EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL SOVEREIGNTY - Future Watch Strategy Brief 07/12/2020 - Business Finland

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EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL SOVEREIGNTY - Future Watch Strategy Brief 07/12/2020 - Business Finland
  Future Watch Strategy Brief

          07/12/2020            1
EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL SOVEREIGNTY - Future Watch Strategy Brief 07/12/2020 - Business Finland
Introduction and objectives

                                                  Review of global industrial sovereignty trends

Table of Contents                        Review of European industrial sovereignty trends
                                         & the current situation in the European Union

                                Review across industries & exemplary business cases

                      Scenarios for 2025-2030 & Map of current and future drivers and risks
                      related to the European Industrial Sovereignty initiatives

              Summary and recommendations
EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL SOVEREIGNTY - Future Watch Strategy Brief 07/12/2020 - Business Finland
Industrial Sovereignty concept evolution

The Industrial Sovereignty concept refers to some level of industrial   Industrial Sovereignty is the most general concept which challenges global
independence but is not homogenous and encompasses various              interdependencies and asks questions about how effective globalisation is in value creation,
dimensions, depending on the context, content and scope                 wealth distribution and the diffusion of innovations. It assumes some level of self-reliance in
                                                                        general or in selected industries, which is extremely difficult and costly to restore or create
                                                                        from the scratch, and then maintain. Access to raw materials is another important aspect.

                             Industrial                                 Technological Sovereignty refers to particular technologies or industries which are being
                            Sovereignty                                 considered as particularly important for building competitive advantage of a national
                                                                        economy on the global arena or being the key base technology for the development of other
                                                                        related or dependent technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, batteries, quantum computing,

                                                                        Digital Sovereignty is closely related to data processing and security in Internet,
          Technological                       Digital                   communication, machine learning, IoT and AI technologies. Data has become an extremely
                                                                        valuable resource and access to this data is of strategic importance for almost every
           Sovereignty                      Sovereignty                 industry. Then there is the issue of sensitive or personal data which requires special

                                                                        Supply chain resilience lies at the center of the debate about how post-Covid economic
                                                                        relations should be shaped in order to secure uninterrupted supplies of goods and services
                                                                        most critical for national health, energy and food security. It doesn’t require Industrial,
                    Supply chain resilience                             Technological or Digital Sovereignty, but rather strategies and actions focused on
                                                                        diversification and risk mitigation.

EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL SOVEREIGNTY - Future Watch Strategy Brief 07/12/2020 - Business Finland
Global industrial sovereignty trends

                                 USA                                                              China                                                Japan
   Tightening the screening of FDIs                                         Technological Sovereignty as a strategic decision    Tightening the screening of FDIs
   Donald Trump’s former election promise to bring manufacturing            “Dual circulation” economic strategy                 Granting subsidies to companies moving their
    back to USA                                                              Aims to gain technological independence in            manufacturing capabilities back from China
   “America First” policy, meaning shift from trade liberalisation           aerospace, semiconductors and robotics                (however only a fraction of them are interested
    (withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership) toward                   Imposing restrictions for foreign companies           – 4% currently)
    protectionism (CureVac takeover attempt and redirecting air               interested in entering its tech business             Established the USD2.2bn programme for
    deliveries around globe in order to support supplies to US hospitals)    Subsiding state-owned enterprises and awarding        restructuring supply chains, as risk
    and trade war with China initiated by Donald Trump’s administration.      them with numerous privileges                         management tool
    However we might expect change of the course under Joe Biden’s           Restricting foreign investments
                                                                                        Important factor behind Industrial
                                                                                      Sovereignty trends in APAC countries
                                                                                          is China’s regional hegemony

                                                                                                      India                                           Australia
                                                                                     Focus on liberalising internal business       The need signaled for a National Sovereignty
                               Key trends                                             environment                                    Strategy which should overlook areas of
                                                                                     Rising concerns about USD55bn trade            comparative advantage (mining, agriculture
                                                                                      deficit with China (data for 2019) and         technologies, mineral processing, food and
        Securing uninterrupted supplies of strategic goods and                        its negative impact on Indian economy          beverage manufacturing) and areas of
        services such as fuels, medicines and food, through                           are leading to joining supply chains           national priority (pharmaceuticals, medical
        diversification and risk management                                           alternative to China                           technology, defense, energy, space, waste
                                                                                     Enhancing own manufacturing                    and recycling) but as for now only liquid fuel
        Focusing multiple efforts on building excellence in the                       capabilities in cooperation with               security has been discussed
        given industry or technology                                                  Western business partners (in 2019            Implementing the FMCEA (Failure Mode
                                                                                      India has joined European Alliance for         Affects and Criticality analysis) to reduce the
       Re-shoring or rebuilding manufacturing capabilities                            Multilateralism) – positioning itself as       failure probability and to mitigate failure
                                                                                      more trustworthy alternative to China          consequences
                                                                                     Focus on digital sovereignty (blocking        Equilibrium between global connectivity and
       Protecting markets from e.g. hostile takeovers or outside                      59 Chinese apps due to data security           self-reliance
       competition                                                                    concerns)                                     Tightening the screening of FDIs

EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL SOVEREIGNTY - Future Watch Strategy Brief 07/12/2020 - Business Finland
Global industrial sovereignty trends – consequences for European

        Securing the uninterrupted                Focusing multiple efforts             Re-shoring or rebuilding                Protecting markets from
        supplies of strategic goods               on building excellence in             manufacturing capabilities              e.g. hostile takeovers or
        and services such as fuels,               the given industry or                                                         outside competition
        medicines, food, through                  technology
        diversification and risk

 Opportunity to enter supply             Threat of losing the technological    Use of competitive advantage of       Must undergo more extensive
  chains that must be redesigned           competitive advantage over             many European companies which          procedures when acquiring major
  due to the need to improve their         companies in industries                are experienced in implementing        or significant share of companies
  resilience – actively searching for      supported by a given country           manufacturing 4.0                      located outside EU
  announcements that might
  indicate such movements in given        Must actively search for niches       Opportunity to participate in         Experience obstacles when
  supply chains                            still not covered by the               building new manufacturing plants      introducing products or services
                                           programmes coordinated by the          – monitoring the national              for a given market (e.g. additional
 Threat for companies engaged             given states                           announcements and public               requirements related to norms or
  with supply chains that are                                                     procurements, building relations       legal or technological
  expected to undergo the                 Opportunity for taking advantage       with decisive bodies in a given        compatibility)
  transformation                           of closer technological                country
                                           cooperation with companies                                                   Experience difficulties when
 Must expect and accept new,              enjoying state support programs       Attracting companies who are           already present on a given market
  stricter requirements securing           in their home countries, where         trying to relocate their               (e.g. changing the previously
  more flexibility in already existing     possible                               manufacturing capabilities closer,     agreed conditions, imposing new
  or future contracts                                                             but still offshore                     taxes or fees, etc.)

