Page created by Louis Shaw


       Tuesday, 30 March 2021, 1.00pm

               Council Chamber
               Hauraki House
               William Street


D A Adams


Cr   P G Anderson
Cr   R D T Broad
Cr   P D Buckthought
Cr   C A Daley
Cr   R G E Garrett
Cr   B J Gentil
Cr   R Harris
Cr   S Howell
Cr   P A Milner
Cr   D Smeaton
Cr   A M Spicer
Cr   J R Tilsley
Cr   R L Wilkinson

Executive Leadership

L D Cavers
D Peddie
A de Laborde
P Thom

Public Distribution

Paeroa Office/Library
Plains Area Office
Waihi Area Office/Library

Chief Executive
L D Cavers

                       Hauraki District Council, P O Box 17, William Street Paeroa, New Zealand
                                  P: 07 862 8609 or 0800 734 834 (within the District)
                                  E: info@hauraki-dc.govt.nz www.hauraki-dc.govt.nz
Ngà Karakia Timatanga (opening)


Kia tau te rangimarie                 May peace be widespread
Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana        May the sea be like greenstone
Hei huarahi ma tatou i te rangi nei   A pathway for us all this day
Aroha atu, aroha mai                  Let us show respect for each other
Tatou i a tatou katoa                 For one another
Hui e! Taiki e!                       Bind us all together!


Whakataka te hau ki te uru,           Get ready for the westerly
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga.         and be prepared for the southerly.
Kia mākinakina ki uta,                It will be icy cold inland,
Kia mātaratara ki tai.                and icy cold on the shore.
E hī ake ana te atākura he tio,       May the dawn rise red-tipped on ice,
he huka, he hauhunga.                 on snow, on frost.
Haumi e! Hui e! Tāiki e!              Join! Gather! Intertwine!

Karakia Whakamutunga (closing)

Kia whakai-ria te tapu                Restrictions are moved aside
Kia wātea ai te ara                   So the pathways is clear
Kia turuki whakataha ai               To return to everyday activities
Haumi e. Hui e. Tāiki e!              Join Gather Intertwine!

AND BYLAW - 2021

Tuesday, 30 March 2021 – 1.00pm

Council Chambers, Hauraki House, William Street, Paeroa

Order of Business                                                                             Pages

1.   Karakia timatanga
2.   Apologies
3.   Declarations of Interests
4.   Report – Draft Dog Control Policy and Bylaw – 2021 - 2905434                                   5
     Appendix A: Summary of Feedback – 2917461                                                      8
5.   Karakia whakamutunga

                                        Extraordinary Agenda – Hearing DCP and Bylaw -2021 - 30-03-21
Extraord Agenda - Hearing - Feedback - DCP                                                              Page 5
and Bylaw - 2021


        TO                            Mayor and Councillors

        AUTHOR                        Michelle Clive & Terri Casey
                                      Strategic Planners

        FILE REFERENCE                Document: 2905434
                                      Appendix A: Summary of Feedback on the Draft Dog Control Policy
                                      and Bylaw 2021 document #2917461

        PORTFOLIO HOLDER/S Mayor Adams
                           Policy portfolio
        MEETING DATE                  30 March 2021

        SUBJECT                       Hearings and deliberations for the Dog Control Policy and

       THAT the report be received and,

       THAT all written feedback received to date on the proposed Draft Dog Control Policy and Bylaw
       2021 be received; and

       THAT the Council considers all written and verbal feedback, and all submitters be thanked for
       their participation in the process, and

       THAT the Draft Dog Control Policy and Bylaw be amended as per deliberations and be
       presented back to the council for consideration on 28 April 2021.

       1        PURPOSE | TE ARONGA
       To present Council with the written and verbal feedback to the draft Dog Control Policy and
       Bylaw consultation.
       To present Council with staff recommendations based on the feedback received for deliberation
       on the draft Dog Control Policy and Bylaw.

       2        BACKGROUND | TE KŌRERO Ā MUA
       The draft Dog Control Policy and Bylaw was made available for public consultation, as per the
       special consultative procedure, from 12 February to 12 March 2021. The changes proposed in
       the drafts were changes to our off-leash dog exercise areas including:

       Paeroa Ward
       •  To remove Brenan Field, Paeroa as a dog exercise area.
       •  To include Leach Field, Paeroa as a new dog exercise area.
       •  To include a portion of Rotokohu Sport Ground, Paeroa as a new dog exercise area.

       Whaarangi 1 | 3                                                                    M 29054354
Extraord Agenda - Hearing - Feedback - DCP                                                             Page 6
and Bylaw - 2021

       •     To include a fenced off portion of Centennial Park, Paeroa as a new dog exercise area.

       Plains Ward
       •   To include     a portion of Hugh Hayward Domain, Ngatea as a new dog exercise area.
       •   To include     the fenced off area on River Road, Ngatea as a new dog exercise area.
       •   To include     a portion of Kerepehi Domain as a new dog exercise area.
       •   To include     a portion of Turua Domain as a new dog exercise area.

       Waihi Ward
       •  To include a portion of Bank Street Reserve, Waihi as a new dog exercise area.
       •  To change the summer dates and times that dogs can be off leash at Whiritoa Beach. Off
          leash from 20 December to 9 February between the hours of 6pm and 9am.
       The draft policy and bylaw adoption report and the statement of proposal considered by
       Council contain further information on the rationale for the various proposals in the bylaw.
       Both can be found on the Council’s consultation website https://weneedtotalk.hauraki-

       This was advertised via our usual channels,the Hauraki District Council website, Hauraki Herald
       and Facebook. Staff also directly targeted key stakeholders via letter or email including all dog
       owners in the district, iwi, Department of Conservation (DoC), Waikato Regional Council,
       previous submitters, user groups at parks/reserves that were affected and land owners
       neighbouring proposed new sites.

       3        THE ISSUES | NGĀ TAKE
       The report outlines the hearing process, summarises the topics that Council has received
       multiple submissions on and provides staff recommendation to help inform the Council’s
       deliberation on the submissions made. The recommendations are subject to any further
       information raised by submitters at the hearing.

       3.1      Hearing of submissions – mee ting process

       The hearing of submissions will begin on Tuesday, 30 March 2021 at 1:00pm.

       There were a total of 38 submissions received and seven people are scheduled to speak in
       support of their submission at the hearing. The first speaker is scheduled to speak at 1.10pm
       and the last speaker is scheduled to speak at 2:10pm. Each speaker has been allowed 10
       minutes in which to present their submission.

