Page created by Lucille Cooper
for Psychological Assessment
and Evaluation

MARCH 2020

                                             APA   |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation   I
Copyright © 2020 by the American Psychological Association. This material may be reproduced and distributed without permission provided that
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This document will expire as APA policy in 10 years (2030). Correspondence regarding the APA Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
should be addressed to the American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, 20002-4242.

Suggested Citation
American Psychological Association, APA Task Force on Psychological Assessment and Evaluation Guidelines. (2020). APA Guidelines for Psychological
Assessment and Evaluation. Retrieved from

II APA     |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
for Psychological Assessment
and Evaluation

MARCH 2020

Task Force Workgroup                                                       APA Staff

Linda F. Campbell, PhD (co-chair)         Michael J. Cuttler, PhD, ABPP    Catherine L. Grus, PhD
University of Georgia                     Law Enforcement Services, Inc.   Chief Education Officer
                                                                           Education Directorate
Lisa D. Stanford, PhD, ABPP (co-chair)    Stephen T. DeMers, EdD
Akron Children’s Hospital                 University of Kentucky           C. Vaile Wright, PhD
                                                                           Senior Director, Health Care Innovation
Vincent C. Alfonso, PhD                   Giselle A. Hass, PsyD, ABAP
                                                                           Practice Directorate
Gonzaga University, School of Education   Independent Practice
This document was developed by representatives from the Board of Professional Affairs, the
Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment, the Committee for the Advancement of
Professional Psychology, the Committee on Professional Practice and Standards, the Board
of Educational Affairs, and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards in col-
laboration with APA staff. The work group included Vincent C. Alfonso, PhD; Linda F. Campbell,
PhD (co-chair); Michael J. Cuttler, PhD, ABPP; Stephen T. DeMers, EdD; Giselle A. Hass, PsyD,
ABAP; Lisa D. Stanford, PhD, ABPP (co-chair); and APA staff members Catherine L. Grus, PhD,
and C. Vaile Wright, PhD.
     The work group also acknowledges the earlier contributions from April Harris-Britt, PhD,
representing the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest, and several
members of CPTA who made substantive contributions to Guideline 5. The work group
extends its appreciation to the APA staff members who facilitated the work of the guideline,
including Marianne Ernesto, Mary G. Hardiman, MS, and Sarah A. Rose..


Audience and Stakeholders                                                                 4

Statement Distinguishing Between Guidelines and Standards                                 4

Compatibility With APA Ethics Code                                                        4

Definition of Terms                                                                       5

Documentation of Need/Public Benefit                                                      5

Development of the Guidelines                                                             6

Selection of Evidence                                                                     7


Psychometric and Measurement Knowledge                                                   14

Selection, Administration, and Scoring of Tests                                          16

Diverse, Underrepresented, and Vulnerable Populations                                    18

Training and Supervisory Qualifications and Role                                         21



                       APA   |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation    1
2 APA   |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
The purpose of the American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines for Psychological
Assessment and Evaluation (PAE) is to assist and inform psychologists of best practice when
psychological instruments, including psychometric tests and collateral information, are used
within the practice of psychological assessment and/or evaluation. As the discipline of psy-
chology has expanded, the application of psychological assessment has also developed in
response to new areas of practice. Integrated medical and primary care, online assessment
and scoring, and global initiatives are examples of these new areas. Since the last publication
of test user qualifications guidelines (APA, 2001), neuropsychology, forensic psychology,
cognitive science, consulting, industrial/organizational, integrated health, and other fields
have evolved into more defined and recognized specific areas of practice with developing
professional practice guidelines, standards of practice, and identified consistency with the
APA Ethics Code (APA, 2017a). Commensurate with the growth and varied expertise in the
assessment field is the need for (a) core knowledge and skills that are essential for all psy-
chologists whose assessment services impact individuals, groups, organizations, and the
public and (b) specific domains of expertise within the field requiring additional knowledge,
skills, and clinical experience to address the expansion of assessment service delivery across
new populations and settings. These guidelines focus on the core knowledge and skills that
psychologists, including those in specialty areas of practice, should strive to possess to
deliver assessment services competently. Additionally, the purpose of these guidelines is to
inform clients/patients, the public, other professionals collaborating with psychologists, reg-
ulatory bodies, and training programs of the qualification expected to acquire professional
competency as defined by the APA Ethics Code and to maintain high professional standards
of practice. The guidelines apply to standardized tests of ability, aptitude, achievement, atti-
tudes, interests, personality, cognitive functioning, mental health, and other construct
      APA’s (2001) “Guidelines for Test User Qualifications” were responsive to the identified
problem of misuse of tests within the United States and internationally. The competence of
the test users was the primary reason for concern, and the International Test Commission
(2001) and several other countries have issued guidelines to address this concern. Compe-
tence of test users continues to be a growing problem despite the development of multiple
guidelines, procedures, and standards. The current guidelines focus on two areas identified
as deficits in the 2001 guidelines: the need for greater specificity of assessment constructs
and foundational knowledge, and the need to address the expanded and more specialized
roles of psychologists using assessment and evaluation tools in various clinical and other
professional settings.

                    APA    |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation         3
• Those who generate, use, interpret, and/or give feedback to those
Scope                                                                            who have been evaluated.