Evolution of the Industrial Sovereignty concept in Europe

The concept of European Industrial                 2004                                                          2018                                 COVID-19
Sovereignty has been present in                    The “Euro-power” idea postulated by French President          The Villani Report on Artificial
public discussion since the early                  Jacques Chirac in the context of competition with             Intelligence, including:
                                                   other major economies, Asia and the US. It has also                                                The Covid-19 outbreak has
2000s. It was driven by the                                                                                       The call for intensification
                                                   put some “sensitive” industries in the spotlight that                                              intensified the trend and
weakening competitive position of                                                                                   of the works on suitable
                                                   require protective measures. This concept has been               policies and regulations on       brought additional issues to
Europe in the global arena.                        supported then by UK, Germany, Italy and Spain                                                     the table such as:
                                                                                                                  Establishment of JEDI               national health security,
                                                                                                                    initiative (Joint European           including uninterrupted
                                                               2013                                                 Disruptive Initiative), similar      access to pharmaceuticals,
Early 2000s
                                                               Snowden affairs raised the debate on data            to the American DARPA                personal protective
The idea appears in the French and
                                                               security and enhanced the digital
European debate                                                                                                                                          equipment and medical
                                                               sovereignty trend
                                                                                                                                                       supply chain resilience has
                                                                                                                                                         been challenged by border
                                                                                                                                                         closure during lockdown,
                                                                                                                                                         highlighting too much
                                                                                                                                                         dependence on far-away
                2002                                                                                                                                     suppliers, in particular
                                                              2016                                    2019
                Galileo satellite positioning system as                                                                                                  China
                                                              The European                            The debate on the deployment of 5G
                a means to maintain Europe’s                  Commission's                                                                             lack of risk management
                                                                                                      technology in Europe, whether Huawei
                autonomy, sovereignty, technological          investigations confirmed                                                                   tools and response
                                                                                                      and ZTE should be admitted to build the
                capacity and control of its knowledge         that Chinese steel and                  European infrastructure, in light of the
                                                                                                                                                         mechanisms which could
                                                              iron products had been                  concerns related to the European citizens          enable mitigation of the
                                                              sold in Europe at heavily               data governance and security                       negative impact of the
2002                                                          dumped prices. In turn                                                                     outbreak
The President of the Belgian Senate, Armand De                duties ranging between                                                                   lack of joint response and
Decker – the idea of a common defense strategy as a           43.5% and 81.1% have            2017
driving force behind technological and industrial                                                                                                        efforts coordination on pan-
                                                              been imposed                    Technological and digital sovereignty were                 European level
                                                                                              important issues in Emmanuel Macron’s campaign

Initiatives and actions undertaken on the EU level

                                                                 EU Industrial Strategy

    New paradigm for the European Union  strategic autonomy in key technologies and access to raw materials

                        Initiatives                                                               Actions                                                Timeline
    The framework for screening foreign direct            As of 14th October 2020, 14 Member States have already notified and implemented            Was supposed
1   investment to safeguard Europe's interests            screening mechanisms in their internal regulations: Denmark, Germany, Slovenia, Spain,     to be fully
                                                          France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, The Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal,     operational on
                                                          Romania and Finland                                                                        11th October
    The Important Projects of Common European             The tool with a proven track record, which allows Member States to fund large, cross-      Open initiative
2   Interest (IPCEI)                                      bordered innovation projects. IPCEIs have already been implemented in Batteries,           with no
                                                          Microelectronics and Hydrogen technologies                                                 deadlines
    Action Plan on synergies between civil, defense and   The Action Plan is under development. Commission adoption is planned for first quarter     Q1 2021
3   space industries                                      2021
    Intellectual Property Action Plan to uphold           The Action Plan is under development. Commission adoption originally was planned for       Q3 2020
4   technological sovereignty                             third quarter 2020
    New EU pharmaceutical strategy in 2020                The Strategy is under development. Public consultation closed on 15th September 2020.      Q4 2020
5                                                         Commission adoption is planned for fourth quarter 2020
    Further legislation and guidance on green public      Since May 2020, the EU has announced new GPP criteria for textiles, data centers, server   -
6   procurement                                           rooms, cloud services, imaging equipment, consumables and print services
    Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials                 Developed and presented in September 2020, includes list of Critical Raw Materials,        -
7                                                         foresight study to 2050 and propositions how to reduce Europe’s dependency on third
                                                          countries, diversifying supplies and improve resource efficiency

Initiatives and actions undertaken by selected European countries

                                          UK                                                                     Germany
    The framework for screening foreign direct investments has been introduced                 Strengthening their powers of control and
    As a result of leaving the EU, Great Britain loses access to some common                    authorisation for foreign investment - has
     programmes and mechanisms aimed at developing new technologies and / or                     effectively prevented the US from taking
     protecting the Common Market                                                                control of CureVac, a laboratory working on
    Developing its own new state aid programme                                                  the development of a vaccine against Covid-
    Raising need to implement regulations protecting the technological independence.            19
     The recent Arm’s takeover by Nvidia put the UK in predicament between the US and           Has blocked export of medical equipment at
     China; due to the trade war between those two countries, Arm (securing 2,500 jobs in        the beginning of the outbreak
     the UK) will lose the lucrative contract with China’s Huwaei                               As one of the few countries it was able to
                                                                                                 produce protective equipment for health
                                        France                                                   workers
 Strengthening their powers of control and authorisation for foreign investment                Call for actions on reducing the potential
 One of the 3 pillars of Covid-19 Response plan is protecting strategic companies which         supply shortages of medicines and medical
  could be potentially endangered in the market, through increasing the capital share of         equipment, through building bigger storage
  the state, recapitalizing or even nationalizing                                                facilities or bringing back manufacturing to
 Call for bringing pharmaceutical laboratories back to France, in order to reduce               Europe
  dependence on supplies (up to 80% now) from Asia and India                                    Leads the recent European GAIA-X cloud
 EUR 1B of the EUR 100B recovery plan has been intended for support companies                   project
  starting production of strategic goods at home                                                Together with France supports the concept of
 Has blocked export of medical equipment at the beginning of the outbreak                       European Champions via adapting the
                                                                                                 European competition law
 Strengthening their powers of control and authorisation for foreign investment
 Especially strong impact of the first wave of the Covid-19 outbreak was caused by the
  lack of own capability in manufacturing the personal protection measures. That raised
  the need for repatriate such activities. Special tax incentives have been already
  announced to enhance this process
 The government has recently extended the scope of the so-called “golden share”
  protection system beyond defense and security companies, and included telecoms,
  energy grids and health companies

