Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation

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Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation
Executive Education 2018/2019
Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation
The Institute
of Banking

The Institute of Banking is the largest       Professional development of our members through education is at the
                                              heart of what we do. We are a not-for-profit organisation. The Institute
professional institute in Ireland. We are a   provides university-level banking education programmes and related
                                              services. These enable our members to achieve and sustain their
community over 34,000 members who work        professional qualifications and continuing professional development –
in banking and in both international and      essential in meeting customer and regulatory expectations. More than
                                              10,500 individuals are currently studying with us.
local financial services in the Republic of
Ireland and Northern Ireland.                 Excellence in education
                                              As a recognised college of University College Dublin (UCD)
                                              and the standout industry educator, we offer qualifications of the
                                              highest standard.

                                              We currently have more than 40 programmes ranging from
                                              Professional Certificates (level 7 on the NFQ) to Masters
                                              Degrees (level 9).

                                              The Institute also provides specialist education programmes
                                              (including the Certified Bank Director Programme), continuing
                                              professional development training and customised training
                                              programmes through the executive education department,
                                              directed by Dr. Margaret Cullen.

                                              We design our programmes to be practical and relevant, but
                                              grounded in academic rigour. We focus on providing innovative
                                              and flexible education options to ensure that we meet your changing
                                              needs. All our programmes are part-time.

                                              The Certified Bank Director Programme is part of a Framework
                                              to educate the industry from entry level to Senior Executive.
Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation
A Few Words from Dr. Margaret Cullen,
Director of Executive Education,
The Institute of Banking.

Through the Corporate Governance Requirements for Credit
Institutions 2015 and the Fitness & Probity Standards 2011,
the Central Bank of Ireland introduced new rules to ensure that
robust governance arrangements and appropriate oversight and
standards are in place to avoid or minimise the risk of a future
crisis. The banking sector has gone through a fundamental and
unprecedented restructuring, with banks having to redefine and
re-engineer their banking models. Against the background of
more stringent capital and liquidity requirements in Basel III and
the emergence of Fintech, Boards of Directors are tasked with
developing strategies that provide sustainable profitable growth.

Understanding the risk profile and risk appetite in the context of
overall strategy and the dynamic relationship between risk appetite,
profitability and stakeholder value maximisation are key features
of the Central Bank’s Corporate Governance Requirements for
Credit Institutions 2015. Board directors therefore should be
highly aware of the key issues and be in a position to offer well-
grounded views and provide challenge as part of their board
responsibilities and participation. The Certified Bank Director
programme is unique in the Irish market, designed specifically for
Bank Directors, (executive and non-executive directors). It is an
intensive 10 day programme completed in two separate blocks.

The programme provides participants with a comprehensive
understanding of the unique governance issues associated with
banks arising from the inherent complexity of banking business
models and their risk profile. It also provides an understanding
of the duties and responsibilities of directors and the behaviours
required of them and well-functioning boards. Inadequate credit
assessment was identified as a key contributor to the banking
crisis and governance issues in relation to risk will receive
particular attention during the programme. While strongly rooted
in academic research, theory and regulation, the programme is
designed to provide practical knowledge and application.

We look forward to welcoming you on the programme.

Dr. Margaret Cullen
Director of Executive Education
The Institute of Banking

The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                      Introduction   01
Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation
About the                                                                                      An excellent programme designed by the
                                                                                               Institute of Banking. I found the structured

Certified Bank                                                                          delivery and content of lectures, workshops and
                                                                                       assignments were very comprehensive and afforded

Director Programme                                                                     the opportunity to explore the unique governance
                                                                                       issues in banks arising from the complexity of their
                                                                                       business model, risk profile and regulation. More
                                                                                       critically it also encouraged a deep understanding of
                                                                                       the development and monitoring of strategy plans to
                                                                                       enable profitable, sustainable growth aligned with
                                                                                       fair outcomes for customers. Real diversity in the
                                                                                       cohort of participants from across financial services
                                                                                       also contributed strongly to the learning within the
                                                                                       classroom and the overall value of the programme.”

