MAY / JUNE 2021


      FAMILIES         HOLDING         ON
       A look at how the pandemic
       has affected babies, new parents
       and those with young children

COVER_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 1               10/05/2021 16:20
CPMAY2021.002.indd 2   05/05/2021 10:24
CONTENTS            May / June 2021 | Vol 94 | No 03

           Looking out for the
                                                                                      36                                                  Reflections
                                                                                                                                            from CPs
           carers – are those                                                         COVER STORY                                         who joined
           helping families also                                                                                                           the great
           supporting themselves?                                                                                                             vaccine

                                                                                                                                    Women should
                                                                                                                                    never have to

                                                                          28                                                        feel unsafe
                                                                                                                                    at work or in
                                                                                                                                    their daily life
                                                                       and rarely
                                                                       living with
                                                                        sickle cell

       NEWS                                   14 BIG STORY                                19 RIGHTS AT WORK             PRACTICE
                                                 Community practitioners                     A paltry 1% pay rise
       7     NEWS IN NUMBERS                     are trained to expect the                   isn’t enough. Healthcare   26 ASTHMA’S IMAGE
             Your at-a-glance guide              unexpected – but how                        workers deserve more          PROBLEM
                                                 can you avoid any kind                                                    The campaign to stop the
       8     PUBLIC HEALTH LATEST                of violence or harassment                21 STORIES FROM                  use of misleading images
             A look at what’s new                in the first place?                         THE SHARP END                 that actually hinder
                                                                                             Joining in on the             correct inhaler use
       10 PROFESSIONAL UPDATE                  OPINION                                       vaccine frontline
          Your latest round-up                                                                                          28 CLINICAL
                                              18 FEEDBACK                                 24 REBUILDING TRUST              Behind the curve: playing
       12 GLOBAL RESEARCH                        Celebrating the Mary                        Why is vaccine                catch-up with awareness
          Recent findings from                   Seacole Awards, and how                     uptake lower in               of the pain and worry
          around the world                       to book for conference                      BAEM communities?             behind sickle cell disease

                                                           COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

CONTENTS_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 3                                                                   10/05/2021 16:21

                                                             Based on the true story of
                                                             an extraordinary discovery
                                                             on the Labor and Delivery
                                                               wards of 19th century
                                                             Vienna  that would forever
                                                               change the practice of

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       33 CARING FOR WHO?
          Isolation, home-working and
          rising caseloads have taken their
          toll on community practitioners,
          who are burning out. But is their
                                                                              from your editor, Aviva
          traditional self-reliance stopping
          them from reaching out for the                                      The Covid-19 vaccination milestones keep on coming and – after the turmoil that
          help they need?                                                     has been a ‘normal’ part of everyone’s lives for more than a year now – it’s a beyond
                                                                              welcome relief to have this hugely positive force available in the fight against Covid.
       36 COVER STORY                                                            On page 21, four members talk about their experiences of being involved in the
          Families of young children are on                                   vaccine roll-out and what it has meant to them. But as we highlighted last issue, there
          the brink after months of confusion                                 are still people who remain unsure about receiving theirs. To this end, Unite-CPHVA
          and isolation from support                                          held a virtual event with eminent speakers, exploring vaccine uptake among black,
          networks. What has this meant for                                   Asian and ethnic minority communities (see page 24).
          their health and wellbeing, were                                       While optimism abounds, the pandemic – and its impact – remain for now. Our
          there any unexpected positives,                                     cover feature on page 36 looks at how it has affected new parents, babies and parents
          and how will the pandemic change                                    of young children. And, vitally we ask, what about the carers (see page 33)? How has
          our public health priorities?                                       working as a CP during this time taken its toll on you? And what support is available?
                                                                                                                                                 Other topics covered
        RESEARCH                                                                                                                              this issue include asthma
                                                                                                                                              (page 26), sickle cell
       44 SOCIAL MARKETING AND                                                                                                                disease (page 28) and a
          BREASTFEEDING RATES                                                                                                                 moving look at sudden
          This literature review examines                                                                                                     unexplained death in
          how a social marketing campaign                                                                                                     childhood (see page 48).
          could support health visitors to                                                                                                       Lastly, thank you to
          increase local breastfeeding rates                                                                                                  all those who completed
                                                                                                                                              the readership survey.
        PROFESSIONAL PAUSE                                                                                                                    The results will be
                                                                                                                                              revealed next issue.
       48 EVERY ONE A TRAGEDY                                                                                                                 Until then, please keep
          How to support those parents                                                                                                        in touch, and take care.
          coping with sudden unexplained
          death in childhood, by SUDC UK                                                                       JOIN THE CO
          chief executive Nikki Speed
                                                                                        communitypractitioner.co.uk           facebook.com/CommPrac               twitter.com/CommPrac

                                                 Non-member subscription rates                     Editorial team                              Obi Amadi Jane Beach and Dave Munday
                                                 Individual (UK)                 £135.45           Editor Aviva Attias                         Printed by Warners
                                                 Individual (rest of world)      £156.45           aviva@communitypractitioner.co.uk
                                                 Institution (UK)                £156.45           Content sub-editor James Hundleby           © 2021 Community Practitioners’ and
                                                                                                                                               Health Visitors’ Association
                                                 Institution (rest of world)     £208.95           Head of content (health) Emma Godfrey       ISSN 1462-2815
       Unite-CPHVA                                                                                 Executive editor Gavin Fergie
                                                                                                                                               The views expressed do not necessarily
       Existing Unite-CPHVA members with         Subscription enquiries may be made to             Professional editor Michelle Moseley        represent those of the editor nor of
       queries relating to their membership      Community Practitioner subscriptions              Senior designer Nicholas Daley              Unite-CPHVA.
       should contact 0845 850 4242 or see       Redactive Publishing Ltd                          Picture editor Akin Falope                  Paid advertisements in the journal do
       unitetheunion.org/contact_us.aspx for     PO Box 35                                         Advertising                                 not imply endorsement of the products
       further details.                          Robertsbridge TN32 5WN                                                                        or services advertised.
                                                                                                   020 7880 6244
       To join Unite-CPHVA, see                  01580 883844                                      advertising@communitypractitioner.co.uk     Any Unite-CPHVA member wishing to
       unitetheunion.org                         cp@c-cms.com                                                                                  change their contact details must get
                                                                                                   Recruitment                                 in touch with their local Unite office.
                                                 The journal is published on behalf of             020 7880 7621
       Unite-CPHVA is based at                   Unite-CPHVA by Redactive Media Group,
       128 Theobald’s Road London WC1X 8TN                                                         comprac@redactive.co.uk
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       020 3371 2006                                                                               Production                                          Recycle your magazine’s plastic
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                                                                                                   Production director Jane Easterman                  wrap – check your local LDPE
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       Community Practitioner                    Obi Amadi Barbara Evans                           Unite health sector officers
       Unite-CPHVA members receive the journal   Gavin Fergie Elaine Haycock-Stuart                National officers Jacalyn Williams and
       free. Non-members and institutions may    Michelle Moseley Christopher Sweeney              Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe. Lead professional
       subscribe to receive it.                  Janet Taylor                                      officers Gavin Fergie Ethel Rodrigues

