Page created by April Stevens
EVOLUTION PB whitepaper

Volume 3-2019

French fries cover almost 63% of the total market for frozen potatoes in terms
of both volume and value, including both oven (28%) and classic French fries
(35%). This does not include diverse specialties, which can be quite similar in
the eyes of the consumer, such as wedges.
             Remains Driven by
         Expanding Fast Food Chains
         The global frozen potato market reached just over USD15.71bn in
         2017 in North America, Europe and the BRIC countries.
                                            ccording to data from    Alternatively, according to analyst Jonathan

                                            research firm Food       Thomas, global sales of French fries and
                                            for Thought, the total   chips are worth more than USD20bn at
                                            global market grew, in   present, with the market growing by
                                            terms of volume, by      around 4% per annum. Much of this growth
                                            an annual 0.9% and is    is coming from less well-developed
                                            forecasted to            economies in regions such as Asia and
                       accelerate to an annual 2% up to 2020.        Africa, where diets are becoming
                       Out of this segment, which has grown          increasingly Westernized and the fast food
                       more diverse in the last few years,           industry is expanding at a rapid rate.
                       French fries emerge as the dominant           In countries such as the UK, greater
                       sub-category.                                 demand for street foods – especially among
                       Within frozen French Fries, oven French       younger age groups such as Millennials –
                       fries have started to become an               has been put forward as a reason for static
                       important product, now taking up around       growth within the UK market for fish and
                       28% of the total frozen potato market,        chips (or French fries). The other main
                       with classic French fries grabbing 35%.       challenge facing the sector is the ongoing
                       The landscape for this classic frozen         pressure from the health lobby, since
                       product, French fries, is changing            French fries have often been linked to poor
                       gradually. Manufacturers, aiming to           diets and rising obesity rates.
                       reduce cooking time and to offer              Manufacturers have therefore been forced
                       products that can be part of a healthy        to innovate and experiment, although this
                       diet, are focusing on developing frozen       has not always been successful. It seems
                       French fries in a format which can allow      likely that companies will continue to seek
                       them to be either cooked in hot oil or to     out ways to reformulate their products via
                       be prepared quickly in the oven. Over         the lowering of fat and caloric levels, as well
                       the next 5 years, almost 80% of these         as addressing more specific health trends
                       frozen French fries will become multi-        such as the growing popularity of gluten-
                       purpose, enabling either way of cooking       free foods. Although health remains a major
                       with the same product. Oven cooking is        driver of NPD, manufacturers of chips and
                       considered as a healthy version of            French fries are still developing new flavors
                       preparing French fries and is also a more     and shapes as consumers tastes become
                       economical way to enjoy a tasty meal.         more complex.

              whitepaper 2

     kg is the annual per
     capita consumption
     of French Fries in
     the UK/U.S.

                               French fries cover almost
                             63% of the total market for
                             frozen potatoes in terms of
                                  both volume and value,
                               including oven (28%) and
                               classic French fries (35%).

