DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

Page created by Peter Burton
DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

                  IN INNOVATION
                    Ireland’s leading non-profit,
                  business-led, innovation network.

www.irdg.ie   1                                   @IRDGgroup
DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

  nnovation, from product through             IRDG prides itself on being an open,
  process to business innovation, has         inclusive, collaborative community,
  been a cornerstone of the country’s         sharing insights, stories and experience.
strengthening economic performance            It facilitates networking with companies
in recent years. This is evident in           outside your normal area of expertise and
multinational and indigenous firms, start-    industry sector. IRDG acts as the glue to
ups and the higher education sector, and      enable shared learning and collaboration
is testament to strong investment by          with a commercial focus.
both the business community and the
State over the past decade.                   Our community of members is diverse
                                              across sectors, industries, location,
Ireland faces new and continued               seniority and vastly different levels of
challenges in 2020. Sustainability is an      innovation experience.       Companies
increasingly important theme, alongside       can leverage IRDG in different ways
global trade tensions, disruptive             depending upon business needs at any
technology, future skills, taxation,          point in time:
Brexit and competitiveness. Despite
these pressures there is an underlying          1• Work with us individually on topics
confidence that we are well placed                 of interest and relevance
to exploit the many opportunities for           2• Attend events to be kept up to                For those who are considering
growth at home and abroad.                         date on the latest thinking or policy         membership please contact the IRDG
                                                   matters                                       team and we will be delighted to explain
Since its foundation in 1992, IRDG              3• Build your network to share insights          the benefits and details.
has been an effective advocate for                 and experience which will grow your
industry research and innovation and               capability                                    As a business involved in Research,
has consistently played a key role in           4• Let us connect you across sectors to          Development and Innovation, IRDG is a
representing the voice of industry to              grow your business.                           unique community, full of potential and
government departments, bodies and                                                               openness to help you. Be part of it!
State agencies. This aspect of IRDG’s         My message to our IRDG members
mission is as important as ever in 2020       is to embrace the opportunities for
and we will continue to advocate for          engagement that our community offers –
greater investment, both public and           ask questions, attend events, share your
private, in our Research, Development         experience. Grow your own capacity and
& Innovation talent, expertise and            network through IRDG.                                                        Denis Hayes
infrastructure.                                                                                                 Managing Director, IRDG
                                              Listening to and leveraging the
Over the 28 years of its existence IRDG       experience of others can help you avoid
has become recognised as Ireland’s            similar mistakes and reach optimum

                                                                                                            IRDG IS...
leading business-led community of             results without duplication of effort.
practice for collaboration and innovation.

         UNIQUE                         INDEPENDENT                        WELL-RESPECTED                       COLLABORATIVE
 The only non-profit industry       Led by our Industry Board,              Solid reputation for our           All HEI’s are full members
   group of its kind totally         funded entirely through                 approach and industry           facilitating direct engagement
      focused on RD&I                members subscriptions                representation at State level                with industry

    CROSS-SECTORAL                  PROMOTING STATE                          ACTIVE UNDER                   BUILDING INNOVATION
      MEMBERSHIP                       SUPPORTS                                5 PILLARS                         CAPABILITY
300+ companies equally split          Advising members and                Representation, Funding &         Pioneering Design Thinking and
between indigenous and FDI         providing fora for agencies to       Support, Innovation Networking,       Lean Product Development
   firms across all sectors            engage with industry                Collaboration & Learning

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

REPRESENTATION               FUNDING &               INNOVATION                COLLABORATION                    LEARNING
                              SUPPORT                NETWORKING

                         Ultimately, everything we do is about Research, Development & Innovation…

                             DENIS HAYES                                                MARY BYRNE
                             Managing Director                                          Membership Development
                               denis.hayes@irdg.ie                                      & Communications Manager
                                086 254 4473                                               mary.byrne@irdg.ie
                                                                                           087 650 1215

                             BERNADETTE MCGAHON                                         LORRAINE O’FARRELL
                             Research & Innovation                                      Accounts & Executive Assistant
                             Services Manager
                                                                                           01 237 4671
                                083 821 3177

                             DARRAGH GAFFNEY
                             Research & Innovation
                             Services Manager
                                087 347 3222


MUIRIS FLYNN, Technical Director, Glen Dimplex
RICHARD STACK, Director, Tricel
SEAMUS LEDWITH, Senior Principal R&D Engineer, Medtronic Vascular
FRANK KENNEDY, Cadbury Ireland
SIOBHAN CAMPLISSON, Technical Director, Allergan
JOHN MCKEON, Co-Founder & CEO, Allergy Standards
THEA MURPHY, Managing Director, Silver Pail
LOUISE GRUBB, Co-Founder & CEO, TriviumVet
JOHN NEILAN, Director of New Ventures, Cook Ireland

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

        epresentation is IRDG’s primary pillar and, having developed a strong reputation over 28 years, IRDG is recognised as the
        leading voice of industry when it comes to Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I). The organisation engages with
        government departments, agencies and state bodies to drive forward the national innovation policy and operational agendas.
    IRDG’s Representation occurs in a number of different ways:

1                                                 2                                              3
    By reaching out in a proactive way                Through facilitated fora, IRDG brings          As a recognised leading voice of
    to Government, IRDG shares the                    together government departments                industry, IRDG regularly contributes
    collective positions of members on a              and agencies with industry members             to invitations by the Government on
    variety of topics which are critical to           to engage, connect and speak with              the development of specific policies
    the business Research & Innovation                each other to progress key initiatives         or guidelines in relation to Research,
    community.                                        and insights.                                  Development & Innovation.

                                         ENTERPRISE     IDA                           DEPT. OF
                                 DBEI                             KTI       REVENUE
                                          IRELAND     IRELAND                         FINANCE










      • The 2019 Department of Finance review of the R&D Tax Credit Scheme and future
        related policy decisions arising in 2020.
      • Brexit and the imperative for increased RD&I activity and support.
      • Digital Strategy, Industry 4.0, Future Skills & Jobs, Technology Foresight and other
        such strategic Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI) initiatives
        which aim to understand future trends and ensure national readiness for Ireland.
      • Design Strategy via participation in the National Design Forum.
      • The continued development and rollout of the Disruptive Technologies Innovation
        Fund (DTIF).
      • Revenue R&D Tax Credit Discussion Group.
      • Development of successor to Innovation 2020, the National Strategy for Research
        & Innovation.
      • Horizon Europe - the successor programme to H2020.
      • The Knowledge Development Box Review 2020.
      • Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property issues in industry.
      • Programmes and supports for industry RD&I available via the key agencies: IDA
        Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta and Science Foundation Ireland.
      • ISO Innovation Management standard through NSAI.
      • National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence.

