Enrolment Information "2020 Academic Year" - Institute of ...

Page created by Suzanne Fowler
Enrolment Information "2020 Academic Year" - Institute of ...
Enrolment Information
      “2020 Academic Year”
               Web Page: www.icapng.com

                 Principal - principal@icapng.com
                 Administration - admin@icapng.com
                 Accounts- accounts@icapng.com
                 General enquiries: info@icapng.com

                   Telephone #: 73635300, 73635309

“Providing Quality Christian Education to Our Children”
Enrolment Information "2020 Academic Year" - Institute of ...
Table of Content

  Why Choose ICA?         3

  School Fees             4

  School Fees Discounts   5

  School Uniforms         6

  Student Information     7

  Family Information      8

  Medical Form            10

  Parent Consent Form     13

  Vision and Mission      14

  School’s Location       16
Enrolment Information "2020 Academic Year" - Institute of ...
Why Choose ICA?                                                                          Page 3

        Introductory Message from the School’s Director Mr. Tobias Nangunduo

In a highly competitive world of progressive education and advance information technology, I
would like to caution prospective parents to distinctly select appropriate learning environment
for your children. There are dozens of ACE Schools scattered right across the city and I would
admonish you to carefully choose the one you believe will meet your expectations.

Obviously Institute of Christian Academy offers more than what you would expect as a parent.
Apart from the normal academic courses on ACE, we also provide additional incentives in the
form of electives. To begin with we teach students the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE)
Curriculum from Pre-School to Grade 5 and the PNG National Curriculum from Grade 6 to 12.
   The ACE curriculum provides a firm Biblical and Academic foundation for our students.

        Below are ten valid reasons why all good thinking parents should choose ICA.

          1.       Bible based curriculum recognized & accepted internationally which is
                   used in the foundation years from Pre-School to Grade 5 Levels.

          2.       Christian teachers committed to loving & caring for students.

          3.       Strict disciplinary measures for students who violate school rules.

          4.       Modest dress code for both Staff and Students.

          5.       Private Permitted School offering dual Curriculum (PNG & International)

          6.       IT and E - Library for Grades 3 - 12.

          7.       Friendly environment with guaranteed security

          8.       Central location convenient for most working class Parents for Pre-School
                   to Grade 2 students especially at Boroko Campuses.

          9.       Proper learning facilities with adequate space for children studying at our
                   new campus at Kennedy Estate (Preschool to Grade 12)

          10.      Achieving Academic excellence through ACE based learning before
                   advancing into PNG Curriculum.

         Thank you for choosing ICA! We are the school of your choice; and we will make it
             our priority to give your children Quality Christian Education they deserve.
School Fee Policy and Grade Level School Fees                                                                                                      Page 4
School Fee policy.
 Annual School Fee Payment Method.
    - This method of payment enables you to pay the normal annual school fee without a 10% increase or upfront 75% payment
 Upfront and Termly Installment payment methods
    - All new and continuing students must pay 75% of the annual school fee as upfront payment upon registration. The balance must be
      paid within terms 2 and 3. Paying 75% of the annual school fee will not incur any charges.
    - With installment payment, the school will accept 60% school fees for continuing students upon registration.
      Balance should be paid in term 2 and 3. This method of payment will see an interest of 10% added onto the annual School Fee.
Listed below are School Fee break up per Grade for 2020 Academic year.

    Preschool        (Age of Eligibility for Enrolment: Ages 5 & above)
Particulars                 Annual School Fee                     75% upfront Payment                         10% increase on the Total Annual School Fee

Enrolment / Registration     K      350.00                        K3000.00 (Upfront payment)                  Beginning of Term 1        K 2, 640.00
Graduation Fee                                                    K 500.00 (Beginning of Term 2)              Beginning of Term 2        K 880.00
                                                                  K 500.00 (Beginning of Term 3)              Beginning of Term 3        K 880.00
School Fees                  K 3, 650.00

Total School Fees       K 4, 000.00                               K4, 000.00                                  Total Termly School Fee     K 4, 400.00

Because of increase in demand for enrolment ,priority will only be given to students whose school fees are paid in full.

