Page created by Annie Mendoza

Fit for growth
How insurers can profit from ecosystems,
platforms and connected services.


Table of figures......................................................................................................... 2

A     Introduction....................................................................................................... 3

B	The market – ecosystems, platforms and connected services
   are setting the scene......................................................................................... 4

C	Market positioning – models for playing in ecosystems................................... 7

D	Create your ecosystem strategy – write your own rules and learn
   how PwC can support you.............................................................................. 12

E	Summary and outlook..................................................................................... 14

Our experts............................................................................................................ 15

Table of figures

Fig. 1       Top five companies across the globe by market capitalisation................ 4

Fig. 2       Benefits of ecosystems.............................................................................. 6

Fig. 3       Different ecosystem typologies................................................................. 7

Fig. 4	Building the ecosystem is a strategically important
        and complex task..................................................................................... 13

                                                                                                                              Fit for growth 2

A Introduction

This paper discusses the developments, challenges and opportunities for the insurance industry brought by
new business models that are having a tremendous impact on existing insurance products and services. When
viewing traditional insurance products in light of changing customer expectations and behaviour, innovative
technologies and competitors, opportunities emerge for insurers that are enabled and driven by ecosystems,
platforms and connected services. These opportunities and the relevant market positioning techniques will be
explained and underpinned by use cases.

Non-financial players are increasingly     relevant to their customers. In doing        Finally, a company must evaluate
rewriting the rules of the market,         so, they must provide customers              which model best fits their digital
driving higher customer expectations       with an even more holistic service.          agenda, business strategy and
across all industries, including           This means transforming insurance            corporate vision. Moreover, building
financial services. Companies that         products and services for customers          and/or contributing to ecosystems
have pursued a platform business           into solutions by making them even           is a strategically important and
model, such as Amazon, AirBnB and          more true to life. The role of insurers      complex task. This paper introduces
Uber, have created ecosystems in           will continue to change as the focus         a proven PwC four-step approach
the mobility, travel, health, shopping     shifts from compensating damage              for establishing an ecosystem. This
and lifestyle sectors. At the same         claims to preventing these events.           approach delivers customer-centric
time, they are among the most              Within this framework, traditional           solutions for driving ecosystem
valuable companies worldwide               insurers have to decide how they             sustainability through efficiency
based on market capitalisation. The        will deal with other market players          boosts and a short time-to-market
success of these business models           like InsurTechs or non-insurers, ie, to      period. Accordingly, as a first step, the
puts the insurance sector and its          cooperate or compete with them or            concept must be developed, which
long-established incumbents under          simply to ignore them.                       implies defining and upholding the
pressure as platform players blur the                                                   digital agenda, including reflecting the
lines between traditional industry         This paper outlines three different          targeted offering; secondly, a detailed
sectors. Established insurers need to      ecosystem typologies: contributor,           market screening must be carried out
reimagine their business beyond their      orchestrator and a hybrid model. For         in order to determine how other market
industry borders.                          each participation model, success            players should be dealt with; thirdly,
                                           factors and barriers will be considered      partnerships must be established;
Insurers who are able to distinguish       and an insurer’s potential suitability for   and lastly, companies must determine
themselves from their direct               putting such a strategy into practice        how to maintain these strategic
competitors and provide seamless           given a desired digital agenda will          partnerships once created.
access to their products and services      also be evaluated. Furthermore,
will thrive in the “ecosystem world”.      this paper highlights selected best
Establishing, maintaining or integrating   practice methods that follow the
into existing ecosystems is crucial for    ecosystem models presented and
insurers in order to adapt to changing     the corresponding market positioning
customer expectations and to remain        behind it.

                                                                                                                   Fit for growth 3
The market – ecosystems, platforms and connected services are setting the scene

B	The market – ecosystems, platforms and
   connected services are setting the scene
As with other financial service sectors,       for financial service providers.
the accelerated pace of digitisation is        Disruptors from outside the insurance
posing a challenge for the insurance           business are encroaching on their
industry. Customer expectations are            home turf, mostly pushing financial
continuously evolving and adoption             services towards a support product for
of and reliance on mobile technology           their ecosystem.
solutions is driving the transition
from close relationships and nearby            Non-financial service players are
branches to individualised and                 rewriting the rules of the market
easy-to-access digital services. In            The most cited examples of
essence, consumers want products               ecosystems that are expected to
and services that meet their personal          usher in this borderless world are
needs at a competitive price. At the           mobility, health, travel and (shopping)
same time, customers are unaware               marketplaces. Unsurprisingly, digital
of which company is providing these            forerunners are now spearheading
products and services. Society is              global value creation. In the last
moving towards a digital world in              decade alone, platform and ecosystem
which consumers are engaging with              players have taken the fast lane to the
cross-sector ecosystems more than              top-five leader board of worldwide
ever before. Despite the potential             companies as measured by market
opportunities, this is also problematic        capitalisation:

