FORESYTE WINTER CLASSIC - THE 2021 National Schedule

Page created by Dustin Bradley
FORESYTE WINTER CLASSIC - THE 2021 National Schedule

                       THE 2021
                  National Schedule
                   16TH – 20TH JUNE 2021
                Durban Shongweni Club, KZN
                Entries Close: 3rd June 2021

                                           Authorized by S A Show Jumping

   Affiliated to SASJ, SAEF and FEI run under 2021 FEI Jumping Rules and SASJ 2021 Rules and

This event is organised in accordance with:
• FEI Jumping Rules and SASJ Annexures
• SAEF General Regulations
• 2021 FEI Jumping Rules
• 2021 FEI General Regulations
• 2021 FEI Veterinary Regulations
• Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Rules (EADCMR), 2nd Edition, effective 1 January 2015, updates 2016.
• FEI Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes (ADRHA), based upon 2015 WADA Code, effective 1 January 2015
• COVID -19 Regulations


The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in International Equestrian sport to adhere to
the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be
paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences.
   1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses’ welfare must take precedence over
        all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and
   2. Horses and Athletes must be fit, competent and in good health, before they are allowed to compete. This
        encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and
        the misuse of aids.
   3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas,
        ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the
   4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that
        they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper Veterinary care,
        competition injuries, euthanasia, and retirement.
   5. The FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise.
  VENUE:                        Durban Shongweni Club
  Venue Address:                Corner Kassier and Cliffdale Roads, Assagay
  EVENT DIRECTOR:               Grant Langley
  Contact Details               0828592160
  SHOW SECRETARY:               Jocelyn Constant
  Contact Details:              0828756083
  STABLE MANAGER:               Jocelyn Constant
  Contact Details:              0828756083

                                 SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

 PANEL                               FUNCTION                 FEI/SASJ #           OFFICIAL
 GROUND JURY Arena A                 President Ground Jury    10053578/3*          Sandra Cox
                                     Ground Jury Member       10094988/3*          Theresa Greyling
                                     Ground Jury Member       10153895/1*          Tinneke Leutenegger
                                     Ground Jury Member       10102787/2*          Roche Ras
 SASJ REP/TECH DELEGATE              SASJ Rep/Tech Delegate   10094988/3*          Theresa Greyling
 COURSE DESIGNER ARENA A             Course Designer          10013326/3*          Kevin Spratley
 ASISTANT COURSE DESIGNER            Course Designer          10038518/1*          Colin Ferreira
 Arena B GROUND JURY                 Ground Jury Member       10102782/2*          Barbara Lovell
                                     Ground Jury Member       SASJ59064            Sharron Rivaland
 COURSE DESIGNER ARENA B             Course Designer          10096326/3*          Kate Launder
 CHIEF STEWARD                       Chief Steward            10094085/3*          Judith Bowyer
 ASSISTANT CHIEF STEWARDS            Assistant Steward        10141160/2*          Judith Mac Leod
                                     Assistant Steward        10141163/2*          Jacobus Steyn
                                     Assistant Steward        10102784/3*          Charlotte Houston
                                     Assistant Steward                             Rene Ford
                                     Assistant Steward        10052866/2*          Regina Hobbs
 TAG Electronic Timing Arena A       TAG Timekeeper                                Nicky Paddock
 RIDERS REP                          Riders Rep                                    Lara Neill
 MARSHALL                            Marshall Arena A                              Hannah Angelo
 MARSHALL                            Marshall Arena B                              Candy Grandemange
 TREATING VETERINARIAN               Vet on Call              10079489             Dr Carla Langley
 PARAMEDIC SERVICES                  Paramedics                                    Medics for Life
 ANNOUNCER                           Announcer Arena A                             Aidan Lithgow
 ANNOUNCER                           Announcer Arena B                             Nigel Hawley
 FARRIER                             Farrier                                       Manfred Paulson

 CLOSING DATE:                   3rd June 2021 or when entries are full

                               Entries need to be done directly on the SASJ Online System and payment done via Pay
                               NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
                               Entries accepted on the online system – should the show be oversubscribed the SASJ
                               Online ranking system will be implemented with Rankings per province.
Bought and Sold Entries will be allowed as long as the correct documentation is submitted within the correct time
frames and the original rider has signed the form.
There will be no buying and selling of entries 14th June 2021. Forms received thereafter will not be accepted.

