinion      based on        Baseline Data      specialists about   of scheme based           ES chapters      advice based on significant   design proposal           of development      Environmental
        PRODUCER                                                                              of Proposer                                                   previous reports and
                                                                                                                                                              the project brief)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scoping Opinion                          modelling        on data and brief   (written by specialists)    impact measures                                     based on data        Statement
       (e.g. EIA coordinators
            & specialists)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Repeat)                                                                                       (Re

                                                                                                  ?                                                                                                           ?

                                         Meeting with                                       Receive request     Produce and share    Share their Baseline                                 Receive       Receive request     Work with expert         Provide                                                                                                                                         Kept informed and
                                        Proposer about                                       for Screening        EIA Screening       Data (if requested)                              Scoping Report     for Scoping       stakeholders on          opinion                                                                                                                                        involved throughout
         REVIEWER                          scheme                                               Opinion              Opinion                                                                                Opinion       response (some LAs                                                                                                                                                   this iterative design process
       (e.g. Local Authority)                                                                                                                                                                                             also publish scoping                                                                                                                                                     (pre-app discussions)

     © Digital EIA Project Partners, March 2020

19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Digitising the EIA Process
Existing EIA process journey

                                                       Submission & Consultation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Decision & Monitoring

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (May repeat)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Yes with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              conditions      Negotoiate               Make         Begin construction       Monitor impacts          Complete      Continued monitoring
                                                                                                                                                              ?                                                                                                                                                                                               conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             & mitigations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   detailed plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and share             construction   and sharing (Doesn’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     happen very often)

                               Receive final   Planning Agent submits                                                                                 Receive mitigations     Review and make      Share with Producer           Receive                Share updated                                                      Receive decision
                              Environmental       ES to Reviewer (as                                                                                    and questions       design changes based                                 updated             plans and information
                                Statement          part of the wider                                                                                                           on suggestions                                      ES
                                                Planning Application)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Appeal or cancel   EIA end

  Review with specialists,     Share final                                                                                                                                                            Model impact         Replace ES chapters,                                                                                                                                                                                  Support
      legal and client        Environmental                                                                                                                                                            of changes          add an addendum or                                                                                                                                                                                   monitoring
                                Statement                                                                                                                                                                                a statement of conformity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and share


                                                                                                      Statutory Review       Responses shared
                                                                                                        & review by
                                                                                                        specialists (if
                                                    Receive final       Validation of   Publish ES                                                      Request further                                                                                Receive updated          Share update        Review consultation   Issue their decision                                                            Monitor                 Receive
                                                     ES (as part        the Planning                                                                    information and                                                                                  information           with consultees          responses           (with mitigations                                                          compliance        monitoring and operations
                                                    of the wider         Application                                                                  suggest mitigations                                                                                                    (including statutory                          and conditions) –                                                            throughout                outcome
                                                Planning Application)                                                                                                                                                                                                           and specialist                               Also share with                                                           construction              (word doc)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   experts)                                Secretary of State
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (May repeat)
                                                                                                     Public consultation    Review & consolidate
                                                                                                          launched         public consultation data

                             20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Digitising the EIA Process
Technology review

A technology review was carried out to
consider the potential advantages and                               D E TA I L E D R E V I E W S

disadvantages of existing or emerging                               DATA PORTALS                                               These examples illustrate a suite of data portals                                                                                    THINGFUL
                                                                    In general, it is fair to say, most Digital EIA projects   that bring together a variety of open source data to                                                                                 https://www.thingful.

tools in the planning/environmental sector                          tend to use standard Office and desktop publishing
                                                                    tooling to create their results. We have excluded
                                                                    these from our review.
                                                                                                                               create visual spatial archives. These have multiple
                                                                                                                               functions, ranging from spatial planning tools to
                                                                                                                               acting as visual portals for open and received data.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A search engine for the internet of things (IoT).

and elsewhere (as applicable). Platforms                            This section provides a summary of the existing
                                                                    digital tools and platforms that we have reviewed.
                                                                    This is based primarily on a review of UK practices
                                                                                                                               Overall takeaways:
                                                                                                                               ƒ The most successful data portals have clear user
                                                                                                                                 centred designs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Takeaway points:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ƒ This page (and other similar ones) could provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      additional information for data baselining, or

and tools were considered where they                                as well as a search of worldwide practice, including
                                                                    North America, Australasia and Europe. There is
                                                                    precedent of a number of regional spatial planning
                                                                                                                               ƒ Enabling the ability to locate and access data
                                                                                                                                 sources of interest is key. Presenting data (even
                                                                                                                                 if open) in a closed format may be useful when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      initial exploratory work. If sensors for a particular
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      data set happen to be available in a given area,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      they would provide a useful reference.

