EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files

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EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
November 2019 - n°60

For effective
vaccination policies
in Europe
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
         EU cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases

                     2.7     MEASLES
vaccines                     million
                       2     NEONATAL
prevent                      TETANUS
every year
                       1     million

Influenza vaccination coverage rates              More than 14 000 measles &
among people aged 65+                             696 rubella cases in 2017
                       UK 71%                                    RO - 5 608 measles
                       NL 67%                                    IT - 5 098 measles
                       EU 34%                                    DE - 929 measles

                                                                                                 Sources: ECDC; Eurostat; WHO; The Vaccine Confidence Project
                       BG 2%                                     GR - 967 measles
                        EE 2%
                                                  EU ACTION
                                                        Ensure ACCESS to vaccines for all
    0%                                                  Control all vaccines to ensure HIGHEST
                                                        SAFETY STANDARDS

                                                        Share CLEAR, INDEPENDENT
 45.5%                                                  and TRANSPARENT information

“ I think vaccines                                      More RESEARCH to develop new vaccines
  are not safe”

            European Commission:
              European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control:
                                  @EU_Health #EUvaccines
                                          Health and
                                          Food Safety
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
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      E D I T O R I A L

                             EUROPE & VACCINES
V       accination is the primary instrument
        for prevention in public health. Thanks
        to vaccination programmes, life
expectancy in the world is one of humanity’s
greatest achievements. According to the
                                                     interest of vaccination should be more clearly
                                                     highlighted. Providing reliable information
                                                     to the general public and dispelling myths
                                                     about vaccines and vaccination through the
                                                     exchange of good practices is key to ensure
                                                                                                          vaccination programmes. The Commission is
                                                                                                          considering the creation of a European virtual
                                                                                                          data warehouse on vaccine needs, which
                                                                                                          could facilitate the voluntary exchange of
                                                                                                          information on available supplies. This would
WHO, vaccination can prevent between 2 and           effective public health.                             ensure that the necessary measures are in
3 million deaths per year worldwide.                                                                      place in the event of a pandemic.
                                                        For several years now, the sub-optimal
   Nowadays, several European and neigh-             vaccination coverage observed in Europe                 Vaccination policies fall within the purview
bouring countries are facing the return of           has led the European Commission to step              of national authorities. However, the EU
some epidemics thought to be long forgotten,         up its vaccination efforts by working closely        must ensure fair access to vaccines for all EU
the resurgence of which is mainly due to a lack      with Member States. In December 2018,                citizens through free distribution in order to
of vaccination coverage.                             the Council adopted a recommendation to              remove major financial barriers, combat dis-
                                                     strengthen EU cooperation against vaccine-           information and build confidence in vaccines,
  In an increasingly digitalized and intro-          preventable diseases. Subsequently, it estab-        facilitating a vaccination pathway from an
verted society, misinformation is on the rise,       lished a roadmap to ensure better cooperation        early age.
social media pose a new challenge when it            between Member States. A feasibility study on
comes to maintaining confidence in immu-             the development of a common EU vaccination             Vaccination is first and foremost about
nization. However, the use of digital tools          map was launched this year. A draft common           education for all of us. In this issue of The
would facilitate and improve vaccination             vaccination document, which could help EU            European Files, we capture the responses of
programmes throughout Europe, using                  citizens to continue their vaccination in the        our institutions and hope to encourage a
interoperability of systems, monitoring data,        Member States, is expected to be completed           public discussion faithful to the greater good.
procurement and a real-time supply status,           in 2022.
preventing waste, all as a way of fighting fire                                                                                        Editor-in-Chief
with fire.                                             Europe plays an important role in the pro-                                 LAURENT ULMANN
                                                     duction of these vaccines. Several European
  Our policies and scientists must have a clear      countries have experienced a shortage of
and unambiguous narrative about the need             vaccine production and supply which has
for vaccination and its coverage. The collective     hampered the implementation of their

    Management: The European Files / Les Dossiers Européens - 19 rue Lincoln, 1180 Brussels - ISSN 1636-6085 - email:
    Publication Director and Editor-in-Chief: Laurent ULMANN
    Layout & printing: VAN RUYS PRINTING
    Copyright: Shutterstock, European Commission
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
4   |     The European Files | Europe & Vaccines - For                      effe c t i ve v a c c i n a t i o n p o l i c i e s i n   Europe

The benefits of digital tools for improving                         Sustain vaccination programmes through a healthier
immunisation programmes                                         6   vaccine ecosystem in an interconnected Europe            16
Krista Kiuru, Finnish Minister for Family Affairs and Social        Corinne Bardone, Pharm D, Head of Global Vaccines Public
Services                                                            Affairs, for Polio, Pertussis and Hib containing Vaccines, Sanofi
To eliminate measles in Germany: The Measles Protection             Christina Klein, Manager, Global Vaccine Public Affairs,
Act. Requirement for all children entering school or                Sanofi Pasteur
kindergarten to have both measles vaccinations         7
Jens Spahn, Germany’s Federal Health Minister                       Florence Baron-Papillon, Pharm D, Head of Public Affairs
                                                                    Europe for Vaccines, Sanofi Pasteur
Place vaccination at the forefront of the public space         8
Agnès Buzyn, French Minister for Solidarity and Health,             Looking ahead to the next decade for
Extract from the article in European immunisation week              immunization in Europe                                                     19
                                                                    Dr. Siddhartha Datta, Programme Manager, Vaccine-
Dedicated supra-structural vaccination organizations:               preventable Diseases and Immunization programme, WHO
the driver of a successful vaccination schemes                 10   Regional Office for Europe
Maggie De Block, Belgian Minister of Social Affairs and Public      Ms. Catharina de Kat, Communications, Web and
Health and Asylum Policy and Migration                              Information Officer, Vaccine-preventable Diseases and
                                                                    Immunization programme, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Promote vaccination, particularly the childhood
immunisation programme and the HPV vaccine                          Securing a robust vaccine sector in Europe                                 20
for both girls and boys                                        11   Magdalena Rodriguez de Azero, Executive Director,
Simon Harris, Irish Minister for Health                             Vaccines Europe

European Commission roadmap on vaccination                    12   Harnessing the power of partnerships to
Anne Bucher, Director-General DG SANTE, European                    develop life-saving vaccines                                22
Commission                                                          Dr. Pierre Meulien, Executive Director, Innovative Medicines
                                                                    Initiative (IMI)
A cancer vaccine: how to eradicate virus-related
cancers in Europe?                                            13   Vaccination, Population Health, and
Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, Oncologist and MEP, Renew                 European Leadership                                                        24
Europe, France, Member of the ENVI Committee                        David E. Bloom, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
                                                                    Boston, Massachusetts USA
Clinical Evaluation of vaccines                               14   Daniel Cadarette, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Prof. Guido Rasi, Director Executif of EMA                          Boston, Massachusetts USA

