EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

Page created by Norma Webb
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
                                                                    SPRING 2019

An Opportunity
to Grow


PAGE 5                                                        HOMESTEAD

                                                           ERSONAL ENRICHMENT
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
enhance      SPR ING 2 019
                                                       C O R P O R AT E S O L U T I O N S
                                                       The industry leaders at Miami Dade College’s Center
                                                       for Corporate Solutions have the skills and business
                                                       experience to provide companies of all sizes with a
                                                       complete range of high-quality corporate training solutions.
                                                       Our subject-matter experts will work closely with your
                                                       organization to help improve performance and productivity.

                                                       WE OFFER:
                                                       • Customized, on-site seminars and workshops
                                                       • Comprehensive needs assessment
                                                       • Industry-recognized certifications
  500 College Terrace / Room B112                      • Subject-matter experts and industry leaders
Homestead, FL 33030 / 305-237-5159                     • Live, online and blended instructional models
                                                       • Flexible schedules
                                                       • Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
                                                       • Certificates of completion
Business and Workforce Training                    3

Technology Institute                               3

Construction Industry                              3

Child Care Training                                4

Health Care                                        6

Language Center                                    7

Test Preparation                                   7

Registration Information and Form             11

Unless otherwise noted, classes meet
at MDC Homestead Campus (address above).

Great classes are often cancelled due to insuf-
ficient enrollment. We recommend registering
at least two days before the start of the class.
Contact us today to register for your class!

Fees are subject to change without notice.

                                                                   Center for Corporate Solutions (CCS)
                                                                          305-237-2297 / email: ccs@mdc.edu
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College


QuickBooks Level 1
QuickBooks makes it easy to set up and
reconcile general ledger accounts, create and
print invoices and track your payables. Learn to
maintain your inventory, create estimates and
generate accounting reports.
$315 | 24 Hours
14420 1/29 – 2/21      TuTh 6 – 9 p.m.


Business Workshop Series
                                                     TAX PREPARATION
This five-session workshop series covers the
following topics to assist entrepreneurs in their
                                                     Personal Income Tax Preparation
                                                     Learn the fundamental requirements for filing
success: Website Development, Marketing 101,         a personal income tax return. Topics include
Customer Service, How to Write a Business Plan,      requirements for filing an income tax return,         NCCER Core Curriculum
and HR 101: Policies and Procedures.                 dependents, taxable and nontaxable income,            The National Center for Construction Education
$349 | 15 Hours                                      deductions and exemptions, and tax credits.           & Research (NCCER) Core Curriculum course is
                                                     After completing this course, students will be        a prerequisite for all other Level 1 craft curricu-
13819 2/27 – 3/27      W     6 – 9 p.m.
                                                     able to complete a typical federal income tax         lum. Course covers: Basic Safety, Introduction
                                                     return for individual taxpayers. This class does      to Construction Math, Introduction to Hand
                                                     not use or cover any specific tax preparation         Tools, Introduction to Power Tools, Introduction
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL                            software.                                             to Construction Drawings, Introduction to Basic
DEVELOPMENT                                          $159 | 20 Hours                                       Rigging, Basic Communication Skills, Basic
                                                     11311 1/22 – 2/21     TuTh 6 – 8 p.m.
                                                                                                           Employability Skills and Introduction to Material
Notary Public Workshop                                                                                     Handling. Completing this curriculum gives the
The Notary Public class is designed to prepare                                                             trainee the basic skills needed to continue edu-
students to be commissioned as a Florida Notary           Preparación de Impuestos                         cation in any craft area chosen. Students will be
Public. Students will learn the following: Florida   Este curso ofrece información básica sobre            required to complete OSHA-10. Successful com-
Notary Laws, powers and limitations, quali-          los impuestos de negocios y los formularios           pletion of the nine modules leads to the industry
fications and application requirements, form         requeridos por el IRS y el estado de la Florida. La   certification issued by NCCER.
completion requirements, required fees, oaths        clase enfatizará el cumplimiento de los requisitos    $875 | 80 Hours
and acknowledgments, duties, procedures, and         legales, ahorrando su tiempo y dinero.
                                                                                                           14646 2/4 – 3/7        MTuWTh            6 – 10 p.m.
ethics.                                              $159 | 20 Horas
$65 | 3 Hours                                        11312 1/26 – 2/16     Sa    9 a.m. – 2 p.m.           NCCER Carpentry Level 1
14408 1/22             Tu    6 – 9 p.m.                                                                    NCCER Carpentry Level 1 is a recognized certifi-
14973 3/12             Tu    6 – 9 p.m.                                                                    cation from the National Center for Construction
                                                                                                           Education and Research (NCCER). For a total of 9
Signing Agent Workshop
You must be a Notary Public to become a
                                                     TECHNOLOGY                                            modules, this 162.5-hour course prepares students
                                                                                                           to be highly skilled carpenters. Content includes:
Signing Agent. Students completing the course
will be able to perform the functions of Mobile
                                                     INSTITUTE                                             Orientation to the Trade; Building Materials,
                                                                                                           Fasteners, and Adhesives; Hand and Power
                                                                                                           Tools; Introduction to Construction Drawings,
Notaries or Signing Agents, who are used by
lenders to handle mortgage closings. Signing                                                               Specifications, and Layout; Floor Systems; Wall
Agents are not Title Agents.                         MICROSOFT OFFICE SUITE                                Systems; Ceiling Joist and Roof framing; Basic
                                                                                                           Stair Layout; Introduction to Building Envelope
$100 | 3 Hours                                                                                             Systems. Upon successful completion of all course
13358 4/9              Tu    6 – 9 p.m.              Microsoft Office Basic: Word, Excel and               content and educational requirements, students
                                                     PowerPoint                                            will receive industry certifications from NCCER.
                                                     Learn the basics of Word, Excel and PowerPoint        Students will receive certification cards from
                                                     including techniques to merge and import doc-         NCCER. NCCER Core Curriculum is a prerequisite
                                                     uments with other MS Office modules. This new         requirement for this course.
                                                     version will encourage users to share data via the    $1695 | 163 Hours
  M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)               cloud for an easier and accessible experience.
                                                     (Textbook required)                                   14647 3/11 – 5/20 MTuWTh                 6 – 10 p.m.
  W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
  F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado)            $279 | 24 Hours
  Su=Sunday (Domingo)                                14406 3/2 – 4/6       Sa    9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the state of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