              whitepaper 3

BRITS AND AMERICANS                            market. With annual per capita
              CONSUME THE MOST                               consumption at 0.2 kg and 0.3 kg
              The market is split in the extreme             respectively the potential is clearly huge,
              between high per capita consumption            even if these figures are pulled down by
              countries (11 kgs annually) and very low       huge populations. Both these countries
              or non-existent consumption (0.2 kgs           are among the biggest producers of the
              annually). In the higher consumption           fresh potatoes at a global level. Pushed by
              countries, the future lies in product          rising income levels and increasing
              diversification towards higher value           urbanization, 2012-2017 annual percent
              options. Conversely, in the lower              volume growth reached a promising 4.7%
              consumption countries with sometimes           to 5.1%. Note that in the U.S. the
              huge potential, intense marketing of           apparently severe drop in total market
              lower-priced products is no doubt the          volume arises from a modest drop of less
              way to go. There are relatively few            than 1% annually in the market.
              countries in-between.                          Southern European countries Greece,
              Top consumers in terms of kilograms per        Italy, Spain and Portugal fall back to 2.7-
              capita are Ireland, U.S. and UK, with          3.6 kg per capita leaving some room to
              quantities reaching 10-11 kg annually per      develop. Some 12 countries, including
              capita. The gastronomical profile of these     most Eastern European countries,
              countries strongly supports high               register less than 3 kg per capita
              consumption of frozen potato and               consumption growth, leaving clear
              especially of French fries. France is one of   opportunities to develop markets. The
              the champions of Western Europe in             overall 2017-2020 annual forecast
              terms of consumption with around 8.8           continues the positive trend of the
              kg/capita at year level, followed closely by   previous period at a real annual 3.3% by
              the Netherlands and Switzerland. At the        value. With few exceptions, most
              other end of the scale, China and India are    countries have a positive outlook.
              steadily growing in the frozen potato          While consumption is high in the region,
                                                             North America’s position as one of the
                                                             world’s leading suppliers of French fries
                                                             and other frozen potato products has
                                                             been steadily eroded, notes analyst
                                                             Jonathan Thomas. The continent’s share of
                                                             global exports has dropped from 62% at
                                                             the turn of the millennium to around 38%
                                                             in 2017. North American producers have
                                                             lost share to European and Chinese rivals
                                                             in recent years, with many preferring to
                                                             focus upon modernization of their facilities
                                                             to cope with rising domestic demand.
                                                             Nevertheless, North America continues to
                                                             boast a consumption amounting to more
                                                             than USD5m tons per annum. In the U.S.,

                                                             frozen French fries account for 55% of
                                                             total domestic potato utilization, ahead of
                                                             chips shoestrings (21%), dehydrated
                                                             potatoes (17%) and other frozen potato
Exports of processed and preserved                           products (4%). Per capita consumption of
potatoes were worth USD2.2bn and                             French fries in the U.S. remains high,
USD2bn in the Netherlands and Belgium                        currently estimated at around 13kg. Much
in 2017 respectively.                                        of this is due to strong demand from the

PB   whitepaper 4
Europe’s more northernly countries such
                                                                   as the UK, Germany and the Belenux
                                                                   nations are amongst the leading
                                                                   consumers of French fries. In 2018, UK
                                                                   sales of frozen chips (French fries) were
                                                                   worth USD575m, or 63% of the total
                                                                   market for frozen potato products. The
                                                                   enduring popularity of meals such as fish
                                                                   and chips means that sales are also very
                                                                   high via foodservice channels.
                                                                   Expenditure via fish and chips shops is
                                                                   worth around USD1.49bn per year, with
                                                                   382m portion served. It is estimated that
                                                                   80% of UK consumers visit a fish and
                                                                   chips shop at least once in a typical year.
                                                                   According to data from USDA, Chinese
                                                                   production of frozen French fries is set to
                                                                   increase from 250,000 tons to 290,000
                                                                   tons in 2018/2019, equivalent to growth

