Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020-2021 Update Report

Page created by Erin Quinn
Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020-2021 Update Report
Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020-2021 Update

                                                                  December 2020

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

Table of contents

Introduction and context                                          1

Summary of Progress on Flagships                                  4

Summary of Progress on Seeds                                      6

Section 2: Detailed Summary of Progress on Flagships              9

Section 3: Detailed Summary of Progress on Seeds                  20

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report


The two year implementation plan covers the final period of the Galway City LECP 2015-2021. The LECP is organised around five high level goals, to:

1.      Develop and promote Galway as a world-class, creative city region.

2.      Develop and promote Galway as an innovative city.

3.      Ensure Galway City is an equal and inclusive city.

4.      Encourage a sustainable, resilient urban environment for Galway City that is the regional capital of the West.

5.      Promote the health and wellbeing of all people in Galway City.

This plan builds on the January 2017 workshop hosted by Galway City Council to enable the various stakeholders involved to reflect on the work that had
been undertaken in implementing the plan and to chart out future directions for the plan. This workshop identified the importance of prioritising a smaller
number of actions within the LECP. It emphasised the value of collaborative multi-agency cross sectoral initiatives and of actions that provide added value
in terms of new actions, new approaches to implementing actions, new working relationships involved in actions, new models for specific actions, and new
tools for implementing actions.

Implementation Plan 2020-2021

The following tables are summaries on the progress on the actions as contained in the Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020-2021 as reported by the
lead partners and reviewed by the LECP steering Group. The LECP Implementation plan contains Flagship Initiatives and SEED initiatives.

Flagship initiatives are those actions that are:

•       substantive in their potential to advance outcomes of importance in a changing context;

•       collaborative in nature, being multi-agency and/or multi-sectoral; and

•      offering added value, involving any of: new actions, new approaches to implementing actions, new working relationships involved in actions, new
models for specific actions, and/or new tools for implementing actions.

Seed Initiatives

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

Ten Seed initiatives were identified through the planning process for this implementation plan. Seed initiatives are those actions that are:

•       small in scale but offer significant potential for future action of greater scale;

•       looking to create the conditions for new possibilities and priorities to be pursued; and

•       opening up new agendas of importance for Galway City.

This report has been prepared to provide SPC members and LCDC members an overview of the progress that has been achieved across the implementation
plan. This is not a full record of all the information received on project/actions to date. The summary tables give a high level overview on the progress and
more detail is contain in the second set of tables from page 9 onwards.

The LECP steering group will meet again in Q1 of 2021 to review the progress reported by lead partners.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

Summary of Progress on Flagships
 Flagship   Flagship Title                     Lead Partner     Milestone(s)                                                                                            Status
 1          Develop and implement a            Galway    City   Commitment agreed with Partners, made in GCC Arts Plan and implemented                                  In progress
            programme of cultural actions,     Council          Targeted collaborative practice identified and pursued as part of the legacy infrastructure of Galway   In progress
            based on collaborative practice                     2020
            targeted  on     disadvantaged                      Talent, skills and knowledge development initiatives in place and taken up from within these            In progress
            communities                                         communities
                                                                Socially engaged artists involved in process for and outputs of this initiative                         In progress

 Flagship   Flagship Title                     Lead Partner     Milestones                                                                                              Status
 2          Establish and report on the        Galway           Working group meeting and considering implications, feeding back to national level as required.         In progress
            implications and potential of      Chamber  of      Report on actions required and engagement with these by public and private sector bodies.               In progress
            national policy proposals on       Commerce
            future of work for Galway city
            with a view to taking actions.

 Flagship   Flagship Title                     Lead Partner     Milestones                                                                                              Status
 3          Implement a programme of           Insight NUIG     Local digital strategy in place.                                                                        In progress
            Smart City initiatives.                             Networks of organisations collaborating to prioritise, implement, monitor, and promote Smart City       Not started

 Flagship   Flagship Title                     Lead Partner     Milestones                                                                                              Status
 4          Convene a collaborative forum      Galway City      Regular meetings of the collaborative forum.                                                            In progress
            to support implementation of the   Partnership      Number and range of public bodies with a published assessment of equality and human rights issues       In progress
            public sector equality and human                    relevant to their functions.
            rights duty.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title                   Lead Partner          Milestones                                                                                               Status
 5          Develop and strengthen the       Galway         City   Agreed definition of social enterprise being worked to by all relevant agencies.                         In progress
            support infrastructure for       Council               Specific enhancements to the business and financial support infrastructure available to social           In progress
            social economy enterprise.                             enterprise.
                                                                   Social enterprises engaged in process for and outputs of this initiative.                                In progress

 Flagship   Flagship Title                               Lead Partner              Milestones                                                                               Status
 6          Develop and monitor implementation of        Access      for     All   A Forum established, convened and resourced to develop, agree, and monitor rolling       Progress
            a rolling action plan for the city that      supported by Galway       action plans relating to different elements of the UN CRPD.                              Hindered
            achieves the relevant standards set in the   City Partnership (GCP)    A number of rolling action plans under implementation.                                   In progress
            UN CRPD.

 Flagship   Flagship Title                   Lead Partner          Milestones                                                                                               Status
 7          Develop,        promote  and     Galway         City   Expert forum in place and meeting on a regular basis to plan and track progress towards a sustainable,   Progress
            monitor a rolling plan of        Council               resilient Galway.                                                                                        Hindered
            action for a sustainable and                           A rolling action plan for a sustainable, resilient Galway in place and promoted.                         In progress
            resilient city.                                        A positive branding scheme in place for companies and organisations taking steps to reduce their         Complete
                                                                   greenhouse gas emissions.

