Environmental education in the baccalaureate: From school to family - UPS

Page created by Tracy Knight
july - december 2019
p-ISSN:1390-325X / e-ISSN:1390-8642                                                                          Vol. 14, No. 2,231-242
http://alteridad.ups.edu.ec                                                             https://doi.org/10.17163/alt.v14n2.2019.07

         Environmental education in the
       baccalaureate: From school to family

       Educación ambiental en el bachillerato: De la
                  escuela a la familia

                        Adelina Espejel Rodríguez is a research professor at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (Mexico)
                        (adelinaer@hotmail.com) (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0299-796X)

                        Isabel Castillo Ramos is a research professor at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (Mexico)
                        (icastillor@hotmail.com) (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7761-3225)

             Received: 2019-02-08 / Reviewed: 2019-04-01 / Accepted: 2019-05-20 / Published: 2019-07-01

Abstract                                                         its permit reinforce their own conscience, develop and
         This paper has as objective to show how bac-            promote environmentally friendly values and behaviors,
calaureate students involve and raise awareness within           for care, conservation of natural resources. The Mexican
their families through practical and feasible actions to         population needs to promote the environmental culture.
preserve and care for the school and the community                       Keywords: Environmental, young, baccalaureate,
environment. Research is developed in the framework of           community, awareness, value.
qualitative methodology. The information was collected
using participant or direct observation method; home-            Resumen
works, daily notebooks, it also was applied a question-                  El documento tiene como objetivo mostrar
naire with questions to answer in open and close form.           cómo los estudiantes del nivel medio superior (NMS)
This research was practiced into Centro de Bachillerato          involucran y concientizan a su familia, a través de
Tecnológico Industrial y Servicios 212 (CBTIs), of Tetla         acciones prácticas y viables para conservar y cuidar
de la Solidaridad, Tlaxcala, México in 2017 year As study        el entorno escolar y comunitario. La investigación se
subjects were 85 students and their family were 282,             desarrolla en el marco de la metodología cualitativa.
linked to applied Family Environmental Program (PAF)             La información se recolectó utilizando el método de
as operative strategy. The data resulting from field work        observación directa o participante; tareas, bitácoras,
were systematized and processed in order to do easy its          asimismo se les aplicó un cuestionario con pregun-
analysis and interpretation. Students applied the PAF with       tas para respuestas en forma abierta y cerrada. Esta
their families, also teach to each one to preserve the envi-     investigación fue realizada en el Centro de Bachillerato
ronment. It is concluded that environmental education            Tecnológico Industrial y Servicios 212 (CBTis) de Tetla
should be from parents to sons and from sons to parents;         de la Solidaridad, Tlaxcala, México, en el año 2017. Los

Suggested form of citing: Espejel Rodríguez, A., & Castillo Ramos, I. (2019). Environmental education in the baccalaureate:
From school to family. Alteridad, 14(2), 231-242. https://doi.org/10.17163/alt.v14n2.2019.07
Adelina Espejel Rodríguez / Isabel Castillo Ramos

sujetos de estudio fueron 85 estudiantes y 282 famili-       a padres, esto permite reforzar su propia conciencia,
ares, vinculados para operar su Programa Ambiental           desarrollar, fomentar valores y conductas amigables
Familiar (PAF) como estrategia operativa. Los datos          con el medio ambiente, para el cuidado y conserva-
resultantes del trabajo de campo se sistematizaron y         ción de los recursos naturales. La población mexicana
procesaron para facilitar su análisis e interpretación.      necesita fomentar la cultura ambiental.
Los estudiantes aplicaron el PAF, con sus familias, así             Descriptores: Ambiental, jóvenes, bachillerato,
como enseñar a cada uno de sus integrantes para              comunidad, conciencia, valores.
preservar el medio ambiente. Se concluye que la edu-
cación ambiental debe ser de padres a hijos y de hijos