                                                                               • Test developers, who generate test content and are involved in
The scope of the APA PAE Guidelines addresses the use of psycholog-
                                                                                 collecting evidence for psychometric reliability, validity in pre-
ical instruments, including psychometric tests and collateral data
                                                                                 dicting key outcomes, and equity across different subgroups of
when used within the context of psychological assessment, and
focuses on (a) assessment procedures, (b) professional competen-
cies in psychological assessment and evaluation, and (c) assess-               • Educators and trainers who are responsible for instruction on
ment knowledge competencies. There are several topics that are                   psychological assessment, testing, and evaluation.
outside the scope of these guidelines. These include, but are not
                                                                               • Employers who use assessments to make personnel decisions.
limited to, an in-depth treatment of technology-based assessments,
test security, and the use of assessments for certification and licen-         • The public, test takers, and those impacted by test results given
sure. These PAE guidelines apply to all assessment procedures                    to others.
whether or not the tests are referenced by psychological terminol-
                                                                               • Legislative and regulatory bodies that make decisions about or
ogy (e.g., psychological testing) and apply to any assessment and
                                                                                 monitor psychological assessment and evaluation.
evaluation procedures (e.g., job selection, performance appraisals,
clinical assessment of mental health status, psychoeducational/                • Relevant professional psychology associations.
multifactored evaluation of learning issues) that could result in psy-
chological distress for the individual being assessed, result in the
diagnosis of a deficit, or impact the individual’s well-being. The
guidelines apply broadly to professional competencies of psycholo-             Statement Distinguishing Between Guidelines
gists conducting assessments and evaluations, including selection              and Standards
and evaluation of tests used, test administration, scoring, interpre-
tation, report writing and feedback, and work within the limits of             The term guidelines refers to statements that suggest or recommend
documented training and experience with specific tests used.                   specific professional behavior, endeavor, or conduct for psycholo-
Psychologists strive to meet the knowledge and skill-based compe-              gists. Guidelines differ from standards. Standards are mandatory
tencies established to set a high standard in psychological practice           and thus may be accompanied by an enforcement mechanism (e.g.,
such as professional and ethical decision-making, rights of test tak-          the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct; APA, 2017a).
ers, justification for use of tests, sensitivity to diversity, and technical   By contrast, guidelines are aspirational in intent; they are not man-
knowledge of tests used. The individual guidelines address clinical            datory, definitive, or exhaustive. They aim to facilitate the continued
and knowledge competencies that are recommended to psycholo-                   systematic development of the professional and to promote a high
gists, and seek to inform psychologists’ understanding of the scope            level of professional practice by psychologists. A set of guidelines
of assessment practice in psychological testing.                               may not apply to every professional and clinical situation within the
                                                                               scope of that set. As a result, guidelines are not intended to take
                                                                               precedence over the professional judgments of psychologists that
                                                                               are based on the scientific and professional knowledge of the field
Audience and Stakeholders                                                      and the ethics code. Further, federal and state laws also supersede
The APA PAE guidelines are important for those directly involved in                 These guidelines are professional practice guidelines that are
the process of testing, assessment, and evaluation, including the              applied to the practice of psychology and not to specific treatments
following:                                                                     that may be used in the practice of psychology. Professional practice
• Psychologists who directly conduct assessments, such as admin-               guidelines are directed to practitioners and are intended to provide
  ister, score, and accurately interpret tests, compose reports, or            aspirational guidance in ethical and professional decision-making in
  give feedback or any component thereof.                                      professional practice.

• Psychology students pursuing a higher degree.

• Those responsible for selecting psychological tests, assessing the
  need, determining the use of tests, and making recommendations.              Compatibility With APA Ethics Code
• Those who purchase and/or oversee the acquisition and mainte-                These guidelines are consistent with the current APA Ethics Code
  nance of psychological assessment tools and procedures.                      (APA, 2017a). The guidelines are also consistent with and acknowl-
• Those who supervise others in conducting aspects of assessment               edge other relevant APA policy such as the Standards of Accreditation
  and those who work under the oversight of a higher credentialed              for Health Service Psychology (APA, Commission on Accreditation,
  person.                                                                      2015), the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
                                                                               (American Educational Research Association [AERA] et al., 2014),
                                                                               and the Professional Practice Guidelines: Guidance for Developers and
                                                                               Users (APA, 2015b).

4 APA      |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
Definition of Terms                                                             Documentation of Need/Public Benefit

ASSESSMENT QUALIFICATIONS                                                       AVOIDANCE OF HARM
The term assessment qualifications refers to the combination of                 Psychological testing, assessment, and evaluation is a core compo-
knowledge, skills, abilities, training, experience, and practice creden-        nent of psychological practice, treatment planning, and subsequent
tials that are deemed desirable for the use of psychological tests and          decisions regarding those served. Psychologists are guided by pro-
assessment materials. However, the term describes two types of                  fessional standards of practice in engaging in psychological testing,
qualifications: (a) generic assessment knowledge and skills neces-              assessment, and evaluation to be compliant with competency
sary for typical uses of tests and (b) specific qualification for the           expectations and to avoid harm to clients. Guidelines for psycholog-
responsible use of tests in specific settings and for specific purposes         ical assessment and evaluation are important for use by psycholo-
(APA, 2001).                                                                    gists to aspire to fair, respectful, and competent service delivery and
                                                                                treatment of examinees.
                                                                                EMERGING UNDERSERVED OR VULNERABLE CLIENT
The term assessment refers to a complex activity integrating knowl-
edge, clinical judgment, reliable collateral information (e.g., observa-
tion, semistructured or structured interviews, third-party report), and         The population served by psychologists continues to reflect the shift
psychometric constructs with expertise in an area of professional               of focus to underserved, rural, older adult, immigrant and refugee,
practice or application. Psychological assessment is a problem-solv-            and other vulnerable populations. Ongoing research and empirical
ing process of identifying and using relevant information about indi-           evidence support the need to recognize culture, language, ethnicity,
viduals, groups, or institutions for the purpose of decision-making and         socioeconomic status, gender, disability, and other forms of human
recommendations (APA, 2001). This includes sensitivity toward the               diversity in decisions regarding service delivery. Several factors
inclusion of diverse and underserved populations.                               contribute to one’s ability to conduct an assessment, formulate
                                                                                differential diagnoses, and develop contextually and culturally rele-
EVALUATION                                                                      vant treatment recommendations: choice of test instruments, rela-
                                                                                tive weight of multiple data points, and contextual factors relevant
Although the terms evaluation and assessment are often used inter-
                                                                                to decision-making all must be considered when assessing the
changeably, evaluation is a component and often end product of the
                                                                                increasingly diverse population that psychologists serve. Guidelines
assessment process.
                                                                                are important in identifying expectations for competent service to
                                                                                varied populations.
Psychological tests are defined as any psychometrically derived mea-            PUBLIC INFORMATION
surement instrument that assesses the psychological constructs in
                                                                                Adoption of assessment qualifications and competencies for psy-
which a structured sample of an examinee’s behavior in a specified
                                                                                chologists provides the public with identifiable information regard-
domain is obtained and subsequently quantified, scored, interpreted,
                                                                                ing training, evaluation, supervision, and competence of those from
and synthesized using a standardized process for the purpose of
                                                                                whom they seek services. In turn, competency in assessment pro-
evaluative conclusion or recommendation (AERA et al., 2014).
                                                                                tects the recipients of assessment services by clarifying appropriate
      According to these AERA, APA, and National Council on
                                                                                assessment processes and supporting quality in assessment service
Measurement in Education (NCME) standards, although tests may
                                                                                delivery, validity and accuracy of psychological reports, and appro-
differ vastly in terms of item and presentation design, response
                                                                                priate use of assessment results. Further, professional practice
format, and purpose, the commonality across all test instruments is
                                                                                guidelines are not legal or regulatory documents and are not enforce-
that the process by which the subject’s responses are evaluated and
                                                                                able by law or through professional association codes of ethics.
scored is standardized. In addition, other instruments that can be
                                                                                Guidelines rather serve as an aspirational template from which
included in psychological assessment protocols where subject
                                                                                psychologists can identify decision-making factors for assessment
responses are aggregated and scored in a standardized fashion, such
                                                                                determinations for protection of the public and in conformance with
as structured diagnostic interviewing systems (e.g., Structured Clini-
                                                                                the standard of within the profession of psychology.
cal Interview for DSM-5 Disorders, Clinician Version; First et al., 2016)
and/or structured life history (i.e., biodata; Oswald et al., 2004)
                                                                                PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE
inventories and other job performance prediction instruments
(Schmidt & Hunter, 1998) developed using psychological assessment               Advances in Knowledge and Practice. Research and ongoing studies
principles and used with concurrent declarations of generalized                 continue to expansively and specifically increase our understanding
predictive utility in similar settings, also fall within the purview of the     of human behavior, cognition, and affect. As a means of measure-
AERA/APA/NCME standards.                                                        ment and evaluation of these factors, existing psychological tests are
                                                                                revised, and newly developed tests are designed to improve accu-
                                                                                racy and validity of testing. Professional practice guidelines are