    ABC’s of ACE           Ages 6 - 8

Particulars                   Annual School Fee Annual School Fee Annual School Fee                            75% Upfront payment without penalty of 10%
                             (A. New Student)   (B. ACE Transfer in) (C. Continuing Students)
                                                                                                               Term 1        Term 2      Term 3     School Fee
Enrollment / Registration K 350.00                   K 350.00                                                 New students
Graduation Fee                                                                                                K4, 050.00      K675.00     K675.00   K5, 400.00
                                                                                                              ACE Transfer
School Fee                  K5, 050.00               K4, 850.00               K 4, 400.00                     K3, 900.00      K650.00     K650.00   K5, 200.00
                                                                                                              Continuing Students
                                                                                                              K3, 300.00      K550.00    K550.00    K4, 400.00
Total School Fees           K5, 400. 00              K5, 200.00               K4, 400 .00

10% increase on the Total Annual School Fee if paid in Termly Installment. (60% of fees to be paid in Term 1)

Beginning of Term 1        K3, 564.00             K3, 432.00                  K2, 904.00
Beginning of Term 2        K1, 188.00             K1, 144.00                  K   968.00
Beginning of Term 3        K1, 188.00             K1, 144.00                  K   968.00

Total Termly Fee           K5, 940.00             K5, 720.00                 K4, 840.00

Because of increase in demand for enrolment ,priority will only be given to students whose school fees are paid in full.
    Junior Primary — Intermediate (Grades 1—5 Pace Levels from: 1013 — 1059)
Particulars                      Annual School Fee     Annual School Fee           Annual School Fee            75% Upfront payment without penalty of 10%
                                 (A. New Student)      (B. ACE Transfer in)        (C. Continuing Student )     Term 1      Term 2     Term 3      School Fee
                                                                                                               New students
Enrolment / Registration         K 350.00               K 350.00                                                K4, 050.00     K675.00    K675.00    K5, 400.00
School Fee                       K 5, 050.00            K4, 850.00                  K4, 4000.00                ACE Transfer
                                                                                                                K3, 900.00     K650.00   K650.00    K5, 200.00
Total School Fees                K 5, 400.00            K5, 200.00                  K 4, 400.00                Continuing Students
                                                                                                               K3, 300.00     K550.00    K550.00    K4, 400.00
10% increase on the Total Annual School Fee if paid in installment. (60% upfront payment).

Beginning of Term 1           K3, 564.00               K3, 432.00                    K2, 904.00
Beginning of Term 2           K1, 188.00               K1, 144.00                    K 968.00
Beginning of Term 3           K1, 188.00               K1, 144.00                    K 968.00

Total Termly Fee              K5, 940.00               K5, 720.00                    K4, 840.00
    Senior Primary — Secondary (Grades 6—12): National Curriculum

Particulars                   Annual School Fee       Annual School Fee             Annual School Fee            75% Upfront payment without 10% penalty
                              (A. New Student)        (B. ACE Transfer in)         (C. Continuing Student)       Term 1     Term 2    Term 3     School Fee
                                                                                                                New students
Enrolment / Registration      K 300.00                 K 300.00                                                 K4, 762.50     K793.75    K793.75    K6, 350.00
School Fee                    K6, 050.00               K5, 150.00                   K5, 050.00                  ACE Transfer
                                                                                                                K4, 087.00     K681.25   K681.25     K5, 450.00
Total School Fees             K6, 350.00               K5, 450.00                  K5, 050.00                   Continuing Students
                                                                                                                K3, 787.50     K631.25   K631.25    K5, 050.00
10% increase on the Total Annual School Fee. (60% upfront payment)

Beginning of Term 1          K4, 191.00               K3, 597.00                  K3, 333.00
Beginning of Term 2          K1, 397.00               K1, 199.00                  K1, 110.00
Beginning of Term 3          K1, 397.00               K1, 199.00                  K1, 111.00

Total Termly Fee             K6, 985.00               K5, 995.00                  K5, 555.00
School Fee Discounts                                                                                                                            Page 5

School Fee Incentives
1. Sibling Discount.

Sibling discount will apply to parents with two or more children attending Institute of Christian Academy.
 The first child will pay the normal school fees in full
    All siblings after the first child will be given a discount of K300.00 each.

2. Church workers discount.
Specification                               Percentage                   Discounted Amount

Pastors’ Kids   10% x K4, 000.00                                    K400.00
Pastors’ Kids   10% x K5, 000.00/K4, 850.00 / K4, 440..00           K500.00/K485.00/K440.00
Pastors’ Kids   10% x K5, 250.00/K5, 050.00 / K4, 250.00            K525.00/K505.00/K425.00
Pastors’ Kids   10% x K6, 000..00/K5, 500.00 / K5, 000.00           K600.00/K550.00/K500.00

                                                                            Special Note:
1.   ICA Administration will not accept any ordinary deposit slips; therefore, you are advised to use the Schools Official Deposit Slip when doing your payment
     at the bank. The deposit slips are to be collected at the school office.

