FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College

FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College

New College of Health                 Students Travel     Scholar Athletes
 Sciences - page 6                    Abroad - page 9   Recognized - page 13
FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College
Faithful in Purpose

     “We remain faithful in purpose, so that our students may live out theirs.”
     Dear WLC Alumni and Friends,

     At Wisconsin Lutheran College, we remain rooted in Jesus’ truths – faithful in purpose – providing an academic and
     Christian faith experience that prepares our students to see their potential and purpose in their everyday life and
     work. This commitment means our students leave WLC ready to lead in ways that are powerful and world-changing.

     When a student enrolls at WLC, they are beginning a journey of identifying their strengths and career pathways that
     will help them develop their knowledge of world, self, and purpose. They gain the skills necessary to tackle authentic
     challenges through service, research, clinical experiences, and professional internships. They are prepared to step
     into culture-shaping roles in society, and they are equipped for life’s critical moments.

     It is our faithful commitment to our mission – our purpose – that separates us from nearly every other college
     and university in the nation. It is this purpose that guides our strategic plan and serves as the focus of our
     comprehensive campaign – in that everything we do is a steadfast reflection of our mission.

     The aforementioned mission and purpose were the driving forces behind the creation of our Faithful in Purpose
     Strategic Plan. In 2017, President Johnson charged the campus with developing the college’s next five-year
     strategic plan. A 17-member task force from across the campus community created the framework for this plan.
     After soliciting inputs from virtually all constituencies, we developed a plan focused on three key areas: awareness,
     investment in signature programs, and continued improvement and innovation.

     Awareness will focus on how the college leverages existing programs that benefit our communities, attract
     key audiences to enroll more students, and expand our investment in marketing and enrollment resources. The
     investment in signature programs will expand select current academic programs, start new academic programs that
     will attract students, and further develop athletic, fine arts, and student-life programs and opportunities. Continued
     improvements and innovation - while being good stewards of the college’s blessings - will help streamline the
     student experience and provide a comprehensive education grounded in the liberal arts.

     Throughout the plan’s development, the task force realized the importance of positioning the college for future
     growth in traditional undergraduate, graduate, and adult students. However, given the unique environment of higher
     education today, the task force also sought to provide models for efficiency and financial stability to help our
     college thrive.

     Accompanying the strategic plan will be a new comprehensive campaign of the same title, “Faithful in Purpose.”
     The campaign will focus on funding the key initiatives and projects identified in the strategic planning process.
     Watch for more details about the campaign, which will be launched this year.

                      In His Service,

                      Rich Mannisto ’94
                      Vice President of Development and Strategic Initiatives

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FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College

                                NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED

WLC Ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a Top College and Best Value
                    For 2020, U.S. News & World Report rates Wisconsin Lutheran College
                    as one of the top 20 Regional Colleges in the Midwest. Schools in the
                    Best Regional Colleges category focus almost entirely on the undergraduate
                    experience and offer a broad range of programs in the liberal arts and in fields
                    such as business, nursing, and education.

                    WLC is ranked 12th among Regional Colleges in the Midwest on the U.S.
                    News Best Value Schools list for 2020. According to U.S. News: “The higher
                    the quality of the program and the lower the cost, the better the deal. Only
schools ranked in or near the top half of their categories are included, because U.S. News considers
the most significant values to be among colleges that are above average academically.”

Best Bang for the Buck
Washington Monthly included Wisconsin Lutheran College in its 2019 list of America’s Best Bang
for the Buck Colleges. WLC is 54th in a list of 372 ranked schools in the Midwest. For this category,
Washington Monthly ranks schools according to how well
they help non-wealthy students attain marketable degrees
at affordable prices.

Nationally Recognized as a College of Distinction
                    For 2019-2020, WLC was recognized as a College of Distinction and Christian
                    College of Distinction. The college’s business, education, and nursing
                    programs were acknowledged in the rankings as well.

                     “We seek out the schools that are wholly focused on the student experience,
                     constantly working to produce graduates who are prepared for a rapidly
                     changing global society,” said Tyson Schritter, Chief Operating Officer for
Colleges of Distinction. “Once again recognized as a College of Distinction, WLC stands out in
the way it strives to help its students to learn, grow, and succeed.”