                      U.S. foodservice industry – for example,     of 15%. Rising demand at the consumer
                      7% of the country potato crop is used to     level has led many Chinese companies to
                      produce French fries for McDonalds.          invest increasing capacity, although fresh
                      According to data from the National          varieties account for a sizable 60% of all
  USD is the                                                       potatoes eaten in the country. At
  estimated           Center of Health Statistics, 37% of U.S.
                      adults consume fast food on any given        present, sales of frozen French fries are
  global                                                           experiencing strong growth via retail
                      day, which equates to a daily consumer
  market              base of around 85m people. At 45%, this      channels, such as supermarkets and
  value for           figure is highest for those aged 20-39,      convenience stores.
  French Fries        with males slightly more likely to consume
  and chips.          fast food than their female counterparts.    CONSUMPTION IS DRIVEN
                      Elsewhere, exports of processed and          BY CONVENIENCE
                      preserved potatoes were worth                Past development of frozen potato has
                      USD2.2bn and USD2bn from the                 focused on potato origin, the freezing
                      Netherlands and Belgium in 2017              process and packaging. Now of high interest
                      respectively. The Belenux countries          to manufacturers are developing new frozen
                      remain two of the world’s leading            potato types which require less cooking time
                      suppliers of frozen potato products,         and are easy-to-cook in the oven.
                      although exports are from other European     Regarding French fries, trying to establish
                      nations such as Spain, Austria and Spain     a specific trend for them is quite tricky, as
                      are also growing. The hot summer             this product category has been a stable
                      weather caused shortages in EU potato        product for years.
                      output during 2018, with crop losses of      Factors impacting the future development
                      up to 20% experienced for the overall        of the product include:
                      region. It has been suggested that exports   •Strong urbanization at a global level.
                      of French fries from the EU countries        •The fast-growing fast food sector.
                      could also be adversely affected by the      •New and fast-developing retail
                      decision taken by Colombia towards the        channels such as gas stations and other
                      end of 2018 to impose tariffs as an anti-     small shops catering to “emergency”
                      dumping measure, joining the likes of         shopping. Dedicated freezers with
                      Brazil and South Africa, which has voiced     packs of frozen fries or wedges have
                      similar concerns.                             been making their appearance.

              whitepaper 5

         44% of consumers in the UK claim that                        which present a more “hodemade”
         portion sizes at fish and chips shops are                    appearance. Neither is their appeal
         usually too large.                                           confined to visual aesthetics – McCain’s
                                                                      UK range, for example, includes Skin-On
                       •A tendency of big retailers to place          Rustic Chips, which are promoted as
                         frozen potato in the frozen food area to     having 3% fat content. Late in 2018, KFC
                         exploit the large traffic they create, not   announced plans for thicker, skin-on type
                         to mention the high margins they often       of French fry for its UK outlets to present
                         obtain with this appealing product.          a more natural and rustic appearance.
                       These multiple influences are pushing          Manufacturers also appear keen to
                       frozen potato producers to develop and         experiment with seasoned products, using
                       multiply their assortments and                 various herbs (e.g. rosemary and garlic), as
                       continuously review differing sales channel    well as salt and pepper and varieties based
                       opportunities. Joining this trend, farmers     on certain cuisines (e.g. Cajun). McCain
                       and major potato growers are paying much       UK’s range, for example, includes Season
                       more attention to the potato types best        & Savor Triple Cooked Chips, which also
                       suited to the frozen potato industry.          allow consumers to add the seasoning
                                                                      themselves during the cooking process, as
                       FRENCH FRIES GET                               well as Shake Shake Fries. These chilled
                       A “HEALTHY” MAKEOVER                           products are available in Smoked Paprika
                       One product trend which has been               and Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper,
                       evident within both retail and foodservice     while the range has recently been
                       markets has been the emergence of              extended with Shake Shake Sweet Potato
                       French fries and chips described as rustic,    Fries, which have a Sea Salt and Three

              whitepaper 6

                      Pepper flavor. In the Australian market, its   to a large extent in this sector, having
                      Shake Shake Fries are available in Salt &      trialed Bacon & Cheese Basket of Fries in
                      Vinegar, Cheese & Onion and Chicken. In        2017. The company is believed to be
     USD is the       the U.S., Simplot’s range includes             about to introduce cheesy bacon fries in
     sales value      Rosemary Julienne and Cracked Pepper           the U.S. market, which are described as
                      flavored fries.                                French fries topped with cheddar cheese
     of frozen        Staying in the U.S., Lamb Weston has           sauce and smoked bacon pieces.
     chips in         been experimenting with new process            Early in 2019, Taco Bell announced it was
     the UK.          technologies aimed at providing                bringing back its Nacho Fries, one year
                      consumers with crispier fries. While the       on from their debut as a limited edition.
                      company’s basic French fries will remain       According to the company, these met
                      crunchy for about five minutes, the firm       with instant success when launched,
                      has recently unveiled a new variety with       having feature in more than 53m orders
                      a special batter than can keep them            during their limited time on the market.
                      crispy for close to an hour. The new           During this period around 25% of food
                      method was developed at the company’s          orders at Taco Bell outlets including
                      Richland laboratory.                           Nacho Fries. They feature a spicy
                      Another trend evident within the               seasoning and are served with a side
                      foodservice industry has been the              portion of nacho cheese.
                      emergence of chips and French fries            As mentioned above, health concerns are
                      featuring some form of topping – these         also driving new developments in this
                      are often referred to as “loaded” fries.       meal category. The global market for
                      Although bacon/or cheese appear to be          French fries and chips remains under
                      the most popular, other toppings include       pressure from various health concerns
                      sour cream, chilli con carne, pulled pork,     which are shaping people’s diets across
                      etc. McDonalds has been leading the way        much of the world. These products still