1. Introduction                                              by different currents: the naturalist, related to
                                                             the ecosystem or biosphere, which teaches about
In the face of global and local environmental                nature or experiential; the conservationist, which
problems (EP), it is necessary to implement                  groups the proposals in the conservation of
models or strategies of environmental educa-                 natural resources; the resolutive, with which it is
tion (EE) in educational institutions that involve           about informing or driving people in the devel-
both students and their families to reduce EPs               opment of skills to solve EPs or mitigate them;
in Mexico. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to            and the action is accentuated in dynamic tasks
show how young people from the upper middle                  (Sauve, 2004). In addition, the moral current
level involved their family in environmental                 or conduct is established in a set of values and
activities or actions, in order to jointly create            attitudes, conscious and coherent among them;
environmental awareness to mitigate EP from                  while sustainability is about learning to ratio-
their environment. In recent decades, globally               nally use the resources of the present, to ensure
there is a greater concern for EPs that are dis-             the basic needs of the future (Sauve cited in Paz,
played in different parts of the planet, which is            Avendaño, William, & Parada, 2014).
why every day EA strategies or models for edu-                      García Díaz (cited in Morón, & Morón,
cational institutions are stablished, investigated           2017, p. 251) indicates that there are three models
or innovated. EE should be a permanent and                   in relation to EE: a) Naturalistic, adjusted to the
transversal process in the formal education sys-             understanding and knowledge of the contents of
tem, where students acquire and promote their                the subjects related to the environment (ES) and
awareness, knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, val-             environmental research; b) Environmentalist,
ues, competencies and practical experiences to               where it seeks to favor, help, respect and preserve
act individually, as a group or collectively in the          the environment through awareness, motivation,
resolution or mitigation of environmental prob-              knowledge and training to the population, seek-
lems. However, EE should not only be a strategy              ing mitigation of the EP; and c) A third model
for transmitting information in formal educa-                called sustainable development with the purpose
tion, but also a form of teaching focused on                 of using resources rationally and sustainably to
praxis. Therefore, “its results must be reflected            seek a change in the economic, social and envi-
in the daily life of families and governmental               ronmental structure.
and non-governmental institutions, and it must                      In this work, by the way it is conceived
also have a factor of social change, aiming at the           and practiced the EE is seen from the currents:
development of environmental values and atti-                Resolutive, because schoolchildren are informed
tudes” (Rivas cited in Salinas, 2016, p.11).                 about EPs and they, together with their families,
       The EE, by the way they conceive and carry            develop skills and strategies to reduce them;
it out in the educational action, can be exposed             praxica, the students and the members of the

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Environmental education in the baccalaureate: From school to family

family are placed in a vision of work, of educa-                 achievement of positive attitudes and committed
tion, and reflection; it is also explained from the              behaviors in the subjects (Morachimo, 1999).
ethical-moral current, which is based on a set                   It also allows the individual to analytically and
of environmental commitments and values that                     reflexively evaluate their position, behavior and
they and their families are acquiring through the                awareness of the environment (Paz, Avendaño,
course. Likewise, the EE is seen from the envi-                  William, & Parada, 2014, p. 260).
ronmental model, which seeks to benefit, help,                           Environmental awareness, when linked to
respect and preserve the environment through                     EE, is explained as cognition, emotions, respon-
awareness, information and training to the pop-                  sibility, practices and lifestyles that the indi-
ulation, for the mitigation of the EP.                           vidual dynamically and actively shapes with their
       In each of the currents and models it is                  nature (Febles cited in Alea, 2006). We speak of
sought that the EE is an instrument to activate,                 a multidimensional knowledge, with different
promote and develop environmental awareness,                     dimensions (Chuliá, cited in Moyano, & Jiménez,
focused on originating the friendly participation                2005). In this respect, according to Gomera
of teaching, in the conservation, use and improve-               (cited in Espejel, & Flores, 2017), we can distin-
ment of the E, in addition it is accentuated in the              guish four (See Chart 1).

Chart 1. Dimensions of environmental awareness
                • Recognition of environmental deterioration, affirmations and emotions in environmental matters.
  Affective     • Friendly attitude towards the environment, motivation is achieved and stimulate feelings in order to

                • To obtain information, knowledge and understanding about environmental deterioration.
                • Develops environmental skills and values for the conservation and care of the environment

  Conative      • Availability to favor attitudes, behaviors and environmental values to reduce EP.

  Dynamic       • Practice of responsible work, both private and social.

Source. Own elaboration based in Gomera (2008) and Morachimo in Avendaño (2012).