Top Christian College and Best Residence Halls in the State
Niche is a website that offers college rankings based on
rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of student and
alumni reviews. For 2020, Niche rated Wisconsin Lutheran
College as one of the 100 best Christian colleges in the
country, and WLC’s residence halls were ranked 19th in
the nation and #1 in the state. Niche also named WLC the
Best Christian College in Wisconsin for 2020.

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FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College
           				 on Campus for Students
          As a result of several gifts to Wisconsin Lutheran College, including an anonymous $5.2 million gift,
            we’ve enhanced three areas of campus over summer break to meet the needs of our students.

     Physiology Lab
                                                                          Sport and
                                                                          Science Lab

     In Generac Hall, our primary academic building, we’ve
     incorporated three new state-of-the-art labs, expanding
     the overall lab space for the college and offering additional lab
     hours. The anatomy and physiology labs have increased in size and
     are designed so students have more opportunities to learn through
     hands-on experiences. Also included is a dedicated sport and exercise
     science lab where students can use the same assessment and analysis
     equipment they will use in the field, including a hydrostatic weighing tank, force plates (pictured above),
     and cycle ergometers. Additional classrooms are part of the transformation as well. Students appreciate
     the two new gathering spaces for studying, taking a break, or grabbing a snack.

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FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College
Forty-five percent of WLC students participate in
                                                one of our 19 NCAA Division III sports, so we have
                                                expanded and improved our Recreation Complex.
                                                A new Sports Performance Center includes a
                                                comprehensive weight room and dynamic exercise
                                                area. This space triples the previous weight room
                                                size and allows the college’s largest teams to train
                                                together and enhance camaraderie. There are also
                                                new spaces focused on year-round training for golf,
                                                baseball, and softball, all of which incorporate high-
                                                tech simulators. A relocation and expansion of the
                                                current fitness center offers students the latest
                                                equipment for cardio workouts and strength training.

The track located inside Raabe Stadium at WLC’s Outdoor Athletic Center was recently redone. The newly
named Catalyst Track provides an advanced polyurethane running surface that combines quality and
performance. Additionally, this world-class track positions WLC to host a variety of events and gives the
Warriors home-field advantage for their 2020 conference track & field championships.

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FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College

     In 2018, WLC transformed a portion of Generac            “The formation of the College of Health
     Hall into dedicated nursing simulation labs and          Sciences is a recognition of the tremendous
     classrooms. New to this space is Victoria, a lifelike,   growth and innovation occurring within
     high-fidelity simulator that provides a truly            the health science fields at Wisconsin
     immersive experience for students. Victoria is           Lutheran College,” said Dr. Robert O. Balza
     a birthing simulator that is also used for complex       ’98, dean of the College of Health Sciences.
     medical-surgical simulations, which means that           “Through this exciting new college,
     both juniors and seniors utilize it to supplement        we have created a place where future
     their learning throughout their clinical courses.        doctors, nurses, psychologists, and
                                                              other healthcare professionals can shine
                                                              brightly - graduating thoroughly prepared
                                                              for postgraduate studies or a meaningful
                                                              career - as bold Christian leaders.”

                                                              The College of Health Sciences consists
                                                              of two schools: the School of Behavioral
                                                              and Exercise Science (neuroscience,
                                                              physical education, psychology, sport and
                                                              exercise science, pre-athletic training,
                                                              pre-chiropractic, pre-occupational therapy,
                                                              and pre-physical therapy) and the School
                                                              of Nursing and Allied Health (nursing,
                                                              pre-dental, pre-med, pre-optometry, pre-
                                                              pharmacy, and radiologic technology).

