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                                 European Journal of Phycology
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                                 Photosynthetic carbon utilization by Enteromorpha
                                 intestinalis (Chlorophyta) from a Swedish rockpool
                                                    a b                    a             c               d
                                 Christer Larsson         , Lennart Axelsson , Hans Ryberg & Sven Beer
                                     Kristineberg Marine Research Station, S-450 34 Fiskebäckskil, Sweden
                                  Department of Marine Botany, University of Göteborg, Carl Skottsbergs Gata 22, S-413 19
                                 Göteborg, Sweden
                                  Department of Plant Physiology, University of Göteborg, Carl Skottsbergs Gata 22, S-413 19
                                 Göteborg, Sweden
                                  Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
                                 Published online: 03 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: Christer Larsson , Lennart Axelsson , Hans Ryberg & Sven Beer (1997) Photosynthetic carbon utilization
by Enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) from a Swedish rockpool, European Journal of Phycology, 32:1, 49-54, DOI:

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Eur. J. Phycol. (1997), 32 : 49–54. Printed in Great Britain                                                                           49

                                                     Photosynthetic carbon utilization by Enteromorpha intestinalis
                                                     (Chlorophyta) from a Swedish rockpool

                                                     C H R I S T E R L A R S S O N1, 2, L E N N A R T A X E L S S O N1, H A N S R Y B E R G3 A N D S V E N B E E R4

                                                     " Kristineberg Marine Research Station, S-450 34 FiskebaX ckskil, Sweden
                                                     # Department of Marine Botany, University of GoX teborg, Carl Skottsbergs Gata 22, S-413 19 GoX teborg, Sweden
                                                     $ Department of Plant Physiology, University of GoX teborg, Carl Skottsbergs Gata 22, S-413 19 GoX teborg, Sweden
                                                     % Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel

                                                     (Received 9 May 1996 ; accepted 22 August 1996)

                                                     Enteromorpha intestinalis grows along the Swedish west coast in rockpools which are isolated from the open seawater for long time periods
                                                     and where, therefore, the inorganic carbon content is low and the pH is high during the day. In order to investigate how E. intestinalis
                                                     could grow under such apparently CO -constraining conditions, we measured its photosynthetic responses to inorganic carbon in the
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                                                     presence of an inhibitor of external}surface-bound carbonic anhydrase (acetazolamide) as well as an inhibitor of HCO− transport via anion
                                                     exchange (4,4«-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2«-disulfonate). The results show that both HCO− dehydration via surface-bound carbonic
                                                     anhydrase and HCO− transport via a 4,4«-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2«-disulfonate-sensitive mechanism were present in E. intestinalis, but
                                                     only HCO− uptake via the putative transporter was operative in rockpool water during most of the photic period (pH " 9±4, inorganic
                                                     carbon ! 0±45 mol m−$ and CO ! 0±05 mmol m−$). The advantage of such a mechanism, rather than extracellular HCO− dehydration, is
                                                                                       #                                                                                     $
                                                     discussed with regard to photosynthesis of marine macroalgae under in situ conditions conducive to high pH values adjacent to the thalli.

                                                     Key words : anion transport(er), AZ, carbonic anhydrase, Chlorophyta, DIDS, Enteromorpha, inorganic carbon, macroalga(e),
                                                     photosynthesis, rockpool