 Flagship   Flagship Title                   Lead             Milestones                                                                                                    Status
 No.                                         Partner
 8          Implement an action plan on      Galway City      Regional Homeless Forum reconvened and meeting on a regular basis.                                            In progress
            homelessness and housing         Council          A local action plan on homelessness and housing insecurity agreed and under implementation.                   In progress
            insecurity in the City.

 Flagship   Flagship Title                   Lead             Milestones                                                                                                    Status
 No.                                         Partner
 9          Strengthen implementation        Healthy          Progress made on implementation of the Healthy Galway Strategy actions.                                       In progress
            of the Healthy Galway City       Galway           Effective links made between the Healthy Galway City Strategy and other local strategies of relevance.        In progress

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

Summary of Progress on Seeds
 Seed      Seed Title                   Lead Partner   Milestone(s)                                                                            Status
 1         Establish, resource, and Galway        Funding secured and support person employed, located in agreed partner organisation.         In progress
           locate a position to enable Chamber of
           access to EU and national Commerce
           funding opportunities.

 Seed      Seed Title                   Lead Partner   Milestone(s)                                                                            Status
 2         Convene a task force on the GCP             Task force meeting and reporting on a regular basis.                                    In progress
           needs of groups distanced
           from the labour market.                     Task force proposals integrated into relevant public agency plans.                      In progress

 Seed      Seed Title                   Lead Partner   Milestone(s)                                                                            Status
 3         Map the strategies and GRETB                Map of the current situation and needs prepared.                                        In progress
           initiatives in place to enhance
           educational transitions for                 Outcomes of the mapping processes integrated into relevant public agency and education Not started
           disadvantaged groups and                    provider plans.
           establish the further actions

 Seed      Seed Title                   Lead Partner   Milestone(s)                                                                            Status
 4         Reconvene the Galway City GCP               Traveller Inter-agency Group meeting on a regular basis, progressing and keeping under In progress
           Traveller Inter-agency Group.               review an agreed strategy and action plan.
                                                       New initiatives in place to implement National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy Not started
                                                       Agreed guidance being implemented on public service provision to the Traveller Not started

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Seed      Seed Title                     Lead Partner   Milestone(s)                                                                                 Status
 5         Convene a LGBTI+ inter- LCDC Social New initiatives in place to implement National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy locally.       In progress
           agency group.           Inclusion
                                   Sub-        Teach Solais LGBTI+ Resource Centre funded on a sustainable basis to serve as a hub for Not started
                                   committee   the development of supports and services to the LGBTI+ community.

 Seed      Seed Title                     Lead Partner    Milestone(s)                                                                                Status
 6         Develop and implement a GCP                    Strategy developed and agreed in a participative manner.                                    In progress
           Galway Intercultural Strategy
                                                          Funding and structures secured for implementation.                                          Not started

                                                          Migrant Integration Forum for the City established.                                         In progress

                                                          New initiatives in place to implement The Migrant Inclusion Strategy locally.               In progress

 Seed      Seed Title                   Lead Partner     Milestone(s)                                                                                 Status
 7         Develop a shared vision for Portershed        Working group convened and collaborative process devised and implemented.                    In progress
           Galway City and its future                    Vision for Galway City to shape future planning agreed.                                      In progress
           to    inform    consistent
           messaging and future                          Communication messages and materials developed.                                              In progress
           planning.                                     LCDC values of dignity, autonomy, participation, inclusion, social justice and environmental Not started
                                                         justice engaged by this vision for Galway City.

 Seed      Seed Title                 Lead          Milestone(s)                                                                                      Status
 Number                               Partner
 8         Promote          sustainable GCC         Initiatives for sustainable transport in place, ranging from cycling paths, walkways, park and In progress
           transport solutions and                  ride facilities, and local community solutions to traffic congestion.
           initiatives to enable these.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Seed      Seed Title                 Lead         Milestone(s)                                                                                   Status
 Number                               Partner
 9         Advance capacity and       LCDC Social Proofing tools developed and being applied to test proposed policies, plans and programmes In progress
           commitment to drive        Inclusion   for their capacity to advance the SDGs.
           implementation of the UN   Sub-
           Sustainable Development    committee Agreed metrics deployed to track implementation of the SDGs in Galway City.                  In progress
                                                   Collaborative fora established to enable cross-sectoral dialogue on implementing the SDGs and In progress
                                                   to engage peer support for their implementation.