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FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College

100% PASS RATE ON                   chair of WLC’s School of Nursing.      PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS
NURSING EXAM                        “These exceptional pass rates are      ARE SUCCESSFUL IN
                                    a testimony to the high standards
Congratulations to our May                                                 “MAJOR FIELD TESTING”
                                    of our program and the quality
2019 nursing graduates: 100%        of the classroom, lab, and clinical    WLC senior students majoring
of them passed the state board      experiences that our students          in psychology ranked in the
exam [National Council of State     receive at WLC.”                       88th percentile in the country
Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-                                                  based on outcomes of the 2019
RN)] on their first attempt,                                               Education Testing Services
                                    ACCOUNTING PROGRAM
significantly exceeding state and                                          (ETS): Major Field of Study in
national pass rates. In addition,
                                                                           Psychology test. For the past
all were employed either prior      The accounting program at WLC          five years, WLC has ranked in
to graduation or within a month     is receiving national recognition      the top 20% in the nation on
thereafter!                         – just this year, the National         the same test.
                                    Association of State Boards of
“Over the past three years, our     Accountancy (NASBA) ranked             Therefore, it shouldn’t be a
pass rate for graduates taking      WLC second in the state and            surprise that 87% of WLC’s
the NCLEX exam for the first time   19th in the nation for accounting      psychology majors who choose
has been 100%, 96%, and 100%        students passing the CPA exam          to pursue graduate school get
respectively,” said Dr. Sheryl      on their first attempt!                admitted to one of their top
Scott, associate professor and                                             three choices.

    CO M P E T I N G O N A N
                                                       WLC was among nearly 300 teams from colleges and
I N T E R N AT I O N A L STAG E                        universities all over the world that competed at the
                                                       International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM)
                                                       2018 Giant Jamboree. For WLC’s 2018 iGEM project, the
                                                       team worked on developing an easy-to-use test kit for
                                                       E. coli water contamination. Students received a bronze
                                                       medal for their project, which placed them in the
                                                       award category with teams from MIT and Stanford.

                                                       The 2019 team (pictured), which will compete this fall, is
                                                       working on a sensor for lead contamination in water and
                                                       a filter for lead, conducting research that will benefit the
                                                       local Milwaukee community.
                                                                                            Wisconsin Lutheran College | 7
FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College
                                                                       SERVING HANDS, SERVING HEARTS
                                                                       WLC’s annual day of volunteering in May brings students,
                                                                       faculty, staff, and alumni together as a community to help
                                                                       people in need. An impressive group gathered this year in
                                                                       support of several local organizations including the Hunger
                                                                       Task Force farm, the Urban Ecology Center, Luther Manor,
                                                                       and Hope Street Ministry.

                                                                       “Being a part of Serving Hands, Serving Hearts opened my
                                                                       eyes to all the volunteer opportunities in the Milwaukee
                                                                       area. I feel very blessed to have been able to give back to
                                                                       our community.”
                                                                                                               - Michelle Boldt, ’20

                                                                       INAUGURAL SERVE2LEAD IMPACT
                                                                       CHALLENGE A TRANSFORMATIVE
                                                                       EXPERIENCE FOR STUDENTS
                                                                       This spring, WLC’s Center for Christian Leadership hosted
                                                                       its first Serve2Lead Impact Challenge and Conference as a
                                                                       way to give students in our Christian Leadership Certificate

                                    In May, Courtney Moll ’09,
                                    assistant lecturer of biology      Program the opportunity to develop servant leadership
                                    at WLC, led a research trip        plans to impact the community.
                                    with four students to Grenada,
                                    West Indies, as part of an         Eight teams were selected to pitch their projects to a panel
                                    ongoing research partnership       of judges, hoping to be awarded a $2,000 grant to put their
                                    with the island’s minister         plans into action. The pitches were modeled after the
                                    of fisheries and an alliance       popular TV show “Shark Tank.” Winning plans included
                                    with St. George’s University.      raising support for a single mothers’ organization,
                                    During each trip, WLC students     building an outdoor community space, and providing
                                    record and track the health        sex trafficking education for next generation nurses.
                                    of the island’s coral reef and
                                    fish populations. Students will    “It was awesome to see the ingenuity of the students
                                    analyze the data during this       when it came to a blank canvas of how to provide servant
                                    academic year and present          leadership in the community. Their ideas and talents will be
                                    final reports to the island’s      a launching point for others in the future.”
                                    government.                                                               - Brandon Tschacher
                                                                                                            Directing of Marketing
                                    Our biology and marine biology                                               Thrivent Financial
                                    students are able to engage
                                    in experiential learning in
                                    Jamaica, Florida, Australia, and
                                    Grenada. Close proximity to the
                                    Medical College of Wisconsin,
                                    as well as the Milwaukee
                                    County Zoo and Discovery
                                    World, provides additional
                                    opportunities for research,
                                    education, and employment.

