EPA Region 6-South Central

Page created by Teresa Salinas
EPA Region 6-South Central
EPA Region 6—South Central                                                                                       March 2022
                                                                                                                     Issue 9

March 2022, Issue 9

                                 Helping Kids Learn in a Pollution Free Environment
           25th Anniversary of the Children's Environmental Health Program!
EPA is celebrating the 25th      Executive Order requiring       is to make the                    resources for the
anniversary of our               all federal agencies to         environmental health              classroom below!
Children’s Health Program.       assign a high priority to       protection of children a
Children’s environmental         addressing health and           fundamental goal of public
health refers to the effect of   safety risks to children,       health and environmental
environmental exposure           coordinate research             protection in the United
during early life: from          priorities on children's        States and around the
conception, infancy, early       health, and ensure that         world.
childhood, and adolescence       their standards take into
until 21 years of age.           account special risks to        Join EPA in celebrating
                                 children. In May 1997, EPA      this milestone anniversary
On April 21, 1997, the           established the Office of       with a focus on children’s
president signed an              Children's Health               environmental health this
                                 Protection, whose mission       spring! Check out our

                                         April 22 Is Earth Day! Do You Know the history?
                                 remained largely oblivious to   Groups that had been              Environmental Policy Act,
                                 environmental concerns and      fighting individually against     the Occupational Safety
                                 how a polluted environment      oil spills, polluting factories   and Health Act, and the
The Earth Day 2022 theme         threatens human health.         and power plants, raw             Clean Air Act. Two years
is “Invest In Our Planet.”                                       sewage, toxic dumps,              later Congress passed the
What will you do?                However, the stage was set      pesticides, freeways, the         Clean Water Act. A year
                                 for change with the publication loss of wilderness and the        after that, Congress
Every year on April 22,          of Rachel Carson’s New York extinction of wildlife united
Earth Day marks the                                                                                passed the Endangered
                                 Times bestseller Silent         on Earth Day around these         Species Act and soon after
anniversary of the birth of      Spring in 1962. The book
the modern environmental                                         shared common values.             the Federal Insecticide,
                                 represented a watershed         Earth Day 1970 achieved a         Fungicide, and Rodenticide
movement in 1970. In the         moment, selling more than
decades leading up to the                                        rare political alignment,         Act. These laws have
                                 500,000 copies in 24            enlisting support from            protected millions of men,
first Earth Day, Americans       countries as it raised public
were consuming vast                                              Republicans and Democrats,        women and children from
                                 awareness and concern for       rich and poor, urban              disease and death and
amounts of leaded gas            living organisms, the
through massive and                                              dwellers and farmers,             have protected hundreds
                                 environment and the             business and labor leaders.       of species from extinction.
inefficient automobiles.         inextricable links between
Industry belched out smoke                                       By the end of 1970, the first
                                 pollution and public health.    Earth Day led to the creation     We invite you to be a part
and sludge with little fear of                                                                     of Earth Day and help write
the consequences from                                            of the United States
                                 Earth Day 1970 would come                                         many more chapters—
either the law or bad press.                                     Environmental Protection
                                 to provide a voice to this                                        struggles and victories—
Air pollution was commonly                                       Agency and the passage of
                                 emerging environmental                                            into the Earth Day book.
accepted as the smell of                                         other first of their kind
                                 consciousness and put
prosperity. Until this point,                                    environmental laws,
                                 environmental concerns on
mainstream America                                               including the National
                                 the front page.
EPA Region 6-South Central
Page 2                                     Healthy Schools                                         March 2022, Issue 9

                               Learning Links—National Environmental Education
                               Week—2022 and Beyond
                               For more than 16 years,         education outside of the        educators to incorporate
                               the National                    classroom, now is the time      environmental education
                               Environmental Education         to move environmental           into their lesson plans.
                               Foundation brought              education beyond EE
                               Environmental Education         Week.                           We hope you find this new
                               (EE) Week to life with                                          direction in environmental
                               events, projects,               Instead of packing all          education exciting.
                               resources, and stories          educational resources and
Environmental education        that help inform and            events into a handful of        Sign up for environmental
increases public awareness     celebrate the critical work     days in late April, EE          education resources at the
and knowledge about            educators are doing             materials will be offered       National Environmental
environmental issues or        across the country to           throughout the year.            Education Foundation at
problems. In doing so, it      instill a passion for                                           https://www.neefusa.org/
provides the public with the   science and the                 This means more high-           education/eeweek.
necessary skills to make       environment in their            quality materials can be
informed decisions and take    students.                       shared and will align EE
responsible action.                                            offerings with a traditional
                               However, just as the            school year schedule—
                               COVID-19 pandemic led           making it more intuitive for

                               Notes for Nurses—May is Asthma Awareness Month
                               May is Asthma Awareness         During Asthma Awareness         org. Encourage your
                               Month—a time to educate         Month, EPA provides ready       stakeholders to list any
                               friends, family, and patients   -to-use tools and resources     outreach activities or virtual
                                     about asthma and          for promoting asthma            events on the network in
                                     promote awareness         awareness in your               the Event Listings section.
                                     about how this            community.
                                     serious, sometimes                                        Social Media content will
                                     life-threatening,         We are continuing to            be posted throughout the
                                     chronic respiratory       promote Asthma                  month on EPA’s Facebook
                                     disease can be            Awareness Month on              and Twitter accounts.
                                     controlled.               asthmacommunitynetwork.