 Seed      Seed Title                 Lead         Milestone(s)                                                                                   Status
 Number                               Partner
 10        Implement the Galway LCDC Social Bio-diversity officer for the city recruited.                                                         In progress
           City Biodiversity Plan. Inclusion
                                   Sub-      Forum of relevant organisations and expert individuals convened on a regular basis.                  Not started

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

Section 2: Detailed Summary of Progress on Flagships

 Flagship   Flagship Title      Lead Partner     Milestone(s)                  Status        Progress details                                                      Comments
 1          Develop       and   Galway    City   Commitment agreed with        In progress   Extensive consultation carried out as part of preparation of          GCC Arts Plan
            implement       a   Council          Partners, made in GCC                       GCC Arts Strategy 2020-2025 and collaborative approaches              scheduled to be
            programme      of                    Arts Plan and implemented                   agreed                                                                adopted in first
            cultural actions,                                                                                                                                      Quarter of 2021
            based          on                    Targeted     collaborative    In progress   Creative Ireland Development worker appointed by Galway               Funding        for
            collaborative                        practice identified and                     City Council Oct 2020. Within the Creative Ireland Strategy in        Galway        City
            practice targeted                    pursued as part of the                      Galway 2018-2022, there are five key actions that the Creative        Creative Ireland
            on disadvantaged                     legacy infrastructure of                    Ireland Development Worker will support. These are to;                programme       in
            communities                          Galway 2020                                 • Develop a Charter of Cultural Rights to address issues of           place for 2021
                                                                                             exclusion through disability, financial means, geographic
                                                                                             remoteness or other sources of disadvantage.
                                                                                             • Develop creative/innovative spaces and hubs for individuals,
                                                                                             companies and start-up businesses involved in the creative
                                                                                             economy sector using a multi-disciplinary approach.
                                                                                             • Develop policies that guarantee access to free and plural
                                                                                             information, as well as measures to guarantee that information
                                                                                             is harnessed to promote citizens’ rights to participate in cultural
                                                                                             • Implement a system that ensures the relationship and outcome
                                                                                             between grassroots cultural processes and social innovation is
                                                                                             analysed regularly.
                                                                                             • Develop initiatives to increase employment in the Creative
                                                 Talent,      skills    and    In progress   Broad range of projects being undertaken through following            Full details on
                                                 knowledge development                       programmes                                                            individual
                                                 initiatives in place and                        -    Bealtanie                                                    schemes available
                                                 taken up from within these                      -    Culture Night
                                                                                                 -    Galway City Creative Ireland Strategy
                                                 communities                                     -    Galway City Cultural Strategy
                                                                                                 -    Galway City Arts programming
                                                                                                 -    Galway City Arts Acts grants
                                                                                                  -   Galway 2020 Small Towns, Big ideas programme
                                                 Socially engaged artists      In progress   Artists involved in consultation process for GCC Arts Strategy.
                                                 involved in process for and                 Artists involved in project delivery under programmes listed
                                                 outputs of this initiative                  above

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title                  Lead         Milestones           Status        Progress details                                                       Comments
 No.                                        Partner
 2          Establish and report on the     Galway       Working      group   In progress   In response to the Pandemic Galway Chamber set up
            implications and potential of   Chamber of   meeting        and                 Our Business Recovery Forum (BRF) The role of the
            national policy proposals on    Commerce     considering                        BRF was to identify the challenges posed to various
            future of work for Galway                    implications,                      industries by the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Galway
            city with a view to taking                   feeding back to                    Region and help shape the Chamber’s policy responses
            actions.                                     national level as                  and lobbying efforts towards the July Stimulus Package
                                                         required.                          and subsequently in our Budget Submission 2021.
                                                                                            Following on from our BRF, Galway Chamber
                                                                                            partnered with Medtronic to organise a Business
                                                                                            Community Response Webinar series. These calls
                                                                                            invited all Business owners and managers of the City
                                                                                            Centre to discuss the introduction of restrictive and
                                                                                            social distancing measures and how these restrictions
                                                                                            might impact their business. Medtronic’s covid
                                                                                            community response team, designed and shared with
                                                                                            Galway Chamber’s network a best practice guide for
                                                                                            employers and employees to live with and reduce the
                                                                                            spread of the Coronavirus.
                                                         Report on actions    In progress   Galway Chamber have engaged with all the Flagship 2
                                                         required      and                  partners to compile and co-ordinate all of our individual
                                                         engagement with                    work and activities. A virtual meeting of all partners was
                                                         these by public                    scheduled for November 5th 2020.
                                                         and private sector                 Initiatives with the potential to drive the economic
                                                         bodies.                            potential of the city and create employment in the region
                                                                                            such as:
                                                                                                -    Providing a letter of support for the Galway City Council’s
                                                                                                     application for the Urban Regeneration and Development
                                                                                                     Fund, with funds specifically designed to improve public
                                                                                                     spaces, pedestrianization of the old Clifden Railway
                                                                                                     bridge, further progression of the primary and secondary
                                                                                                     cycle network in the city, promoting a modal shift to
                                                                                                     sustainable travel.
                                                                                                -    Providing a letter of support for Galway City Council’s
                                                                                                     application for the Urban Regeneration and Development
                                                                                                     Fund, with funds specifically designed for the creation of
                                                                                                     an “Innovation and Creativity District” in partnership with
                                                                                                     NUIG. This project will drive and safeguard employment
                                                                                                     in its construction and through the finished product and
                                                                                                     will solidify Galway’s reputation as a hub for tech start-