          WW W.M D C .E DU/ CE/ HOMESTEA D            |     305 - 237- 5159     |    M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |   HOM ES TEA D C A M P U S            3
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

OSHA 10 for the Construction Industry                   Curso de Preparación para el CDA                    Operación de un Centro Infantil
This OSHA authorized course will cover OSHA           Nacional                                            (Credencial de Director)
standards, teach safety awareness and help            Este curso de preparación ayudará a los             El Estado de la Florida requiere que se complete
employees and employers reduce the risk of job        estudiantes que han completado las 120 horas        este curso aprobado por el Departamento de
site hazards. Students who successfully complete      de entrenamiento de Cuidado Infantil para           Niños y Familias para otorgarles el nivel 1 de
the course will receive an laminated OSHA             prepararse para obtener su certificación nacional   Credencial de Director del Estado de la Florida.
10-Hour Completion Card and a Completion              (CDA). Al finalizar el curso los estudiantes        Este curso dirigido a administradores de centros
Certificate via email. Among the topics covered       estarán listos para poder presentar su solicitud    infantiles le permitirá a mejorar su rol de líder y
are: Introduction to OSHA, Electrical, Personal       para el “National CDA”.                             de implementación de programas de educación
Protective Equipment, Fall Protection, Cranes,                                                            temprana, abordando en el mismo, temas de
                                                      $469 | 45 Horas
Excavations, Material Handling, Scaffolds,                                                                estudio tales como: liderazgo organizativo,
Stairways and Ladders, Tools.                         11318 1/30 – 5/1         W     6:00 – 9:20 p.m.
                                                                                                          administración de programas, asuntos legales y
$95 | 10 Hours                                                                                            financieros.
15026 2/2 – 2/3       SaSu 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.              Florida Child Care Professional                   $389 | 45 Horas
                                                      Credential (FCCPCI)
                                                                                                          13088 2/2 – 4/13       Sa   9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
OSHA 30 for the Construction Industry                 Este curso es el primero de dos cursos diseñados
                                                      para que el estudiante obtenga la equivalencia
The OSHA 30-hour Construction Industry                al asociado en educación infantil. El curso está
Outreach Training course is a comprehensive                                                               CHILD CARE TRAINING
                                                      basado y es equivalente al programa del Child
safety program designed for anyone involved in        Development Associate (CDA). Cuando los estudi-
the construction industry. Specifically devised for   antes completen las 120 horas de clase (incluye       10 Horas de Prácticas Apropiadas para
safety directors, foremen and field supervisors,      tareas, exámenes y caja de recursos) 480 horas      Niños con Necesidades Especiales
the program provides complete information on          de experiencia laboral y su evaluación final el     Aprenda a trabajar con niños incapacitados. Este
OSHA compliance issues. A wallet card and a           Estado de la Florida le otorgará el Certificado     curso le enseña técnicas para integrar a estos
certificate will be issued certifying that the stu-   Profesional del Cuidado Infantil de la Florida.     niños en sus respectivos programas educacio-
dent has completed 30 hours of OSHA training                                                              nales. Requisito para la Credencial de Director.
                                                      $439 | 60 Hours
for the construction industry.                                                                            Libro se distribuye en clase. El costo del libro
                                                      11321 1/26 – 4/27        Sa    9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
$225 | 30 Hours                                                                                           está incluido en el precio de la clase
15033 2/9 – 3/9       Sa    9 a.m. – 3 p.m.                                                               $99 | 10 Horas
                                                        Florida Child Care Professional
                                                      Credential (FCCPCII)                                11939 2/9 – 2/10       SaSu 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
                                                      Complete su preparación finalizando el segundo
                                                      curso del programa. Las 120 horas de estudio          30 Horas de Cuidado Infantil en un