                                                     Introduction                                                                  blood cells (AE1), such as being sensitive to the AE1-
                                                                                                                                   inhibitor 4,4«-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2«-disulfonate
                                                     In light of the much (c. 200 times) higher HCO−
                                                                                                                $                  (DIDS : Drechsler et al., 1993, 1994).
                                                     (bicarbonate) than CO concentration in seawater, it is not
                                                                               #                                                      It was recently shown that Ulva lactuca could be
                                                     surprising that many species of macroalgae can use the
                                                                                                                                   induced to take up HCO− directly via the DIDS-sensitive
                                                     ionic carbon form as their principal bulk source of                                                      $
                                                                                                                                   mechanism when grown in a flow-through system at high
                                                     inorganic carbon (Ci) for photosynthesis (e.g. Sand-Jensen
                                                                                                                                   pH, while under normal growth conditions the CA-
                                                     & Gordon, 1984 ; Maberly, 1990 ; Axelsson et al., 1991,
                                                                                                                                   mediated mechanism catalysed extracellular HCO− de-
                                                     summarized in Beer, 1994). Green macroalgae differ from                                                                             $
                                                                                                                                   hydration (Axelsson et al., 1995). Photosynthetic HCO−
                                                     red and brown algae in having an inducible mechanism                                                                                    $
                                                                                                                                   utilization via the latter mechanism was inhibited by the
                                                     allowing photosynthesis at high pH, probably via use of
                                                                                                                                   CA inhibitor acetazolamide (AZ) and was insensitive to
                                                     HCO− (Carlberg et al., 1990). This inducible mechanism
                                                            $                                                                      DIDS. HCO− uptake via the DIDS-sensitive mechanism,
                                                     may thus function as a supplement to their Ci utilization at                                 $
                                                                                                                                   on the other hand, appeared to be insensitive to AZ. It
                                                     normal pH (Axelsson et al., 1991). Two principal ways of
                                                                                                                                   was also found that while the DIDS-sensitive mechanism
                                                     utilizing HCO− have been described for this plant group.
                                                                      $                                                            operated equally well at pH 8±4 and 9±4 (at normal
                                                     In one of these, HCO− is dehydrated extracellularly by
                                                                                $                                                  seawater Ci concentrations), the CA-mediated mechanism
                                                     surface-bound carbonic anhydrase (CA) to form CO
                                                                                                                #                  was almost non-functional at the higher pH value.
                                                     which is then taken up into the cells. This type of HCO−
                                                                                                                $                     So far, representatives of the genus Ulva are the only
                                                     utilization has been shown to function in several Ulva
                                                                                                                                   algae that have been found to feature HCO− uptake by the
                                                     species (Bjo$ rk et al., 1992, 1993). A second way in which                                                                $
                                                                                                                                   DIDS-sensitive mechanism in the field (Drechsler & Beer,
                                                     Ulva spp. can use HCO− is by its direct uptake (as
                                                                                    $                                              1991 ; Drechsler et al., 1993). The plants in these
                                                     suggested by Giordano & Maberly, 1989 ; Drechsler &
                                                                                                                                   investigations were collected in an intertidal zone of the
                                                     Beer, 1991). It was subsequently found that HCO− uptake
                                                                                                         $                         eastern Mediterranean. Here summer temperatures,
                                                     in Ulva fasciata could be facilitated by a mechanism which
                                                                                                                                   irradiances and nutrient levels are high, and the resultant
                                                     features properties similar to the anion exchanger of red
                                                                                                                                   high photosynthetic rates cause high pH values and low
                                                        Correspondence to : L. Axelsson. Fax : ­46-523-18503. e-mail :             CO (but substantial ionic Ci) concentrations adjacent to
                                                     l.axelsson!                                                          the thalli (cf. Beer & Israel, 1990). On the other hand, U.
C. Larsson et al.                                                                                                                  50