Fig. 1   Top five companies across the globe by market capitalisation

                               ∑=0                   ∑ = 679                ∑ = 3,470

Platform players
Market cap. in $ bn

Non-platform players
Market cap. in $ bn

                            ∑ = 1,846                ∑ = 916                  ∑=0

                         2008                   2013                    2018
                         1: Exxon Mobil         1: Apple                1: Apple
                         2: Petrochina          2: Exxon Mobil          2: Alphabet
                         3: General            3: Google               3: Microsoft
                             Electrics          4: Berkshire           4: Amazon
                         4: Gazprom                 Hathaway            5: Tencent
                         5: China Mobile        5: Petrochina

Source: PwC Top 20 Companies Report 2008, 2013 and 2018.

                                                                                                                                Fit for growth 4
The market – ecosystems, platforms and connected services are setting the scene

However, you do not have to look            Today, insurers have to acknowledge            Point-of-sale insurance, for example,
far to find successful ecosystem            that the increasing reliance on                has become common practice for
players. Smaller yet highly successful      technology is not only reshaping               airlines and car and electronic goods
companies like the German CHECK24           the client’s expectations, but is also         retailers. It is a promising and lean
are leading the way in bringing             blurring the lines between industries.         sales channel for insurers who have
ecosystems to life. Their retail platform   The rise of ecosystems has not gone            mostly limited themselves to inflexible
directly offers their clients financing     unnoticed and insurers cannot ignore           products despite the popularity of
solutions for bigger purchases or           the role they play for their target            integrated client experiences. This
suggests adding travel insurance            clients. Formerly defined borders              blind spot has been readily exploited
tailored to the travel dates and            between industries and services are            by other non-insurance competitors.
destination when booking a hotel            vanishing and insurers find themselves         Aspiring platform companies, such as
online. However, CHECK24 does not           in a position where differentiating   or,
manufacture, ship or issue any of the       themselves in the eyes of their clients        have managed to eliminate insurers
aforementioned products themselves.         has never been more challenging.               in the context of travel cancellation
From the client’s perspective,              Incumbents need to find a new way of           policies. They simply started offering
CHECK24 acts as an ecosystem                thinking about their business model            two product categories – one that is
orchestrator for multiple related or        and framework conditions in order to           fully refundable usually up to 24 hours
complementary products and services.        remain relevant to their clients.              before travel without any justification
This produces a holistic customer                                                          needed at a premium price, and a
experience. From an ecosystem               For insurers to excel in this                  cheaper option without fully refundable
contributor’s perspective, CHECK24          environment and effectively leverage           cancellation.
acts as a facilitator and assists the       interconnected networks, they need
contributor in connecting with clients.     to rethink their business model. This          Despite the popularity of point-
                                            means that incumbents have to move             of-sale distribution, insurers have
Insurers need to reimagine their            away from a product-focused strategy           seldom been able to scale sales in
business beyond the borders of              towards a client-centric perspective           this channel. Although point-of-sale
their industry                              that looks beyond existing product and         insurance can be seen as a precedent
The fact that client expectations are       revenue categories. In order to grow           for modern ecosystem players, it has
evolving cross-industry is by no means      in an ecosystem-driven marketplace,            mostly been considered a support
breaking news. However, insurers have       insurers have to evaluate partnership          rather than a core business and
not been able to keep up with the pace      opportunities, assess network risks            therefore received little to no attention
of change. For decades, the traditional     and identify value drivers.                    in strategy development. Technological
insurance business model has been                                                          advances have fostered ecosystem
considered a trouble-free sweet spot.       New business models encourage                  thinking, and the business potential
The sale of an insurance contract           new competitors                                of platform and ecosystem play is
resulted in a long-term relationship        Whenever an industry is undergoing             growing at an unstoppable pace.
with little client interaction and need     significant change or where existing           Insurers need a clear digital strategy,
for maintenance, with opaque pricing        players have not leveraged market              vision and commitment to establish
structures, terms and conditions often      opportunities to their full potential,         themselves in this environment and to
deterring clients from actually filing      new competitors are waiting in the             unlock their full potential.
claims for minor incidents. In this way,    wings. Large corporations in many
insurance companies managed to              industries are either building new
establish themselves as risk and data       ecosystems or enhancing or joining
aggregators. Nevertheless, insurance        existing ecosystems. The clock
companies – just like banks – tend          is ticking for traditional insurers,
to stick to their traditional business      InsurTechs and industry incumbents
models and concepts, offering isolated      to build, establish and maintain the
products to their prospects and clients.    ecosystems of the future.