                                                                                       Kate O’Donnell
                                                                                       Director Customer Proposition,
                                                                                       Distribution Channels Bank of Ireland

Programme delivery and curriculum                                         Who should undertake this programme?
The Certified Bank Director programme is delivered two times per          The Certified Bank Director programme is targeted at executive and
year in Dublin. The programme comprises 9 modules delivered over          non-executive directors of the main and subsidiary boards of banks.
10 days across two blocks of five days’ duration each. A panel of         It will be highly beneficial, not only to individuals new to the roles and
subject area experts drawn from academia and industry lead each           responsibilities of being a bank director, but also to experienced bank
of the individual modules. The emphasis in the programme is on the        directors operating in a significantly changed regulatory landscape.
application of key concepts to enhance the skills of participants and     This programme is also targeted at senior managers aspiring to be
to create a learning forum where challenges can be explored and           bank executive directors and identified as potential future executive
wisdom and insights dissected and shared.                                 directors within their organisation.

On completion of this programme candidates will:                          Assessment
                                                                          An assessment is attached to each module to ensure that the learning
- 	Understand the essence of a bank, the banking system, the lessons     outcomes associated with the module have been achieved.
   from the banking crisis, and the likely future development of
   banking post-crisis                                                    The assessment will take the form of a learning journal recorded by
- 	Appreciate the implications of recent regulatory changes and the      programme participants during and on completion of each block. A
   legal, regulatory and governance framework relevant to board           learning journal is a reflective log that records a participant’s learning
   directors;                                                             experience of a particular topic/module. It allows participants to
- 	Comprehend the unique risk profile of banking models, including       reflect on how their study and learning has developed during each
   the systematic and systemic implications of risk-related policies in   module, what they are learning and the relevance or application of this
   the context of strategy and the relationship between risk appetite,    learning to their own experiences in a work setting. The content of
   profitability and stakeholder maximisation;                            the learning journal will be unique to each participant and will reflect
                                                                          their experiences during the class and their own interpretation of the
- 	Appreciate the importance of the internal governance processes
                                                                          material presented. The learning journal will be evaluated and graded
   and the application of best practice;
                                                                          by the Programme Director to assess the participant’s knowledge,
- 	Understand the behaviours required from well-functioning boards       synthesis, analysis and development.
   and the expectations and requirements of individual directors.

                                                                          On successful completion of this programme, candidates will earn the
                                                                          professional designation of Certified Bank Director from the Institute
                                                                          of Banking.

                                                                          Continuing professional development
                                                                          Certified Bank Directors have an obligation to develop and maintain the
                                                                          level of professional competence relevant to their positions. The Institute
                                                                          of Banking offers Certified Bank Directors a comprehensive CPD
                                                                          programme to help them meet their CPD requirements. The Institute
                                                                          supports Certified Bank Directors through the ongoing provision of
                                                                          regulatory and best practice readings and updates, including a monthly
                                                                          Certified Bank Director Radar.

02   The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                    About the CBD Programme
Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation
Programme Curriculum