           Allocated time       Submitter                                               Submission
           1:10pm                                                                       38.1-38.9
                                Gaye Stammers
           1:20pm                                                                       6.1
                                Jeannine Elizabeth Wiki
                                from Waihi Hack & Hunters Banks Street Waihi
           1:30pm                                                                       7.1-7.2
                                Michael James Reehal
                                from Independent Grain and Stockfeeds
           1:40pm                                                                       20.1
                                Katherine Lucas
           1:50pm                                                                       21.1
                                Wendy Scott
                                from Thames Valley Adult Riding Club
           2:00pm                                                                       28.1-28.5
                                Alexis Elizabeth Smith

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Extraord Agenda - Hearing - Feedback - DCP                                                             Page 7
and Bylaw - 2021

         2:10pm                                                                          29.1
                                Maxine Grace Schaare

       The written submissions on which the submitters do not wish to be heard will be considered
       following the hearing of submissions.
       The Council will then make its decision on all submissions received, and move individual
       resolutions for proposed areas and topics to include any comments the Council wishes to be
       included in the response to submitters on those topics.
       Circulated with the agenda is a copy of the Summary of Submissions which includes:
            •   Hearing of submissions – Speaker submission points
            •   Summaries of each submission by proposed area/topic
            •   Staff comments on each area/topic and recommendation for amendments to the Policy
                and Bylaw
       A copy of all full submissions has been circulated separately to Councillors as this contains
       contact details of submitters that is not for public release.

       Staff consider that the Council does have enough of an understanding of community views
       and preferences on this matter. The level of engagement considered appropriate for this
       matter, at this point in time, is to inform (i.e. one-way communication disseminating
       information) the submitters and wider community of the outcome of the Council deliberations
       on the Dog Control Policy and Bylaw.

       Staff have presented recommendations for various proposed new dog exercise area’s that
       require costing. These costings would need to be undertaken by receiving quotes for
       fencing/barriers/gates, reserve maintenance, additional bins and signage. These costs would
       be reported back to Council to make decisions on. None of these existing costs have been
       budgeted for in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan. Therefore staff would either have to make a
       submission to the Long Term Plan consultation to increase the appropriate budgets, absorb the
       costs within existing budgets or plan for spending on the reserves to be incorporated in the
       Annual Plan 2022/23.

       6        NEXT STEPS | TE ARA KI MUA
       Once the consideration of submissions has been completed council staff will prepare an
       adoption report for the Council meeting of Wednesday 28 April 2021 subject to Council
       decisions following the hearing.

       7        Approval
         Prepared by             Michelle Clive
                                 Strategic Planner
         Approved by             Peter Thom
                                 Group Manager – Community Development

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Extraord Agenda - Hearing - Feedback - DCP and Bylaw - 2021                  Page 8

            Appendix A

                             POLICY AND BYLAW 2021
              TABLE OF CONTENTS:

              HEARING OF SUBMISSIONS                                     3

                             Speakers submission points         3

              PAEROA WARD                                                9

                             Brenan Field, Paeroa               9

                             Centennial Park, Paeroa           10

                             Leach Field, Paeroa               13

                             Rotokohu Sportsground, Paeroa     16

                             Stop bank, Paeroa                 17

                             William Street Reserve, Paeroa    18

              PLAINS WARD                                            19

                             Hugh Hayward Domain, Ngatea       19

                             Kerephei Domain, Kerephei         20

                             River Road, Ngatea                25

                             Tauwhare Koiora, Kaiaua           26

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Extraord Agenda - Hearing - Feedback - DCP and Bylaw - 2021               Page 9

                             Turua Domain, Turua               27

              WAIHI WARD                                             27

                             Banks Street Reserve, Waihi       27

                             Bradford Street, Waihi            34

                             Consol Street Reserve, Waihi      35

                             Gilmour Lake, Waihi               36

                             Pukeko Park, Waihi                36

                             Whiritoa Beach                    37

                             Whiritoa (other)                  39

              GENERAL SUBTOPICS                                      40

                             Dog bins                          40

                             Fees and Charges                  41

                             General Policy/Bylaw              42

                             Hauraki Rail Trail                44

                             Maps of dog exercise areas        45

                             Public Pools                      45

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                   HEARING OF SUBMISSIONS

                   S P E A K E R S S UB M I S S I O N P O I N T S

                   The summary below is the submission points of those speaking at the hearing. These are also included in the tables below
                   by area/topic to be deliberated on with staff comments and recommendations.

                   1:10pm    Gaye Stammers              38.1   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent supports the proposal to remove Brenan Field, Paeroa, as long as it is replaced by other proposed
                                                               areas in Paeroa.

                                                               If it is not fenced, there is always a risk of dogs running out on the road.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That Brenan Field is removed as a dog exercise area as long as it is replaced by other proposed areas in Paeroa.
                                                        38.2   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent is of the view that Leach Field, Paeroa, is an awesome area for exercising and training dogs, but
                                                               requests clarification on why Neil Street is the only access point. The respondent is especially referring to "out of
                                                               towners" and parking.

                                                               The respondent suggested that the additions of "dog activities" along the outer edges would improve the area and
                                                               provide opportunities to owners to improve their relationships with their dogs.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That additional access points and dog activities are available at Leach Field, Paeroa.
                                                        38.3   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent is of the view Rotokohu Sportsground, Paeroa, is a good area, particularly if dogs are able to explore
                                                               along the river banks. This would provide dogs with "sniffing" opportunities.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That Rotokohu Sportsground, Paeroa, becomes a dog exercise area.
                                                        38.4   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent is of the view Centennial Park, Paeroa, is a good area and having a fenced off area will allow dogs
                                                               and people to practice their "off-lead" skills in a safe area.

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                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That Centennial Park, Paeroa, becomes a dog exercise area.

                                                        38.5   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent is of the view that the area is a good place for off-lead exercise if the area gets fenced off. There are
                                                               facilities that dogs can explore/use their noses.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That a portion of Hugh Hayward Domain, Ngatea becomes a dog exercise area.
                                                        38.6   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent advises that the fencing needs attention as small dogs can easily go under the rails. There is no
                                                               parking, but for owners, a walk along the streets and then an "off-lead" area where dogs can run will be much

                                                               The respondent suggests planting along the fence by the houses and including some dog equipment to use for other

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That the area of River Road, Ngatea becomes a dog exercise area with planting along the fence by the house and
                                                               some dog equipment.
                                                        38.7   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent is of the view that this area could become a popular spot and is an ideal area for sport dog handlers
                                                               to stop when travelling long distances.

                                                               The respondent advises that the fence by the dwelling needs to be improved. There is lots of parking and it is a large
                                                               area. It would be awesome if dogs were also allowed "on-lead" in other parts of the domain.

                                                               The respondent advised that Warkworth (past Auckland) has a large shared recreation ground where dogs can be
                                                               walked on-lead if horses are using the ground or off-lead if no horses are using the grounds.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That a portion of the Kerepehi Domain becomes a fenced dog exercise area.
                                                        38.8   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent suggest that it would be good to have "poo bags" as lots of areas to encourage people to pick up
                                                               after their dogs.