                                                                COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

EDITORIAL_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 5                                                                                                   07/05/2021 16:29
Advertisement Feature
                                                                                                                                                                    “The BaSICS study is the first research indicating
                                                                                                                                                                     that a baby wipe product may be a determinant of
                                                                                                                                                                     infant skin integrity in the first eight-weeks of life,”
                                                                                                                                                                     says Professor Penny Cook, Professor in Public
                                                                                                                                                                     Health from the University of Salford. “These
                                                                                                                                                                     findings indicate that the baby wipe with the
                                                                                                                                                                     fewest ingredients has the lowest incidence and
                                                                                                                                                                     shortest duration of moderate nappy rash*.”
      New clinical study highlights how different baby
      wipe products can impact skin integrity of infants.                                                                                                            Experimental study design
      The Baby Skin Integrity Comparison Survey (BaSICS) reveals babies                                                                                               The mothers who completed the study were
                                                                                                                                                                     divided into three groups. Each group was
      cleansed with WaterWipes had a lower incidence and a shorter                                                                                                   allocated at random a different brand of baby wipe
      duration of nappy rash compared to other leading brands                                                                                                        marketed specifically as being mild and gentle
                                                                                                                                                                     enough for newborn skin. All mothers received
                                                                       The BaSICS study of 698 mothers, showed babies                                                the same brand of disposable nappies and
                                                                      cleansed with WaterWipes (brand three in the                                                   researchers involved in the analysis of the data
                                                                      study; with the fewest ingredients) are less likely                                            were blind to the baby wipe brand. Skin integrity
                                                                      to get moderate to severe nappy rash, and if they                                              was graded from one (no rash) to five (severe
                                                                      do, it lasts fewer days compared to other leading                                              rash) and moderate to severe nappy rash was
                                                                      brands. The other brands in the study are marketed                                             identified as three or above.
                                                                      as mild and gentle enough for newborn skin but
                                                                      contain additional ingredients compared                                                       “This real-world study utilised a prospective
                                                                      to WaterWipes.                                                                                 experimental design model of mothers as co-
                                                                                                                                                                     researchers,” says Dr Fiona MacVane Phipps,
                                                                                                                                                                     Senior Research Fellow - Midwifery (now retired)
       Midwifery-led ‘real-world’ study                                                                                                                              from the University of Salford. “The mothers’
       The clinical study, conducted by the University of Salford in Greater Manchester (UK) has                                                                     observations were recorded, via a user-friendly
      been published in Pediatrics and NeonatologyП and is the first research of its kind to reveal                                                                   app on their smartphone, enabling them to report
      that different formulations of baby wipes can impact the skin integrity of newborns.                                                                           nappy rash daily, using reference diagrams for the
       The innovative midwifery-led ‘real-world’ study compares the incidence and duration                                                                           assessment of nappy rash on a five-point scale.
      of nappy rash on infants with different leading brands of baby wipes. The study showed                                                                         This allowed mothers to reflect daily on their
      that mothers using WaterWipes on their babies’ skin had a lower incidence of nappy rash*                                                                       baby’s skin condition and cleaning routines using
      (19%), compared to those cleansed with brand one (25%) or brand two (30%). For each                                                                            real-time methods of data collection - known to
      day of nappy rash* experienced by the WaterWipes babies, the rash would have lasted                                                                            be more accurate than retrospective methods.
      approximately 50% longer had mothers used the other brands - 1.69 days with brand two                                                                          This resulted in a set of nappy rash data that, to

            NEWS IN NUMBERS
              of adults in Wales lacked
              basic digital knowledge
              and skills when the pandemic
              closed workplaces and schools
              19% of people had no basic
              digital skills in 2018-19, higher
              than the rest of the UK
              11% were ‘internet non-users’
              – digitally excluded
              Government solutions included
              an extra £3m for laptops and
              mobile internet for digitally
              excluded pupils, and 1100
              devices for care homes
              The WHO and Public Health
              Wales report aims to help
              close the health gap in Wales
                                                                                                                         of the adult population –
                                                                                                                         about 3.7 million adults –
              and beyond                                                                                                 felt lonely often or always
                                                                           More than
                                                                                                                        between October 2020 and

                                                                                                                         February 2021, found the
                                                                                                                        Office for National Statistics.
                                                                                                                        This is compared with 5% of
                                                       of nearly 2000 Unite members aged 18                             adults in April to May 2020
                                                       to 55 revealed a desire to change career                            Areas with more young
                                                       sectors in a joint survey with FutureLearn                           people – aged 16 to 24
                                                             One of the 3 top industries they                              – and areas with higher
                                                            considered moving to was health                                rates of unemployment
                                                                                                                         tended to have higher rates
                                                                                                                                 of loneliness
                                                                                                                       Of those whose wellbeing had
                                                                                                                        been affected ‘in the last 7
                                                                                                                       days’ by the pandemic, 38.6%
                                                                                                                         (about 10.5 million people)
                                                                                                                        said it was due to loneliness
                                                                                                                          Young people and single
                                                                                                                         people were most affected
                                                                                                                          by the 7-day measure or

                                                                                                                           ‘lockdown loneliness’

                                    Find links to relevant reports and surveys highlighted in the news stories at bit.ly/CP_news_in_numbers

                                                                 COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

    NEWS In Numbers_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 7                                                         10/05/2021 16:21

      PUBLIC HEALTH LATEST                                                                                                                  KEY

                     FINANCES HIT HARDEST BY PANDEMIC                                                                                        Video
                                                                                                earnings. This is compared to 17% of
                                                                                                households without children.
                                                                                                   In fact on almost all indicators
                                                                                                of financial hardship, the rate was
                                                                                                doubled for families with children
                                                                                                – compared with households
                                                                                                without children.
                                                                                                   Action for Children’s director
                                                                                                of policy and campaigns, Imran
                                                                                                Hussain, said: ‘Serious action is
                                                                                                urgently needed if we are to prevent       Campaign
                                                                                                a generation of children from
                                                                                                being scarred by poverty and the
                                                                                                   Mubin Haq, CEO of Standard Life
                                                                                                Foundation added that while ‘much
                                                                                                support has been provided by the
                                                                                                UK government, there has been a
                                                                                                blinkered approach to children’, and
       Four million children are living in a         that three million children in the UK      that ‘we also need to see significant
       family which has lost income since            now live in a family that is struggling    increases in child benefits, mirroring
       the start of the pandemic, with               to buy food and other essentials.          the approach in Scotland’.                  Website
       1.6 million of these in a family that’s         Another crucial finding was                 The findings were based on the
       lost a third or more of earnings.             that more than a quarter of UK             responses of 6071 people.
          A report from Standard Life                families with children are living
       Foundation, with analysis by the              on a reduced income as a direct                    bit.ly/UK_covid_
       University of Bristol, also revealed          result of pandemic-related loss of                 money_family                         Health