were designed for or had applicable use
                                                                    tools from other countries including examples from           interacting with the site, but enabling users                                                                                      ƒ As buildings become more instrumented, it is
                                                                    Singapore and Australia and these are also reviewed          to explore then download data for their own                                                                                          likely that more such data is available, assuming
                                                                    below.                                                       purposes will be beneficial.                                                                                                         the building owners can be persuaded to publish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the data openly. If not, it will remain in a walled

in supporting a digital EIA process such as                         Tools assessed fall broadly into one (or more)
                                                                    of two categories:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ƒ One would have to question the veracity of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      data – and some appear outdated, so it may not

digital planning platforms, portals, toolsets
                                                                    ƒ Data portals and mapping tools                                                                                                                                                                  be a reliable source. There is also a question
                                                                    ƒ Analysis tools:                                                                                                                                                                                 mark about quality – the calibration of the
                                                                          - Technical assessment tools that provide                                                                                                                                                   sensors may not be reliable.
                                                                             input to the EIA process; and

and/or reporting functions.                                               - Analysis/automation of spatial data.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DEFRA MAGIC MAP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Consolidated map of Government-collated

These were reviewed against criteria                                     THE MOST SUCCESSFUL DATA PORTALS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    open environmental data that is maintained by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Defra. Linked to open data sources for layers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    at Defra open data: https://data.gov.uk/

to understand their analytical/reporting
                                                                         HAVE CLEAR USER CENTRED DESIGNS                                                                                                                                                            search?filters%5Btopic%5D=Environment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Takeaway points:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ƒ Inclusion of all data in one location/platform.

capabilities, domain alignment and usability.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ƒ Search function.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ƒ No raw data export function. Imported data will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      not remain on map portal after use.

The review was also used to help inspire
stakeholders in the art of the possible, as                         17                                                                                          Digital EIA: A Review Of The Current Technology   Digital EIA: A Review Of The Current Technology                                                           18

well as identify gaps in existing technologies

To see more in-depth review of our
findings around data and technology,
please get in touch.

21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Digitising the EIA Process
     Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         22
Identifying challenges
 and opportunities

22                        Digitising the EIA Process
A snapshot from our journey
mapping workshop –
understanding the existing
process and challenges.

23                                                                 Digitising the EIA Process
  23                          Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process
Identifying challenges and opportunities

Our methodology

Mapped the EIA process         Conducted in-depth user      Surveyed stakeholders to     Synthesised our findings
and its key stakeholders       research interviews with a   understand the cost and      and clustered key insights
to identify pain points and    wide range of stakeholders   effort expended on the EIA   around the current
opportunities.                 across the EIA process.      process today.               challenges and hopes
                                                                                         for the EIA process.

Following our identification of
pain points across the process
map, we were able to identify
six key challenge areas.

24                                                                                                       Digitising the EIA Process
1    Self-regulation
     is leading to an
     ‘obesity crisis’
                                                           Current Environmental
                                                           Statement formats do
                                                           not enable high quality
                                                           community engagement
     • Fear of challenge and reliance on best practice     • Navigating through an ES can be difficult.
       rather than regulation has driven the industry to     The level of unnecessary information in the
       the over-production and over-scoping of EIAs          document makes recommendations and
                                                             impacts hard to find
     • This leads to a disproportionate production of
       data, analysis and information in the EIA process   • Users often have to cross reference and
                                                             consult several versions of a document, making
     • This makes EIA reporting impenetrable and             them impenetrable even for a specialist
       difficult for local communities to understand
       the real impact of a development. This lack of      • The language of the ES is often technical and
       understanding creates further challenges and          full of acronyms, which can be challenging and
       thereby exacerbates the ‘obesity’ circle.             inaccessible to the general public.

25                                                                                                            Digitising the EIA Process
3    Access to valid
     data is restricted                                         4
                                                                Today’s EIA is
                                                                undervalued as a key
                                                                tool to inform design
     • Data Standards for collecting, presenting and            • ES’s have become today’s symbol of the EIA
       storing data are often inconsistent                        process, despite them being only the write up
                                                                  of the outcome of this process
     • Where data is available online, access to the
       underlying data itself is rarely provided. When new      • Instead of being recognised as an iterative
       primary data is captured within the EIA process,           process to inform design and development,
       it is locked away in PDF’s or on consultants’              EIA’s and the mitigations are often
       inaccessible storage systems                               miscommunicated and misunderstood

     • Inaccessibility (due to ownership and Intellectual       • Architects and developers do recognize the
       Property) and low searchability discourage                 impact of this process on design, but often see
       stakeholders from relying on the data that already         it as burdensome and costly.
       exists and prompts the need for further primary
       data to be gathered

     • Data has a lifespan which varies by specialist
       topic area. Once ‘expired’, its validity is questioned
       resulting in repeat surveys.

26                                                                                                                  Digitising the EIA Process
5    A lack of post-
     application evaluation
     and monitoring
                                                             Data is often
                                                             scattered across
                                                             several locations
     • Post construction, data about the actual impact       • Data from different developments, past and
       of the development is rarely collected, making          present, even though available to the public,
       it difficult to ascertain whether the predicted         is often scattered between project-specific
       significant effects were correct and the                domains, or buried in council websites
       proposed mitigations successful. This makes
       it hard to learn from previous estimations and        • There are no legal requirements as to what
       improve the overall EIA process in the future           data from the process should be held and
                                                               stored for inspection or future research,
     • Monitoring analysis is rarely shared to inform          and even nationally accessible data isn’t
       future developments or to scope out impacts.            centrally located.
       Currently, each EIA starts from scratch and
       there is little learning from previous applications

     • This is driven by a lack of clarity around who is
       responsible for the (often costly) monitoring and
       little guidance around methodology.

