Ireland's Ecosystem for - Diversity in STEM An overview of the programmes and initiatives which attract, IDA Ireland

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Ireland's Ecosystem for - Diversity in STEM An overview of the programmes and initiatives which attract, IDA Ireland
Ireland’s Ecosystem for
Diversity in STEM

An overview of the programmes
and initiatives which attract,
retain and promote diversity in
science, technology, engineering
and mathematics.
Ireland's Ecosystem for - Diversity in STEM An overview of the programmes and initiatives which attract, IDA Ireland

30 programmes and inititatives
that inspire female participation
in science, technology, engineering
and mathematics.
Ireland's Ecosystem for - Diversity in STEM An overview of the programmes and initiatives which attract, IDA Ireland

1. BT Young Scientist                                   6. Dreamspace at Microsoft Ireland                         12. Intel Mini Scientists Programme
Irish school science competition held annually since    10,000 female students have engaged with                   Primary school students explore science through
1965. 4,251 students from 383 schools across Ireland    Dreamspace Ireland over the past 6 years, participating    project-based learning & exhibitions, leading to a
competed in 2018, and 60% of entrants were female.      in interactive workshops designed to demonstrate the       Mini Scientist Competition. In 2018, 8,000 students
                                                        potential of technology.                                   took part from 135 schools across the country.
2. Code First: Girls
A not-for-profit enterprise that collaborates with       7. ESB Science Blast                                       13. Irish Girl Guides Innovatively Engaging
industry & academia to offer free parttime coding        A non-competitive programme for primary school             with STEM
courses for young women/university students across      classes that invites children to investigate the science   A project which focuses on the development of
the UK and Ireland. Since 2014, CF:G have delivered     behind a simple question that interests them from the      concepts relating to STEM, with girls aged 7-10,
free coding courses to 5,000 women across the UK &      world they inhabit.                                        in informal settings.                                    “
                                                        8. GirlsHack Ireland                                       14. Learnit                                              p
3. Coder Dojo                                           A programme which aims to generate knowledge &             Learnit partners with LEGO Education to run fun &        I
Founded in Cork in 2011, Coder Dojo is a global         interest amongst girls to pursue STEM through              innovative STEM after-school classes and weekend
                                                        creative, interactive learning. "Hackathons" host          workshops for children aged 6-16 years old.
movement of free, volunteer-led, computer
programming clubs for young people, with approx.        around 100 girls at a time.
260 dojos across Ireland.                                                                                          15. Math Sparks Problem Solving
                                                        9. Girls into Geoscience                                   Workshops                                                E
4. Connecting Women in Technology:                      This free one-day event introduces female secondary        These free workshops, held over a number of weeks,       A
Digital Futures                                         school students to Earth Sciences and demonstrates         aim to bring the wonder of mathematics to life through
A one-day workshop delivered by CWIT to secondary       the world of careers available to Geoscience graduates     interactive & engaging activities and talks.
schools promoting careers in tech.                      today.
                                                                                                                   16. Microsoft's #MakeWhatsNext
5. Dublin Institute of Technology:                      10. Hour of Code                                           Programme
Computing Academy                                       A global initiative which aims to stimulate millions of    Involves a number of different initiatives which
An annual workshop which provides a practical           people around the world to learn to code. In 2018, 233     highlight the opportunities a career in technology
introduction to computer science for 50-60 transition   events were registered in Ireland.                         holds.
year students. 50% of participants are female.
                                                        11. I WISH
                                                        Originally established in 2015 in Cork and since rolled
                                                        out nationally, I Wish is an initiative to encourage
                                                        young female students to pursue careers in STEM.
                                                        To date, I Wish has reached 16,000 female students.
Ireland's Ecosystem for - Diversity in STEM An overview of the programmes and initiatives which attract, IDA Ireland
“The tech sector is a great place for people from all
                                                                                                                      backgrounds to work. It’s not just for men or techies.