Improving pan-european collaboration in tackling                    Raising awareness about the importance of
vaccine-preventable diseases                                  15   vaccination in Europe for public health                                     25
Andrea Ammon, ECDC Director                                         Monika Beňová, MEP (S&D Group),
                                                                    Member of the ENVI Committee
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
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                  Europe & Vaccines
               For effective vaccination
                   policies in Europe
Is Europe Prepared for the Future of                                        Vaccines - The educational and preventive role                   37
Vaccines Innovation?                                               26      Sara Cerdas, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the ENVI
Dr. Emmanuel Hanon, Senior Vice President, Head of R&D,                     Committee
GSK Vaccines
Dr. Rino Rappuoli, Chief Scientist, GSK Vaccines                            The EU research programmes in support to vaccine
                                                                            Research & Innovation                                            38
Dr. Philippe Denoel, Head of External R&D, GSK Vaccines                     Irene Norstedt, Acting Director, People Directorate,
                                                                            Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European
Vaccination for patients with chronic conditions                   28      Commission
Marco Greco, President of European Patients’ Forum (EPF)
                                                                            Alessandra Martini, Policy officer, Directorate-General for
                                                                            Research and Innovation, European Commission
Vaccine hesitancy: public health emergency                         29
Rory Palmer, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the ENVI                            Julia Molto Lopez, Programme assistant EU policies,
Committee                                                                   Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European
Resilient immunisation systems: looking                                     Barbara Kerstiëns, Head of Unit Combatting diseases,
beyond high vaccination rates                                      30      Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European
Sibilia Quilici, Public Policy Director, MSD                                Commission

Raising awareness about the key role of health                              Vaccination in Europe – the crucial role of
professionals - The role of physicians in vaccination              32       the health care provider                                40
Prof. Dr Frank Ulrich Montgomery, President of the                          Pierre Van Damme, MD, PhD, vice-dean faculty of Medicine
Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME)                               and Health Sciences, director Centre for the Evaluation of
                                                                            Vaccination, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Vaccination in Pharmacies                                          33
Michał Byliniak, President of PGEU (The Pharmaceutical                      Maternal vaccination: A new and highly
Group of the European Union)                                                effective policy to improve European pertussis
                                                                            immunisation programmes                                 42
Independent control contributes to                                          Benoit Soubeyrand Md, Blossom Vaccinology, Lyon, France
ensuring vaccine quality                                           34
Susanne Keitel, Director of the EDQM, Council of Europe

Healthcare distribution: facilitating optimal
access and uptake of vaccines in Europe                            35
Monika Derecque-Pois, Director General of GIRP

AIM calls for European Action with
regard to Vaccination Hesitancy                                    36
Christian Zahn, President of AIM (International Association
of Mutual Benefit Societies)
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files

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The benefits of digital
tools for improving                                                                                                        Logo s.4

immunisation programmes
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                                                    Comprehensive immunisation                            information tools could correct the trend by
                                                    information systems are essential                     using different context-based strategies to
                                                                                                                           Suunnittelu: deSignal / Timo Kuoppala

                                                       Electronic vaccination registries or immu-         counter the spread of misinformation and
                                                    nisation information systems (IIS) can show           create partnerships with civil society and other
                                                    up-to-date vaccination coverage across all            relevant stakeholders.
                                                    age groups and sub-populations, as well as in            Modern website algorithms seek to
                                                    different geographic or healthcare-providing          determine which information a user would
                                                    areas. Full interoperability of different elec-       like to see, based on their previous internet
                                                    tronic systems and registries is essential. For       activity. This might be harmful to both indi-
                                                    example, the IIS data can be analysed together        viduals and society if it leads to increasing
                                                    with the disease-surveillance data to monitor         hesitancy and mistrust concerning vaccines
                                                    the real-time impact of vaccines, both in             or information provided by health authorities.
                                                    terms of effectiveness and safety. The IIS data       On the other hand, sophisticated search algo-
    Krista KIURU                                    combined with vaccine procurement data                rithms could also play an important role in
                                                    can show the supply situation in real time            addressing vaccine hesitancy. Health systems
    Finnish Minister for Family Affairs
                                                    and reduce vaccine wastage. The IIS can also          could be developed to individually tailor
    and Social Services
                                                    provide new opportunities to inform those at          messages most likely to resonate with citizens.
                                                    risk that they should be vaccinated. This can         The real-time analysis of internet and social-
                                                    be achieved through automated reminders via           media discussions and networks could also be
                                                    email, SMS alerts and dedicated health apps.          utilised in vaccine confidence monitoring and
                                                    When integrated with electronic healthcare            to identify possible safety concerns.
                                                    records, the reminders can also target
                                                    healthcare professionals, so that every time a        Sustainable EU-level collabo-
                                                    patient visits any healthcare facility, the visit     ration to improve vaccination
                                                    can be utilised as an opportunity to administer       programmes