  BLOCK 1                                                 BLOCK 2

  Module 1                                                Module 6
  Bank Governance I - Introduction                        Liquidity Management
  - 	Theoretical Perspectives on Corporate Governance    - Asset and liability management
  - 	Definition of Corporate Governance                  - ALM governance in banks
  - 	Failures in Governance and the Banking Crisis       - Basel III Liquidity Metrics
  - 	Legal responsibilities and duties of the board      - Funding sources/classes
  - 	Regulatory framework for credit institutions        - Balance sheet structures
                                                          - Fund Transfer Pricing
  Module 2
  Bank Regulation                                         - Stress Testing
  - Theory of Regulation                                  Module 7
  - Regulatory Responses to the Financial Crises          Analysis of Bank Financial Statements
  - Regulatory Architecture                               - Analysing bank financial statements
  - Current Regulatory Framework                          - 	Classification and measurement rules
  - Future of Bank Regulation                                (fair value vs. amortised cost)
                                                          - Impairments of financial assets
  Module 3
                                                          - Measuring capital
  Bank Capital (Including Stress Testing)
                                                          - 	Introduction to retail bank disclosures
  -	What is capital?
                                                             (IFRS 7 - interest rate, credit, liquidity, FX and market risk)
  - Introduction to Basel II
  - Key requirements                                      Module 8
  - Basel III/CRD IV                                      Bank Strategy
                                                          - 	The strategic landscape
  Module 4                                                - 	Key strategic challenges to the banking industry
                                                          - 	Developing best practice strategy for the future of banking
  - 	Interest rate risk in the banking book
                                                          - 	Capital allocation and dynamic balance sheet management
  - 	Market risk
  - 	Liquidity risk                                      Module 9
  - 	Operational risk                                    Bank Governance II
  - 	Enterprise risk management                          - Boards’ role in practice
  - Conduct risk                                          - Board process
                                                          - 	Internal Governance Frameworks
  Module 5                                                - Ethics and the board
  Credit (Risk and Philosophy)
                                                          - Board effectiveness: behavioural aspects of boards
  - Appetite and policy
                                                          - Executive remuneration and incentives
  - Underwriting
  - Credit review and oversight
  - Credit grading of loans and portfolios
  - Models - use and effectiveness
  - Credit portfolio analysis
  - Credit losses - provisioning, process and recovery
  - Credit pricing and return on capital
  - Different types of lending
  - Derivatives and off balance sheet items

The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director        Programme Curriculum                                                  03
Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation
Programme Schedule

 BLOCK 1 (5 days)                                        Cohort 15                      Cohort 16                     Cohort 18
 Module 1 (1/2 day)
 Bank Governance I                                       8 October 2018                 4 February 2019               7 October 2019
 Module 2 (1/2 day)
 Bank Regulation                                         8 October 2018                 4 February 2019               7 October 2019
 Module 3 (1 day)
 Bank Capital (Including Stress                          9 October 2018                 5 February 2019               8 October 2019
 Module 4 (2 days)
 Risk (I) Operational Risk and ERM                       10 October 2018                6 February 2019               9 October 2019
 Risk (II) Market, Liquidity, IRRBB                      11 October 2018                7 February 2019               10 October 2019
 Risk (III) Conduct Risk                                 11 October 2018                7 February 2019               10 October 2019
 Module 5 (1 day)
 Credit (Risk and Philosophy)                            12 October 2018                8 February 2019               11 October 2019

 BLOCK 2 (5 days)
 Module 6 (1 day)
 Liquidity Management                                    3 December 2018                8 April 2019                  2 December 2019
 Module 7 (1 day)
 Analysis of Bank Accounting                             4 December 2018                9 April 2019                  3 December 2019
 Module 8 (1 day)
 Bank Strategy                                           5 December 2018                10 April 2019                 4 December 2019

 Module 9 (2 days)
 Bank Governance II                                      6 & 7 December 2018            11 & 12 April 2019            5 & 6 December 2019

 Application Deadline                                    30 June 2018                   30 November 2018              29th July 2019

*Cohort 17 will be delivered in the UK. For more information please see relevant programme brochure on our website.

04   The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                           Programme Schedule 2018/2019
Executive Education 2018/2019 www.iob.ie/executiveeducation
Having spent over eight years as an Executive Director of Citibank Europe
                                                           plc, I was very attracted to the Certified Bank Director Programme as a means
                                                    of benchmarking my understanding of banking business models and governance
                                                    against a formally organised professional programme.
                                                    The benefits were tremendous, not least my ability to formally review all pertinent
                                                    industry and regulatory material again as well as to reflect on and debate strategic
                                                    issues. It also provided a focused opportunity to thoroughly reflect on the material
                                                    and draw deep learning experiences from that exercise as well as engaging
                                                    interactively with a network of very senior bank directors on important industry
                                                    topics - past, current and future. There is also a valuable continuing professional
                                                    development component to enable those who undertake the programme to keep up to
                                                    date with governance related issues.
                                                    The standards of the modules delivered through an expert group of industry and
                                                    academic lecturers were enhanced further by the deep insights gleaned from the
                                                    This programme is a must for those involved with bank boards and it will enhance
                                                    professional standards and knowledge in the sector at board level.”
                                                    Brian Hayes
                                                    Former Managing Director Citibank Europe plc and Independent Non-Executive Director

