Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe

Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe
October 2011                                          european
                                                    business press

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Wireless Test

       The European journal for
       the microwave and wireless design engineer
Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe
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Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe
news 3

“Subconscious mode” for smartphones                                                                       in brief
could extend battery life by over 50 percent                                                              U-blox acquires Fusion
A proof-of-concept stage “subconscious mode”         but jolts it back to full speed when the phone       U‑blox announces the acquisition of
for smartphones and other WiFi-enabled mobile        notices information coming in. It’s well known       San Diego based Fusion Wireless, a
devices could extend battery life by as much as      that you can slow a device’s clock to save energy.   provider of CDMA wireless modules
54 percent for users on the busiest networks,        The hard part, Shin said, was getting the phone      for consumer and M2M applications in
described in a paper titled “E-MiLi: Energy-Mini-    to recognize an incoming message while it was        North America.
mizing Idle Listening in Wireless Networks.”         in this slower mode.                                     Key terms of the transaction
    Even when smartphones are in power-sav-              When used with power-saving mode, the re-        cover technology and modules in the
ing modes and not actively sending or receiving      searchers found that E-MiLi is capable of reduc-     area of CDMA wireless technology in
messages, they are still on alert for incoming in-   ing energy consumption by around 44 percent          several form factors; and integration
formation and they’re searching for a clear com-     for 92 percent of mobile devices in real-world       of the Fusion Wireless business into
munication channel. The researchers have found       wireless networks.                                   u-blox’s existing activities to leverage
that this kind of energy-taxing “idle listening”         E-MiLi requires new processor-slowing soft-      and further strengthen the mutual
is occurring during a large portion of the time      ware on smartphones as well as new firmware          commercial activities as well as
phones spend in power-saving mode — as much          for phones and computers that would be sending       capitalize on technological synergies.
as 80 percent on busy networks. Their approach       messages. They need the ability to encode the
could make smartphones perform this idle lis-        message header — the recipient’s address — in
tening more efficiently. It’s called E-MiLi, which   a new and detectable way. The researchers have
stands for Energy-Minimizing Idle Listening.         created such firmware, but in order for E-MiLi
    To find out how much time phones spend           use to become widespread, WiFi chipset manu-         Universal mobile payments
keeping one ear open, University of Michigan         facturers would have to adopt these firmware         platform goes live
computer science and engineering professor           modifications and then companies that make           Luup claims to have launched the first
Kang Shin and doctoral student Xinyu Zhang           smartphones and computers would have to in-          universal mobile payments platform,
conducted an extensive trace-based analysis of       corporate the chips into their products.             which is the result of the integration
real WiFi networks. They discovered that, de-            Shin points out that E-MiLi is compatible        of the Temenos T24 core banking
pending on the amount of traffic in the network,     with today’s models, so messages sent with fu-       application and Microsoft BizTalk
devices in power-saving modes spend 60 to 80         ture devices that use E-MiLi’s encoding would        with Luup’s mobile payment services
percent of their time in idle listening. In previ-   still be received as usual on smartphones without    platform.
ous work, they demonstrated that phones in idle      E-MiLi. E-MiLi can also be used with other wire-     Luup CEO, Martin Wilson, explained:
listening mode expend roughly the same amount        less communication protocols that require idle       “Through Luup, banks have the
of power as they do when they’re fully awake.        listening, such as ZigBee.                           opportunity to serve corporate and
    E-MiLi works by slowing down the WiFi                                                                 retail markets using a single universal
card’s clock by up to 1/16 its normal frequency,                                        mobile payments platform. They can
                                                                                                          now offer mobile payment services
                                                                                                          in developed and emerging markets

SK Telecom embeds NFC in SIM card                                                                         anywhere in the world through any
                                                                                                          mobile device and on any network.”
                                                                                                              The integration of market leading
Mobile phone service provider SK Telecom             “wave-and-pay” and other services. NFC can           applications with Luup’s platform
(Seoul, South Korea) claims it has developed         also be used to download information from pas-       enables Luup to provide the most
the first SIM card equipped with a Near Field        sive tags, most usually in the form of a URL that    advanced mobile payments managed
Communications (NFC) chip which can be ret-          can be used as a destination for a smartphone        service available. It combines the scale
rofitted to non-NFC handsets thereby enabling        browser. It operates on a 13.56-MHz carrier and      to deal with large transaction volumes
NFC-based services.                                  allows data exchange between two devices over        with the mission critical standards that
   The company plans to launch the product in        a distance of about 10 centimeters.                  banks require to meet regulatory and
October 2011 for enterprise customers in Korea.           SK Telecom’s NFC-on-USIM is a special           security requirements.
This will be followed by roll out in overseas mar-   USIM (universal subscriber identity module)              Luup’s managed service model
kets including China to accelerate the spread of     card embedded with a 13.56-MHz antenna, NFC          enables banks to implement the
mobile payment infrastructure.                       chip and USIM chip. Details of the NFC-on-           service easily and at low cost and
   NFC is already used with some automated           USIM application programming interface (API)         to scale-up as customers’ demand
ticket systems and is being included on the moth-    to outside developers will follow.                   for mobile payments increases even
erboards of mobile handsets and smartphones,                                                              further.
so-called NFC phones, as a means of enabling                          