REFUNDS:               No Refunds will be given after closing date of entries. Entries withdrawn before close of date
                       will be refunded less Pay fast fees. However due to inclement weather conditions or other
                       unforeseen circumstances, should it necessitate cancelling the show, 80% of the entry fee will
                       be refunded.
Bank Details:          Unpaid entries will be automatically deleted and will not be restored should arenas be full

                                 SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

COMPOSITE ENTRY FEES:            Class 100 (Foresyte FEI World Cup Classes)       R1650
                                 (Classes 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3)
                                 MCP Fees                                         CHF25
                                 Class 200 (Open National Classes)                R1500
                                 (Classes 2.1, to 4.3)
                                 Class 300 (Arena Familiarisation 90 second)      R250
                                 (Class 4.4)

                                 Class 400 (1.20m Classes)                        R1800
                                 (1.20m x 4 classes)
                                 Class 500 (1.10m Classes)                        R1800
                                 (1.10m x 4 classes)
                                 Class 600 (1.00m Classes)                        R1800
                                 (1.00m x 4 classes)
                                 Class 700 (90cm Classes)                         R1800
                                 (.90m x 4 classes)

                                 SASJ Open Levy (1.30m – 1.50m)                   R 65.00
                                 EDS Levy                                         R 5.13
                                 Medical & COVID Levy                             R 25.00
                                 Officials Levy                                   R 74.00
                                 Equipment & Ground Levy                          R 65.00
                                 Course Builder Levy                              R 17.00

LEVIES INCLUDED IN ENTRIES:      SASJ Adult Other Classes Levy                    R 45.00
                                 EDS Levy                                         R 5.13
                                 Medical & COVID Levy                             R 25.00
                                 Officials Levy                                   R 74.00
                                 Equipment & Ground Levy                          R 65.00
                                 Course Builder Levy                              R 17.00

ACCOUNT DETAILS:                 Acc Name: Foresyte Shows
                                 Bank:         FNB
                                 Branch:       223726 – Hillcrest
                                 Acc No:       62308434860

TEMP. MEMBERSHIP: Durban Shongweni Club = R 330 Adult

RESTRICTIONS:           200 rounds per day
                        A horse may only compete in 1 class per day (National) and 2 classes per day (Provincial) with a
                        maximum of 4 classes at the event.
                        Should your entry be deleted for non-payment, the entry will not be restored based on when it
                        was initially done but will be based on when it was paid for thus if the arenas are full it will be
                        added to the waiting list. Should the show be oversubscribed – PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO
                        ADULT RIDERS over riders entered with a dual category membership

NOMINATIONS:            Declarations for the 1st class close at 12 noon on the Wednesday 16th June 2021
                        Riders who fail to make this declaration in time will automatically be entered in the same class
                        as indicated on the SASJ Entry system.

                        Declarations will close 30 min after the end of the last open class on each day.

                                SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

Riders who fail to make this declaration in time will automatically be entered in the same
                    class as indicated on the SASJ entry system for the 1st class and the height they rode in the
                    previous class.

STARTING FEES:      CHF 25 MCP fees for the 1.50m WCQ class

QUALIFICATIONS:     WCQ class must have completed a round in either class 1.1 or 1.2 and be in secure stables
                    from the start of the show.

PRIZEMONEY:         A minimum of 60% net of entry fees less levies and VAT for CSN classes plus sponsorship and
                    40% less levies and VAT Provincial classes plus sponsorship per class. This excludes sponsorship
                    money that will be independently allocated by the OC. All CSN Jumping classes will be subject
                    to a 15% deduction from prizemoney to be paid into the SASJ Riders Fund.

SUBSTITUTIONS:      A substitution is a change of EITHER a horse or rider.
                    All substitutions must be given to the show holder on the correct forms, signed by all the correct
                    parties, a minimum of 30 minutes before the start of the relevant class. For National classes a
                    substitution may only take place ONCE, before the horse inspection. Should there be NO horse
                    inspection, a substitution may only take place ONCE, by midday on the day before the National
                    classes start, thereafter, and NO substitutions will be permitted. All substitutions must be given
                    to the Show Holder on the correct forms, signed by all the correct parties.