                                                     lactuca growing naturally in Swedish waters is usually          either in natural rockpool water or in synthetic seawater
                                                     exposed to lower temperature and light conditions which         (SSW) of 30 ^ (PSU) composed of 450 mol m−$ NaCl,
                                                     would restrict high photosynthetic rates. These plants          30 mol m−$ MgSO , 10 mol m−$ KCl and 10 mol m−$
                                                     may thus not benefit from direct HCO− uptake since              CaCl . The SSW medium was buffered to pH 8±4 or 9±5
                                                                                               $                           #
                                                     external CA-mediated HCO− dehydration could under               respectively with Tris or AMPSO (final concentrations
                                                     those circumstances supply enough CO to meet photo-             50 mol m−$) biological buffers (Sigma), and NaHCO
                                                                                             #                                                                                 $
                                                     synthetic needs (cf. Axelsson et al., 1995). In rockpools       from a stock solution was injected into the closed
                                                     occupied by algae, the stagnant water is characterized by       chambers to the desired final Ci concentrations. To
                                                     high temperatures and high pH values during the day             check for the presence of the two HCO− utilization
                                                     (Ganning, 1971 ; Truchot & Duhamel-Jouve, 1980). In             mechanisms, AZ and DIDS (Sigma) were injected into the
                                                     such situations, CO concentrations are below air-               electrode chambers to final concentrations of 100 and
                                                     equilibrium levels, and HCO− and CO#− (carbonate)               300 mmol m−$, respectively, after steady-state photo-
                                                                                    $           $
                                                     comprise virtually the only Ci pool. Along the Swedish          synthetic rates had been reached. For each mechanism, Ci
                                                     west coast, the principal alga growing in such rock-            affinity curves were obtained by first inhibiting the other
                                                     pools is Enteromorpha intestinalis L., and it was the           mechanism and then adding increasing amounts of HCO−
                                                     purpose of this work to explore which mechanism(s)              to the Ci-free SSW. When calculating the Vmax and K"
                                                     are involved in the photosynthetic Ci acquisition of this       values in the presence of DIDS, a negative intercept on the
                                                     green alga.                                                     y-axis (cf. Fig. 1) was compensated for by adding 7 µmol
                                                                                                                     O g−" h−" to all net photosynthesis rates.
                                                                                                                         The following conditions were measured in situ in the
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                                                     Materials and methods
                                                                                                                     rockpools : scalar photon flux density (400–700 nm, using
                                                     This work was carried out at Kristineberg Marine Research       a QSL-100 meter, Biospherical Instruments), temperature,
                                                     Station on the Swedish west coast in August 1994. The           O concentration (using a temperature-compensated
                                                     rockpools studied were located on Byxeska$ r, a small island    model 57 Yellow Springs O electrode) and pH (using an
                                                     two nautical miles west of Kristineberg. Two rockpools of       E 588 Metrohm Herisau pH meter calibrated according to
                                                     similar appearance and physical conditions, located c. 2 m      the NBS-pH scale). Water samples were sterile-filtered
                                                     above the mean water level, were used : one for collection      (0±45 µm) directly upon sampling, and brought to the
                                                     of algae and one to follow the changes in physical and          laboratory for analysis. The Ci content was measured as
                                                     chemical conditions during the day. Since the tidal             the amount of CO released in a stripping column
                                                     amplitudes in the area are small (c. 0±3 m), the water          (containing 5 % phosphoric acid) connected to an infrared
                                                     exchange in these rockpools is due to rain and wave             gas analyser (IRGA, ADC model MKIII). Nutrient analysis
                                                     action. The weather was sunny and calm during the period        was carried out on an autoanalyser (Technicon Auto-
                                                     of this investigation and the water in the rockpools had        analyser II).
                                                     not been exchanged for at least a week. E. intestinalis was
                                                     collected from one of the rockpools on 3 and 9 August
                                                     between 1100 and 1200 hours, and transported to the             Results
                                                     laboratory for investigation of photosynthetic charac-          Enteromorpha intestinalis from the rockpool was able to
                                                     teristics. Environmental conditions in the second rockpool      photosynthesize at high rates in rockpool water (con-
                                                     were followed during the sunny day of 10 August.                taining 0±45 mol m−$ Ci) buffered to pH 9±5 (which was
                                                         Rates of net photosynthesis were measured as O
                                                                                                                 #   close to the pH measured in the rockpool at the time of
                                                     evolution in 3 ml magnetically stirred and thermostatted        plant collection). This photosynthesis was inhibited by
                                                     (to 22 °C) O -electrode chambers (CS Larsson UW-
                                                                     #                                               more than 90 % by the AE1 inhibitor DIDS (Table 1).
                                                     technique, Lysekil, Sweden) equipped with Clark-type O
                                                     electrodes (YSI model 5331). The O levels were followed
                                                     on a strip-chart recorder. Light was provided by fibre-         Table 1. Net photosynthetic O evolution rates of Enteromorpha
                                                     optics-equipped halogen lights. To prevent photodynamic         intestinalis in rockpool water, buffered to two different pH values,
                                                     effects of DIDS (which may interfere with the O                 containing 0±45 mol m−$ Ci (control), and rates (as percentage of
                                                                                                                 #   the controls) remaining after additions of inhibitors of the two
                                                     measurements ; Axelsson, unpublished), the light was
                                                                                                                     mechanisms for HCO− utilization (DIDS, 300 mmol m−$ ; AZ,
                                                     filtered through a yellow filter (Perspex 2200). This                                   $
                                                                                                                     100 mmol m−$)
                                                     arrangement resulted in a photon flux density of c.
                                                     1000 µmol photons m−# s−" (400–700 nm) within the O
                                                                                                                 #           Control           DIDS            AZ         AZ­DIDS
                                                     chambers (as measured with a LI-COR LI-1000 sensor).
                                                                                                                      pH (µmol g−" Fw h−") (% of control) (% of control) (% of control)
                                                         The tips (5–10 mm) of E. intestinalis thalli were cut off
                                                     and discarded, while the next 60 mm sections were cut            9±5     130±8³41±8         9±0³8±0       112±3³2±5        9±8³4±0
                                                     into 10 mm segments and used for the experiments. All            8±4      82±3³14±0        52±3³3±7       116±7³6±2       24±3³3±4
                                                     algal segments were mixed and rinsed in the medium to be
                                                     used, and six pieces were placed in each O -electrode
                                                                                                       #             Data are average of three to six measurements³SD carried out on plants
                                                     chamber. Photosynthetic O production was measured               collected on 3 August.
Photosynthetic carbon utilization by Enteromorpha intestinalis                                                                            51