Initiatives and actions undertaken by selected European countries

    Strengthening their powers of control and authorisation for foreign investment
    As one of the few countries it was able to produce protective equipment for                                 Slovakia
     health workers                                                                              When it comes to either industrial or
    Focus on the initiatives supporting the development of domestic pharmaceutical               technological sovereignty Slovakia relies on
     industry, i.e. Reimbursement Mode for Development project which will                         EU initiatives and actions
     encourage pharmaceutical companies to transfer production to Poland as well                 Country does not rule out economic
     as create he conditions for the further development of existing factories                    cooperation with Asian countries, and China
    The Polish Digital Sovereignty Charter began work on a basic set of rules that               in particular
     will enable sustainable and socially beneficial development of the digital                  There is public debate on how to secure the
     economy in Poland                                                                            sensible data when it comes to building the
                                                                                                  5G infrastructure with the use of external
                                Czech Republic                                                    technology and involvement of the foreign
 One of few countries able to produce protective equipment for health workers                    companies
 Czechs believe that they are too small to be able to build any kind of industrial,
  technological or digital sovereignty. Therefore they consider the EU as the
  coordinator and support the common initiatives. However slow response to the first
  outbreak caused nationwide doubts if EU is capable of coping with it properly
 The digital sovereignty subject has been only discussed in the context of

 Strengthening their powers of control and authorisation for foreign investment
 The strategic mistake of exporting medical personal protective equipment to China
  in mid-February raised the public debate on better planning, prevention and
  building strategic capacity for potential future crisis situations
 Considers reshoring, nearshoring and health sovereignty
 Prefers building resilience through exploiting the European interdependencies
 Wants to avoid antagonizing China
 Lagging behind in terms of digitization and ICT and being dependent on US and
  Chinese technologies supports EU Digital Sovereignty initiatives

EU leading trends

European trends related to the Industrial Sovereignty concept are very similar to those observed globally. However many activities are
coordinated at the pan-European level to secure the coherence of activities (that is the case of the for the screening of foreign direct
investment) as well as to obtain the synergy effect (common R&D and implementation initiatives such as IPCEI mechanism)

       Trend                                                            Industrial              Technological         Digital Sovereignty
                                                                       Sovereignty               Sovereignty

       Protecting markets from hostile takeovers leading to
       the loss of control over strategic technologies or
       Focusing multiple efforts on building excellence in the
       given industry or technology

       Re-shoring or rebuilding manufacturing capabilities in
       industries critical for national health or security

       Developing strategies and risk management measures
       aimed at securing the uninterrupted supplies of the
       strategic goods and services
       Providing public support to the selected industries and
       companies if the form of subsidies, tax incentives, etc.

European Industrial Sovereignty across industries

Full industrial sovereignty remains a theoretical concept in Europe. When access to rare natural resources is taken into account, it is not possible for it to be
deployed in any single European country or even in the European Union as a whole. Therefore it applies only to individual sectors of the economy. Cross-
industrial analysis identifies a number of industries being the subject of debate on the need for some level of autonomy. While there are very different premises
behind this need, these industries can be grouped into 3 separate categories: critical, competitive and strategic. Each of them implies distinctive roadmaps,
legislative mandates and procedures, as well as tools and mechanisms of implementation.

                 CRITICAL                                             COMPETITIVE                                              STRATEGIC
          Industries or resources crucial for                      Current industries or technologies that are            Future industries or technologies being
          maintaining national safety and health.                  perceived as a competitive advantage for a             considered as basic ones for the further
          Might require fast track legal processing,               single country or region in the global                 development of derivative technologies or
          interference with the current legal status or            arena. Usually funded from special                     essential transformation of already existing
          international agreements. Any activities                 purpose funds, from member states and                  ones. Funded from special purpose funds
          coordinated and funded by the state,                     private company contributions. Initiatives             and coordinated on a pan-European level.
          usually on the Member State level.                       coordinated by NGOs or jointly by the                  Initiatives concern all Member States and
                                                                   countries concerned.                                   associated countries.

   Pharmacy                                               Batteries (which account for about 40% of the         Infrastructure for digital economy, i.e.
   Medical equipment                                       total cost of an electric vehicle)                     federated cloud infrastructure, connecting all
   Personal protective measures / equipment               Hydrogen fuels                                         European cloud service providers and giving
   Defense                                                Microelectronics                                       priority of data access to European
   Energy                                                 Automotive                                             companies, in order to create value first in
   Aviation                                               Advanced manufacturing                                 Europe
   Aerospace                                              Industrial and agriculture machinery                  AI – requires common regulations and
   Geopositioning                                         Chemical engineering                                   commonly agreed standards
                                                           Telecoms                                              Quantum computing, blockchain

Critical industries – initiatives and actions

                 HEALTH                                             PHARMACY                                   GEOPOSITIONING                                           AVIATION
                                                       Concepts of legislation that would force
  Imposing export prohibitions and                     pharmaceutical companies to maintain a         Galileo - Europe’s Global Navigation              Airbus – jointly owned by Germany,
   restrictions in order to secure supply of            specific part of the supply chain in the        Satellite System (GNSS)                            France, Spain and Britain's BAE
   products enabling the response to                    country of origin or in Europe; or would       Alternative to American GPS or                     Systems; registered in the
   Covid-19 (France and Germany have                    limit the access to the tenders to              Russian GLONASS, which are non-                    Netherlands, its shares are traded in
   taken such decision at the beginning                 companies who obtain active ingredients         civilian                                           France, Germany and Spain
   of Covid-19 outbreak in March 2020)                  from the EU                                    Secures the access to positioning                 Subsidized loans for the development
  Need for mapping the EU healthcare                  National strategies for drug sovereignty        system for critical, emergency                     of new aircraft — the A380
   infrastructure and dependencies and                  (e.g. Poland, France, Spain) – creating         response services                                  superjumbo and the A350 twin-aisle
   identifying the vulnerabilities and gaps             conditions for further development of                                                              jet recognised by WTO in 2018 as
  Creating common strategic stocks                     already existing factories and offering                                                            illegal EU assistance
                                                        incentives to transfer the production back
  Number of countries / territories introducing export prohibitions and restrictions as a result of
                       COVID-19 (source: WTO Secretariat, April 2020)
                                                                                                           Actions on national level
                    Toilet paper      2
                             Soap      3                                                               Tax incentives for companies who bring their activities back to home country (Italy)
             COVID-19 test kits            6                                                           Golden Share rule – minimum number of shares controlled by state in the companies
         Other medical supplies                10                                                       operating in industries strategic for national safety (usually defense, security companies,
Medical devices, incl. ventilators             10                                                       telecoms, energy networks and now also health companies
                        Foodstuff                   17
               Pharmaceuticals                        20
                                                                                                              Actions on EU level
    Sanitizers and disinfectants                           28
                          Gloves                                           47
            Protective garments                                              50                        the Strategic Investment Facility - proposed in May 2020, as a part of InvestEU, would
       Face and eye protection                                                                  73      target investments in strategic areas such as pharmaceuticals, health and biotechnology,
                                                                                                        green and digital technologies, and critical infrastructures