I  mmunisation programmes are one of the
   most cost-effective public health inter-
   ventions, saving millions of lives every year.
In addition to protecting individuals, vaccines
can also protect the whole population against
                                                    vaccine doses missed during previous visits.
                                                       All individuals should have easy access to
                                                    the data on vaccines they have received. The
                                                    IIS can generate individual electronic vacci-
                                                    nation cards that can be accessed online —
                                                                                                             Immunisation programmes are the respon-
                                                                                                          sibility of the Member States. However, it is
                                                                                                          clear that we should also enhance EU-level
                                                                                                          collaboration. Pursuant to Article 168 of the
                                                                                                          Treaty on the Functioning of the European
epidemics as well as significantly reduce           while respecting data protection and privacy          Union (TFEU), a high level of human health
healthcare and societal costs. A unique benefit     requirements, naturally.                              protection is to be ensured in the definition
of high vaccination coverage is herd immunity          Some EU countries already have an opera-           and implementation of all Union policies and
– population-level protection for individuals       tional IIS. However, more effort is still needed      activities. Union action, which complements
who cannot be vaccinated because they               both at EU and Member State level to develop          national policies, is to be directed towards
are too young or have pre-existing medical          operational guidelines and remove infra-              improving public health, preventing physical
conditions.                                         structural, legal and standardisation barriers        and mental illness and disease, and obviating
   While many new effective and safe vaccines       in order to facilitate interoperability and elec-     sources of danger to physical and mental
have been introduced in national immuni-            tronic immunisation-data-sharing. The feasi-          health. The EU Joint Action on Vaccines and
sation programmes in recent years, vaccines         bility of developing a common EU vaccination          other initiatives provide important platforms
are still underused and vaccine hesitancy           card should also be explored as a matter of           for the creation of EU-level added value
is posing a threat to the high vaccination          priority.                                             for immunisation programmes. In addition
coverage needed to stop the spread of com-                                                                to initiatives and networks, we should also
municable diseases in communities and               Internet and social media as tools                    strengthen the role of the European Centre for
internationally.                                    to improve vaccination coverage                       Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) as an
   Council Recommendation (2018/C 466/01)             Never before has the creation, distribution,        EU agency responsible for providing scientific
on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-        use and, unfortunately, manipulation of infor-        advice and support to Member States on the
preventable diseases is a comprehensive and         mation been this easy. Ideally, the internet          development and adaption of new tools to
ambitious commitment from the Member                should provide fast and easy access to reliable       improve vaccination programmes.
States and the Commission to jointly ensure         information on vaccination to the public.
that European citizens have the full benefit        However, the experience so far has been that
of existing and new vaccines. The recommen-         misinformation from anti-vaccine groups may
dation highlights eHealth and digital inno-         spread even faster than science-based infor-
vations as important new tools for improving        mation provided by healthcare professionals
immunisation programmes.                            and public-health authorities. New digital
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
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To eliminate measles in Germany: The Measles Protection
Act. Requirement for all children entering school or
kindergarten to have both measles vaccinations
                                                      in these settings will also have to be vaccinated        With all of that, the second shot is easily for-
                                                      against this dangerous infectious disease. The           gotten. We can therefore assume that our new
                                                      same applies to staff working in healthcare              regulation will provide a welcome reminder in
                                                      facilities. Exempted from mandatory vac-                 these cases. And I trust that it will result in more
                                                      cinations are persons for whom the vaccine               children getting both measles vaccinations.
                                                      would not be safe on medical grounds and                    The case might be different for people who
                                                      persons born before 1970. In the absence of this         are against mandatory immunisation for other
                                                      proof, the child can be barred from attending            reasons. In such cases, reference is often made
                                                      school or day care. Parents of school children           to the question of proportionality and the
                                                      will face a fine. After all, it is the same as in road   right to “free choice regarding vaccination”.
                                                      traffic: if you put others at risk and get caught,       My counterargument is that any person who
                                                      you have to pay a fine.                                  sits in a paediatrician’s waiting room with their
                                                         Between August 2018 and late July 2019,               baby, who is still too young to be vaccinated,
  Jens SPAHN                                          more than 13,000 measles cases were reported             must be able to rely on the older children in
                                                      across Europe. In Germany, as many as 485                the waiting room not having measles. That too
  Germany’s Federal Health Minister                   cases were registered by early September of              is a precondition of freedom – and it applies
                                                      this year. In 2018, a total of 544 cases were            particularly to those entrusted to our care who
                                                      reported nationally for the entire year. Measles         are children. And even more so to children
                                                      commonly involve complications and lead to               who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.
                                                      secondary conditions. One in 1,000 children              Naturally, it also becomes the State’s business if
                                                      who contract measles will develop a brain                unvaccinated children attend day care facilities

M            easles are among the most con-
             tagious infectious diseases and –
             contrary to the widespread narrative
– they are not a ‘harmless children’s disease’!
In fact, globally, measles cases even doubled in
                                                      inflammation known as measles encephalitis.
                                                      Children under five, and adults over 20 years
                                                      of age, are at an increased risk of experiencing
                                                      serious complications. This clearly debunks
                                                      the argument put forward by many vaccine
                                                                                                               and schools. This is especially the case if, as in
                                                                                                               Germany, school attendance is mandatory.
                                                                                                                  Being unvaccinated not only poses a con-
                                                                                                               siderable threat to the physical well-being
                                                                                                               of the affected person themselves but also
2018. In Germany, a large number of children,         deniers that measles usually takes a mild course         constitutes a risk to other persons who, for
young people and adults are still not vaccinated      therefore rendering vaccination unnecessary.             example, because of their age or specific health
against measles. This means that they can shed           However, according to current evaluations             limitations cannot be vaccinated. That is why
and spread the pathogen, causing repeated             done by the Berlin-based Robert Koch Institute           mandatory vaccination must begin as early
outbreaks. We cannot let this go unchallenged.        (RKI), despite all of the campaigns to educate           as possible and must begin in those places
   The best protection against measles is vac-        the population, the measles vaccination gaps             where people come into daily contact with one
cination. Vaccines afford immunity for life.          in Germany are still too large. While it is true         another.
Therefore, I most strongly believe that not           that 97.1 per cent of all children starting school          Vaccination is one of humanity’s greatest
only do people who fail to have themselves            have had their first shot, there are large regional      achievements. We have almost eradicated
or their children vaccinated put their own life       differences in the numbers of those getting              infectious diseases that in earlier generations
and health at risk, but, as we live in an open        the second, decisive shot. This means that, at           took the life of many millions of people. I
society, they do the same to others. My goal          Federal level, we still fall short of the target         therefore have the utmost confidence that
is to protect all children in Germany, if at all      immunisation coverage of 95 per cent. Only               through this piece of legislation vaccination will
possible, from measles infection – at day care        this coverage rate can afford what is known as           become the norm and vaccination myths will
facilities, at their day care mother’s home and       ‘herd immunity’.                                         be exposed. Mandatory vaccination for children
at school. This is why we seek to make measles           According to new data from the RKI, a good            should also cause parents to reflect and to ask
vaccination mandatory in all of these settings.       93 per cent of children who started primary              themselves: why am I not vaccinated? In short,
We want to do this by introducing the “Measles        school in 2017 have had two measles shots.               mandatory vaccination is health education!
Protection Act”. With the approval of the             Here, it must be said that not all of the parents           In a free country, I must be able to bank on
German Bundestag, it will become effective in         who failed to get the second shot for their child        the fact that the person sitting opposite me
spring of next year.                                  on schedule are out and out ‘vaccine deniers’.           does not pose a danger to me. That too is a pre-
   What specific regulations do we have in            This can be seen from the fact that the children         condition of freedom. We have an obligation
mind? Going forward, all children entering            already had their first shot. Apparently, there          to protect our children, so that they do not
school or kindergarten will need to provide           are those parents who just lose sight of the             become infected and infect others. If parents
evidence of the two measles shots recom-              second shot and its importance for long-term             do not do it, then the State must take action!
mended by the German Standing Committee               immunity. It may be that the family is growing           No child in Germany should ever again become
on Vaccinations (STIKO). This proof will also         or that the demands of work, the children                infected with measles or die as a consequence
have to be furnished if the child is being looked     starting school and going about their hobbies            of this disease.
after by a day care mother. Persons who work          sometimes make it hard to organise daily life.
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Place vaccination at the
forefront of the public space
                                                      Extending the immunisation obligations to             Actions to inform and promote vaccination
                                                   infants or simplifying the vaccination process         have been stepped up.
                                                   for seasonal influenza vaccination are all
                                                   measures that redefine and revitalise the vac-           With the launch of the vaccination info
                                                   cination policy in France.                             service website for the general public and
                                                                                                          access of this vaccination info service website
                                                     The European Immunisation Week was first             to professionals;
                                                   launched back in 2005 at the behest of the
                                                   World Health Organisation.                               Also with, – and this is the key –, the com-
                                                                                                          mitment of all professionals. I should like
                                                      Many events, coordinated by Regional                to thank in particular the associations of
                                                   Health Agencies, such as the “vaccination info         health-care professionals that support the
                                                   villages”, take place in the regions during that       government vaccination policy. Their signing
  Agnès BUZYN                                      Week every year.                                       the charter last fall reflects their commitment
  French Minister for Solidarity and Health,                                                              to promoting the vaccination of these
  Extract from the article in European                These actions bring together a wide panel           professionals.
  immunisation week                                of field operators: health and education pro-
                                                   fessionals, the civil society, health insurance          We are right to wager on a proactive policy:
                                                   funds, supplementary mutual insurances,                our actions are starting to bear fruit.
                                                   scientific societies and professional asso-