              whitepaper 7

                       tend to be associated with poor diets,         health and food waste. According to
                       although operators in both the retail and      research carried out recently by these two
                       foodservice industries continue to develop     organizations covering more than 600
         of U.S.       varieties carrying some form of health         establishments, 44% of consumers in the
                       claims. These have met with varying levels     UK claim that portion sizes at fish and
                       of success – for example, Burger King          chips shops are usually too big.
         consume       launched Satisfries in the U.S. during         Furthermore, a third would be interested
         fast food     2013, which had a lower calorie count          in being offered the option of a smaller
         on any        than regular fries and were also positioned    portion, while 21% admit to throwing
         given day,    as lower in fat.                               away leftover because the portion sizes
         which         However, these were discounted a year          are somewhat excessive.
         equates to    later, despite company claims that around      With this in mind, McCain UK announced
         a daily       100m of its customers have tried them.         the forthcoming launch of Lighter Home
         consumer      Many manufacturers have been                   Chips during February 2019. These
                       reformulating to take account of these         contain 30% less fat than their standard
         base of
                       health concerns. Examples have included        counterparts, having been in
         around        removing hydrogenated oils and artificial      development over the last three years.
         85m           additives, as well as cooking products in      The same company supplies Healthy
         people.       healthier oils and making conscious efforts    Choice Chips (which are marketed as
                       to lower calories and levels of saturated      97% fat-free) in the Australian market.
                       fats. It should also be noted that the         Manufacturers have also been
                       nutritional qualities of French fries vary     developing French fries made from
                       according to type – for example – skin-on      sweet potatoes in regions such as Europe
                       products of the type mentioned previously      and the U.S., examples of which include
                       are generally regarded as healthier, whilst    McCain, Lamb Weston, Ore-Ida and
                       larger products (e.g. Steak Fries) have a      Nomad Foods (via the Aunt Bessie’s
                       smaller surface area to volume ratio and       range). Sweet potatoes are generally
                       therefore absorb less fat.                     viewed as the healthier alternative to
                       In the UK, the fish and chips industry has     regular white potatoes, since they
                       recommended adopting a selection of            contain fewer calories and have higher
                       standard portion sizes to address the wide     fiber content.
                       variances which often exist across the
                       country, in the light of concerns over diet,   ROOM TO GROW STILL EXISTS
                                                                      Overall, French fries should continue
                                                                      their significant market growth in coming
                                                                      years. In well-established markets, the
                                                                      trend will be bent towards product
                                                                      diversification and development of new
                                                                      sales channels. In little-developed
                                                                      markets with large populations, which
                                                                      include China, India, Mexico, Poland and
                                                                      Russia, the potential for market

                                                                      development is more than considerable.
                                                                      Factors contributing to this positive
                                                                      outlook include on-going urbanization,
                                                                      multiplying fast-food outlets, the trend
         The global market for French fries remains                   towards snacking and even the more
         under pressure from various health                           positive nutritionist outlook.
         concerns which are shaping people’s diets                         This article is based on information data from Food for
         across much of the world.                                                          Thought and analyst Jonathan Thomas.

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