From Retail to Pre-Tail & E-Tail: Evolution of E-Commerce in India - ACS Publisher

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From Retail to Pre-Tail & E-Tail: Evolution of E-Commerce in India

Stuti Gupta *                                                                 highlight the potential e-Commerce holds and the role it can play
                              ABSTRACT                                        in context of emerging Indian consumers and economy.
Today online retail represents a small fraction of the e-Commerce space       Pre-Tail
but it is one of the fastest growing segments in India; only in 2012 online   Pre-tail is a sub-category of e-commerce and online retail. It
shopping e-Commerce site number has crossed 600 from 100. India is            is meant for introducing new products by first selling online,
at the verge of a big digital revolution. Declining prices of broadband
                                                                              sometimes in limited quantity, before the release, realization, or
subscription, aided by the launch of 3G services and the likely launch of
4G services is expected to significantly add up to the country’s internet     commercial availability. Pre-tail includes pre-sale commerce,
user base. Because of India’s rising internet population, the trend of on-    pre-order retailers, incubation marketplaces, and crowd funding
line shopping is set to see greater heights in coming years. Furthermore,     communities. Retailers today are increasingly pre-tailing to test,
the Indian consumer’s perception of online shopping has undergone a           scale, and monetize consumer demand in the initial phase of the
drastic change, and only for the good. In this paper, we discuss Pre-tail-    new commerce pipeline. Consumers engaging in pre-tail activi-
ing: the need of the hour. Also the factors which are driving online retail   ties are commonly referred to as pre-launch consumer.
consumption in India. We also talk about the popular trends in the online
retail industry and analyze other factors contributing to the growth of       Pre-tailing owes its velocity to the ability to merge with supply
e-Commerce in India.                                                          and demand trends. Pre-tailing is a first step, but it’s not a guaran-
                                                                              tee of success. Not all pre-tailers will become e-tailers just like not
                                                                              all e-tailers will become retailers.
E-Commerce, E-Tail, Online Retail, Online Shopping, Pre-Tail
                                                                              A company comes up with a product concept and puts together
                                                                              a low-cost web-based presentation to pitch the idea directly to
                        1. INTRODUCTION
                                                                              potential micro-investors and/or customers. The pitch is pub-
The macro outlook for India’s e-Commerce sector couldn’t be                   lished online, typically on a crowd funding site and promot-
more attractive: declining prices of broadband subscription,                  ed via social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
launch of 3G services, the likely launch of 4G services, favorable            These products and services typically exist only as ideas or
demographics with two-thirds of the population younger than 35                prototypes. The proposition is that the product will only make
years, coupled with increased urbanization and the third largest              it into customers’ hands if the developer reaches a defined
population of internet users globally.                                        threshold of support. The developer has the luxury of refining
Against this backdrop, we think Indian e-Commerce is at an in-                a product based on real customer feedback before deciding
flection point and has the potential to quadruple from about USD              whether or not to ramp up production. It reduces waste and
10bn in 2013 to USD 43bn over the next five years, largely driven             encourages innovation giving smaller players a shot at the
by online retail and increasing internet penetration.                         marketplace and ensuring a built-in community of customers
                                                                              who will support entrepreneurs from the start.
Online retail, while today representing a small fraction of the
e-Commerce space is one of the fastest growing segments. The
essence of e-retailing is in its ability to transcend physical bound-             2. TOP CATEGORIES DRIVING ONLINE RETAIL
aries and reach customers in a manner different from the tradition-
al brick-and-mortar stores, to their very doorstep.
The major evolution in the e-Commerce industry can be attribut-
ed to lifestyle transformation of Indian consumers, spreading out
of online niche and accessibility of modern technology. The ease
and convenience that online shopping offer is probably the major
reason behind the flourishing e-Commerce industry in India.
Online shoppers in India are almost at par with their global peers
in their shopping habits despite online shopping being a recent
phenomenon in India. This is owing to the growing popularity of
technologies such as social media, smartphones and tablets.
In this article, we seek to provide an insight into India’s e-Com-
merce market. The article focuses on the various sub-segments of
the e-Commerce market and focuses on factors driving growth
across these segments. This article is an attempt to evaluate and