                          TWO-THIRDS OF STUDENTS SAY THEIR
                          MENTAL HEALTH IS WORSE DUE TO PANDEMIC
            To understand how the           health was a little or          the delivery of other
            pandemic has been               much better.                    support services.
            affecting students, the           Just under a quarter             Ben Marks, CEO of
            Higher Education Policy         of students described           YouthSight, said: ‘For
            Institute and YouthSight        their mental health as          every student who feels
            polled more than 1000           the same, while one-fifth       their mental health has
            full-time undergraduate         described their mental          improved, over four
            students in March.              health as much worse.           feel it has got worse […]
               Almost two-thirds              In terms of support,          Universities need to put
            (63%) said their mental         38% of students were            more resource behind
            health was a little             satisfied with the              their mental health (and
            or much worse as a              delivery of mental              other) student services:
            result of the pandemic          health services,                let’s hope the pandemic
            compared with just 14%          compared with 50%               can be a catalyst                    bit.ly/UK_Covid_mental_
            who said their mental           who were satisfied with         for change.’                         health_university

                                                             COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Public Heal_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 8                                                               07/05/2021 16:37

                       NEW MENTAL HEALTH HUBS

                                                              of the country had no
                                                              access to specialist
                                                              perinatal mental
                                                              health care
         Thousands of new, expectant or bereaved                     Around five years ago, 40% of the country
         mothers will receive help and support for                 had no access to specialist perinatal mental      SUPPORT PEOPLE
         mental health problems through ‘dedicated                 health care, NHS England said. The clinics        WITH EATING
         hubs’ being set up across the country, NHS                will also provide training for maternity staff    DISORDERS NOW
         England has announced.                                    and midwives.
                                                                                                                     That’s the priority
            By the end of 2021/22, around 6000                       Of the 26 sites, 10 are due to open ‘within
                                                                                                                     recommendation of a
         women are expected to receive care and                    months’, with the remainder to start seeing
                                                                                                                     national review of services:
         treatment for a wide range of mental                      mothers by April 2022. Every area should have
                                                                                                                     urgent help for people with
         health issues, including a severe fear of                 one by April 2024.
                                                                                                                     eating disorders.
         childbirth and post-traumatic stress disorder               Emily Slater, CEO of the Maternal Mental
                                                                                                                        Self-help packages,
         after giving birth.                                       Health Alliance, said: ‘These new services will
                                                                                                                     peer support networks and
            The 26 hubs have been designed to bring                enable more women than ever to access vital
                                                                                                                     emotional and practical
         together maternity services, reproductive                 perinatal mental health care.
                                                                                                                     support for families and
         health and psychological therapy under one
                                                                                                                     carers were recommended.
         roof as part of the NHS Long-term plan to
                                                                             bit.ly/ENG_mental_health_mothers           The review came in
         increase access to psychological support.
                                                                                                                     response to an increase in
                                                                                                                     the number and severity of
                                                                                                                     cases during the pandemic.
                       BMI SHOULD BE SCRAPPED AND OBESITY STRATEGY IS                                                   The Scottish Government
                       ‘DANGEROUS’, SAYS COMMITTEE                                                                   announced the National
                                                                                                                     Review of Eating Disorder
         The use of body mass index            of a ‘health at every size’             Committee chair Caroline      Services last year.
         (BMI) to assess whether a             approach to prioritise               Nokes said: ‘Government             The 15 detailed
         person’s weight is healthy            lifestyle choices over               action in this area is           recommendations are
         should stop, according to a           correcting weight.                   limited – we need to see         being taken forward by
         report on body image by the              The report noted mental           urgent action.                   an implementation group
         House of Commons Women                health minister Nadine                  ‘The government               of stakeholders who are
         and Equalities Committee.             Dorries’ acknowledgement             must ensure its                  being guided by a ‘lived
            The committee concluded            that ‘there was “good and            policies are not                 experience’ panel – this
         that BMI contributes to               bad” in the use of BMI’.             contributing                     includes patients, their
         eating disorders and                     The committee also                to body image                    families and loved ones, and
         people’s mental health by             reported the ‘devastating’           pressures.’                      third-sector professionals.
         ‘disrupting body image and            impact of lockdown on                                                    A spokesperson for the
         inviting social stigmas’.             those with or at high risk of                                         clinicians and psychologists
            The report also labelled           developing eating disorders,                                          leading the review said
         the government’s obesity              urging restrictions or even                                           they ‘hope that this review
         strategy ‘dangerous’ for              a ban on altered images                                               will pave the way to more
         people with negative                  in adverts.                                                           equitable, accessible and
         body image, calling for an
                                                                                                                                                       ISTOCK / SHUTTERSTOCK

                                                                                                                     supportive services in
         independent review, as well                                                                                 Scotland for all people who
         as a rethink on how the                                                                                     have eating disorders and
         government collects data on                                                                                 their loved ones’.
         childhood obesity.
            Instead, the committee                                                                                           bit.ly/SCT_ED_
         called for the adoption                                                                                             review

                                                             COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Public Heal_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 9                                                         10/05/2021 16:22

                   PROFESSIONAL UPDATE
                                                                                                                   ‘I am
                                                                                                             determined to
                                                                                                              put this right.
                                                                                                             But I cannot do
                                                                                                               this alone’

                    PROTECTION FOR                                 STAFF NEED SUPPORT                        HEALT MINISTER
                    STAFF WITH LIFE-                               TO DEAL WITH MENTAL                       DETAILS AMBITIONS FOR
                    LIMITING ILLNESS                               HEALTH CHALLENGES                         REBUILDING HEALTH
                                    NHS Scotland is adopting                     Unite has called for                     In a keynote statement
                                    the Dying to Work Charter,                   action, including full                   to the Assembly in mid-
                     which affords healthcare staff with           consultation with unions, to deal with    April, health minister Robin Swann
                     life-limiting illness extra protections       the mental health challenges faced        laid out the plans for rebuilding
                     at work.                                      by staff due to the pandemic.             Northern Ireland’s health service.
                        The charter will ensure these staff            Unite commented after a report           He repeatedly spoke about the
                     aren’t dismissed because of their             by the NHS Confederation lcalled          need to address waiting times, which
                     condition, unless leaving would               for local leaders to ensure staff have    were ‘already appalling’ pre-Covid.
                     benefit them in some way.                     ‘decompression time’ to deal                 The minister said: ‘I am absolutely
                        Championed by the TUC (and                 with the pandemic’s impact.               determined to put this right. But
                     with backing from unions including                Unite national officer for health     […] I cannot do this alone. I need
                     Unite), the charter will provide NHS          Jackie Williams said: ‘All workers need   the support of this house and my
                     Scotland staff with ‘greater job and          the appropriate help and support to       executive colleagues.’
                     financial security’ at an already             recover from their experiences and           He revealed upcoming public
                     stressful time.                               it is essential that employers treat      consultations on waiting times and
                        All health boards will be asked to         these challenges with the maximum         cancer care.
                     make a commitment to the charter              amount of sensitivity.’                      He also spoke about more
                     and agree a statement for the NHS                 She also revealed that Unite’s own    immediate trust-rebuilding plans
                     Scotland attendance policy.                   research had shown that ‘workers          for health and social care.
                        Boards will be asked to set up             across the whole of the NHS [...] are        The minister recognised that
                     employee assistance programmes                suffering from increased mental           ‘the executive has limited room for
                     to ‘provide support to affected staff,        health issues including depression,       manoeuvre in budget terms’, with
                     including access to counselling and           anxiety and in extreme cases post-        decisions ‘taken in London’.
                     financial advice’.                            traumatic stress disorder’.                  But he said that he ‘cannot think
                        Health secretary Jeane Freeman             u See page 33 for more on Covid’s         of a more pressing issue facing us

                     said the ‘charter is about choice’.           impact on CP wellbeing.                   than waiting times’.