Competitive industries – initiatives and actions

   AUTOMOTIVE                                              MICROELECTRONICS                                              RAW MATERIALS

 European Automotive and Telecoms Alliance –               Important Project of Common European Interest               The European Raw Materials Alliance –
  created in 2016 – forum for cooperation between            (IPCEI) on Microelectronics – program accepted by            announced in September 2020 – it’s aim is to build
  automotive and telecoms sectors to jointly explore         the European Commission in 2018. As far 29                   supply chains around metals and rare earths, critical
  how to best accelerate the deployment of connected         companies form France, Germany, Italy and UK are             in manufacturing of batteries and equipment for
  and automated mobility in Europe                           involved. Initiative covers following technology fields:     renewable energy
 Connected and autonomous mobility is being                 energy efficient chips, power semiconductors, smart         Only a few rare earths are mined in Europe: Norway
  supported also through initiatives on building             sensors, advanced optical equipment, compound                (Silicon metal – 30% of global production), Finland
  common European data infrastructure                        materials. The funding comes from the participating          (Germanium – 51%), Germany (Gallium – 35%),
                                                             states, not the European Union;                              France (Hafnium – 84% and Indium – 28%) and
                                                                                                                          Spain (Strontium – 100%) [source: European
                                                                                                                          Commission, 2020]

     HYDROGEN                                                   BATTERIES                                               CIRCULAR PLASTICS

 Clean Hydrogen Alliance – announced in March              Important Project of Common European Interest               Circular Plastics Alliance – launched in December
  2020 as part of the new industrial strategy for Europe     (IPCEI) on Batteries                                         2018, 245 members as far involved in the plastic
 Important Project of Common European Interest             European Battery Alliance                                    value chain
  (IPCEI) on Hydrogen – still in preparation phase.         Northvolt investment in demonstration facility in           The Alliance declaration: “to take actions to boost the
  Iincludes projects in following areas: generation of       Vasteras co-funded by Volkswagen, Goldman Sachs              EU market for recycled plastics up to 10 million tones
  hydrogen, transportation of hydrogen, mobility sector,     and Ikea, with a production of about 350MWh and in           by 2025”
  industry applications, energy sector, housing sector       Skelleftea, with an expected capacity of 40GWh              In May 2020 there has been R&D agenda developed
  and end user driven applications;                         Setting environmental standards on batteries                 which lists 7 strategic R&D needs (common to at
                                                             production (including mineral extraction, cell               least 3 plastics-using sectors) and series of specific
                                                             manufacturing, software standards and recycling) on          R&D needs (common to only 1 or 2 plastics-using
                                                             pan-European level                                           sectors)

Strategic industries – initiatives and actions

Infrastructure for digital economy                                                                                               R&D
                                                    Project launched in 2019
 European Strategy for Data                        Aim of the project: to develop the                      Horizon Europe – EUR 100B research and
 Announced in February 2020, aimed at the           foundations for a federated, open data                   innovation program to succeed Horizon
  creation of a single European market for           infrastructure based on European values                  2020
  data to be used by European companies for         Has been founded by 22 companies from                   Pillar 2: Global Challenges and European
  analytical purposes                                France and Germany (11 companies from                    Industrial Competitiveness including:
 Part of this data space will be “federated         each country)                                                   Health,
  cloud architecture” integrating all cloud         Currently 300 companies and organisations                       Civil Security for Society,
  service providers operating in Europe (as          are already engaged from 7 countries (i.e.                      Digital, Industry and Space,
  alternative to AWS and Azure, ensuring the         Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland)                             Climate, Energy and Mobility
  security of data and data governance in line      Use cases for: Industry 4.0 / SME, smart                        Food, Bio-economy, Natural
  with EU regulations)                               living, finance, health, public sector,                            Resources, Agriculture and
 Synergy with GAIA-X project                        mobility, agriculture, energy                                      Environment

                                                                                                                                         Agriculture and Marine
       Artificial Intelligence                               NETWORKING                           Incubators, accelerators,              Resources
                                                                                                  technology centers, etc.               Agrofood Industry

 Creating an ecosystem of excellence for           Network approach to the digital industry,              1% 5%                   6%   Biological Sciences
                                                                                                            3%          8% 7%
  efficient research and development                 innovation and skills; Fostering the
                                                                                                             2%                          Electronics, IT and Telecoms
  processes and fostering the collaboration          excellence of the process of developing                                    11%
  between all stake holders to provide               new technologies and gaining the synergy                                            Energy
  sufficient funding                                 effect of efforts undertaken jointly                         26%           19%
                                                                                                                                         Industrial Manufacturing,
 Creating a legal framework for enhancing          E.g. the European Cluster Collaboration                                             Material and Transport
                                                                                                                         12%             Measurements and Standards
  trust in AI and to regulate high risk systems      Platform is a service facility aiming to
 Promoting the “European way of                     provide cluster organizations with modern                                           Other Industrial Technologies
  digitisation”, human-centered and value-           tools
                                                                                                  Most focus and effort on               Physical and Exact Sciences
                                                                                                  industrial manufacturing,
 Increased investments in AI under R&D                                                           material and transport, as well        Protecting Man and
  programs such as Horizon                                                                        as electronics, IT and telecoms        Environment
                                                                                                                                         Social and Economics Concerns

Business Case 1
              Airbus – European Champion for European sovereignty in aviation