                                                     Table 2. Net photosynthetic O evolution rates of Enteromorpha
                                                     intestinalis in synthetic seawater, buffered to two different pH
                                                     values, containing 1±0 mol m−$ Ci (control), and rates (as
                                                     percentage of the controls) remaining after additions of inhibitors
                                                     of the two mechanisms for HCO− utilization (DIDS,
                                                     300 mmol m−$ ; AZ, 100 mmol m−$)

                                                             Control           DIDS            AZ         AZ­DIDS
                                                      pH (µmol g−" Fw h−") (% of control) (% of control) (% of control)

                                                      9±5     50±6³18±9         17±7³0±5       100±0³0±0      12±2³3±1
                                                      8±4     93±3³19±7         82±3³11±4       56±0³1±4      23±0³5±3
                                                                                                                           Fig. 1. Rates of net photosynthetic O evolution (NPS) by
                                                                                                                           Enteromorpha intestinalis as a function of Ci concentration at
                                                     Data are averages of three to six measurements³SD carried out on      pH 8±4 (open symbols) and pH 9±5 (filled symbols).
                                                     plants collected on 9 August.                                         Photosynthesis was measured either in the presence of the AE1
                                                                                                                           inhibitor DIDS (300 mmol m−$), illustrating the Ci-uptake
                                                     Similar results were obtained in non-buffered rockpool                characteristics of the CA-mediated mechanism (circles), or in the
                                                     water, showing that the AMPSO buffer per se did not                   presence of AZ, an inhibitor of external CA (100 mmol m−$),
                                                                                                                           illustrating the response of DIDS-sensitive HCO− uptake
                                                     interfere with photosynthetic rates and, thus, allowing                                                                  $
                                                                                                                           (diamonds). Data are from one experiment conducted on 9
                                                     for its use in subsequent experiments to prevent pH                   August.
                                                     changes in longer-term measurements and after the
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                                                     addition of AZ (the stock solution of which was strongly
                                                                                                                           Table 3. Photosynthetic Vmax and K " (Ci) values for Enteromorpha
                                                     basic). Photosynthesis of E. intestinalis was not inhibited                                                  #
                                                                                                                           intestinalis, at two different pH values, in the presence of DIDS
                                                     (but in fact slightly stimulated) by AZ, an inhibitor of              (300 mmol m−$) to illustrate the Ci-uptake characteristics of the
                                                     external CA, at pH 9±5. In rockpool water buffered to                 CA-mediated mechanism or in the presence of the CA inhibitor
                                                     pH 8±4, the inhibition by DIDS alone was some 50 % only,              AZ (100 mmol m−$) to illustrate the response of the DIDS-
                                                     suggesting that more than one HCO− utilization mech-                  sensitive HCO−-uptake mechanism
                                                                                              $                                              $
                                                     anism was operable at that pH. A complementary addition
                                                     of AZ caused a further inhibition of photosynthesis,                                            Lineweaver–Burk plot
                                                     verifying the presence of the CA-mediated mechanism.                                                                            Hanes plot
                                                     After this addition of AZ, 25 % of the original rate still            Condition         Vmax (µmol O g−" h−") K" (mol m−$)       Vmax (%)
                                                                                                                                                          #            #
                                                     remained, most of which probably resulted from uptake of
                                                                                                                           pH 8±4­AZ               35±1³18±3          0±17³0±12       86±1³10±9
                                                     CO supplied from the spontaneous dehydration of
                                                          #                                                                pH 8±4­DIDS            197±5³55±0          1±35³0±50       75±3³20
                                                     HCO−. Such remaining photosynthesis after both                        pH 9±5­AZ               44±6³17±7          0±31³0±06      102±3³6±5
                                                     inhibitors had been added was considerably lower at                   pH 9±5­DIDS                 –                 "3               –
                                                     pH 9±5 (c. 10 % of the original rate), which is in agreement
                                                     both with the lower fraction of CO present at Ci
                                                                                                #                          Data are averages of three experiments (³SD), in each of which the net
                                                     equilibrium and the much lower rate of spontaneous                    photosynthetic O evolution was measured in the range of
                                                     HCO− dehydration at that pH (Johnson, 1982). Despite                  0±1–2±2 mol m−$ Ci. Plants were collected on 9 August.
                                                     the presence of a CA-mediated mechanism, the addition of
                                                     AZ alone did not reduce the rate of photosynthesis at                 occasions, however, it may be due to differences in the
                                                     pH 8±4. Thus, at the comparably low Ci concentration of               physiological states of the plant material.
                                                     0±45 mol m−$, the DIDS-sensitive mechanism alone was                     By applying a selective inhibitor for one of the HCO−
                                                     capable of supplying most of the Ci uptake.                           utilization mechanisms at a time, it was possible to assess
                                                        The photosynthetic responses of E. intestinalis were               the capacity of the other. This was done at two different
                                                     also examined at a higher Ci concentration (1 mol m−$)                pH values by adding increasing concentrations of Ci after
                                                     in SSW. The results verify the presence of both HCO−                  the addition of the inhibitor. The results of such an
                                                     utilization mechanisms, of which the CA-mediated                      experiment are shown in Fig. 1, while Table 3 summarizes
                                                     mechanism did not function at the higher pH (i.e. AZ alone            photosynthetic Vmax and K" (Ci) values of three
                                                     had no effect at pH 9±5 ; Table 2). At pH 8±4, on the other           experiments. In the presence of DIDS, the CA-mediated
                                                     hand, AZ caused a significant reduction in photosynthesis             mechanism was the only mode of HCO− utilization in
                                                     rates, while as much as 80 % of the rate remained after               operation and CO , mainly derived from catalysed HCO−
                                                                                                                                              #                                      $
                                                     adding DIDS alone. The probable reason for the difference             dehydration, was the only Ci form crossing the plasma-
                                                     between these results and those above (i.e. in natural                lemma. Under such conditions E. intestinalis exhibited
                                                     rockpool water buffered to pH 8±4) is that the function of            high photosynthetic rates over most of the Ci range at
                                                     the CA-mediated mechanism is favoured at higher Ci                    pH 8±4 (open circles in Fig. 1) and showed a high Vmax. In
                                                     concentrations. There is no apparent reason for the                   addition, Ci saturation was nearly reached at the normal
                                                     difference in photosynthetic rates at pH 9±5 between                  seawater concentration (2 mol m−$). At pH 9±5, corre-
                                                     Tables 1 and 2 ; since the algae were collected on different          sponding net photosynthetic rates were low and reached
C. Larsson et al.                                                                                                                 52