                                                                          APA     |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation         5
necessary to assist psychologists in their professional development          LEGAL AND REGULATORY MATTERS
and ongoing commitment to be knowledgeable in current and
                                                                             Laws. Changes in federal and state laws or absence of applicable laws
improved means of assessment.
                                                                             often generate the need for guidelines. Assessment user credentials
      Specialized Areas of Practice. Psychology has continued to grow
                                                                             and scope of practice in testing, assessment, and evaluation have
into new areas of practice and into multidisciplinary roles across differ-
                                                                             been the subject of new legislation, particularly at the state, provin-
ent settings and specialties (e.g., forensics, neuropsychology, geropsy-
                                                                             cial, and territorial jurisdictional levels. Guidelines for psychologists
chology, technology, integrated and primary care). Specialized areas
                                                                             conducting assessment will provide an important resource for those
of practice call upon psychologists to be competent in specific aspects
                                                                             who practice in jurisdictions that have revised or created new regu-
of testing and evaluation that may extend beyond traditional and
                                                                             lations as well as for psychologists in those jurisdictions that have
general areas of assessment. Guidelines apply to all psychologists and
                                                                             not specifically addressed testing, assessment, and evaluation.
therefore provide a common set of practice expectations that include
                                                                                   Court Decisions and Case Law. Periodically, federal laws make
those engaging in specialized practice. Guidelines offer information
                                                                             changes that affect the practice of psychology (e.g., qualification
and education not only for those engaging in specialized assessment
                                                                             as an expert witness). Psychological assessment is often an integral
but also for all psychologists to have an informed understanding of
                                                                             part of forensic evaluation. Guidelines for assessment and evalua-
practice in multiple areas of specialization.
                                                                             tion can serve as an important deliberative component for the deter-
      Specialized Populations. Professional practice guidelines express
                                                                             mination of expert status (e.g., Daubert v. Dow Pharmaceuticals),
broad and general expectations for psychologists conducting assess-
                                                                             special education eligibility (e.g., Individuals with Disabilities
ments and evaluations, increase awareness of individual differences
                                                                             Education Act), and disability determination (e.g., Social Security
that may affect assessment, and assist psychologists in differentiating
                                                                             Administration). Psychologists who have used test instruments and
general assessment principles and practices from those specific to
                                                                             other means of assessment related to a court case or eligibility
specialized settings. Psychologists, by virtue of core training, are
                                                                             decision are supported by the profession’s endorsement of assess-
expected to demonstrate general assessment competency. However,
                                                                             ment guidelines.
those who work with populations with distinct characteristics or in a
service delivery context that may require specialized knowledge and
skills will benefit from guidelines that specify the fields of knowledges
and skills appropriate for specialized populations and settings.             Development of the Guidelines
      Professional Risk-Management. Professional practice guidelines
lend direction to psychologists in those areas not governed by federal       The APA 2001 Guidelines for Test User Qualifications were scheduled
or state regulations. Therefore, these guidelines assist psychologists       to expire in 2016. During the 2016 Spring Consolidated meeting, the
in understanding the parameters of practice for assessment and evalu-        Board of Professional Affairs (BPA) and the Committee on
ation in those circumstances when regulation have not been developed.        Psychological Tests and Assessment (CPTA), which are the two
Guidelines may also provide documentation for best practice for              oversight groups for these guidelines, proposed the formation of a
protection of psychologists in litigious situations.                         working group to identify competencies necessary for test users that
      Development of New Technology. The APA (2013) Guidelines for           would address the misuse of psychological tests. The item was dis-
the Practice of Telepsychology identify ethical factors in telepsychology    cussed during the 2016 Spring and Fall Consolidated meetings, and
practice (e.g., competence, informed consent, standards of care,             a recommendation was made by BPA, CPTA, and the Committee for
testing and assessment). The Guidelines for PAE are a critical compan-       the Advancement of Professional Psychology (CAPP) to (a) endorse
ion document to the telepsychology guidelines, as they will assist           a working group with the purpose of developing professional prac-
and inform psychologists who are contemplating and/or actively               tice guidelines and (b) to expand the working group to include rep-
adapting existing assessment protocols to online and other electron-         resentatives from the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in
ically enhanced technology platforms.                                        the Public Interest and the Board of Educational Affairs. Additionally,
      Changing Social Norms. Provision of psychological services has         a representative from the Association of State and Provincial
been affected by increasingly diverse populations (e.g., gender, socio-      Psychology Boards was included.
economic status, race, ethnicity), electronic communication, increased            The BPA, CPTA, CAPP, and APA staff identified the importance
access to information via social media, and other factors that affect        of a consensus document that (a) includes competencies, (b) incor-
the context of assessment and qualifications for assessments. Publish-       porates training and experience criteria, and (c) addresses the
ers are preparing online versions of traditional assessment instruments      setting-specific nature of psychological assessment as it relates to
and are encouraging practitioners to use automated applications such         these qualifications and competencies. These criteria are central to
as online administration, scoring, and interpretation. Professional          the mission and scope of the document and the guidelines.
practice guidelines addressing assessment competency will support                 The reasonable options for going forward were to develop a new
these evolving changes from traditional practice in a competent and          document or to revise the 2001 Guidelines. The Committee on
effective manner in response to the expanding scope of assessment            Professional Practice and Standards reviewed a 2009 proposal to
in integrated health, services through teleconferencing, services to         revise the 2001 guidelines and determined that, given the prescribed
diverse populations, and forensic settings.                                  format and structure of the 2015 document, Professional Practice
                                                                             Guidelines: Guidance for Developers and Users, revision would be a more
                                                                             extensive project than commissioning a newly developed document.
                                                                             A decision was made by the work group to develop a new consensus