27                                                                                                             Digitising the EIA Process
EIA in numbers
Based on an average EIA for a 500-dwelling housing development (source: survey and interviews)

                                                                                                      0.2–3 FTE
          £150,000 to                                        8-18 months
                                                                                                  Coordinating an EIA
           £250,000                                        Average duration
                                                                                                   on average, plus
        Average cost to a                                from EIA initiation to
                                                                                                   6 to 10 technical
           developer                                        determination

                                                                                                    Almost 55 days
                                                                                                  of effort on average
        4350 pages long                              £5,000 – £15,000 per                        are spent by each firm
      and 14–17 chapters                              chapter on average,                        on areas with potential
     of content on average                           depending on the topic                       inefficiencies across
                                                                                                  data, modelling and
                                                                                                   reworking content
28                                                                                                              Digitising the EIA Process
Opportunities for
improvement and innovation
Following synthesis of our findings above, we prioritised
a number of key opportunity areas for transformation to
guide our concept development. These were founded on
better data, data sharing and more collaborative tools.
We focused most of our effort on opportunities to improve
the assessment and prediction stage, following our finding
that 64% of effort is focused on this area.

29                                                           Digitising the EIA Process
The identification of key challenge clusters facilitated collaborative
development of a number of opportunity areas for transformation:

          Data digitisation                     Improved communication
          The process needs to                  The Environmental Statement
          systematically collect, feed, store   needs to explore new technologies
          and access data in a standardised     and visualisation to communicate
          machine readable format, to allow     the impacts in an accessible,
          recouping and recycling within and    interactive, transparent and
          across assessments.                   personalised way.

          Streamlined processes                 Feedback-based iterative
          The EIA process needs to be           evolution
          streamlined, where previous           The whole assessment needs to
          stages inform and build               be reviewed by post-development
          subsequent ones, e.g. the             monitoring to re-configure
          Scoping process should                mitigation, environmental baseline
          automatically generate the            and re-assess methodologies.
          EIA chapters template.

          Real-time collaboration
          A digital EIA should allow
          multiple stakeholders to write,
          collate, model, and assess impacts
          simultaneously, while managing,
          visualising and tracking overall

30                                                                                   Digitising the EIA Process
Designing and testing
     potential solutions

31                           Digitising the EIA Process
A snapshot from feedback
capture and cluster sessions
following stakeholder

32                             Digitising the EIA Process
Designing and testing potential solutions

Our methodology

Prioritised and          Ran a collaborative     Clustered these ideas   Tested these high-        Prioritised three
converted our            co-design workshop      into seven concept      level concepts in a       concepts to develop
identified challenges    with project partners   areas, each of which    series of interviews      further, which were
into opportunities by    (and additional EIA     aimed to tackle the     with potential users      further tested and
turning them into a      experts from Quod       challenges identified   and stakeholders,         iterated, informed
series of ‘How might     and Temple) where       in our research         and identified priority   by another round
we...?’ questions        a number of different                           features and needs        of user testing.
                         ideas were formed
                         in response to these

33                                                                                                         Digitising the EIA Process
Our seven ideas

Following our research and a series of idea generation workshops, we were
able to cluster our ideas into seven concept areas which aim to solve the
challenges identified earlier in our design process.

         National Environmental Datahub                               Impact Modelling
         One open and accessible hub for all environmental data       A plug-in tool to test and model different impacts and
                                                                      scenarios within a digital environment

         Automated Screening
         An automated tool that helps the applicant understand
                                                                      Interactive & Accessible
         if they need to undertake an EIA or not                      Environmental Statement
                                                                      A digital and interactive output of the EIA process
                                                                      that allows users to easily discover and understand
                                                                      information relevant to them
         Assisted Scoping
         A digital tool that generates scoping recommendations
         and builds a custom EIA Workspace structure
                                                                      Post-Application Monitoring
                                                                      A ‘must-do’ process that will improve the quality
                                                                      of mitigation and data.
         Digital EIA Workspace
         A standardised collaboration space for coordinating the
         EIA and writing the Environmental Statement

34                                                                                                                        Digitising the EIA Process
How the seven concepts sit across EIA process:

Screening       Scoping & Baselining                        Assesment & Prediction                        Submission & Consultation        Decision & Monitoring

                                                       Model impact

                                       Collect and                          Make design
                                        add data                             changes

              What kind
 Is EIA      of things do                                                                                     Publish & receive       Final decision
             we need to                                                                   Final design                                                     Monitoring
needed?                                                                                                          feedback                received


 Automated                  Assisted
                                                     Digital EIA Workspace
 Screening                  Scoping

                                                     Impact Modelling

 National Environmental Datahub

                                                                                                          Interactive & Accessible ES

                                                                                                                                        Post-Application Monitoring
35                                                                                                                                                                      Digitising the EIA Process
How they could build over time and work
 together to create a Digital EIA Framework

                                                                           Digital EIA Workspace
         Automated                    Assisted                                                                      Interactive
         Screening      Informs &
                        builds this   Scoping          Informs &
                                                       builds this
                                                                                                     Informs &
                                                                                                     builds this   & Accessible
                                                                                  Impact Modelling

           Feeds into                  Feeds into                                      Feeds into                     Feeds into
              this                        this                                            this                           this

                                                National Environmental Datahub

                                                                     Feeds into

                                                    Post-Application Monitoring

36                                                                                                                                 Digitising the EIA Process
The ideas create opportunities
for open innovation by others
The following concepts form part of a wider
‘Open Innovation’ strategy that will accelerate
innovation and open new alternative markets.

