Page created by Melissa Butler
On Campus and In-School Outreach Programs


      3.       Why Experience UTAS?
      4.       Hobart campus Activities
      10.      Launceston campus Activities
      15.      Cradle Coast campus Activities
      17.      Other Activities for School Students

how do I book a visit?
Go to the ‘Career advisor or teacher’ section on the Future Students website to complete and submit the
online booking form and your Student Recruitment regional Liaison Officer will get back to you shortly
If you experience any problems accessing the system, please call us on 1300 363 864.

who do I contact for more information?
If you would like to discuss your school’s involvement in Experience UTAS, or other opportunities for us to engage
with your students, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Southern School                            Northern School                         North West Coast School
Liaison Officers                           Liaison Officers                        Liaison Officer
Emma Atkinson                              Sue Musgrave                            Carrie Smith
T              (03) 6226 1912              T          (03) 6324 3435               T              (03) 6430 5985
F              (03) 6226 2087              F          (03) 6324 3026               F              (03) 6430 4950
E              Emma.Atkinson@utas.edu.au   E          Sue.Musgrave@utas.edu.au     E              Carrie.Smith@utas.edu.au

Holly Irving                               Fiona Symons
T              (03) 6226 2543              T          (03) 6324 3229
F              (03) 6226 2087              F          (03) 6324 3026
E              Holly.Irving@utas.edu.au    E          Fiona.Symons@utas.edu.au

Experience UTAS was developed to                Visits to one of                                  with a number of roadblocks and detours
ensure Tasmanian students have an easier                                                          along the way. This program serves as an
transition from school to tertiary study.       the UTAS campuses                                 informal tour of the University as well as a
For many years, the Student Recruitment         Our campus visits are tailored to suit the        fact-finding activity.
team has been working with schools and          needs of your students. Your group can
students to provide a ‘taste’ of what UTAS      be on campus for as little as 1 ½ hours
has to offer by organising age appropriate,
in-school and on campus programs
                                                through to a full day program. It can involve
                                                an Amazing Race, tour and discussions
                                                                                                  GUIDED TOURS
throughout the State. Over 70 school groups     with current students or concentrate on
from Tasmanian secondary and senior                                                               No. of Students: Subject to negotiation
                                                one or two specific subject areas that the
secondary schools participated in one or        University of Tasmania offers. Our team           Length: 30 minutes - 1 hour
more Experience UTAS programs in 2013.          will be happy to provide you with previous
                                                                                                  Age Group: All age groups
Benefits of participating in                    programs so you can get a feel for the
Experience UTAS                                 variety of what’s on offer, and then discuss      Campus: All campuses
                                                with you how we can adapt the program to
• Students experience a taste of what                                                            A comprehensive tour of the campus and
                                                suit your needs.
   UTAS can offer them – either on one                                                            commentary on the different course options
   of our campuses or in their own school       Getting started                                   available at the University of Tasmania.
   environment                                  • Canvas where your students’ interests lie       This program is usually conducted in small
                                                                                                  groups with University students as guides.
• Students can explore areas of study          •L
                                                  ook through the guide and highlight            Guided tours can be included in a package
   which may not be part of their school’s       areas of interest                                with workshop electives.
                                                  omplete the online booking form with
• Barriers to post-compulsory education are
                                                                                                  WORKSHOP ELECTIVES
                                                 proposed dates, times and interest areas.
   broken down in a fun and engaging way
                                                  Student Recruitment Officer will
The Student Recruitment team acts                contact you to confirm your request
as your first point of contact with the                                                           This workshop will allow students to
University of Tasmania. We have team            •W
                                                  e will confirm the program                     experience pre-selected areas of interest
members in all regions who will assist           approximately two weeks before the visit         (see the listings on following pages).
with the coordination of any event your                                                           This program is more structured and
                                                  ou will need to advise us of the final
school wishes to arrange, whether it be at                                                        focuses on more detailed information on
                                                 numbers for each session one week prior
your school or on one of our campuses.                                                            the students’ area of interest. This may
                                                 to the visit
                                                                                                  include a presentation, hands-on activity
                                                This ensures that all parties are fully briefed   as well as a tour of the relevant facilities.
                                                and able to make the program as successful        University students and academic staff are
WHAT’S ON OFFER?                                as possible.                                      also involved in this program. If you have
                                                                                                  students who are interested in an area that
                                                A Student Recruitment Officer will be your
                                                                                                  is not listed please let us know and we will
Visits to your School                           host on campus and provide your students
                                                                                                  endeavour to cater to these groups.
                                                with a general presentation, including
We are happy to visit your school to
                                                information on the benefits of going to
deliver presentations on the University of
                                                university, scholarships, accommodation, the
Tasmania’s offerings or to participate in
                                                application process and more. The following
other careers related events upon request.
                                                options can be incorporated into a package
Suitable for grades 7 - 12, our presentations   with other activities listed in this booklet.
cover the following topics:
• Course options
• UTAS pathways
                                                AMAZING RACE
• Scholarships                                  No. of Students: Subject to negotiation;
                                                divided into groups of 5 - 8 students
• Support Services
                                                Length: 30 minutes - 1 hour
• Differences between school and
   university                                   Age Group: Grades 7 - 9
• University life                               Campus: All campuses
We encourage at least a 45 minute               Themed like the popular television show, the
timeslot to deliver our presentation which      aim of this program is to allow students to
will allow for setup and a short question       gain information about the courses, services
and answer session afterwards. We can           and environment that the University of
also tailor a presentation to suit the needs/   Tasmania has to offer whilst developing
wants of your school.                           their navigation, team building and research
                                                skills. Students gather information through
                                                a series of riddles and tasks but are faced

hobart campus
The main University of Tasmania campus in
Hobart is set on 100 hectares in the suburb
of Sandy Bay, just five minutes from the city
centre and beside the Derwent River. Also in
and around Hobart are world-class facilities
• The Conservatorium of Music;
• The Tasmanian College of the Arts (TCotA);
• The new multi-million dollar Medical
   Sciences Precinct;
• The University Farm;
• State-of-the-art Media Lab;
• The University of Tasmania Observatory;
• The Institute for Marine and Antarctic
   Studies (IMAS) and more.