  The Four Rules of                Custodian’s Closet—Waste Reduction in Schools
  Waste Reduction              •    Reduce—Purchasing,              they can be used                materials from the
                                    consuming, and                  again.                          Earth.
                                    throwing away less.
                                    Source reduction            •   Recycle—A series of        •    Buy Recycled—
                                    actually prevents the           activities that includes        Purchasing products
                                    generation of waste in          collecting recyclable           made of recycled
                                    the first place, making         materials that would            materials.
                                    it the most preferred           otherwise be
                                                                    considered waste,          Preventing waste and
                                    method of waste
                                                                    sorting and processing     recycling can decrease
                                                                    recyclables into raw       disposal costs. Schools
                               •    Reuse—Reusing items             materials such as          might be able to bring in
                                    by repairing, donating,         fibers, and                additional revenue by
                                    or selling them. Reuse          manufacturing the raw      selling recyclables that
                                    is even better than             materials into new         have financial value.
                                    recycling because               products. Recycling
                                    items do not have to be         prevents the need to
                                    reprocessed before              harvest new raw
EPA Region 6-South Central
Healthy Schools                                  March 2022, Issue 9                                                  Page 3

March 7-11 Is National Groundwater Awareness Week

National Groundwater           factors, is responsible for      cycle, and it is our           nearby?
awareness week is aimed        the lack of access to clean      responsibility to ensure
at increasing knowledge        water that many people           water does not get             Be mindful. Household
of the importance of           face in today’s world.           contaminated whenever          pollutants can lead to
groundwater in society.                                         possible.                      groundwater contamination.
According to                   It is a common myth that                                        Consider using less of these
www.charitywater.org, it is    contaminating one source         Protecting sources of          chemicals and purchasing
currently estimated that       of water will not affect other   groundwater is up to you!      more environmentally friendly
771 million people live        sources. This is not the         There are three steps to       products to limit potential
without access to clean        case, due to the hydrologic      follow when considering        groundwater contamination.
water. This amounts to         cycle. Water is always on        protecting sources of
                               the move! It evaporates,         groundwater:                Use Less. Track what the
nearly 1 in 10 people
                               condenses, and                                               main sources of water are in
worldwide, or twice the
                               precipitates back to the         Be aware. Do you know       your household and change
population of the United
                               Earth. Pollution in one          where the tap water in your your habits accordingly. Your
States. Easier access to
                               body of water can lead to        house comes from? Is it     state water resource agency
clean water means
                               contamination in other           groundwater or surface      will have recommendations for
improved education,
                               water bodies. There are          water? What body of water best conservation practices in
income, and health –
                               many possible changes            does it come from? Are      your area.
especially for women and
                               that water can go through        there potential sources of
kids. Contamination of
                               during this continuous           contamination located
groundwater, among other

 May 2-8 Is Air Quality Awareness Week—What is AirNow?
 AirNow is your one-stop source for air quality data. The recently redesigned site highlights air quality in your local area
 first, while still providing air quality information at state, national, and world views. A new interactive map even lets you
 zoom out to get the big picture or drill down to see data for a single air quality monitor.
 AirNow reports air quality using the official U.S. Air Quality Index (AQI), a color-coded index designed to communicate
 whether air quality is healthy or unhealthy for you. When you know the AQI in your area, you can take steps to protect
 your health. AirNow is a partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
 Administration (NOAA), National Park Service, NASA, Centers for Disease Control, and tribal, state, and local air
 quality agencies. Complete list of AirNow partners.

May 1-7 Is Drinking Water Week
For the past 40 years the      sources are rivers,              need for complex treatment      contaminants that have
American Water Works           streams, lakes, reservoirs,      at the water system facility    been detected in the water,
Association and its            springs, and groundwater         before the water is             including those by EPA,
partners have used             that provide water to public     distributed to the              and whether the system
Drinking Water Week as         drinking water supplies and      community.                      meets state and EPA
an opportunity for both        private wells. Protecting                                        drinking water standards.
water professionals and        source water can reduce          About 150,000 public water      The EPA sets legal limits on
communities to recognize       risks by preventing              systems provide drinking        more than 90 contaminants
the vital role that drinking   exposures to contaminated        water to most Americans.        in drinking water. The legal
water plays in our daily       water. Public water              Customers that are served       limit for a contaminant
lives.                         systems are responsible          by a public water system        reflects the level that
                               for meeting the                  can contact their local         protects human health and
The United States enjoys       requirements set by the          water supplier and ask for      that water systems can
one of the world's most        EPA and state drinking           information on                  achieve using the best
reliable and safest            water programs under the         contaminants in their           available technology.
supplies of drinking water.    Safe Drinking Water Act.         drinking water and are
Congress passed the            Protecting source water          encouraged to request a
Safe Drinking Water Act in     from contamination helps         copy of their Consumer
1974. The water you drink      reduce treatment costs and       Confidence Report. This
starts from a source. The      may avoid or defer the           report lists the levels of
EPA Region 6-South Central
Sustainable Management of Food, Disposal of Batteries, Electronics,
 EPA Region 6—                                      and Electronic Appliances and Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs:
 South Central                                      Stephen Sturdivant, sturdivant.stephen@epa.gov, 214-665-6673