                                                                    “Open innovation is
       Closed Innovation                          Open Innovation   the use of purposive
                                                                    inflows and outflows of
                                                                    knowledge to accelerate
                                                                    internal innovation, and
                                                                    expand the markets
                                                                    for external use of
                                                                    innovation, respectively.”
                                                                    Henry Chesbrough (American organisational
                                                                    theorist known for coining the term ‘open

37                                                                                              Digitising the EIA Process
Early exploration

38                   Digitising the EIA Process
Early exploration concepts

A series of concept-testing sessions with     For each of these concepts we:              Early exploration
relevant stakeholders and experts were
undertaken to gain feedback on our high-      • Synthesised stakeholder feedback
level ideas.                                    and used this to update and build each
                                                                                          Automated Screening
Whilst all the concepts were identified
as having value across the process, the       • Developed a high-level wireframe to
                                                visualise what the idea could look like   Assisted Scoping
following four were de-prioritised to allow
us to take a more in-depth look at the
remaining concepts.                           • Documented our findings
                                                                                          Impact Modelling
The Interactive & Accessible Environmental
Statement was often chosen as one of
the most important to the transformation.                                                 Interactive & Accessible
However, we identified that work on similar                                               Environmental Statement
solutions is already being delivered by
the market.

The remaining concepts were identified as
having less impact on the overall process,
or as needing further refinement before
being taken further.

39                                                                                                      Digitising the EIA Process
Early exploration

Automated Screening
A semi-automated tool that helps developers to understand if they
need to undertake an EIA or not
What is it?                                            Who is it for?                                    Feedback
An online platform that enables users to test and      Developers and EIA consultants would be the       • Building trust amongst users is key for
confirm if a new development proposal will require     main users. LPAs would also be secondary            successful application of this tool. This means
an Environmental Impact Assessment (Screening).        beneficiaries.                                      it needs to be clear what is a regulatory
                                                                                                           requirement and what is advisory, where
The tool asks those proposing a new development                                                            specialist recommendations would still need to
to provide basic information and data on the           Benefits                                            be sought for ‘grey areas’
scheme (footprint, size, uses etc) as well as answer   • Reduces unnecessary screening requests and
a series of standardised questions about their           therefore local authority time and resource     • Allows learning from other projects: however,
specific development proposal. This information is                                                         they may have set bad precedents and
then processed, together with other contextual data    • Increased transparency of decision-making and     therefore poor quality practice is included within
(e.g. nearby proposed developments, protected            EIA screening requirements                        the process
species, flooding, etc) and checked against
thresholds set out within national legislation and     • Increased certainty for applicants              • Seen as one of the easier concepts to
guidance, generating an automatic response as to                                                           implement, but it felt the efficiencies and savings
whether an EIA is required.                            • Reduces risk-averse decision-making               were less significant than transforming other
                                                                                                           parts of the EIA process.
Specialist and technical advice (human                 • Ensures direct alignment between proposals
intervention) may be required for some ‘grey-            and the EIA Regulations and Government
area’ decisions. Where this is the case, the tool        guidance.
will create an EIA Screening Request, to seek
additional advice, and automatically compile
this request to the deciding body (e.g the local
authority). Over time, machine-learning will seek
to reduce the requirement for human intervention
for ‘grey-area’ decisions.

40                                                                                                                                          Digitising the EIA Process
Automated Screening example screens   Early exploration

41                                         Digitising the EIA Process
Early exploration

Assisted Scoping
A digital tool that generates scoping recommendations, consolidates scoping
feedback and builds a custom Digital EIA Workspace structure.