                              bit.ly/SCT_protecting_                     bit.ly/UK_staff_recovery                    bit.ly/NI_rebuilding_
                              unwell_staff                                                                           health_service

                                                                 COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Professiona_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 10                                                          07/05/2021 16:40

                                                                     increase in the number of
                                                                      education staff promised
                                                                       by the government to
                                                                       supervise students on
                                                                        clinical placememt

           CARING DURING COVID:                                     MORE FUNDING FOR                           NMC CONSULTATION TO
           HALF OF WORKFORCE                                        STUDENTS TO ENSURE                         MODERNISE NURSING
           ARE ‘OVERWHELMED’                                        PRACTICAL EDUCATION                        EDUCATION STANDARDS
                         In a survey asking                                       Nursing, midwifery and                    The NMC has launched a
                         about the impact of                                      allied health professional                consultation on new draft
           Covid on their work, 49.3% of health                    students are set to access alternative      education standards ‘to modernise
           and social care workers said they                       clinical placements to ‘support their       community and public health nursing
           felt overwhelmed by increased                           practical education disrupted by            standards’ in the UK.
           pressures, 46.1% felt impacted                          Covid’, the Scottish Government has            The standards, which set out the
           but not significantly – and only                        announced.                                  knowledge and skills needed to
           4.6% said that their service had                           Funding of around £8m will be            gain post-registration qualifications
           not been impacted or had been                           used to ease pressure on clinical           for SCPHN and specialist practice
           stepped down.                                           placement capacity so that students         qualifications were last updated more
              The UK-wide survey was open to                       can still gain the required skills and      than 15 years ago.
           social care workers, social workers,                    practice hours.                                The NMC stated that the draft
           allied health professionals, nurses                        University staff will be able to         standards are ‘designed to support
           and midwives. It received 3499                          deliver new placements and practical        the innovation in practice that is
           responses in its second phase                           training using ‘innovative technology’.     already happening’ across the UK,
           (November 2020 to January 2021).                           The government also said there           and are ‘flexible enough to take
              The study focused on the mental                      will be a 50% increase in the number        account of future ambitions for care’.
           wellbeing, quality of working life,                     of education staff who supervise               Professor Geraldine Walters CBE,
           burnout and coping strategies of                        students on clinical placement.             executive director of professional
           workers during Covid.                                      This is to include more staff to         practice at the NMC, said: ‘Community
              Principal investigator Dr Paula                      support students in care homes and          and public health nursing has never
           McFadden said: ‘The results […]                         other health and social care settings.      been more important.’
           highlight that a systems-level                             Health secretary Jeane Freeman              Unite are encouraging nursing
           approach is required to support the                     spoke of the ‘extraordinary                 members to respond individually or
           health and social care workforce to                     dedication, resilience and                  collectively to the consultation,
           rebuild, reset and recover.’                            commitment’ shown by students.              which is open until 2 August 2021.

                    bit.ly/UK_staff_                                                                                  bit.ly/UK_NMC_
                    wellbeing_Covid                                         bit.ly/SCT_student_funding

                                                                        PRACTITIONER | | MAY
                                                             COMMUNITY                   FEBRUARY
                                                                                             / JUNE2018

NEWS Professiona_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 11                                                          07/05/2021 16:40

                                                                                                                 u For more
                                                                                                                 information on
                                                                                                                 these studies, visit
      GLOBAL RESEARCH                                                                                            the bit.ly links

           Expert scientific messages on vaccine safety are effective
           at increasing public acceptance of vaccines, but this
           benefit is mostly lost when news programmes show a
           personal narrative on side effects, research has found.
              The study, published in PLOS One, involved a
           nationally representative sample of 2345 participants
           who were shown one of six edited news programmes
           about the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine
           produced during the 2019 measles outbreak in the US.
           They included clips of Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the
           National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
           relaying evidence on the value and safety of the MMR
           vaccine, and a mother refusing to vaccinate one child
           because another had a severe reaction.
              Co-author Dolores Albarracín said: ‘Statistical
           information about vaccine trials should be communicated
           repeatedly and early, before vivid
           narratives of side
           effects take hold.’                                                           UK
           u bit.ly/
                                                                                         POORER OUTCOMES FOR MUMS
           PO_vaccine_                                                                   AND BABIES DURING THE PANDEMIC
                                                                                         Pregnancy outcomes for mothers and babies have
                                                                                         worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic, revealed a
                                                                                         global study.
                                                                                            The review of 40 studies from 17 countries in The Lancet
           USA                                                                           Global Health showed an increase in the chances of
                                                                                         stillbirth and maternal death, particularly in low- and
                                                                                         middle-income countries. Women requiring surgery
                                                                                         for ectopic pregnancies increased and mental health
           Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have a significant effect on
                                                                                         outcomes worsened, with reported increases in postnatal
           teenagers’ criminal behaviour, at least for girls, according to a study
                                                                                         depression and maternal anxiety.
           in the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
                                                                                            Overall, the study revealed a disproportionate impact
              Girls who experienced four or more ACEs by age five, during
                                                                                         on low- and middle-income countries. The study is the
           the most sensitive period of brain development, were 36% more
                                                                                         first global assessment of the impact of the pandemic
           likely to participate in delinquent behaviour. Boys’ delinquency
                                                                                         on antenatal, birth and postnatal outcomes, though
           appeared unrelated to early ACEs. The research looked at data from
                                                                                         it didn’t look at the impact of Covid-19 infection
           the longitudinal Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing study, which
                                                                                         in pregnancy.
           examined childhood adversity and adolescent behaviour.
                                                                                            Lead author Professor Asma Khalil said: ‘It is clear
              Co-author Melissa Jones said: ‘Our analysis points toward the need
                                                                                         from our study and others that the disruption
           for gendered strategies in working with children with ACEs, because
                                                                                         caused by the pandemic has led to the
                                                    the different ways boys and
                                                                                         avoidable deaths of both mothers
                                                    girls are socialised shape how
                                                                                         and babies, especially in low- and
                                                    they process trauma.’
                                                                                         middle-income countries.’
                                                     u bit.ly/JRCD_ACEs_gender
                                                                                         u bit.ly/TLGH_Covid_perinatal

                                                           COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Research_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 12                                                            07/05/2021 16:41

         A two-year study of 1225              self-rated health and self-              after two years, and self-rated
         Norwegians in early                   esteem. The impact on the                health was also associated
         adolescence found that                latter was particularly strong           with a beneficial BMI change
         positive ‘self-rated health’ and      among girls. Paradoxically,              over the two years.
         self-esteem protected them            the intention of becoming                   Lead author Professor
         against weight gain.                  thinner was associated with an           Eivind Meland said: ‘We
            The study, published in BMC        increase in body mass index              conclude that health
         Public Health, also found that        (BMI), while the intention of            promotive efforts in
         girls generally had lower body        becoming ‘fatter’ predicted a
                                                                                        adolescence should be based
         confidence than boys.                 decrease in BMI.
                                                                                        on self- and body acceptance.’
            The researchers found                 Positive self-rated health
         that teenagers’ body and              and self-esteem were both                u bit.ly/BMCPH_self-

         weight concerns impaired              associated with a leaner body            esteem_BMI