             As an answer to Boeing’s dominance in commercial aircraft              Airbus footprint on                        FILTON
                                                                                                                                 Development: wing; development and testing: landing
              market, on 29th May 1969 German and French ministers
              agreed a partnership between European countries, joined also           European market                               gear, fuel systems
European      by Spain and the UK, to develop the first Airbus plane
                                                                                Among more than                                 Assembly and pre-equipping: wing box
Heritage     Its legal structure is “European Company” – Airbus Societas
                                                                                 12,000 direct suppliers
                                                                                 8,400 are based in                             STADE
             More than 90% of Airbus workforce is located in Europe                                                             Manufacturing: aft fuselage upper and lower shells, wing
                                                                                European suppliers                               upper cover; assembly and equipping: vertical tail plane;
                                                                                 benefit from the 68%                             testing: vertical tail plane
             Had to shut down its production in France and Spain for some                                                      HAMBURG
              time due to the health and safety concerns related to covid-19     of the total value of
                                                                                                                                 Development: cabin and fuselage; assembly and
Impact of    Had to reduce the opened workstations due to health                external sourcing                                equipping: aft fuselage, forward fuselage; testing: cabin
Covid-19      concerns
             Received requests for delivery deferrals, as many of its
                                                                                                                                  and fuselage; Customer Definition Centre
outbreak      customers are struggling with the impact of covid-19 on                                                            Development and testing: cargo loading systems, wing
              transport                                                                                                           movable surfaces; assembly: flaps; and equipping: wing

             Most suppliers involved in European supply chains are                                                             Assembly and testing: nose and center fuselage
              companies with less than 100 employees, which are strongly                                                       NANTES
              dependent on the aircraft industry (with low level of business                                                    Manufacturing and assembly: center wing box, keel beam,
                                                                                                                                  random and air inlet
Threats       diversification) and operating in low margin segments –
              therefore the Covid-19 outbreak threatens their existence and                                                     Aircraft development; testing of structure and systems;
              also the flawless operations across whole supply chain                                                              final assembly; flight test; customer delivery
                                                                                                                                Development: pylon, air inlet and nacelle integration;
                                                                                                                                  Assembly and integration: pylon and aft pylon fairing
             Lobbying for government support for implementing a
              programme of profound restructuring of their domestic supply
              chains that are highly fragmented                                GETAFE
                                                                                Assembly and equipping: horizontal tail plane; assembly: S19
 Actions     The aim of this action is to support creating more robust
              suppliers (i.e. through consolidation processes) that would       Manufacturing and sub-assembly: wing lower cover; manufacturing: S19 full barrel skin
              survive the Covid-19 crisis and protect the core technologies    PUERTO REAL
              from the acquisition by foreign companies                         Assembly: horizontal tail plane boxes
                                                                                                                                                                               Source: Airbus

Business Case 2
              Volkswagen – top world automotive player with strong European roots

             Founded in 1937 and headquartered in Wolfsburg                          The importance of automotive industry to the European
             Today it is a part of Volkswagen Group, which is indirectly
              majority owned by the Austrian Porsche family, and                                            economy
European      comprises 12 brands from 7 European countries
Heritage     It’s the largest car manufacturer in Europe (71 manufacturing
                                                                                          Automotive sector generates 7%                14.6 million European citizens work
              plants) and since 2016 it’s the second largest auto maker in                                                              directly or indirectly in the
              the world and 10th biggest company overall                                  of the total EU’s GDP
                                                                                                                                        automotive industry, which accounts
                                                                                          European automotive sector also               for 6.7% of all EU jobs
             Company had to halt production at some sites, due to the                    creates around 3.7 million
              state of emergency announced in the countries where plants                  manufacturing jobs - 11.5% of                 Each year there are 18.5 million
Impact of     are located                                                                 the total number for whole EU                 vehicles produced in 226 assembly
             Group sales revenue decreases by 23.2%
Covid-19     Raise in prices of components from suppliers – they were
                                                                                                                                        and production plants across EU
              investing heavily to meet high VW’s demand on parts and
                                                                                          The industry accounts for €74B
outbreak                                                                                  trade surplus for the EU
              components, and now they have to cover high depreciation
              costs while seeing lower volumes being ordered                                                                                                    Source: ACEA

             Financial and operational difficulties that some of the            Challenges related to the European automotive industry supply
              suppliers undergo can affect the supply chains                                                 chains
             The group is undergoing deep restructuring and simplification
Threats       of supply chains, as it strategically switches into electric and
              autonomous cars; the turbulence caused by Covid-19 could
              disturb this process

             German government has resisted call for more state support
              for the car automakers; The existing support programmes are
              directed to suppliers only                                              A single car is            Complex sub-assembly
             Further integrating all 124 production plants into single          manufactured from about                                         Commonly used practice
 Actions                                                                                                          process is required to
              Volkswagen Industrial Cloud, what together with IoT and Big         20,000 parts which are                                             of Just-In-Time
                                                                                                                 finish a single vehicle +
              Data analysis will further improve cost efficiency. That will        supplied from over 30                                           manufacturing, which
                                                                                                                 equally complex supply
              strengthen the company’s ability to compensate negative            countries, including China                                       results in limited stock
                                                                                                                       chain of parts
              effects of such events as Covid-19 outbreak

Business Case 3
              Sanofi – pillar of European resilience for future pandemics

             Company formed in 1973, headquartered in Paris, France,
              operates internationally; 7th biggest pharmaceutical company                 Pharmaceutical industry in Europe in numbers
European      in the world
             Since 1999 it has undergone numerous M&A processes and                    Pharmaceutical industry delivers                   Due to the European Federation of
Heritage      was rebranded ‘Sanofi’ in 2011                                            €206B gross value added to                         Pharmaceutical Industries and
             Through its subsidiary Sanofi Pasteur, it is one of the world’s
                                                                                        European economy annually                          Associations (EFPIA) there are
              largest vaccines manufacturers
                                                                                                                                           7,000 medicines currently in
                                                                                        Creates 2.5 million jobs, 642,000                  development in Europe
             As soon as it was possible, the company began developing a
Impact of     covid-19 vaccine                                                          of which are employed directly
                                                                                                                                           Around 3,200 European patent
Covid-19     Sanofi is now leading the clinical development and                        by pharmaceutical companies
                                                                                                                                           applications in the pharmaceutical
              registration of a vaccine in partnership with British GSK
outbreak                                                                                                                                   industry originated from European
                                                                                        Contributes annually over €35B                     based companies in 2019
             French pharmaceutical companies produce 80% of their                      investment in European
              medicines in China. Sanofi’s production also relies heavily on            research and development
                                                                                                                                                                            Source: EFPIA
Threats       APIs sourced from the Asian region
             Not enough capacity to scale up in case of global
              immunisation need for millions of people                              Characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe
             In February 2020, the company announced plans to establish                                                    Switzerland                                                45,885
              a new company in Europe, where APIs would be                                                                    Germany                                      32,905
              manufactured. The ambition is to become the second largest                                                           Italy                                   32,200
              API provider in the world. The company has its HQ in France,
                                                                                                                                France                           23,213
              and will have 3,000 employers in 6 European plants. The
              costs of manufacturing will be 10% - 15% higher than in Asia,                                                         UK                           23,039
                                                                                   70.9% of active pharmaceutical
 Actions      however it is a strategic decision to keep these facilities in
                                                                                    ingredients (APIs) used to the
                                                                                                                                Ireland                     19,305
              Europe – no public aid assigned so far                                                                             Spain                  14,970
             Sanofi is also planning to spend $554M on a brand new               production of pharmaceuticals in
                                                                                                                              Denmark                   14,391
              vaccine manufacturing plant in France. The construction is          European laboratories come from
                                                                                                                               Belgium                 13,312
              going to take 5 years and its purpose is to secure vaccine        Europe, 8.0% are imported from China
              production capacity for future pandemics – will be a part of      and 3.4% from India (in volume terms           Sweden          8,153
                                                                                                                                                                 Pharmaceutical production
              “global biosecurity network” - no public aid assigned so far          22.5% and 3.2% respectively)           Netherlands        6,180              in €M in 2018