CHILD CARE                                            junto a las 480 horas de prácticas apropiadas
                                                      en un centro licenciado de cuidado infantil o
                                                                                                          Primer curso para trabajadores en centros de
TRAINING                                              un centro en el hogar más la aprobación de la
                                                      evaluación final ayudará al estudiante a obtener
                                                                                                          cuidado infantil. El requisito de las 45 horas
                                                                                                          consiste este curso de 30 horas introducto-
                                                      el Florida Child Care Professional Credential.      rias, un curso de 10 horas de especialidad que
                                                      Aprobar el curso de FCCPC I es un prerrequisito     también están incluidos en este horario de clases
CHILD CARE IN-SERVICE & CEUS                          para tomar este curso.                              (infantes-párvulos, preescolares, niños de edad
                                                      $439 | 60 Horas                                     escolar, ó niños con necesidades especiales) y
  Ambiente para Infantes y Párvulos                   11322 1/15 – 3/26        TuTh 6 – 9 p.m.            un curso de cinco horas sobre el desarrollo del
(4.5 CEUs)                                                                                                lenguaje. Libro se distribuye en clase. El costo
Conozca de disponer de manera integral: las                                                               del libro está incluido en el precio de la clase.
                                                          Mente en Formación (4.5 CEUs)
instalaciones físicas, equipos y materiales                                                               $199    | 30 Horas
                                                      Este curso consta de 12 módulos que abordan el
para crear ambientes de calidad para bebés e                                                              11328    2/19 – 2/26   TuWThF    9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
                                                      proceso de aprendizaje de los niños y le permite
infantes.                                                                                                 11329    3/19 – 3/28   TuWTh     5 – 10 p.m.
                                                      poner en práctica los resultados de los estudios
$409 | 45 Horas                                       clásicos y recientes en el área del desarrollo      11327    3/23 – 4/27   Sa        9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
12816 2/2 – 4/27      Sa    9 a.m. – 2 p.m.           infantil. Aprenda los métodos para la estimu-       13938    4/22 – 4/26   MTuWThF   9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
                                                      lación del aprendizaje infantil, y la manera en
Computer Technology for Early Childhood               que los maestros contribuyen a la formación del
                                                                                                          30 Hours Child Care Facility Personnel
                                                      interés del niño en el aprendizaje para toda la
Professionals                                         vida.                                               Training
This in-depth course trains child care workers on                                                         The first course for child care personnel working
                                                      $409 | 45 Horas
computer technology skills for the early care and                                                         in a child care facility. The state’s 45-hour
education setting. Students will enhance their        11320 2/2 – 4/27         Sa    9 a.m. – 2 p.m.      training requirement consists of basic training,
instruction by learning how to create PowerPoint                                                          a five-hour specialized training, (infant-toddler,
and digital stories; find educational resources                                                           preschooler, or school-age), a five-hour UDAP
and software online; and integrate technology as                                                          (Understanding Developmentally Appropriate
part of their instructional planning process.                                                             Practices) course and a five-hour literacy in-ser-
$409 | 45 Hours                                                                                           vice component. Book is included.
11319 1/17 – 4/26     Th    6:00 – 9:20 p.m.                                                              $199 | 30 Hours
13299 2/23 – 4/27     Sa    9 a.m. – 2 p.m.                                                               11323 1/26 – 3/2       Sa   9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                          11929 3/23 – 4/27      Sa   9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