                                                                                                                     SHEDDING THE STIGMA
                                                                                                                     OF CATCHING COVID CAN
                                                                                                                     HELP DEFEAT PANDEMIC
                                                                                                                     Feelings of shame and stigmatisation
                                                                                                                     at the idea of contracting Covid-19
                                                                                                                     are linked to lower compliance of
                                                                                                                     social distancing and the likelihood of
                                                                                                                     reporting infection to authorities and
                                                                                                                     potential contacts.
          FINLAND                                                                                                       That was the finding of UK
                                                                                                                     researchers looking at pandemic
                                                                                                                     behaviour in Italy, South Korea and
                                                                                                                     the US last April.
         Doing more brisk and vigorous physical activity can                                                            However, the study also found that
         help curb low-grade inflammation in children with a                                                         those who trust their government’s
         higher body fat percentage, suggests research in the                                                        response to the Covid pandemic and
         European Journal of Sport Science.                                                                          feel a mutual solidarity are more
            Being overweight and obese contribute to low-grade                                                       likely to report catching the virus
         inflammation, and if the inflammation is long-lasting                                                       to authorities and acquaintances,
         it can increase the risk for type 2 diabetes and                                                            although the association between trust
         cardiovascular diseases.                                                                                    and compliance was not statistically
            The study looked at the associations between                                                             significant in the US, found the research
         physical activity, sedentary time, diet quality, body fat                                                   in Frontiers in Psychology.
         content, and low-grade inflammation in 390 children                                                            Co-author Giovanni Travaglino said:
         aged six to eight years old.                                                                                ‘Our research highlights the importance
            Overall, higher levels of physical activity and lower                                                    of managing the stigma associated
         levels of sedentary time were associated with a                                                             with Covid-19, which may undermine
         healthier inflammatory profile. Body fat percentage                                                         authorities’ efforts to control it.’
         modified these associations.
            Lead author Dr Eero Haapala said: ‘The key message                                                       u bit.ly/FIP_Covid_compliance_trust

         of our results is that increasing physical activity and
         reducing sedentary time are key in preventing low-grade

         inflammation [from] childhood.’ He added that this is
         ‘particularly important for overweight children’.
         u bit.ly/EJSS_activity_inflammation_children

                                                              COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Research_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 13                                                                       07/05/2021 16:41

                                BIG STORY

                             EXPECT THE
                              Women’s safety                                                                    he idea        work – has come into sharp

                                                                                                                of ‘safety     public focus following the
                              has moved into the                                                                at work’       tragic and shocking death
                                                                                                                for many       of Sarah Everard, who was
                              spotlight recently,                                                               employees is   abducted in March while
                              and community                                                   often applied to any equipment
                                                                                              used and the avoidance of
                                                                                                                               walking home in London.

                              practitioners – many                                            hazards. However, for many       VICTIMS OF GENDER
                              of whom are female                                              women working as community
                                                                                              practitioners (CPs), there are
                                                                                                                               Most of the statistical
                                                                                                                               attention on female safety
                              – face particular risks                                         other ways to read the phrase.   surrounds what is classified

                              at work. Journalist                                             CPs work in community
                                                                                              locations, in people’s homes,
                                                                                                                               as ‘sexual assault’, while also
                                                                                                                               acknowledging that a huge
                              Radhika Holmström                                               in places that may be out of     proportion of sexual assaults go
                                                                                              the way or badly lit, and with   unreported. Figures from the
                              asks how you can                                                clients and patients who may     Office for National Statistics
                              stay safe on the job.                                           be hostile. All this adds up     (ONS) suggest that men are
                                                                                              to a potentially dangerous       more likely than women to be
                                                                                              situation. And over the past     the victims of violent crime,
                                                                                              couple of months, the whole      except in cases of domestic
                                                                                              issue of women’s safety – on     abuse (ONS, 2020). However,
                                                                                              the streets, at home and at      the evidence from women

                                                              COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Big Story_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 14                                                                      07/05/2021 16:43

         about their experiences                Wales (GIG Cymru and NHS                 (Offences) Act 2018 – which          A DAILY BATTLE
         demonstrates just why so               Wales, 2018), 8% in Scotland             is now being extended with
         many women feel unsafe in              – rising to 20% of nursing               longer penalties – covers anyone
         public. A recent UK-wide               staff (Scottish Government,              providing or supporting NHS
         survey on sexual harassment            2015) and 14% – rising to 26%            services. The Northern Ireland
         found that more than 70% of            of nursing staff – in Northern           Assembly is also considering
         women in the UK say they have          Ireland (Quality Health Ltd,             similar legislation.
         experienced sexual harassment          2016). Once again, black and                The health and safety
         in public (UN Women
         UK, 2021).
            Successive studies bear
                                                Asian staff were more likely to
                                                experience such incidents.
                                                    No figures were readily
                                                                                         executive in all four nations
                                                                                         has also produced policies
                                                                                         to protect the safety of lone
                                                                                                                                    Over    70%
                                                                                                                                of women in the UK say
         this picture out. A significant         available for assaults on                workers (in all sectors), with          they have experienced
         proportion of these assaults           CPs specifically, but nurses              additional policy work aimed         sexual harassment in public
         take place in public spaces,           working in the community                 at protecting health workers.
         including on public transport          face unique problems. Not only           NHS England published
         (Mayor of London Office for
         Policing and Crime [MOPAC]
                                                are they regularly travelling to
                                                and from work, but they are
                                                                                         its violence prevention
                                                                                         and reduction standard at
         and NHS England, 2016).                working in different places,             the beginning of this year,          of NHS staff had
         Younger women, and black and           with potentially difficult or              stating that organisations and       experienced at least
         Asian women, are also more             hostile clients, and they are            commissioners should review
                                                                                                                              one incident of
                                                                                                                              physical violence in
         likely to be subjected to assaults     often working alone. ‘Even if            their work against this twice
                                                                                                                              the past 12 months
         (MOPAC, 2019).                         CPs aren’t doing a physical risk         a year (NHS England, 2021).
            A vast proportion of these          assessment, they’re constantly           Some guidance also singles out
         crimes are not reported;               risk-assessing what they                 lone workers: NHS Employers
         they’re accepted as part of            encounter,’ says John McLaren,           published Improving safety
         daily life. One problem is that        a former practising health               for lone workers: a guide for
         organisations define sexual             visitor and now the employee             managers (NHS Employers,
         harassment in different ways,
         so that women often feel that,
                                                director (a union role) at NHS
                                                Borders and a senior rep for
                                                                                         2013) and Improving safety
                                                                                         for lone workers: a guide for
         however uncomfortable or
         dangerous their experiences,
                                                   ‘Most will have at the
                                                                                         staff who work alone (NHS
                                                                                         Employers, 2018), NHS Wales
         an incident may not count              forefront [of their minds] not           published its lone worker                    violent incidents in
         as a crime. The UN Women               their own safety but the safety          procedure (GIG Cymru and                England and Wales in the
         UK report defines sexual                of those around them. If you             Public Health Wales, 2018),                   year to March 2020
                                                                                                                                NHS and Survey Coordination Centre,
         harassment as ‘the continuum           think there’s a risk to a child or       while NHS Scotland’s health
                                                                                                                                2021; ONS, 2021; UN Women UK, 2021.
         of violent practices against           woman in that environment,
         women and girls’; and,                 it’s going to be further
         importantly, this is a wide            complicated.’ He adds that
         continuum (see What constitutes        recent concerns about Covid-19                 WHAT CONSTITUTES
         sexual harassment?, right).            and PPE have increased the
                                                tensions involved.
                                                                                               SEXUAL HARASSMENT?
         RISK TO HEALTHCARE                                                                    u Being cat-called or wolf-whistled
         PROFESSIONALS                          THE LAW AND POLICIES                           u Being stared at
         Healthcare professionals face          There is some legislation                      u Unwelcome touching, body rubbing, or groping

