Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144

Page created by Edith Price
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
Family Friendly
The VOICE of            TM
the FAMILY in

 Doraemon Story of
 Seasons, Moon-
 lighter, Pinball,
 Crash Team Racing
 and more this issue.

    Final Fantasy
 VII Remake is look-
ing better!

ISSUE #144
July 2019
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
CONTENTS                             ISSUE #144     July 2019
Home Page

Section				                Page(s)
Editor’s Desk					 4
Female Side					 5
Comics					 7
Sound Off			         		 8 - 10
Look Back					12
Quiz						13
Devotional					14
Helpful Thoughts				15
In The News					        16 - 23
We Would Play That!				 24
Reviews					25 - 37
Sports						38 - 41
Developing Games				    42 - 67
Now Playing					68 - 83
Last Minute Tidbits				 84 - 106

                                                                 “Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly
                                                                 Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception
                                                                 of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are prop-
                                                                 erty of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                 that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal
                                                                 copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of:

                                                                 Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                 7910 Autumn Creek Drive
                                                                 Cordova, TN 38018

                                                                 Trademark Notice
                                                                 Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines,
                                                                 and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by
                                                                 Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter
                                                                 and Noah are inspiration to their parents.

Family Friendly Gaming										           Page 2   Page 3		                                      Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
Editor’s Desk FEMALE SIDE
           Propaganda                                                           though. Lord willing it will happen at some
                                                                               future date.
                                                                                                                                          Out of Orbit                                                         amounts of coverage. They are having a blast
                                                                                                                                                                                                              seeing all these video games. Sure many of
                                                                                       I am doing my best to keep a positive                                                                                  them are not out until next year. What kind
               I am writing this column as we are waiting on the Micro-                                                                       Want to know what I notice most about E3 2019? It knocks        of Christmas will 2019 be without a lot of
                                                                               attitude when these companies are spreading
              soft E3 2019 press conference to begin. The EA Press Con-                                                                       my hubby, and my two boys completely out of their normal       interesting video games for families? That
                                                                              their propaganda. I am not their cheerleader.
              ference was extremely disappointing. In fact it annoyed                                                                         orbits. Paul works himself nearly to death helping these       reminds me there is still too much of an E3
                                                                              I am not paid to make them money. I have
              me deeply. They wasted so much time going over the same                                                                        companies reach our close to nine million readers. They        focus on the macabre and morbid games. The
                                                                             made them hundreds of millions of dol-
             things multiple times. What is the deal with that? Also the                                                                     should pay for that hard work. They should pay for what        E3 focus is too deep on the hardcore haters.
                                                                             lars in the past and they never once thought
             level of propaganda was way too high for me. They bragged                                                                       gives them sales. They should be considerate of the time       Families are not being accurately represented
                                                                            about us in terms of advertising and sponsor-
             over and over again how they were providing for gamers.                                                                        and money of others. Do they? Nope. These companies            at E3 anymore. No wonder we feel no interest
                                                                            ships. Why kill myself to make them even
            They bragged over and over again how they are listening to                                                                      claim they listen, but I noticed they do not listen to the     in wasting so much money to fly out to Los
                                                                            wealthier? I prefer to be honest, and genuine.
            the community. I have to take issue with that. We have told                                                                    things our millions of readers have told them. So it is just    Angeles. There is not enough for us to spend
                                                                           I prefer to give you the best thoughts that can
           them certain things for years and they have not done it. I                                                                      another in a long line of E3 lies. Someone nicer than me       our time at that Convention Center until they
                                                                           save you the most money. Not make them the
           do not believe they listen. Maybe they listen to hardcore                                                                      would call it propaganda. I call it what it is - lies.          start to become truly inclusive.
                                                                           most money.
           haters, and people that tell them what they want to hear.                                                                                The next thing I noticed is many of these compa-
          My experience is they do not listen. I have told them so at                                                                     nies are stretching things out. There is a good side to this    God bless,
                                                                           God bless,
          E3 conferences in the past as well.                                                                                            and a bad side to it. The good side is we have more time         Yolanda Bury
                                                                           Paul Bury
                   For us here at Family Friendly Gaming E3 is a ton                                                                     to work on their content. There is less of a massive dump
         of work. I have been to seven of them live in Los Angeles.                                                                      on us in terms of content. Companies are insuring their
         I had to take some years off because I am sick of all the                                                                      content has a higher chance of being utilized. The bad side
         propaganda, lies, and fakeness that is there. The industry                                                                     is it means we have to work longer to cover all of it. There
        likes to call E3 the SuperBowl of video games. No it is not.                                                                   are more days that must be reserved to focus on E3. Paul
        That is just more typical propaganda to help them sell more                                                                    does not mind that much since he can take time off of his
        games. That is the real point of any E3 event. They are there                                                                  day job.
       to sell more games. They are there for a friendly audience.                                                                              An interesting theme this E3 is companies are
       Look at the EA Press conference this year. There were EA                                                                       claiming to listen. Paul and I both expose that lie rather
       employees interviewing EA employees, with an audience                                                                         easily. On top of that they also claim to provide for ev-
      of EA employees. Not much diversity there EA. Sorry for                                                                        eryone. I did not notice one Christian video game in any
      chasing a bit of a rabbit. Back to the issues with E3. The PR                                                                  of their press conferences. So they are not providing for
     and Marketing folks are doing and saying whatever it takes                                                                     Christian gamers. Which means they are not providing for
     to get themselves press coverage. They will promise the                                                                        everyone. See how easy it is to expose these screen readers
    moon as long as they get what they want. Thing is when                                                                          are promoting a false narrative? Anyone publishing just
    it comes time to pay the piper - they forget how to use the                                                                    that content alone is part of the fake news machine. Family
   reply button. When we try to collect on the promises they                                                                       Friendly Gaming added content that exposed these com-
   have Alzheimer’s. We have written about their high level of                                                                    panies when they tried to spew such evil, vile, and wicked
   cowardice and lack of honor in the past. Every time I think                                                                    lies. How often do you challenge what the video game
  of E3 I remember it.                                                                                                           companies tell you? Real genuine journalists would expose
             The plan is to go back to Los Angeles for another                                                                   these facts and stand up for the truth. Real true journalists
  E3 in 2020. I will still see if that is the plan in January of                                                                 would refuse to accept the lies. Real intelligent journalists
 2020. I want to let Peter see it at least once. I want Noah                                                                    would challenge these companies on their lies. Where are
 to see it when he gets old enough as well. It is expensive                                                                     these real true genuine intelligent journalists?
 and much more difficult to cover it from Los Angeles. I                                                                                   Throughout all the streams, and arguments the
keep hoping they move it closer to us at some point in the                                                                     men in my life have a lot of fun. They are growing the
future. That sadly does not seem very likely anytime soon                                                                      Twitch streaming and Twitter feed with all of this massive

      Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                          Page 4               Page 5		                                                                                Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
Lesson-based education & Fun                                                                                                                Mission