1201 Elm Street,                                    Recycling and Reuse: Deanna Debose, debose.deanna@epa.gov, 214-
Suite 500                                           665-6461
Dallas, Texas 75270
                                                    Safer Choice, Pollution Prevention, and Sustainable Materials
                                                    Management: Melanie Lillard, lillard.melanie@epa.gov, 214-665-7588
EPA Region 6 Children’s Health Team                 Lead Based Paint: Mikeal Adams, adams.mikeal@epa.gov, 214-665-6711
Virginia Vietti, Children’s Environmental Health    Integrated Pest Management: Ken McPherson,
Coordinator                                         mcpherson.kenneth@epa.gov, 214-665-6754
214 665-7431                                        Pollution Prevention and Source Reduction Assistance Grant
                                                    Programs: , Stephanie Cheaney, Cheaney.stephanie@epa.gov, 214-665-
Cathy Gilmore, SEE for Healthy Schools              8057
Gilmore.cathy@epa.gov                               Radon, Asbestos, and Indoor Air Quality: George Brozowski,
214 665-6574                                        brozowski.george@epa.gov, 214-665-8541

                                                    Ground Water: Scott Ellinger, ellinger.scott@epa.gov, 214-665-8408
 Protecting human health and the
 environment.                                       Drinking Water: Angela Restivo, restivo.angela@epa.gov, 214-665-7123

                                                    Trash Free Waters: Rachel Renz and Renee Bellew,
                                                    renz.rachel@epa.gov and bellew.renee@epa.gov, 214-665-3129 and 214-
                                                    665-2793, respectively.

          HELPFUL HINT: Click on the
           pictures or logos for more

                                      ODDS AND ENDS                                          This page may provide links
  Upcoming              In our next issue, the Region 6   Protection Agency Region 6 -       to non-EPA web sites that
  Newsletters           Healthy Schools Newsletter in     South Central in Dallas, Texas.    provide additional
                        June 2022 will highlight the      Region 6 includes the states of    information about topics that
                        following:                        Arkansas, Louisiana, New           may be of interest to schools
                                                          Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas        and school districts. EPA
  Contact               •   Home Safety Month,
                                                          as well as 66 Tribes. For          cannot attest to the accuracy
                        •   Water Sense Challenge         general information about          of information on any non-
                            Month, and                    Healthy Schools, to provide        EPA page. Providing links to
                                                          feedback on this newsletter, or    a non-EPA web site is not an
                        •   Indoor Air Quality            to be added or removed from        endorsement of any non-
                            Awareness Week.               the distribution list, please      government website,
                                                          contact Cathy Gilmore, Senior      company or application; nor
  Feedback              Other topics will include         Environmental Employee (SEE)       does EPA recommend
                        National Oceans Week,             for Healthy Schools at             membership in, donations to
                        Sunwise and Extreme Heat,         Gilmore.cathy@epa.gov.             or commercial sales from
                        and Research for a Healthy                                           non-government
                        Environment Month in addition     We would love your Feedback        organizations. Also, be
                        to the quarterly columns on       on this newsletter or              aware that the privacy
                        Notes for Nurses, Custodian’s     suggestions for future topics.     protection provided on the
                        Closet, and Learning Links.       Please email EPA at                EPA.gov domain (see
                        Healthy Schools is published      Gilmore.cathy@epa.gov.             Privacy and Security
                        by the U.S. Environmental                                            Notice) may not be
                                                                                             available at the external link.
EPA Region 6-South Central
Disaster Recovery Workshop
The Southwest Center for Pediatric Environmental Health (SWCPEH) and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences
Center El Paso (TTUHSC El Paso) Department of Emergency Medicine is proud to sponsor a Disaster Recovery Work-
  shop. This educational workshop will take place virtually via WebEx with the date and times specified below. This
workshop is for parents, teachers, health care providers, community members and anyone interested in pediatric en-
  vironmental health. A certificate of attendance will be given to every registered participant who attends the entire

                                       The workshop will cover the following topics:

                                        Wednesday, March 23, 2022

                       Session 1—9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MT
  Environmental Health Conditions in the Home and School: Hazards Associated with Flooding
                                        Presented by:
                                          Erica Guerrero, PA-C
                                 Session 2—10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. MT
                             Children’s Emotional Health and Natural Disasters
                                              Presented by:
                               Marisa B Nowitz, MSW, LCSW-S
                                 Session 3—11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MT
                              Children’s Health Risks Associated with Flooding
                                               Presented by:
                                             Sarah Watkins, DO
                                              Please use the link below to register:


              If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Moraima Barron at mobarron@ttuhsc.edu or
EPA Region 6-South Central
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