DRESS:              Jackets Only and Masks to be worn at all times except when riding in the warm-up/main arena

STABLING:           R1200 Duration (Normal Stables)
                    R 1400 Duration (FEI Secure Stables)
                    ALL COMPETITORS needing stabling MUST COMPLETE the Stable booking form and submit the
                    booking prior to arriving at the show.
                    Initial Bedding will be provided, additional bedding will be available to purchase at R30 per bag.
                    The allocation of stabling accommodation is carried out by the Show Director and under no
                    circumstances may any competitor change his/her stabling accommodation or alter the stabling
                    list without prior consultation with, and approval of, the Show director.
                    Failure to comply could involve disqualification of the horse concerned.
                    Stables will be allocated to out of Province rider first, on a first come first paid basis.
                    Competitors wishing to be stabled with others should indicate this on their stable booking form,
                    however, please bear in mind that if the person you are wanting to be stabled with has booked
                    early and you have booked late or vice versa this allocation may not be possible as stables are
                    allocated strictly on a first booked and paid for basis.
                    The grooms are encouraged to hand walk horses.

ACCESS:             Only Competitors and support staff. No spectators are allowed. Access times per class in
                    alignment with the COVID-19 regulations will be published with the final timetable
                    All horseboxes and floats must be parked in the allocated area provided.


ACCESS:             All horseboxes and floats must be parked in the allocated area provided.
                             SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

ACCREDITATION:                   N/A

PASSPORTS:                       All horses must be in possession of their FEI Passports or Group IX Passports at all shows.
                                 Inspections, sampling, and random passport checks, may take place at any event.


 1     African Horse Sickness (AHS)

 African Horse Sickness is a controlled disease in South Africa; therefore, any suspicion of a clinical case of AHS anywhere in the country must be reported to
 the local State Veterinarian immediately.

 Symptoms of AHS include high temperature, rapid breathing, coughing followed by a frothy fluid from the nostrils and death within a few hours. In less
 acute cases, swelling of the neck and head particularly above the eyes and redness of the mucous membranes.

 1          African Horse Sickness Zones

 The Republic of South Africa has been divided into four zones, namely:
 1            AHS Free Zone
 2            AHS Surveillance Zone
 3            AHS Protection Zone
 4            AHS Infected Zone.
 All Equines in South Africa except in the AHS Free and Surveillance Zones are required to be vaccinated against AHS annually, with an effective remedy
 registered in section 1, of Act 101 of 1965.
 Equines residing in the AHS Free and AHS Surveillance Zones require permission from the State Directorate for vaccination against AHS.
 All equines residing in the AHS Protection and Infected Zones must be vaccinated annually against AHS.
 In the AHS Free, Surveillance and Protection Zone vaccination is only allowed between 1st June and 31st October of each year.
 Whilst it is not a requirement that horses in the AHS Infected Zone be vaccinated between 1st June and 31st October it has been strongly recommended.
 Therefore, the SAEF AHS Vaccination Requirements are as follows:
 1            All Equines competing in SAEF events are required to have an annual AHS vaccine with a vaccine registered under Act 101 of 1965. The vaccine
 consists of AHS 1 and AHS 2. The vaccine has to be administered by a registered Veterinarian, registered with the South African Veterinary Council with a
 minimum period of 21 days between the two vaccines.
 2            The Vaccine and batch number must be written in the appropriate vaccination page and signed and stamped by the Veterinarian administering
 the vaccine.
 3            Horses residing in the AHS Free, Surveillance and Protection Zones may only be vaccinated between 1st June and 31st of October each year.
 4            Horses that reside in the AHS Free and Surveillance Zones and participate in events in these Zones only are exempt from the necessity of annual
 AHS vaccination. However, if they wish to compete in the AHS Protection or AHS Infected Zones, they must be vaccinated.
 5            AHS vaccinations that are given with an interval of less than the minimum 21 days are null and void for both vaccinations and horses that have
 received such vaccinations will be deemed not to have been vaccinated.
 No horse may compete for 7 days following any vaccination.

 Equine Influenza (EI)
 1. All Horses participating in SAEF Events must be vaccinated against Equine Influenza
 2. An initial Primary Course of two vaccinations must be given; the second vaccination must be administered within 21-92 days of the first vaccination.

 In completing the primary course of the vaccinations, the vaccine must be the same manufacturer for example you initially vaccinate with Proteq the
 second must be the same.

 3. The First Booster must be given within 7 calendar months following the date of administration of the second vaccination of the primary Course.