                                                               Decision Sought

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                                                               That dog poo bags are provided.
                   1:20pm    Jeannine Elizabeth Wiki 6.1       Reason for Request
                             from Waihi Hack &                 The respondent opposed the proposal for Banks Street, Waihi, for the following reasons:
                             Hunters Banks Street              1. The respondent maintains the reserve.
                             Waihi                             2. They cut hay from the grounds and sell raising funds for their club.
                                                               3. They meet every fortnight and other horse people use the grounds as a safe place to ride out of traffic.
                                                               4. They have gear on site and this will be damaged of others have access.
                                                               5. Some people do not use bins provided for dog "waste".
                                                               6. There is a dog exercise area a few hundred metres down the road.
                                                               7. Dogs attack horses.
                                                               8. They do not pay rent, but have offered too in the past.
                                                               9. There is no written agreement, but they have asked for one in the past.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That the area not become a dog exercise area.
                   1:30pm    Michael James Reehal   7.1        Reason for Request
                             from Independent Drain            The respondent is of the opinion that the Bank Street Reserve needs to be left as it is for Waihi Hack and Hunters
                             and Stockfeeds                    riding club for the following reasons:
                                                               1. A dog exercise area is in complete conflict to horse riders.
                                                               2. There is already a large dog exercise area behind the old netball courts of Kenny Street which covers dog owners in
                                                               the east end of Waihi.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That this area not become a dog exercise area.
                                                        7.2    Reason for Request
                                                               To cover dog owners at the west end of Waihi, the respondent suggests that the strip of land at 11 Bradford Street
                                                               be considered as:
                                                               1. Council already owns the land;
                                                               2. It is mostly fenced;
                                                               3. There is a small stream at the other end from Bradford Street.
                                                               4. As this is an area in an industrial zone, it would not be a noise controlled area for barking dogs.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That the Council owned land on Bradford Street, Waihi becomes a dog exercise area.
                   1:40pm    Katherine Lucas            20.1   Reason for Request

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                                                               The Respondent advised that the local riding club members enjoy their sport at the Bank Street reserve, Waihi. The
                                                               reduction of the riding area is very disappointing and fencing off unleased or leased dogs is not going to prevent
                                                               interference with riding and horse safety. There are few safe spaces for horse riders.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That this area not become a dog exercise area.
                   1:50pm    Wendy Scott                21.1   Reason for Request
                             from Thames Valley                The Respondent opposes the proposal at the Kerepehi Domain due to the following reasons:
                             Adult Riding Club                 1. Paeroa A& P Show expanded show incorporated proposed area suggested;
                                                               2. Ngatea Pony Club (children on ponies etc.)/Thames Valley Adult Riding Club are active ground uses;
                                                               3. Safety Issues i.e. in adequate fencing, not enough area separating horse and dog area. Dogs to be muzzled? Several
                                                               horses have had to be euthanized after dog attacks;
                                                               4. Club members ride at grounds outside rally days as per Pony Club Members;
                                                               5. Residential dogs tend not to be stock savvy.
                                                               6. Local farmer leases grounds and actively uses suggested area for grazing, especially in times of drought.

                                                               The responded strongly prefers the council to seek other areas more suitable away from stock.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That Council seek other areas more suitable away from stock.
                   2:00pm    Alexis Elizabeth Smith     28.1   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent is of the opinion that Leach Field, Paeroa, does have reasonably good fencing, but the two walking
                                                               bridges which may need a gate. The biggest problem is the paspalum around 3 sides starting from the larger bridge.
                                                               Dogs’ coats do not react well to this sticky weed.

                                                               The respondent suggests a possible spraying program, especially late spring/early summer.

                                                               The respondent is also of the opinion that parking on Neil Street is limited and that an area to park off road would be

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That the area be properly fenced;
                                                               that the two walking bridges get a gate;
                                                               that a spraying program be considered for the paspalum and
                                                               that there be an area to park off road.
                                                        28.2   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent advises that it is impossible for her hound (greyhound) and quite difficult for her (74) to climb over
                                                               the stile at Rotokohu Road, Paeroa. She also tried to get in via Te Aroha Road where there are two smaller stiles
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                                                               without success.

                                                               The respondent suggests that a latch gate, like those in rest homes, be put in that automatically closes when
                                                               someone passes through.

                                                               The respondent also advises that the parking area is quite small especially when WINZ people are using it during the

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That the stiles be replaced by latch gates that automatically closes behind you.
                                                        28.3   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent notes that this is already an established dog exercise area with a poo bin at the far end of second
                                                               field (Brenan Field). She is of the opinion that it is great that there will be a fenced area to allow dogs to run, but that
                                                               the area at Centennial Park, Paeroa, is too confined to allow large to medium dogs to utilise it.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That this area not become a dog exercise area.
                                                        28.4   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent advised that the Paeroa areas need more bins as well as a bag dispenser to encourage dog owners to
                                                               take responsibility for picking up after their pets. She sees a lot of dog poo around Paeroa.

                                                               The respondents comments that that dog poo bin on the rail trail is frequently full to overflowing and that more and
                                                               bigger bins are needed.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That more and bigger bins be provided to encourage dog owners to pick up after their pets.
                                                        28.5   Reason for Request
                                                               The respondent advises that the Williams Street reserve has been partially enclosed already and that it would not
                                                               take too much to purpose this area. There is also an area off this reserve and alongside the river behind the Daley
                                                               truck yard that seems to be council land which is fenced and mown. The respondent suggest that this area be an
                                                               enclosed dog exercise area for large dogs.

                                                               Decision Sought
                                                               That the Williams Street reserve and the area behind the Daley truck yard be considered as an exercise area for large
                   2:10pm    Maxine Grace Schaare       29.1   Reason for Request

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                                                              The respondent advised that as a past rider, and now as a steward and trainee judge for equestrian shows, she is of
                                                              the view that having an off-leash park where riders exercise horses is not a great idea.

                                                              Dogs make a lot of noise and are not always controlled making it difficult for riders to control their horses. Should a
                                                              dog escape and cause havoc, there may be court charges against council and dog owners and horse owners may be
                                                              effected due to vet and other costs.

                                                              The respondent advised that she grew up on a farm and knows that unless dogs and horses have been around for a
                                                              period of time to get used to each other, problems can arise.

                                                              It can lead to vet bills for both dogs and horses and to medical bills if the rider or dog owner is hurt by the horse.

                                                              Dogs are not permitted at A&P shows unless on a leashed and very controlled.

                                                              Decision Sought
                                                              That Banks Street, Waihi, not become a dog exercise area.