                                                                                                                          Fit for growth 5
The market – ecosystems, platforms and connected services are setting the scene

Platforms and ecosystems are               An ecosystem, on the other hand, is            consumer at the heart of their thinking
shaping the future of business             an integrated network with a set of            and operations, which, simultaneously,
As has become evident from                 interconnected services that allows            encourages collaborative product and
examining the most successful              participants to address a broad                service development. Ecosystems
companies in the world today,              variety of client needs in the context         offer a wide range of opportunities to
producing a top-notch standalone           of a single user experience. In this           insurance companies, and these need
product no longer appears to be the        sense, an ecosystem approach goes              to be assessed and considered in the
cure-all solution. The Googles and         beyond pure platform play – mostly             digital strategy process.
Amazons of today are not working as        cross-industry or cross-sector – selling
isolated microorganisms, but rather in     results and customer experience rather         Depending on the positioning insurers
digital, client-centric ecosystems. This   than isolated products or services.            adopt within a connected ecosystem,
new way of doing business builds on        Taking a result-focused point of               they can reap multiple benefits:
platforms and networks, mostly cross-      view requires incumbents to put the
industry or cross-sector, thus enabling
operations beyond previously defined       Fig. 2   Benefits of ecosystems
                                                        Reduce attrition
A platform, on the one hand, is the                     Single interface purchases reduce client attrition from prospect to
technical infrastructure necessary for                  closure by eliminating borders between the point of sale and the insurer’s
participants (clients or producers, B2B                 website, office or the like.
or B2C) to connect with each other.
The various participants interact via
                                                        Leverage network effects
the platform to create and share value.
                                                        Enter new client segments, establish new products and jointly benefit
Platforms offer open infrastructures,
                                                        from increasing sales with your partners from associated industries.
eg, APIs (application programming
interfaces), that enable prompt on-
and off-boarding of participants and
                                                        Become relevant
encourage data sharing. The most                        Help your clients transform from reactive to proactive – integrate
common examples of such platforms                       third-party products and become a part of their daily lives.
are probably Uber, AirBnB and Spotify,
who work to bundle supply from a
large number of producers (here:                        Avoid future claims and costs
Uber drivers, flats and musicians)                      Help clients to monitor, predict and jointly mitigate risks through
into one single point of access for the                 individual preventive actions against damages or physical harm, thus
consumer. Although a platform can                       precluding the need for future claims.
facilitate an ecosystem by itself, an
                                                        Increase loyalty
ecosystem may also build on a set of
                                                        Increase contract flexibility using individual risk calculations and pricings
                                                        based on evaluation of continuously gathered data (e.g. bonuses for
                                                        careful driving).

                                                                                                                         Fit for growth 6
Market positioning – models for playing in ecosystems

C	Market positioning – models for playing
   in ecosystems
How can insurers excel in this            Depending on the position                    their overall business strategy in order
challenging environment and               incumbents target, competition in            to define a clear digital roadmap
reinvent client acquisition and           an ecosystem world is not limited            and ecosystem vision. However, the
relationship models?                      to their own industry. Aside from            fuel for a low-cost player might not
                                          innovative and agile insurance               drive the engine of a differentiated
                                          technology companies (InsurTechs),           insurer. It is therefore important for
                                          players from outside the insurance           incumbents to decide which path
                                          market are entering the field when it        they want to take – contributing to an
                                          comes to building and orchestrating          existing ecosystem or building and
                                          an ecosystem. Insurers need to revisit       orchestrating their own.