    Overall, IRDG is a conduit for channelling lots of ideas and conversation to / from our
    members and the key national policy makers and implementors. IRDG is recognised
    as a key, constructive, stakeholder and our continued membership growth adds to our
    strength of voice.

    With diverse and bright-minded opinions from our unique cross-sectoral membership,
    we can ensure a creative collaboration and exchange of ideas in order to navigate the
    future purposefully and skilfully. Members inputs are always welcome on any topics.

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION FUND (DTIF)                                                EXPERT GROUP ON
                                                                                            FUTURE SKILLS NEEDS

      he      Disruptive     Technologies    Discussions      and     recommendations

      Innovation Fund is a €500 million      centred around effective communications,               s Ireland approaches full
      fund established under Project         intellectual property, partner companies,              employment making sure
Ireland 2040. With applicants from sectors   increasing the attractiveness for SMEs and             Irish workers have the skills
including Manufacturing, ICT, Health         feedback on applications.                      that enterprise needs matters more
and Food in the first round (2018), the                                                     than ever. Increasingly Ireland is
Department of Business, Enterprise and       The second set of successful projects          competing globally on the basis of
Innovation (DBEI) was keen to gauge the      were announced in late 2019. Several           talent and on a growing reputation
industry sentiment.                          IRDG industry members were amongst             for innovation. Hence a focus on
                                             the 16 teams that will share €65 million in    skills has become a central tenet of
DBEI invited an IRDG delegation to a         funding. We wish every success to Aerogen,     the Government’s future strategy.
consultative workshop to understand          Fotonation, Gentian Services, Mastercard
the experiences of first-round applicants    and Teleflex.                                  The IRDG executive and member
and identify what changes could be                                                          companies have been involved
implemented ahead of round 2. Over           (IRDG members successful in the 2018 call      through interviews and workshops
20 IRDG members from large and small         included Intel, Curran Scientific, Design      with the Expert Group on
companies took part.                         Partners, Henkel, Janssen, Stryker and         Future Skills Needs (EGFSN), an
                                             Carbery.)                                      independent, non-statutory body set
                                                                                            up by Government.

                                                                                            One area of focus for the EGFSN is a
                                                                                            study on Design Skills in Ireland. Due
                                                                                            for publication in 2020, the outcome
                                                                                            of their research will determine if
                                                                                            there is a gap between the supply
R&D TAX CREDITS                                                                             and demand of design skills in
                                                                                            enterprise and recommend actions
                                                                                            to bridge any gaps.

      t the IRDG R&D Tax Credits Policy      Department of Finance. One delegation
      & Operations Seminar in February       consisted of SME’s and the second
      2019, the Department of Finance        consisted of larger member companies,
announced the review of the R&D Tax          in order to facilitate a more targeted
Credit Scheme which was completed            discussion around their respective
during the year.                             perspectives.

R&D Tax Credits are worth an estimated       In addition, IRDG made a written
€700m per annum to Irish businesses,         submission containing the summary views
and are a significant incentive for many     of all members who contributed.
companies doing RD&I. Such a review
is undertaken every 3 years, to ensure       The detail of the review will be available     ENTERPRISE IRELAND’S
ongoing value to the exchequer and tax       throughout 2020, and we expect ongoing         NEW STRATEGY FOR
payer from the credit.                       discussions and adjustments to the             RESEARCH & INNOVATION
                                             scheme as the outputs from the review are
During the consultation period, two          considered and implemented.

delegations from IRDG met with the                                                                 n opportunity for IRDG
                                                                                                   members to contribute to
                                                                                                   Enterprise Ireland’s new
                                                                                            strategy for research and innovation
                                                                                            was very welcome in 2019. A joint
                                                                                            consultative workshop involving over
                                                                                            20 member companies took place
                                                                                            between senior Enterprise Ireland
                                                                                            representatives and business leaders
REVENUE COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION GROUP                                                      from across a variety of sectors.
                                                                                            Open discussions were had around
                                                                                            the existing policies and programmes

  RDG continues to work closely with the     Revenue initiative and involving a number      Enterprise Ireland has for business,
  Revenue Commissioners in developing        of key member companies, has submitted         to determine where there are
  sector-specific guidance around the        worked examples to Revenue, and will           opportunities for improvement and
R&D Tax Credit. This has started with the    see through to conclusion with Revenue.        versatility to support overall business
Food & Beverage sector. The IRDG Food        Other sectors will be invited to participate   and economic success.
Working Group, set up in response to this    as the initiative is rolled out.

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

                                                                         EI/IDA/Údarás na Gaeltachta
                                                                          • Disruptive Technologies Innovation
• Enterprise Ireland GradStart                                            • RD&I Grant
• InterTradeIreland Fusion                                                • Technical Feasibility/Exploring
  Programme                                                                  Innovation Grant
• Irish Research Council                                                  • Intellectual Property Strategy Grant
  Employment Based Programme                                             EU
• Irish Research Council                                                  • Eurostars
  Enterprise Partnership Scheme                                           • EIC Accelerator Pilot (formerly SME
• Science Foundation Ireland                                                 Instrument)
  Industry Fellowship                                                     • Fast Track Innovation
• EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska-                                         R
                                                                   GR D&
  Curie Actions                                                      AN I
                                            C ES LLS                   TS
                                         AC I SK

                                                            RD&I                 INN SINESS
                                                         PERFORMER                  OVA            • EI Business
                                       COL UPPOR

                                                                                                     Innovation Grant
                                                          © IRDG 2020

                                                                                                   • EI Capital

• Disruptive Technologies                                                                            Investment Initiative
  Innovation Fund                                                                                  • IDA Business Asset
                                              ORA S