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

                                                                  -   Providing support to our subsidiary Galway Technology
                                                                      Centre in their strategy to create three new dynamic
                                                                      enterprise roles and a new four floor extension wing to
                                                                      GTC called Academy West. Galway Chamber owns a 70%
                                                                      share in GTC with partners WestBIC owning the
                                                                      remaining 30%. Galway Chamber and GTC regularly
                                                                      partner on events and promoting various regional drivers
                                                                      in the West. As a social enterprise, GTC has supported
                                                                      more than 300 companies, facilitating over 3000 jobs, and
                                                                      drawing €1.3bn GVA for the region. Earlier this year GTC
                                                                      received €4M government funding for Academy West.
                                                                      Academy West will incorporate a 2,122 square metre
                                                                      extension and will create the environment for dynamic
                                                                      growth in the tech sector, for the benefit of the entire
                                                                      region. The renovation will create over 500 jobs and result
                                                                      in a €62million annual boost to the west of Ireland over the
                                                                      next five years. More info on Academy West can be found
                                                                      on here.
                                                                  -   Through Galway Chamber subsidiary, Galway City
                                                                      Innovation District t/a PorterShed, has secured €1.2million
                                                                      from the Regional Enterprise Development Fund to
                                                                      facilitate the transfer of the current PorterShed operation to
                                                                      a site off Bowling Green. The enlarged facility will have
                                                                      380 spaces available for budding entrepreneurs over the
                                                                      next two years.
                                                                  -   Galway Chamber is in discussions to reintroduce a Skillnet
                                                                      training service to the business model to provide training
                                                                      and upskilling to local businesses, employees and the
                                                                  -   Following extensive engagement with members and
                                                                      partners, the Chamber in their Pre-budget submission, we
                                                                      have lobbied for the funding of a new six-month
                                                                      accelerator programme for existing and new tourism
                                                                      companies, supporting companies and entrepreneurs to
                                                                      improve how they attract quality tourists to Ireland, digital
                                                                      offerings, generate productivity gains and cost savings for
                                                                      tourism businesses. Our Pre-Budget Submission includes a
                                                                      range of revitalising and development measures which you
                                                                      can check out here.
                                                                  -   Our representative organisation Chamber’s Ireland are
                                                                      preparing a Report into the Future of Remote Working in
                                                                      partnership with the Western Development Commission.
                                                                      This report will examine the experience of firms which
                                                                      have been forced to operate from home and will articulate
                                                                      future skills and cost needs analysis for firms in the world

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title                 Lead          Milestones             Status        Progress details                                            Comments
 No.                                       Partner
 3          Implement a programme of       Insight       Local        digital   In progress   Galway City Council have completed a draft Digital
            Smart City initiatives.        NUIG          strategy in place.                   strategy. This will be presented to the Economic,
                                                                                              Community and Cultural Development SPC in Q1 2020.
                                                                                              It will then be forwarded to the full Council in first
                                                                                              quarter 2021 to be adopted. Galway City Council has
                                                                                              engaged with stakeholders requesting them to identify
                                                                                              the actions the respective stakeholder will undertake to
                                                                                              achieve the objectives in the strategy.
                                                         Networks          of   Not started   The Digital Strategy includes a reference back to getting
                                                         organisations                        the Smart City group up and running thus fulfilling both
                                                         collaborating to                     milestones.
                                                         monitor,        and
                                                         promote       Smart
                                                         City initiatives.

 Flagship   Flagship Title                 Lead          Milestones             Status        Progress details                                            Comments
 No.                                       Partner
 4          Convene a collaborative        Galway City   Regular meetings       In progress   GCCN has agreed to lead on this action and work will
            forum        to      support   Partnership   of               the                 begin on this in Q4 2020.
            implementation of the public                 collaborative
            sector equality and human                    forum.
            rights duty.                                 Number and range       In progress   GCCN and GCP, with the support of the LCDC/Galway
                                                         of public bodies                     City Council, were successful in the application to the
                                                         with a published                     Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission for
                                                         assessment        of                 support to develop the Civil Society Panel as part of the
                                                         equality        and                  process of supporting/progressing the implementation
                                                         human        rights                  of the Public Sector Duty in Galway City.
                                                         issues relevant to
                                                         their functions.                     GCCN is currently seeking a co-ordinator for its Irish
                                                                                              Human Rights Equality Commission funded project on
                                                                                              the Public Sector Duty and the Co-Ordinator’s role will
                                                                                              include convening the Public Sector Duty Working

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title               Lead          Milestones            Status        Progress details                                                Comments
 No.                                     Partner
 5          Develop and strengthen the   Galway City   Agreed definition     In progress   Galway City Council secured funding from Enterprise             Draft      study
            support infrastructure for   Council       of          social                  Ireland REDF to undertake a feasibility study which             scheduled to be
            social economy enterprise.                 enterprise being                    aims to carry out a review of Enterprise Space available        presented     to
                                                       worked to by all                    in Galway City for the provision of Social Enterprises          LCDC and SPC at
                                                       relevant agencies.                  and business’s operating in the Circular Economy.               December 2020
                                                                                           This will include an agreed definition of Social                meetings
                                                       Specific              In progress   The study will outline existing supports to social              Study will also
                                                       enhancements to                     enterprise in Galway City and identify areas where              include         the
                                                       the business and                    further supports infrastructure needs to be developed           preparation      of
                                                       financial support                                                                                   application forms
                                                       infrastructure                                                                                      to any potential
                                                       available to social                                                                                 funding
                                                       enterprise.                                                                                         programmes for
                                                                                                                                                           relevant collective
                                                       Social enterprises    In progress   It is a prerequisite of the study that Social enterprises are   Participation of
                                                       engaged         in                  involved in the research for the feasibility study.             Social Enterprises
                                                       process for and                                                                                     is required at all
                                                       outputs of this                                                                                     stages