 All horses that were certified as correctly receiving the Primary Course prior to 1 January 2005 (under previous regulations), are not required to fulfill the
 requirement for the First Booster, providing there has been no lapse in their vaccination regime.

 4. Booster Vaccinations

 a) The minimum booster frequency is every 12 months.

 b) However, for Horses competing, the last Booster must have been given within 6 months +21 days (and not within 7 days) before arrival at the Event.

                                             SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

Equine Influenza Vaccination Requirements

 Vaccination          Protocol                                             Eligibility to Enter Venue

                                                                           Horses that have only received the first vaccination of the primary course
                      I.         1st Vaccination: day 0 (e.g.,1 March
                      2014).                                               are not allowed to compete or enter the FEI stables.
 Primary Course
                      II.        2nd Vaccination: day 21-92 (e.g.,1         Horses that have received the primary course can compete provided that
                      April 2014).                                         the vaccine has not been given within 7 days of arriving at an event venue

                                                                           Horses must have been vaccinated to comply with the requirements for
                                                                           the Primary Course

                                                                            Horses that received their primary course before 2005 are exempt from
                                                                           the first booster requirement within 7 months. Subsequent boosters are to
                      Within 7 months of the 2nd vaccination of the        be given at intervals of no later than 1 calendar year after the primary
 First Booster
                      Primary Course (e.g., 1 October 2014).               course.

                                                                           Horses can compete for up to 6 months +21 days after the 2nd vaccination
                                                                           of the Primary Course, however they cannot compete if they have been
                                                                           vaccinated within 7 days of arriving at an event venue. (e.g., may enter
                                                                           venue after 8 October 2014).

                                                                            Horses must have been vaccinated to comply with the requirements for
                      III.       MINIMUM: within one year of               the Primary Course, First Booster and all subsequent boosters.
 Subsequent           previous booster vaccination.
 Boosters                                                                   Horses must have been vaccinated within 6 months +21 days of arriving at
                      COMPETING: must usually be in the 6 months
                                                                           the Event however they cannot compete if they have been vaccinated
                      +21 days of previous booster vaccination.
                                                                           within 7 days of arriving at an event venue.

 In Respect of Omission of a Mandatory Requirement                       R250
 In Respect of Inoculations against Equine Influenza                     R250
 More than the allowed days out of date                                 Cancellation of Entries

                                   HORSE INSPECTION: Wednesday 16th June 2021
                        Competitors will be fined should there be any omissions or errors in the horse’s passport.
 MCP testing as per SAEF Regulations will be done by the appointed Testing Vet.
 Laboratory: National Horse Racing Authority, Turffontein Racecourse, Turf Club Street.
As per General Regulations. All protests and Objections must be done in writing within the required timelines and in
receipt of a R750 deposit.
CSI Events: The Rand Equivalent of CHF150
FEI Tribunal: The Rand Equivalent of CHF500