• Innovation Vouchers                                                                                Grant

• Innovation Partnerships                                        TAX                               • EI Small Business
• Science Foundation Ireland                                  INCENTIVES                             Innovation Research

  Spokes Programme
• Science Foundation Ireland
  Strategic Partnerships
• EU H2020 Collaboration
• EU Eurostars
• EU Fast Track Innovation                                                 • R&D Tax Credits
                                                                           • Knowledge Development Box
                                                                           • Capital Allowance for Intangible Assets

When looking into grant funding, it’s not unusual to become       grant applications. They have built up a picture of what a good
confused about the most relevant option to support the R&D        application looks like and understand the content required to
you want to do.                                                   meet expectations. They also understand the technical and
                                                                  commercial assessments undertaken and can help navigate the
Often the language of funders doesn’t align with that used in     process, saving you time and energy.
business and anticipating the funders expectations can be
fraught with uncertainty. This is where IRDG can help.            If grant funding is on your agenda for 2020, please get in touch
                                                                  for a conversation on how we can help.
Assistance is available in the form of experienced sector
specific experts who are regularly assisting companies with

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG


     he R&D Tax Credit scheme is designed as an incentive for SMEs and large companies to invest in Research & Development.
     It offers a vital means to develop new products and processes, cut costs and improve cash flow, whilst keeping ahead of the
     competition. Keeping up to date with the changes to the scheme is essential to ensure an optimised and compliant claim.

Budget 2020 set out a series of changes, including the following. ( Note that these rules are now in effect, and will apply for the
2020 period. )

 • For micro and small companies                                       • Companies must notify subcontractors “in advance of, or
   - Rate of credit increased from 25% to 30%                            on the date the payment is made” where they might be
   - Payable credit limit increased to twice the payroll liabilities     claiming the R&D tax credit on that payment.
   - Relief available for pre-trading expenditure.                     • R&D expenditure is net of grant funding
 • Cap on subcontracting to third level institutions increased           - Grants funded by any Member State and/or EU must be
   to 15%                                                                 deducted.
   - Available to all claimants                                        • Losses or credits cannot shelter any clawbacks.
   - Comes in line with outsourcing to third parties.                  • Only one relief can be claimed in respect of capital
 • Application of penalties on R&D tax credit overclaims                 expenditure on buildings or structures.
   aligned with other credit overclaims.

The October 2019 review by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) of Ireland’s SME and
Entrepreneurship Policy came as a timely reminder that greater State support for SMEs is required to keep pace with foreign-owned
counterparts. Amongst the many recommendations in the report, those relevant to the R&D tax credit scheme include:

 • Smaller enterprises would gain from a reduction in the              • Adapt the R&D tax credit instrument to encourage
   administrative burden of the scheme, less stringent audits            innovation collaborations by SMEs by increasing the share of
   and clear guidelines on how to file a claim.                          subsidies that flow to smaller firms involved in outsourcing
 • Reduce the record keeping requirements for firms accessing            R&D tasks to research and technology organisations.
   the credits from four years to three years.                         • Introduce a pre-approval procedure for R&D tax credits.

The next step for the Dept. of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is to publish its own strategy that meets the targets for all 11
actions set out in the OECD’s Review. The 2019 Dept. of Finance R&D Tax Credit review also sought inputs on improving the current
system to make it more attractive to SMEs. The output of this work will be published during 2020.

The R&D Tax Credit scheme is administered by the Office of the Revenue Commissioners, which issued its latest guidelines during
2019. Although not legislation, the guidelines provide useful insights into Revenue’s present thinking on key issues relating to the
R&D Tax Credit. There are 14 changes compared to the previous guidelines published in April 2015. Some of these are minor and
constitute clarification on existing practice. Other notable revisions cover:

 • Inclusion of a template file layout to support an R&D claim         • Materials used in R&D activities, which may be subsequently
 • Examples of qualifying R&D in the Biopharma and Generic               sold
   Pharma industry                                                     • Clarification on the treatment of seconded employees.
 • Eligibility to claim for sub-contracted R&D activity

Any further changes to the scheme emerging from the Dept. of Finance R&D Tax Credit Review or the OCED Review will be
reflected by Revenue in updates to the guidelines. Members can be kept informed of changes by attending the many nationwide
R&D Tax Credit Clinics during the year.

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG
                         FINTAN O’MALLEY                                  1 9 9 6
                         Director, RD&I,                                  IRELAND            1000+
                         Fidelity Investments Ireland                                        EMPLOYEES
                                                                                                                      T EN
                                                                                                                   U S PAT E N TS
                                                                          FIRST              ACROSS                FROM FIDELITY
                                                                          GLOBAL             DUBLIN                IRELAND
                                                                          S I T E            &GALWAY               INVE N TOR S

    idelity Investments is a diversified financial services
    company based in Boston with a global presence.
    Fidelity’s mission is to inspire better futures and deliver
better outcomes for the customers and businesses we serve.

With assets under administration of $8.2 trillion as of
November 30, 2019, we focus on meeting the unique needs
of a diverse set of customers: helping more than 30 million
people invest their own life savings, 22,000 businesses
manage employee benefit programs, as well as providing
more than 13,500 financial advisory firms with investment
and technology solutions to invest their own clients’ money.
                                                                                      Fidelity Ireland wins the 2019
We are more than a financial services firm - we are innovators,                  Invest in Ireland Use of R&D Gold Award
a market leader in defining investment strategies and pioneers
in developing cutting-edge technology solutions. Our work at
Fidelity Ireland is critical to the global organization, delivering
essential technology, operations and support services.

Ireland’s Innovation 2020 strategy, supporting the new
generation of emerging technology opportunities, has been
a significant contributor to Fidelity Investments doubling
its technology footprint in Dublin and Galway in the past six

Through support from the IDA and various Government R&D
incentives, Fidelity Ireland has grown its capabilities across
multiple domains including Enterprise Cloud Computing,                           Exploring ideas and potential at Fidelity’s
Cybersecurity, Asset Management, Brokerage Technology,                                   European Innovation Lab
and more recently, our new Digital Assets organization. Our
Dublin office in Citywest is also home to Fidelity’s European
Innovation Lab.