                                                   ciations, whom I sincerely thank for their work           As I had announced and as prescribed by
        s you know, vaccination is a topic dear    throughout the year towards improving the              law, I will present a review of the reform of the
        to me. I am committed to it because
                                                   health of our fellow citizens.                         immunisation obligations at the end of 2019.
        vaccination is the great exponent of
                                                                                                          Indeed, in order to take stock, we need to give
our history and a symbol of the progress in          I would like to start with a brief overview of       children born after January 1 time to grow up
medicine and the fight against obscurantism.       the actions and steps taken since 2018.                a little and benefit from the vaccines.
   Pasteur has blazed the trail that we are
all walking on. Everyone can see that the             I have proposed reforms that affect the daily          The results are already noticeable, and the
fight against vaccination is never safe from       lives of our fellow citizens in a spirit of col-       first immunisation coverage data for children
opposing, still very dangerous, forces.            lective and solidarity-based protection.               born between January and May 2018, at the
                                                                                                          age of 7 months, is proceeding as expected.
  As soon as I took office, I made vaccination       I am referring, of course, to the extension
one of my top priorities. The choices and          of the immunisation obligations to infants,               For hexavalent vaccination, which, may I
decisions I made were dictated by the context      which was implemented as early as 1 January            remind you, includes vaccinations against DTP,
of vaccine hesitation and the resurgence of        2018, alongside a whole series of support tools        whooping cough and Heamophilus influenzae
the epidemics we are facing.                       for the health professionals, parents and com-         type B infections and hepatitis B, we have gone
                                                   munities, including assistance in monitoring           from 93.1% (compared with the same period
   It was also vital to place vaccination at the   these obligations before children enter the            in 2017) to 98.6%.
forefront of the public space and to have a        community;
clear, strong and responsible public narrative.                                                             Vaccination coverage against meningo-
                                                      I am also thinking of simplifying the vacci-        coccal C infections with one dose is now
  It is therefore with the greatest pleasure       nation process for people eligible for seasonal        estimated at 75.7%, compared with only 39.3%
that I am here with you today for a new            flu vaccination since, from now on, anyone             over the same period in 2017. We have clearly
phase, the launch of European Immunisation         going for their first vaccination will have the        made significant progress here, too.
Week 2019.                                         choice to go to a nurse’s or pharmacist’s, in
                                                   addition to a doctor’s or midwife’s practice;             Vaccination coverage for the MMR vaccine
  2018 and 2019 are two pivotal years in                                                                  for children born in 2018 is not yet available
which many milestones have been set for               By the upcoming 2019-2020 season,                   because this vaccination begins at the child’s
vaccination.                                       Influenza vaccination by pharmacists will              first birthday. But the vaccination rate also
                                                   have been generalized. As everyone knows,              progressed in 2018, from 85 to 87.2% for the
   Including vaccination as one of the priority    increasing vaccination opportunities by sim-           first dose, which was hoped for in the face of
issues of the Priority Prevention Plan pre-        plifying the process it is the best way to trigger     the tragedies caused by the epidemic we expe-
sented in March 2018 by Edouard Philippe is        this collective effort on the part of our fellow       rienced then and are still seeing with the 2019
a decisive support to this proactive policy.       citizens.                                              outbreaks.
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
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  The movement brought about by the reform                 With this new approach, a reference                 › › An experiment is being conducted to
of the immunisation obligations benefits vac-           framework for pharmacovigilance is a nec-                  bring the professionals closer to the young
cination in the broadest sense.                         essary prerequisite. This inventory will be                with the aim of promoting and improving
                                                        accompanied by data on the first 6 months                  the HPV vaccination coverage.
   The rate for the first dose of HPV vaccine           of the implementation of the reform of the              Finally, this year, Santé publique France will
among 15-year-old girls, albeit still far too low,      extension of immunisation obligations from           conduct a nationwide survey in a number of
has improved, rising from 26.2% for girls born          January to June 2018.                                health facilities and EHPADs (residential estab-
in 2002 to 29.4% for girls born in 2003.                                                                     lishments for dependant elderly people) to
                                                           While our first actions are already taking        assess the vaccination coverage of the health
  In terms of parents’ participation, Santé             shape, and in a positive way, many challenges        professionals, and identify the obstacles to
publique France has also carried out surveys            still await us and we must restore confidence        their vaccination against influenza. On this
among parents of children under two years of            and keep being vigilant.                             basis, we will launch in 2020 trial cooperation
age.                                                                                                         actions between professionals to promote the
                                                          We face recurring clustered cases of measles;      vaccination of health professionals.
   Parents’ opinions about the importance of            and the latest outbreak has attracted the
vaccination for children’s health is increasing         interest of the media. These situations, which         And I will conclude with a more compre-
by +5 points (compared with June 2018). The             mark the return to times and epidemics we            hensive objective, to which the European
perception of collective vaccination protection         believed were over, are due to the inadequacy        Immunisation Week is contributing: restoring
is making progress in the same direction.               of measles vaccination coverage, particularly        confidence.
                                                        among young adults.
  A slightly less positive figure: 47% of the                                                                   Restoring confidence by talking about vacci-
parents admit to being unfamiliar with the                 That is why the current measles epidemic,         nation, restoring confidence by having a clear,
immunisation obligations for infants. We,               although less intense than in 2018 but still         strong and responsible narrative.
institutions and health professionals alike,            worrying, needs to raise our awareness about