        You may also like
  the ‘Other Activities for School
    Students’ from page 17 for
additional campus-based activities
             in Hobart
EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Hobart campus
Accommodation                                   Various taster topics are available             Chemistry
                                                depending on the interests and grade
No. of Students: 30 maximum                     level of the visiting group. In all sessions,   No. of Students: 30 maximum
Length: 25 minutes                              students will have the opportunity to discuss   Length: 45 minutes - 1 hour
                                                expectations in a university environment,
Age Group: Grades 10 - 12                       meet staff from Accounting and Corporate        Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
Style: Tour                                     Governance and experience a practical           Style: Presentation with demonstrations
                                                demonstration of business transactions and
Accommodation Services offers a range of        financial statements.                           Related Course/s: Bachelor of Science
on-campus housing options for students, in                                                      and others
both Hobart and Launceston. Tours of the
residences will give high school students
                                                Agricultural Science                            Chemistry is a central science and
                                                No. of Students: 25 maximum                     underpins careers in health and biological
a first-hand view of the excellent facilities
                                                                                                sciences, engineering and materials
including study bedrooms, catering facilities   Length: 45 minutes - 1 hour                     science, and environmental science. The
and recreation areas.
                                                Age Group: Grades 7 - 12 (best suited to        study of physical and chemical properties
                                                                                                of substances, including the synthesis and
Accommodation: Jane                             Grade 11 & 12)
                                                                                                analysis of chemicals, and understanding
Franklin Hall                                   Style: Demonstrations & ‘hands-on’              their properties and impacts on the world
                                                activities                                      around us are fundamental to chemistry.
No. of Students: 30 maximum
                                                Related Course/s: Bachelor of Agricultural      Students will experience a variety of
Length: 75 minutes (including meal)             Science; Bachelor of Science; postgraduate      demonstrations that illustrate the diversity
                                                research and others                             of careers that involve chemistry as an
Age Group: Grades 7 - 12
                                                                                                underlying science, and also be provided
Style: Tour & evening meal                      The School of Land and Food have                with information on where studying science
                                                experts in a wide range of areas, including     can take them.
Jane Franklin Hall is a fully catered           horticulture, animal science, food
residential college in Hobart. 200 single
study/ bedrooms are located in Davey Street
                                                microbiology, plant pathology, entomology,      Computing &
                                                viticulture, brewing, plant physiology,
with attractive grounds close to the city and   agronomy and soil science, who can provide      Information Systems
the University. The Academic Assistance         demonstrations and hands-on experiences         No. of Students: 20 students – if larger than
Program, college scholarships and the           for students.                                   20, students will have to share equipment.
Fellows Program all enable a smooth
                                                                                                Some presentations can take larger classes.
transition from home to independent living.
Please phone Jane Franklin Hall directly on:
                                                Asian Languages                                 Length: 50 minutes
(03) 6210 0100 or go to our website             & Studies                                       Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
www.utas.edu.au/jane to arrange a time to       No. of Students: 30 maximum                     These sessions are best suited to students
visit. You’ll be so glad you did.
                                                Length: 45 - 50 minutes                         to students interested in Information and
                                                                                                Communication Technology
Accounting & Corporate                          Age Group: Grades 7 - 12
                                                                                                Style: Presentation/workshop
Governance                                      Style: Presentation & ‘hands-on’ activities
                                                                                                Related Course/s: Bachelor of Information
No. of Students: 50 maximum                     Related course/s: Bachelor of Arts;             & Communication Technology; Bachelor of
Length: 25 - 45 minutes                         Diploma of Languages and others                 Science; Bachelor of Business and others

Age Group: Grades 7 - 12                        We can help your students to think about        The School of Engineering and ICT offers
                                                their place in the Asian Century. At a          a number of presentations and workshops
Style: Presentation, tour or activity           workshop run by friendly staff of the Asian     across the complete spectrum of ICT and
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business;         Languages and Studies program, students         participants will see some of the skills that
and others                                      will learn some key expressions in Chinese,     graduates develop during their study which
                                                Japanese or Indonesian, and have fun            are highly regarded by local, national and
A qualification in either accounting or         experiencing an aspect of that culture          international employers.
corporate governance can open up a world        hands-on. They will also see how they can
of possibilities students may never have        develop their Asian expertise and language      The presentations/workshops available are:
dreamed about! Accounting graduates             skills, and enhance career options, through     The BICT or BICT-combined degrees
are in high demand and employment               studying Asia-related units at UTAS – either    overview presentation
opportunities are expanding in areas            alongside other subjects or as a study major.
including financial controlling, financial                                                      The Bachelor of Information and
advising, auditing and taxation. A degree                                                       Communication Technology (BICT) gives
in corporate governance can lead to a                                                           students the opportunity to explore a broad
career in any business area that requires                                                       range of aspects of ICT. In this presentation,
good grounding in corporate governance,                                                         participants will receive an overview of the
financial analysis and decision making.                                                         BICT and learn how they can pursue ICT
                                                                                                studies at UTAS and what they should study
                                                                                                prior to university. Students can attend this
                                                                                                presentation at either UTAS campuses or the
                                                                                                presentation can be delivered at the school.
EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Hobart campus
Games Technology Workshop                        opportunity to interact with existing services      We begin with a 15 minute presentation
                                                 ‘behind the scenes’ by writing (or modifying)       describing the many facets of engineering
In this workshop, students with work with a
                                                 JavaScript applications.                            and the nine specialisations offered by the
2D physics engine to explore physics-based
                                                                                                     School of Engineering and ICT. Students
game-play in a simple Angry Birds-like           Critical Thinking – Why go to University
                                                                                                     will gain an understanding of the entry
game. Students will learn about the crucial      for ICT at all
                                                                                                     requirements, and get a good overview
role that maths and physics plays in modern
                                                 This presentation examines why students             of the diversity of career options for all
computer games.
                                                 should aspire to study at University and            graduates, nationally and internationally
Big Data Workshop                                explains where good ideas come from                 from these degrees.
                                                 and how they can be transformed in new
In this presentation/workshop, participants                                                          Students are then taken on a tour of a
                                                 technologies, applications and services.
will hear a short presentation on how                                                                selection of the Engineering teaching
                                                 The session exposes students to concepts
everyday we are creating an immense                                                                  laboratories and workshops: Hydraulics,
                                                 drawn from critical thinking and applies
amount of data, what challenges it brings                                                            Electrical Power, Research, Mechatronics
                                                 these to the ICT industry. Students are
for us today and in future, and what                                                                 and Structures. On the tour we discuss
                                                 able to considered concepts related
opportunity it provides for us to improve                                                            fluid dynamics, renewable energy,
                                                 to technology such as ethics, social
the future. There will be a short activity for                                                       pressure tests and talk about current
                                                 responsibility and sustainability.
students to understand how to handle large                                                           research being undertaken in the School of
data and process it and seek answers to                                                              Engineering and ICT.
some open questions.                             Education
eHealth Presentation
                                                 No. of Students: 25 maximum (workshop               Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                     No. of Students: No limit
This presentation will provide participants
                                                 Length: 45 minutes
with a broad understanding of current and                                                            Length: 1 hour
emerging topics in eHealth at a global, local    Age Group: Grades 9 - 10
                                                                                                     Age Group: Grades 7 - 12
and individual level.                            This workshop is best suited to students
                                                 interested in studying education                    Style: Interactive Workshop
 NEW FOR 2014
                                                 Style: Talk & interactive activity                  Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business
Robot Technology Workshop                                                                            and others
                                                 Related Course/s: Bachelor of Education
In this workshop, participants will be given     (Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary                Increasingly students are expected to
an opportunity to explore a real-world           Specialisation), Bachelor of Physical Activity      graduate with various ‘skills’ that will enable
embedded system environment, Arduino.            Studies, Master of Teaching (Primary &              them to navigate ever changing work
Arduino is an educational open-source            Secondary)                                          environments. This session is designed to
computing platform, which contains several                                                           create a space for personal reflection. To what
                                                 The UTAS Faculty of Education offers a
types of microcontrollers and various                                                                extent are they enterprising? To what degree
                                                 wide range of degrees to prepare students
sensors. Students will learn how to program                                                          are they creative? What roles await them in
                                                 for rewarding careers in teaching and
for embedded systems.                                                                                society? Students will leave this session with a
                                                 education. This workshop will include talks
                                                                                                     better understanding of how they might make
                                                 and discussions about what it’s really like to be
 NEW FOR 2014                                                                                        a future contribution to society.
                                                 a teacher and studying at UTAS, finished off
Human Computer Interaction Workshop              with interactive practical classroom exercise.
                                                                                                     John Elliott
In this presentation/workshop, participants
will hear a short presentation on the            Engineering                                         Classics Museum
importance of considering the user               No. of Students: 10 - 30 maximum                    No. of Students: 25 Approximately
experience when designing an interface
and will then evaluate the interfaces of         Length:1 hour                                       Length: 30 minutes
selected technologies.                           Age Group: Grades 7 - 12                            Age Group: Grades 7 - 8