2. Education and family                                          people to build them in a manner consistent
                                                                 with their school-family environment. These can
The family has been conceptualized as the main                   be proactive, for example, “love, honesty, respon-
base of the human species, which is constantly                   sibility, tolerance, humility, respect for human
immersed and related to its nature. “The fam-                    dignity, respect and care for the E, attention to
ily is a space for living relationships and coexis-              the satisfaction of needs, quality of life, care of
tence where feelings, emotions, behaviors, values                the health and attention in education”(Rojas,
and diverse attitudes are expressed, associated                  2002, p.90). Family is a space where values,
with the behavior of living beings” (Rojas, 2002,                notions and ideals for the progress of people and
p.190).                                                          the care of their environment are transferred and
        Families are the basis for inculcating val-              taught.
ues of responsibility, respect and discipline to                         The EE must start from the teaching of
take care of the environment in a friendly man-                  parents to children so that the family can trans-
ner. The EE must be redirected from home to                      mit values and behaviors that serve to care for
school and vice versa. School education should                   and preserve the school and community’s E.
strengthen the knowledge and values of young                     Currently, it is sought that environmental educa-

                                                                                             Alteridad. 14(2), 231-242   233
Adelina Espejel Rodríguez / Isabel Castillo Ramos

tion is transversal with the different disciplines to              The education of young people is acquired
unify knowledge and learnings from a daily and              from the experience and family, school and
empirical reality.                                          community life, which makes each individual
        In the present work the family is argued as a       have their own culture with values and attitudes
transmitter and receiver of environmental values,           different from their environment. Although the
following Bronfenbrenner (cited in Mathiesen et             strongest and affective bonds for the acquisi-
al., 2002), it is considered as an open system of           tion of values are within the family (Fragoso,
great relevance for the development of people.              & Canales 2009). Therefore, this paper analyzes
But also “Its fundamental educating function,               the environmental values transmitted by par-
responsible for transmitting social norms and               ents to their children or vice versa, from young
values to their descendants and preparing them to           people to parents, due to the updated education
function in the social world, has been recognized           they acquire in the course of their continuing
in all cultures throughout history” (Levy cited in          education.
Mathiesen et al., 2002, p 56).                                     Given this, young people participate in
        The family, together with the education-            an exchange of communication and training of
al institution, friendships and social informa-             knowledge, attitudes and environmental values,
tion networks, are the main transmitters of the             obtained in educational institutions. They seek
knowledge, values, behaviors, attitudes, roles and          to be involved in a participatory manner with
habits that help us to develop as rational people           each member of their family in order to contrib-
within a society (Papalia cited in Mathiesen                ute, promote and develop environmental values
et al., 2002). In this research, it is sought that          together. Jacometo and Rossato (2017, p.58)
young people transfer environmental knowledge               allude that “Affective bonds provide psycho-
in a responsible and timely manner to family                logical and social support in the family, helping
members, to encourage environmental action in               to cope with everyday problems.” This article
homes and communities.                                      describes the way in which young people involve
        Society shapes its values through fam-              their parents, family and friends, to develop and
ily and school socialization. The child or young            promote values acquired in school, in order to
people visualize their environment according                mitigate EP.
to the way of life offered by the family (Loera
cited in Fragoso, & Canales, 2009) parents must             3. Methodological strategy
intervene in a conscious way to form values,
knowledge and attitudes that allow their children           The research is developed in a qualitative con-
an approximation with the real world. However,              text to expose and deduce the interactions and
educational institutions are modeled as a space             subjectivities (Dieterich, 2003, Gayou, 2012) of
of relationships with different individuals, who            the students. This methodology conceptualized
have a culture and knowledge different from                 by Taylor and Bogdan (2000) and Hernández,
those learned at home.                                      Fernández and Baptista (2014) as: The one that
        The school becomes a privileged place               describes the information in textual form of
where students interact with different groups,              individuals either in written form or in dialogue.
with their own cultures, with particular ways               Also, the perceptible observation. Methodological
of valuing the world that surrounds them and                notions that allow achieving the objective pro-
complement it with the particular way that they             posed in the present investigation. To execute the
develop in their classrooms to expand their hori-           research, first of all, the teacher in a didactic and
zons (Fragoso, & Canales, 2009, p.178).                     practical way, applied the phases of the EE model
                                                            (Espejel, 2015) to the students, to motivate them,

