Dublin City Council Weekly Planning List 40/20 - Dublin Docklands

Page created by Clayton Logan
Dublin City Council

                              Weekly Planning List

All applications received will be considered by the Planning Authority to determine their validity in accordance
with Planning and Development Regulations 2001. Any application pending validation listed hereunder, and
subsequently declared to be invalid, will be detailed in the DECISIONS SECTION of the Weekly List in a
subsequent publication.

Area 3
Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      2900/20
Application Type                        Permission
Applicant                               PIP Properties
Location                                Harbour Court, to the rear of 31 Lower Abbey Street,
                                        Dublin 1
Registration Date                       29/09/2020
Additional Information                  Additional Information Received
Proposal: Planning permission for construction of new 4 storey residential development above existing
ground floor consisting of 1 bedroom apartment at 1st floor level, 1 bedroom apartment at 2nd floor level
& 2 bedroom Duplex apartment at 3rd and 4th floor level. All apartments are accessed from no. 31 Lower
Abbey Street.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3460/20
Application Type                         Permission
Applicant                                Bon Secours Health System CLG
Location                                 Bon Secours Hospital, Glasnevin Hill, Glasnevin,
                                         Dublin 9, D09 YN97
Registration Date                        29/09/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission is sought for a new 132sqm two storey extension to the existing hospital with
associated site works to allow expansion of the existing Endoscopy and Surgical Theatre Departments at
ground and first floor level respectively.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3481/20
Application Type                         Permission
Applicant                                MeiYun He
Location                                 80, Capel Street, Dublin 1
Registration Date                        02/10/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Change of use from massage parlour to basement and ground floor
with residential use above to a new cafe at basement and ground floor with three studio apartments
above. The proposed works are: Basement; removal of internal partitions, stairs, WC, rear window and
partial removal of internal walls, new cafe kitchen, karaoke rooms, toilets and stairs to ground floor and all
associated conservation and services works.
Ground Floor; removal of late twentieth century partitions and partial removal of internal original walls,
rebuilding of the late twentieth century rear extension to accommodate a stairs to the basement and a
1.5m2 garden courtyard, construction of a new WC, new glazing and shutters to shopfront and alterations
and conservation of existing stairs (ground to third floor).
First Floor; introduction of a bathroom, kitchen, conversion of a rear window to a door and a rear roof
terrace to accommodate a studio apartment.
Second Floor; removal of late twentieth century partitions and ensuite bathrooms, the construction of one
new bathroom and kitchen and associated services works to accommodate a studio apartment.
Third Floor; construction of internal partitions, a new internal door and one new bathroom and kitchen and
associated services works to accommodate a studio apartment. New lime render to the rear elevation. All
ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.


Area                                        Area 3 - Central
Application Number                          3482/20
Application Type                            Permission
Applicant                                   Glynis & Daniel Good
Location                                    56 & 57, Gardiner Street Lower, Dublin 1
Registration Date                           02/10/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning Permission to change the use of these two buildings from
Offices, Art Gallery and Beauty Salon to three no. one bedroom apartments and two no. studio apartments
with all five available for short term rental, to construct a five storey extension to the rear of No. 57
containing bathrooms, kitchens and a lift to provide universal access in accordance with Part M of the
Building Regulations and make the following minor alterations to the existing buildings : (i) reverse the
railings, gate and granite plinths at No. 57, provide new steps and a platform lift to that basement area, all
to provide universal access in accordance with Part M of the Building Regulations; (ii) lower the floor level
of the existing laneway under No. 57 to provide access to a control office in the basement of No. 56, to the
proposed studio apartment in basement of No. 57 and to the proposed lift at the rear of No. 57; (iii) break
out three new opes from said laneway, one into proposed studio apartment in basement of No. 57, one
into proposed lift lobby at the rear of No. 57 and one into the proposed control office in basement of No.
56; (iv) remove 20c doorway inserted in the front basement of No. 57 and replace per original window to
match existing above; (v) move one existing door on each of the first, second and third floors of No. 57 to
original stairs of No. 57, to provide fire protection lobbies; (vi) break out ope from front area of No. 57 into
room under entrance steps of No. 56 to provide a waste sorting room, and (vii) break out three opes on
each of the ground, first, second and third floors at the rear of No. 57 to access the proposed extension, all
at this site.