must therefore keep up our collective efforts,          the potential seriousness of this disease: it was      Restoring confidence also by being there
in terms of communication with and infor-               responsible for one death early in 2019, and I       where the French citizens get their infor-
mation to the parents.                                  would like to remind you that in 2018 three          mation and by combatting misinformation
                                                        deaths were linked to this disease.                  or disinformation. Fake news is a scourge, as
  Finally, the Collège de la médecine générale,                                                              rampant and dangerous as ever.
in partnership with Santé publique France,                 This epidemic must also make us aware of
interviewed a number of general practitioners.          the need to protect ourselves against measles          Health-wise, the European Union is also a
                                                        in order to protect the most vulnerable.             major field of action. Health is our common
   99% say they are in favour of vaccination                                                                 good, and Europe has a role to play.
in general, and 75% of them perceive the                  Similarly, despite our efforts, the rate of
extension of the immunisation obligations               seasonal influenza vaccination among the               Since September 2018, France has been
as a positive step. I do not know whether the           target population is 50%, a figure that remains      coordinating a joint European action on vac-
latter figure will increase, or whether it reflects     well below the WHO target of 75%.                    cination. This action, which is planned over 3
the bitterness of having to exercise pressure in                                                             years, will strengthen cooperation and com-
order to increase the immunisation coverage.              I am also thinking of the vaccination against      munication between all Member States in
                                                        HPV. Initial activity data show an increase,         order to have common tools at their disposal
   We are well on our way to achieve the col-           but we are still a long way from achieving our       and to fight, for example, against vaccine hesi-
lective protection of the new generations, and          goal. Preventing cervical cancer is yet a major      tation or fake news.
I cannot help but think that every point gained         challenge.
in vaccination coverage means fewer tragedies.                                                                 Coming back to the European Immuni-
                                                          We must therefore build upon this dynamic          sation Week, I would like to stress that this
   I know that there are still parents out there        and consolidate our foundations:                     event of general mobilisation extends beyond
who fear the adverse effects of vaccination,                                                                 our boundaries and gets the same message
but the risks of not vaccinating a child are              I have asked the Haute Autorité de Santé           across everywhere to rally around the same
infinitely higher.                                      (HAS or High Authority for Health) to propose        objective.
                                                        changes for even simpler vaccine pathways,
   As I was committed to this for the sake              and expanding the vaccination skills of the             Our common objective of promoting vac-
of transparency, to which I am very much                health professionals will do just that;              cination will have a new and very concrete
attached, I will also present a pharmacovig-                                                                 translation this year.
ilance report at the end of the year.                     I also asked the HAS to extend the HPV vac-
                                                        cination programme to young boys;
   The National Agency for the Safety of Med-
icines and Health Products (ANSM) is working              Experiments will also be conducted between
with stakeholders and will present in June              2019 and 2020 to identify new means for
2019 a first progress report on the safety of           action to promote vaccination.
mandatory vaccines for children under 2 years             ›› A project is underway to make vac-
of age vaccinated during the years 2012-2017                 cines available in doctors’ and midwives’
(i.e. before the implementation of the reform).              practices,
EUROPE & VACCINES For effective vaccination policies in Europe - November 2019 - n 60 - The European Files
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Dedicated supra-structural vaccination
organizations: the driver of a
successful vaccination schemes
                                                     5% by hospital services. (Groupe de réflexion         Today, with a coverage of 97,2% Belgium is at
                                                     scientifique Vaccinations, 2016) In Flanders          the point of eradication. An obvious question
                                                     a totality of 85.4% of the children were vac-         is: why not make all vaccinations obligatory?
                                                     cinated by Kind & Gezin, 9.5% by the pedia-
                                                     trician, 4.4% by the general practitioner and            An advice on the matter by the Belgian
                                                     0.7% by other authorities, for example vacci-         Advisory Committee on Bioethics expresses
                                                     nation programs overseas. (Vandermeulen C,            a pragmatic and valuable approach regarding
                                                     e.a., 2017)                                           this question: “It is ethically unacceptable for
                                                                                                           a parent to deny his / her child a vaccine that
                                                        In Flanders, Wallonia and Ostbelgien a             is effective against a serious and preventable
                                                     supra-structure of medical supervision works          disease such as poliomyelitis or tetanus. On
                                                     in schools themselves (CLB, PSE and Kaleido-          the other hand, it is ethically acceptable to
                                                     DG). Every two or three years each pupil              refuse the vaccination of his / her child if the
  Maggie DE BLOCK                                    visits this medical service. The visit of school      balance of vaccination / disease risks is not sci-
                                                     children to these facilities gives a unique           entifically decisive. Parents must always make
  Belgian Minister of Social Affairs and Public
                                                     access to vaccination. Flanders started with          their decisions in the best interest of the child,
  Health and Asylum Policy and Migration
                                                     HPV vaccination for girls through this medical        and it is legally and ethically unacceptable for
                                                     school supervision supra-structure in 2010,           them to make decisions that are manifestly
                                                     which led to a vaccination coverage of 90%. In        to the detriment of their child.” (Belgian
                                                     Wallonia this supra-structure was not offering        Advisory Committee on Bioethics, 2015) This
                                                     this possibility. Only approximately 35% of the       conclusion undoubtfully will be used as a