                                                                                                                                                              Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was cre-
                                                                                                                                                              ated in March of the year of our Lord
                                                                                                                                                              2005 as the first ever Christian video
                                                                                                                                                              game magazine. The goal of Family
                                                                                                                                                              Friendly Gaming is to report on video
                                                                                                                                                              games from the family view point. Family
                                                                                                                                                              Friendly Gaming takes a fair and bal-
                                                                                                                                                              anced approach to all news, previews,
                                                                                                                                                              reviews, interviews, features, and other
                    Colossians: 9781935915010 | 1 Peter: 9780976054870 | 2 Peter: 9780976054887 | Phillipians: 9781935915010 | James: 9780976054863           articles found within. The secular video
                 1 Timothy: 9780976054825 | 2 Timothy: 9780976054894 | Interactive Parables: 9780976054801 | Interactive Parables Spanish: 9780976054818      game media reports mainly on the most
                                                                                                                                                              morally bankrupt games and call those
                                                                                                                                                              games good. The major secular media
                            Interactive Bible Series for Windows by GraceWorks Interactive                                                                    reports on the bad side of video games
                                                                                                                                                              mainly. Most other Christian media
                                                                                                                                                              outlets claim video games turn the player
                                                                                                                                                              into a zombie, or they completely wor-
                                                                                                                                                              ship video games. Family Friendly Gam-
                                                                                                                                                              ing reports the good, and bad side effects
                                                                                                               features 15
                                                                                                                                                              to video games. It is the belief of the
                                                                                                    is                     00+
                                                                                                 Th            e Homescho
                                                                                                                                                              owners that readers are smart enough to
                                                                                                     0 availabl            ol ti                              come to their conclusions without those
                                                                                               9 00                              tle                          in the media handing opinions to them.
DVD-ROMs contain PowerPoint Bible stories, 3 - 5 on
each disk. The PowerPoints contain stunning lifelike
still graphics. Not cartoons, but computer generated
                                                                                            of                                                                Those of us at Family Friendly Gaming
photorealistic imagery. Their purpose is to provide a                                                                                                         believe by giving you the facts, you can
great backdrop while the teacher articulates the story,                                                                                                       decide for yourself. There are plenty of re-
there is no audio, but a lesson outline is provided for the
teacher along with Bible references. Each story also has                                                                                                      ally good video games on the market that
a printable PDF activity sheet and a coloring page.                                                                                                           teach wonderful lessons. Both inside the
14 DVD ROM titles                                                                                                                                             Christian video game market, and from
$10.99 each
Easter 1                 EAN 5060209840680                                                                                                                    non-Christian video game developers.
Easter 2                 EAN 5060209840697
Christmas                EAN 5060209840673    The comics are a further resource. Children                                                                     Family Friendly Gaming seeks out these
Failure and Redemption   EAN 5060209840741
Fifty Days               EAN 5060209840703
                                              love to read them and learn Bible stories.                                                                      video games to bring them to your atten-
Jesus Saves              EAN 5060209840666    6 COMIC titles
John Baptist             EAN 5060209840734
                                              $1.50 (issues 1-4) $2.99 (issues 5,7)
                                                                                                                                                              tion. Since it is unknown before playing
Miracles of Jesus 1
Miracles of Jesus 2
                         EAN 5060209840635
                         EAN 5060209840710    Issue 1 Jonah            ISBN 9781904064947                  For a complete listing,                            a game how family friendly it is; it is
Obedience                EAN 5060209840642    Issue 2 Samaritan        ISBN 9781907731006
Parables of Jesus 1      EAN 5060209840758    Issue 3 Adam & Eve
                                              Issue 4 Christmas
                                                                       ISBN 9781907731013
                                                                       ISBN 9781907731068
                                                                                                     visit our reference only website                         possible that this magazine will preview
Parables of Jesus 2      EAN 5060209840765
Power and Glory          EAN 5060209840727    Issue 5 Easter
                                              Issue 7 Titanic
                                                                       ISBN 9781907731075
                                                                       ISBN 9780957152304
                                                                                                                                                              a game, and then the review will expose
Women of God             EAN 5060209840659
                                                                                                                                                              problems previously unknown. Fam-
                                                                                                                                                              ily Friendly Gaming promises to always
                                                                                                                                                              ask the question: “how God feels about
                                                                                                   Products can be ordered from your                          certain video games.” God’s opinion on
                                                                                                      local Homeschool Retailer.                              the matter is more important than any
                                                                                                                                                              mere mortal. Which is why the rest of the
                                                                                                                                                              industry does not influence FFG.

         Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                                                            Page 6          Page 7		                                Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
SOUND                                                                                                                  OFF
The Sound Off section is where        ing strategy. The only ads I          tion (multiple choice and text                                           and then buy it right on the spot     Please let me know what you
you the reader/emailer is heard.      have seen for “Jeopardy” games        entry would be possible as well).    B. The Jeopardy Brain Bus. I        if you so desired. Think about        think of my ideas. Have a great
What you have to say is put in        are during TV broadcasts of                                                would send this bus to the          it. Home video game consoles          day, and God Bless You.
this section for all the readers to   “Jeopardy”, which is essentially      2. I would advertise the game to     five cities in the United States    would probably have never
see. Of course certain content is     preaching to the choir. Those         those who are most likely to en-     with the most college gradu-        taken off without public video        Sincerely,
edited for appropriateness issues.    ads fail to showcase what makes       joy “Jeopardy”, people who have      ates: Washington, DC; San Jose,     arcades.                              David
This is a family friendly maga-       the video/computer game ver-          4-year college degrees or are        California; Bridgeport, Con-
zine, and certain content is just     sion of “Jeopardy” different from     planning to earn them. Here’s        necticut; San Francisco, Califor-   3. I would keep most of the sec-
not proper. We hope you enjoy         the TV version. Also, they fail       how I would contact them:            nia; and Madison, Wisconsin.        ondary features secret, such as:      {Paul}: David,
this section as much as we do.        to attract new users because of       A. Direct mailing. There is a        The outside of the bus would        A. Voice cloning for Johnny
Keep an eye out for your com-         their placement strategy. So,         mail marketing company called        have a video screen that would      Gilbert for player introductions,     Thank you so much for your
ments appearing in these very         here is how I would advertise         Amerilist that has a large mail-     have a looping video showing        along with gesture recognition        wonderful ideas. The reason
pages. You have our attention, so     the “Jeopardy” game I have            ing list of high school students,    the hundreds or thousands of        so players can show off more if       companies put advertisements to
SOUND OFF!                            discussed at length in previous       a list that can be filtered by GPA   categories featured in the game.    they wish.                            products related to one another
                                      e-mails:                              and SAT scores. I would send         This would work well in an area     B. The ability to change the Jeop-    is because they think they will
                                                                            mail advertisements to students      with a lot of pedestrian traffic,   ardy set, intro style, and music to   get more sales from people
                                      1. I would want the advertising       with a GPA of 3.66 or higher and     such as an outdoor restaurant or    fit certain time periods (such as     already familiar with the brand.
Donation                              to convey the following mes-          a SAT score of 1100 or higher.       a bus terminal. You could step      the original set and music from       Take Jeopardy for example. The
                                      sages:                                Budget constraints may compel        into the bus and try out a single   1984).                                people in charge of marketing
                                      A. This “Jeopardy” game will be       me to increase the GPA and SAT       round of Jeopardy free of charge    C. Deep avatar personaliza-           think they will get more sales
Dear Mr. Bury,                        distributed on a USB flash drive      score thresholds.                    (with a clear time constraint)      tion. I think many people would       from people who watch Jeop-
                                      that can be attached to a “Jeop-                                                                                     enjoy playing Jeopardy          ardy. So you watch Jeopardy,
I read you newest article on how      ardy” pen. It will run on Win-                                                                                       with synthetically colored      then you will buy a game based
game advertising could be im-         dows, Mac OS, or Linux, and it                                                                                       hair (green, blue, purple)      on Jeopardy. Compare that to
proved, and I agree with you on       will not need to be installed on                                                                                     or while wearing fancier        someone who watches hockey
reducing hype. The way I see it,      your hard drive (it would already                                                                                    clothes such as a military      for example. The publisher of the
a good way to reduce hype is to       be installed on the flash drive for                                                                                  uniform, a tuxedo, or a         Jeopardy video game does not
advertise as close as possible to     all three operating systems).                                                                                        wedding dress. So let’s give    think people who watch hockey
a product’s launch date, instead      B. You will be able to create                                                                                        them those options.             are interested in playing a Jeop-
of several months in advance.         the game of your dreams by                                                                                                                           ardy video game. Are they right?
When Apple Computer released          searching through hundreds or                                                                                      4. Last but not least, I would    Are they wrong?
the Macintosh on January 24,          thousands of categories just like                                                                                  never stop anyone from
1984, they did not start advertis-    performing a text search on a                                                                                      uploading screenshots or          I love the idea of only advertis-
ing it on television until January    search engine like Google. In                                                                                      video clips of the game to        ing when something is about to
22, 1984.                             total, the game would have mil-                                                                                    YouTube, Flickr, Facebook,        come out. I am sick and tired
                                      lions of clues.                                                                                                    or any other social network-      of companies expecting I will
I think a lot of well-made games      C. You will be able to answer                                                                                      ing site.                         publish multiple press releases
fail because of a poor advertis-      questions using voice recogni-                                                                                                                       on a game before it comes out.