                                                          M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
                                                          W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)
                                                          F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado)
                                                          Su=Sunday (Domingo)

4        enhance            |    SPRING 2019          |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
MDC’s Cybersecurity
Center of the Americas
Preps Trainees for Fast-Growing Profession
Cyberattacks are a growing area of concern across every        Utilizing the new Cyberbit Range, a hyper-realistic simu-
industry in the United States. But there’s a problem: the      lation platform capable of mimicking different network
country does not have enough qualified cybersecurity           attack scenarios, trainees – including students enrolled
workers to meet industry demands.                              in the Associate in Science in Network Security and the
                                                               Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree
Miami Dade College wants to change that. At the Col-           programs – receive an immersive education that merges
lege’s new Cybersecurity Center for the Americas, stu-         classroom instruction with hands-on action. The center
dents and working professionals can receive the training       offers training, certification and assessment for commer-
they need to identify cyberattacks, upgrade an existing        cial and public sector organizations.
cybersecurity network and fill one of the thousands of
open cybersecurity jobs in South Florida and the United
States. Trainees at all experience levels work in a security   Sixty-six percent of U.S. employers do not have enough
operation center environment, known as an SOC, where           cybersecurity professionals to combat potential threats,
they are tasked with blocking cyberattacks.                    according to the nonprofit Center for Cyber Safety and
                                                               Education. The center reports the cybersecurity work-
“One wrong move is all it takes to turn a cybersecurity        force will be short by 1.8 million employees by 2022,
incident into a full-on disaster,” said Jorge Ortega, direc-   establishing that training programs such as MDC’s are
tor of the Cybersecurity Center of the Americas. “MDC’s        necessary to fill that projected workforce gap.
cybersecurity program brings theory, practice, technical
expertise and managerial competency together to pro-
duce confident graduates with in-demand skills.”

EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

                                                                                                          Understanding Developmentally
                                                                                                          Appropriate Practice (UDAP)
                                                                                                          The goal of this course is to provide child care
                                                                                                          caregivers with an overview of what develop-
                                                                                                          mentally appropriate practice is and why it is
                                                                                                          important to practitioners in the field.
                                                                                                          $49 | 5 Hours
                                                                                                          11934 2/24             Su   9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

                                                                                                          HEALTH CARE
                                                                                                          CERTIFICATION PREPARATION