S     uccess and high participation in vac-
      cination schemes by the population
      is a multi-layered issue. A solid reim-
bursement regulation and the mere availability
of vaccines will not guarantee that there will
                                                     eligible female target population is vaccinated.
                                                     Luckily since 2019 with new HPV-vaccines on
                                                     the market, both in Flanders and Wallonia
                                                     this supra-structure will now offer HPV-
                                                     vaccination to all boys and girls. The coverage
                                                                                                           benchmark in the debate should the anti-vax
                                                                                                           movement keep growing.

                                                                                                              Summing up, making vaccination com-
                                                                                                           plementary by law, should be a last resort.
be a high uptake or vaccination coverage. Two        of vaccination against measles, is different          However, when the public health is at stake,
other equally important drivers to success are       in the two parts of our country: in Wallonia          such drastic measures need to be considered.
the supra-structural organization responsible        and Brussels, 75% of the adolescents are vac-         The priority is to invest in common sense of the
for vaccination and the legal framework              cinated, while in Flanders 93% is vaccinated. A       citizens and to ensure supra-structural organi-
regarding vaccination.                               recent rapport (Devos C, 2019) on the Belgian         zations that can facilitate and contribute to
                                                     health system, showed however the necessity           pro-actively vaccinate the population. Espe-
   First lets highlight how supra-structural         that not only actions are needed to attain a          cially in adult and older populations, there is
organizations for vaccination can contribute         high level of vaccination in children, but also       a gap to fill.
to a high coverage. By this we mean all facilities   for the detection and vaccination of non-vac-
that assure the successful functioning of a vac-     cinated adults in order to prevent outbreaks.         Bibliography
cination program. In Belgium, the government
guarantees access to vaccination for all                Reaching the elderly is a challenge. How           Belgian Advisory Committee on Bioethics.
children. Three supra-structural organizations       can we establish a dedicated supra-structure          (2015). Opinion no. 64 of 14 December 2015 on
oversee the administering of vaccines: Kind &        to reach the elderly population easily in terms       the ethical aspects of mandatory vaccination.
Gezin in Flanders, ONE in Wallonia and Kaleido       of pro-active vaccination? In contrary to the         Brussels: BACB;
DG in Ostbelgien. Working in close collabo-          maternity wards and the schools where the             be/en/opinion-no-64-mandatory-vaccination
ration with the maternity department in the          eligible target population flocks together,           Devos C, C. A. (2019). De performantie van
hospitals, these organizations assure basic vac-     the major part of the elderly population is           het Belgische gezondheidssysteem - rapport
cination and the follow-up according to the          scattered all over the geographical area, except      2019 Health Service Research (HRS). Brussels:
vaccination scheme for young children set by         for elderly homes. An interesting option to           Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE)
the government. The presence on the field of         study is whether a dedicated team in a home
                                                                                                           KCE Reports 313A. D/2019/10.273/32.
this supra-structural organizations leads to a       nursing service could take up this role similar
                                                                                                           Groupe de réflexion scientifique Vaccinations.
vaccination coverage among newborn babies            to the supra-structural organizations to ensure
of over 93% in both Flanders and Wallonia for        pro-active vaccination in this population.            (2016). Enquête de couverture vaccinale en
the most essential recommended vaccination.                                                                Wallonie. online:
                                                       A second driver for vaccination might be            spip.php?article2000&lang=fr.
   In Wallonia nearly 55% of these vaccines are      to make it compulsory by law. In 1966 the             Vandermeulen C, e.a. (2017). Vaccinatiegraad
given to children by the ONE, 35% by private         Belgium government made poliomyelitis vac-            in Vlaanderen in 2016. Vlaams Infectiebulletin,
pediatricians, 5% by general practitioners,          cination obligatory for each newborn child.           6-17.
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Promote vaccination, particularly the
childhood immunisation programme and
the HPV vaccine for both girls and boys
                                             , led by the Irish Cancer Society, to   platforms. Information about vaccines on social
                                                       promote the vaccine and regain parental trust.         media can be misleading. I welcome efforts to
                                                          The role of patient advocates in the Alliance       direct parents to trusted sources of information
                                                       was vital in connecting with the public. I would       with the appropriate scientific advice which can
                                                       particularly like to remember the contribution         enable them to make the right choice to vac-
                                                       of one such advocate, Laura Brennan, who sadly         cinate their children. From an Irish perspective,
                                                       passed away at the age of 26 in March this year        I look forward to engaging with social media
                                                       as a result of cervical cancer. Her legacy will be     companies in the coming weeks and months
                                                       the lives saved through her inspirational efforts      to discuss what further measures can be put in
                                                       to encourage girls to get vaccinated. Her work         place to combat vaccine misinformation.
                                                       and the work of everyone involved in the HPV
                                                       Vaccination Alliance has seen uptake rates dra-        The Role of the European Union
                                                       matically improve to over 70%. In addition, from          Cooperation between member states plays
  Simon HARRIS                                         this academic year, boys in secondary school           an important role in protecting the health of all
                                                       are now able to avail of HPV vaccination which         Europeans as infectious diseases do not respect
  Irish Minister for Health
                                                       will further reduce HPV related cancer deaths in       national boundaries. We have seen evidence of
                                                       years to come.                                         this with the rise in outbreaks of measles across
        “Misinformation about vaccines is                                                                     Europe in over the past couple of years.
     as contagious and dangerous as the                The Vaccine Alliance                                      Within the European Union I would like to
     diseases it helps to spread.” Dr Tedros              Regrettably, Ireland has experienced a drop         especially commend the ongoing collaborative
     Adhanom, Director-General of the                  in the uptake of many of our other routine             research on Vaccine Hesitancy. “The State of
     World Health Organisation, September              childhood vaccinations over the past five years.       Vaccine Confidence in the EU 2018” report
     2019                                              This has been associated with recent national          highlights the need to maintain high levels
                                                       outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases such         of confidence in vaccination programmes to

G        lobal life expectancy gains resulting
         from universal immunisation pro-
         grammes represent one of the greatest
achievements of humanity. The irony is that this
success can lead to complacency as we forget the
                                                       as measles and pertussis and has highlighted
                                                       the need for on-going vigilance regarding our
                                                       childhood immunisation programmes.
                                                          In September this year I launched the Vaccine
                                                       Alliance which includes members from a wide
                                                                                                              achieve herd immunity but also underlines the
                                                                                                              complexities involved, including both individual
                                                                                                              and environment factors that can influence
                                                                                                                 At an international level I think it is important
morbidity and mortality caused by diseases such        range of health and civil society organisations.       to recognise the role that transnational agencies
as smallpox and polio in the past. In recent years     The alliance will look to replicate and build on       play in protecting us all. The work of the GAVI
in Ireland we have had to face new challenges          the good work done by the HPV Vaccination              Alliance has seen huge strides being made in
to vaccination confidence. Much work has gone          Alliance. Their vison is to ensure all children in     countries that would otherwise not be able to
into restoring that confidence but undoubtedly         Ireland are protected from vaccine preventable         financially support and organise national immu-
this work is not over.                                 diseases and I will support them in whatever way       nisation programmes. Similarly, the work of the
                                                       I can to achieve this goal.                            WHO and of representative member states in
HPV Vaccine Uptake Under Threat                                                                               reacting to Public Health Emergencies of Inter-
   Chronic infection with Human Papilloma              Social Media                                           national Concern and preparing for future pan-
Virus (HPV) infection causes cervical cancer,             Although the absolute effect on vaccine             demics is vital and I hope this work continues
along with other cancers of the vulva, vagina,         uptake is difficult to measure, I have no doubt        and strengthens into the future.
penis, anus, and oropharynx. A school-based            that social media has played a role in under-
programme of HPV vaccination for teenage               mining confidence in vaccination. The dynamic          Vaccinations save lives
girls began in Ireland in 2010. It was initially       nature of social media presents a new challenge          Vaccinations have saved millions of lives since
well received with an 87% uptake in the                for maintaining confidence in immunisation             they were first introduced towards the end of
2014-15 academic year. However, following a            programmes worldwide. Misinformation on                the 18th century, and we continue to improve
coordinated anti-vaccination campaign this             social media has the potential to spread and           and strengthen our vaccination programmes
plummeted to an estimated 50% in 2016-17.              amplify in manner not seen before. However,            with the introduction of more vaccines, like
Anti-vaccine campaigners managed to utilise            it also provides an opportunity to disseminate         those against HPV and rotavirus, as they
both traditional media and social media to             information regarding the benefits of vaccines to      become available. It would be a travesty to see
spread misinformation about the HPV vaccine            a wide audience especially younger generations         this progress stall or regress, however there are
with devastating effect.                               who are less inclined to use traditional media.        worrying signs both in Ireland and in Europe. I
   The response to the drop in HPV vaccination            It has been heartening to see that social           therefore call on all member states to redouble
uptake required a co-ordinated effort from a           media companies have begun to recognise                their efforts in maintaining robust childhood
wide range of stakeholders. This included the          the important role they can play in preventing         immunisation programmes to protect the
formation of an HPV Vaccination Alliance (www.         the spread of vaccine misinformation on their          futures of all children in Europe.
12      |   The European Files | Europe & Vaccines - For                                   effe c t i ve v a c c i n a t i o n p o l i c i e s i n   Europe

