Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021

Page created by Ben Griffin
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest:
  an Overview for Managers
         September 2021
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
The Midwest Invasive Plant Network strongly advocates for the synthesis and transfer of
new research findings to land managers. We are greatly encouraged by long-term monitoring
of garlic mustard populations, a practice which is too rare in invasive plant research, and by
studies that consider the role of garlic mustard among other important ecosystem stressors.
Popular science and conservation media outlets have recently reported on monitoring results
suggesting that garlic mustard populations eventually become self-limiting. While these
indications are promising, following a comprehensive review of recent garlic mustard
research, it is MIPN's opinion that broad conclusions that garlic mustard populations will
substantially decline or disappear in the absence of management with no lasting impact to
the native plant community are premature and not well supported. The impacts imposed by
“doing nothing” could be substantial and irreversible. In this document, the Midwest Invasive
Plant Network aims to summarize garlic mustard research findings and provide management
recommendations based on the synthesis. This guidance is summarized in a management
decision tree (see Figure 1, next page, and summary of decision tree outcomes on pages 8 &
10).* We recognize that managers face multiple stressors to the areas they manage and that
this can make goal setting and management planning challenging. We support continued
research to inform garlic mustard management and habitat restoration more broadly.
Research that identifies the mechanisms responsible for natural garlic mustard declines,
whether those processes operate across geographic regions, climates, and soil types, and
how to differentiate these processes from background population fluctuations is needed
before we can support a generalized conclusion that garlic mustard is declining.

                Garlic mustard seedlings are plentiful at a site in Wisconsin that has been
               infested for at least 10 years. Photo by Mark Renz, University of Wisconsin
                        Cover and header photo: David Cappaert via
               *The decision support information in this document is secondary to any prevailing regulation
                          requiring management of garlic mustard on public or private property.

                                               Page 1
                              Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
Figure 1: Garlic Mustard Management Decision Tree
 Are there any newly invaded areas,
   satellite populations, or patches
                                                  No       Are there areas that                 Are resources available
  adjacent to spread pathways (e.g.
                                                         have established GM but                to support ~10 years of
 trails, roads) likely to facilitate seed
                                                           also have high native                thorough management
   movement to uninfested areas?
                                                          plant diversity and/or      No       (at least 90% removal of
                                                            conservative native                   adult plants) using a
                 Yes                                             species?                          variety of targeted
                                                       Yes                                            techniques?
        Top priority;
 manage these areas first.                   Are resources available
 Supplement native plant                     to support ~10 years of           Are resources available
 community if necessary                      thorough management                to support restoration
  and exclude or manage                     (at least 90% removal of               during and after
 deer if possible. Monitor                    adult GM plants) using              management (e.g.,
 for any GM recurrence.                      targeted, low intensity              replanting natives,
                                            techniques least likely to         restoring fire or natural               No
                                              damage native plants?           hydrology if appropriate,
                                            Yes                   No
                                                                               excluding or managing
                            High priority;
                      Monitor for any adverse                                                                 Management not
                                                                 Medium priority;
                      effects to native plants.                                                             recommended due to
                                                                   monitor for
                      Supplement native plant                                                              low likelihood of long-
                                                                 improvements in
                      community if necessary                                                               term success. Continue
                                                                   native plant
                       and exclude or manage                                                                monitoring for & treat
                          deer if possible.                                                                      any satellite
                                                  Page 2, Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
Background                                       invasion is merely a symptom of some other
                                                 disturbance driver such as habitat frag-
     Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is a    mentation, deer over-browse, earthworm
biennial herbaceous plant that is invasive in    activity, or climate change, then managing
deciduous forest understories. It has a broad    the garlic mustard is not likely to facilitate
native range encompassing most of Europe         recovery. Research supports both of these
and the Caucasus. Its North American intro-      conclusions, suggesting that response may be
duction occurred in the 1860’s when it was       location specific. While understanding mul-
brought to Long Island as a medicinal plant.     tiple stressor impacts at a management site is
Today, it is reported in natural areas of 38     helpful, we argue that management of garlic
states, with over 71,000 verified distribution   mustard can be an important and practicable
records (EDDMapS 2021). It is most fre-          aspect of restoration, and its presence cannot
quently reported in the Northeast and the        simply be ignored. Below, we examine recent
Midwest. Garlic mustard can dominate forest      literature on garlic mustard interactions with
understories, forming single-species stands      other agents of disturbance.
and producing large amounts of seed, which
remains viable for years. Garlic mustard         Garlic Mustard and Earthworms
invasion has negative impacts on native
understory plant communities (summarized             There is no doubt that earthworms have
in Rodgers et al. 2008), with documented         major impacts on ecosystem processes and
impacts on key native forbs like red trillium    native plants. Earthworms consume leaf litter
(Bialic-Murphy et al. 2020).                     at a rapid rate, increasing the rate of carbon
                                                 cycling, decreasing carbon storage and the
The Role of Garlic Mustard amid Multiple         availability of primary plant nutrients, and
Drivers of Native Plant Decline                  preventing the replenishment of the organic
                                                 soil horizon. Together, these impacts have
       Discussions among invasive species        caused declines in native plant understory
experts about whether invasion by garlic         communities, particularly among species that
mustard (and by other invasive plants) is the    would normally root in the top organic layer
cause or a symptom of declines in native         of soils (Hale et al. 2008). Garlic mustard
plant diversity are inconclusive and ongoing     benefits from this reduction in native species
(see Bauer 2012 for a summary of this dis-       and can dominate (Nuzzo et al. 2009).
course). This is germane to management                                        The common
because if garlic mustard invasion is a driver                                earthworm,
of declines, then removing it should allow                                    Lumbricus terrestris.
native species to recover (as long as seed is                                 Photo by Joseph
                                                                              Berger via
still present). However, if garlic mustard