Fig. 3   Different ecosystem typologies

                                                    Owner of ecosystem

                                          • Flight delays/cancellations
                                          • Flight ticket changes
                                          • Flight accidents

• Employee health                                                                               • Sharing case studies, exam
• Nutrition plan/programmes                                                                       questions, course material
• Clinic visits

• E-commerce insurance and                                                                      • Reward programmes for careful
  guarantees (monetary refund)                                                                    driving
                                                                                                • Pay-as-you-drive (premiums acc.
                                                                                                  to driving style and/or distance)
                                                                                                • Tyre damage

• Payment protection insurance                                                                  • Smartphone insurance
• Consumer finance platforms
• Credit guarantees (consumers
  and funders)

                                           • Rent insurance (landlords and tenants)
                                           • Bike (accidents)
                                           • Smart home/connected property

                                                                                                                       Fit for growth 7
Market positioning – models for playing in ecosystems

Plug-and-play: Contribute to others’          capabilities, insurers can quickly scale   The effectiveness of pure plug-and-
platform ecosystems                           their business – even with small-ticket    play strategies strongly depends on
Similar to but more refined than point-of-    policies – and, in some cases, even        the ecosystem partner or partners,
sale distribution in other sectors, a plug-   increase their own and their partners’     because the insurer is decoupled
and-play strategy relies on leveraging        sales by jointly eliminating product       from the client. As a result, a clear
existing ecosystems. Insurers can             ambiguity and risk on the client           downside of this strategy is the
use API technology to embed their             side. In addition, the plug-and-play       loss of direct customer interfaces.
products and services into other              strategy avoids expensive branch and       Furthermore, when the platform the
platforms and customer experiences.           marketing costs while maintaining          insurer connects with is acting as
In this way, the insurer assumes a            full flexibility and control over sales    an aggregator, client focus is at risk
contributor role, supplementing an            channels. Low on- and off-boarding         from overbalancing of price instead
existing ecosystem with their products.       costs allow incumbents to quickly          of the focus being on brand or actual
                                              leverage and expand into other             features. However, insurers can take
Plug-and-play strategies offer cost-          ecosystems or withdraw from existing       preventive and mitigating actions by
efficient and high-speed access to            areas of business. Finally, insurers can   means of thorough partner analysis
new and large volumes of clients and          leverage this flexibility to access non-   and selection methods.
revenue pools. With the necessary             home markets in order to test and offer
back-office and claims processing             different product features or pricings.

Zhong An: a model contributor
Company profile                               Business model                             market segments and it partners with
Zhong An is a fully digitalised Chinese       Zhong An’s business model is based         important brands in each segment.
insurance company with 3,000                  on a supply chain that is highly           Among the most famous partners are
employees worldwide. More than half           focused within the insurance industry.     Air China and Ctrip (travel industry),
of its employees are IT developers            According to Zhong An, they are            XiaoMi and DJI (consumer electronics),
or engineers who build customer-              running five ecosystems: Lifestyle         Citic Bank and WeBank (banking) as
centric and automated digital services.       Consumption, Consumer Finance,             well as Taobao, WeChat, Baidu and
Originally founded as a joint venture         Health, Auto and Travel. Zhong An’s        Changan.
by Alibaba, Tencent and Ping An               insurance products are sold online
Insurance Group, Zhong An defines             through these ecosystems. Although         Competitive advantage
itself as a technology company rather         their business model is online-only, a     Zhong An’s ecosystem strategy
than an insurance company and has             large volume of policies are sold every    is based on placing its insurance
grown to become one of China’s major          year (more than 10 billion policies        products within the digital product
online companies. Initially, Zhong            from 2015 to 2017) and they are able       platforms or retail websites of its
An offered services only to Alibaba           to handle large numbers of requests        partner companies. This model yields
customers for covering the delivery           simultaneously. This is due to the         two significant advantages: first,
costs of faulty products, which is an         fact that the majority of automated        Zhong An leverages the customer base
essential issue for Chinese online            operations use modern technologies         of its partner company. Second, the
shoppers who are afraid of buying             like cloud, AI or blockchain. As online-   process of consuming a product of
faulty products. This produces a              only business models generate plenty       one of Zhong An’s partner companies
win-win situation, as the reluctance to       of user data, Zhong An uses its D&A        and of Zhong An itself is seamless,
buy Chinese products due to inferior          technologies and applies sophisticated     fully digital, quick and easy. Zhong
quality is eliminated, leading to an          data analysis. In doing so, Zhong          An is able to put such a process in
increase in retail sales as well as sales     An improves the customer centricity        place for its customers thanks to its
of Zhong An’s insurance products. At          of its products. In light of this,         unique employee structure. It consists
that time, around 80% of Zhong An’s           defining Zhong An as a technology          mainly of IT developers, while only a
customers came from e-commerce                company rather than an insurance           minor proportion of staff are insurance
and online service providers like             company seems appropriate. Zhong           brokers.
Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu.                   An’s ecosystems cover almost all

