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Forest Operations Coupe Plan for Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird Orbost 833 - Purgagoolah Location of coupe centroid Easting/Northing: (GDA-94) 661231/5832979 Zone 55 VicGrid 2837696/2422614 Latitude/Longitude: 37° 38' 10" S/148° 49' 38" E This Forest Operations Coupe Plan consists of the following five sections: · Section 1 - Coupe Description · Section 2 - Contractor Direction · Section 3 - Occupational Health and Safety · Section 4 - Coupe Management Actions · Section 5 - Harvesting Commencement and Completion Declarations Plan Preparation and Endorsement Prepared By Signed Date Peer Reviewed By Signed Date Endorsed By Signed Date End of Forest Operations Coupe Plan Front Page Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 1 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 1 Contractor Section - Coupe Description Descriptive Information (also see Part 2: Coupe Map - Operation and Context) Forest type Foothill mixed species Area of TRP Boundary 44.1 Area of Harvest Unit (operational area) 26.9 Regional Forest Agreement EAST GIPPSLAND Forest Management Area East Gippsland General aspect North-easterly Elevation 190 meters Slope Minimum 5°; Average 5°; Maximum 15° Proportion of the nett coupe area > 20° 0-10 % Horizon A Horizon B Horizon C Soil Erosion Classification Medium Medium Medium Soil Permeability Classification High High - Overall Soil Category Low Low - Rock cover exceeds 30% of nett area No Estimated Eucalypt species composition within coupe Common Name Scientific Name Proportion Silvertop Eucalyptus sieberi 100% End of Forest Operations Coupe Plan Section 1 Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 2 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Contractor Section - Contractor Direction Personnel VF Officer Contractor Operational Issues Silvicultural Intent Adaptive Silviculture - Recovery Silviculture system(s) Variable retention 1 (recovery) Recommended harvesting period Shoulder of 2021-2022 Description of the coupe boundaries and North boundary marked to a 60m rainforest buffer and then a split in between of a 40m potoroo (VFSMP456) buffer and then back method used to locate boundary in the into a 60m rainforest buffer all marked In pink tape. field Eastern boundary is a 40m potoroo buffer marked in pink tape. South eastern boundary marked to TRP boundary in blue tape. Southern boundary marked to 20m roadside screen in pink tape. South western boundary marked to defined boundary in blue tape. Western and north western boundary marked to a 40m potoroo buffer (VFSMP456) marked in pink tape. All Boundaries are located using GPS and rangefinder Operational constraints Social Issues Identified social issues Coupe Access Proposed Access Princes Hwy X Bellbird Tk Proposed driveway length to construct 0 Proposed in-coupe road length to 150 construct Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 3 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Contractor Section - Contractor Direction Proposed in-coupe roading requirements Proposed number of stream crossings 0 Proposed number of landings 2 Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 4 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Contractor Section - Contractor Direction Environmental and operational specification Standard All operations to be conducted in accordance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014 and VicForests Utilisation Procedures except where additional specifications or variations are specified below. Where there is no comment (ie the column is blank), it should be read 'No variation to the standard procedure'. Environmental & Operational Elements Variations, amendments or additional instructions Utilisation Procedures Section Planned silvicultural system and requirements Planned silvicultural system and requirements The Variable Retention 1 silvicultural system will be applied to the entire harvestable area using a combination of aggregated and dispersed retention. Additional specifications, requirements or instructions Additional specifications, requirements or instructions If unauthorised persons are identified on the work site, all harvesting operations must cease. VicForests are to be notified immediately of any protest event. Harvesting should not commence until it has been determined that it is safe to resume work. 5. Coupe boundaries 5.1 Marking a coupe North boundary marked to a 60m rainforest buffer and then a split in between of a 40m potoroo (VFSMP456) buffer and then back into a 60m rainforest buffer all marked In pink tape. Eastern boundary is a 40m potoroo buffer marked in pink tape. South eastern boundary marked to TRP boundary in blue tape. Southern boundary marked to 20m roadside screen in pink tape. South western boundary marked to defined boundary in blue tape. Western and north western boundary marked to a 40m potoroo buffer (VFSMP456) marked in pink tape. All Boundaries are located using GPS and rangefinder Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 5 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Contractor Section - Contractor Direction 5.2 Construction of boundary trails No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 5.3 Location of Boundary Trails No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 5.4 Converting boundary trail to fire trail No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 6. Excluded areas 6.1 Activities in excluded areas No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 7. Harvest requirements 7.1 Retained Trees No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 7.2 Large Tree Protection If an unmarked tree greater than 250cm in diameter is identified by the contractor, the contractor where possible is to cease harvesting within a 30m radius of the tree and notify VicForests immediately. 