                                           Page 3
                          Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
While earthworms harm native plants            Two recent paired-plot studies examined
and facilitate garlic mustard invasion, there   the influence of abundant deer and garlic
are no practical management options avail-      mustard on native plant species, both to-
able other than outreach campaigns or           gether and separately. Both studies found
regulation to discourage human behaviors        that deer exclusion had the strongest positive
that facilitate further spread. Once earth-     effect on native plant health metrics (Bialic-
worms are established, there is no direct       Murphy et al. 2020, Waller and Maas 2013).
management that can be applied at scale to      Both studies also demonstrated impacts of
remove them. However, a recent study            garlic mustard on native plant species in the
demonstrated decreases in earthworm bio-        absence of deer. Bialic-Murphy et al. (2020)
mass in areas invaded with garlic mustard       found that when deer were excluded, garlic
following garlic mustard removal (Stinson et    mustard had negative impacts on fruit pro-
al. 2018). This suggests that earthworms and    duction and survival of red trillium (Trillium
garlic mustard may have a symbiotic             erectum). Waller and Maas (2013) found that
relationship and benefit from each other’s      garlic mustard also had discrete negative
presence. The key is, of these two invaders,    effects on the height and vegetative produc-
only garlic mustard can be managed.             tion of common wood sedge (Carex blanda)
                                                and wild geranium (Geranium maculatum). It
Garlic Mustard and Deer                         should be noted that some recent field
                                                studies assessing garlic mustard impacts on
      Over-abundance of white-tailed deer is    native plants have not found any significant
also often identified as a driver of forest     impacts (e.g., Davis et al. 2012) while others
understory community change. Land deve-         have (e.g., Brouwer et al. 2016). Impacts may
lopment along with the elimination of apex      be very species or location specific, may
predators has resulted in areas of high deer    depend on garlic mustard residence time, and
density. These native herbivores consume        may depend on weather patterns, particularly
native plants, which co-evolved as part of      during studies of relatively short duration. It
their diet, while showing a strong aversion     has also been suggested that impacts emerge
to eating garlic mustard. When deer den-        in native species demographic analysis rather
sities are high in a forest, extensive damage   than in counts of abundance and species
to the herbaceous and woody understory          richness or biomass (Bialic-Murphy et al.
can be expected, opening niches for species     2020).
that deer avoid, including garlic mustard.
High deer density also alters soil mycor-       White-
rhizal fungal communities and causes soil       tailed deer,
compaction, further disadvantaging native       Odocoileus
plants (Shelton et al. 2014).                   virginianus.