                                                                                                                         Fit for growth 8
Market positioning – models for playing in ecosystems

                                              2014                   2015                     2016                       2017
Revenue                                      $122.2m                $367.6m                 $492.2m                    $800.7m
Change in revenue compared
                                                –                  ~ 200.6%                  ~ 34%                     ~ 62.7%
to previous year
Change in profits before tax
                                                –                   ~ 59.7%                ~ –79.3%                     ~ –7.7%
compared to previous year
# of employees                                 184                    665                    1,574                       2,541

By implementing its services in               which is Chinese Singles’ Day, one
numerous different industries and             of the biggest shopping occasions
thanks to its simple and efficient            in China, Zhong An sold 240,000
purchasing processes, Zhong An                insurance policies in one second.
improved its gross written premiums           This number is tremendous and only
(GWP) by more than 80% within one             achievable due to Zhong An’s resilient
year (accounting for $370 million). In the    IT infrastructure, making it a role model
same year, specifically on 11 November,       within the insurance industry.

Build-and-run: orchestrate your               Build-and-run strategies put the            the complete package allows insurers
own platform ecosystem                        insurer at the heart of an ecosystem,       to move from competition in terms of
When it comes to building ecosystems,         allowing them to function as a hub for      price towards competition in terms of
insurers find themselves in competition       a certain aspect of their customers’        value creation.
with players from outside their               lives. In this way, incumbents are
industry. The market is riddled with          in command of the client interface,         However, ecosystem builders have to
players striving to command the               improving retention and loyalty –           bear in mind that the establishment
customer interface space and to be            assuming that an orchestrator role          of an ecosystem comes with initial
in direct control of client interaction.      allows insurers to establish themselves     set-up and maintenance costs that
In contrast to plug-and-play,                 as a connected hub and to embrace           are higher than in a purely plug-and-
orchestrators write the rules of their        data collection far beyond the borders      play model. Existing structures and
ecosystem and user experience. The            of traditional insurance business.          legacy IT systems can complicate
orchestrator is the owner of the client       New data analysis tools and artificial      platform play and actually hinder
interaction and value proposition             intelligence solutions, in combination      the successful establishment of an
and is in control of the platform.            with the data customers willingly           ecosystem. In this respect, insurers
In an orchestrator role, insurers are         share, opens new horizons for product       can learn from agile and innovative
in charge of incentivising clients to         development, underwriting, claims           InsurTech companies who operate
enter into their ecosystem and, more          management and personalisation. In          using modern systems while following
importantly, to stay engaged. They            doing so, insurers can become truly         the test-and-feedback culture
have to assess and update the set of          client-centric and relevant. In addition,   required to excel in a customer-centric
aggregated services and products in           the orchestrator has full control over      environment. However, incumbents
order to be attractive to the client and      partner selection and can focus on          can overcome this challenge by setting
ecosystem contributors.                       engaging the partners that are best         up their ecosystem infrastructure
                                              suited to their integrated service          away from their existing business and
                                              offering. These integrated offerings        by connecting, exchanging or re-
                                              are a unique selling point, and offering    engineering in a selective manner.

                                                                                                                          Fit for growth 9
Market positioning – models for playing in ecosystems

Ping An: a model orchestrator
Company profile                             Business model                                 All the services offered are delivered
Founded in 1988 as an insurance             Ping An was able to achieve this level         by Ping An’s ecosystem partners while
company, Ping An started to market          of customer relevance by orchestrating         delivery is supported by Ping An’s AI
financial service products in the mid-      and maintaining platforms in                   and big-data technology solutions.
1990s and developed into a significant      various industries that are relevant
internet financing company. Thanks          to customers. These platforms –                Competitive advantage
to heavy investments in technologies        accessible via apps and websites –             Besides delivering holistic customer
like biometrics, cloud, big data and        contain a variety of complementary             services, Ping An also delivers value
artificial intelligence, Ping An today      services. These complementary                  by simplifying processes. Ping An’s
is a remarkable key player when it          services offer a holistic customer             customer accounts combine several
comes to ecosystems and is one of           product portfolio, boosting the sales          topics of customers’ daily life into
China’s most remarkable companies.          of all companies involved. Besides             a single app. Besides investment,
Ping An has grown into a company            its initial core product insurance,            expenses, deposits and loans as
that is relevant to its customer on a       today Ping An generates high revenue           well as insurance management, the
day-to-day basis by offering numerous       with products from other industries            customer can also manage care
financial services like asset or wealth     such as health care, automobiles,              trading activities, fine payment, real
management and investments, and             real estate and banking. Ping An’s             estate valuations, and health records.
health care. By doing so, Ping An has       key ecosystems – covering financial,           By orchestrating ecosystems in several
evolved into a personal finance service     health care and auto services as well          sectors and simplifying processes
provider.                                   as real estate financing – are designed        that touch upon various fields, Ping An
                                            to deliver a holistic customer service         rapidly expanded its customer base
                                            and cover all phases of the customer’s         and drastically increased customer
                                            life cycle. The overall aim is to provide      relevance thanks to its “all from one
                                            services for every possible situation.         source” approach.