                                       SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

Rules, Regulations, Terms and Conditions applicable to all FEI, National & Provincial Classes
1.    Competition Classes – All classes will be run under the applicable FEI Rule – unless otherwise stated a deviation to the SASJ
2.    It is the Athletes/Owners responsibility to ensure that they comply with the control measures of African Horse Sickness and
      Equine Flu. Batch Numbers and dates of the last two vaccinations against Equine Influenza and AHS must be stated in the
      passport and signed and stamped by a registered veterinarian.
3.    Vaccinations and Micro Chip Numbers must correspond with the information loaded on the SASJ Online System
4.    Protests lodged must adhere to the General Regulations and SASJ Rules.
5.    Registration of Horse/Pony and Rider with their Club, SASJ and SAEF must be in order on the SASJ Database.
6.    All Athletes and Owners should be aware of the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances list of banned Substances and Controlled
      Medication as well South African Drug Free Sport and WADA Regulations and prohibited substances – All available on the
      various websites.
7.    SASJ TAG Heuer Timing Equipment – CP540 is required for all National and FEI Events and is the responsibility of the OC to
      organize, collect and return the equipment.
8.    Athletes are to ensure that any sponsored Saddlecloths or Athlete Wear they compete in during the event – that the Sponsors
      are registered with SASJ for the current year.
      Athletes are also to ensure their logos comply with the FEI Sizes for Advertising – Article 256
9.    Athletes are to ensure they are registered with a club, SASJ and SAEF.
10.   PARADES - Except in circumstances where special dispensation has been obtained from the Show Director, competitors must
      take part in any parade or display or Prize giving. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of any Prize money,
      Grading/Qualification Points and/or Trophies.
11.   The organising committee in consultation with the SASJ Representative reserves the right to combine, handicap, divide or
      cancel classes should this be necessary, always provided such amendments are not in conflict with the rules. Where necessary,
      classes may be restricted to qualifications. 80% of entry fees will be refunded should the classes be cancelled due to inclement
      weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.
12.   The FEI, SASJ, SAEF, Foresyte Shows, Durban Shongweni Club and any sponsors, the Organising Committee any and/or Officials
      shall in no way be held responsible for any damage, loss, theft or injury sustained by owners, riders, competitors, members or
      the public or any other person or their property whatsoever.
13.   The OC, Venue, FEI, SAEF, SASJ, any officials, representatives, the Organising Committee or sponsors, shall in no way be held
      responsible for any loss, damage, theft or injury sustained by horses, riders, appointed officials, the public or their property at
      the show, caused by, or resulting from this show. E&OE
14.   Changes to Classes: The organising committee reserves the right to cancel, combine, limit, or divide classes or change arenas.
      Lower grade/provincial entries may be restricted, or classes cancelled, depending on number of entries. Recommended rounds
      per day will be in consultation with the President of the Ground Jury and SASJ Rep. WE AIM TO HAVE A LIMIT OF 200 ENTRIES
      PER DAY PER Arena
      Any classes that are combined will be on a handicap basis. Changes made at/during the show will be at the SHB’s discretion in
      consultation with the Ground Jury. This also applies to adverse weather conditions. Entry Fees will not be refunded to any
      competitor in the event of any competition being changed to a different time, day or different arena.
15.   The onus is on the competitor to check the programme when it is published on the website, and to ensure that their email
      address is updated with the SASJ office and to check the SASJ website/newsflashes for any changes to the schedule/programme.
      Any changes made to the programme once the final programme is published will be published on the SASJ website or sent out via newsflash.
16.   SAEF (Previously SAEA) General Regulations apply – FEI General Regulations are applicable at FEI Events. FEI Veterinary
      Regulations will apply for all SASJ and FEI Events for Show Jumping in South Africa.
17.   All stallions should have a yellow disc on both sides of the bridle or have a yellow ribbon in the tail.
18.   NO DOGS ALLOWED - Failure to comply will incur a R1000 Spot fine.
19.   Right of admission for any retailers/stall is reserved. Bookings must be made before the show.

                                   SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

20.      Deduction from prize money: a DEDUCTION OF 15% will be made from all Open/CSN prize money awarded at this event. This
         amount will be paid to SASJ to be credited to the Showjumping Fund.
21.      The starting order will be drawn according to FEI General Regulations.
22.      Riders are requested to provide sleeping accommodation for their grooms as there are no facilities for this purpose. Please
         note that the lighting of fires or smoking in the stable areas is strictly forbidden. Kindly inform your grooms. Ablutions are
         available in the stable area for grooms. There are electricity outlets at the stable area.
23.      Water is precious – please be aware of water wastage and help us to conserve water where possible.
24.      No person OR company may conduct, promote, hand out, receive items OR payment that may constitute doing any form of
         business during the show. Right of admission for any retailers/stalls is reserved. Bookings must be made before the show.
25.      No Temporary electronic paddocks may be erected. Lunge arenas or arenas other than those demarcated for the use of the
         show is strictly prohibited and will be under penalty of disqualification. The use of any area sign posted as not demarcated for
         this show is also strictly prohibited. No Temporary stables are allowed to be erected on the show grounds. FAILURE TO COMPLY
         WILL INCUR A R1000 FINE.
26.      PRIZE GIVING CEREMONIES: Only the top 3 prize winners will enter the arena for the prize giving.
27.      All competitors entered are obliged to compete in all competitions for which they have qualified unless they have special
        dispensation from the show director. Such dispensation will normally only be given where a Veterinary or medical certificate
        is submitted.
28.     All COVID-19 regulations must be adhered to and failure to do so will result in disqualification from the show. Masks are.
        compulsory and absolutely no spectators are allowed only the rider’s support staff may come through, no invited guests or
        photographers, please make use of the show photographers.