                                                                                                          Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Test Prep
                                                                                                          The CNA Test Prepration provides students
                                                                                                          with the basic nursing care skills (i.e., personal
                                                                                                          and restorative care) needed to prepare for the
                                                                                                          state exam and work with patients according
                                                                                                          to predefined guidelines. This 90-hour course
                                                                                                          focuses on obtaining basic patient care skills,
                                                                                                          including vital signs, documentations, activities
                                                                                                          of daily living, body mechanics and basic medical
                                                                                                          terminology. Students will have experience in the
                                                                                                          classroom and campus nursing lab. This class is
   5 Horas de Desarrollo del Lenguaje y                5 Horas de Entendimiento de La Práctica            intended for students who will be taking the state
la Enseñanza de la Lectoescritura (Early             Apropiada para el Desarrollo (UDAP)                  exam. Students must be 18 years of age or older.
Literacy Training)                                   Obtenga un resumen de las prácticas apropiadas       $779 | 90 Hours
Este curso le proporcionará las herramientas         para el desarrollo y aprenda por qué es impor-
                                                     tante que los profesionales de cuidado de niños      13219 1/26 – 4/7       SaSu 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
necesarias para aumentar y acelerar el desarrollo
de sonidos, lenguaje, y literatura temprana en       aprendan estos conceptos. Este es uno de los
niños. Descubre nuevas formas para ayudar a          cursos que forman parte de la 45 horas manda-
que los niños desarrollen habilidades básicas        torías del Departamento de Niños y Familias          CPR FOR HEALTH CARE
esenciales.                                          $49 |   5 Horas
$49 | 5 Horas                                        11435   1/29          Tu    5 – 10 p.m.
11433 1/25             F     9 a.m. – 2 p.m.                                                              CPR-BLS for Health Care Providers
                                                     14638   3/30          Sa    9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
11434 3/29             F     9 a.m. – 2 p.m.         14639   4/15          M     5 – 10 p.m.
                                                                                                          The Basic Life Support course is designed
                                                                                                          to teach the skills of CPR (cardiopulmonary
                                                                                                          resuscitation) for victims of all ages, including
  5 Horas de Prácticas Apropiadas para               5 Hours Infant-Toddler Appropriate                   ventilation with a barrier device, a bag-mask
Infantes y Párvulos                                  Practices                                            device and oxygen; use of an automated external
Entrenamiento para trabajadores de centros de        Trains child care personnel to implement a cur-      defibrillator (AED); and relief of foreign-body air-
cuidado infantil especializados en programas         riculum specific for children from birth to age 3.   way obstruction (FBAO). This course is intended
para bebés y niños hasta los 3 años de edad.         Book is included.                                    for participants who provide health care to
Libro está incluido.                                 $49 | 5 Hours                                        patients in a wide variety of settings, inside and
$49 | 5 Horas                                                                                             outside of a hospital. The course is also designed
                                                     11324 3/24            Su    9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.    for anyone who is required to take a health care
11330 1/30             W     5 – 10 p.m.
                                                                                                          provider course for employment.
11331 3/31             Su    9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.   Early Literacy Training English                      $89 |   6 Hours
                                                     This course on early literacy for children from      13094   1/26           Sa   9 a.m. –   3 p.m.
  5 Horas de Prácticas Apropiadas para               birth to age 5 contains four training mod-           11421   2/23           Sa   9 a.m. –   3 p.m.
Niños de Edad Preescolar                             ules: Introduction to Early Literacy, Language
                                                     Development in Infants and Toddlers,                 11422   3/30           Sa   9 a.m. –   3 p.m.
Entrenamiento para trabajadores de centros de
cuidado infantil especializados en programas         Relationships and Environments Supporting            15253   4/27           Sa   9 a.m. –   3 p.m.
adecuados para niños de 3 a 5 años de edad.          Language Development and Literacy Resources.
Libro está incluido.                                 This course satisfies the early literacy training    Heartsaver-CPR/First Aid
11332 4/16             Tu    5 – 10 p.m.             requirement for child care professionals in child    The purpose of this course is to provide the lay-
                                                     care facilities, family day care homes and large     person with the knowledge, skills and practice to
                                                     family child care homes.                             successfully provide resuscitation to a victim and
                                                     $49 |   5 Hours                                      apply first-aid skills inside and outside a hospital
                                                     11931   2/24          Su    11 a.m. – 4 p.m.         setting.
                                                     11432   3/29          F     9 a.m. – 2 p.m.          $89 |   8 Hours
  M=Monday (Lunes) Tu=Tuesday (Martes)
  W=Wednesday (Miércoles) Th=Thursday (Jueves)       11431   4/28          Su    9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.    11424   2/24           Su   9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  F=Friday (Viernes) Sa=Saturday (Sábado)                                                                 13095   3/31           Su   9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  Su=Sunday (Domingo)                                                                                     11423   4/28           Su   9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

6        enhance             |    SPRING 2019        |   CO NTIN U I N G ED U C ATI ON & P ROF ES S I ON A L D EV EL OP M EN T
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College