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title                  Lead           Milestones            Status              Progress details                                            Comments
 No.                                        Partner
 6          Develop      and     monitor    Access for     A            Forum    Progress Hindered   As Access for All members are primarily drawn from
            implementation of a rolling     All            established,                              people with lived disabilities the opportunity to meet up
            action plan for the city that   supported by   convened        and                       and progress actions has been severely limited by the
            achieves     the    relevant    Galway City    resourced        to                       current Covid-19 Pandemic.
            standards set in the UN         Partnership    develop,     agree,
            CRPD.                           (GCP)          and        monitor                        As Access for All is a voluntary group they are not
                                                           rolling      action                       currently in a position to monitor and implement the
                                                           plans relating to                         standards set in the UN CRPD.
                                                           different elements
                                                           of the UN CRPD.                           GCP has applied to Rethink Ireland Equality Fund for
                                                                                                     an Access Officer in order to resource this action. This
                                                                                                     was submitted under a collaborative partnership which
                                                                                                     included Access for All, DFI and Galway City LCDC.
                                                           A number of           In progress         In Q2 2020, Galway City Partnership, Access for All,
                                                           rolling    action                         Galway City Council and Galway Chamber undertook a
                                                           plans       under                         collaborative initiative to highlight the concerns of
                                                           implementation.                           people with disabilities to businesses when they were
                                                                                                     taking social distancing measures in order to reopen post
                                                                                                     the first Covid 19 lockdown.

                                                                                                     In Q3 2020, Galway City Partnership, Access for All,
                                                                                                     Galway City Council and an Garda Siochana
                                                                                                     implemented a campaign to highlight the difficulties
                                                                                                     caused for people with disabilities by people parking
                                                                                                     illegally in the City.

                                                                                                     GCP has been successful in applying to LCDC
                                                                                                     Community Enhancement Programme to secure a
                                                                                                     computer that is compatible to the needs of people with
                                                                                                     disabilities. GCP will now access training for a number
                                                                                                     of members of Access for All in the use of this computer
                                                                                                     and software in order to deliver training around UN
                                                                                                     CRPD and public sector duty.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title                 Lead          Milestones            Status              Progress details                                        Comments
 No.                                       Partner
 7          Develop,        promote  and   Galway City   Expert forum in       Progress Hindered   There is a Climate Action Monitoring Group associated   At present GCC is
            monitor a rolling plan of      Council       place and meeting                         with the Environment SPC and experts give               not in a position to
            action for a sustainable and                 on a regular basis                        presentations to this group for consideration           resource         the
            resilient city.                              to plan and track                                                                                 establishment of
                                                         progress towards a                                                                                an       additional
                                                         sustainable,                                                                                      wider Forum
                                                         resilient Galway.
                                                         A rolling action      In progress         Galway City Council has adopted and is implementing     This      includes
                                                         plan       for    a                       a Climate Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024 for Galway      Annual
                                                         sustainable,                              City       Implementation
                                                         resilient Galway                                                                                  plans       which
                                                         in     place   and                                                                                include
                                                         promoted.                                                                                         collaborative
                                                                                                                                                           projects between
                                                                                                                                                           Galway         City
                                                                                                                                                           Council        and
                                                         A          positive   Complete            Existing award/branding in place nationally             GCC is promoting
                                                         branding scheme                                                                                   this     initiative
                                                         in    place     for                            amongst business
                                                         companies      and                        sustainability/low-carbon-pledge/                       in Galway City
                                                         taking steps to                           BITCI is supporting Ireland’s business sector in the
                                                         reduce        their                       transition to a low carbon economy with the Low
                                                         greenhouse      gas                       Carbon Pledge – the first dedicated pledge generated
                                                         emissions.                                by Irish business to set industry standards on
                                                                                                   sustainability and reduce carbon usage. All signatory
                                                                                                   companies commit to reducing their Scope 1 & 2
                                                                                                   greenhouse gas emission intensity by 50% by 2030

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title                Lead          Milestones       Status        Progress details                                             Comments
 No.                                      Partner
 8          Implement an action plan on   Galway City   Regional         In progress   Galway City Council is currently providing Emergency
            homelessness and housing      Council       Homeless Forum                 Accommodation         including    Private   Emergency
            insecurity in the City.                     reconvened and                 Accommodation to up to 65 families. 10 families are
                                                        meeting on a                   housed in transitional accommodation. 5 of the
                                                        regular basis.                 transitional units are directly provided by Galway City
                                                                                       Council. 35 single people are also in receipt of private
                                                                                       emergency accommodation. There is active engagement
                                                                                       by NGOs and Galway City Council with families in
                                                                                       terms of progressing individual or household exit plans
                                                                                       to access various forms of social housing supports.

                                                                                        'Temporary Emergency Accommodation: Fairgreen
                                                                                       Hostel and Abbey House provide emergency
                                                                                       accommodation to 36 men and Osterley Lodge provides
                                                                                       emergency accommodation to 13 women. These
                                                                                       services are manged by Cope Galway and Galway
                                                                                       Simon. Work is ongoing with service users to progress
                                                                                       to various forms of social housing supports.

                                                                                       'Modular Housing: The units at Westside were
                                                                                       completed in April 2020 and handed over to Peter
                                                                                       McVerry Trust to manage on our behalf in early May.
                                                                                       Families in private emergency accommodation were
                                                                                       identified and moved into the Hub on a phased basis
                                                                                       throughout May having regard to Covid 19 restrictions
                                                                                       on social distancing. A number of families have already
                                                                                       been moved on into HAP accommodation and
                                                                                       additional families are continuously identified in private
                                                                                       emergency       accommodation         for     emergency
                                                                                       accommodation provided in the Hub.