6   APA    |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
document of guidelines in the current 2015 format and structure. A
significant identified need for new guidelines was the importance of
application to clinical and health practice areas, which was not
achieved in the 2001 guidelines.
     The working group was composed of seven members who repre-
sented and were appointed by the aforementioned groups. The
funding for the project was provided by the APA Practice

Selection of Evidence

The working group relied on prior documentation relevant to guide-
line development, including the Guidelines for Test User Qualifications
(APA, 2001) and peer-reviewed publications from a diverse range of
related topics on assessment, testing, competencies, and relevant
policies and procedures. Given the setting-specific nature, purpose
and scope, population targets, diversity factors, and desired educa-
tion and training experience of psychological assessment, other
approved guidelines and association policies were used.

                                                                      APA   |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation   7
APA Guidelines for
Psychological Assessment
and Evaluation

GUIDELINE 1                                       but not competent to use the same tests to        skills for the purpose of expansion of scope
Psychologists who conduct                         determine competency to stand trial.              of practice. These means may include, but
psychological testing, assessment,                Competency is determined by both techni-          are not limited to, postdoctoral courses,
                                                  cal mastery over a particular test and the        targeted continuing education (CE), super-
and evaluation strive to develop
                                                  appropriately identified need for the test in     vision, and consultation. Engagement in
and maintain their own competence.                the overall purpose of the assessment.            assessment and evaluation often has limita-
This includes competence with                     (Illustrations of these diverse areas of exper-   tions based on licensure, professional
selection, use, interpretation,                   tise that share testing elements are noted in     education, and training. Psychologists are
integration of findings,                          Guideline 4.)                                     encouraged to seek appropriate proficiency
                                                        Assessments are typically accompa-          and/or board-level certifications through a
communication of results,
                                                  nied by referral questions. Psychologists         peer-review process when such certifica-
and application of measures.                                                                        tions are available and related specifically to
                                                  seek to acquire the competency to deter-
                                                  mine the need and the purpose for assess-         the psychologists’ area(s) of specialized
                                                  ment, the characteristics of the examinee,        assessment practice(s). Section 9 of the
Competence is defined as “demonstrable            and the context and setting for the assess-       APA (2017a) Ethical Principles of Psycholo-
elements or components of performance             ment typically through clinical interviews,       gists and Code of Conduct delineates
(knowledge, skills, and attitudes in their        psychometric data (e.g., cognitive, person-       standards of practice when performed by
integration)” (Kaslow et al., 2009, p. 34).       ality, performance, learning, memory,             psychologists but does not directly address
Competence can be diminished through              executive functioning) and collateral or          assessment competency.
not only failure of adequate initial training     supplemental materials (e.g., socioemo-
but also failure to self-monitor adaptation       tional measures). Without complete under-         Application
to revisions, new instruments and methods,        standing of the need and purpose for the          Profession-wide and specialty-specific
and general advancements in assessment.           assessment, the characteristics of the            competencies are recognized and refer-
The competency movement referenced as             examinee, the appropriateness of the              enced by quality assurance documents and
the “culture of competency” additionally          instruments chosen, and the context and           entities in psychology (e.g., Ethical
specifies a “culture of assessment” outlin-       setting in which assessment occurs, inter-        Principles and Code of Conduct: APA,
ing the importance of self-assessed com-          pretation and application of the results of       2017a; Standards of Accreditation: APA,
petence (Roberts et al., 2005). Continual         the assessment are more likely to be limited      COA, 2015; Association of State and
monitoring and self-assessment of compe-          and/or inaccurate.                                Provincial Psychology Boards, 2014) and in
tency boundaries are important in meeting               In addition to technical and clinical       specific areas of practice (e.g., Hessen et al.,
standards of practice defined elsewhere.          competence, aspired-to professional compe-        2018). Assessment is identified as a pro-
Rapid and ongoing development of instru-          tence encompasses (a) skilled communica-          fession-wide competency in these and
ments, procedures, norming advancements,          tion with the examinee or client that             other quality assurance measures.
technology, and evolving evidence-based           promotes an effective working relationship;       Profession-wide competencies are evalu-
practices can render a once-competent             (b) the commitment to explain the risks,          ated by the criteria of whether they are
psychologist examiner to unethical prac-          benefits, and possible outcomes of assess-        observable, measurable, and quantifiable.
tice through habituation of patterns and          ment, including in high-stakes scenarios, to      This consistency is necessary to maintain
personal preferences in assessment proce-         the best of the examiner’s knowledge and          continuity and objectivity across and within
dure and application.                             understanding; and (c) demonstration of           competencies. Assessment competency
     The complexity, breadth, and diversity       respect for the recipients of services and the    entails several functional competencies
of psychological testing, assessment, and         commitment to nondiscrimination and               that include but are not limited to selection,
evaluation necessitate a distinct delineation     equity in professional practice. The need,        use, interpretation, report of results, and
of areas of expertise. That is, psychologists     purpose, and referral question are core           use of results in response to the purpose of
consider their boundaries of expertise and        elements in assessment decision-making;           the assessment.
practice within the legal, ethical, and profes-   however, an environmental scan of the                   Selection of tests or evaluation measures.
sional scope of practice and competence of        context in which the examinee or client is        Psychologists seek to become knowledge-
those boundaries. Psychologists strive to         functioning related to the reason for assess-     able of the psychometric characteristics of
understand the limits of their expertise          ment is typically considered a critical compo-    test instruments as well as other factors
when the same instruments may be used for         nent of psychologists’ competence.                likely to impact the applicability of specific
different purposes. Psychologists may be                Psychologists attempt to identify the       test instruments and evaluation measures
competent to administer measures of cogni-        most effective means by which they may            to the assessment question at hand (e.g.,
tive ability for the purpose of psychoeduca-      remain competent in continued areas of            reading levels, physical requirements,
tional determinations of a learning disability    expertise as well as in the acquisition of new    cultural background, characteristics of the