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Environmental education in the baccalaureate: From school to family

provide environmental information, teach them                    cited by Gayou, 2012, p.104). This technique
skills, values and commitments with their envi-                  needs to have a close relationship with individu-
ronment, with the aim to encourage and increase                  als to work.
the environmental awareness of the students,                            To make a more complete and methodi-
as well as being able to transmit, establish and                 cal inquiry and assessment, the students were
organize activities with members of their family.                asked to answer a questionnaire and submit
Within the actions of the EE model, a FEP is con-                the logs where they captured the FEP activi-
sidered as a tool that contains a series of specific             ties. The questionnaire was organized in three
actions and practices (planned and proposed                      parts: a) General aspects, b) Executed actions, c)
by the students, according to the environmental                  Organization of teams, d) Satisfaction of carried
problems of their community), projected to be                    out actions.
executed in a given period, with the fundamental
purpose of identifying and mitigating the EPs of                 3.3 Systematization and analysis of
educational institutions and localities (Espejel, &                  information
Flores, 2017). Afterwards, the young people took
the information and knowledge to their homes                     The observations, narrations of their logs, proj-
so that their relatives could participate in the                 ects and the questionnaire allowed us to describe,
elaboration and execution of their FEP.                          systematize and analyze the information. “The
                                                                 method of descriptive analysis is the one that was
3.2 Sample and techniques                                        used to show the successful results of the present
                                                                 research work” (Espejel, & Flores, 2017, p. 299).
To carry out the research work, CBTis 212 was                    According to the objectives proposed in the proj-
selected, which is located in the municipality of                ect, the categories of analysis were presented in a
Tetla de la Solidaridad, Tlaxcala, Mexico; mainly,               logical and coherent manner. The Excel program
because the institution is adjacent to the most                  was used for systematization to organize, classify
important industrial zone of the State and because               and categorize the information. It was consid-
the municipality presents major environmental                    ered that:
problems, such as: erosion, deforestation, con-
tamination by solid waste, air and water pollution                     The analysis of qualitative data, respond not
(Espejel, 2009). Also, because in CBtis 212 the                        to the quantification of information but to the
subject of Ecology is accredited, which is taught                      process of interpretation with the purpose of
in the fourth semester of the common core, its                         discovering concepts and relationships in the
contents are related to environmental educa-                           raw data, and then organizing them in explan-
                                                                       atory schemes. (Strauss, & Corbin, 2002, p.20)
tion and sustainable development. The study
involved 85 students of the fourth semester of the
baccalaureate of CBTis 212, who were studying                    4. Analysis and results
Ecology, of the evening shift of the specialties of
Logistics, Mechatronics, Programming (A) and                     4.1. General aspects of the participants
Programming (B). Each student elaborated his
FEP with activities that his same family proposed.               The research involved 85 young people from
The total number of participants was 367.                        CBTis 212, between 16 and 17 years old, male
        For the collection of information direct                 (35) and female (50), of four specialties of the
participant observation was used “to obtain                      evening shift. Each student together with his
impressions of the surrounding world through                     family elaborated his FEP with activities that
all relevant human faculties” (Patricia and Adler,               they proposed among themselves. The parents
                                                                 (mother, father) of the students who participated

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Adelina Espejel Rodríguez / Isabel Castillo Ramos

are adults between 38 and 44 years old on aver-               father, mother, brother and sister collaborated;
age. The brothers and sisters who collaborated                however, students integrated others, such as
are between 11 and 17 years old. Those who                    friends, girlfriends or boyfriends, because their
participated the most were the mothers, then the              parents could not participate in all activities
brothers, dads and sisters, among others.                     because of their work (See Chart 2).
       The total number of participants in the
FEP was 367 subjects, of whom the mainly the

Chart 2. Participants in the FEP of the NMS students

                           Total                      Total                         Total                          Total

       Students             85         Fathers         49         Mothers            76           Brothers          51

        Sisters             42         Uncles          8           Aunts              9        Grandmothers          7

      Grandfather            3       Cousins (M)       4        Cousins (F)           7           Friends            4

    Female friends           1        Boyfriend        2        Nephews (M)           3         Nephews (F)          6

      Sister in law          3        Husband          1        Neighbor (M)          1         Neighbor (F)         2

        Others               3                                  Aggregate Total                                     367