Area                               Area 3 - Central
Application Number                 3491/20
Application Type                   Permission
Applicant                          Rafael Samir
Location                           43, Dorset Street Upper, Dublin 1
Registration Date                  02/10/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Exterior Signage at this location.


                                                  Area 3
Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        3465/20
Application Type                          Retention Permission
Applicant                                 Shane Doherty
Location                                 8, Ross Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin, D07 H9Y7
Registration Date                        30/09/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION PERMISSION: The development will consist of the retention of the application of
100mm external insulation with self finished render to external walls (south east, north west and north east


Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        WEB1650/20
Application Type                          Permission
Applicant                                 Una McAneny
Location                                  Sacre Coeur, 50, Margeurite Road, Dublin 9.
Registration Date                         28/09/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: Una McAneny is applying for planning permission at Sacre Coeur, 50 Marguerite Road, Dublin 9
for the conversion of the attic space to comprise the construction of a roof dormer to the rear elevation
including 2 roof windows to the front elevation at second floor level, internal alterations and all associated
site works.


                                            Area 3
                                Strategic Housing Development
Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      SHD0021/20
Application Type                        Strategic Housing Development
Applicant                               The Fruitmarket Partnership
Location                                Nos. 16/17, Halston Street, 4/5 Little Green Street, 2 Little Green
Street, 6 Mary's Lane, 8 Mary's Lane, and 21 Halston Street, Dublin 7.
Registration Date                       21-Sep-2020
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016

Planning and Development (Strategic Housing Development) Regulations 2017

Notice of Strategic Housing Development Application to An Bord Pleanála

We, The Fruitmarket Partnership, intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a ‘Shared
Accommodation’ Strategic Housing Development (SHD) at a site bounded by Mary’s Lane to the south,
Halston Street to the west and Little Green Street to the east, opposite the Fruit Market Market and on a
site bound by Cuckoo Lane to the south and by Halston Street to the east, opposite St. Michan’s Park,
Dublin 7, Co. Dublin. The site includes Nos. 16/17 Halston Street, Dublin 7 (D07 DK37), 4/5 Little Green
Street, Dublin 7 (D07 YV78), 2 Little Green Street, Dublin 7 (D07 P983), 6 Mary’s Lane, Dublin 7 (D07 VEF1),
8 Mary’s Lane, Dublin 7 (D07 W985) and 21 Halston Street, Dublin 7 (D07 PC62). No.17 Halston Street is a
Protected Structure (RPS No. 3506).

The development will consist of:

1. Demolition of all existing structures on site (excluding protected archway at 16/17 Halston Street) and
the construction of a Shared Accommodation development with a gross floor area of c.16,152 sq.m. set out
in 4 no. blocks, ranging in height from 5 to 14 storeys to accommodate 360 no. bedroom units (with a total
of 506 bed spaces) on a total site area of 2,466 sq.m.

 i. Block A: construction of 186 no. bedroom units (in 40 no. “cluster” apartment units), with living/kitchen
space provided in each of the 40 no. apartments; shared communal space, reception, laundry and café at
ground floor level, gym, games area/general amenity areas, co-working space at first floor level and bicycle
parking provided at basement level (224 no. spaces provided), in a 9 to 14 storey block (c.8,025 sq.m. gross
floor area) above basement (c.551 sq.m.) on a site measuring c.905 sq.m. at 6 and 8 Mary’s Lane bounded
by Mary’s Lane to the south and Halston Street to the west.

ii. Block B: construction of 35 no. bedroom units (in 7 no. “cluster” apartment units), with living/kitchen
space provided in each of the 7 no. apartment units, shared communal space, communal amenity space at
ground floor level, rooftop garden and bicycle parking provided at ground level (35 no. spaces provided), in
a nine storey block (c.1,887) sq.m. gross floor area) on a site measuring c.345 sq.m. at 2 Little Green Street
bounded by Little Green Street to the east.