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                   PAEROA WARD

                   B R E N A N F I E LD , P A E R O A

                    #        Submitter        Summary of Submission                         Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    2.1      Bryce Millar     Reason for Request                            THAT Brenan Field,          One submitter opposes the removal of Brenan Field and
                                              The respondent supports the proposal          Paeroa, be removed as an    suggests it is more appropriate than the proposal at Centennial
                                              to remove Brenan Field, Paeroa, as a          off-leash dog exercise      Park.
                                              dog exercise area, but is of the opinion      area from the Dog Control
                                              that a fence could be placed there as         Policy and Bylaw.           Two submitters support the proposal to remove Brenan Field
                                              well to exclude it from the playing fields.                               as a dog exercise area with the following points:
                                              The responded suggests that if fences                                     • As long as the exercise area is replaced with proposed
                                              were put up, and a small bridge                                                areas.
                                              installed, this area and Centennial area                                  • Suggests fencing from Brenan Field to Centennial Park
                                              joined together would be a sizable dog                                         with an adjoining bridge across the drain.
                                                                                                                        However staff suggest fencing Brenan Field to Centennial Park
                                              Decision Sought                                                           with a bridge would be a significant cost for a long narrow
                                              That Brenan Field, Paeroa, is either                                      exercise area.
                                              removed as a dog exercise area or
                                              joined by a bridge and fence to the                                       The exercise area next to Brenan Field if fenced separately
                                              exercise area at Centennial Park.                                         would be too small and left unfenced is unsuitable as dog's
                    37.1     Name Withheld    Reason for Request                                                        cannot be contained from getting onto the skatepark, sports
                                              The respondent has exercised her dog                                      fields, road, private property or the drain.
                                              on this field for years and have never
                                              had a problem. The respondent is of the
                                              view that this area is far more suitable
                                              than using the north end of Centennial

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That Brenan Field, Paeroa, is retained as
                                              a dog exercise area.
                    38.1     Gaye Stammers    Reason for Request

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                         Staff Recommendation         Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              The respondent supports the proposal
                                              as long as it is replaced by other
                                              proposed areas in Paeroa.

                                              If it is not fenced, there is always a risk
                                              of dogs running out on the road.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That Brenan Field is removed as a dog
                                              exercise area as long as it is replaced by
                                              other proposed areas in Paeroa.

                   CENTENNIAL PARK, PAEROA

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                         Staff Recommendation         Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    2.4    Bryce Millar       Reason for Request                            THAT the portion of          There has been three submissions in support of the Centennial
                                              The respondent is of the opinion that         Centennial Park, Paeroa      Park dog exercise area for the reason that they consider it
                                              the portion of Centennial Park, Paeroa,       (as indicated in the map 3   would be useful to have a fenced dog exercise area in Paeroa.
                                              becoming a dog exercise area is small         within the statement of      One submitter suggested however the area be fenced from
                                              but since it is fenced, it will be useful.    proposal) not be included    Brenan Field to Centennial Park with an adjoining bridge across
                                              The respondent suggests that it be            as an off-leash dog          the drain which would be a significant cost for a long narrow
                                              joined with a bridge to a fenced area at      exercise area in the Dog     exercise area.
                                              Brenan Park.                                  Control Policy and Bylaw.
                                                                                                                         Three submitters opposed Centennial Park becoming a dog
                                              Decision Sought                                                            exercise area for the following reasons:
                                              That it be joined with a bridge to a                                       • The area would not be large enough to accommodate
                                              fenced area at Brenan Park.                                                    medium to large dogs.
                    8.1    Name Withheld      Reason for Request                                                         • The area is next to the number one playing field.
                                              The respondent is of the opinion that                                      • This would reserve is probably the most used reserve for
                                              this would be a great area if the area is                                      sports in Paeroa.
                                              fenced.                                                                    • There are often large crowds there to watch sports and
                                                                                                                             this may not be a good interaction with dogs.

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              Decision Sought                                                     •   There are already issues with retrieving balls that go
                                              That Centennial Park, Paeroa, becomes a                                 through the fence from the playing field without adding
                                              dog exercise area as long as it is fenced.                              having to go through a dog exercise area to retrieve them.
                    28.3   Alexis Elizabeth   Reason for Request                                                  •    If Brenan Field is unsuitable given that it is too small and
                           Smith              The respondent notes that this is already                               close to a drain and playing field, why is this more
                                              an established dog exercise area with a                                 suitable.
                                              poo bin at the far end of second field                              •   No consultation with the Centennial Park Board was
                                              (Brenan Field). She is of the opinion that                              undertaken before this idea was proposed.
                                              it is great that there will be a fenced
                                              area to allow dogs to run, but that the                             The portion of Centennial Park, Paeroa, that is proposed (as
                                              area is too confined to allow large to                              indicated in the map 3 within the statement of proposal) is
                                              medium dogs to utilise it.                                          already partially fenced and would need to be fully fenced to
                                                                                                                  provide an appropriate off-leash dog exercise area. This is due
                                              Decision Sought                                                     to this being next to a high use sports field and you would not
                                              No decision sought.                                                 be able to have both uses happening at the same time without
                                                                                                                  appropriate barriers. The cost of completing the fencing needs
                    35.1   PAEROA RUGBY Reason for Request
                                                                                                                  to be a consideration as this is not currently budgeted for in
                           AND SPORTS INC The respondent is of the view that
                                                                                                                  the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.
                           - Gwen Dunn    proposed fenced area on the northern
                                          end of Centennial Park for a dog
                                          exercise area is not a practical option.
                                          The placement of the enclosed exercise
                                          area is close to the number one playing

                                              The respondent asks why there is a need
                                              for a dog exercise area to be on the
                                              active reserve, probably the most used
                                              sports fields in Paeroa.

                                              The respondent is concerned about the
                                              interaction of dogs and large crowds,
                                              especially children, while sports events
                                              are on. Junior touch attracts large

                                              The current northern fence already
                                              creates issues when retrieving balls from
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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              the drain that have cleared the fence.
                                              An extra layer of fencing would increase
                                              the difficulty.

                                              If Brenan Field isn’t suitable as a dog
                                              exercise area because "it’s too small and
                                              too close to a drain, sports field” then
                                              why is Council proposing to build a
                                              fenced exercise area right next to a drain
                                              and a sports field?

                                              The respondent suggests that a passive
                                              reserve would be better suited to the
                                              needs of both dog owners and dogs and
                                              that it is worth noting that the
                                              Centennial Park Board has not been
                                              consulted over this matter.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That this area not be a dog exercise
                    37.4   Name Withheld      Reason for Request
                                              The respondent is concerned about this
                                              area as Centennial Park is a busy and
                                              popular sports field and the area
                                              designated for the proposed dog
                                              exercise area is where a lot of sport
                                              spectators congregate and watch from.

                                              The respondent doesn't think that a dog
                                              exercise area is a particularly healthy
                                              area to share with a designated sports
                                              ground widely used.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That this not be a dog exercise area.
                    38.4   Gaye Stammers      Reason for Request
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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                      Staff Recommendation          Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              The respondent is of the view
                                              Centennial Park, Paeroa, is a good area
                                              and having a fenced off area will allow
                                              dogs and people to practice their "off-
                                              lead" skills in a safe area.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That Centennial Park, Paeroa, becomes a
                                              dog exercise area.