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                                                                    Explore WLC’s faculty-led study abroad
                                                                           excursions at magazine.wlc.edu.
WLC nursing students have an opportunity to travel to Zambia during their junior year to study the
implementation of health care programs internationally. The January 2019 trip gave 20 nursing students
the chance to observe in clinics; perform health assessments and vision screenings; and teach more than
300 children about fire safety, nutrition, disease prevention, and hygiene.

Many of our nursing students consider the trip to Zambia to be a defining moment of their college years and
a blessed opportunity to observe medical practices and procedures in local clinics and hospitals, learn about
diverse cultures, and conduct health education programs.

Cheers                                                    Prost
       FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM!                                   FROM CENTRAL EUROPE!
In June, 10 students joined Dr. Martin Moldenhauer,       In May, several students joined Sibylle Krause
associate professor of English, on a two-week trip        ’83, assistant professor of German, and Dr. Jason
to the United Kingdom. During the trip, students          Badura, assistant professor of humanities, on a
studied Scottish and English authors while                trip that explored major historical and cultural
experiencing the local culture and cuisine. The           sites in Berlin, Prague, and Vienna. The central
adventure started in Edinburgh, continued in the          theme of the journey focused upon the concept of
gorgeous Lake District of northwest England, and          “collective remembrance,” or how contemporary
ended in London, where students watched a royal           societies such as these reflect upon their pasts
parade and saw Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and            through various physical and abstract ways.
other members of the British royal family.
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FALL 2019 ALUMNI AND FRIENDS EDITION - New College of Health - Wisconsin Lutheran College
                     HIGH-DEMAND MAJORS
                                      CRIMINAL                  RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY
                                      JUSTICE                   Students in WLC’s new 2+2 radiologic technology
                                       Criminal justice is      program will receive a well-rounded Christian education
                                       an interdisciplinary     grounded in the liberal arts, while at the same time
                                       approach to the study    receiving intensive classroom and clinical training at
                                       of crime, correctional   respected affiliate hospitals leading to certification
                                       systems, and criminal    as a Registered Technologist - Radiographer (RTR).
                                       law. WLC offers two      Students will take classes for two years at WLC, then
     emphasis areas designed to prepare students for            complete their final two years of classroom and clinical
     careers within their desired areas of law enforcement      experiences at an affiliate hospital - students have four
     or the criminal justice system:                            options in the Milwaukee area.
     Legal Studies
     Students will explore a diverse array of relevant,
                                                                SPORTS MANAGEMENT
     real-world topics related to criminal law, American        WLC now offers students the chance to study sports
     politics, and victim advocacy. They’ll graduate with       management in a city that’s home to fast-paced
     a deep understanding of the criminal justice system,       pro sports action year-round. A major in sports
     ready to serve their community in law enforcement or       management opens career pathways at all levels of
     corrections.                                               the sports industry, including roles in marketing, sales,
                                                                media relations, promotions, guest relations, sports
     Forensic Science                                           information, facilities management, and recreation.
     Students will explore the concepts and techniques used     Milwaukee is a sports town with many professional
     by criminologists, forensic psychologists, and coroners.   sports organizations (Bucks, Brewers, and Admirals)
     They’ll graduate prepared to assist in the scientific      and broadcast networks (such as ESPN Milwaukee),
     investigation and processing of a crime scene.             along with amateur organizations and NCAA Division I
                                                                colleges, giving students many opportunities for hands-
     NEUROSCIENCE                                               on learning and internship experiences.
     WLC is excited to launch an innovative major in one of
     the fastest growing scientific disciplines in the world!
     Our neuroscience program offers an interdisciplinary
     approach to understanding the brain and nervous
     system. Students will take core classes and conduct
     research alongside expert faculty across three
     disciplines: biology, psychology, and neuroscience.
     Neuroscience is a major with a strong career outlook
     and is ideal for students interested in making a real
     and meaningful difference in such areas as mental
     health, drug addiction, sports performance, behavioral
     therapy, education, human development and aging, and
     behavioral economic theory.