                                                                      APA    |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation          9
standardization/normative group). Similarly,       and as such they are encouraged to include         errors based on preconceived beliefs, and/
psychologists strive to maintain appropriate       all additive data sources in drawing conclu-       or other intervening factors such as anchor-
knowledge of the context and environment           sions, inferences, and decisions.                  ing effects (i.e., overweighting initial data),
in which the assessment is to be performed,              Integration of data. Psychologists seek      attribution effects (i.e., favoring data from
as well as any additional relevant factors         the competency to integrate all data points        one source over another), and/or confirma-
that might affect outcome and recommen-            and other form of findings in the writing or       tion effects (i.e., selectively weighting data
dations. In addition, psychologists are encour-    oral reporting of results. Multiple data points    based on personally held beliefs). An excel-
aged to obtain and to review carefully available   include but are not limited to standardized        lent and thorough discussion of these and
collateral and supplemental information such       tests, clinical interview, collateral reporting,   other biases effecting psychological assess-
as treatment histories, previous assessments,      behavioral        checklists,     environmental    ment that affect accurate interpretability of
third-party observations, and/or perfor-           context, and client variables. Integration of      multiple data can be found in Reynolds and
mance reviews for consideration and incorpo-       data points is a distinct skill from interpre-     Suzuki (2013).
ration when reaching conclusions and/or            tation but results in interpretation and the             Reporting results. Psychologists typically
making recommendations. Other factors to           formation of case conceptualization, which         deliver assessment results through a written
be considered in selection of measurement          advances decision-making and initial forma-        report often enhanced by oral explanation,
instruments may include characteristics of         tion of recommendations. The weighting of          depending on context and purpose. Because
the examinee, appropriateness of the norma-        data points in the integration of data is a        the functional definition of scores often
tive group, cultural relevance, and alignment      process that considers the cultural, ethnic,       employs terminology that may not be in the
of the test instrument construct with the          and other diversity variables that influence       typical vernacular of examinees and recipi-
purpose of the testing.                            the context and interpretation of data points.     ents of assessment feedback, psychologists
      Use. Fidelity to the purpose and use of            Interpretation. To accurately interpret      are encouraged to become aware of the
a given instrument are often critical to the       findings, psychologists strive to understand       meaning of scores that underlie the interpre-
validity of a test instrument as well as the       the conceptual meaning of scores and the           tation and strive to describe findings in a
accuracy of the assessment results. As such,       technical range of interpretation of any given     report in a suitably interpretable manner.
psychologists consider the reason for              set of individual scores (see Section 2 of these   Psychologists seek to become aware of the
testing as well as the anticipated contribu-       guidelines). Accurate interpretation is depen-     preferred language of the report recipient(s),
tion of the selected test or battery to the        dent on the psychologist’s ability to integrate    reading level, and general ability to compre-
operative referral question and/or process         multiple sources of data points. Insofar as        hend the information.
to which the results will be applied. In this      primary sources of data can be inconsistent              Psychological reports typically include
regard, specific examples of the utility of        rendering a clear determination difficult,         a summary section that integrates key
assessment measures are often prescribed           psychologists seek to develop the knowledge        elements from the findings in relation to the
in the technical manual of an instrument,          and skills to critically evaluate these apparent   purpose for the assessment and cohesively
and as such, psychologists strive to               data inconsistencies and arrive at the most        presents the information in an organized,
thoroughly and critically evaluate the appli-      viable interpretation of the data that serves      comprehensible, and interpretable manner.
cability and/or supporting scientific              the purpose of the assessment accurately           Psychologists attempt to develop the skills
evidence for use of a given instrument in          (Hopwood & Bornstein, 2014).                       to create summaries of the key findings and
settings that differ substantially from those            Psychologists aspire to reflect accuracy     to identify recommendations based on the
specified by the publisher.                        in their interpretation of test and assess-        summaries that are recognized in the field
      Psychologists understand that test           ment instrument results and to carefully           as effective treatment components.
instruments are not typically used as singular     consider and control potential sources of          Psychologists aspire to develop the compe-
measures but rather are integrated with other      error and/or bias, particularly when these         tency to construct comprehensive evidence-
standard measures as well as nonstandard-          errors may contribute to a diagnosis, recom-       based recommendations, recognized in the
ized yet valuable data points (e.g., collateral    mendation, disposition, or other high-stakes       field, that address possible treatments or
interviews, behavioral checklists, paper           decisions (e.g., custody, employment,              accommodations resulting from the
review of prior documents). Tests and other        guardianship determination, competence             findings. Psychologists working in profi-
measurement instruments can be cited in the        and decisional capacity, disability compen-        ciency areas that result in disposition, selec-
technical manual for multiple uses. Psychol-       sation, incarceration). In this regard, errors     tion, third-party decisions, and other
ogists remain aware that although their area       in reporting assessment results can include        high-stakes assessment purposes are
of expertise may support use of a test for a       overinterpretation, inconsistent interpreta-       encouraged to develop competencies
particular purpose, other uses of the test may     tion, selective interpretation, and/or other       commensurate with their areas of specialty
fall outside the psychologists’ scope of           misinterpretations of results. Although            practice and expertise.
competence. Similarly, psychologists are           sources of these errors can be attributable              Explanation of use and implementation.
advised that assessment is most comprehen-         to lack of technical knowledge, the most           Psychologists seek to develop the compe-
sive and accurate when multiple data points        common sources of bias effecting interpre-         tency to explain to the recipients of the
are used to arrive at a determination (e.g.,       tation of psychological assessment data            report or findings how the recommenda-
diagnosis, recommendation, disposition),           include distortions and subjective weighting       tions derived from the summaries can or