2.   Any pastor or missionary requesting discount must provide a written evidence from the Senior Pastor or Church Board Chairman of your church /
     organization, along with the official seal (stamp) to confirm your status as a full-time church worker.

3.   We will not accept company payment of school fees directly into ICA Bank Account as past experience has shown that some payments were
     never paid by some companies concerned. Therefore all payments made by companies are to be made by cheque and made payable to
     Institute of Christian Academy.

4.   Because of outstanding school fees we had in 2009—2018 which had seriously affected the effective running of the school, ICA administration
     will in 2019 give first priority to parents who can pay in full. Others will be accepted depending on availability of space.

5.   School will from hereon Not Be Held Responsible for reimbursement of incomplete PACEs. Whatever fees paid will be regarded as ―SERVICE FEES‖
     including academic units plus other charges.

6.   All payment must be made in favor of Institute of Christian Academy, and paid either at the school or deposited into school’s account
     number 088-951-1000976792 with BSP GORDANS. As much as possible, we would like parents to pay either in cash or cheque at the school office.
     Those paying by bank deposits can collect the slips only at Institute of Christian Academy school office. School fees can also be paid using EFTPOS at

7. All School Fees paid by companies will be refunded back to Companies concerned as and when students
   withdraw from school prematurely.

8. 20% of paid school fees will be withheld upon premature withdrawal of student.

                                                              Diagnostic Test For New Students

Preschool - No Testing
ABC - To Be Tested - K75.00 ( Non Refundable)
Grades 1– 6 - To Be Tested - K150.00 ( Non Refundable)
Grades 7– 10 - No Testing
School Uniform                                                                                     Page 6

The standard uniforms described below can be purchased at the school canteen during Registration Day
from December 2019 to January 2020.

School Canteen (ICA 2)

Gender                                   Particulars               Color                   Price

 Boys                                    Trousers                  Navy Blue               K45.00
 Boys                                    Neck-tie                  Black                   K25.00
 Girls                                   Skirts Navy               Blue                    K45.00
 Boys / Girls                            Vest                      Black                   K120.00

Gender                                   Particulars               Color                   Price

 Boys                                    Long Sleeve               Shirt Sky blue          K45.00
 Girls                                   Short Sleeve Shirt        Sky blue                K55.00
 Boys/Girls                              Socks                     Sky blue                K25.00

Items below can be purchased in Department / Tailoring Shops in the City.

Particulars                                Gender         Type                     Color

Shoes                                      Male           Gentlemen                Black
Shoes                                      Female         Ladies                   Black

School Canteen (ICA 3)

Gender                                      Particulars                    Color           Price

 Boys                                     Long Sleeve Shirt                Sky blue        K45.00
 Girls                                    Short Sleeve Shirt               Sky blue        K55.00
 Boys/Girls                               Socks                            Sky blue        K25.00

Items below can be purchased in Department/Tailoring Shops in the City

Particulars                                Gender             Type                 Color
Shoes                                      Male               Gentlemen            Black
Shoes                                      Female             Ladies               Black

TRANSPORT SERVICE (From ICA 1 to ICA 3 Kennedy Estate)

K2.50 per child per trip (Single trip)
K5.00 per child per trip (Round trip)
K25.00 per child per trip (Weekly)
                                   P.O. Box 6482
                                   BOROKO, N.C.D.
                                   Papua New Guinea
                                   Mobile: 73635300, 73635309
                                   Email: admin@icapng.com / info@icapng.com

                                         REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2020

Accelerated Christian Education in Papua New Guinea for God. Helping to build a stronger family unit
            and country by developing Christian Ethics in our children who are our future.
                         Give your child a God centred Christian Education.

              Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
                                       First name                 Middle name            Surname

              Gender: (M / F)           Date of birth: ……… / ………. / ……….. Age: ………………….

                                 Was the child previously enrolled at ICA? (Yes) / (No)

         If ‘Yes” state date of enrolment: …………………….. Grade intending to do at ICA: ……………….

                                                    Students’ medical history.
Does the child have any disabilities that affect his / her participation in school organised activities?
Does the child have any allergies or hypersensitivity that may affect his / her participation in school organised
                                                      General information.
How did you hear about the school?
Reasons for selecting this school.
How long would you like your child to be in this school?