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WLC has added a new major in its adult accelerated degree
completion program: health care management and leadership.
It provides adult students with an opportunity to complete their
Bachelor of Applied Science degree while gaining the skills and
competencies necessary for increased earnings, career flexibility,
job promotions, and a sense of accomplishment.

The new program will complement the business management and
leadership degree completion program already established at WLC.
Learn more at wlc.edu/degreecompletion.

WLC has been awarded a $628,843 grant by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) to support scholarships for underserved, low-
income students interested in the STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and math) disciplines. Seven scholarships are available
for the 2020-2021 academic year. Four scholarships will provide
$6,000 per year for four years and three scholarships will provide
$10,000 per year for four years. Recipients are determined             We’ve Increased Our Merit
based on academic achievement in high school, financial need, and      Awards for the 2020-2021
intended program of study in college.
                                                                       Academic Year!
“The NSF has chosen to fund WLC’s S-STEM Scholars Program
because they recognize the excellent faculty, facilities, and          Merit Awards for qualifying
learning opportunities provided for STEM students at WLC, as well      freshmen enrolling in Fall 2020
as our proven track-record of preparing the productive scientists      range from $7,000 to $17,000
required to keep the U.S. competitive in the global marketplace of     per year, based on their GPA and
ideas,” said Dr. John Werner, associate professor of biology and       ACT or SAT scores, for a lifetime
director of the college’s S-STEM Scholars Program. “This program       value of $28,000 to $68,000.
not only makes STEM education more affordable, but it provides even    Consideration for these awards is
more opportunities for undergraduate research at WLC.”                 automatic when students apply to
                                                                       WLC, and no additional scholarship
Learn more by visiting wlc.edu/stem.                                   application is required.

                                                                                      Wisconsin Lutheran College | 11

                                           STUDENTS EARN AWARD AT
                                           MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION
INNOVATION. INTERNSHIPS.                   WLC’s Mock Trial Team, a part of the college’s Pre-
                                           Law Society, competed at the American Mock Trial
WLC students regularly participate
                                           Association (AMTA) regional competition earlier this
in The Commons, an initiative of
                                           year. The 22-team competition was held at the DuPage
The Greater Milwaukee Committee.
                                           County (Illinois) Courthouse. WLC’s team competed in four,
The Commons is a civic nonprofit
                                           three-hour long trials, two as attorneys and witnesses for
organization comprised of 23 colleges
                                           the plaintiff and two as the defense. As first-time entrants
and universities in and around
                                           into the competition, WLC faced Marquette University
Milwaukee, and 180+ local leaders
                                           of Milwaukee, Loyola University of Chicago, St. Xavier
dedicated to making southeast
                                           University of Chicago, and Winona State University of
Wisconsin a better place to live, learn,
work, and play.
                                           At the event, WLC’s six team members earned the 2019
“WLC students have been traditionally
                                           “Spirit of AMTA” Award, given to the team that best
the largest population of students
                                           exemplifies the ideals of honesty, civility, and fair play.
that apply and are accepted into
                                           The award is decided upon by the presiding panel judges as
the program,” said Peter E. Eppen,
                                           well as other teams’ coaches.
assistant professor of business,
who also was part of the steering          The Mock Trial Team (pictured above) is coached by Attorney
committee that created the program.        Thomas Cameron ’08 and Pre-Law Society advisor Dr. Jason
“It is the single most effective           Badura, assistant professor of humanities at WLC.
networking opportunity a student will
have in their college life, and most       WLC is offering a new politics and law major that has
internships lead to job offers.”           two options: a politics and government track for those
                                           interested in professional jobs related to those areas, and a
“The Commons opened more doors for         Juris Doctor dual-degree track for those interested in law
me than I would have ever expected,”       school. WLC’s 3+3 partnership agreements with Marquette
said business major Rebecca Heller         University Law School (Milwaukee) and Concordia University
’20. “I participated in unique learning    School of Law (Boise, ID) allow students to complete their
experiences and met so many people         bachelor’s degree and a Juris Doctor degree in six years, one
who helped me prepare for my career.”      year earlier than is typical.
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                        WARRIORS MAKE HISTORY!
                                Warriors made history last year. You can view all of their stories and more
                              at WLCsports.com, but below is a sampling of our students’ accomplishments.