10 APA      |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
will be used to accomplish the purpose of          graduate training. The APA Ethics Code            Psychologists will be mindful that compe-
the assessment. The various areas of               (APA, 2017a), the AERA et al. (2014), and         tency evolves as subject matter matures
specialty or proficiency in psychology can         other professional associations delineate         over time and that acquisition and mainte-
render significantly different findings and        standards of practice in assessment, mea-         nance of competency is an ongoing process
recommendations or can render similar              surement, and evaluation. The APA Ethics          that requires self-assessment and aware-
findings and summaries that result in very         Code requires that psychologists practice         ness of contemporary standards of practice.
different recommendations and are imple-           within their boundaries of competence             The ongoing process of self-assessment
mented in significantly different ways. The        (APA, 2017a) and that psychologists in            includes attention to the potential
scores and summaries of cognitive tests of         practice who seek to expand their scope of        emergence of complex interpersonal
intelligence, executive functioning, memory,       practice in assessment undertake relevant         dynamics between client and assessor (e.g.,
achievement, and personality could be the          education, training, supervised experience,       Bram & Peebles, 2014; Yalof, 2019).
same for two people, yet the recommenda-           consultation, or study (APA, 2017a).
tions and implementation could differ                    Assessment, among other specialty           Application
depending on the purpose of the assess-            and proficiency areas in psychology, has
                                                                                                     Psychologists who wish to acquire or main-
ment (e.g., psychoeducational, child               evolved over recent years given the expan-
                                                                                                     tain competence in assessment recognize
custody, competency to stand trial,                sion of specialty practice in assessment and      the importance of foundational competen-
preemployment screening, fitness for duty          evaluation (e.g., psychoeducational, foren-       cies and special focus competencies. With
evaluations      management        selection,      sic, child custody, geropsychology, person-       the exception of specialists in neuropsy-
diagnostic classification, developmental           ality, neuropsychological, development).          chology (Hessen et al., 2018; Roper et al.,
disability, workers’ compensation, and             New and revised testing instruments and           2018 Smith, 2019), a trajectory has not yet
immigration hardship waivers). Psycholo-           materials continue to develop given psycho-
gists are best advised to self-monitor their                                                         been established for the acquisition of com-
                                                   metric improvements (e.g., norming                petency. These foundational areas are
professional boundaries to appropriately           methods), research findings on learning,
conduct the elements of assessment or                                                                described as including measurement theory
                                                   motivation, memory, and other factors.            and psychometrics, the components of con-
evaluation within their scope of practice.
                                                   Knowledge, skills, and attitude that would        ducting assessments (e.g., selection,
                                                   meet standards of practice at an earlier time     administration, and scoring), integration of
                                                   would likely be inadequate in contemporary        data points, interpretation of scores, con-
                                                   practice. Not only the acquisition of compe-      ceptualization, and communication of
                                                   tence but the maintenance of competence           results and recommendations. Psychologists
GUIDELINE 2                                        is typically required by the aforementioned       may acquire foundational knowledge
Psychologists who conduct                          standards of practice. That is, failure to gain   through coursework, webinars, self-study,
psychological testing, assessment,                 initial competency and failure to maintain        CE, and other sources. These areas of foun-
and evaluation seek appropriate                    competency may both result in unethical           dational assessment factors are well
                                                   practice (APA, 2017a).                            described in several documents: PAE
training and supervised experience
                                                         The means by which psychologists            Guidelines (this document), the AERA Code
in relevant aspects of testing,
                                                   competently expand scope of practice post         of Ethics, the Recommended Competencies
assessment, and psychological                      formal training may occur through CE,             for Users of Psychologist Tests, the NCME,
evaluation.                                        seminars, supervised experience, and              and the Standards for Educational and
                                                   consultation. Further, the recent and devel-      Psychological Testing.
Rationale                                          oping application of technology to knowl-              Psychologists         consider        the
Training programs of recent years incorpo-         edge and skills acquisition (e.g., webinars,      decision-making factors that meet the
rate competency expectations for assess-           online CE) increases opportunities for            standards of practice in their select subject
ment and conducting psychological testing          self-directed study. Psychologists attempt        matter area. Psychologists who identify an
that reflect accreditation standards, ethical      to identify the most effective means through      area of expanded scope of practice strive to
standards, jurisdictional laws, and regula-        which to gain the desired set of competen-        determine their existing level of competency
tions (e.g., Hessen et al., 2018). Psychologists   cies. Psychologists who want to expand            as well as the knowledge and skills to be
in practice have experienced variable qual-        their scope of practice in psychoeduca-           attained. This determination can be made
ity and content in initial graduate training       tional assessment are likely to pursue a          through consultation with those who are
and subsequent CE, proficiency acquisition,        somewhat different set of knowledge and           recognized for their practice in that area of
or self-directed access to education and           skills than those who wish to conduct foren-      expertise. Multiple methods of acquiring
training. That is, a trajectory has not been       sic evaluations, acceding, however, to the        knowledge and skills can be adopted to
established for the acquisition of compe-          point of common foundational principles           include coursework, workshops, webinars,
tence, the maintenance of competence,              and standards.                                    and other CE that is specifically focused on
supervised work experience, or criteri-                  Assessment is a fluid and dynamic           the target area of practice. Psychologists are
on-based expectations for practitioners            activity that calls for focused and ongoing       encouraged to develop their specialty skills
who expand their scope of practice post            attention to maintenance of competence.           through subject matter instruction and