                                            2014                   2015                        2016                       2017
Revenue                                   $72,272.5m            $97,694.1m                $106,299.3m                 $129,393.7m
Change in revenue compared
                                           ~ 27.5%                ~ 31.5%                     ~ 8.8%                    ~ 21.7%
to previous year
Change in profits before tax
                                            ~ 34%                 ~ 47.1%                    ~ –3.1%                    ~ 31.5%
compared to previous year
# of employees                             235,999                275,011                    318,588                    342,550

Ping An was listed among the Fortune        users of the auto ecosystem that
Global 500 in 2018, with reported           connects customers with around
revenues of around $145 billion             30,000 care stores, 100,000 garages
globally. Ping An has 180 million users     and around 35,000 used-car dealers,
of health-care services provided            and 21 million users of the real estate
through Ping An’s health ecosystem          ecosystem.
in around 260 cities, 32 million daily

                                                                                                                          Fit for growth 10
Market positioning – models for playing in ecosystems

Hybrid – the way of transformation          at the same time, follow a plug-and-           valid option for incumbents for testing
Of course, there are also ecosystem         play strategy for small ticket products        which way to go or for driving their
players who do not identify with one        like travel insurance. Nevertheless,           transformation process. Temporary
or the other typology of ecosystem          they maintain traditional operations           hybrid strategies allow incumbents
player or who are currently in the          for complex products or areas                  to stretch development costs, search
midst of their transformation process.      where clients typically value human            for partners and organise change
Incumbents transforming with the goal       interaction, such as life insurance.           processes over a longer period of time
of a build-and-run strategy may start                                                      or even follow a phased approach to
orchestrating ecosystems for some of        Although the hybrid approach is                lift operations into the new ecosystem.
their products like car insurance and,      neither fish nor fowl, it might be a

Allianz – a hybrid on the verge of transformation
Company profile                             Business model                                 ecosystems outside the Allianz Group.
Allianz SE is one of the world’s            Last December, Handelsblatt cited              Combining these two typologies,
leading insurance and financial             Amazon, Google and the Chinese                 Allianz applies the hybrid strategy.
service providers. The Group offers         insurance company Ping An as Allianz’s
comprehensive services in property          largest future competitors. Against            Competitive advantage
and casualty insurance as well as life      this background, Allianz has initiated a       As the customer interface has
and health insurance. The portfolio         paradigm shift. With Allianz X – Allianz’s     evolved, Allianz offers its products
ranges from general life liability and      digital business unit – the insurer            not only via brokers and agencies,
car insurance to travel and credit          is investing in evolving the digital           but also increasingly via digital
insurance to assistance services.           business model. On the one hand,               platforms. Although customers inform
The company is also the world’s             Allianz takes the role of orchestrator by      themselves about the products using
fourth-largest asset manager and            establishing and maintaining several           online comparison portals, they still
provides clients with numerous asset        ecosystems (Data Intelligence and              want interpersonal contact. Allianz
management products and services.           Cybersecurity, Wealth Management               is therefore pursuing a two-pronged
As of 2017, Allianz ranked 22nd in the      and Retirement, Connected Health,              approach. With its solid financial
Forbes Global 2000 of the world’s           Connected Property and Mobility) and           situation, strong customer base and
largest companies. As it stands, Allianz    by providing interfaces for portfolio          international brand recognition, Allianz
market capitalisation amounts to            companies. On the other hand, Allianz          has several competitive advantages
approx. $100 billion.                       assumes the role of contributor by             over its newly established competitors
                                            connecting its own digital products to         from outside the industry.