                                                                   Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011●
Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe

 in brief                                     Small cell backhaul to shift away from
  SFR provides free                           copper and fiber toward wireless backhaul
  femtocell offer to Europe
  French mobile operator SFR has              While outdoor small cells have received a lot of      gies like NLOS OFDM (sub 6 GHz), MMW (60
  announced that it is to offer free          attention lately, small cell backhaul has yet to      to 80 GHz) and also Wi-Fi backhaul solutions are
  femtocells to all of its 10+ million 3G     see the spotlight. The reason has been twofold        likely to find preference due to their flexibility, low
  customers. The service is the first         – first, there hasn’t been any significant outdoor    cost and ability to use point-to-multipoint (PMP)
  of its kind in Europe and follows the       small cell deployment yet, and second, opera-         and point-to-point (PTP) techniques to backhaul
  world’s first free model adopted by         tors are still in the process of trialing and test-   clusters or rows of small cells.
  SoftBank Mobile in Japan.                   ing small cell backhaul technologies, especially         “Small cell backhaul space is still in its early
       The femtocell works as a standalone    the newer contenders.                                 days, with a number of small vendors positioning
  device to connect to standard ADSL              Due to its unique characteristics, there are      their solutions, especially on the wireless back-
  routers from any ISP. But for users of      numerous considerations that need to be taken         haul side,” says Aditya Kaul, practice director,
  SFR’s latest multi-function ADSL device,    into account for a small cell backhaul solution.      mobile networks. “While the majority of small cell
  the Neufbox Evolution, the SFR Femto        These include product footprint, range, cost,         backhaul activity is concentrated in OFDM NLOS
  converts into a click-on USB accessory,     Ethernet/IP support, and capacity. By 2016, an        sub 6 GHz and to some extent in the MMW 60
  preserving a one-box solution with no       estimated 58% of outdoor small cells will be          to 80 GHz space, the cost of these solutions will
  extra cables. The French operator is        backhauled using wireless techniques.                 need to come down to allow operators to make a
  using Ubiquisys’ femtocell technology.          While fiber, copper, and traditional microwave    favorable small cell business case.”                                 are currently being used to backhaul rooftop micro
                                              base stations, the emergence of wireless technolo-

  LTE sales overtake WiMax
  Infonetics Research contends that LTE
  infrastructure equipment spending           Nvida ups ante with five-core mobile chip
  was greater than that of WiMax for
  the first time in 2Q11. The overall 2G,     Nvidia will pack five cores into its next-gen-        Companion and main cores share the same L2
  3G, 4G infrastructure market showed         eration mobile CPUs using a novel technique it        cache, and the cache is programmed to return
  equipment spending up 25.2 percent          describes as Variable Symmetric Multiprocessing       data in the same number of nanoseconds for
  year-over year (2Q10 to 2Q11) and up        (vSMP) to claim a power efficiency edge over          both Companion and main cores,” according to
  4.5 percent sequentially in 2Q11, the       rivals Qualcomm and Texas Instruments.                the white paper.
  firm said. The cumulative total of nearly       The company’s quad-core Kal-El processor              Nvidia claims the approach provides power
  $250 billion is going to be spent on        first shown in February actually has a fifth core.    savings in all use modes ranging from 14 to 61
  mobile infrastructure during the five       The extra core takes over automatically when          percent compared to a standard quad core. In a
  years 2011 to 2015                          workloads permit running the system in a low          rare direct comparison with competing chips,
      In the 4G segment the global LTE        power mode.                                           Nvidia said the five-core chip consumes two to
  equipment market was about $600                 Nvidia described the vSMP approach in a           three times less power than chips from Qual-
  million in 2Q11 while the equivalent        white paper describing the chip, also known as        comm and Texas Instruments.
  WiMax market was about $500 million,        Tegra 3. The device uses what Nvidia calls a CPU          The Nvidia chip consumes 579 mW when
  the firm reckons. The two markets           Goveror and CPU management logic to analyze           performing at about 5,000 Coremarks and run-
  together are set to show a compound         system workloads and automatically switch be-         ning at 480 MHz. By contrast the TI Omap 4
  annual growth rate of 46 percent over       tween the one low power core, called a Compan-        and Qualcomm Snapdragon QC8660 consume
  the five years from 2010 to 2015.           ion core, or the quad-core complex as needed for      1501 and 1453 mW respectively at roughly the
      “Although LTE and 4G continue to        maximum efficiency.                                   same performance level attained when running
  make the headlines, GSM was definitely          Both are based on the ARM Cortex A9. The          at about 1 GHz, Nvidia claimed.
  the 2Q11 reality, with massive capacity     Companion core running up to 500 MHz is made              In addition, when running at 1 GHz the
  upgrades in China and India. In addition,   in a low power process technology; the quad           Nvidia chip performed 11,667 on the Coremark
  2G and 3G network modernization with        core complex running up to a GHz is made in a         benchmark and still consumed less power than
  multi-standard base transceiver stations    general purpose or high performance process.          the competing chips at 1261 mW, it said.
  (BTS) continues to be strong and will           When using the quad-core complex, the Com-            Qualcomm announced plans for a quad-core
  remain the main theme throughout the        panion core is shut down and the device acti-         Snapdragon in February, but has not released
  second half of 2011,” said Stephane         vates one to four of its main cores depending on      details of the chip. TI has described its plans for
  Teral, principal analyst for mobile         the performance needs of the workload.                its Omap 5 using dual ARM Cortex A15 cores.
  infrastructure at Infonetics Research.          The chip can switch between the Companion                          and main cores in less than 2 milliseconds. “The

Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011        ●
Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe
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                   RFMD® is a trademark of RFMD, LLC. All other trade names, trademarks
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Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe

 in brief                                    Holographic radar missile scoring passes
  Fast transition to 802.11ac                proof of concept stage
  Following small shipment volumes
  in 2012 and a significant increase in      Cambridge Consultants has demonstrated its            with high-speed signal processing to detect and
  shipments in 2013, IEEE 802.11ac           holographic radar technology for target scoring       track small projectiles in the presence of very
  will emerge as the dominant Wi-            in live firing trials under a US Department of        large radar clutter, such as that experienced on
  Fi protocol by 2014, according to          Defense (DoD) program. The program is aimed           moving land and sea surface targets.
  ABI Research. Only a niche subset          at improving the projectile scoring capabilities of      During recent trials at the NSWC Test Range,
  of 802.11ac will be single-band            the US Navy and Army on land and sea surface          Dahlgren VA, the LSTS system successfully de-
  802.11ac, using solely the five GHz        ranges, to mitigate the high costs of live fire       tected, tracked and located the splash point of
  band. Most will be 802.11n/802.11ac        training and deliver more accurate data. The          inert 5 inch projectiles, and was also able to pin-
  dual-band chipsets.                        system is the first to align holographic radar and    point the burst point of a high-explosive round.
      While 802.11ad products                target scoring technologies.                          In a multiple shot burst, the system separately
  will make an early debut, with a               Using its holographic radar technology, Cam-      tracked four shells fired at three second inter-
  Qualcomm Atheros and Wilocity              bridge Consultants developed the Land and Sur-        vals. Observers were able to see the results in
  partnership leading the way, 802.11ad      face Target Scorer (LSTS) system. Installed on        near real-time on a laptop PC.
  will not reach the 50 percent mark         high-speed land or sea-surface target vehicles,
  until 2016. It will be used in dual- and   the system uses receiver array panels combined
  tri-band chipsets. Because of their
  lower cost, 802.11n and 802.11ac
  chipsets with 1X1 will remain
  dominant until 2015, when they will
                                             Wireless solution scheduled for airlines and
  be surpassed by both 2X2 and 3X3
  chipsets. 2X2 chipsets for mobile
                                             airport authorities
  devices that can fall back to 1X1.                        Kontron has announced its partnership with               The system enables airlines to wirelessly load
                                             Thales to design and manufacture the Enhanced         and offload content and data while an aircraft
                                             Terminal Wireless LAN Unit (eTWLU) for the            is on the ground. In order to ensure maximum
  Aeroflex endows €1                         company’s GateSync system. The Thales Gate-           connectivity throughput and reliability to off-
  million lab at Lancaster                   Sync system is a high-performance wireless            aircraft networks the Kontron eTWLU is inte-
  University                                 ground connectivity solution for airports and         grated with multiple radios — two 802.16-2006
  Aeroflex Limited and Lancaster             airlines. The eTWLU, a critical element of the        WiMAX radios supporting 10 MHz channels
  University have announced the              systems onboard networking, is a small sealed         operating from 5.725 to 5.875 GHz, a single
  inauguration of the Aeroflex Wireless      ARINC-763 compliant wireless transceiver that         802.11a/g Wi-Fi radio, and a GPRS/EDGE/
  Broadband Laboratory in the                supports multiple high speed wireless protocols       HSPA-capable GSM radio.
  University’s School of Computing           allowing the GateSync system to be deployed at
  and Communications at InfoLab21,           airports throughout the world.              ,
  Lancaster’s world-class centre of
  excellence for research in information
  and communication technologies.
      The new laboratory is equipped
                                             Low power RF technology enables
  with just over €1 million worth of
  test equipment donated by Aeroflex, a      intelligent hand hygiene system
  leading US technology company with a
  large R&D and manufacturing facility in    Low-power wireless chip technology from NXP           the JenNet wireless network protocol stack op-
  Stevenage, UK. The Aeroflex laboratory     Semiconductors is being used in the HyGreen           timized for low-power, low-data rate, cost-sen-
  will enable Lancaster University to play   Hand Hygiene and Recording System, designed           sitive applications, and plans to start using the
  a leading role in the development of the   by HyGreen, to capture and transmit data on           JN5148 microcontroller later in 2011. Based
  next generation of wireless broadband      hand washing by healthcare workers, helping           on the IEEE 802.15.4 specification, JenNet en-
  networks and user equipment, such          to improve hospital hygiene. The innovative           ables a robust, self-healing network that helps
  as smartphones, tablet PCs and future      solution actively reminds busy healthcare work-       HyGreen track all hand-washing events, as well
  mobile devices. Aeroflex already           ers to wash their hands, and records all hand-        as which patient bed each healthcare worker
  has a longstanding relationship with       washing events and patient-staff interactions         has visited.
  Lancaster University.                      in the hospital environment. HyGreen is using                           the NXP JN5139 wireless microcontroller and 

Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011       ●
Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe
contents 7

                                                                 3      News

                                                                 10     Comment

                                                                 12	Low power 2.4 GHz SoCs help wireless muscle stimulator to
                                                                     offer consumers pro athlete technology