                                                                                                                         response to Ci. At pH 9±5, the almost identical Vmax values
                                                                                                                         may be based on HCO− uptake only, since the con-
                                                                                                                         tribution of CO at such a high pH must be minimal.
                                                                                                                            Examination of the physical and chemical conditions of
                                                                                                                         a rockpool during a sunny day confirmed high pH values,
                                                                                                                         high O concentrations, low Ci levels and high levels of
                                                                                                                         nutrients other than Ci (Fig. 2). Comparing these findings
                                                                                                                         with the photosynthetic responses of E. intestinalis (Fig. 1)
                                                                                                                         reveals that, during most of the day, the pH of the water
                                                                                                                         is so high and the Ci concentration so low as not to allow
                                                                                                                         any Ci utilization via the CA-mediated mechanism, but
                                                                                                                         only via the DIDS-sensitive one. There is also a decrease
                                                                                                                         in the Ci concentration of the rockpool throughout the
                                                                                                                         day, confirming that photosynthetic Ci uptake by E.
                                                                                                                         intestinalis exceeds the CO supply from animals or from
                                                                                                                         the atmosphere. In the early morning, before photo-
                                                                                                                         synthesis starts, the Ci concentration is highest and the pH
                                                                                                                         reaches its lowest value.
                                                     Fig. 2. Diurnal variations in some physical and chemical
                                                     parameters of a rockpool similar to the one from which
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                                                     experimental plants were taken. (A) Scalar photon flux density
                                                     (PFD), temperature and salinity ; (B) dissolved inorganic carbon    The two known mechanisms for HCO− use in marine
                                                     (Ci), oxygen concentration (O ) and pH ; (C) total inorganic                                                       $
                                                                                     #                                   macroalgae, i.e. extracellular CA-catalysed HCO− de-
                                                     nitrogen (N-tot), nitrate (NO−), ammonium (NH+) and phosphate                                                                 $
                                                                                   $                   %                 hydration and direct HCO− uptake, are both present in E.
                                                     (PO$−) concentrations. The first three values (to the left of the
                                                     dotted line) are the same as those measured at the end of the       intestinalis. This is evidenced by the effects of the inhibitors
                                                     period (so as to show the periodicity more clearly).                of each mechanism (AZ and DIDS ; cf. Beer, 1994 ;
                                                                                                                         Axelsson et al., 1995) when added subsequently to
                                                                                                                         photosynthesizing thalli. However, when studied at
                                                     zero at c. 0±5 mol m−$ Ci (filled circles in Fig. 1). The shape     pH 9±5 and 0±45 mol m−$ Ci, the thalli showed no
                                                     of the Ci response curve at pH 9±5 during DIDS inhibition           evidence of a functional CA-mediated mechanism, and
                                                     did not allow for the determination of any Vmax or K"               only the DIDS-sensitive mechanism was utilized. Since the
                                                     values, but a comparison of the initial slopes at the two pH        pH was even higher, and the Ci concentration lower, in
                                                     values suggests that the K" at the higher pH was about 10           the rockpool during most of the day (cf. Fig. 2), it follows
                                                     times that at the lower pH and that Ci saturation occurred          that E. intestinalis living therein utilized only HCO− uptake
                                                     at a concentration far above that of natural seawater               via the DIDS-sensitive mechanism during that time. It has
                                                     (assuming that the Vmax was about the same at the two               been suggested earlier that direct HCO− transport is
                                                     pH values). In the presence of AZ, photosynthetic HCO−              favoured under such conditions since the equilibrium CO
                                                                                                                   $                                                                     #
                                                     utilization should be based on HCO− uptake via the                  concentration at high pH values would be extremely low
                                                     DIDS-sensitive mechanism. In this case, maximal Ci-based            (e.g. Axelsson et al., 1995). At pH 9±5, and 0±45 mol m−$
                                                     O evolution was similar at pH 8±4 and pH 9±5 (diamonds              Ci, the CO concentration is c. 0±05 mmol m−$, and it
                                                        #                                                                               #
                                                     in Fig. 1), and Ci saturation occurred well below the               would be even lower at pH 10 (c. 0±006 mmol m−$).
                                                     natural seawater Ci concentration (but close to the Ci level        Therefore, it is unlikely that E. intestinalis could make use
                                                     found in the rockpool, i.e. c. 0±5 mol m−$). The results of         of this Ci form even if its rate of resupply were secured by
                                                     these measurements thus verify the presence of two                  extracellular}surface-bound CA. Indeed, as evidenced
                                                     HCO−-utilizing mechanisms in the E. intestinalis collected          here, the extracellularly acting CA inhibitor AZ had no
                                                     from a rockpool : a DIDS-sensitive mechanism with                   effect on photosynthetic rates in rockpool water (nor in
                                                     comparatively low maximal capacity (Vmax) but a high                SSW of high pH).
                                                     affinity for Ci (i.e. a low K" value) at both pH 8±4 and 9±5           At high pH value, the CO#− concentration is high and,
                                                                                  #                                                                        $
                                                     (Table 3), and a surface-bound CA-mediated mechanism                since HCO− utilization via dehydration is not operating,
                                                     with high maximal capacity (Vmax) but a low affinity (i.e.          the question arises whether CO#− (in addition to HCO−)
                                                                                                                                                              $                        $
                                                     high K" value) for Ci which was very pH-dependent. For              could be used directly by E. intestinalis. Uptake of CO#−
                                                              #                                                                                                                        $
                                                     the CA-mediated mechanism at pH 8±4, the Lineweaver–                has been viewed as both non-existent and feasible :
                                                     Burk plot (which emphasizes photosynthetic rates at low             Maberly (1992) found that the presence of CO#− did not
                                                     Ci concentrations) gives a significantly higher Vmax than           affect photosynthesis rates of U. lactuca collected from
                                                     the Hanes plot (which emphasizes rates at high Ci levels).          British tidal pools while Drechsler et al (1994) found that
                                                     While this difference may have several explanations, the            the affinity for Ci at high pH values was in accordance
                                                     more similar Vmax values calculated from the two plots for          with the uptake of both HCO− and CO#−. In the latter
                                                                                                                                                             $           $
                                                     the DIDS-sensitive mechanism suggest a simpler kinetic              case, it was shown that residues of the high-pK amino
Photosynthetic carbon utilization by Enteromorpha intestinalis                                                                                   53