                                                                      APA     |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation        11
education (e.g., forensics, child custody)         examinee. Existing ethical and legal obliga-       Psychologists also strive to prevent or min-
coupled with consultation. The subject             tions to prevent negative impact stems from        imize misuse of assessment results that can
matter component of competency frequently          the recognition that all tests and measure-        be anticipated and to correct misuse or
includes supervised experience. Knowledge          ment procedures have both appropriate and          misinterpretation of assessment findings
of the subject matter is integrated with skill     inappropriate uses depending on purpose            that come to their attention following the
development, typically under consultation or       and setting of the assessment, the limita-         release of this material.
supervision of an expert in the area.              tions of the test or assessment procedure to             Psychological      assessments       are
      Psychologists comply with the APA            address that purpose in that setting, the          typically used in the hope of gaining infor-
(2017a) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and    characteristics of the test taker in relation to   mation that can direct an intervention,
Code of Conduct. Section 2, Competence,            the normative sample that supports the             ameliorate a problem or difficulty, gain
specifically delineates the importance of          valid interpretation of the test results, and      insight into abilities and skills, or inform
relevant education, training, supervised           the human confidence that can be placed in         decision-making. Sometimes the results of
experience, and consultation when expand-          the interpretation of the results obtained for     psychological assessment reveal findings
ing scope of practice into areas new to            that client in that setting for that purpose. In   that could be seen as detrimental to the
psychologists. Further, the maintenance of         addition, psychologists remain alert to any        interests of the examinee achieving their
competence requires ongoing effort to meet         ethical and, in some cases, legal obligation       goals or problematic in some way unrelated
the standard of practice. Failure to maintain      to protect the client from misuse or misrep-       to the original purpose. Where appropriate,
competence can result in inadvertent               resentation of the data. Further, psycholo-        psychologists strive to obtain informed
practice beyond the data necessary to              gists may find themselves called upon to           consent, which may include capacity to
substantiate findings, inappropriate use of        guard against reports generated by                 consent and freedom to withdraw, such that
instruments, and inaccurate interpretation.        untrained individuals who could misunder-          the examinee understands that the results
Psychologists recognize the importance of          stand or misuse this information in such a         of assessment may not provide the desired
fair and equitable treatment in conducting         way that could harm a client, a recipient of       outcome and, depending on the context of
                                                   test results such as an employer, a court, or      the assessment, may not be protected from
assessments with diverse and underrepre-
                                                   a health care system or test publisher.            unwanted disclosure. There may be such
sented populations. They strive to use
                                                   Copyrights on proprietary assessment               instances in which safeguards should be
methods that are age and language appro-
                                                   material are designed to be unavailable to         taken if the disclosure of the purpose of
priate and, when needed, employ the
                                                   individuals without proper training and eth-       testing will spoil or influence the results.
services of professional interpreters to
                                                   ical obligations to maintain security.             These safeguards might include debriefing
achieve more accurate assessment results.
                                                                                                      after the assessment rather than full disclo-
                                                   Application                                        sure prior to beginning the assessment. For
                                                                                                      example, an individual who agrees to
                                                   Psychologists strive to understand and             undergo psychological assessment to
                                                   maintain their competence in the selection,        demonstrate appropriateness for advance-
GUIDELINE 3                                        administration, and interpretation of psy-         ment in their job may not receive the individ-
Psychologists who conduct                          chological tests as well as their client’s         ual’s desired result, and results would be
psychological testing, assessment,                 ability to engage in and understand fully the      shared with the potential employer. The
                                                   assessment process including the potential         examinee agrees to release the results of the
and evaluation strive to be mindful
                                                   risks and negative outcomes that could             assessment to their employer as a condition
of the potential negative impact                   result in addition to any positive benefits        of employment. The results of the assess-
and subsequent outcome of those                    they may be seeking. Psychological tests           ment reveal significant difficulties in job-re-
measures on clients/patients/                      are continually changing through test revi-        lated abilities that might not only preclude
examinees/employees, supervisees,                  sions, research findings about appropriate         promotion but even threaten their continued
other professionals, and the                       or inappropriate applications or unantici-         employment. This highlights the need to
                                                   pated complications, or threats to validity in     recognize that there are many consumers to
general public.
                                                   using the test with a particular client popu-      assessment results, including an employer
                                                   lation or for a particular purpose or in a         or organizational client. The psychologist is
                                                   particular setting. Psychologists assume an        typically expected to seek the client’s
Psychologists recognize their ethical and, in      appropriate degree of responsibility to            informed consent and full understanding of
some situations, legal obligations regarding       understand the strengths and weaknesses            the range of outcomes that could result from
the prevention of negative impact that             of all assessment procedures they employ,          the assessment and the potential recipients
could result from their selection, adminis-        to use the latest versions or forms of all         who might gain access to the results before
tration, interpretation, or reporting of results   tests and procedures, and to seek informa-         consent is given.
from psychological tests and measurements.         tion and understanding about any limita-                 Psychologists strive to use tests appro-
The exception to this may be forensic evalu-       tions or concerns in using the tests they          priately and to understand the strengths and
ations, which often require an independent         have selected with the client in the setting       weaknesses of the assessment procedures
opinion that may negatively impact the             and for the purpose of their assessment.           they use and to correct any misuse they