iii. Block C: construction of 42 no. bedroom units (7 no. “cluster” apartment units), with living/kitchen space
provided in each of the 7 no. apartment units, shared communal space, communal amenity space at
ground floor level, rooftop garden and bicycle parking provided at basement level (39 no. spaces provided),
in a nine storey block (c.2,091 sq.m. gross floor area) above basement (c.306 sq.m.) on a site measuring
c.427 sq.m. at 4/5 Little Green Street bounded by Little Green Street to the east.

iv. Block D: the construction of 97 no. bedroom units (7 no. cluster units), with living/kitchen space
provided in each of the 7 no. cluster units, shared communal space, reception/lobby, support office, co-
work space, amenity areas and coffee dock at ground floor level, meeting rooms, management office,
rooftop gardens/terraces provided on a number of floors, and bicycle parking provided at ground level (100
no.spaces provided), in a 5 to 8 storey block (c.4,149 sq.m. gross floor area) on a site measuring c.789 sq.m.
at 16/17 Halston Street.

2. Conservation of and works to the existing protected archways located at 17 Halston Street and
maintenance works to the Protected Structure with the cleaning of the Stone façade.

3. A total of 398 no. bicycle spaces are proposed to be provided 4. All ancillary site development and
landscape works, including retaining walls, sub-station, provision of bin stores, boundary treatments, hard
and soft landscaping and provision of foul, surface water and water services on site with connections and
modifications to existing.

The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the objectives of
the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022. The application contains a statement indicating why
permission should be granted for the proposed development, having regard to a consideration specified in
section 37(2)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, notwithstanding that the
proposed development materially contravenes a relevant development plan or local area plan other than in
relation to the zoning of the land.

The application contains a statement indicating why permission should be granted for the proposed
development, having regard to a consideration specified in section 37(2)(b) of the Planning and
Development Act, 2000, as amended, notwithstanding that the proposed development materially
contravenes a relevant development plan or local area plan other than in relation to the zoning of the land.

The application, may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a
copy, during public opening hours at the offices of An Bord Pleanála and Dublin City Council. The

application may also be inspected online at the following website set up by the applicant:

Any person may, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by An Bord Pleanála of the
application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 (except for certain prescribed bodies), make a
submission or observations in writing to An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, relating to the
implications of the proposed development, if carried out, for proper planning and sustainable development
in the area or areas concerned, and the likely effects on the environment or the likely effects on a European
site, as the case may be, of the proposed development, if carried out. Submissions or observations duly
made will be considered by An Bord Pleanála in making a decision on the application. Such submissions or
observations must also include the following information:

(a) the name of the person, authority or body making the submission or observations, the name of the
person, if any, acting on behalf of that person, authority or body, and the address to which any
correspondence relating to the application should be sent,

(b) the subject matter of the submission or observations, and

(c) the reasons, considerations and arguments on which the submission or observations is or are based.

An Bord Pleanála may grant permission for the strategic housing development as proposed, or may grant
permission subject to such modifications as it specifies in its decision, or may grant permission in part only,
with or without any other modifications it may specify in its decision, or may refuse to grant permission for
the proposed development. An Bord Pleanála may attach to a grant of permission such conditions as it
considers appropriate.

Any enquiries relating to the application process should be directed to the Strategic Housing Development
Section of An Bord Pleanála (Tel. 01-8588100).

A person may question the validity of a decision of An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial
review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986), in accordance with sections
50 and 50A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (No. 30 of 2000), as amended. Practical information
on the review mechanism can be found in the Judicial Review Notice on the An Bord Pleanála’s website:
www.pleanala.ie or on the Citizens Information Service website: www.citizensinformation.ie.

                                 ***Amendment to Week 39***


                                                 Area 3
Area                               Area 3 - Central
Application Number                 0311/20
Application Type                   Section 5
Decision                           ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                      28/09/2020
Applicant                          Collen Investment Ltd
Location                           11, Ormond Quay Lower, Dublin 1
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP; PROTECTED STRUCTURE, To open up and expose parts of the structure & fabric


Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        0314/20
Application Type                          Section 5
Decision                                  Grant Exemption Certificate
Decision Date                             29/09/2020
Applicant                                 Dublin Civic Trust
Location                                  67, Arran Street East,, Rear of 18 Ormond Quay Upper,
                                          dublin, 7
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP, PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Repair of existing historic timber sash box frames at second and
third floor levels and repair of existing x1 sash (c.1760s)
Reinstatement of missing sashes to precise historic dimensions.
Removal of breeze-blocks to window apes and associated repair to reveals.