What is it?                                            Users will be able to geolocate all comments,            Benefits
                                                       for example highlighting potential environmental
A digital tool to improve the efficiency and           impacts spatially on a map. There will be a              • Efficiencies and cost savings for LPA’s through
transparency of the EIA Scoping process for            clear dialogue between the applicants and the              automation of low value, resource intensive
both public and private sectors.                       consultees for each specific impact to demonstrate         tasks such as collation of consultee responses
                                                       how they have been actioned and/or where further
Applicants input scheme details and can choose to                                                               • Increased transparency and efficiency of
                                                       correspondence is required.
automatically collate baseline data and relevant                                                                  scoping reports through standardised templates
legislation as well as policy and assessment           There is potential to link with the Digital EIA
methodology. It also allows them to identify                                                                    • Reduced over-scoping and inclusion of topics
                                                       Workspace and Interactive and Accessible ES so
potential surveys required, highlight likely impacts                                                              that do not need to be assessed.
                                                       that topics ‘scoped-in’ are automatically populated
and make recommendations for appropriate               in these tools. Machine-learning could also be
mitigation. The tool would enable users to explore     incorporated through a link to the Post-Application
and select previous precedents to understand                                                                    Feedback
                                                       Monitoring platform to create a feedback loop that
the methodology and mitigations applied to             helps the tool become more intelligent over time.        • Due to the complexity of the scoping
similar proposals and use this to populate a                                                                      process and the number of consultees, a
semi-automated, standardised EIA scoping report.                                                                  standardised and digital process would be
                                                       Who is it for?                                             very difficult to achieve
When a Local Planning Authority (LPA) receives the
scoping opinion request, the tool automates the        Applicants and their consultants will use the tool to    • The digital scoping dashboard makes managing
distribution of the report to the relevant statutory   submit a scoping request to LPAs who will in turn          and observing the progress of the scoping
consultees. Once they have provided feedback, it       use this tool to streamline the consultation process,      process more interpretable and user-friendly
automatically consolidates consultee responses         through greater efficiency in the collation and review
into one report for review by planning officers.       by statutory consultees.                                 • The tool needs to be 100% reliable in order for
                                                                                                                  people to trust and use it.

42                                                                                                                                                Digitising the EIA Process
Assisted Scoping example screen   Early exploration

43                                     Digitising the EIA Process
Early exploration

Impact Modelling
A plug-in tool to test and model different impacts and
scenarios within a digital environment.

What is it?                                         Benefits:                                              Feedback:
This plug-in within the Digital EIA workspace       • By working in real-time, the Impact Modelling        • The functionality of the tool is reliant on the
application enables different impacts and             plugin will facilitate immediate and direct impact     emergence of the Datahub as well as the
scenarios of a development to be tested.              reporting from a scheme from the early stages          breadth of the data contained within. Similarly,
                                                      of development, effectively making the ‘design         as a plug-in, delivery of the tool will be
The tool will demonstrate, in real-time, how          freeze’ process more streamlined and simpler           dependent on the Workspace application
a design will impact various parts of the
environment (flooding, noise and air pollution,     • The application will utilise and integrate with      • As scheme designs evolve there is a certain
habitats, etc.) by measuring the proposal against     Building Information Modelling (BIM) or other          level of confidentiality that may be required.
data in the Datahub application.                      simulation software, which is already commonly         Given the tool is reliant on open and transparent
                                                      used amongst built environment consultants.            information about a scheme at any point in time,
As project partners make real-time changes to a       BIM will also allow users to track design              there are likely to be issues with confidentiality
scheme, impact data will respond accordingly and      changes as they are made, so that alternative
highlight where potential issues lie.                 options can be explored                              • There are issues around the types of data that
                                                                                                             are collected for EIA, of which, some data are
                                                    • Environmental experts will be able to easily           qualitative. Qualitative measurements
Who is it for?                                        demonstrate to designers how various changes           frequently require human assessment and
Environmental consultants, together with project      will impact the environment                            consideration, which may make immediate
partners such as engineers and architects.                                                                   responsive testing difficult.
                                                    • Data in the Datahub will not only be used for
                                                      responsive impact testing, but will also link to     • This was seen as being most useful if included
                                                      other EIAs in the area and provide a library           as part of the Digital EIA Workspace concept
                                                      of previous scheme designs, demonstrating
                                                      management and mitigation solutions.

44                                                                                                                                           Digitising the EIA Process
Impact Modelling example screen – (Forms part of the Digital EIA Workspace following feedback)   Early exploration
Digital EIA                                                                                                WS Modelling

45                                                                                                    Digitising the EIA Process
Early exploration

Interactive & Accessible
Environmental Statement
A digital and interactive output of the EIA process that allows users to easily
locate and understand information relevant to them.

What is it?                                          Who is it for?                                       Feedback
An interactive ES platform that can be               The local community and any interested parties.
                                                                                                          • Today there is still a regulatory requirement for
personalised by the user. It provides a concise      A variation of this tool could be created for LPAs
                                                                                                            a paper ES. Unless regulatory requirements are
digital format that will allow the user to easily    and statutory consultees.
                                                                                                            updated, the interactive platform would need an
navigate the ES, and provide them with interactive
                                                                                                            export tool to PDF or similar
and easily understable environmental information.
Users will have the ability to use filters to see    Benefits                                             • Digital literacy and access are barriers to
the information relevant to them, and translate      • Impacts can be translated into easily relatable      some members of the public which will need
technical jargon at the click of a button.             concepts (e.g. hear examples of what noise           to be overcome to ensure effective public
                                                       impacts might sound like)                            engagement for all
As a fully integrated ES platform, it allows users
to leave feedback and ask questions. Users can       • Increased transparency and inclusiveness           • Protecting sensitive information (such as
interact with the information to understand the        by involving, more effectively, the public and       drinking water extraction, the location of certain
proposed development and its impacts in ways           other stakeholders throughout the process,           protected species etc.) would need to be
that are relatable to them, through features like      in particular harder to reach members of the         considered carefully
Virtual Reality, 3D modelling, fly throughs and        community
aural simulations of impacts.                                                                             • An ES could also communicate the positive
                                                     • Reduced lengths and complexities of an ES            impact of the EIA process and the ‘trade-offs’
With further research and development, the                                                                  that had been made
concept of an interactive ES could also be used to   • Increased accessibility and potential savings on
support the decision maker (e.g. LPA) with making      printing costs and resources.                      • This is starting to happen across the UK with
a more informed conclusion on the potential                                                                 most environmental consultancies developing
environmental effects of a development.                                                                     basic digital ES reporting tools. Therefore, this
                                                                                                            concept was not seen as a priority to develop in
                                                                                                            more detail during this project.
46                                                                                                                                          Digitising the EIA Process
Interactive & Accessible ES example screen                                                                                                                                                           Early exploration