Scenarios for 2025 - 2030

                                   Introduction:                                                              Covid-19 pandemic scenarios:
                                                                                           The development of the pandemic, as well as the responses to it, will be
   The objective of this part of the research and analysis is to present three
                                                                                            different across countries and regions
    scenarios on how the industrial sovereignty trends could develop to 2030
                                                                                           The impact on Europe will depend on the location and distribution of
                                                                                            supply chains (Covid-19 situation in a particular region or country)
   As the issue is complex, and some industries or countries will be more
    impacted by these trends than others, it is not possible to draw general
    scenarios for the entire EU. Therefore the scenarios must be considered             COVID                  Scenario 1          Scenario 2           Scenario 3
    through at least two different lenses: industrial (3 groups of industries defined   scenarios               STRONG              MEDIUM                MILD
    earlier: critical, competitive and strategic) and political (particular countries
    have different approaches and readiness toward cooperation). All these
    interdependencies have been mapped as part of the analysis                          Pandemic            Number of cases     Active adaption      Number of cases
                                                                                        escalation          growing;            to the situation;    stable and under
   The main driver for industrial sovereignty initiatives across the globe will be                         Crisis in the       Number of cases      control, easy to
    China’s recently announced (29/10/2020) self-sufficiency and "double-                                   healthcare;         growing but          forecast and
    circulation" strategy – also mentioned on the map of interactions                                       Chaos, no           under control;       manage;
                                                                                                            control             Healthcare           Efficient
   The development of the European Industrial Sovereignty scenarios to 2030                                                    system under         healthcare
    will depend more on movements in global politics and economies than the                                                     pressure             system
    COVID-19 situation
                                                                                        Possible answer     Total lockdowns,    Restrictions to      Some restrictions
   However, the pandemic could speed up certain trends or pivot others, and            to the given        including closing   the movement of      to travel (i.e. only
    therefore three scenarios on how the pandemic could influence the EU have           scenario in terms   borders and         people,              business travel
    also been included. The most important aspect in terms of Covid-19 is the           of movement of      cancelling or       (therefore some      allowed),
    impact on the global supply chains. The possible negative impact on supply          people and          limiting flights    services are         however the
    chains fully or partially located in the regions or countries most affected by      goods               (also cargo)        limited) but the     transport of
    the pandemic will likely support more radical actions toward industrial                                                     transport of         goods is not
    sovereignty in these countries                                                                                              goods not            affected at all

Scenarios for 2025 – 2030 (1/2)

                                                      Scenario 1                              Scenario 2                                Scenario 3
                                                 Extreme sovereignty                        Soft adaptation                          Toward cooperation
Main features                            • Member States undertaking             • Member States undertaking                • High engagement into common
                                           independent actions toward total        independent actions but only for some      initiatives on pan-European level
                                           sovereignty of specific industries;     of the critical industries and in line     aimed at building technological and
                                         • Moving production facilities and        with European regulations;                 digital sovereignty with extraordinary
                                           supply chains back home;              • Common initiatives toward European         effects;
                                         • Withdrawal from multinational           technological and digital sovereignty    • EU as strong economic powerhouse
                                           agreements and alliances;               but not all countries engaged;             able to build competitive advantages
                                                                                                                              against rising Chinese dominance;
Cooperation between countries within     LOW                                     MODERATE                                   HIGH
the EU for resource supplies             Member States competing for resources   Some countries don’t want to accept        Member States offering and accepting
                                         rather than cooperating                 support or don’t want to provide support   help / support
                                                                                 to others
Acceptance of higher public aid for      HIGH                                    PARTIAL                                    LOW
companies, especially state-owned ones   High acceptance for public support of   Some countries more eager to accept        Low acceptance for more support for
                                         state-owned companies                   supporting the state-owned companies       state-owned companies; further public
                                                                                 from public sources; however others        support for SMEs as the pillars of
                                                                                 want to follow the current rules           European economy
Assessment of the actions undertaken     WEAK                                    ACCEPTABLE but not sufficient in some      HIGH
on EU level                              High skepticism for EU initiatives      fields                                     High level of trust
Knowledge and technology transfer        LOW                                     MODERATE                                   HIGH
between EU member states                 Companies keep access to their          Companies cooperate on R&D projects        High tendency to cooperate on R&D
                                         knowledge closed; Low willingness to    under schemes supported by EU (e.g.        projects with other companies and joint
                                         cooperate with other entities on its    Horizon Europe)                            efforts on technology transfer and
                                         further development                                                                commercialisation

Scenarios for 2025 – 2030 - map of the interactions (2/2)

China’s implementation        Scenarios for                                                Industry
 of its self-sufficiency                           COVID-19                                                                      Member States’
and "double-circulation"
                            European Industrial                 - the level of concentration of initiatives and actions on the
                                                    scenario                                                                        attitude
         strategy              Sovereignty                                        given group of industries

                                                                  CRITICAL            COMPETITIVE             STRATEGIC

 Imposing embargoes,                                                                                                                 Populist
  initiating trade wars,        Extreme                                                                                           governments
                                                    STRONG            Strong               Moderate                 Weak
hostile actions towards        Sovereignty                                                                                        (e.g. Poland,
European companies in                                                                                                               Hungary)

   Focus on internal
    processes, no                                                                                                                Moderate (most
                              Soft Adaptation       MEDIUM          Moderate               Moderate               Moderate
  aggressive actions                                                                                                               countries)
  towards European
  countries in China

 Imposing embargoes,                                                                                                                 Toward
  initiating trade wars,         Toward                                                                                            cooperation
                                                     MILD           Moderate                Strong                 Strong
hostile actions towards        Cooperation                                                                                        (e.g. France,
European companies in                                                                                                               Germany)