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                      Page 8     Page 9		                                                                          Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
I am sick
and tired of
ing a little
info here
and there
on their
we will have                       are really low too. The bus idea      tion controls of the Wii would
the time and financial resources   sounds really cool.                   be a success. The same goes for
to give them more coverage. I                                            the Kinect sensor. We believe
would love to see advertisements   Love being able to change             in getting up and gaming. The
spread around among media          outfits, sets, etc. Definitely love   reason the Twitch streams, and
outlets. There are plenty of de-   the idea to let us stream it on       videos on Daily Motion, You-
serving websites, streamers, and   sites and make money from our         tube, Bit.Tube and other sites are
Youtubers.                         videos.                               done in English is because that
                                                                         is the version we play and that is
How would you get the data on                                            the language we speak.
people to contact? With all of     Just Dance
the privacy laws, colleges will
not just give that information
                                   Hey, FFG, I want to say your Just     Would you like to be heard in
out. The USB is an interest-
                                   Dance videos are useful, be-          Family Friendly Gaming? Want
ing idea. I do see your point on
                                   cause the menus are in English,       to Sound Off on something in
preaching to the choir. People
                                   why are they in English and not       video games, the website, the
who watch other intellectual
                                   foreign?                              magazine, etc? Log on to the in-
shows might be interested. Mail
                                   -Thomas                               ternet and go to our Comments
campaigns can get costly. What
kind of marketing budget would
you have? Skip television com-
                                   {Paul}: Thomas,             , or
mercials and you would be fine.
                                                                         send an email to: SoundOff@
Radio commercials could be
                                   Thank you for your words of  Mail
cool. Website commercials work
                                   kindness about our Just Dance         us comments at:
too. We would run Jeopardy ads
                                   videos. We are strong believer in     Family Friendly Gaming
on our website and as a sponsor
                                   exercise. We predicted the mo-        7910 Autumn Creek Drive
to our videos/streams. Our rates
                                                                         Cordova, TN 38018

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                  Page 10     Page 11		   Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
Look BACK                                                                                                                                  QUIZ
 There has been a lot of history made here at Family Friendly Gaming. Let us take a look at some of the         Family Friendly Gaming decided to do some fun little historic quizzes. Anyone who is not a busi-
 historic front covers to a few of the issues in our long and storied history.                                  ness partner, advertiser, PR contact, or works for Family Friendly Gaming can answer these questions.
                                                                                                             Email answers to After three months the person with the most right
                                                                                                             answers will be emailed an Amazon gift card.

                                                                                                             Question: Can companies sponsor Family Friendly Gaming?

                                                                                                             Question: Do you enjoy watching R-rated movies? Why or why not?

                                                                                                             Question: Do you enjoy playing M-rated games? Why or why not?

                                                                                                             Question: Where can the Video Game Lies book be purchased?

                                                                                                             Question: Is there a page on how you can help Family Friendly Gaming?

                                                                                                             Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Twitch channel?

                                                                                                             Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Daily Motion channel?

                                                                                                             Question: Have you been to the advertise page on the Family Friendly Gaming website?

                                                                                                             Question: Where can you buy shirts that show off your FFG Universe pride?

                                                                                                             Question: When can you catch FFG Twitch streams?

                                                                                                             Question: What was the first video game system everyone at FFG played?

                                                                                                             Question: How long have you read/watched Family Friendly Gaming?

                                                                                                             Question: Are you one of the 8.88 million readers of FFG?

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                   Page 12   Page 13		                                                                          Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
Helpful Thoughts
Before the Fall                        his downfall. He was unfaithful
                                       to the Lord his God, and entered
                                                                             room in this column to touch
                                                                             upon all of the areas we are
                                                                                                                   There are wise decisions we
                                                                                                                   make in life and there are mis-
                                                                                                                                                        audience is tenuous at best. They
                                                                                                                                                        are not asking the real, true, and
                                                                                                                                                                                             games get even more games for
                                                                                                                                                                                             their money. We all know that
                                       the temple of the Lord to burn        taught to avoid pride. Psalm          takes. Family Friendly Gaming        hard questions. They are not         most modern games disappoint.
One of the things that seems to        incense on the altar of incense.      10:2-4 In his arrogance the wick-     wants to share some thoughts         looking out for your interests.      So you might as well stay a gen-
have been lost in our culture is:      What happened to comprehend-          ed man hunts down the weak,           that can be helpful. Maybe this      Which saves you more money?          eration or two behind and spend
“Pride Comes Before The Fall.”         ing the mistakes of people in the     who are caught in the schemes he      will bring more joy into your        If you pay for a game every          a whole lot less money. Retro
Whatever happened to that              past? What happened to being          devises.                              life. Maybe it will allow you        single month and play it? Or if      video games are a huge market.
reality? I keep hearing people         better than those before us? It is    3 He boasts about the cravings        to have better physical health.      you pay one time for a game and               When you rent from a
demanding everyone celebrate           blatantly obvious that we should      of his heart; he blesses the greedy   Maybe it will help you reach         play it for years? Which of those    company you can never sell what
their pride. What baffles me is        not be proud. We are to be            and reviles the Lord.                 a better mental, psychological       two ideologies gives you more        you purchased. Why not? You
when their pride is promoting          humble. Evil doers are proud.         4 In his pride the wicked man         or emotional state. The goal of      of your own money? Which of          never owned it in the first place.
rebellion against God. Proverbs                 God’s law is written on      does not seek him; in all his         each column in each month is to      those two takes more money           When you purchase something
16:16-18 How much better to            all of our hearts. Those that obey    thoughts there is no room for         share some helpful thoughts to       from you.                            you can sell it to someone else
get wisdom than gold, to get           the law, and those that break it.     God. Educate yourself to avoid        you and your family.                          The video game compa-       later. You might even turn a
insight rather than silver!            1 Timothy 1:9-11 We also know         following the flock to your own                                            nies are doing whatever they can     profit if the game is rare. There
17 The highway of the upright          that the law is made not for the      destruction.                                                               to get and keep a steady flow of     are collectors who are making
avoids evil;those who guard their
ways preserve their lives.
                                       righteous but for lawbreakers and
                                       rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the   God Bless,
                                                                                                                   Owning                               income coming in. They are not
                                                                                                                                                        going to give you more if you
                                                                                                                                                                                             money off of their past video
                                                                                                                                                                                             game purchases. They owned
18 Pride goes before destruction,      unholy and irreligious, for those     Paul Bury                                                                  pay them every single month.         their games versus renting them.
a haughty spirit before a fall.                                                                                    One of the ways you can make
                                       who kill their fathers or mothers,                                                                               Family Friendly Gaming has           Renters wind up with very little
19 Better to be lowly in spirit                                                                                    sure you stay poor is to rent. You
                                       for murderers, 10 for the sexu-                                                                                  showed over and over again that      because they paid for an experi-
along with the oppressed than                                                                                      may not get wealthy owning but
                                       ally immoral, for those practicing                                                                               the “free” games for Playstation     ence versus paying for real and
to share plunder with the proud.                                                                                   you will have more options, and
There is so much to digest in
                                       homosexuality, for slave traders      PRAYER                                more things to sell when you
                                                                                                                                                        Plus, and Xbox Live Gold are         true content.
                                       and liars and perjurers—and for                                                                                  rarely family friendly. Some-                 We tell these video game
there. Destruction is such an ed-                                                                                  own. As the video game indus-
                                       whatever else is contrary to the      Jesus,                                                                     times they give us a thirteen and    companies that there are mil-
ucational outcome to pride. Yet                                                                                    try tries to move to streaming
                                       sound doctrine 11 that conforms            I know that I am a sin-                                               older only video game. Usually       lions of us who want physical
people in the American culture                                                                                     devices over owning your games
                                       to the gospel concerning the glory    ner and need Your forgiveness.                                             the cost of that game at retail is   copies. We tell these video game
are celebrating their pride which                                                                                  there are plenty of people in the
                                       of the blessed God, which he          Nothing I can do of my own                                                 less than a couple of months of      companies that we know of mil-
is scary. It also educates us to not                                                                               physical copy movement who
                                       entrusted to me. These are evil       power will give me true joy. I                                             the online paid service.             lions who believe in owning over
share the plunder of the proud.                                                                                    are deeply offended. The brain-
                                       things we are to avoid doing. We      believe that You died for my sins.                                                  You wind up get-            renting. Hopefully the video
We are not to celebrate with                                                                                       washed lemming gaming media
                                       are especially to avoid celebrat-     I want to turn from my enslave-                                            ting more games for the same         game industry turns from their
them. We are not to join them in                                                                                   regurgitates whatever the forked
                                       ing them, and being proud about       ment to sins, and repent of them.                                          amount of money when you             forced renting concept going
rebellion against God.                                                                                             tongued devils at these compa-
                                       them. It is insane to me that         I now invite You to come into                                              purchase physical copies. Espe-      forward. Hopefully you will sup-
         This is not the only place                                                                                nies have to say. What do they
                                       anyone would celebrate anyone         my heart and life. I want to trust                                         cially if you are wise with your     port owning over renting in the
in the Holy Bible that teaches us                                                                                  care? They won’t have to pay
                                       choosing to be a rebel against        and follow You as my personal                                              money. You can get even more         your purchase making decisions.
to avoid being proud. 2 Chron-                                                                                     for it. They will go about their
                                       God. Rebelling against God is a       Lord and Savior. I welcome the                                             games for your limited financial     Agree? Disagree? Fire us off an
icles 26:16 But after Uzziah                                                                                       merry little way getting every-
                                       really bad thing.                     transforming power of the Holy                                             resources if you buy them used.      email and tell us exactly what
became powerful, his pride led to                                                                                  thing for free. Their grasp on
                                                I do not have enough         Spirit. Amen.                                                              Those that purchase retro video      you think.
                                                                                                                   reality and connection with their