Attract                                                                                                               Digital skills are fast becoming core to every job in
                                                                                                                      every sector”

                                                                                                                      Eoghan Ó Faoláin
                                                                                                                      Acting Director of Technology Ireland

17. Planeteers                                              22. Sparkademy                                            27. Teen-Turn
An interactive hands-on education programme that            Weekly engineering, robotics, design & game               Influences course decision-making processes by
incorporates the science behind climate change and          development classes are run by qualified teachers          informing participants on education and career
encourages students to design & engineer their own          & engineers, serving over 2,500 students aged from        options and combating stereotypes by changing how
solutions.                                                  5-15 years old.                                           girls identify with tech career environments through
                                                                                                                      after school activities & work placements with SMEs
18. Science Apprentice Book Series                          23. STEAM-ed                                              and MNCs.
An informal STEM learning initiative for children aged      Provides a framework for industry to sponsor their
7-9, funded through SFI and UCD.                            local primary schools to avail of innovative & hands-on   28. VEX Robotics
                                                            educational programmes delivered using a co-teaching      Participants (aged 8-18 years old) from over 100
19. Science Foundation Ireland:                             model with industry experts.                              schools design, build & program their own robot to
Discover Programme                                                                                                    compete in an exciting teamwork based competition.
Supports & develops STEM education & public                 24. STEM Teacher Internship Programme
engagement in Ireland by investing in, developing and       Helps teachers educate future students about career       29. WiSTEM2D - Johnson & Johnson and
extending activity and ability in this area. In 2018, the   paths in STEM by offering teachers paid 12 week            UCC
Programme supported 41 projects in total at a cost of       internship programmes in companies such as                This programme seeks to cultivate females' STEM,
€4.4m.                                                      Accenture, IBM, Intel, Vodafone, Microsoft & AIB.         Manufacturing & Design interests at an early age
                                                                                                                      through creative solving & play.
20. Science Foundation Ireland: Smart                       25. STEMettes
Futures                                                     An award-winning social enterprise, which since 2013      30. Women KickStart
The initiative, in partnership with over 200+               has engaged with just under 40,000 across the UK &        A Technology Ireland Software Skillnet programme
organisations from many stakeholder groups, provides        Ireland, encouraging participation in STEM, through       to enable women from non-tech backgrounds in
STEM career resources to students, teachers, guidance       school trips to STEM offices, panel events, hackathons,     the labour market to convert to technical support,
counsellors and parents in Ireland.                         and a weekly club run by young women.                     project management and customer support roles
                                                                                                                      in tech companies. For new grads from non-tech
21. Scratch Initiative                                      26. STEPS Programme - Engineers Ireland                   backgrounds, women with professional experience
This programme provides Scratch lesson plans for            A not-for-profit outreach programme that promotes          in other sectors, and women returning to work after
primary & secondary schools to teach software               interest & awareness in engineering as a future career    a career break. Hosted by Dell Technologies and
development. The Scratch National Competition is            to students through a portfolio of projects.              other tech companies and funded through the
open to primary & second level schools in Ireland.                                                                    Skillnet Ireland Employment Activation Fund, to
                                                                                                                      increase the supply of female talent to the tech

12 programmes and initiatives that
engage females in the fields of
science, technology, engineering
and mathematics and encourage
their progression.
“Women ReBOOT is a bridge between women
                                                                                                                    and technology employers, which provides the

Retain                                                                                                              opportunity for women to recommence their careers
                                                                                                                    and opens a new stream of talent for tech employers.”