7.3 Trees to be felled No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 7.4 Stump heights No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 7.6 Coupe utilisation requirements No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 9. Thinning requirements 9.2 Trees to be retained 9.3 Thinning method 9.4 Damage 10. Extraction tracks within coupes 10.1 Location of Extraction Tracks No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 10.2 Blading-off No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 10.3 Drainage and rehabilitation No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 10.4 Snigging on roads No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 10.5 Stream crossings 12. Landings Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 6 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Contractor Section - Contractor Direction 12.1 Location of landings No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 12.2 Construction and maintenance of landings No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 12.5 Bark disposal No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 12.7 Rehabilitation No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 13. Road and construction maintenance 13.2 Location, design and period of construction No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 13.4 Grade No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 13.5 Clearing No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 13.6 Earthworks No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 13.7 Drainage Due To the soil erosion hazard, drainage and rehabilitation will need to be at a spacing of: Less than 6 degrees slope = 60m apart. 6-11 degrees slope = 30m apart. 11-18 degrees slope = 20m apart. 18-27 degrees slope = 10m apart. 13.8 Maintenance No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 13.9 Stream and drainage line crossings 13.11 Closure and rehabilitation of roads 13.13 Removal and rehabilitation of bridges, crossings and culverts 14. Quarries, borrow pits and fill disposal areas 14.0 Quarries, borrow pits and fill disposal areas 15. Preparation, measurement, grading and extraction of logs 15.2 Log preparation No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 21. Carting logs 21.1 Carting logs - general obligations of the driver No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 7 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Contractor Section - Contractor Direction 23. Weather restrictions 23.0 Weather restrictions No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 26. Sorting and using fuel and servicing machinery 26.1 Fuel location No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 26.2 Fuel precautions No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 27. Camp sites, waste disposal and forest hygiene 27.1 Camp sites 27.3 Water points No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 27.4 Forests hygiene (weeds, pests and disease) No variation to standard practices as outlined within the utilisation procedures. 27.5 Field Washdown/Cleaning Procedure for Machinery All other action will be conducted as per the Utilisation Procedures, unless outlined in the Coupe Diary by a VicForests Officer. Habitat Retention Plan Habitat Description and Marking Retain an average minimum of 10 habitat trees per ha within the harvestable area through retained habitat patches and dispersed retention, which will prioritise protection of values such as hollow- bearing trees, unburnt forest, yellow-bellied glider feed trees and dense understorey vegetation. Habitat trees will be retained... Scenario . Outside the harvesting tapes, but within the 'gross coupe boundary' No . As individual trees along the edge, outside the harvested area No . As individual trees, scattered throughout the coupes Yes . In patch(es)/clump(s) within the harvested area Yes . To serve as seed trees also Yes . Other requirements No Other requirements Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 8 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 2 Contractor Section - Contractor Direction * See variation page for marking procedure. End of Forest Operations Coupe Plan Section 2 Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 9 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 3 Contractor Section - Coupe Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Hazard Type Comments on the identified hazard adequately addressed where the hazard exceeds that normally expected within Contractor's Safety Management System? Was a field-based hazard assessment done? Yes / No Aerial Hazard Stags [None] Other aerial hazards [None] Percentage of tress containing a high proportion of dead limbs 75 % if > 50% handfall not allowed as main harvest method. (i.e. mature-age, psyllid, drought or fire affected) Percentage of the trees having mature interlocked crowns 10 % if > 50% handfall not allowed as main harvest method. Ground Hazard Slope [None] Rock [None] Rock Faces [None] Morganers [None] Other Ground Hazards [None] Have any mineshafts been located? [None] If yes, GPS location and include coupe map. Access Roads/Landings Grade [None] Width [None] Traffic & Falling Ops [None] Access [None] Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 10 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 3 Contractor Section - Coupe Occupational Health and