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                       Page 14     Page 15		                                                                         Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
In The                                                                                                           NEWS
CONTENTS                                                                                                      with the Nintendo Switch™. Built specifically with Nintendo Switch users in mind, this variant sports an inline
                                                                                                              microphone with mute switch that allows for convenient communication across games and calls, a silver Razer
                                                                                                              logo on each earpiece, and a carry case for easy storage – keeping the in-ears organized to avoid cluttering
                                                                                                              bags and pockets in-between gaming sessions.

                                                                                                              ABOUT THE RAZER HAMMERHEAD DUO

Story					 						Page(s)                                                                                      •     Frequency response: 20 Hz-20 KHz
                                                                                                              •     Impedance: 32Ω ± 15%
Razer Hammerhead Duo Releases							16 - 17
Star Wars Stormtrooper Edition Peripherals					    18
Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets Announced				 19
CYTUS α is now available across retailers					     20
Metaverse Keeper Updates								                   21                                                         •     Sensitivity: 112 ± 3 dB (Max SPL)
Rally Rock´N Racing Announced							               22                                                         •     Input Power: 10 mW/20 mW
Mowin’ & Throwin’ Launches								                 22 -23                                                     •     Drivers: Dynamic + Balanced Armature
CRYSTAL CRISIS Drops Today								                 23                                                         •     Connector: 3.5 mm angled jack
                                                                                                              •     Cable length: 1.2 m
                                                                                                              •     Approx. Weight: 17 g
                                                                                                              •     Frequency response: 100 Hz -10 kHz
                                                                                                              •     Pick Up Pattern: Omni-directional
                                                                                                              •     Signal to noise ratio: ≥ 58 dB

Razer Hammerhead Duo Releases                                                                                 •      Sensitivity: -40 ± 3 dB
                                                                                                              In-Line Remote
                                                                                                              •      Volume controls: Volume Up/Down (for Razer Hammerhead Duo only)
“The Hammerhead Duo primes dual driver technology to become a standard for mobile audio users,” said          •      Center control: Play Pause Accept/ End Call (for Razer Hammerhead Duo only)
Min-Liang Tan, Razer co-founder and CEO. “It delivers a clear and precise audio experience in a comfortable   •      Control: Mic mute enable/disable (for Razer Hammerhead Duo – Compatible with the Nintendo
form factor that perfectly meets the demands of daily use no matter where you are.”                           Switch™ only)
The Razer Hammerhead Duo comes in two versions: The Razer Hammerhead Duo, which features an inline            •      Devices with 3.5 mm audio jack
control with volume and play/pause control plus microphone, and the Razer Hammerhead Duo – Compatible         •      Devices with 3.5 mm audio + microphone combined jack

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                    Page 16   Page 17		                                                                             Family Friendly Gaming
Family Friendly Gaming - ISSUE #144
In The News Continued                                                                             In The News Continued