         particular risks – and over            around violence and assault                    u In-person comments or jokes

         the past year the risks have           that specifically protects health               u Unwelcome sexual advances or requests for

         increased. The latest NHS Staff        workers. In Scotland, the                        sexual favours
         Survey for England shows that          Emergency Workers (Scotland)                   u Being physically followed

         14.5% of staff had experienced         Act 2005 includes ‘registered                  u Indecent exposure

         at least one incident of physical      medical practitioners’ and                     u Online comments or jokes

         violence in the past 12 months         ‘registered nurses’ in the                     u Sharing of suggestive or indecent content online

         (NHS and Survey Coordination           categories of people who can                     or in person

         Centre, 2021). Similar staff           invoke this legislation if they are            u Being forced into participating in sexual behaviour

         surveys in recent years show           assaulted in the course of their               u Having images taken and/or shared without

         that 11% had experienced               work. In England and Wales, the                  your consent.
         physical violence at work in           Assaults on Emergency Workers                  UN Women UK, 2021

                                                              COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Big Story_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 15                                                                      07/05/2021 16:43

       and safety guidelines has
       a section on lone workers                  RISK FACTORS FOR LONE WORKERS
       (Scottish Government, 2003).
                                                  u Abnormal and hazardous conditions,                    u Lone worker wearing uniforms,
          So overall, there is an
       overlapping set of documents                 such as an isolated work place, poor                    travelling between certain environments
       and policies in this area                    lighting and so on.                                     or settings and visiting the same
                                                  u Risk to lone worker with medication on                  destination over a number of occasions
       that give overall guidance,
       some of it mandatory. Many                   their person, particularly controlled drugs.            especially at the same time.
                                                  u Staff delivering unwelcome information                u Lone workers carrying equipment
       trusts have also produced
       their own policies to support                or bad news.                                            that makes them a target for
                                                  u Increased risk of violence from service                 theft or makes them less able
       lone workers. NHS Glasgow
       and Clyde, for example, has                  users/clients/patients due to alcohol                   to protect themselves.
                                                    or drug abuse, drug misuse or non-                    u Evaluation of capability to undertake
       produced comprehensive
       guidance, issued staff with                  compliance in relation to their clinical                lone working – for example, being
       electronic alarms, and has                   condition or response to treatment, and                 inexperienced, pregnant or having
       risk-assessment policies.                    the risk of violence from their carers,                 a disability.
          Jacalyn Williams, Unite’s                 relatives or visitors.                                GIG Cymru and Public Health Wales, 2018

       national officer for health,
       says: ‘Clearly, employers
       have a duty to carry out risk         and campaigns officer at the             work, around violence and
       assessments, address women’s          Suzy Lamplugh Trust, suggests          aggression, so all CPs should
       health and safety concerns,           using a personal alarm (many           be able to at least de-escalate
       and then decide first how the          health organisations already           things that are getting difficult
       risk can be eliminated, and, if       issue these), and planning             – sometimes the safest thing is
       that isn’t possible, minimised        some strategies for a quick            to withdraw and seek help.
       or controlled. They should            getaway if necessary. ‘For                ‘We encourage people to
       develop an action plan to deal        example, you could say “I’m            think first and foremost about
       with the risks women face at          sorry, I’ve left some paperwork        their own safety, and then
       work, setting out what will           I need in the car”. This could         support them with what they                     Suzy Lamplugh Trust
       be done to keep women safer           give you time to de-stress             need to do to make it safe for                  suzylamplugh.org
       and healthier, and this should        before returning, or could             those around them.’ He says                     UN Women UK
       be communicated to women              allow you to phone from the            safety is on the agenda in a way                unwomenuk.org
       workers so that they know the         safety of your car, saying             that it may not have been in                    NHS England violence
       risks faced, and the steps that       you have been called back to           the past. ‘We’ve got more risk                  prevention and
       will be taken to deal with them.’     the office and will rearrange            assessments and more tools to                   reduction standard
          Women workers themselves           the appointment.’                      use as practitioners to stay safe               bit.ly/NHS_violence_
       have a part to play in this              Violet also recommends not          and to keep our clients safe.’                  standard
       process, she adds. ‘As part of        going in at all if something              To conclude, Janet Taylor,                   GIG Cymru and Public
       this, it’s vitally important that     seems a bit ‘off’. ‘Conduct            chair of the CPHVA Executive,                   Health Wales lone
       they are communicating with           your own “dynamic risk                 provides some advice for CPs:                   worker procedure
       the safety representatives and        assessment” before you                 ‘Never put yourself in danger;                  bit.ly/PHW_lone_workers
       the workplace representatives,        enter,’ she says. ‘If the person       do a risk assessment, and                       Scottish Government
       because they will know what           you expected to meet isn’t             maintain safety at all costs.                   Managing Health at
       the specific issues are that this      there, don’t go in – say you’ll        If you feel you’re threatened                   Work Partnership
       workforce is facing.’                 return later or rearrange the          or feel at risk, or that this                   Information Network
                                             appointment. And if you do go          is a house where someone                        (PIN) Guideline
       PERSONAL PROTECTION                   in and feel at all uncomfortable,      may make you feel at risk,                      bit.ly/SCT_lone_workers
       However, in practice, many            make an excuse and leave. Trust        go back and discuss it with                     2015 HSCNI
       female CPs and other women            your instincts. If something           your manager. Put safety                        Staff Survey
       do continue to feel unsafe            doesn’t feel right, or you feel        mechanisms in place. Of                         bit.ly/NI_staff_survey
       during the course of their work       unsafe in any way, act on it. It’s     course, you can’t rule out
       or other daily activities. And        better to be over-cautious than        the unexpected, but remove

       some of the standard advice,          under-cautious.’                       yourself and seek help. No
                                                                                                                                          For references,
       such as using well-lit routes,           John says: ‘We [at NHS              member of staff should be                             visit bit.ly/CP_news_
       may simply not be practicable.        Borders] do have personal              in that situation. Never put                          big_story
       Violet Alvarez, senior policy         safety training as part of our         yourself in danger: not ever.’