Safety Are there hazardous trees adjacent trees to the roads [None] that should be removed? Fire [None] Hand Falling [None] Other [None] Is there any power lines/cables in or around coupe? [None] Are there neighbours that will need to be notified of [None] operations? Safety Comments Additional hazards identified Describe hazard Action Required Responsible person Date Required Complete Y/N End of Forest Operations Coupe Plan Section 3 Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 11 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 1. Situation Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Apiary zone within 1000m * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required Apiary zone within coupe * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required Fire Fuel Management 3 - Landscape 44.13 44.13 Coupe within Fire Management No restrictions to timber harvesting. The No further action required. Zone in coupe Management Zone Zone 3: Landscape Management overall fuel hazard rating for this coupe must Zone and within 1.5km of private be less than or equal to high within 12 months property. of harvesting. If self regenerated, VicForests Operations Manager Silviculture to liaise with DELWP. Forest Management Zone GMZ : General Present Present General Management Zone No further action required. No further action required. within 200m Management Zone adjacent to coupe boundary. Forest Management Zone SPZ : Special Protection Present Present Special Protection Zone (SPZ) P-SPZ is an area South-West of Bellbird Track. No harvesting will occur within the SPZ.Map within 200m Zone 832-04-19 (SOMA, MOMA, LFP SPZ boundary to be confirmed and marked in supplied, with marking points to Senior forester Retained Habitat, STQ, Nat. the field using a GPS, compass, hip chain for boundary sign off. Estate Biodiversity) adjacent and/or range finder. Boundary to be signed off coupe boundary. by Senior Forester prior to harvesting commencement. No harvesting will occur within the SPZ. Forest Management Zone GMZ : General Present Present General Management Zone within No further action required. No further action required. within 500m Management Zone 200-500m of coupe boundary. Forest Management Zone SMZ : Special Present Present Special Management Zone (SMZ) SMZ values will not be affected by the No further action required. within 500m Management Zone M-833-02-01, M-833-31-01, M-833 harvesting of the coupe. No further action -32-01, M-833-32-02 (LFP required. Constrained Habitat) within 200- 500m of coupe boundary. Special Management Zone (SMZ) M-33-01 -01 (RS 0049 - RRS_WAPIS_EG) within 200-500m of coupe boundary. Forest Management Zone SPZ : Special Protection Present Present Special Protection Zone (SPZ) P- SPZ values will not be affected by the No further action required. within 500m Zone 832-04-19 (SOMA, MOMA, LFP harvesting of coupe. No further action Retained Habitat, STQ, Nat. required. Estate Biodiversity) within 200- 500m of coupe boundary. Forest Management Zone GMZ : General 44.13 44.13 General Management Zone within Harvest in accordance with the Code of Harvest in accordance with the Code of Practice within coupe Management Zone gross coupe boundary. Practice for Timber production. for Timber production. Heritage River Buffer in Heritage River Buffer in Not Present Not Present No action required coupe coupe Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 12 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 1. Situation Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Heritage River Buffer within Heritage River Buffer Not Present Not Present No action required 500m within 500m Non-State Forest in coupe * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required Other situation issues Other situation issues [n/a] Present Gross coupe area greater than Nett area of coupe harvested to be less than Coupe Harvest unit marked to 26.9 ha Map 40ha for VR1 or CFS harvesting. or equal to 40ha. Harvestable boundary will be supplied, with marking points to Senior forester GPS'd prior to harvesting and/or during for boundary sign off. harvesting to ensure nett area does not exceed 40ha. Permanent fire break in * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required coupe Permanent fire break within * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required 500m of coupe Private land within 500m Private property Present Present Coupe within 40m of private A notification letter sent to landholder No further action required. property. 31/08/2021. If harvesting is to commence 2 weeks prior from notification, Supervising Forester to contact Landowner. Private land within coupe Private property Not Present Not Present No action required Recreational hut in coupe Recreation hut Not Present Not Present No action required VF Reserve in coupe * None found * 0.00 0.00 VicForests Special Management VFSMP456 created after DELWP Pre-harvest VFSMP456 retained habitat buffer has been Area (VF Reserve) (Long-footed Survey found LFP within coupe. To comply marked in field Map supplied, with marking points Potoroo Retained Habitat) located with the LFP Action Statement no timber to Senior forester for boundary sign off. within gross coupe boundary. harvesting activities or new roading operations are to occur within VicForests Long-footed Potoroo Reserved Habitat Area. VF Reserve Area is a 40m buffer on an unnamed gully adjacent to the coupes 833-506-0016 North, East and West boundaries. Refer to VFSMP456 for further details. Reserve area boundary to be confirmed and marked in the field using a GPS, compass, hip chain and/or range finder. Boundary to be signed off by Senior Forester prior to harvesting commencement. No harvesting will occur within the Reserve Area. Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 13 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 1. Situation Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as VF Reserve within 500m LFP Retained Habitat 0.00 0.00 VicForests Special Management Values of VF Reserve (VFSMP456) will not be No further action required. Area (VF Reserve) (Long-footed affected by timber harvesting. No further Potoroo Retained Habitat) within action required. 500m of coupe boundary. VF Reserve within 500m LFP Retained Habitat 3.77 3.77 VicForests Special Management Values of VF Reserve (VFSMP103) will not be No further action required. Area (VF Reserve) (Long-footed affected by timber harvesting. No further Potoroo Retained Habitat) within action required. 500m of coupe boundary. VF SMA in coupe LFP Constrained Habitat 0.00 44.13 VicForests Special Management VFSMP456 created after a VicForests Pre- VFSMP456 retained habitat buffer has been Area (VF SMA) (Long-footed harvest Survey found LFP within coupe. No marked in field Map supplied, with marking points Potoroo SMP Area / Constrained restriction to harvesting LFP Constrained to Senior forester for boundary sign off. Habitat) located within gross Habitat within coupe. LFP harvesting coupe boundary. compliance calculation completed 27/09/2021 complies with the LFP Action Statement. Boundary to be signed off by Senior Forester prior to harvesting commencement. VF SMA within 500m LFP Constrained Habitat 19.59 19.59 VicForests Special Management Values of VF SMA (VFSMP103) will not be No further action required. Area (VF SMA) (Long-footed affected by timber harvesting. No further Potoroo SMP Area / Constrained action required. Habitat) within 500m of coupe boundary. VF SMA within 500m LFP Constrained Habitat 0.00 0.00 VicForests Special Management Values of VF SMA (VFSMP456) will not be No further action required. Area (VF SMA) (Long-footed affected by timber harvesting. No further Potoroo SMP Area / Constrained action required. Habitat) within 500m of coupe boundary. Walking track in coupe Walking track Not Present Not Present No action required Walking track within 500m Walking track Not Present Not Present No action required of coupe 2. Stand Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Allocation Order Stratum Mixed Species 42.46 42.46 Forest stand type confirmed in the Harvest in accordance with the Allocation Harvest in accordance with the Allocation Order field. Order to VicForests and Code of Practice for to VicForests and Code of Practice for Timber Timber Production. Production. Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 14 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 2. Stand Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Allocation Order Stratum Unallocated 1.67 1.67 Unallocated located within gross Unallocated to be excluded from timber Map supplied, with marking points to Senior coupe boundary. harvesting. Boundary to be confirmed and forester for boundary sign off. marked in the field using a GPS, compass, hip chain and/or range finder. No harvesting will occur within the unallocated area. 3. Soil and Water Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Designated Water BEMM RIVER 44.13 44.13 Coupe located within Bemm River No existing management prescriptions apply No action required Catchment within coupe water supply catchment. to this part of the water shed. Harvest in accordance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production. Designated Water Supply BEMM RIVER 295.88 295.88 Coupe adjacent Bemm River No existing management prescriptions apply No action required Catchment within 500m water supply catchment. to this part of the water shed. Harvest in accordance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production. Other water issues [n/a] [n/a] Slope Class within coupe 0-20 Degrees 44.13 44.13 44.13 ha of slope between 0-20 Harvest in accordance with the Code of Coupe has been marked to comply to VicForests degrees within coupe. Practice for Timber Production, Management Post Bushfire Timber Harvesting Instruction v3.3 Procedures and Utilisation Procedures and June 2020, section Map supplied, with VicForests Post Bushfire Timber Harvesting marking points to Senior forester for boundary Instruction v3.3. sign off. Water quality risk within Low or Moderate Water [n/a] Present A Low Water Quality Risk was A High or Very High Water Quality risk is Coupe has been marked to comply to VicForests coupe Quality Risk determined after Soil Assessments applied in bushfire affected areas. Apply buffer Post Bushfire Timber Harvesting Instruction v3.3 within this coupe. VicForests Post and filter prescriptions for sites as specified in June 2020, section Map supplied, with Bushfire Timber Harvesting VicForests Post Bushfire Timber Harvesting marking points to Senior forester for boundary Instruction v3.3 June 2020, Instruction v3.3 June 2020, section sign off. section states that all fire (Aquatic fauna HDMs (Barred Galaxias) impacted compartments must be buffers and filters will overide these classified as High or Very High prescriptions). Water Quality risk. Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 15 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 4. Biodiversity Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Barred Galaxias streams in Barred Galaxias Not Present Not Present No action required coupe or within 500m catchment in coupe or within 500m Old Growth Forest in coupe Old Growth Forest 1.86 1.86 Modelled old growth within coupe Old Growth assessment complete and no Old No further action required. boundary. Prior to harvest, an Growth present. No further action required. assessment is to be completed to determine if Old Growth is present in the field. Old Growth Forest within Old Growth Forest Present Present Modelled old growth within 500m No further action required. No further action required. 500m of coupe boundary. Other biodiversity issues [n/a] [n/a] Other threatened flora Not present Rainforest in coupe Warm Temperate RF 2.05 2.05 Warm Temperate Rainforest (EVC If Rainforest identified in the field, buffer Buffer applied to rainforest model due to fire 32) detected in overlay process. according to latest Rainforest Action severity 1 and 2 burn a 60m buffer marked in Statement, DELWP Management Standards field using GPS and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria's State forests 2014 and VF Procedures 2016. Buffer will be located and marked in the field using a GPS, compass, hip chain and/or range finder. Roading must be excluded from rainforest and rainforest buffers unless consultation and approval received from DELWP. Rainforest site in coupe * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required Rainforest site within 500m Rainforest site of Not Present Not Present No action required significance Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 16 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 4. Biodiversity Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Rainforest within 500m Warm Temperate RF 2.22 2.22 Warm Temperate Rainforest (EVC If Rainforest identified in the field, buffer Buffer applied to rainforest model due to fire 32) detected in overlay process according to latest Rainforest Action severity 1 and 2 burn a 60m buffer marked in adjacent to coupe boundary. Statement, DELWP Management Standards field using GPS and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria's State forests 2014 and VF Procedures 2016. Buffer will be located and marked in the field using a GPS, compass, hip chain and/or range finder. Roading must be excluded from rainforest and rainforest buffers unless consultation and approval received from DELWP. Reference Area within Reference area Not Present Not Present No action required 500m of coupe Spotted Tree Frog Not Present Not Present No action required catchment in coupe Spotted Tree Frog Not Present Not Present No action required catchment within 500m Spotted Tree Frog in coupe * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required Spotted Tree Frog within * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required 500m Threatened EVC in coupe * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required Threatened EVC within Riparian Scrub/Swampy 3.14 3.14 Riparian Scrub Complex / If Heathland identified in the field, protect with No Riparian Scrub Complex / Heathland detected 500m Riparian Woodland Heathland detected in overlay a 40m buffer in accordance with the DELWP in Coupe Marking Complex process. Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria's State forests 2014. Where heathland is not already classified as SPZ consult Operations Planning and Biodiversity Planner. An application must be made to DELWP prior to the commencement of harvesting operations to create a SPZ for the heathland. Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 17 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 4. Biodiversity Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Threatened EVC within Warm Temperate 0.14 0.14 Warm Temperate Rainforest (EVC If Rainforest identified in the field, buffer Buffer applied to rainforest model due to fire 500m Rainforest 32) detected in overlay process according to latest Rainforest Action severity 1 and 2 burn a 60m buffer marked in adjacent to coupe boundary. Statement, DELWP Management Standards field using GPS and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria's State forests 2014 and VF Procedures 2016. Buffer will be located and marked in the field using a GPS, compass, hip chain and/or range finder. Roading must be excluded from rainforest and rainforest buffers unless consultation and approval received from DELWP. Threatened fauna site in Potorous longipes: Long- Present Present Long-footed Potoroo site identified VFSMP456 created after LFP found within VFSMP456 retained habitat buffer has been coupe footed Potoroo within coupe. Species listed in the coupe. See VF Special Management Area and marked in field Map supplied, with marking points FFG Act with an action statement, VF Reserve Area section of the management to Senior forester for boundary sign off. EG FMP with conservation issues for protection measures. guidelines, DELWP Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria's State forests 2014 and the VicForests Procedures 2016. Threatened fauna site * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required within 500m of coupe Threatened flora site within Not present 500m of coupe Threatened Species Potorous longipes: Long- Present Present Long-footed Potoroo site identified VFSMP456 created after LFP found within VFSMP456 retained habitat buffer has been Observations in coupe footed Potoroo within coupe. Species listed in the coupe. See VF Special Management Area and marked in field Map supplied, with marking points FFG Act with an action statement, VF Reserve Area section of the management to Senior forester for boundary sign off. EG FMP with conservation issues for protection measures. guidelines, DELWP Management Standards and Procedures for timber harvesting operations in Victoria's