                   L E A C H F I E LD , P A E R O A

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                      Staff Recommendation          Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    2.2    Bryce Millar       Reason for Request                         THAT Leach Field, Paeroa, Submissions are largely in support of Leach Field, Paeroa
                                              The respondent thinks the proposal for     becomes an off-leash dog becoming a dog exercise area however raise the following
                                              Leach Field, Paeroa, becoming a dog        exercise area in the Dog  concerns:
                                              exercise area is a great idea.             Control Policy and Bylaw   • There needs to be access from more than Neil Street and
                                              He is concerned that access is intended    and,                          this provides limited parking.
                                              to be only from Neil Street and suggests
                                              it should be more accessible, both from    THAT the cost of boundary         Access can only be from Neil Street, Paeroa, as this is
                                              the King/Corbett end, and in time along    fencing where it adjoins          directly onto the reserve from the road and does not cross
                                              the drain from Arney Street as well.       neighbouring properties           property owned by anyone else. The access from
                                                                                         be prepared, including the        Corbett/King Street Paeroa crosses land that Council does
                                              Decision Sought                            maintenance programme             not own so therefore cannot be included as a formal
                                              That it be more accessible.                for Leach Field, Paeroa for       access point.
                    23.1   Name Withheld      Reason for Request                         Council to consider,
                                              The respondent commented that she is                                         Although Council owns the land where the drain runs
                                              not sure how many areas they need.                                           from Arney Street to Leach Field it is currently fenced to
                                                                                                                           stop access to the drain (for safety reasons) and there is
                                              Decision Sought                                                              no bridge from the point across the drain onto the field.
                                              No decision sought.
                                                                                                                           It is assumed that some dog owners will walk with their
                    28.1   Alexis Elizabeth   Reason for Request
                                                                                                                           dogs on-leash to use the exercise area and therefore not
                           Smith              The respondent is of the opinion that it
                                                                                                                           all owners will need parking on the street. Should parking
                                              does have reasonably good fencing, but
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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              the two walking bridges which may need                                  become an issue on Neil Street then this would need to be
                                              a gate. The biggest problem is the                                      addressed.
                                              paspalum around 3 sides starting from
                                              the larger bridge. Dogs’ coats do not                               • There is paspalum around 3 sides of the field which does
                                              react well to this sticky weed.                                       not mix well with dogs’ coats. There should be a spraying
                                                                                                                    programme established in spring/early summer.
                                              The respondent suggests a possible
                                              spraying program, especially late                                       Maintenance programmes for the reserve will need to be
                                              spring/early summer.                                                    considered in light of the change in use. Any additional
                                                                                                                      costs for mowing or spraying would need to either be
                                              The respondent is also of the opinion                                   absorbed in existing budgets or new budgets proposed as
                                              that parking on Neil Street is limited and                              anything additional has not been budgeted for in the
                                              that an area to park off road would be                                  2021-2031 Long Term Plan.
                                                                                                                  • That fencing is required where the boundary where it
                                              Decision Sought                                                       adjoins neighbouring properties.
                                              That the area be properly fenced;
                                              that the two walking bridges get a gate;                                Existing neighbours of Leach Field are supportive of the
                                              that a spraying program be considered                                   proposal if the boundary is appropriately fenced where it
                                              for the paspalum and                                                    adjoins their property. Some dog owners already use this
                                              that there be an area to park off road.                                 field and their dogs cross the drain and get into the
                    37.2   Name Withheld      Reason for Request                                                      section. Damage is also done to drain as people cross it.
                                              The respondent is concerned about                                       The cost for partially fencing Leach Field, Paeroa, should
                                              Leach's Field becoming a dog exercise                                   be considered however this is not within existing budgets
                                              area. She owns the adjoining property                                   included within the 2021-2031 LTP and would be
                                              and only a drain separates the two                                      additional.
                                              properties. She already experienced
                                              problems with people who seem to                                    • One submitter suggests adding exercise equipment to the
                                              think that her property is an extension                               field.
                                              of the field and try and jump the drain.
                                                                                                                      There is no budget to accommodate exercise equipment
                                              Many people already exercise their dogs                                 for dogs on the reserve. Should the community wish to
                                              in Leach's field and most walk the                                      install exercise equipment for dogs on the reserve (where
                                              perimeter along the drain. The drain                                    costs are not covered by the Council) the Council would
                                              bank is fragile and caves in with people                                be supportive of that being available on the reserve.
                                              trying to come across. Some dogs have
                                              shown keen interest in her pet sheep

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                       Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              and has jumped across the drain leaving
                                              the owner to jump the drain to retrieve
                                              their dog.

                                              The respondents understands that both
                                              sides of the drain are classified as
                                              ponding zone and that a fence cannot be
                                              installed along the drain bank. If the
                                              boundary could be fenced to prevent
                                              access into her property she would not
                                              have problem with the proposal.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That the boundary be fenced.
                    38.2   Gaye Stammers      Reason for Request
                                              The respondent is of the view that Leach
                                              Field, Paeroa, is an awesome area for
                                              exercising and training dogs, but
                                              requests clarification on why Neil Street
                                              is the only access point. The respondent
                                              is especially referring to "out of
                                              towners" and parking.

                                              The respondent suggested that the
                                              additions of "dog activities" along the
                                              outer edges would improve the area and
                                              provide opportunities to owners to
                                              improve their relationships with their

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That additional access points and dog
                                              activities are available at Leach Field,

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                   R O T O K O H U S PO R T SG R O U N D , PA E R O A

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation          Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    2.3    Bryce Millar       Reason for Request                           THAT the portion of the       Submissions support the inclusion of the portion of the
                                              The Respondent agrees with the               Rotokohu Sports Ground,       Rotokohu Sports Ground, Paeroa (as indicated in the map 2
                                              proposal for a portion of Rotokohu           Paeroa (as indicated in the   within the statement of proposal) being included as a dog
                                              Sports Ground, Paeroa, becoming a dog        map2 within the               exercise area in the Dog Control Policy and Bylaw.
                                              exercise area. It is a big area and remote   statement of proposal) be
                                              from houses. He suggests that some           included as an off-leash  It is suggested that some form of boundary signage and/or
                                              form of boundary signage and/or              dog exercise area in the  fencing to differentiate between the play fields and the dog
                                              fencing to differentiate between play        Dog Control Policy and    area be included. There is also a suggestion that the stiles need
                                              fields and dog area be included.             Bylaw, and                to be replaced with latch gates that automatically close behind
                                                                                                                     you. The cost of putting in a barrier or fence and/or new gates
                                              Decision Sought                              THAT the Service Delivery needs to be a consideration as this is not currently budgeting
                                              That some form of boundary signage           team prepare costings for for in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.
                                              and/or fencing to differentiate between gates and a fence or
                                              play fields and dog area be included.        barrier to differentiate
                    28.2   Alexis Elizabeth   Reason for Request                           between the play fields
                           Smith              The respondent advises that it is            and dog area at Rotokohu
                                              impossible for her hound (greyhound)         Sportsground for Council
                                              and quite difficult for her (74) to climb    to consider.
                                              over the stile. She also tried to get in via
                                              Te Aroha Road where there are two
                                              smaller stiles without success.