Source: Own elaboration

       Regarding the family’s work and school                 pate in the work of ecology. It is worth mention-
activities, it was found that the majority of the             ing that families are based on feelings of love and
fathers of the students are employees, workers                solidarity, to preserve affective bonds and carry
and merchants, only 9% are professionals. While               out projects in a shared manner (Jacometo, &
18% of moms are employed, 37% are housewives                  Rossato, 2017).
and only 3% are professionals. This last fact is                     Some testimonies are shown:
relevant because it suggests the reason why they
participated more with the children while carry-                     First, I came home and I told them that the
ing out the FEP. Most of the brothers and sisters                    teacher had told us in class about caring for
who collaborated are students.                                       the environment and what could happen in
                                                                     a few years if we still do not have conscience,
                                                                     so I told them that the teacher had left us as
4.2. Sensitization-motivation and envi-                              homework to carry out an ecological project
     ronmental knowledge to the mem-                                 in which we do some activities that benefit the
     bers of the family                                              environment. When I explained to them, they
                                                                     noticed that I was excited and eager to start
In order to carry out their FEP, the students had                    working, which motivated my family to follow
to inform their parents of the environmental                         my steps and integrate to raise awareness and
activities that they should complete as a family.                    help the environment. (Pablo, Mechatronics)
At first, it was difficult for the students to con-
vince them, however, when they explained the                        Subsequently, the young people sensitized-
objectives and the importance of taking care of               motivated the family members, through the
the E, the parents agreed to support and partici-             knowledge acquired in the classroom, about the
                                                              environmental deterioration so that they under-

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Environmental education in the baccalaureate: From school to family

stood the importance of implementing environ-                          could be reduced with viable activities, later
mental actions. The students showed the docu-                          we planned the actions that we were going
ment of “Carta 2070”, images of the EPs of their                       to carry out during the following months, to
community and told them about the plot of the                          fight the contamination that there is in the
film “The inconvenient truth” of Al Gore. This                         community, we organized ourselves according
                                                                       to what each one wanted to do, to improve the
information, as stated by Rivas (cited in Salinas,
                                                                       E and the community environment. (Alberto,
2016), impacted and sensitized the family. Future                      Programming-B)
and current generations require friendly values
and feelings with the E for the care and conserva-                      Other young people, individually, planned
tion of natural resources. As well as being familiar             the environmental activities of their FEP and
with the environment, to achieve friendly atti-                  then invited their family to participate. Each
tudes with nature (Kollmuss, & Agyeman, 2002).                   member of the family selected the environmental
       The students showed that they had fos-                    activity that they liked the most. The students
tered, developed and increased environmental                     planned their FEP activities with easy and fea-
awareness to their families, since they decided                  sible actions that could be carried out in a short
to support the activities projected in their FEP.                time, since some family members worked and
Likewise, they understood and reflected that they                were not available to carry out complex tasks.
would also benefit from taking care of their envi-               Every time someone came up with an idea, they
ronment. Molano and Herrera (2014) argue that                    commented on it and expanded it to see which
in addition to achieving favorable attitudes and                 one was the most appropriate and that had a
behaviors with the E, the aim is to move from                    greater impact on nature.
discourse to practice.                                                  The activities were projected and carried
                                                                 out according to the time availability of the
       I told my parents that this family project is
                                                                 members of the family, sometimes in the morn-
       to take care of our E, in order to keep our
       planet healthy and to live a few more years, in           ing, sometimes in the afternoon. Some decided
       this respect my family understood, reflected,             to make the most difficult on Saturday, as the
       conscientized and started helping me (putting             father could help with the actions where greater
       together bottles, efficient light-bulbs, batteries,       strength was needed. Also, during the weekends
       posters, water saving, etc.). (Mauricio, Logistics)       they worked in the community.
                                                                        Sometimes they were not able to execute all
                                                                 the planned activities, because there were prob-
4.3. Organization and planning to carry                          lems, such as: lack of time, little interest, disap-
     out the FEP                                                 pointment, as they picked up the garbage and the
                                                                 next day it was dirty all over again; due to lack of
Each student organized in a different way to cap-                health and fatigue of the grandparents, due to the
ture and design his or her FEP, some analyzed all                schedules they had to meet, lack of creativity and
the EP in the community and from these they                      knowledge, bad weather, poor communication,
established the goals and the actions to mitigate                lack of tools and due to unpunctuality.
them. The students in the course of ecology
learned that first an environmental diagnosis                    4.4. Actions executed by members of
must be elaborated in order to have knowledge                         the family
of the local to the global:
                                                                 The young people elaborated their FEP in order
       First, we sat down to talk and discuss about the          to raise awareness and teach the members of
       EPs that there are in the community and which             their family to take care of the E, so that their