                                             (Application for transferring students)
Has the child been expelled, dismissed, suspended or refused admission to another school?
(Yes / No) If yes please explain:
Has the child ever had any disciplinary problems in school (s) of previous enrolment?
(Yes / No) If yes please explain:
Has the child ever been in trouble with the law?
(Yes / No) If yes please explain:
Has the child ever used tobacco or drugs of any kind?
(Yes / No) If yes please explain:
School last attended: ……………………………………………………..
Documents to accompany application:
    Consent form
    Medical report from a Doctor / Medical officer
    Transfer Certificate and Report Card (For transferring in students)
    Birth Certificate (Compulsory).
I have read the information material provided and agreed that my child submit to all programs and disciplinary regulations includ-
ing other requirement instituted by the administration and carried out by the school authorities.
Signature of Father: …………………………………… Signature of Guardian: …………………………..
Signature of Mother: …………………………………… Date: ……… / ……… / ………..

                      An interview with the child, parents and guardians will be required before final acceptance.
    All transferring students will be required to sit a diagnostic test (English and Maths) before final interview with the Principal.
                              Test results will determine grade level and allocated school fees per grade.

                                                          Office Use Only.

             Received by: ……………………….Interviewed: (Yes / No) Application: (Acceptance / Reject)
                                   Fees paid: Registration ( ) Application ( ) Testing (            )
                                                          Final Agreement:

Father: ……………………………. Mother: …………………… Notice delivered to Parents / Guardians (Yes / No)

                         Action Officer: ………………………….. Date: …….. / ……… / …………

                    Family name: ………………………………………….........

   Marital status of Parents (Married / Divorced / Separated / other: ………………………………………..

                                            Fathers details:

   Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
                         First name            Middle name            Surname

       Province: ………………………………………………………..

      Employer: ……………………………………………………………

    Occupation: ………………………………………………………….

         Phone: ……………………/…………………………. /…………………….
                     Office                    Home                  Mobile

                                            Mothers details:

        Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
                         First name            Middle name            Surname

       Province: ………………………………………………………..

      Employer: ……………………………………………………………

    Occupation: ………………………………………………………….

         Phone: ……………………/…………………………. /…………………….
                     Office                    Home                  Mobile

                                           Guardians’ details:

        Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
                         First name            Middle name            Surname

       Province: ………………………………………………………..

      Employer: ……………………………………………………………

    Occupation: ………………………………………………………….

         Phone: ……………………/…………………………. /…………………….
                     Office                    Home                  Mobile

Family Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………


                   Place of Residence: Suburb: ………………………………….

                   Section: …………………………. Allotment: ………………..

                                      Church Denomination Details:

      Church: …………………………………………….. Pastor: ……………………………………

       Phone: ……………………/…………………………. /…………………….
                     Office                    Home                  Mobile

I, …………………………………………., certify that the information provided on this form is to my knowledge,
factual and correct in every sense. I understand that the information collected will be used by the Institute of
Christian Academy for student registration purposes and during times of emergency.

Signature: ………………………………………………… Date: ………/ …………… / ……………..

                                                Office use only:

Family number: ……………………………………. Number of children enrolled: ………………………….

Date of registration: ……… / ……… / ………….. Accepted by: …………………………………………...

Signature: …………………………………………. Date: ………… / ……….. / ………….

Registered by: ……………………………………. Signature: ……………………………...

To the medical practitioner:

This form must be completed before students’ enrolment is finalised. Please ensure all requested information
is entered accurately and endorsed with your signature and stamp.

To the student (Parents):

Arrange for qualified medical officers (doctors, health extension officer, and nursing sister, TB etc. specialist)
to check you (your child) in order to complete this form. Without this report your admission may be refused.

This form must be completed and handed to the school administration upon registration.

        Medical Practitioner Details:

      Clinic: ………………………………………. Doctor: ……………………………………

     Phone: ……………………/…………………………. /…………………….
                       Office                  Home                    Mobile

        Medical condition report by Medical Officer:

  1.Mouth: …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

  2.Teeth: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  3. Eyes: Visual Acuity:       L ………………………………… R ………………………………

        Colour Vision:          L …………………………………                    R ………………………………

  4. Ears: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

  5. Nose: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

  6. Skin: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

  7. Blood Pressure:        Systolic: ………………………………… mm

                         Diastolic: …………………………………. mm

  8. Chest:       a)     Heart: ……………………………………………………...........................

              b) Lungs: ……………………………………………………………………..

              c) X- Ray Readings: ………………………………………………………….
                (For TB patients only)

  9. Abdomen: a) Liver: …………………………                      Urine: Colour: ……………………………….

              b) Kidney: ………………………                Albumen: ……………………………………

           c) Spleen: ………………………… Sugar: ……………………………………….
10. Limbs:   a) Joints: ……………………………………………………………………………...

             b) Disabilities: ………………………………………………………………………..