                                                                                 NEW COACHES
• A record 154 WLC student-                point average of 3.508, and 13
  athletes were named Northern             members of the team were
                                                                                 AT THE HELM
                                                                                 Three Warriors teams will be
  Athletics Collegiate Conference          named NACC Scholar-Athletes.
                                                                                 led by new coaches for the
  (NACC) Scholar-Athletes for            • Jen Dowden ’19 was named              2019-2020 season.
  2018-2019. The student-                  the Wisconsin Basketball
  athletes were honored by the             Coaches Association Division 3                      After 17 years
  NACC for maintaining a 3.25              Private Schools Women's Player                      of serving as
  grade point average or higher;           of the Year. She also was a                         an assistant
  the 154 honorees is the Warriors’        two-time NACC Player of the                         coach, James
  highest total in the 13-year             Year and D3hoops.com First                          Flegel ’95 is in
  history of the academic award.           Team All-Central Region               his first season as head coach
• Derick Disch ’19, a member of            selection. The women’s                for the Warriors softball team.
  the men’s golf team, was named           basketball team concluded
  a Srixon/Cleveland Golf All-             its season ranked No. 24 in the                   The men’s
  America Scholar by the Golf              country after a program-best                      tennis team is
  Coaches Association of America           27-2 record and a 10th NCAA                       now led by Ryan
  (GCAA) as a senior. Disch is the         tournament appearance.                            Sallmann ’14,
  first player in program history to                                                         who also serves
                                         • Abby Mahsem ’19 received
  earn All-America Scholar honors.                                               as head coach of the women’s
                                           Second Team All-Great Lakes
                                                                                 tennis team.
• The women’s volleyball team              Region honors from the National
  (pictured above) received the            Fastpitch Coaches Association
                                                                                             Eric Kramer takes
  American Volleyball Coaches              (NFCA) for the second straight
                                                                                             over as coach of
  Association (AVCA) Team                  season. She was the third player
                                                                                             the Warriors men’s
  Academic Award for the 2018              in program history to receive
                                                                                             and women’s
  season. It marks the third time in       NFCA All-Region recognition and
                                                                                             track and field
  the last four seasons WLC has            was the first multi-award winner.
                                                                                 teams. He previously has
  received the award. The team             Mahsem also was named NACC
                                                                                 coached at Aurora University
  finished the 2018-2019 academic          Pitcher of the Year for the
                                                                                 and UW-Milwaukee.
  year with a cumulative team grade        second straight season.
                                                                                          Wisconsin Lutheran College | 13
                                              STUDENT MUSIC PERFORMANCES
                                              • The free Fall Instrumental Ensembles Concert on
                                                November 10 will feature a wide variety of music performed
                                                by WLC’s ensembles in the Schwan Concert Hall.
                                              • The free WLC Jazz Band Concert on November 23 will take
                                                place in the Warrior Underground under the direction of
                                                Dr. Jeremy Zima ’07, assistant professor of music.
                                              • The WLC Concert Band will present its Winter Band Concert
                                                on December 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Schwan Concert Hall.
 ATTEND A CONCERT!                              Dan Hubert, WLC’s new director of instrumental music and
                                                assistant professor of music, will conduct the band.
 The 2019-2020 Guest Artist Series
 - which includes the popular Piano           • Under the direction of Dr. James Nowack, professor of
 Celebration Series - will bring                music, the Wisconsin Lutheran Choir and Chamber Choir
 nationally touring performers and              will present their annual Christmas Festival Concert on
 acts to WLC’s acclaimed Schwan                 December 6 and 7 at 7:30 p.m. and December 8 at 2:30 p.m.
 Concert Hall for eight events.                 in the Schwan Concert Hall.