With support from Enterprise Ireland (EI) and Science
Foundation Ireland (SFI), we partner with universities and
research centres to achieve break-through innovations for
global application. A recent co-authored paper on the work
Fidelity and Insight/NUIG conducted in the area of NLP was
awarded top 3 paper in the 2019 International Semantics
Conference in Germany and in recognition of our work with
the Irish academic R&D ecosystem, Fidelity Ireland was                       Fintan sharing experiences and insights at IRDG’s
awarded the Invest in Ireland “Use of R&D” Gold Award 2019.                Funding & Collaboration for Business Innovation event

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG

                       SHARON DAVIN
                       R&D Grants Manager,
                       APC Ltd.

       PC specialises in integrating innovative process
       performance across a medicine’s life cycle, from
       early phase development to manufacturing support.
Serving the needs of the global biopharma sector, our primary                        APC win Innovation of the Year
objective is to design, develop and optimise robust, scalable                         in the 2019 Pharma Awards
and transferable processes to ensure an efficient, safe and
secure supply of medicines for clients’ patients. With a new
state-of-the-art research facility at Cherrywood, the APC
team of world-class bio/process engineers, process and
analytical chemists, modelling engineers and life scientists
deliver excellence across a wide range of process challenges
and APC’s own R&D and Innovation roadmap.

At APC, we identify immediate, near-term and longer-term
innovation deliverables within our roadmap, ranging from 12
months to 2+ years.

    For immediate term goals and sensitive, proprietary                         Brian Glennon, APC; Mary Byrne, IRDG;
    technology, this activity is performed in-house by our own                 Sharon Davin, APC and Denis Hayes, IRDG
    subject matter experts and resourced with internal funds.

    NEAR - LONG TERM:                                                In addition, as an industry partner in national technology
    To realise our near-term and longer-term innovation              and research centres, such as the Synthesis and Solid State
    deliverables, APC strategically targets national and EU          Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC) and the Pharmaceutical
    funding to support these activities. These programmes            Manufacturing Technology Centre (PMTC) at the University of
    help to ring-fence innovation activity within the company        Limerick, APC can access talent, relevant and applied research
    by bringing in excellent research staff and access to            programmes and a wider international network of excellence.
    new technology; effectively reducing the risk and cost
    associated with longer-term RD&I goals – a critical issue        The importance of the R&D Tax Credit also cannot be understated
    for us as an SME.                                                for APC. It has underpinned the development of our new RD&I
                                                                     facility and the recruitment of world-class R&D scientists and
SCHEMES ACCESSED INCLUDE:                                            engineers in Ireland from both a national and international skills
 • Large R&D Grant and Innovation Partnership funding                base.
   with Enterprise Ireland to deliver new platform services
 • Direct access to skilled researchers through the Irish            Our facility infrastructure is relatively mobile, as indeed are a
   Research Council PhD programmes                                   substantial number of our key R&D employees. Leveraging the
 • Science Foundation Ireland’s Industry Fellowship                  full scope of State and EU incentives is helping APC anchor
   programme                                                         core RD&I activity in Ireland, pioneer innovative solutions and
 • Horizon 2020 MSCA and other European research                     increasingly become the partner of choice for the world’s leading
   programmes.                                                       pharma and biotech firms.

DRIVING EXCELLENCE IN INNOVATION - Ireland's leading non-profit, business-led, innovation network - IRDG
FOR INNOVATION                                                                                                               SERIES

  nnovation is the most challenging management discipline of          into all the layers of an organisation. It offers best practice,
  them all, and the skills and traits needed are not typically part   procedures and guidance that provide a general, guiding
  of the regular management repertoire i.e., developing deep          framework for the successful implementation, maintenance, and
customer insights rather than relying on market reports; taking       continual improvement of an innovation management system.
stepped funding decisions based on assumptions rather than
proven facts; running small experiments to verify hypotheses          ISO 56002, Innovation Management System, published in July
rather than launching into costly project programs.                   2019 covers all aspects of innovation management, from how
                                                                      to generate initial ideas, right through to selling something
The new ISO 56000 series of guidance standards on innovation          new in the marketplace. It considers seven elements including
management breaks new ground to enable organisations of all           context, leadership, planning, support, operations, evaluation,
sizes navigate a systems approach to integrating innovation           and improvement.

                                 INNOVATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

                                                 Context of the organisation

                        INTENT                         (innovation processes)

                               Planning                                                       Evaluation


                                                                                                       Source: innovationmanagementsystem.com

The benefits of implementing a process aligned to the ISO Innovation Management System will impact every part of your business
model, your people and processes, including

    Increased ability to manage uncertainty;                                 Sustained renewal of the portfolio of offerings;
    Increased growth, revenues, profitability, and                           Engaged and empowered people in the organisation;
    competitiveness;                                                         Increased ability to attract partners, collaborators, and
    Improved common understanding and language within an                     funding;
    organisation;                                                            Enhanced reputation and valuation of the organisation;
    Reduced costs and waste, and increased productivity and                  Improved ability to understand other organisation’s ability
    resource efficiency;                                                     to innovate;
    Improved sustainability and resilience;                                  Facilitated compliance with regulations and other relevant
    Increased satisfaction of users, customers, citizens, and                requirements.
    other interested parties;

Ultimately, it will give your organisation first-mover advantage, safeguard your future while boosting positive returns on innovation
investments, and allow you to successfully operationalise innovation management as a core competency.

Further details on the standards are available at the National Standards Authority of Ireland.

     ISO 56000                                     ISO 56003                                       ISO 56003
     Fundamentals and vocabulary                   Innovation partnerships                         Innovation Management Assessment

     ISO 56004                                     ISO 56005                                       ISO 56007
     Intellectual property management              Strategic intelligence management               Idea management


                                                      e’ve     had    superb           INNOVATION PRACTICE GROUP VISITS 2019
                                                      innovation visits in
                                                      the past to companies
                                            including Microsoft, Medtronic,
                                            Trinity College Dublin, SAP,
                                            Keenan Systems, Irish Distillers,
                                            Glen Dimplex, Wisetek, ding*,
                                            EirGen, Bord na Móna, An Post,
                                            Alltech, Intel Labs, Silver Hill
                                            Foods, Dairymaster, Henkel, Kerry
                                            Group, Helsinn, APC, ESB and
                                            Analog Devices.