                                                Photo by Ken Lund, CC-BY-SA 2.0 via

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                        Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
management may still be beneficial, part-
                                                         icularly where infestations are recent or
                                                         resources are available to support other com-
                                                         prehensive, long-term restoration activities
                                                         (see Decision Tree, page 2).

                                                         Garlic Mustard Population Dynamics

                                                             As a biennial plant, garlic mustard has two
The impacts of garlic mustard on native understory
                                                         distinct life stages. In its first year, it ger-
species red trillium (T. erectum) can be isolated from   minates and seedlings form a rosette of basal
deer browse impacts. Photo by Charles T. Bryson,         leaves that overwinter. In its second year, it
USDA Agricultural Research Service via      produces a flowering stem, bearing seeds in
                                                         long pods called siliques. Towards the end of
    What is a manager to make of all of this             the second growing season, the siliques split
information? High deer populations signifi-              open, dispersing their seeds, and the adult
cantly impact native plants. Land managers               plants die. Some seeds may germinate the
with the ability to exclude or manage deer               following spring while others may remain
populations should do so to whatever ex-                 dormant but viable in the soil for several
tent possible. However, this can be a major              years. Studies have revealed a trend in some
challenge, as deer fencing may be cost-                  garlic mustard populations where rosettes or
prohibitive and may conflict with other site             adult plants dominate in alternating years
management goals, such as public access and              (Pardini et al. 2009, Davis et al. 2012, Van
recreational activity. Harvesting or hunting             Riper et al. 2010). This is likely a result of
deer to reduce populations is an alternative             competition between adult plants and seed-
technique, but goal setting for deer                     lings, and is particularly evident in areas with
population control is usually made at the                high garlic mustard density. A large infest-
state level by natural resource agencies with            ation may include patches that are dominated
extensive input from stakeholders. Deer                  by adult plants, patches that are dominated
management decisions integrate a number of               by seedlings, and patches that are mixed
stakeholder positions, including hunter                  during the same growing season. Like other
desire for high deer density, land-owner                 annual and biennial species, garlic mustard is
concerns over damage, deer-vehicle collision             prone to population booms during years with
rates, herd health, and human health                     favorable weather and crashes during years
concerns. While we recommend maintaining                 with adverse conditions (Van Riper and
low deer densities to reduce impact to native            Becker 2014).
plants (see Shelton et al. 2014), in instances                Garlic mustard populations also tend to
where low-to-moderate deer density can-                  move on the landscape over generations
not be maintained, garlic mustard manage-                rather than persisting in place year after year.

                                              Page 5
                             Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
While seeds are primarily gravity dispersed,       Northeast, the growth rate fell below 1,
they can be moved by wind scatter, flooding        indicating shrinking garlic mustard pop-
or runoff, and human or wildlife activity. A       ulations (Blossey et al. 2020). The same
study of site-level garlic mustard distribution    study also found decreases in adult plant
over time, found an average spread of 5.4          stem height and silique production over
meters per year with substantial variation         time, again, particularly in the Northeast.
between plots (Nuzzo 1999). The same                        While it is encouraging that garlic
study found satellite populations forming up       mustard may eventually decline without
to 40 meters from the primary invasion             intervention in some locations, there are
front. The high degree of temporal and             several unknowns that temper how this in-
spatial variation demonstrated by pop-             formation might be applied to management
ulations of biennial plants like garlic mustard    decisions. The first unknown is the duration
makes demographic monitoring and model-            of garlic mustard invasion required to trigger
ing particularly difficult, and careful sampling   population decline. The sites used in the
design is critical (Elzinga et al. 1998).          Blossey et al. (2020) study were known to be
        Long term monitoring has provided          invaded for at least 8-15 years, but the
some limited evidence that garlic mustard          actual residence time of garlic mustard at
populations may be self-limiting, eventually       any of the sites is not known. Based on what
declining in the absence of management. A          we know of the species dispersal pattern in
greenhouse study found that garlic mustard         North America (as detailed in Lankau et al.
seedlings grow poorly in soil with a long          2009), some of the eastern-most sites in the
history of garlic mustard presence com-            study showing the greatest declines may
pared to seedlings grown in soil with no           have been invaded for as long as 50-60
garlic mustard history (Poon and Maherali          years (indicated as “peak garlic mustard” on
2015). This indicates that over time, garlic       Figure 2). Indeed, Lankau et al. (2009) found
mustard may change soil in a way that              year-over-year increases in garlic mustard
reduces its own success. The underlying            cover at sites believed to have been invaded
mechanism is unknown but both nutrient             for up to 50 years, though the rate of cover
depletion and negative plant-soil feedback         increase declined with estimated residence
through excretion of chemicals by garlic           time.
mustard roots have been suggested by                     If a natural decline of garlic mustard is
Cipollini (2016) and Blossey (2021) res-           occurring, the long-term trajectory, con-
pectively. Further, long-term field transect       sistency, and uniformity of this decline
monitoring in the Northeastern and Mid-            are not known. The lowest average pop-
western U.S. indicated that the population         ulation change rate reported in literature
growth rate of garlic mustard at sites with a      was 0.977, which is just under the equi-
history of invasion decreased over time, and       librium rate of 1.0 (Blossey et al. 2020). It is
that at 57% of sites, particularly those in the    assumed a population decline will continue.