Area                                  Area 3 - Central
Application Number                    0315/20
Application Type                      Section 5
Decision                              Refuse Exemption Certificate
Decision Date                         30/09/2020
Applicant                             T. Stafford and Sons Ltd
Location                              11A, Frederick Street North, Dublin 1
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP: There are no works proposed to facilitate the change of use from a funeral home to a
florist shop.


Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        0317/20
Application Type                          Section 5
Decision                                  Grant Exemption Certificate
Decision Date                             02/10/2020
Applicant                                 Roseview Lodgings Ltd
Location                                  47 & 48, Hardwicke Street, Dublin, 1
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP PROTECTED STRUCTURE; External; 1. Removal of no, 3 non external security grills to upper
ground floor windows.
Internal; 2. Renewal of all internal sanitary-ware within extant locations and on a like for like basis. Existing
drainage routes to be used.
 3. Replacement of internal non-original flush timber doors with new timber fire doors and frames
 4. Repaint existing non-original windows and entrance doors throughout; both internally and externally
and on a like for like basis.
 5. Removal of existing carpet to stairs and landings, where present. Provision of new timber flooring to


Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        0324/20

Application Type                          Section 5
Decision                                  SPLIT DECISION(PERMISSION & REFUSAL)
Decision Date                             02/10/2020
Applicant                                 Lise Underwood
Location                                  17 North Great George's Street,, Dublin 1.
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP;PROTECTED STRUCTURE; repair works including; restoration of front facade brickwork;
repairs to brickwork of rear facade; repair of valley & parapet gutters; refurbishment of replacement
windows; incidental repairs related to the above; isolated roof timber repair, isolated making good of
plaster, slate repair/ reinstatment/ replacement.


Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        2596/20
Application Type                          Permission
Decision                                  GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                             02/10/2020
Applicant                                 Ruirside Development Ltd
Location                                  Capel Site, Pelletstown, Ashtown, Dublin 15
Additional Information                    Clarification of Add. Information Recd.
Proposal: Permission for development at a site (c.1.66 Ha) known as the ‘Capel’ site, Pelletstown, Ashtown,
Dublin 15. The site forms part of the wider ‘Capel’ site, and is bounded generally by Rathborne Avenue to
the north and west, existing residential development adjoining Rathborne Drive and Royal Canal Way to the
east and the remainder of the development permitted under DCC Reg. Ref. 3666/15 (ABP Ref
PL29N.246373) to the south, at Pelletstown, Ashtown, Dublin 15. The development will consist of minor
amendments to the development permitted under DCC Reg. Ref. 3666/15 (ABP Ref PL29N.246373)
comprising changes to house types to 92 dwellings as follows: 25no. 2 storey, 3 bedroom house type units
each of c. 105.3sq.m (Types HAL, HA, HALM , HAM and HAR) to replace 25no. house type C units (2 storey,
3 bedroom); 17no. 3 storey, 4 bedroom house type units of c. 150.8sq.m (Types HB and HBM) to replace
12no. house type F units (3 storey, 4 bedroom) and 5no. 2 storey, 3 bedroom house type D units; 22no. 3
storey, 4 bedroom house type units each of c. 153.2sq.m (Types HCL, HC, HCM and HCR) to replace 22no.
house type E units (3 storey, 4 bedroom); 10no. 3 storey, 4 bedroom house type units of c. 167.5sq.m
(Types HDL and HDR) to replace 6no. house type K units (3storey, 4 bedroom), 1no. house type B unit (2
storey, 3 bedroom) and 3no. house type A units (2 storey, 3 bedroom); 18no. 2 storey, 3 bedroom house
type units each of c. 102.8sq.m (type HEL, HELM, HERM and HER) to replace 6no.house type K units (3
storey, 4 bedroom) and 12no. house type A units (2 storey, 3 bedroom). A new substation (c. 11.5sqm) is
also proposed with associated drop kerb access. All houses will include solar panels on the roofs, as
previously permitted. Some minor changes to the arrangement of car parking spaces associated with the
amendments to the 92 houses are also proposed. The amendments will not impact on the permitted street
layout or overall number of houses permitted under DCC Reg. Ref. 3666/15 (ABP PL29N.246373).


Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      2903/20
Application Type                        Permission
Decision                                GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                           28/09/2020
Applicant                               Brian & Jacinta Clarke
Location                                9, Villa Park Road, Navan Road, Dublin 7
Additional Information                  Additional Information Received
Proposal: The development will consist of widening a pedestrian entrance to provide vehicular access to
existing front boundary wall and dishing of public footpath.


Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        2928/20
Application Type                          Retention Permission
Decision                                  GRANT RETENTION PERMISSION
Decision Date                             30/09/2020
Applicant                                 Pin Qin He
Location                                  17, Capel Street, Dublin 1
Additional Information                    Additional Information Received
Proposal: Retention Permission for the as-constructed rear elevation (including balconies and extent of rear
staircase), as well as the as-constructed configuration at roof level. This application is made on foot of the
previously granted application (Ref. No. 2914/13).


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3138/20
Application Type                         Permission
Decision                                 GRANT PERMISSION AND RETENTION PERMISSION
Decision Date                            28/09/2020
Applicant                                Dublin Simon Community
Location                                 86 & 88, Botanic Road (and Saint Teresa Place to the
                                         rear), Glasnevin, Dublin, 9
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION & PERMISSION: Temporary retention permission and temporary planning at 86 & 88
Botanic Road (and Saint Teresa Place to the rear), Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Temporary retention permission is
sought for a 5-year period for 2 no. single-storey log cabins to the rear of the existing terraced residential
buildings and temporary planning permission is also sought for a 5-year period for the proposed use of the
log cabins for ancillary storage and laundry functions to service the existing residential buildings.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3139/20
Application Type                         Permission
Decision                                 GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                            28/09/2020
Applicant                                The Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau
Location                                 The Stockyard, 20-24, Sheriff Street Upper, North
                                         Dock, Dublin 1, D01 E650.
Additional Information
Proposal: The development will consist of the construction of a storage room to the rear of the main


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3142/20
Application Type                         Permission
Decision                                 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                            29/09/2020
Applicant                                Martin Tynan
Location                                 Kennedys Public House, 132, 134 Lower Drumcondra
                                         Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, D09 A4P8
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION & RETENTION: Retention permission and planning permission - retention of an
existing rear bar area and associated toilet accommodation at ground floor level and planning permission
to install a new timber screen wall, 1500mm high to the south and west walls of the existing smoking yard.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3156/20
Application Type                         Permission
Decision                                 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                            30/09/2020
Applicant                                Wilcove Limited
Location                                 Hotel St. George, No. 7 Parnell Square East, Dublin 1
Additional Information
Proposal: PERMISSION & RETENTION: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The proposed development comprises the
following: (i) Retention permission is sought for the removal of existing non-original partition walls, and the
stripping of modern wall, ceiling and floor finishes at basement level; (ii) Permission is sought for internal
alterations to the basement to provide five en-suite bedrooms including layout alterations and replacement
of existing uPVC windows to the rear elevation (basement level only). The proposed works include the
repair of historic fabric including the ground floor structure, the front and back masonry walls, the front
windows and the staircase; (iii) The painting grey of the non-original render on the front façade; (iv)
Replacement of non-original down pipes on front façade with cast iron pipes in original style; and (v)
Drainage and all associated site development and ancillary works necessary to facilitate development.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3157/20
Application Type                         Permission
Decision                                 GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                            30/09/2020
Applicant                                East Point Management CLG
Location                                 East Point Business Park , Alfie Byrne Road, Fairview,
                                         Dublin 3
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission for the relocation of the existing single storey security hut with associated
bollards and barriers on the east side of the Tolka River crossing on the main access road from Alfie Bryne
Road and to the north of Black 1; the erection of four new single storey steel framed and glazed bus
shelters at four locations throughout the park and on the main circulation roadway -
No 1 between Block L & N and oppossite Block B2;
No 2 to the north of Block U;
                                                                                                  10 | P a g e
No 3 to the west of Block P3 and oppoite Block R;
No 4 to the north of Block P4;
along with associaties site works.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3160/20
Application Type                         Permission
Decision                                 GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                            01/10/2020
Applicant                                Conor Milroy
Location                                 14d Poplar Row, Corner of Poplar Row & Annesley
                                         Bridge, Dublin 3
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission for an extension above the existing 2-storey single family residence
comprising new 2nd floor bedrooms with balconies on the south and north sides and setback bedroom
penthouse above with balconies on the south, east and north sides and including all associated ancillary


Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      3168/20
Application Type                        Permission
Decision                                GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                           30/09/2020
Applicant                               Barbara Mowhan
Location                                26, Home Farm Park, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission for vehicular access and off street parking to front and all associated site works.


Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      3171/20
Application Type                        Permission
Decision                                ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                           01/10/2020
Applicant                               Ray Alcock
Location                                18 Roosevelt Cottages, Nephin Road, Dublin 7, D07 W1H9
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission for the demolition of 12.5 sq.m. single storey extension to rear and
construction of new 26.7sq.m. single storey extension to rear, opening of patio doors to the side (south
elevation), opening of new vehicular access to the public road (Nephin Road), dishing of public footpath
onto same, provision of a parking space to front garden and associated works.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       3425/20
Application Type                         Permission

                                                                                                  11 | P a g e
Decision                                  APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                             30/09/2020
Applicant                                 MeiYun He
Location                                  80, Capel Street, Dublin 1
Additional Information
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the following works:
Change of use from massage parlour to basement and ground floor with residential use above to a new
café at basement and ground floor with three studio apartments above.
The proposed works are:
-Basement: removal of internal partitions, stairs, WC, rear window and partial removal of internal walls,
new café, kitchen, karaoke rooms, toilets and stairs to ground floor and all associated conservation and
services works.
-Ground floor: removal of late twentieth century partitions and partial removal of internal original walls,
rebuilding of the late twentieth century rear extension to accommodate a stairs to the basement and a 1.5
sq.m garden courtyard construction of a new WC; new glazing and shutters to shopfront and alterations
and conservation of existing stairs (ground to third floor).
-First floor: introduction of a bathroom, kitchen, conversion of a rear window to a door and a rear roof
terrace to accommodate a studio apartment.
-Second floor: removal of late twentieth century partitions and ensuite bathrooms, the construction of one
new bathroom and kitchen and associated services works to accommodate a studio apartment.
-Third floor: construction of internal partitions, a new internal door and one new bathroom and kitchen and
associated services works to accommodate a studio apartment. New lime render to the rear elevation. All
ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.


Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      DSDZ3162/20
Application Type                        Permission
Decision                                ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                           01/10/2020
Applicant                               DWS Grundbesitz GMBH
Location                                Upper Mayor Street and 113-115 Sheriff Street, Dublin
                                        1 (Strategic Development Zone)
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission at this site consisting of a modification to condition no. 2 of reg. ref.
DSDZ3044/19, specifically, an extension of time (1-year ) for the use of Block 5A (northern block) of Point
Campus for temporary residential use from September 2020 until September 2021. Thereafter, the use of
Block 5A for student accommodation as permitted under Reg. Ref. DSDZ3689/15 will be reinstated.


Area                                Area 3 - Central
Application Number                  DSDZ3389/20
Application Type                    Retention Permission
Decision                            APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID
Decision Date                       02/10/2020
Applicant                           Meteor Mobile Communications Limited
Location                            Macken House, Macken Street Upper, Dublin 1
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: The development consists of an existing telecommunications installation comprising
                                                                                                12 | P a g e
of 3 no. 1.9m antenna and 2 no. dishes on supporting poles including ancillary equipment, equipment
cabinets and associated equipment (previously granted under local authority reference DSDZ4025/15) at
the roof level. This application relates to lands within the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Strategic
Development Zone.


Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      GSDZ3154/20
Application Type                        Retention Permission
Decision                                GRANT RETENTION PERMISSION
Decision Date                           30/09/2020
Applicant                               Grangegorman Development Agency
Location                                Temporary Energy Centre, TU Dublin Grangegorman,
                                        Grangegorman Lower, Dublin 7.
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION: This site is located within the overall Grangegorman Strategic Development Zone
The development consists of retention permission for works carried out to the Temporary Energy Centre (5
years) permitted under Dublin City Council (DCC) Reg. Ref GSDZ2116/19.
The retention permission comprises:
- modifications to the permitted design and layout resulting in a reduction in height from c.3.8m to c.3.6m
(height of flue chimney stacks unchanged at 14m) and an increase in GFA from 220sq.m to 302sq.m.;
- the use of alternative materials for the facade of the main structure;
- modifications to the flue chimney stacks including an additional flue and alternative finish to the flue
- relocation of 2 no. external storage tanks to within the main structure;
- the addition of a gas skid within a separate fenced enclosure;
- modifications to the boundary fence/access gate;
- modifications to the hard landscaping and attenuation storage;
and all associated development and service works on a site of 0.0889ha.


Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        WEB1348/20
Application Type                          Permission
Decision                                  GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                             02/10/2020
Applicant                                 David Fitzgerald
Location                                  121, Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7
Additional Information                    Additional Information Received
Proposal: Modification to previously granted planning permission Reg.Ref.: 3425/18 including changes
from proposed dormer style to 2-storey rear façade dwelling, other changes to the proposed dwelling roof
profile, layout, facades and increased floor area.


Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      WEB1395/20
Application Type                        Permission
Decision                                GRANT PERMISSION
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Decision Date                          30/09/2020
Applicant                              Mandy Smith
Location                               63, Ventry Park, Cabra, Dublin 7, D07 RXA6
Additional Information                 Additional Information Received
Proposal: New ground floor extension to front with internal modifications and associated site works


Area                                       Area 3 - Central
Application Number                         WEB1515/20
Application Type                           Permission
Decision                                   GRANT PERMISSION
Decision Date                              28/09/2020
Applicant                                  Brendan & Jennifer O'Dowd
Location                                   7, Kinvara Grove, Navan Road, Dublin 7
Additional Information
Proposal: (1) Demolition of existing conservatory to rear.
(2) Construction of a single storey extension to rear.
(3) A first floor extension over existing garage to side.
(4) Existing hipped roof profile to be converted to a gable end roof with reduced hip.
(5) Conversion of attic to study and storage with dormer window to rear roof plane and rooflight to
reduced hipped roof.


Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       WEB1535/20
Application Type                         Permission
Decision                                 REFUSE PERMISSION
Decision Date                            30/09/2020
Applicant                                Stephen Treacy
Location                                 142, Ratoath Estate, Cabra, Dublin 7
Additional Information
Proposal: RETENTION & PERMISSION: Retention Permission and Permission for development at 142
Ratoath Estate, Cabra, Dublin 7. The development consists of the change of use of a single storey shed/
outhouse building at the rear of the garden and bounding the rear laneway to use as a single storey
residential ancillary family accommodation (with 2 no. bedrooms) with associated minor internal layout
changes, elevational changes and site works.


Area                                       Area 3 - Central
Application Number                         WEB1539/20
Application Type                           Permission
Decision                                   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Decision Date                              02/10/2020
Applicant                                  Benedetto Fadda
Location                                   333 Argyle, Custom House Harbour, IFSC, Dublin 1
Additional Information
Proposal: alterations to existing Level 6 & 7 apartment consisting of
(A) the insertion of 1 no. rooflight to the front (west) elevation (B) the insertion of 1 no. rooflight to the rear
(east) elevation and
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(C) replacement of existing 1.57M wide sliding door with 1.8M wide double doors on Level 6 to the front
(west) elevation.