European Commission
roadmap on vaccination
                                                    extensive vaccination campaigns. These cam-             sources of information for the public, as well
                                                    paigns save lives. In 2019 three EU Member              as a European vaccination information portal
                                                    States lost their measles-free status. There is         to be launched next year.
                                                    still work to be done.
                                                                                                              The Commission will support countering
                                                       Vaccination is a safe and cost-effective             online vaccine disinformation and develop
                                                    way to protect people – especially infants              evidence-based information tools and
                                                    and young children – from certain infectious            guidance for Member States in responding to
                                                    diseases. Despite this, many children in Europe         vaccine hesitancy. Communication on vacci-
                                                    go unvaccinated and remain vulnerable to                nation, explaining the myths, misconceptions
                                                    potentially life-threatening diseases. The              and skepticism that surround this issue will be
                                                    key to preventing serious consequences as               a priority for the next College.
                                                    a result is to ensure that every community is
  Anne BUCHER                                       not only prepared but also well informed that             In the field of vaccine reserves, the Com-
                                                    vaccinations protect the individual and those           mission is considering a virtual European data
  Director-General DG SANTE, European
                                                    around them.                                            warehouse on vaccine needs, which could
                                                                                                            facilitate the voluntary exchange of infor-
                                                       At the EU level, our role is to assist countries     mation on available supplies, possible surpluses
                                                    in coordinating their policies and programmes.          and global shortages of essential vaccines. This
                                                    The European Commission has stepped up its              would ensure that necessary measures are in
                                                    action on vaccination, working closely with EU          place in the event of a pandemic.

L    ast September, during the Global Vacci-
     nation Summit in Brussels - co-organized
     with the World Health Organization
(WHO), I was particularly moved by the pres-
entations of two of our participants: Ethan
                                                    Member States and key partners in the global
                                                    community. In December 2018, the Council
                                                    adopted a Recommendation to strengthen EU
                                                    cooperation on vaccine-preventable diseases.
                                                    Moving forward, the European Commission
                                                                                                              We also want to ensure, along with industry,
                                                                                                            that a steady supply of vaccines is available,
                                                                                                            while ensuring a diversity of suppliers, and to
                                                                                                            exploit the possibilities of joint vaccine pro-
Lindenberger, at the age of 18, went against his    has set out a roadmap to ensure better coop-            curement. Measures such as these are already
mother’s anti-vaccine stance and inoculated         eration among Member States.                            being rolled out. 15 Member States and the
himself; and Kevin Brennan, whose sister Laura                                                              Commission have signed framework contracts
Brennan died of cervical cancer this year aged         Firstly, a feasibility study on the devel-           for the production and supply of pandemic
26 after dedicating her last two years of life to   opment of a common EU vaccination card                  influenza vaccines guaranteeing access to
advocate for the HPV vaccine - which she had        began this year, with a proposal for a common           vaccines in the case of a pandemic.
not received1 . What struck me most about           vaccination document that could help EU
both of these cases, was that they could – and      citizens continue their vaccination across                 Recent years have shown us that the spread
should - have been unnecessary.                     Member States, is expected in 2022.                     of contagious diseases do not respect borders.
                                                                                                            Europe has not only a responsibility to its
   Yet, these testimonies are crucial. According      The Commission will continue the devel-               citizens but to the global community as well,
to a 2018 WHO/UNICEF report, vaccine                opment of safe and effective new vaccines               as evidenced by its work this year in central
hesitancy has been reported in more than            through Research programmes Horizon 2020                Africa. Thanks to close cooperation of Member
90% of countries worldwide, while according         and the upcoming Horizon Europe.                        States and the European Medicines Agency
to a recent Eurobarometer, 38% of Europeans                                                                 (EMA), more than 1.5 million doses of a new
believe that vaccines could cause the illnesses        The bi-annual Report on the State of                 Ebola vaccine in the Democratic Republic of
from which they protect2.                           Vaccine Confidence in the EU started in 2018.           Congo have now been stocked.
                                                    Its role is to monitor attitudes to vaccination
  Let us be clear - vaccines work. In 1980, the     on a regular basis. Based on this, guidance that           Together in the EU, we have built solid foun-
World Health Organization declared smallpox,        can support Member States in countering                 dations that will serve us well for success in the
which once killed 400,000 in Europe each year,      vaccine hesitancy will be presented by 2021.            future. Let us keep up the fight to relegate
to be eradicated. This was as a direct result of                                                            further diseases to history, and ensure that
                                                      Information is key, in particular to coun-            following generations no longer die from pre-
                                                    teract the increasing trend on hesitancy in             ventable causes, and avoid further speeches
                                                    some of our countries. The European Centre              like those of Ethan Lindenberger and Kevin
ev_20190912_en                                      for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)               Brennan.
                                                    will establish a European Vaccination Infor-
sites/health/files/vaccination/                     mation Sharing system and provide guidance
docs/20190426_special-eurobarometer-sp488_en.pdf    for developing relevant and trustworthy
Europe & Vaccines - For               effe c t i ve v a c c i n a t i o n p o l i c i e s i n   Europe | The European Files                    |    13

A cancer vaccine: how to eradicate
virus-related cancers in Europe?
                                                   by 99%. These studies do not show any side            phenomenon of mistrust of vaccines, largely
                                                   effects that can be attributed to the vaccine.        fuelled by significant disinformation about
                                                                                                         their risks and leading to a strong hesitation
                                                     The European Centre for Disease Prevention          from citizens regarding vaccination, in par-
                                                   and Control (ECDC) therefore recommends               ticular parents for their children.
                                                   that Member States vaccinate girls aged 10-14
                                                   years with 3 doses.                                   What can the European Union do?
                                                     However, the vaccination schedule remains             In order to respect gender equality regarding
                                                   an exclusive competence of the Member                 diseases, and given the proven efficacy of vac-
                                                   States.                                               cination for male cancers, it is important to
                                                                                                         review ECDC’s recommendations for gender-
                                                      The recommendations vary greatly from              neutral programmes to include young boys.
  Véronique TRILLET-LENOIR                         country to country in the European Union:
                                                   vaccination is recommended at different ages            The European Union should also encourage
  Oncologist and MEP, Renew Europe, France,
                                                   (from 9 to 26 years), most of the time only for       an increase in the number of teenagers vac-
  Member of the ENVI Committee
                                                   girls, at different doses (2 or 3 doses), and since   cinated (ideally 90%) and guarantee fair
                                                   2017 it has been extended to boys in Italy,           access to vaccination by preventing the risk of
                                                   offered at school in Hungary and Ireland, free        shortages.
                                                   or partially reimbursed (France), etc.
                                                                                                           Last but not least, informing and educating

S    ome cancers are virus-induced. Among
     them, human papillomavirus (HPV),
     responsible for sexually transmitted
cancers of the cervix, anus, penis, vulva and
the ENT region.
                                                     Vaccination coverage is also very uneven:
                                                   above 70% in Sweden, the United Kingdom,
                                                   Northern Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy,
                                                   Malta, Hungary, Belgium, 50-60% in Finland,
                                                   the Netherlands, Denmark, Latvia, 30-50%
                                                                                                         people is key in order to raise citizen awareness
                                                                                                         about the issues at stake.