Programme                                           For more information contact
The Gibson Hotel
Point Village

Dr Kate Cullen is a behavioural researcher
who lectures extensively on topics relating         Dr. Kate Cullen MBS, ACMA, PhD                     Eva Kiss BBS, MSc
to management control, decision-making,             Programme Director, Executive Education            Admissions and Relationship Manager
and business and board ethics. Kate                 The Institute of Banking                           The Institute of Banking
holds a BComm (Banking and Finance),                IFSC                                               IFSC
an MBS (Financial Services), and a PhD              North Wall Quay                                    North Wall Quay
from University College Dublin and is               Dublin 1                                           Dublin 1
an associate of the Chartered Institute
of Management Accountants. Kate                     D:   +353 (0)86 334 4436                           D:   +353 (0)1 611 6570
has a strong background in financial                F:   +353 (0)1 611 6565                            T:   +353 (0)1 611 6500
services, having previously worked                  E:   kate.cullen@iob.ie                            F:   +353 (0)1 611 6565
in wealth management and financial                  W:   www.iob.ie/cbd                                E:   eva.kiss@iob.ie
services consulting, prior to joining                                                                  W:   www.iob.ie/cbd
University College Dublin, where she                Candidates interested in participating on
remains as an associate lecturer.                   the Certified Bank Director Programme are          As the number of places on the programme
                                                    advised to speak to the Programme Director         is restricted, early applications are
                                                    prior to submitting an application.                encouraged. An application form is available
                                                                                                       from the Admissions and Relationship

The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                              Further Information                                                05

Dr Margaret Cullen                                                            Mr Kevin McConnell
(Director Of Executive Education)                                             Subject Area: Bank Strategy
Subject Area: Bank Governance
                                                                              Kevin, a Chartered Financial Analyst, has more than 15 years
Dr. Margaret Cullen is a specialist in the areas of corporate and             of experience in the investment industry, specialising in the
investment fund governance. Margaret holds a BA in Economics                  banking and insurance sectors. For the past five years, he has
from University College Dublin, an MSc in Investment and Treasury             been an external strategic advisor to a number of banks and to a
from Dublin City University and a PhD in corporate governance from            range of international debt and equity investors in the sector.
University College Dublin. Her doctoral research explored the role and
effectiveness of boards of directors in investment fund governance.           He has worked on both the buy and sell side of the capital
                                                                              markets. Kevin is a senior lecturer on the Masters in Finance
Prior to completing her doctoral research, Margaret worked                    programme, Trinity College Dublin, he delivers the Institute
for 12 years in the financial services industry. She has held                 of Banking’s Professional Certificate in Complex Financial
senior positions at ABN AMRO International Financial Services                 Instruments in International Financial Services and is Programme
Company, the Central Bank, JP Morgan Bank Ireland plc. and                    Director on its Professional Diploma in Alternatives.
RBC Dexia Investor Services Ireland Limited where she gained
significant experience in the areas of treasury management,                   He also serves as the examiner for the Certified Financial Planner
investment fund regulation, compliance and risk management.                   (CFP) accreditation for FPSB Ireland. Kevin is a principal with
                                                                              K3 Consulting and Gem Strategic, which specialise in executive-
Dr. Cullen is an associate lecturer on the Professional Diploma in            level strategic consulting in the financial services arena.
Corporate Governance for the UCD Centre for Corporate Governance
lecturing in the areas of executive remuneration and behavioural
aspects of boards. Margaret is CEO of the Certified Investment Fund           Ms Oonagh Carroll
Director Institute, a specialist institute within the Institute of Banking.   Subject Area: Capital and Credit