Star Wars Stormtrooper Edition Pe-               ized to be quieter and brighter to suit one’s    Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets             rible aliens, and has returned to the Earth
ripherals                                        tastes. The Stormtrooper Edition features        Announced                                        in order to sell them to the highest bidder.
                                                 a stormtrooper-inspired top plate, a black-                                                       While the alien showcase is going on, an
                                                 and-white braided cable, and an Imperial                                                          attack occurs, and all the aliens escape and
                                                 crest on the escape key.                                                                          spread inside the Aurora Space Station.
Razer introduced a special collection of                                                          Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets is a
Imperial stormtrooper-inspired peripherals                                                        cartoonish 2D sci-fi themed narrative puzzle
                                                 Razer Atheris Wireless Mouse – Storm-                                                             Your job as an intern of the spaceship has
in collaboration with the beloved Star Wars                                                       adventure game to be released on Switch and
                                                 trooper™ Edition                                                                                  been always to study and take care of these
brand. This new collection includes the Raz-                                                      Steam in Summer 2019, featuring 100 levels
                                                 USD $59.99 / € 69.99 MSRP                                                                         creepy and also lethal critters. Anyway, this
er BlackWidow Lite mechanical keyboard,                                                           and 12+ hours of gameplay.
                                                 The Razer Atheris is a pocket-sized wireless                                                      time you will have to add a new task to your
the Razer Atheris wireless mouse, and the
                                                 mouse designed with industry-leading signal                                                       to-do list: find a way to escape, or become
Razer Goliathus Extended gaming mouse                                                             Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets is
                                                 stability for over 300 hours of continu-                                                          your pets’ dinner.
mat – all now available in a stylish white and                                                    developed by BeautiFun Games, the studio
                                                 ous use* via 2.4GHz Wireless or Bluetooth
black Stormtrooper themed edition.                                                                behind the multi-awarded hit Nihilumbra.
                                                 connection. The new Stormtrooper Edition                                                          Features
                                                                                                  In this adventure, the player controls Profes-
                                                 carefully integrates the iconic stormtrooper
Donning the iconic stormtrooper design, the                                                       sor Lupo’s intern in dire need to escape from
                                                 helmet along the ergonomic body of the                                                               Puzzle-adventure game remarkably fo-
Razer BlackWidow Lite mechanical key-                                                             an alien infested space station.
                                                 Atheris mouse.                                                                                    cused in the narrative.
board and Atheris wireless mouse are built
                                                 *Battery life may vary based on connection                                                           Investigate the alien’s behaviour: use them
for productivity and performance, tuned for                                                       Become the most epic intern of all times and
                                                 type.                                                                                             in your favour!
both the office and home environments. The                                                        save humanity from collapse, or at least your
                                                                                                                                                      More than 100 levels of gameplay and
Star Wars-themed Razer Goliathus Extended                                                         own neck, in this frantic upcoming puzzle-
                                                 Goliathus Extended Gaming Mouse Mat –                                                             replayability.
gaming mouse mat completes the set with a                                                         adventure game infested with aliens!
                                                 Stormtrooper™ Edition                                                                                Distinctive English voice-overs for each
massive surface area for intense work ses-
                                                 USD $34.99 / € 39.99 MSRP                                                                         character!
sions and high-adrenaline gaming.                                                                 Professor Lupo is a scientist who has trav-
                                                 The Goliathus – Razer’s best-selling soft                                                            Explore the depths of Aurora Space Sta-
                                                                                                  eled to every galaxy to collect the most hor-
                                                 gaming mouse mat – provides speed and                                                             tion and its machinary.
“Star Wars is a cultural phenomenon with
                                                 precision with its slick, taut weave optimized
a rich history not only in cinema, but also
                                                 for all mouse
in gaming,” said Razer Co-Founder and
CEO Min-Liang Tan. “We are excited to join
                                                 and sensors.
forces with Lucasfilm to create this special
                                                 The portable
collection for our biggest fans and to bring
                                                 mat is de-
the design of the saga’s most iconic charac-
                                                 signed with
ters to gaming peripherals.”
                                                 an anti-fray-
                                                 ing stitched
                                                 frame and
                                                 an anti-slip
Razer BlackWidow Lite Silent Mechanical
                                                 rubber base.
Keyboard – Stormtrooper™ Edition
                                                 The Storm-
USD $99.99 / € 109.99 MSRP
                                                 trooper Edi-
The BlackWidow Lite comes with Razer
                                                 tion comes
Orange Mechanical Switches – designed for
                                                 in an iconic
gaming, with silent and tactile switches for
discreet work. With the inclusion of O-rings
                                                 design that
and individually-backlit keys (with true
white lighting), the keyboard can be custom-
                                                 the entire set.

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                       Page 18    Page 19		                                                             Family Friendly Gaming
In The News Continued                                                                                               In The News Continued

CYTUS α is now available across retailers                                                                             Metaverse Keeper Updates

PM Studios and acttil are thrilled to announce that CYTUS α, the latest title from critically acclaimed rhythm        Did you think that saving the Metaverse was an easy task? Joining forces with other three heroes thanks to the
game developer Rayark, is now available on Nintendo Switch™ in both digital and physical formats. To cel-             space-time anomaly that created the Metaverse has been quite an adventure. An adventure that hasn’t stopped
ebrate the release of CYTUS α on Nintendo Switch, the initial release of the retail version will include a special    yet, because the team al Sparks Games is working hard on creating the most polished dungeon crawler and
CD, featuring music from [Chapter Ω] ! The special CD and the game will be finely packaged using a Collec-            roguelike experience.
tor’s box* with exclusive box art featuring some of the awesome visuals of CYTUS α!
                                                                                                                      It has not been that long since Metaverse Keeper was released on Steam Early Access, but it has been more
The game is now available for $49.99 at retailers across the US like GameStop, Amazon and BestBuy!                    than enough for the developer to identify the key aspects that needed some tuning. Sparks Games is happy to
                                                                                                                      announce that Metaverse Keeper next update will address some of the aspects that the fans were demanding
*First print copies, while units last.                                                                                since day one.

For our European Audience:                                                                                            More difficulty options, an improved resource allocation in multiplayer as well as the addition of aim-assist are
PM Studios, in an effort to expand their audience and reach for videogames all over the world, partnered up           some of the new features that the game will have in the near future. Players that want to try the new features
with Numskull Games who will be handling all future European physical releases from the company. The first            will have the chance thanks to a closed beta with a date to be confirmed.
title from the partnership will be Cytus α, and it will be available for purchase at retail chain stores across the
European region and via the Numskull Games website.                                                                   UPDATE’S NEW FEATURES

                                                                                                                      •      New difficulty options

                                         About CYTUS α                                                                •      Optimized resource allocation in the multiplayer mode
                                         CYTUS α is a rhythm game featuring a futuristic graphical style, which       •      Enabling or disabling of aim-assist
                                         includes more than 200 songs from the original CYTUS and new tracks
                                         created for CYTUS α. Players will use the Nintendo Switch’s unique           OTHER NEW FEATURES ON THE WORKS
                                         Touch controls to hit notes for maximum control. There is also an online     •   Add multi-directional attacks
                                         mode, where players can engage in score battles with other rhythm            •   Decrease cooldown of the Evade abilities
                                         fanatics.                                                                    •   Optimize variety of monsters simultaneously present in the same rooms
                                                                                                                      •   Continuous optimization of resource acquisition and related content in multiplayer
                                         Key Features                                                                 •   Continuous optimization of local and online co-ops
                                         •       Music: More than 200 tracks from the original release with over
                                         400 Charts, and additional unreleased songs, including exclusive songs       METAVERSE KEEPER KEY FEATURES
                                         from Cytus Ω, which are available in Chapter Ω! and collaborations           •       Bring balance to the Multiverse in this fast-paced dungeon crawler with roguelike elements
                                         from Chapter Ω!                                                              •       Explore the Bastion, a dimension-traveling ship which is randomly generated: each playthrough will
                                         •       Visuals: Mesmerizing futuristic graphics with a new UI devel-        be different!
                                         oped specifically for Nintendo Switch!                                       •       Face over 100 crazy enemies and 8 bosses who stand in the way between you and the evil Boss
                                         •       Story: An in-depth data system for diving into even deeper story     •       Play with friends in local and online coop
                                         engagement!                                                                  •       Choose between 4 different heroes, each with their own special skills
                                         •       Difficulty: Easy to hard modes to satisfy beginners and veteran      •       Customize your powers and weapons using Chips
                                         rhythm game players alike, and various musical tastes such as pop, jazz,     •       Find your favorite weapon between the thousands of variations with randomized stats of 7 weapon
                                         trance, hardcore and more!                                                   categories

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                           Page 20    Page 21		                                                                               Family Friendly Gaming
In The News Continued                                                                           In The News Continued

Mowin’ & Throwin’ Launches                       Mowin’ & Throwin’ Features:
                                                 •       A stunning variety of items drop
                                                 from the sky during the match. Use them to
House Pixel Games is proud to announce its       knock gnomes off mowers, regrow grass, or
award-winning game of sabotage Mowin’ &          flip your opponent’s controls!
Throwin’ launched on Nintendo Switch and         •       Experience the thrill of mowing at
Steam -- use lawn gnomes racing around in        breakneck speeds to gather grass bag ammo
nitro-boosted mowers to wreck your neigh-        to shoot at your rival team’s yard!
bor’s yard by blasting rocks, fertilizer bags,   •       Grow closer with your friends by
and more at your unsuspecting opponents!         teaming up! Or ruin that friendship with a
                                                 well aimed rock! Keep the couch fun during
Mowin’ & Throwin’ is a competitive lawn          parties or when you need a break from the
mowing experience where the objective of         online world.
the game is to have the least amount of grass    •       The controls and objective of Mowin’
on your lawn before time runs out. Choose        & Throwin’ are easy to learn. But if you want
your zany gnome avatar and mow down the          to be a cut above the rest, you’ll need to
competition in 2v2 or 1v1 modes. Mowin’          master each lawn’s unique challenge to turn
& Throwin’ is great for social gatherings,       them to your advantage -- some examples
parties, and public events; as well as playing   include shifting terrain, elevators, destruc-
at home with friends, family, or people you      tible environments, darkness, and more!         Mowin’ & Throwin’ can keep you and your         also playable online through PARSEC. Play-
only sort of like!                                                                               friends occupied for seasons! The experience    Station 4 and Xbox One editions are planned
                                                 A single match only takes a few minutes, but    is best played locally, but the PC edition is   for release later this year as well.