                                              Area 3
                                          Appeals Notified
Area                                      Area 3 - Central
Application Number                        4237/19
Appeal Type                               Written Evidence
Applicant                                 Lark Finance Limited and SM Blackhorse Limited
Location                                  353 & 363 Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7, which is
                                          generally bound by Blackhorse Avenue to the South and
                                          Villa Park Road to the west
Additional Information                    Clarification of Add. Information Recd.
Proposal: The proposed development will consist of a residential development of 33 no. residential units
comprising of: 2 no. 3 storey, 4-bedroom semi-detached houses with balconies to rear elevation of houses
at second floor level and 1 no. 4 storey apartment block (ranging from 3 to 4 storeys) consisting of 31 no.
apartments (11 no. 1 bedroom units and 20 no. 2 bedroom units) with balconies/terraces to the south east
elevation; 2 no. communal roof terraces will be located at fourth floor level; 1 no. ESB substation and
switch room; waste storage area; entrance lobbies; 2 no. bicycle parking rooms (each with 28 no. spaces,
providing 56 spaces in total); Landscaping; public lighting; boundary treatment; 27 no. surface level car
parking spaces; 12 no. surface level bicycle parking spaces; new vehicular access from Villa Park Road;
pedestrian access from Villa Park Road and Blackhorse Avenue; and all associated site development and
engineering works necessary to facilitate the proposed development. The proposed development would
also consist of the demolition of the 2 no. existing single storey detached dwellings and associated
outbuildings and sheds.


Area                                        Area 3 - Central
Application Number                          4329/19
Appeal Type                                 Written Evidence
Applicant                                   Michael Kearns
Location                                    8, O'Connell Street Lower & No. 3 Harbour Court,
                                            Dublin 1
Additional Information                      Additional Information Received
Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: (1) Change of use of the upper floors
within no. 8 O'Connell Street Lower from residential along with change of use of the existing commercial
floorspace within no. 3 Harbour Court to provide for a boutique hotel consisting of an overall total of 23
number en-suite bedrooms on first, second, third and fourth floor of No. 8 O'Connell Street and to the
ground, first, second and third floor of No. 3 Harbour Court. (2) Associated internal reconfiguration works
to provide for the boutique hotel to include provision of a reception area, wc, kitchen, bicycle/storage area
at the ground floor of no. 3 Harbour Court, associated signage to the exterior no. 3 Harbour Court, change
of finishes externally to existing link corridor between no. 8 O'Connell Street Lower & No. 3 Harbour Court,
upgrading of existing internal lift within no. 8 O'Connell Street Lower and alterations to roof finishes and
replacement of windows to No. 3 Harbour Court, connection to existing site services and all associated and
ancillary works. (3) The development will also include for provision of 1 no. 1 bed apartment at second floor
level within no. 8 O'Connell Street Lower.
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Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       WEB1482/20
Appeal Type                              Written Evidence
Applicant                                Ellen Kirk
Location                                 15, Ard Righ Road, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7, D07 C1W8
Additional Information
Proposal: Planning permission for demolition of existing rear extension and construction of a new part two
storey part single storey extension to the rear and internal modifications at ground and first floor level of
existing two storey terraced dwelling at no. 15 Ard Righ Road, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7.


                                               Area 3
                                           Appeals Decided
Area                                       Area 3 - Central
Application Number                         2144/20
Appeal Decision                            GRANT PERMISSION
Appeal Decision Date                       @01/10/2020
Applicant                                  Peter Wilson T/A Sitric Developments
Location                                   62A, Sitric Road, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7
Additional Information
Proposal: Permission is sought for change of use of existing ground floor shed from commercial to
residential, and to add first floor residential accommodation and to form converted attic with rear dormer
extension at roof level, to provide private open space at rear ground floor, and fit new recessed front door
at ground floor and form new window to existing ground floor brick.


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Dublin City Council




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Area                                     Area 3 - Central
Application Number                       0334/20
Application Type                         Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Applicant                                Kenneth Large
Location                                 17-21, Church Street East, East Wall, Dublin 3
Registration Date                        28/09/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: SHEC; 4 & 5 storey block of apts, totalling 772sq m comprising 1 no studio unit, 5 no 1 bed unit, 3
no 2 bed units, 18 bicycle balconies on the rear elevation at 1st to 4th floor levels, a roof top garden at 4th
floor level.


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Dublin City Council




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Area                                    Area 3 - Central
Application Number                      0346/20
Application Type                        Section 5
Applicant                               Roseview Lodgings Limited
Location                                12-13 North Frederick Street, Dublin 1
Registration Date                       02/10/2020
Additional Information
Proposal: EXPP: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Replacement of existing sanitary ware on like for like basis.
Replacement of internal non-original doors with new fire rated timber doors and frames. Repainting of
internal and external non-original windows and entrance doors. Removal of carpet to stairs and landings
and provision of new timber flooring.


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