              CSI-W Classes
              Composite Class No 100 (3 Classes)    R1650
 1.1          1.45m A2 Competition                  FEI Art 238.2.1                                              375mpm
 1.2          1.50m Competition in 2 Phases         FEI Art 274.2.5                                              375mpm
 1.3          FEI World Cup Qualifier               FEI Art, 273.4.3,                        375mpm

             List of CSN National Jumping Classes
               Composite Class No 200               R1500
               (3 classes)
       2.1     A 1.40 A2 Competition                FEI   Art   238.2.1                                          350mpm
       2.2     A1.40 Competition in 2 Phases        FEI   Art   274.2                                            350mpm
       2.3     A1.40 Championship                   FEI   Art, 273.4.3,                    350mpm
       3.1     A1.35 A2 Competition                 FEI   Art   238.2.1                                          350mpm
       3.2     A1.35 Competition in 2 Phases        FEI   Art   274.2                                            350mpm
       3.3     A1.35 Championship                   FEI   Art   238.2.2                                          350mpm
       4.1     A130 A2 Competition                  FEI   Art   238.2.1                                          350mpm
       4.2     A1.30 Competition in 2 Phases        FEI   Art   274.2                                            350mpm
       4.3a    A1.30 Open Championship              FEI Art 238.2.2                                              350mpm
       4.3b    A1.30 Amateur Championship           FEI Art 238.2.2                                              350mpm
               (Open to riders who have not
               competed above 1.30m in last 1
               Composite Class No 300
               (1 class)
       4.4     A1.30m - 90second Warm Up            1.30m
               Class (Recreational) – Entry Fee

                                      SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

List of Provincial Jumping Classes
The National Show ground jury members in conjunction with Provincial arena judges will preside on matters arising in
                                         the provincial classes’ arenas.
                                            ADULT GRADED CLASSES

 Class   Description                              Height                       Rule                  Speed
         Composite Class 400 (4 Classes)
         Adult 1.20m Classes
 5.1     A1.20m A2 Competition                    1.20m                        FEI   Art   238.2.1   350mpm
 5.2     A1.20m 2 Phase Competition               1.20m                        FEI   Art   274.2     350mpm
 5.3     A1.20m Accumulator                       1.20m                        FEI   Art   269.5     350mpm
 5.4     A1.20m Championship                      1.20m                        FEI   Art   238.2.2   350mpm
         Composite Class 500 (4 Classes)
         Adult 1.10m Classes
 6.1     A1.10m A2 Competition                    1.10m                        FEI   Art   238.2.1   350mpm
 6.2     A1.10m 2 Phase Competition               1.10m                        FEI   Art   274.2     350mpm
 6.3     A1.10m Accumulator                       1.10m                        FEI   Art   269.5     350mpm
 6.4     A1.10m Championship                      1.10m                        FEI   Art   238.2.2   350mpm
         Composite Class 600 (4 Classes)
         Adult 1.00m Classes
 7.1     A1.00m A2 Competition                    1.00m                        FEI   Art   238.2.1   325mpm
 7.2     A1.00m 2 Phase Competition               1.00m                        FEI   Art   274.2     325mpm
 7.3     A1.00m Accumulator                       1.00m                        FEI   Art   269.5     325mpm
 7.4     A1.00m Championship                      1.00m                        FEI   Art   238.2.2   325mpm
         Composite Class 700 (4 Classes)
         Adult 90cm Classes
 8.1     A90cm A2 Competition                     90cm                         FEI   Art   238.2.1   300mpm
 8.2     A90cm 2 Phase Competition                90cm                         FEI   Art   274.2     300mpm
 8.3     A90cm Accumulator                        90cm                         FEI   Art   269.5     300mpm
 8.4     A90cm Championship                       90cm                         FEI   Art   238.2.2   300mpm

    ❖ Designated horse box and vehicle parking areas must be strictly adhered to.
    ❖ No Dogs
    ❖ Approved Cloth Masks are to be worn at all times over both nose and mouth, unless whilst
      mounted in the practice or competition arena.
    ❖ Covid Protocols for access will be sent to all entries closer to the event.

                                      PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE
            Class times and show protocols will be published after closing date of entries
                                   SASJ Admin – OFFICE USE ONLY National Schedule Approval

                 PGJ             1/6/2021                    SASJ Rep      2/6/2021
                 SASJ Tech       2/6/2021                    SASJ Off      2/6/2021
                 SASJ Ath        2/6/2021                    SASJ Oth      2/6/2021

                              SOUTH AFRICA SHOW JUMPING SCHEDULE – 2021

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