11. Enlarged Glands: a) Groin: ……………………………………………………………………...

                     b) Neck: ……………………………………………………………………...

12. Tuberculosis (No test required – notify only): ………………………………………………….

13. Asthma: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

   Any other sickness / problems he / she had before that is worth mentioning.



   Medical officers recommendation:




                     Students signature: ………………………………………………………..

                     Parent / Guardian signature: ………………………………………………

                     Medical Officers signature: ……………………………………………….

                                      Date: ………….. / ………….. / …………….

                                          Official stamp
Parents Consent Form                                                                                                              Page 13

 Agreement Between Parents & Institute of Christian Academy

Prior to your child being registered as student of the Institute of Christian Academy, we would appreciate if you could read through thor-
oughly and agree in principle to comply with every aspect of the terms and conditions spelled out below.

Condition #1 Relates to Tuition & Other Fees

    Other fees such as registration, testing and enrolment fees are non-refundable.
    Quarterly payments must be made in full starting as of term one – anything less would not be accepted.
    ALL tuition fees must be completed prior to the expiry date of term three.
    Security Fees for late pickup after 4:00 pm is K10.00 per student per hour.
    Standard damage fee for destruction caused to any school property is K50.00

All tuition fees for ABC students must be paid in full during registration. ABC Test Results: 80 P/Below 80 F

Condition # 2 Relates to Discipline

Students who violate school rules will be dealt with accordingly.

Serious offences will require corporal correction, suspension and expulsion from school

Condition # 3 Relates to Dress Code

Students attire will and must be in line with ICA Dress code. Any student who wears anything other than ICA Standard School Uniform
will be advised to stay home.

Condition # 4 Relates to Parents’ Conduct at School

No parent under the influence of liquor is allowed in the school vicinity.

All complaints regarding ICA staff must first of all be brought to the Principal’s attention. Direct parent/teacher or parent/ student

confrontation is NOT ALLOWED!


                                                    Acknowledgement by Parent (s)

I/We have read the school Brochure and agreed with the terms and conditions set by the Institute of Christian Academy.

        Father’s Name: ……………………………………………………………….. Signature: ………………………………………. Date: ___ /____ /___

       Mother’s Name: ………………………………………………………………... Signature: ………………………………………..Date: ___ /____ /___

       Guardian’s Name: ……………………………………………………………… Signature: ……………………………………….. Date: ___ /____ /___

                                                  Acknowledged by School Authority

    Name: ……………………………………………………………... Position: ………………………………………………. Signature: …………………………………….

                                                   Date: ………… /…………….. /………………
Institute of Christian Academy

                                         Our Vision

Our vision sets out long range picture of what we intend to see and achieve in the future in
accordance with God’s divine plan. Given the current environment and situation we have
in PNG we have chosen a destination which we believe will tremendously impact the lives
 of many young Papua New Guineans as the pillar of hope in supporting government poli-
                      cies in addressing many of the development issues.

     ICA’s vision is to ensure that its students are adequately equipped with balanced
   education and Christian Principles to confront this world with unwavering confidence.

 We firmly believe that Christian Education is the answer to solving many of Papua New
Guinea’s ever growing social problems such as drug and alcohol abuse, school fights, etc.
  Young school aged children need to be taught the fundamentals of respecting God,
  people and properties. This is the best and workable method we can apply to solving
                behavioural problems experienced in our country today.

ICA’s adoption of a Christian Curriculum that is of missionary focus and its teaching through
our students have reached their parents, families, clans, tribes and even provinces with the
gospel of Jesus Christ through Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) in their Lower Primary
         Education. Intergradation of the Papua New Guinea National Curriculum
into the ACE curriculum in Grade 7 to 12 has seen overwhelming results. We believe a child
             can only prosper academically once he or she is settled spiritually.

                                        Our Mission

   ICA’s mission is to promote quality, relevant and wholesome Christian Education that
       moulds and shapes the wider population to embrace and uphold Christian

                                         Our Goal

ICAs’ goal is to provide relevant, quality and wholesome Christian Education to the nation.

                                       Our Objective
Our aim is to develop young and upcoming leaders of tomorrow through relevant Christian
               Principles. We aim to change this country one child at a time.

           ICA 4. Kennedy Estate Campus, 7 Mile

                                 P.O. Box 6482
                               BOROKO, N.C.D.
                               Papua New Guinea
                        Telephone #: 73635300, 73635309,

                          Web Page: www.icapng.com
                        Principal - principal@icapng.com
                       Administration - admin@icapng.com
                        Accounts- accounts@icapng.com
                       General enquiries: info@icapng.com
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