                                                     acids arginine and lysine probably comprised the binding}           the thalli (up to pH 10 within the unstirred boundary layer
                                                     transport site for HCO−, and that divalent anions might             of Ulva ; Beer & Israel, 1990). In the Swedish rockpool, the
                                                     also be utilized by the same transporter. In this study, the        pH and non-Ci nutrient levels were high and, due to the
                                                     DIDS-sensitive mechanism features a significant difference          photosynthetic activity and the stagnant water, it is likely
                                                     in Ci affinity at different pH values (Fig. 1, Table 3). Since      that the pH adjacent to the E. intestinalis thalli was even
                                                     the HCO− concentration is about 3 times lower at the                higher. Thus, in both of these habitats the CO con-
                                                                 $                                                                                                             #
                                                     higher pH, such a difference is in line with the assumption         centrations adjacent to the thalli of photosynthesizing
                                                     that only HCO− is taken up by this mechanism.                       algae must be so low that the CA-mediated mechanism
                                                        While only the function of the DIDS-sensitive mech-              common to many algae is not sufficient to supply enough
                                                     anism was found to be of importance for E. intestinalis             Ci. It is suggested that the DIDS-sensitive HCO− uptake
                                                     under the high-pH}low-Ci rockpool conditions, inhibition            mechanism has evolved as a response to such conditions,
                                                     of the CA-mediated mechanism with AZ reduced the                    and that it is expressed especially under conditions of
                                                     photosynthetic rates at pH 8±4 and 1 mol m−$ Ci. The fact           severe CO limitation. It is further suggested that this trait
                                                     that the latter mechanism was present (albeit not functional        is a contributing factor allowing these opportunistic green
                                                     at high pH) points to a potential for its use under                 algae to occupy the CO -constraining habitats in which
                                                     conditions of relatively low pH and high Ci concen-                 they grow. The fact that U. lactuca (which possesses the
                                                     trations. Such conditions are present in the morning hours          potential for a similar DIDS-sensitive HCO− uptake
                                                     or, alternatively, when the rockpools become flooded with           mechanism ; Axelsson et al., 1995) does not thrive in
                                                     fresh seawater. Thus, the presence of both mechanisms of            Swedish rockpools illustrates the truism that other traits,
                                                     HCO− utilization can be seen as an ideal adaptational               not connected with Ci utilization, are also of importance
Downloaded by [] at 13:55 01 July 2015