Scenario 1 – impact on EU industry


                          Acceptance for                                                                                                                         Limiting access to some
    Actions                                           Limiting access to the                                            Reducing the funding for R&D
                          providing wider                                                Reducing the size of                                                      common benefits for
                                                       European market for                                            schemes such as Horizon Europe
undertaken on EU         public support to
                                                      companies not sharing
                                                                                       Cohesion Fund in future
                                                                                                                         and initiatives that support
                                                                                                                                                                    countries opting for
      level             companies; Easing                                               financial perspectives                                                       national industrial
                                                        European values                                                 networking and collaboration
                          public aid rules                                                                                                                               autonomy

                         Supporting industrial champions; Even
     Actions                                                               Withdrawal from common projects             Incentives for moving           Further development of the regions
                         broader support for such companies as
                                                                              or programmes that can be              businesses back to home             where industries have already
 undertaken on           Airbus, Thales, Leonardo, Indra, ATOS,
                                                                           perceived as too costly, mainly by         country (tax relief, direct         been concentrated, including
 national levels          Bosch, EDF, ENEL, ENI, Total, E.On,
                                                                           countries who participate the most                subsidies)                development of self-sufficient cities
                                 Engie, Telefonica, Bayer

    Actions                 Losing competitiveness against             Restructuring supply chains          Setting strategic technological          Where there is a higher tendency for
                        industrial champions, therefore leaving         – withdrawing them from             partnerships with companies             granting more individual state support,
 undertaken by            supported industries and moving to           China and moving closer to           enjoying state support in their          companies lobby for it directly in the
  companies                other sectors or closing business                 home countries                home countries, where possible                decisive government bodies

                         Searching for market              Entering the re-            Moving manufacturing capabilities back home, to                 Decreasing number of business
   Business             niches still not covered          organised supply              countries where the workforce is relatively more            opportunities on a bigger scale, which
                          by the programmes             chains located in / or        expensive, will fuel the automation and robotization           are dominated by limited number of
  opportunities           coordinated by the            much closer to home           of production (opportunities for companies providing          large state-owned or state supported
                              given states                    countries                          services for Manufacturing 4.0)                                  companies

Scenario 2 – impact on EU industry

Soft adaptation

                        Concessions in favour of more Member                   Building alliances and working               Broader support for            Using the European Cluster
    Actions              States’ sovereignty in setting rules of               groups engaging all European               research and innovation      Alliance and other networking and
undertaken on EU         public aid for companies operating in                 stakeholders in order to build                schemes such as               collaboration tools to further
      level              critical industries – but limited in time           competitive ecosystems for specific              Horizon Europe            cooperation, gather information,
                                        and scope                                         industries                            programme                  facilitate necessary support

                                                                          Incentivising (tax relief, direct           Participating in common
     Actions              Providing further state support                                                                                              Further development of the regions
                                                                           subsidies) the reshoring and                initiatives for enhancing
                        for major aerospace and defense                                                                                                where industries have already been
 undertaken on              companies such as Airbus,
                                                                       nearshoring of the supply chains in            competitive and strategic
                                                                                                                                                             concentrated, including
 national levels                                                     the strategic industries most impacted        industries, building frameworks
                            Thales, Leonardo or Indra                                                                                                  development of self-sufficient cities
                                                                            by the Covid-19 outbreak                   for further development

    Actions              Restructuring supply chains – withdrawing them from                 Strengthening or setting up cooperation with tech-         Participating in the common R&D
                         China and moving them closer to home countries or                     leading companies from democratic countries,            initiatives and setting international
 undertaken by           transferring them to more reliable countries such as                 participating in R&D programmes with countries          partnerships for technology transfer
  companies                India or Vietnam; also diversifying supply sources                         from outside EU, e.g. USA, Israel                        and commercialisation

                                                             Moving the manufacturing capabilities
                        Entering the re-organised                                                                                                    Taking advantage of participation in
                                                               back home, to countries where the              Providing products, services and
   Business             supply chains located in /                                                                                                    joint R&D projects such as priority
                                                            workforce is relatively more expensive                know-how to joint, pan-
  opportunities          or much closer to home
                                                            will fuel the automation and robotization                European projects
                                                                                                                                                       access to the new technologies,
                                countries                                                                                                                         expertise
                                                                of production (manufacturing 4.0)

Scenario 3 – impact on EU industry


                         Further focus on building                Further development of IPCEIs (Important Projects of Common                         Establishing structures for managing the
    Actions             open, competitive markets                     European Interest) and direct support from EU, as well as                      industrial sovereignty process such as: an
undertaken on EU          with common rules and                  introducing new programmes – at the same time the Commission                     European Commission Economic Sovereignty
      level               strict control on public              ensures that all EU Member States can benefit and that there is no               Committee, Committee on Foreign Investments
                                  subsidies                                  disproportionate distortion of competition                          in the EU and Financial Sanctions Enforcement

                                                                                                                                                        Running the technological observatories,
     Actions                 Incentivising companies to                  Participating in common initiatives for             Active submission of         identifying the potential strengths of
                        participate in common European              enhancing competitive and strategic industries,           new proposals for
 undertaken on           initiatives, e.g. tax relief for R&D
                                                                                                                                                            particular regions and supporting
                                                                    building technological and legal frameworks for               collaborative          balanced economic and technological
 national levels        expenses in international projects                further development, providing funds              initiatives on EU level            development of all regions

                           Further implementation of industry 4.0                                                        Restructuring supply chains –           Participating in common R&D
    Actions                                                                    Strengthening or setting up
                          concepts into manufacturing processes                                                          withdrawing them from China                  initiatives and setting
                                                                              cooperation with tech-leading
 undertaken by          (including automatization and robotization)
                                                                               companies from democratic
                                                                                                                        and transferring to more reliable        international partnerships for
  companies             which will enable production to move back                                                         countries such as India or                technology transfer and
                            home and shorten the supply chains                                                                      Vietnam                             commercialization

                        Providing products and services for big
                                                                                 Taking advantage of participation in                Common modern infrastructure, new products and services
                            pan-European projects such as
   Business                                                                       joint R&D projects such as priority                 resulting from joint research and innovation projects will
                           common infrastructure for digital
  opportunities         services or joint manufacturing plant for
                                                                                   access to the new technologies,                    create new markets, full of new, still uncovered business
                                                                                              expertise                                                      opportunities

Map of current drivers and risks related to European Industrial
    Sovereignty Initiatives