                                          Page 6
                         Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
Will the population completely crash and         Northeastern sites based on the invasion
become locally extinct, as has been              pattern presented in Lankau et al. 2009.
suggested in presentations and media pieces            Additional unknowns relate to the long-
(e.g., Blossey 2021, Hetzler 2021)? Will it      term impacts to sites experiencing garlic
stabilize around some low, non-dominant          mustard invasion cycles. Some monitoring
level? Alternately, will it stabilize around a   sites have had garlic mustard present for
below-peak level that is still sizeable enough   decades, but it is unknown if they lacked
to impact other species? These possible          native species to begin with and garlic
scenarios are indicated by lines A, B and C      mustard had little effect, or if the boom of
respectively on Figure 2. Another unknown        garlic mustard populations negatively
is whether natural declines will occur at the    impacted the pre-invasion native plant
same rate across garlic mustard’s invasive       community. Finally, it is not clear whether
range. The declines in population and plant      soils, following decades of garlic mustard
vigor in Blossey et al. 2020 were not as         invasion, will be in suitable condition to
pronounced for Midwestern sites, despite         support native plant regeneration following
some of those sites, particularly the ones in    garlic mustard decline or whether these sites
Northeastern Illinois, having a similar          will be vulnerable to secondary invasion.
possible garlic mustard residence time to

                                         Page 7
                        Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: an Overview for Managers - September 2021
Garlic Mustard Management Decisions              happening. Managers should also prioritize
                                                 management of adult plants adjacent to
       While garlic mustard has been heavily     known vectors of seed spread, including
researched for decades, numerous questions       trails, rights-of-way, streams and drainages to
remain. Site managers must decide how to         prevent colonization of new areas.
prioritize management efforts for this species
amidst other priorities. The Midwest Invasive                High Priority Sites
Plant Network has developed a decision tree
to assist managers in weighing options (see           At these sites, garlic mustard has
Figure 1, page 2). The decision tree utilizes    established a seed bank, but indicators of a
many of the same decision-making factors as      healthy native plant community are present.
other tools designed for this purpose, such as   Indicators may include relatively high native
the Invasive Plant Management Decision           plant cover or richness, and presence of
Analysis Tool (Zimmerman et al. 2011).           keystone or rare species. It is important for
Managers should keep in mind that use of         managers to realize that garlic mustard man-
decision support tools is secondary to any       agement will need to continue for at least 10
prevailing regulations requiring management      years to exhaust the seed bank, and that
of garlic mustard. Figure 1 bases recom-         management must be thorough, preventing
mendations on the site's invasion history, the   reproduction in at least 90% of adult plants
likelihood of spread to new areas, native        each year, to be successful (Corbin et al.
plant community health, and the availability     2016, Pardini et al. 2009). Garlic mustard
of resources for continued management and        removal strategies at these sites should be
comprehensive restoration. The decision tree     targeted and planned to minimize off-target
has four possible outcomes: top priority, high   injury, soil disturbance and trampling.
priority, medium priority and not recom-
mended for management.