* Assistant Professor; Amity School of Insurance, Banking and Actuarial Science, Amity University, Noida

Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media                           ISSN 2320 - 6470                                     December, 2015 / Page - 68
                                                                                      ACCESS THE INTERNET
In any country where e-tailing has achieved reasonable success,
consumers have shown signs of evolution on two dimensions                Access to the internet requires internet-supporting devices, which
which has enabled e-tailing market’s growth- access to internet          can be broadly classified into PCs/laptops, mobile phones (smart-
and internet usage beyond browsing. In India, consumers are dis-         phones), and tablets. The penetration of these devices is rapidly
playing positive traction on both of these. Despite 4x+ growth in        increasing. In India, desktop-based internet access has largely been
internet users over the past five years, Internet penetration in India   bypassed with the preferred mode of accessing internet now being
is less than half of China’s rate. Indian internet user projection       mobiles. Currently, ~85% of internet connections in India are wire-
(mn) is ~0.5bn users by 2018F, recording an 18% CAGR over                less resulting in ~61% of users accessing through their mobiles.
2013-18F, more than double the pace of China. First, the internet        Internet through mobile is rapidly becoming a part of more and
is rapidly becoming a part of more and more Indian lives across          more Indian lives across the spectrum of “online” activities.
the spectrum of “online” activities. Second, India’s internet users
are rapidly graduating to complex and interactive internet usage,
from merely accessing e-mails and casual browsing in the past.
Over time, they are becoming more transactional online; this is
only expected to grow.

                                                                                                 Source: FICCI-KPMG
                                                                         Mobile share of transaction is increasing across categories and
                                                                         improving their mobile interface remains a big area of investment
                        Source: FICCI-KPMG                               for most companies.

Demographics in India with ~2/3rd of the population being below
35 years of age and changing consumer lifestyles seeking conve-
nience, more variety, a better price and greater flexibility, make
the internet businesses attractive. The second factor likely to drive
internet businesses in India is increasing urbanization driving as-
pirations higher and infrastructural challenges leading to an un-
derdeveloped organized retail market with low access to brands.          Note: OTA – Online Travel Agency
                                                                                       Source: Company, Industry data, Newsreports
India is predominantly young with a median age ~26 years. This
will continue to be the case for the next ten years, projected me-
dian age of 29 years in 2020. By 2020, 40% of India would have            IV. PROLIFERATION OF TECHNOLOGIES ENABLING
been born after the launch of internet and mobile phones in the                         INTERNET ACCESS
country. Thus, for a sizeable mass of Indians, access to internet        Smartphones have revolutionized the way people access inter-
and the use of mobile phones will be a norm to which they won’t          net and communicate. India’s mobile internetusers are shifting to
have to make transition to, unlike previous generations. For these       more complex activities like travel booking, job hunting, shop-
young consumers, spending time on internet will be as normal as          ping, event booking, matrimonial website and more. They have
watching television is for today’s consumers. This key pillar is         higher penetration due to easy and cheap availability. Consum-
thus quickly falling into place to facilitate the growth of India’s      ers are swapping their feature phones for smartphones, which
e-tailing sector.                                                        are much faster and provide a better user experience. 57% of the
India’s internet users’ age profile is lower than its BRIC counter-      smartphones sold in India are below Rs. 10,000, making them af-
parts, with 75% of internet users in India being below 35 years          fordable for a large number of people.
of age.