In 2009 she carried out independent research on behalf of the                 Oonagh Carroll is Director of Regulatory Reporting and Operations
Irish Stock Exchange and the Irish Association of Investment                  at Bank of Ireland. Prior to joining Bank of Ireland, Oonagh
Managers, on compliance by Irish listed companies with the                    worked in PwC as a Director in the PwC Banking Team, leading a
Combined Code (now the UK Corporate Governance Code). The                     specialist team providing credit risk advice and services to banks
recommendations contained in the final report led to the publication          and other clients. Oonagh holds a BA in Accounting & Finance
by the Irish Stock Exchange of the Irish Corporate Governance                 from Dublin City University, an MSc in Risk Management from
Annex as an accompaniment to their Listing Rules. Margaret is                 University College Dublin and is a Chartered Accountant.
a former director of the Corporate Governance Association of
Ireland and the Qualifications and Quality Authority of Ireland.              Prior to joining PwC Oonagh worked with the Ulster Bank Group
She is a non-executive director of The Progressive Building                   for 13 years. Oonagh was Head of Strategic Credit Analysis within
Society and chairs its personnel and remuneration committee.                  Credit Risk function with key focus areas such as loss provision
                                                                              reporting and forecasting, development and provision of credit
                                                                              management information, validation of credit risk capital, credit capital
                                                                              forecasting, credit quality assurance and Basel wholesale credit
                                                                              models. She also worked in Retail Banking ROI and in Lombard
                                                                              Ireland, in business information and analysis and finance roles.

                                                                              Oonagh trained as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG and was
                                                                              an audit manager there. Oonagh delivers the Credit Risk module on
                                                                              the Institute of Banking’s Executive Masters in Risk Management.

06   The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                        Faculty
Professor Eamonn Walsh                                                Mr Michael Feeney
Subject Area: Analysing Bank Financial Statements                     Subject Area: Credit

Eamonn is PwC Professor of Accounting at UCD. He has served           Michael’s professional career spans both banking and public
as Dean of the Smurfit School of Business and Chairman of             service. Michael joined the Banking Supervision team of the
the Accounting Department. His primary research, teaching and         Financial Regulator in January 2009 to lead the Credit team. He
consulting interests are in the areas of financial analysis, equity   managed the Credit section of the Financial Measures Project in
valuation and US securities markets. A co-author of three books,      2011. Michael held a number of senior management positions
his research has been published in Accounting Organisations           at Ulster Bank, including Head of Credit and Regional General
and Society, the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,          Manager of the Retail Bank in the Republic of Ireland. He has also
and the Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance. He was the        completed project work for the International Monetory Fund.
founding editor of European Accounting and served as associate
editor of the Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance.             Michael is a Fellow of the Institute of Banking, holds a Bachelor
                                                                      of Commerce degree from University College Dublin and is a
Prior to joining UCD, he held faculty positions at the London         Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants.
School of Economics and New York University. Visiting
appointments have included UC Berkeley and Peking University.         Michael was appointed Chief Executive of the Institute of Banking
A consultant to a number of leading European, US and                  in December 2011.
Asian corporations, he has also completed assignments with
governmental organisations, the International Monetary Fund
and the United Nations. He was the inaugural recipient of the         Dr Kate Cullen
Institute of Chartered Accountants Excellence in Education Award
and has been a presenter at the World Economic Forum.
                                                                      (Programme Director of Executive Education)
                                                                      Subject Area: Conduct and Ethics