                                                                                                           Updating European guidelines, working on
                                                                                                         hesitation regarding vaccination and setting
                                                   in Germany, Slovenia, below 30% in France,            up surveillance records for vaccine coverage
   The vaccine against the virus is effective:     Luxembourg, Greece, Cyprus, Poland, Slovakia,         should be part of a future European Cancer
26 studies conducted on 73,000 women and           Romania and unknown in Estonia, Lithuania,            Plan.
which compare the risk of cervical cancer          the Czech Republic, Austria, Croatia, Bulgaria.
depending on whether or not they had been
vaccinated with a follow-up of up to 8 years         The gaps in coverage are due to a lesser
have been compiled: the risk of developing         extent to discrepancies in Member States’
lesions leading to cancer has been reduced         recommendations than to a growing
14     |    The European Files | Europe & Vaccines - For                                    effe c t i ve v a c c i n a t i o n p o l i c i e s i n   Europe

Clinical Evaluation
of vaccines
                                                         In early clinical studies, the aim is usually       pregnant women, to be included in the safety
                                                      to determine safety and immunogenicity of              database.
                                                      the vaccine in a limited number of vaccinees,             After approval, there is a need to make sure
                                                      according to different doses and schedules, so         that, vaccines are continuously monitored so
                                                      to define the posology to be progressed into           that emerging information on their benefit risk
                                                      later clinical studies. Research geared towards        balance is rapidly evaluated. To facilitate this,
                                                      gaining more insight into the immune response          risk management plans are put in place at time
                                                      that confers protection after vaccination or           of approval summarising, among other aspects,
                                                      natural exposure would help in streamlining the        the activities needed to gather additional
                                                      development of new vaccines. In addition, new          information on the safety of the vaccine. Effec-
                                                      generation assays for both humoral and cell            tiveness studies, that reflect real-world efficacy
                                                      mediated immune responses could facilitate             in terms of both the direct and indirect effect
                                                      antigen(s) and regimen selection, and support          of the vaccine, are in certain cases required as
  Prof. Guido RASI                                    definition of correlates of protection with            post-approval commitments. The existence of
                                                      major impact on the development process.               networks that can rapidly conduct safety and
  Director Executif of EMA
                                                         In case there is no immune marker that              effectiveness studies in the post-authorisation
                                                      can be accepted as surrogate endpoint for              phase would be instrumental for a timely and
                                                      protection, and whenever possible, studies to          efficient collection of these data. Collaboration
                                                      determine the efficacy of the vaccine in pre-          with public health authorities is often necessary
                                                      venting the disease in the target population is        to allow the conduct of these studies, which
                                                      required. Depending on the incidence of the            calls for a structured and transparent col-

V       accines are arguably among the most
        cost-effective and successful inter-
        ventions in public health. Regulatory
authorities are responsible for evaluating
                                                      infectious disease to be prevented, often these
                                                      randomised studies require large sample sizes,
                                                      in the order of the thousands, to meet the
                                                      study objectives.
                                                         For several diseases and pathogens, the
                                                                                                             laboration among the different stakeholders.
                                                                                                             A platform that would enable the conduct of
                                                                                                             these studies across the EU would be of major
                                                                                                             public health relevance as it would support
                                                                                                             more rapid and better-informed public health
vaccines prior to marketing authorisation
and continually monitor vaccines that are             conduct of field efficacy trials is hampered by        policy decisions on vaccination in Europe
placed on the market to ensure requirements           the relative rarity of cases that can be recruited     through knowledge sharing and utilisation of
for quality, safety and effectiveness are met.        in a reasonable timeframe. In such instances,          common methodologies. At the same time,
Robust and established criteria for evidence          provided feasible and scientifically adequate,         it would also facilitate rapid and robust regu-
to be generated during vaccine development            approaches such as human challenge studies,            latory decisions on individual vaccines.
are in place and illustrated in dedicated up to       or inferring protection from animal models of             Overall, provision of greater assurance on
date guidance documents issued by EMA. EMA            disease, have been proposed. More in-depth             the robust evaluation of vaccine safety and
also offers the possibility of scientific advice to   understanding of these models and their sur-           vaccine effectiveness, would improve public
discuss elements related to a specific vaccine,       rogacy is needed to help regulators in deter-          confidence in vaccines and vaccination moni-
that cannot be addressed by guidelines.               mining their value across the different devel-         toring programmes.
                                                      opment phases.                                            Indeed, the growing phenomenon of
   Several new vaccines are currently under
                                                         Late stage clinical trials usually provide          vaccines hesitancy is negatively affecting vac-
development. These cover pathogens for which
                                                      major contribution to the safety database of           cination campaigns in many countries in the
a vaccine is not yet available or pathogens for
                                                      the vaccine. Besides standard requirement for          EU and elsewhere in the world, with detri-
which current options may provide further
                                                      the safety evaluation of medicinal products,           mental consequences on the ability to protect
improvements. In order to efficiently advance
                                                      adverse events of special interest following           citizens and save lives due to the spread of
the development of these vaccines, it has been        immunisation are proactively collected in              vaccine preventable diseases. Regulators have
advocated for a more conducive environment            the clinical trials. The actual size of the safety     a major role to play in improving transparency
to foster vaccines research and development in        database at time of approval may vary for each         and providing easily accessible way infor-
the EU and retain the current vaccines expertise      vaccine depending on the identified potential          mation on vaccine product ingredients and
and infrastructure.                                   risks. However, in principle the database should       the assessment of quality, safety and efficacy,
   Innovative technologies such as nucleic            be sufficiently large to estimate the frequency        including safeguarding their scientific integrity.
acids and viral vectored vaccines, including          of uncommon adverse events (occurring in-              The collaboration with ECDC, health care
heterologous prime-boost strategies, or alter-        between 1/100 and 1/1000 vaccinated persons).          professionals and other authorities around
native routes of administration such as needle-       Depending on the vaccine and the target popu-          the world, to raise awareness on safety and
free mucosal administration, are emerging             lation, there is a need to consider the number         effectiveness of vaccines, and the creation of
approaches requiring where an understanding           of subjects in the target population within a          an EU vaccination portal to proactively share
of the underlining science is needed to establish     certain age range or belonging to any special          information on vaccines and vaccination in the
regulatory requirements.                              population, e.g. immunodeficient subjects or           EU, are important steps forward in that regard.
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