 NEW FOR 2014                                    Style: Presentation & tour                          Style: Presentation & ‘hands-on’ experience

Mobile Technology Workshop                       Related Course/s: Bachelor of Engineering           Related Course/s: Bachelor of Arts
                                                                                                     and others
In this presentation/workshop, participants      Please note: Covered shoes must be worn,
will hear a short presentation on the future     no bags to be carried                               The Museum’s collection includes
of mobile devices. Students will get to                                                              examples of the art and culture of ancient
                                                 What does an Engineer do? This
interact with some modern mobile devices,                                                            Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Etruria and
                                                 program introduces students to a career
including the google glass.                                                                          Rome spanning some 3000 years of the
                                                 as an Engineer. Engineers provide a
                                                                                                     ancient world.
                                                 sustainable infrastructure for living using
 NEW FOR 2014                                    computer software, power, transport,                The Egyptian collection contains a
Web Services Workshop                            communications, high rise structures and            4000-year-old wooden statuette of a
                                                 environmental management. The balance               worker or soldier with the original painted
In this workshop, participants will learn        of applied science, analysis and creative           colours remaining. There are also ushabti
how web services have transformed the            design ensures that engineers lead the              figures, scarab beetles, amulets and a
delivery of software and our experience of       world forward.                                      false tomb door.
the web itself. Students will then have the

EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Hobart campus
The Greek collection contains a                  Management:                                    Maths & Physics
representative selection of pottery tracing
the development of Greek art, along with
                                                 Digital Marketing                              No. of Students: 50 maximum
coins, votive objects and jewellery.             No. of students: 45 maximum
                                                                                                Length: 1.5 - 2 hours
The Roman collection includes a section          Length: 40 minutes
                                                                                                Age Group: Grades kinder - 12
of a Roman mosaic floor, a sword, a              Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
statuette of a household god, glassware,                                                        Style: Tour
coins and domestic artefacts.                    Style: Presentation
                                                                                                Related Course/s: Bachelor of Science
This session is designed to give students        Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business
                                                                                                Cost: $4 per head
information about daily life in the ancient      and others
world by drawing on the museum’s                                                                The Mt. Pleasant Observatory & Grote
                                                 The rise of the internet and the convergence
collection.                                                                                     Reber Museum is open to groups by
                                                 of digital media technologies have created
                                                                                                appointment and is located 25km from
                                                 many challenges and opportunities for
Law                                              business. Traditional media such as
                                                                                                Hobart at Denholms Road, Cambridge.