                                                  Focused on learning, generating
                                                  knowledge and building capability,
                                                  IRDG’s     Innovation    Practice
                                                  Groups cover key innovation
                                                  themes: ideation, implementation,
                                                  collaboration,        networking,
                                                  leadership and value creation.
                                                  Everyone loves to learn from the
Source: Moodi Mahmoudi at Design Thinking Ireland
                                                  experience of their peers, and
                                                  these members generously share
where they have gained and lost so that others don’t have to reinvent
the wheel.

Being exposed to life in different sectors and companies is an enlightening
experience, which members really value. In addition, the more intimate
group setting facilitates really valuable engagement, discussion and

Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting
people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.

And going by the statistic above, with so many companies seeking to
improve how they ‘do’ their innovation, it’s no surprise our Innovation
Practice Group visits are so popular.

                     SOME 2020 VISITS PLANNED:

If your business would like to host an Innovation Practice Group at some
time in the future please do come talk to us.

                                                          “It makes me wonder how they do it but IRDG keeps opening up these
                        NOEL CARR                         wonderful opportunities for us to visit leading companies such as Microsoft,
                        Managing Director                 Kerry Group, Dairymaster and Analog Devices. Getting direct access to their
                                                          Centres of Excellence for R&D and hearing about the latest developments from
                                                          their Innovation leaders is both inspirational and educational. Through these
                                                          visits I have also made very important business connections with people from
                                                          all sectors. Every single one we have attended has been invaluable to us”.

    One of the huge advantages of the diverse membership base of IRDG is
    the range of knowledge, experiences and connections that people have.
    Tapping into all that collective insight and putting it to good use comes
    regularly when we share challenges members need help with.

    In recent times we issued over 30 questions, resulting in over 350
    suggestions and ideas. The MQT page on our website hosts an up-to-                            Company Name

    date list of questions. Members are welcome to request a copy of the
    report generated for any question, and very much encouraged to put
    forward their own challenges at any time.

1       OUR CHALLENGE: First-time collaborator – Finding a research partner

                                               Archway is an SME that designs and manufactures road repair equipment in Co. Leitrim.
                                               We’ve developed specialised equipment with several patented features for spray
                                               injection patching. This process involves a precisely controlled mixture of aggregate and
                                               bitumen emulsion that’s simultaneously pre-mixed and sprayed into road potholes. It’s
                                               more efficient and sustainable than traditional forms of patching.

                                               Spray injection patching is a relatively new area, however understanding the chemistry
              DONAL MCNAMEE                    is challenging. We needed to evaluate the properties of the materials to identify the
               Managing Director,              optimum and edge conditions, so we had the right mix at the right time. A literature
               Archway Products                search yielded nothing so we knew we needed to find an academic partner and conduct
                                               our own research.

                                               As we had no knowledge of relevant researchers in Ireland, we turned to IRDG who
                                               circulated our challenge to the academic institutions. We were delighted with the
                                               response which identified several key researchers with the expertise we were looking

                                               Brexit is demanding our attention presently, but we will soon begin the process of
                                               choosing our partner. This will be a new experience for Archway and we look forward
                                               to collaborating to deliver the outcome of a gold-standard operating procedure for the
                                               spray injection patching process. This will keep us at the forefront of the market, and
                                               meeting the needs of key customers such as the Department of Transport UK.

2       OUR CHALLENGE: Facilitating innovation and operational excellence at the same time

                                               The business was facing key questions. How do you balance innovation, delivery of
                                               a product and ultimately speed to market? How do you facilitate innovation and
                                               operational excellence at the same time?

                                               One of the key elements of Aviareto’s strategy is customer responsiveness: ensuring
                                               we meet our Service Level Agreement. Our goal was to be more innovative, but we had
                                               concerns around negatively impacting on our core element of operational excellence.
                   CLARE KELLY
             Operations Manager,               We had reviewed research and papers from the likes of MIT, Harvard Business Review,
                        Aviareto               academic publications and so on. All were helpful, but we lacked the real-world stories
                                               from the coalface; direct experience of others who had been in this situation before.

                                               We shared our question with the IRDG members and were thrilled with both the quality
                                               and quantity of insights received. We discovered some real golden nuggets whilst also
                                               being comforted that we weren’t the only company with these challenges! We’re now
                                               on a journey of evaluation, and have been trialling many of the ideas over recent months
                                               to see how they fit with us.

                                               As we learn what suits us best, we look forward to reaching out to engage with the
                                               relevant respondents to share experiences and delve deeper. We’re immensely grateful
                                               to all who replied, and would encourage others to engage with the MQT facility to both
                                               contribute to and leverage the power of the network.


3       OUR CHALLENGE: Digital transformation of Irish Pressings’ production management processes

                                           Irish Pressings’ Quality and Production Management processes are one of our core
                                           strengths in providing the highest level of quality assurance to our customers. Critical
                                           to these processes is our product-specific “black folders” which contain all relevant job
                                           information including H&S checks, tool-setup, operator instructions, QC inspections, etc.

                                           However, manual creation and maintenance of these folders has become an ever-
                                           increasing demand on resources and with the company on a significant growth trajectory
              BEN MCGONAGLE                – including recent approval as a Tier 1 supplier to Jaguar Land Rover - the imperative to
         Risk Analysis & Business          modernise our processes was upon us.
         Planning, Irish Pressings
                                           Our research into possible solutions for modernising continually led to “off-the-shelf”
                                           packages which we knew would not fit our unique production processes and so more in
                                           a last-ditch effort of hope than expectation we decided to try the MQT route.

                                           Sceptical about whether we would receive any responses we were genuinely amazed
                                           - and incredibly grateful - for the insights that were shared with us. Having shortlisted
                                           solutions of interest we are now embarking on a project with Adrian de Cléir and Mark
                                           O’Sullivan at Cartolytics (recommended by IRDG member iQuTech) whom we would
                                           never have found without the MQT facility.