                                                                                       Family Hub: Corrib Haven Family Hub was designated
                                                                                       a COVID 19 social isolation unit in March. Families
                                                                                       who had been accommodated in Corrib Haven prior to
                                                                                       this designation were temporarily placed in alternative

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

                                                                                       Housing First: Housing First supports will be provided
                                                                                       by Galway Simon and Cope Galway to 30 individuals
                                                                                       over the three year period of the Project. The aim of the
                                                                                       project is to work with the single person cohort who are
                                                                                       deemed long term homeless with complex mental health
                                                                                       needs. 8 tenancies were established by end Q2 with a
                                                                                       number of others in progress.

                                                                                       Cold Weather Response: The Homeless Cold Weather
                                                                                       Response 2019/2020 (CWR) commenced in early
                                                                                       November 2019 to operate until the end of April 2020.
                                                                                       Due to COVID 19 this service was transferred to the
                                                                                       Bunk Hostel, Forster Street, Galway, for the duration of
                                                                                       the CWR. The service was extended for Q2 to
                                                                                       accommodate the CWR cohort and for self-isolation as
                                                                                       required in response to Covid 19. Homeless Service
                                                                                       providers (COPE Galway and Galway Simon) continue
                                                                                       to support clients with access to a GP and other health

                                                                                       HAP Homeless Placefinder: Since the commencement
                                                                                       of the Homeless Place-Finder Service in June 2018, 220
                                                                                       tenancies have been set up under Homeless HAP. 35
                                                                                       tenancies have been set up in Q2 2020. 19 of these
                                                                                       households are families previously accommodated in
                                                                                       Emergency Accommodation or who were given a valid
                                                                                       Notice of Termination in their privately rented
                                                                                       tenancies. The remaining 16 are singles in the same
                                                                                       circumstances. 3 of the households housed in Q2 are
                                                                                       from the Traveller Community, a group finding it
                                                                                       difficult to secure Housing through the HAP Scheme.
                                                   A local action plan   In progress   The Regional Homeless Action Plan has been agreed in
                                                   on homelessness                     the Region this year. A local city plan will be part of the
                                                   and        housing                  Homeless Team Plan for 2021 and it will be Quarter 4
                                                   insecurity agreed                   2020 before it is finalised.
                                                   and          under

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Flagship   Flagship Title               Lead      Milestones          Status        Progress details                                            Comments
 No.                                     Partner
 9          Strengthen implementation    Healthy   Progress made on    In progress   A two-week radio campaign was run with Galway Bay
            of the Healthy Galway City   Galway    implementation of                 FM from Monday 29th June to Friday 10th July to
            Strategy.                              the       Healthy                 promote positive mental health and wellbeing as we
                                                   Galway Strategy                   adapt to living with COVID-19. This was a joint
                                                   actions.                          initiative of Healthy Galway City and Healthy County
                                                                                     Under a collaborative project by Galway City Council,
                                                                                     Galway Sports Partnership and Galway CYPSC, 450
                                                                                     activity packs were prepared, and distributed to
                                                                                     disadvantaged families across Galway City. The packs
                                                                                     were distributed to coincide with National Play Day on
                                                                                     Saturday 4th July with the view of encouraging physical
                                                                                     activity during the summer months.

                                                                                     In August 2020 work began on the development of an
                                                                                     online healthy eating programme which will support
                                                                                     communities to prepare healthy and nutritious meals for
                                                                                     themselves and their families. These online programmes
                                                                                     will be rolled out from November 2020.

                                                                                     In May 2020, as part of the Safefood Community Food
                                                                                     Initiative, Galway City Partnership, Foróige Ballinfoile
                                                                                     and GRETB, delivered a pilot project to support 17
                                                                                     families to cook and eat healthy meals together.
                                                                                     Following the success of the pilot project the
                                                                                     programme was expanded to 24 families in the East and
                                                                                     the West of the City during July and August. Plans are
                                                                                     now progressing to deliver the programme to an
                                                                                     additional 28 families by the end of the year.

                                                                                     In September 2020, the Melting Potluck Galway
                                                                                     commenced regular cooking sessions for people living
                                                                                     in direct provision, providing them with opportunities to
                                                                                     cook for themselves and their families.

                                                                                     A number of online and in-person physical activity
                                                                                     programmes are underway in communities across the

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

                                                                                      City, with a particular focus on those who face
                                                                                      challenges to being active. Programmes have been
                                                                                      organised by Amach LGBT+, The Bridge Project,
                                                                                      Westside Youth Project and the Ballybane/ Doughiska
                                                                                      Community Sports Hub.

                                                                                      Plans are progressing for the implementation of Not
                                                                                      Around Us in 4 pilot sites by the end of 2020 as well as
                                                                                      the launch and campaign roll-out in early 2021.

                                                                                      Sexual Health West are progressing with the
                                                                                      development of sexual health learning modules via

                                                                                      Work is progressing on the development of an online
                                                                                      Equality & Diversity training programme for healthcare
                                                                                      professionals which can be easily adapted for face to
                                                                                      face delivery.