                                                                 14	100-Gigabit Ethernet CMOS PHY targets next generation line

This month’s cover depicts the wireless world                    16	Qualcomm looks to smartphones to drive growth
we live in. As wireless technologies evolve,
test is getting more and more complex due to                     18	Wireless Test: 802.11ac Wireless LAN: what’s new and the
increased complexity and data rates driven by
ever more ambitious standards. Smartphones
                                                                         impact on design and tests
are set to drive data requirements much higher.                          Close attention to design for manufacturing will help minimize
                                                                         cost of test and ensure that access points and clients meet con-
                                                                         sumers’ price and performance expectations.
Tel. +44-7800 548-133
                                                                 23	Wireless Test: Signal/spectrum analyzer features minimum phase
Editorial Advisory Board
Tom Brazil, University College Dublin, Ireland                           noise and 160 MHz bandwidth
Marco Lisi, Telespazio, Italy
Holger Meinel, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG,
Marco Guglielmi, ESTEC, The Netherlands
                                                                 24	Cadence expands verification IP portfolio to target emerging
Chris Snowden, Filtronic Compound Semiconductor/
University of Leeds, UK.
                                                                      mobile standards
advertising Production
Lydia Gijsegom                                                   25	Security on the wireless mobile highway
Tel +32 (0) 2 740 00 50
email:                                      The automotive industry has made a priority of developing
CIRCULATION & FINANCE                                                 wireless technologies.
Tel +32 (0) 2 740 0055
                                                                 26	Avoiding coexistence problems and simplifying designs with
art manager
Jean-Paul Speliers                                                    integrated RF modules
Tel +32 (0)2 740 0052
ACCOUNTING                                                       29	How femtocells will solve data capacity
Tel +32 (0)2 740 0051
email:                                      32	Overcoming the challenges of wireless audio distribution
publisher                                                             Wireless technologies are being almost universally adopted for
andre rousselot
Tel +32 (0)2 740 0053                                                 these sound feeds.
European Business Press SA
144 Avenue Eugène Plasky                                         34	Wireless power transmission for consumer electronics and
1030 Brussels - Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 740 00 50
                                                                     electric vehicles
Fax: +32 (0)2 740 00 59                                              Over the next decade, the most vibrant Wireless Power Trans-
VAT Registration: BE 461.357.437                                     mission (WPT) markets will be the contactless charging of
RPM: Brussels
Company Number: 0461357437                                           portable and mobile equipment, in particular consumer elec-
© 2011 E.B.P. SA
                                                                     tronics and electric vehicles.
• All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording
or any information storage or retrieval system without the       36	Products
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• The contents of Microwave Engineering Europe are subject to
reproduction in information storage and retrieval systems.
• Microwave Engineering Europe is published ten times a year.    42     Calendar
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• Printed by Corelio

                                                                           Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011   ●
Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe
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Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe
Comment 9
engineering europe

SALES OFFICES                                                          In-Flight Wi-Fi coming to a
                                                                       plane near you

Victoria & Norbert Hufmann
Tel +49 911 93 97 64 42 -

Nadia Liefsoens
                                                                       According to In-Stat, over the past year there has been significant
Tel: +32-11-224 397 -                               growth in both the usage rates of in-flight broadband and number
France, Spain & Portugal                                               of planes deployed. Additionally, In-Stat contend that what has
André Rousselot                                                        been a US-centric market has started to see an expansion of
Tel:+32 2 740 0053 -
                                                                       borders with deployments in Europe growing over the past year
Germany PLZ 0-3, 60-65, 8-9
Victoria & Norbert Hufmann
                                                                       and new activity in the Middle East. New In-Stat (
Tel: +49 911 93 97 64 42 -                          com) research, forecasts that in-flight Wi-Fi revenues will surpass
Germany PLZ 4-5                                                        the $1.5 billion mark in 2015.
Armin Wezel
Tel: +49 9568 897 097 -                            As smartphones become an indispensable tool for many, whether
Germany PLZ 66-69, 7
Ralf Stegmann
                                                                       for business, social networking or gaming, users are expecting
Tel: +49 7131 9234-0 -                          a connection virtually everywhere. This is especially true when
Israel                                                                 travelling, and planes, trains, busses and personal vehicles are
Amir Ben-Artzi
Tel: +972 73 7367966 -                                 getting connected.
Ferruccio Silvera                                                         What is interesting about WiFi on planes, is that we are still
Tel: +39-02-284 6716 -
                                                                       told to switch off our devices while flying, at least the radio part of
Scandinavia                                                            the phone. This is apparently for safety reasons, though I suspect
Jeff Draycott
Mobile: +46-(0)702 067636 -                    at such a high altitude most phones are not be near enough to
                                                                       connect to any cells. Hopefully, the airlines are still making sure
Monika Ailinger                                                        flying is safe, and not attracted too much to the forecast revenues
Tel: +41-41-850 4424 -
                                                                       that in-flight WiFi might generate.
UK & Ireland & The Netherlands
Tim Anstee                                                                “While airlines initially viewed in-flight broadband as a
Tel: +44-1732-366555 -
                                                                       competitive differentiator, it is now simply viewed in the US
USA                                                                    market as a competitive requirement,” says Amy Cravens, Senior
US East Coast                                                          Analyst at In-Stat. “The future of in-flight Wi-Fi will be less about
Karen Smith-Kernc
Tel: +1 717 397 7100 - KarenKCS@aol.con
                                                                       convincing airlines of the merit and more about leveraging the
                                                                       network to provide a broader breadth of services. As in the hotspot
US Central & West Coast
Alan Kernc                                                             market, Wi-Fi access is likely to become a commodity in the in-
Tel: +1 717 397 7100 -                                 flight market, with the revenue opportunity resting on the services
ASIA                                                                   and features, not the connection.”
Japan                                                                    After all, travellers have a lot of time to kill on flights and the
Masaya Ishida
Tel: +81-3-6824-9386 -                        possibility of downloading a film to a tablet for personal use is
Hong Kong
                                                                       quite tempting. There is a lot of opportunity for manufacturers and
Asian Sources Publications Ltd.                                        service providers.
Tel: +852 2831 2775 -

South Korea
                                                                         For, example, Kontron recently announced a partnership with
J. W. Suh                                                              Thales to design and manufacture the Enhanced Terminal Wireless
Tel: +82-2-7200-121 -
                                                                       LAN Unit (eTWLU) for the company’s GateSync system. The
Lotus Business
                                                                       Thales GateSync system is a high-performance wireless ground
Tel: +886-4-23235023 -                         connectivity solution for airports and airlines.