                                           “Black folders” will now be history. Real-time tablets, finger-print IDs, data analysis and
                                           visualisation are now on the cards for us. Workplans are currently being finalised and –
                                           thanks to the MQT - we are ready to embark on an absolutely transformative project for
                                           Irish Pressings in 2020.

                  Thank You to all who Contribute!

     Packaging design to         Implementing product               Flexing communications               Vendor Management
    maintain temperature         transfers into existing            with a live chat solution          Inventory - pricing & cost-
      during shipping?                 business?                          on website?                      to-serve models?

     Packaging materials        Experience of bringing               Sourcing an engineering                 Unique Device
     - lessons from green       company through Agile               / fabrication company for           Identification system for
       industry leaders?           transformation?                        manufacture?                      medical devices?

       Restructuring a          SCADA for waste water                Collaborative Robotics              Unlimited annual leave
    performance appraisal         treatment plant?                    use in Operations?                        policy?

                  Single-board computers          Marketing strategies for          Robust Process Development
                      to deliver image            business model changing           Engineering early in Product
                    processing services?         to cloud service provider?             Development cycle?


       he elusive question for many leaders comes down to the
       potential contribution of design to business performance.              We all know examples of bad product and service
       Where is the evidence that investment in the talent,                   design. The USB plug (always lucky on the third try).
skills and culture change needed to facilitate a design thinking              The experience of rushing to make your connecting
approach is more than just a nice-to-have? Apart from intuition,              flight at many airports. The exhaust port on the Death
anecdotal evidence and some high-profile cases, this question                 Star in Star Wars. We also all know iconic designs,
has been a difficult one to answer quantitatively for the majority            such as the Swiss Army Knife, the humble Google
of companies.                                                                 home page, or the Disneyland visitor experience. All
                                                                              of these are constant reminders of the way strong
To test the correlation between good design and good business,                design can be at the heart of both disruptive and
McKinsey & Company undertook a global study of over 300                       sustained commercial success in physical, service, and
publicly listed companies over a five-year period in multiple                 digital settings.
countries and industries. They interviewed senior business
and design leaders, collecting more than two million pieces of                      The Business Value of Design, McKinsey & Company
financial data and recording more than 100,000 design actions.

To interpret it, they devised the McKinsey Design Index (MDI),                                     +32%
a single score which rates companies by how strong they are at           Top-quartile
design and how that links up with the financial performance of           McKinsey Design                                         then their
each company.                                                            Index performers                                        industry peers
                                                                         generated                                               over five years.
                                                                                                 Revenue       Total Return to

                                     akhi Rajani, Foresight, Futures and              These were impressive scores and really did
                                     Innovation - Associate Partner, Design           demonstrate that design can make a significant
                                     + Innovation at McKinsey & Company               contribution to business.
                               shared the results of this study with us at Design
                               Thinking Ireland. What they found was that the         Understanding exactly how the companies in the
                               companies in the top quartile of the MDI score         top quartile unlocked that business value came
                               outperformed all other companies, generating           down to studying the four clusters of design
                               32% more revenue, and 56% more in terms of             actions that showed the most correlation with
                               total return to shareholders as opposed to their       improved financial performance. These were the
                               industry peers over the 5-year period.                 key elements:


     Design is a top-management issue, and design performance is assessed with the same rigor used to track revenues and costs
     across all other functions.


     Designers are part of all functions in the business, and are not just housed away in a siloed department. Design skills and
     talents are proactively integrated with all knowledge sets across the business to bring a user-centric culture to all areas.
     Hence it is seen as a responsibility, and natural behaviour, of all employees.


     Leading companies capitalise on all user insights to embrace the full user experience, breaking down internal barriers among
     physical, digital, and service design. They recognise that you cannot have a seamless front end if you have a siloed back end.


     The opportunity to de-risk development by continually listening, testing and iterating with end users is a vital part of the
     innovation process. Ultimately, design in these companies plays a role from strategy to product launch to post launch.


                                           With the rise of digitalisation, the service industry has become more and more important.
                                           Currently, services make up roughly 70 percent of many Western European countries’

                                           Service Design is a discipline that focuses on the design and implementation of successful
                                           services. In essence, it is applied Design Thinking in the specific context of service
                                           innovation. It has user-centricity as a core value. Qualitative user research, working with
      MANUEL GRO MANN                      personas and user journeys as well as prototyping and iterations are common practices
                                           in the discipline. Whereas Design Thinking is often used in the context of creating new
          Service Designer &               product ideas itself, Service Design goes beyond that.
  Co-Founder, Fuxblau (Berlin)
                                           Service Design looks at the entire ecosystem and includes the road to implementation,
                                           the stakeholder management and the business model design. Out of the various tools
                                           used in the discipline, the service blueprint is one of the core tools.

                                           A service blueprint helps to analyse and visualise complex business processes. It describes
                                           the ideal user journey from a user’s perspective, breaks down the channels with which
                                           users interact and also plans the backstage processes (usually invisible to customers) that
                                           need to be in place in order to deliver the service successfully.

                                           Service Design is applied in fields like mobility, health, hospitality and financial services.
                                           It helps to break down the complexity of a service system and to implement innovations
                                           sooner rather than later. Hence, people and organisations that are building or redesigning
                                           a (digital) service can benefit from the holistic approach of Service Design.

   IRDG has been championing design thinking as an approach to support business innovation for
           many years, and has a number of established activities in this area.  We host:

           DESIGN THINKING                         DESIGN THINKING IN-                      DESIGN THINKING SHARED
          4-DAY PROGRAMME                          DEPTH WORKSHOPS                              INTEREST GROUPS

         A fantastic introduction to              Delivered in conjunction with              Specifically for industry people
           design thinking covering                expert partners, these cover               who are implementing design
         the mindset, processes and               topics such as Service Design,              thinking in their companies,
          benefits. It’s a learning by           Implementing Everyday Design               SIGs facilitate members to share
        doing experience for teams of               Thinking, Leading Human                   experiences, challenges and
         2-4 people from a company.                Centred Innovation in your                successes and learn from each
                                                       Business and more.                         other. Hosts include:

   Ireland’s 7th National Design Thinking Conference
           followed by Immersive Workshops



The rate of change and pace of innovation in today’s markets dictate that companies
must continuously deliver value to customers or risk falling behind the competition.
Efficiently and effectively developing those value-added products, services and
solutions requires a solid process for innovation. One that can cope with the degree of
unknowns, uncertainties and undefined requirements of the main users, consumers,
customers and stakeholders.