                                                                                                                    Maire Hunt
                                                                                                                    Director | Software Skillnet

1. All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad                      7. Google Women TechMakers (EMEA)                          12. Women Reboot
Since 2009, AILO has seen over 22,500 students           Successful undergraduate & postgraduate students are       A Technology Ireland Software Skillnet programme
develop their own strategies for solving problems in     awarded scholarships of €7,000, based on the strength      to enable women to return to tech after a career
fascinating languages from around the globe.             of the candidate's impact on diversity, demonstrated       break. Programme is aimed at women with ICT
                                                         leadership & academic background.                          experience and qualifications, as well as other
2. CodePlus                                                                                                         experience and qualifications relevant to the tech
An innovative education project which provides           8. Intel's Women in Technology                             sector. Hosted by 32 leading tech companies in
extensive coding workshops, industry mentors, teacher    Scholarship Programme                                      Ireland to date, in several locations throughout the
support and research to over 600 girls in a network of   Intel's scholarship programme encourages women to          country. Women ReBOOT programmes are fully
girls secondary schools.                                 pursue a career in science & tech, by providing financial   funded for companies through the Skillnet Ireland
                                                         assistance and offering internships and placements at       Employment Activation Fund.
3. ComputeTY                                             Intel campuses.
Over 2,600 students aged 15-16 years old have                                                                       Returners Programmes
completed this course, following a choice of streams     9. Irish Technology Leadership Group:                      A number of multinational companies based in ireland
from Web Design to Java Programming or App               Young Innovators                                           run programmes targeted at retaining those who have
Development, since 2011.                                 A think-tank event brings together 700 second level        taken a career break.
                                                         students from schools across Ireland and winning
                                                                                                                    + Fidelity Investments - RESUME Programme
4. Dell STEM Aspire                                      teams receive an array of prizes with the top award
Dell's mentoring programme, which runs across three      being a week-long internship in the Silicon Valley.        + LinkedIn – ReturnIn Programme
sites in Ireland, is geared at encouraging female
                                                         10. New Entrepreneur Programme - Apple                     + PayPal's Recharge Programme
students to complete their studies and to consider
careers in the STEM fields, by providing access to        An initiative designed to create new opportunities for     + Relaunch your Career – Mastercard
mentors and role models within Dell EMC.                 app-driven businesses owned or led by women through
                                                         an intensive technology lab, specialised support and       + ReSUME – Accenture
5. EsTeEM Mentoring                                      ongoing mentoring.                                         + Return & Renew Programme – Hubspot
Dublin Institute of Technology piloted this mentoring
project which encourages female engineering students     11. WE.Futures                                             + Return to Work for Digital Women –
to overcome isolation, connect with working engineers    A Technology Ireland Software Skillnet programme            Hewlett Packard Enterprise
and go on to lead successful careers in the sector.      with Skillnet Ireland to support young women leaders
                                                         in technology and enterprise through a coaching,           + Returners Programme – Amazon Web Services
6. Girls in Tech Dublin                                  mentoring and executive development programme.
                                                                                                                    + Vodafone – Reconnect Programme
A global non-profit focused on the engagement,            Delivered for tech companies and companies in
education & empowerment of girls and women who are       all sectors who want to develop women tech
passionate about technology. Run the "Stepping Up"       future leaders. Programme is grant funded for
mentorship programme.                                    participating companies.

17 programmes and initiatives that
elevate & advance females in science,
technology, engineering and
mathematics industries.
“The key to enabling talented women re-join the
                                                                                                                         workforce is through an integrated approach with

Promote                                                                                                                  employers and placing skills development, business
                                                                                                                         competency and sectoral knowledge at the forefront.”

                                                                                                                         Paul Healy
                                                                                                                         Chief Executive | Skillnet Ireland