André Rousselot                                                        Jean-Pierre Joosting
Sales director
Tel +32 (0)2 740 0053                                                  Editor
                                                                       Mobile:- +44-7800-548133
                                                      business press

                                                                                Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011   ●
Engineering europe October 2011 - Wireless Test The European journal for the microwave and wireless design engineer - Microwave Engineering Europe

 in brief                                    Compression across base station fiber optic
  Motion algorithms lift                     links can save industry up to 25 billion USD
  MEMS-based remotes
  Armed with a new deal to integrate its     Samplify Systems was granted a patent by the             For distributed base stations, using central-
  MEMS sensor algorithms into Texas          United States Patent and Trademark Office (U.S.       ized baseband processors and metropolitan-area
  Instruments’s ZigBee-based radio           Patent #8,005,152) on August 23, 2011 that            fiber to connect to radio units, the operating
  frequency for consumer electronics         covers the use of compression across fiber optic      costs associated with 10 Gbps wavelength ser-
  (RF4CE) hardware platform—                 links, including those using the CPRI (Common         vices are many thousands of dollars per month.
  RemoTI—Hillcrest Laboratories,             Public Radio Interface) and OBSAI (Open Base          In fact, Bell Labs estimates that in 2010, wireless
  hopes to penetrate further into the fast   Station Architecture Initiative) protocols, within    operators spent over $200B on capital and oper-
  growing markets for MEMS-based             wireless base stations.                               ating costs for their existing networks. As opera-
  motion-control interfaces for Smart TV,        “With the deployment of 4G LTE beginning          tors roll out 4G, these costs will only escalate.
  streaming video, motion-based gaming       early this year, we have seen wireless opera-            The company’s Prism IQ compression tech-
  and 3-D gesture control.                   tors and equipment vendors become much more           nology has continually been optimized specifi-
      Last year, Hillcrest Labs              sensitive to the rising deployment costs for both     cally for critically sampled I/Q baseband data
  announced the integration of its           macro-cell and distributed base stations,” says       to support increased bandwidth demands by
  MEMS sensor algorithms—the                 Tom Sparkman, CEO of Samplify. “Wireless op-          wireless networks. Given this legacy, the mobile
  Freespace MotionEngine—with                erators will benefit from our Prism IQ™ com-          industry can be assured that Prism IQ delivers
  Broadcom’s digital-TV on-a-chip and        pression technology from multiple equipment           the highest performing compression technology
  Bluetooth on-a-chip, as well as major      vendors which we believe can save as much as          available for wireless infrastructure applications,
  design-wins with the LG’s Smart TVs,       $25B in the deployment of 4G LTE.”                    achieving up to 4:1 compression on 4G LTE sig-
  SMK’s Smart TV remotes, and most               With 4G LTE, the capacity of fiber optic con-     nals while maintaining signal quality in terms of
  recently for the second-generation         nections using CPRI and OBSAI between remote          error vector magnitude prescribed by 3GPP.
  of the popular Roku set-top box for        radio heads and baseband units increases from            Prism IQ is available from Samplify to wire-
  Internet protocol television (IPTV). The   614 Mbps to 10 Gbps. To support this faster           less equipment companies as intellectual prop-
  company also licensed its intellectual     speed, more expensive optical transceivers and        erty for FPGAs and ASICs.
  property to Playstation-maker, Sony,       field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are re-
  and “amicably resolved” a dispute          quired at each end of the fiber link.       
  with Wii-maker Nintendo regarding its
  motion-processing algorithms.
                                             Gennum and Altera demonstrate 4 x 25 Gb/s
  1.5M LTE base stations                     ICs for 100 Gb/s networks
  ship by 2015
  Carriers will deploy as many as 1.5        Bolstering the ecosystem for next-generation 4        data streams for next-generation 100 Gb/s plug-
  million LTE base stations by 2015          x 25 Gb/s based optical transceivers, Gennum          gable fiber-optic modules, line cards and direct-
  with Ericsson the leading supplier and     and Altera have demonstrated interoperability         attach copper cables using the 25G-QSFP+ and
  Alcatel-Lucent and Huawei battling         of Gennum’s 25 to 28 Gb/s PHY with Altera’s           CFP2 form factors. They provide exceptional jit-
  for second place, according to a new       28 Gb/s enabled Stratix® V GT FPGA at the             ter performance with low power consumption.
  report from In-Stat.                       European Conference and Exhibition on Optical             By resetting the jitter budgets within the mod-
      “Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent have      Communication (ECOC). The demonstration               ule in both the transmit and receive directions,
  become the early LTE leaders as a          featured Gennum’s GN2425 and GN2426 mod-              Gennum’s CDRs enable robust operation for
  result of modernization contracts with     ule clock and data recovery (CDR) integrated          new systems such as 100GBASE-LR4 optical
  Verizon and AT&T,” said In-Stat analyst    circuits communicating with an Altera linecard/       modules. In the transmit direction they drive
  Chris Kissel.                              host-based Stratix® V GT FPGA operating at 25         EML, DML or MZM drivers with very low jit-
      The report projects the top five       to 28 Gb/s over an OIF CEI-28G-VSR compliant          ter, allowing clean, wide-open transmit eyes. In
  vendors in global LTE routers and          electrical link. The link had greater than 10 dB of   the receive direction they remove jitter from the
  gateways in 2012 will be Alcatel-          loss at the Nyquist data rate and comprised host      recovered optical signals, promoting error-free
  Lucent, Cisco, Ericsson, Huawei, and       board traces, module board traces and a Molex         reception by a downstream receiver on the host
  Nokia Siemens Networks. From 2011          zQSFP+ interconnect system. The link exceeded         board. The GN2425 and GN2426 CDRs include
  to 2015, revenues for LTE radio access     CEI-28G-VSR IA requirements and operated at           the equalization capability demanded of the new
  networks (RANs) will grow 41 percent       a bit-error-rate (BER) of less than 1E-15.            CEI-28G-VSR IA, providing a robust VSR link.
  on a compound basis, it said.                 The GN2425 and GN2426, now in pre-pro-                             duction, are designed to support 25 to 28 Gb/s,

Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011       ●
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12 wireless health

Low power 2.4 GHz SoCs help wireless muscle
stimulator to offer consumers pro athlete technology
By Nordic Semiconductor

        he world’s first wireless muscle electro-       Electro muscle stimulation
        stimulator, which is used by HTC-               has long been used by elite
        Highroad, the professional cycling team         professional athletes both
of top 2011 Tour de France sprinter and new             during training (to stress
world road race champion, Mark Cavendish,               key target muscles) and
now employs Nordic nRF24LE1 proprietary                 between training sessions
2.4 GHz System-on-Chips (SoCs) from ultra low           and competitive events (to
power RF specialist Nordic Semiconductor ASA.           accelerate recovery cycles
    The Compex Wireless stimulator, which               and treat common intensive
targets professional athletes and serious               training ailments such as
consumer sports and fitness enthusiasts                 lower back pain).
such as marathon runners and keen cyclists,
employs mechanical biofeedback (‘mi-SCAN’)
technology to automatically and safely adjust
the stimulation settings to the specificities of
each muscle. The stimulator can be used safely
and effectively to enhance training regimes and
accelerate post training/racing muscle recovery
via one of 50 downloadable wireless programs
targeting both professional athletes and
consumer sports and fitness enthusiasts                     “When we began development of this project       active 2.4 GHz sources such as Wi-Fi and
    The Compex Wireless is the world’s first            we weren’t RF specialists so we decided to recruit   Bluetooth wireless technology. We achieved
electro-stimulator to the offer the convenience         an experienced RF engineer and discuss what          all of this while meeting all relevant product
of wireless to maximize application freedom             we were trying to do with a number of local          specifications, compliances and regulations
and comfort without the risk of users getting           independent wireless design and development          thanks to the dedication of our development
tangled up in trailing cables. It also gives non-       labs,” says Nicolas Fontaine, R&D Team Manager       team, and support from both Nordic and it’s
professional users the ability to access the            and Senior Firmware Engineer at Compex               local European distributor Rutronik.”
benefits of muscle stimulation on a regular             Médical in Switzerland (a division of DJO Global)        The nRF24LE1’s radio is a fully featured
basis, by making it possible for them to set            that developed the Compex Wireless. “They all        nRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz transceiver core including
training objectives and download relevant               recommended Nordic Semiconductor because of          Nordic’s proven Enhanced ShockBurst™
muscle stimulation programs and ready-to-use            the technical capability of its solutions, quality   hardware link layer. It delivers true ULP
schedules from a dedicated website.                     of service and support, competitive pricing, and     operation with peak currents low enough to run
    In operation, a Nordic nRF24LE1 2.4 GHz             operational reliability.”                            on coin cell batteries.
SoC with on-board microcontroller running a                 Fontaine continues: “But making this                 It integrates an enhanced 8051 mixed
Compex-developed wireless networking protocol           product wireless was still a big challenge. For      signal MCU core featuring fewer clock cycles
is located in each of up to four compact wireless       user comfort all stimulators have to be precisely    per instruction than legacy 8051 devices.
circular stimulators (5.5 cm diameter, 1.8 cm           synchronized within milliseconds of each other       Most instructions need just one or two clock
thick, 50 g weight). These communicate with             at all times and the whole wireless network          cycles leading to an average performance
another nRF24LE1 located within a wireless              demanded very low latency so that should the         improvement of 8X using the MIPS benchmark.
controller featuring a 6.1 cm color LCD screen          system need to stop (e.g., due to a low battery      This high performance combined with
and simple user interface used to set up and            level in one of the stimulators or by instruction    16‑kbytes of on-chip flash and 1-kbytes of
control the Compex Wireless. Each stimulator            from the user), it stopped immediately and           SRAM ensures the processing platform is
can operate for an entire day between recharges         simultaneously rather than disorderly over a         powerful enough to run both the RF protocol
from a built-in 450 mAH lithium-ion polymer             few seconds. Finally, the product had to work        stack and application layer with ease.
rechargeable battery under highly demanding             reliably even in challenging RF environments
(two training programs at high power and three          shared with other Compex Wireless users in 
recovery programs) usage conditions.                    close proximity (e.g., during races) and other

Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011         ●
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                                                                RT/duroid   /RZ]D[LVFRHIÀFLHQWRI       3ODWHGWKURXJK
                                                                 5880LZ     WKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQ                KROHFDSDEOH
                                                                            /LJKWZHLJKW                     $GYDQWDJHIRU