No. of students: 20 - 30 maximum                 television, radio and newspapers have          The Observatory is equipped with three
                                                 lost market share as consumers turn to         radio antennas 26m, 14m & 12m all of
Length: 1 hour                                   websites and blogs for news, information       which are prime focus instruments, where
Age group: Grades 7 - 12                         and entertainment, while social media          students learn amongst other things, how
                                                 such as Facebook and Twitter are now an        a radio telescope works and what it is
Style: Interactive activity based around         important means for people to make friends     used for.
criminal law                                     and stay in touch. Increasingly, people
                                                                                                The Museum is dedicated to the life and
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Law                feel comfortable shopping and making
                                                                                                work of Grote Reber (the father of radio
                                                 purchases in an online environment. This
This interactive activity gives students                                                        astronomy) and features ‘whispering
                                                 presentation will explore the impact of
a taste of criminal law. Based around a                                                         dishes’ and a ‘3D Virtual Reality Theatre,’
                                                 digital media, and the manner in which
hypothetical criminal case, the group will                                                      which shows educational and entertaining
                                                 marketers can respond to these challenges.
be divided into the Prosecution, Defence                                                        movies.
and Jury. The Prosecution and Defence
will examine the facts of the case and
                                                 Management:                                    Bookings should be made directly to Karen
                                                                                                Bradford on phone: (03) 6226 2439 or email:
brainstorm supporting arguments for their        Where a Career in                              Karen.Bradford@utas.edu.au
side while the Jury is shown video footage       Business Can Take You
relevant to the case to test their recall. The
                                                 No. of students: 45 maximum                    Music
aim of the Jury activity is to provide insight
into the difficulties around eyewitness                                                         No. of Students: 10 maximum (larger
                                                 Length: 40 minutes
testimony. Finally, the groups will convene                                                     numbers by negotiation)
together and the Prosecution and Defence         Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
                                                                                                Length: 1 hour
teams will present their arguments. The          Style: Presentation
Jury will then make their determination as to                                                   Age Group: Grades 7 - 12
whether the accused is guilty or not guilty      Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business
                                                                                                Style: Presentation & tour
                                                 and others
Library                                          In this workshop, we explore the different
                                                                                                Related Course/s: Bachelor of Music;
                                                                                                Associate Degree in Music Studies;
No. of Students: 10 - 15 students                facets of business, with the aim of
                                                                                                Diploma in Music Performance.
                                                 communicating to students that the art
Length: 30 minutes                               of exchanging goods and services is an         Do your students want to experience life in a
Age Group: Grades kinder - 12                    everyday part of life and is full of career    dynamic music-making environment? Then
                                                 opportunities. Students are encouraged to      visit the Conservatorium of Music. This
Style: Tour                                      share their own input regarding what they      program introduces students into life at the
Related Course/s: All                            think business is, what knowledge they         Conservatorium of Music, experiencing the
                                                 already have of marketing, management,         diversity of programs – including Classical
On three campuses in Tasmania, UTAS              accounting, tourism etc, and what              Music, Composition, Jazz and Rock,
Library consists of eight libraries with         brands / companies / ads they like and         Ensembles, Music Technology and Audio
access to online and print resources.            dislike and why. Career opportunities in       Design and Contemporary Song writing.
Students will tour learning hubs and             areas of business are discussed as well
other spaces which provide vibrant                                                              A visit to the Conservatorium of Music gives
                                                 as interesting facts about the trends of
learning environments designed to suit                                                          students the opportunity to participate in
                                                 business in Australia today.
group work, computer-based learning,                                                            master classes, observe lectures and tutorials,
or quiet reflective study. UTAS Library’s                                                       or tour the Conservatorium’s facilities.
Step Up outreach program for Year 11
and 12 students and their educators,
offers fee-exempt membership and teach
yourself online interactive presentations
to orientate students to the University’s
resources. For the brochure and further
information see Step Up
EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Hobart campus
Nursing                                         Philosophy                                      high quality tertiary training, and are taught
                                                                                                how to use other disciplines such as health
No. of Students: 20 maximum                     No. of Students: 24 maximum                     or education to solve complex cases.
Length: 25 or 50 minutes                        Length: 1 - 2 hours
Age Group: Grades 10 - 12                       Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
                                                                                                No. of Students: 20 - 25 maximum
Style: Presentation                             Style: Lecture & tutorial
                                                                                                Length: 1 hour
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Nursing           Related Course/s: Bachelor of Arts;
                                                Bachelor of Behavioural Science; Bachelor       Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
This program introduces students to
                                                of Psychology; and others                       Style: Talk & ‘hands-on’ experience
nursing as a career choice for both
men and women. Students will gain an            Philosophy asks the big questions that          Related Course/s: Bachelor of Psychology;
understanding of the Bachelor of Nursing        are not covered in the sciences or other        Bachelor of Behavioural Science; Bachelor
and its entry requirements, and get a good      disciplines such as, how we can gain            of Science; Bachelor of Arts and others.
overview of the diversity of career options     knowledge? One intriguing text in which
for all nursing graduates, nationally and       this is discussed is The Meno by Plato. We      Psychology considers different causes
internationally.                                will read an excerpt from that dialogue and     of behaviour, and applies this knowledge
                                                discuss it Socratically in class.               to help individuals and groups in clinical
                                                                                                settings, education, employment and the
Paramedic Practice
No. of Students: 20 maximum
                                                Plant Science                                   community. Psychologists study both
                                                                                                normal and abnormal behaviour, and the
                                                No. of Students: 10 - 15 preferred, although    mental processes of individuals from early
Length: 25 or 60 minutes                        larger groups can be split                      childhood to old age.
Age Group: Grades 10 - 12                       Length: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Style: Presentation (25 minutes), tour and      Age Group: Grades 7 - 12                         NEW FOR 2014
activity (1 hour)
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Paramedic
                                                Style: Tour
                                                                                                RA Rodda Museum
Practice                                        Related Course/s: Bachelor of Science
                                                                                                of Pathology
This program introduces students to a           Are your students interested in plants and      No. of Students: 25 maximum
career as a Paramedic. Students will gain       how they grow? A visit to Plant Science
                                                gives students the opportunity to tour our      Length: 1 hour
an understanding of the entry requirements,
and get a good overview of the diversity of     research facilities – Controlled Environment    Age Group: Grade 4 – 12
career options for all graduates.               Facilities and/or Molecular Labs. The
                                                School of Biological Science’s Controlled       Style: Presentation & interactive tour
                                                Environment Facility is a state-of-the-art
Pharmacy                                        resource, housed at the University’s Sandy
                                                                                                Related Course/s: All health related
                                                                                                courses and general interest
No. of Students: 40 maximum                     Bay campus. It consists of glasshouses,
                                                growth cabinets and specialised                 Cost: EG/$4 per person
Length: 1.5 hours
                                                environments where researchers study            The RA Rodda Museum of Pathology
Age Group: Grades 9 - 12                        how plants respond to light, temperature,       contains a rich and diverse collection of
                                                CO2 and humidity for genetic, ecological,       human cancers, diseases, disorders and
Style: Career and course presentation
                                                comparative and climate change studies.         accidents. One of a kind in Tasmania, the
including a hands-on activity
                                                In our Molecular Labs scientists study the      Museum is primarily used as an educational
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Pharmacy          molecular basis of genetic diversity, plant     resource for the Faculty of Health and also
                                                relationships, adaptations and hybridisation.   provides a valuable history of disease in
The Pharmacy Program will give
participants an interactive and hands-on                                                        Tasmania. Come and see what lung cancer
look at the Bachelor of Pharmacy course
                                                Police Studies                                  really looks like!
and the broad career options available to       No. of Students: 25 maximum                     Contact: Dr Sorrel Standish-White on email:
pharmacy graduates. The program will                                                            Sorrel.StandishWhite@utas.edu.au
                                                Length: 30 minutes
begin with an introduction to the structure
of the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree              Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
                                                                                                Riawunna Centre
including pre-requisites and alternate
                                                Style: Talk & ‘hands-on’ experience             No. of Students: 30 maximum
pathways. Participants will learn what is
involved in the life of a pharmacy student      Related Course/s: Bachelor of Social            Length: 1 hour
at UTAS before undertaking a hands-on           Science (Police Studies)
simulation activity demonstrating just one of                                                   Age Group: Grades 7 - 12
                                                Policing and law enforcement are
the many components of the pharmacist’s         professions that require extensive training     Style: Presentation, activity & lunch
role, in practice.                              in areas such as operational protocols and      Related Courses: Bachelor of Arts
                                                investigation. Police officers are trained
                                                to obtain acute observation, response           Riawunna offers a range of support services
                                                and critical analysis skills. Police officers   for Indigenous students undertaking
                                                throughout Australia now have access to         degrees at the University of Tasmania as

EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Hobart campus
well as a firm commitment to broadening             Visits on campus generally involve                 look at what tourism is, where tourists travel
knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres               experiencing the Spatial Spectacular – an          to, what they do at different destinations
Strait Islanders cultures and societies. This       interactive presentation in one of the major       and how we can sell tourism using social
workshop allows students to gain an insight         University lecture theatres that involves          media. We’ll also take a look at how you
into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders         Wally of “Where’s Wally” fame. Why Wally?          can study tourism at UTAS, what careers
cultures and societies through an interactive       – well, you’ll find out about that and the         our graduates have, and why the study of
presentation and practical activity by one          spatial industry throughout the session! The       Tourism could be your passport to life!
of the many staff in Riawunna. Students             presentation is an interactive tour through
attending this session will then be invited         a range of impressive imagery, movies and          Unigym
to stay and meet staff and students of the          the occasional sound track that all relate
                                                                                                       No. of Students: 25 maximum
centre during lunch.                                back to what makes Surveying and Spatial
                                                    Science unique and interesting to all.             Length: 25 minutes
Sociology                                           Other sessions that can be tailored to suit
                                                                                                       Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
                                                    involve hands-on sessions looking at aerial
No. of Students: 50 maximum
                                                    photography and remote satellite imagery,          Style: Discussion & gym tour
Length: 30 minutes                                  and heading outside with the Global
                                                                                                       With the launch of the Exercise is Medicine
                                                    Positioning System.
Age Group: Grades 11 and 12                                                                            initiative, exercise and physical activity is
Style: Presentation &/or tour                       Tasmanian School of Art                            likely to become a standard prescription for
                                                                                                       preventing and managing chronic disease
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Arts;                 No. of Students: 10 - 15 maximum                   in Australia. With this in mind, the Unigym
Bachelor of Social Science and many more            Length: 30 minutes                                 session will outline the
What sorts of jobs are available to                 Age Group: Grades 9 - 12                           • importance of exercise and general
sociologists? Sociologists typically work                                                                 wellbeing,
in government departments and various               Style: Guided tour
                                                                                                       • scope of positions available in the fitness
other organisations on issues and policies          Related Course/s: Bachelor of Fine                    industry,
such as housing, health, tourism, migration,        Arts; Bachelor of Visual Communication;
population ageing, unemployment and                 Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Fine Arts;            • role that fitness professionals play, and
many others. The presentation will explain          Diploma in Fine Arts and Design                    • avenues for study in this area.
what is involved in studying sociology at
university and give some examples of the            The Tasmanian School of Art conducts               This will be followed by a short tour of the
sort of work sociologists do and the issues         guided tours of the Hunter Street facilities       Unigym centre.
they work on. It can be combined with a visit       giving students the opportunity to develop
to the University as part of a tour. If students    an understanding of the depth of options
                                                    available to them when studying Fine Arts.
would be particularly interested in one or
                                                    This tour is primarily suited to students          No. of Students: 50 maximum
more social issue, the specific focus of the
talk can be negotiated.                             considering or studying pre-tertiary art.          Length: 1.5 or 2 hours

Surveying & Spatial                                 Tourism                                            Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
                                                                                                       Style: Activity
Sciences                                            No. of Students: 45 maximum
                                                    Length: 40 minutes                                 Related Course/s: Bachelor of Science
No. of Students: 35 – 150 maximum
                                                                                                       and others
Length: Tailored to group                           Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
                                                                                                       Tasmania offers incredible opportunities
Age Group: Grades 7 – 12                            Style: Presentation & tour                         for students wanting to learn about its
                                                    Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business             special and fascinating fauna, and the
Style: Presentation &/or ‘hands-on’
                                                                                                       place of that fauna on the world stage. The
experience                                          What is tourism and what jobs come out of          zoology discipline in the School of Biological
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Surveying             the study of tourism? Tourism is one of the        Sciences is a dynamic research and
and Spatial Sciences, Bachelor of Science           fastest growing sectors of the Australian          teaching school with particular strengths in
and others                                          and world economy. Most of us love to travel       wildlife and conservation biology. We offer
                                                    but we do it for different reasons: we travel      a selection of hands-on practical activities
Do your students find Google Earth                  for leisure, business trips, to visit family and   to enthuse and engage students including
interesting? Heard of GPS and other satellite       friends and to attend sporting and cultural        working terrestrial or aquatic specimens.
technology? Then perhaps you need to                events. Our interactive presentation will          We would prefer that students are actively
find out what the Spatial Industry is all
                                                                                                       studying topics related to animals, ecology,
about. Spatial Science relates to all things
                                                                                                       life sciences or related topics linked to their
spatial and underpins a host of different
                                                                                                       university visit.
disciplines. It offers the ideal mix of field and
office based work, allowing graduates to
travel and work in different locations with a
diverse range of people. The Surveying and
Spatial Sciences Group can accommodate
both visits to the University campus or to
your classroom.

launceston campus
The main campus in Launceston is situated
on 10 hectares at Newnham on the banks
of the Tamar River, only 10 minutes from the
city centre. Other facilities in and around
Launceston include:
• The Australian Maritime College (AMC);
• The Tasmanian College of the Arts (TCotA);
• The award winning School of Architecture
   and Design;
• The Human Interface Technology Laboratory
   (HITLab AU);
• A brand new Sport and Recreation Centre
   and more.