       Insert paper prototype here
      How will the Seven Hills
      housing development impact you?                                                                                                                           Attend Event               Stay informed             Share

 1   Customise                            2     Understand                                                                                                                        3     Feedback

     You are a:
                                                                                                                                                                                      What are your first impressions?
        Resident         Business owner        Future                                       Now         We are building 503 two to
        Other                                                                                           five bedroom houses 0.8 miles
                                                                                                        away from your address.                                                        Add comments
     Your postcode is:                                                                                  per suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse-
                                                                                                        quat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vul-
                                                                                                        putate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu
      BB3 2JE                                                                                           feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto
                                                                                                        odio dignissim qui blandit prased diam nonuad minim
                                                                                                        veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper.
     or search for areas of interest:
                                                                                                          Read more           FAQs
      Market Ha|

      Find on map                             Noise

                                                                                                                                                                                      How do you feel about the developments
                                              The level of noise once the development                                                                                                 effects on local noise levels?
     Topics of interest:
                                              is complete is expected to be 10dB higher
        Air quality
                                              Current noise levels                       Noise levels during construction              Expected noise levels post-completion
        Noise                                 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                                                                                                                                                                         I am impressed with the measures
                                              adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh     adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh        adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
        Water                                 euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore        euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore           euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore               you have taken to avoid having a
                                              magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi       magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi          magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi
                                                                                                                                                                                         negative effect on|
        Heritage & Archaeology                enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud         enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud            enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

                                                    Compare noise                              Compare noise                                  Compare noise

                                                                                                                                                                                      + More comments

47                                                                                                                                                                                                              Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration

48                      Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration concepts

Following feedback, the following three         For each of these concepts we:            Detailed exploration
concept areas were prioritised for further
development.                                    • Synthesised stakeholder feedback
                                                  and used this to update and build
                                                                                          National Environmental
These were identified as the concepts that        each concept
could have the largest positive effect on the
EIA process and industry.                       • Used imagined scenarios for how
                                                  they might be used to develop more      Digital EIA Workspace
                                                  detailed user interface screens

                                                • Have thought in more-depth about        Post-Application Monitoring
                                                  the user experience and features

                                                • Explored technical, financial and
                                                  regulatory barriers to implementation

                                                • Consulted with national and
                                                  regulatory stakeholders

                                                • Designed a roadmap which explains
                                                  how the idea could be implemented
                                                  over time

49                                                                                                      Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration

National Environmental Datahub
One open and accessible hub for all environmental data.

What is it?                                            Who is it for?                                       What did we learn?
A central and standardised open data portal            EIA consultants, developers, councils and            • This was seen as the most transformational
where users can discover, access, analyse              potentially the public                                 concept by participants
and contribute raw data for use and in the
Environmental Impact Assessment process.                                                                    • A distributed access model, which provides a
                                                       Impact:                                                portal for users to access data held in different
The future vision for the Datahub would be             • Drives efficiencies in the process, reducing the     places rather than a centralised database would
that innovative digital data solutions such as           time to locate and access data, and enabling         be the most technically feasible approach
sensors, citizen science and predictive analytics        the re-use of data by others
and learning would be used to improve the                                                                   • It will be crucial to show the source of data,
quantity and quality of data and the frequency         • Opens up opportunities for SMEs and                  who it was generated by, as well as how and
of data collection.                                      other businesses to develop new tools and            when it was collected for users to build trust and
                                                         innovations from the data that has been              consider it reliable
Whilst promoting an open data approach where             opened up
possible, the Datahub concept incorporates                                                                  • Starting with a minimal viable version of the
different levels of data access to protect sensitive   • Gives greater transparency to the data used in       Datahub to prove its value and feasibility is
data, and various business models options                decision making.                                     key – many users suggested starting with data
have been developed to incentivise private                                                                    for one environmental topic area, or a test
organisations to share their data.                                                                            project first

                                                                                                            • Central Government were viewed as the key
                                                                                                              partner needed to drive this concept forward

                                                                                                            • Identifying where this would be mandatory
                                                                                                              or incentive-led to promote use would be a
                                                                                                              key next step.