                                                                      Dr Kate Cullen is a BComm (Banking and Finance), MBS (Financial
Ms Máiréad Devine                                                     Services), and PhD graduate from University College Dublin.
Subject Area: Bank Regulation and Conduct                             Kate has lectured extensively on topics relating to management
                                                                      control, including business and board ethics, culture and conduct.
Máiréad Devine is responsible for Regulatory Risk Strategy for        Kate’s research interests are behavioural in nature and, to date,
Bank of Ireland Group Regulatory Compliance and Risk. She             have focused on the psychology of decision-making, exploring
was formerly the Head of Risk, Governance and Accounting              decision-makers’ susceptibility to decision-making biases.
Policy in the Central Bank of Ireland. In this role Máiréad had
responsibility for the regulatory risk framework, PRISM, and the      Kate has a strong background in financial services, having previously
development of policy in corporate governance, risk management,       worked in wealth management and financial services consulting, with
accounting and auditing. Máiréad was previously a Director in the     Davy and Deloitte respectively. In Davy, Kate worked in many areas
PwC Regulatory Advisory Services team where she specialised           of their private clients business, including portfolio management and
in the provision of prudential, governance, risk management and       property investment, while at Deloitte, she offered advisory services to
compliance services across the financial services spectrum.           a wide range of financial services institutions. During that time, Kate
                                                                      also became an associate of the Chartered Institute of Management
Máiréad previously worked as a prudential specialist with             Accountants. In 2009, Kate joined the College of Business in
PwC UK in the Financial Services Regulatory Practice. Prior           University College Dublin as a member of the academic faculty.
to that she was a Manager in the Regulatory Policy Division
at the Bank of England, where she represented the Bank                Kate continues to lecture in UCD at postgraduate and executive
in negotiating aspects of Basel II (notably in the areas of           education levels as an associate member of the faculty. Kate joined
disclosure, aspects of credit risk and accounting policy). She        the Institute in 2016 as Programme Director of both specialist
started her career as an Economist in the Economic Analysis           director programmes, the Certified Bank Director Programme
and Research Department of the Central Bank of Ireland.               and the Certified Investment Fund Director Programme.

The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                     Faculty                                                               07
Mr Gerry Roseingrave                                                    Dr Peter Osborne
Subject Area: Liquidity Management                                      Subject Area: Company Law

Gerry Roseingrave`s career in Financial Markets started in the          Peter has undergraduate degrees in a number of disciplines
late 1970’s with Bank of Ireland. After several years he joined         including Law and holds a doctorate in Law (1997). He is a
ABN AMRO Group where he worked for over 20 years. In 2010               solicitor qualified to practise in Ireland and in Northern Ireland
he joined the Central Bank of Ireland as a senior Treasury Analyst      and lectured and examined in Law in The Queen’s University of
and in December 2016 he took up a new position in PTSB.                 Belfast from 1991 to 1997 during which time he also researched
                                                                        and wrote extensively on legal topics. Peter has practised as
He worked in both the Dublin and New York branches                      a full-time consultant with McCann FitzGerald since 2000.
while at Bank of Ireland. He was responsible for the
management of interest rate and foreign exchange trading                Peter has a legal advisory practice. He has particular expertise in
activities in the Financial Markets area during this time.              reasoning and legal problem-solving, legal risk assessment and
                                                                        management, statutory and other legal drafting and in advising in
In his career at ABN AMRO he held senior positions in Amsterdam         legal and regulatory issues in complex projects and transactions.
and Dublin: these included Regional Head of Trading CEEMEA,             These have included many substantial national and private
Global Head of Market Risk for Emerging Markets, Head of ALM for        infrastructure projects and legal and regulatory compliance
Central and Eastern Europe and Country Executive Ireland. Following     initiatives in the financial services, State and corporate sectors.
the split of the ABN AMRO Group he was seconded in 2008 to Ulster
Bank where he held the position of Treasurer until December 2009.       Peter advises on banking and financial services licensing and
                                                                        regulatory compliance and generally in administrative, banking and
In 2010 he joined the Central Bank of Ireland where he was              finance, corporate and commercial law and corporate governance.
appointed Head of the Treasury Team within Banking Supervision          Peter frequently assists clients in legal risk assessment and
Division. This team was responsible for the oversight of the Treasury   management and in formulating legal responses to crisis situations,
operations of licensed banks. His team was responsible for managing     engagements that are, by their nature, sensitive and confidential.
and leading PLAR (Prudential Liquidity Assessment Review) the           He also drafts legislation for a number of State clients.
liquidity element of the Financial Measures Programme 2011 and
reporting thereafter to the Troika on liquidity developments.           Peter combines extensive legal and regulatory knowledge
                                                                        and experience with a keen appreciation of the commercial
In November 2014 the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)                 and policy-related context. Peter has an advisory input
resulted in a substantial organisational change within the Banking      into a large proportion of the transactions and regulatory
Supervision Division of the Central Bank of Ireland. As a result        issues in which McCann FitzGerald is engaged.
he was assigned to the Inspections Division within Banking
Supervision where as Head of Mission he led inspections of              Peter also manages McCann FitzGerald’s research and know-how
Credit Institutions – predominantly in the Treasury space.              functions and the firm’s team of professional support lawyers.