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Adelina Espejel Rodríguez / Isabel Castillo Ramos

children can enjoy and have a better quality of                          The students also proposed their goals to
life. The FEP have fostered an environmental                      prevent, avoid, control and mitigate environ-
awareness and a dynamic collaboration, favor-                     mental problems to have a cleaner planet and
ing the school-community conjunction (Acosta,                     enjoy it with the family. Also, become ecological
Fuenmayor, León, & Sayago, 2006). The structure                   voices to inform the family, neighbors and others
of the FEP includes an objective, name of the                     the serious problems that pollution is causing,
family or name of the team, community where it                    which should be reduced with different propos-
is applied, EP to mitigate, viable actions, date and              als and practical solutions.
members of the family that execute it.                                   The main EP that the family fought was
       Most of the students carried out their FEP                 the contamination of solid waste and that of
with the purpose of promoting environmental                       battered green areas, where the greatest number
awareness in the members of their family about                    of actions were organized to mitigate them. The
the damage that is being caused to the E, as                      mother and the student were the most involved;
well as recommending to be more careful with                      for soil contamination, less environmental work
the daily and labor activities that contaminate                   was done.
their environment. The EE is a motivator of                              In Chart 3 we can see the members of the
environmental awareness, focused on causing                       family, as well as their participation in number
the dynamic intervention of teaching-learning                     of tasks to mitigate the PA of their school or
for the conservation and preservation of the E                    community. The environmental actions that
(Morachimo, 1999). As an example:                                 were carried out the most were: collecting gar-
                                                                  bage, separating and recycling, not wasting and
       We must create awareness in each one of the                reusing water, cleaning green areas, lectures,
       members of the family, so that we participate              talks, composting, cleaning lagoons, rivers and
       together in the execution of environmental                 streets, collecting rainwater, planting trees and
       activities, to achieve a cleaner environment
                                                                  plants, as well as watering them, putting trash
       and therefore have a better future for our chil-
       dren. (Verónica, Logistics)
                                                                  cans and posters.

Chart 3. Family participation in environmental activities
   Environmental problems that were mitigated           Father        Mother        Brother          Sister        Student

               Solid waste pollution                         25         51             33              17             62

               Battered green areas                          30         56             24              20             61

                   Deforestation                             23         42             19              18             49

             water waste and pollution                       23         47             19              20             54

               Visual contamination                          15         20             11              13             27

           Lack of environmental values                      26         42             11              17             47

                   Soil pollution                            7           9             7                5              9

Source: Own elaboration

       The students, along with their family,                     also help the family economy, selling recyclable
proposed environmental actions to mitigate the                    material and thus value more their environment.
problem of solid waste, they mainly want to con-                  Alfie (cited in Molano, & Herrera, 2014, p. 193)
tribute to have a clean and healthy environment,                  said that “environmental training seeks aware-

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Environmental education in the baccalaureate: From school to family

ness and responsibility to achieve the solution to               be dry and this would imply no longer working
environmental deterioration.”                                    for money, but for water.