State forests 2014 and the VicForests Procedures 2016. Threatened Species * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required Observations within 500m of coupe Threatened Species * None (issue will not be Not Present Not Present No action required Observations within 500m saved) of coupe Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 18 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 4. Biodiversity Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as VF Large Trees in Coupe None found Not Present Present Large Tree detected in overlay Protect Large Trees according to VicForests Tree outside harvest area,No further action process within coupe. Giant, Tall and Large Tree Protection required. Instruction. Procedure VF Large Trees within Not present 500m 5. Historical Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Aboriginal Cultural Watercourse 11.89 11.89 Area of Cultural Sensitivity withinConsultation with AV was undertaken during No further action required. Sensitivity Area in coupe coupe identified in the overlay the TRP approval process. No registered process. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage sites were identified. No restriction to harvesting. No further action. Aboriginal Cultural Watercourse 85.36 85.36 Area of Cultural Sensitivity within Consultation with AV was undertaken during No further action required. Sensitivity Area within 500m of coupe boundary identified the TRP approval process. No registered 500m in the overlay process. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage sites were identified. No restriction to harvesting. No further action. Heritage Inventory within None found Not Present Not Present No action required 500m Heritage Inventory within None found Not Present Not Present No action required Coupe Heritage Register within None found Not Present Not Present No action required 500m Heritage Register within None found Not Present Not Present No action required Coupe Historic areas in coupe * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required Historic areas within 500m * None found * Not Present Not Present No action required Historic sites in coupe Historic site Not Present Not Present No action required Historic sites within 500m Historic site Not Present Not Present No action required Historic tramway site in Historic tramway Not Present Not Present No action required coupe Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 19 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 5. Historical Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Historic tramways site Historic tramway Not Present Not Present No action required within 500m of coupe Other historical issues [n/a] [n/a] 6. Landscape Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Foreground issues (0- * None found * 0.00 0.00 Within any coupe in the East 20m screen to be placed on existing roads or 20m screen to be placed on Bellbird Track, Map 500m) Gippsland Forest Management tracks. Removal of timber already felled is supplied, with marking points to Senior forester Area, timber harvesting must not allowed. Felling or cutting trees or parts of for boundary sign off. fell or cut trees or parts of trees trees as necessary to create road access to within 20 metres of any existing the interior of a coupe or in order to address a road or track in or adjacent to that serious risk to human safety (including coupe, according to court order S windthrow or when otherwise advised, ordered ECI 2021 01527. or directed to by a responsible authority, including the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning or Parks Victoria). Landscape Issues in coupe * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required Middleground issues PRINCES_HIGHWAY 17.98 17.98 Overlay process has identified Manage timber harvesting operations to 20m screen to be placed on Bellbird Track, Map (500m-6.5k) Middleground middleground issues within gross ensure landscape alterations are only subtly supplied, with marking points to Senior forester coupe boundary. apparent within 2 years of the operation and for boundary sign off. shape, position and time timber harvesting and new roads to minimise their visual impact. Middleground issues SYDENHAM_INLET_ROA 0.61 0.61 Overlay process has identified Manage timber harvesting operations to 20m screen to be placed on Bellbird Track, Map (500m-6.5k) D Middleground middleground issues within gross ensure landscape alterations are only subtly supplied, with marking points to Senior forester coupe boundary. apparent within 2 years of the operation and for boundary sign off. shape, position and time timber harvesting and new roads to minimise their visual impact. Other landscape issues [n/a] [n/a] Outer issues (6.5k - 12km) COMBIENBAR_ROAD 15.39 15.39 Overlay process has identified Design timber harvesting operations so that 20m screen to be placed on Bellbird Track, Map Outer outer area issues within gross clearfell and skyline 'notches' are not apparent supplied, with marking points to Senior forester coupe boundary. from the scenic drives and designated for boundary sign off. lookouts. Scenic Drive Network in or * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required within 100m of coupe Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 20 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 4 Forester Section - Coupe Management Actions Issues identified 6. Landscape Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Sensitive Ridgelines in or 848.93 848.93 Overlay process identified Sensitive ridgeline identified in field outside of No further action required. within 