                                             2014                   2015                       2016                       2017
Revenue                                    €96,802m              €104,231m                 €104,615m                   €108,649m
Change in revenue compared
                                           –2.20%                  7.70%                      0.40%                      3.90%
to previous year
Change in profits before tax
                                           ~ –8.9%                 ~ 14.6%                    ~ 4.0%                     ~ –1.4%
compared to previous year
# of employees                             147,400                 142,500                   140,300                    140,600

Getting involved in ecosystems              external environment and customer              While establishing or engaging
with convenient services for clients        expectations. The ecosystem models             in ecosystems, insurers have to
and partners is an intelligent              described above have differing, but            thoroughly assess different criteria
and indispensable approach for              equally convincing, advantages.                alongside their digital agenda and
keeping pace with the changing              There is no one-size-fits-all approach.        follow a multi-step approach.

                                                                                                                          Fit for growth 11
Create your ecosystem strategy – write your own rules and learn how PwC can support you

D	Create your ecosystem strategy –
   write your own rules and learn how
   PwC can support you
1. D efining and enhancing the             2. Screening partners                           Based on the chosen cooperation
    digital agenda                          Being aware of potential client                 model, other aspects need to be
In order to establish, maintain and         solutions means screening the market            examined and agreed upon, such as
enhance a sustainable ecosystem,            to identify potential partners who are          business and contractual matters,
following a customer-centric approach       already offering these solutions or             eg, revenue models, the need for due
is key. This enables offerings that         who could be a great match. In doing            diligence or a risk analysis, and the
add value for the client, therefore         so, the market should be scanned                interface management between the
making an impact on them as a firm.         and evaluated based on previous                 partners by ensuring compliance.
The first step is to develop a digital      defined criteria that reflect the digital
agenda based on the strategy behind         agenda and the strategy behind it. If an        4. Fostering existing relationships
it, followed by market screening of         appropriate partner cannot be found             Once the business relationship
potential partners, the establishment       for the desired offering, alternatives          has been established, it must be
of preferred partnerships and lastly,       such as in-house development can                maintained and enhanced. Some
the continuous enhancement of the           be considered. If a potential partner           aspects are mandatory as they are
business relationship.                      that is contributing to the strategy            regulatory requirements. However,
                                            and satisfying a concrete demand                there are some aspects that are more
In order to move forward with the           and client need is identified, a letter         commercial and should be further
digital agenda in the first place,          of intent will be signed by both parties        developed to ensure that the offering is
gaining insights into client behaviour      to set the legal ground for building the        still up-to-date and enables excellent
and expectations is paramount. This         relationship.                                   market positioning of the company. For
enables the ecosystem company to                                                            commercial reasons, innovative power
start thinking about client-relevant        3. Establishing partnerships                    and flexibility should be maintained
products, thus producing initial            During the early stages of partnership          and strengthened continuously by
ideas for offerings that add value for      establishment, the key pillars for the          steadily working on the reputation of
clients and corresponding use cases.        business relationship are defined.              the company. Of course, the regulatory
These digital agendas differ from one       The entire customer journey will be             must-haves such as the definition of
ecosystem player to another, as they        conceived and structured into phases            roles and responsibilities, data security
have to be elaborated on an individual      for digging deeper and conceptualising          and privacy compliance as well as
basis. It is critical that the company      the future offering. Furthermore,               risk management have to be put into
puts itself in the shoes of their clients   different cooperation models – such             practice and interfaces have to be
and ascertains their needs and              as outsourcing, sales cooperation and           managed accordingly.
expectations with them.                     joint ventures – have to be considered.

                                                                                                                          Fit for growth 12
Create your ecosystem strategy – write your own rules and learn how PwC can support you

Fig. 4      Building the ecosystem is a strategically important and complex task
                                                                                                                          simple and secure

                                                                                                                           Fostering existing

                                                                                                                     1. C
                                                                                                                         ommercial aspects


                                                                                                                      Innovation enablement

                                                                                                                      Reputational risk
                                                                                              Client journey
                                                                                               and phases             …
                                                                              a   ct
                                                                      ti   mp
                                                                 en                                                  2. R
                                                           Cli                              Establishing                aspects
                                            Client demand                                                             Roles/responsibilities
                                               and need                                Cooperation model              Processes/interfaces

         Client behaviour                                                              Due diligence/risk analysis    IT change, release, …
         and expectation                 Screening partners                            Price/revenue model            IT run (incident, BCM, …)
                                         Screening and
                                                                                       IT integration or interface    Reg. compliance
                                         evaluation: strategic fit,
         Defining and                    business opportunity,                         Client journey                 Service level agreements
         enhancing the                   company’s
                                                                                       Regulatory requirements        …
         digital agenda                  sustainability, …

     Ideas and use cases                    Letter of intent                                    Contract                        Fulfilment

 FinTechs, InsurTechs, start-ups and other (potential) cooperation partners

The bottom line is to focus on the             During this process, each ecosystem
client right from the start and allow          player has to define its customised
room for flexibility in the business           strategy, build corresponding
relationship in order to be able to react      platforms and offerings around it and
to unexpected (market) changes, thus           ensure that each offering is embedded
creating a sustainable ecosystem.              in existing ecosystem offerings.