12 APA      |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
discover not only for the benefit of the client     specific. A competent psychologist main-           knowing how to select, administer, and
being assessed or the client or agency or           tains a foundational fund of knowledge and         interpret a psychological test of cognitive
sponsor requesting the evaluation but also to       skill about tests and test procedures in           ability, academic achievement, or emotional
maintain the reputation of the profession of        general (e.g., validity, reliability, normative    adjustment and functioning but also seeks
psychology and the public’s confidence that         population) that supports selection and use        to know and understand special education
psychologists are competent, current, and           of a test instrument or assessment proce-          law and requirements around eligibility for
responsible in their selection, administration,     dure in a given situation. However, a specific     services (Wright & Wright, 2015), as well as
and interpretation of assessment procedures.        individual is rarely, if ever, a competent user    the student’s cultural context, the classroom
                                                    of psychological assessment in all the set-        context, and how it affects manifestation of
                                                    tings and contexts where assessment tools          learning and adjustment difficulties. In
                                                    are used. Psychologists strive to develop the      addition, a suitable level of knowledge about
                                                    contextual knowledge and skill to be com-          best practices in classroom methods is
GUIDELINE 4                                         petent in one or perhaps two of the primary        important to make helpful and appropriate
                                                    arenas where psychological tests are               recommendations of educational interven-
Psychologists strive to consider the
                                                    employed. These primary arenas may                 tions based on test data gleaned from the
multiple and global settings (e.g.,                 change as the profession evolves and/or as         use of psychological tests.
forensic, education, integrated care)               the professional in question develops addi-              In the employment/coaching area of
in which services are being provided.               tional skills and experience. At present, the      practice, the competent user of psycholog-
                                                    following areas of professional practice           ical tests strives to understand the purpose
Rationale                                           tend to be the primary areas in the use of         of any evaluation, who is the client, who has
                                                    psychological assessment: clinical, forensic,      a legal right to access the results of an
Psychological tests are used in a variety of
                                                    neuropsychology, police and public safety          assessment, and whether the procedures
settings for a variety of purposes. Validity is
                                                    psychology, educational/school psychol-            selected to be used provide sufficient
not a unitary property of the test instrument.
                                                    ogy, geropsychology, industrial and organi-        reliability and validity for this purpose and
Rather, validity evidence is evaluated within
                                                    zational psychology, employment selection/         this client in this context. Psychologists
the context of these multiple settings and
                                                    coaching, and integrated health care.              working in this area seek to understand
purposes. In addition, most tests are devel-
                                                          Each of these practice settings calls for    employment law and the legal standards for
oped within a cultural or regional context
                                                    the psychologist to develop adequate knowl-        what constitutes employment discrimina-
where the test developer has an intended
                                                    edge of practice standards, legal standards,       tion versus assessment of job appropriate
target population of test takers for a specific
                                                    collaborative professional roles and desired       aptitudes and skills.
purpose. The psychologist, however, strives
                                                    purposes, methods and outcomes that call                 With clinical service providers and
to recognize when the selection and use of
                                                    for the use of psychological tests and proce-      those working in health care delivery
this instrument deviates from the expected or
                                                    dures. For example, a psychologist working in      systems, the competent psychologist strives
intended purpose and recognize the signifi-
                                                    a forensic setting is expected to be not only      to understand how the results of any
cance and implications of such deviations.
                                                    suitably competent in their knowledge of           psychological assessment will be used so
The psychologist considers these deviations
                                                    psychological testing, individual differences,     that the appropriateness of that use can be
when interpreting test results for a particular
                                                    psychopathology, and other aspects of              evaluated and any cautions or limitations in
client and reporting results for a specific pur-
                                                    psychological theory and research but also         use of the findings can be noted in any report.
pose and within a specific context. These
                                                    appropriately knowledgeable about the legal        In systems of integrated care where psychol-
deviations can include not only using a test in
                                                    context in which the results of their psycho-      ogists work as part of a multidisciplinary
a setting for which it was not designed (e.g., a
                                                    logical testing will be reported and used.         team, the psychologist strives to make sure
broad assessment of academic achievement
                                                    Depending on their area of practice, a compe-      that the presentation of assessment results
intended as a screening tool for adults used
                                                    tent forensic psychologist might be expected       is understandable for the other team
for diagnostic assessment of a child’s learn-
                                                    to know courtroom procedure; rules of              members as well as the client and presented
ing difficulties) but also using a test designed,
                                                    evidence; rules of jury selection; or legal        in such a way that any possible complica-
developed, and normed in one country or
                                                    definition or elements of terms such as insan-     tions or limitations in the interpretation of
region of the world in a different country or
                                                    ity, dangerousness, and consciousness of guilt     the findings is made known and addressed
region. The psychologist strives to under-
                                                    (Weiner & Otto, 2014). The work of neuro-          in the report.
stand the significance of such cultural and
                                                    psychologists may, at times, overlap with the            Psychologists also strive to be mindful of
linguistic deviations and to acknowledge
                                                    work of forensic psychology (Demakis, 2012),       the problems associated with the increasing
possible influences, including limitations and
                                                    calling for attention to both legal and clinical   use of the psychological tests globally, includ-
potential errors, in their use and interpreta-
                                                    issues associated with this type of special-       ing delivering tests across legal boundaries of
tion of tests.
                                                    ized assessment.                                   states, provinces, territories, or countries. In
                                                          Similarly, a psychologist working in a       some instances, using psychological tests
                                                    school environment with a task of identifying      across legal boundaries, such as states in the
Competence in psychological assessment              children in need of special educational            same country, may provoke a concern about
is typically situation specific or setting          services not only strives to be competent in       intentionally or unintentionally circumventing

                                                                        APA    |   Guidelines for Psychological Assessment and Evaluation          13
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