                                              The respondent suggests that a latch
                                              gate, like those in rest homes, be put in
                                              that automatically closes when someone
                                              passes through.

                                              The respondent also advises that the
                                              parking area is quite small especially
                                              when WINZ people are using it during
                                              the week.

                                              Decision Sought
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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              That the stiles be replaced by latch gates
                                              that automatically closes behind you.
                    37.3   Name Withheld      Reason for Request
                                              The respondent believes that this area
                                              would work well for a dog exercise area
                                              as long as it is on the land used for
                                              grazing and not in close proximity of the
                                              existing sports field.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That the area is not in close proximity of
                                              the existing sports field.
                    38.3   Gaye Stammers      Reason for Request
                                              The respondent is of the view that this is
                                              a good area, particularly if dogs are able
                                              to explore along the river banks. This
                                              would provide dogs with "sniffing"

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That Rotokohu Sportsground, Paeroa,
                                              becomes a dog exercise area.

                   STOP BANK, PAEROA

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    37.5   Name Withheld      Reason for Request                           THAT no changes be made     There has been no proposal to remove the existing off-leash
                                              The respondent mentions that the             to the existing dog         dog exercise area on the stop bank in Paeroa between the
                                              stopbank area behind the Paeroa              exercise area on the stop   Criterion Bridge and William Street Reserve.
                                              township has not been highlighted as a       bank in Paeroa in the Dog
                                              proposed dog exercise area. As a dog         Control Policy and Bylaw.   There had been some initial discussions about whether it
                                              owner, the respondent walks this area                                    would be more appropriate to shift the exercise area further
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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                       Staff Recommendation       Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              daily with her dog and it would have to                                up the stop bank so it did not include the rail trail area.
                                              be the most popular dog exercise area in                               However as this is Waikato Regional Council land no changes
                                              town.                                                                  have been made or proposed as any use of the land needs to
                                                                                                                     be approved by the Regional Council.
                                              With the riverside canopy of trees, this
                                              area can be walked in all weather, and
                                              even in the heat of the day. With the
                                              new wharf going in, many dog owners
                                              were worried that this exercise area
                                              would be removed and there was talk
                                              amongst owners to raise a petition if so.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That the stopbank area behind the
                                              Paeroa township is retained as a dog
                                              exercise area.

                   W I L LI A M S T R E E T R E S E R V E , P A E R O A

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                       Staff Recommendation       Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    28.5   Alexis Elizabeth   Reason for Request                          THAT no changes be made    The area the submitter appears to be referring to on William
                           Smith              The respondent advises that the             to the dog exercise area   Street is already included in an existing off-leash dog exercise
                                              Williams Street reserve has been            on the stop bank in        area that adjoins the stop bank heading towards the Criterion
                                              partially enclosed already and that it      Paeroa.                    Bridge. However part of the land on William Street will
                                              would not take too much to purpose this                                become a Council car park and therefore is not appropriate to
                                              area. There is also an area off this                                   be fenced.
                                              reserve and alongside the river behind
                                              the Daley truck yard that seems to be                                  The area that adjoins this on the stop bank that is not currently
                                              council land which is fenced and mown.                                 part of the off-leash dog exercise area was initially considered
                                              The respondent suggest that this area be                               as an off-leash dog exercise area and may be considered again
                                              an enclosed dog exercise area for large                                in the future. However the land is owned by Waikato Regional
                                              dogs.                                                                  Council and further conversations about Council's use of that

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation         Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                                                                                                        land would need to be had before any changes could be
                                              Decision Sought                                                           included in a policy or bylaw amendment.
                                              That the Williams Street reserve and the
                                              area behind the Daley truck yard be
                                              considered as an exercise area for large

                   PLAINS WARD

                   H UG H H A Y W A R D D O MA I N , N G A T E A

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation         Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    3.1    Name Withheld      Reason for Request                           THAT the portion of Hugh     Submissions received support the portion of Hugh Hayward
                                              The Respondent agrees that the               Hayward Domain, Ngatea       Domain, Ngatea (as indicated in the map) being included as an
                                              proposal for a portion of Hugh Hayward       (as indicated in the map 4   off-leash dog exercise area.
                                              Domain, Ngatea, becoming a dog               within the statement of
                                              exercise area needs to happen, even if it    proposal) be included as     There was a suggestion a portion of the exercise area for small
                                              is an only off-lead area or a fenced area.   an off-leash dog exercise    breeds to prevent larger dogs injuring smaller dogs was also
                                                                                           area in the Dog Control      raised. However the proposed portion of the domain is not
                                              Decision Sought                              Policy and Bylaw, and        considered large enough to further proportion up for different
                                              That a portion of Hugh Hayward                                            size dogs.
                                              Domain, Ngatea becomes a dog exercise THAT the cost of fencing
                                              area.                                    the portion of the Hugh          Given the proposed exercise area is within a shared use
                    13.1   Name Withheld      Reason for Request                       Hayward Domain, Ngatea           Domain, it would be appropriate to consider fencing the dog
                                              The respondent supports the proposal. (as indicated in the map 4          exercise area to contain them from entering other parts of the
                                              She has a very small breed of dog and    within the statement of          domain whilst in use. The cost of completing the fencing needs
                                              suggests that a portion for small breeds proposal) is costed by the       to be a consideration as this is not currently budgeting for in
                                              be fenced off. Large dog playing with                                     the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              small dogs may bat a heavy paw their         Service Delivery team for
                                              backs and may break their spine!             consideration by Council.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That a portion also be fenced off for
                                              small breeds.
                    38.5   Gaye Stammers      Reason for Request
                                              The respondent is of the view that the
                                              area is a good place for off-lead exercise
                                              if the area gets fenced off. There are
                                              facilities that dogs can explore/use their

                                              The respondent suggests that a picnic
                                              table be included. There is a lot of
                                              parking and it is next to an "on-lead"

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That a portion of Hugh Hayward
                                              Domain, Ngatea becomes a dog exercise

                   K E R E P H E I D O MA I N , K E R E P H E I

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    8.2    Name Withheld      Reason for Request                           THAT the portion of         Submissions received in support of the portion of Kerepehi
                                              The respondent advised that this would       Kerepehi Domain (as         Domain (as indicated in the map) being included as an off-
                                              be a number one spot for her personally      indicated in the map 6      leash dog exercise area do with the following comments:
                                              and that it would be good to see this        within the statement of
                                              area fenced with some agility courses        proposal) be included as