                                                                                      The Nature for Health programme which had to be
                                                                                      postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions in March of
                                                                                      this year was rescheduled and commenced on Tuesday
                                                                                      15th September in Merlin Woods, Doughiska.
                                                   Effective    links   In progress   Galway City Partnership, Galway Age Friendly
                                                   made between the                   Programme and Galway City Councils Creative Ireland
                                                   Healthy Galway                     Team, secured funding under the ‘Creative Ireland
                                                   City Strategy and                  Positive Ageing and Wellbeing Challenge Fund’ to
                                                   other        local                 deliver a number of creative workshops. The workshops
                                                   strategies      of                 aim to give older people the opportunity to engage with
                                                   relevance.                         other people in a safe and welcoming space, to enhance
                                                                                      their mental and physical wellbeing through the medium
                                                                                      of the arts and to help to combat social isolation and
                                                                                      loneliness during the winter months.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

Section 3 Detailed Summary of Progress on Seeds

 Seed No.   Seed Title              Lead         Milestone(s)                      Status     Progress details                                                      Comments
 1          Establish, resource,    Galway       Funding secured and support       In         Meetings have taken place between Galway Chamber and the
            and locate a position   Chamber of   person employed, located in       progress   North Western Regional Assembly to explore opportunities.
            to enable access to     Commerce     agreed partner organisation.                 The Chamber has also led on the NWRA’s campaign ‘Let’s be
            EU and national                                                                   more’. This campaign highlights the fact that the north and
            funding                                                                           west now has access to a 60% co-financing rate for the period
            opportunities.                                                                    2021-2027 (European Regional Development Funds) This is a
                                                                                              result of the Northern & Western region – due to its
                                                                                              performance - being downgraded from ‘Developed’ to a
                                                                                              “Transition region”.

 Seed No.   Seed Title              Lead         Milestones                        Status     Progress details                                                      Comments
 2          Convene a task          GCP          Task force meeting and            In         The original action was to have been led by DEASP and given
            force on the needs                   reporting on a regular basis.     progress   the depth of the unemployment crisis at present, it is crucial that
            of groups distanced                                                               this action is initiated as a matter of priority.
            from the labour                                                                   Galway Council of Trade Unions and Galway City Partnership
            market.                                                                           are leading on this LECP action. Two meetings have taken
                                                                                              place to date and the next meeting is taking place in mid-
                                                 Task       force      proposals   In         The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research,
                                                 integrated into relevant public   progress   Innovation and Science has tasked SOLAS (The Further
                                                 agency plans.                                Education and Training Authority) with the development of a
                                                                                              10-year Adult Literacy Numeracy and Digital Literacy (ALND)
                                                                                              Strategy      for      Ireland,    and     they   are     seeking
                                                                                              submissions/representations to shape this new strategy.
                                                                                              This is an online consultation that is open to anybody who
                                                                                              wishes to give their views on the development of a 10-year
                                                                                              Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy (ALND)
                                                                                              Strategy for Ireland.
                                                                                              This consultation closes at 6pm on 31st December 2020.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Seed No.   Seed Title             Lead      Milestones                       Status     Progress details                                                  Comments
 3          Map the strategies     GRETB     Map of the current situation     In         In relation to Community Education and Adult Basic
            and initiatives in               and needs prepared.              progress   Education, the numbers engaging with on-line programmes is
            place to enhance                                                             significant and will be measured by end of year to capture the
            educational                                                                  benefit of such an approach to educational delivery.
            transitions      for
            disadvantaged                                                                Youth Ballybane afterschool in place for young people in the
            groups and establish                                                         community to support their educational progression.
            the further actions
            required.                                                                    Transition website being developed under Planet Youth.

                                                                                         Educational supports in place in Doughiska and Carrowbrowne
                                                                                         Halting sites.

                                                                                         Ballybane Afterschool in place and led by GCP for Primary
                                                                                         and Foróige youth to support wellbeing and transition to
                                                                                         Website in development to provide resources to assist
                                                                                         transitions from primary to secondary school.
                                                                                         Emmet Major, GRETB Liaison Officer is leading out with
                                                                                         Ongoing educational supports in Carrowbrowne and
                                                                                         Doughiska through Cooperation hours.
                                             Outcomes of the mapping          Not        The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research,
                                             processes    integrated   into   started    Innovation and Science has tasked SOLAS (The Further
                                             relevant public agency and                  Education and Training Authority) with the development of a
                                             education provider plans.                   10-year Adult Literacy Numeracy and Digital Literacy (ALND)
                                                                                         Strategy      for   Ireland,    and    they     are     seeking
                                                                                         submissions/representations to shape this new strategy.
                                                                                         This is an online consultation that is open to anybody who
                                                                                         wishes to give their views on the development of a 10-year
                                                                                         Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy (ALND)
                                                                                         Strategy for Ireland.
                                                                                         This consultation closes at 6pm on 31st December 2020.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Seed No.   Seed Title             Lead        Milestones                        Status        Progress details                                           Comments
 4          Reconvene        the   GCP         Traveller Inter-agency Group      In progress   The first meeting of the Traveller Inter-agency meeting
            Galway         City                meeting on a regular basis,                     has taken place.
            Traveller     Inter-               progressing and keeping under
            agency Group.                      review an agreed strategy and
                                               action plan.
                                               New initiatives in place to       Not started   Review National Traveller and Roman Inclusion
                                               implement National Traveller                    Strategy with a view to identifying local priorities.
                                               and Roma Inclusion Strategy
                                               Agreed    guidance      being     Not started   Review guidance on public service provision to
                                               implemented on public service                   Travellers, identify best practice and seek to support
                                               provision to the Traveller                      implementation.