In December 2016 he joined PTSB as senior Advisor to the
Chief Risk Officer on asset and liability management matters.

He has extensive expertise in crisis situations most particularly
from an Asset and Liability perspective. In his position as Regional
Head of Trading CEEMEA 1997-2001 in ABN AMRO, he helped
to manage the Treasury operations of ABN AMRO Prague and
Moscow during their country’s crises in 1997 and 1998 respectively.

08   The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                  Faculty
Professor Brian O’Kelly                                                  Mr Richard Pike
Subject Area: Market, Liquidity Risk, IRRBB                              Subject Area: Operational Risk and ERM

Professor Brian O’Kelly is Adjunct Professor of Finance at Dublin City   Richard has extensive experience of working with financial institutions
University and Programme Director of its MSc in Investment, Treasury     and technology companies throughout the world, assisting companies
and Banking. He holds engineering and MBA degrees from UCD, and          in managing enterprise risk more efficiently while addressing local
an MSc in Investment and Treasury and PhD degrees from DCU. His          regulatory guidelines and standards. He is currently an Independent
PhD thesis was on the valuation of Collateralised Debt Obligations       Non Executive Director at PermanentTSB Bank plc., JP Morgan Fund
(CDO).                                                                   Administration Services (Ireland) Limited and JP Morgan Hedge Fund
                                                                         Services (Ireland) Limited.
Brian has worked in the financial markets for over twenty years.
His early experience was of commodity price hedging for ESB.             He has previously worked in various senior banking, insurance,
Later, he worked in corporate banking and risk management at AIB         credit and market risk roles at Wolters Kluwer Financial Services,
Capital Markets and with QED Equity. He has undertaken consulting        ABN AMRO, Bain, COMIT Gruppe and Quay Financial Software.
assignments with the Central Bank of Ireland, the Department of          He has analysed, designed and managed the development of core
Finance, Wells Fargo Bank International and De Nederlandsche Bank.       treasury and enterprise risk management systems for large financial
                                                                         institutions, including UBS, Citibank, Schroders and Unicredito. In
Brian delivers the Fixed Income and Financial Engineering modules        2009, Richard was recognised as a “Top 50” Face of Operational Risk
on the Institute of Banking’s Executive Masters in Risk Management       by Op Risk & Compliance magazine and was a contributing author to
and lectures in Derivatives, Banking and Fixed Income in Dublin          two books on risk management.
City University. He has lectured on the MSc in Quantitative Finance
and the MBA in University College Dublin, as well as the MSc in          He is also a board member of the Governance, Risk and Compliance
Financial Engineering in NUI Maynooth. He has delivered executive        Technology Centre which focuses on research in the area of financial
programmes for the Institute of Banking on credit risk, market risk      services governance, risk and compliance.
and Basel III.
                                                                         Richard has also received the designation of ‘Certified Bank Director’
Professor O’Kelly is a speaker at numerous conferences, and has also     by the Institute of Banking.
written articles on securitisation, accounting, banking and regulation
for industry journals such as Banking Ireland and Accountancy Ireland,
and academic journals such as Journal of International Money and
Finance and World Economy.

The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director                        Faculty                                                             09

10   The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director
The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director   11

12   The Institute of Banking | Certified Bank Director
The Institute of Banking
1 North Wall Quay
Dublin 1

P:   +353 (0)1 611 6500
F:   +353 (0)1 611 6565
E:   info@iob.ie
W:   www.iob.ie
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