                                                              COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

NEWS Big Story_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 16                                                                        07/05/2021 16:43
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           Fink C, Peters RL, Koplin JJ et al. Factors affecting vitamin D status in infants. Children 2019; 6(7). Doi: 10.3390/children6010007. 2 Cribb V.L., Northstone K., Hopkins D., Emmett P.M. (2015) Sources of vitamin D and calcium in the diets
         of preschool children in the UK and the theoretical effect of food fortification. J Hum Nutr Diet. 28: 583–592 10.1111/jhn.12277. 3 Day et al. We still don’t know that our children need vitamin D daily: a study of parents’ understanding
         of vitamin D requirements in children aged 0-2 years. BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1119 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7340-x. 4 Grant et al. Vitamin D During Pregnancy and Infancy and Infant Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D
         Concentration. Pediatrics 2014;133;e143; originally published online December 16, 2013; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-2602.

DDrops FP.indd 2
CPMAY2021.017.indd 17                                                                                                                                                                                                                              20/04/2020 10:27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   05/05/2021 16:14

       Recognising fantastic work, plus the
       importance of adapting and wellbeing.
                                                                                                                       BOOK NOW!
       CELEBRATING THE MARY SEACOLE AWARDS                                                                             UNITE-CPHVA
       This year’s virtual Mary Seacole      Manchester Metropolitan               an exploration of factors           ONE-DAY
       Leadership and Development            University – Achieving Care           influencing the uptake in a          VIRTUAL
       Awards had a slightly different       Together (ACT) Project.               deprived area of Kensington         CONFERENCE
       focus. Due to Covid, much                                                   and Chelsea, London.
                                                                                                                       The inaugural one-day
       of the awardees’ (for 2019-           MALKO ADAN, senior research                                               Unite-CPHVA national
       2020) project work is still           midwife, Imperial College             AMANDA FIRTH, PhD student           conference is being held
       underway – and has involved           London/Imperial College               at the University of Bradford,      virtually on Wednesday
       the awardees having to adapt          Healthcare NHS Trust – Bridging       senior lecturer in midwifery,       9 June 2021. Entitled
       and innovate. So the evening          the inequality of outcomes            University of Huddersfield –         ‘Health and wellbeing
       was a chance to celebrate             experienced by black African          Perinatal depression in refugee     for all ages’, the aim is to
       their achievements so far,            and black Caribbean women in          and asylum-seeking women:           help tackle some of the
       with plenty of inspiration            spontaneous pre-term birth: a         investigating the issue at          key problems posed by
                                                                                                                       the pandemic.
       and reflection.                        service evaluation.                   a service user, clinical and
                                                                                                                         Topics will include
          The Mary Seacole Awards                                                  system level.
                                                                                                                       staff wellbeing, parental
       provide opportunities to              Development awards                                                        mental health (fathers),
       undertake specific healthcare          REBECCA AGBOOLA,                      ANGANIE SEECHARAN,                  school age wellbeing,
       projects that benefit the health       health visiting team lead,            diabetes specialist nurse, London   and babies in lockdown.
       outcomes of black, Asian and          Central London Community              North West University Healthcare    Speakers will include
       ethnic minority communities.          Healthcare NHS Trust –                NHS Trust – An evaluation of        paternal mental health
          Those being celebrated were:       Increasing the uptake of              group session for people with       expert Mark Williams and
       Leadership awards                     two to 2.5 years child health         type 2 diabetes on insulin          Sally Hogg of the Parent-
       EULA MILLER, senior lecturer,         reviews among black and               amongst black, Asian and other      Infant Foundation.
       programme lead mental health,         Asian minority ethnic groups:         ethnic minority communities.
                                                                                                                       THE COST TO ATTEND IS
                                                                                                                       AS FOLLOWS:
                                                                                                                       u Members: £20 (students
        SAID IT!                                                                                                         and nursery nurses £10)

                                                                                                                       u Non-members:  £30
       @shel_e_moseley                                                    DR MICHAEL                                    (Students and nursery
                                                                          FANNER SCPHN (HV)
                                                                                        HV)                             nurses £15)
       Great to see this in print from                                    @PostDocHV
       Nicola Rooke @cardiffuniscphn  hn                                                                               To book your place, visit
                                                                          Looking forward to
       students perspectives of                                                                                        cphvaconference.org/
       safeguarding education and                                         browsing this issue
                                                                                           ue                          signup
       practice within a pandemic                                         of @CommPrac
                                                                          with a

                      Please let us know how you’re doing and what practice is like for you now. As always, we’d love to hear from
                      you, so to give any feedback on the journal or to talk about your work projects, tweet us @CommPrac, or email

                                                             COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

OPINION Feedback_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 18                                                              07/05/2021 16:44

                                                                                 AT WORK

             YOU’VE EARNED IT Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe, Unite national officer for
                              health, explains why Unite-CPHVA is campaigning
                                  for the pay rise all NHS workers deserve.

                                                                       HEALTH VISITORS:
              I          n March, the UK Government’s
                         evidence to the NHS Pay                      THE UNITE EVIDENCE
                                                                                                                  consultation and trade unions are set to report
                                                                                                                  the outcome of the consultation on 12 May.
                         Review Body (PRB) delivered
          the sledgehammer news that it was
          recommending a paltry pay rise of 1% for
                                                                                     70%                          WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND
                                                                                                                  The Wales and Northern Ireland governments
                                                                       of HVs who took our pay survey
          NHS workers this year. This was despite the                     last November were either               also await the recommendation. Neither
          praise heaped on NHS workers during the                      dissatisfied or very dissatisfied            government submitted evidence to the PRB
          pandemic. The announcement falls well                                 with their pay                    asking for a 1% increase for NHS workers.
          short of Unite-CPHVA’s pay claim of £3000                                                               The NI Government will give a one-off £500
          or 15%, whichever is greater.                                                                           payment to NHS workers, and the Welsh
             Unite-CPHVA assembled a team to give
          oral evidence to the PRB on 23 March, after
                                                                                     78%                          Government £735.

          submitting our written evidence back in
                                                                          of HVs always or frequently             For more information contact your CPHVA
                                                                            worked more than their
          January (see statistics, right). Our lay activists                                                      LAR or Unite the Union district or regional
                                                                             contractual hours in a
          did a fantastic job to portray what a decent                           typical week                     office. Information in this article was correct
          pay rise would mean for NHS workers.                                                                    as of 26 April 2021.
             Many NHS staff who remained at the top of
          their band have seen a 19% real decrease in
          their pay since 2010. In the same time, MPs
          have seen a real increase in their pay of 2%.                  of HVs had experienced staff
             We can afford a decent pay rise                             shortages over the past year
          – independent analysis by London
          Economics has showed that increasing the                 We will not be idle waiting for the
          Agenda for Change pay bill by 10% has a                PRB report and are ready to conduct an
          net cost of just £0.66bn. Remember the                 indicative ballot for industrial action should
          government is planning to spend £37bn on               the pay award not meet our expectations.
          an unfit-for-purpose test and trace system.             Please ensure your membership details are
                                                                 up to date on the Unite website.
          WHAT NEXT?
          We will continue to campaign on this issue.            SCOTLAND
          We have urged members to write to MPs                  At the end of March, the Scottish
          and encouraged members from across the                 Government made an offer of 4% on the
          Unite family to share photos displaying their          pay bill of the Scottish NHS backdated to
          support for NHS workers. Please continue to            December 2020 with any Barnett formula

          use our materials and share them with your             consequentials that flow from any PRB
          colleagues and friends, so the government              settlement. The government also will give
          will not get away with this poor treatment of          a one-off £500 payment to NHS workers as
          NHS staff.                                             a thank you. The pay offer has been out to