 Seed No.   Seed Title             Lead        Milestones                        Status        Progress details                                           Comments
 5          Convene a LGBTI+       LCDC        New initiatives in place to       In progress   A workshop has taken place to identify the actions that
            inter-agency group.    Social      implement National LGBTI+                       the inter-agency group will focus on at a local level.
                                   Inclusion   Inclusion Strategy locally.
                                   Sub-        Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource       Not started   Funding approved of €10,000 from the DRCD under the
                                   committee   Centre funded on a sustainable                  Dormant Accounts Fund 2020 to implement the
                                               basis to serve as a hub for the                 following action included in the National LGBTI+
                                               development of supports and                     Strategy:
                                               services to the LGBTI+                                Action 6.3 - Take measures to ensure that
                                               community.                                                existing community infrastructure is inclusive
                                                                                                         and welcoming to LGBTI+ people and
                                                                                                         consider the provision of pop-up LGBTI+
                                                                                               Funding approved of €6,000 from Galway City Council
                                                                                               in 2020 to support Amach in the roll out of the above

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Seed No.   Seed Title               Lead         Milestones                          Status        Progress details                                           Comments
 6          Develop           and    GCP          Strategy developed and agreed in    In progress   Ongoing work through the Bridge Project in relation to
            implement           a                 a participative manner.                           Further discussion in relation to a Galway Intercultural
            Galway                                Funding and structures secured      Not started   Strategy through the Bridge Project.
            Intercultural                         for implementation.
            Strategy                              Migrant Integration Forum for       In progress
                                                  the City established.
                                                  New initiatives in place to         In progress
                                                  implement        The     Migrant
                                                  Inclusion Strategy locally.

 Seed No.   Seed Title               Lead         Milestones                       Status           Progress details                                           Comments
 7          Develop a shared         Portershed   Working group convened           In progress      Sub committees and focus groups have been created to
            vision for Galway                     and collaborative process                         ensure we are getting the buy in from all stakeholders
            City and its future to                devised and implemented.                          and sectors.
            inform consistent
            messaging         and                 Vision for Galway City to        In progress      The consistency of messaging in future planning
            future planning.                      shape future planning agreed.                     remains a priority for this group. With the evolving
                                                                                                    landscape for remote working and its impact both
                                                                                                    positive and negative on the western region, this group
                                                                                                    has refocused to ensure we continue to highlight
                                                                                                    Galway as a vibrant city in which to do business. While
                                                                                                    we embrace a regional focus on ‘working from home’
                                                                                                    we believe Galway has more to offer and are ensuring
                                                                                                    our messaging on the future of Galway encompasses
                                                  Communication messages           In progress
                                                  and materials developed.
                                                  LCDC values of dignity,          Not started
                                                  autonomy,       participation,
                                                  inclusion, social justice and
                                                  environmental          justice
                                                  engaged by this vision for
                                                  Galway City.

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Seed No.   Seed Title            Lead        Milestones                      Status        Progress details                                          Comments
 8          Promote sustainable   GCC         Initiatives for sustainable     In progress   Please see attached Quarterly report for Quarter 3
            transport solutions               transport in place, ranging                   prepared by the T&I Department that was presented to
            and initiatives to                from        cycling   paths,                  the elected members at the city council meeting in
            enable these.                     walkways, park and ride                       October 2020.
                                              facilities,      and   local
                                              community solutions to
                                              traffic congestion.

 Seed No.   Flagship Title        Lead        Milestones                      Status        Progress details                                          Comments
 9          Advance capacity      LCDC        Proofing tools developed        In progress   Galway City Partnership and with the support of the
            and commitment to     Social      and being applied to test                     Galway City Community Development Committee,
            drive                 Inclusion   proposed policies, plans and                  were successful in an application to the Irish Human
            implementation of     Sub-        programmes      for     their                 Rights and Equality Commission to implement the
            the UN Sustainable    committee   capacity to advance the                       project Building Collective Capacity and Engagement
            Development                       SDGs.                                         of Rights Holders in Galway City: Establishing and
            Goals.                                                                          Enabling the Galway City Civil Society Panel.
                                              Agreed metrics deployed to      In progress   Local collaborative forum established to begin the work
                                              track implementation of the
                                              SDGs in Galway City.
                                              Collaborative           fora    In progress          1st meeting held of collaborative forum on
                                              established to enable cross-                          November 30th
                                              sectoral     dialogue     on                         Other relevant stakeholders identified and
                                              implementing the SDGs and                             invited to join the Working Group including
                                              to engage peer support for                            City Councillors, representatives from the
                                              their implementation.                                 youth sector, arts sector and academia
                                                                                                   First draft of action plan completed

Galway City LECP Implementation Plan 2020 to 2021 Update Report

 Seed No.   Flagship Title         Lead      Milestones                      Status        Progress details                                        Comments
 10         Implement        the   GCC       Bio-diversity officer for the   In progress   The HR Department are in the process of recruiting a
            Galway          City             city recruited.                               Bio-diversity Officer.
            Biodiversity Plan.               Forum        of      relevant   Not started   The forum will be established after the Bio-diversity
                                             organisations and expert                      officer has been recruited.
                                             individuals convened on a
                                             regular basis.

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