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14 100 Gigabit Ethernet

100-Gigabit Ethernet CMOS PHY targets next
generation line cards
By Paul Buckley

        he next generation 100 GbE line cards            chipset solution and that allows us to de-
        targeted for data center and enterprise          risk the design — our customers will find
        networks face several design challenges          it very attractive because of the use of a
when they look to retain a lower carbon footprint        CDR chip solution inside a module that
while they upgrade to 100 GbE networks.                  talks to a chip that we guarantee works
    Inphi Corporation has unveiled what the              over that channel. That’s the big attraction
company claims is industry’s first, lowest power         from a design risk or design development
100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) CMOS PHY                      standpoint on the system side. The other
solutions that support the IEEE 802.3ba standard         advantage is that we are the first vendor in
and target next generation high density 100G line        the market place to have a CMOS solution
cards. The company’s 100 GbE CMOS chipsets               for 100 GbE PHY and 100 GbE CDR.”
are looking to deliver three times less power and                                                              a point solution and put it out into the field and
twice the levels of integration compared to what         CMOS advantages                                       expect it to work. That is a ‘Hail Mary’ approach.
is already on the market.                                Using CMOS solution offers a lot of advantages        That might have worked at 1 GbE and may have
    Inphi’s IN112510 100 GbE CMOS Gearbox                over existing SiGe solutions. Current solutions on    even worked at 10 GbE but was never going to
(GB) and IN012525 100 GbE CMOS Clock Data                the market are based on SiGe process technology,      work at 100 GbE. So you need to pre-empt all of
Recovery (CDR) chipsets have been developed              which is typically high power and is not as area      that ahead of time and take the chip models.”
to accelerate time-to-market for higher aggregate        optimal. In addition, SiGe does not offer as high a       “We took all the parameter models of our
bandwidth systems while containing costs of next         level of integration as CMOS.                         customers’ channels and data connector models
generation 100 GbE line cards targeted for data              The key advantage CMOS offers is much             from our connector vendor and went to optics
center and enterprise networks.                          lower power. It is almost three times less than       vendors and got their optics models. We recreated
    Based on Inphi’s iPHY architecture announced         what is available on the market today. Current        the whole link from our chip to the receiving chip
in March 2011 the cost-effective, energy-efficient       SiGe solutions are about 8 W but the Inphi            with all the elements in between and then put it
100 GbE links are aiming to become essential             solution comes in at about 2.5 W.                     through a detailed signal integrity simulation tool.
tools for data center and service provider                   Existing SiGe solutions have typically            We created this tool floor that took about a year
networks, which are struggling to satisfy the            been two-chip solutions. They typically have          and half for our design team to build. The tool
global economy’s relentless hunger for more              a transmit chip and a receive chip. Inphi have        allows us to take all of the different parameters
bandwidth. With service providers and data               integrated the transmit and receive chips into a      and plug it into the model and then extrapolate
centers demanding technology with low power              single chip making it like a true transceiver and     how our chip would perform in our customers’
consumption, Inphi’s latest iPHY CMOS PHY                that obviously saves area specially for enterprise    environment. We have various knobs we can turn
solutions will enable them to easily upgrade to          and data center applications where area is a          in that tool floor.”
100 GbE networks while retaining a lower carbon          scarce resource.                                          “The tool is a statistical simulator as opposed
footprint. By integrating multiple channels along                                                              to an actual simulator so it will statistically
with transmit and receive functions on a single          Signal integrity                                      simulate all the different corners and extrapolate
IC, Inphi claims the company is able to double           According to Sheth, “Signal integrity is always       how the chip would perform in a customers’
the levels of integration available from existing        a huge challenge when you transition from one         environment without having to physically to do
100 GbE PHY and CDR offerings.                           key step of the Ethernet to another and this is       each and every simulation.”
    The iPHY IN112510 is a single-chip, low-             the other part of the equation. The design would          “That saves you a lot of time and gets you a lot
power PHY for 10:4 gearbox applications for              not be a successful without us having done a          of data and although it is not the real thing it still
100 GbE and OTU4 high-density 100 Gbps line              lot of design work that had already be done on        gives you a great deal of confidence in terms of
cards with 25-28 Gbps electrical interfaces. The         the signal integrity side. Over the last two years    how well the chip is going to perform. That is the
iPHY IN012525 is a low-power CDR for 100 GbE             before we even got started with the design we         basis of how we designed our transmitters, our
and OTU4 next generation 100G modules, which             had a team of core signal integrity experts who       driver circuits and our receiver circuits. A lot of
will typically reside inside a CFP-2 module.             were working with our customers and partners to       this work was done before we started putting the
    Siddharth Sheth, Vice President of Marketing         create a link simulation set-up.”                     design together.”
for Inphi’s high-speed connectivity products                 “When you move to data rates of 100 GbE
comments, “We essentially own the link with this         you realise that you are not just going to build

Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011          ●
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16 smartphone trends