 WLC is also pleased to have the              STUDENT THEATRE PRODUCTION
 energetic Philomusica String Quartet         • She Loves Me – A Musical Production will run in the Raabe
 return as the college’s resident               Theatre November 7-10 and 14-16. This charming, romantic
 string quartet. They will offer three          musical, set in 1930s Europe, centers around those who work in
 concerts on campus this season.                an elegant parfumerie (perfume shop). Two young clerks seek love
                                                and companionship through Lonely Hearts letters - only to find
 Find details and ticket information            that they’ve already “met their match!” The production is directed
 for all of WLC’s upcoming fine arts            by Simon Provan, assistant professor of theatre.
 events at wlc.edu/arts.

   Master Classes
   As part of WLC’s commitment to quality, excellence, and leadership preparation, the Center for Arts and
   Performance offers master class opportunities for students in conjunction with the Guest Artist Series.

   Earlier this year, the dynamic father-son piano duo of Ryan & Ryan led a master class using WLC’s
   nine-foot Steinway grand piano. The students who attended had academic majors that ranged from
   computer science to biology to history to music.

   This season, WLC welcomes Jason Lyle Black as part of its Piano Celebrations Series; he is offering a master
   class for students studying piano on October 9. On April 17, 2020, in conjunction with a Guest Artist Series
   concert, Alliance Brass will conduct a master class for high school and college instrumental brass students.

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Christian Leadership Events

     INSPIRE, IGNITE, AND                                           Alumni Events
     IMPACT LUNCHEON                                      HOMECOMING 2019
Following a successful I3 event in Madison that           Join us for Homecoming on October 19. Cheer on the
included a keynote by Mike Victorson, president and       Warriors to victory as the women’s volleyball team
CEO of M3 Insurance, the                                  hosts Concordia Chicago at noon in the Recreation
next luncheon will be held                                Complex. The football team kicks off at Raabe
October 10 at WLC.                                        Stadium versus Benedictine at 1 p.m. Learn more at
Debra Waller, chairman and                                TRICK OR TREAT IN THE HALLS
CEO of Jockey International,
Inc., will deliver the keynote
titled “Relationships Do
Matter: How to build, grow,
and sustain a business for
more than 140 years.” Sponsorship information and
event registration is available at wlc.edu/i3wlc.

I3 is a power luncheon for business leaders to network
                                                          Children’s books, games, movies, and television
with Christian leaders, be inspired through excellent
                                                          shows will once again be the decoration themes for
keynotes and discussions, and ignite a passion for
                                                          WLC’s annual Trick or Treat in the Halls. Join us on
servant leadership to impact those within their sphere    October 25 in Stimac Hall and Fischer Hall for a safe
of influence.                                             trick-or-treating opportunity. Register today at
                                                          wlc.edu/trickortreat. This event fills up quickly!

WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE                             For additional alumni events, visit wlc.edu/alumni.
               The Gifted to Lead Women’s

                                                                    Get Connected
               Leadership Conference will be held
               at WLC on October 19. Hosted by
               the Christian Women’s Leadership
               Circle, this half-day event will feature
               keynote speaker Erickajoy Daniels,                       LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
               a senior vice president at Advocate                      Friends of WLC
                                                                        Wisconsin Lutheran College
               Aurora Health, followed by several
                                                                        Wisconsin Lutheran College Alumni
breakout sessions. Learn more about the conference,
                                                                        Wisconsin Lutheran College Warriors
sponsorship opportunities, and registration at
                                                                        FOLLOW US ON TWITTER
SAVE THE DATE                                                           @WLCAlumni
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events at                        @WLCSports
WLC that celebrate Christian leadership. Watch for
details at wlc.edu/events.

• Butterfly Brunch: March 7, 2020                                       FIND US ON INSTAGRAM
• I3 Luncheon: April 1, 2020
• Divine Servant Award Celebration: April 24, 2020                      @WLCSports
• Leadercast Live: May 7, 2020
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Divine Servant Award Celebration
                                 April 24, 2020

     Featuring Tim Tebow
     Two-time national champion, first-round NFL draft pick, and Heisman
     Trophy winner - and an amazing example of Christian servant leadership
     For more information or to register, visit wlc.edu/dsa.

    All proceeds support student scholarships at Wisconsin Lutheran College.
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