Rally Rock´N Racing Announced                    your best times with those of your friends      CRYSTAL CRISIS Drops Today                               Gauge before they can deliver a
                                                 and players from around the world.                                                                       powerful Attack Burst or rearrange
                                                                                                                                                          their own Crystal grid with a De-
EnjoyUp Games & Super Power Up an-               Features:                                       Crystal Crisis, the cute and chaotic new                 fense Burst.
nounces Rally Rock´N Racing on Nintendo          - Wide variety of tracks.                       color-matching combat game, is available
Switch™.                                         - Multi-player with 4 players.                  now on Nintendo Switch. Developed and                     A variety of single-player gameplay
                                                 - Realistic driving physics.                    published by Nicalis, Crystal Crisis is an                modes (including Story, Arcade,
Rally Rock´N Racing                              - Lots of Rock ‘N Roll music.                   all-new head-to-head puzzle-battle throw-                 Tag Team, Survival, Training and
Get ready to skid around at full speed with                                                      down: Players arrange falling Crystals into     more) accentuate the battle options, while lo-
your family and friends!                                                                         matching colors and shatter them to attack      cal and online multiplayer functionality give
In Rally Rock’ N Racing, you’ll enjoy a wide                                                     their opponents.                                challengers the opportunity to play against
variety of natural environments, such as                                                                                                         friends, family members and Crystal Crisis
deserts, snow-covered mountains, forests...                                                      Crystal Crisis players can choose from 20       fighters worldwide. The onscreen Crystal
where you can show your skill at the wheel,                                                      different combatants, including Nicalis         colors can also be configured to make the
competing against everyone to become the                                                         favorites like Quote and Curly from Cave        game accessible for players with color blind-
fastest.                                                                                         Story and Isaac from The Binding of Isaac, in   ness.
                                                                                                 addition to special guests like Astro Boy and
The game has several modes, such as Cham-                                                        Black Jack from Tezuka Productions. Each        Crystal Crisis for Nintendo Switch is rated
pionship, Time Trial, Arcade and 4-player                                                        character has his or her own “home” stage,      E10+ by the ESRB and is available now as a
multiplayer.                                                                                     musical theme, voice-acted exclamations         digital download ($29.99 MSRP) or physical
                                                                                                 and special moves called “Bursts.” Players      retail version ($39.99 MSRP). A PlayStation
Online leader board where you can compare                                                        will need to build up their character’s Burst   4 version will also be available very soon.

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                     Page 22     Page 23		                                                           Family Friendly Gaming
We Would
        Play That!
There are all kinds of cool fam-
ily friendly video game ideas out
there. This column features ideas
                                      leads to marriage. That leads to
                                      children, a house, and happiness.
                                      A feedback video game could be
                                                                              media could be exposed for the
                                                                              true haters they really are. Their
                                                                              extreme bias could be addressed in
                                                                                                                   Welcome to our reviews section. We have a couple of rules when it comes to our reviews. The reviewer must give an hon-
                                                                                                                   est accounting as to why he/she liked or disliked something. No fanboy reviews allowed here, or at the very least they are
                                                                                                                   discouraged (after all everyone has their own personal biases, likes, and dislikes). Everyone also has different tolerances, and
of video games we would play. We      used to teach good morals. Think        a feedback video game. The self-     weaknesses - we strive to keep that in mind in our reviews. We have been burned ourselves by reviews saying a certain game
hope games like these are created     about this idea - give your heart to    ishness of too many video game       is great, only to be greatly offended by that game. Reviewers must be kind in their reviews. A game may be horrible, but there
in the near future. Can you make it   Jesus and make the world a better       companies could be shown as          is no need to degrade the developer, publisher, artists, etc. There is also no need for name calling.
happen?                               place. On the flip side of the coin     well. Video game addiction could              We review video games on five separate criteria: graphics, sound, replay/extras, gameplay, and family friendly factor.
                                      you could choose to be selfish and      be dealt with in a feedback video    Review scale can be found here. The editor in chief coordinates reviews to have as much cohesion as possible. We are very
                                      see how much pain and misery            game too. There are so many areas,   open about the way we review video games. Each section starts with a 75 score, and can earn or lose points based on the con-
How did you do? We get feedback       you cause. A feedback video game        topics, and ways a feedback video    tent of the game, using our grading scale (found on the website).
in a variety of ways from a pletho-   could be used for great good, and       game could be done to make our                Parents, please do not take any of our reviews as gospel. Different people are offended by different things. We work
ra of places. Have you ever thought   teach wonderful lessons. On the         entire industry better. A feedback   hard here at Family Friendly Gaming to discern the good from the bad in the teachings of each different video game. What
about a feedback video game? We       other side of the coin a feedback       video game would also absolutely     may seem harmless to our reviewer(s), could be a big deal to you. We encourage you to spend time with your children and
could take certain actions and then   game could be used for great evil,      have to include one thing. Know      investigate each video game yourself. Each review is written with you in mind, and we try to mention each problem we find.
see the results of the actions. A     and teach radical, extremist hor-       what that one thing is? Gamer        We are not perfect, and miss things from time to time - just as the ESRB does. The ESRB rating is merely a start, and since
feedback based video game could       rible, bad lessons.                     feedback. That would be the cool-    they ignore many of the moral and spiritual factors important to parents all across America, we do our small part to fill that
provide for all kinds of interest-            I think a feedback video        est thing ever. A feedback based     huge void. We are a small ministry and your prayers are so very important to us.
ing concepts. Some things are
                                      game has all kinds of promise.          video game that allowed the gamer                                            Questions, suggestions, comments, or got a game you would like for us to review? Then
blatantly obvious like doing drugs    Gamers could learn to respect           to provide feedback. Would you                                             please email us at:
and driving. How about being re-      their elders, pastors, priests,         play a feedback based video game?
ally tired and driving ? Those two    policemen, government work-             What kinds of lessons would you      DVD						Score                                        Page          RBI 19 Baseball					78                                30
scenarios could easily end up in      ers, professors and more. Families      want a feedback based video game     DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season Three		 45            35
the person being dead. There can                                                                                                                                                       PS4 VR						Score                                     Page
                                      could reinforce the challenges they     teach? Expose the fraud of things
                                                                                                                   Nintendo 64					Score                                 Page          VR Karts					61                                       33
be other scenarios where you can      face in teaching their kids the right   like Global Warming perhaps?         Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue		 79         37
propose to your girlfriend and it     way to live life. The radicalized       Some other idea?                     Waialae Country Club True Golf Classics		  77         37            Wii						Score                                        Page
                                                                                                                                                                                       Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party			 77                  36
                                                                                                                   Nintendo DS					Score                                 Page

                                      Ruth 3:10-11                                                                 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice for All

                                                                                                                   Nintendo Switch					Score
                                                                                                                                                                 61      26