                                                     feature of E. intestinalis to normal seawater as well as to the     for determining the growth habitats of marine green algae.
                                                     varying conditions within the rockpool on both a diurnal
                                                     and a longer-term basis. Also, the maximal capacity (as             Acknowledgements
                                                     reflected in the Vmax value) of the CA-mediated mechanism
                                                     is higher than that of the DIDS-sensitive mechanism, and            Dr G. Magnusson is thanked for the help with nutrient
                                                     this feature can be favourably utilized at higher Ci                analyses. The provision of working facilities at
                                                     concentrations during, for example, flooding of the                 Kristineberg Marine Research Station is greatly appreci-
                                                     rockpool. Under stagnant conditions of high pH and                  ated. This investigation was supported by the Royal
                                                     lower-than-ambient Ci concentrations, however, DIDS-                Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Natural
                                                     sensitive HCO− uptake can support positive photo-                   Science Research Council, the Royal Society of Arts and
                                                                        $                                                Sciences in Gothenberg, the Magnus Bergvall foundation,
                                                     synthetic rates while the CA-mediated mechanism under
                                                     such conditions could not account for any photosynthesis            the Lars Hierta foundation, and the R. J. Gust Richert
                                                     at all (cf. Figs 1, 2 and Table 3).                                 foundation.
                                                        The DIDS-sensitive mechanism has previously been
                                                     described only for two Ulva species, and only forms                 References
                                                     growing in the eastern Mediterranean featured HCO−
                                                                                                                     $   A, L., U, J. & R, H. (1991). Mechanisms for con-
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