                                                               COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

Rights at work_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 19                                                                     07/05/2021 16:44
                         The perfect place to find the latest
                          health visitor, school nurse and
                        community nursery nurse vacancies
                                Community Practitioner Jobs
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                           To advertise your vacancy please contact the recruitment team:
                               compracrecruitment@redactive.co.uk or 020 7880 7621

CPMAY2021.020.indd 20                                                                       10/05/2021 10:26

                      STORIES FROM
                      THE SHARP END
                      As the vaccination roll-out continues apace, four
                      members supporting the programme – from Unite
                      staff volunteering alongside their day jobs to a retiree
                      returning to practice – reflect on their experiences so far.

                      An unexpected
                      return to work
                      I retired from the NHS just over four years ago after a career as    We have vaccinated in sub-zero
                      a nurse, health visitor, public health practitioner and clinical     conditions, torrential rain and
                      nurse manager. I enjoyed all of my roles to at least some            storm-force winds. But we have
                      degree, and liked nearly all of the people I worked with – but       kept vaccinating.
                      I have absolutely loved life in retirement. I did a modicum of          Having solved some
                      bank health visiting immediately after retiring, but found that      inevitable teething troubles,
                      it interfered too much with my leisure activities. And then          the centre has provided a
                      along came the first pandemic for more than 100 years.                highly organised vaccine
                          By this time early last year, I was no longer a registered       delivery system. Its staff
                      nurse or HV. My registration had lapsed at the end of January        come from all over
                      2020 and I hadn’t been planning to renew it. But the Covid           the NHS and further
                      crisis prompted the government, through the NMC, to                  afield. They have all been
                      temporarily restore those nurses whose registrations had             fabulously helpful and kind, especially the traffic controllers,
                      recently expired back onto the register.                             who are out in all conditions patiently guiding drivers around
                          Last year I volunteered to return to the NHS and underwent       the site. The clinical staff have a wide range of backgrounds
                      a rather tortuous induction process with NHS Lothian. And            – from midwives to dental specialists – with some adding
                      then, just before Christmas, the health authority emailed to         extra hours to their day jobs and many others, like me,
                      ask me to support the mass vaccination programme over the            coming out of retirement to ensure that the programme
                      first half of 2021. I agreed.                                         proceeds as smoothly as possible. Crucially, the calm, skilled
                          After a mostly online vaccination induction programme            and effective manager in charge of their work has earned
                      – which, given the speed and scale of the operation, was             everyone’s confidence.
                      remarkably thorough and well delivered – I was offered a                I have found the experience hugely positive and rewarding
                      temporary part-time contract at the vaccination centre on the        so far. While I’ll be happy to return to retirement and fade
                      Musselburgh campus of Queen Margaret University, starting            into the sunset, I’m immensely proud to have been able to
                      in early February.                                                   play a small part in this incredible effort.
                          The site offers a drive-through service, so I thought it
                      might be the coldest and windiest vaccination centre in
                                                                                           John Boyce,

                      Lothian. In its first weeks of operation, it certainly was.                                Edinburgh

                                                              COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

OPINION Vaccine_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 21                                                                     07/05/2021 16:45

           Back in uniform
           after 20 years
           I’m employed by one of the largest health boards in the UK.
           As a senior nurse in health visiting during the pandemic, I was
           working from home providing strategic support for HV practice,
           education and students who’d been reassigned to work in acute
           Covid-facing care. I was offering both professional and emotional
           support for people who were really stretched and going the extra
           mile to help Covid patients.
              In my other role as a senior shop steward, I was also meeting               up for the occasion, as this was an exciting outing for them,
           managers to discuss issues such as PPE provision and staffing                    especially as we were based in a large exhibition centre. The
           levels while the response to the Covid crisis progressed. After                patients saw it as a liberating experience.
           I was nominated to represent staff during the vaccination                         While I was vaccinating people, it was a great opportunity
           planning process, I saw an opportunity to make a direct,                       to check in on their wellbeing and remind them about the
           practical contribution to the Covid response in my capacity as a               importance of maintaining Covid-safe practices, such as social
           registered nurse. I was joined in our immunisation bank by many                distancing and wearing masks. I was impressed that many
           of my peers and also some former colleagues who were coming                    patients had great knowledge of the vaccines on offer.
           out of retirement.                                                                One weekend I worked on a second-vaccination clinic for the
              My motivation to get involved at the practice level was also                residents and staff of a large care home for military veterans. It
           personal: my husband needed to shield, while other close                       felt amazing to help these patients, many of whom had served in
           relatives, including my new grandchild, were living in the USA.                the Falklands, the Gulf and even the second world war.
           My participation in the vaccination programme may in some way                     This has been a fulfilling experience so far. I’m so pleased to
           help us return to a more normal family life, allowing us all to see            be part of the vaccination programme and I look forward to
           each other face to face again sooner rather than later.                        continuing my work.
              First, I trained myself in the use of Pfizer’s vaccine and then
           AstraZeneca’s, using resources produced by NHS Education
           Scotland. Then, in January 2021, I started putting in 12-hour                  Annie Hair
           clinical shifts. It was my first time in uniform for two decades.               Senior nurse practice development at NHS
              The clinics were well organised, helping to make each shift                 Greater Glasgow and Clyde; chair of Unite’s
           a joy. We initially welcomed over-65s. Many of them dressed                    Health Visitor Organising Professional Committee

                                                                    When the pandemic hit, my normal routine of travelling the country for Unite was

            Taking the                                              thrown into a weird kind of turmoil. I found myself spending most of my time working
                                                                    at the kitchen table, getting to see my wife and children every day.
                                                                       While my nursing and HV family was going through this global crisis, I wanted to

            plunge after                                            play my part. I tried to head back on to the wards as a staff nurse but, with a gap of 17
                                                                    years since my previous shift, I realised that, without more staff around to support my
                                                                    development back into practice, this ambition was a non-starter. The experience also

            a false art                                            resulted in my catching Covid-19 and spending a day in hospital as a patient.
                                                                       Fast-forward to December 2020, when I volunteered to join the vaccination
                                                                    programme through my local hospital. I found jumping through the hoops to do all my
                                                                    training was relatively easy, as I’d already completed a number of modules to get on
                                                                    to the ward. By the end of the next month, I’d completed my first shift at the Greater
                                                                    Manchester mass vaccination centre on the Etihad Campus. As a healthcare registrant
                                                                    member of staff, I spend my shifts either consenting people for the vaccination or

                                                              COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER | MAY / JUNE 2021

OPINION Vaccine_COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER MAY_JUNE_Community Practitioner Magazine.indd 22                                                                        07/05/2021 16:45
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