                                                                                                                                                                                       Xbox One					Score
                                                                                                                                                                                       Anthem						66
                                                                                                                                                                                       Dirt Rally 2.0					60
                                                                                                                   RBI 19 Baseball					78                                30            RBI 19 Baseball					78                                30
 10 “The Lord bless you, my daughter,” he replied. “This kindness                                                  Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido			 67                27

 is greater than that which you showed earlier: You have not run                                                   Personal Computer				Score                            Page
           after the younger men, whether rich or poor.                                                            Anthem						66
                                                                                                                   Black Clover Quartet Knights			 58
11 And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you                                                Dirt Rally 2.0					60                                 29

ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of no-                                                    PS4						Score                                        Page
                           ble character.                                                                          Anthem						66
                                                                                                                   Black Clover Quartet Knights			 58
                                                                                                                   Dirt Rally 2.0					60                                 29

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                        Page 24           Page 25		                                                                               Family Friendly Gaming
Phoenix Wright Ace                                                                                            Sushi Striker The
                                   Attorney Justice for All                                                                                        Way of Sushido

                                         SCORE: 61                                                                                                    SCORE: 67

When Family                                                 menu        face the truth.                     I did some research on Sushi           system then
Friendly Gaming                                             screen.              My biggest bane in         Striker The Way of Sushido             Sushi Striker
heard about the                                                         Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney         before having Family Friendly          The Way of Su-
Phoenix Wright                                                The       Justice for All is the health       Gaming purchase it. I knew the         shido becomes
video games                                                   issues    bar. We must pick certain           positives and negatives to each        pretty much
being released                                                fam-      evidence to expose the lies         of the versions (Nintendo 3DS          unplayable. The
digitally on cur-                                             ily can   when we cross examine the           and Nintendo Switch). I de-            graphics are a
rent generation                                               have      statements of the people. Pick      cided we should have someone           bit better on
consoles it was                                               with      the wrong thing and you lose        play each version to verify this.      the Nintendo
decided to buy                                                Phoenix   some health. Lose all of your       You know the worldly gaming            Switch. Hard to
the physical copy                                             Wright    health and your client is found     media has been wrong on a lot          even differenti-                    anywhere. I found stories of
versions on the                                               Ace       guilty. Which is lame when we       of things over the years. We           ate though.                         restaurants banning people
Nintendo DS. That is how our         Attorney Justice for All are       have already presented enough       continue to expose them and                    The issues families will    from eating their sushi. I also
editor in chief rolls. Which         blood, violence, lack of attire,   reasonable doubt.                   they really do not like that. We       have with Sushi Striker The         found stories on sushi restau-
is pretty cool in my opinion.        enticement to lust, and more.               At times what needs        are viciously attacked for point-      Way of Sushido is violence,         rants banning people from tak-
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney          There are some real characters     to be presented did not make        ing out the facts and truth.           lack of attire, enticement to       ing photography. The lack of
Justice for All can be found for     in Phoenix Wright Ace Attor-       much sense. Other times I                    The best way to sum           lust, demonic characters, and       originality is getting old. Who
a very reasonable price too.         ney Justice for All. We consis-    thought something would             up the differences between the         more. The grinding in Sushi         keeps paying these companies
         There are four episodes     tently expose others as liars in   prove the person to be ly-          3DS and Switch versions is             Striker The Way of Sushido is       to brainwash us to hate the
that can be played in this thir-     Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney        ing and it was not accepted. I      the controls. The Switch ver-          such a pain. Especially with the    government?
teen and older only rated video      Justice for All. They generally    rarely made it through a case       sion is similar if you undock          linking control issues on the                I did not enjoy my time
game. The graphics look neat,        do not appreciate having to        right the first time. I had to      the system. If you dock the            Nintendo Switch.                    with Sushi Striker The Way of
and the music if fun to listen                                                        replay from saves.                                                             I am so bored     Sushido. The biggest positive
to. There are all kinds of neat                                                       The saves are too                                                             with the con-      I can see is ya’ll can save your
little animations in Phoenix                                                          far out from one                                                              stant story line   money and avoid Sushi Striker
Wright Ace Attorney Justice                                                           another in my                                                                 of having to       The Way of Sushido like the
for All. The core of Phoenix                                                          opinion. Phoenix                                                              revolt against     plague. The matching plate
Wright Ace Attorney Justice                                                           Wright Ace Attor-                                                             the government.    color as they zoom by is an
for All is interviewing people                                                        ney Justice for All                                                           I could find no    interesting one. Throwing the
and finding holes or mistakes                                                         is a different kind                                                           information on     stack of empty plates made me
in their testimony. We do this                                                        of a game.                                                                    the government     feel like a glutton.
with evidence we have in a                                                            - WMG                                                                         banning sushi      - Paul

System: Nintendo DS                                                     Graphics: 58%                       System: Nintendo Switch                                                    Graphics: 75%
Publisher: Capcom                                                       Sound: 74%                          Publisher: Nintendo                                                        Sound: 70%
Developer: Capcom                                                                                           Developer: Nintendo EPD, indiesze-
                                                                        Replay/Extras: 80%                  ro                                                                         Replay/Extras: 65%
Rating: ‘T’ Teen THIRTEEN                                               Gameplay: 45%                                                                                                  Gameplay: 60%
and OLDER ONLY { Blood, Mild                                                                                Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLD-
                                                                        Family Friendly Factor: 50%         ER ONLY {Mild Cartoon Violence,                                            Family Friendly Factor: 65%
Violence, Suggestive Themes}                                                                                Mild Suggestive Themes}

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                Page 26     Page 27		                                                                        Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                   Dirt Rally 2.0

                                                                                      SCORE: 60

                                             Everybody and their brother          is of course after the
                                             seems to want to make some           extremely long instal-
                                             Rally racing video game. Dirt        lation, and nap induc-
                                             Rally 2.0 is the most recent one     ing loading screens.
                                             Family Friendly Gaming pur-          Modern gaming has
                                             chased. No clue why Codemas-         taken way too many
                                             ters failed us so badly. Probably    steps backwards.
                                             because they know we keep a                    Dirt Rally 2.0
                                             look out for casual and fam-         sounds good, and
                                             ily gamers. Dirt Rally 2.0 does      it looks nice. The
                                             not. I will get into that problem    controls can be a bit               That is on the easiest setting.
                                             later in this review of this dirty   loose, and you better under-        I never crashed. I never hit
                                             racing video game.                   stand the terminology before        anything, and I would place
                                                      What is it with modern      playing. I get some of it. Other    twenty-ninth. If you feel like
                                             video games and demanding            words being used in Dirt Rally      being humbled then purchase
                                             we agree to all of their legal       2.0 are a waste of space in my      Dirt Rally 2.0. Otherwise do
                                             terms before playing the video       opinion. At least they are a        not waste your money on this
                                             game we purchased? Dirt Rally        waste when I have no idea           game.
                                             2.0 makes us agree to all of         what their meaning is. Expect                The modes in Dirt
                                             their terms before we can play.      to repair your vehicle after        Rally 2.0 are My Team (Events,
                                             We have no say on any of it.         smashing into things, sliding       Garage, Staff), Free Play (His-
                                             There are no negotiations. That      off cliffs and more in Dirt Rally   toric, Fia World Rally Cross,
                                                                                           2.0.                       Custom, Time Trial), Store and
                                                                                            Dirt Rally 2.0 is abso-   Options. We can race Clas-
                                                                                           lutely brutal in terms     sic, Back to the 80s, Modern
                                                                                           of difficulty. I dropped   Classics, and Present Day in
                                                                                           Dirt Rally 2.0 down to     H1 Trophy, H2 RWD Cup, and
                                                                                           the easiest difficulty.    H3 RWD Legends. I had zero
                                                                                           That is one out of one     fun playing Dirt Rally 2.0. This
                                                                                           hundred. I would place     is one of the most obnoxious
                                                                                           twenty-ninth in rally      video games I have ever played.
                                                                                           races in Dirt Rally 2.0.   - Frank