            Top Priority Sites                             Medium Priority Sites

    These are sites that are newly invaded or          These sites have an established garlic
those that pose high risk of spreading seed to   mustard seed bank and lack strong indicators
uninvaded areas. New invasions include           of native plant community health. However,
small, new populations resulting from long-      resources are available both for long-term
distance seed dispersal, satellite populations   garlic mustard management and other restor-
associated with larger infestations, and the     ation activities to address disturbances and
leading edges of large infestations. Garlic      rebuild the native plant community. Suitable
mustard will not yet have established a seed     restoration actions will vary by location, but
bank in these locations, providing managers      may include initiating a prescribed fire regime
with a vital opportunity to prevent that from                 (continues on page 10)

                                           Page 8
                          Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Garlic Mustard Volunteer Events: Best Practices
Garlic mustard management is often conducted by volunteers as part of a coordinated pull
event or competition. Easily identifiable without much training and easy to uproot from
moist soil without tools, garlic mustard lends itself well to these events. While getting
members of the community involved in natural area stewardship is a great thing, MIPN
discourages volunteer pull events in situations where the decision tree recommends against
garlic mustard management due to poor likelihood of successful control. While managers
may be tempted to view this as a “nothing to lose” situation, volunteers may become
discouraged if their work doesn't lead to long-term improvement. We also caution against
large volunteer events at high priority sites with native plants that are sensitive to trampling
or soil disturbance. If volunteers are sent to these sites, their placement should be planned
carefully and more plant identification training may be needed. While we appreciate the
friendly competition generated by pull-a-thons, where a prize typically goes to the person or
team removing the most garlic mustard by weight, some ecologists have raised valid
concerns about the export of ecosystem nutrients caused by removing large quantities of
garlic mustard (Blossey 2021). Alternatives include the following:

                Option 1:                                             Option 2:
    Schedule volunteer events early in                   Schedule volunteer events later in
    the spring, when garlic mustard is in                the spring, when garlic mustard is in
    bud or early flowering (
(continued from page 8)
restoring natural hydrology, deer exclusion,     In Summary
deer population management, and canopy
thinning. If garlic mustard or other invasive        All land managers in the Midwest should
plants have dominated for several years, it is   be monitoring vulnerable habitat continually
likely that managers will need to actively       for new or expanding garlic mustard pop-
restore the native plant community by            ulations and prioritizing management of new
introducing seed or live plants, keeping in      infestations, removal of reproducing plants
mind that native species that are not highly     along known seed transport pathways, and
mutualistic with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi    managing the leading edge of growing
may be more successful in soils impacted by      populations. Garlic mustard is very respon-
garlic mustard allelopathy (Bialic-Murphy et     sive to disturbance, and managers should be
al. 2020). It is important for managers to       especially vigilant for seed bank flushes
realize that garlic mustard management will      following disturbance events. At Mid-
need to continue for at least 10 years to        western sites where garlic mustard pop-
exhaust the seed bank, and that manage-          ulations had previously been low for years,
ment must be thorough, preventing re-            managers have observed strong garlic
production in at least 90% of adult plants       mustard seed bank response following
each year, to be successful (Corbin et al.       projects impacting perennial cover (e.g.,
2016, Pardini et al. 2009).                      invasive shrub removal, canopy thinning for
                                                 oak savannah restoration, etc.).
           Not Recommended
                                                                  Literature Cited
      The final decision tree outcome is a
                                                 Bauer, J.T. (2012). Invasive species: “back-seat
recommendation not to manage sites with a          drivers” of ecosystem change? Biological Invasions,
garlic mustard seed bank and without               14, 1295-1304.
indicators of strong native plant community
health where resources for long-term man-        Bialic-Murphy, L., Brouwer, N.L., & Kalisz, S. (2020).
                                                   Direct effects of a non-native invader erode native
agement and restoration are either not             plant fitness in the forest understory. Journal of
available or highly uncertain. Management          Ecology, 108, 189-198.
is not recommended because long-term
success is highly unlikely. Sporadic manage-     Blossey, B. (2021). When doing nothing is the best
                                                   invasive plant management tool. National Invasive
ment may make infestations worse by
                                                   Species Awareness Week webinar, Feb. 27, 2021.
disturbing soils and encouraging flushes
from the seed bank.

                                          Page 10
                         Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
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                                                Page 11
                               Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
Shelton, A.L., Henning, J.A., Schultz, P., & Clay, K.
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                              Midwest Invasive Plant Network (
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