50                                                                                                                                            Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration
Some early ideas that informed this concept

51                                                    Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration
National Environmental Datahub

Example screen 1:
Locate datasets (Map view)
Enables users to search for different   1
                                            Scroll through a timeline to see how data has
                                            changed over time
datasets on a map. This screen uses
Air Quality as an example:              2
                                            Add multiple data-sets or categories to be visualised
                                            on the same map

                                            Export datasets to the Digital EIA Workspace for use
                                        3   on Impact Modelling analysis.

52                                                                                  Digitising the EIA Process
   Digital EIAEnvironmental Datahub – Example screen 1: Locate datasets (Map view)            Detailed exploration
                                                                                           DATASTORE    – Map View



    53                                                                                                      Digitising the EIA Process

InVision / Prototyping, Collaboration & Workflow for Designers.                      Exported on 03/18/2020 at 6:23pm 6 of 38
Detailed exploration
National Environmental Datahub

Example screen 2:
Locate datasets (List tab)
Enables users to search for different   1
                                            Easily search for and filter data

datasets relevant to the EIA process
and view and filter as a list.          2
                                            Metadata tags enable users to see key information
                                            such as data licensing

                                            ‘Timestamps’ show when the data was added or
                                        3   last modified

                                            User-generated ratings to see how useful and
                                        4   reliable a dataset has been to others. This is key to
                                            building trust around data sets, and for the Datahub
                                            to learn about users’ needs for data

                                            Data has different levels of accessibility relating to
                                        5   its sensitivity, and any ownership restrictions.

54                                                                                    Digitising the EIA Process
National Environmental Datahub – Example screen 2: Locate datasets (List tab)                     Detailed exploration
   Digital EIA                                                                                     DATASTORE – List View





    55                                                                                                            Digitising the EIA Process

InVision / Prototyping, Collaboration & Workflow for Designers.                            Exported on 03/18/2020 at 6:23pm 7 of 38
Detailed exploration
National Environmental Datahub

Key Barriers
Issues of data trust and perceptions                     Liability                                             Outdated data
of bias regarding data sources                           A lack of clear and transparent information about     Some data becomes outdated quickly, therefore a
collected by the public                                  the ownership of data can create confusion due        mechanism would need to be in place for allowing
                                                         to fears of using somebody else’s IP without          information to be kept up-to-date and accurate
Despite a positive increase in the variety of
                                                         permission. The repercussions associated with this    and to ensure data is time-stamped.
information available, there is a perception that data
                                                         may cause users to be nervous about using data
uploaded by members of the public is at risk of being
                                                         collected by others.
of low quality and/or biased. Key concerns were that                                                           Multiple data formats
it may be:
                                                                                                               There is still a lack of clarity regarding how
                                                         Standards and trust in data                           information can be consolidated into a uniform
• in favour of local issues that affect the
  community personally or have a strong                  Data and the methods by which it is collected         format and system that supports all different types
  emotional resonance                                    and processed isn’t always in accordance with         of uploads. Currently, datasets aren’t captured
                                                         any standards or independently checked and            and held in compatible formats to facilitate
• at risk of being invalidated or misinterpreted due     validated. This can mean it’s not always reliable.    consolidation of information. This applies to both
  to the lack of appropriate tools and/or context.       Any omissions or errors can undermine its validity.   the structure (a.k.a. schema) and format of the
                                                                                                               data (e.g. CSV, GeoJSON). Both are important,
                                                                                                               although a common schema to enable datasets to
Commercial value of data                                 GDPR and sensitive data                               be effectively linked is the most pressing concern,
Private companies and consultants often monetise         Some data used in the EIA process is sensitive        as format transformation is possible in code.
data, creating licenced data hubs that sees              and cannot be made publicly available. This
information locked under IP laws. Some data              might include government data about strategic
is privately owned (e.g. data relating to private        zones, protected species or high-security sites and
land) and is therefore not publicly accessible.          assets. There are also GDPR concerns over some
Due to the commercial earning potential of               data. Both of these cases require a qualified body
data and the revenue potential that it provides,         to assess and advise.
convincing stakeholders to buy-in and contribute
to the Datahub would require a carrot-and-stick
approach, with clearly defined incentives, and
consequences for non-participation.
56                                                                                                                                              Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration
National Environmental Datahub

          Now                                                             Next                                                             Future
          Identify and prioritise data sets to create a MVP prototype     Building on findings from the Datahub MVP, develop the           Explore how emerging and advanced technologies could be

          of the Datahub and explore the key requirements for a           understanding needed for delivery of a pilot. Key to this will   applied to introduce new data types to the Datahub.
          common data standard and schema.                                be gap analysis of data.This will also be the right stage to
                                                                          begin to think about funding or monetisation streams.