                                             System: PC/Xbox One/                                                     Graphics: 80%
                                             PS4(tested)                                                              Sound: 60%
                                             Publisher: Codemasters                                                   Replay/Extras: 50%
                                             Developer: Codemasters                                                   Gameplay: 40%
                                             Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and                                               Family Friendly Factor: 70%
                                             OLDER ONLY {Mild Lyrics}

Family Friendly Gaming										   Page 28   Page 29		                                                                      Family Friendly Gaming
RBI 19 Baseball

                                                SCORE: 78

Did you enjoy the Twitch                                                        on streaks in RBI 19 Baseball.
stream Teen Gamer and I                                                         There is no rhyme or reason
did of RBI 19 Baseball? We                                                      to this. I was up 5-0 in a game
have played this baseball                                                       against the computer. They
video game other times as                                                       got a three run home run, so
well. RBI 19 Baseball can                                                       I switched pitchers. They kept
be found on the Nintendo                                                        getting hits until they tied the
Switch, Xbox One and                                                            game. In extra innings they
Playstation 4. I am very                    songs will play. RBI 19 Baseball    did it again and got the win.
thankful Family Friendly Gam-               is bare bones compared to a lot     My hitting which had been hot
ing had enough money to pur-                of other sports video games.        early died off and never came
chase this sports based video               The music is one such example.      back in that game. This can be
game. Some things have gotten               The graphics look better, and       extremely frustrating.
better in this franchise. There             the sounds are pretty good in                 The controls in RBI
is still one glaring problem that           RBI 19 Baseball. The fans look      19 Baseball are still extremely
has not improved for years.                 better in the stands. We still do   basic. We can swing or bunt
          The modes in RBI 19               not have players in the dug-        when batting. We can move
Baseball are Exhibition Match,              outs. If you want to win change     the pitcher left or right on the
Home Run Derby, Online                      the default settings to assisted    mound and throw one pitch.
Multiplayer, New Franchise.                 fielding, and easy. Even then       The ball can be moved while
New Post Season, Continue                   you can lose.                       it is in the air. This is a very
Franchise, Continue Post                             The computer goes          unfair advantage to the pitcher.
Season, Favorite Team, Man-                                                     Home runs are hard to come
age Rosters, Settings, Controls,                                                         by in RBI 19 Baseball.
and Playball Program. RBI 19                                                             The computer hits them
Baseball includes weekly up-                                                             more than we ever did.
dates to adjust where the teams                                                          I never found the right
are ranked based on what is                                                              combination to entice
happening in the real world.                                                             home run hitters to get
          If the music bothers                                                           it over the wall outside
you then it can be turned down                                                           the Home Run Derby.
to zero. That way none of the                                                            - Paul

System: Nintendo Switch/Xbox One/                                               Graphics: 84%
Publisher: Major League Baseball Advanced
                                                                                Sound: 77%
Media                                                                           Replay/Extras: 85%
Developer: Major League Baseball Advanced                                       Gameplay: 62%
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
                                                                                Family Friendly Factor: 82%                     BUY IT NOW RIGHT HERE
Family Friendly Gaming										                                                                        Page 30     Page 31		                           Family Friendly Gaming
Anthem                                                                                                 VR Karts

                                         SCORE: 66                                                                                               SCORE: 61

I had heard a plethora                                                            Flying is fun in An-     I was so excited to hear about    not need
of complaints about                                                      them. I learned to be careful     VR Karts on the PS4 VR. Did       to worry
Anthem from a variety                                                    though. We can only fly for so    you catch my Twitch stream        too much
of different people. I                                                   long before we need to cool       of this virtual reality video     about the
am very thankful Fam-                                                    off. How do we cool off? Go       game? This game really messed     controls.
ily Friendly Gaming                                                      through water, or dive down-      me up. I got sick after playing
purchased a copy of                                                      ward. There are certain things    VR Karts. Those power turns       There are
Anthem on the PS4                                                        in Anthem that make no sense.     are brutal in this game. I am     offline
when prices plum-                                                        The biggest one is getting back   pleased VR Karts comes in the     champion-
meted. We should get                          Anthem has nice            into the fort from freeplay. We   much sought after physical        ships and
reviewable copies of games           graphics, voice acting, and         can’t go in the door we came      copy format.                      an online
like this one but the corrupt        realistic feeling characters. The   out of. Instead we must go to              VR Karts is a fun kart   mode as                             is ready for a game like VR
gaming companies do not like         world in Anthem is beautiful        the map screen and select a       racing video game that has        well in VR Karts. My problem        Karts. I do not know if the
to give out games unless they        to look at. Expect the load-        hard to notice option.            a lot of bright colors. There     is the getting sick from playing    technology is not quite there. I
are promised a good review.          ing time to put you to sleep                 I enjoyed my time        are weapons so we can slow        this virtual reality video game.    do know my personal experi-
No big deal. Our reviews are         though. EA has a habit of           with Anthem. As my Twitch         down other racers, spin them      I love the targeting system –       ences with VR Karts. I know
always honest. If a company          spending more time on graph-        streams denoted. I am not one     out, blind them and more.         we use our heads literally. I       people that watched my Twitch
does not like it – oh well.          ics than actual gameplay or         of the hardcore haters. I give    VR Karts has a tutorial at the    had fun with VR Karts until it      stream told me they had issues
         The issues families will    content. The storyline in An-       my impressions and I do not       beginning that is helpful. The    made my head and stomach            as well.
have with Anthem are false           them is predictable and feels       believe in group think. I am      controls are also shown on        feel funny. There are plenty of               VR Karts is one of
gods, blood, violence, bad lan-      like it has been done before.       also not big on letting oth-      the loading screen so we do       boosts available in VR Karts.       those games I wanted to like so
guage, and more. We must al-         The gameplay allows players to      ers influence my decision or                                                                 I have     much. I had fun with VR Karts
ways be online to play Anthem        pick one of four javelin suits.     choices on something. I don’t                                                           played one      at first. Once I started getting
which is so lame. The content                                                     mind playing with                                                              other kart      sick that soured my entire
and story in Anthem is decent                                                     others in Anthem. I                                                            racing video    experience with VR Karts.
in my opinion. The problem                                                        just wish there was an                                                         game in VR      Thankfully families will not
can be good loot drops are                                                        offline mode to this                                                           and that also   lose a lot of money purchasing
needed to be able to compete                                                      violent video game.                                                            got my stom-    a copy of VR Karts since it is
in the end area missions. You                                                     Melee attacks are more                                                         ach feeling     so cheap. I would love to see a
can get very unlucky and not                                                      fun in my opinion than                                                         queasy. I do    sequel that improves upon the
get good gear that is needed to                                                   shooting.                                                                      not know if     sickness issue.
beat those missions.                                                              - Paul                                                                         the industry    - Paul

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One(tested)                                          Graphics: 57%                     System: PS4 VR                                                        Graphics: 65%
Publisher: Electronic Arts                                               Sound: 60%                        Publisher: Viewpoint Games                                            Sound: 70%
Developer: Bioware                                                                                         Developer: Viewpoint Games
Rating: ‘T’ - THIRTEEN and OLDER                                         Replay/Extras: 82%                                                                                      Replay/Extras: 60%
                                                                         Gameplay: 75%                     Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone                                              Gameplay: 50%
ONLY                                                                                                       {Mild Cartoon Violence}
(Alcohol Reference, Language, Mild                                       Family Friendly Factor: 55%                                                                             Family Friendly Factor: 60%
Blood, Use of Tobacco, Violence)

Family Friendly Gaming										                                                               Page 32     Page 33		                                                                   Family Friendly Gaming
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