                                                                                                                                    Fit for growth 13
Summary and outlook

E	Summary and outlook

While some decades ago, establishing       Which insurer will be leading the digital
an ecosystem of services would             change in the industry? Which insurer
have been a Herculean task, today’s        will transform its traditional business
world is actually encouraging              model into a mainly platform-based
interconnection and collaboration.         business model? Which typology of
Insurers are fortunate to have a           ecosystem do incumbents mostly
unique selling proposition: with a large   follow? These are just some of the
customer base, insights into data and      many questions that need to be
established brand recognition, insurers    answered in the near future.
have enormous success factors at
their disposal when establishing and       Moreover, it remains to be seen how
maintaining ecosystems. Moreover,          established insurance companies will
insurance companies have built up          initiate this change. In this respect,
holistic regulatory expertise, giving      InsurTechs play an important role.
them a competitive advantage over          Cooperation between established
their latest tech-related competitors      insurers and new market entrants
from outside the industry. Their solid     from outside the industry is only one
financial situation enables them           of several unrecognised synergies.
to invest large sums in evolving           This is mainly but not solely due to
their digital agenda by engaging in        the fact that customers increasingly
ecosystems. Inevitably, their services     demand single-source products.
and products are relevant and related      Also, in light of increasing competition
to a majority of basic customer needs,     between established insurers and
eg, financing and insurance services       companies from outside the insurance
for cars, construction financing and       industry, it is inevitable that the two will
household insurance for real estate.       come to cooperate with one another.
Besides these competitive advantages       Collaborating with InsurTechs enables
and success factors, the right mindset     incumbents to develop new products
and vision are also key to developing      and distribution channels more quickly
or engaging in an ecosystem. Focusing      while at the same time entering new
on your strengths while implementing       markets and discovering new business
the overall strategic agenda is            opportunities.
                                           One way or another, insurers must
It remains unclear which incumbent         initiate change now and seriously
will win the “digital race” and, thus,     reconsider their business model. Only
maintain or improve on its current         those who manage to digitise their
position in the market. The upcoming       business model will remain successful
years will mark a turning point.           in the future.

                                                                                              Fit for growth 14
Our experts

Our experts

Nina Bartholmes                                  Carina Specht                                     Marie-Christine Lehmann
Director                                         Manager                                           Manager
Management Consulting                            Management Consulting                             Management Consulting
Financial Services                               Financial Services                                Financial Services
Mobile: +49 171 8675116                          Mobile: +49 170 5599329                           Mobile: +49 151 57445878                                        

At PwC, we continuously strive to analyse and engage in innovation in order to be able to deliver the best possible service
and value to our clients. Our European Customer & Operations practice, in particular, regularly cooperates with InsurTech
and FinTech partners to investigate current trends in the financial service market (see, for example, our whitepaper
“Outsourcing 3.0: Licensed FinTechs Driving Growth and Efficiency for Banks” in collaboration with FinLeap) and conducts
market surveys on outsourcing, cooperation and banking ecosystems (see, for example, our 2018 PwC outsourcing
survey – only available in German). In addition, we are driving the development of platform banking in cooperation with
Mambu and Backbase in order to lead financial services into the digital future.

About PwC
Our clients face diverse challenges, strive to put new ideas into practice and seek expert advice. They turn to us for
comprehensive support and practical solutions that deliver maximum value. Whether for a global player, a family
business or a public institution, we leverage all of our assets: experience, industry knowledge, high standards of quality,
commitment to innovation and the resources of our expert network in 158 countries. Building a trusting and cooperative
relationship with our clients is particularly important to us – the better we know and understand our clients’ needs, the
more effectively we can support them.

PwC. More than 11,000 dedicated people at 21 locations. €2.2 billion in turnover. The leading auditing and consulting
firm in Germany.

© May 2019 PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. All rights reserved.
In this document, “PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft,
which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL). Each member firm
of PwCIL is a separate and independent legal entity.

                                                                                                                         Fit for growth 15
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