          • User needs identification                                     • Federated data platform                                        • New technologies
            Conduct research to identify specific future users of the       Analyse learnings from the prototype and establish               Explore potential use of AI and
            service and their needs.                                        requirements to build a “meta database” (platform that           machine learning innovations.
                                                                            allows access to data sets from different locations).
          • Data discovery and prioritisation
            Focus on data sets required under relevant legislation and    • Gap analysis of data
            regulations and those most commonly used.                       Conduct a gap analysis of the data already featured in the
                                                                            Datahub to identify what is missing or could benefit from
          • Data review                                                     improvement or added complexity.
            Segment data based on its sensitivity, openness
            and propriety.                                                • Incorporated monitoring

                                                                            Research the impact of incorporation of the monitoring
          • Market sizing                                                   data into the Datahub.                                                           • Government
            Understand the value and price of open and privately                                                                                              Key
                                                                                                                                                               – LocalStakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                       Planning Authorities
            held data and the frequency of EIAs for different types       • Pilot Datahub                                                                      – Defra
            of developments.                                                Create and test a pilot of the Datahub.                                            – MHCLG
                                                                                                                                                               – Geospatial Comission
          • Development of Data Standards                                 • Funding and business models                                                      • IT and Data specialists
            Adjust and/or develop key standards for collection and          Establish a business model and funding models
                                                                                                                                                             • Product and Service designers
            provision of data.                                              of the Datahub.
                                                                                                                                                             • Academia
          • Prototype development and testing                                                                                                                • IEMA
            Create and make available the first version of the project.

57                                                                                                                                                                                 Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration

Digital EIA Workspace
A standardised collaboration space for coordinating
the EIA and writing the Environmental Statement

What is it?                                          Who is it for?                                     What did we learn?
The Digital EIA Workspace can be used when           The prototype we have developed focuses            • It’s already starting to happen in large, multi-
completing an EIA for a project. It enables users    on the view and journey for EIA consultants.         disciplinary firms and for major projects
in various locations and organisations to access     However the vision for this concept would be         but these are often bespoke and based on
standard templates and methods, use pre-             that the LPA and statutory stakeholders would        individual best practice
populated policy and legislation text, collate       also have access.
and assess information and data. It acts as a                                                           • There was a strong desire for a customisable
centralised place for collaboration between                                                               structure with plug-in capacity
project teams and stakeholders, where they can       Impact:
manage tasks and overlaps, visualise data and                                                           • Differing levels of digital literacy across
                                                     • Provides transparency of working and promotes
work together on outputs.                                                                                 stakeholders, means that this idea may need to
                                                       a culture of collaboration between specialists
                                                                                                          be accompanied by a programme of skills and
Over time the vision for the workspace is that it    • Reduces ‘obesity’ in reporting through             training
will grow to enable users to access and retrieve       standardised methods, and restricted word
data, interact with live modeling and assess                                                            • Users thought the concept would have a greater
                                                       counts and formats
impacts in one project space.                                                                             impact if it could synchronise the writing process
                                                     • Reduces hours currently spent on tracking          with data sourcing and impact modelling
This can be interfaced with the Impact Modelling       changes and consolidating comments.
concept, whereby semi-automated modelling can                                                           • Taking a UX approach to future development
interact and influence the emerging outputs in the                                                        of the workspace is key, to encourage EIA
workspace.                                                                                                teams to use it and in turn make the process
                                                                                                          more efficient.
At the end of the process, the Digital EIA
Workspace could be ‘published’ and presented
as an Interactive & Accessible Environmental
Statement for use in consultation and stakeholder
58                                                                                                                                         Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration
Some early ideas that informed this concept

59                                                    Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration
Digital EIA Workspace

Example screen 1:
Collaborate and write in the Editor
Enables all involved in the         1
                                        Precise writing locations are presented with word
                                        limits to avoid lengthy chapters
coordination of an EIA to log
                                        Select pre-populated text and hyperlinks to
in and work in a shared and         2   relevant policy legislation to avoid repetitive and
transparent working area to write       lengthy chapters
the Environmental Statement.            Add visualisations of project data, images, maps
                                    3   and tables directly to the editing space

                                        Track version history and review changes
                                        A ‘jargon buster’ automatically identifies
                                    5   unnecessarily technical language and recommends
                                        simpler text

                                        See the current completion status of each chapter

60                                                                                Digitising the EIA Process
l EIA Digital EIA Workspace – Example screen 1: Collaborate and write in the Editor   Detailed exploration
                                                                                                    Workspace             E



                                                  1                                   4

      61                                                                                     Digitising the EIA Process
Detailed exploration
Digital EIA Workspace

Example screen 2:
Search the directory to coordinate
large project teams
Enables users to see who else is      1
                                          Filter by location, specialism and experience

collaborating in the EIA workspace,
                                          Ability to add new users to the project workspace
search and add new contributors and   2   and set access levels
set access levels.
                                          Profile information for each contributor, such as
                                      3   responsibilities, tasks, and actions, plus job titles,
                                          contact details and past projects.

62                                                                                    Digitising the EIA Process
Digital EIA Workspace – Example screen 2: Search the directory to coordinate large project teams       Detailed exploration
   Digital EIA                                                                                                     WS Directory

         1                                                                                            3

    63                                                                                                               Digitising the EIA Process

InVision / Prototyping, Collaboration & Workflow for Designers.                               Exported on 03/18/2020 at 6:23pm 3 of 38
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