Qualcomm looks to smartphones to drive growth
By Jean-Pierre Joosting

           obile computing, in many instances,           platform. Not only can
           is taking over from PCs and in some           wireless healthcare
           cases laptops. This trend is been             improve communications
driven by the smartphone revolution, still in            between doctors and
its infancy and to a lesser extent the emerging          patients, but it can
tablet platform. Smartphones today have been             significantly reduce costs
responsible for stressing the capacity and QoS           in healthcare systems,
of many mobile network operators around the              and can also provide a
world. It is not about to get any easier, Strategy       very cost-effective way
Analytics estimate that operators will experience        of monitoring patients
data growth of roughly ten fold by 2015.                 with specific ailments
    This success can be attributed to the                or the elderly, that
smartphone’s capability to combine graphics              once required specialist
and computing in a small portable form                   equipment — now
factor. However, to achieve this, smartphones            all that is needed is a
rely on highly integrated processors, such as            smartphone, sensors
Qualcomm’s SnapDragon SoC to efficiently                 and an app. Examples
combine a multitude of technology components,            include wireless glucose
including CPU, GPU, LAN, WAN, DSP, GPS,                  meters, blood pressure
connectivity, software, power management, RF,            monitoring, wireless ECG, temperature             Gaming
and multimedia. The Snapdragon MSM8x60                   measurements, and elder care systems.             Smartphones have the potential to double
family of mobile processors for multitasking                 To illustrate this idea, Qualcomm             up as handheld gaming platforms, especially
tablets and smartphones, offers two                      Incorporated, through its Wireless Reach™         as the industry brings 3D displays, gesture
asynchronous processor cores; an integrated              initiative, and Life Care Networks, along with    control and augmented reality to the market.
Adreno 220 GPU with twice the processing                 the Community Health Association of China,            Earlier this year Qualcomm introduced
power of its predecessor; and support for up to          has recently launched the Wireless Heart          the Snapdragon™ Game Pack, which is an
a 16 megapixel camera.                                   Health project for the prevention and care of     optimization program initially featuring more
    At a recent Qualcomm event, in Istanbul, Dr          cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in underserved     than 100 mobile games that represent the first
Paul Jacobs, Chairman and CEO of Qualcomm                communities in China.                             installment of a growing collection of the latest
remarked that mobile can change the world and                Using China Telecom’s 3G EV-DO wireless       console-quality and casual games optimized
cited some examples such as healthcare, citizen          network, this project aims to explore a new       and enhanced for Snapdragon-based mobile
news reporting, education, and e-government.             health care solution to enhance the CVD           devices. This milestone conveys the depth of
Emphasizing the importance of mobile today,              diagnosis and prevention capabilities of          support and collaboration among Qualcomm
Dr Paul Jacobs added that mobile is the largest          community health clinics in China.                and top gaming publishers and developers that
technology sector, generating revenue of around              The 3G system includes smartphones with       are using the advanced graphics capability of
1.3 trillion USD, representing 2 percent of              built-in electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors;         the embedded Adreno™ GPUs in Snapdragon
global GDP.                                              web-based, electronic medical record software;    mobile processors to bring a better gaming
    The smartphone revolution is in its                  and 3G wireless workstations located within       experience to mobile users. Future phases
infancy, and as handsets get cheaper, market             the clinics. Each workstation includes a          of the Snapdragon Game Pack will be able
penetration will increase. One goal, the                 computer terminal with Internet access,           to take full advantage of next-generation
industry is looking at is to produce an entry            providing health care workers with instant        Snapdragon mobile processors that will
level smartphone for $100. Further trends                access to electronic patient records, including   feature quad-core Adreno GPUs and will be
include augmented reality, gaming, mobile                ECG data. The project also includes training      optimized for larger display devices, such as
healthcare, 3D mobile, and faster mobile                 sessions for all participating community health   tablets. According to Qualcomm, more than
processors, rising from dual-core 1.5 GHz                center clinicians.                                60 percent of smartphone users regularly play
today to quad-core, 2.5 GHz around 2014.                     “3G wireless technologies offer new           games on their mobile devices.
                                                         channels for improving access to health care,
Healthcare                                               particularly within underserved communities,”     Augmented reality
Mobile healthcare is potentially one of the              said Shawn A. Covell, vice president for          Augmented Reality (AR) is the concept
biggest markets available to the smartphone              Qualcomm Government Affairs.                      of superimposing virtual content (such as

Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011          ●
smartphone trends 17

graphics) on top of a view of the real world as     development tool. A web application is             smartphone using gesture control — the user
seen through a camera. Typical applications         also included for creating and managing            might rotate the building or site to see it from
range from gaming and interactive media/            image resources that can be used with either       all angles, or go through a door or passage to
marketing to instructional how-to/aid. Juniper      development environment.                           see what is inside. In gaming, gesture control
Research estimates that revenue from AR will            Performance is achieved through                combined with AR promises new ways users
rise from a negligible amount today to over         Qualcomm’s innovations in advanced computer        can interact with the game interface.
700 million USD by 2014.                            vision algorithms and close integration of             To ensure a lead in gesture control,
    To this end, Qualcomm offer an                  hardware and software. The effect of this          Qualcomm recently acquired certain assets
augmented reality (AR) platform for Android         performance is a higher fidelity user experience   from GestureTek, a developer of gesture
smartphones, via their online developer             in which graphics content appears more real        recognition technology. GestureTek has more
network. Developers can now build, market           against the real world background.                 than 25 years of experience implementing
and commercially distribute applications based                                                         gesture-based technologies in mobile devices,
on the Qualcomm AR platform. The platform’s         Gesture control                                    entertainment facilities, healthcare systems,
rich feature set enables developers to build        AR offers a users a different way of visualizing   retail locations, and public and private venues.
high-performance, interactive 3D experiences        the real world on the smartphone or tablet         The acquisition gives Qualcomm ownership of
on real world images, such as those used in         screen. Combined with gesture control, new         certain intellectual property assets related to
print media (books, magazines, brochures,           and innovative interfaces for the relatively       gesture recognition, as well as key engineering
tickets, signs) and on product packaging.           small screen of a smartphone will enable           resources. Gesture recognition technology
    The platform supports multiple                  users to interact more intuitively with the        will be integrated into Qualcomm’s current
development environments. The Qualcomm              device. For example, a shelf of DVDs, might        and next-generation Snapdragon™ processors,
AR Android SDK supports native Android              be represented on a phone as a sliding view        giving OEMs the capability to produce
development with the Android tool chain,            of box covers. The user would use a hand           smartphones, tablets and home entertainment
including the Android SDK and NDK. The              movement to scroll through the titles, or          devices with user interfaces based on natural
Qualcomm AR Unity Extension supports                touch the screen to play the DVD. An historic      human gestures.
rapid development with the Unity 3 game             building or site might be viewed first on the

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                                                                         Microwave Engineering Europe ● October 2011    ●
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