       When carrying out this project, we discovered                   Water is something vital for our life on earth
       many contaminated places, with a lot of gar-                    and if it were to end it would be a disaster, that
       bage that people throw away. So, we decided to                  is why we must take care of it since this liquid
       contribute to our community by collecting it                    is very important for our existence on earth.
       so that people realize that what they are doing                 For without it we could not live, because it is
       is very wrong. (Carolina, Mechatronics)                         very important for our hydration as well for
                                                                       the crops and animals that exist on the planet
        The students and their families planned                        earth. (Magdalena, Programming-A)
activities to solve the environmental problem
of the damaged green areas and deforestation,                           The lack of environmental values is anoth-
mainly to support the E, having shaded areas, a                  er problem that the student struggled with the
pleasant climate, a good quality of life, greater                family, mainly because they observed that people
fauna, locating trees in appropriate places, reha-               do not have the habit of taking care of their E.
bilitate arid areas, more oxygen, take care of the               Students want to change their way of thinking
planet so that trees and plants are in optimal                   and educating new generations in the environ-
conditions, improve the appearance of the com-                   mental field, in order to have a better or equal
munity to raise awareness in children and adults,                environment in the future. The main idea was to
and prevent diseases.                                            raise awareness among the population to care for
                                                                 and preserve natural resources:
       My mom and I decided to do it because it is
       very important to keep our parks clean and                      Because pollution in all aspects is something
       looking good, because that’s where most small                   that affects the life of the human being, but
       children play. And it is very bad that the places               sometimes some people do not do anything to
       where they play are mistreated and littered                     take care of the environment, since they don’t
       with garbage, because they can get diseases.                    know how to do it, it is best to orient them so
       (Martha, Programming-B)                                         that this problem does not continue to grow in
                                                                       the communities. (Irma, Logistics)
        The family decides to take actions so as
not to waste and contaminate the water because                          The different members of the family liked
it considers that it is necessary to be environ-                 to participate in the FEP, mainly to contribute
mentally aware, since one day it may end or be                   and care for their environment and interact with
scarce. Also, they do not want to run out of this                nature and the coexistence that is established
vital liquid, since they do not like the idea that               between them, also to encourage and increase
their future children and grandchildren cannot                   environmental awareness. Only the father and
enjoy it or simply cannot meet their needs of                    the student mention that to give good example
daily life. The members of the family value water                to the children. The sister and the brother are the
because they know it is very important for the                   only ones who allude that doing environmental
existence of the land and without it life would be               actions is a pleasant experience. Levy (cited in
a disaster, for example, there would be no agri-                 Mathiesen et al., 2002) mentions that one of the
cultural production, the lakes and rivers would                  functions of the family is to transmit values of
                                                                 all kinds, to function and act in the social and
                                                                 environmental world (See Chart 4)

                                                                                           Alteridad. 14(2), 231-242   239
Adelina Espejel Rodríguez / Isabel Castillo Ramos

Chart 4. Reasons why the members of the family liked to carry out the FEP
                                                Father       Mamá %    Hermana %       Hermano %        Estudiante %
 To set an example for children and
                                                  30                                                          5
 To contribute and care for the                   60           41           57              25                50
 Have interaction with nature and the
                                                  10           18                                             20
 coexistence of the family
 Satisfaction of caring for the E                                                           25                15
 To have and encourage awareness                               35           14              12                10
 Pleasant experience                                                        29              38
 Others                                                        6

Source: Own elaboration

       Some testimonies:                                     ing of the information for the practical and
                                                             feasible action on global and local EPs.
       It is an example that we set for our children                The educational institution of the NMS
       and that our children will give to our grand-         has the task of training competent young people
       children, in this way we become aware of              that contribute to sustainable development in
       how to take care of the environment to have a
                                                             a critical, reflective and argumentative man-
       future. I really liked doing the activities, I had
       fun when we planted the trees and gathered all
                                                             ner to favor the solution and mitigation of
       the garbage from the streets. (Dad and sister)        EP in the areas of their environment. This is
                                                             one of the generic competences that marks the
                                                             Comprehensive Reform of Higher Secondary
5. Discussion and conclusions                                Education (RIEMS) which students of the NMS
                                                             must develop “to contribute to sustainable devel-
The family is the basis for transmitting values              opment in a critical manner with responsible
and friendly behaviors towards the E, for the                actions and assuming an attitude that favors the
care, conservation and preservation of nature.               solution of environmental problems at the local,
However, it is unavoidable to increase knowledge,            national and international levels “(Diario Oficial,
encourage and develop environmental awareness                2008, p.5).
to engage in practical and viable actions in the                    The way to take and apply environmental
family, school and community context. Jiménez                projects in high school institutions allows stu-
cited in Apaza (2014) affirms that ecological                dents and their families to acquire the following
awareness is fostered in the family and values               advantages: increase coexistence and time with
learned in the home are reinforced, manifesting              the family, develop the ability to communicate
in daily environmental actions that optimize the             and convince, increase environmental aware-
living environments of the community.                        ness, learn to decrease costs of electricity, water
       It is worth mentioning that the Mexican               and learn to plan and execute environmental
population needs to promote environmental                    activities. Remacha and Belletich (2015) and
culture, for this reason the family EE must be               Rodríguez Vargas and Luna (2010) point out
fed back with the knowledge and experiences                  that projects expand creative skills in students
acquired by the students in the different educa-             mainly when they are formed into teams for the
tional levels, so that they converge in the updat-           performance of shared tasks. In addition, apply-
                                                             ing this type of EA projects generates emotions
                                                             of well-being, pleasure, stimulation, desolation

240    © 2019, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador.
Environmental education in the baccalaureate: From school to family

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