    Political factors
                                      China’s implementation of its self-sufficiency and the "double-circulation" strategy,
                                       together with American technological dominance in many areas, is pushing Europe to

          P                            undertake initiatives that strengthen its internal technological capabilities

                                      More state aid for single companies, also state owned or co-owned and launching
                                       programmes financed or co-financed from public sources

L                       E             Brexit – for the UK economy, if there is a no-deal scenario and the UK fail in setting up
                                       favourable trade agreements with other blocks

                                                       RISKS                                       OPPORTUNITIES

                                      In the long term, too much public aid           Strategic technological partnerships with
                                       injected into the economy will cause             companies enjoying state support in
                                       weakening competitiveness of single              their home countries, where possible
E                       S              companies and whole economies
                                                                                       Setting up legal representatives or other
                                      Breaking down and disrupting the                 legally independent entities in the UK in
                                       operational continuity of supply and             order to provide products and services

          T                            value chains spread across the English
                                                                                        to supply chains located on the islands

Map of current drivers and risks related to European Industrial
     Sovereignty Initiatives

    Economic factors
                                       Transmission of economic crisis through international business connections and supply
                                        chains spread across the globe

          P                            Unfavorable balance of payments with no alternatives for its improvement other than
                                        taking some of the value chain back home

                                       Increasing competitiveness on the markets where the supply chains are located due to
L                        E              economic development and raising labor cost there, therefore keeping operations there
                                        is becoming less and less profitable and rise questions on taking them back home

                                                        RISKS                                    OPPORTUNITIES

                                       Lack of enough work force with required       Agency in hiring employees coming
                                        skills will make the re-shored industries      from abroad
                                        more vulnerable to labor shortages and
E                        S              will lead to rise in prices                   Entering the re-organized supply chains
                                                                                       relocated to the countries with lower
                                       Economic dependency on fewer and               labor costs
                                        larger companies able to survive in
                                                                                      Manufacturing 4.0, automatization and
          T                             more competitive conditions due to the
                                        economy of scale                               robotizing the production plants

Map of current drivers and risks related to European Industrial
    Sovereignty Initiatives

    Social factors
                                      Fear about depending on other countries in technologies or industries critical for national
                                       and health safety

         P                            Growing concerns around cybersecurity related to technologies enabling big data
                                       collection in a way that is difficult to control

                                      Narratives used by populist governments, which build a feeling of national pride around
E                       E              industries 100% controlled by home-grown capital and favour state-owned companies in

                                                       RISKS                                      OPPORTUNITIES

                                      Blocking further development of                 Building strategic partnerships within
                                       technologies i.e. more connected and             industries supported by states
                                       autonomous mobility
L                       S             Limited access to technologies crucial
                                                                                       Trusted technologies providing
                                                                                        cybersecurity in line with EU standards
                                       for economic development
                                                                                       Providing products and services to the
                                      Decreasing competitiveness of a given
         T                             industry or whole economies
                                                                                        critical industries rebuilt on national

Map of current drivers and risks related to European Industrial
      Sovereignty Initiatives

    Technological factors
                                        The growing technological dominance of the USA and China, which could leave the
                                         European economy behind if no actions are undertaken

            P                           Growing importance of innovation hubs and eco-systems across Europe, which attract
                                         knowledge, capital, talent and startups in given areas of expertise, i.e. Golden Triangle
                                         (London, Oxford, Cambridge), Medicon Valley in Sweden, Swiss BIOVALLEY Life
                                         Science Network, Cosmetic Valley in Paris, IT hubs in Berlin, London or Barcelona, etc.
L                           E           R&D programs supported through European Funds (i.e. Horizon Europe)

                                                         RISKS                                       OPPORTUNITIES

                                        Lack of technological standards and              Exploring innovation and technology
                                         compliance related to some strategic              hubs across Europe to find the most
                                         technologies such as quantum                      relevant to own business profile, then
E                           S            computing or AI                                   locate business development efforts
                                        Failure to use the synergistic effect of
                                         joint effort on new technological                Taking advantage of participation in joint

            T                            development and commercialisation                 R&D projects such as priority access to
                                                                                           the new technologies, expertise

Map of current drivers and risks related to European Industrial
       Sovereignty Initiatives

    Environmental factors                IInterruptions in the supply of energy resources caused by climate change (e.g. drying
                                          up of rivers, drying up of sources of water used for cooling energy plants, dependency
                                          on the supplies from countries affected by extreme weather phenomena)

            P                            Growing exposure to emerging natural disasters, such as floods and fires, supports the
                                          initiatives for building own disaster response facilities (to a large extent covered by
                                          defense sector but might also relate to other industries)

                                         Development of technologies enabling better exploration of renewables available at
L                           E             home

                                                           RISKS                                    OPPORTUNITIES

                                         Losing access to strategic natural             Moving supply chains to regions /
                                          resources if they are affected by climate       countries more resistant to
                                          catastrophes                                    environmental changes – Europe is far
E                           S            Rising prices of commodities affected
                                                                                          less vulnerable to severe floods or fires

                                          by climate change                              Development of technologies for
                                         Further reliance on fossil fuels if no
            T                             investments in renewables taken

Map of current drivers and risks related to European Industrial
    Sovereignty Initiatives

     Legal factors
                                      Uncertainty around unethical actions by China with regards to IPO rights, such as
                                       duplicating technologies with no respect for international regulations

         P                            Uncertainty with regards to the unclear methods and purposes of gathering sensitive
                                       data, collected by systems with Chinese-origin technologies, often controlled by state-
                                       owned or state-controlled companies

L                       E             China’s divergence from multilateral standards

                                                       RISKS                                     OPPORTUNITIES

                                      Losing control of sensitive personal data      Taking over high technology businesses
                                                                                       which will be reshored from China for
                                      Providing access to big data, generated         fear of dishonest actions
E                       S              by various devices and systems, to
                                       external companies which can monetize          European companies providing services
                                       this data and gain competitive                  in IoT, Machine Learning and Big Data
                                       advantage over European companies               analytics preferred over their Chinese

         T                                                                             counterparts

                  How to explore opportunities created by European Industrial Sovereignty trends

Check to what extent your business             Determine which group of industries
  operations could be affected by              you provide goods and / or services:
global industrial sovereignty trends             critical, competitive or strategic

                                                                     Check what the COVID-19 impact
                                                                       on the given industry may be

    Find out how national politics
influence the industrial sovereignty
     trends in a chosen market

                                                                                                      Explore the opportunities created by
      Verify which scenario is the most                                                                 the industrial, technological and
    relevant in a preferred market, in the                                                             digital sovereignty initiatives under
                given industry                                                                                  selected conditions

List of references

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