EKG COURSES                                           Intensive English 3
                                                      Learn to express yourself well by using a variety    TEST
EKG Technician Certification
Students will learn about the cardiac and
                                                      of verb tenses and phrasal verbs. You will
                                                      understand and use the present and past perfect      PREPARATION
vascular systems, communication skills, human
anatomy and physiology, medical terminol-             $299 | 84 Hours                                        GED en español
ogy, patient care techniques, interpretation          14005 1/15 – 4/18     TuTh 6 – 9 p.m.                Prepárese para obtener un diploma equivalente
of monitoring and testing results and medical                                                              al de la escuela secundaria. Este curso repasa
instrumentation. While performing noninvasive         Intensive English 4                                  la expresión escrita, los estudios sociales, la
procedures, an Electrocardiography Technician                                                              ciencias, el arte, la literatura, la matemática y
(EKG Technician) analyzes the rhythm of the           Review structures from previous levels and learn     comprensión de lectura, materias esenciales del
heart, provide a systematic analysis of the rate of   more sophisticated structures. Topics include the    examen.
the Atrial and Ventricles, P-waves, P-R interval,     passive voice, embedded questions, tag ques-
                                                      tions, reported speech and modals.                   $219 | 56 Horas
QRS complex and others.
                                                      $299 | 84 Hours                                      12361 2/2 – 4/20      Sa   9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
$799 | 75 Hours
11419 1/12 – 4/13     Sa    9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.     14006 1/15 – 4/18     TuTh 6 – 9 p.m.
                                                                                                           CITIZENSHIP EXAM PREPARATION
                                                      FOREIGN LANGUAGES                                    Citizenship

LANGUAGE                                              Spanish 1
                                                                                                           Improve your English language skills and prepare
                                                                                                           to become an American citizen. Through listen-

                                                      A beginners’ Spanish course with emphasis on         ing, speaking, reading and writing exercises, you
                                                      oral communication for social or professional        will learn the skills and information necessary
                                                      needs. Classes are taught using a conversational     to succeed in the naturalization interview and
                                                      approach in order to teach oral comprehension        citizenship exam.
                                                      and stimulate speech from the very first day.
ENGLISH PROGRAM                                       Topics include but are not limited to pronunci-
                                                                                                           $79 | 15 Hours
                                                      ation, greetings and farewells, social amenities,    11333 1/24 – 3/14     Th   6 – 8 p.m.
English Conversation 1                                introductions, personal information, the family,
Beginning class to develop basic communication        day, date, time, using the phone, asking for help,   COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM
skills through theme-based grammar exercises          asking for and giving directions, ordering a meal,
and role-play interaction in class.                   the world of work, and much more. Students           PREPARATION
$135 | 28 Hours                                       will learn to express past and present tense, ask
                                                      simple questions, and gain an understanding of       SAT Test Preparation
14671 2/23 – 4/27     Sa    10 a.m. – 1 p.m.          Hispanic culture at work and at home.                This prep class is a must for any college appli-
                                                      $169 | 28 Hours                                      cant. Take this review of the math, reading
English Conversation 2                                                                                     comprehension, and writing skills assessed in
                                                      11923 2/23 – 4/27     Sa   9 a.m. – Noon
Intermediate class to develop basic commu-                                                                 the SAT and boost your test scores. The textbook
nication skills through theme-based grammar                                                                for this class is not included.
exercises and role-play interaction in class.                                                              $250 | 30 Hours
$135 | 28 Hours                                                                                            13180 2/23 – 4/27     Sa   9 a.m. – Noon
14004 2/1 – 5/10      F     11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Intensive English 1
Some knowledge of English is recommended.
You will build on your basic knowledge, and
improve your ability to speak and understand
simple sentences in spoken and written English.
You will understand structures for simple
present, present continuous, and simple past
tenses in affirmative, negative, and interrogative
$299 | 84 Hours
14404 1/14 – 4/24     MW    6 – 9 p.m.

Intensive English 2
Learn to carry on simple conversations and read
and write using more complex structures. You
will learn to use past continuous and future
tenses, as well as adjectives and adverbs.
$299 | 84 Hours
14856 1/14 – 4/24     MW    6 – 9 p.m.

            The cost of these non-credit programs is not funded by the state of Florida. The fees charged to students cover the cost of instruction.

          WW W.M D C .E DU/ CE/ HOMESTEA D             |   305 - 237- 5159       |   M I A M I DA D E C OL L EG E   |    HOM ES TEA D C A M P U S         7
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
MDC Adult Education
Program Helps Students
Achieve More
The path to earning a college degree doesn’t always begin
right after high school. Just ask Leandro Dorta Duque,
an electrical engineering and computer science major at
Cornell University, who arrived in the United States from
Cuba five years ago with limited English skills, no SAT scores
and a dream to become an engineer.