IRDG has been promoting Lean Product Development (LPD) for a number of years as
the engine for consistent innovation. Our LPD approach is unique. Designed for an
Irish audience by our expert team, in collaboration with Ron Mascitelli (global LPD
thought-leader), it integrates practical tools and techniques into a set of events that
can be applied safely into any existing Stage Gate or Agile process, in any sector.

                                                                                               People - Culture & Behaviour - Strategy for Mindset Change
                                                                                                                                                             Front End Market

                                                                                                                                                              PICKING THE
            Pat Lawlor, CIRCA (facilitator); Bernie McGahon, IRDG; Sean McNulty, Dolmen                                                                         PROJECT
            (facilitator); Denis Hayes, IRDG; Shane Hughes, Lean Unlimited (facilitator) and
                        Tony Duddy, Memjet (industry LPD practitioner & expert)

Addressing topics such as front-end discovery, culture & behaviours, project                                                                                Accelerating Product
management, resource management, risk management and knowledge sharing, this                                                                                   Development
approach will introduce game changers into your existing process:

                                                                                                                                                             PLANNING THE
 • #1 Big Change: a front-end discovery framework to support the identification                                                                                PROJECT
   and selection of winning ideas for your business and customers.

 • #2 Big Change: techniques to maximise your valuable R&D resources to
   successfully design, develop and deliver significantly greater customer value and                                                                            Lean PD &
   financial returns.                                                                                                                                          Organisation

 • #3 Big Change: guidance on key aspects such as governance and product                                                                                       EXECUTING
   development events to accelerate your new product development pipeline,                                                                                    THE PROJECT
   delivering up to 30% faster time to market.

 • #4 Big Change: a team with a changing mindset, approach to issues and
   problems, habits and behaviours that over time will reinvigorate the culture
   within your business.
                                                                                                                                         Companies can participate
The LPD approach can easily be scaled to your company’s size and is being                                                                in a programme with us, or
implemented in companies of all sizes and sectors. Approved for funding support                                                          engage us to do in-house
by Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta and IDA Ireland, this practical & proven                                                     work in this area. Get in
programme is already adding real value for companies. If you are looking to build a                                                      touch if you would like to
structured new development process, to critique and improve an existing process or                                                       hear more.   
to train development teams on best practices, this programme is for you.




                                       With shorter life cycles, increasing demands for greater product variety, opportunities and
                                       issues around raw materials and compliance, our New Product Development (NPD) team
                                       is continually challenged to improve the development and introduction of new products.
                                       Contending with issues around voice of the customer, project control, process integration
        THEA MURPHY                    etc we participated in the IRDG 4-day Lean Product Development (LPD) programme to bring
                                       greater structure and discipline to our NPD process.
       Managing Director,
               Silver Pail             In getting to the ideal NPD process, we drew on the LPD approach and tools to support
                                       our own planning and execution processes. The business brief has now been adopted.
                                       This gathers all cross functional information required to understand opportunities and
                                       ensures ownership and accountability is clearly understood. These are reviewed at monthly
                                       management meetings with only approved projects moving to the execution phase. We’ve
                                       also implemented an agile approach to managing projects. An Excel standard checklist is used
                                       for smaller projects and project boards for larger ones. This hybrid model is a tailored, lean
                                       approach adopted as a best fit for the business.

                                       The business has seen the benefits of these changes. Better commercial decisions are being
                                       made earlier in the product development process, allowing resources to be targeted at more
                                       strategic or higher yielding projects. Our employees too have embraced the changes with
                                       enhanced communication and cooperation across all functions.

                                       The LPD programme has provided a foundation for Silver Pail to transform itself into a high-
                                       performance company, ensuring we stay ahead of our competitors and continue to add value
                                       to our customers’ expectations. We would strongly recommend IRDG members to explore
                                       the benefits of LPD.


                                       GLOBAL REFRACTORY LEADER PROVIDING                        MATERIALS,       SYSTEMS        AND
                                       TECHNOLOGIES TO THE STEEL INDUSTRY

                                       An early introduction to Lean Product Development (LPD) following a workshop at an AME
                                       Conference saw the Minteq team implement some of the LPD tools in the R&D laboratory
                                       in Cork. Visual workflow management and stand up meetings were easy, early wins, but in
                                       isolation, did not bring the desired enhanced efficiency to the innovation process.
                                       We participated in the IRDG LPD programme to gain fresh insight into the overall process
Technical Director EMEAI,              and how it could be effectively implemented. The programme offered us a disciplined,
                 MINTEQ                structured approach to better understand how to identify customers’ unspoken needs and
   (A Minerals Technologies Company)
                                       desired outcomes. A key objective was to partner with customers to manage complexity
                                       within projects and to accelerate the new product development pipeline.

                                       The front-end, customer discovery piece was a real game-changer for us. In the past, reacting
                                       to specific requests from the sales team or customer feedback was the main driver for
                                       development & innovation. However, by embedding a more in-depth approach to capturing
                                       the Voice of the Customer into our process, it has facilitated a greater understanding of our
                                       customers’ pain points, unmet and unspoken needs. This has enabled us to more closely map
                                       out our customers’ journey with our product development and evolution, identifying multiple
                                       solutions which benefit the customer and Minteq. Adopting this structured approach has also
                                       ensured higher quality and better developed concepts are entering the new product pipeline.