        You may also like
    the ‘Other Activities for School
      Students’ from page 17 for
      additional campus-based
       activities in Launceston.
EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Launceston campus
Accommodation                                   Architecture                                    Australian
No. of Students: 30 maximum                     No. of Students: 20 maximum                     Maritime College (AMC)
Length: 25 minutes                              Length: 45 minutes - 1.5 hours                  No. of Students: 10 - 30 maximum
Age Group: Grades 7 - 12                        Age Group: Grades 7 - 12 (best suited to        Length: 1 hour
                                                Grades 10 - 12)
Style: Tour                                                                                     Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
                                                Style: Presentation, ‘hands-on’ activity &/or
Accommodation Services offers a range of                                                        Style: Tour of AMC (Newnham only)
                                                tour of facilities
on-campus housing options for students, in
                                                                                                Related Course/s: Marine and maritime
both Hobart and Launceston. Tours of the        Related courses: Bachelor of
                                                                                                related courses including both tertiary and
residences will give high school students       Environmental Design; Master of
                                                                                                VET options
a first-hand view of the excellent facilities   Architecture
including study bedrooms, catering facilities                                                   AMC is Australia’s national centre for
                                                Students visiting the School of Architecture
and recreation areas.                                                                           maritime education, research and training.
                                                & Design can have the opportunity to
                                                                                                Our multi-million dollar suite of learning
                                                participate in the hands-on activity and/
Accounting &                                    or a tour of the facilities. There may also
                                                                                                and teaching facilities are internationally
                                                                                                acclaimed and provide our students with a
Corporate Governance                            be opportunities to view examples of
                                                                                                hands-on learning experience.
                                                student work and meet current architecture
No. of Students: 50 maximum
                                                students for their perspective on uni life      Gain an insight into course offerings and
Length: 25 - 45 minutes                         at the School of Architecture & Design.         student life by joining our staff and students
                                                Students participating in these sessions can    on a tour of AMC’s Newnham campus.
Age Group: Grades 7 - 12
                                                also learn about career opportunities for       Students will receive info about our flexible
Style: Presentation, tour or activity           architecture graduates.                         course delivery, student profiles and global
                                                                                                career opportunities; gained from study at
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business;
and others                                      Asian Languages                                 this specialist institute right here on your
                                                                                                doorstep in Tasmania.
A qualification in either accounting or         & Studies
                                                                                                AMC is your ticket to the world!
corporate governance can open up a world        No. of Students: 30 maximum
of possibilities students may never have
dreamed about! Accounting graduates
                                                Length: 45 - 50 minutes                         Computing and
are in high demand and employment               Age Group: Grades 7 - 12                        Information Systems
opportunities are expanding in areas
                                                Style: Presentation & ‘hands-on’ activities     No. of Students: 20 students – if larger than
including financial controlling, financial
                                                                                                20, students will have to share equipment.
advising, auditing and taxation. A degree       Related course/s: Bachelor of Arts;
                                                                                                Some presentations can take larger classes.
in corporate governance can lead to a           Diploma of Languages and others
career in any business area that requires                                                       Length: 50 minutes
                                                We can help your students to think about
good grounding in corporate governance,
                                                their place in the Asian Century. At a          Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
financial analysis and decision making.
                                                workshop run by friendly staff of the Asian     These sessions are best suited to students
Various taster topics are available             Languages and Studies program, students         to students interested in Information
depending on the interests and grade            will learn some key expressions in Chinese,     Technology
level of the visiting group. In all sessions,   Japanese or Indonesian, and have fun
                                                                                                Style: Presentation/workshop
students will have the opportunity to discuss   experiencing an aspect of that culture
expectations in a university environment,       hands-on. They will also see how they can       Related Course/s: Bachelor of Information
meet staff from Accounting and Corporate        develop their Asian expertise and language      & Communication Technology; Bachelor of
Governance and experience a practical           skills, and enhance career options, through     Science; Bachelor of Business and others
demonstration of business transactions and      studying Asia-related units at UTAS – either
                                                                                                The School of Engineering and ICT offers
financial statements.                           alongside other subjects or as a study major.
                                                                                                a number of presentations and workshops
                                                                                                across the complete spectrum of ICT and
                                                                                                participants will see some of the skills that
                                                                                                graduates develop during their study which
                                                                                                are highly regarded by local, national and
                                                                                                international employers.
                                                                                                The presentations/workshops available are:
                                                                                                The BICT or BICT-combined degrees
                                                                                                overview presentation
                                                                                                The Bachelor of Information and
                                                                                                Communication Technology (BICT) gives
                                                                                                students the opportunity to explore a broad
                                                                                                range of aspects of ICT. In this presentation,

EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Launceston campus
participants will receive an overview of the     Furniture Design                                Health Sciences B
BICT and learn how they can pursue ICT
studies at UTAS and what they should study       No. of Students: 20 maximum                     CSI lecture and workshop
prior to university. Students can attend         Length: 45 minutes - 1.5 hours                  No. of Students: 10 - 20 maximum
this presentation at a UTAS campus or the
presentation can be delivered at the school.     Age Group: Grades 7 - 12 (Grades 10 - 12        Length: 2 hours
Human Interface Technology Lab                                                                   Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
presentation                                     Style: Presentation, ‘hands-on’ activity and/
                                                                                                 Style: Presentation & workshop
                                                 or tour of facilities
The Human Interface Technology                                                                   Related Courses: Graduate Diploma of
Laboratory Australia or (HITLab AU) is           Related Courses: Bachelor of
                                                                                                 Medical Laboratory Science, Master of
a research and teaching facility within          Environmental Design and Associate
                                                                                                 Biomedical Science
the School of Engineering and ICT at the         Degree in Furniture Design
University of Tasmania. HITLab AU brings                                                         This two hour workshop begins with a
                                                 Students participating in these sessions will
virtual/mixed reality technologies to the                                                        30 minute movie featuring a lecture style
                                                 learn about furniture design and making
Launceston campus with a focus on design,                                                        presentation on the process of an autopsy
                                                 in a hands-on activity and/or a tour of the
visualisation, simulation and games. In this                                                     where students will gain insight into how a
                                                 facilities. There may also be opportunities
presentation, students will see some of                                                          laboratory investigation on a human body is
                                                 to view examples of student work and meet
examples of HITLab related research that is                                                      carried out when solving a crime or cause of
                                                 current furniture design students for their
being undertaken at UTAS.                                                                        death. The lecture is followed by a workshop
                                                 perspective on uni life at the School of
                                                                                                 that explores some of the laboratory
                                                 Architecture & Design. The furniture design
                                                                                                 methods used in such investigations.
 NEW FOR 2014                                    school visits provide an opportunity to learn
                                                 more about the Furniture Design courses
Human Computer Interaction Workshop              and the furniture industry.                     Interior Design:
In this presentation/workshop, participants                                                      Presentation
will hear a short presentation on the            Health Sciences A                               No. of Students: 20 maximum
importance of considering the user
experience when designing an interface
                                                 (Human Life Sciences)                           Length: 30 - 40 minute presentation, 1.5
and will then evaluate the interfaces of         – Undergraduate degree                          hour workshop
selected technologies.                           options plus mini                               Age Group: Grades 7 - 12 (Grades 10 - 12
 NEW FOR 2014                                                                                    Style: Presentation
                                                 No. of Students: 10 - 20 maximum
Mobile Technology Workshop                                                                       Related Course/s: Bachelor of
                                                 Length: 50 minutes
In this presentation/workshop, participants                                                      Environmental Design and Interior Design
will hear a short presentation on the future     Age Group: Grades 9 - 12                        Honours
of mobile devices. Students will get to          Style: Presentation/tour/activity               What’s the difference between interior
interact with some modern mobile devices,                                                        decoration and interior design? Students
including the google glass.                      Related Courses: Graduate Diploma of
                                                                                                 participating in these sessions will learn
                                                 Medical Laboratory Science; Master of
                                                                                                 about the role of Interior Design in creating
                                                 Biomedical Science
Education                                                                                        an effective environment.
                                                 A 20 minute presentation on the five
No. of Students: 25 maximum (workshop
                                                 undergraduate degrees offered by the            Interior Design: Workshop
                                                 School (Biomedical Science, Exercise
Length: 45 minutes                               Science, Environmental Health, Health           No. of Students: 20 maximum
                                                 Science and Medical Radiation Science)          Length: 1.5 hours
Age Group: Grades 9 - 10* This workshop
                                                 is followed by a tour of the teaching
is best suited to students interested in                                                         Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
                                                 laboratories or a mini workshop with
studying education
                                                 hands-on activities giving students a better    Style: Workshop
Style: Talk & interactive activity               understanding of this diverse area of study.
                                                 Career options for graduates are very broad     Related Course/s: Bachelor of
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Education                                                          Environmental Design and Interior Design
                                                 in the health sector with a degree from
(Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary                                                             Honours
                                                 Health Sciences A.
Specialisation), Bachelor of Physical Activity
Studies, Master of Teaching (Primary &                                                           These fun, hands-on sessions will explore
Secondary)                                                                                       the use of visual language in creating
                                                                                                 atmosphere to communicate with each
The UTAS Faculty of Education offers a                                                           other and clients about design. Students
wide range of degrees to prepare students                                                        visiting the School of Architecture & Design
for rewarding careers in teaching and                                                            can have the opportunity to participate in
education. This workshop will include                                                            the hands-on activity and / or a tour of the
talks and discussions about what it’s really                                                     facilities.
like to be a teacher and studying at UTAS,
finished off with an interactive practical
classroom exercise.

EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Launceston campus
Interior Design:                                Library                                         Management:
Tour of Facilities                              No. of Students: 10 - 15 students               Where a Career in
No. of Students: 20 maximum                     Length: 30 minutes                              Business Can Take You
Length: 30 - 40 minute tour                     Age Group: Grades kinder - 12                   No. of Students: 45 maximum
Age Group: Grades 7 - 12, (Grades 10 - 12       Style: Tour                                     Length: 40 minutes
                                                Related Course/s: All                           Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
Style: Tour
                                                On three campuses in Tasmania, UTAS             Style: Presentation
Related Course/s: Bachelor of                   Library consists of eight libraries with
                                                                                                Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business
Environmental Design and Interior Design        access to online and print resources.
                                                                                                and others
Honours                                         Students will tour learning hubs and other
                                                spaces which provide vibrant learning           In this workshop, we explore the different
The School of Architecture & Design school
                                                environments designed to suit group             facets of business, with the aim of
tours provide an opportunity to learn more
                                                work, computer-based learning, or quiet         communicating to students that the art
about the various courses within the School
                                                reflective study. UTAS Library’s Step           of exchanging goods and services is an
including Interior Design. There will also be
                                                Up outreach program for Year 11 and 12          everyday part of life and is full of career
opportunities to meet current interior design
                                                students and their educators, offers fee-       opportunities. Students are encouraged to
students for a student’s perspective on uni
                                                exempt membership and teach yourself            share their own input regarding what they
life at the School.
                                                online interactive presentations to orientate   think business is, what knowledge they
                                                students to the university’s resources. For     already have of marketing, management,
 NEW FOR 2014                                   the brochure and further information see        accounting, tourism etc, and what brands
                                                Step Up                                         / companies / ads they like and dislike
Landscape Design                                                                                and why. Career opportunities in areas

No. of Students: 20 maximum                     Management:                                     of business and discussed as well as
                                                                                                interesting facts about the trends of
Length: 45 minutes - 1.5 hours                  Digital Marketing                               business in Australia today.
                                                No. of Students: 45 maximum
Age Group: Grades 7 - 12 (Grades 10 - 12
preferred)                                      Length: 40 minutes
                                                                                                No. of Students: 20 maximum
Style: Presentation, ‘hands-on’ activity &/or   Age Group: Grades 9 - 12
tour of facilities                                                                              Length: 25 or 50 minutes
                                                Style: Presentation
Related Course/s: Bachelor of                                                                   Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
                                                Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business
Environmental Design
                                                and others                                      Style: Presentation & tour
Students visiting the School of Architecture
                                                The rise of the Internet and the convergence    Related Course/s: Bachelor of Nursing
& Design can have the opportunity to
                                                of digital media technologies have created
participate in the hands-on activity and/                                                       This program introduces students to
                                                many challenges and opportunities for
or a tour of the facilities. There may also                                                     nursing as a career choice for both
                                                business. Traditional media such as
be opportunities to view examples of                                                            men and women. Students will gain an
                                                television, radio and newspapers have
student work and meet current landscape                                                         understanding of the Bachelor of Nursing
                                                lost market share as consumers turn to
students for their perspective on uni life                                                      and its entry requirements, and get a good
                                                websites and blogs for news, information,
at the School of Architecture & Design.                                                         overview of the diversity of career options
                                                entertainment and commerce. Social
Students participating in these sessions can                                                    for all nursing graduates, nationally and
                                                media such as Facebook, Instagram and
also learn about career opportunities for                                                       internationally.
                                                Twitter enable people to make friends,
landscape graduates.
                                                communicate with each other, and follow
                                                businesses they are fans of. This interactive
                                                presentation will explore the impact of
                                                digital media, and how marketers and
                                                managers can make the most of this new
                                                environment. In particular it will focus on
                                                how digital media and the Internet enable
                                                businesses to engage and excite a young

EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Launceston campus
Police Studies                                    NEW FOR 2014                                  Tasmanian College
No. of Students: 25 maximum                                                                     of the Arts
Length: 30 minutes
                                                 Rural Health                                   No. of Students: 30 maximum
                                                 No. of Students: 20 - 25 maximum
Age Group: Grades 10 - 12                                                                       Length: Minimum of 30 minutes
                                                 Length: 1 hour
Style: Talk & ‘hands-on’ experience                                                             Age Group: Grades 7 - 12
                                                 Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Social                                                            Style: Presentation & tour
Science (Police Studies)                         Style: Short presentation and interactive
                                                 tour                                           Related Course/s: Bachelor of
Policing and law enforcement are                                                                Contemporary Arts and others
professions that require extensive training      The Centre for Rural Health (CRH) is
                                                 an academic unit within the University         This session is designed to give students
in areas such as operational protocols and
                                                 of Tasmania that aim to improve access         information about university life, and
investigation. Police officers are trained
                                                 for rural and remote communities to            will focus particularly on Theatre and
to obtain acute observation, response
                                                 appropriate health services by encouraging     Art programs. Students will have the
and critical analysis skills. Police officers
                                                 students to pursue a career in rural           opportunity to tour the Tasmanian College
throughout Australia now have access to
                                                 practice and supporting health care            of the Arts at Inveresk, including the Gallery
high quality tertiary training, and are taught
                                                 professionals working in these areas. This     space, Studios and Annexe Theatre. There
how to use other disciplines such as health
                                                 1 hour workshop and tour aims to provide       is the possibility of viewing performances
or education to solve complex cases. This
                                                 pre-tertiary students interested in going to   or rehearsals, and viewing/engaging with
session is taught by videolink.
                                                 university with an understanding of what       major exhibitions where scheduling permits.
                                                                                                The program will be of more benefit for
Psychology                                       the CRH does and how it could support
                                                 them as an undergraduate students.             students already considering their options
No. of Students: 20 - 30 maximum                                                                in visual and performing arts, but all
                                                                                                students and teachers are invited to attend.
Length: 1 hour                                   Sociology
Age Group: Grades 10 - 12                        No. of Students: 50 maximum                    Unigym
Style: Talk & ‘hands-on’ experience              Length: 30 minutes                             No. of Students: 25 maximum
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Psychology;        Age Group: Grades 11 - 12                      Length: 25 minutes
Bachelor of Behavioural Science; Bachelor        Style: Presentation &/or tour                  Age Group: Grades 10 - 12
of Science; Bachelor of Arts and others.
                                                 Related Course/s: Bachelor of Arts;            Style: Discussion & gym tour
Psychology considers different causes            Bachelor of Social Science and many more
of behaviour, and applies this knowledge                                                        With the launch of the Exercise is Medicine
to help individuals and groups in clinical       This presentation will explain what is         initiative, exercise and physical activity is
settings, education, employment and the          involved in studying Sociology at university   likely to become a standard prescription for
community. Psychologists study both              and give some examples of the sort of work     preventing and managing chronic disease
normal and abnormal behaviour, and the           Sociologists do and the issues they work       in Australia. With this in mind, the Unigym
mental processes of individuals from early       on. It can be combined with a visit to the     session will outline the
childhood to old age.                            University as part of a tour.
                                                                                                • importance of exercise and general
                                                                                                • scope of positions available in the fitness
                                                                                                • role that fitness professionals play, and
                                                                                                • avenues for study in this area.
                                                                                                This will be followed by a short tour of the
                                                                                                Unigym centre.

cradle coast campus
The Cradle Coast campus is situated on the
outskirts of Burnie with views over the North
West’s famous rich red soils and verdant green
crops, to the vast waterscape of Bass Strait.
The campus offers a range of undergraduate
and postgraduate degree choices, and
provides strong support for pathway programs
into tertiary education.
The Cradle Coast campus is home to
internationally recognised teaching, learning
and research institutions:
• Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research
• Institute for Regional Development
• Primary Industry Centre for Science

        You may also like
    the ‘Other Activities for School
      Students’ from page 17 for
      additional campus-based
         activities in Burnie.
EXPERIENCE UTAS on the Cradle Coast campus
Accounting & Corporate                          Education                                        Rural Clinical School
Governance                                      No. of Students: 25 maximum (workshop            No. of Students: Negotiable
No. of Students: 50 maximum                                                                      Length: 45 minutes - 1 hour
                                                Length: 45 minutes
Length: 25 - 45 minutes                                                                          Age group: Grades kinder - 12
                                                Age Group: Grades 9 – 10
Age Group: Grades 7 - 12                                                                         Style: Demonstrations & ‘hands on’
                                                This workshop is best suited to students
Style: Presentation, tour or activity           interested in studying education
                                                                                                 The Rural Clinical School (RCS) is one of
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Business;         Style: Talk & interactive activity
                                                                                                 three Clinical Schools within the School of
and others
                                                Related Course/s: Bachelor of Education          Medicine delivering the last two years of the
A qualification in either accounting or         (Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary             medical undergraduate degree program.
corporate governance can open up a world        Specialisation), Bachelor of Physical Activity   RCS facilities provide a base for a range of
of possibilities students may never have        Studies, Master of Teaching (Primary &           undergraduate and postgraduate students
dreamed about! Accounting graduates             Secondary)                                       studying within the region on short-term or
are in high demand and employment                                                                longer-term clinical placements. The RCS
                                                The UTAS Faculty of Education offers a
opportunities are expanding in areas                                                             has an ongoing commitment to nursing,
                                                wide range of degrees to prepare students
including financial controlling, financial                                                       pharmacy, clinical psychology and other
                                                for rewarding careers in teaching and
advising, auditing and taxation. A degree                                                        allied health professional education and
                                                education. This workshop will include talks
in corporate governance can lead to a                                                            supports health professionals working in
                                                and discussions about what it’s really like
career in any business area that requires                                                        the region.
                                                to be a teacher and studying at UTAS,
good grounding in corporate governance,
                                                finished off with interactive practical          Health Careers Showcase including
financial analysis and decision making.
                                                classroom exercise.                              “Emergency Scenarios” demonstrations
Various taster topics are available                                                              provide an awareness of the numerous
depending on the interests and grade            Library                                          health careers available. Activities include;
level of the visiting group. In all sessions,                                                    identifying what health professionals would
students will have the opportunity to discuss   No. of Students: 10 - 15 students
                                                                                                 specialise in those areas including; working
expectations in a university environment,       Length: 30 minutes                               out which body part is which and matching
meet staff from Accounting and Corporate                                                         to a health professional, identifying the
Governance and experience a practical           Age Group: Grades kinder - 12
                                                                                                 bones on the skeleton, measuring pulses
demonstration of business transactions and      Style: Tour                                      and blood pressure, bandaging, etc.
financial statements.
                                                Related Course/s: All

Agricultural Science                            On three campuses in Tasmania, UTAS
                                                Library consists of eight libraries with
No. of Students: Negotiable
                                                access to online and print resources.
Length: 45 minutes to 1 hour                    Students will tour learning hubs and other
                                                spaces which provide vibrant learning
Age Group: Grade 7 - 12 (best suited to
                                                environments designed to suit group
Grade 11 & 12)
                                                work, computer-based learning, or quiet
Style: Demonstrations & ‘hands-on’              reflective study. UTAS Library’s Step
activities                                      Up outreach program for Year 11 and 12
                                                students and their educators, offers fee-
Related Course/s: Bachelor of Agricultural
                                                exempt membership and teach yourself
Science; Bachelor of Science; postgraduate
                                                online interactive presentations to orientate
research and others
                                                students to the university’s resources. For
The School of Land and Food have                the brochure and further information see
experts in a wide range of areas, including     Step Up
horticulture, animal science, food
microbiology, plant pathology, entomology,
viticulture, brewing, plant physiology,
agronomy and soil science, who can provide
demonstrations and hands-on experiences
for students.

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