                          Source: Comscore                                                       Source: IAMAI-IMRB

Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media                      ISSN 2320 - 6470                                     December, 2015 / Page - 69
India being the second largest mobile phone market in the world,        VII.     CONVENIENCE, SPEED AND 24-HOUR AC-
is poised to record a manifold increase in the penetration of high       CESSIBILITY IN PURCHASING PRODUCTS IS BEING
speed internet, primarily driven by the rollout of 3G and 4G wire-                   VALUED INCREASINGLY
less technology. 3G services are a key driver of internet access
through mobile phones, providing high data speeds for down-             VIII.  BUSY LIFESTYLES, URBAN TRAFFIC CON-
loads, content streaming, making video calls, etc.                       GESTION AND LACK OF TIME FOR OFFLINE SHOP-

                                                                          CHARACTERISTICS OF INDIA’S E-COMMERCE IN-
                                                                        India’s e-Commerce industry is ~USD 10bn in terms of revenue
                                                                        size and has been growing at 30%+ growth rates in INR terms over
                                                                        the past four years. E-tailing is a subset of e-commerce, which en-
                                                                        capsulates all “commerce” conducted via internet. It refers to that
                                                                        part of e-commerce which entails the sale of product merchandise
                                                                        and does not include sale of services viz. railway tickets, airlines
                                                                        tickets, job portals, etc. For India’s e-Commerce industry, ~70% of
                        Source: FICCI-KPMG                              the revenues come from travel e-Commerce, with e-tailing being
                                                                        the second largest component at 16% of revenues at ~USD 2bn in
V. INCREASING URBANIZATION TO DRIVE INTERNET                            2013. This is an opportunity which remains fairly attractive and is
                  ADOPTION                                              all set to grow 4x by 2018F to USD 43bn, driven significantly by
                                                                        the e-tailing business which we believe will grow 11x during the
Today urban consumers look for convenience in all modes of liv-         same timeframe to become the largest component of the industry.
ing, including shopping. Each day is increasingly packed with an
ever greater range of activities such as 66% of the urban Indian’s
time is taken up by sleep, time spent at work, and commuting
to work, resulting in just a third of their time for other activities
like socializing, household chores, spending time with children,
health, leisure and entertainment and shopping. These consumers
are therefore seeking alternatives that can free up more time in
their crunched schedules but at the same time offer them more va-
riety and better quality. This trend is accentuated by the increasing
participation of women in the workforce. Most of these consum-                                  Source: IAMAI-IMRB
ers also spend significant time at work and home with access to         India’s Digital e-Commerce market has been growing at a strong
both the internet and internet-enabled devices. Thus, there is an       pace, recording ~34% CAGR over 2009-13.
enhanced growth in the adoption of internet and mobile banking,
                                                                         Segment      2009     2010     2011     2012    2013     CAGR
online travel bookings, etc.                                                                                                      (2009-
By 2020, 35% of Indians will reside in urban India, compared to                                                                   13)
the current 31%. The scale and quality of urban living will result
                                                                         Travel In- 150        204      266      345     449      32%
in a compelling case for the growth of e-tailing. 75% + of India’s       dustry
internet users are located in urban locations and increase in ur-
banization will be a positive trigger for the expansion of internet      Non Trav- 43          58       86       128     181      43%
adoption in India.                                                       el Industry
                                                                         E-tailing    16       24       38       65      100      59%
                                                                         Financial 15          18       23       29      36       24%
                                                                         Classi- 8             11       17       24      31       41%
                     Source: CIA World Factbook
                                                                         Other On- 4           5        8        11      14       34%
                                                                         line ser-
  VI. GLOBAL AND LOCAL E-COMMERCE PARTICI-                               vices
 INDIAN CONSUMERS A RANGE OF PRODUCTS (AP-                               Total        192      263      351      473     630      34%
   PAREL, BABY PRODUCTS, ELECTRONICS, ETC.)                                                     Source: IAMAI-IMRB

Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media                     ISSN 2320 - 6470                                   December, 2015 / Page - 70
3. KEY E-COMMERCE SEGMENTS AND PLAYERS                              than global averages which entails significant marketing costs to
         WITHIN EACH OF THE SEGMENTS:                                  entice customers to the web.
  Category         Sub-category                  Players               II. Low data speeds
 Travel        OTA (Online travel Makemytrip, Goibibo,                 The data speeds in India remain among the lowest globally and
               agents)            Cleartrip, Yatra, IRCTC              act as a constraint to high engagement in online buying. Internet
                                  (rail bookings)                      penetration in India is still a small fraction of what you would
                                                                       find in several western countries. On top of that, the quality of
               Full Service              Flipkart, Snapdeal,
                                                                       connectivity is poor in several regions. But both of these problems
                                         Amazon, eBay,
                                                                       are fast disappearing.
               Niche retailers           Homeshop18 Myntra
                    - Fashion            (acquired by Flipkart),       III. Well-funded players in each category causing intense
                    - Child care         Jabong, Yepme,                competition
                    - Health             Zovi, Zivame, Yebhi,          The increase in investors’ interest in India’s e-Commerce sector is
                    - Furniture          Fashionandyou                 a positive trend. The trend is manifested by:
                    - Jewellery          Babyoye, Firstcry,
                                                                       1.   Increased funding activity by private equity (PE) players/
                                         Hopscotch Healthkart,
                                                                            venture capitalists (VC) in India
                                         Lenskart, Healthadda,
                                         Healthgenie                   2.   An increase in the number of deals in the internet space
                                         Pepperfry, Fabfurnish,        This, however, has a negative consequence in terms of every cat-
                                         Urbanladder, Zansaar          egory having many well funded players and that is leading to in-
                                         Caratlane, Bluestone          tense competition to grab traffic/transaction share, thus pushing
               Horizontal                OLX, Quikr, Justdial          profitability out for players.
               Vertical                  Naukri, Timesjob,                         Top 10 PE/VC investments in E-Commerce space:
                     - Jobs              Shine, Linkedin                Company               Investors             Amount          Date
                     - Matrimony         Bharatmatrimony,                                                          (USD mn)
                     - Real Estate       Shaadi, Jeevansathi
                         * advertising    99acres, Magicbricks,         Flipkart      Tiger Global, Iconiq 210                     May-14
 Classified                                                                           Capital, DST Global,
               led                       Commonfloor, Housing
                         * transaction   Proptiger, Indiaproperty,                    others
               led                       Indiahomes                     Flipkart      Tiger Global, Accel India, 200               Jul-13
                     - Auto              Carwale, Cardekho,                           Iconiq Capital, others
                     - Food              Gaadi
                                         Zomato, Burrp, Yelp            Flipkart      Morgan Stanley, Tiger 160                    Oct-13
                                                                                      Global, Dragoneer In-
               Online food               Foodpanda,                                   vestment Group, Vulcan
               Online entertainment      Deliverychef,                                Capital, others
 Others        Online grocery            Butlerbhai, Tastykhana
                                         Bookmyshow                     Snapdeal. Kalaari Capital, Intel 134                       Feb-14
                                         Localbaniya, Bigbasket         com       Capital, Nexus Ventures,
                                                                                  Bessemer, Saama Capi-
               Payment services          Ccavenue, Payzippy,                      tal, others
               Logistic services         Payu, Direcpay
               Digital advertising       Bluedart, Gati or own          Snapdeal. Temasek,         PremjInvest, 100                May-14
 Enablers                                                               com       others
                                         logistics etc.
                                         InMobi, Pubmatic,              Myntra        Kalaari Capital, Tiger 50                    Feb-14
                                         Komli                                        Global, IDG Ventures (I),
                                                                                      Accel India, PremjiIn-
4. KEY CHALLENGES FACED BY E-COMMERCE SECTOR:                                         vest, others
I. Enticing buyers to internet is an expensive affair                   J a b o n g . CDC Group                    28              Jan-14
One of the biggest challenges currently facing India’s internet         com
companies is the high costs of attracting users to the online retail    UrbanLad- SAIF, Kalaari Capital, 21                        Jul-14
platform through high marketing spends and consistent promo-     Steadview
tional schemes.
                                                                        Cardekho      Sequoia Capital India        15              Nov-13
Marketing currently remains the single biggest expense for
e-Commerce companies after the product itself. Both the reach           FirstCry      SAIF, IDG Ventures In- 15                    Jan-14
and engagement of users on the online retail platform is lower                        dia, Vertex

Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media                    ISSN 2320 - 6470                                   December, 2015 / Page - 71
RECENT ACQUISITIONS:                                 ward quite rapidly. Industry statistics talk of a 55-60 per cent year-
                                                                       on-year growth, and moving from a USD 2.1 billion to a USD 3.2
                                                                       billion market in 2014.
                                                                       Over the last two decades, rising internet and mobile phone pen-
                                                                       etration has changed the way we communicate and do business.
                                                                       E-commerce is relatively a novel concept. It is, at present, heavily
                                                                       leaning on the internet and mobile phone revolution to fundamen-
                                                                       tally alter the way businesses reach their customers. It is also the
                                                                       most challenging in fulfilling its fundamental proposition of tran-
IV. Cash on delivery remains high, which creates issues
                                                                       scending physical boundaries to deliver a variety of products to
Given the hesitation of Indian consumers to use credit/debit cards     the customer’s doorstep.
online, pervasiveness of cash in offline retail, low penetration of
                                                                       Online shopping offers fast, easy, money saving and interesting
credit/debit cards and convenience, cash on delivery (COD) is a
                                                                       shopping experience, it has many advantages like 24 hours shop-
predominant payment method for most Indian e-Commerce com-
                                                                       ping, shopping with coupon to get discount, shopping from home,
panies. But on one hand COD helps entice customers to the web
                                                                       rich product availability, specifications etc.
with a payment method they are more comfortable with, on the
other hand it creates issues for e-Commerce companies:                 The customer has embraced digital economy in a big way to dis-
                                                                       cover, engage and transact.
•   Negative working capital implications as it could take up to
    two weeks to realize the cash.                                     While the future is mobile and the present already on wheels, pot-
                                                                       holes remain. These include enticing buyers which is expensive,
•   Issues of handling cash such as pilferage and increased costs.
                                                                       high data prices and low data speeds, intense competition caused
•   In some states or locations, logistics companies do not enter-     by well-funded players, the complexities of the cash-on-delivery
    tain cash on delivery requests or there are regulatory issues      model and the English-centric internet which restricts reach.
    related to COD.
                                                                       The future competitors and winners in the e-retailing space will be
•   Returns are typically higher in COD vs. electronic payment.        the ones who use both bricks and clicks and not bricks or clicks
V. India’s internet is English centric which restricts participa-      alone.
tion for Hindi/regional language consumers
English-speaking population has been the biggest driver of inter-                               6. REFERENCES
net adoption in India but there remains a limitation in taking the     1.   Rebirth of e-Commerce in India, 2012, Ernst & Young
internet countrywide with requirement for more local language          2.
content.                                                                    merce
VI. Logistics issues are a big challenge for Indian e-Commerce
In India, logistics and courier services require lots of improve-      5.   Evolution of e-Commerce in India: Creating the bricks be-
ment. While, perfect and strong logistics service is one of the key         hind the clicks, ASSOCHAM, PwC, August 2014
reasons behind the success of any online company, India is lagging     6.   Retail 2014: The anytime anywhere universe, Retailers Asso-
far behind in this sector as most of the town and small villages are        ciation of India, PwC, June 2014
still not covered under serviceable area of many of the courier and    7.   E-tailing in India: Unlocking the Potential, Technopak
logistic companies. E-Commerce is hampered in a big way owing          8.
to the limited services offered by the courier service companies;           on%20E-com%20-%20Business%20India.pdf
with just 20% of India’s pin codes being currently serviced by
them and only 5% of codes have cash-on-delivery options.

                       5. CONCLUSION
Internet has become an integral part of growing population seg-
ment for remaining connected with friends, accessing emails,
buying movie tickets and ordering food. The changing lifestyles
of the country’s urban population have also led many people re-
lying on the internet for their shopping needs. The convenience
of shopping from the comfort of one’s home and having a wide
product assortment to choose from has brought about increased
reliance on the online medium.
First we had organized big-box retail, then catalogue shopping,
then TV shopping, Internet and then mobile shopping. In India,
this entire journey is compressed into 15 years, and especially
e-Commerce has been compressed in nine years. It is moving for-

Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media                    ISSN 2320 - 6470                                    December, 2015 / Page - 72
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