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation         Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              and some trees. Kerepehi has a lot of        an off-leash dog exercise    • This area would be ideal fenced with trees available and
                                              dog owners.                                  area in the Dog Control        agility equipment.
                                                                                           Policy and Bylaw, with the   • Kerepehi has a lot of dog owners.
                                              Decision Sought                              provision that it is fully   • The Paeroa A&P association support this proposal if the
                                              That a portion of Kerepehi Domain            fenced, and                    area is fenced, regularly cleaned for dog faeces and that it
                                              becomes a dog exercise area with an                                         is closed as a dog exercise from the day prior to the
                                              agility course.                              THAT the cost of fencing       annual A&P show to the day after the show.
                    15.1   Name Withheld      Reason for Request                           the portion of Kerepehi      • This is an ideal area for travellers to stop with their dogs
                                              The respondent is concerned about this       Domain (as indicated in        on the way through.
                                              area being a dog exercise area for the       the map 6 within the         • There is plenty of parking space.
                                              following reason:                            statement of proposal) is    • There is an existing dog exercise in Warkworth where
                                              1. Horse riders use these grounds and it     costed by the Service          dogs can be off leash when no horses are using the
                                              could cause some serious accidents for       Delivery Team for              reserve or on-leash when horses are on the reserve.
                                              horses and owners of both.                   consideration by Council.
                                              2. They have auto cross there.                                            Submissions received that do not support the portion of
                                              3. Livestock graze this domain.              Or                           Kerepehi Domain (as indicated in the map 6 within the
                                                                                                                        statement of proposal) being included as an off-leash dog
                                              The respondent would love to see more        THAT the portion of          exercise area do so for the following reasons:
                                              dog exercise areas and think it could        Kerepehi Domain (as          • Dogs would interfere with the safe riding of horses in the
                                              work if it was an area around the hall       indicated in the map 6           Domain.
                                              that could be fenced (to be an off lead      within the statement of      • The Domain is also used for auto cross.
                                              area) with some agility type courses in it   proposal) not be included    • Local farmers use the domain to graze livestock, especially
                                              to practice.                                 as an off-leash dog              in times of drought.
                                                                                           exercise area in the Dog
                                                                                                                        • The Paeroa A&P Show has been expanded to incorporate
                                              Decision Sought                              Control Policy and Bylaw.
                                                                                                                            the area that has been proposed.
                                              That the portion of the Kerepehi Domain                                   • Horses have had to be euthanised after dog attacks.
                                              by the hall be fenced as a dog exercise                                   • Residential dogs which would be using the area are not
                                              area with agility equipment.                                                  trained to be around stock safely.
                    21.1   THAMES VALLEY      Reason for Request
                           ADULT RIDING       The respondent opposes the proposal
                           CLUB - KEREPEHI    due to the following reasons:
                           - Chris Gifford    1. Paeroa A& P Show expanded show
                           and Wendy Scott    incorporated proposed area suggested;
                                              2. Ngatea Pony Club (children on ponies
                                              etc.)/Thames Valley Adult Riding Club
                                              are active ground uses;
                                              3. Safety Issues i.e. in adequate fencing,
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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              not enough area separating horse and
                                              dog area. Dogs to be muzzled? Several
                                              horses have had to be euthanized after
                                              dog attacks;
                                              4. Club members ride at grounds outside
                                              rally days as per Pony Club Members;
                                              5. Residential dogs tend not to be stock
                                              6. Local farmer leases grounds and
                                              actively uses suggested area for grazing,
                                              especially in times of drought.

                                              The responded strongly prefers the
                                              council to seek other areas more
                                              suitable away from stock.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That Council seek other areas more
                                              suitable away from stock.
                    33.1   PAEROA             Reason for Request
                           AGRICULTURAL       The respondent refers to the successful
                           AND PASTORAL       Paeroa and Plains Show held in January
                           ASSOCIATION -      and advised that they have plans for
                           Douglas Lineham    more (and larger) events going forward.
                                              For this show they used the whole of
                                              Kerepehi Domain and they will continue
                                              to grow the event year by year which
                                              will require all of the grounds, including
                                              the area identified for consideration as a
                                              dog exercise area.

                                              Although their association is supportive
                                              of the proposal being considered by
                                              council from a rider and animal point of
                                              view it would not be a safe situation to
                                              have dogs running free, exercising and
                                              barking next to an area with show

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                       Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              animals therein. Public safety is also of

                                              It was proposed that they have their
                                              dairy goat section back in 2022 with
                                              dairy cattle in the same year or perhaps

                                              By growing the show, the domain will
                                              become under pressure for room and
                                              increasingly valuable to their show

                                              Decision Sought
                                              No decision sought.
                    33.2   PAEROA             Reason for Request
                           AGRICULTURAL       The respondent mentions that their
                           AND PASTORAL       association is supportive of the proposal
                           ASSOCIATION -      being considered by council and that
                           Douglas Lineham    they will be pleased to cooperate in the
                                              development of an exercise area for

                                              From a rider and animal point of view it
                                              would not be a safe situation to have
                                              dogs running free, exercising and
                                              barking next to an area with show
                                              animals during the Paeroa and Plains

                                              The respondent suggests that, if areas
                                              are to be considered for shared use, the
                                              exercise area be closed the day prior to
                                              their annual show and for one day after
                                              to avoid any issues arising. Their annual
                                              Paeroa and Plains Show is gazetted for

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                        Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              the same weekend each year and is not
                                              likely to be changed.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That the dog exercise area be closed a
                                              day before to a day after the annual
                                              Paeroa and Plains show.
                    33.3   PAEROA             Reason for Request
                           AGRICULTURAL       The respondent requests that, if an area
                           AND PASTORAL       is to be shared with dogs, the issue of
                           ASSOCIATION -      hygiene presents itself for consideration.
                           Douglas Lineham    Animal faeces not collected at the time
                                              of deposit will constitute a health hazard
                                              to the public.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That is the portion of the Kerepehi
                                              Domain becomes a dog exercise area
                                              that the dog poo is cleaned up
                    38.7   Gaye Stammers      Reason for Request
                                              The respondent is of the view that this
                                              area could become a popular spot and is
                                              an ideal area for sport dog handlers to
                                              stop when travelling long distances.

                                              The respondent advises that the fence
                                              by the dwelling needs to be improved.
                                              There is lots of parking and it is a large
                                              area. It would be awesome if dogs were
                                              also allowed "on-lead" in other parts of
                                              the domain.

                                              The respondent advised that Warkworth
                                              (past Auckland) has a large shared
                                              recreation ground where dogs can be
                                              walked on-lead if horses are using the
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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                       Staff Recommendation         Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              ground or off-lead if no horses are using
                                              the grounds.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That a portion of the Kerephi Domain
                                              becomes a dog exercise area.