1. 30% Club                                                 7. Irish Technology Leadership Group                         13. Technology Ireland Software Skillnet
Over 150 Irish Chairs & CEO's of leading businesses         A non-profit network headquartered in the Silicon             The national training network for technology and
are supporters of the 30% Club Ireland which has set        Valley, has an Irish diaspora of 20,000 and runs             software companies in Ireland. Technology Ireland’s
a target of 30% female representation in senior             programmes such as the Women in Technology Group,            Software Skillnet has a suite of programmes for
management by 2020.                                         which seeks to connect women in Tech and encourages          companies to support women returning to tech
                                                            mentorship.                                                  (Women ReBOOT), women converting to tech roles
2. CASTel                                                                                                                (Women KickStart), female future leadership and the
Ireland's largest research centre in STEM education,        8. IT@Cork                                                   Women in Tech conference. 45 leading tech companies
based in Dublin City University.                            This not for profit organisation, representing over 300       have adopted the various industry led programmes
                                                            member companies with over 30,000 employees in the           including Microsoft, Fidelity, MasterCard, Dell
3. Connecting Women in Technology                           technology sector, runs a Diversity in Tech series which     Technologies, AWS, Accenture, Dun & Bradstreet,
(CWIT)                                                      seeks to support women as they advance in their              Liberty IT, MongoDB among others. Technology Ireland
A collective network of women from 18 technology            careers in the tech industry.                                Software Skillnet also provides part funding for
companies in Dublin, which aims to attract & retain                                                                      programmes.
women to the technology sector.                             9. Network Ireland
                                                            Not-for-profit organisation of over 1,000 members             14. Women in Big Data
4. Engineers Ireland                                        from diverse groups from all sectors, supporting the         Encourages women in the Big Data & Analytics fields to
With over 25,000 members from every discipline of           professional and personal development of women.              connect, engage and grow through events, meet-ups &
engineering in Ireland, Engineers Ireland has focused                                                                    industry training courses.
on increasing female uptake in engineering roles,           10. Request a Woman Scientist
through increasing awareness and information about          Connects a vetted multidisciplinary network of 500           15. Women in Technology & Science
the field.                                                   women in science with anyone who needs to consult            Ireland (WITS)
                                                            a scientist for a news story, invite a keynote speaker or    An independent, voluntary membership organisation
5. House of STEM                                            panellist for a conference or to collaborate on a project,   supporting women in STEM with regular networking
A community of LGBTQ+ scientists & technology               ensuring that the imbalance of media representation          events, and policy research.
professionals in Ireland, who organise regular events       is righted.
and have a monthly mailing.                                                                                              16. Women Mean Business
                                                            11. Science on Stage Ireland                                 WMB is a dedicated online space which highlights
6. Ibec Diversity Forum                                     A network of science teachers, a platform for                Irish and International businesswomen & female
Ibec’s Diversity Forum brings employers of all sizes        exchanging ideas and teaching ideas. SoS coordinates         entrepreneurs.
and sectors together to share best practice, network        & promotes Irish participation at a European level and
and develop policy and practice to support diversity        shares teaching ideas.                                       17. Women Returners Ireland
and inclusion. In addition, annually Ibec host a National                                                                Launched in 2017, this network provides Irish returning
Diversity and Inclusion Day to showcase work being          12. Tech Ireland                                             professionals with a range of supports, including
done to further inclusion initiatives across businesses     A data-driven tech consulting not-for profit based in         information and advice on the growing number of
in Ireland.                                                 Dublin. Recently ran a €100 million Campaign, which          returner roles and programmes in Ireland.
                                                            sought to track female founder funding in Ireland.
                                                            Also run a weekly “Female Founder” Podcast.
Meet-up Groups
& Networks

17 programmes and initiatives that
elevate & advance females in science,
technology, engineering and
mathematics industries.
Meet-up Groups & Networks

                            Coding Grace
                            Women in Blockchain
                            Women of Wearables
                            Women who Code
Galway                      Ladies that UX
Gamecraft                   Django Girls
Rail Girls                  Pyladies
Women Techmakers            Lovelace Space
                            Lesbians who Tech
Limerick                    Block W
Coding Grace                Women in Animation
                            Rail Girls

Gamecraft                   Wexford
                            Coding Grace
Events & Diary Dates

July 2019      September 2019   October 2019        November 2019

20th           12th - 13th      18th                10th - 17th
Dublin Maker   Women in Tech    National Women      National Science
               Conference       in Enterprise Day   Week
                                Annual Women
                                in Leadership
                                Executive Lunch
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