500m of coupe Sensitive Ridgeline within 500m of coupe and will not be impacted by timber coupe boundary. harvesting. No further action required. Sensitive View Areas in * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required coupe Sensitive View Areas within * None found * 0.00 0.00 No action required 500m of coupe 7. Research Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Other research issues [n/a] [n/a] Permanent Growth Plot Permanent Growth Plot Not Present Not Present No action required buffer in coupe buffer 8. Weeds, Pests & Value Identified by Identified Value Description How the value will be managed Management Action Taken or Disease spatial during Prescription Applied overlay as manual check as Pests and Disease None identified [n/a] None No evidence of pest animals and No further action required. No further action required. identified diseases detected during field inventory. Weeds None identified [n/a] None No evidence of pest plants No further action required. No further action required. identified detected during field inventory. End of Forest Operations Coupe Plan Section 4 Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 21 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 5 Contractor Section - Harvesting Commencement & Completion Declarations Harvesting commencement declaration Contractor/HTL VicForests Initial Initital · I have received a copy of the Forest Coupe Plan and a copy of the Utilisation Procedures. I have discussed this Forest Coupe Plan with an Officer of VicForests and understand it. · I will ensure that this operation is conducted in accordance with the Forest Coupe Plan, the Utilisation Procedures and the · Occupational Health and Safety Act. I will ensure that all operators working on this coupe are aware of their responsibilities under this Forest Coupe Plan. · I will ensure that all operators hold a current FOLS with all appropriate endorsements prior to them commencing work on the coupe. · An identification of hazards associated with this coupe was conducted in accordance with the Industry Standard: Safety in Forestry · Operations (Harvesting and Haulage) 2007 and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. The Contractor/HTL acknowledges that it is their responsibility to identify the appropropriate controls for all identified hazards. · VicForests acknowledges that the Contractor/HTL has a hazard control plan that identifies all adddresses all identified hazards. Landing(s) location has been agreed to by VicForests and the Contractor/HTL · Location/selection of retained trees has been agreed to by VicForests and the Contractor/HTL · I have been briefed on the identification and habitat retention strategies put in place to manage Biodiversity Values identified in this · coupe as outlined in the HCV summary and retention plan Contractor / HTL Signed Date Sanctioned By VicForests Officer Signed Date The names and FOLS numbers of the crew working on this Harvest Unit are: HTL FOLS No. Log Grader FOLS No. Hammer No. Crew Member FOLS No. Crew Member FOLS No. Crew Member FOLS No. Crew Member FOLS No. Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 22 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 23 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 5 Contractor Section - Harvesting Commencement & Completion Declarations Provisional Clearance Declaration This coupe cannot be completed until a later date. This provisional clearance has been granted to the Logging Team Leader subject to the coupe being left in an approved condition. I acknowledge that if directed by VicForests, I will return to carry out any actions that result from the temporary clearance assessment. Contractor/HTL Signed Date This harvesting operation has been completed to the satisfaction of VicForests. VicForests Officer Signed Date Harvesting Re-commencement Declaration • I have received a copy of the Forest Coupe Plan and a copy of the Utilisation Procedures. • I have discussed the Forest Coupe Plan with an Office of VicForests and understand it. • A reassesment of the hazards and controls associated with the coupe was conducted in accordance with the Industry Standard: Safety in Forestry Operations (Harvesting and Haulage) 2007 and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. • I will ensure that this operation is conducted in accordance with the Forest Coupe Plan, the Utilisation Procedures and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. • I will ensure that the operators working on this coupe are aware of their responsibilities under the Forest Coupe Plan. • I will ensure that all operators hold a current FOLS with all appropriate endorsements prior to commencing work on the coupe. Contractor/HTL Signed Date Witnessed by VicForests Officer Signed Date Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 24 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
Harvest Unit 833-506-0016-A - Pub Bird FOREST OPERATIONS COUPE PLAN - SECTION 5 Contractor Section - Harvesting Commencement & Completion Declarations Final Completion and Clearance Declaration This clearance to leave the coupe has been granted to the Contractor / Logging Team Leader. I acknowledge that if directed by VicForests, I will return to carry out any actions that result from the final clearance assessment. Contractor/HTL Signed Date This coupe has been completed to the satisfaction of VicForests. VicForests Officer Signed Date * record in Cengea End of Forest Operations Coupe Plan Section 5 Forest Operations Coupe Plan: Page 25 of 25 Created 28 Sep 2021,08:38:01 AM
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