                   RIVER ROAD, NGATEA

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                       Staff Recommendation         Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    3.2    Name Withheld      Reason for Request                          THAT River Road, Ngatea      Submissions support the inclusion of a dog exercise area at
                                              The Respondent is of the opinion that a     (as indicated in the map 5   River Road, Ngatea (as indicated in the map 5 within the
                                              fenced area on River Road, Ngatea is        within the statement of      statement of proposal) in the Dog Control Policy and Bylaw.
                                              also important.                             proposal) be included as
                                                                                          an off-leash dog exercise    The suggestion a portion of the exercise area for small breeds
                                              Decision Sought                             area in the Dog Control      to prevent larger dogs injuring smaller dogs was also raised.
                                              That the area of River Road, Ngatea         Policy and Bylaw, and        However the proposed area is not considered large enough to
                                              becomes a dog exercise area.                                             further proportion up for different size dogs.
                    13.2   Name Withheld      Reason for Request                          THAT the Service Delivery
                                              The respondent supports the proposal.       Team prepare costing for     The suggestion of adequate fencing/planting would be
                                              She has a very small breed of dog and       the clearing and             considered in the establishment of the dog exercise at this site.
                                              suggests that a portion for small breeds    establishment of River       However the Council does not have the budgets to consider
                                              be fenced off. Large dog playing with       Road, Ngatea (as indicated   dog exercise equipment at this time. Should the community
                                              small dogs may bat a heavy paw their        in the map 5 within the      wish to install dog exercise equipment (costs not covered by
                                              backs and may break their spine!            statement of proposal) as    the Council) on the site then Council would be supportive of
                                                                                          a dog exercise area to be    them doing that.
                                              Decision Sought                             considered by Council.
                                              That a portion also be fenced off for
                                              small breeds.

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                      Staff Recommendation       Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    38.6   Gaye Stammers      Reason for Request
                                              The respondent advises that the fencing
                                              needs attention as small dogs can easily
                                              go under the rails. There is no parking,
                                              but for owners, a walk along the streets
                                              and then an "off-lead" area where dogs
                                              can run will be much appreciated.

                                              The respondent suggests planting along
                                              the fence by the houses and including
                                              some dog equipment to use for other

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That the area of River Road, Ngatea
                                              becomes a dog exercise area with
                                              planting along the fence by the house
                                              and some dog equipment.

                   T A UW H A R E K O I O R A , K A I A UA

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                      Staff Recommendation       Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    17.1   Name Withheld      Reason for Request                         THAT no dog exercise area The land around the Kaiaua Boat Club/Tauwhare Koiora is a
                                              The respondent requested that Council      is created at the land     wahi tapu site which is managed by a Co-governance
                                              consider an area around the Boat Club in   around the Kaiaua Boat     Committee. This site is not an appropriate dog exercise area.
                                              Kaiaua, becoming an off lead area as       Club (Tauwhare Koiora) in
                                              there are no campers to be concerned       the Dog Control Policy and
                                              about and it is usually empty mornings     Bylaw.
                                              and evenings when most people walk
                                              their dogs.

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                     Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              They also can't get to the road as the
                                              creek channel is there.

                                              Decision Sought
                                              That the area around the Boat Club in
                                              Kaiaua also be considered becoming and
                                              off lead dog exercise area.

                   T UR UA D O MA I N , T UR UA

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                     Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    11.1   LESLEY ALLISON     Reason for Request                        THAT a portion of the       There has been one submission received in support a dog
                                              The respondent is grateful and            Turua Domain (as agreed     exercise area in the Turua Domain being included in the Dog
                                              appreciative that HDC has backed a dog    with the Domain             Control Policy and Bylaw.
                                              exercise area for Turua.                  Committee) is included as
                                                                                        an off-leash dog exercise   An area would need to be agreed with the Turua Domain
                                              Decision Sought                           area in the Dog Control     Committee to ensure it does not interfere with existing use of
                                              That a portion of the Turua Domain        Policy and Bylaw.           the domain.
                                              becomes a dog exercise area.

                   WAIHI WARD

                   B A N K S ST R E E T R E SE R V E , W A I H I

                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                     Staff Recommendation        Reason for Staff Recommendation
                    4.1    Sacha Urlich       Reason for Request                        THAT the Banks Street       Of the submissions that supported the off-leash dog exercise
                                              The Respondent does not agree with the    Reserve, Waihi is not       area at Banks Street Reserve, Waihi, they did so under the
                                              proposal that a portion of Banks Street   included as an off-leash    provision that the area was fully fenced.
                                              Reserve, Waihi, become a dog exercise     dog exercise area in the
                                              area. There is another area just a few                                The vast majority of submissions received were opposing an

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                    #      Submitter          Summary of Submission                            Staff Recommendation   Reason for Staff Recommendation
                                              hundred meters down the road. The        Dog Control Policy and         off-leash dog exercise area at Banks Street Reserve, Waihi, for
                                              area is used by Waihi pony club and they Bylaw.                         the following reasons:
                                              have jumps and gear that would be                                        • Dogs will interfere with the safe riding of horses on this
                                              stolen when not locked away. Dogs and                                        reserve.
                                              horses don’t mix. When there are                                         • This will limit the hack and hunters current use of the
                                              fundraisers people would need to park                                        reserve.
                                              horse floats all down Banks Street                                       • There are few safe spaces available for horse riders in the
                                              spilling out into Barry Road.                                                district.
                                                                                                                       • There are adequate dogs exercise areas already in Waihi,
                                              Decision Sought                                                              including one not far from Bank Street.
                                              That this area not become a dog                                          • People will not pick up the dog poo from the reserve.
                                              exercise area.                                                           • The area proposed as a dog exercise area is currently used
                    5.1    Name Withheld      Reason for Request                                                           for parking of horse floats, there is not suitable safe space
                                              The respondent is of the opinion that                                        to park on the road side.
                                              the area be left as it is for it is one of the                           • The horse jumps and gear that remains at the reserve
                                              only safe places equestrians can ride.                                       would be at increased risk of being stolen or damaged.
                                              There are multiple safe dog exercise                                     • When there are event's held there parking would cause
                                              areas locally but sadly not many places                                      problems spilling down Banks Street and onto Barry Road.
                                              horses can be ridden safely.                                             • Currently the Waihi Hack & Hunters are maintaining the
                                              Decision Sought                                                          • The Waihi Hack & Hunters cut hay from the grounds to
                                              That the area not become a dog exercise                                      sell raising funds for their club.
                                              area.                                                                    • Although the Hack & Hunters do not pay to lease the
                    6.1    WAIHI HACK &       Reason for Request                                                           reserve they have offered to in the past and have
                           HUNTERS BANKS      The respondent opposed the proposal                                          requested a written agreement for use of the reserve.
                           STREET WAIHI -     for the following reasons:                                               • That if a dog were to get in amongst the horses and
                           Jeannine           1. The respondent maintains the                                              damage/injuries caused the Council could be taken to
                           Elizabeth Wiki     reserve.                                                                     court.
                                              2. They cut hay from the grounds and
                                              sell raising funds for their club.
                                              3. They meet every fortnight and other
                                              horse people use the grounds as a safe
                                              place to ride out of traffic.
                                              4. They have gear on site and this will be
                                              damaged of others have access.
                                              5. Some people do not use bins provided
                                              for dog "waste".
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