                                       Through the programme and the support of the IDA, we were able to secure 3 additional in-
                                       house days with the programme mentor. This has helped to embed the learnings, encourage
                                       cross functional collaboration in innovation and supported our progress as a lean site and


        s individuals, many aspects of our lives have been impacted   blockchain, augmented reality and virtual reality are delivering
        by disruptive technology and digital transformation. As       new capabilities to analyse, personalise, predict, correct in real
        businesses, the proliferation of emerging and evolving        time, automate, and reduce risk that can transform business.
technologies is demanding real attention to ensure companies of
all sizes and sectors sustain their competitive advantage.            Given IRDG’s cross-sectoral membership, we are perfectly
                                                                      placed to help companies to collaborate whether as a solution
Research tells us that 80% of current business processes              provider or solution seeker. We are always available to you on
and practices will either be changed or eliminated by 2025.           a one-to-one but in addition, our Disruptive Technology Series in
Technologies like data analytics, artificial intelligence,            2020 will focus on 2 key themes:

 with Mastercard
 20th May 2020, Dublin

As it stands, much of what we do is impacted by artificial            Yet, artificial intelligence, and it’s potential, is still understood to
intelligence on a daily basis. Whether we are using our               be in the infancy stage. The rate of progress and how ‘intelligent’
smartphones, surfing the internet, buying products online,            computers might actually become is one of the most hotly
browsing social media or listening to songs on our favourite          contested aspects of the digital transformation era.
music streaming service, AI is impacting our choices in one way
or another.                                                           Whilst change is inevitable, there are still question marks over
                                                                      the extent to which artificial intelligence will affect business
Take it to a business level and we are seeing increased automation    models, working environments and people’s roles. Despite
around optimisation of performance and command-control                the hype surrounding it, machines, at this stage, can still only
activities. AI is also augmenting human perception in the likes of    perform narrow tasks that human intelligence has taught them,
voice and facial recognition in transport, medicine or consumer       say experts. But, the potential is there. And, in addition to the
protection for example.                                               technical challenges associated with the development of AI, there
                                                                      are also philosophical and ethical questions to be considered.

 with Dell Technologies
 29th September 2020, Limerick

Wireless communications technology has become increasingly             • Internet of Things: 5G will seamlessly connect a massive
important over time, facilitating improvements in business,              number of embedded sensors in virtually everything through
education and technology, and connecting people across the               the ability to scale down data rates, power and mobility to
world.                                                                   provide extremely lean/low-cost solutions.

5G is the fifth-generation wireless technology that began wide         • Mission-critical communications: 5G will enable new
deployment in 2019. 5G is not only important because it has the          services that can transform industries with ultra-reliable/
potential to support millions of devices at ultrafast speeds, but        available, low latency links - such as remote control of
also because it has the potential to transform the lives of people.      critical infrastructure, vehicles, and medical procedures.
The main features include increased speed and bandwidth, low
latency, less power consumption and stronger security. The main       The potential business applications are wide ranging including
benefits of 5G will be:                                               enhanced video, real time automation, connected vehicles,
                                                                      monitoring and tracking, autonomous robots, remote operations,
 • Cost-effective technology to handle the ever-growing data          augmented reality and smart surveillance across diverse
   traffic demand from consumers. 5G will not only make               industries.
   smartphones better, but it will also usher in new immersive
   experiences, such as VR and AR, with faster, more uniform
   data rates, lower latency, and cost-per-bit.



                                       here is no doubt that climate change has         of their activities and are searching for ways to
                                       emerged as the biggest threat to humanity,       do things differently. Leading companies have
                                       with a demand on all of us to respond to         realised that sustainable business is not just the
                                 this challenge with ambition and creativity.           right thing to do, but by integrating sustainable
                                                                                        practices throughout an enterprise, a wide range
                                 In the past, many companies held the belief            of tangible benefits can be realised including:
                                 that sustainability, beyond compliance, only
    ALI SHERIDAN                 increased costs, did not generate revenue, and              Improving brand image and competitive
                                 therefore, should only be addressed as a matter             advantage
         Director at
                                 of corporate social responsibility. However,                Reducing risk
SustainabilityWorks              as awareness of climate change continues to                 Increasing employee attraction and
              Ireland            grow, impacts are increasingly felt along supply            retention
                                 chains and stakeholders’ demands continue                   Driving innovation
                                 to rise. Companies are rapidly becoming more                Increasing productivity and reducing costs
                                 aware of the environmental and social impacts               Attracting investors.

  Over the next decade, sustainability challenges will provide            New constraints will demand a different approach to design, and
  enormous opportunities for companies to drive innovation                will shape how key resources such as energy, carbon, water, raw
  as they seek to re-invent products and services in line with            materials and waste are used in products and processes.
  stakeholder demands and climate limitations.

       CIRCULAR                    RESOURCE                   PRODUCT LIFE                  SHARING                    PRODUCT AS
       SUPPLIES                    RECOVERY                    EXTENSION                   PLATFORMS                    A SERVICE
  Supply fully renewable,       Eliminate material            Extend the current              Stimulating             Products are used
        recycable or          leakage and maximise          lifecycle of a product:      collaboration among            by one or many
  biodegradable resource        economic value of           repairing, upgrading &           product users         customers by means of
     inputs to support               product                       reselling                                        a lease or pay-for-use
       circular supply                                                                                                   arrangement
                                                                                                                                     Source: simapro.com

  Already, some of the world’s biggest companies are actively             Given the magnitude of the challenge, there will be opportunities
  transforming their supply chains to become “circular,” where            for organisations to collaborate at a scale never seen before.
  they are redesigning systems that ‘close the loop’ so that waste        Whether it’s established companies partnering with start-ups,
  is eliminated, and materials stay in circulation as long as possible.   corporate organisations working with NGOs, or even traditional
  Entire industries have started to move towards new business             competitors coming together to pool resources in shared supply
  models to ensure they stay relevant in the new sustainable              chains, collaboration will be essential to drive the level of
  economy. For example, the automotive industry is moving at              innovation necessary to combat climate change.
  pace to not only increase the production of electric vehicles, but
  to also explore leasing models as consumers’ relationship with          As we move towards a low carbon economy, business as usual
  ownership changes. Similarly, the textile industry has witnessed        will no longer be an option. Innovation is vital for a successful
  huge innovation in the design of new sustainable materials and          transition to a green economy and for those companies that
  are now also experimenting with rental models.                          move quickly enough, there are huge opportunities ahead.

      We recognise the importance of incorporating sustainable
      actions in the conduct of our business. We are committed
                                                                                 SUSTAINABILITY – UNLOCKING THE
      to continually improving our performance to reduce                            INNOVATION OPPORTUNITY
      environmental impacts, whilst encouraging members and                                    29th April 2020, Cork
      suppliers to do the same.

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