“I came to the U.S when I was 20 and was undocumented
for a year,” said Duque, who because of his legal status was
not eligible to enroll in college and pay in-state tuition. On
the advice of a friend, he decided to enroll in non-credit
English courses through Adult Education at Miami Dade
College while he waited for his residency.

It was there that Duque met Ana Maria Guadayol, an
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) professor
and advisor at MDC, Kendall Campus, who helped him lay
the foundation for his future. “The mission of our ESOL
program is to help non-native English speakers learn the
language so they can either get into college or back into the
workforce,” Guadayol said. “Together, we figure out what
path they’re going to take and I map out the steps to help
guide them.”

Duque’s path included learning English while studying for
the SATs, getting a scholarship to attend the MDC Honors
College, and earning an Associate in Arts in Computer
Engineering. Then he successfully transferred to a
baccalaureate program at Cornell University – all within
three years.

“I always had engineering on my mind but was lost when
it came to the process of how to pursue it,” Duque said. “I
had no idea how anything worked in the U.S., so it’s thanks
to the people who guided me that I’m at Cornell now.”

But his journey isn’t over yet. Duque plans to pursue a
master’s in engineering at Cornell next year. “My ultimate
goal is to one day create my own company related to
medical devices,” he said.

EnhanceSPRING 2019 An Opportunity to Grow - Miami Dade College
S P R I N G 2 019 F E A T U R E

Scholarship Program for
Child Care Educators Expands
For anyone interested in a career in the child care indus-     credentials and courses for program administrators, MDC
try, there is big news. The Children’s Trust, a dedicated      also offers a wide range of continuing education courses
revenue source to support local children and families, has     taught in Spanish for child care workers.
expanded its scholarship program and allocated $1 million
for the 2018-19 school year toward education and profes-       MDC Continuing Education Professor Fabiola Lozano said
sional development foreducators studying early childhood.      that there has been a lot of demand for the Spanish-lan-
                                                               guage child care training courses she teaches. “It’s a great
It’s been more than 10 years since an initiative was estab-    opportunity for people who are immigrants because these
lished in partnership with Miami Dade College to improve       classes can help make their dreams come true,” she said.
educators’ qualifications. Previously, only about one-third
of the day care centers and pre-schools in Miami-Dade          “We know that early-childhood educators improve their
County qualified to access these funds for their personnel.    interactions with children when they have more support
Now that’s changed. In Fall 2018, the quality-improve-         and credentials. It’s all based on research,” said Dasiely
ment initiative shifted to a new model and expanded so         Cruz, director of the Early Learning Career Center at The
that educators studying early childhood from all licensed      Children’s Forum. “We have more work to do, but this is a
facilities in Miami-Dade County – about 1,700 in all – can     great first step.”
participate.                                                   The scholarships for early childhood educators in Miami-
“The Children’s Trust has always supported scholarships for    Dade County are intended to improve knowledge, skills,
teacher education and training,” said Rachel Spector, senior   classroom practices and ultimately the quality of care
program manager at The Children’s Trust. “This expansion       offered to children. For more information, email cemain@
is an intentional approach to help professionalize the ear-    mdc.edu with your name, facility name, email, phone
ly-learning workforce. We wanted to offer more support.”       number or call 305-237-0651.

The Children’s Forum manages the Early Learning Career
Center, which helps teachers and aides plan and exe-
cute their career goals. Scholarship recipients can use
the money toward conferences, child care credentials
and renewals, credit classes, document translation for
foreign-trained professionals, and continuing education
requirements. In addition to college credits, state-required

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Miami Dade College               Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees
           School of Continuing Education   Bernie Navarro, Chair • Jose K. Fuentes, Vice Chair                                                          Non-Profit
           and Professional Development     Susan Amat • Benjamín León III                                                                              Organization
                                                                                                                                                        U.S. Postage
           500 College Terrace              Rolando Montoya • Juan C. Zapata
           Homestead, FL 33030              Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College
                                                                                                                                                         Miami, FL
                                            Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution that does not discriminate            Permit No. 4268
                                            on the basis of sex, race, color, marital status, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s
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                                            Opportunity Programs/ADA Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator at 305.237.2577 (Voice) or 711 (TTY).

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